#the 4d
eamour · 1 year
physical and mental reality
what is the 3D ?
the 3D depicts our physical reality. it implies everything that happens around you, everything that surrounds you aka your outer world. you experience this reality with the perception of your five senses. all the mental activity that takes place in the 4D is physically embodied in the 3D. keep in mind, your physical reality is an immediate reflection of your current belief system. your 3D is a mirror, a reflection of your beliefs, assumptions and whatever you accept to be true. it gives evidence to all assumptions you have accepted as a fact.
what is the 4D ?
the 4D is defined as your mental reality. this reality is all about your inner world — your imagination. it's the source of all creation. whatever is happening here might also be happening in your 3D. when the 3D depicts the final, physical form of your accepted thoughts, the 4D shows the initial, mental form of your thoughts, as they actually are.
which reality do i change ?
your goal is a change without, in the 3D. but that change cannot take place if you do not change within, in the 4D. your 3D is dependent on your 4D as everything that has ever occurred in your 3D was once imagined in your 4D. everything around you is a product of imaginal work.
how do i change it ?
you already know that what you accept to be true in the 4D will be materialized in the 3D. in order to actually see change in the 3D, you need to change your belief system. a rearrangement of beliefs in your 4D equals a rearrangement of reality. changing an assumption, redirecting your focus, shifting your awareness and establishing new beliefs will result in an immediate realization of your desire.
why can i not perceive my desire ?
one important thing to mention is that you never experience a so called "time lag" or a time span of waiting for your desire as firmly believed thoughts have to manifest. if you fully know your desire to be yours, nothing can stop it from its fulfillment in the physical world. the external reality instantly mirrors your internal reality - and if this isn't the case - the cause must lie somewhere within you. usually, this is caused by a lack of persistence, belief/faith or acceptance. remember, all answers are within you!
with love, ella.
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hypnoticpo1s0n · 1 year
A wake up call.
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Discalimer- This might be a little rude. So, don't get offended. This is meant to be a wake up call not a gentle remainder.
Don't you think you're over consuming way too much? If you're feeling unmotivated, you look up success stories. If you're feeling burnt out or have limiting beliefs, you go on tumblr or reddit to read success stories. Honestly, do you think success stories actually help you? You are just begging for confirmation.
"Oh, they used this subliminal and did this and tapped into the void withing 5 minutes!? Let me try that."
"Oh! Why didn't it work for me?"
"Wait! This person affirmed for the entire day and woke up in the void? Let me do that"
"Huh! It didn't work?"
Shut up. You know how stupid you look rn. Just because it worked for them doesn't mean it'll work for you. Honestly, how long are you going to keep crying over the void? In ten years from now you're probably still going to keep crying over the void because you didn't change your mindset. How long will it take you to understand. You're in control. You don't need the void state or subliminals. Can't you just step up and take your power back? How long are you going to let the circumstances and the 3d control you.
You found out about Law of assumption! That's the best thing ever. You literally found the golden ticket. Use it. Make an effort and try to change your mindset. It'll be hard if you assume it is hard. It's the law of assumption. Every thing that you assume to be true is true. But, honestly. How long do you plan on being like this? 5 years? 10 years? How long are you going to keep complaining that you can't tap into the void state. Think of the price of being in the same place next year. How disappointing must that be. Fucking get up and stop crying about the void.
Why do you even want to get into the void? You want to revise? You can do it without the void state. You want to manifest? You can do it with the void state. You want to shift? You can do it without the void state. So, why do you actually want to get into the void?
Don't you understand, the void is within you. You are the void. This body that you have, this gadget that you're holding, this bed that you're laying on, they are an illusion. You can change it. Why do ignore your power?
What are you waiting for? Your knight in shining armor? Go look in the mirror. There's your knight.
Think of a barking dog. You don't want the dog the bite you? Then don't bark back at it. Just ignore it and continue moving. Then it'll eventually stop barking. The same applies with the 3d. You don't want that to happen? Then don't engage in it. Just ignore it and move on. Then, it will stop.
Manifestation is literally the easiest thing ever. It's like adding 2+2. You don't need a calculator to add 2 and 2. So, why do you need subliminals, the void state, success stories, Tumblr, or Reddit to help you manifest?
