#the link one is based on a real thing my little brother did except it was scooter tricks in exchange for real kisses from girls on THE BEACH
macksartblock · 3 months
do you have any specific headcanons for the teens??
I don’t really have too many headcanons for the teens. Most of them tend to draw from my own or my friends experiences/habits bc I find it funny so —
Taylor: has fibromyalgia and once texted the group chat something along the lines of “do you guys ever sleep so hard you wake up to a dislocated hip? I’m so good at sleeping” Scary was the only one who thought it was funny.
Normal: washes his hair in the sink more often than one should. He also wouldn’t have time to blow dry it before he’d put on the Teenie costume so his hair would end up crimped and half wet for the entirety of the day.
Additional HC that’s more family aligned: Before Hero and Normal were born, Sparrow painted a tree mural in each of their rooms. Hero eventually repainted her room when she was 12 but Normal’s tree is still visible :)
Hermie: is double jointed at the elbow and shoulder in his left arm. He can do this weird trick involving moving his clasped hands from behind his back, over his head, to his front. It’s weirdly bendy and uncomfortable to witness.
Lincoln: when he was around 8-9 yrs old, he attempted to convince his dads to help him make a sign that said “Tricks for Kisses (hershey kind)” around Halloween. He explained he was gonna do soccer tricks for kisses but did NOT explain he meant the chocolate kind. They did not make the sign.
Scary: when she was very little, like 4-5ish, Veronica signed her up for ballet classes. She did enjoy them until it was time for her first recital where, before even going on stage, she burst into tears and her teacher had to run out to collect Veronica from the audience. She was then signed up for soccer and was far more interested in that. Veronica still has the picture of Scary in her recital outfit in her wallet bc Scary couldn’t stand the idea of it hanging up in the house around Terry Jr.
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hoochieblues · 3 months
Right about now, funk hole brother
Check it out now, funk hole brother
You know what, nonny? I have to praise you like I should. tysm for the wip meme ask.
I talked more about Funk Hole in this post but, because I'm procrastinating and I know a lot of people here are non-UK dwellers, here's a little something about the oddly specific setting of hyper-regional South Devon.
Several years ago, I briefly lived in Torquay, in an apartment in one of those Deco villas squeezed in along the cliffline of what was once called the English Riviera. (If that sounds glamorous, it wasn't; I was technically unhoused and commuting to postgrad five days a week. Also, Torquay was full of Scottish heroin addicts struggling terribly thanks to local councils abusing a loophole in quotas/housing exchanges, and the methadone clinic Could Not Cope. It was a thing at the time. Local govt. was - allegedly - corrupt af.)
On the plus side, I got to do my commuting on the Tiny Train which, while horribly overcrowded because it was a local branch line service that never had more than two carriages, did go via the much-beloved Dawlish Sea Wall.
For non-UK people who are enchanted by our weird little place names and quaint bassackwardness, this is the section of train line that provides the only rail access linking south Devon and the entire county of Cornwall to 'the mainland' (i.e., everything north of Plymouth). It runs through places with names like Dawlish Warren and Starcross. It looks like this:
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Sometimes, you'll see a tourist get on and sit next to an open window, and someone will say, 'oh, you probably don't want to do that,' and the tourist will brush this off and think it's silly... and then get soaked. And everyone will pretend not to laugh. It's a rite of passage.
Anyway. It's a part of the country marked by an odd combination of wealth (largely from incomers and tourists) and small, relatively insular communities, where many artists and self-styled bohemians set up home in the early-mid 20th century.
The WW2 concept of/moral panic surrounding 'funk holes' was the idea that the wealthy were paying to escape the most dangerous areas of the country - particularly London and the south east - and using places like these cute country hotels and seaside villages to wait out the war.
Thing is, it's not really true. However idyllic Torquay might have seemed, the town still experienced a couple of dozen air raids and over 150 people were killed over the course of the war. That's really nothing next to the statistics from London, where large chunks of the city were flattened and around 20,000 civilians were killed, but it does show the south west was not untouched. The real divide was - as everywhere - money. What you could pay for, how you could use it to subvert rationing or acquire goods on the black market, and the availability of those resources in different places.
Something I'm going to be getting into in Funk Hole is this kind of inequity and what it meant: how certain things might be more available in rural areas, at the price of isolation, and how that isolation opened people up - especially if they lived lifestyles deemed 'alternative' in any way - to suspicion and potential accusations.
The way newspapers whipped up sentiment against 'funk holes' was basically another form of propaganda, a solidifying of 'Blitz spirit' sentiment, which is all well and good... except it was based on established biases and town/country stigmas, not to mention the jingoism of the period. Was that justified, when we were coming so close to losing the war, and the opposition was the literal Third Reich, which had decimated most of Europe and carried out unthinkable acts of genocide and eugenicide? Good question, and worth exploring. But that's for more self-indulgent waffle posting when I actually get onto writing the book in anything more than note form.
For now, here are some pretty 1920s-1940s glamour shots of the area local to where it's set: the beach at Babbacombe; Anstey's Cove, Torquay; the rock arch at Torquay, and Exmouth's delightfully named St. John in the Wilderness church.
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And modern day Anstey's Cove, wherein there is a footpath that leads to a headland called Hope's Nose. Because of course it does.
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arinaco · 1 year
Romelle: her story in the past and in the present. Part I
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Translated and edited by @ Nadezhda932  
Link to the part II.
I. Introduction
Hello again. The fandom has been sleeping in suspended animation for a long time, and so have we, but it suddenly turned out that enough information and thoughts had accumulated about Romelle to talk about her not only as a cunning and dodgy liar.
The trends of our time are such that it is no longer enough for a villain to be just a villain. This doesn’t work with an older audience, the level of average education already makes it clear that a person isn’t born bad by default. It isn’t for nothing that films about villains began to appear here and there, although this is done primarily because of the crisis of ideas, and the desire of large companies to rape existing franchises.
Therefore, we begin to wonder: why Romelle hated Lotor so much? How many lies are in her truth and truth in her lies? Is it just her brother?
But we’ll begin to approach that question from afar.
We'll start from the beginning - with GoLion and DOTU.
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The thing is, the VLD writers didn't reinvent the wheel. When they got into the revival of the saga, they took all the old stuff, including the comics, and worked it through, pulling out whatever was useful. Characters, their past, their characters, plot ideas and conflicts. Those who have been familiar with the fandom for a long time have probably watched VLD and constantly had the feeling that they had met this or that twist.
And Romelle, as a character, isn’t something new, she’s a construct assembled from what has already been, simply reworked to fit new realities.
Unfortunately, I’m not an ardent fandom fan, and have not watched every series without exception that was drawn or bought. I will be working with the franchise's progenitors and building my conclusions on that basis. GoLion or Voltron 1.0 is a relatively serious space opera with a lot of violence and a clear ending. Yes, there is an ending: the villains die, and Altea celebrates the victory. The story doesn’t imply any continuation of the saga, at least with the same antagonists.
Moreover, this series was mostly filler. One series - one adventure that didn’t have a significant impact on further events. There is a normal plot, but there’s very little of it, and I’ll raise this topic later.
DOTU. Voltron… 1.5? I don't even know if I can give this piece number 2. The fact is that when American businessmen bought the rights to the GoLion anime series, it turned out that they didn’t have a Japanese translator. Perhaps in those days such a direction was extremely rare, or perhaps the services of a specialist cost huge money.
As a result, the scriptwriters had to turn on the fantasy and, based on the visuals, come up with lines for the characters themselves. Sometimes they couldn’t compose anything, and then the audience got the opportunity to admire how the characters move their lips in absolute silence.
As a person who made a comparison of certain episodes, I can say that they didn’t always succeed in getting closer to the original. Especially when you consider that the target audience of the cartoon was children.
They bought a series with a lot of death and violence in order to show it with a PG rating.
How did it end? The fact that a huge number of humorous and stupid phrases appeared where they never existed. Also, the showrunners tried to cut out all the excessive cruelty from the series, which didn’t always benefit the story line. In general, it turns out that VLD’s S8 repeated the fate of the entire GoLion series. And this isn’t a unique case, but a glorious WEP tradition.
For example, Prince Sincline in GoLion (Lotor) isn’t a comedic villain, and not a stupid boy, but a real sadist. Moreover, he’s over a hundred years old, which brings his obsession with 16-year-old Farla (Allura) under a criminal article on the seduction of minors – fortunately, at least it doesn’t make him a pedophile.
In addition, there’s a difference in the endings. In GoLion, the main villains die, and the story ends there. There’s not even a lovestory of Alura and Keith, because the maximum that a simple samurai (paladin) can count on is a perfumed handkerchief thrown by a beautiful hime (princess).
DOTU, on the other hand, was developed immediately with an eye on sequels, so the death of the main villains was removed, but over time, a bunch of episodes were added, introducing new characters like Queen Merla. As a result, the DOTU series consisted of 72 episodes (season 1 "GoLion" + season 3 with Merla). I won’t take into account the anime that was retroactively attributed to Voltron as season 2, Romelle isn’t there anyway.
And with such knowledge, we approach the description of the prototype of the character. I’ll describe the biographies of Princess Romelle and Princess Amue in parallel, so that you can see both the similarities and the differences. II. Plot basis
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So, we have a planet related to Arus/Altea. It isn’t specified what kind of people live there, but it’s possible that the Alteans once colonized it.
In DOTU, the planet is referred to as Pollux, the sinister twin of Arus.
In GoLlion, the planet is called Hercules... and described as a cosmic body with a special orbit, which approaches Altea once every 18-20 years. No malice, negativity, etc.
In DOTU, Coran tells that the first king of Arus had two sons, a bad one and a good one. And when their parent died, the bad son thought only of the inheritance, he was exiled to Pollux for his disrespect. And since then, the descendants of the brothers have been at enmity with each other.
In GoLion, the accents are placed differently. The king of Altea really had two sons, but the division was not between good and evil, but between the elder and the younger. And it was said that the youngest son had such an intolerable character that the crowned father couldn’t stand it and expelled the child to Hercules. And since then, the family of the youngest son has harbored a grudge and attacks Altea every time the planets approach each other.
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In DOTU Romelle's ancestor is presented as greedy and "bad", in GoLion  - only as a person with a violent temper and resentment towards relatives for expulsion. But in both cases, he gets to rule a whole planet, which is clearly not enough for him. 
And this discrepancy will occur several more times.
 during Lotor/Sincline's arrival on Pollux/Hercules. Meeting the dear guest at the gangway, Koba will say that he’s concerned about the issue of dividing Arus, and Hercules –  that the Heraclians are ready to fight even tomorrow, but for now he must send Altea a challenge to fight (well, how can you attack without warning? This is unethical).
 at a closed military council, where Koba will declare that he doesn’t want to share Arus with the Drules, and Hercules - that they planned to betray the Galra from the very beginning, but first they need to avenge Altea for the offense.
 and in the person of Bandor / Alor, who in DOTU tells his sister that Lotor promised him his own palace, and in GoLion he rejoices at the opportunity to fly to war on the same ship with such a great warrior as Sincline.
This view of American screenwriters is quite predictable, but still has a fundamental difference from the original. After all, the royal family of Pollux eventually becomes an ally of the paladins and acts on the side of good heroes. And it turns out that all the statements about what a bad planet Pollux is just dissolve in the further plot. There’s also a theory that the legendary brothers were King Alfor/Raimon and King Coba/Hercules, but no matter how much I looked through both versions of the series, I didn’t find such information. Coran refers to very old times, especially since in GoLion the planets intersect only once every two decades.
So what about Romelle herself?
Everything is very interesting. The fact is that she’s one of the rarest characters in the series who has a personal development story arc.
Yes. The secondary character had something that most protagonists didn't have.
For example, male characters - paladins - had no development at all. Because GoLion and DOTU are filler series, and as a result, their characters are static. As they were in the beginning, so they remain in the end. Even the age has not changed.
Farla was a little more fortunate, because her desire to become a pilot got her a small development arc, which was completely cut in DOTU, where Allura was turned into a plot device. By the end of the series, she’s still the same sweet, kind 16-year-old girl, somewhere naive, somewhere principled, but if you mix the episodes, you can hardly determine their order in the series.
But with Romelle's prototype, it's not like that. She has a plot. She has development.
Her path is the transformation from a classical damsel in distress into a Valkyrie, storming the main stronghold of the antagonists together with her soldiers.
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Allura from the 80s can only turn green with envy. Against the background of Princess Romelle, she looks bypassed in terms of scenario.
Moreover, since Romelle's story arc begins in episode 17 and ends in episode 52, it turns out that her story arc moves the story of the entire series. Almost all episodes between episodes with Romelle are fillers. Her plot has a clear narrative line, and the plot of the series clings to this line, turning from a collection of fillers into a whole story at the intersections.
And suddenly it turns out that Romelle/Amue was an important character for the old Voltron. More important than the main characters.
But let's move on to the description of events. III. Personal arc
1. Alliance with galra and captivity
So, episode 17.
The king of the planet Hercules (nameless, and therefore I will call him by the name of the planet) comes to Lord Daibazaal to bow and offers to capture Altea together. Well, or Coba from the planet Pollux comes to Zarkon, as you prefer.
He wants to turn his eldest son Samson (in DOTU - Avok) into a robeast and claims that since his son is the greatest of warriors, he will surely be stronger than Voltron and be able to defeat it.
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The plan looks as reliable as a Swiss watch, and at this point I want to give Coba/Hercules a goblet with the words "Father of the Year" written on it. But further in the series, it’s still specified that the transformation was considered reversible, and in GoLion, before his death, Samson will indeed return to his human form.
During the battle with Voltron, Avok/Samson will even speak intelligibly, which means the presence of reason and consciousness. I think the very opportunity to fight a legendary and invincible opponent seemed seductive to the guy. His people were clearly obsessed with military prowess; it wasn’t for nothing that they were drawn wearing ancient Roman helmets and tunics.
Lotor/Sincline is outraged by this speech. Some petty king has declared that his son is the best of warriors, and this clearly hurts the vanity of a Drule/Galra prince. He jumps up and expresses doubt about Avok/Samson's ability to defeat Voltron, to which Zarkon/Daibazaal offers to test the volunteer in the arena.
In DOTU, Lotor agrees and with a grin tells Avok that he will certainly not stand against the monster, and Sincline in GoLion promises to cut off his head if the prince loses.
Avok/Samson, confident in his abilities, readily accepts the challenge. There definitely was the reason why the guy was named after a mythical hero who suffered because of his own pride. He also considered himself invincible, for which he paid.
Princess Romelle/Amue, along with the younger prince, appear on screen at the moment when Avok/Samson defeats the robeasts. Lotor/Sincline, visibly annoyed by their rival's triumph, jumps into the arena and proposes a second duel, to which Pollux/Hercules' heir agrees without hesitation.
... it's so noble and fair to challenge a man who has just fought another opponent to a duel ... Romelle/Amue and Bandor/Alor enthusiastically look at the duel and cheer on their older brother. In GoLion, they admire the military prowess of both rivals, and in DOTU they say that it’ll be great when their brother becomes a robeast and defeats Voltron.
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Alor was amazed and fascinated by Sincline's martial prowess. Not for long, but the prince will become an idol for him, which at the end of the series the boy will bitterly regret, sobbing over the graves of his father and brother.
As for Romelle/Amue… she supported her family, and her father. At least in the first minutes of appearance on the screen. Both Amue and Romelle will wish their brother success in the battle against Voltron. The royal family is shown as very loving and very friendly, where Avok/Samson doesn’t look like a person who was decided to be heartlessly sacrificed for the interests of the country.
But the first red flag comes when, during the duel, Lotor/Sincline notices the resemblance of the guest to the object of his obsession - Allura/Farla. After staring, he loses, the witch takes away the victorious Avok/Samson, and Lotor/Sincline rushes to get acquainted with a girl with such attractive facial features.
At first everything goes fine. The princess even flirts, but it stops abruptly when Lotor/Sincline boorishly drags the girl down the stairs with him. Even in DOTU, where Lotor invited Romelle for a walk, and she seemed to agree, the scene doesn’t look at least a little cute, since itn’t customary for a lady to be dragged by the wrist, she’s politely led by the arm, especially if the gentleman has considerable physical strength.
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Of course, it can be assumed that the DOTU writers aren’t very well versed in human facial expressions, but as you can see in the picture above, Romelle/Amue's face doesn’t shine with joy even without comments from the crowned father of the family.
The fact is that against the background of what’s happening, it’s shown how King Coba/Hercules abruptly rises from his seat and looks worried. And if in DOTU he worries about Avok (whom he sent for experiments... logic, where are you?), then in GoLion he was horrified when he saw his daughter being dragged away by Sincline. Only Alor remains imperturbable in this situation, as he looks at Sincline through rose-colored glasses.
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As for the princess... From now on, she’ll never say a single kind word about Lotor/Sincline again. He’ll leave her on his planet, and she’ll return home only after a few months in the company of the prince himself and a bunch of his concubines.
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Somewhere I heard that Romelle was considered Lotor's bride in DOTU, but I didn't find anything like that in the series itself. Romelle/Amue's status on the Planet Doom wasn’t specified in any way, Lotor/Sincline kept her to himself out of a personal whim, without asking her or her family's opinion.
Later - in a personal conversation with her younger brother – she’ll shed light on her opinion about the alliance with the Drules/Galra. And if Romelle basically says that war and happiness are incompatible things, which is a very strange statement for the daughter of the militant Pollux, then the Amue will begin to convince Alor that Sincline is a terrible person and shouldn’t be admired.
In both cases, Romelle/Amue is no longer happy with her father's plan and tries to explain to her younger brother that the situation is much more complicated than it seems. And when, in a few minutes, she encounters paladins in the corridor of her native castle and sees Allura/Farla, she’ll experience a real shock. The striking resemblance elicits a strong emotional reaction from her, because the princesses do look like twin sisters.
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Moment X comes when the Drules/Galra find out that the paladins have snuck into the castle and unleash Avok/Samson on them. He doesn’t rush at the enemy like a crazy beast, but uses fighting techniques, and does it successfully.
Voltron breathes fire in his face, hits with electricity in the water, but Avok/Samson still safely gets to his feet and continues the battle. His father didn’t lie, he really could compete with Voltron, although he wasn’t a machine, but a biological being, that is, capable of experiencing pain.
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In general, when creating classic fairy tales, there’s an unspoken rule that heroes shouldn’t kill a lot, and even more so, kill non-villains. Ideally, the antagonist should fall into the abyss, run into their own weapon, refuse help, but not force the protagonist to get their hands dirty in blood. And the paladins completely fell within the framework - they didn’t injure Avok/Samson in any way, although they bludgeoned each other from the heart.
It isn’t known who would have emerged victorious if they had been allowed to finish the fight. But Lotor/Sincline, who was watching the battle through the monitor, loses patience and gives the order to attack both giants.
Yes, both Voltron and Avok/Samson.
First, because the witch's cat overheard the royal council, and warned Lotor/Sincline of the betrayal. Secondly, in DOTU, the villainous trio had already agreed in advance that Avok would be killed, Romelle would be given to Lotor, and Pollux, under the leadership of a young Bandor, wouldn’t pose a threat.
It was unprofitable for the Drules/Galra to leave a living Avok/Samson to the pseudo-allies. He was intelligent, loyal to his homeland and extremely dangerous.
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Avok's death in DOTU was severely cut. Yes, he still dies when the Drules shoot missiles at his back, but in GoLion he’s also blinded by well-aimed shots to the eyes, which makes poor Samson feel like his mythical namesake.
But what else was cut in DOTU - and this is something I can't explain - is the death of King Coba. In GoLion, after seeing the Galra ships killing his son, the king rushes to the ground cannon and starts firing at Sincline's cruiser. With this gun, they blow him up, right in front of his daughter and youngest son.
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Apparently, the DOTU writers decided that this scene was too violent for young children, removed it and it turns out that King Coba - who looks like a strong muscular man on the screen - is actually old and weak. Yes, yes, he’ll die soon, and in his dying fever he didn’t come up with anything better than to declare war on Arus, send the heir to a risky battle, and leave the planet to a 12-year-old child.
In GoLion, Alor becomes the new ruler of Hercules for a more logical reason - because his older brother and father tragically die and Amue is captured.
After the death of her father and older brother, Romelle/Amue is taken away by the Drules/Galra. And here’s a very important point – Romelle curses Lotor for killing Avok (which is doubly insulting for her, if we assume that, according to the American scriptwriters, she really liked Lotor), and Amue... calls her brother for help.
Younger brother.
Moreover, until the very meeting with Ryu (aka Takashi's twin brother, aka Sven version 2.0), she’ll repeatedly turn to her younger brother in her thoughts and beg to save her. And that's what was missing from DOTU.
The fact is that when the American screenwriters lined up the line of Bandor's behavior, they prescribed him as an ordinary 12-year-old child. Silly, naive, cocky, and sometimes self-centered.
What they didn't notice was that this "little boy" has bigger biceps than the average office worker.
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Alor is much more serious, responsible, courageous and smart. He dreamed not of a personal palace, but of becoming as great a warrior as his elder brother. He isn’t conceited, knows how to admit mistakes and be grateful. Having been wounded in the knee, he continued (!) to crawl after the Galra in order to save his sister. And the Heraclians never questioned his orders the way Bandor's subordinates did.
True, there’s something that both GoLion and DOTU agreed on - that Bandora/Alor never (!) had to be saved. Remember this. With the exception of being captured in episode 21 (literally for a few minutes) and episode 18 of season 3 (created by WEP itself), it was the prince who ran around space and tried to save his sister, not vice versa.
Princess Amue never perceived Alor as a stupid little boy. She saw in him a young man and a warrior of her family.
On this tragic note, episode 17 ends, and the series will only return to this storyline in episode 21.
And no, in the interval between them, the paladins will never remember Romelle/Amue, as if she never existed. 2. Escape
The poor thing was sitting in a dark cell all this time along with other unlucky girls. There were no loungers or at least some amenities, only a cold stone floor. In GoLion, the storyteller adds some dark colors, describing that they were given practically no food, just enough to keep them from starving to death.
I must say that when Lotor/Sincline enters the cell, and we’re shown how the girls huddled against the walls, it becomes not so important that Lotor didn’t seem to rape Romelle, and her off-screen scream was cut out. If only his appearance horrified women, then there were reasons.
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Romelle/Amue tries to attack him with a sharp stone, but, alas, to no avail.
However, there was still a difference in the behavior of the characters. Romelle begged not to touch her, and Amue asked him to kill her, but both are the usual reaction of a tortured person.
Lotor boasts that by using Romelle as a hostage, he’ll be able to control Pollux. Sincline, on the other hand, says that as long as Farla is running free, Amue will do just fine as her replacement.
Then he grabs the princess and takes her away. Lotor states that he will use her as bait, but Romella returns to the cell exhausted and sobbing anyway, so it's unlikely she enjoyed Drule company.
Her friends in misfortune console her, talking about how good it would be to run away, and then Romelle/Amue says that she has a plan.
It’s unknown how they managed to start the fire, although Amue had more room to act as Sincline's concubine. And while the soldiers hastily extinguished the source of smoke, the girls made their way into the hangar and stole the spaceship.
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True, a very interesting question arises - how did they know how to pilot it? They sat down in the cabin in their places and managed to fly away safely, which is very strange for ordinary unremarkable women. Apparently, the writers considered such knowledge to be something natural for the inhabitants of a militarized planet.
How did Lotor/Sincline react to this escape? Lotor exclaimed that Romelle would pay for her act, and Sincline promised to cut Amue to pieces.
