#that like. sometimes people have different tastes. this shouldn't be an issue.
oscalesoffeeling · 1 year
i think shipping with an old character (especially if they’re considered ‘too old’ or ‘ugly’ by conventional beauty standards) is sooo cool and sexy. i love old people and they deserve so much love and appreciation <33
pro.shit.ters get blocked on site.
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daisywords · 10 months
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I personally know there are multiple types of editing but I've never seen anyone explain it in a way that actually made me understand what the types of editing actually were (yeah cool that you say {}editing is different from []editing but *how*). So if you wanna explain, feel free to.
Your handy-dandy guide to different types of editing
disclaimer: writers, you can literally edit however works for you. these distinction can be useful to your process, or just if you're looking to hire an editor. Not all editors make distinctions in this way; there are various ways of dividing. But no matter what vocabulary you use, it's best practice to start with broad, big-picture stuff and move towards narrower issues. Some editors do all levels of editing, while some specialize.
Developmental Editing (Is it a good story?)
Developmental editing has to do with the content. For a novel, that means working on the bones of the story. The plot. The pacing. The characters. Do their motivations make sense? Can the reader understand why things are happening? Does the story drag in places, or seem to brush past important elements? Do all of the subplots get resolved? etc. etc. (At this stage an editor is mostly going to be offering suggestions, pointing out issues, and throwing out potential solutions. Beta readers can also be very helpful at this stage to get a reader's perspective on the story beats and characters.)
Line Editing (is it well written?)
Sometimes called substantive editing, line editing is zooming in a little bit more to focus on scenes, paragraphs and sentences. Once we've decided that a scene is going to stay, lets look at the mechanics of how it plays out. Does the scene start to early or too late? Does the writing style communicate the emotions we want the reader to feel? Does the dialogue match the characters' voices? do any of the sentences sound awkward or ugly? Is the movement being bogged down by too much purple prose anywhere, or is there not enough detail? (This can get pretty subjective, so it's important that the writer and the editor are on the same page with taste, style goals, etc.)
Copy Editing (is is correct?)
Copy editing is all about the details. Think grammar and punctuation. Do the sentences make sense? are they grammatically correct? Is the dialogue punctuated correctly? Any misspellings? Should this be hyphenated? Should this be capitalized? Should we use a numeral, or write out the number? etc etc. A significant part of copy editing is matching everything to a style manual (like Chicago or AP) a house style guide (individualized preferences from a publisher, for example), and a project's own internal style sheet (are the character's names spelled the same every time? if we used "leaped" in chapter 4, we shouldn't use "leapt" in chapter 7) Copy editing is still subjective, but less so than the earlier levels, so a copyeditor will be more likely to just go in and make a bunch of (tracked!) changes without consulting the author for everything.
Bonus: Proofreading (did the copyeditor catch everything? are there typos? formatting issues? have any errors been introduced?)
Lots of people say editing when they really mean proofreading. Proofreading is the absolute last thing to get done. It's the one last pass just before something is published. It's important, but as you can see, there's a whole lot more to editing than just checking for typos.
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beesmygod · 5 months
listen: when given criticism like "there are no (example minority) in the cast" it isn't (or shouldn't be) a direction to put one in. wait this turned into a more complex thought because i think sometimes people do not make this kind of observation in good faith bc it can be an easy cheap shot where there's almost never a "good response". its like the classic "have you stopped beating your wife" gotcha. no matter how you answer, you do risk looking like a backwards dummy with no spine. it's also possible only i feel like this due to complex "what am i and who am i failing" issues when it comes to my ethnicity.
imo, the point of that observation should not be "and therefore, you are a bigot", but "what kind of world/social group/culture doesn't include/has very few (example minority)?" is it reasonable? is it purposeful? sometimes it's a culture that was historically exclusive to (minority) and the impact of this is still rippling into today. this is the most reasonable explanation for me in most instances where a cast is not very diverse.
using the example du jour, i have a hard time believing that the entire greek pantheon OR a collective of rich individuals would be comprised of individuals who all have the exact same inoffensive, bland taste with absolutely no variation. even if a group of wealthy individuals would be, statistically, almost entirely homogeneous in race, gender and sexuality, there should be vast differences in the tastes, aesthetics and the priorities when examining breakdowns between those of generational wealth and the nouveau riche. those who gained their money through actual work and those who are trust fund babies. the older generation and the newer generation.
but there's none at all. the noticeable lack of minority diversity feels like a consequence of there being no diversity in the literal sense of the word. everyone talks the same, uses the same vocabulary and voice. there are no idiosyncrasies or weird behaviors unless they're plot relevant in which case they feel shoehorned in.
ramble ramble. this isnt for anyone but myself. maybe we can start a convo abt it. much to think about for me as well
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muraenide · 2 months
This miiiiight be oversharing personal sentiments a little bit but...
Ever since I changed my rules to include an explicit list of what I'm going to write on this blog instead of just a simple, brief statement saying "dark things will be present here" and started actively following people or mutuals of mutuals whose muses or writing I am genuinely interested in/have spiked my interests, I've grown a lot happier about the contents and people I'm seeing on my dash.
