#the fig eater
“The coffin of Mary, Queen of Scots was opened in 1830. They found two ax marks on her body, one on the nape of her neck and a second stroke that removed her head. The queen was executed before a crowd of people, and there were multiple eyewitness accounts. Here is the mystery. Every witness claimed they saw her head fall with a single stroke of the ax. Isn’t that strange? The first blow was erased from there memories as fast as the ax fell. The witnesses were all in a state of shock.’
A killing took place, visible but invisible to hundreds of eyes.
‘The question is, did the witnesses actually not remember what they’d seen? I’m not certain there’s a word for something which is clearly seen but not remembered. It’s not a memory.’
But Franz knows something else, the witnesses were beset by abjections. What they rejected was the wait-the infinite suspended space- between the first and final strokes of the ax. How time hurtled then stood still for Queen Mary, waiting for death on her knees. Franz takes the Queen of Scots as his patron saint of witnesses. Later, he will sense her presence hovering invisibly behind every witness he interrogates, eternally patient.”
- The Fig Eater, Jody Shields
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beausbugbiome · 2 years
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zehl0w · 1 year
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Happy Easter 🤙
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princeisolde · 11 months
HL end of game spoilers below
I finally finished my second play through because I wanted the bad ending and…now I feel like a monster. Disappointing Professor Fig was so heart wrenching and then he gets obliterated right after his student betrays him, saying they’re disregarding everything his dead wife worked for so they can take the power inside the repository. I’m not okay. I would never say those things. I might open it but…I wish I could have lied to him like oh my god why couldn’t I lie???! Like yeah…the red eyes were hot but were they worth it???
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todaysbat · 6 months
round one: cotton ball vs big boy kalong
The Honduran White Bat (Ectophylla alba) is a small puff ball of a bat with white fur and yellow skin, making it one of only six species of bat that is naturally solid white in color. These fruit eaters are so specialized that they only eat one type of fig.
The Malaysian Flying Fox or Kalong (Pteropus vampyrus) is the classic flying fox with its fur of varying shades of brown and black wings. Despite the reference to vampires in its scientific name, this bat species only eats fruit and nectar (though it favors nectar if the choice is present). It is a pollinator of durian and coconut trees, and it is also known to eat the fruits of rambutan, fig, and langsat trees, as well as mangoes and bananas.
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canisalbus · 11 months
I realize this might be a slightly odd ask, but… Out of curiosity, what sort of foods do you think Machete would be fond of? And do you think they’d differ noticeably from when he was young vs once he’d grown older?
He's a fussy eater. He rarely eats for pleasure and dislikes being seen dining in company, but attends formal dinners and banquets if invited, since declining without a very good reason would be at best rude and at worst a devastating faux pas. He prefers fowl dishes over red meat and greatly dislikes sea food (which is just peachy since this is the Mediterranean). Pasta seems to be already a well established part of the cuisine at that point, maybe he's into that. For the most of his life he's eaten rather simple foods so he finds bland soups and broths very safe and comforting. Pomegranates are his fruit of choice, he doesn't have much of a sweet tooth but enjoys candied apricots and figs on occasion.
He's exceptionally bad at holding his liquor, and he can't stand the feelings of unpredictability, disorientation, unsafeness and potential loss of control that being intoxicated causes in him. Unfortunately, drinking plain water was very risky and uncommon, it was contaminated and unsanitary more often than not, especially in population centers. Generally the main drinks you'd consume through the day were diluted wine and beer/ale (this was the case for children as well). Machete tends to prefer wine, which he waters down heavily, and sometimes has it flavored with spices, herbs, honey or sugar. Having even a little bit of alcohol in the mix would kill at least a portion of the bacteria (not that the concept was known at the time, people believed many illnesses were caused by tainted air and foul smells, I mean fair enough, if your water is filthy it probably smells bad too).
