#the sun in reverse
numinously-yours · 4 months
Messages from your spirit guides
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Thank you all who voted on my poll and let me know what kinds of readings you would be interested in getting. The topic with the most votes was "Messages from my guides" so that is the one we're starting with!
Pick the pile that feels right. If you're not sure which to pick, you can view the full photo, the song that was playing for your reading, and a single sentence on each one to see if those help you feel more called to a pile (some lyrical, some a general sentence).
Like, reblog, or reply to let me know it resonates!
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Based on the way that your cards fell out, it feels like you are transforming. It’s been tough lately to see the bright side of situations. It’s felt like you are just getting by, rather than living you’ve been surviving. But, my loves, your guides want you to know that a breakthrough is on its way! You may even be starting to see the rays as the sun starts to rise in an upright position. As you make your way through the clouds, pay attention to the needs of your inner child. There may be opportunities for healing them, and by doing so, you’re going to unleash a part of you that you never knew existed. In addition to the sun’s transformation in your life, the ten of swords is also being transformed. You’ve felt a bit helpless lately. You’ve wondered “what’s the point of getting up?”. But, you know what the point is? As the sun begins to shine on you, you will realize the beauty of the world. You’ll see that even in the times that seem darkest, the sun can still be seen lighting up the world in some capacity. Maybe it’s going to happen in a “click” moment. One day you’ll wake up and see how amazing life is. Or it may begin happening over time. Day by day you’ll start feeling lighter.
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Your guides have been sending hints that you are not being given the reciprocation you deserve. Although nine comes before ten numerically, the nine of wands came out after the ten and I think that is actually quite representative of what’s going on. In your ten of wands state, you are carrying so much. You’re carrying the expectations of others. You’re carrying the emotions of others. You’re carrying what you feel is your responsibility to take care of everyone else around you. But when the nine of wands energy comes in, you’ve set down these heavy wands. You’ve created a steady boundary of these wands, rather than a heavy load. Your guides want you to know this is possible. I think that you are picking up on the hints, but are scared of what happens once you set the wands down. What your guides want you to know is that, once you start creating the boundaries for yourself, you’ll really step into the role of creator. Creator of your own happiness. Creator of your future.
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Hey threes, this pile might be for me, too haha Our guides want us to remember that the feelings of inadequacy and doubt that we have is just the fear talking. We’re so used to convincing ourselves that we’re not good enough that we forget to see all the cool stuff we’re capable of. We’re inspiring, we’re strong, we’re creative. We are adamant about following our dreams. If you’re like me, you get excited and then you realize HOW excited and start holding back. Our guides want us to trust the excitement! At first, I thought the quote “no regrets, just love” from our pile’s song meant this reading would be about love. It can involve love, but I think it is ultimately our guides telling us to fall in love with the process. Ruminating on our “mistakes” only takes away from our ability to live in the now. I think that some of us are starting to practice. And I know that all of us are at least starting to understand this is something that will require practice and can’t just be done by the snapping of our fingers. Investing in ourselves, especially when it feels uncomfortable, is what is going to produce long term results. Our guides are here to remind us that we’re not only capable of doing this, but that the rewards are going to be soo worth it.
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You know that your guides are telling you something, but you are resistant to believing them. Sorry to say it, but they’re not going to stop 😉. They are trying to show you that your new ideas and longing for knowledge are AWESOME. It is a sign that you’re growing. It seems like whenever you have a spurt of energy and inspiration, it’s quickly followed by pessimism and the idea that you’re not capable. So, you stop. Then your guides try to tell you in another way and you’re like “eh, maybe I’m reading the signs wrong.” But you know you’re not. I know how hard it is not to believe in yourself. Especially if you’ve been shown/told all of your life that your ideas are no good, or if the accomplishments you have made, and you were really proud of, get shut down. That wasn’t fair to you, number four. Your guides are here to cheer you on and make sure you feel the least amount of self-doubt as possible. You’ll still have the moments that the doubt comes through, but try your hardest to knock down that wall. You’re hearing your guides on the other side of that wall and they’re just waiting for you to tear it down and celebrate with you – FOR you.