You already know the answer to 2+2, so why are you checking the calculator? You already know how to manifest, so why are you still on loa Tumblr?
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theangeldiaries · 2 years
Key Law of Assumption concepts
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Everyone is you pushed out is just the concept of the reflection of your own perception of yourself. It states that however you view yourself, others will view you the same way; everyone and everything in your tangible reality is influence by your assumptions. For example, when I was first getting to know my sp - at this point I didn’t consciously use the law of assumption - I knew that he was interested in me and attracted to me and enjoyed spending time with me, however I for whatever reason was sure that he wasn’t a relationship type of person. Sure enough, when I asked him what we were and if we were heading towards some sort of exclusivity, he told me that he really likes spending time with me and really likes me as a person but that he wasn’t ready for relationship yet. All I had to do was flip that belief into him wanting a relationship with me and now we’re doing great. Have you ever known someone who is constantly saying how annoying they are? When you first meet them you disagree and reassure them that they aren’t annoying but soon enough you find them so irritating you can’t stand to speak with them for more than five minutes? That’s also the concept of everyone is you pushed out taking action. What you assume about yourself, others will also assume about you.
Living in the end/in the wish fulfilled ♡
This concept is key to manifesting any desire quickly and effortlessly and simply calls for you to live as if you already have your desire and embody how that version of you would think and feel in day to day life. To live in the end, simply enter the state of already having your desire and completely disregard any 3d evidence that would suggest otherwise. Your sp has been ignoring you? Um absolutely not they are head in heels in love with you. I literally just overheard them saying that you’re the one they want to spend the rest of their life with so don’t give me that bs 🙄 this is the type of inner conversation that might help shift you further into the state of already having your desire, try to flip doubtful thoughts as they appear to follow the narrative of your desire. It’s okay to lapse from this state, fully lingering in the wish fulfilled may take a bit of time and practice but I find that doing a quick manifestation exercise helps me shift back into the desired state; guided mediation is a good one, or writing down everything you love about your desire as if you already have it (e.g. i love how my sp never makes me question the authenticity of their love for me, etc.) or playing a song that you associate with your manifestation on repeat and visualising a short scene that implies you are living in your manifestation now (don’t be surprised if you live through that exact same scene at a later date).
Subconscious and conscious mind ♡
Dr Joseph Murphy likened the relationship between the conscious and subconscious mind to osmosis. He discussed how the subconscious mind is like a garden and you are the gardener, planting little seeds in your subconscious mind all day long, most of the time without even knowing you are doing so. The subconscious is unresting, it keeps your heart beating and your lungs expanding with air without any interference or acknowledgement from the conscious mind. The conscious mind is a bit of a bitch, in most cases it will actively give you fear and doubt during your manifestation process as a defense mechanism; it does not want you stepping into the unknown and will actively search for evidence in the 3d that proves to you that everything you affirm to yourself is false in an attempt to pull you back into your comfort zone where it knows you can’t be harmed. Kinda cute but also very annoying whilst manifesting. You can use the conscious mind and it’s need to take care of you as a logical explanation for any doubt or worry that may arise and release any need to listen to it’s worries by self soothing. On the other hand, the subconscious mind literally has no idea what’s going on. It has no way of differentiating between what is real and what is imagined, what is true and what is false, etc. Therefore the only way to access your subconscious mind is by using the conscious mind to impress any desired information onto the subconscious. This is why it is vital to persist in affirmations as a thought repeated will sink into the subconscious and be projected into the external world, just like during the process of osmosis in which solvent molecules (thoughts) diffuse through a semi-permeable membrane (from the conscious into the subconscious). Once a thought has entered into the subconscious mind, it is reflected into the external world. Your subconscious will never let you down, it will immediately begin to find ways of planting your desire into your 3d reality and won’t stop until it is there. Remember, you are not trying to change anything outside of self, you are simply influencing the subconscious mind and allowing it to alter the external world for you. There is nothing to change but self.
Internal and external ♡
This one is fairly simple: your internal state will be reflected into the external world. The 3d is simply a projection of the 4d world and so whatever you give your energy to in your mind is what will present itself to you in your physical reality. Focus on love to receive more love, focus on wealth to receive more wealth, focus on success to become more successful, etc. Persist in the vision held within your mind and watch it flow into your 3d reality with ease.
