#this is MY path in life. these are MY beliefs. i dont need you to follow in my footsteps.
drdemonprince · 1 year
Struggling with black and white thinking. During the pandemic we’ve been told wearing a mask protected others & people who didn’t wear a mask didn’t care about other people’s lives. Mask mandates have lifted & I’m still wearing a mask in public. Most of my friends have stopped. It’s hard to deal with the cognitive dissonance as a result. I feel like they don’t care about my life and means we can’t hangout indoors. This has been very isolating as I pull away from friends as a result. Help!
ohhhh buddy, i love that you are asking this and so self aware of what's going on under the hood as you're dealing with these tough emotions. my whole next book is exactly for you!!
Speaking for myself, the thing that is always important for me to remember is that people's decisions are shaped by their social context, by needs that they're trying desperately to get met, and by their risk tolerance -- but risk tolerance often actually means risk *resignation*. When people feel hopeless and alone, it looks a lot like moral nihilism.
I really do not think that people who have been sloppy with covid protocols or isolation are evil people who want disabled folks to die, or that they dont want to be able to socialize with you safely, or anything like that -- i think we have all been pervasively failed by the systems around us, and that the full weight of that failure falls disproportionately onto you and people like you. and so of course it makes sense for you to be really upset at the injustice of it.
I would read this piece by Awards for Good Boys
and here's some pieces I wrote about how systems are responsible for where are with COVID today, not individuals behaving badly:
none of these facts make the situation you're in any less tough, i've got to acknowledge, and so you've gotta give yourself some license to be mad and to mourn how unfairly so much has been taken away from you and continues to be. i just think it is also really perilous for any of us to go down the path of developing a politics rooted in the belief that most other people are lazy, irresponsible, shameful, or evil. i see that kind of political pov germinating pretty widely on disability twitter, for instance, and it goes to really reactionary places really quickly -- and it often willfully refuses to engage in a class analysis
(for instance, people bragging about getting their grocery deliver drivers fired for making a small error on an order, and claiming thats disability justice because they need that service bc they cant go to the store. nevermind that many delivery drivers and gig economy workers themselves have disabilities from covid exposure due to doing those shitty jobs! etc).
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katiifaetarot · 3 months
Hello friends, beings, and starlights! Im new to the tarot community (at least on this specific platform) and would like to help guide, give honest/TRUTHFUL advice, and be a safe space for anyone+everyone who feels safe here! 🧚🏽‍♀️✨️
My goals/intentions are always to help others through my experience, to teach/guide/EMPOWER them to work on themselves, and encourage them to find the strength, courage, discipline, and honest wisdom within themselves, without looking for outside validation! From anyone OR anything!
My reading today is messages from The Spirit Animal YOU Choose!
It'll most definitely fall under the category of 'what you need to hear right now' so sorry for the generic and short reading today, Im feeling under the weather (×_×)
There are 4 piles and you will be picking through the Spirit Animal Card in the picture right below this text.
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✨️🧚🏽‍♀️please choose your pile and may your intuition and inner knowing guide you to the pile with the energy most suited for you and most suited to help you along your path at this current point in time, no matter what that looks like🧚🏽‍♀️✨️
** sometimes ( most of the time ) i will pick up on multiple energies that need attention or want to be expressed during the reading so i ASK YOU TO UNDERSTAND THIS DURING THOSE TYPES OF READINGS:
depending on how the reader(YOU) chooses to look at the situation or however the situation resonates for the reader(YOU) and because this is a general reading;
⚠️you HAVE to be able to use your better discernment + better judgement skills to fully absorb the message and be able to do the necessary work to keep you on track for the future you WANT for yourself⚠️
You need to get rid of any illusion surrounding your perceptions, viewpoints, belief-systems, certain ways you may move through life, people in your life, situations around money, etc--
the only thing holding you back is yourself. But your soul / faith / HIGHER SELF!!! want you to grow, transform, rebirth yourself into an authentic version of yourself! Trust yourself and trust that whatever illusions fall away, a new, better, AUTHENTIC truth will takes its place.
try doing something new to help broaden your viewpoints or open your mind to something you never knew you liked!!
Respect yourself. 🎵"R-E-S-P-E-C-T, tell you what it means to me"🎵
You're being asked to take a look inside of your mind and ask yourself: 'Am i cultivating a safe space within myself?'
Negative self talk will ruin any chances of you standing up on your own 2 feet. Let go of the TOO critical, inner critic.
Dont let yourself disrespect YOU! because you're signaling to anyone around you, that they can disrespect you too.
Build better habits around the self talk inside of you and you will be able to cultivate better boundaries with YOURSELF! and others around you!
Its okay that change has left you barren, left you empty, left you a shell of yourself.
This is the first step to becoming a better version of yourself, so long as you dont fall into negative patterns again.
You have the chance to change your circumstances right now by fully releasing your past, even the past versions of yourself.
Journal and Mourn what you need too.....but continue forward and start cultivating a stronger sense of self!!
"Treat others as you would like to be treated, NEVER expect others to do what YOU should do yourself, and NEVER act in ways that may cause harm to another"
-an excerpt from the animal dreaming oracle guidebook by Scott Alexander King
There might some decision(s) you are mulling over and its making you recognize how important CHOICES really are.
You've maybe been leading all your life by other peoples: values, morals, beliefs,perspectives, feelings, thoughts, actions, etc- WITHOUT figuring out if that is what resonates with you internally.
Its time to reconnect with yourself or a faith.....in away that feels more authentic, truthful, and positive. So YOU move through life how YOU deserve and WANT TOO!!
I sincerely hope you received what you needed and released what you don't !! See you again soon!! Take it easyyy and just breathe and fllooowwww!!! you got this! byyeee~🧚🏽‍♀️✨️
**please let me know how I'm doing in any way you can! that is the easiest way to support me and also a good way to signal to me that I should keep going + any helpful advice from the community would be welcomed and appreciated because i've been off tumblr for about 5years+ now and its all different n' shizz 🥺 🥹 🙏🏼
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Realized I haven't said anything here and oof
This will be a very personal post so before that I want to say I wish Shelby and everyone hurt by Will the very best. These things mess with our minds and I hope she finds peace in the response of the community.
This is just some thoughts I've been having since this whole thing came out that are really more about me but I wanted to get it out so I can move on
Ok so this whole thing feels so weird
I never let myself fully project on many content creators. This doesn't feel like the time I mourned for days thinking back then dream was a terrible person and felt lied to, thank God. This lacks the uncertainty and I dont feel bad its just kind of disconcerting I guess?
I never got that attached to Wilbur as a person since the fanbase was so extreme but if there was one thing (besides the music, I really liked the solo stuff he did) that really resonated with me about him was his mental health advocacy. The way he used to talk about feeling like a bad person, the struggles of being depressed and living in a less than ideal condition, his lyrics about feeling like you are hurting people around you and not being able to stop and all of the stuff people are calling signs now made me feel conforted back than. Maybe I just relate too hard to "loony artists" personas and the almost manic energy of it all. But fuck I was really happy he seamed to still be able to live a happy life with lots of friends with all of this going on like "maybe I can do that too" kind of way. Like, maybe I could not be alone and not end up hurting people by the way that I can be if I tried hard enough and watched myself in every step of the way.
Now knowing he did in fact fuck up people around him it just feels hollow. I know I tend to empathize with abusive characters in media because I fear I'll become like that and feel conforted in then changing but I really thought this was different. For one it's a real ass person I really thought had his shit figured out so like, im so disappointed? And I don't even know how to feel about all the ways we know his abuse manifested now like bitting, expecting her to clean his shit, saying put of pocket creepy stuff that I feel are mistakes I might make if I don't pay attention, I am really trying to hold on to the belief I would not ignore a safeword and that at least part of the behavior was intentional to hurt but it just makes me sick to even be able to draw that many comparisons.