I felt like tum.blr rpers have grown incredibly judgemental and incapable of minding their own business. People all around me seem to have shifted their energy onto focusing on offending as few people as possible instead of trying to actually have fun, and the rpc has become a weird circle for activism when it shouldn't have been used as a medium for (false) activism in the first place. Not all of us are here to make a point or to establish a legacy. In fact, most of us are just here to have fun and scratch an itch in the brain or fill in gaps that canon source materials haven't been able to provide. But the idea of this is incomprehensible to some people who are actively ruining the rpc and making everyone fear that they're walking on eggshells while they spiral into a depressing state of existing to not offend anyone instead of existing to have fun.
I've lost count of the number of times people tell me that I'm on a DNI for "writing with pro.ship.pers" or "writing romantic ships with an adult and a minor" (<- said ship is between a 17 y.o. and a 19 y.o.) sometimes it's also ships about fake incest.
(Just as an aside, I've grown so desensitized by being on DNIs that it's no longer something to feel anything about. I'd just go through their rules with a very confused expression if to see what they took issue with. Most of the time I don't even know the mun personally.)
I've gotten more hate directed at me for writing fake in.cest rather than real ones, which is not only baffling but also incredibly ODD bc the fandom "decides" what is good and what is bad, which reeks heavily of manipulation and toxicity in my opinion. Fandoms aren't governed by a single party or a monolithic authority that decides its rules. Fandom rules are made by the community, and in every community, there should be different rules, made to ensure everyone is comfortable and feel inclusive. That is what makes fandoms special and detached from reality. Yes, you're entitled to not want to interact with certain content for reasons no one else is entitled to know unless they have your consent, but you're definitely not entitled to silence/stomp out everyone to cater to your whims or risk getting hate/harassment. Which is why I heavily encourage tagging content as-is instead of denying the nature of said content and praying that no one notices because that is the best way to make it difficult for people with different preferences and tastes to co-exist.
And ever since I changed my rules and actively followed people again, there has been a variety of content on my dash with varying tags. It's honestly very stimulating and uplifting, and if I firmly believe if a mutual were to take offense to anything I write or choose to interact with, it's on them as they clearly did not go through my rules when they followed/followed back. Additionally, I tag all my things.
A few months ago, my dash was exhausting, and boring, everyone (or most of my mutuals) was scared. Now I see posts getting tagged "necrophilia cw". I'm very happy for both my mutuals and their muses for striving for the peaks of how far fiction writing and the imaginative side of the mind can go.
I'd highly recommend anyone who has been in a similar situation to list down your dos and don'ts so your mutuals will know what to take to your tables and what to not. Personally, it felt like my dash had curated itself and it's been very pleasant to be on tum.blr lately even if I still have to vanish for a few more days due to inrl.
I think about my dash very often this week and I love all of you guys for being here and showing me your brainrots/muses! 💗💞💓
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leoneliterary · 1 year
Hello! I hope you’ve been well these 2 weeks, and I hope you don’t mind us still submitting questions now and then!
I actually have quite a bit of questions about magic in the HAT universe, but feel free to skip if it’s too spoilery!
Since our MC has mentioned taking Amatus to a healer by the docks before Merikh’s appearance, are healers/magic-users common in the universe?
Is the term “healer” only used towards people with healing magic or can it be used to address a doctor/medic in general?
How does magic work? Does it come from a specific organ in the body? Like concentrated pumping that flows through your veins? Or is it more of a spiritual thing? Do you need magic scrolls? Some kind of writing?
Is magic only limited to a specific type of person? Can it be taught? Is it hereditary?
Are there any serious physical or mental consequences from using too much magic?
Thank you for all the hard work put into this story!!
Okay so I'm going to restrain myself and not give too many in-depth answers so that I don't spoil too much. But I'm so glad we're getting more into the fantasy aspect!!
So magic users with healing ability aren't super rare, the issue is that there is no quality control, and most are self taught. This means that every town might have a healer, but that doesn't mean they have a good one. Magic users are somewhat rare, not because a bunch of people don't have it, but because most never find out that they have it.
2. It can be used for both! Healing magic helps with physical injuries, but struggles to address things like sicknesses or poisonings, so medics, shamans, and physicians are still in high demand. Just like their magical counterparts however, it's hard to find a good one.
3. So it depends on who you ask! There are different schools of thought. Some think that the heart is the core of magic, and just like the heart pumps blood, it also allows for the flow of magic. These magic users train similarly to soldiers, because of their belief that strong magic comes from a strong body. Others believe that the Architect of Heaven imbued certain people with it, and that it can be strengthened through prayer. You'll find many monks and theologians in this area. Different spells require different things, but all require effort and/or sacrifice. The bigger the spell, the more preparation and effort. The more targeted spells may require writing, but there is more than one way to get things done...
4. It's something you're born with, but as long as you have some amount of ability, you can be trained. Strong magic users tend to have children that are strong magic users, but it isn't uncommon for a child with no known magical heritage to be born with a strong baseline ability. Hard work usually beats talent. You can be gifted but if you never have your magic identified or learn a spell, the most you might be able to do is have a hotter hearth or an extra productive harvest. And sometimes, having extended contact with magic either in your life or at some point in your lineage, means you might not be able to use magic in terms of spells, but might have something...a little different about you.
