#this probably doesn’t make sense
thisrobinisred · 1 month
I don’t care whether it’s seen as platonic or romantic, as either way Wrightworth makes me sick (in a good way).
Like- You’re telling me that Phoenix Wright decided to study law so Miles Edgeworth would be forced to see him again. Purely so he could try and figure out why he had changed so much during the past 15 years.
You’re telling me that Edgeworth flew in a private jet, from a completely different continent, when he was told that Phoenix’s life was in danger. No matter how their relationship is perceived, you can’t tell me that it’s not a strong/special bond. In the end, they always seem to make their way back to each other; and when they do, they almost instantly fall back into old routines. Sure, they do argue quite a bit, however they do always make up afterwards. In my opinion, them arguing just makes it better. It makes it seem more genuine/human.
Anyways, time to spend my time not sleeping and overthinking their dynamics and crap
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skoulsons · 1 year
Thinking about Joel in that moment. Marlene trying to tell him what Ellie would want. To have the woman in front of him try to convince him to give her up. To give Ellie back to them and let the fireflies do what they want with her. Dig into every part of her, helplessly scraping away at an attempt to save the world. To punish the one life they had a chance with
Marlene trying to convince Joel to give Ellie up
To give this little girl up. This little girl that he loves… so much. This little girl who’s fought tooth and nail. Who’s been by his side through thick and thin. Who’s fought with him like the feral child she is. Who’s made him laugh and made him cry. Who’s sobbed into his chest and clung to him for comfort. Who’s stitched him up and did everything she could and more to keep him alive
This little girl who’s held against his chest. He hasn’t held a girl he loves against his chest in twenty years. And here she is, asleep, just like last time. He can probably feel her breathing against his neck. Her heartbeat against his hand on her back. How small she is held against him. How such a small child has suffered through so much
And here they are. They’re right there. So close to freedom. A town. A community. A house of their own. A kitchen, bedrooms, electricity, food, movies, and so much more. A glimpse into the old world. Hours away settling down as a family. Living together. Bringing this father-daughter love to fruition
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stars-and-birds · 1 year
actually it really bugs me when anti-st*ncys (I’m one too, just hear me out a sec) say that they shouldn’t get together because Steve deserves better than Nancy, because she treated him badly in earlier seasons.
and to some extent, I agree. One of the reasons I hate st*ncy is because they’re just not compatible anymore. If they ever were. one of the last things Barb says to Nancy, while she’s dating Steve is ‘this isn’t you nance’.
Over the first two seasons they start to grow appart and become their own people with different development arcs. which brings me to the whole ‘Steve is too good for Nancy’ argument that I hate.
Steve has so much growth away from Nancy. He becomes a better person because of her, and them breaking up. but all the Steve stans saying ‘yeah he’s too good for her’ kind of ignore that yes he’s a better person but he’s not perfect. I mean for one, he makes several moves on Nancy in season four knowing she’s still dating Jonathan. which from a perspective where your looking at Steve’s development, didn’t make sense at all. Steve and Nancy simply don’t make sense together. For example.
in the bathroom scene, when Robin says she’s not like Nancy, Steve quite literally says that’s why he likes her. Robin is different from Nancy, and she doesn’t even know Nancy, separating him from Steve and Nancy’s memories together.
but Nancy has had so much development as well. She went from the unpopular quiet girl with good grades and shit to having fucking guns, plural in her bedroom and saving the world several times. she discovered a passion for journalism. she’s a better character too.
they’ve grown apart. They’ve become better people. both of them.
in conclusion stop saying that Steve deserves better than Nancy because she’s a bad character. They’re both incredible characters.
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spicyicymeloncat · 5 months
Saw two posts recently and I disagreed with them for the same reason and that is, y’all better not be falling into the pit of dissing things bc they’re not “sophisticated” enough for you or something.
Like someone complaining about cutesy wutesy terms or like stupid fanfic writing. Some people be saying stuff like ‘no! You have to like real books! Only use real words to describe yourself!’ Who are you? The cringe police?
Actually the colloquialisation of language is kinda a complicated topic. Yeah we shouldn’t dumb down words and stuff when it comes to discussing serious things and we shouldn’t be calling anyone else things that they don’t want to be called. But if someone is using casual language to refer to themselves and they’re someone who can ‘reclaim’ (for lack of a better term) that language, then I don’t think it’s hurting anyone. Sometimes we need to use serious language and sometimes we don’t.
And let’s not make fun of hashtag weird fanfic or fandom (as long as it doesn’t actually promote harmful views or cause harm).
There’s obviously exceptions to both these points but my general rule is, let’s not attack things for the sake of ‘it’s weird’ or ‘different’. Being judgemental and shaming people to conform to arbitrary standards is the talking point of literally every single hate crimer. That mindset is used by ableists, racists, sexists, queerphobes etc etc. Lets not forget that.
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art-student-rants · 4 months
last year i tried to be all aesthetic and this year i’m trying to be honest but i’m not much good at either. i’d try to be both, but i don’t know if that’s possible because nothing honest is aesthetic at all (unless you’re into the gory-sad type, no judgement)
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djsadbean · 2 years
There’s something so enthralling and captivating about being thrown into a world in a story where the only commonality between your life and the story is maybe gravity and mortality (this is about little nightmares, mythology, and probably wordgirl)
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blerghfish · 2 years
middle eldest
I think sometimes I am an old paradox of a child.
My parents did not make the mistakes with me that they made with my sister, nor my brother. They did not make the mistakes with my brother that they made with me.
The oldest child syndrome gets tossed back and forth in my presence and some desperate part of me, the part that felt the weight of the world on her shoulders like a seven year old Atlas, reaches out to it; but she hesitates, because I am not truly the eldest.