I really have been trying to gather courage to try to be in a relationship this year and let go of the fear I'll end up hurt or/and be absolutely horrible and end up more alone and idk all of this just makes me scared, that someone that walked an artistic path so similar to what I want and that I admired in the past just did that. Like I said it's just disconcerting.
I really hope everyone hurt in this gets better and my sympathy to the people that idolized him for years now, it's probably hard to let go of who you thought this person was. I really just needed to get my feelings out for a second while they are still fresh and easy to tell. All the love for you guys, I'm probably not speaking on this again since it took a very long feelings forward time to type, but I really feel for everyone that feels they have been lied to in this situation because you have and it sucks.
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scaredgirlsilly · 7 months
Show us the Homestuck! 👀
ok so i just wrote everything under the cut and its. Alot Of Words HDKAJFKSVJFKD its literally an entire story outline of the entire fan session. i would feel bad but 1. you asked for it 2. you are on anon so no ones even gonna get a notification for this and 3. its my blog and i get to be autistic about my own stories ::P
merp (and anyone else currently reading homestuck really) stop reading here until youve finished homestuck. i dont even know if it spoils anything for you merp but just in case
first things first there are some foundational beliefs and opinions that make my fan session what it is and i feel like i need to say them
the game is an analogy (or allegory or metaphor i never know what is the correct one) for real life. everyone tells you that there is a correct way to go through life but then everything goes to shit and youre off that path before you even had a chance to start. this works with homestuck insanely well and one of the main reasons i connect with it
there is no ideal sburb session. not only have we not seen one and i dont even know if there are any sburb games besides the ones we see and the dancester trolls, but if there actually is an ideal sburb session, it kinda goes in the face of it being an alagory for life and how it never goes how you expect it to go
i will add a bunch of stuff outside of what we see in homestuck and some of it may contradict what is stated in homestuck, especially when it comes to the rules of sburb. i dont think the exact rules of sburb matter as much as what sburb as a concept really is, which is a nigh-omnipotent and omnipresent force that makes kids go through trauma to give them a "character" arc. it is a story generator so that the next universe can have heroes, while weeding out those too weak to even get to the part where they make a new universe. this is fucked up and bad and kinda evil and i really wish homestuck focused more on how fucking crazy evil sburb was but it got caught up in a bunch of other shit so thats why i made this
also this is gonna be so fuckin long even if i try to summarize it as much as possible cause its pretty much the entire story of the fan session, but you are on anon so i dont care that im infodumping right now cause no ones gonna read this far
it starts put in 2015, after a mysterious delay of the sburb launch back in 2009. after so long, it is finally coming out!!
we follow 6 kids, all around the age of 19 (they would have been 13 if sburb came out when it was originally supposed to back in 2009)
Anna (she/her), a no nonsense, kinda autistic tabletop wargamer. Think the vibes of kanaya but the convictions of vriska. if she believes she knows whats best, only god can stop her from doing it. very egalitarian, very "ends justify the means" but she isnt like. also kinda intense but she knows that so she knows to tone it down when the moment calls for it
Noah (he/they), an excitable and cripplingly bisexual graffiti artist, his friends mean the world to him and he would do anything for them. a bit of anarchist leanings, but he hasnt really delved into theory much cause hes got other stuff to worry about. extremely outgoing and could probably talk to anyone. Anna and Noah have been kinda flirty/close for a while now and it kinda makes the others sick
Drew (he/him), an adorable farm hand who looks up to those western lone wolf hero types in movies and tries to emulate that, but is too much of a pure soul to ever be mean, so he just kinda acts weird sometimes. Wears a lil cowboy hat and vest and talks and types in a weird southern accent. no one knows if its fake or not
Kate (she/they), a bubbly gymnist who loves talking a bit too much. shes really only doing all this cause her friends are begging her to (and something about the end of the world?? she doesnt really know milo can say some wild stuff sometimes :P )
speaking of, Milo (they/them), an audiophile who has stopped talking as much, kinda ever since the original beta got delayed. everyone else worries about them but they insist they are fine whenever pressed. has been begging everyone to get the game since it was announced, which has been the most hes talked in the group in a long while
and finally, Skye (she/her), a quiet girl who likes nature. usually lurks, but will join the group calls just to be quiet during them. also not as enthused about the game as the others but hey, its better than anything shes got goin on.
gonna try to speed up with the rest of this but you need to know about them cause its like mainly character driven
first act is them getting all the stuff ready, connecting to each other, normal act 1 highjinks. the main thing is when it gets to milo (who actually is last in the order to get revealed idk why i didnt right it like that. the order is anna, noah, kate, drew, skye, milo) where it shows milo in his house, before it fades away and reveals they are in a dream bubble wearing an heir of doom godhood. they are also 13, where everyone else is 19.
the first act culminates in a flash (no clue if i could actually do it but in my head its a dope ass flash set to Planet Telex by Radiohead) where everyone enteres the game at the same time. Milo, being in a dreambubble, asks kate to set up a second computer for them so they can actually play. She does, and milo jumps on the meteor heading for Kates house before it hits the portal, and when it ends up above kates house, they fly down, watch kate enter the game, and really quickly set up their connections, finish the loop, and enter the game just in time. the flash ends with shots of their lands which i have not figured out jdkskfhahf
act 2 is just sburb hijinks. they hang out, grow closer, talk alot cause yk its homestuck jfkshdk. the main developments are noah and anna growing even closer with a cute lil sparring match before ending by planning a date, skye and kate growing closer and skye getting a bit of a crush, and drew and milo grow closer (but not romantically cause milos 13) because milo is a fuckin ghost and has been isolating themself from the group and drew has taken note and pretty much been like "whatever your goin through, ill be there for you"
there are other scenes i just havent written them/thought them out yet
this all takes place over like a few weeks btw
then its one of the kids' birthdays!! they are all together for the first time in a little bit, and one of them (probably anna) asks what the deal with milo is. after some hesitation he tells them this
milo is from an alternate timeline where they all entered the game in 2009 and everyone died. turns out it was a doomed session. before milo dies, being the last kid alive, they go to talk to their denizen. the denizen tells them that they were not supposed to play the game. the main heroes of earth (i forgot what they were called i know they were called something like the alpha kids were the nobles but i forgot what the beta kids were called anyways its the beta kids) were supposed to be the only ones to play, and because so many people are playing the game, its messing with skaia and causing a ton of glitches to happen in the beta kids' game. but, like everyone else, milo has a choice. let this timeline fade, allowing skaia to focus solely on just the beta kids, but they will not be able to live in the dream bubbles. Or, create an offshoot timeline, leave the beta kids to die in their horribly glitched session, and have another chance as the main heroes of that timelines earth, knowing that success is still not a certainty. Milo, being a 13 y/o who misses their friends and doesnt give a fuck about a bunch of "heroes" chooses the second option. this causes the offshoot timeline where sburb is delayed, and milo has to sit in the dream bubbles until the game eventually releases. oh uh that also killed milo like to get them in a dream bubble their denizen just fuckin killed them like falling fuckin rock just instant death.
the others are horrified to hear that they all died and milo is the only one who survived (but didnt actually survive, they just can do alot more as a ghost cause they are an heir of doom) and it starts to set in the actual stakes of the game
anna pulls milo aside after the party (which has supremely fucked vibes after milos revelation) to ask them more about the game. after hearing milos story, it only invigorated her more to figure out exactly how to get them through the game. noah tags along cause hes bored and anna and noah havent left each others side in weeks.
