#the English and successful practical joking
starglitterz · 4 months
♡ 神っぽいな (GOD-ISH)
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❝ look down on me behind your mask, but what are you without it? a candle barely burning can't be said to be alive. ❞
✧ feat ; dottore, gn!reader
✧ warning(s) ; toxic relationship between a weirdo and his creation, implied experiments on humans, implied torture, reader is Going Through It, overuse of em dash & italics LOL
✧ a/n ; happy february! i have been Obsessed w this man ever since playing the sumeru archon quest 😵‍💫 idk if this can even be classified as x reader but here we are ! the lyrics i used are from lyrinae's english cover of god-ish (the original is a vocaloid song by pinocchiop) bc i felt like this song rly suits the doctor JSDJKS,,, i hope you all enjoy :) !!
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“you disgust me.” you spit the harsh words out, eyes narrowing as you glare at the man (can he even be called a man anymore?) in front of you. “it pains me that my most beautiful creation thinks so lowly of me,” dottore sighs exaggeratedly, bringing one hand up to caress your cheek. the tips of his black gloves are hidden razors, sharp enough to draw blood and that is the sole reason why you don't recoil from his icy touch. yet another addition to the long list of weapons he keeps on his person at all times – the doctor is strangely paranoid for one who claims to be godlike. 
you shudder as he leans towards you, breath warm against the skin you fear he’s going to scratch apart as punishment for your insolence. though dottore designed you to be pristine and perfect, you know better than anyone else that he holds no qualms about damaging what he made with his own hands. you doubt he's ever seen you as a person, simply viewing you as a means to an end in his furious quest to ‘enhance’ humanity – and now you represent nothing more than his success.
a smirk curves dottore’s lips, fangs peeking through like a wolf showing its canines as it hunts its prey, “you really are stunning…” he stalks ever closer, trapping you between his arms as your back presses against the cold steel of his operating table. you don't want to go back there. merely being in this room is bringing back a flood of memories so horrible you’re almost trembling – the doctor does not believe in anesthesia, and so you’ve been wide awake every time he carved you open for the sake of ‘improving’ you. “practically a miracle,” he continues admiring his handiwork in a low murmur, tilting his head ever so slightly as he fixes his gaze on you, red eyes gleaming wickedly in the dark. a sardonic smirk mars his features at the thought – how could you be a a gift from the gods when he doesn't even believe in them?
“get away from me.” you hiss, though there's a barely perceptible tremor in your tone – dottore is your creator, after all. it’d be foolish to go against the man who built you when he could just as simply dismantle you. “come now, don't be like that.” he coos, and the sound of his voice grates against your ears like nails on a chalkboard, “i don't bite. at least not without reason.” he chuckles at his own joke, using one finger to tug at his mouth and show off his serrated teeth – they could pierce through your skin so, so easily.
the doctor’s face is mere inches from yours as he whispers, a sadistic smile gracing his lips at your terrified expression, “scared, are you?” you swallow, willing yourself to ignore the question as you suck in a ragged breath, “i haven’t looked at a mirror since you…” you can’t bring yourself to finish your sentence. what word would you even use? after all the time you’ve spent with him, you think you just might be brainwashed enough to say he was simply ameliorating you. “and that is your loss,” dottore chuckles, his hand slipping lower to caress the curve of your neck, his thumb hovering dangerously close to your pulse point, “as i said, you're exquisite.”
you wonder if he can hear your heart beating desperately against your ribcage from fear, then you remember – you don’t have a heart. not anymore. and that makes you even more upset as you hiss, “you ruined me.” for some reason, this strikes a nerve with him, and he grabs your chin roughly, forcing you to meet his eyes. “my darling…” his pupils are dilated, and his laugh is almost manic as he replies, “i made you better than your puny human form could even dream of being.” 
“now, you're flawless.” dottore grins, a wild, reckless look in his eyes that reminds you again just how insane he is. “all these years of experiments, of hearing your delicious sobs and pleas…” he pauses for effect, relishing in the stifled whimper that escapes your perfectly crafted mouth as you remember everything he's done to you, “it all culminated in the you that you are now.” “stop.” you beg, but it's worthless now – there's no more bite behind your words, and dottore knows he’s broken you once again. though you've long since realised you will never best him, you still argue with him whenever he brings you to his laboratory, doing your best to fight back with what little mental strength you have left – some part of the doctor wants to cut your pretty head right open to see what's ticking in there and remove the source of your hatred. 
but it matters not, for dottore will continue teaching you the same lesson as many times as you need until you get it through your thick skull. 
he created you, and you would be nothing without him.
( and if you refuse to grasp this concept, he can always create a new version of you – one that doesn't talk back so much. )
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i can Never be normal abt scara or dottore,,, anyways this is one of my favourite pieces that i've ever written, and i really hope that you all like it too ! please do let me know what you think :>
© starglitterz 2024. do not repost or modify in any way – reblog / follow if you enjoyed !
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prttylight · 1 year
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@ Anakin Skywalker × Female!Reader
— english is not my first language; I'm just trying to practice don't pay attencion to this please
⚠️ mentions of rape and violence
tags: angst and a little of confort
Summary: Someone tried to rape reader while Anakin was on a mission, the last thing that the reader wants, is to talk about it. — ao3
Anakin was coming back from a successful mission, joking around with Ashoka about how many droids they destroyed, a normal habit. He was so excited from coming back home that he couldn't suppress his smile; but Obi Wan, who received them, wasn't happy. 
While the others masters looked like always, serious. Obi Wan looked at Anakin with worried eyes. 
" Is something wrong, Master? " Anakin asked, a little disappointed for not seeing you on the platform waiting for him, he wanted to be with you so bad. Stepping far from the others, finally his master answered. 
" Promise me that you are not going to freak out " Obi Wan pursed his lips, while Anakin frowns with a confused look.
" Why? " Anakin tried it to make a smile to hide his bad mood , if he was going to be sent to another long mission, he was not going to be able to bear it. Obi Wan gave him the look—I'm not going to answer until you promise—. " Okay, I promise. What happened? "
Obi Wan sighs before telling him that in the last gathering you showed up trying to hide some bruises on your body, and when Obi Wan interrogated you about it, you only said that it was nothing. Obi Wan couldn't just ignore it, you were a Senator and if you were in some kind of danger, he should inform it.
And he knows that you are close to Anakin, probably more than you should,  seeing how his padawan left barely he ended the sentence, confirmed his thoughts.
In your room, a sweet cup of tea aromatizes while you're reading papers from work. Your clothes hid the bruises on your skin, even though it had been a few days they still hurt when you pressed them. Knowing Anakin was arriving today, the concerning feeling about how you were gonna pass unnoticed makes you wanna throw out. 
Lying to Anakin wasn't one of your favorites activities, at all. However, telling him the reason for your bruises could ruin everything, could make him hate you. And that was the last thing you wanted. 
Even though you spent the last few days figuring out how to deal with this, when Anakin appeared in front of you, you realized that you weren't prepared at all. Getting inside of your room, Anakin didn't hesitate in grabbing your hand and lifting up the sleeve of your dress, watching the bruises of differents colors caused a huge impact on the jedi. You tried to hide them with your other hand but Anakin didn't allow it. 
" Who did this to you? " His eyes full of anger made you swallow, trying to keep calm.
" It's okay, Anakin. It's not a big deal" with a smile you stand up, your heart beat painfully. This was not going to work. 
" It's not okay, and you know it. Tell me who the person is." He wasn't asking, you avoided his touch, feeling that your disgusted skin didn't deserve to be touched for no one you loved. Maybe If you revealed a little of the truth he would let you forget it. 
" I really don't know" 
But Anakin didn't let you get away, trapping you between the desk and his body, your hand covered by his gentle touch made you wanna cry. 
" How did this happen?" He was so close that you could feel his breath, your eyes down revealed that you didn't want to look at him. Nevertheless Anakin wasn't going to give up "Love, how did this happen?" 
Feeling like you were collapsing, your cheek was held by Anakin, you looked up with a miserable expression.
