#this is one of my fav anime’s guys
fruit-salad-ship · 1 year
Au idea: full metal alchemist au where peach and gray are small town alchemists that plum keeps trying to recruit to be state alchemists but keeps failing to
Love is stored in the full metal au.
I gave this mild thought once, I think peach was an alchemist that used medicine as a weapon, but otherwise was known as a doctor. People would say she’s a good person who despite her grouchy behaviour would actually never hurt a soul undeserving. She’s swooped in and taken out military folk bullying towns people, and thrown hands with the worst kind of thugs around who’d come to her turf and start fights. Her alchemy is rooted in the idea that you can change the base structure of a human body, it’s just chemistry. You don’t have to touch the souls, that’s too far even for her, but the physical self? Hell yeah. Every human contains bacteria and acids that’ll spiral out of control in no time under the right conditions. She just…sets those up and accelerates them. She’s put stomach acid in place of cartilage, the fluid in your brain? Yeah that’s all filled with bacteria from your colon. She may just fill you with tumours, there’s potential in every body to do that. You will slowly rot, and by the time you die, she’ll be long gone. Your lungs? Yeah. They’re gonna swap with your kidneys now. Nothing works in your body without air, game over. She is boarder line horrific in a match and because she doesn’t like to use that kind of ability normally without real reason, she’s jacked and fights you with her fists normally. Her body is littered with tattoos. Each is a circle unique to her area of study, that frees her up from drawing the big complex diagrams normally used in a fight. She’s got one on the wrist however that is for turning her rings into knuckle dusters and back again. For a little aid if she’s not about to destroy someone’s entire physical being.
Greys the doting loving man she does not deserve, though his specialist I’m not sure of yet. He’s gentle and sturdy and creative, clever, but not fast nor mean, always the one to talk peach down from her rage, and she usually listens. Or makes someone sick in a way that it’s a ticking time bomb. They’ll perish elsewhere, and grey things she’s spared them their life. She has not, she’s just good at making it look like she has. Benefit to being a doctor, you know how long a body has to handle something like an infection or thinned heart walls, can essentially set up a heart attack. Who’s going to blame you? Natural causes right there.
Anyway yeah, grey. Idk, ideas? He’s not a fighter, but very smart. Maybe he could have looked into the study of automated machinery, not bound with souls but like, robotics? Sort of? I’m not sure if that’s a good fit, he’s a;ways the tough one to match.
Plum however was born into a military family, never cut loose, never wanted anything else, just to rise through the ranks and make her family proud. Thing is the more she sees, the more she realises the military isn’t all that good an organisation, and her want to be a pillar of justice and honesty is going to fail if she’s doing it under the guise of what her family stood for. She goes to make her own path, but does so from the inside of this institute. Her first job? Track down some worthy alchemists to take the places of those she’s lost along the way. A few come and go, and sure, they’re good at their job, but not groundbreaking, not special. That is until she hears of a doctor and her partner out in the middle of nowhere, curing things with alchemy in ways that haven’t been done before. The rules are followed, this isn’t a philosophers stone incident, but the doctors using a combination of new theories, modern practice, and alchemy baselines to make injuries that would take months to recover, heal in days. People go to her unable to walk due to injury, and she’s finding ways to fix it. A doctor like that would be useful.
Thing is, the closer plum gets to this, the more she realises this doctor is actually no doctor at all, unhinged, genius yes, but completely ungovernable. She follows no rules, she obeys no man, and refuses to cooperate at all when asked to sit and chat about military options. Plums tried to catch her in her garden, and ends up barred by huge bramble walls, or yeeted out by the very earth she stands on.
Plums actual alchemy itself is grounded in tradition, a practice handed down through several generations. She is smart, educated on many matters, and uses her abilities in a very flamboyant way, something she picked up from her mother. She is highly adaptable and has branched out to study as much as she could.
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soranker · 8 months
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some guy i saw at the funky bar...........
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dinoserious · 5 months
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figurines ive been making for xmas presents
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 8 months
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The recipe for SQQ is: calm on the outside, screaming on the inside.