milo is answering annas questions about the game to the best of their ability, but the topic of the alpha timeline pops up. noah asks further and milo obliges (same stuff we know, but they word it slightly wrong cause they dont know the full picture). milo days that the alpha timeline is, to their limited knowledge, the correct timeline that leads to a successful end of the game, and every other timeline is a dead timeline that skaia prunes to keep focused on the correct timeline. noah asks what they mean by "prunes" the other timelines, and milo says that everyone is killed in them. noah then asks why everyone died in milos session and if they are from one of those dead timelines, and if so, what happened to the correct timeline. milo says that the way anna explained it before she died in milos session (who was a time player in milos session but aspect is based on personality so she might not be anymore), was that some sessions dont have a correct timeline, so every timeline eventually gets pruned, and there isnt any way to fix it. noah gets frustrated, before getting up to leave, anna asking if they are ok, and noah saying hes fine he just needs some air. anna is worried, but continues to ask milo about the game
noah then sulks off and talks to himself about how fucked up that is, and kinda has a panic attack about what if they are in a doomed timeline now without even knowing. he then sets off to find out if they can escape a doomed timeline, and if not, if they can escape the game entirely.
also uhhhh i forgot to say this before but the prospit dreamers are noah, drew, and kate. and the derse dreamers are anna, milo, and skye
we then get a batch of a few standalone relationship moments, just some moments of them hanging out like before the party but this time their is a notable air of urgency to what they are doing. i havent really written them yet but noah and anna have a bit of an argument, because anna, while still agreeing that sburb is super fucked up, sees the fucked up stuff sburb does as motivation to get through the game as fast as possible, while noah sees it as reason to try and escape before they get killed for no reason with no way to stop it. this rift starts to spread to the others before it culminates in one last conversation between noah and anna
noah says that he is gonna leave. hes figured out a way that might work. turns out the universe is just a huge bubble that you can leave. anna laughs at that, asking if he really thinks that is gonna work. noah gets exasperated, saying he doesnt really know but he has to try. its better than sitting around and waiting to die. anna snaps back saying that that isnt what they are doing. they dont have any evidence to believe they are in a doomed timeline, and in fact noah leaving might be the action that dooms everyone. noah says that he has to leave, he says sorry, walks closer for one last embrace from anna, but she denies it and and says "if you are really going to do this, then im going to stop you. i hope you see the error of your ways before it comes to that" and she walks off
as this is happening, milo and drew find drews quest bed. drew says that noah has already talked to him about leaving and is telling milo. drew says he may leave, because all this pressure to do what sburb wants is kinda getting to him. milo goes quiet, before saying "i get it, but. please dont. i dont want what i did to be in vain". drew says that milo can join them!! but milo shakes his head, saying they have sacrificed too much already, before saying "well... heres your quest bed" and turning around before drew could see the tears in their eyes.
"h- how am i s'posed ro use this dang thing?" says drew
milo turns to drew with tears in his eyes, but a small playful smile creeps onto his face, before saying "you kill yourself on it. duh" and flying off
from another spot on the planet, various bugs are flying around, and in the distance a huge yellow beam erupts into the sky, showing a winged symbol in the air
The Knight of Hope has ascended
(they didnt have yellow text thats the best i got)
Noah to kate and skye, who are having a little picnic, but arent talking much as they were distracted by the beam in the sky (drew god tiering)
Noah breaks it down for them and asks them to go, and kate says that she will, but skye says she wont. she says that that is a huge decision to make without much proof, and she cant with good conscience leave anna behind. shes the space player, and she is needed to make the genesis frog. if she leaves, it really will be a dead timeline no matter what. noah says he understands, gives her a big hug, and starts to leave. Kate is crying as skye turns to her and apologizes. kate grabs her and kisses her, tears welling in both of their eyes, before saying that she wishs she could stay, and shes sorry for leaving, and if they find each other again, she will never leave her side. noah calls after kate, but she asks for just one more moment, and noah says of course before leaving to talk with drew and get his answer and milos answer
the people who are ready to leave are noah, drew, and kate
the people staying behind are anna, milo, and skye
i am not entirely happy with kate and drews motovations i feel its a little weak but also i havent even started writing it so fuck you
noah, now dead set on leaving, goes to meet with anna one final time. he tells her whos going with him, and that she can come with him too, because if she decides to leave, the others will probably join her. she says that that is exactly why she has to stay. someone has to do the work, and after half of the group leaves, shes the only one that can get any results. noah remarks on how distant shes acting, and she says that he can fix that by not leaving. he says he cant do that, and anna says "i knew you would say that" before pulling out her rapier and attacking
(sorry i forgot to do their weapons uhhhh the ones i know so far are drew who has a revolver, anna who has a rapier, and noah who has a firemans axe)
act 2 concludes with another flash, this time set to Mood Swings by Human People. They have a hard fight, mirroring their sparring match from early act 2, but this time anna isnt holding back. she slices noah up and gets him to a pretty bad spot before it cuts to drew. drew sees himself and a beat to shit noah pop out of nowhere with the tume turn tables, drew from the future gives current drew a copy of the turntables (specifically not to make a loop with them) and tells him to go save noah. drew shows up just in time to see anna about to make the killing blow on noah, and drew, tears welling in his eyes, says sorry and pulls out his revolver and shoots anna in the head. he then grabs noah, uses the turn tables to go back, and the flash fades as we see anna bleeding out on the floor, as milo and skye get to her right at the end of the flash
act 3 starts with drew taking noah to his quest bed, and lying him on there. noah then ascends
The Prince of Blood has ascended.
simultaneously, skye and milo brought anna to her quest bed, where she ascends as well.
The Thief of Mind has ascended.
Noah and drew go to meet up with kate at her quest bed, as she goes to god tier. she is the last of the people who are going to leave, and they need every advantage they can get
(something) of Breath has ascended.
(idk what class shed be hfkshdjd sorry)
They then get to the edge of the session, giving it one last look, before leaving.
ok so uhhhh the rest i have no clue jfkshdjs except for literally the last flash. like everything between now and the end (pretty much the entirety of act 3) i have no clue. but on annas side, she gets alot more controlling and aggressive, eventually stooping to using her thief of mind powers to mind control them (taking their mind) into doing what she wants. shit gets mad fucked up in there
i literally hsve no clue what noah and the gang do. there is a bit of a romance between drew and noah just cause i really want them to fuck nasty, but nothing serious comes of it and they are both chill with it. its kinda like a summer fling but they are traveling through the very edges of paradox space. probably like hiding from the horror terrors?? idk i have a theory that the horror terrors are all like players that have gonethrough the ultimate self shit, so maybe they go to talk to the horrorterrors and its like a physical manifestation of like a forum board?? idk that could be neat
noahs team and annas team still keep in contact somewhat, but not much. noah keeps trying to contact anna, but after she doesnt respond for a bit and noah keeps trying, she blocks him.
eventually noah and the gang figure out a way to be safe outside of the control of skaia and sburb, and he says that if the others want, noah and them can pretty much head back to get them. milo and skye agree because...
eventually, anna finds out that the session was doomed from the start and she is obviously devastated by the knews, cause that means that all of the bad shit she did, all of the friends shes lost, were all for nothing. act 3 ends on that and act 4 is just one last flash
the flash is set to Souk Eye by Gorillaz, and it starts with skye and milo grabbing a destraught anna who is just lying on the ground crying. they drag her to where noah said to meet up with them, and anna locks eyes with noah. at first she averts her gaze, but all she sees is the session, now in ruin as the war on skaia is raging on with the prospitans losing badly, and several of the planets overrun with various monsters. the session is in ruin. she looks back to meet noahs gaze, assuming she will see nothing but malice, but he just smiles and floats towards her.
drew flies into milo, giving them a huge bear hug and saying that he really missed them. kate tackles skye with kisses, joking about how he had to hear drew and noah fuck way more than she would have wanted for one life, and noah puts hid hand on annas cheek, before she kisses him like super hard like one of those kisses where they grab the others face and kiss them like its the last thing they will ever do, and they just sit like that. finally reunited, the session in ruins behind them, but they have each other, so its ok. anna breaks free of the kiss, and they all leave the session, and set off for a life beyond sburb.
the end.
uhhhh yeah idk if thats what you expected like a whole fuckin story HDKAKFLHA but. yeah thats what i had written for my fan session. im not gonna get into the themes and stuff cause ive already written so fucking much 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 but yeah. thats ir ^u^
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my dad like. ok this is why he kept calling me a commie bitch specifically, but he had this REALLY weird belief where he was so certain that a large group of people really want to get arrested and taken to prison because it's place where they don't need to pay for food or shelter and have schedules. and i was like well if their life is that bad that prison- which is a place that's traumatized YOU- is more desirable than their every day life then maybe theres like, a bigger issue? and he'd get red in the face trying to explain to me that no people are just LAZY and WORTHLESS and they need to learn how to care for themselves and thats why hes so hard on me because if i don't he knows that's the exact path i'd go down. and i'd be like well....... if my lifes so bad i want prison is that really that big of a deal? and he was like YES!!! IT FUCKING IS!!! and i was like why and he was like I DONT WANT MY KID TO GO TO PRISON!!!!!