"Can't we just forget about this? I really don't want to talk about it." You wanted Anakin to hold you close enough to wipe the dirt off your body.  He did, he hugged you around your waist and hiding his head on your shoulder.  After a long time, you finally felt safe.
You weren't prepared to relive that night, and Anakin could feel your pain, promising himself that he would find the person who hurt you and pay for It.
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justferhere · 2 months
We Are the Champions | Armin × Fem!Reader
My Candy Love HSL • Episode 38 > Future
Armin proposed to you once as a joke, but now you can't help but remember that time.
Word Count: 1,088
Warnings: non, just fluff and some, not actually, suggestive jokes
Almost a fucking year later omgg! Hope you enjoy! English is not my first language so, sorry for mistakes.
"AGH, that's it, I'm over with this shit."
I was walking into the classroom for Mr. Farres' history class when I heard Armin complaining in the back. "Such a nice welcome, Armin. I'm very pleased to see you too." I said with a smile. Haven't seen him since the "little" incident with Evan. I tried to support him the most, but there were things I couldn't help with, only his family. Also, we haven't spent much time together like the old times. "Oh, Lovie, I didn't see you, but of course, it's such a pleasure being able to appreciate your beauty." He wink at me with one of his best smiles.
I'd miss him so much.
"What's up, going through a difficult battle over there?" I walked to him and hugged him by the side. "Actually, it's a new game I found, very tricky I've to say. Hum." He showed me the console, it looked like an apocalypse game. "Looks like Resident Evil." I laughed. "But how does Armin S Kennedy-kick-zombie's-ass can't pass a level?" He chuckles at my little reference. That time when we tried to make a Resident Evil marathon, and I yelped every time he played with my nerves. "Well, my Ada Wong, this time we have a hard mission to accomplish."
He started to play to show me how the level was. The level consisted of recollect batteries to light up the building, but when you activate the power, zombies got you from both sides of the hall. It was practically impossible to kill them alone. "I tried to convince Alexy, but he isn't the type to play this kind of game." He shrugged. "It's almost new and not well known so I haven't found someone on the internet that could pass this level."
Mr. Farres entered the room, and we didn't realize everyone was already sitting down. "Why don't we do it together? Team Fuck Zombies come back?" I suggest to him passing my arm through his shoulders. "I would love that, love." Farres started his class, sometimes I wrote down some notes about today's chapter but I was more concentrated on Armin, tracing circles on my hand down the desk. He wrote something in his notebook and showed it to me.
What about you, me, and a furry presence at my house at 4 pm, pizza, and a session of make out? ;))
Later that day, there I was, incredibly nervous about entering my boyfriend's house wearing the outfit I had 1 hour selected because the blouse didn't suit me. I pressed the doorbell and prepared my best smile. What if his mom or dad opens the door? They already know me, but do they know I'm his girlfriend?
"Well, well the little Candy finally has got invited to the house of madness." Alexy welcomed me with a funky tone. "My little brother took soooooo long, I started to think he was just so silly to do so." He laughed. "My god, I'm just kidding, come in. If you could see your face, just relax."
"Are your parents at home?" I asked, giving him a hug. "Nope, cops aren't in the sight, so feel in your house." He turned around and went to the kitchen. "But I'm the officer in turn, so try not to eat my brother... yet" He hooted, turning my cheeks red at his comment. I love him, but he isn't helping with this.
"Come on, Alexy, stop bothering my girl." Armin went down the stairs and hugged me by the back. "That's my job." He hugged me tight and hid his head in the crook of my neck. I giggled, "You aren't helping me!"
The time passed like water, just like it always has been with Armin. A couple of pizzas, sushi, and ice cream later, there we were, trying to pass through a horde of zombies without success. "I need a break, I will kill somebody at this point," Armin said, passing his hands in his face.
Frustration was the only thing we knew at the moment, and seeing Armin getting disappointed got me worse. "How long could you stay? I'm done with that horrendous thing but I would like to enjoy my beautiful girl, you know." He kisses me tenderly. We both knew it had no reason to continue trying, at least that day.
"They are at my aunt's, so I can stay more late." He started playing with my hands. "That's great, princess." He put his head on my chest and kissed my hand. "I'm really sorry. I thought we could get it," I said.
"Oh, don't be. Obviously, I wanted to get it, but I prefer being with you." I played with his hair. "I'm going to the bathroom, stay here." He kisses my head before leaving.
Something has to be wrong... but what is it? Every single time, somehow, even if we were just about to succeed; there was something that made another horde come to us. I took control and started playing this time analyzing everything I could on the map. There was something we hadn't seen.
And it was. After beating the enemies on both sides, something new appeared on the map; we didn't just have two ways. We could go down and get to the electricity center with a passage. It was longer and had some enemies, but it was way easier.
"I got it!" I screamed. "ARMIN! ARMIN!" I opened the door and called him. He hurried to the room, zipping his pants. "ARE YOU OKAY? WHAT-?" I hugged him and hopped. "I got it! We didn't see the correct way!" He looked at the TV and started laughing and pumping kisses all over my face. "No way..."
He raised me in a hug and started spinning. "I knew it! My lord, I'm so lucky to have you." I chuckled in his arms. "God, you are amazing, you know?" He murmured near my lips. "Mmh, I have an amazing boyfriend who gave me some life hacks, you know," I murmured back and kissed him. "Would you marry me?" He said between kisses. "Armin!" I laughed. "Don't laugh, I'm serious!" He smiled. "We are seventeen, Armin!"
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Rosa finished fixing my dress, looking for any lost detail. "You look beautiful! Our little Candy, I can't believe this is the day!" I smiled and looked one last time in the mirror.
One step closer to him. Closer to be his, and he mine. Armin and I, always and forever against anything, even zombies.
Hey there! It's been a long looong time 🤡 In my defense, college is finishing with my life, and creativity isn't helping me. But hey! Here it is. Not the final I hoped, but my self-consciousness couldn't keep this in my notes anymore.
If life treats me better, I'll start writing Lys or Kentins fic! Thanks for all your support 🩷
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spanglish-imagination · 8 months
Headcanon’s of Batmom with Amnesia (Daughter included)
Headcanons de Batmom con amnesia (Hija incluida)
Here is part 2! => https://www.tumblr.com/spanglish-imagination/737301695256821760/espa%C3%B1ol
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Note/Nota: These are just ideas, plus is my first post so please, be kind./ Estás solo son ideas, esta es mi primer publicación, sean amables por favor.
La Batifamilia va patrullando por Gotham, aparece un villano (que sorpresa)
En la lucha, el villano secuestra a Batmom, desapareciendo
La familia desesperada la busca, sin ningún éxito
Pasan los meses y de pronto caminando entre la multitud está Batmom……con el villano?! Y con una niña? Que clase de horrible pesadilla es esta! O es una broma pesada!?
La situación se torna más confusa cuando Batmom se acerca a preguntar si necesitaban algo por llevaban viéndola fijamente 15 minutos y era incómodo
Damian es el que pregunta, si no los reconoce, con esperanza de que Batmom sólo estuviera fingiendo
Batmom explica que no los conoce! que es nueva en Gotham, vino con su hija y “esposo”…… Esposo?! Definitivamente no estaba fingiendo
Esto se va a poner feo, muy feo.
The Batfamily goes on patrol in Gotham, when (surprise surprise) a villain makes an appearance
In the fight, he kidnaps batmom, disappearing
The desperate family searches for her, without success
Months go by and suddenly walking through the crowd is Batmom!……with the villain?! And with a girl? What kind of horrible nightmare is this! Or is it a practical joke!?
The situation becomes more confusing when Batmom approaches to ask if they needed anything because they had been staring at her for 15 minutes and it was uncomfortable.
Damian is the one who asks, if he doesn't recognize them, hoping that Batmom was faking it.
Batmom explains that he doesn't know them! Who is new to Gotham and came with her “daughter” and her “husband”… Husband Definitely she wasn't faking it.
This is going to get ugly, very ugly.