If Lotor needed Romelle alive, then Sincline was ready to kill a naughty toy.
When the ship is hit, Romelle/Amue sends an SOS signal to her brother at the last moment and reports the crash site. The paladins also receive this message and rush to the rescue, crossing the road with the Pollux/Hercules rescue ship.
They land on a snow-covered planet, where they find a ship that sent out a distress signal. But it's empty. There are no corpses in the broken cabin, but there are no living ones either, because the Drules/Galra took the nameless girls. Their further fate will remain unknown.
At some point, Allura/Farla notices an unconscious woman in one of the cabins. That was a witch disguised as Romelle/Amue, who decided to set a trap for the paladins. She takes advantage of the sluggishness of Bandor/Alor, hits him on the head and takes him away with her.
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Later in the same episode, the boy, along with his older sister, will be used to blackmail the paladins and in particular Allura/Farla. Lotor/Sincline will offer an exchange, promising to kill the captives if they refuse.
Unfortunately, events will turn out in such a way that Keith/Akira will only be able to recapture Bandor/Alora. He would use the blizzard to disguise himself and pretend to be Allura/Farla, but without a proper weapon, his chances of defeating Lothor/Sincline were slim. And he certainly wouldn’t show compassion for the one who deceived him.
So the decision of the captives to return and help may not have been too smart, but it saved their savior.
The episode ends with the witch Haggar/Honerva unleashing a robeast on the paladins, and while they fight it off, Lotor/Sincline safely takes all the fugitives away. Yes, it wasn’t possible to save anyone in this episode - in GoLion, having dealt with the monster, the paladins look sadly after the departing ship. In DOTU... Voltron returns to Arus and is met with fanfare, which looks extremely inappropriate in this episode. Just like many other things added by American screenwriters to reduce the level of tragedy in a non-children's series
3. "Space Wolf"
And then ... we move on to episode 39. More precisely, to several episodes from 39 to 40, because the 40th is actually the second part of the 39th.
And in this story there’s a very serious difference between DOTU and GoLion. In particular, because the Americans didn’t know what exactly was going on there.
What was in the original?
In the original, the witch informs Zarkon/Daibazaal and his son that at an unknown time, the White Hole spewed out a cosmic body with a diameter of 1 kilometer with an incredible force of gravity. Hypergravitational planetoid - that is, it seems to be a planet, but very small and with huge gravity. I’ll try to explain it in simple words: there’s a theory that at the end of the black hole, where everything is drawn in, there’s a white hole, from which everything flies out. Both the white hole and the black hole are real cosmic phenomena that have given rise to many fantasies about interdimensional portals. As in other parts of the universe, so in other universes in general.
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The planetoid was named "Space Wolf" and began to go around in a wide arc, as it attracted absolutely everything to itself, grinding its victims into dust. We don’t know what trajectory it flew before the events of the series.
In front of the overlord's eyes, Honerva directs a Galran ship to the space body, and the planetoid immediately pulls it towards itself, twisting and crushing. But the rings that it carried jump out and, having expanded, cover the entire planetoid. Satisfied with the result, Honerva reports that now these rings completely control the movement of the Space Wolf.
Apparently, the rings caused a strong explosion at a certain point and thus pushed the planetoid. I don’t know how sane such an idea looks from the point of view of physics and astronomy.
And what is very remarkable: when Akira and Raible (Coran) will discuss whether it’s possible to destroy the Space Wolf, Raible will say that Altea's existing capacities are not enough even to force the planetoid to change its trajectory.
Yes, it turns out that the power of friendship is far from always able to overcome any evil.
What's in DOTU?
DOTU caught up with a lot of pathos. That when the Big Bang occurred at the beginning of time, in addition to ordinary cosmic bodies, it also gave rise to several anomalies, one of which was the comet Omega. That is, if the Space Wolf appeared on an unspecified date, then comet Omega has always existed.
Haggar described this comet as a flying black hole, which sounds ... somehow more absurd than the banal magnet from Japanese screenwriters. On the other hand, it now becomes clear how comet Omega managed to throw comic book characters (Voltron/Robotech crossover by Dynamite Comics) into other worlds.
And what is fundamentally important: the paladins of the past were able to stop this comet and hide it. The rumor about this feat spread throughout the universe and turned into a legend that every child knew.
But no one remembered how (!) the paladins did it. According to Coran, data on the event was lost and it took 10 years to develop the plan.
At the end of the story, the witch boasts that she found this comet, and took control of it with the help of rings, as it was in the original.
Hearing of this, Lotor/Sincline tells to bring Romelle/Amue. Sincline did it on purpose, and Lotor... apparently, in order to mock her.
And here again there is a difference in the series. Amue sees how the witch orders the rings to send the Space Wolf towards Altea. Savoring the moment, Honerva tells her that the cosmic body will cause terrible cataclysms on the planet, the princess is horrified and screams that Golion won’t allow them to do this.
Moreover, subsequent events will show that Amue doesn’t know what the "Space Wolf" is.
Romelle is told that the legendary comet Omega is in front of her, which is now heading towards Arus. And the princess of Pollux knows this legend, as well as all the inhabitants of the universe. The girl bravely declares that she will find a way to stop Lotor and the witch... which doesn’t sound very smart from the point of view of her behavior. Oh, it's DOTU... *heavy sigh*.
What's next?
Romelle/Amue shows espionage skills and manages to get to the communication system. But how she did it remains behind the scenes. The princess informs the paladins that a dangerous cosmic body is moving towards them and must be stopped by any means necessary.
Lotor/Sincline is informed of this, but he doesn't seem the least bit surprised. Sincline laughs and calls the princess a fool for not realizing that this is a trap, and Lotor simply suggests using the girl's zeal for his own purposes. In the castle, they discuss the information received. And it's quite interesting that Akira and Raible know what a Space Wolf is and are surprised when Amue calls the Wolf a weapon created by Honerva. Here we can assume that the planetoid appeared relatively recently, after the princess was captured. And then it becomes clear why the witch became interested in him just now. Despite the seeming hopelessness of the situation, Akira makes the assumption that the planetoid is controlled by the occult powers of Honerva (it is), and suggests that everything be done to keep the Space Wolf from Altea. Raible turns to Hisa and tells her to be ready to face death like a samurai. Farla orders to prepare everything for the evacuation of the population, so that people have the opportunity to keep their dignity alive.
In DOTU... Keith proudly declares that they are the Voltron Force and will be able to take down Omega no matter what. Coran dejectedly retorts that nothing will come of it and they must prepare for death. Allura… doesn’t consider it necessary to issue an evacuation order. It seems that Farla at 16 was still smarter.
Voltron flies up to Omega/Wolf. The GoLion paladins tried to keep their distance, but they were still pulled, because the planetoid's gravitational field was truly enormous. The heroes of DOTU… showed themselves to be not very smart people and flew into the gravity zone themselves, because Pidge couldn’t collect the necessary information about the comet at such a great distance.
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Romella/Amue is brought in to watch Voltron floundering in the gravity zone and trying to fire all the cannons in order to at least change the trajectory of the Omegawolf and thereby save Arus/Althea.
And then there's a scene that, in the DOTU version, makes me want to roll my eyes.
What's going on in GoLion? Amue is led to Sincline and Honervra from behind, and the witch tells the prince to seize the moment and destroy Golion before the paladins figure out where the Space Wolf's vulnerability lies. To which Sincline replies that they’ll never guess to shoot at the rings, but he isn’t going to give them such an opportunity and orders adjutant Gobra to launch an attack.
Princess Amue, in a panic, rushes to the radar station in front of her, and, after contacting Altea, screams that they need to shoot at the rings. In the Japanese voice acting, she screams in short phrases, which means she understands that she has a chance in a million, and she’s about to be interrupted.
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Sincline and Honerva watch this scene with a smirk, and the paladins, alas, when trying to shoot at the rings, lose concentration and crash into the surface of the Space Wolf at full speed. For an unstated reason, the main cannon fails, which genuinely surprises Akira.
What's going on in DOTU? Romelle is again brought in from the back. Lotor says that the paladins would have a chance to defeat the comet if they did this, that, and that, but they would never think to do so. Moreover, he mentions the crystal inside Voltron, although how does he even know how this weapon works?
Yes, he behaves like a typical ostentatious villain who needs to tell the enemy about how to defeat him.
Romelle, abruptly dumbfounded, doesn’t feel any trick, rushes to the microphone and retells this whole long tirade to the paladins. Apparently, she thought that she was surrounded by only gentlemen who would politely wait until the lady had talked enough with her friends.
The paladins, on the other hand, try to follow the instructions, but this, on the contrary, stops Voltron, and they still - but for a different reason - crash into the surface of Omega at full speed.
… but excuse me… what kind of surface can a black hole have?...
The prince and the witch laugh, Amue/Romelle is predictably hysterical and calls herself an idiot. In the second case, not without reason.
Voltron tries to rise, or at least tear off the limbs from the surface, but to no avail. The Omega/Wolf flies up to Arus/Althea and begins to slowly disintegrate the planet along with the population. Coran/Raible announces an emergency evacuation, and in DOTU adds that he asked the Alliance for help, but most likely they won’t send anyone.
...and why the hell is this Alliance needed then?..
Meanwhile, the witch gets tired of waiting for the planet's gravity to crush Voltron, and she releases a weapon in the form of spiked rings from the crumpled ship (the same one that delivered the rings). The situation seems hopeless, but suddenly help comes in the person of Bandor/Alor.
In GoLion, Alor says that the Heraclians were tracking the Space Wolf's trajectory and rushed to help when they realized the situation was becoming critical. In DOTU…. Bandor reveals that he’s the commander of the 11th Starfleet of the Alliance, but didn’t arrive for long, because his troops must guard the energy carrier. We’ll never know why the young king of Pollux ended up on packages from the Alliance and guards some kind of energy carrier instead of his native planet.
…just think how strange it sounds for a child of royal blood to lead a guard post… What is even more frustrating is that in DOTU, due to a mistranslation, it completely disappeared that the Heraclians not only followed the movement of the planetoid, but also managed to construct a cannon to protect others against it. The weapon didn’t have enough power to destroy a dangerous object, but it could change its course and thereby protect people against its impact.
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In DOTU, the ships will just abstractly shoot at the comet, although in theory the black hole should be completely inert to such an impact.
And yes, Bandor/Alor will order a shot at the Omega/Wolf, knowing that Voltron will be hurt at best and destroyed at worst. With the full consent and approval of the paladins. This will destroy the rings and move the cosmic body, thereby saving Arus/Althea.
In response, Lotor/Sincline will become furious and send troops, both for unexpected saviors and to the planet, in order to complete what they started without the Omega/Wolf.
And then we move on to the events of episode 40.
Which starts with Lotor/Sincline flying over Arus/Althea and bombing cities. He makes princess Romelle/Amue watch the ships shoot down civilians, while he laughs and promises to kill every single one. "To the last midge" - quoting meticulous Lotor.
Bandor/Alor, meanwhile, is trying to pull out Voltron, and unlike the paladins, it wisely doesn’t approach the planetoid, but sends "laser anchors" to try to overcome the Omega/Wolf's gravity and pull the robot from the planet with the whole fleet.
Moreover, there’s a big difference in the behavior of Alor and Bandor - Alor listens to the words of his subordinates, and they support his desire to save Golion and protect Altea. While Bandor's relationship with the soldiers reaches the point that they begin to sabotage his orders.
And perhaps they would have been able to save Voltron, but the Drules/Galra didn’t give the enemies such a chance, and began to shoot the ships tied with anchors and therefore unable to defend themselves.
As a result, only Alor's ship remains, whose anchor breaks and he loses sight of the Omega/Wolf.
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The allied soldiers say that they’re now millions of light miles from Arus and blame Bandor for not listening to them, but the Heraclians urge Alor to be strong and protect Altea instead of Golion.
What about paladins? No, they don’t overcome gravity with the power of friendship, alas, this doesn’t work with the laws of physics, but the Goddess of the Universe charges Voltron/Golion and destroys the Omega/Wolf.
...that's what it means to "have good acquaintances"!..
Meanwhile, Lotor/Sincline is trading with Bandor/Alor, who has dented his cruiser pretty well. He shows the boy his sister and threatens to kill her if he doesn’t stop his attack.
...in general, it seems that the superiority of the Galra over the Heraclians consisted solely in the robeasts...
As you understand, the young king didn’t want to sacrifice his sister, but Voltron/Golion arrives and solves this moral dilemma in favor of Arus/Altea. It destroys the Drule/Galra forces, and Lotor/Sincline hastily leaves the planet.
The prince is furious that all his plans have been ruined and takes the captive princess to a place full of skulls on the Planet Doom. Lotor wants to destroy Romelle for his loyalty to Voltron, and Sincline says that although he hates the idea that Amue needs to be disposed of, he must take revenge on Alor for saving Golion (yes, Sincline thought it was Alor's merit).
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In general, here Romelle/Amue demonstrates remarkable restraint - she looks her killers in the face without fear and snaps, declaring that Voltron will win anyway.
But the princess manages to avoid death - a voice from underground orders her not to move (however, in DOTU it’s female for some reason ...), and when the soldiers start shooting, she falls under the ground.
The episode ends with a strange figure holding a candle who decides to approach the unconscious princess. 4. Field romance and shock content
And ... we go straight to episode 41. Yes, unexpectedly we got as many as three storylines in a row.
But the surprise was not only in this. I have to admit, when I watched episode 41 of GoLion, the thought flashed through my head that I wasn’t mentally prepared for such scenes.
...sometimes the Japanese scare me...
The guy with the candle turns out to be Ryou Shirogane (yes, Shiro is a surname), aka Sven.
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The reasons why Sven/Ryou ends up in caves on an enemy planet are slightly different in DOTU and GoLion. Ryou was captured a long time ago, back in the days when his brother piloted the Blue Lion, but since then he managed to get out of the dungeon and is now a partisan (what exactly he did was never said). Sven, on the other hand, was much less fortunate. When he was seriously injured and sent to the hospital, by coincidence, it was on the planet where he was being treated that the Drules raided and took away many slaves. Including Sven. Injuries didn’t allow him to resist, and as a result he was thrown to die in a dungeon, since no one wanted to support a disabled slave at their own expense. He didn’t agree to die just like that and was able to get out into the wild, if, of course, vagrancy on the Drule planet can be called such a word.
What’s even more different is the behavior of the characters.
In general, against the background of the slender and logical replicas of GoLion, the lines in DOTU look somehow crazy. When the princess stumbles and falls while running (long skirt, shoes, you know), Ryou asks her to be quick, but Sven says that they have no time to rest.
Sven generally resembles a half-madman and calls himself a Savage who has no name. A guy crazy from loneliness, downtrodden and despising himself for being weak.
Ryou, on the contrary, is in a fighting state of mind and is confident in himself. He introduces himself as the younger brother of the famous paladin Takashi, and when Amue protests that Farla is piloting the Blue Lion, he loudly calls her a liar. The mourning of the brother takes place according to all samurai canons, with the mention of a ghost that appeared to Ryou in a dream and bequeathed to defeat the Galra Empire.
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Relations between the characters are also built differently. If GoLion they’re dogging at first (love-hate fans - a step forward), then in DOTU Romelle has to shake Sven to come to his senses and encourage him to take action. Sven will even refuse to mess with the paladins, because, you see, he’s ashamed, and Romelle will have to persuade him to do this. Ryou at that moment just called without any persuasion and bowing.
Actually, the GoLion couple cooperated so much that they even arranged an escape for the Heraclian captives - who, unfortunately, were caught. Alas, in GoLion, a successful escape is a rarity.
And now we move on to shock content.
Sincline/Lotor realized very quickly that the princess wasn’t dead. His soldiers noticed that she had fled into the caves, but couldn’t catch her up. And although he initially ordered the destruction of the escaped slaves, the witch suggested that he’d use the captives for blackmail and thus return the fugitive.
And here's what it looked like. People (men, women, at least children weren’t shown, hanks for that) were taken to something like an arena, hollowed out among the rocks, and a huge metal golem was put in front of them. The prince, standing on the edge of the abyss in the company of a witch and his father, loudly declared that he knew that the princess was there, and offered to surrender and thus save the captives.
In GoLion, Sincline also appealed to royal honor, because it was clearly indicated that all slaves were from Hercules, that is, they were subjects of Amue.
Naturally, no one wanted her to agree to this proposal. First of all Sven/Ryou. The captives themselves began to shout for her not to come out, as they would be killed anyway.
Moreover, in GoLion, the Heraclians not only asked the princess not to go out, but began to chant “Long live Hercules! Long live Princess Amue!". That is, they clearly stated their position and stated that they value the life of the princess more than their own.
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And the Heraclians will continue to shout these words even when the iron golem begins to crush them with its hands.
Yes. In GoLion, it’ll be shown close-up, accompanied by the crunch of breaking bones. In DOTU, the screams of people will be re-voiced, the scene itself will be cut and the sound will be replaced with a less impressive one.
... and that's when I realized that there is much more Japanese in this series than it seemed at first. Don't let European interiors confuse you...
Moreover, it’s worth noting that if the reaction of the princess in both versions was approximately the same, then Ryou showed much more callousness than Sven. Ryou said that Amue must endure for the sake of sacrificing her people, while Sven expressed regret that he couldn’t help these people in any way.
As you understand, Sven's behavior is the behavior of a Western person, while Ryou is harsh, as befits a samurai. The Heraclians die for their hime, it is their duty. His duty is to avenge his brother, Amue's duty is to survive so that the sacrifice of her people won’t be in vain.
After some time, the main characters find several more fugitives and offer them to cooperate. In DOTU, these are random people, and in GoLion, there are a few more Heraclians.
And yes, these people will also die to enable the princess to escape from the planet. Although in DOTU such dedication seems incomprehensible - the fact that Romelle is undeniably a beautiful woman doesn’t explain why several men decided to sacrifice their lives for the sake of a captive like themselves.
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The hijacked ship was immediately pursued, and Lotor/Sincline decided to personally participate in the capture of the fugitives. But since Sven/Ryou contacted the paladins, they flew out to meet him along with Bandor/Alor.
An improved version of the iron golem will be released on Voltron, but Bandor/Alor will help ensure the sister's path to Hercules/Pollux.
And here comes another interesting point.
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The iron golem forges Voltron’s hand and foot with the help of its crown. The creature that crushed living people a day ago was now about to destroy the main weapon of the resistance forces. And then Romelle/Amue herself (!) will deploy the ship and head to the rescue of the paladins.
In GoLion, Amue will simply decide to go for a ram, which Ryou will silently approve of, but Romelle will ask the sluggish Sven to become her navigator and dictate her coordinates (which again will look extremely strange, but I probably should get used to it) .
The ship won’t be able to ram the golem, but it’ll be able to knock down the crown and free Voltron.
And after a glorious victory, the heroes will finally return safely to Hercules.
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Episode 45.
Alas, there aren’t so many interesting events for Romelle/Amue personally. She returns to the Planet Doom with Sven/Ryou to spy. In a new stylish suit and earrings to match the color of the dress.
It's funny that the dress was blue and the combat suit was pink. If you know what I mean.
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The main character of this episode is Sven/Ryou, who sneaks onto an enemy ship to find out where the fighters are being taken to create a huge army of robeasts. Both the ship and the plant planet are eventually destroyed.
Of the interesting moments of the episode is the development of a romance between the characters. The characters of GoLion continue to quarrel, clearly experiencing a certain pleasure from this. In DOTU... these same disputes are spelled out a lot more boringly. The feeling that this is just a game for the characters has disappeared from the text and voice acting, and it’s more difficult to believe in any feelings between them.
Further, Romelle/Amue will appear only in episodes 51-52.
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There are no longer any plot twists that are important for us, there are only battles going on in a continuous stream. The alliance, assembled by Altea from 7 allied planets, storms the Drule/Galra planet. Voltron and Castle of Lions (which suddenly remembered that it’s actually a spaceship) attack from above, and our heroes lead the assault from below.
And I must say that the princess will fearlessly rush into battle in the forefront. Throw grenades at enemies, plant bombs on walls and shoot from a machine gun.
The minuses of the series ... Ryou tragically dies. Lotor/Sincline captures him, but Sven/Ryou manages to stab the prince with a dagger and they fall into the abyss together. And in GoLion there’s no water down there, because there were no seas at the foot of the tower. Yes, they’re smeared on the ground, and before his death, Ryou triumphantly says "I did it, brother!" and proudly dies. Like a true samurai.
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Many thanks to the Japanese writers for burying the best pairing of the series in the very last episode. In GoLion, it’s actually the only one, since Farla and Akira had no relationship.
This is where the story of the old Romelle ends. She, of course, appears in additional episodes of DOTU season 3, but there she’s given very little screen time, and her entire role is reduced to waving a handkerchief after Sven. Simply put, the American screenwriters turned her into a plot tool.
I sincerely hope that my retelling didn’t cause your yawning, but I considered it necessary to describe everything that in theory could have a connection with VLD. I even wonder how many similar scenes and references you noticed yourself, without my help.
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kyanitedragon · 2 years
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My Survive cast rankings! Based on my first and only playthrough thus far, on the Moral Route, so these are all very much subject to change!
[Link to the Tier List]
S Tier:
Kunemon is one of my favorite digimon, so he gets the top rank by default. I haven't played his route yet so I don't know his entire personality, but he is very cute and sweet in the first playthrough! And as my favorite digimon I very much enjoy battling with him and seeing all his animations!
I thought Miyuki was incredibly interesting! I was pretty skeptical at the start, since I knew she was going to be similar to Hikari, but the game did a really good job of taking the concept of Hikari's role and powers and developing it properly. I also really appreciate how, despite being the damsel in distress, she had a lot of characterization and interactions. There's really a lot to work with regarding her, despite how little she actually speaks in the game.
The Professor was really nice and smart, so I liked him since he first officially joined the team. I've always enjoyed his type of characters in digimon for all the info-dumps and lore. But all the mystery surrounding him and the plot twist reveal made him that much better! His relationship with Takuma was also cute, I thought their jogress was very interesting, and I'm glad that he officially joined the gang by the end! Intergenerational found family is not what I was expecting from this game, but I really liked it!
I really enjoyed Miu. I was afraid I was going to find her annoying, since usually the youngest digimon characters are my least favorite. But she was very fun, and I felt really bad each time she blamed herself. I really wanted Takuma to take over as a big brother for her instead of Kaito
A Tier:
Minoru was really fun! He reminded me a lot of Hide from Tokyo Ghoul. Y'know, spiky-haired upbeat best friend who hides their depression behind a mask of nonchalance and jokes and smiles. Compared to the rest of the cast, it was really nice to have a close best friend for Takuma to talk to throughout the game. He was the easiest for me to gain high affinity with. And he also had so much going on, from guessing the parallel world thing from the start, to knowing how to identify edible and inedible plants. They really didn't need to put so much into his character, but I'm glad they did!
Saki's design is adorable, and I really respect her nice but blunt personality. In chapter 6, I also liked her chat with Floramon the best out of all the pairs, as brutal and insensitive as it was. It felt very real and raw.
I think this Agumon is my favorite Agumon in all of Digimon. He had so many endearing and funny moments! Some of my favorite moments were him happily explaining that he knew nothing and could explain nothing at the start of the game, and the selfie with Takuma at the end.
I was expecting a mischevious and playful personality for Dracmon, and I was really surprised at how serious he was. It felt weird after Ghost Game, but it fit him in a way I can't explain. And I feel like he has the closest personality to myself, so that was interesting to see. Sangloupmon is also a digimon I really like, so he was fun to see and play as, especially with his helpful ability to steal HP.