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wayward-aeon · 3 months
Hey hello!! Im pretty sure Ive seen you around via divine-elixer's post notes, and Ive popped in and out of your blog for the past few months, and Ive been super curious about how you practice "pop culture paganism" bc Ive kinda wanted to get into sth similiar?
I have lots of fun religious trauma from childhood into adulthood and so i was like, fuck it, we ball, im making a new religion -- but im unsure where to start, but I want to incorporate my kintypes into it (aka, Ganyu having a Morax/Exuvia statuette/shrine).
Im also lumine, so like, *waves from the other side of the reality barrier* same hat meme
Anyway, you dont gotta answer if you dont feel comfy, but I'd just like some vague sense of how you go about your practices to see if any of that appeals to what Id want to create or partake in if that makes sense.
♡♡♡ Have a good one!!! ♡♡♡
- @laputian-lilies (kin blog is @twin-wishing-stars )
hi!! i'm always happy to get messages from fellow gen/shin folk!!!
before anything else, sorry for the delayed response! also, this might get long it got really fucking long, so i'm putting it under a cut.
pop culture paganism is great precisely because it can really be anything you want or need it to be. this makes it really great for those who struggle with religious trauma, or have other aspects of life that interfere with more "mainstream" religious practice (mental illness, disability, simple lack of spare time, etc) because if there's anything you don't want to or can't include, just toss it. you're perfectly welcome to compile all the theoretically enjoyable and comforting things about religion and leave the rest on the curb.
ultimately, your practice will be entirely yours. there's no wrong or right way to do it, as long as it works for you.
for me, as fictionkind, a big part of what makes PCP so appealing is being able to feel more connected to the other worlds i've been, lives i've led, and the people i've met along the way. like, a "no need to be homesick if some of home is still with me" kind of thing.
talking specifically in the context of gen/shin, although i definitely wouldn't consider myself a devotee of the archons, some of them were very dear to me. giving them a sort of platonic reverence, more akin to friends sharing drinks around a bar than a worshipper offering libations, helps me feel connected to them. i do also still acknowledge the power they have, so i might invite them to share it with me in times of need.
as an example, one thing i did as an experiment a while back was draft a couple modified versions of the lesser ritual of the pentagram. these were made in tribute to barb/atos and mor/ax, and in place of the angels or divine names, they called upon the Four Winds and the yaksha, respectively. i haven't used either of them in practice, mostly because frankly i don't have much of a practice to speak of these days (thanks, shitty mental health), but i have complete confidence in their effectiveness just by virtue of my trust in the beings to whom they're dedicated.
this is the part where i interrupt myself to say that i recommend anyone interested in PCP reads a bit about chaos magic. chaos magic is all about the power of belief, and there's a heavy emphasis on individuality and carving one's own path, so their resources and anecdotes can be very helpful to us pop culture practitioners building our own systems from scratch.
anyway, i also like incorporating aspects of technopaganism into my personal practice. a big part of this is virtual shrines and temples! i've been playing a lot of minecraft recently, and creative games like this are perfect for building little temples or tributes to any entity you may acknowledge. there's no need to worry about not having enough space or not being able to afford materials, and they never need to be cleaned. i also adore the sort of shrines you might find on folks' personal webpages, and i'd like to make one for myself when i get around to making my neocities page.
this is something we as gen/shin fictionkind have a foot ahead in, because between our personal teapots and the many religiously significant areas in the game itself, we always have a lot of ways to immerse ourselves and connect directly to the object(s) of our devotion. i don't want to call him out, because he doesn't consider himself religious, but a fellow sourcemate regularly offers incense to the temple of pervases, which i think is a perfect example of this. for me personally, i like to sit in the hands of the barb/atos statue in mond/stadt when i'm feeling down, or need to ground myself, or i just want to feel close.
i would eventually like to incorporate more personally significant things into my physical space, but that means spending money, and i'm forever broke, lmao
in terms of more "traditional" worship, pop culture gods are no different from any other god. you can pray to them, give them offerings, ask them for aid, perform ritual and divination in their name, anything that feels right for you!
other than all that, i guess the biggest thing for me is just acknowledging that, even if i may be far from home physically, i will always have a spiritual connection to the places and people that matter to me. i still see them in my dreams, i still hear them in whispers on the wind. and i know they can hear me, too.
i think that's all i have to say. forgive me if its disjointed or not very coherent at times, i'm very scatterbrained these days. thank you for the ask, and i wish you luck on your journey!
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dojae-huh · 3 months
Hii Huh nim, seems like u r catching up with the contents that u r missed becoz of the busy schedule of urs....haha....that's nice....I am happy for you.....how s the work.....nd how is 2k24 is going for you....everything's fine right.....
Yes it looks like doyoung is much more cheerful and happy these days even though he lose about 500k followers nd the bullying stuff becoz the McDonald's deals...but he is a survivor u knw....just like u said how he turned bunny into bunny prince he is going to rule the world like a king with his singing....just wait and see how he is going to slay his solo in a unique manner that no one ever did...even if it is the same like others I bet, there might be something that he includes to look different....like how he even changed a lyrics from gold dust when he sang it for a solo show....I like it huh nim....I am really waiting that to happen....I cant wait any longer ...haha....I am so happy for my bunny prince...I hope he does evrything that he wants nd gives him more recognition as an idol and also as a great singer...to be honest i always thinks he is worthy to be recognized more as singer nd to get more and more opportunity...maybe it is becoz he is bias right...I kinda exaggerate...haha....sorry but I like doing that...so huh nim....we could just wait for it right....I hope evryone could makes their every dreams come true this year....huh him too....dont lose hope nd take care of your health....say my hii to your wild friends there...okay?? ....haha...
Fighting....let's go for a long and happy and successful year....i will try to make more asks again....have great blog okay....😊
Doyoung laughs in the face of adversity and stays kind to his real followers. (pics from here) Good for him, an example to emulate.
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I think what helps Doyoung is not only the experience of going through the attacks in the past and learning from it (the whole circle of it, how it goes and what waits in the end), but also his fundamental beliefs about the nature of people and his belief in himself, in being a good person, his strong morale. He might think he is lacking here and there, but he knows he will turn mountains to be a successful singer, he has no other paths.
So, even if Do gets momentarily hurt or angry because of the attacks and antis, he doesn't internalise it and blame himself. He is bold enough to warn his fans with "something is coming up but believe in me, believe I'm a good person". He also categorises his own fans in this way "(as I'm a good person) my (true) fans can only be good people".
I decided to not anticipate things. I'll just wait patiently for the solo albums to come and pay attention to something else untill then instead. I hope you are right and Do will not try to walk the middle ground and think too much about what fans may want from him. Him approcahing Lucy (a band) and doing the 28 reasons cover were good signs.
When a person steps on a path of bettering oneself (losing weight, learning a skill/language), he/she needs to surround oneself with same minded people. The (miserable) people in one's life will discourage, stand in the way, not believe in the positive outcome, try to drag down to stay on their level. A support group will do the opposite.