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oh-gh0st · 6 months
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shadowpeach fans i hope this finds you well 😁
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littlepinksapphire · 9 months
Many people see Gale’s relationship with Mystra as that of a man and a woman. Gale is a man trying to “cross the boundaries” of the woman he fancies. But that interpretation is misguided and ignores what the relationship truly is, that of a mortal and a god.
I don’t feel like you need to know about dnd lore or Mystra herself to recognize the insane power imbalance that creates. An eons old entity in charge of all magic and a young wizard man are not on equal footing. Gale himself is even kind of aware of this, as he wanted and tried desperately to be enough for Mystra so she might deign to make him an equal.
Criticize his hubris all you want. It’s his fatal flaw and huge part of his character arc. But, Shadowheart is right there being abused by her goddess and everyone can see that. I mean, fuck, all of the origins are being abused by powerful people, but Gale’s not?
It just baffles me that at a time when our culture is harshly examining age gaps and power imbalances in romantic relationships more people aren’t seeing Mystra for the walking red flag that she is.
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lyss-butterscotch · 9 months
T-03-46 : Silent Night
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Welcome to Karma Corporation. We're going down another crossover rabbit hole :)
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jaiquill · 1 year
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Just some friendly banter - 
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softcenteregg · 2 years
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-faith & reverence-
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missterious-figure · 7 days
I saw the swap question but what if the swap was Y/N was the new rare harpy at the casino and Sun,Moon,and Eclipses were charged as their animatronic handlers.
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(Note, this y/n is male, but unlike the original reverse au, this one has a more shy personality)
The Birds of Paradise casino had always had a hard time getting their harpies in line. Not that the creatures were very aggressive, but when they fought each other or had to be given medicine. Human handlers would constantly be at risk from the harpies. So the casino bought three high quality animatronics to help. That worked quite well! So well, the casino wanted to test if they could become actually handlers. And the harpy the animatronics were assigned to happened to be you, a newly imported rose gold peacock harpy.
You had been at the Birds of Paradise casino a day, and you had hidden yourself in the corner of your room the whole time. You were a shy thing, and didn't like big changes, which is what this place was. The smells, humans and other harpies were foreign to you. You have been moved around company to company for most of your life, but this place was different. It was larger, and therefore had more humans and harpies. Too many for your liking. You would need time to get used to this.
The door to your private room creaked open, and you shuffled farther back into your makeshift nest of purple pillows and blankets. It was a human with a clipboard, a doctor, presumably, and he seemed to be talking to someone behind him. Someone you couldn't see because the door wasn't open wide enough. You couldn't hear him very well as he was whispering, but the word "medicine" caught in your ear. Medicine? You hated taking medicine! It tasted awful most of the time, and you didn't like things being force fed to you.
One of the reasons you were always being sold off was because you always made a hassle about medicine. Well, that and you having a hard time adjusting to things. The doctor moved away from the door, and someone else took his place... or something else? It was tall, taller then you, and had a round face, half black and half magenta. Sharp rays around it's face made it look almost like a flower. It's body was mostly black, with a red neck and grey arms and legs. Bright yellow eyes scanned the room until they found you. You didn't like this.
It moved past the doorframe and into your room, two more of it's kind following suit. The second was a yellow one with a half orange face, golden rays, blue neck and grey-white eyes. The third was mostly white. It's two toned face of white and blue made it look like a cresent moon. It's red eyes were very eerie. It had yellow neck and no rays. Instead, it wore a long night cap sort of thing. The yellow and white one were a little shorter than the black one, around your height most likely. As the three entered your room, the doctor shut the door behind them. A click could be heard. Fuck. You were now locked in here with these... things.
The three were all looking at you. You backed away further. Without a word, the black one slowly paced forward, careful with each step. You noticed he had a small plastic jar in his hand. You quietly bared your teeth at the stranger, but it held up a finger and shushed you.
"Easy, sweetheart. We're your new handlers! I'm Eclipse. That's Sun."