I usually don't like main characters, but Takuma is one of the few exceptions. I'm glad the writers didn't go the easy route and make him a blank slate. He had a lot of personality and agency outside of the player's choices, showing a whole personality of his own that you can't control.
B Tier:
I called the Haru / Renamon plot twist early, and I was pretty excited when I found out I was right! I think Renamon's story and role in the game is very interesting, especially how they seem to prefer their disguise as Haru. I also noticed that they seemed to continue to call Miyuki "onee-chan", so I wonder if their digimon-human bond has always been sibling-like, or if it only developed that way after they took haru's appearance...
The reason for Garurumon hating Haru could have been written a little better, but it made an interesting dynamic and I especially loved the jogress with Takuma and WarGreymon at the end! Again, I wasn't expecting an intergenerational jogress, but it was pretty cool!
Being Kunemon's partner boosted Ryo quite a bit from the get-go, but I genuinely found him really interesting. He was kind of a jerk, but if you were nice and understanding towards him, then he'd be nice right back to you. And in those moments you could very clearly see he's just a scared kid. I had pretty high affinity with him in my first run, and I've heard he's great in the Truth route, so I can't wait to play it!
Labramon is so cute, how much she cares for Aoi and acts like a puppy! She was a bit tricky to play as at first, since her special was healing and not offensive, and I kept wasting Aoi's talk ability because I forgot it was a HP fill and not a stat boost. But Dobermon and Cerberusmon are two underrated digimon that I had a lot of fun playing as.
Falcomon and Minoru's relationship seemed so natural and easy-going despite their vastly different personalities, and it was really cute to see. Falcomon also had a very distinct personality and manner of speaking, which made him stick out from the rest of the digimon cast. Crowmon / Yatagaramon is another digimon I really like, and his high range of movement in all his forms was pretty amazing.
C Tier:
Shuuji is awful and I love him. I feel bad for his backstory and for accidently rubbing it in his face in my first run. And as much as he deserved it, his death was such a horrible way to go. I can't wait to play Truth and see what more there is to him
I know hardly anything about Lopmon so I'm pretty neutral on him. All I know is he is adorable and deserves so much better than what he gets and I wanted so badly for Takuma to swipe him away from Shuuji and treat him right
I like Floramon as a digimon and her relationship with Saki was cute, and I really enjoyed her unexpected digivolutions, but I felt like her personality was a little too similar to Saki and didn't really stand on her own that well
I feel very similarly with Syakomon. She and Miu were cute together, but I found it hard to get a handle on her personality outside of that. And compared to the other digimon, I felt she didn't have as much time to shine
D Tier:
I really didn't like Kaito that much??? His overprotectiveness with Miu annoyed me about as much as it annoyed her. And when he slapped her, that was the last straw and I lost all respect for him. But I had terrible affinity with him in my playthrough, so I'm excited to play it again and see what else his character has to offer, because I feel like I missed a lot of it
Aoi felt really bland to me. But I could see bits and pieces of interesting things to her towards the end, and based on some spoilers I've gotten I think this comes up in the Wrath route...? So I'm hoping I'll like her much better in that path. In the Moral route she's really just the mom friend who cooks and that's it,
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whywhywhymoney · 2 years
when the Future Colours ED dropped.... you just had to be there man...
As a 23 year old, there's plenty of stuff I missed out on when it came to fandoms, mostly because of my lack of interest in most of the popular anime at the time, but I was always on the periphery and got to know *some* of what went down. For yugioh 5ds though? Front and centre man. Front and centre. And maybe that's why I find it so bittersweet just to even think about 5ds because it takes me to such a specific moment in time that I'll never get back.
Like, as 5-6 year olds my cohort just about caught onto the original Yugioh cycle, and of course we all hated GX as the cultured 8 year olds we were (I love it guys, I always did) but 5ds was different. It came out at the time my year was at the older end of the school, and it grabbed me immediately because of how serious it felt, which is the one thing at that age that I disliked about GX. All of a sudden we all brought out our old decks, dark magician, Blue Eyes, E hero beatdown and we were all influencing each other to absolutely get on these hot new cards because synchros are COOL. The permanent rainy British weather didn't stop us from dueling with our paper mats and unsleeved cards, and we had to go behind the staff room to make dodgy trades lest our cards get confiscated.
And then CITV *really* hit the Dark Signers arc and didn't air new episodes for years. Just to put it in perspective, I was in Year 5 when 5ds started airing here. Season 3 started airing in 2012, when I was 2 years removed from primary school. What's a girl to do? Go online of course! Most of us were already sharing around our favourite websites to watch naruto because the UK edits were trash tier, and of course, 5ds was there too. And then the 4kids forums had whole threads dedicated to the merits of the different fansubbers.
Once I left primary school and had nobody to talk to about yugioh except my little brother, 5ds fanfiction became my bread and butter, and I can't tell you how funny it is when I remember the trend of "Yusei and Aki have a child but the other is raising them alone/doesn't know about her". But I was invested! And God, when the Future Colours ED dropped, it gave the writers material for DAYS.
Now, I'm older, it's been over 11 years since 5ds ended, and I especially consider the ending to be even more poignant because of where I am in life, I'm on the cusp of true adulthood, finding jobs and settling down and whatnot. Good friends of mine that I've known since I was 4, and from 4 years ago, are getting married or having kids. I have a wonderful group of friends, who we all met during a sports event and made a gc, and since meeting them, I feel like I understand better than ever the power of bonds 5ds tried to show. It's such a valuable thing! It's because of those guys that I even bothered to write my first fanfiction, which was based entirely off of a real event that happened.
When I think of the hilarity we've had over the past 4 ish years of knowing each other, and the deep conversations as well as the heart breaking ones, it's so super silly, but it makes me think of Team 5ds and their dynamic. And just like how they went their separate ways, we're all kinda splintering off too. It really makes me sad, but, I'm so grateful for being able to experience this wonderful companionship in the first place. And the thing is: We're never really gonna get rid of each other completely, because the love of sport that united us in the first always brings us back to each other, even if it's just for a few weeks over the course of a tournament.
So, hopefully, when I write more 5ds fanfic, I just want it to be known that it's dedicated to my real Team 5ds, and I'm so lucky that I got to have an anime plot unfold in my real life, which is what that 8 year old girl dreamed of back then! And here I am not even realising that I was living her dream.
BTW, I'll just drop the link to the one thing I have written for this silly funny beautiful crew, who remind me so much of my own silly funny beautiful crew. Maybe in another 11 years I can look back on these fics and remember the pure joyful time I had with them. https://archiveofourown.org/works/35254714
Of course, one thing you gotta know though is that they can NEVER know its me because if they found out how sappy I got I'll never hear the end of it 🤣
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spotofimagines · 3 years
Car Sick P1 ~ Dominic Calvert-Lewin
A/N: This is sort of carried on from this blurb I wrote a while ago, bc I loved the idea and wanted to write more for it, you should probs read that first to catch the vibes. This is for @footballffbarbiex writing challenge based on tv and film. I used this storyline from Modern Family with Gloria and Jay. Once again, no real timeline with this, just made up scenarios. I struggled with the next bit of this so I asked you how you wanted it and you chose 2 parts, here's the 1st. Enjoy :)
Warnings: pregnancy, kids, step parents, injury mention - reader is female
Summary: You thought you were just feeling car sick, turns out it's something else...
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gif by @hishairmyweakness - gif by @delstroyer
You were dropping your daughter off at Dele's for a long weekend since he didn't have a match or training to attend. After she had squeezed the biggest hug out of her dad and trudged dirt in his hallway, she perched on the sofa with her ipad and juicebox, leaving you and Dele to catch up.
Dele had been showing you how he redecorated his kitchen so you accepted a drink and decided to stay a little while. Plus you figured the news you had for him should rather be said in person than over the phone.
"Hey, Del, I have something to tell you." You said nervously, leaning your hands on the kitchen island. He turned around and took a sip of the drink he just poured as he walked closer to the other side of the island opposite you. "Go ahead." He replied, his eyebrows knitted in concern at your worried tone. 
"Well, remember when we stopped by last Friday since you were playing on her birthday?" you recollected and he nodded along. "And I had one of those herbal teas and a tablet because I was feeling car sick?" "Yeah..." he trailed off quietly, putting his drink on the counter between you. "Turns out I wasn't car sick," he frowned in confusion and looked even more lost than he did a moment ago. 
You fiddled your fingers together and took a deep breath, steadying yourself. You knew you could trust Dele with absolutely anything. You'd been close since you were teenagers, grew closer when you started dating and left nothing in the way when you had a baby. Being so young when it happened meant a lot of things turned against you, a lot of people with a lot of opinions trying to dictate your lives and yet you stuck it through. You haven't been together romantically for a while, however your relationship with him never faultered, your connection of trust staying strong.
But it didn't make this any easier to say. It wasn't hard to see when Dele got hit by moments of gloom at the sight of the mini family you were creating with Dominic. While your split years ago was amicable, and neither of you would rekindle that flame again, more than happy with your close friendship, Dele couldn't stop that jealous bubble rising in him when he saw your daughter enjoy spending time with Dom as much as she does with him. Blame his stubbornness but facing change wasn't his strongest suit. This news was going to be a big step away from that picturesque life you both once envisioned together and you desperately didn't want it to drive a wedge between you nor push Dele away. You had settled into a good rhythmic system with him that suited your daughter and your schedules, you'd hate to tarnish that in any way.
So, yes, you hesitated to tell him.
You sighed and picked at your nails, needing to just get it out before it drove you crazy.
"I'm pregnant." 
Dele's eyes went wide and his mouth opened a little from shock, the frown lines that creased his forehead disappearing. His breath was taken away. Nothing prepared him to hear those words come from your mouth and know that he wasn't involved. It was bound to happen but it still took him by surprise.
He tilted his head as he looked at you, nervously twiddling your thumbs like you always did, and it only took a few seconds for a smile to slowly grow on his face. "That," he cleared his throat and met your eyes with sincerity, "that's great. Congratulations." 
He scuffed his socked feet along the floor as he walked round the counter to wrap you in a warm hug. He squeezed your shoulder and gave your cheek a quick kiss when he pulled away, a genuine smile on his face. No, he wasn't involved this time, but he knew how amazing it was to experience pregnancy and he was certain Dominic would take to it greatly.
"What did Dom say?" He asked, leaning over to grab his glass and take another drink. Your breath caught in your throat and that made Dele side-eye you mid sip. "You haven't told him, have you?" He questioned gently, and you shook your head.
Now it was his turn to sigh. 
The glass clinked loudly in the quiet room when he put it back down, and he had a ton of questions he could have asked you and a ton of things he could have told you to do that he thought was right, but it wasn't his place. Not anymore. So he took a moment to think whilst you rubbed your hands down your front to straighten out your t-shirt again. 
"Are you going to?" You tutted and looked back up at him incredulously. "Of course I am Del, think it'll be pretty hard to miss when I'll be bursting through my clothes!" You joked and he held his hands up in defence as he chuckled, realising it was a stupid question.
"Are you nervous, then?" He tried again, this time opting for something more reasonable. "More nervous than when I told you for the first time." You admitted. Dele whistled lowly and shook his head with a laugh. 
The state you were in a bit under 7 years ago now when you told him you were going to have his child, it was something else. He still insists he hasn't seen someone so frantic, before or since. He could only imagine what was coming Dominic's way.
There were plenty of reasons for you to believe Dom would be happy to be a dad. He adored his young brother and truly enjoyed spending time with him when he was back home. He was thoughtful and attentive with all the people he knew so you know he'd be the same, multiplied by a million, when it came to a child that depended on him.
But the way he cared for your daughter above anyone else proved to you, without a doubt, how good he would be. Dom wasn't her biological father, but that never once stopped him loving her the way she deserved. Dom made sacrifices when he needed to and even when he didn't. He'd stay awake if she couldn't sleep, he'd ask to see her on facetime when he was travelling and he always asked her about school, he even did the afternoon pick up with you when he got the chance. If Dom would be such an amazing figure in the life of a little girl he had no obligation to be a part of, just imagine what he'd be like with his own child.
You wouldn't question his want or excitement to have kids with you at any time, having spoken about it before. 
Any time except now.
Dom hadn't been himself the last week, and justifiably so. He picked up a knee injury in the Merseyside derby last Saturday that resulted in him hopelessly limping off the pitch with the physio under his arm to hold him up. A torn ACL was the conclusion after a couple hours in the hospital. While an injury was never welcome, a minimum six months out was tough to take. But with the upcoming England tournament he'd been called up for that he will now have to miss, alongside the rest of the Premier League season, it shattered him. His club and his country had important matches this year and it killed him to not be able to help secure some much needed wins for them.
Most of Sunday was spent doting on him, helping him relax and alleviating both his physical and mental pain, offering comfort through his favourite meals and hours of cuddles, something your daughter happily assisted with. 
However, by the time Monday rolled around, his rest was stifled by your daughter's birthday party.
Despite how often you'd sat him back down, Dom wasn't used to sitting all day and had helped you decorate the house whilst your girl was at school. The balloons were littered in the front room, the buffet snacks laid out on the dining table, and the banners Dom had pinned on the ceiling blew from the gentle breeze coming in through the back door. 
So by the time you pulled into the drive with a car full of young girls eager for sugar, Dom was working on half a bar of energy already. Yet he played along with the party activities and managed to dance, or more shuffle, to some Disney songs on his crutches inbetween sneaking mini sausage rolls and chocolate biscuits. 
You could see him getting more tired as each kid left, but "she only turns 6 once, right?", so he persisted on keeping the party lively until your daughter was knocked out in bed, out of her party dress but still wearing the new bracelet she got from Grandma. 
You trailed behind Dom with two cups of tea as he hobbled toward the sofa, barely managing to keep himself up despite it only being 9pm. He dropped heavily on the cushions in the corner and let his crutches fall on the carpet, not caring where they landed as long as they stayed within reach. The sigh that left him could have knocked down a tree. 
Before you got comfortable, you put his mug on the table and put a random sitcom on the TV. Dom's eyes were closed and his legs were stretched out as best as they could be, his injured knee up on the couch in front of him with a cushion underneath and an ice pack held on top.
"I'm telling you, I feel way too old for this." He muttered just loud enough to hear. "You're only 24." You chuckled a little into your tea at his complaint.
"Yeah," he rolled his head your way, hair falling on his face, "but running after her makes me feel 70, she knocks me out," he spoke quietly but with the last tints of energy in his tone, "and with this peg leg too you gotta change that to 80."
You smiled at him sympathetically and loosely linked your fingers with his, rubbing your thumb on the back of his hand as let his eyes close again.
He was joking, it was obvious. But a niggling part of your brain told you that he wasn't just being dramatic. 
Admittedly it was a tiring evening with your daughter's friends running around, but with the lack of energy left in Dom, how could a baby be added to that scenario and it not be an issue? Maybe it was the wrong time. Maybe, no definitely, getting pregnant when Dom wasn't shrouded by an injury, when he didn't have frustration on top of frustration on his shoulders, when there wasn't a hyperactive 6 year old that needed attention too - that would definitely be a better time to have a baby. But that wasn't what life had handed you. Life was a little more complicated in its ways than to give you an easy run, you knew that well enough by now. 
What concerned you most was how Dom would handle it. Whilst he had picked up parenting duties well over the past couple years, he hadn't been there when your daughter was a baby, nor had he seen how tough it was on you at the time. The thought of raising another was scaring you, so it would surely terrify Dom, doing it for the first time. 
Even before the time came to hold them in your arms, being pregnant was no easy deal. So how could he possibly handle the stress of an upcoming baby, the stress of having to look after 2 kids in the future, the stress of a cranky pregnant girlfriend, the stress of prepping the house and himself, all whilst he's hobbling on crutches and having to watch his teammates from the sidelines too? 
You sipped your tea and let the TV fill the room as your brain ran overdrive with questioning thoughts, sitting silent next to your boyfriend who's head seemed full of only the sleep he was dreaming of, oblivious to the changes that were coming his way.
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blorbosondeck · 3 years
fic rec masterlist
canon divergent/finale fix its
THIS! FIC! this fic lives in my head rent FREE it is so good and it makes so much sense in the narrative that the shitty finale concocted, as to why they wouldn't mention cas or anyone else and its just. so good and they write chuck in the most villainous way that i love!!!
"Chuck is depowered, Jack is the new god, and the world is free. Dean and Sam get into the Impala and chase down the miles on an endless highway, and their story is finally, finally their own to follow. At least, that's what Dean tells himself. But the diners and motels and painted interstate lines are blurring together and the smallest details keep catching at his brain like tiny fishhooks and he can't quite shake the feeling that not everything is exactly as it should be. Fix-it/alternate series finale. Canon-compliant through the end of 15.19."
Sunset Sound: Stairway to Heaven by @adhdeancas
GOD FUCKING CHRIST this is so good and sweet and im such a sucker for team ups and reunions!!! its 3:30 am rn and i just finished it and i love it SO much it made me laugh a lot and the last few chapters i had the stupidest grin just plastered to my face
The Closer the Star, the Greater the Parallax by @rocksalts​
repressed bastard dean submits to the mortifying ordeal of being known and receives the rewards of being loved but only after some miscommunication i LOVE this i read it last night and it’s a fast favorite. my interests have overlapped and i am INTO it
“When Dean sits down to watch some bullcrap Discovery Channel episode with Cas, he doesn’t expect to actually learn anything. Except, with Cas explaining, he makes an effort to connect the dots.”
Don't We All Deserve To Be Happy?
VERY sweet and a VERY good pick me up. all around feel good fic!!! 
"Post-canon fix-it, divergent from 15x19 where Jack stays and Dean doesn't die and Cas comes back and everyone is happy. Take a shot every time I'm salty about the finale."
Keep Your Love Alive
okay. okay okay okay this may be my favorite finale fix it just because of how well reasoned it is. like this feels what should have happened i love it SO much
"Dean gets to spend eternity sharing beers with Bobby on the Roadhouse porch and riding around in his Baby with Sam. He’s at peace… or he feels like he should be. But a few things nag at him: Where is Cas, and everybody else Dean had been hoping to see in Heaven? Why does he feel like he’s stuck in a loop, reliving the same memories over and over again? And who are the strangers wearing Sam’s and Bobby’s faces?"
The GoldenRod Revisions by @aethylas​
this is one of the most well written things ive ever read. the script format DID make it feel more real and honestly? this is better writing than this show deserves. the finale that could have been ♥️
“A rewrite of Supernatural’s final two episodes, expanded into a five episode arc - in which Chuck needs to be defeated, Castiel deserves to be saved, and the characters in this story get a very different ending.“
Ascend by @wanderingcas​ 
THEE finale fix it fic!!! written by the AMAZINGLY skilled and talented @wanderingcas !!! it’s 50k of angst and hurt/comfort and pure bliss
“Something in the world is wrong.
Demon activity is rising where mysterious black substance oozes and unusual ecological events are shaking the world. Dean, grief hanging on his shoulders, restlessly searches for answers that might lead him to the Empty… and to Cas.
But what Chuck wrote can’t be undone. The narrative thread pulls Dean along, forcing him to comply. Because once a story already has an ending, it can’t be rewritten.
Or can it?”
Things Happen (They Do, And They Do, And They Do) by THEE @sobsicles
i KNOW everyone has already recommended this and likely you’ve all already read it. but it has to go here bc REPRESSIOOOOOOOOON i LOVE this so much it is one of the most perfect things i’ve read. are you bisexual? did you have a kind of weird relationship with your best friend and not realize that how you felt about them wasn’t necessarily how other people felt about them and you were maybe a little bit in love with them but were too repressed to realize it? you’ll feel seen. maybe a little too seen
Closer (isn't close enough)
are you a sweet and sappy yet horny bastard? do you like cas exploding light bulbs? you will like this.
“the one where they finally talk about what cas said before the empty took him”
You and Your Husband
it is exTRMELY sweet!!! repression dean strikes again <3
"Five times Dean corrects someone about his relationship with Cas, and one time he realizes he doesn't need to."
Tall Grass
miscommunication and a slowburn! despite being written in 2017 and finished in 2018, it feels like a fix it. ft. plant obsessed cas <3 
a LOVELY and short (relatively) finale fix it
“They saved the world. They're free. It's done.
Except it's not, and carrying on is the last thing any of them are thinking about.
They still have someone they need to save.”
Unchained Link
post finale- it’s a great case fic and i am compelled i want more!!!
"It's after the end of things. Life continues on while Dean is "livin it up" in heaven. But it's never that simple, is it? A freak occurrence sends Dean into another time stranded back on Earth. And he thought his hunting days were over. But, no worries. His knight in shining armor comes to the rescue. Hijinks, therefore, ensue."
fun and time unspecified
Ladies and Gentlemen, This is Love Potion No. 5
very funny and sweet! miscommunication at its finest ♥️
"Cas gets drenched with a mystery potion from the ‘love spell’ shelf and... Dean has a sneaking suspicion, angel or no— the spell may have taken effect. And Cas might be in love with Sam."
The Way We Were
Y'all. It is so good its a great mix of funny and serious- extremely fun to see dean as like a base bisexual
"Dean and Castiel pose as a couple to gain access to a gated community known as 'The Glen', a pleasant if secretive location that the boys believe might be linked to several dead bodies showing up over the years bearing signs of ritualistic sacrifice. All seems well until Dean's memory is affected from an incident during a solo exploration, leaving Dean convinced that their cover story is true. Castiel is left trying to resolve their case without taking advantage of an increasingly enthusiastic Dean"
While You Were Sleeping
this is basically just the movie but replacing sandra bullock with cas. this is my comfort movie and imo, one of the most perfect rom coms. the fic isn’t finished but i still have the tab open on my phone and i will straight up go back and re read it when i need a pick me up. 
The Harvelle Gospels: Offscript
i know everyone ever ( @jewishcharliebradbury ) has recommended this fic. and for good reason go fucking read it
“The Apocalypse is averted, the angels are in Heaven, and Jo is free from the threat of possession. Somehow it couldn't be farther from a happy ending.“
absolute riots
An Ineffably Profound Bond
i honestly would have put this in the finale fix it section! look. i know. i know you've been burned by crossover fics before. but this is Thee good omens/spn fic you want. its funny as hell and immensely satisfying. im weak for everyone working together tropes and that is this
"After Chuck sets 'The End' in motion, the remaining members of TFW make a miraculous escape. Not willing to waste any time, Castiel comes up with a plan to travel to one of the other worlds to try and get help from the angels there, but after a fight with Dean, it's the hunter who gets sent into an alternate universe,with seemingly no hope of return.
When a mysterious human with a heavenly weapon shows up in Aziraphale's shop, he and Crowley learn that their world is not the only one. Now it is up to them to decide whether or not they want to join forces with the human and help him save his world or simply find a way to send him home."
Somebody Up There Likes Me by @lafilleredige
cas is hit with a spell that turns his vessel into a woman, hijinks and sexuality crises ensue etc etc sam is a supportive and bitchy little brother and its all SO fucking funny and also. horny as hell i love it i love it i LOVE it
“’Dean doesn’t want to talk about your breasts, it’s making him uncomfortable because he hasn’t acknowledged the complex fluidity of human sexuality.’“
Stray Cat Strut
a long crack fic that IS one of the funniest things i’ve ever read and i can’t explain why. it’s so ooc but its so funny that i don’t care. if you need a laugh you gotta read this
"Sam and Cas are immediately in love with the adorable kitty they find outside the bunker door, and occupy their time planning how to convince Dean--who they believe is off sulking after a botched hunt--to let them keep their cat. Along the way, Dean learns to use a litter box and hears some confessions he maybe wasn’t supposed to hear, all while realizing just how much he loves Castiel.