5. YES!! They can vary in severity and based on what type of magic you're using. Some magic is more strenuous that others and other magic just shouldn't be attempted.
Spoiler territory but side effects may include: Heart attacks, blindness, madness, loss of physical form, headaches, nausea, diarrhea, loss of taste, burns, frostbite, vertigo, hallucinations, spell backfire, and more!
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queerasaurus-rexx · 1 year
i truly dislike the proship/antiship discourse, as i think forcing people to shove their opinions on complex issues in fiction into column a or column b is reductive and completely ignores the context regarding ship dynamics.
age gaps, for example, often get the context pulled out. an age gap between two people in their twenties is like
worlds different from a twenty-year-old dating a fifty-year-old, but anti ship discourse tends to treat both scenarios with the same weight.
and that's not even getting into the paedophilia discourse (which, funnily-not-funnily enough, tends to heavily target queer ships. i wonder why that is.)
the real paedos are on twitter. ao3 doesn't have a direct messaging function (grooming is much easier on sites with a dm feature), and most folks who post porn online are not intending for children to be exposed to it.
and if you really cared about these issues, why are you on tumblr telling an artist who barely gets reblogged to kill themselves for their art and not
you know
yelling at real paedophiles on twitter? yelling at the people on instagram who openly admit they are attracted to real life children and talk about sharing actual child porn?
i do not like art and fic about adults assaulting minors. but i would much prefer using my energy to protect living and breathing children than getting uppity at an author who wrote a ship like that.
on the flipside, however, i think proshippers also tend to let a lot of shit slide that they really shouldn't.
like, racism.
objectively both sides are bad for that, but like, proshippers tend to take their 'fiction doesn't affect reality' argument to mean stuff like slave x master shit about actual chattel slavery is fine. (i have SEEN this shit with my own eyes, do NOT tell this doesn't happen)
this is what i mean when i say both sides have issues with context.
it's ok to admit a ship is in poor taste and probably shouldn't be a thing. it will not kill you. you do not have to defend a gross ship because you support other ships like it.
context. matters.
and do not get me started on those toxic ass enemies to lovers ships that are really just abuse. you've got people like e.l james openly admitting she thinks abuse is a love story, and colleen hoover writing actual, physical assault as romantic. like, she doesn't even have the bdsm excuse (which doesn't really even fly with fifty shades, but you know).
you want a moment where fiction actually affects reality, check the correlation between the release of fifty shades of grey and the increase of its target demographic entering abusive relationships.
sometimes fiction does affect reality, though that fiction tends to need a huge boom in popularity and have a target demographic of people who are still figuring their shit out.
anyway i can't wait for the torrent of hatemail from both sides.
my inbox is open, though that doesn't guarantee i'm gonna read it.
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oh speaking about the whole love triangle thing :') how did you come up with this idea to make a fic out of this trope? i mean we don't have much love triangle fics at least for it to be the main plot of the fic so it's just kinda a breath of fresh air for me? so i'm just really curious about how all this happened
Honestly this idea came from me loving both Bokris and Bo(Jan)2 and not wanting to choose haha (as you can imagine a love triangle actually ended up being the worst thing I could do for this particular issue lol?)
I had been tempted to write for ages and I wasn't sure if I'd go through with writing much or if it would just be a quick phase, so I basically was too impatient to write them separately 😂 Ironically I now have two Bokris fics and a Bo(Jan)2 fic as well as Distortion 😂 And I love being able to explore the two different ways both pairings love eachother in the same fic and having that contrast. I sometimes feel kinda unsure about the love triangle thing tbh because I know a lot of people are protective(?) of their ships and don't like the messiness of love triangles, and because it does mean the story is quite angsty. But I like a bit of angst and drama, and I try to remind myself that I shouldn't be compromising what I want to write just to make readers happy, cuz everyone has different tastes so that's impossible anyway! But yeah it definitely was a challenging concept for a first fic given I really like both pairings haha
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mbti-notes · 10 months
Anon wrote: HELLO. I have a question on how to get past an ego trap. I had recently figured, through your blog, that I'm a high Fe + Ni user (likely ENFJ). I also have fallen to similar traps in thinking as xNFJs who subconsciously downplay the importance of other people's lives while making social connections for the sake of fulfilling social ideals.
An example of this is my bad habit of not being able to talk to people as often. Regardless of how close we were or how much my silence is making them worry, I find it hard to reach out to them. Even if I care about them and want to ease their worries. They aren't necessarily doing anything bad. They can be completely normal people who have been nothing but kind to me. Yet I still get burnt out when talking to 'the same type of person' for 'too long'.
I try to do better nowadays. It works, I've sometimes thawed my odd fear of replying just by forcing those thoughts out of my head and taking action. However... I don't fully understand how my functions are causing this behavior and which mindset I should best adopt to pull through easier. I'd been thinking to myself, "It's okay to take my own time for my own life, and it's okay to have differing tastes about the people I surround myself with, but these people are as real as me and they'd appreciate being contacted again." Other times, I think: "It's my own life and if I don't withdraw when I need to then I'll burn myself out on talking to others."
I think it's partly because of me being at a low ego stage. I lack the self-awareness of how my actions/inactions affect others.