(Fun fact, apparently Ancient Romans had more or less perfected the art of winemaking but by the Middle Ages a lot of the techniques had been lost. During the Renaissance wine was generally very low quality and the way it was fermented and stored (making the switch from sealed ceramic amphora of the Antiquity to those iconic wooden barrels) meant it would only stay good for a year at best and the taste would start to deteriorate within the first couple of months. Vintage wines weren't a thing, the best stuff was fresh. Apparently European wine was pretty bad for hundreds of years and would only start to improve again around 1800s. Or at least that's what I've gathered, I could be wrong, I'm not a wine expert).
Europe hadn't quite adopted tea yet and he narrowly missed the time coffee began to spread to his corner of the world (I bet he would've loved both of those, with the help of caffeine he could've been twice as much of a jittery sleepless wreck). I've read that people would distill sage and drink the resulting concoction with hot water to create this very tea-like minty drink, that sounds like something he'd like.
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narniadreams · 4 months
Can I request some Casmund Headcanons... About food? Lol I feel like it would be a very interesting topic cuz of Edmund's sweet tooth and that lol
oh my gosh it's been such a long time since i wrote headcanons, but thank you for asking!! this is such a fun request :3c
edmund and caspian are pretty much the total opposite of each other when it comes to food: edmund is a very picky eater while caspian likes almost everything
edmund associates certain foods with certain times in his life, making him dislike them, especially if they relate to winter (based on this headcanon post)
edmund prefers simple foods that don't require a lot of preparing, cooking, mixing etc.
he loves fruit - yes, especially the sweet ones, like strawberries, grapes, pineapple, clementines etc.
he also really likes dried fruit, such as dates or figs.
while he also enjoys many other foods, like bread, soups, stews, potatoes and such, he usually eats only a little bit of it to keep room for something sweet afterwards - or he puts a heck load of jam on his toast, a lot of sugar and honey in his tea etc etc etc.
caspian will calmly eat whatever and look at edmund devouring multiple slices of cake when they have dinners.
(he does this in front of anyone else too, even at important dinners, edmund needs dessert)
neither of them are very good cooks btw.
edmund has the technical skills but the flavour palette of a child and caspian is way too clumsy to make a proper meal
together they make it work though, if necessary
they like eating what others have made more though (lucy is an expert at baking, especially cookies)
one of their favourite things to do together, as a date, is find a pretty place, preferably in soft grass, and have some simple food together: bread with butter, nuts and fruits and wine.
they will feed each other, sometimes jokingly, but really it gives them butterflies from time to time
sometimes edmund talks about the kind of sweets that he liked in england - even trying to recreate them in narnia, often to no avail.
one of caspians favourite moments is when edmund has leftover food around his mouth (cake icing, liquid from fruit) and clean it away
(yes, sometimes he ''kisses'' it clean)
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xreaderbooks · 1 year
The Shadows of Our Love
Chapter 1 | In the Shadows of Return
Sebastian Sallow x Slytherin! reader
Summary: Y/n L/n is back at Hogwarts for her fifth year, left with an insurmountable amount of guilt, trauma, and ancient magic that she has lost control of over the summer; she must learn how to overcome her internal battle while also fighting a new one this year. With talk of a high society group called Death Eaters; Y/n must once again find the strength to fight for the wizarding world and confront her love for Sebastian Sallow.
Warnings: language, mentions of death, and trauma
Word Count: 2.2k
Also available on Wattpad and AO3
a/n: If anyone would like to be tagged send me a message or leave a comment, I'd also love to read your thoughts so any messages or comments are welcome
Series Masterlist - Navigation - Chapter 2
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Taking the train to Hogwarts was a surreal experience for you considering how you got there in your fifth year. You were able to take in the view that all your friends raved about- the mountains, the lakes, the trees. You sat with Garreth Weasley and his group of Gryffindor friends which earned you odd stares from Imelda Smelding and her friends.
You spent your entire summer with Garreth and his family, his aunt, Professor Weasley was kind enough to take you in for the summer and your friendship with Garreth had grown in the time you spent with him. You weren’t about to ditch him because of the silly house rivalries between Slytherin and Gryffindor when he asked if you wanted to sit with him on the train. He was goofy and immature yet he could be sweet and caring in the most uncommon of ways that you didn’t mind his company.