Now all Dean has to do is convince Cas and Sam their new pet cat is actually him before they do something crazy--like neuter him!"
canon compliant or slight canon divergence
by @doublestuffedimpala post season 7 episode 7, kind of ambiguous ending but truly a cas is happy to bleed for the winchesters fic
Punch Like Bones 
short, post 5x04 homoerotic moment that i wish we’d gotten
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lallyloo · 3 years
The Frozen Corn Incident
(I have stuff going on and haven’t written in a bit, but Rhett’s cold taint wouldn’t leave me alone.. so here’s some awkward silliness and a small amount of smut. Thank you @imincognitohere for listening to me ramble on about this today.. and yesterday) They’d been back in the office for awhile, and Link had been so focused on his own work, typing away, he’d barely registered the grunts and sighs from behind him. Complaints after filming were something they were used to – belly aches from hot peppers, headaches from too much sugar, chafed balls from wedgie hangman. They were both equal complainers, and they’d both grown accustomed to tuning the other one out. And Rhett was trying to be quiet, but he couldn’t help himself. He was freezing in places he never imagined he could be so cold, and nothing he did seemed to help. When a frustrated whine cut into Link’s concentration, he spun his chair around to see why Rhett was still complaining about frozen corn on his taint. Rhett looked miserable with one hand stuffed down his jeans, and the sight didn’t surprise Link – after so many years side by side, they’d been in all kinds of crazy situations. They’d seen the good, the bad, and a whole lot of awkward. A hand down the pants seemed par for the course and Link couldn’t help but smirk. “You still sufferin’, brother?”
Rhett’s eyes flicked to him, as if he hadn’t even noticed his presence, and he gave Link a pained look.
“My taint is still freezing, man.”
“You still sittin’ on the corn or what?”
“No, I’m not sittin’ on the corn,” Rhett huffed, and his arm tensed up as he cupped himself harder. “It’s been an hour and I’m still cold. Think I got frost bite or somethin’.”
Link’s eyes went wide, “Frost bite on your taint?”
“Man, I dunno. It’s still freezin’ and nothing I’m doing is helping.”
“Not even your hand? You’ve got the hottest hands out of everyone– ”
“Yeah, but– ”
“Always so dang sweaty– ”
“Link, I know, but it’s not makin’ a difference. It’s like the cold dries up the sweat, or turns it into ice or something.”
“I don’t think that’s– ”
“I gotta figure out somethin’. What happens if you get frost bite on your taint? Can they amputate a chode?”
“Ugh, don’t call it that.”
“But can they?”
“Rhett, they’re not gonna –
“I don’t wanna lose my taint.” Rhett stared at him in horror, “Or my balls?? What if –
“Rhett, you’re not gonna lose your taint or your balls. You’re crazy, dude.”
“Well, it feels like it. Feels like I’m losin’ feeling..”
“In your balls?”
“Your butthole?”
“I dunno, maybe!”
“What about your..” Link raised his eyebrows and made a pointing motion towards Rhett’s dick. “Your tallywhacker?”
“Dude, shut up!” Rhett leaned back in the chair and closed his eyes, bringing his free hand up to cover them. “Don’t make me think about it. I can’t lose my dick to a frozen corn incident.”
Link laughed, “You’re being dramatic. You’re not gonna lose your dick.”
Rhett lifted his hand to glare at him, his eyes narrow. “You don’t know.”
“You want me to get a heating pad or somethin’?”
Rhett was hopeful for a moment. “Do we have one?”
“I don’t know,” Link shrugged. “I could text Jenna and ask her to get one.”
“No,” Rhett waved his hand and covered his eyes again. “I’m not askin’ her to get a heating pad for my nads.”
“What? Why not?”
“It’s embarrassing.”
“Dude, I don’t have to say it’s for your nutsack– ”
“And my taint.”
“Your nutsack and your taint. And your butthole if you’re gonna get specific.”
“Link, I’m sufferin’ here.”
“Can I text her?”
Link stared at him for a moment before letting out a loud sigh. “Stand up.”
“What?” Rhett sat up a little straighter in the chair.
“Just stand up.”
“I’m gonna help you, now stand up.”
Rhett stood up slowly, his hand still stuck down his jeans.
“Gimme this.” Link grabbed Rhett’s wrist and eased his hand out of his pants, running his fingertips over Rhett’s. “Dude, your fingers are like ice!”
“I know, I told you!”
Link forced Rhett’s hand into his pocket, shoving it down deep and giving it a couple forceful pats for emphasis. “Leave it in there, let it warm up.”
“What’re you gonna– ”
“I’m gonna help you.”
Link took him by the shoulders and angled him so Link was up against his right side and Rhett went willingly, glancing down between them where Link’s hand was hovering over his zipper.
“Like, help help?”
“Yeah,” Link cupped the air and made a rubbing motion with his hand, “Help help. That okay?”
Rhett nodded, his eyebrows raised, “Well, yeah.”
Link popped the button on his jeans and eased the zipper down, and Rhett held his breath as Link’s hand slipped inside his boxer briefs.
Link was to-the-point about it, seemingly unfazed by the proximity of his hand to Rhett’s dick.
“You want me to– ” Rhett offered, “Move it outta the way?”
Link shook his head. “S’fine.”
Link brushed past Rhett’s cock, barely registered it touching his forearm, slipping under his balls the same way he would with his own if he was going to rub his own taint. He was focused, but he jerked his hand away for a second when he made contact with damp, cold skin.
“Dang, Rhett, you are cold.”
“I told ya.”
“What’ve you been doin’ sittin’ here with your hand down your britches?”
“Tryin’ to warm up”
“Tryin’ and failin’ more like,” Link muttered.
They tended to get a little more Southern in those moments, murmuring softly to each other. But they’d never done that, never been that close, with Link’s hand there, and Link settled his fingertips on the skin between Rhett’s balls and butt.
Rhett let out a breathy sigh of relief. “Your hands are warm.”
“Well yeah, dummy,” Link said quietly. “You should’a asked me to do this earlier”
They were quiet as Link rubbed him a bit, like a test at first, trying to bring warmth to the cold skin
“Does it burn?”
Rhett was distracted and it took him a moment to reply. “Burn?”
“Yeah, as it’s warmin’ up?”
“Oh, nah, not yet.”
Link was careful with his fingers, but with every few swipes he slipped a little too far back and Rhett jumped.
“Watch my–” he laughed nervously. “Watch my butthole.”
Link huffed out a laugh. “Your butthole?”
“I ain’t gonna finger your butthole if that’s what you’re worryin’ about.”
“I’m not worryin’,” Rhett said, because he wasn’t. That wasn’t what he meant.
They stayed quiet for another moment, as if they were both thinking.
“Is it cold though?” Link murmured.
“You want me to.. like,” Link slipped his hand back a little further and ghosted over Rhett’s ass. His cheeks were ice cold and Link chuckled softly. “Freezin’ here too, bo.”
“That’s what I told ya,” Rhett mumbled. “But you don’t have to..”
“You want me to though?”
Rhett paused before answering with a soft, “Yeah.”
Link rubbed gently, slow enough that he wouldn’t irritate Rhett’s frozen and overly-sensitive skin, but fast enough to bring warmth to the area. The base of his palm bumped against Rhett’s balls, his forearm sliding against Rhett’s cock, and Link didn’t say a word as Rhett grew hard against him. They both knew it was natural. Friction could do that.
“Dick’s warm,” Rhett muttered, trying to bring humor to the situation.
Link nodded, “I know.”
Rhett glanced down between them. “Is it buggin’ you? I can hold it up.”
“S’fine,” Link reiterated. “Ain’t botherin’ me none.”
And it wasn’t bothering him. It was just another thing. Cool butt, cold taint, warming balls, hot hard dick. It was fine.
Link slowed the rubbing, trying to change it up a bit as he pressed his fingers against Rhett’s taint.
“Pressin’ your button,” he murmured.
“What?” Rhett huffed out.
Link pushed in again and then started massaging in slow circles. “The evac button.”
“Oh,” Rhett breathed, “right..”
And then Link felt it.
Rhett’s dick was leaking slick and wet on his arm.
And in theory it should’ve bothered him, but it didn’t. At all.
“Feel good?” Link found himself asking.
And Rhett surprised himself by admitting, “real good..”
Link nodded and continued his kneading, his palm tapping against Rhett’s balls until Link just went for it and cupped them. They were soft, almost velvety, not much different than his own, and he held them the way he held himself, knowing what he liked and figuring Rhett might like it too.
“You’re warmin’ up,” Link breathed, as if the cold was even still a concern at that point, when he was actively playing with his best friend’s ballsack and massaging his taint.
Rhett just panted, actually panted, in reply and slid in the slick that now coated Link’s arm.
“You want me to stop?” Link asked, knowing it was probably a stupid question, and honestly hoping Rhett wouldn’t want him to.
“No,” Rhett huffed out a laugh, because that was the last thing he wanted, “god, don’t.”
So they were doing this, and it was fine. Just another thing.
Except it wasn’t just another thing. It was a big thing. Rhett was rubbing his dick on Link’s arm, and Link was pretty sure he was going to help him cum, and it somehow made sense, and then Rhett was tensing, and Link found he needed to watch him.
He wanted to see Rhett cum.
He’d heard it before – their college dorm room was small, and Link was good at feigning sleep. But he’d never seen Rhett’s face in those moments.
And here they were, and Link was helping to make it happen, wanting to make it happen, wanting to see it happen. He rubbed the now-warm skin, slipping his fingers back to ghost over Rhett’s ass again and he recognized the sharp inhale of breath as Rhett came and spurted wet heat over Link’s forearm.
Rhett was cumming in his boxers, all over Link’s arm and hand, and it was only then that Link really registered that he was hard too, and okay, this was something new. Something they’d probably need to explore further.
But currently, Rhett was looking down, his hair falling into his eyes as he chuckled softly, embarrassed.
Link knew further exploration would have to wait. But he was determined that it would happen. He eased his arm out of Rhett’s jeans, and turned it over, examining the mess Rhett had made on it.
“I’m gonna go wash my hands,” he said, grinning, “and arm.”
Rhett watched him go, speaking up just as Link reached the door. “We gotta tell the writers they can never go colder than frozen corn.”
Link stopped and looked back at him. “Nah, we can go colder.”
“Link,” Rhett gave him a crazed look, “I’ll lose everything next time, dick and all.”
“You’ll be alright.”
“Your hand ain’t that warm, man.”
“That’s true,” Link replied, shooting Rhett another grin as he slipped out the door, and Rhett could hear his voice echoing down the hallway, “but I got a hot mouth!”
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skinsharpenedteeth · 3 years
RNM After Dark, Day 2!
Today's story is... different. Medical kink, lab sex, milking machines, barebacking, comeplay... it's a real mixed bag. Definitely rated Explicit. 6883 Words.
Here's a link to the story on AO3!
"Compromised by a Foreign Body"
Alex knew the way they were going about it was wrong. No matter how many times his father told him the aliens were nothing more than violent, seditious predators from another world, it never sat right. But, when it was time to do his duty, Alex had stepped into line. He’d even managed to pull his best friend, Liz Ortecho, into working in the biomedical lab for Project Shepherd. Being a Manes meant that even in what should be a strict, military hierarchy, Alex was a prince. So he made his own job, helped out where he wanted, and tried to not think about the things he’d done or seen when he went home at night.
“Alex, can you help me with the specimen extraction this week? I’m really behind on some notations from last week’s experiments. It would be a great help to me,” Liz said one afternoon. He’d been aimless all day, simply walking around the base to look busy but without an actual task. His stomach clenched, however, at the request. Specimen extraction brought him into very close contact with aliens, and there was one whose eyes never seemed to stay on the ground where they belonged. There was one whose eyes followed him, seeming to see through his fatigues and tracing every line of his body underneath.
“The females and males?” Alex asked, clearing his throat to get rid of his nerves. Liz gave him a curious look at the show of anxiety. She knew him well. She could tell this wasn’t something he wanted to do.
“Just the males. I just need a semen specimen. We’re seeing what happens if we crossbreed them with human female eggs and how that effects the DNA and RNA structures of any resulting hybrids. Just grab the three youngest and put them in the collection rooms. One sample from each should be plenty,” Liz went on, already returning to her microscope slides and file notations. Alex made sure to keep his face neutral as she glanced up to studied him while giving her instructions. He nodded shortly and left the lab, already mentally listing the tasks he’d need to perform in order to do a collection.
Alex had been given basic medical training when he’d been taken on at Project Shepherd. It was explained that at any point, one of their captives might have to be taken down with an injection if brute force was inadvisable. He’d also received extensive hand-to-hand combat training. Alex had found it interesting that de-escalation techniques hadn’t been taught as part of his training before coming onto the base. So far he’d only had to use the bare minimum of force to get his job done. He’d turned into something of a Jack-of-all-trades, however, when it came to medical or scientific technical procedures.
First, he stopped by the captive holding area and signaled his brother Flint over from the guard station. Flint gave him an annoyed scowl, but came over to where Alex was waiting.
“What’s up?” Flint asked, always informal to Alex by way of blood. If their father had seen, Flint would’ve been disciplined. Alex, though younger, outranked Flint and therefore should always be treated with the respect of a superior officer. Alex didn’t care as much. Flint was a stooge and would never be more than a glorified prison guard. His pantomimed respect wasn’t needed for Alex to know he was above him. But Alex knew if their father saw Flint being too familiar at work, he’d chastise him with a fist.
“I need male captives Max, Michael, and Noah to specimen collection,” Alex informed Flint formally. Flint gave him a speculative grin, but didn’t say anything. He nodded and went back to the guard desk to inform the other two soldiers on duty. Alex saw them share a glance and chuckle as Alex started towards the pharmacy. His next task was to pick up some Tri-Mix injection and then to make sure a few rooms were set up with the correct equipment for the procedure.
Alex tried to keep his mind on the business at hand. The laughing of the other soldiers needled at him in the back of his mind. He’d done this job a few times, but he didn’t take any pleasure from it. If the other guys could see what was involved in the process, maybe they’d realize that it wasn’t as sexy a scenario as they imagined. Maybe if Alex wasn’t gay, it wouldn’t have been an issue at all. Maybe if the aliens looked more… well… alien and not just like humans, it could’ve just been an abstract curiosity, a shitty work detail. They would’ve just commiserated with him for drawing the short straw. But he was gay, and they didn’t understand what happened behind the closed doors of the extraction rooms and these three aliens in particular were very attractive by human standards. He shuddered to imagine what deprived fantasies they’d built around him and the aliens. This only happened, of course, when he had to work with the males.
He made his way to the long hallway of rooms they used for technical procedures. Alex looked through the monitors over the tech’s shoulder at the monitoring station. Only one room was in use currently, and it looked like an autopsy was taking place. Alex grimaced inwardly to think they’d lost another alien to the ravages of time.
“Anything scheduled in rooms 5, 7, or 9 for the next hour?” Alex asked the monitor tech quietly. The soldier blinked up at him, as if just now aware someone else was in the small room with him. He cleared his throat and picked up the scheduling clipboard from the corner of his desk. Alex’s eyes strayed back to the occupied room, and he watched with sick fascination as things were taken out of the alien’s abdomen and loaded into bowls.
“Uh, looks like they’re free. Need to book ‘em, sir?” the young soldier asked, remembering protocol at the last moment.
“Yeah. Captain Alex Manes. Max, Michael, and Noah are being brought in for specimen extraction,” Alex told the soldier for his notes. He nodded and wrote down the details on his paper copy of the schedule. He’d type it into the online schedule later as well as any observational notes. With a last glance towards the wall of screens, Alex left the room and went to get the equipment cases out of storage.
Each case held a milking machine which included a cylinder with a latex liner, a connector hose, and a suction machine. Alex placed one in each room and plugged in the power supply to the suction machine so it could start warming up. He rifled through the cabinets that lined each room’s walls and found the lubricant, prostate stimulation equipment, and massage wands. He’d never needed to use the extras, but something about their presence made him feel like he was actually there to do a job. The machines would do most of the work. He was really just there to monitor and make sure the samples were collected and labeled correctly for Liz.
As he was just double-checking all his equipment, Dr. Valenti walked into the room he was in. Alex turned and eyed his ex-best friend warily. Kyle had been making strides towards repairing their friendship, but Alex was still skeptical.
“Hey man. Liz said you were doing a collection. I brought you the Tri-Mix injections. Mind if I help out?” Kyle asked, showing him the preloaded injection pens.
“Sure, I guess. There’s not much to do. Just inject them, sleeve them, turn on the milkers, and go get a cup of coffee until the sensors go off,” Alex said flippantly.
“You don’t do any manual or electrical stimulation before you sleeve them?” Kyle asked, sounding a bit shocked. Alex tried to shrug nonchalantly. He didn’t want to admit that manual and electrical stimulation felt like he was crossing a line somehow. He logically knew these were not humans with human feelings or cultural constructs about consent, but in his own mind it was a step too far. The injection made it medical, but if he actually started probing and touching… then it might just be what those soldiers at the containment area thought it was. Kyle must’ve read his thoughts, because he clapped Alex on the shoulder and gave him a patronizing grin.
“You get better samples if you stim them. I can show you on one if you like? Just so you can see it’s not what you think it is,” Kyle offered, squeezing Alex’s shoulder affectionately. Alex absolutely did not want to see… except that he did. He was going to hell for it, but he was curious. In fact, he was fucking fascinated, and he hated himself for it.
“I mean, if you’ve got the time?” Alex said, trying to give Kyle an out.
“Hey, what’s the joke about doctors and always being busy except they’re really golfing? Think of this as my golf break. I’m getting out of the clinic and getting to do something fun for a little while,” Kyle said with a laugh.
As if on cue, the sound of wheels in the hallway alerted them that the captives had arrived. Alex turned to see two men rolling in Max, the largest physically of their aliens, already naked and strapped to a gurney, gag in his mouth (to protect him from biting his tongue while coming off any medications used during the procedure). Alex felt a quick flash of rage that they hadn’t left him clothed or thrown a blanket over him. The guards placed his gurney in the middle of the room, locked the wheels, saluted to Alex and Kyle before they left. Alex watched Kyle’s eyes rove up and down Max’s body covetously. Max had been gagged and given a mild, but quickly dissipating sedative. Alex could tell that he was relatively aware of where he was, but couldn’t fight the bonds. He hardly did, even when the sedative wore off.
“Here, let’s reposition him a little. If we’re going to stim him, I need to have better access to his body. Did the guards flush their systems before they brought them up?” Kyle asked, already unstrapping one of Max’s legs. He reached under the gurney and pulled out a heel stirrup that he gently placed Max’s foot in before re-securing him for safety. He did the same with Max’s other leg, spreading him wide.
“Uh….,” Alex started, completely out of his depth. He looked up at Max who met his eyes and nodded, color infusing his cheeks like a blush. Kyle was finishing with the other foot when Alex finally answered. “Yeah. They did.”
“Good. That means I don’t have to,” Kyle replied with a laugh. He was transforming the gurney from a long bed into practically a chair in front of Alex’s eyes. Alex had no idea the gurneys had so many bells and whistles on them. With his legs spread wide, hips strapped down to the table, and naked, Max looked utterly exposed to them. Kyle was leaning over Max’s upper body, using a pen light to check his responses. “God, the meds they have now are remarkable. He’s already becoming cognizant again!”
“Yeah, they come to pretty quick,” Alex remarked dryly while he watched Kyle do a quick examination, checking reflexes.
"Let's get some gloves on and I'll show you what I mean about the manual stimulation. If he doesn't react, we can always give him the Tri-Mix, but this can sometimes remove the need to even use it," Kyle explained, moving over to the instrument cart and pulling out two pairs of non-latex gloves. He and Alex snapped them on and Kyle rolled the instrument cart over to beside the table. He grabbed a rolling stool that had been left in the corner of the room from another procedure and sat himself down between Max's spread legs. Alex could see Max's confusion as he lifted his head to try and see what Kyle was doing.
"Okay so," Kyle started, drawing Alex's attention back from Max's dark eyes to where he was covering two fingers in a copious amount of lubricant. Alex watched as he used the non-lubricated hand to spread Max's ass cheeks and expose his dusky, puckered hole. Max's leg muscles flexed against their restraints at the feeling. "Just like with human males, these guys have got something like a prostate. You'd stim it the same way you would for a human."
"I usually like my partners to be hard before I go sticking things into their asses," Alex mumbled, trying for a joking tone. Kyle beamed up at him.
"That would be preferable. But if that's the problem, you can stimulate the prostate first and the penis should start getting erect after. Have you worked with these captives before? Do you know if this one is able to get hard without the injection?" Kyle asked. He still held Max's cheeks open, exposing him as he carried on his conversation with Alex. Alex risked a glance up to see that Max was staring resolutely at the ceiling, flushed but stoic to his treatment. Alex wished they were allowed to speak with the captives and that they didn't have to stay gagged when out of confinement. He'd just ask Max if getting hard was an issue, or if it was just the degradation of being used as a lab rat that kept him flaccid.
"I don't know. Like I said, I've never tried to stim them before suctioning. Max has never come in already hard, but his body responds well to the Tri-Fix," Alex replied, trying to ignore the fine tremors he could see in Max's stomach muscles. Kyle was rubbing a thumb in contemplative circles over Max’s hole, spreading the lube from his fingers and almost seeming unaware of what he was doing as he and Alex talked.
"I bet he can! He's a hell of a specimen. Before we try the prostate, let's see if he responds to some other stimulation," Kyle said with an excited clap. He stood up abruptly and walked to the side of the table. Alex stood on the other side, promising himself he would be polite and watch but wouldn't participate. Kyle took his time looking over Max's physique. In a familiar gesture, he set his hands high on Max's chest.
"Hey handsome," Kyle crooned. He slowly rubbed his hands up and down Max's chest, trailing his fingers lightly over the skin. Max darted his eyes to Alex in obvious confusion and alarm. Kyle followed his gaze. "Ignore him. I'm going to take care of you today."
Alex let his eyes slip away and back down to Kyle's hands. They smoothed over Max's skin, down over his ribs and stomach, then back up so his thumbs could tease lightly over Max's dark pink nipples. Max shifted under Kyle's attention.
"You've got to convince the blood to come up to the surface of the skin," Kyle murmured to Alex while he kept eye contact with Max. Kyle started to rub over Max's nipples more firmly, stroking over the tightening nubs. Pleased with their erectness, he hummed thoughtfully before trailing his hands down to rest on Max’s hipbones. Alex noticed the uptick in Kyle’s breathing and dilation in his eyes as he moved one hand to cup Max’s cock. He rocked the heel of his hand gently before circling his thumb and first finger around the shaft and stroking. Max’s body started to respond to the attention, his cock plumping up in Kyle’s grip as he kept stroking over him smoothly.
“That’s it,” Kyle cooed encouragingly. Max shifted under him as much as he could, head pressed back against the gurney and staring resolutely towards the ceiling. His face was flushed and the red stain seemed to be moving down towards his chest the harder he got. Alex jumped when a hand came into his view suddenly. “Put some more lube on my fingers.”
Alex obeyed Kyle’s order and watched him push one slick finger into Max’s hole, making the alien jump in surprise. Expertly, Kyle crooked his finger and within a few searching thrusts was able to locate Max’s prostate. Alex glanced up to check Max’s cock and was surprised to find him almost painfully engorged. Kyle followed his line of sight and smiled, turning to look at Alex triumphantly.