My questions:
What are your thoughts on a possible solution?
How do the functions work in these scenarios?
It's a good idea to do things in the right order. You're asking me to use type to analyze your problem but you haven't even figured out your exact type yet. I won't get into specifics about functions until this is cleared up. ENFJ and INFJ are not the same. Each functional stack has its own unique dynamics to understand. Each type has its own unique issues and optimal path of development. The first thing you ought to do is put in the work for a proper type assessment. The process would help you understand yourself better.
What is the problem exactly? First, you say it's "fear of replying". Then, it's suggested that the real underlying problem is getting "burnt out" by socializing. And your default solution is basically to stop socializing. Is that a good solution? No, for a variety of reasons. It interferes with the development of quality relationships. You are unable to maintain a good social support network. People might get hurt by your absence/negligence. Social isolation is an obstacle to extraverted development. Suffering the same internal conflict over and over is not good for your mental health and well-being.
You seem to be in this "ego trap" because you think in oversimplistic either/or terms: Either I choose myself OR I choose others, as though it's a zero-sum scenario. You speak as though you have no influence over how socializing proceeds. It's like you open the door to socializing and then suddenly you're just a passive victim? Perhaps this helplessness is why you choose an extreme solution like cutting people off? This cognitive pattern is usually indicative of weak Fe (which makes ENFJ less likely than INFJ).
However, that's not how relationships should work, so there's something quite problematic with your overall approach.
A healthy relationship should be equally satisfying for both parties.
A healthy relationship should allow both parties to strike the right balance between self and other.
If it matters to you to be a good person, then you ought to respect yourself and your needs AND you ought to respect others and their needs. Whenever there is a conflict between them, you shouldn't just automatically default to either/or and do harm to yourself or others. Rather, you should put more thought into finding a middle ground or compromise that both parties can live with.
What is a better solution to "burn out"? Many possibilities: Plan and manage social time better. Learn better communication skills so that socializing is more energizing and less tiring for you. Negotiate rules and enforce healthy boundaries for socializing. Be more assertive about your needs and wants in the relationship. Categorize and prioritize relationships properly so that your socializing energy is used optimally. Make new friends that you can relate to better. Let go of relationships that aren't going anywhere.
In order to solve a problem, you must 1) be able to name and describe the problem accurately, and 2) explain why the problem is occurring, usually by correctly identifying the root cause(s) of it. It seems you haven't achieved either yet. Me making guesses about what's happening is of limited use when knowing your exact type could easily provide the explanation you need for improved self-awareness.
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rassvetsky · 1 year
Hello hello my dear :D
I love your writing so i HAD to send a request! This is probably super niche and if you dont feel comfortable writing it thats COMPLETELY okay!<3
So i have a skin disorder that makes red spots appear ALL over my skin and it makes it feel itchy and rough(now in other fanfic its normally that the characters talk about "readers soft skin" and sadly i cant relate to that)
So i was wondering if you could write Sam Wilson x fem! Or Non binary! Reader with a skin disorder :D what prompt you use, if its nsfw or sfw and how long it is, is completely up to you! I would just love to relate to a fanfic again :,)
Much love <3
thank you so much for sending this and i hope i did it at least some justice, because i've been incredibly uncreative and unmotivated for a long time now— i too suffer from a skin condition mostly triggered by stress, which makes the skin of my shoulders and upper back very bumpy (and damn it leaves scars each time) so this was insightful to think about,, most fics aren't that inclusive unfortunately (which is nobody's fault!!) but anyway, i hope you have a wonderful day, and thank you again for dragging me out of my void!!
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Fifty Bucks
sam wilson x reader
"It's impossible to feel inconvenienced by anything when Sam Wilson is your personal stand-up comedian and therapist at the same time. He might demand fifty bucks, though."
[1k] | honestly not much, super short and quick anyway, fluff, reader has a skin condition as lovely anon mentioned above, swearing, sam is a blessing and not in disguise at all
reblog and/or like for a kiss, feedback much appreciated! not proofread.
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You should've seen this coming.
But it's like your body and your mind operate on completely different terms sometimes, with no connection to one another whatsoever. It's impossible to control how your body might react to something that brews in your mind, and while for some it's not an issue to keep focus on; people that are blessed with one tiny little add-on to their existence like you have to be extra careful sometimes.
And good lord, you can never be careful enough.
As Sam paced around in your apartment, trying to keep your mind off of work stress and the general adulthood obstacles through a sacred quest of finding a show to watch before you could come back to the living room; you were mentally face-palming upon the sight of a red spot on the course of forming on your shoulder, and a few more down your arms. You can't control everything that happens around you, of course, but God, why is it that everyone else seems to be better at handling stress?
When you came back to the living room with a slight pout on your lips, fingers tugging on the material of your t-shirt to reveal a portion of your arms, Sam is perplexed. Remote control in his palm, he turned around to look at you, gaze flickering between your hand and your face. "Everything okay?" he asked, pointing towards the snacks laid out on the coffee table with the remote control. "It better be. I didn't pay for all those for nothing, you better cheer the hell up."
That pulled a chuckle out of you as you shrugged, stepping closer to him with a sigh, forcing the sight into his point of view. "Flaring up a bit, I think," a soft breath left you. "Figures. I was beginning to expect it at this point."