Not that I wouldn't do what I do without Doyoung, the drive for change and action needs to come from within yourself, but he and 127 are definitely my support group who help to move in the right direction easier by their example. They are the positive to confront the negative.
Well, the 2024 started OK, I'm sticking to my physical exercises, language learning and looking for field work opportunities for Spring and Summer (and going to a new country, of course, can't stop my migratory habits). And I've kind of decided on a trajectory I need to try to reach my big goals for the upcoming few years. Can't say there are any results yet or I'm in a good financial shape, but I'm trying to beat that proverbial milk into butter and get out of the bucket.
Where I haven't done much progress is my own creative endevours. I sold a few original paintings last year, which is good, and I did drawing exercises, but I'm still in the process of persuading and pushing myself to pick up paints and produce something. Drawing is torture...
As for NCT content. I promised myself to finish all NCT Life-s this year. I always drop them after a few episodes (I completed just a few). They are not very funny, but they do have many moments that help to understand neos better. I should watch more old vlives, like Jaehyun and Yuta cooking, Doyoung with Renjun, etc. I haven't even watched Doyoung's tv-series, haha.... yes, I'm waiting for the right mood... yes, I'm like that...
I don't understand when fans complain there is nothing new from JaeDo or 127. There is a ton of everything. No fan will be able to watch all performances and interviews and fancams and clips from concerts. And one can always re-watch old things. Like this Favorite+Sticker performance. It had good camerawork and outfits.
I will say hi to the spider in my bathroom, no other wild friends around for the time being.
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moravincitomnia · 2 years
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I decided to share all my notes which im making on Egpytology with you guys because i dont know if im the only one but sometimes the info on egyptology is all over the place, so i hope you enjoy and after this one the next one will be about how the world was viewd in egpytian mythology: 
Maat which is also known as ma’at or mꜣꜥt in Egyptian it’s both a belief but also a Goddess, in both ways it signifies law, balance, harmony, morality, justice and peace. In Mythology maat was seen as the moral code for both humans and nature, you followed it if you wanted happiness and essentially life. Back then Egyptians saw Pharaohs as the human maintainers of maat because they were believed to have been the son of various deities so he would be their representative making sure maat was being followed throughout the kingdom. Maat as a belief was said to have been created at the creation of the world and it was a way to help the world identify chaos. There’s various deities that are gods of natrual forcees and the myths are supposed to represent how the world should be functioning and the reward of life itself. The earliest surviving evidence of Maat being the norm is from 2375BCE to 2345BCE in the Pyramid Texts of Unas in the Old Kingdom. Later on when goddess’s were paired with god’s hers was Thoth because their attributes were very similar but in some accounts Thoth was paired with Seshat the goddess of writing and measure. After her role in creation and stopping the world from turning into chaos she took a primary role in the Weighing of Hearts which happened in the Duat. Her feather would determine if a soul was worthy to reach paradise or not. From the 18th Dynasty Maat was also seen as the daughter of Ra which showed that the Pharaohs were believed to rule through her authority.
As a goddess Maat was the goddess of truth, harmony and justice. She was symbolised with wings on each arm or as a woman with an ostrich feather on her head. The meaning of the symbols are unclear in the myths but Shu who was considered her brother also wore them. Ra came from the primeaval mound of creation only when he set his daughter Maat into the place of  ‘isfet’ which means chaos. Kings then would inherit the duty of making sure she remained there and with Ra they were said to “live on Maat”. Ahkenaten emphasised it so much that his people viewed it as fantacism and intolerance. Some kings though incorperated Maat’s name into theirs with names like “Lords of Maat” or Meri-Maat (Beloved of Maat).
Maat as a principle told people to act with honor and truth in all situations including family, environment, community, nation and god. As a princple people think it was formed to meet the complex needs of the Egyptian state which welcomed people with conflicting interests. It was supposed to stop chaos and eventually even became Egyptian Law. Maat developed to a point that it embraced all aspects of existence, the relationship between consitutent parts, the cycle of the seasons, religious observations, good faith, honesty, truthfulness and social interactions. Ancient Egyptians had a deep need to have underlying holiness and unity within the universe and cosmic harmony was said to be achieved by correct public and ritual life set by Maat. Any disturbance of it was said to have consequences for not just the individual but for the kingdom as well. There’s also the concept of isfet which is of course chaos, lies and violence. There was also other principles added like following tradition, the importance of persuassion, impartiality(aka no prejudice in justice) and doing righteous actions. To Egyptians Maat bounded everything together in the universe. A passage from the Instruction of Ptanhotep presents Maat as follows:
“Maat is good and it’s worth lasting,
It has not been distrubed since the day of it’s creator,
Whereas he who transgresses its ordinance is punished.
It lies as a path in front of even of him who knows nothing.
Wrongdoing has never yet brought its venture to port.
It is true that evil may gain wealth but the strength of truth is that it lasts,
A man can say ‘it was the property of my father’.”
Not much is found in literature about how it was practiced in law other than Maat was there in spirit and from the 5th Dynasty onwards a vizer (a high ranking political advisor or minister) was called the Priest of Maat and even wore images of her to show they were responisble for justice. There’s also the Sebayt (pharanoic interpretations/literature) which later scholars and philosophers embodied concepts from and it was filled with spiritual texts on how common social and professional situations were dealt with and how each was best to be resolved or addressed in the spirit of Maat. It was very practical and case-based so only a few specific and general rule scould be derived from them. During the time the Greeks came to Egypt Greek law existed alongside Egyptian law which preserved the rights of women being allowed to be independent from men and own propery which also influenced the most restrive conventions of the Greeks and Romans.
Maat also had temples and the earliest one that was recorded was in the New Kingdom era from Amenhotep III in the Karnak complex and there is textual evidence that suggests other temples of Maat were around Memphis and Deir el-Medina. The temple in Karnak was also used by courts to meet to discuss the robberies of royal tombs during the rule of Ramesses IX. In the Papyrus of Ani (also known as The Coming Forth By Day) the lines were often collectively called the 42 declorations of purity where people would write down things to appease Maat and they thought through the power of writing down about how they did no wrongs in their life that it would wipe away anything wrong they did do away from their afterlife. It would also include their own personal practices in their lives to please Maat. The doctrine of Maat is represented in the declorations to Rekhti-Merti-f-ent-Maat and the 42 negative confessions listed in the papyrus of Ani.
Annnd that’s all the notes I have, I’ll go more in depth of her part in the weighing of hearts when I get to that topic, this was just meant to be all about Maat both as a concept and as a goddess. I hope you enjoyed! 
Edit: ffs why doesn’t it show up when u write Maat in Egyptian 💀
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tarotwithdanise · 1 year
Hii love!
I would love to participate in the - How does your past life affect your current life game !
I feel alive because I have my faith in God. I believe them and I know universe has my back, it protects me and takes care of me and I trust them to help me solve my problems and show me the right path. I dont reblog your pacs since I am inactive. So usually when I was consistently active here I used to reblog and like every pac of yours but nowadays I cant since I am not consistent here due to my university study and projects.
Initials: Y.P | Sun sign: Capricorn♑
Password : Set me free
I hope this format is correct, if not I am sorry.
Thank you so much. Have a nice day! Take care. Sending you lots of love.
Hello there! Thank you for participating @iams99.
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how does YP's past life affect their current life?
Galactic - orphan - spiritual-phobias.
Wow, you have a beliefs when it comes to spiritual and divine realm, and might be you think that other's may not understand what beliefs you already have. You frequently sees yourself as a unique individual. I also see that you are find being alone even no else is in your side, you think you can do it. You will be independent this is because your u once become an orphan on one of your past life, this is reason why you are find being alone. Do you like manifesting?If yes then it's being blocked. If you are asking me for what then? From the fears and phobias you have and created inside your mind, this is the reason why the energy is being blocked and so it's stopping your manifestations to come into fruitution in reality. You need to find and solve which fears or phobias this is so you can heal it as you can.