“Told you man, nothing to it. Hand me the suction canister and we’ll get him hooked up and pumping.” Alex shuddered at the excitement in Kyle’s voice, the eagerness, but he did was he was asked. As soon as the canister was lowered over Max’s cock, cool plastic resting against his belly, Kyle flipped a switch to began low suction. Max’s cock jerked in response to the tight pressure build and release of the machine, and Alex heard a low groan escape from behind his gag. Kyle had managed to work two fingers into his hole while Alex had watched the machine begin its work and was thrusting them in time with the machine. A glance further down and Alex could see the solid outline of Kyle’s own cock straining against his scrub pants.
“Uh, I’m going to go get started on one of the other captives,” Alex spoke up, feeling awkward at continuing to stand by the scene in front of him. Kyle gave him a friendly smile, fingers and wrist still working away.
“Sure, go do Michael. Noah, from what I understand, is a tougher case and I’d like to commit my full attention to him. After this, we can go do lunch if you want?” Kyle offered easily. Alex nodded and made a non-committal sound before turning and quickly exiting the room. He wasn’t fast enough to not hear Kyle murmuring softly to Max before he left. “You’re doing so good, Max. Look at these balls, man. You’re going to give up a big load for us today, huh?”
Alex wished he could bleach his brain.
He quickly closed the door behind him and moved towards the room he knew Michael to be in. He’d seen Michael around the compound. He was hard to miss with his curls, sharp smile, and sad eyes. Alex had tried to ignore him, but he found himself more and more aware of him each time they crossed paths. When he entered the exam room to find him naked and conscious, strapped and gagged the same as Max on the gurney, he flushed hot with a mix of embarrassment and want. He shut the door quietly behind him.
“Hey Michael,” Alex greeted him quietly. Michael’s eyes roved up and down his body, undressing him, challenging him despite his position. Feeling exposed, Alex moved towards the gurney slowly. The closer he got, the more of Michael’s body he could see. His cock was nestled serenely against his balls, a short, dark thatch of hair surrounding his groin and leading up his stomach and over his chest. Alex wanted to run his fingers through the hair, tangle himself in it, bury his face against it… but he knew that was inappropriate. No matter how attractive he found him, the alien was not in any position to consent to anything, and Alex knew it. He was still tempted, however.
To try to hide the awkwardness he was feeling, Alex busied himself with positioning the cart next to the gurney. He gloved up and reached for the lube, immediately dropping it when Michael cleared his throat next to him. The bottle clattered loudly on the metal cart, knocking the milking canister onto the ground. Alex fumbled to try to catch it before it rolled too far away. A knock sounded at the door and one of the guard’s voices came through.
“You okay, sir?”
“I’m fine!” Alex called back, face flaming in embarrassment. He looked at Michael who gave him a smug and superior grin around the obstruction in his mouth. Alex set the canister back on the table and bent over Michael to hiss at him. “Don’t be a dick!”
Michael gave him a raised eyebrow in response as if to say ‘who, me?’
“Yes, you,” Alex snapped. He moved back over to the table and picked up the lube again. Again, Michael pointedly cleared his throat. Alex abruptly turned to look at him, eyes narrowed suspiciously. “What?!”
Michael just looked at him for a moment, waiting for him to catch up. With a huff, Alex moved to block the view of the camera and loosened the gag enough to slide it out of Michael’s mouth. He watched Michael moved his jaw around and swallow convulsively a few times, resisting the urge to get him some water, while he waited for Michael to speak.
“What do you want, Michael?” Alex asked, trying to put steel into his voice to cow Michael’s nonchalant, almost playful attitude.
“I was going to say, you could at least buy me dinner before you start sticking probes into me,” Michael replied, his voice rough but steady. Alex stared at him incredulously.
“Are you trying to flirt with me?” he asked, unable to stop himself. Shock was an adequate description for how he was feeling about this turn of events.
“No. I am flirting with you, private,” Michael replied, giving Alex another once over before continuing. “How am I doing?”
“This is the least sexy situation I could possibly imagine being flirted with in,” Alex answered flatly.
“Well, you refuse to come visit me in my cell, so this is what I’ve got to work with. Besides, you’re about to have to get me hard enough to spurt for science. Maybe you should work on your bedside manner.” Alex stared down at Michael on the table. His eyes moved down to his exposed cock, still flaccid, and then over to the milking machine on the table. His ears felt warm and he was sure he was blushing.
“I don’t think that’ll be a problem. After all, I could always just inject you with Tri-Fix if you don’t want to get hard naturally,” Alex countered, trying not to let how flustered he was feeling show through in his voice. Michael gave him a frankly filthy grin in response.
“With the right stimulation, I’ve never had a problem getting hard naturally. Besides, have you ever had one of those tubes on your dick before?” Michael whistled low in apparent appreciation. “Science is wonderful. I’m all for science.”
“No, I’ve never--” Alex started, affronted at the mere idea that he would use government property for his own pleasure that way.
“Maybe you should climb up here and give it a try….” Michael suggested in a conspiratorial tone.
“There’s no way. There are cameras in here,” Alex protested, wondering why he wasn’t shoving the gag back in Michael’s mouth and getting on with the sample collection.
“I can fix that, ya know. These drugs they have us on dull my powers quite a bit, but I’m still pretty good at shorting out electronics when I need to,” Michael countered. He rushed on as Alex opened his mouth to respond. “You can keep me tied down. You can, uh… manually… collect your sample for the lab from me and take a spin on the suck tube at the same time.”
“I could never…” Alex protested weakly. He hated that he was even considering it. He didn’t know what Michael’s plan was, but he was pretty sure getting his dick sucked by a robot was not acceptable protocol under any circumstances.
“You can gag me again if you want to keep me quiet,” Michael said, voice almost a purr. Alex contemplated the idea, eyes straying from Michael to the milking canister and then surreptitiously up towards where the cameras were. Curiosity was getting the best of him. Curiosity and hormones. This close he could smell the petrichor and salt scent of Michael’s skin and make out the green flecks hidden amongst the amber of his eyes.
“If you can take out the cameras…” Alex started, but before he could finish he heard a faint cry of dismay from the observation room. Panicking, Alex shoved the gag back into Michael’s mouth and hoped to God it hadn’t been visibly out on the video. A second later, one of the monitor techs came into the room looking thunderous.
“Everything okay?” Alex asked the tech who had grabbed a chair and angrily shoved it into a corner. He started to climb up onto the seat, his eyes trained on the small dome on the ceiling that held the camera.
“This fucking piece of shit. Always shorts out on me. Goddamnit,” he cursed, removing the protective dome to look at the wiring beneath. He cursed again and hopped down, coming over to stand in front of Alex. “I’m going to have to replace the whole thing. Something major burned up. Do you want to postpone this procedure or--”
“No!” Alex cut in, his voice sharply cutting off the tech. The tech gave him a wide-eyed look. “I just… I’m not going to have time later. Look, he’s secured down. There are guards outside the door. I’ll be fine. He’s not going to cause me any trouble, will you?”
Alex directed the last question at Guerin who looked between him and the tech and lolled his head as if he were still slightly dopey. The tech squinted at him, but seemed to take the act at face value.
“Fine. Just give me a heads-up when you’re done so I can get in here. And don’t fucking undo any of those straps, got it? They’re there for your protection!” Alex gave him a grave nod and the tech turned and strode out of the room. As soon as the door snicked shut behind him, Alex turned and stared wide-eyed at an obviously unrepentant Michael. Alex removed his gag again, bending close to his ear before speaking.
"If you tell anyone about this, I will have you thrown into solitary for a week," Alex threatened in a low voice. It felt empty because he knew if Michael told anyone, his father would find him and put him in a hole in the ground. There was something about Michael's offer though… a feeling between them that made Alex sure the risk would pay out.
"I won't tell," Michael replied quietly. There was a sadness in his voice that pierced Alex's heart and he moved to be able to see Michael's eyes. They stared at each other for a long moment, each searching for something needed but fragile and better left silent between them. Alex ended their silent back and forth by bending down and pressing their lips together. It was sweet and chaste, a seal for their understanding, and when he pulled back he felt like their bargain was solidly struck. Quietly, Alex moved the extra chair from the corner under the broken camera and wedged it under the doorknob. When he turned back to face Michael, he immediately began to unbutton his shirt enough to pull it and his undershirt off over his head. He leaned against the table to tackle his boots, pants, and prosthesis. With an embarrassing lack of grace, Alex proceeded to climb onto the gurney and straddle Michael's thighs.
Michael's eyes were wide and darkened with lust as they scanned over Alex’s naked body. He looked hungry in a way Alex was all too familiar with. Alex noted to his smug relief that Michael’s cock had gotten half hard at his striptease and was growing firmer beneath him. Without a word, Alex reached over and grabbed the lube bottle, squeezing some into his palm before slicking Michael's cock with it. The friction made Michael groan quietly, his eyes fluttering shut as Alex stroked him with a firm hand and brought him to full hardness. Alex’s own cock was beginning to throb and ache with neglect, but he didn't want to touch himself too soon. The risk of the situation was turning him on almost as much as Michael beneath him, his hips flexing into Alex’s grip in aborted thrusts.
Alex let go of Michael and lifted onto his knees. Keeping eye contact with Michael, he took his still slick hand and reached behind himself to push two fingers into his hole. It was almost too much too soon, but Alex liked the burn and needed this part to go quick. He didn’t realize his eyes had slipped shut, unable to concentrate on anything but the stretch and pressure of his digits as he rocked his hips back and twisted his fingers to make the stretch go faster.
"Oh shit," Michael breathes out beneath him. Alex opened his eyes and pinned Michael with a hard stare before swooping down to kiss him again. This kiss wasn't sweet. It wasn't chaste or simple. Alex licked at the seam of Michael's mouth once and barely gaves the other man time to accept him before he was pushing his way in. If Michael was hungry, Alex was fucking starving. Not that he’d gotten a taste, he wasn’t sure he’d be able to stop.
Michael moaned into their kisses, his body shifting restlessly, claiming as much movement as he could against the restraints.
"Shhhh," Alex warned, breaking their kiss. He shuffled forward enough to be able to reach behind himself and grasp Michael's cock. Goosebumps broke out over his skin as he pressed the blunt tip to his wet hole. Biting his lip, Alex forced his body to relax and accept Michael's generous girth. It was almost too much and after a few slow drags where he only managed to shove a few inches at a time into himself, Alex pulled off and added more lube. The next time he pushed down, it was like his body just accepted Michael and made room accordingly. Both he and Michael let out harsh, gutted breathes when Alex managed to fully sheath Michael inside him.
"Fucking christ," Alex groaned, trying to stay quiet but already feeling his body scream for him to start fucking himself stupid on the perfect cock stuffed in him. Beneath him, eyes squeezed shut, Michael nodded and Alex watched as his hands and fingers flexed in an echo of Alex's own need to move. Slowly, Alex began to rock his hips and get his first exquisite taste of the pull and push of Michael's cock lighting up his insides. Wrapping a hand around his cock, Alex noted how wet and messy his shaft was from the leaking precum drooling out of the tip. He used that wetness to ease the way as he stroked himself lightly in time with the undulations of his hips.
"Please," Michael gasped out beneath him. "Oh fuck, please."
Alex knew what he wanted, wanted it himself, but also knew they made a plan. Carefully, he reached over to the instrument table and picked up the plastic cylinder end of the milking machine. Inside it was a PVC sleeve that molded itself around the recipient's penis once the suction was started. Then, according to the dials on the machine, the sleeve would go taut and relax with a rhythmic click and hiss, effectually sucking off the wearer until he blew his load and the sample collection sensor went off. The load would then be scraped from the inside of the sleeve and collected into a tube to be given to the lab. Alex knew all of that, had the technical knowledge down pat in his brain, but was unprepared for the foreign feeling of sliding his own cock into the smooth, cool fabric of the milker cylinder. With a barely trembling hand, he pressed the ‘on’ switch and waited for the first pull.
He didn't know what he’d been led to expect, but it wasn't the vice-like, fluid pressure that made his hips hitch forward instinctively to get more of that tight clutching feeling. Alex felt a moan get dragged past his lips, echoed by Michael as he began to fuck forward against the milker and then back onto Michael's cock.
"Oh god," Alex moaned brokenly, curling forward over the cylinder in helpless abandon. The angle pressed Michael's cock hard against his prostate, and Alex indulged himself in a few shallow thrusts that brushed the head of Michael's cock against that spot over and over. His body felt like it was getting expertly rung out, and he now understood why there wasn't more of a revolt against the collection process by the alien captives. They were getting an expert blow job by a robot on the government's dime.
When Alex could drag his eyes open, he looked down and saw his own helpless pleasure echoed on Michael's face. His lips were parted in an "oh" of surprise, eyebrows drawn together like he wasn't sure if he was in pain or in ecstasy, and sweat beaded his hairline and neck. He looked like a ravaged Greek demigod laid bare at Alex's whim. The sight made Alex’s body shudder with a wave of lust for the alien beneath him. He didn’t know if it was because he was alien or because Alex was in the midst of intense pleasure, but he wanted to never leave in that instant.
"Fuck, look at you," Alex couldn't help saying. He pushed back, arching and reaching until he could brace his hands on Michael's legs to grind back down in his prick. The cylinder jut from his groin obscenely between them, position change not effecting its mechanical precision. Michael opened his eyes and stared up at Alex, a look if wonder on his face.
"I wanna touch you," he said, voice quiet enough to almost get lost under the hum of the machine. Alex smirked down at him, feeling fuck drunk and bold at his naked worship.
"Where do you wanna touch me? Tell me," Alex demanded, voice breathy.
"I want to touch your neck. I want to twist my hands in your hair and put you where I want you," Michael said, voice serious like he was in a confessional booth telling his sins. Alex hummed in response, sitting up straight and moving his hands up his chest to his neck and then into his hair.
"Like this?" Alex asked, smiling at the covetous, feral look on Michael's face as Alex acted out his words. He let his eyes slip shut so he could imagine that instead of restrained, Michael was simply dictating his desires to him.
"Yeah. Like that," he agreed. His eyes trailed lower and he began talking again. "I want to rake my nails down your chest. I want to pinch and suck your nipples, abuse your tits until you're begging for me to stop."
Alex let his hands fall from his hair down to his chest. He raked his fingers down the front of his pecs and stomach, not stopping until he was almost at his pubes. He slid his fingers back up to his nipples and plucked at them with savage, twisting, pinching fingers. The zings of pain shot down to his groin, where his balls were drawing up tight to his body, the finish line in sight for him. The rhythm of the machine picked up and Alex opened his eyes in time to see Michael looking intently at the knots that controlled speed and intensity.
"Where else?" Alex gasped, the increased setting of the machine making him tip forward to brace himself with his hands on Michael’s chest, so he could fuck himself harder onto Michael's cock in time. He could see in Michael's face he was getting close too, trying to hold out until Alex busted.
"After I come in your ass, I want you to sit on my face and let me eat you out. I want to taste you and me on my tongue. I wanna watch you squirm, oversensitive and mewling as I tongue fuck you into a second orgasm," Michael managed to say through a gasping, pained groan. His hips were flexing minutely under Alex, trying impotently to reciprocate the harsh pounding he was getting as Alex rode him.
"Fuck!" Alex almost yelled, his body starting to seize at the thought, thrusts going erratic as he rode through his orgasm on with his body on automatic pilot. A beeping sensor on the machine went off and the machine automatically shut itself off. Gingerly, he broke the suction around the base of his cock and slid the cylinder from his body. Feeling wrecked and still impossible full of cock, Alex looked down at Michael who was breathing hard and looking pained at the full stop of their activities. Alex gave him an evil smile when their eyes met.
"Your turn, cowboy," he said. Michael looked at him in momentarily confusion until Alex pulled off his cock with groan. He felt so empty without Michael inside him. He felt like his ass was gaping where his legs were still spread on either side of Michael’s hips. He twisted around and slid the used cylinder over Michael's hard-as-nails prick. Machine in place, Alex reached over and flipped on the machine again, overriding the collection sensor and making sure to turn up the speed to bring Michael off swiftly. He turned back to Michael's face, watching him go from shock to stricken within seconds. Alex bent low, resting some of his body weight on top of Michael’s chest, and mouthing at his jaw and neck. He felt the vibrations of whimpers and quiet moans against his cheek as he nibbled at Michael's ear.
"Once you cum in the cylinder, I'm going to make sure you get a taste of us before I dump the sample due to compromise by a foreign body. That means we'll have to do this again tomorrow. And tomorrow? I'm going to fuck your throat while the machine gets a clean sample from you," Alex whispered into his ear. Michael made an unmistakable noise of release, a tight, gasping sob as his cock was milked dry. The selection alarm chimed again and Alex turned off the machine with an easy flick of his wrist.
Good to his word, Alex twisted and broke the suction of the cylinder. Because of the double load, when he moved it off Michael's cock, he could see their combined spunk coating Michael's length in a pearlescent sheen. Inspired, Alex bent down and dragged his tongue down the length of Michael's softening cock. He turned back to Michael, dumping the cylinder haphazardly onto the instrument cart before sealing his lips over Michael's. Michael opened his mouth hungrily, tongue tangling against Alex's and greedily stealing all traces of their combined flavor for himself. When they broke apart, Alex smiled down at Michael for a moment, giving him one last kiss, before moving off of him and the gurney.
He once again leaned against the side of the gurney and put himself back together. By the time he was completely re-outfitted in his fatigues, his mind was once again on business. He turned and pushed the gag back into Michael's mouth before he could say anything. Michael stared at him in confusion until Alex grabbed a hand towel and laid it over Michael's lap to cover his nudity. He gave Michael a sad smile before he went and removed the chair from in front of the door and stuck his head out into the corridor.
"Captive is ready for transport back to the pen," he called to the guards on duty. He backed away when they came back in the room and unlocked the wheels of Michael's gurney. Michael stared at him in something like betrayal as he was wheeled away. After he was gone, Alex washed out the cylinders sleeve and wrote a note on Michael's chart to schedule him for a second collection the following day.
Alex wasn't sure how he felt about what had just happened. Now, in the quiet of the empty collection room, he wondered if it had been an elaborate dream. He wondered if he'd wake up soon in his own bed, tired and disoriented and dreading another day of work at Caulfield. He also couldn't deny that what had just happened definitely wasn't a dream if the ache in his muscles and the slick feeling between his ass cheeks were to be trusted. He felt guilty for judging Kyle’s lasciviousness when he couldn’t stop himself from riding his captive like a rodeo bull. Was he as bad as the other guards thought, or was it just Michael? Alex couldn’t imagine doing anything that had just happened to another captive or man that he knew.
One thing was for certain, he was already in too deep to want to stop. He hadn’t come that hard since he’d learned where his prostate was. He just didn’t know how he was going to schedule in more time for him and Michael to see each other after tomorrow. With a sigh, he left the room and went back to his office to think through his actions. A flask of bourbon waited in his desk drawer to help him find the answers.
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discotreque · 3 years
LwD 2.05: An Embarrassment of Dooplers
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So I was a little nervous about this one! I hadn’t heard any spoiler-spoilers, but screeners have been out for weeks now, and I’d heard a bunch of individual, vague, non-spoilery hints about (1) big character moments, on the scale of a mid-season finale even though the show’s not taking a mid-season break; and (2) an ending that would make me cry.
I guess I imagined something relatively serious and dramatic, like “No Small Parts”? This show makes me cackle with laughter and giggle with nerdy glee and “d’awww!” at heartwarming friendships every week, but it’s only ever made me cry once—and then I was impressed that they were going to get there from the wacky hijinks we saw in the brief teaser.
The lack of a cold open made me apprehensive too—in my experience, that’s typically a sign that there’s so much plot in the rest of the episode that they need that extra scene—but after ~21.5 minutes of aforementioned hijinks, I was having so much fun that I’d completely forgotten about the alleged tear-jerker at the end…
…and they were not the tears I was expecting.
I didn’t think I’d be smiling and crying!!!! That was wholesome as SHIT!!!!!
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I almost can’t believe they earned that—but they totally did.
After a Mariner–Tendi episode and a Boimler–Rutherford episode, we’re back to the “usual” Season 1 pairings… except the relationships between these characters have changed since Season 1. Mariner still feels thwacked in the abandonment issues by Boimler bailing for the Titan, and Rutherford’s having a tiny little existential crisis about losing an entire year of his life.
Both of which are extremely understandable and very heavy situations—and both of those situations get resolved because everyone in them is vulnerable with each other and honest about their feelings—AND that honesty and vulnerability brings both pairs of friends closer together. Are you kidding me?? I would watch SEVENTY seasons of that shit. Put it in my veins.
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Onto the notes:
So basically Dooplers are Tribbles, but for cringe comedy instead of slapstick? Ohhhhh boy.
Look at Ransom the diplomat, tossing his own fork on the floor! I like that he’s actually a pretty competent Starfleet officer, despite also being a completely ridiculous person.
It makes sense that B. Boimler would find William annoying—who likes seeing their own flaws reflected back at them? And who could be a better reflection of one’s flaws than one’s literal duplicate?—but most interesting to me is that it implies on some level, Bradward knows the stick up his butt is a flaw. (Does William?)
Why does the Cerritos model have working phasers?!?!
I’m loving hot pink as the currently en-vogue colour for “dangerous sci-fi energy” in animation (cf. almost every previous episode of this show; Into the Spider-Verse; other stuff I can’t remember right now). As a former child of the 80’s, I’m living for it… but as a former teenager of the 90’s, I can’t help but wonder if it’s going to age as poorly as the harsh neon green of The Matrix, every Borg appearance on Voyager, and like 80% of the websites I made in high school…
That fake-out joke with the fly-by over the Cerritos model was in the season trailer weeks ago, and I was so enthralled by that handsome lady that the sticker coming into frame still got me good 😂😂😂
BECKY Mariner????? omg yes
Some top-quality Boimler screams in this one. Poor Jack Quaid must drink gallons of throat-coat tea when he records.
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One of the great things about Star Trek to me is that you never know what you’re going to get from any random episode. A murder mystery? A road trip? A spooky thriller? A cheesy romance? Broad comedy? Body horror? Didactic political screeds shrouded in tissue-thin science-fiction metaphors? Brain and brain, what is brain??? And after this many years of watching, you’d think I’d be hard to surprise. But if I ever told you I thought I’d see a Blues Brothers–style car chase through a frickin’ shopping mall on an episode of Star Trek, I would have been straight-up lying to you. I loved it, it worked for me, my jaw was on the floor and I was clapping with joy—but I’m definitely comfortable calling this one “unexpected.”
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It’s CAPTAIN SHELBY!!! And an ancient babydyke crush rose from the depths of my childhood subconscious… (Also I think her Number One is based on the original makeup—eventually deemed too complicated—for Saru? Now that’s a deep cut.)
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In 20th-century Trek, you almost never got to see what was going on inside a starship from the outside. Even after they switched from physical models (where it was next to impossible on a single episode’s budget) to CGI (which was still in its infancy, still not exactly cheap, and still broadcast in SD anyway), it was a rare thrill to see any meaningful interior details in an exterior shot. Disco’s modern VFX have given us some tasty, tasty treats in that department, but nothing quite as sublime as all the pink Doopler light glittering through the Cerritos’s windows.
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Mariner says she’ll take her contact Malvus down with her, and threatens that they’ll end up “in the same cell.” Malvus is a Mizarian, a species introduced in TNG’s “Allegiance,” in which Captain Picard is held in a mysterious prison with one. I think I see what you did there, McMahan?