"What's that? Allergies?" he asked, following suit when you took a seat on the couch, relaxing right next to you. "Is it the lobster? Can't be, because I marinated that thing so good that people with seafood allergy could risk death to have a taste. I'm serious."
"No, it just happens." you chuckled softly, heaving a deep sigh before leaning back comfortably. "There isn't much that I can do about it now, it's just gonna itch and drive me crazy."
Sam hummed as a response, before pressing 'play' on the first comfort show that he came across, mind occupied with this newfound information. It must be annoying enough to go through, he thought, figuring that he shouldn't ask many questions— but he's a curious individual, he couldn't help it even if he tried. "Isn't there anything, like— like an ointment or something for 'em?" your slow nod caused him to hum, the intro of the show seemingly catching your attention, but not his, surprisingly, considering the fact that he often possessed the attention span of a goldfish. "Does it bother you?"
"It's not a pretty sight when the timing is wrong," you mumbled while reaching for a pack of sour candies on the coffee table before leaning back on the couch again. The cushions were soft against your back, but not as soft as your bed— which you were beginning to miss. "But I feel like I've gotten used to it, you know? Like, I learn more about how my skin reacts to certain things as time goes by and, well, I'm trying to manage it better."
"Not a pretty sight my ass," he whispered under his breath, causing you to laugh— along with him. "You could have Shrek skin for all I care. Or Avatar skin, whatever fictional world you're into— you'd still be one hell of a sight."
"Shrek skin? C'mon, you're just saying that."
"Watch it, I get real aggressive about affection," a pair of strong arms pulled you to his side and you giggled against the material of his shirt, trying to slap his arms away from you. "God was like, damn, a full package. Gotta balance it out somehow."
It was incredible, how fast Sam could get you laughing. But there you were, laughing at his antics with the show long-forgotten on the screen, his arms secure around you and a pretty smile on his lips. He was a man of acceptance, after all, and you were sure that given the chance, he could restore world peace in a week with his delicious cookouts and wonderfully thought speeches.
"Shut the hell up," you chuckled, shaking your head. "It doesn't even bother me, it's my own skin. Just makes me wish that I was a bit luckier."
"That's a good thing, you know, being alright with it." his fingers found your hair then, giving the area a few loving pats before carding them through your locks. It was as if his tone changed when he started to speak again, and you'd recognize that speech pattern anywhere. "Health-wise, accepting and embracing something kinda works like a placebo, you know? Whether it's a mental thing or, you know, something physical— when you're like, alright, I'm doing this and that to cure this thing, but at the same time, I'm not gonna be all like, damn this thing—"
"God, not one of these speeches again—"
"Listen, you ungrateful brat," his faux offense made you laugh again, as you watched him press his palm against his chest where his heart is supposed to be. "People don't pay therapists for nothing."
"I know, I know." you cuddled onto him more. "M'sorry, go on?"
"I will, for fifty bucks."
"FIFTY?!" you raised your head from his shoulder to look up at him, eyes wide in shock.
"Do you have any idea how expensive therapy is?! Thirty at most, pay up or shut up!"
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How do you think Saeyoung and SE Saeran handle it when their father, Saejoong is going to coming for them, like in Ray route? Who do you think could handle it better?
Well, it’s not going to be pretty. Saejoong is never handled in the Secret Ending. Jumin and Jaehee are aware of this secret now and are doing what they can do to hide it. The situation is rather different because by the time they're going to be dealing with their father, time later after the fall of the agency and something finds its way to the general public when it shouldn't have.
Their father is still very much a threat and there's no denying that it's going to happen sooner or later where he comes looking for them again. He never quits when it comes to wanting to destroy any possible loose end that could be a detriment to his personal image.
Saeyoung himself says that he intends to hold on to a lot of the information from the agency just as collateral even as it collapses.
That means potential information about his father.
We know that his father works closely with the agency because of what was revealed in the Saeran's After Ending.We also learned that it could be possible that he could have been doing assignments for his father but there's no way to confirm that. It leaves the sour taste in your mouth, that's for sure. It was just  devastating for him to hear that information when you see it happen on the second day.
Saeyoung looked sick at the thought. I mean, imagine selling your soul to save your twin from your father and you wind up committing crime for the very damn man that put you in this position.
We are all well aware of how he feels about his father because that's never going to change. He is not the kind of person to forgive people. He is the kind of person who will hold the grudge for the rest of his life no matter what happens. He will hate you and he may even consider getting rid of you if he has the ability to do that when you have wronged him. If it wasn’t for Jumin and Jaehee, we’re all aware what would’ve happened to Rika in V’s AE.
There won't be anything left of you if you do something to his brother or his MC. So there really isn't much to say on that front because we know what he would do if given the chance. His opinion never changes about this. If his father came back and was ready to kill, there's a strong chance that he would want to kill him just as much. If there was an opportunity to do it and take him down? He would take it. Without a shadow of a doubt.
Where it changes is when it comes to SE Saeran.
We know that he's not compassionate in the sense that he's going to forgive other people to work on himself. He is in a different place then he would have been if he had been able to experience life like GE Saeran. In fact, he wants nothing to do with many people. It's not even because he hates them, it's because he just doesn't want to deal with the world anymore.