In fact, his spirit helped lift up yours on the days when the exhaustion of sleepless nights due to nightmares and insomnia would get to you. You were the Hero of Hogwarts and it came at a cost. Post-traumatic stress had gotten to you more often than not and you had no one to share it with. Your mentor who had been there from the beginning, Professor Fig, is dead.
His death haunted you still, nobody would understand the price of your ancient magic, you felt it burn within you now. Your emotions being a trigger for a blast of your power, throughout the summer you learned to control it, Garreth had even concocted a potion (that to your surprise worked successfully) to dull your power.
“You would have loved the boat ride to Hogwarts, Y/n/n,” Garreth brought you out of your thoughts.
“So I keep hearing,” You gave him a small smile.
“Only because it’s literally the most magical experience you’ll have at Hogwarts.”
You lifted a brow at him, “One would think the most magical experience I'd have at Hogwarts would be the actual magic.”
His laugh echoed through his friends who didn’t seem to mind your presence in their compartment. Leander Prewitt, who flirted shamelessly with you despite the fact that you bested him at whatever task he challenges you to.
Nellie Ogspire who is actually a mutual friend, dueled against you in crossed wands and informed you of the Daedalian Keys that fly around school opening cabinets that contained tokens that opened your house chest.
“You know what else is a magical experience-” Leander spoke.
Nellie stopped him before he could continue to say something atrocious, “Absolutely not. Nobody wants to know, we have plenty of better magical experiences, Prewitt.”
Leander crossed his arm and slumped into his seat, “Whatever.”
You smiled to yourself as you gazed out the window, recognizing all the places you’ve traveled and longing for all the ones you haven’t yet. You’ve been all across this side of the wizarding world, visiting hamlets, helping the helpless, saving defenseless animals, and raiding camps of loyalists and Ashwinders. Some on your own and others with your friends who you couldn’t wait to see.
Natsai- Nattys mom insisted they travel to Hogwarts together, their own way, she told you in the last letter she wrote to you right before summer ended.
You couldn’t find Poppy at the platform, You and Imelda were more respectful competitive housemates/acquaintances than friends who would sit in the same compartment, and you weren’t sure if Ominis would want to sit with you.
As far as you knew, you left off as friends, he sent you cordial letters over the summer, twice maybe three times a month just filling each other in so that you’re not complete strangers. It was a safer bet to stick with Garreth.
One person you secretly hoped you would see at the train station was Sebastian.
Sebastian Sallow.
The boy who was never up to any good, who taught you forbidden spells, who would go to the ends of the earth to save the people he loves. The boy who made your heart race faster than the fluttering wings of a fairy. Your year at Hogwarts was adventurous with all that you were up to on your own, but doing it with him- you felt like you could be with him for the rest of your life and never get bored.
He sent you one singular letter at the beginning of the summer, and that was only because you had sent him one first.
Dear Y/n,
Hope all is well, I was glad to receive word from you after your final battle with Ranrok. You are a hero as I always knew you were. I’m pleased to have contributed in whatever small part I might have played to your success.
To answer your question, I am as decent as I can be considering all that has passed. I have not received word from Anne since the incident, I can only hope she will reach out to me in the coming months. For now, due to your mercy, I shall pick up the remaining pieces here in Feldcroft.
Gratefully yours,
Sebastian Sallow
The Great Hall was bustling with students both new and returning. It was almost impossible to hear a person talking directly to you with how loud everyone's conversations were, it was a bit overstimulating, and luckily your mind was too preoccupied with searching for the familiar faces of your friends.
You withstood stares of awe and whispers as you passed, people didn’t shy away from pointing at you. It didn’t help your nerves but you had gotten accustomed to it from being the new girl going into Hogwarts fifth year.
“Natty!” You waved to your friend who was nodding along with what her mother was telling her. She made haste, when she was able to escape her mother's grasp, to where you stood by the fireplace next to the Slytherin table.
She gave you a wide smile, “Y/n, it is good to see you, my friend.”
“It is amazing to see you!” You let out a breath of relief, you felt as if you could finally relax. You held onto both of her hands as you said “Your mother is never separating us again.”