Self concept ♡
Self concept is the idea of self constructed from personal beliefs. It is all about how we perceive ourselves and how we view our traits, characteristics, our appearance, etc. It is also where many limiting beliefs come into play; any external condition can influence the internal beliefs and self concept is key in working through any limiting beliefs we have about ourselves and how others interact with us.
Thought transmission ♡
I adore this one. Just as I am manifesting him, my sp is also (most likely unknowingly) manifesting me. How do I know this? Well aside from him never giving me a break and showing up in my dreams every single night, I discovered some time ago now that the reason he popped into my mind so (and I mean so so SO often) is because I could literally feel when he was thinking about me. The thoughts I have about him and the thoughts he has about me feel different and I’ve learnt to distinguish which is which over time. For example, I know when he wakes up after me in the morning without checking his location (which I’d advise to avoid doing whilst manifesting an sp) and when he’s about to send me a message based on the feel of the thought of him I have in that moment. Feeling him thinking of me feels kinda deeper (?) if that makes sense, it feels more like a sensation and less than an actual thought I would have in my own head. Just the other day when I didn’t message him first thing in the morning as usual as I just wasn’t in the mood, my chest went tight and I got a fleeting sensation of anxiety in my stomach. I felt his response to him seeing that I hadn’t messaged him since the evening before and it probably sounds crazy but I know I can feel his emotions alongside my own. I don’t have a rational explanation for this one but that’s okay, manifesting is anything but logical and that’s one of the things I love about it. Just know that when you persist in your affirmations, your sp will undoubtedly start to reflect your affirmations back to you. Your affirmations are literally being planted into your sp’s mind. If that doesn’t prove just how powerful we are then I don’t know what will.
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superstarhodaya · 2 years
you are, the definition of magic, darling
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vixeneptune · 6 months
See yourself being perceived by others in this light bc you already are such a remarkable beauty to witness
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Pov : everyone who sees you says this about your looks
"Omg you're drop dead GORGEOUS 😍 "
"HOW are you so pretty 😭😭 what's your secret"
" you're literally the prettiest girl I've ever seen I'm not even kidding"
"Your eyes are so mesmerizing wow😍 ..I'm in love"
"U have the most perfect lips"
"Ur eyebrows are always on fleek"
"I love how long and thick ur eyelashes are"
"You're so beautiful I'm obsessed"
"Ur skin is literally FLAWLESS"
"I'm convinced you're a real life goddess"
"I looove ur hair it looks so healthy and soft and luscious "
"How are u even real? U look so ethereal and out of this world!"
"Ur beauty has me daydreaming and writing poems"
"Ur beauty alone leaves an unforgettable mark on everyone"
"I can't fathom how pretty you are"
"Everything about u is perfect, like youre unbelievably stunning"
"What's it like being the most beautiful girl in the world?😍"
"U have this kind of beauty thats so captivating, haunting and addictive to look at"
"I love ur stylee u always look so chic"
"You're such an eye-candy I could look at you forever"
"Ur face is literally my desired face, ur beauty is the standard"
"Girl I would kill to look like u"
"Ur beauty leaves me speechless everytime, how do u have that effect?"
"I don't think anyone who looks at u can resist falling in love w you"
"Has anyone ever told you how powerful your beauty is? Like it's dangerous how beautiful u are"
"Do you model? U literally have the body and looks for it"
"I love ur fashion sense , u give off IT girl vibes"
"Stop looking at me with those siren eyes 🫠"
Pov : people say this behind your back
"She's def the kind of girl who steals all the attention with her beauty when she walks into a room"
"Y/N had a huge glow up, she keeps getting prettier everytime I see her"
"She looks so stunning in pictures but wait till u see her irl its even better"
"I genuinely think she's the prettiest girl in existence"
"There's something about her beauty thats so hypnotic it sticks in ur mind"
"My heart starts beating so fast when she looks at me. Her beauty makes me nervous"
"Have you seen Y/N? she's the prettiest around here"
"She has that kind of beauty that everyone wanna copy"
"She's naturally beautiful like she doesn't even try"
Let me know if u want more like this 💫
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tearlessrain · 2 years
seriously if you step into any offline queer space for like two seconds you'll be staggered by the actual diversity of nonbinary people. I knew someone in college who was amab and balding and had a moustache and dressed like a dad and used she/her pronouns exclusively. I knew multiple people who you'd assume at first sight were cishet who used he/she/they. there are people you can't sort into amab and afab because it's literally impossible to tell because they've been playing 4D gender chess for 30 years.
like. none of it matters. you can make as many boxes and labels as you want, it's not gonna stop people from just being people.