Espero que les guste
Hope you like it
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unexpectedstormy · 9 months
My initial thoughts on the new update
In the first panel with the innkeeper, he is admiring a rupee. When the postman shows up, he looks super annoyed XD.
I’m getting the impression that Jojo has a passion for languages based on the tags for this one and the whole Minish-Japanese-English thing.
Confirmed: Sky is a late sleeper. (Yay! Sky gets some screentime!) Also, his sailcloth is really long, like cloak.
The mailman says “Da na na na naaaa!” The “you got a new thing!” song from the games.
In the panel right before the smith laughs at Four, the mailman is in the background, skipping away. He must put the flags away when he goes inside a building.
The scene with the smith laughing at a sad Four is funny. I like how the view is angleddown to make Four look even smaller.
When Hyrule, Warriors, and Wind come to join Four in swordmaking, Hyrule does not in fact have a crop top on. Is that Warriors’ fire rod or Legend’s? I know Warriors does have one in his game.
Warrirs tells Four needs practice with teamwork and that is definitely the case based on what happened when he split in front of Wild. He’s probably laughing because of the irony. But unfortunately, he can’t explain the joke the others yet. (And he doesn’t have his own sword with him right now, so he can’t show his party trick to the others right now no matter how funny that would be.)
Do you think that they’ll be successful at forging a sword for Wild? Probably because that’s how Four plans to make amends with Wild. But it would be really funny if they didn’t and that became the running joke of the comic that Four in fact cannot forge a sword for Wild that won’t break.
One more thing: Time is missing. He hasn’t been in this comic or the last one, he’s the only one unaccounted for. So where is he? Is he on a walk in the woods to clear his mind? Is he going back to the battleground? Will he find that the enemy’s evil axe is gone and instead there’s a portal? 👀
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You Are What You Love (l.h)
Pairing: Luke Hemmings x Fem! Reader
Requested? Yes! (requests are currently closed)
Summary: Based on the song "Daylight" By Taylor Swift. Luke's thinking about his perspective of love while he reminisces about when he first met you
Warnings: Fluff, language, mentions of alcohol and toxic relationships. Some grammatical errors (English is not my first language, im sorry)
Word Count: 2.4 k
Author's Note: I just really wanted to write this one and give it my own lil twist. Remember that REBLOGS are super IMPORTANT and so are COMMENTS AND INTERACTIONS. PLEASE SUPPORT YOUR WRITERS. Hope you like it and Happy Reading
My masterlist // tag list in bio!
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The day was getting to him and they’d practically just started. Doing promos all day is something they all got used to when they first started, but it has become repetitive and unhealthy after years of being in the spotlight.
It’s not like Luke isn’t grateful for the opportunity he has of making music with his best friends, he loves what he does and why he’s doing it. But he has to admit priorities have changed for him lately, and being away from home for too long was making him angsty.
“Dude, cheer up!” Ashton would say, giving him a big smile and patting him on the shoulder as they waited for the next interviewer.
Luke would give him a half-hearted, tired smile that mimicked his feelings on the inside. He would see how Michael, Ash, and Calum would joke with each other a little bit, already getting in the mood for another seven minutes of answering questions - although everyone knew Ashton would be speaking the most again, thank you very much. And for a moment it was nice to see them slip from the personas they present in front of the camera and just let them be.
He also took this moment to check his phone and take it out from “do not disturb” when a text message showed up. After reading it his smile was for real this time.
“Is it Y/N?” Michael asked, noticing the grin on Luke’s face.
“Yeah, she says hi”
Quickly, Luke texted you back, noticing the interviewer was already making their way to them. Still, he couldn’t shake the smile off of his face.
* A few years ago.
The party was a success - or a mess if you’re the one cleaning afterward, which is pretty much what Luke promised to do if Ashton threw a party that weekend. This time it took more than ten minutes to convince the eldest of 5sos to throw a party, which is more than anyone would’ve expected coming from him.
“Luke, I already hosted a party three days ago” Ashton sighed while doing the dishes, giving his back to the youngest of the band.
“But Aaaash,” Luke pouted even though Ashton couldn’t see him “It’s the weekend!”
“Don’t you think you like partying too much?”
“Funny you’re saying it,” Luke rolled his eyes, but when he noticed Ashton stare once he turned back, he knew he was serious “C’mon, dude”
“Luke, you’re deflecting” Ashton crossed his arms in front of his chest “Don’t think we don’t notice how you use parties as an excuse to avoid the elephant in the room”
“I’m fine,” He scoffed, and the eldest raised an eyebrow at him.
“Oh? So you’re ready to tell me what happened the day you showed up at my house with your dog and a U-Haul filled with your things?” Ashton sighed again when noticing Luke’s eyes deflecting his gaze “Look, you know I love having you here, but it’s not fun to see you hurting, Luke. Whatever happened with her… you know we’ll support you, right?”
And Luke knew they would. Fuck, Luke loves his friends because of it, they will never leave him behind if the ship was sinking. But the ship was already at the bottom of the ocean and they were still looking for the remains of his broken heart, not knowing there was nothing left to save. Not even himself.
“Fine, if you don’t want to have a party then forget it,” Luke said, turning around and going to his room.
Ashton groaned loudly and threw his head back before calling out “Okay! We’re having a stupid party! But you’re cleaning up the next day!”
And so came Saturday and the house was packed. Except for one lonely soul sitting outside against the wall, drinking a beer, and not being able to figure out what was so wrong with him. Ashton was right, he was deflecting. But what was wrong with wanting to have a little party to try and forget the past?
The lights were low, so no one could recognize him that easily as he slipped out. The loud noises of the party drowned the sounds of his mind telling him he was the one that fucked up and that he should go back to what he knew was an unhealthy environment. At least that’s a place familiar to him; the feeling of not being enough but still trying to make it up somehow; being the butt of the joke everyone and laughing along even though they never knew the struggle or the pain behind every word or comment he read on the internet.
He was in love, or at least he thought he was. Damn, there was his whole life ahead of him and he thought she’d be by his side through all of it. But love doesn’t have to be black and white, it doesn't have to make you doubt every single word or move or Instagram post. He never thought love could be so cruel… or maybe he didn’t know what love was after all.
What’s worst of it all is that he knew he hurt some people along the way. Fuck, he even made Ashton throw him a party every week to try and cheer him up even though everyone knew it was all a charade. After everything that he did wrong, his friends are still there for him when he least deserves it. All because he was too hung up to see the reality, or too scared to face it.
Still, at least he was sound of mind and heart and didn’t plan to go back to her, even if that meant waking up and facing the unknown future again.
“Cheers to that,” He mumbled as he brought the beer bottle he was nursing to his lips.
“Amen,” A voice said behind him, making him spill his drink all over his shirt “Oh shit! Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you”
Luke wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, counting to ten in his head so that he won’t curse this person out. But soon a hand was stretched out to him, offering some napkins to clean himself out.
Finally, his blue eyes were able to look at the person who so rudely interrupted his self-deprecating moment. And for a second there he was speechless.
“I’m truly sorry,” The girl gave him a shy, awkward smile, “I thought you heard me get out and- Well, that’s what I get for trying to be funny, I guess”
Luke blinked up at her, losing his train of thought when he noticed how cute she looked when blushing and the way her eyes sparkled before she looked down. He couldn’t help but chuckle as he accepted the napkins.
“It was funny,” He said, dabbing his shirt “I always hated this shirt anyways, so thank you for helping me get rid of her”
The girl smiled “I don’t know if you’re making fun of me… but, yeah, that shirt is very 2015”
Luke fake gasped in surprise “Are you saying I have bad taste?”
“I’m saying that maybe you did but are now repenting for your sins”
“So quick-witted”
“One of my many talents”
“What’s another one?”
“I can run faster than a wolf”
“Don’t you get tired?” He asked, scooting to his side so that she could sit beside him. She did.
“Maybe when I do I’ll finally find the place that makes me what to stay” She shrugged “Do you have a talent?”
“I can’t seem to differentiate heroes from villains”
She looked at him, resting her chin on her hand “What do you think I am, then?”