She laughed, “You speak too soon. I foresee many letters exchanged in our future.”
“Shh- don’t say that, it may come true,” You scold her playfully.
The sound of a utensil clinging against a golden chalice told you both that it was time for everyone to settle down.
“We’ll see each other in class,” You say giving her shoulder one last squeeze as you give her a hug.
You rush to the nearest empty spot, a fourth-year girl and another empty spot to your right. You settle down with your anxiety still on high, you noticed the familiar blonde hair and full grey eyes sitting across from you.
“Ominis, Hello.”
“Y/n?” His tone was confused.
“Oh, so it’s great to see you!” You mentally slapped yourself for the poor choice of words.
He speaks dryly, “I can feel your energy from here L/n, it would be best if you calm your enthusiasm, though I must admit it is nice to hear your voice.”
“My voice?” A deep resounding tune filled your ears, in the three months without him you can hear how much he’s grown. “How flattering Gaunt, I can’t say it is unexpected-”
He plants himself in the seat to your right and your heart stutters.
Your head slowly turns in his direction, and your eyes slightly widen. He glances at you once and does a double-take.
“Hello Sebastian,” You swallow your feelings at seeing him now. His features have matured, no longer baby-faced. His cheeks have defined, his jaw sharper, hazel eyes lighter, hair grown in an attractive way you didn’t know how to describe. He definitely grew taller, shoulders broadened.
You didn’t know how to react to his looks now, you had always found him attractive, from the moment you met him; his way with words, his charisma, had you in the palm of his hand. You couldn’t look at him now with that one glance, you were sure to melt.
There was no time for any other words to be exchanged as Professor Black began his introduction ceremony, sorting the first years, and beginning the feast.
The food appeared and you filled your plate, ignoring the very apparent presence next to you. He appeared to be doing the same. Ominis spoke to him and he would respond, he would converse with you, but you and Sebastian never asked each other a single question in the full-hour talk with Ominis.
“You never described how it was to live with Weasley, Y/n,” Ominis tilted his head at you.
Sebastian's fork stabbed his chicken a little too hard, it scraped the plate, making a short screech.
You side-eyed his plate and refocused on the question the girl who sat diagonal to you on Ominis’ left asked. Imelda had a quirk on her brow, and a smirk on her lips, she questioned you loud enough for the other fellow Slytherins to hear.
“Fraternizing with the enemy,” She tsked. “Didn’t take Slytherins own hero as a traitor.”
“Didn’t know the rivalry extended to after school,” You looked unbothered. “Summer with the Weasleys was fun, you should try it sometime Imelda. You know, having fun? It could loosen the broomstick up your ass.”
You took a bite of your food, and the brunette beside you coughed up a lung, even Ominis hid his chuckle behind a fist as the girl you had insulted was red-faced and sitting next to him. Imelda's friend let out their own giggles or show of amusement while Imelda glared at them.
The rest of the feast had calmed down after you had shut her down, you had survived. Sebastian wasted no time getting out of his seat, saying his ‘I’ll see you later’ to Ominis and exiting the Great Hall as it was official the feast was over.
You decided to stay behind and chat with Ominis instead of following his lead and leaving once you were finished with your food.
“Have you spoken with him?” Ominis asked you, keeping pace as he walked with you to the Slytherin common room.
“I sent him one letter at the beginning of the summer, he responded and that was that.”
“Hm, odd.”
“How odd?”
You climbed the steps in the grand pillar where all the portraits were placed.
“Just odd,” Ominis said simply. “He was very fond of you last year, It wasn’t presumed that he would discard your friendship with how much he valued you last year.”
Discard me? You thought.
“I didn’t think he discarded our friendship Ominis, I believe he just needed some space.”
“Forgive me, Y/n, I didn’t mean it like that-”
You cut him off, “No, no. I know how it seems and eventually he and I will have to discuss all that happened last year, tonight just isn’t the night.”
You and Ominis along with your other fellow Slytherins, shuffled into the common room, settling into the dorms. You opened the door to find three other girls in the room already, all of whom you were familiar with in some way.