He is aware that his father is a threat. Saeyoung literally broke him out of the hospital to avoid Saejoong, so he knows what’s going to happen sometime in the future. He knows that Saejoong will never give up on them as long as he’s alive. That man is determined to remain the Prime Minister and nothing will ever get in his way or ruin his image as long as he’s around... but the fall of the Agency is likely going to bring Saejoong looking. 
How that would play out isn’t clear, but unfortunately, I can promise you that the twins will have to face their father at some point post-SE. It’s only a matter of a date and a time. Saeyoung is right to be paranoid, even if it overwhelms him and takes control of him. He is right to be scared, and even if Saeran cannot handle being close to his twin... he shares a look with him and can’t blame him or hate him for Saejoong causing issues.
Despite what it seems like, it might be possible for him to keep a level head in that situation. He and his brother know very well what the threat is. They know what's coming for them and they know what will happen if they get caught. They also know what's going to get dragged into it so the people around them are going to be a factor as well. It's not great to have vulnerabilities or weaknesses when your father is Saejoong Choi, but that's just the way that it is.
When the threat comes, he and his brother are going to work together to save their asses. It might be the one thing that can always get them to talk and agree. When push comes to shove, they can interact when there is a threat.
He hates his father. There is no point of return or conversation that he's going to have with that man in this ending. He's already too far gone for himself and he could give no fucks about his father and what led him to do what he did. So, what does that mean in regards to what he will do? Well, let's just say that Saejoong isn’t getting away from the twins unscathed.
The only real issue here is Saeran’s phobia of guns. That’s just my feeling about that. Revenge was never going to help him and he’s learned the hard way that he can’t take back what happens once it’s too far gone.
Nobody really talks about this but he does suffer from guilt and shame about what happened to V. He is haunted by what he did and he constantly deals with night terrors because of the incident. A part of me assumes that he doesn't want to get near weapons ever again just because of what happened it was a power symbol once, but it turned into something that became all too real and the true consequences are far too much to stomach.
You have to factor in that he doesn't want to commit violence but there's no way that he and his brother can get out of this without doing something. We all know that Saeyoung would do the dirty work. He’s done it before. His hands are just as stained. So I feel like that's something to consider when you think about it.
[If you’re interested in reading my take on the Secret Ending variant of this, I can suggest that you read my fic Iris, which is a story that dips between the past and the present. Saejoong is involved and things get messy.]
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starleska · 2 years
What do you find attractive in warren/gen?
you know despite the tone tag i can't quite tell if this is meant in a 'oh i'm curious' kind of way or in a 'seriously what the hell do you like about that monstrous little creature' kind of way sdfghds but i'll try my best to answer 💖 popping it under the cut as it's a little long, and i'm flustered!
honestly? i've always been attracted to Warren's specific kind of bastard: manipulative, incel-coded, discomfiting sort of characters with serious boundary issues and an unhinged intensity in everything they do. these aren't traits i'd find attractive in a real life-partner - i'm very happy in my actual, healthy, long-term relationship, and can assure you my real partner is nothing like that 😂 yet there are parts of me which take comfort in enjoying characters who express their desires in ways which would not be socially appropriate 😳 Warren is a damaged guy. whatever he's got going on, it's not healthy...but he pursues his desires with motivation. yes, he's pathetic and weedy and kind of hideous to look at, but at the same time, if someone like that wants you...they're going to really want you. think of it like the vampire fantasy so many people have. being 'taken' in some way by a strong, supernatural creature removes a lot of the agency and stress that comes with navigating the waters of a real-life relationship, even if there's the little caveat of them wanting to suck your blood. sometimes, you just want a creep whose canon actions imply that they would become obsessed with you 💖 i think myself and a lot of the other Warren fans view his 'unlikable' behaviour through the lens of our neurodivergence and/or trauma. not picking up on social cues and making everyone uncomfortable, being intense about his interests, having an identity which doesn't correspond to how other people perceive him...those are things many of us can relate to, so we end up seeing Warren as relatable, even if his behaviour isn't justifiable in a real-world context (which i shouldn't need to say!). the attraction may come from the fact that he is overtly supposed to be repulsive...horror and attraction are much closer together than you might think. enjoying a character with traits which are designed to be off-putting can make you feel...special, in a way. like you'd be the only one they'd want 😖 so, on a surface level? i genuinely do like Warren's unusual, reedy voice, his cute, crooked teeth - even his beady rat eyes 😂 he's cute! i'm a person who thinks Augustus St. Cloud, Baldi, and Freddy Krueger are attractive, so it's really not a shock - everyone has different tastes. but it's less about what the characters are, and more about what the characters represent to us. i find Warren's behaviour - invasive, aggravating, upsetting in a way which lingers - to be attractive in the same way some people (also me 😭) find slashers attractive when they're doing their murdery business, you know? it's not that i want to be murdered by Freddy, but i sure wouldn't mind being on the other side of his attention! with that said, concerning Warren: just because i wouldn't want to be cornered by some sweaty podcaster irl doesn't mean i don't find the thought absolutely riveting in fiction 😳😳
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doubleddenden · 1 year
Okay so I've been playing Star Rail and I'm gonna do a lil amateur review because I do that sometimes
Here's my take
1. I like it. I got it for pc and it's fun when I can play it.
More under the cut
2. It is free to play with micro transactions, however I've not spent any money on it and I find it quite playable and easy to get into. That being said, I started with a lot of free stuff from starting so early and codes, so my experience may have differed if I started later.