“I don’t know yet” He laughed, looking back at her and getting lost in her eyes for a second before asking “Should I be offended you'd rather be out here than at my party?”
“Should I be offended that the host of the party would rather sit outside in the cold than at his own party?” She challenged him “My friend dragged me here, but I’m not much of a social butterfly and I need a moment to charge my battery before she tries to set me up with another stranger”
“Ooff, tough crowd?”
“The toughest”
“Good.” Luke said, leaning back and looking up at the sky “Easiest way not to get hurt”
“Maybe,” She shrugged. “But if we don’t get hurt once in a while then why bother to feel anything at all?”
Luke turned to her, frowning as he examined her face. “Did Ashton send you here?”
The girl looked at him quizzically, “I literally have no idea who Ashton is, but if he’s like- I don’t know, your “guide” in the universe, then maybe?”
Luke laughed “He’s my co-host”
“Oh! The one singing “I will survive” in karaoke! Yeah, no, I haven’t talked to him. But if you want me to call him I could-”
“No!” Luke said way too quickly and she noticed that as well “I mean if he sees me he’ll know he’s right and I would rather eat another one of Calum’s veggie lasagnas than do that”
“Ouch, tough crowd?”
He groaned “You have no idea”
“I might, a little bit”
“Yeah?” He bumped her arm with his “What’s your story then?”
“Who wants to know?”
“Luke,” He said, extending a hand for her to shake.
“Y/N,” She took his hand in hers, shaking it firmly “Well, Luke, I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours”
“And if we never want to see each other after we do?”
“Then that’s a risk we’ll both have to take”
The memory faded as he noticed all eyes were on him.
At least there’ll be more elevator memes after this interview.
“Sorry, could you repeat the question, please?” Luke asked, ignoring Calum’s chuckle.
“Of course!” The interviewer smiled “I said that you were one of the main writers in almost every song of this album. What’s the inspiration behind it?”
“Oh,” It was an easy answer, of course, something he had rehearsed with the guys beforehand. But as the memory of your first encounter was still so fresh, another answer came to mind “Love,”
“Well, I guess that the right way to say it would be the feeling you get when you know you’re safe” He started, “When you feel safe around that special someone, no judgment nor fears or doubts. When that person means the world to you and you would do anything to give it to them just to see the smile on their face even for just a second. Or when you make a mistake and you’re willing to put everything on the line to try and make it right, just hoping the other one will forgive you when you think you least deserve it. “I had my doubts about love for quite some time. Thinking I was defined by it when we just create the context ourselves when we find the right person to share that love with. I always believed love would be…”
“Burning red?” Michael smiled, finding the words right out of Luke’s mouth.
“Yeah,” He smiled “But love is not supposed to burn or to hurt. Love is supposed to keep us warm and safe. Love is golden, like daylight”
“But not our old song Daylight,” Ashton said, making everyone laugh “That truly was a mistake”
“But it is part of our history,” Calum added.
“Like heartbreaks and hurt,” Luke chimed in, going back to the original question “But without them, is it even worth feeling anything at all? They’re just passing by until you find the place you want to stay, with the ones you love”
Luke watched with a smile as the other guys answered the rest of the questions, knowing full well that this is where he was meant to be. But there was someone missing.
The car dropped him off first, his friends all saying their goodbyes or see you tomorrow and saying I love you to him before he got out. He cracked his back before he grabbed his bag and made his way to the front door, waving one last time at the guys.
The moment he crossed the door he hung his keys and got rid of his boots. He was about to call your name when a faint mixture of sounds got to him. He frowned as he walked toward the living room, quickly finding you under a pile of blankets, wearing his hoodie and with an arm wrapped around a very sleepy Petunia whose snores were drowned out by the sounds on your phone.
Luke smiled as he shook his head, walking over to his two girls and sliding down next to you, wrapping you with his arms.
“What’ you doing?” He said, kissing you on the cheek “Are you- are you watching 5sos TikToks?”
“What can I say?” You said, turning into his embrace and facing him “You guys are very entertaining”
You ignored the rolling of his eyes as you leaned over to kiss him sweetly on the lips, feeling how he relaxed against you.
“Hi,” You mumbled once you pulled back just enough to have only your noses touching.
“Hi, darling” Luke smiled, kissing you briefly one more time.
“Long day?”
“The longest without you”
“Sap” You giggled, trying to scurry away before his hands found your waist and started to tickle it, but not being able to succeed.
This is what he meant about love. Coming home after a long day and having your laugh be music to his ears. Being able to touch you and kiss you like it was the first time every time. Just relaxing with you on the couch with your dog, watching hours and hours of tiktoks before any of your stomachs started to grumble. Talking about your respective days while you cook dinner together with Fleetwood Mac’s music surrounding the house, listening to all the good and the bad and the ugly, and just being there for each other.
The words “I love you” never made sense to him before you came along. But when you kiss him goodnight and whisper those words to him, he knows them to be true. And when he says them back, he knows he’s falling short. Because a love like that is impossible to describe.
A love like that is golden. A love like that is kind.
So every night he adds:
“Loving you is the best thing I have” * * tags: @iknowyouthinkimbulletproof @mystic-232 @talksoprettyjjx @theshyspy @hoodhoran @hoodharlow @littledrummeraussie @bubblegum183 @irwin-fletcher-ash @wiiildflowerrr @another-lonely-heart @aabc5sauce @in-superbloom @sadcupofcoffee @personalmuyverypersonal @vtte @as-hs-blog @himbohood @sofiaaraee @irwindoll @weasleytwinscumslut @fairytrice @colourfulcal @nibin0912 @hfkait @savagejane1 @youneedtocalumdown @ashtonsunflower @nicebasscalum @calumspupils @secretsicanthideanymore @alltimesos @wontlastimokwiththat @whywontyoulovemecami @theimpossiblehologramtree @perriexed @abiancajg @rewmuslupin @icelily13 @bookthingz @gracieboogirl @fastandtheformula1 @kingxnichole @wildflower98
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danceylancey · 1 year
Lance leaves. Allura and Blue are connecting better than he ever did with the Lion, Red can try hide it as much as she likes but she misses Keith and wants him back. Black is happy with either Keith or Shiro as they are both good leaders. So he doesn’t really fit. After some considering and planning, he eventually decides that the next time they are at a coalition meeting, he’s going to join some resistance group and help there. At first the team doesn’t notice how much he isn’t contributing to the actual event but that’s not unusual, he often leaves to help with civilian clean ups or get to know the culture of whatever planet their on. They only notice when they’ve left and he isn’t on the ship, Coran confessing Lance told him his plan and left him a long note explaining things to him but left nothing of the sort for the others. He knows it’s petty but he’s hurt and needs to find a purpose for himself, so they’re going to have to take a back seat in his life for a while. He sends Coran video messages monthly, telling him about people and places, about cool weapons and animals he’s found and about how the resistance is getting stronger and bigger. He tells him about how the population is about 20% Galran women who seemed to get sick of the men being so dumb and bossy. Lance tells him about his successes and failures, sometimes joking around and laughing and other times it’s a dark and empty look on his face. Coran finds he looks both happier and more exhausted then when he was with Voltron, defiantly more confident and self assured, if not overworked. Lance tells him about when he crashes his ship in the hull of a Galra vessel to save his team and how his legs were crushed and ripped apart in the ensuing blast. Coran tells him about an old friend he has who used to make prosthetics and suggest he tries to find him, which Lance does. He opts for ones that will give him more agility and speed, showing Corans friend a crude drawing of cheetah legs for reference. Coran watches over the next several years as Lance loses parts of his body and gains parts of his mind. When he looses his left eye he seems to fill into his new leader role more. When he looses two fingers on his right hand, pinkie and ring, he starts to practice with more weapons and hand to hand combat. When he looses his jaw and right ear he starts to sing songs for his crew in Spanish and English and even a few in languages he’s been taught. When his spine is broken and he’s put in a pod of sorts, eventually having it replaced in a painful process due to not having any kind of anesthetiser for humans, he starts to dance and run and climb more. He tells stories of his home to his closest allies, talks about myths with children in the camps, boast about his cool friend Coran to any one who will listen. He becomes caring in a silent way and determine in a dangerous one. It’s close to eight years later when Coran sees him again, his crew of almost 200 large vessels saving Voltron from an ambush. When Lance comes up to him he doesn’t even look at his old team and friends, just gives a big grin and hugs Coran, saying how he missed his old friend. They both talk like no time has passed as the others watch, horrified at how damaged Lance’s body is yet how healed and full he seems to be inside. Lance finally acknowledges them when Pidge starts to cry.