Hope this make sense, Danise.
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blood-bound · 9 months
2, 7, 10, and 24 for mark in terms of that ask meme! < 3
What's something about your OC that people wouldn't expect just from looking at them?
oh literally so much like he projects that Persona so hard. like you can pick up on how he's a pretty kind person overall (look ignore the ruthlessness i just spoke about. he contains multitudes) after a few convos but he looks Tired and Severe so you wouldn't guess that. you definitely WOULDN'T guess he is a HUGE romantic and believes in like True Love and shit - NOT a academic professor vibe thing to do at all. NERDDDD. you have to go through like 5 layers of him to get to that point like only a romantic partner is gonna know this - and this is one thing he is aware that he hides consciously lol so its hard to even get hints at it. Ough. fucking. love him.
What's one way your OC has changed since you first came up with them?
Oh god its less that he changed and more that he Formed cause he's my first proper OC so i didn't have a lot worked out. I do regret not giving him subterfuge at the start cause i think he should have been decent at lying and also i wish he WASNT SO GODDAMNGULLIBLE but thats my fault for Rping that way. oh well. he is more pathetic now. and instead of lying about who he is, he is just Unaware OR avoids the topic so ppl dont know. the dot he has in subterfuge is one i bought after the game started like 8 months in.
What's an AU that would be interesting to explore with your OC?
Sabbat AU for sure. This would be 24s answer but his distaste for the Sabbat and being Locked Out of that path largely happened due to other's decisions and not his own. so it fits better here.
I think his love for humanities history would have turned into a extreme interest in Sabbat history and their Grand Fight to fight the elders. he would have lost his romanticism and instead i think get very positive feelings regarding the Vaulderie. He would be So Weird in an inhuman way and it would have been tragic when he did let go of his touchstones. OUGH. SO many ways his relationship with sampson could have gone - likely forced murder or abandonment leading to murder? hard 2 say. but fun 2 think about in a Painful way.
What is an alternative life path your OC might have gone down? How different would their life be if they'd made those decisions?
Oh god i need yet another ok hm. I can't do super recent things because the consequences of choices are still not fully clear to me... but ok i think one that would have made him a lot Darker and worse is if he decided to continue sampson's blood bond. instead of letting it fade. because i think he could convince sampson it was the right thing (due to bond) so he wouldnt instantely hate him but he knows he is doing it out of fear that he'd hate him if it faded, so his humanity would SOOo drop and i think lose him as a touchstone. he'd know sampson's feelings towards him are artificial. and he'd eventually tire of it. and when he did let it fade sampson would for sure hate him. it would set him down a Dark way and i think then the only thing that would tie him to his humanity is his general love for humanities progress and belief in them, but nothing so PERSONAL. so he'd get real isolated. and i think therefore lose that too. ough. would have hurt him so bad.
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winjackpots · 10 months
My Metaphysical Perspective...
Part 1
How I learned from Neville to speak what I wanted into my Universe.
As Neville teaches there are many people who just simply dont believe. They have their own way of thinking, they have their own belief system, and blockages that can many times keep them from their desires and goals.
Winning Jackpots is a mental thing you must first believe to achieve your success. Lets get started:
Belief: is the most powerful and controlling thing on this planet. Due to what you believe is what your outcome in life will bring to you.
Work: is not always easy not always possible and not always attainable. With out work you can not have success especially at winning jackpots. Work can be painful and simply exhausting mentally when your gambling and learning. Many times you will lose but you must accept this as part of your training. Work takes study, reading, practice and feeing your mind.
3. Your mind is a powerful computer, that needs programming its why people watch tv, join religions and learn to do the jobs they work at to earn money. Your mind is so powerful it must be trained early in life and controlled early by Religions because your mind has gifts beyond this World that you can learn to tap into.
4. What you seek you shall find... as long as your on your path your journey will continue, its like your craft, a skill you continue to develop.
Where can you start? when you are no where?
Start reading, start watching others win jackpots this is developing your mental muscle (your mind must first accept its possible for you) only then can you become a true Winner.
I say everyone can do it because I only started a few short years ago, I know people who gamble their entire lives and still sit and lose. Why is this??? Well its because of their belief system.
I have a friend who believes she has the right to instruct me on my journey dont do this dont do that... We do not share the same believe systems my belief is in helping others with money, hers is not. Although she does believe she is doing a great deal of work to assist others and she deserves many rewards I dont see her rewards, she is in constant destitute of wanting this or that. When she has money she is spending it on a purse for $400.00 or sunglasses for $600.00.
When I have money I am either investing into my craft ie: buying books to learn more or fixing my home as my primary investment, or blessing others who work in acts of service. One day I want to pay each Wendy's worker $100.00 as soon as I win that Grand Jackpot this is one of my main goals to bless others.
Giving out blessings is what I do because I believe if we sow we shall also reap 10 fold. When I hit my first 15k jackpot all my mind could accept was wining a 2k jackpot. That was as far as my mind could believe was possible. I listened to Neville over and over spoke out loud I was a Jackpot Winner everyday many times a day. It was 6 months later that I finally hit that first jackpot, and it changed my belief in myself and my abilities.
Whatever you Believe you can Achieve, but it takes work.
I didnt stumble upon Neville and his teachings of the power of belief, it was no accident I found him and many others like Mark and Elmer. These paths are part of my personal journey, yours will be different all I am here to do is show you its possible.
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xiaolumi-love · 10 months
Hi, Alice the witch. I am at a complete dead end currently in my life where I so desperately want things to change for the better but I have no way of knowing if the path that I am choosing is the right one for me. I sorta feel like my whole life is just gonna feel like this, where I just fall into a job I dont like, live in a city I feel is too small for me and that is just the way it is supposed to be for me. At the same time I am so sick of the suffering and pain. My whole life just feels like a dark shadow where if I get hopeful about something, it is ripped away from me momentarily. What can I do in this situation? Is there any possibility of things becoming more clear to me in terms of my career? Sincerely, Ghastly confused 20year old going through a quarter life crisis for the entirety of my life actually. Thank you in advance :) <3
hi there :) i hope i can lend you some perspective and shine a light on things for you. let's get into the readings! 🍃🦋💗
for your tarot reading:
Justice in reverse -- with this Major Arcana card casting a theme over your reading, you are called to learn from all of your past experiences. not just the good, but the bad, and the "fugly", too. everything that you have been through is at your disposal and can become something that is useful to you. seek balance. seek a life of balance. of light and shadow, "good" and "bad". because it's all important. through seeking to understand how it can be balanced in some way, you will be able to learn how to move forward in a way that feels authentic to you. you're not a lost cause, you have so much potential within you. you simply need to face your fears. your fears are not your enemy -- they are there to guide you. protect you. serve you. every shadow you have is the same. light isn't always good and shadow isn't always bad. learn the difference, learn how to be discerning, learn how to be introspective in a way that cherishes kindness, forgives curiosity, adores patience. no matter where you go, no matter if your life gets chaotic and seemingly unpredictable or confusing, your path is always one of love.
Knight of Cups -- in this, i see you are a true romantic at heart. you might love romance, you might long for a happily ever after. this isn't wrong of you. this is your truth, and your truth is crucial to your life. live following your heart, seeking connections, being creative. since you asked about your career, you may be being called to something creative specifically. this can be stem, but usually it is indicative of the arts or even something extremely non-traditional. again, i will say this: follow your heart. magic is real and you can create the life you desire with your own hands -- remember that you are supported in this, too. the Universe cradles you gently, and wants you to succeed.