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dhmis-autism · 3 months
ok i love them so much and i can't stop thinking about them so. i show to you all now.
the dog dad duo rough animaticy thing that i did on my phone in a frenzy at like 4 am after waking up in a cold sweat
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tomfrogisblue · 6 months
I just wanna thank cc!Cellbit for fulfilling my personal Wishlist of Fuckery while he was rampaging with Baghera today
Fucking with each member of Fuga Impossível individually ✅️
Searching out Pac specifically with The Voice ✅️
Messing with Ljoga and Malena ✅️
Threatening Natalan ✅️
Generally having fun torturing his friends and strangers alike ✅️
And finally, murdering anyone he wanted ✅️
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horsemeatluvr23 · 1 month
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hermit a day may is here ohohoho ramble about my goals for this month under the cut :3
i am so excited about this art challenge.... drawing people is a huge weakness of mine and so i am going to use this as a way to practice/improve my skills while also fuelling my autism with special interest content ... i am a traditional artist so these are all gonna be sketchbook drawings :3 constructive criticism is welcomed i really want to learn n improve during this month!!! going to be trying to use different materials and rly getting out of my comfort zone - some of these drawings aren't gonna be artistic masterpieces but i want to share them all no matter how i feel about them as a way to document my journey!!! looking forward to doing some collage, using markers, coloured pencil, maybe watercolour too :0
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stellabyystarlight · 7 months
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no matter how many people point their fingers at you,
shine with passion, Esperanza
(+ happy bday momo!!)
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xxnotinmylobbyxx · 8 months
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|| Sketch || It’s not “would Sanji wear a dress” the real question is “what dress would he look best in?”
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daydreaming-jessi · 3 months
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“There’ve been many souls that have come and gone from the flock, some are just more memorable than others.”
Decided to doodle some cultists I’ve come up for in fics, had in my actual game, or a cool idea i came up with on the spot. Oh and Sozo and Webber are here too :D This is by no means the entirety of the cult, and there may be future followers that stand out too, but for now enjoy these guys. Feel free to ask about them I guess lmao
I will be putting down my written notes under a cut since they’re so small and scribbly ^^;
Brother Tyr, head priest, he/him: The Lamb's 3rd closest. Very stressed despite doing his job for 200 years. Tries and fails to be a peacekeeper in the cult. Tyr and Nari argue a lot.
Brother Narinder, head mortician, he/him: Don't piss him off. The Lamb's spouse. Best source of info on the crowns and outside world. Can do any job around the temple and will. When the Lamb isn't around.
Sister Merbre, temple organizer, she/her: Helob loves her. The main reason the temple runs when Lamb is gone. Has a surprising realist view. Everyone loves her. Romantic at heart.
Yeon, general worker, she/her: Has to let loose in demon form or else. Together with Julno. Friends with Narinder. Seeking absolution from her past crimes. 'Encouraged' Narinder to court Lamb.
Tyna, assistant mortician, they/them: Cult's head goth. Runs the slam poetry night. Also does piercings and tats.
Nanaon, retired missionary, she/her: One of the Lamb's most faithful. Insists she's not that old and can still work. One of the few mortals to earn the respect of both Deaths.
Firyn, farmer, he/him: A worker. Great with people and plants. Born after the fall of the Old Faith. Leshy's companion. Doesn't know the horrors yet. People tend to underestimate him.
Pura, general worker, she/they: Likes Firyn. Likes to manipulate things to her benefit. Doesn't like Leshy. Doesn't realize what being an ex-bishop means. Genuinely respects the Lamb.
Almer, refinery worker, he/him: Shamura's friend. Easy going. Wants a big family. A good confidant. Gives great hugs.
Grayden, silk sorter, they/them: Shamura's friend. Quiet but a beautiful singer. A shy pushover, but will snap.
Julno, farmer, he/him: Came with the 'coward' trait. Still scared of the Lamb, and Yeon's 'bestie' Narinder. Together with Yeon. Doesn't know her murderous urges.