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muqingswife · 1 year
how i think modern!aemond looks like
note: english is not my first language, im from brasil i speak pt br português brasileiro and im using the translator sometimes, sorry for my mistakes
lets goooo 😋
first off all, his family would remain a monarchy, maybe like danish royalty (i read somewhere that the Danish royals have more political power than the British royals or something like that, and i honestly cant think the Targaryens giving up any power that they could have) and here we DONT have incest (at least not the ones that would be shocking in our current society)!!!! read my thoughts below:
viserys didnt die yet and still being the king
daemon is viserys cousin so she can marry daemon with "no problem" and shes the heir of the iron throne
the line of succession to the throne would be: rhaenyra, jacaerys, lucerys, joffrey, aegon and viserys (idk whos the eldest), aegon, helaena, aemond and finally daeron
he knows he wont be king unless some catastrophe happens and kills his whole family but still a little bit jealous
aemond takes advantage of being the 9th in the line of succession, since he has very "few" spotlight on him, so he can live a normal life like all of us mere mortals
uses his prince title when needs something (that includes the girls 🤭)
think im done about the political part of his family so lets move on to physical appearance and hc about him and his relationship with family
aemond doesnt have long hair like in hotd, his hair is more like tom or billy (personally billy is my favourite)
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ewan smile is so pretty i cant 😭
def wear an eye patch bc dont have one eye, obviously he dont lost his eye on a fight about claiming a dragon, but maybe he fell on a shard of glass or lucerys pushed him into a sharp rock which caused the scar and pierce his eye (my poor boy 😓)
ATHLETIC BOY!!!!! im talking about both body and style, ewan practically only wears adidas and aemond being a mama's boy, coming from two rich families buys everything that is adidas clothing
and you guys see ewan in world on fire and his new photoshoot like bro his muscles are heavenly 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 (só uma chance ewan, pfv 😭
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aemond smokes A LOT, i mean aegon get drunk every week (if he doesnt do it every day 🤷🏻) and helaena has her bugs collection, so why he cant do something he likes and help him to destress?
for a 100% sure hes alicents favorite boy and daerons favorite brother
daeron probably just thinks his brother is the best in the world, the bravest, the most beautiful and everything a child can think of their big brother (he also thinks the scar on aemonds eye is really cool and when he was a child, like 4 years, he took one of his eye patches and put it to look like aemond
and about alicent, just look at their hair in hotd, those are the most hydrated hair of the entire series!!! ok joke, aemond was a quiet child, never gave her much trouble and was the first child she could call "her own child"
aegon would be to the realm if something happened to rhaenyra before she sire heirs and we all know how his temper is ☠️
helaena in my hc is autistic, some autistic people dont like other people touching them and helaena would be one these
as a child, she would reject alicents hugs and affections, in addition to being very difficult to communicate with her
contrary to all that, aemond was a perfect child, he would be glued to alicent 24/7, wanting her hugs, kisses and affection, his mothers affection.
she was his confidant when he was suffering and crying, she helped him with the school activities that he had difficulty, she was the one who stayed by his side in the hospital when he lost his eye
and aemond returned all the love his mother gave to him taking care of her and being the best at everything he did, just to make her proud of him
its aemond whos sitting next to alicent when she cries worried about being attracted to women and wipe her tears, she feels guilty for doing something that is said to be "wrong" in her religion (alicent para meninas, rhaenyra is her girlfriend canon
now leaving the sad mood aside lets go to more aemond's hc + dating hc
vhagar is aemonds lizard and she has a HUGE terrarium in his room with everything and more a lizard needs.
he is studying politics, international relations, history or philosophy in college
probably his girlfriend (me and you obvious) would be on one of these classes too or something like that
the BEST boyfriend ever, he is super respectful and treats his girlfriend like the princess she will be in the future when they get married
romantic dates would be to fancy places that nobles frequent, like operas and ballet but aemond would also take you to a museum, library, dinner at a super expensive restaurant you like and of course, skiing in the swiss alps
if you like a sport or did one, he would be super supportive and take you to every competition you wanted to see/gonna compete in
aemond would spoil you no matter if you have money or not
have you seen a prada bag online? it will be in your hands the next morning
did you make a comment of a swarovski necklace you saw at the mall? he bought the necklace and one more set of jewelry
are you undecided whether to buy a Chanel or Dior perfume? no problem, the two perfumes will be on your table when you get home
aemond would be very insecure about his scar and eye, and really wouldnt think himself worthy of you
but you are here with him to tell him how important he is to you, how handsome he is and how much you love him, when he heard you say that, all his insecurities would go away
and he absolutely LOVES that you touch his hair, massage, wash his hair and make mini braids on it
anything you do he loves 💗
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punk-void-experience · 2 months
Breathing for the void
When people were saying to pay attention to your breathing and you’ll get to the void they were not joking.
I’m on a journey to enter the void by the end of the week (not that I’d give up anyways) and since I have adhd and insomnia it’s been… a lot.
After endless procrastination, doubt and reading every success story available in any platform that matters to manifestation people, I’ve decided to take action. (Please, someone should make a void state subreddit… or inform me if there’s any).
I tried to stay still for an hour, and after practicing several times, I came close to it which is a lot if you’re nd.
People say to stay comfy and I find being on my side is the most comfortable position, which is why I don’t lay in said position. I take sleeping pills so laying on my side my brain associates with sleeping so I wouldn’t be able to do my void things.
I stay on my back, I let my entire body go numb till the point I don’t feel it and continue to breathe normally. I’ve found myself with the most symptoms this way (flashing lights and my entire face going numb).
Last night after almost an hour of laying on my back listening to nothing but my thoughts I decided to dedicate some attention to my breathing. In "I" out "AM". And I gotta say I felt pretty darn close. My hearing was getting muffled and I think I would’ve gotten in if it wasn’t for the noisy aaa fucking garbage collector (or however you call it in english). It took all of my attention as if I was the Up dog and a squirrel passed by.
Anyways, I’ve decided not to give up and continue with what I learned from last night. If someone has any advice that’d be great.
Also, if you’re guys like me, come too. I’d love to read about your journeys.
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Y'alls I'm reposting my work here because why not (please don't do so yourself though 🫶)
Link to the series I started: here
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"Leonardo Da Hamato!" I shouted from the living room. A clang sounded from the kitchen, followed by a fearful, "Yea?"
"Oo, Leo's in trouble." Mikey teased him as he emerged warily.
"What's up, Y/N?" Leo tilted his head as he walked closer to the couch I was on. "Come here."
He walked closer, suspicious. I made grabby hands at him and Leo held up his arms, now standing in front of me. "I haven't gotten a Leo hug in too long," I said simply, rising to my feet and grabbing his arms in a hug.
Leo paused before wrapping his hands around my back. "Geez, Y/N, you gave me a heart attack hollering like that." I chuckled into his plastron. "'s funny."
A few moments passed in silence, before- "Better than Raph's?"
I scoffed, before replying, "Different. Definitely number four on the list of things you're amazing at." I felt Leo's breath stutter in his chest at that before continuing. "Yea, you're great at hugs, but you're also hilarious, and charming, and a fucking badass in battles."
I pulled away long enough to glance at his face, which was gloriously flushed. "I could keep going?"
"No- no- no, um, I- uh, I already knew that," he stuttered, burying his face in my shoulder.
Should I be evil? Yes, obviously, me, duh. "I don't think you do, Blue," I began, slowly drumming my fingers on his shell. I smiled as he audibly gulped. He didn't need to know that I looked up red-eared slider facts, and learned that sliders flutter their fingers on other sliders as a sign of affection.