8 of Cups in reverse -- this is a card of literally being disappointed with your life and walking away from something... but also you know what else it says? choosing your sacred path is the biggest act of self-love you can enact. once you choose your sacred path, you choose yourself. that is love. that is self-love. it's so so important right now for you to let go of that which doesn't serve you. it can be anything, and only you can decide what it is. you don't have to do anything immediately either. but know that by shedding outgrown expectations, hopes, people, ideas, beliefs, guilt, or ways of being -- you can grow. you can realise your dreams. you can blossom into something new, but that which you always had the potential to become.
for your oracle reading:
(side note -- this is insane to me, but i did shuffle this deck and got EXACTLY THE SAME cards that i pulled for myself in an earlier reading. 🚶🏽 omg. GDNDHDDJ we must be resonating deeply or something...)
The Seas of Mintaka -- Mintaka is said to be a planet that had crystal clear waters the likes of which you could not even imagine, so clear that you could see for miles deep down. water usually represents emotions or the subconscious, so this is a calling to delve deep. feel yourself through your emotions instead of rejecting them outright. they are not your enemies, they are your dear friends telling you information about yourself and your situation. you need to simply learn their language. learn your internal language. carl jung once said "that which we do not bring to consciousness appears in our life as fate". you can practice diving deep so you can harness your fate. try speaking your emotions aloud more, empathizing, and journalling. this is the key to unlocking more and more of your soul.
All Paths Lead Home -- you can learn to trust your instincts, your intuition. it's so normal to look to the external to seek guidance, but what's revolutionary is turning your gaze inwards. you're being called to develop a feeling of connection with your soul. deep, deep down there is a place where you can feel at home, and when you act in the physical world, you can come from this place -- come from it and be kind, and unshakeable. you're being called to develop this feeling of "at homeness" -- by practicing relying on your intuition. you know yourself best. you know what you need and want. you are the only one that can decide what your true path is. all these things are true, but not because i've said them. these things are true for everyone, and for you, too. how can you develop your connection, or relationship, with yourself to become more secure and certain?
Baby Steps -- you don't need to know where you're heading to begin your journey. you don't need to know where your path leads to take the first step. so take that first step, and keep walking. one baby step at a time. this is a card that signals you are already on the path to fruition. intuition doesn't show you the end result -- even if we want it to. intuition shows you a general direction, a distinct sense of "right", and then you can follow it. and that's all you need to do to live authentically. you don't owe anyone explanations -- anyone who supports you will do just that, unconditionally. "it feels right" is more than enough reason for you to do something.
The Blue Flame -- these beings are talking about healing. integration. activation. any past pain or hurt you're feeling has so much potential to be healed right now. you're likely feeling it, like an internal storm whipping winds and rain about inside. that's normal. you're healing. it may take effort and time on your part, but it's so possible to become more yourself. you need only listen to your intuition, face your fears, and take baby steps.
thank you for reading, dear traveller ✨🍃🦋💕 i hope you found this helpful. remember to leave feedback on my site so i can thank you by putting it on my site.
and to the rest of you, see my pinned for rules when requesting free readings!
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loemius · 2 years
I don’t know which Theoi is right for me, do the gods pick follows or do we have to go to ghem
khaire anon! thank you for the question! as always, caveat that this is a subjective opinion. there's no historical sources that i can point you (off the top of my head, if anyone has any please feel free to reply with some) so take this for what it's worth, i am not an authority. i just really love apollo okay
anyway, i'm gonna keep it real with you, this is a loaded question. it's a huge source of debate within hellenistic communities, and i really don't think there's a right answer. if there is, the theoi know it, and it's not really my business. that being said, my personal answer and belief is that honestly? it's a mix of both.
my experience is as follows: i've had quite a few gods try to grab my attention. they may ask you to worship them. you have the opinion to say yes or no; they won't be mad if you say no respectfully. i'm an apollo devotee right and the first few times he tried to reach out to me i was scared as shit and said no. when i was ready, i said yes, and i let him into my life and honestly? never looked back. but that's my experience. aphrodite also called me really hard and i honestly ignored her for a bit! i worship her now, but when i went to france this summer, i had this intense urge to buy one of the mini statues of venus de milo, and at the time i was like. i dont even worship aphrodite? i dont know why i need to buy this but I DO. and it felt really weird to have her be my first statue because i didnt even really worship her! honestly, i was scared of her too. recently i let her into my life and my praxis and she's been lovely. i said no to them at first, and they were still there. i think that's really beautiful.
i use a deity identification tarot spread, a personal one i've made up. perhaps later i'll make a post on it and edit this post to link it; this ask is already long enough LMAO
that being said, i've also had the reverse happen when i started out. i didn't really get any major calls to hermes, i just chose him because i have a foreign language minor, i play dnd (he's the dice divination god), i'm a traveler and have been a lot of places. i saw something in common with him and his domains, so i worshipped him. we've also went our separate ways with respect to each other. there's nothing wrong with that! i learned what i needed, i thanked him for it, and respectfully parted ways.
this is a really great example of the nuance and gray area in hellenistic practice. there really isn't a good answer. i've told you mine and my experiences. your answer will be personal and subjective. but i hope that my words provide you some guidance and you find the right path for you. may the theoi be with you and guide you towards knowledge, peace, and happiness!
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onlyplatonicirl · 1 year
very very good chapter yippee yippeee tcoti my biggest special interest yay hurray huzzah
but in all seriousness the newest chapter was fantastic, all the characters are so well writte, despite condemning what error has done i can sympathise with him so well in this chapter and now throughout the entire story, he is a being who exists outside of reality unable to properly integrate into it because its just not in his nature, his body rejects its very existence and his mind is completely shattered (even more so after what the council did lmao), he seems so hopless in these last few chapters focusing on him, all he wants is to just get to his little void and curl up on a nice comfy bean bag and then fucking die
the way youve characterised ink is also incredibly interesting, he isnt this paragon of moral superiority but he also isnt a naughty no good bad man >:(( , he really truly is just such a uniquely neutral blank slate of a person (or monster ig), he doesnt seem to have any motivations outside of what he deems to be moral but his sense of morality is somewhat twisted by his desires and is doomed to forever be selfish because it only ever serves to suit himself and the current emotional palette hes experiencing, he cannot truly feel in same way others do so hes always running off of what his id tells him, what does he need in that moment to survive? what does he want in this moment to make him feel good? hes a pleasure seeker through and through, so long as his desires dont conflict with the relationships hes already established he'll go for that goal and he wont stop until hes got locked between his teeth through hell or high weather, doesnt matter if it conflicts with his moral compass, who needs one when no ones looking?
dream is also another really fantastic character in this fic, truth be told im usually not the biggest fan of him, a lot of his characterisation, like ink, lacks nuance, hes either a happy go lucky naive ball of energy, or this rude burnt and backstabbed cigar smoking loner, but dream in this seems to be a lot more nuanced, hes had bad past experiences and he does what he believes is right, every character in this story has these sets of moral principles and not all of them align, which is really interesting when you put them all in one room (the council) and force them to try and agree upon one major decision, the results of which will literally affect the entirety of the multiverse, dream believes in a great good otherwise known as utilitarianism - making choices which will maximise the happiness of everyone involved - and right enough killing or otherwise disposing of error would be the most utilitarian option, but he cannot shake the fact that murder is wrong despite how much he hates him and everything hes done
needles to say i am excited for the next chapters, i want to see these three relationship evolve (or devolve), and from the looks of it, dream corruption arc 👀👀????? he may not go the path of his brother, but hot damn that boy is gonna be pissed off at the world and the people who live in it and i cannot wait to see him tell them all whats what
glad to have you back in the writing biz
Ink is a TRUE NEUTRAL and has his own interests in mind. That being said however, when he has a normal emotional palette he does genuinely care for the people important in his life, such as Dream and Error. He’s mildly pissed off at Error and more pissed off at Dream, but he does care. It may be shallow but it begs the question - is it anymore shallow compared to people with souls?