Bartender… so hot… lesbian circuits… overloading…
The Tendi and Rutherford C-story was, well, a C-story within a 22-minute episode, so there wasn’t much to it, but the one scene that mattered actually mattered a lot. I’m ambivalent on whether they should end up romantically involved—I’d prefer they don’t, but they’ll be one of the cutest couples in Trek history if they do—and as long as they keep that pure, sweet friendship between them at the heart of whatever else happens, I’m on board.
Carol Freeman was already one of my favourite captains before this season, and she’s been steadily moving up the list. The quiet throughline about her ambition to be on a better ship has been fascinating so far, and it’s starting to actually make me feel a little conflicted: I’m of course rooting for Captain Freeman to recognize her worth, make Starfleet recognize her worth, and become the ass-kicking captain of a hero ship that she’s clearly ready to be—but that almost surely means she’d be kicking ass off-screen, because LwD isn’t about those kind of adventures, and I’d be devastated not to have Dawnn Lewis on the show every week. So I’m kind of on the edge of my seat about this one!
I had so many favourite jokes this week I put them in a separate list:
“Even the replicated water on the Titan tasted better” is a low-key brilliant dunk on people who can’t shut the fuck up about the cooler places they used to live.
“Ooooh, they have a Quark’s now! That used to just be an empty lot where teens would make mistakes!” ← That’s literally me every time I go back to where I grew up. I felt so Seen™ I almost hid under a blanket.
“I would never go down the stairs!” (evil grin) (goes up the stairs)
The “well, shit” expressions from Mariner and Boimler as their crashed car sank right into the water… which started to bubble innocuously… and then the bottles of Data bubble-bath popped up, paying off a joke I thought had already been paid off—that was the one that woke up my poor cat this week. Just exquisite timing.
“YOUR PAGH IS WEAK, AND IT DISGUSTS ME!” “I don’t even know what that is, but I don’t like your tone!”
“Okona’s in there? He’s not even Starfleet! This is outrageous!” made me shout “NO!” at the screen like I was scolding my cat for scratching furniture. (She did not wake up that time.)
Best background joke: the neon sign at the dive bar advertising FREE SHOTS & BEERS. (Get it? Because they’re on a Federation starbase? Where nobody uses money?)
And of course Quark merchandised DS9.
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This wasn’t just a standout episode of Lower Decks, this was a brilliant episode of Star Trek, period. The Dooplers, though extremely silly, are nevertheless also a clever sci-fi metaphor for real and relatable personal/interpersonal issues, and an effective plot catalyst for meaningful character growth from all four of our ensigns and the captain.
The jokes were hilarious, the action was kinetic, the A-, B-, and C-plots linked up thematically, the visuals were consistently and thoroughly gorgeous, the character beats—between Mariner and Boimler, Tendi and Rutherford, Mariner and Capt. Freeman—were all genuine, heartfelt and wholesome, and the references to other Trek canon were both deep and deeply affectionate.
Only 15 episodes in, and this series knows exactly what it is, exactly what it wants to do, and knows that it can knock our socks off doing it. Mike McMahan has said in recent interviews that the back half of S2 (and the apparently almost-fully-written S3) is a straight line uphill in quality from here—which surprised me at first, because McMahan seems like a pretty chill dude who doesn’t normally brag about his own work like that.
But then the Prophets sent me a vision of my space dad Ben Sisko, who reminded me of the words of 1930’s baseball player Dizzy Dean:
“If you can do it, it ain’t bragging.”
[Thanks to cygnus-x1.net for the screenshots this week—I was too lazy to do my own.]
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I wrote a little ironfalcon & sarahbucky fic! Thank you to @warmachinesocks for sensitivity reading it for me, I really appreciate the help!
This fic is also on ao3 but tumblr hates links so no links for you
The first thing Bucky sees when he walks through the door of Sarah’s house—Sarah’s house! He gets to stay with Sarah!—is Tony Stark washing the dishes. He stops in the doorway, not sure why he’s so surprised to see Stark there—he’d known that Stark had retired somewhere quiet after the battle with Thanos—but he definitely is. He hesitates, not sure if he can—or should—say something. Sure, he and Tony had talked things out after the battle, cleared the air between them, but he’d assumed that was based on them never having to see each other again.
“It’s rude to lurk in doorways,” Tony says, before he can think of anything to say.
“Uh,” Bucky says intelligently. Then, “What are you doing here?” He winces. His ma would absolutely have something to say about how rude he’s being if she could hear him.
Fortunately, Tony just chuckles and says, “I live here. What are you doing here, Freezer Pop?”
“You live here?” Bucky asks.
“Yes,” Sam says from behind him, startling him enough that he jumps. “Now get out of the way, Barnes. You’re blocking the door.”
Bucky steps inside, clutching his overnight bag in front of him like the shield he hadn’t thought he would need. Sarah and the boys are right behind Sam, and Bucky gives her a shy smile. She smiles back at him before ducking her head, and now that she’s turned away, Bucky looks back at Sam, who has made a beeline straight for Tony.
“Hey sweetheart,” Sam says in the softest voice Bucky has ever heard from him.
Tony leans over to kiss Sam’s cheek. “Hey, honey. How’s the boat?”
“Looking good,” Sarah says. “No thanks to you.” Bucky starts to get a little worried, but Sarah is grinning as she says it and Tony’s expression is one of mock outrage so he relaxes again.
“Excuse you,” Tony says in a faux-offended voice, “I was busy for five years.”
“Yeah, taking care of my boys and being an Avenger, so you’ve said many times. But what, you forgot about my poor boat?”
“Hey, I did offer to help pay for the repairs.”
Sarah’s face softens and she walks over to rub Tony’s metal shoulder, uncovered by the sleeveless shirt he’s wearing. “And that was sweet of you,” she says. “But I could told you I could—”
“—take care of it,” Tony finishes. “Yeah, you said.”
Sam rejoins Bucky by the door and tugs his bag from Bucky’s limp hand. “Come on,” he says, jerking his head toward the living room. “They’re gonna be at it for a while. I’ll show you where you can put your stuff.”
As they’re heading into the living room, Bucky quietly asks, “So how long have you and Stark—”
“Don’t let him hear you call him that,” Sam interrupts. “Just call him Tony, he hates Stark or Mr. Stark or anything else like that. And since 2005. We met working on the EXO-7 project. He was my technician. Got married right after he came back from Afghanistan.”
He remembers Steve telling him about Sam taking the plea deal after the Avengers split. Steve hadn’t been able to understand it, but he thinks about how they’d all understood Clint and Scott taking the same deal for their families and wonders if it was something like that.
“And how did you handle the—uh—”
Sam gives him a flat look. “With a lot of communication and a little bit of make-up sex,” he says. “When you’ve been together as long as we have, that’s something you learn.”
“What, that make-up sex helps?”
“That communication is important. And trust me, it can feel like pulling teeth, trying to get Tony to talk, but it’s worth it.” He plops down on the couch and motions for Bucky to sit down next to him, waiting until Bucky does before he continues, “Speaking of communication, a couple things about Sarah since you’re clearly going to ignore the Bro Code.”
“The Bro Code?”
“Yeah, don’t date sisters of friends, that kind of thing.”
“I don’t think that was a thing in the forties.”
“I’m pretty sure it was.”
“No, I think I’d remember that.”
“Steve didn’t have a sister, why would you remember that? Besides, your memory is as good as swiss cheese, and don’t think I missed you not arguing with me about that friend thing. Anyway, the Bro Code, since you’re ignoring it—”
From where they’re sitting, Bucky can see Sarah in the kitchen, putting away leftovers that someone had brought them while they’d been working. She looks real pretty with the evening sunlight lighting her from behind, making her glow like an angel. Bucky smiles a little, thinking about the way she’d laughed at his horrible jokes.
“Seriously man,” Sam interrupts. “Smitten-with-a-capital-s. Now look, Sarah’s had it rough these last few months. Blipped just like you and me, only she had to come back to a rundown boat and her boys all grown up. Tony did what he could around here, but he was grieving too and he had the duties of being an Avenger on top of taking care of AJ and Cass. He forgot about taking care of the boat and Sarah’s paying for it now. She’s been hurt a lot, so if your intention is something quick and then leaving her just like her husband, it’s not just me you’ll have to answer to. It’s Tony too, and the whole town on top of us. We look out for each other around this area.”
“Yeah, I got that today when the whole town showed up to help out.”
Sam grins and shakes his head, seemingly awed that he and Sarah would inspire enough loyalty for people to come help them. Bucky doesn’t get it. Both Wilson siblings are absolutely incredible. Hell, only a few weeks ago, he himself thought he’d be happy if he never had to deal with Sam ever again and now he’s staying at the man’s family home.
“My point is—” Sam begins.
“Samuel Thomas Wilson, I know you’re not giving that man a shovel talk,” Sarah interjects, coming into the living room, drying her hands on a dish towel. “You’re gonna scare him off, same as you did to all my boyfriends back in high school.”
Sam holds his hands up. “I’m just making sure he knows to treat you right.”
“Believe me, the poor man knows. Besides, I don’t need you to do that. I’m more than capable of making sure he treats me right all by myself.”
Bucky thinks about what that might mean and shivers pleasurably.
“Look at him, you broke the poor guy’s brain,” Tony complains. “AJ and Cass Wilson, can the two of you set the table?”
“Aww Uncle Tony, do we have to?” AJ complains.
“Hmm, how about you set the table or I’ll sell all your toys.”
“You wouldn’t do that,” AJ says, but gets up anyway and joins his brother in the kitchen.
“I might if you keep challenging me,” Tony shoots back, but there’s no heat to his voice and AJ is still grinning as he grabs plates out of the cupboard so Bucky turns back to Sam and Sarah, who have gotten quieter now that they’ve got an audience beyond just him.
“—want to see you taken care of the way you should be,” Sam is saying.
Sarah’s face softens. “Thanks. I don’t need it—”
“—but you should be anyway. After all you’ve done for our family, you deserve it.”
They both glance at Bucky, who smiles quickly to try to assure them that he’s a great option for Sarah. He’d heard some of the things the townspeople were saying about her while they were working on the boat today: she’s an impressive woman and all he wants to do right now is to prove that he’s worthy of her.
“Well,” Sam says eventually. “I guess there are worse people you could go for.”
“Gee, thanks, Sam,” Bucky says flatly.
“No problem, man.” He looks back at Sarah. “Fine, I’ll lay off of him. But the first time he hurts you—”
“—you’ll let me handle it like the grown-up I am?” Sarah finishes firmly, hands on her hips. She seems to decide that the conversation is clearly over because she heads back into the kitchen, swatting Tony away from the sauce on the stovetop with a wooden spoon.
Sam deflates. “Yeah, okay,” he calls after her. “I’ll let you handle it.”
“Hey, I get it,” Bucky offers quietly. “I had sisters too and they hated it when I got involved with their relationships.”
“She deserves the best. And I really hope that you can be the one to give it to her. I saw how she looked at you. I haven’t seen her look like that since high school.” There’s a pensive look in his eyes, his hands clasped together in front of him. “I didn’t realize how much I missed seeing that look.”
“I like her too,” Bucky tries to assure him. “I don’t want to hurt her.” He hesitates, then adds, “I don’t want to hurt anyone. Except maybe Walker.”
Sam laughs. “You and me both.”
“I’ll toast to that,” Tony says cheerfully, coming back into the living room. “Sarah says it’s dinner time.”
Dinner is a loud affair, full of the boys talking about what they’ve been up to with their friends, Sam and Sarah bickering about repairs that need to happen on the boat, Tony and Bucky comparing their prosthetics (Tony’s arm is Stark Tech and he’s curious about how it compares to Bucky’s Wakandan one), and Sam, Tony, and Bucky discussing what’s going to happen with Walker now that the shield’s been taken away from him.
“I don’t think this is over,” Tony says, and Bucky agrees with him, remembering how much more determined Steve had gotten every time an opportunity had been taken away from him, but Sam is less sure.
“He’s grieving. I don’t think he’s in any state to be trying to take the shield back,” Sam argues.
“Grieving men can be unpredictable. You said he didn’t catch Karli, that’s got to be weighing on him,” Tony replies. He eyes the shield in its leather case, leaning up against the wall. “I just don’t want to see you get hurt because he decides the shield is still his. Him with that serum, it concerns me. You don’t have that kind of advantage.”
“I don’t want that kind of advantage,” Sam says, surprising Bucky. He’d known Sam is leery of the serum, not nearly as bad as Zemo but still uncomfortable with it. Tony doesn’t seem surprised though, just nods understandably.
“I know,” he agrees. “But I still worry.”
Bucky interjects, “Hopefully the suit the Wakandans made will help even the playing field some.”
Tony blinks.
“You got a new suit?” Sarah asks.
“And I didn’t make it?” Tony asks.
“I haven’t seen it yet,” Sam says, “but yes. Bucky asked for a favor after Walker destroyed the old one.”
“Hmph,” Tony says grumpily, softening only when Sam leans over to kiss his cheek. “Well, I guess I can’t blame you. Shuri’s tech is incredible. The things that girl can do with vibranium… blows that shield out of the water.”
“Is she still refusing to let you take a look at T’Challa’s suit?”
“They’re very protective of it,” Bucky says.
“And I don’t blame them,” Tony says quickly. “It would just be nice.” He glances at Sam pleadingly, who laughs.
“I’m not gonna let you take a look at it either.”
Tony grumbles wordlessly, but doesn’t complain any further, instead turning to Sarah to ask her about something with the boat. Bucky eagerly joins in, interested in hearing more about Sarah’s life. It’s so different from his, even before the war. He wants to learn everything he can, both about the boat and about her.
By the time dinner is over, he’s stuffed, something that rarely happens. The serum means he has a higher metabolism than the average person, which also means that he’s typically hungrier, and when he’d been with HYDRA, they hadn’t worried about making sure their Asset was well-fed. He offers to help the boys clear the dishes, hoping that will impress Sarah. She smiles at him, but heads out to the porch. The sun is setting over the bayou, and Bucky can just barely make her out through the glare from the sun.
He watches her a little wistfully until Tony comes up beside him and passes him two glasses of sweet tea. “What’s this for?” he asks.
Tony jerks his head toward the door. “She likes to watch the fireflies.”
Sam passes him with an armful of plates on his way to the dishwasher. “Better make sure you grab some bug spray. The mosquitoes are vicious at this time of day.”
“I heal fast,” he says confusedly.
“But it’ll show you’re thinking of her,” Sam says as Tony grabs a can from under the sink and slaps it into Bucky’s empty hand. “Go on, we’ve got this.”
“You’re sure?”
Sam and Tony share a wordless glance. Bucky can’t quite tell what they’re thinking. “Yeah,” Sam says after a moment. “Really, man, get out there.”
So Bucky gets.
Sarah glances up at him when he steps out onto the porch, smiles, and then moves aside on the swing for him to join her. “Let me guess, Tony told you to come out,” she says dryly.
“How’d you know?”
“He likes to think of himself as a matchmaker.”
Bucky hesitates in passing her one of the glasses. “Is that a problem?”
She takes the glass out of his hand, deliberately brushing her fingers against his. “Only if you think it is.”
In answer, Bucky hands her the bug spray too. Her smile broadens.
“Thanks,” she says. “You ever watched fireflies before?”
He shakes his head. “We didn’t have them in New York.”
“That’s a shame. They’re one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen.”
They’re silent for a moment, both sipping from their glasses. Then Sarah says, “You can put your arm around me, you know.”
Bucky glances at her quickly and then slowly puts his arm around her shoulders. She leans into him, warm and perfect and slotting just right beside him. It’s nice, he thinks, and he leans his head on top of hers. She makes a pleased sound and snuggles just a little bit closer. He lets out a long sigh, feeling the tension drain out of him as the first few fireflies twinkle in the gathering dusk.
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deathwishy · 3 years
It was April 1st and, according to plan, every hero from the Young Justice was present. Perfect.
It was hard, but Marinette and Tim managed to bring everyone together for the biggest prank in Young Justice history. Of course, their team mates didn't know that. Except Miss Martian. She found out by accident and they had to take her in, but it turned out to be the best decision ever.
It all began with a ghost story two months prior. They were already planning and Miss Martian was just brought in. They decided that it was the perfect moment to plant the seed of fear and doubt in their hearts.
It started out as an innocent game night. Most of their team was present except for Kaldur, Artemis, Wally and Bart. With conspiratorial looks, M'gann suggested watching a horror movie, saying that she didn't see one yet. The team agreed, suggesting a modern one with good graphics, as a good introduction to the genre. After the movie came to an end, M'gann snorted loudly, instantly attracting the attention of the team, without looking like it was her intention.
"What's the matter?" Asked Dick, grabbing the remote and stopping the movie at the credits. M'gann blushed.
"It's nothing, it's just... We had nursery rhymes scarier than this."
"Oh?" Demanded Superboy. "Do tell."
Tim and Marinette locked gazes when no one was looking and grinned maniacally.
"Well, there is a legend, which my brother told me, that kept me awake for months. The story itself is not that scary but the concept and the fact that it turned out to be real did a number on me."
And so the story began. It was a genuine Martian story but it was not real, as M'gann was claiming. It was about a being called a Raggan'aaz. A shadow being that walked Mars long before the Martians and dwelled in the caverns deep below the surface. They lived for long and wouldn't die of natural causes, only if killed. When the White and Green Martians came around, they were hunt down, but a few still remained. After that,hey craved Martian blood but they were also very careful and patient. After all, they wouldn't die because of old age. As years passed, they became a myth but still very alive in Martian culture. They even had a rhyme to remind the children to stay out of their supposed caverns, where people would still disappear. 'Stay, my child, away from dark/ Or The Martian will claim his mark/ Stay away from places long forbidden/ And beware the red eyes in darkness hidden.'
"Wait, you called him The Martian?" Asked Superboy, raising an eyebrow.
"Yes, they were supposed to be the first Martians. And so the title of The Martians came to the beasts. This is a translation from my language, Raggan'aaz is the original term. Now let me finish."
Raggan'aaz were predators. It was said that they would stalk their prey for weeks, months, some said even years, before engaging. The prey would even go insane by the time they were killed, drove into madness by the beasts whispers and taunts. They wanted to imbue the flesh of their victim with the taste of fear. Of terror. Once they had a target in mind, they would not let go until it was dead.
"It's not that scary." Dick said, grinning and crossing his arms.
"Maybe not for you, but our people tend to beware when they see red in the darkness, shadows with the corners of their eyes or hear whispers without anybody nearby."
"Maybe people were just going insane."
"Maybe." M'gann shrugged and stood up. "I'll go to sleep now, good night."
The team felt just a tad bit uneasy but they blamed that on the movie. They didn't know that it was Miss Martian, suggesting a little fear on the psychic link. Nothing serious. The three weren't planning on permanently scaring their team.
Since then, Marinette told Trixx, who was extatic, to create illusions around the base. They kept them out of missions, they didn't want to create real problems. The tamer were nothing much, a shadow, a pair of glowing red eyes that were visible just for a second here and there, the more unsettling ones were a few babbling but ominous sounding whispers in the halls at night. M'gann made sure to get each member alone when Trixx made the illusions, guiding the kwami while invisible. When Kaldur, Artemis, Bart and Wally mentioned these things, the tension in the team only grew tighter. By the time April 1st came around, the Young Justice believed that they were hunt down by a Raggan'aaz.
"I think it's bullshit. Everything began after M'gann told you that goddamn story." Started Bart a month later, looking around.
"Look, it's nothing, maybe the story was a bit more unsettling than we thought it was. Now we are just seeing things that are not there." Dick countered, waving around a cookie.
"Maybe she's pranking us." Pointed Artemis, plopping on the sofa. Wally followed her, snuggling next to her.
"Yeah, no, she's cool and all but she's not a prankster." Said Wally dismissively.
Tim and Marinette were watching from the side, trying not to laugh. It was a stupid prank but that's why it would work. But they would need a fourth player. Someone that would be trusted about Martian information and that was usually serious enough to be believed about serious stuff. They needed J'onn J'onzz.
The three cornered him when he visited the base a few days later, away from the rest.
"We need your help." M'gann began, flashing a smile. After a few seconds J'onn frowned slightly. M'gann only smiled wider.
"It's one of the most ridiculous plans I've ever heard. How did three of the smartest heroes in here come up with it? And why?" Now M'gann was listening too. She got on board but didn't know why they wanted this.
"We need to get back at them from what they did six months ago."
"When they threw us in a panic room and didn't let us out until we confessed our feelings for each other." Tim smiled at Marinette, taking her in a side hug and kissing her on the head. She blushed a little and just snugged closer.
"It worked out for us, in the end, but we can't let that slide. This is war."
"And yes, it is a stupid plan and a very stupid prank but that's why it will work."
"They will expect something elaborate from us, so this is the way to go. They will not know what hit them."
J'onn considered for a few seconds. That may work. He wouldn't usually partake in such a childish endeavor but he was curious about the outcome. The Raggan'aaz were mere folklore but they were terrifying, especially for Martian children. Human children may be just the same.
"Very well. I am curious about the outcome. What do you need me to do?"
The fearsome trio smirked. This would be epic.
After they briefed J'onn and set the date, a week from then, and dispersed. Tim couldn't believe that they convinced J'onn to do it, Marinette was thrilled about it and M'gann was giggling like an idiot.
A week later, J'onn J'onzz stumbled from the zeta tube, disheveled and clearly unsettled but otherwise not obviously harmed. He was clutching his side and he was limping but that was it.
"What the hell happened?" Dick was the first one to get to J'onn, helping him on a chair.
"I... Am not quite sure myself." He turned his eyes to M'gann, who was checking him for injures, playing her role flawlessly. "If I didn't know better I would have said it was a Raggan'aaz."
Bart dropped his phone, Kaldur and Artemis flinched, Superboy whipped his head around, until then being in a conversation with Dick, who looked queasy. The rest of the team had varying reactions.
"Bullshit." Blurted Artemis.
"It's real?!" Screamed Marinette, looking at M'gann, who was now becoming more pale by the second. With a little help from her powers.
"I told you it was real!"
"We thought it was just a crazy legend! What the hell?" Screamed Wally pulling at his hair.
The team was now full in full hysterics.
"I think you summoned it." Said Garfield in a matter of factly tone.
"What is that?" Asked J'onn with a neutral tone, but with a hint of concern. He was good.
"The Martian, Raggan'aaz, he's been prowling around this place for weeks. I didn't actually think it was one of the beasts, I told the team the story just because I saw some things that reminded me of them and thought it would be funny. It didn't pass my mind that an actual Raggan'aaz would be on earth. I think he was looking for you. How did you even escape him?" Asked M'gann, now breathing hard.
That was something that they came up with a few days ago, when they were brainstorming ideas to make the story more believable. J'onn approved when they talked after, seemingly stoic as ever, but M'gann told them that he will be definitely laughing after the call ended.
"I don't think I was his actual prey, otherwise I wouldn't have had a chance. I think is someone else, but I wouldn't be surprised if he tried a second time."
"We have to tell the Justice League, this is bad." Now Nightwing looked alarmed.
"Calm down. We are not 100% sure this is a Raggan'aaz. Maybe M'gann's story is getting to your heads. My encounter may have been a misunderstanding, it would not be the first time another Martian impersonated a Raggan'aaz. I will investigate the situation but I advise you to be vigilant."
That seemed to calm the team down, if only for a bit. Tim was hugging Marinette, his face hidden in her hair to hide his smile. He could feel her smile too in his chest. M'gann was keeping it together very well, talking with J'onn in hushed tones as she led him to the zeta tubes. Tim was now looking at Superboy, who looked uneasy. He was listening. Good. Let him fan the flames. The asshole was the one to throw them in the panic room.