"Anyway, yea, you know, you're a crazy BAMF, and your jokes really light up the lair, and your sense of style is ON FLEEK," I intoned, getting a slightly wet chuckle in response.
"Plus, your leadership skills are getting really good. You know, I don't remember when I noticed it, but you've always been pretty good at analyzing situations and coming up with solutions that end favorably for us. It's really impressive to witness. That part might tie with the badassery," I continued. Leo's legs seemed to be shaking slightly, so I sat down slowly, letting go of the turtle to get comfortable. Leo turned, grabbing a pillow to hide his face in, practically a ball on the couch.
I smirked at him. "Shall I continue?"
He looked up slightly, glaring at me with the ferocity of a kitten. "Screw you," he mumbled, pillow muffling the words a bit.
"I'll take that as a yes-"
Leo whined loudly from the pillow, curling up even more around the pillow.
"Yea, you're just really cool, and when you wield your ōdachi you just look so surreal. It's amazing-" I was cut off with a pillow thrown at my face. I tossed it back laughing, but Leo dodged, pouting from the pillow he was hiding behind.
"Shame on you. Where'd all this confidence come from?"
"Oh darling, you don't understand. I have very little shame to begin with," I put on a posh English accent. It worked, Leo's eyes crinkling, though the smile was still hidden behind the pillow. I snapped my fingers. "Confidence! Confidence looks amazing on you as well!"
Leo groaned and dove back into the pillow. I could see the blush spreading past his cheeks. Mission success. As much as I enjoyed it, Mikey was probably finishing up with dinner.
Leo looked up again. "Y/N, why-"
"Because, Blue. You deserve the world. You all do, equally. Especially you, Leo. And I love you guys. I wanna make sure you know that, Leo. I-" I dropped my voice, locking eyes with him. "I know you have nightmares. You've been through a lot, and you've decided to and been forced to shoulder a lot. So if you even need to be reminded, you just have to ask."
Leo's eyes had widened, and were now searching mine for any, any signs of deception. I knew he would find none, and I smiled gently. His bottom lip trembled before tears began streaming down his face. The turtle looked down quickly, unable to maintain eye contact, but I didn't mind.
"Come 'ere, Baby Blue," I murmured softly, scooting closer. The sobs grew louder at the name as he clung to my shirt. I held him until they quieted with his grip softening.
"'s ok, Leo. It's ok to be vulnerable. I'm honored to be entrusted with that right now. I'd be honored to be someone, if not the one, you come to to get something off your chest. If not, that's fine. Emotions should never be a burden for one, Blue," I said softly, fluttering my fingers on the edge of his shell again as though it would drill it in. A few more minutes of silence passed as the shakiness in each of Leo's breaths disappeared. The turtle shifted and looked up at me again. "There's the Baby Blue," I cooed, cupping his face and fluttering my fingers. The blush dusting his face darkened again, and Leo looked away. "'m too tired for another breakdown," he yawned, pulling away to sit up. I chuckled.
"Mikey's probably close to being done with dinner," I said, standing. Leo followed slowly, but I stopped him. "I can and will keep reminding you. You deserve the world, champ," I added softly, poking him between the eyes. He looked down, embarrassed, and I grabbed his hand to lead him to the kitchen.
He paused at the entrance, and Mikey and I looked up at him. "I gotta- go to the bathroom!" he said loudly, before quickly walking off. "Don't fall in!" I hollered with a grin.
"Wouldn't dream of it!"
Mikey looked between the empty entrance and the spot I'd taken up. "SO... what was that?"
I shook my head slightly, smiling. "Just reminding Leo of his worth."
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gummy-axolotl · 2 months
Cosmo stuff
**Basic info**
- Flower name
- Age (if applicable)
- Gender / pronouns
AFAB Nonbinary, They/Them
- sexuality
???? Pan I guess idk
- Personality
Too kindhearted for the mafia. Trusting, gullible, always believes everyone has their best interest at heart. Very loving and kind. However, as soon as they put their mask on, they're laser-focused and are extremely efficient in their tasks and heists.
- Hobbies (if any)
Cosmo likes to write and sketch, but keeps it hidden in their room.
- Flower Job
Cosmo is the thief! They steal valuable items to be sold at the black market to make money for the mafia. They steal from museums and rich people mostly.
- Strengths
Very good at being sneaky and quiet. They're also very durable, and have the ability to grow back limbs when severed, and even organs, including parts of their heart, brain, lungs, and spinal cord. They can also breathe under water.
- Weaknesses
Too gullible, trusting, and loving. They'll get their heart broken over and over thinking things will change.
**Physical traits and appearance**
- Species
Anthropomorphic Axolotl
- Height
- Weight
250ish? They're kinda fat but it's also a lot of density
- Hair / fur colour
Dark purple gills
- specific features
Pink cheeks
- Eye colour
Dark purple
- Skin tone
Medium lavender
- posture
Relatively confidently and carefree unless around someone they admire/are intimidated by. When in stealy mask mode they walk slightly crouched in the balls of their feet, cautious and silent
- sense of fashion style
very formal, they think grooming is very important and like to be dapper
**Other characteristics**
- Languages
Only English
- Accent
Newscaster, but when angry slips into a southern accent
- Cultural background
From the American south, but has lived away for long enough that their accent has faded significantly
- Good Habits
Clean, friendly
- Bad Habits
Absentmindedly plays with their gills (as one might do with hair) which causes slight damage
- Intelligence
High logical intelligence but lower social intelligence.
- Education
Degree in fine arts (is very careful not to damage any stolen goods)
- Interests
Art, fashion
- sense of humour
Relatively chill, will laugh at most things, including mean-spirited jokes. Unless someone cries. Then they get upset.
- Creativity
Has a great artistic eye, but isn't great in practice. Cosmo enjoys sketching but isn't very good. They love and appreciate the arts, though
- Pet peeves
Bad breath, sloppiness
- Motivations
Finding a new family within the mafia
- Darkest secret
They ate their entire family because they were given a drug that made them revert to primitive instincts (shhhh nobody knows this. Hyacinth knows Cosmo was once cannibalistic, but nothing more)
- Deepest fear
Losing family. Again.
- Inner conflict
The subconscious desire to hurt their family
- Regrets
Eating their family
- Insecurities
They hate their feet
- Things that bring Joy
Chocolate, sketching, successful heists, praise, quality time with friends/family
- Things that bring nightmares
Hyacinth /hj
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the-s-exy-squad · 10 months
Another headcanons list for the PSU Monsters.
During his depressive episodes, he just starts acting like a complete idiot. Using emojis excessively when he texts (which the amount greatly increases during these times) or makes posts on the internet or the team socials.
He also frequently makes unprompted jokes about his trauma. During a bonfire, "Oh damn, just realized I could have had smores when I burned my mothers body in her car".
During a movie night to a character, "Hey, your dad tried killing you too? Same! Twins???"
During a math exam, "Well damn, this 'x' is so good at staying anonymous he may as well have been me on the run" (to which his teacher goes, "Excuse me What?")
Andrew starts talking to Bee for advice and not just to talk about everything and she suggests exposure therapy for the touch, writing or some creative activity for the emotions, and music to help him regulate when he gets overwhelmed.
Andrew interprets this to standing with Nicky's hand on his upper arm for one singular second more than the day before. If he could suffer through Nicky's touch a little more every day, it was improvement and that's all he cared for.
For the creative activity he decided to start learning archery. He also drew but he enjoyed the feeling of success when he hit his target and the only way to get that with his drawings was to show people and he'd sooner die.
As for the music, he decided purchasing a loud as hell pair of discreet earbuds and putting them in literally all the time was the solution to that. If he couldn't hear the problems, they weren't his problems. (He thinks its hilarious that the rest of the Foxes think he's just ignoring them.)
He drinks a religious amount of coffee. He was a full time med student, an athlete, fighting the mafia in a angry version of Lacrosse, and too busy keeping himself out of the Foxes internal drama to sleep.