Dream is at his core a good person, and he was opposed the murder. He’s happy and kind, but he’s also not an idiot, and after going through everything he’s been through he’s more an in his right to be pissed beyond belief
And Error, well, you nailed EXACTLY what I was going for
I really wanted this story to be something that people could have discussions about, arguing in favor of and against characters and their actions. I’ve seen people get in ARGUEMENTS over alchemy and whether or not he’s in his right to do what he did. And I love it
THANK U SOOOO SO MUCH FOR THIS!!! I absolutely adore hearing people’s takes on characterization and what they think will happen. They’re all so complex and I ADORE them for it
The closest character we can get to “evil because I love being evil” is like - Nightmare and Killer probably, but we already know enough about their characterization outside of TCOTI to where I don’t really have to say anything lol
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thewaywardbruja · 2 years
.: Honing My Craft .:
So I have been thinking about, like what MY witchcraft practition looks like.
What I believe, what I dont believe, to see where I stand on certian aspects of the craft.
I do not believe that Witchcraft is a religion. I believe that Wiccan and Pagan are religions based off of witchcraft. Witchcraft itself is a lifestyle and a way of life. I dont have to be either to practice it.
I changed my lifestyle and life to do witchcraft and it was one of the best decisions I ever made. Its been lifechanging.
This is where I am so far:
( If I miss anything please forgive me )
Spirits / Ghosts
( I have seen a few and spoken to a few in my life :) I can feel them around me, thanks to my abilites :) Psychic and Clairvoyance which I've had my entire life :3 )
Spirit Guides
( Have one who I adore, who's been with me my entire life. )
( I love doing divination, and talking to my spirit guide! Its so fun! And I have learned how to do it properly! 😊 )
( I adore! )
( Still learning! )
( Learning and making my own )
( This is such a fun way to communicate with my spirit guide! When done correctly! )
Bone Throwing
( I've seen it done and been interested to learn it. Not sure on it however. )
Spell Work
( I love doing healing spells and just working with herbs and candles and trying things out. Makes me feel like an alchemist! I dont do them all the time, and when I do I am extremely careful but I love them! )
(Torn on Tassography )
( I see constant numbers all the time, not sure they fall under this or that numbers actually correspond with events but I believe numbers are guidance. )
( I'd love to try it, always wanted a crystal ball )
( My dog is mine and she fulfills her duties well )
( they do have power and I love collecting them )
( Yes please! )
( I'm learning to love )
Candle Magic
( I really enjoy adding candles to my craft )
Protection Magic
( Always )
( Yes, I am psychic and clairvoyant and I enjoy talking to the dead in my dreams )
( To a point. I dont believe we can choose the timeline we end up on but lately especially, I feel like we're shifting them )
Astral Projection
( That one is obvious. It cant happen )
Baneful Magic
( I was torn where to put this one as I believe in Baneful magic, I dont believe its needed at all. )
( Just no. Just.. why. Nope. I dont believe in it. I think its a tiktok trend thats gone too far. )
( This isnt possible and its sad that people actually believe it is. )
Gods & Godesses
( I'm sorry, but I like a few other older and wiser practitioners online have said, this is a tiktok trend as well, you dont just get to choose your god or goddess, and it takes years to figure out who they are, if theyre even there. I'm calling fake on this one. I believe theyre out there, but I dont believe you just get to go "Hey Loki youre my god now" or something. I just think thats all for clout. I have no interest at this point even trying to find a god or goddess. I'm happy with my spirit guide ❤️ )
So yeah, this is just where I stand right now. I've only been doing witchcraft for 5 months and I realize there is still a lot to learn. But I am more than happy where my craft has gotten to. And I am so blessed to be on this path.
I love what learning and doing this has brought out in me, and I feel such a freedom from it.
If you dont believe the same things I do thats okay! I'm not here to tell anyone what they should or shouldnt believe. This post is for me, just to come back to in a year, two years and see where I stand then.
Thats the beauty of Witchcraft. It is yours and yours alone and everyone's craft is different! ❤️
I'm not here to compete with anyone either. I just want to share my journey, and the things I feel, and do. Thats why I made this account. If you dont like it, or are offended you can stop visiting my page any time. :)
Blessed be ~
And have a great day!
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kanside · 1 year
life update (3/31/2023)
(holy shit i put 2022 i forgot it was 2023?? whats next? 2024?? so weird)
my physical health is taking a severe plummet (i joke that its in reaction to my mental health doing better).
my sleep schedule has flipped completely from 11pm-9am to 2am-12pm. this is a severely unhealthy shift. doctors say my epilepsy took sleep into factor the most and although i doubt this (my belief is that it was psychosomatic / in response to traumatic situations) i am aware that my sleep plays a HEAVY factor in my physical and mental health as a whole. i am still getting the same amount of hours but i am emotionally imbalanced as well as physically drained because the fucked up sleep schedule is affecting my eating habits. i have been very sick, weak, and generally feeling shitty. on top of that my appetite is affected by how many medications i take during the day. note on the sleep schedule. the reason i want to sleep at 11 pm exactly instead of earlier or later [ex. 9, 10, or 12] is because good sleep is based off of the cycle in which you wake, not the amount of hours slept. my sleep/dream cycle seems to last around 10 hours. this makes me think 11 pm is the best time to sleep, and 9 am is the earliest i must wake up. these times can be adjusted based off of new observations and schedules.
in retaliation to these (imo) severe health issues i have set some general goals and are listing them here to 1. remind myself of them and 2. let everyone know that i am still on the path to recovery and regularly working to improve myself above all else. the goals and ideas are as follows:
- unfortunately gained a dependency on my mom to wake me up in the morning again. frustratingly no matter how many alarms are set, no matter how loud, or even no matter how my mom comes in to gently wake me up, i will not get out of bed. i feel guilty for being dependent on her but have asked her to, when available, wake me up at 9 am by disrupting my sleep state with tasks that piss me off or jolt me suddenly: shaking me by the shoulders, turning my light on (it attracts bugs, i dont like it), leaving my door wide open (i have conditioned myself to think that door closed = sleep time, door open = wake time), etc. this will hopefully keep me from sleeping until noon and exhaust me enough to sleep by 11.
- on top of that ive tried adapting to pain and discomfort associated with eating food at abnormal times. instead of eating breakfast when ive woken up, ive been trying to force myself to eat appropriate meals at appropriate times. today was very hard, i had my favorite sandwhich when i woke up because it was noon. it seriously hurt because my body refused to take in any food (probably because i dont like eating immediately after waking or taking medicine) however i could feel pain due to hunger and knew i needed to eat. this sounds little but it was very hard. hopefully this appetite issue can be forced through and handled better as i fix my sleep. ive also asked my mom to buy some apples (granny smith which i eat in slices, and honey crisp which i eat in whole) because oddly enough the only thing my body wants to eat in the morning is those exact textures and consistencies. she’s going shopping soon so!!! yippee!!!!
- i recently tried to apply to a job. i have recognized this is an impulsive decision and i am not ready to take one on. i gave them my name and number and they said they’d call me, but i’m likely to apologize and decline. we’ll see, i just needed money really. commissions are still open and right now although my goal is health, my secondary goal is gaining traction online to balance hobby, health, and gaining money. im nearly finished with my MAP part and im eager to see the sort of response it gets and establish myself online again
- once i establish a better sleep and eating schedule, ill finally hopefully be able to go to a doctors appt. and request lowering the dosage of my epilepsy medication. it’s very hard taking over a dozen pills day and night for a disorder that hasnt shown itself in over 2 years. i only stayed on the meds this long because there was anxiety over transition. im very eager to not be as dependent on medication, and only take medication alongside proper therapy (which i will hopefully receive) for mental health and productivity reasons alone.
this is a life update of sorts to describe where im at and give you an idea of my availability and energy levels. i am feeling very sick. my sleep and eating schedule is fucked up. i am currently putting much of my focus into personal hobbies, relaxing tasks (watching shows, playing games), self care, chores, and fixing some health issues with myself. i was very eager to be more productive and social, and im sorry if i cant be all the time! soon i will have plenty of time and energy to share with yall.
love you guys :] im gonna go watch anime or something
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