Violet McDowell, you had her in Potions and Herbology last year, Grace Pinch-Smedley who you had helped retrieve her family’s astrolabe from the black lake, and Imelda, who huffed and continued her unpacking. It was clear she was still upset, you smiled at the other two girls.
Violet gave you a nod, she was always a quiet one and Grace greeted you with a bright smile of her own.
2 hours into lights out and you were still tossing and turning, your eyes would not shut no matter what you did, and you had half a mind to sneak into Professor Sharps' closet and steal a sleeping draught. You sighed and shoved the covers away, sliding on your slippers and going down the steps to the common room.
You wrapped the string to tie your robe together in case there were people still up.
Surprisingly it was empty, not a single soul in sight. The fire crackling was the only sound to be heard. Memories of the past flashed through your mind.
A year ago today was the first day at Hogwarts, already full of adventure, watching a person you just met get killed by a dragon. The thestrals appeared after being invisible the whole time and you already knew. Going into Gringotts, fighting off statues, learning you have traces of ancient magic in your blood, and surviving the attack from Ranrok by an inch.
Yet, the thought of going into the common room the morning after and facing your fellow students who had been studying at Hogwarts since they were 11, was more frightening. You had already come into the school being the first person who had been accepted into Hogwarts as a fifth year, having to catch up with people who had the knowledge you were just learning, then coming into the first-year sorting ceremony late because of the dragon incident that everyone somehow knew about.
This school year was sure to be interesting, you thought to yourself.
The first person you saw was Sebastian, pacing in front of the fireplace with a book in hand. He introduced himself kindly, his dimpled smile had your heart before you knew it.
And it was gone just like that.
Chapter 2
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As Promised! A Recipe for Kipsha (Sort of)
Hello everyone! A few days ago I said that, as a way to celebrate reaching 100 followers that I would make one of the dishes from the setting of my WIP. And I did that! Kind of. You see it turns out that Sainsbury's or at least Google, lied to me, and so I was unable to find barely which was a necessary component of this recipe. Even worse when I returned home I found that the only wheat flour that I had was self-rising. And so, I did not make Kipsha (recipe here) which is eaten in the western and central parts of Kishetal, rather I made Kipisa which is eaten on eastern border of Kishetal and Makur in cities like Kutar and Nabi (shown below).
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The primary difference between Kipsha and Kipisa is the grain used. Kipisa is made with rye while Kipsha is made with barley. In addition, Kipisa is often served with butter. Butter as a culinary ingredient is almost entirely limited to the eastern plains, where it preferred to or eaten alongside olive oil. Saramuk Ukishiya, meaning "Butter Eater" (Saramuk coming from the Lakuri word for butter, Shayram) is a common derrogatory term used to refer to those people living in the region shown above. The recipe is below the cut!
Kipsha or Kipisa or Kipcha is a kind of cake or biscuit commonly eaten by the wealthy and poor alike. It can vary wildly from soft and spongy to harder and more cracker like. It is a popular form of street food and can be served as savory or sweet. In savory applications honey is typically forgone and olive oil may be replaced with various varieties of animal fat. All varieties contain some amount of barley or more rarely, rye, however examples meant for nobility may contain up to 70 or even 90%.
The name Kipsha is a reference to the sesame and/or poppy seeds used in and sprinkled over the top. Kip being the Kishic word for seed or grain. Though it may also refer to an infant, thus part of the cake's association with fertility.
This recipe is for Sweet Kipisa, as it is enjoyed in the city of Kutar. A similar varient is eaten just across the mountains in Labisa, though here they make use of barley rather rye. It is this barley variety, Kipsha, which is my MC, Narul's favorite dish.
This particular variety of Kipsia is cracker-like, with a slightly chewy interior.
Note: For those ingredients which are not available on earth, approximate substitutes are provided.  