His go to drink for emergency energy is a black coffee with seventeen sugars and eight creamers, but when he was drinking it to wake up after a good quality nap or a once in a century night of sleep, he'd go with something sweet.
Once Aaron tried getting Andrew to lay back on the cigarettes and Andrew told him to lay back on the coffee. He wouldn't so Andrew kept his cigarettes.
Nicky loves reading classics. He sometimes gets them in German to practice reading German, but when he does he gets the English version too.
He's a whore for Shakespeare's works. His favorite is Hamlet and that one where the identities get mixed up. He keeps a log of all the books he read and rates them on a scale of Andrew to Jesus. Andrew thinks him being a rating is funny but will never admit it.
He's gotten to the point where he can understand Shakespeare's work and diction without needing a second to process it or a translation like most of the rest of team.
Terrible driver. Not because he was never taught how but simply because he gets too worked up over everything and thinks there's too much to focus on. Other cars, street signs, speed limits, turn signals, road construction, pedestrians, other cars. (very important to him because no matter how good of a driver you are you can still get in a car accident and die because someone else isn't.)
He lets Neil sit in the front seat and just chills in the back with Aaron but when Aaron gets his own car, Kevin starts riding with him places because (gay) he doesn't like third wheeling Andrew and Neil.
He jokingly decorates Aaron's passenger seat with Exy stickers (at least five are USC trojan themed), a compartment between the seat and the center console to hold his stuff because he drops them a lot and they fall into that gap, a sun glasses clip, and jokingly pinned a picture of the trojans on the sun visor.
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smolwritingchick · 12 days
Hi! I’m not sure if my question is weird or not, but I was wondering, hypothetically, in an alternate universe, if Jennie was not a part of BTS, would she still be able to meet BTS, work with them, and be close with them? And also develop a romantic relationship with Jungkook too? I’m sorry if my question sounds weird.
Hey!! This is NOT a weird question at all! I remember getting this question years ago from readers when they asked about AUs between Jennie and the members. This brought back some memories. Wow. I immediately had to type up the answer because I remember it like it was yesterday.
I had wrote smol brainstorms about it years ago too. I don’t think i have the writings for it anymore though. I had AUs for each member with Jennie strictly being AGED UP and a year or so younger than the members of their respective ages.
Taehyung: Jen would be a non idol while he is with BTS. She works at a pet store and she helped him adopt Yeontan. And they clicked and he started to become fond of her and found himself visiting the pet store more often. He would even make excuses to visit until they exchange contact info and become fast friends, slowly becoming a couple. I thought this scenario was so adorable when I thought of it years ago.
Jimin: I had two scenarios. One would him being super flirty and playful while she thought he was messing around and joking but then he starts to show a more serious side to prove he really likes her. She’d be a solo artist at big hit. Another scenario was her being a soloist and collaborating in a dance for one of the end of the year shows and hitting it off with him with them chemistry.
Yoongi: Jennie would be a non idol and working as a DJ and producer with Big Hit during the mic drop era and meet Yoongi. They would start making music together and he would end up liking her. The members would even start to notice him making more love songs than usual with her on his mind.
Namjoon: Jennie would be a famous American artist while he’s in BTS. He’d attend one of her concerts and meet backstage, wanting to collaborate. She would sign her album for him and they’d take a photo with him posting it on the BTS Twitter. This was inspired when he met Jorja Smith backstage.
Jin: Jen would be a upcoming actress in America and getting to work with Jin for a romance role
J-Hope: Jen would be a non idol and a back up dancer for Big Hit and they’d practice together with her catching his eye. I see fans noticing him smiling when she was dancing for a girl group while some assumed he was smiling at one of the girl group members but in reality it was her
I even remember writing an AU where Jennie was a year older than Jungkook, with him calling her Noona and having a big crush on her while she was a soloist at Big Hit. She’d bump into him during a music show, accidentally spilling her tea on his white shirt 😭 i think i may still have that scenario in my documents
Ok done rambling, now as for my answer to your question, in an AU with her not in BTS, I would say she’d be with her girl group, Amity and have a strong bond with all the girls. No drama. They all have successful solo careers too. She would still be able to meet BTS when she collaborates with Jungkook for a love song. I’d say this could happen around 2018 and later. She’d visit seoul and meet BTS. They’d be so friendly and welcoming while Jungkook would be mesmerized. I see him admiring her for a long time and bringing her up in interviews when asked which artist he’d want to collaborate with. I bet ARMY would be excited it finally happened.
I see her being close with all of Bangtan and asked to collaborate with the entire group for Dynamite. Jungkook would make an effort to learn more English to talk to her but then would be surprised to find out she knows Korean and can speak comfortably in his language. Afterwards I see her visiting Bangtan during their tours and spending more time privately with Jungkook. I see them officially making it public around 2022 or so, asking her out on a date.
Hope this answers your curiosity!! I’ll brainstorm my answers for the other asks in my inbox soon! 📝
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Hi! I absolutely adore everything you post! Do you have any particular hcs around voices? Like how would you describe the voices of Alfred, Matt, or Arthur? Just in general or in relation to each other?
How... how did you turn this blue?????? Sorry. So it depends. But I do tend to think of it in relational terms? I don't have whatever the face claims version of sound is so the best I can do is compare it to things and make certain description and vocabulary choices.
So with the old world that manifests in a lot of ways. For Jan, I try to use shorter, punchier sentences trying to mimic the patterns of Dutch speakers using English. With Brighid I try to use how Irish English pulls directly from Gaeilge with their unique use of 'after' and 'so'. Or the use in Scottish English of the word stay in place of live or how instead of why. With Jack and Zee, I fluctuate with their dialogue to how difficult Jack wants to be and how safe Zee feels in a situation. I was in England once and an Australian went from using the thickest broad Australian I've ever heard in my life when he was talking to the unlucky fuck behind the bar to "Oi, Canadian?" I nodded and suddenly he was barely Australian. And for Matt I'll use more Britishisms before 1950 and practically none after 1970 and just generally do my best not to make them sound North American but also not like walking ethnic jokes either. I probably am not very successful at either.
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justice4billy · 1 year
Baby, it's a secret
Billy being kind of soft 😫
Billy x fem reader
Chapter Eighteen
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A few days later…
Cassie hated college applications. No matter how many times she filled out the box, her handwriting always looked messy, coupled with the fact she was suffering from extreme baby brain it wasn’t looking too good for her.
She decided to spend her free period trying to tackle the subject in the quietness of the library, where about four students and herself appeared to be trying the same thing. She knew every since she was younger what she had wanted to do, she enjoyed writing and she hoped by getting into a good college she could fulfil her potential. If only she could concentrate on her statement, she really wished Nancy was here right now but sadly the young brunette was probably scribbling her way through a problem in her mathematics class.
Cassie sighed putting down her pencil. She would have to print another application and start again, maybe if she mind mapped she could be more successful.
‘’Ouch’’ she grimaced to herself as she grabbed onto her stomach. The baby was really kicking up a storm today, it must have been the tacos she had for dinner last night. Ugh, she was going to kill Eddie when she saw him.
She huffed before discarding the only application she had started on, before getting out her notebook and working on some ideas, there was no way she was ruining another application. She had just started scribbling down some ideas when the library door thumped open with a sharp whack, as it practically vibrated against the wall.
Cassie looked up as she locked eyes with Billy. He was on his own and had a bored expression on his face as he entered the room, a cigarette hanging limply in his mouth before he took one last drag and emptied it into the litter basket. She hadn’t seen him since Saturday when they had the argument in his car, and the fact he was standing a mere few feet away hyped her nerves up to a thousand. She looked away before jotting a few points in her notebook. She would just ignore him she thought to herself, it would be easy.
A loud thump had her jumping out of her skin, as she looked up to see Billy dumping his text book at the space beside her before slowly pulling out a chair and turning it around, his plump thighs straddled the seat and made Cassie’s mind run with dirty thoughts.
‘’What are you doing?’’ she blurted out.
Billy gave her a lazy shrug. ‘’Got kicked out of class’’ he stated with a bored expression.