April 1st, The Young Justice Base of Operation
The team was tense and paranoid but not very much above the normal level. All the heroes were tense and paranoid most of the time.
There have been no sightings of the Raggan'aaz since J'onn has been 'attacked' but no one feels out of the hook yet. They have been questioning M'gann relentlessly but she quite enjoyed sharing bits of her culture, all real facts that could be woven easily into the lie but would stand on their own when the prank was done. She liked her small victories.
As they planned, the team was afraid but not so afraid that it would start affecting them or that they would feel the need to further consult with the League about it. Martian Manhunter knew so the others must know too, or so the youngsters assumed.
In the morning something could be felt in the air, besides the smell of pancakes. It was a bit of Trixx's and Plagg's magic, a bit of mischief sprinkled in the air.
Tim, M'gann and Marinette were in the kitchen that morning, nothing unusual. Marinette and M'gann were making pancakes and Tim was drinking his much needed coffee. He had to be wide awake. They already bugged the whole base but nothing can beat the real thing.
As the team was lured into the kitchen, the Raggan'aaz made his appearance.
"I'm smelling Dupain-Cheng pancakes. This is the best 'Welcome back after 6 months in space' gift I could have hoped for." Adrien was practically skipping in the kitchen, stealing one of the plates. He then drowned them in syrup and whipping cream.
"Jesus Christ Adrien, stop, you'll get sick."
"Worth it."
"You came back a week ago. I've made pancakes then."
"Did you hear what I said? 6 months. I'm planning on making up for the lost time."
"I'm heading for the gym. Feel free to join me." Tim said, kissing Marinette. She giggled and winked.
The others either cooed or made gagging sounds. Adrien was grinning. He was the main Timari shipper. A few seconds after Tim left, there was screaming in the hall. Perfect timing.
When they saw the scene in the hall, the team freezed. There, before Tim, was something resembling a White Martian, but only in form. His skin was a dark red riddled with black veins, long white claws, a mouth full of gleaming yellow teeth and red eyes that looked like they could set you on fire. The beast almost reached 10 feet, but hen it went on all fours. Trixx had really outdone herself. Tim had his Bo staff out but kept his distance. After all, the illusion would fall as soon as they touched him so they had to make the most of it.
"What the hell is that?!" Screamed Adrien calling for his transformation. Nobody saw Plagg's grin.
"Raggan'aaz." Said Nightwing, pulling out his escrima sticks. They cracked with electricity. He looked ready to puke.
Artemis was swearing along with Wally, Kaldur looked like he might run, Garfield turned into a rhyno, looking terrified but ready to punce.
The beast groweled something that made M'gann gasp.
"He said that his mark is on all of us. We are his prey."
It was all they needed to attack. The speedsters tried to get to him first but the thing was just as fast, if not faster. After all, it didn't obey any laws of physics, it was just an illusion. Marinette was already transformed but she, M'gann and Tim were sitting on the sides looking like they were waiting for an opening. When it almost got cornered the Raggan'aaz jumped on the ceiling and then out of the room. With a battle cry, the team followed it. The three stayed behind, not trusting themselves to not laugh. There were a lot of screams and thuds but after a few minutes it went quiet.
When the young heroes strolled in, with the most betrayed faces they have ever seen, the three burst out laughing. They couldn't even speak for a few minutes.
"Was any of it true?" Asked Nightwing with his 'dissapointed big brother' face™.
"Only the story." Said M'gann gasping for air.
"How did you get J'onn on it?"
"Pretty easy actually, he didn't have that much to do so he agreed. It helps to be among his favorites." Replied Tim grinning. He was still clinging to a giggling Marinette.
"Why?" Asked Adrien with a pained look on his face.
" Panic room." The couple said at the same time.
"But that worked out!" Adrien shouted indignated.
"It did, but this was war. We needed to retaliate."
The Justice League heard about the war from J'onn after it was done and they thoroughly enjoyed the clips Tim sent them. They unanimously decided to not cross Tim and Marinette. The two could conquer the world if they weren't so sleep deprived.
Ok, so this was written at 3 AM and there might be some inconsistencies but please enjoy my best shot at this prompt.
This is set after season 2 of Young Justice and before season 3 but Wally is still alive because he never died in my heart.
This came later than I would've liked but civilian lives are a pain.
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fanficlibraryposts · 3 years
Avatar the Last Airbender Fic Recs
I’m Not Angry Anymore by team_avatars_eyebags
A few changes help Zuko have an identity crisis (also known as a redemption arc) sooner than planned.
"𝘍𝘭𝘪𝘱𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘪𝘨𝘯 𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘰𝘰𝘳 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘵𝘦𝘢 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘱 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘣𝘺 𝘧𝘢𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘡𝘶𝘬𝘰’𝘴 𝘥𝘢𝘺. 𝘈𝘴 𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘺 𝘢𝘴 𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘣𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘭𝘪𝘧𝘦 𝘢𝘴 𝘢 𝘵𝘦𝘢 𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘷𝘦𝘳, 𝘩𝘦 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘨𝘦, 𝘦𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘫𝘰𝘣 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘱𝘦𝘰𝘱𝘭𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘴𝘮𝘪𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮. 𝘕𝘰𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘪𝘥𝘯’𝘵 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘦𝘰𝘱𝘭𝘦 𝘰𝘯 𝘒𝘺𝘰𝘴𝘩𝘪 𝘐𝘴𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘥. 𝘏𝘦 𝘸𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘢𝘥𝘮𝘪𝘵 𝘪𝘵, 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘪𝘥. 𝘈𝘯𝘥 𝘜𝘯𝘤𝘭𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘢𝘥𝘢𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘦𝘰𝘱𝘭𝘦 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦𝘥 𝘩𝘪𝘮 𝘣𝘢𝘤𝘬. 𝘡𝘶𝘬𝘰 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥𝘯’𝘵 𝘢𝘤𝘤𝘦𝘱𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵. 𝘕𝘰𝘵 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘥𝘪𝘥𝘯’𝘵 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭 𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘦."
Or, the one where a master firebender and his master fire-bending Uncle reside peacefully on the remote island of Kyoshi. And the Avatar needs to learn fire bending. And awaken a certain someone's older brother instincts. Add a little gay tension to the mix and you're ready for a real crisis of identity.
Dance of the Dragons Book 1: Water by LizaGreen
Two dragons, two heirs, one secret... and one Avatar. Or at least, there should be. But the world has been at war for a hundred years and the spirits move on, finding one small boy on a beach... a boy who could quite possibly change the world.
*Unfinished, seige of the north next*
Assassin Zuko One Shots by LizaGreen
A series of one-shots exploring small moment within the Avatar series that may or may not have happened, focusing on the detail that Zuko may once have been trained to be an assassin. And I just can't stop writing him that way.
*Not gonna lie, I kind of hate Katara in this*
Of Truths and Starlight by runaway_fancies
"Zuko isn’t a good speaker. Except when he is. When he actually convinced them to let him join their group. When he stood before the people of all the nations and promised an era of peace and love. When he found the correct words about her mother. And now, as they lie on the grass and he tells the story of Agni scattering stars like jewels loose from his hair so Tui would not be alone in the night sky."
The end of the war brings with it the rest of their lives. Lives they had not dared to imagine before. And Zuko and Katara learn each other. In the future, people will say it was inevitable, it was fated, it was destined to be. Katara simply knows she would not have made any choice differently, not the simple ones, not the hard ones.
everything i am by we-were-angels (untilwefallinlove)
There is something inevitable about them; like the certainty of the sun in the morning and the moon and all her stars at night. After all is said in done, how will history tell their stories?
(Set after the One Hundred Year War and the years following.)
*my favorite Zutara fic*
Those Who Do Not Learn... Are Doomed to Repeat by HomeAgainRose
Something bad happened after the Hundred Year War ended, but no one remembers until Zuko gets his scar and Katara frees Aang from the ice. They are now the only two with the knowledge of the next thirty years. They have to work their way through their own trauma, and their own memories to change key events to keep the Bad Things from happening once more. 
*Has some very spicy sex scenes. Characters are aged up.*
Legacies by WildInkling
Long after the events of Avatar: The Last Airbender, a lone historian finds the personal journal of Prince Zuko. Little does she know that he was also the mysterious anonymous author who took the world by storm. The world will never be the same. Inspired by and directly links to aloneintherain's Writer Zuko AU.
*author has not updated in a long time :(*
Question Marks by azenki
Zuko pulls away first. He stares at Sokka and raises his one brow. “You do realise,” he says dryly, “that you just instigated a major international incident?”
Or: Sokka is impulsive. This is a problem. Especially when he ends up kissing the Fire Lord and immediately running away.
the thing about dancing by anodymalion
The first time a attendant spills Zuko’s tea and doesn’t immediately fall to her knees, begging the Fire Lord’s forgiveness, it is not anger but a resounding warmth that fills his chest. 
*Zuko loves Fire Nation and Fire Nation loves him back*
Candles and Boring Games by AlexiHollis
“You dare suggest that I betray Iroh?” Fire Lord Azulon did not shout. “My first born? After the demise of his only beloved son?” The old man leaned back in his throne shaking his head, “You have made an irrevocable error here, today, Ozai. What man of honor, what brother, what Uncle, would use this tragedy, a death towards furthering our family’s sacred mission as you call it, for his own political,” He practically spat the word, “gain. No, no, Iroh has suffered enough, but you, my son, have been far too coddled.” Zuko felt Father’s tension, but his stomach truly dropped when he saw Azula’s own worry, clear as day on her perfect actress face. “You need to be taught a lesson,” Fire Lord Azulon decided. “You must, too, suffer the pain of losing your first born.”
Fire Lord Azulon, to punish Ozai, gives Zuko to Iroh
*Azulon being a good(ish) grandfather. Azula doesn’t get a redemption arc if that’s what you’re looking for*
Disclaimer: The fanfiction above were not written by me for I am not nearly as creative. However, I am an avid reader and movie buff so these are some of my favorite fanfiction within the fandom. I politely ask that you read the tags attached the fanfiction beforehand so that you know what you are getting yourself into, there may be crossovers. If you don’t like it then don’t read it. In addition, I ask that there be no bashing, the fics are based on my preferences and what I like. Lastly, if there are any specific genre or fandom of fics you want me to get into or would like to recommend to me, let me know through my ask box.
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ryoceann · 3 years
J2 Fanfic Rec List <3
In honour of all the j2 content we have recieved, and the amount of fanfiction I have read, I decided to make a rec-list nobody asked me for but EVERYONE has to read k? Capiche? Make sure to heed the warnings, and read the tags. These are some beautiful gems by very talented authors and I’ve only scratched the surface of it.
The Courtship Of Jensen’s Co-Star{Masterpost} by qblackheart-  
Summary:- Somewhere in the time between a handshake and a hug, Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki went from being reel-life brothers to real-life best friends, and complete strangers to cosmic soul mates, no rhyme or reason to it that either of them could ever see. Jared was everything Jensen was not: friendly, funny, and full of life; one in six-point-whatever billion the Earth’s population currently stood at. Life was awesome. Work was amazing. Everything was fine until Jared kissed Jensen. Everything was peachy until Jensen fell in love. With desperate times unexpectedly calling for desperate measures, Jensen called Chad Michael Murray for relationship advice – because being in love led to temporary insanity obviously – so it really didn't surprise him that he couldn’t seem to win when it came to wooing Jared. Still, Pisces must’ve been in a really good place in the night sky or something because suddenly, right smack dab in the middle of the miserable courtship of his co-star, Jensen discovered that maybe loving Jared was all he needed to do to win his heart. And luckily for Jensen, loving Jared was also the one thing he did best. ~112k~
The Play Nice Proviso{Masterpost} by qblackheart-
Summary:- When Jensen Ackles first met Jared Padalecki, it was most definitely not love at first sight. It wasn’t even like at first sight. In fact, Jensen hated him, and he had a few good reasons as to why. So what if his new co-star was oblivious to his one-sided warfare? Jensen could deal. Apart from when he couldn’t. So when it came down to picking between Padalecki and his peace of mind, the choice seemed clear. Except for the fact that The Network had his balls in a vice, leaving him stuck with Supernatural, stuck with his idiot co-star, and worst of all, stuck with a ‘Play Nice’ Proviso added to his contract. Well, he could play nice. He would play so nice that the world was going to think that he and Jared Padalecki were the bestest friends in the history of best friends. It was unfortunate then that no one had ever told Jensen what happened when an immovable object met an irresistible force; no one had ever thought to mention that there was a thin line between hate and love; and nothing, absolutely nothing, could have possibly prepared him for Playing Nice with Jared Padalecki. ~70k~
And The Rest, As They Say Is History by Raina_at-
Summary:- Struggling actor Jensen takes a job as big-shot movie star Jared Padalecki’s dogsitter. And the rest, as they say, is history. ~17k~
reinventing love ‘verse{Masterpost} by _mournthewicked-
Summary:- With high school graduation less than two weeks away, best friends Jared and Jensen find themselves scrambling to tie up a few loose ends before they’re forced into adulthood. Jared ropes Jensen into helping him get the alcohol for Sandy's graduation party, and what should be a simple night of partying ends up turning into a series of mishaps and misunderstandings that all come to head when Jensen finally tells Jared the secret he wasn't ever planning on spilling. If high school has to end, they're going out with a bang. (A J2 spin on the movie Superbad)  ~200k+~
My Heart Don’t Beat The Way It Used To by Raina_at- 
Summary:- Jared and Jensen have been best friends forever, and nothing’s going to ever change that, not even senior slump, or college anxieties, or even Jared getting an annoying cheerleader girlfriend. Or so Jensen thought. ~26k~
Can’t Point The Way To Your Heart by Belyste-
Summary:- AU in the vein of movies like Hitch - Jensen's an unofficial advice guru, and Jared's his latest project. Except while Jensen's supposed to be helping Jared end up with the woman of his dreams, he falls for him instead. ~33k~
Something Borrowed, Something Blue by Belyste-
Summary:- When Jared desperately needs a date for his brother's wedding, he hires an escort. Jensen's the perfect fake boyfriend, except pretty soon things get a little too real. Based on The Wedding Date. ~38k~
True Colors by muni-playground-
Summary:- Jared is a mentally challenged young man with a very special gift. Jensen is an executive with nothing in his life but work. They meet by accident and discover a connection that defies explanation. ~32k~
The Billionaire’s Reluctant Husband by house_of_lantis-
Summary:- Billionaire Jensen is a playboy and he needs a husband pronto if he wants to keep his company and his inheritance. After a chance meeting with quiet and hardworking Jared, Jensen decides that he’s found the perfect candidate. The arrogant Jensen thinks he’s got Jared in the bag, but when his new husband refuses to sleep with him and doesn’t really even seem to like him, Jensen convinces himself that he’s happy with his open marriage lifestyle. But Jensen becomes increasingly obsessed with his new husband and discovers the truth behind Jared’s dark past. ~98k~
Project Get Jared Banged{Masterpost} by soulmatecest-
Summary:- Jared's had the best stepbrother in the world in Jensen since the age of five — growing up together and more attached than usual brothers would —, only realizing that he’s in love with Jensen by the time he hits thirteen. After five more years of Jared's impossible crush, he knows his life turns and spins around his brother. Luckily for Jared, he and Jensen have always been closer than other siblings, making his feelings seem a little less hopeless. Or that is until Jensen announces he’s moving to Austin to live with his girlfriend next year, leaving Jared's perfectly built Jensen-centric world crashing to the ground. That’s when Chad and Sandy decide to convince Jared that moving on and letting go of his feelings are the only way to get through his lost love for Jensen. Yet their plan to get Jared out of his shell and over his stepbrother doesn't sit well with one person: Jensen himself, who realizes that the more Jared tries to pull away, the more he wants to get him back closer. ~120k~
Burn The Land and Boil The Sea by nyxocity-
Summary:- Eight years ago, Jared spent his entire summer on a tropical island off the coast of Mexico with Jensen. He fell head over heels for Jensen, but their lives were going separate directions at the end of the summer, and they never quite got together. Jensen left for Greenpeace and Jared went off to college—but he never truly got over Jensen. Now, in present day, Jared is a marine biologist working on a project in the gorgeous panhandle of Alaska. He’s amazed to discover the captain of the ship he’s chartered is none other than Jensen Ackles himself. Jared’s overjoyed, but Jensen is less than thrilled—he’s a changed man since that summer so long ago; withdrawn, passionless and solitary. Still something of the bond between them remains, and neither of them seem to be able to escape its pull completely. When Jared’s project leads them into danger and leaves them running and fighting for their lives, Jensen’s secrets begin to come out, drawing them back together—but can they survive long enough to figure out this thing between them? ~53k~
As This Sunset Turns to Morning{Masterpost} by _mournthewicked-
Summary:- Jensen spends his life hiding who he is from the family that would never accept him if they knew. When he’s uprooted in the middle of his senior year and suddenly becomes the new kid, his carefully placed mask begins to slip. Especially when he meets Jared – a loud, outspoken spectacle of a boy that fights for everything Jensen was taught to stand against. Jared has no problem going after what he wants, and now it’s just a matter of Jensen letting himself do the same. ~86k~
Leave My Heart Out of This by elless18- (link to the timestamps)
Summary:- AU. Jensen needs to get married in order to get his grandfather’s inheritance and open his own law firm. Jared would do anything to help his best friend. The plan is simple- pretend to date, get married, get the inheritance, get divorced. But things grow complicated when one of them starts falling for his fake boyfriend. Can they find their happily-ever-after from all the lies they’ve built around them? ~35k+~
Who Watches Over Me? by nyoxicity-
Summary:- Jensen Ackles is an ex-Navy SEAL turned civilian bodyguard with a mysterious past. Jared Padalecki is a flamboyant Hollywood star known for his action movies who's been receiving death threats. The case sounds like Jensen's idea of a nightmare, and he takes it on against his better judgment. Jared drags him to clubs and parties and award ceremonies without any care for how difficult he's making Jensen's job, and to his complete lack of surprise, they hate each other. But when hate changes into passion, it begins to reveal something deeper between them, and Jensen realizes he's in over his head. Can he still do his job and keep Jared safe? Or will he fall prey to his greatest fear and fail someone... again? ~96k~
The Billionaire’s Bidding by Raina_at-
Summary:- When idle, slacking billionaire’s son Jensen Ackles lends a helping hand to his old childhood friend, he gets a lot more than he’s bargained for. ~31k~
Hold My Whipped Cream by dimpleforyourthoughts-
Summary:- International Best Selling Author Jensen Ackles is all kinds of specific with the details of his life. He likes privacy, writing, and coffee; black, no sugar, hold the cream. He’s become a fixture at the local coffee shop, writing from his table every day for the past two years. His vices include routine, neatness, and structure. Jensen doesn’t do messes. Then there is Jared, recent post-grad basket case, who’s been coming in every day for caffeine he doesn’t need and bringing the increasing disaster in his life with him. Jared is a mess in all the ways Jensen is not and so Jensen offers to help Jared in the only way he knows how: by buying Jared a cup of coffee. ~37k~
Operation: Mistletoe by dimpleforyourthoughts-
Summary:- FBI Agent Jensen Ackles is a damn good agent, but his devil-may-care attitude, gut instinct, and sheer dumb luck have finally run out. With his job and reputation on the line, Jensen is assigned to a new partner: the overzealous and overachieving Agent Jared Padalecki. Their mission: Infiltrate a ring of drug dealers hiding out in Suburbia in the midst of the Holiday season. The only catch? They have to pretend to be head-over-heels in love with each other. ~39k~
Regaining Sense{Masterpost} by astri13-
Summary:- A vengeful crime-boss cost Jensen not only his eyesight but also a promising career with the FBI. When the man resurfaces two years later, Jensen is not thrilled to find himself taken into protective custody, even less so when the Agent in charge turns out to be Jensen's former partner and boyfriend, Jared Padalecki. Will the two men be able to overcome their differences and work together to not only stop the bad guy but also uncover the mole in their own ranks before it is too late? ~27k~
Say You’re Mine by Belyste-
Summary:- It takes his two best friends getting engaged to make Jared realize what’s missing in his own life, but once he figures it out, he’s a man on a mission: find true love or die trying. He’s not asking for much – just the perfect soul mate to spend blissful eternity with – so when a chance meeting drops Jensen into his life (and his lap), it seems like fate. But either Jensen missed that memo or fate seems to have other ideas, because nothing works out the way Jared planned. Based loosely on S1 of How I Met Your Mother, but you don't need to have seen that to know what's going on. ~56k~
Absence From Those We Love by _mournthewicked-
Summary:- Jensen Ackles led a great life. It just wasn’t the one he planned on. Now he’s newly single, stuck at a job he hates, and sharing an apartment with his lovably psychotic best friend. When he’s given the chance to go back and do it all over again, he leaps at it. Only he soon comes to realize that no matter what’s in front of him, it’s impossible to leave the past behind. Considering what he’d be giving up, he might not even want to. (17 Again - J2 Style.) ~41k~
Change The Fate’s Design by _mournthewicked-
Summary:-  All Jensen has ever wanted to do is see the ocean. Unfortunately, that's kind of hard to do when your dad won't let you leave your house in the forest because of your magical powers. So, Jensen spends most of his days with no one but his pet hedgehog to keep him company. At least, until a guy named Jared stumbles along and offers to help him realize his dream. (A J2 spin on Disney's Tangled.) ~50k~
A Spotlight On These Desolate Dreams{Masterpost} by _mournthewicked-
Summary:- In high school, Jared Padalecki had it all. He was surrounded with rich, famous, beautiful friends and partied with young Hollywood's elite. As if all of that wasn't exciting enough, he used the tricks he learned from his grandfather to become an amateur sleuth with his billionaire best friend, Jensen Ackles, playing the role of trusty sidekick. But when he got in over his head and lost everything he once held dear, he knew that it was time to move on. That was ten years ago. Now he lives the lonely life of a hardboiled private investigator on the streets of Manhattan, and his fabulous past is nothing but a distant memory. That is, until a tragedy forces him to return to California and the world he left behind. Between juggling rabid paparazzi, sarcastic detectives, and a spurned ex-best friend, it's a wonder that he can possibly find the time to solve a murder that has left the city of angels reeling. ~50k~
Break Me, Shake Me, Hate Me, Take Me Over by orphan_account- (sorry, I can’t access the author’s account but the story’s link still works!)