It- no, he noded his head to the yellow creature.
"And that's Moon."
He gestured to the white one.
"We want to take good care of you, okay? And to do that we need to give you some medicine to make sure you stay healthy."
His voice was weird and metallic. Actually, his whole body looked like metal. Then it clicked. These creatures weren't creatures at all. They were machines. You've never seen machines like this before, and you weren't sure you like it. Meanwhile, he was still slowly creeping towards you. The other two were making their way over as well. It felt like ages, but all three finally reached your nest. Eclipse opened the lid of the small jar and shook a three pills onto his palm. Every feather on your body bristled.
"The quicker you eat these, the quicker we can go get you some food. Doesn't that sound good?"
He held them out to you, but you were already upset at the mere sight of the pills. With in angry hiss, you tried to slap his advancing hand away. But you were caught by the white robot, Moon. Grabbing you firmly, yet not hurting you. He dragged you out of your nest, whimpering and kicking. You tried to free your hand from his grip. When that failed, you calmed down a bit, only a bit, and looked away. Moon smiled mocking at you, before repositioning himself behind you, moving his hand to your wrist and using his other to prop your back. Sun came on your other side and grabbed your free arm. He, too, placed a hand on your back.
Eclipse walked behind you before placing one hand on your shoulder. He gently placed the other before your mouth, the pills still there.
"Open wide, sweetheart. I'm not going to pry you mouth open, but we won't let you go until you take them. It's for your own good."
You could tell he was serious, and the three of them where stronger then you. You couldn't wrestle your way out of this. Looking down you scrunched your face in disgust. You reluctantly licked them out of Eclipse's palm. To your surprise, they didn't taste bad. They tasted like strawberries. You were tempted to chew them, but it seems like Eclipse guessed that. He put his hand under your chin and massaged your throat, and used his thumb to rub your cheek. This coaxed you to swallow, and the pills were soon gone.
The three robots let you go. As soon as they did, you immediately rushed back into your nest, going so fast you almost bonked your head into the wall. Only when you where out from between the three of them did you notice how much the feathers on your cheeks were puffing up. It wasn't because of aggression, though. You were thoroughly flustered. You tried to calm you beating heart, trying to think of anything besides the way they hand held you and how it made you feel. But the more you tried to ignore it, the more the recently made memory kept playing back in your head.
You turned your back to the watching animatronics and covered your face with a pillow. Before leaving, Eclipse spoke.
"You did well, sweetheart. Now, what would you like to eat?"
You peeked back a little before pathetically squeaking.
"Just some strawberries, please."
"Of course."
With that the three left you alone in your room.
A few days later, you've gotten a whole lot more comfortable. Comfortable enough to start performing. So you did. It wasn't easy at first, but the stage fright was soon gone. But something that had never left you was that feeling you had for those animatronics. And they didn't make it any easier for you to forget. They had taken quite the liking to you. They teased and flirted with you on a daily basis. They were good handlers, but man, they knew how to get you good. You were shy around them and almost never participated in direct flirting, sure, but any time you noticed them watching your performances, you found yourself trying to show off. Dancing more gracefully and purposely giving them teasing glances. Flustering them. Challenging them.
They couldn't get enough of it and neither could you.
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hermanunworthy · 2 months
theyre on their way!
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i cant believe the season of my fave podcast that i have dedicated the past year to is coming to an end today. these characters seriously mean the world to me, and i am so grateful to the creators for giving us this wonderful show to enjoy. though im very sad to see the teens go, im also very excited for what is to come, from the dndads cast, the fandom, and myself!
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0-kbelle-0 · 5 months
Solar : D(updated his look)-
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icedmetaltea · 7 months
Since my family wants to do some stuff today idk if I'll be able to finish the puppet fic in time BUT here's the art from that dark route for the reverse frankenstein au I never did finish writing rippp (tw blood and minor injury)
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(Not shown but they took off their lil half-moon mask thingies bc otherwise they can't bite rlly well😭)
Closeup + alt first image + lineart
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propertyofsamcollins · 6 months
Some redacted fans: I can excuse Alexis assaulting Sam and feeling no remorse for it, but I draw the line at him calling her a bitch.