3. It's a turned based RPG akin to JRPGs like Digimon Cyber Sleuth, Persona 5, etc, but a little easier to comprehend combat wise
4. Story and setting so far is something sort of like a mix of Star Ocean- specifically 4 with the planet hopping- or Rogue Galaxy, with... well, a LOT of mystic, techno, scifi, and religious babble. Enjoyable tho. I love space trains so much. It's dumb but classy. There's also a LOT of optional lore you can collect and read to really help you get immersed if that's your thing, and characters will have a lot of dialogue to give you more world building lore too. That being said, they do kinda just toss you into the ocean with really complex shit right out the gate with no vuild up- I've been told that having SOME knowledge of the Honkai Impact series can build upon what's given, but it's not entirely necessary.
5. Graphics are great, I like the art style and how polished everything looks. Art style works for the game and it looks gorgeous. I do think the NPCs kinda look plain, but that's about expected.
6. Music is passable. Not really finding any ear worms just yet, though. The summoning music and the train music are great though.
7. It might be me and my somewhat shit connection, but I experience lag and disconnection sometimes. This can get pretty frustrating
8. Characters are fun and have fun dynamics with each other. I already dig The Trailblazer, Dan Hung, and March 7th's dynamic- I will say, wtf is this name? Like I know why, but still, not just March, March 7th specifically is her name. Is her full name Saturday, March 7th, 5023 AD?
9. Voice acting is... decent enough. I play English dub because I have reading difficulties due to unmedicated ADHD, before anyone starts screaming at me to change languages. There's some strange takes or line reads sometimes, sometimes the voice will read something different from the text, and there's a couple of voices I wish would just sound... different. But the majority is passable to really good. I've also heard some unexpected voices- you could say they are TRASH, but I find them TASTEful.
10. Character design is pretty fun imo- definitely a bit of Genshin style, but it is by the same people so you kind of expect that. But they're fun to look at, have fun weapons and moves, and have great art. My one complaint would be similar builds and designs for some characters, but that's minor and also expected. But I will say, I do prefer a good anime style over indie cartoon or realistic style, so to me I think it's great.
11. The menus are... very complex. Easy to lose track and get lost in. I swear the pause menu rearranges every time I open it.
12. It shouldn't need saying, but: It's not Genshin Impact- that's fine actually. In fact it's great, turn based rpgs are really fun, especially JRPG styled, which i like to play (Dragon Quest 11, Digimon Cyber Sleuth, Persona 5, Pokémon, etc). While I do like exploring open worlds and having a lot of freedom and real time fighting, sometimes it's nice to have a simpler point A to point B system with smaller maps, and especially nice to have auto battle. There's a bit of carry over from Genshin, but i think it works for what's given. I do miss my emergency fo- I mean, my adorable best friend Paimon, but she and all my other Genshins are Impacting in the other game while I Rail some Sta- wait I'm not finishing that sentence.
13. It is gacha. You kind of expect it- some people won't like it, I kinda like it to some degree, but I do got issues. Basically watch your spending- again, I haven't felt the need to, unlike some games that feel like you have to to get anything done. But it definitely would help to speed things along if i were. When you get a good character, it's a nice feeling for me, personally. That being said they do give you 3 pretty good ones right out the gate, and you do gather in game materials to help you summon at a fair pace anyway, so you're rolling decently enough to get something out of it.
Overall an 8/10 so far. I wanna keep playing, but unfortunately this damn meat mech that is my wretched bodily prison of my soul requires sleep, and I have things I have to do.
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partypacking · 2 years
26 through 31 for the system ask game
Do you ever feel NOT multiple? Like a singlet, or somewhere in the middle of the spectrum? Do you ever forget you're part of a system?
Sometimes we have very "I, me, my" days, as Dirk called them. We just call that "really solidly fronting." We never really forget we're part of a system, though.
Do you guys have different tastes in food? What are everyone's favorite foods?
We may lean towards craving certain things, but we all generally like the same food.
Have you ever struggled with denial?
For the first few years, yeah. Being gaslit by sysmeds didn't help. We occasionally have a stray thought of denial, but someone generally is around to wave their hands and go, hey, motherfucker, we're a we.
Does your typing style differ depending on who's fronting?
Absolutely. You can probably see it in our txt tag. Our typing styles are our best attempt to reflect our inner voices. Some are a bit stranger than others, but if it provides comfort, it shouldn't be an issue.
Do you have any amnesia? What's it like for you?
Yeah, sometimes; we forget what other people have done, or we're convinced that whoever is fronting at the time did the thing that we're talking about, when that person may not have necessarily done that. We also forget things extremely easily, and a lot of things just straight up go into the void.
Do any system members have a different gender or sexuality? How do you guys handle this?
We are a giant pile of different genders, and it can actually be kind of a pain in the ass. We have to deliberately ignore the existence of our body and its appearance in order to function in social situations, but we at least still try to wear clothes we like so we can feel that boost of confidence that that gives us.