‘’Wheres Tommy and Carol?’’ she asked looking around the library, she really didn’t want anymore trouble it was bad enough she was already the butt of everyones jokes.
‘’Free period’’ he responded. ‘’Probably smoking or doing some other lame shit’’ he swore leaning forward and resting his head on his arms. ‘’Whatcha doing?’’ he asked nodding to her papers.
‘’College applications’’ Cassie huffed.
Billy licked his lips. ‘’See you made up you’re mind’’ he stated.
Cassie shot him a confused look. ‘’Huh?’’ she asked.
‘’About the baby’’ he responded. ‘’Figure you wont take a baby to college with you’’ he stated.
Cassie paused. ‘’Oh, yeah I guess’’ she responded awkwardly. She felt odd having this conversation after the last one they had. ‘’I’m just struggling what to write’’ she added to make the conversation not so odd.
Billy huffed. ‘’What are you applying for?’’ he asked her reaching over to look at her papers.
‘’English or creative writing’’ she stated. ‘’I’m applying to Stanford though I wont get in’’ she stated with a shrug.
Billy hummed. ‘’You want to go to California?’’ he asked.
Cassie widened her eyes slightly. ‘’Oh, well I’m just applying anywhere far from Hawkins’’ she stated.
Billy scoffed. ‘’Can’t wait to get outta this shit hole’’ he grumbled.
‘’I agree’’ Cassie stated with a nod. ‘’Are you applying?’’ she asked carefully, she didn’t want to disrupt this weird peace they had between them.
Billy laughed. ‘’No chance, I aint made for college’’ he stated. ‘’I’m going back to Cali and opening up an automobile shop’’ he stated with a small smirk before leaning closer to her. ‘’I’m real good with my hands’’ he stated sultrily sending a wink.
Cassie blushed, her ears feeling red. ‘’You’re such a pervert’’ she muttered flustered.
Billy chuckled. ‘’It’s the only talent I got according to my old man’’ he confessed.
Cassie baulked suddenly feeling sad. ‘’Same with my mom’’ she replied sadly as the pair stared at one another. ‘’Anyway, why aren’t you hanging out with Tommy?’’ she asked changing the subject suddenly, she did not want to dive in feelings with Billy.
Billy narrowed his eyes before scoffing. ‘’Cant stand to be around that shit head’’ he swore.
Cassie laughed. ‘’Well, I don’t want to get myself into trouble with Tina’’ she muttered.
Billy rolled his eyes. ‘’It isn’t my fault she’s deluded’’ he stated. ‘’Told her plenty of times we aren’t a thing’’ he stated narrowing his eyes in annoyance.
‘’Well, you can sit here if you want too but I’m doing my application’’ Cassie offered to be polite.
‘’Don’t you wanna do something more fun with you’re free time?’’ he asked.
‘’Don’t you?’’ she shot back. ‘’Besides I don’t have anywhere else to go since the whole school hates me’’ she admitted.
Billy sighed, his fingers grazing her notebook as he turned it towards him. ‘’What are you stuck on?’’ he asked.
Cassie stared at him in disbelief, no way was he trying to help her. ‘’Umm, I don’t know what to write in my personal statement’’ she replied dumbly.
Billy nodded. ‘’How about your GPA’’ he suggested. ‘’Also, why you want to do the course in the first place, and what attracted you to the college’’ he stated.
Cassie gauped. ‘’Are you sure you’re not applying?’’ she asked.
Billy gave her a lazy smile. ‘’No, I’m just smart’’ he boasted cockily.
Cassie laughed. ‘’Well-‘’ she started before letting out a small hiss and grabbing her stomach.
‘’You okay?’’ Billy asked furrowing his brows.
‘’Yeah, the baby is kicking the heck out of me today’’ she stated.
Billy laughed. ‘’He’s a good kicker’’ he responded.
Cassie widened her eyes, surprised he had even remember the other night. ‘’You remember?’’ she asked.
Billy leaned forward, his lips caressing her ear. ‘’I know he’s sassy just like his momma’’ he drawled lowly as his breathe caressed her ear.
Cassie’s stomach flipped, a tingle shot straight to her core at his sultry tone and the way he called her momma. Her hormones were beyond out of control right now, she could literally feel herself getting wet and he had only said a few words. ‘’I need to go to the bathroom’’ she squeaked before getting up abruptly and packing her stuff.
Billy gave her a smirk. ‘’I’ll see you around’’ he drawled.
Cassie didn’t even grace him with an answer before she high tailed it out of the library. He was going to get the best of her if she didn’t reign it in soon. 
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seafood-33 · 1 year
"If Yuzuru fell down, Javier would fly over to help him up." The interviewer saw that.
"I was proud of him as a teammate and thought, 'I'm so happy to see my friends win.' " Yuzuru said. Javier rubbed Yuzuru's shoulder as if to hide his embarrassment.
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Title: ハビエル・ フェルナンデス 「夢、恋と人生、そしてユヅルにつ��て」 Javier Fernandez "About Dreams, Love and Life, and Yuzuru"
Last December (2014), the long-sought after GP Final was finally held in Spain (Barcelona). Aside from the popularity of local player Javier Fernandez, the Spanish audience was surprisingly enthusiastic in their support for players of all nationalities. The venue was nearly full every day.
"Spaniards love to watch sports by nature. But after that competition, many people said to me, 'I didn't think figure skating could be so interesting.' It made me happy."
It was after this highly successful tournament that the decision was made to build two new rinks in Spain (Barcelona and Granada).
In 2012, a new wind blew in from Japan. Yuzuru Hanyu moved to the same club.
"I had no hesitation at all about having Yuzuru join us. When I was with Nikolai, I fully realized the benefits of training with strong athletes."
"Yuzuru is a truly amazing player. He always gives 100% in practice and continues to improve. I have been saying he is a great skater even before he became an Olympic champion, and I continue to say so."
If Hanyu fell down, Javier would fly over to help him up. Such a harmonious scene could be seen at the rink.
"Yuzuru is still learning English, but whenever possible we speak English. During warm-ups, sometimes the three of us (and Brian) share jokes. For athletes, when the rink is a comfortable environment like this, it makes it more fun to come here every day and helps them improve faster. Plus, we can watch and learn from each other."
Sometimes Hanyu would ask Javier for advice.
"On a bad day, I might say something what I notice, 'This is what you did the day before, but this is how it is today' Conversely, on days when I am not doing well, Yuzuru will sometimes say to me, "Don't worry, you can do it. "
Yuzuru Hanyu won the gold medal at the Sochi Olympics. Javier finished 4th. He unfortunately missed the medal.
"Of course, I have a desire to beat Yuzuru someday. Winning and losing is inevitable in sports. No matter how friends we are, when it comes to competition, we're rivals. "
The day has come for Javier to surpass Yuzuru Hanyu. World Championships this year (2015).
Javier's performance was right after Hanyu's. At that stage, Hanyu was the provisional leader. The rink was littered with countless gifts honoring Hanyu, and Javier was unable to break in his feet at all before the performance.
"I had experienced the same thing last season at the World Championships in Saitama, so it was no problem at all."
Calm enough, Javier succeeded in two out of three quadruples. The electronic board displayed "1st place" . Hanyu's consecutive victory was thwarted. By his teammate, Javier Fernandez. Hanyu appeared at the press conference with a surprisingly cheerful expression on his face, and even made a gesture of begging for Javier's gold medal.
“Because I definitely thought Yuzuru would win. Spain’s first gold medal was a dream. I thought it was just a dream. Thanks to Yuzuru starting practicing with me, the amount of practice I do has increased."
Hanyu on the other hand said:
"I had heard from everyone in Toronto that Javier had been practicing very hard. We have always played matches together and Javier would say, 'Congratulations, I am proud of you Yuzuru.' But this time our positions were reversed, and although I was frustrated because I am not so open-minded and I would win next time, on the other hand, I was proud of him as a teammate and thought, 'I'm so happy to see my friends win.'"
Javier, who was standing beside, rubbed Hanyu's shoulder as if to hide his embarrassment.
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