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The Cakes
(Note that Kishetal has no distinct set of measurements nor are recipes recorded. Recipes are typically passed down orally and differ greatly between regions and even families. Adjust ingredients to one's own liking)
1 ¾ cups Rye Flour
1 ¼ Unbleached Wheat Flour
½ cup Water
1 Tbsp Olive Oil or Untoasted Sesame Oil
2 Tbsp Sweet White Wine (Riesling or Muscat are suggested)
3 Tbsp Kafa (This Kishic yogurt drink can be substituted with equal parts plain greek yogurt and whole milk)
2 Tbsp Honey 
1 Tbsp Red Wine Vinegar
2 ½ Tsp Untoasted White Sesame Seeds
½ Tsp Sinrian Cinnamon (Substitute Cassia Cinnamon)
¼ Tsp Ground Black Pepper
 1. This are meant to reflect Narul’s Preferred Toppings, though with the addition of more typically eastern additions
1-2 Dried figs chopped (Fresh figs may be substituted)
3 Tbsp Honey, warmed
2 Tbsp Regula Juice (Substitute 1:1 parts orange and lemon juice)
Ground black pepper to taste
Sesame Seeds to taste
Chibalan Salt to taste (Substitute: Flake Salt)
Torn mint leaves
Goat Butter, melted (Cow or sheep is also acceptable)
2. Other Toppings
Unsalted soft cheese such as ricotta
Crushed nuts (typically walnuts or pistachios)
Chopped Cherries or other fruits
1. Combine all dry ingredients in a large bowl.
2. In a different bowl combine all liquid ingredients and whisk thoroughly.
3. Combine wet and dry ingredients, knead using your hands to form a firm ball, add water and flour as needed to achieve this.
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4. Cover the dough with a damp towel and allow it to rest at room temperature for a minimum of 1 hour and a maximum of 4.
5. Preheat oven to 400 F or 200 C (fan 195 C).
6. Liberally dust a counter or large cutting board with rye flour. Dust a rolling pin or similar instrument with flour.
7. Place the rested dough onto the floured surface and roll out to approximately 1/4 inch
8. Using a biscuit cutter or knife, cut dough into cakes, these can be any number of shapes, delicately score the surface.
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9. Place cakes on a covered cookie sheet making sure that they do not touch. 
10. Bake for 10-15 minutes until golden or lightly browned.
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11. Remove and immeditately apply melted butter, honey, and regalu juice to surface. Allow to sit and cool for at least 5 minutes (Kipisa is not eaten hot. The more time is allowed for the absorption of the toppings, the better)
12. Once cool, add additional toppings. It is not unusual at this point to add additional butter and honey, nor is it unheard to dip the cake in the regalu juice and butter while eating it.
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13. Enjoy!
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I probably should have a taglist but I don't know who all would be on it, whoops. So I'm just tagging my followers that liked the original post @patternwelded-quill , @skyderman , @flaneurarbiter , @jclibanwrites , @alnaperera, @rhokisb, @blackblooms , @lord-nichron , @kosmic-kore , @friendlyshaped , @axl-ul , @talesfromtheunknowable , @wylanzahn , @dyrewrites , @foragedbonesblog
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hxlda-hxlda · 3 months
@fiddleleafedfig did a weekend snippet so i'm doing one too 🤭
this ones from the death eater remus fic. and bc i adore fig w my whole heart, this one's smut (fair warning). enjoy!!
Sirius is a squirming, desperate mess and so, so needy. Dangerously, Remus’ only urge is to give in return for every little sound he makes. Oh, Sirius could have asked for Remus’ own fucking lungs right then and he’d have cut open his chest, snapped off each and every rib and ripped the organ out himself. Bloodied hand, bloodied heart, guilty and pathetic smile. 
“Here, have it,” Remus would say, offering his vitality, his air, his life; his lung. “It was always yours in the first place. Look, it even bares evidence of all our shared cigarettes. The poisoned patches spell out your name.” 
“I have you, love,” he murmurs to the inside of Sirius’ thigh, hoping beyond all hope that Sirius cannot hear the tenderness in his voice against the equally tender skin. 