It is odd when you are the one of your siblings believed to be allistic when you are young. When your parents place social weights on your shoulders, balancing buckets of water on a stick behind your neck, but they keep getting heavier. They did not mean to, and sometimes you wonder if you’ve imagined it. But, you know that even though they may have tried, you were still expected to know the social rules.
Masking is exhausting, and there’s a reason it falls off, like cheap makeup in the pouring rain dripping down your face, painting messy tracks that show the world just how much of a mess you are.
I think sometimes I am a contradiction of a child.
Because I am the third of four, the supposed magic number, and though my parents had experience in children before myself, they did not yet have experience in my brand of issues. My older sister fell apart when I was younger, and I wondered if maybe I would follow, or if it was now my duty to be the role model she never was.
I began failing school right before my older brother did. He was halfway across the country, I was in the bedroom across the hall.
My parents did not know how to handle this, and the lack of control caused tempers to boil, milk frothing over the pot uncontrollably—boiling and then spilling before you can turn the temperature down and save your stovetop. I began failing school in eighth grade.
My parents have one child left who is going through high school, and I wonder how he will fare.
Because it is hard to accept the offers of taking weights off of your shoulder when the weights are attached to you, a presence you don’t know the cause of. Frustration tugs at your tear ducts and hunches your spine.
I think I am an odd paradox of a child.
I wasn’t diagnosed on the spectrum until I was seventeen. We didn’t realize I had it until I was thirteen and finishing my first year of high school.
My parents expected me to be the socially graceful one, because they didn’t see me interacting with strangers enough to realize I was not. Didn’t see my fumble my way through conversations, failing to realize I had said something wrong, failing to make friends the way I desperately craved to.
I am not the true eldest, but sometimes it felt like I was, should’ve been.
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strawbrygashez · 1 year
Sometimes I do wonder a what the whole ‘lesson’ or ‘point’ is of postal. Bc like ok with p2 dlc there is a Dude in his head that wants p2 to kill and if you do, you get a better interaction between him and p3. If you don’t, p3 doesn’t even say anything at the end. And in BD, there is yet again another Dude that’s wants Dude to suffer (and I feel like he obviously wants him to kill too). Like I dunno the games make it more rewarding feeling if you did make Dude violent?? Besides BD where he actually killed the Dude who was messing with him.
Like I guess it could be to accept urself?? I guess..I dunno 💀 but then that wouldn’t make sense with BDs ending.
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Is this a FLF reference?
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I honestly think I might just be something like summerkin, if that makes sense. The whole season and most things associated with it. I can’t describe it as anything other than “it me” on a level deeper than I’ve ever experienced. Summer just feels like who I am wholly, and it’s everything I want to physically embody.
I’m not sure if this counts as otherkin or something else? My knowledge on the community and terms are kinda limited. So advice or experience or anything similar are welcomed :3 /nf
But yah I just wanted to ramble and share, I hope to find more ppl that experience similarly! I can’t seem to find many ppl who do @_@
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trashendence · 2 years
just here thinking about ramon and his medical condition and the fact that - hypothetically - if he’d died when eddie, adriana and sophia were still little, all three of them would have simply continued living with helena. because marriage makes sure of that. he’s married to this woman and he wouldn’t have had to go out of his way to choose her as legal guardian for his kids. and, most importantly, helena may not have known about his condition but she sure knew from day one their children would be legally and solely hers to take care of if something ever happend to her husband. and that’s part of the reason why ramon has probably trained himself to keep things to himself, because the vow of commitment, the moment of peak openness he and his wife went through together to build their love and family, was already out of the way and he could afford secrecy.
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bonschai · 2 years
my desire for more tattoos vs my exact vision in my head of how i want them to be vs finding an artist that actually fits that vision
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Gender is like the space time continuum or something because it has several dimensions and maybe my gender identity includes wormholes.
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cupidcitrus · 11 months
Part of the reason why I never post my face to Twitter anymore is the people who get parasocial about it. It happens on Instagram too but I think the way Twitter is set up it makes people feel like I’m more accessible in a way (if that makes sense)
Like on Instagram I’ll get weird annoying DMs, occasionally vulgar, for sure. But those can be easily deleted and they don’t usually come back if I block.
But I’ve had people on Twitter form sock puppet accounts where they’ll follow me on other platforms and the like to keep trying to get my attention. In particular I’ve had men who would pay WAY more attention to my face than my art and it was obvious. I would be making a gay tweet and they’d be in the replies like “what about me though❤️” or “what about for us men?” It was weird lol. Esp when I noticed the type of comments they would leave on any selfies I would post it really felt like they thought I was someone they could consider a girlfriend or an almost girlfriend. Like they thought I was closer to them than I was (esp cause sometimes the shit they’d DM me was ??? Incredibly sexual like what in the world makes you think I’m close enough to you for you to send me something like that…)
Like I’m an art account… I post the selfies for fun I’m not here for tinder dates. If I wanted a date I’d be on tinder but I’m not. I’m here.
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damconcha · 3 months
One of my favorite things about the ASL Brothers is the fact that Ace was the one brought out the sake and proposed becoming brothers.
Not Luffy or Sabo but Ace.
Ace, who believes he is unlovable, Ace who believes that his blood is dirty, Ace who believes that he didn’t deserve to be born, Ace who thinks that his life is worthless, Ace who believes that his mere existence is a crime.
And yet Ace saw these two boys and approached them without apprehension or fear of rejection even though he was proposing something as irrevocable, something as bonding as brotherhood
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sableeira · 2 months
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Do you care for a cigarette?
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