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bacotri · 13 days
There We Are, Pt. 2
There is something that people often call the calm before the storm. Seems like the sea gave that idiom to man. The sea would mask its true intentions of rampage with pockets of easiness. But the sea is unconscious, not knowing of when to dispel storms. It can't choose, rather it's bound to do that by nature. Humans on the hand could.
I awake to Ms. Dawn sitting beside the infirmary window. She looks down at the empty track field. At times like these she might get used to seeing a bunch of people preparing for PE.
My hands feel warm, warmer than last night. So is my entire body. I called out to her.
She looked at me and smiled. It's probably a genuine smile, but I won't know for sure. We talked a little bit to air out the lingering awkwardness. Until today she might find it difficult to look at me with anything but abject disdain. This is the first day where she would see me as another human to talk with.
Our breakfast feels nicer, more fulfilling. I often cursed this meal of the day, because we evolve to to inconvenience ourselves by having us eat so early in our daily lives. But seeing Ms. Dawn enthusiastically talk about her favorite football club while demolishing her can of sardines makes me sort of liking breakfasts.
Then again, we find it easier to spend the day in silence. Occasionally topics would linger, flap its wings and bob its head around, then fly away again. It's just who we are.
Routine would involve something menial that could be autopiloted. Be done half asleep and still would be satisfying for whoever is doing it. This, all of this, shouldn't be a routine. At least I don't expect that she would be part of my daily life.
That night we climbed and took our spots at the rooftop. We were closer than ever before, I could hold her hand and she lays her head on my shoulder. The moon like a cat's eye, sharp and watchful of us.
"Have you ever thought of what happens after we die?" Ms. Dawn suddenly asked.
"Sometimes. Legends has it that they would turn into specters, and fly up there." I pointed at the moon. It feels brighter tonight.
"What would happen if we still carry baggage from our lifetime?"
"I guess the sky won't accept them..."
"And then what do you think would happen to us as specters?"
"Well, they'd have nowhere else to go."
Ms. Dawn pointed at the shadows littering the school grounds. Many of them still walking around and doing things that are routine to them.
"Would they look like that?" Ms. Dawn asked.
"Maybe," I replied.
"Then what difference do they have with us right now?"
The wind is blowing now, but we remain in our seats. It's about to rain soon.
"I thought you liked me now, Ms. Dawn," I said.
"I treasure you," Ms. Dawn replied. "But this is about circumstance, not who we are."
"You also hated this school?"
"No, I love this school."
"Put it this way, if you were to go to an amusement park, and be stuck there with all the rides and arcades open, you'd love it for a while."
"Ah, this is boredom."
"Wrong." She points at my nose. "Boredom is for children, or people who are stuck as children and won't grow up. They get bored of things, places, people."
She fixes her blouse. "Then they leave."
I laughed a little. "Alright, my guess is it's something between boredom and complacency, right?"
She beams a smile at me. Something tells me that her issue wasn't the feeling of routine, but rather the connection we had. She has grown to like our life and change to her is an enemy. Something to hate.
The first rain in a while comes hard. We were already sleeping at that point. I was awoken by Ms. Dawn, standing near my bed. Her body so near to mine.
My arms felt like an automaton, they reach out without my will. She embraces me with all her warmth. It's a cold night, the first cold night that swept my entire body for so long.
Her lips taste like cinnamon, and her hairs tickles my skin. I can feel her tightening her hug on me. My mind blanks and I succumb to my carnal instincts.
I didn't even know how our bodies fit like that. Contorting and moving at such unnatural pace. Her arms all over me, her legs locking me and refusing to let go. The rain masks whatever moans we both slip.
Mornings came as we do.
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miruyimu · 5 months
Since I can remember, I've always had trouble making and keeping friends.
As a child, I enjoyed playing Sims City and interacting with people in online communities. As I grew older and joined different groups, the same pattern emerged: I became dispensable, and they drifted away. It wasn't that the groups fell apart; they remained friends, and I was left on my own.
Honestly, I never wanted to be "the different girl." In fact, I always wanted to be just another girl and fit in, but something always felt off. I have normal tastes and interests, and I enjoy typical friend activities like coffee dates or shopping.
The first group of friends I had in high school simply faded away when we moved to different cities, and each of us went our separate ways.
I found another group. We were close friends with shared interests. Yet, each of us eventually went our separate ways.
Then, in college, I formed a small group of friends we jokingly called "the fatherless" because, for various reasons, we didn't have fathers. We traveled together, share everything together for the past five years, and now something feels off again. A couple of days ago, they posted a story on Instagram in the cinema together. I wasn't invited.
Clearly, the problem is me. It's not that I have an issue admitting it, but I just can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. A few days ago, my therapist suggested that maybe because I give my 100%, I expect others to do the same. However, I shouldn't place those expectations on myself or others because it can be frustrating.
Years go by, and I'm still searching for that unconditional friendship. Sometimes, the fear of ending up alone is tooo high.
Being the third wheel friend can sometimes feel awkward, like an extra in a scene meant for two.
Loneliness can be a profound and challenging emotion, often stemming from a sense of disconnection.
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