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heavenangelly · 3 months
Say yes
Do you want that guy/girl? They’re yours. Do you want to lose 50kgs in one day? You’ve already lost it. Do u want to be the most drop dead gorgeous person out there? You’re already them. Do you want to get transferred 30 million dollars right now? The moneys already there.
Manifesting is meant to be light hearted. Yes, sometimes some situations may seem stressful, but when you realise it can be solved instantly from imagination, the problem is gone. When manifesting, you’re not meant to struggle. You’re not meant to cry or whatever. It’s meant to be F U N.
When manifesting something, I notice I naturally say no to things that may seem impossible or something I really want to happen. And then the doubt will come in and I’d stop manifesting it. But as the god/creator of my reality, it literally can be yes. If I want it, why can’t I have it? I’m the only person saying no.
Everything is from you. So nothing cant be a yes unless you say it’s a no. YOU CREATE.
Never bar self. Never say no to yourself. If you want it, claim it as yours and don’t gaf what anyone else says or what the mirror is showing you. This is literally YOUR WORLD. Stop limiting yourself and instead be limitless. You’re literally the creator, the god of your reality. Learn to say yes to yourself. Learn to make yourself happy regardless of how “impossible” or “unrealistic” these things are. Because, who cares? If it makes you happy or it’s something you really want, SAY YES.
Don’t say no.
Say YES.
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pi-slices · 25 days
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10 Years, Every Day! - 240405
As of today, it has been exactly 10 years since I started creating and sharing a 3D animated GIF artwork every single day!
I originally began learning 3D and making GIFs after being inspired by many of the digital artists I had started to find on Tumblr back in 2013. When I decided to start making a GIF every day in April 2014, with very little prior art experience, I never could have imagined that I would still be here doing it 10 years later.
I'm incredibly grateful for everyone who has stuck around and supported my work in any way over the last decade. Likewise, I also have to thank everyone I've had the chance to work or collaborate with over the duration of this project! This has been a huge learning experience, and I am very proud of how far things have come.
To the best of my knowledge, I am the first artist to complete 10 years of daily GIFs, but I have to give major props to the other artists that I know of who paved the way and passed this milestone before me in their respective mediums: @songadaymann / @catswilleatyou / @beeple / @graebor / @rawandrendered
With that being said, after a lot of contemplation, I have decided that today will mark the completion of my daily GIF project. I have no plans to stop creating and sharing my art, but after 10 years of pushing to have an animation done every single day, it's time for a change of pace.
There are still so many things I want to learn, and now feels like the right time to give myself the room to explore and give it a try.
Thank you again for the support. I'm excited to see what the future holds.
- pi
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etherealkissed88 · 6 months
thank you, your order has been placed
★ its yours the second you choose it
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you order juicy couture pants and bags online. it says its coming in 3-5 business days. u chose/decided you have the juicy couture items by ordering it, therefore you know its already yours. so naturally, you think about how good the pants will fit you and imagine how the bag will complement your sexy fits. you are now in the state of the wish fulfilled. you want something -> imagine it + know its true.
okay so you already ordered the sexy clothes and you got confirmation from the “thank you, your order has been placed” which you saw after you paid for it online. so its now a fact that its coming. theres no reason to wonder “when is it coming” because its already done. when you are imagining how sexy you will look with the items you just bought, you are aware that its yours in the now. theres no question that its already yours.
you ordered (decided) the clothes -> you know its coming / you have it already (its done)
after you ordered it, will you start thinking “what if it doesnt come” and feel stressed because of fear? no. but it doesnt matter if you do have those thoughts or feelings because its inevitable that you will get it since you already pressed confirm when you ordered aka you decided its yours. once you decide on a desire in imagination, its set in stone and nothing in the 3d can change that (unless you allow it to).