Remus licks determinedly up the sensitive underside of his length before swallowing him down all at once. Sirius cuts himself off with a beautiful sequence of groans that has Remus rutting into the couch himself. He is just too fucking pretty, that one. Even in the way he cries wolf.
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eatinfigs · 2 months
fig eater fri day
the bugs are returning with spring/early summer and i’m counting down the days until the figeaters will be back! usually they come back around june/july but with it being hotter this year (global warming) i’m keeping an eye out even this early on. i’m just really excited to see them again
they range from southern california to around morelos mexico, hitting the southwestern states and texas! they prefer the higher heat and humidity that these places offer, though they don’t extend into louisiana and florida because they’re too hot and humid
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ovaruling · 2 months
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“Happy #batappreciationday!
If your day includes soap, shampoo, cosmetics, a toothbrush and toothpaste, coffee, margarine, paper or ink, cushions, wood furniture, fuel or lubricating fluids, rope or twine, timber, boats or canoes, ornamental trees, life saving medicines, air fresheners, candles, rubber, chewing gum, spices, vegetables, fruits, chocolate or even margaritas or beer, you are not only involved with bats, you are dependent upon bats. Bats pollinate or disperse the seeds of many valuable plants and trees including wild banana, avocado, date, fig, mango, eucalyptus and balsa wood, just to name a few. It is the fruit bats that are responsible for 98% of the reforestation of the world's rain forests (the lungs of our planet). Without fruit bats we would lose entire forests without felling a single tree.
About seventy percent of all bats are insect eaters that feed on a tremendous diversity of bugs including the pests that consume the crops we need to survive. Each bat is capable of eating a whopping 5,000 insects per night; a lactating female will eat twice that amount. The 20 million bats (the single largest warm blooded mammal colony population on earth), that roost at Bracken Cave in Texas, eat 200 tons of insects each summer evening. Bats eat crop pests that cost farmers billions of dollars annually. Insect control by bats keeps down prices of fruits and vegetables at the market place.
Bats are a keystone species and they have long played essential roles in our lives. Their loss today would compromise the health and stability of our environment. Bat Appreciation Day is a tribute to these little agricultural vacuum cleaners in the sky, controllers of fruit flies, dispersers of seeds, and pollinators of products we both need and desire.
We had to share one of our favorite photos from @Bat World Bulgaria again, because we also appreciate just how stinking cute bats are!
Thank you, dear bats, we would be lost without you.”
(via batworldsanctuary)
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sea-dwelling-wizard · 3 months
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who are you?
call me wizard!
i go by she/her pronouns.
i live in the mariana trench. if you wanna visit pls make sure you have the correct equipment i am not responsible for any harm or injury
this blog is for me to infodump about my interests and talk about my passions and thoughts! dw it doesnt bite :D
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what things do you like?
dancing with the fae, singing with the sirens, swimming with the ones down below, stargazing with myself, writing about realms beyond, sketching all that i see, summoning those above, coding the divine (HTML, PHP, now learning CSS!)
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fun facts
im not aesthetic at all im trying so hard to make this look good rn send help
im super girly :D
im not a picky eater, but put figs in front of me and i will explode
i love stuffed toys, figurines, and those of the like!! i still sleep with a plushie akajjshsh (its a whale plushie i love it sm)
i collect stationary. i dont use any of it
im thinking of opening a neocities but i dont know enough CSS to do that hhhh
im in a MASSIVE book slump rn 🙏im trying to get back into it thoo
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i don't live in the USA nor Europe. my timezone is in IST, so please be patient when you interact with my posts! i may stay up late on weekends tho ;D
i do not tolerate racism, transphobia, homophobia, sexism, TERFs, etc. on my blog. if you are an NSFW blog, you will be blocked.
i am a minor. please refrain from sending suggestive/graphic/violent asks.
on the other hand, please feel free to tag me in tag games!!
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some other stuff!
my favorite songs: reincarnation apple by pinnochio-p, non-breath oblige by pinnochio-p, god-ish by pinnochio-p, odo by ado, dramaturgy by eve, konoyo loading... by REOL, no title by REOL, wozwald by nilfruits, CH4NGE by giga-p, soleil soleil by pomme, hole-dwelling by kikuo, matryoshka by hachi
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my favorite books: the midnight library by matt haig, klara and the sun by kazuo ishiguro, and tons more!
what i'm reading: once upon a broken heart by stephanie garber!