Poppy, she/her: Best friends with Webber, youngest of the cult. Brave and tenacious Webber, he/them: Best friends with Poppy, youngest of the cult. Gentle and curious.
Dr. Sozonius, researcher, he/him: Amnesiac. Lamb is helping him find home. Extremely well educated about biology. Does not like the spider stalking him, or the mushroom.
Keeper, record keeper, she/him: Face is always obscured. Hates the Dark. Doesn't talk about his past. Has a strange locket that ticks. Always smells of salt.
Joobre, refinery worker/tailor, he/them: Loves working with silk. Has tea with Berith. Likes gold jewelry.
Thorty, bartender, he/him: Fights with Nari a lot. Short temper. Best with the drunks.
Bregrear, smith, he/him: Quiet. Knows his way around weapons. Old hat at this point. Hopes to retire in peace.
Harbre, smith apprentice/missionary, any pronouns: Hot tempered. Looks up to Bregrear. Married to Bathin, chases off suitors neither of them like. Longs to master their craft. Protective.
Anar, miner/lumberjack, he/him: Distrusting. Hard worker. Doesn't exactly trust the Lamb, but willing to give the cult a shot. Starts fights.
Fun-Gui, researcher assistant, they/them: Weirdly obsessed with Sozo. Self proclaims as his assistant. Other mushroomos don't like them. Always goopy and dripping.
Hajal, traitor, she/her: Left the cult. Status unknown.
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skitskatdacat63 · 10 months
those 2011 pics remind me of hard the McLaren race suits used to fuck, I loved the vodafone era suits so much 🥹
YES AGREED!!! I love the Vodafone McLaren livery, literally peak!!!!!
Thank you for sending this ask bcs now I get to talk about 2011 in particular. There were these special Saturday race suits and they're all so pretty!!! Hugo Boss did a design competition to celebrate their partnership with McLaren and different artists made different designs for the Quali days. They're so beautiful 🥹🥹 Why can't they do anything fun like that now???? I digress, I went through all the Qualis and compiled pics of all of them!!
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#which is your guys' fav?#mine would prob have to be Hungary. Japan. India. Malaysia.#i think all the Asian ones are soooooo cool with all the colors and animal motifs!!#anyways so right anon!!! vodafone mclaren was peak livery and designs!!! chrome/red >>>>>>>>> papaya#anyways hahaha prob not what you expected my reply to be#but this has been stuck in my brain for a while#i remember seeing the Hungary one at some point and thinking it was incredibly beautiful but having no idea the context behind it#and your ask made me finally go to research it#this was super fun to research bcs i didnt realize there was so many!!! literally 18 different racesuits.....so fucking sick.....#im obsessed with race overalls in general like theyre just so cool to me so to see all these different ones is just unbelievebly sick to me#one day ill make a post abt race suit details that make me feral(e.g. when suits used to have race belts & the FIA badge on the neck)#ive downloaded a lot of 2011 pics bcs of sebson but never rly thought any deeper abt why there were so many race suit varieties#the hungary one won the contest(very rightfully) so Jense wore it for the Brazil GP in entirety!!#i also think the Germany won as well bcs Lewis was wearing it for the Brazil gp? but im super biased towards the hungarian one haha#f1 lore??? i guess????? idk if this is obscure or not! obscure to me at least!! i mean that boss yt vid has only 2k views lmao#f1#formula 1#lewis hamilton#jenson button#mclaren#vodafone mclaren#formula oe#we do a little bit of f1#catie.asks.#f1 lore
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mazojo · 8 months
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EMO !!!!!!!
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beansayshi · 9 months
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I looked at tfa wasp for 3 seconds then decided to draw him as a menace on my calc notes
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waterfallofspace · 4 months
When a character has not only a canonical allergy, but a reoccurring canonical allergy >>>>>
Especially when there's no actual reason for it to occur again?? Just cause they wanted to?? An almost entirely sneeze/stuffed up driven allergy.... 🔥🔥
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marsuro · 5 months
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Huetobervember day 26
Blue Jaguar
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stsghrs · 8 months
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it was in fact not fine
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