Summary:- When recklessness, alcohol and a bullet to his hip sees his police career end in disgrace, alpha Jensen Ackles resigns himself to a life spent in the dregs of a bottle, aimless and filled with regrets, watching as the bills and eviction notices pile up. That is, until he's offered a job and lodging with beta lawyer Samantha Smith, as a pseudo bouncer/admin worker. It's a far cry from his previous life, but it might just be what Jensen needs to drag himself from the dark place he's in. Not only that, but little does Jensen realise that taking on the position will bring him face to face with his biggest regret; the person he walked away from three years ago in what was the worst mistake of his life... ~70k~
Whiskey River, You’re All I Got by whisperedstory-
Summary:-  Jensen's life revolves around The Whiskey Sour, the bar he inherited from his grandfather nine years ago. But with too few customers and not nearly enough profit, things are taking a turn for the worse. And then Jared Padalecki walks into Jensen's life and changes everything. ~19k~
Out Of The Silence by annie46-
Summary:-  When hardened, but lonely cop, Jensen Ackles meets Jared Padalecki in his family’s diner, he doesn’t realise that his life is about to change drastically. Jared is a complete innocent, deaf, mute and unable to communicate, he needs a friend. Can Jensen be that man? ~the word count wasn’t mentioned but if i had to take a guess, I’d say something between 20k and 30k~
The Execution Of The Last Steal by soulmatecest-
Summary:- Anyone who meets Jared Padalecki would think he has the perfect life: a college degree, a normal life and an apparently perfect fiancé, Stephen Amell, the son of a Senator with a bright future. Except for one thing: it’s all based on a lie. Five years ago, he created a new identity for himself to cut all ties to his criminal past and ex-boyfriend Jensen Ackles, a world-renowned thief. But Jared can’t run forever. A threat from his past comes back looking for him and the only person who can help him is the man he thought he left behind forever, the only person Jared’s never been able to forget. Incredibly charming and just as cocky, Jensen Ackles is a thief that is too good at his job for his own good, who would do anything to protect Jared now that his life is in danger. Years have gone by, but he has never been able to forget Jared either. And perhaps now that they are forced to escape together, Jensen might be able to do what he’s best at: steal Jared’s heart one last time and win back the only person Jensen has ever loved. ~97k~
Bring Me To Life by alienat-
Summary:-  Jared’s a shy young man, whose life has never been easy. His father hates him, his mother drinks her sorrows away and his husband Paul treats him like he is nothing more than a beautiful toy. When his husband has to go away on a business trip to Europe for two months, he sends Jared away to a ranch in the middle of nowhere to keep him under control. There, Jared meets people who show him what love, friendship and loyalty mean for the first time in his life. Can he escape his life and finally find some love and happiness for himself? ~81k~
Gunpoint{Series} by felisblanco-
Summary:-  Jensen got his childhood stolen away from him when he was ten years old. Along with his memory, his voice and every emotion that wasn’t fear, hatred or anger. Question is, can Jared help him get any of it back? And more importantly, does Jensen really want him to?
Election Day by morganaDW(morgana07)-
Summary:- Jensen's running for President with the deck already stacked against him. He's come out as gay while serving in Congress, his Vice President is a colorful Misha & his family has disowned him over his choice of partners. But that's not the worst of it...On Election Day when he should be focused on winning Jared ends up shot after stepping in front of a killer's gun to save some school children. Election Day is important but to Jensen nothing is more important than Jared and he doesn't care who knows it or if he loses so long as he can be with him. It's Jensen who winds up surprised in the end. ~8k~
A Boy At An Open Door by poor_choices-
Summary:- Jensen Ackles' life is all sorted out, until a blast from the past shows up and makes him realize he's not as happy as he thought. ~10k~
Beautiful Disaster by nyoxicity-
Summary:-  Rock Band AU. Jensen’s the lead guitarist in the number one rock band in the country. Justin’s the lead singer, and they’ve been doing this together since middle-school, been together since just after high school. As on top of the world as they are, Jensen’s starting to become disillusioned with the lifestyle and his crumbling relationship with Justin. And then he meets a new roadie on the crew named Jared who’s got a voice like an angel and a heart to match, and everything starts to change. ~96k~
And that’s the end of it!!! These are absolutely beautiful, gorgeous and epic fanfictions and will keep you buys for days! Hope y’all enjoy these, I’m off to read more sksksksksk. Let me know if a link doesn’t work, if you like any of these in my inbox and if y’all want a part 2! Peace and J2 5 ever!!!
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icharchivist · 3 years
Took a real short break mid-chapter 6 and
Is it just me or is young!Vane's haircut almost the same as Gawain's?
Okay so basically it's something that drives me nuts, but
Vane is based on Ywain (same pronounciation in japanese), the Lion Knight (which is also why Vane has a Lion skin for New Year). And Ywain is, in the myth, supposed to be Gawain's cousin.
Before Savior of Dalmore this fact has been living in my mind rentfree because we've known for a while that Gawain is linked to the 4kishi saga, as the Dalmore knight, but we didn't know much more about him except for his relationship with Wales and his sister Florence.
Meanwhile, we know Vane is an orphan, who was raised from a young age by his grandmother, and a bit before SoD came out, his 5* FE came out and we learnt that, more specifically, Vane's parents were killed by Wyverns, which traumatized Vane.
A friend, the greatest Vane lover i know, pointed out to me last time i mentioned "Wyverns seem linked to Merlin so far, re: Gunther and Lamorak using them", that in Vane's FE, Wyverns are attacking Arthur and Mordred's orphanage and it's why Vane gets involved and triggered remembering the death of his parents, all while mentioning that Wyverns are a rare occurence. More and more we're tying Wyverns to Merlin and it makes Vane's past something to worry about.
Thing is that with Vane's parents carefully put out of the way, either as collateral damage or maybe as something more, and the fact i think he's not a Feerandache's native?? could perhaps implies more secrets in Vane's backstory.
So for a while i remember we were theorizing that maybe Vane and Gawain were linked just like the original myth. they do have the same type of design esp when Vane was young so it's??? something to wonder about?? also they main the same weapon, they are both tank, it wouldn't be surprising?
but SoD came out and we got a lot more details about Gawain's childhood and his parents, and it would be odd to find a way to link it back to Vane, even if it's still because they're cousins. I feel like Gawain and Florence talked too much about their beloved parents for them to have others family members worthy of note. But i'd love to be wrong. Esp since SoD carefully kept Vane out of the picture. (Sieg too but he could just happen to be wandering around and also he would be out of place considering he's reponsible for the bad relationship between Wales and Dalmore. Percival being away is a little more surprising imo considering he should stick either by MC or his brother, but narrativewise i get why they wouldn't have him stuck around 1) with Gawain-the-tsundere, 2) when we have Lamorak in our party half of the event, gotta save the Wales drama for later). But Vane? Lancelot was here as the Captain of Feerandache, but no Vane, not even a cameo, while he's the Vice Captain?
Maybe it was just to not overcrowd the event, which is fair enough, it did have a lot of new characters that needed to be focused on.
But it still... is something i think about a lot.
A Vane event is long overdue. He's the only one who didn't get any serious knights event so far. And his 5* FE is exploring a darker part of his life than what we're used to, and is linking him to the current main threat of the 4kishi saga, and was done so right before officially introducing Gawain into this saga outside of his FE, with Gawain going through a similar incident (Wyvern invasion) as the incident that is important to Vane's backstory.
So this is basically the question: is it on purpose? Are Vane and Gawain related as well into gbf? or is that all a series of happy coincidence???
I hope Vane will get an event centric sooner than later, i mean, a real serious one. I wish we can explore all of that more in depth.
But i really do wonder if they'll follow through the myth or if they're determined to keep the Dalmore storyline apart from the Feeradanche's storyline.
So yeah good picking that up, it's really need that you did pick that up because i know i did because i'm too deep into many theories based on knowledge of the Arthurian myth too, and it's neat to be able to see "even without specifically thinking about it, those two seems linked". Feels validating.
But we'll. We'll see. I have so much questions still about all of that. but we'll see.
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dboliklover · 4 years
Thanks for answering my question ^^. How would the S bros react to finding out that they have a daughter with a former bride that the bride abandoned? The daughter is around 14 to 15 years old, she works her butt off at an auto repair shop and a factory to survive by herself. Her hands are quite strong, her hair is always messy and her clothes are almost always dirty from all the working, she really doesn't have the time to take care of herself, but nonetheless she is determined to survive.
I hope you don’t mind, but I made the scenario a little vaguer than you wanted - still on the same tracks, though!
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He never really thought of himself as someone who would have a family of his own.
Growing up in the world’s most dysfunctional household does that to a person - or vampire.
His father was an abusive asshole, so the idea that he would be a father himself....disturbed him, if he’s being honest - children always seemed so troublesome to him.
Generally, until he found out about your existence...he really never viewed himself as ‘fatherly’.
He never viewed himself as the type to fall in love, either - and he didn’t, not really. Perhaps, over time, he’d grown to be somewhat fond of his old bride but there was little real attachment there - it’s not even as if she ever tried to break through his walls, which he had more of than people assumed.
So when she managed to escape the manor and run away into the unknown, never to be seen again, he couldn’t say he was surprised or heartbroken. Wounded pride at most.
She’d done her duty - even if in the end she escaped, rather foolish of her to do but she was smart enough in the execution not to get caught, which he had to commend. But he had gotten what he wanted out of her, as had his brothers. Even if he’d been the one closest to her, it was far from being enough to cause any real feelings of love between him and the lost-bride.
So, finding out about the existence of a secret daughter he’d never before known about...was more than a little shocking, even if he was the master of concealing his emotions, inside he was caught in the midst of a storm.
He had a daughter.
A daughter.
All this time, there had been a little child out in the world that was allegedly his. And he was only finding this out now, in a letter from *her* - it was unaddressed, of course, she was too wary to write down a return address. Rightly so - the wrath seeping through his veins was usually reserved only for Karlheinz in this extent, but at the moment the rage was equally shared between his father and former bride.
The letter stated all it had to. That fourteen years ago, she had given birth to a baby girl after running away and left her at the steps of an adoption clinic. It was a guilt-ridden confession, but she added she knew not what became of their shared secret child.
He thought back to the time he’d been sent all alone to the South Pole. Destitute, hopeless, alone...and then he thought about how a child he never even knew existed but was his had to go through something like that - their whole lives, probably.
There was a hope that they would’ve been adopted - for the best, really, until he remembered the child was surely a halfling and with every passing year may start growing into their abilities and carnal desires of bloodthirst.
So, begrudgingly, he hired someone to search for you in his stead. There was little to go off of, but eventually, some Private Investigators managed to uncover your whereabouts, based off nothing but the records from the adoption clinic.
“I’m your father.”
It was a painfully awkward statement.
Shuu had no idea how he would fare as a father. He had doubts and knew he would be far from what you surely needed - and just from the sight of you he felt guilty to see how you’d been forced to take care of yourself your whole life - it was obvious from the hardworking and toughened gleam in your eye.
But, if he couldn’t be an effective father - especially given that you were already a teenager - he hoped to at least be somewhat of a mentor. You were half-vampire and would need his help with training to control your abilities and thirst.
If there was one thing Reiji did want, it was a family.
Except that, in his mind, it would perfect.
The perfect, pristine family unit - he would marry someone his father found acceptable - a noble Vampire lady from another pureblood house, perhaps - and they would wed, he would surely inherit Karlheinz’s role as Vampire King - after proving himself superior to Shuu - and then they would create the perfect, most behaved and refined offspring the world had ever seen.
Indeed, he had his entire life planned out within his mind. So it was just too bad when his plans came crashing down in the form of his discovery of his illegitimate child.
When he first met you, he’d no idea who you were - to him, you were a stupid street rat who tried to steal from him, and he was about to show you that you’d made a grave mistake when he paused, seeing your face.
You looked a little too familiar - it was making him uneasy. You looked like she did - the former bride, before Yui. And yet there was something morbid in your eyes, reminding him of himself. It was a terribly strange experience for him.
And so he just scolded you, telling you stealing was bad and let you go on your way instead of releasing his full rage on you.
After the fated meeting he could not stop considering a possibility that you had been…- but that wasn’t possible. You could not be his child, it was just a coincidence. He fathered no children.
Except the thought haunted him each night.
What if he’d accidentally and unknowingly fathered a child - fathered you?
Was pregnancy the reason the bride had decided the foolish choice of escape?
She had been a sacrifice - nothing more - and he could not claim to have loved her. He didn’t love her but she had been a beautiful woman whom he used for his experiments and pleasure often. And though he loved her not, Reiji could not lie that he’d gotten...attached, to the woman, and felt betrayal’s bitter sting when she ran.
So he’d done the only logical thing, really, and disposed of her as he did his mother - he refused to allow people to manipulate him and hurt him, hiring a mercenary to find her and kill her - which was allegedly accomplished after about a year of his mercenary’s search for her.
Had she given birth to a child, just before he had been the one to order her death? If so - how tragic fate was.
The possibility kept him awake but he felt little guilt about being the reason for the woman’s death - if...if that girl he ran into was his offspring, and if his theory was correct, then the bride had ran with HIS child in her womb and deserved it regardless.
So then, he knew there was but one solution to the problem.
He set a search to find you, and for a DNA test to be conducted. After finding you, he ordered the PIs to take hair from you and send it to a lab and give the results to him.
You were of his blood.
So he went to you, introducing himself as “Reiji Sakamaki” and explaining that he was your father, and showed you the lab results.
You can say goodbye to any individuality and freedom you obtained before his discovery because from now on he is determined to make up for lost time...and transform you from an ugly duckling into a swan.
Like you always should have been, had he known about your existence.
Even if you enjoy your messy appearance and being hardworking and labouring - well, he just won’t have it.
And since you’re only fourteen - and he is your found father - you’re forced under his wing whether you like it or not.
Best to accept your new life, at least it’ll be a lavish one - even with impossible to fulfil expectations and lessons on etiquette your found father has planned for you.
Just don’t misbehave too much, whatever you do.
A daughter. A strange - tremendously strange - concept for Ayato to wrap his brain around.
He never considered children - wasn’t against having them, but never gave it much thought.
As for the mother of his child...he could not deny he loved her. He wasn’t good at love, and he knew that, but still - the way she’d abandoned her life - their life - and fled wounded his heart and his pride immensely.
It hurt to be discarded so easily - as if she’d never loved him, at all!
He was the best of the best, so why did she slip away so easily. Surely...surely he’d been good enough, hadn’t he?
He had to have been. She was just ungrateful.
And it showed, now more than ever, that she had been.
Because Ayato now knew of the existence of a child - a teenage girl - out there, belonging to him whom he had unknowingly fathered and who’d been hidden from his knowledge for so long.
He’d admittedly found it out from Laito - he was reluctant to give his brother any real credit but had to where it was due; he owed Laito this.
Allegedly, the red-head triplet had gone to the poor side of town to gamble and ran into a young teenage girl who looked like a spinning image of Ayato - not to mention she did not seem fully human.
And so, Laito started his own personal investigation into the matter, discovering the secret and revealing it, shedding light onto the shadows.
And so now Ayato had to face the music and acknowledge the fact he had a child.
He was a father.
And it terrified him to know that, because he’d allowed this poor girl - his daughter - to be forsaken and alone her entire life. When he found out that his bride had left the baby by herself bundled in thin blankets on the street he was furious.
Ayato hated his parents - both of them - with a heavy-set passion. And he’d promised himself, in the rare times he had considered children, that he would do everything to make the lives of his children as good as possible.
And he already somehow managed to fail that vow to himself.
So now...now, he was determined. Determined to be the best father you could ever want - to give you everything you should have had growing up.
He knew it wouldn’t be easy - and that he wasn’t...wasn’t exactly the best paternal figure, even if he hated to admit he wasn’t ‘the best’ at something - but he was going to try and try again until he could attain a proper, good relationship with you.
Besides, you already had some common interests in sports and “boyish” hobbies, such as cars and motors.
Probably the best father to have out of them all, simply because apart from overwhelming overprotectiveness, later on, he would allow you to be yourself - messy hair and muddy clothes and all.
He just wants to be a good father and make up for the lost time.
Let’s be honest, he’s already fathered like twenty kids at this point
Laito doesn’t exactly know what ‘love’ is - romantic, platonic or familial.
His view of it is warped and fucked up, and he actually is perfectly aware of this fact, or at least; he sure as hell is not blind to it.
He’s motivated by lust and a desire to be wanted, appreciated and adored; but he also does not want to love in return.
So, to him, the former bride was an excellent play-toy. She was attractive and flirty and his type - then again, who wasn’t his type?
When she escaped in the night, he expected it to occur eventually. Especially after she realised his lack of true romantic intentions towards her and that he only wanted her around because she gave in to his lust oh-so-easily.
But the concept of her having been with a child was...relatively surprising. Enough to make him feel uneasy and somewhat blameworthy.
Like Shu, he never really expected to have a family, but worse still; he did not want one.
The idea of being a father sickened him.  He knew he was fucked up, even if he tended to look the other way at his own mess - he knew that a child being around him wasn’t going to end well.
He was terrified of becoming what he hated the most.
So much so that he initially tried to ignore the idea that you were his daughter.
He didn’t want it to be true.
Especially when he remembered the fucked up, awful shit Cordelia did to him - it terrified him to think he might do something just as scarring to his own child. He knew, within himself, that he never would - he was too disgusted by the idea of it, even if he acted carefree and without a moral compass.
But as time went on, he started to see you more often - you were scraping to get by, he could tell. And still, he told you nothing. You’d be cursed with him as a father.
At least, until one fateful Blood Moon night, when he was walking down the alley and found you, feral and beastly, as you drained the blood of a poor human soul who’d been at the wrong place at the wrong time.
And he knew that you did need him, even if he didn’t want you to need him.
Because without a mentor you’d be horrified and lost and he’d already allowed far too much harm to befall you as a result of his own selfishness.
And so he took you home - where you should have grown up regardless, and he tried his best.
He was...uncertain, how to be a parent. Not as if he ever had good parents of his own to be a pristine example.
So, instead, he tried to be the opposite of his own parents - to not hurt you as Cordelia did him  - he was overly cautious, in an ironic twist, to never make any overly sexualised comments with you in the room. He wanted to, in a futile manner, keep your innocence as long as possible despite the fact you’d lost your childhood bliss long ago if you ever truly had it in the first place. Growing up in foster homes and on the streets since you were a child had been rough.
Karlheinz had neglected him severely, and so he tried to be the anti-example for that, as well.
It was a huge change and blow to his life, and the way he’d lived until now - but he knew that maybe...just maybe, you were what he needed too.
Perhaps you could help him become a better person by making him a proper, real father.
Just maybe.
That is what ensued when the bride had up and left that one dark moon night, fifteen years ago.
Kanato’s rage was heard all through the manor and the surrounding woods, his piercing screeches enough to render a Banshee deaf.
Kanato always struggled with love. As the youngest triplet, he had spent is life forlorn and placed on the side burner as he longed for his mother or father’s attention, never fully receiving it.
So when he had her - the bride - all to himself...he was satisfied for the most part with the constant, endless attention he demanded from her.
And then she, just like everyone else in his life - left him. Abandoned him, stopped loving him.
He knew he should’ve turned her into one of his bride-dolls instead. She could never leave him if he had. But he had been stupid and allowed her freedom.
Fifteen years later it was actually Shu who found out about Kanato’s daughter - about you - and the news was certainly amusing in the most morbid of ways.
For a while, Shu kept this a secret from Kanato, knowing his reaction likely would be far from positive. Even if, by chance, it was - well, Kanato could hardly be anyone’s father, being so very childish himself.
Especially since they already had one brat in the manor, did they need another?
But eventually, the secret came out - as all secrets, inevitably, do.
Kanato locked himself in his room for a week, refusing to believe the facts. He couldn’t possibly be a father!
There was no way it was real.
For Kanato, the denial is strong and there is a chance he would stew in his denial forever, never doing anything about the situation, disgusted by the idea of having bred someone.
If, by some divine miracle, Kanato could get over his denial, next he’d throw a tantrum. He would be furious at everyone - at the former bride, at Shu, at Karlheinz and...at you, for merely being born.
Because this knowledge made him miserable - and so, by association, so did you.
He wouldn’t want to meet you - even see you - at first. It would take a lot of persuading from his brothers to even consider it.
He didn’t want to be a father.
He didn’t want children.
You would only steal the attention HE deserved.
Kanato does not take kindly to the competition - and that would be what he’d see you as. Competition.
There’s a high chance you would go on with your life never knowing your parentage at all - but there is always the slither of chance that he would accept you. But even then...well, perhaps that’s more a curse than it is a blessing.
To be the daughter of Kanato Sakamaki would be a hellish thing.
Because he would be an abusive mess. Even if he grew to love you as his child, he knows not how to be a good person, much less a good father. His mother made him sing until his vocal cords bled. That was the only time she paid attention to him - and it taught him that he must always fight to get praise and recognition and you were an obstacle.
His words of hate aimed toward you would pierce through you, even after all those years alone - having been found by your birth father only for him to treat you worse than an insect - it would destroy you, even if you tried not to let it get to you.
But there’d be times he’d be so, so weak. So childish. So needy - you would probably have to turn into the adult in this familial relation, in the long run - taking care of him, having tea parties and dressing up like a doll.
If you’re lucky and behave and do as he says and never argue, he might just be a tolerable father.
But would that be a tolerable life?
Perhaps it would be better to be abused and hurt by him - on his bad side and be broken, rather than be a little-too-liked by your father and have him turn you into his pretty little daughter-doll, the first of your kind; the offspring of his seed, ever-so-lovely in your pretty pink gown, forever beautiful and never-ending. He’d even get to showcase you to everyone!
“This is my daughter, isn’t she pretty?”.
Horror. That emotion was pumping frantically through Subaru’s veins.
 He was a father. 
He’d been a father for fourteen years but had been none-the-wiser of it - he had to know exactly what events had occurred for them to get here, to this point. 
What had happened to his former lover? 
When she left, he couldn’t blame her. 
He wished she would’ve remained by his side but he knew he was unlovable and a monster and filthy - so how could he ever expect her to stay? 
Still...she’d promised she would, and that she didn’t mind his abrasive behaviour, that she loved him - but he knew, now, that she only did all those things because she knew that he would protect her from his brothers if she was to manipulate him.  
When he first found out she kept such a deep secret from him, he punched a hole in the wall from instant rage, and then was overcome by sorrow. 
There was a child out there. A child, who was his by blood and kin, and who had grown up fatherless and - allegedly - motherless, since the former bride just...abandoned their child. 
And then she disappeared. 
t was shocking and made Subaru sick to the stomach - even...even Christa, as scarring as his relationship with her was, probably wouldn’t have just left him by the road somewhere! 
He had found you by chance - an accident, really. He was taking a walk in the city and overheard someone getting mugged - he told himself he didn’t care but it but then noticed the person being attacked was a young teenage girl with (H/C) tresses. 
He tried to walk away but couldn’t, turning around to help, when, much to his astonishment, he witnessed the girl - you - beating the shit out of your attackers and taking their wallets instead. It was...impressive, but it had to be supernatural. 
You were a strong, scrawny girl and such immaculate strength was abnormal - inhuman. It...reminded him of his own strength. 
He realised, afterwards, that you resembled her - his past lover - to a disturbing degree. 
The next time he saw you it was when you were on the run from some thugs. This time, he did intervene and saved your ass from being injured. 
You were cautious but thanked him - he noted that you were a street-smart kind of kid, and he could always appreciate someone who knew how to fight- but you were rightly guarded around strangers. 
That was when he saw your eyes and it took him aback. You had his mother’s eyes - they were exact replicas of Christa’s shining orbs, and he lost his breath at that moment. 
Weirded out, you said your farewells and rushed away. 
The idea that you were somehow related to him felt unreal. So he did what anyone would do - tried to deny it to himself, to tell himself it wasn’t possible. He did not have a daughter, and the former bride had taken with her all his happiness. Besides...even if you were his daughter, then he was just as unworthy of getting to be a father as his own was. 
He was violent and aggressive - what sort of father would he make? A bad one, surely. It wasn’t something Subaru was about to risk - at least, he didn’t want to. 
The thought refused to set him free from torment, however, and so he begrudgingly started observing you from the shadows. 
Suddenly your lot in life seemed to improve for no reason whatsoever. 
It was as though you had your personal guardian angel to protect you,
There’s a large chance he’d never reveal the truth, but an equal chance he would. Especially once he noticed your vampirism kicking in - you’d need...someone, even if it was him. 
Even if he was terrified of fatherhood and failing you - it had to be done. Subaru would be a cool dad to have, but unbearably protective to a point of insanity.
- Mod Rozalia 
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