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my favorite shows: puella magi madoka magica, sailor moon, arcane, dungeon meshi
indie shows i like: the amazing digital circus, hazbin hotel, port by the sea (pilot stage), lackadaisy (pilot stage), ramshackle (pilot stage)
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beneath the waves, within this soul: book 1 of the Heavenly Tetralogy
The Abyss consumes. It gives no mercy for those damned.
The dark is home for Ourra, a trench-dweller with plans of chaos. Haunted by his mistakes, he yearns to make all well again.
Atticus, a lost soul with nothing to lose, enters the Abyss to save those he loves; for a price, of course.
So, what will it be? Love, or the pain of a man turned evil?
Progress: outlining the third draft since the second was too wobbly
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on this sunset shall i sing: book 2 of the Heavenly Tetralogy
Having magic beyond the set boundaries of the realm you live in means high expectations. And when you break those expectations, it isn't pretty.
Now, the Impyreum is stuck in a state of chaos and darkness: who's to blame?! No, no, no, Apollo did not drown the Sun. That's what he said, anyway!
The First Protector sets sail for the seas to search for the missing fragments along with the smartest, dedicated, and the top investigators and strategists. Apollo is invited, and nobody really likes him for a while.
Where's the Sun? Will the light ever come back?
Progress: Nope. Nothing. I haven't even decided the team-
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Dive in!!! It'll be fun!!
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dailyfigures · 3 months
Hii! I was wondering if you’ve seen any death the kid figures? I’m always looking for soul eater figures but they are so hard to find 🙏
sadly soul eater has very few figures but i hope they'll all get pop up parades (and other figures) since maka seems like it'd sell well! right here you can see all the figures death the kid has and right here you can see all soul eater figs.
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rate-every-bat · 6 months
Today's Bat: Giant Golden-Crowned Flying Fox
This regal species is one of the largest on Earth! They hail from the Philippines, where poaching and deforestation have caused them to lose a large amount of habitat and landed them on the Endangered Species list. These two are preserving their modesty - look up pictures of these bad boys in flight, and you'll get an eyeful.
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Environmental Impact: Being fig-eaters, flying foxes are HUGE for fertilization and seed dispersion! Their roosting sites are protected, but their figs are mostly sourced from old-growth trees, and they can travel up to 40 km (about 25 freedom units) a night for food. Their seed-laden poops could be vital for reforestation, if we protect them and their habitats.
Beauty: The most striking thing about a flying fox is, of course, their size. A Giant Golden-Crowned Flying Fox can have a wingspan exceeding five feet, meaning they're longer than I am tall. Each bat has a namesake golden patch of fur crowning their head. You might also notice their wide, soulful eyes - that's because, like most megabat species, these guys rely on eyesight rather than echolocation for navigation. They even bathe themselves, using their giant wings to scoop water! Seemingly perfect, but I'm docking a point for the many penises I had to look at while choosing a picture.
Power: My first instinct says their sheer size should earn top marks, but I wouldn't say a fig puts up much of a fight. Additionally, flying foxes are known to frequently abandon offspring when threatened, which is decidedly unpowerful.
Overall: My heart goes out to these little (giant) dudes. They're already extinct in several of their endemic habitats, and their population is decreasing. For more information on their conservation status, look at the IUCN Red List website.
(Today's sources: Animalia, Bat Conservation International)
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decaflondonfog · 10 months
do not disturb the cats
kandrew / 3k / rated E
[pwp, suprisingly domestic for the genre, trans andrew, really soft/mushy kevin pov]
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Andrew hates Kevin's gray hairs. (Does he actually, though?) Kevin hates the stupid cats. (He really, genuinely does.)
[james acaster voice:] thought about kevin day with grey hair, had a breakdown, bon appétit
happy fig season to all pussy eaters that celebrate xxxxxx
read here on ao3
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