1. choose your desire via any method or simple decision in imagination
once you have a desire, immediately give it to yourself in imagination. visualize it or affirm or script or whatever. remember you have the ability to choose because you are the only source of power in this reality
2. be the one who already has it in imagination
know that once you decide or affirm or visualize that its yours, it is yours. stay true to imagination & "trust the unseen". trust the law. know its done and that you already experienced it because imagining = experiencing
3. persist regardless of the 3d
anytime you think of it again, remember that you are the operant power aka imagination, which molds the 3d. this is why assuming it is in the 3d doesnt do shit because you should be assuming its in imagination while leaving the 3d alone since it will always change to match who you are being in imagination…always. persist in the assumption that its done, because it literally is. like online ordering, you know its coming/you know its yours even without physical evidence. you never needed physical evidence especially since imagination is what produces the physical evidence in the first place.
kisses, etherealkissed
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eamour · 7 months
outer world analogies.
the mirror of reality.
lesson · change first in order to witness change.
the outer world works like a mirror, mirroring your inner world. when you look at yourself in a mirror and you are dissatisfied with your outfit, what or who do you change? the mirror or yourself? if you don't like the way your hair looks like, do you brush your mirror or your hair? if you don't like your eyeliner, do you draw on your mirror or redo it on your eyelids? exactly. you leave the mirror as it is and change self. the same way, you dismiss the 3D and focus on your 4D.
the everlasting shadow.
lesson · you are greater than the physical.
another analogy is the shadow analogy. the same way your mirror can only function as a mirror and cannot create or change on its own, your shadow is also just a reflection of your body frame. when you want to change the shadow of something, you cannot change it without moving or moulding the object. moreover, you exist three-dimensionally whereas your shadow can only ever be two-dimensional. the analogy is so nice because it also shows how you are by far greater than your shadow. you are more than your shadow will ever be.
with love, ella.
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pixelizedprince · 8 months
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stariax · 4 months
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circuscountdowns · 3 months
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I don’t think the crown works like this. added the full pages
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pixel8or · 2 months
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nondualiber · 3 months
"why do i struggle with manifesting?"
"i've done everything but i don't see results" → not persisting, giving importance to the method/the 3d rather than the feeling of knowing
"i'm easily discouraged/loosing faith" → negative beliefs (thinking you need faith), overconsuming, lack of discipline
"i use states to manifest and i can't make it" → embodying the state of waiting, giving importance to 3d, identifying with the ego
"i can't persist" → overcomplicating, forcing yourself (to manifest things you don't want, doing methods you don't like...)
1. decide what you want 2. embody the state without caring about the 3d (reacting, not caring) 3. persist 4. 3d conforms (usually before one month)
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vixeneptune · 5 months
Miss steal the spotlight 🌟
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Star girl effect ✨️
Everywhere I go , they all know my name. A girl like me can never go unnoticed with her magnetic personality and tantalising beauty. I was born with star quality and my aura shines bright, it catches everyone's attention. I'm the ultimate fantasy, I'm a star girl, im everyone's dream girl.
There's something about me that stands out which is why im known as an IT GIRL, I'm unique and unforgettable, I stick in people's minds with my powerful presence and my addictive beauty, and I naturally inspire them. Im so iconic that people try to copy me bc they're so inspired by me, but no one does it better than me 💅🏻
I'm easily the most charismatic icon, my presence alone has people fangirling about me. Idk why, but my energy is so addictive everyone ends up being obsessed with me the moment they see me, or meet me, or even hear about me. People love bringing me up in conversations talking about how pretty , smart, lucky, rich, and attractive I am. They literally brag about knowing me or being in my presence bc it's a privilege to know me personally.
My reputation is powerful, I'm known as the prettiest, most desired girl. The girl both men and women swoon over and simp for. The girl everyone falls in love with. In a group I'm always the one who steals the spotlight, not only do I catch people's attention but also their interest bc im so intriguingly mysterious. They'd literally beg for my attention like "please notice me!!😭" like whys everyone so desperate for me?
I have secret admirers everywhere I go. Everyone can't help but fall under my spell, they crave my presence ,they yearn for me, they're constantly seeking my attention and validation. People keep inviting me bc my presence alone makes everything 10000x times better , they love having me around. Im such an entertainer. I'm the life of the party, the main event, the main character and the main attraction. I'm a magnetic force and a powerful goddess. People feel lucky and blessed to even know me.
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