Everyone else: You can excuse assault???
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sun-marie · 5 days
Halsin, Wyll, and Gale all cuddling while taking a nap :)
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The boys of all time ! I went with Halsin in his bear form bc I feel like that would be his most cuddly <3
Send me 2+ characters and/or ships and a prompt, and I will draw a very quick, very messy sketch of them 🎨🖌
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simcardiac-arrested · 5 months
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spin it!
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bruqh · 3 months
normally clerics use divine magic to work miracles amongst the living but i think kristen is going to use her mortality to work miracles amongst divinity
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dreamyzworldlove · 6 months
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the sillys
if you like my art please reblog <3
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one-idea · 5 months
Master list
This is more for me so I have a record of all my Aus in one place but incase anyone is interested.
Dream dream
A devil fruit user with the ability to steal a persons dreams/ambitions steals Luffy’s dream to become the pirate king. This leaves a despondent Luffy who doesn’t believe in his or any of his crews dreams (their dreams have become part of his) the crew is left to get his dream back.
(Big family feels for all of the Strawhats and some Zolu)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
How Luffy loses his dream/ Zoro’s vision of Luffy’s dream
Reverse Strawhats
In a parallel universe where Ace meets Whitebeard early and much like Luffy and Shanks makes a promise (to one day surpass Whitebeard) when he sets out to sea he meets with Kuina, Nojiko, Kaya, Reiju, and many others. They go on the strawhat journey (with some twist and turns)
One day (maybe in the Wano fight maybe not) a devil fruit activates sending Luffy and the strawhats to this world. Allowing for Luffy and Ace to reunite, but also Robin and Olivia (her mom) Chopper and Dr. Hiriluk, Law and Rosinante and many more.
Official Fic
Part 1
Part 1/2
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5 thriller bark and Yorki
Should Kuina pick up a second sword?
Kaya’s weapons
Kaya’s role on the crew
Possible backstories for Reiju
Reverse strawhats crew relationships
Ace and the East Blue crew
East blue crew relationships
ASL and AceDeuce plans
What about Sabo and Deuce?
More about Sabo and Deuce
What about Luffy and Ace’s fruits?
Dressrosa, the sun god, and ASL reunion
Sabo and Joyboy
Acedeuce and bounty posters
Garp and his roll in Marineford
Rough draft of the reverse crew meeting the Strawhats
Things to think through/still making decisions
What are their pirate names?
Help me name the crew
What happens to Luffy’s Strawhat?
Where is Luffy buried?
The original idea!!!
Art of Reverse Strawhats
Dr. Hiriluk’s reindeer design by @onepiece-treasurecove
All of the following designs are done by @majestick-posts-op
Kuina’s design
Nojiko’s design
Kaya’s design
Reiju’s design
East blue crew’s barrel moment
Dr Hiriluk’s design
Nico Olivia’s design
Iceberg’s design
Yorki’s design
Kuina’s design by @mangoesbread
My designs for this au
Kaya - Syrup Village to Drum Island
My Kuina design
Zoro’s arc
I really wanted a Zoro arc. Where his old sensei contacts him about needing Wado Ichimonji (to defeat an enemy that can only be cut by one of the 21 great grade blades) Zoro has to return but he hates leaving the crew. He tells Luffy (there’s no way he’s leaving without an explanation) and Luffy is not letting him go alone.
There are many twist including old memories and new knowledge (maybe Kuina’s death wasn’t an accident)
Big Zoro feels, his relationship with the crew and some Zolu (cause I can)
(Pleant of Zoro and crew feels but mainly Zolu)
Part 1 - brainstorm
Part 2
Part 3
Nika cult
A Nika worshiping cult wants to bring Nika back to the world, to do this they have to kill Luffy. They almost succeed, Nika takes over to keep Luffy alive. Now it’s up to the crew to find away to save Luffy. But it’s so weird to travel with Nika. Who knows them, because Luffy loves his crew, but Nika is not Luffy. So it’s like hanging out with your loved ones friend you never met.
Big focus on the crews love for Luffy. (All the crew including Jinbei) big focus on Sanji (whole cake guilt) Robin (she adores her captain and crew) and Zolu
Part 1
Part 2
Wado’s pov
A retelling of One Piece from Wado Ichimonji’s point of view
Her pride in her dumb son Zoro, her adoration of their captain and king, her love of the crew, and her absolute annoyance with Sandai Kitsune. (Also the relationships with Yubashiri, Shusui, and Enma)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3 whiskey peaks part 1
Part 4 whiskey peaks part 2
Sun god and king of hell / madoka magica fusion
If you’ve watched Madoka Magica you know. But Luffy loses himself to Nika. Maybe to save the crew of maybe the whole fleet, but Luffy’s no longer in control. Zoro truly becomes the king of hell and uses his power as Asura to block Nika’s influence over Luffy, allowing Luffy to be Luffy. But every now and then Nika tries to break free.
Please just watch the end of madoka magica revolution
Part 1
An actually plot?
Who remembers and why Ace is a problem
Roger and Rouge live and raise Ace/Sabo/Luffy
Roger doesn’t die for his illness and lives with rouge and Ace. Shanks finds Luffy and adopts him, but leaves him in the east blue. Roger comes to meet Luffy and takes him a and Sabo (who Luffy befriended) with him
Part 1: main concept
Shanks raises ASL brother
This involves a lot of rearranging of cannon events. But basically Shanks realizes that Luffy is living alone and promises him the next time he comes to Dawn island he’ll take Luffy with him. Crap finds out and take Luffy to Dadan, where he meets Ace and Sabo. Shanks returns just in time to stop the Bluejam pirates from separating the ASL brothers. He spends some time getting to know the other two boys and decides to take them with him.
Part 1
Part 2,
Part 3 make it Mishanks
Part 4: Meeting Mihawk, Sabo’s future
Part 5: Ace’s reveal
Part 6: Ace and Shanks finally talk about Roger
Part 7: Heavy on the Mishanks.
Part 8: a coming storm.
Part 9: Higuma finds Luffy, Shanks confronts Higuma
Ask: What about Dadan and the bandits
Ask: When will the boys return to Foosha
Ask: Grandpa Rayleigh?
Poll: Does Shanks lose his arm?
Skyward Sword/Zelda au
Luffy remembers his past Life and Nika while separated from the crew. The crew is trying to find him while slowly remembering their own past lives. They are only finding bits and pieces but one memory stands out. The death of Nika at the hands of Asura.
The whole story follows the idea of Skyward sword. That Luffy is Nika reincarnated and needs to finish the job Nika set out to do before he past. Other people (the red hair pirates or the revolutionary’s) are helping him remember his past life while stoping the Strawhats from interfering.
The main idea
Who is guiding Luffy/who is taunting the crew
The Strawhats past lives and feelings
The Spade’s save Ace
Masked Deuce, Mihar, and Skull the officers of the Soade pirates chase after Ace when he leaves the Moby. They catch up just in time to pull him out of his fight with Blackbeard. Hurray Ace is safe, but they have a new problem. Blackbeard is going after Luffy.
Part 1 the main idea
Part 2 the race to Water 7
Question about Thriller Bark
More on thriller bark
Actual outline of Thriller Bark part 1
Thriller Bark part 2
Thriller Bark part 3 Moria’s defeat and Kuma’s return
Thriller Bark part 4: Kuma
Post Thriller bark: are they ready for the new world?
Ask: who’s going to fight Kuma?
How does Blackbeard become a warlord?
What about Ace’s secret?
One shot ideas/asks
Acedeuce: cooking
Zolu: a devil fruit that forces you to obey orders hits Zoro and the resulting angst from our boys
Fem Ace runs into Sabo pre-cannon leading to some fun assumptions by the Whitebeard crew.
Jail break au: the strawhats head straight for Ace after Thriller Bark
Will Sandai Kitsune break
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