#trader james collection
buckets-and-trees · 10 months
Meat Cute
Fandom: MCU Collection: Trader James Title: Meat Cute Characters/Pairings: future Bucky x female!Reader, Peter Parker Word Count: 2.2k
Summary: Modern, non-powered AU. A girl and her love for Trader Joe's... You never know what kind of new and exciting finds you'll come across in a Trader Joe's or what you'll get to take home with you, and that's part of the fun of shopping here over other stores - you get your standard stuff, and then there's always something surprising.
Content Warnings: fluff; a ridiculous amount of Trader Joe's nerdery; also, if you're a vegetarian, you may want to steer clear, because this Bucky is BEEFY
Logistical Notes: Second tick for my Bingo Card for @the-slumberparty's August/September Challenge knocking out B3: "Collar." Don't get excited over it being that kind of collar. It's not. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Additional Notes: LET'S BE REAL: although it was a surprise to me when I hatched the idea last week, IT WAS ONLY A MATTER OF TIME BEFORE ASPEN CREATED A TRADER JOE'S AU. None of you are shocked. I know you're not. Also, this launch of the AU is dedicated to my wifey for her birthday, one of the most wonderful friends who just adopted me, and I couldn't love her more fiercely for it.
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You smiled as you put your car into park in the decently close-to-the-store stall. Hands gripping the wheel still, you took a deep breath, closed your eyes, and just exhaled.
You were in your place.
This was familiar.
And you were hungry and had an empty fridge, freezer, and cupboards that all needed filling.
Actually, you were starving.
This was one of the few times it would not be to your detriment to do your grocery shopping on an empty stomach. You needed everything!
You hopped out of your car, and walked up to the sliding glass doors beneath the familiar red and white lettering that indicated you were in the familiar territory of Trader Joe’s. You grabbed a grocery cart and walked inside. Flanked right away at the entry by the displays of fresh flowers on one side and houseplants on the other, you looked but didn’t touch this time. You had a lot of other things to take care of before you needed to worry about plants or flowers in your new place. Although it was different than your old Trader Joe’s, you knew it would unfold similarly in the layout to you were used to here as well, starting by funneling you right into the fresh produce section, and you tossed some of your leafy green staples into the cart, along with tomatoes, corn, a sack of potatoes, oranges, and some cherries since they were in season. Next you grabbed a loaf of the sliced brioche, and then couldn’t resist the small package of brookie bars. They would heat up beautifully in your air fryer when you needed little treats to reward yourself this weekend.
Guacamole, hummus, a package of the fresh ravioli with corn and burrata, then into the fresh meat section. You picked up some of the boneless, skinless, fresh Atlantic salmon as well as … no. You had to stock your entire kitchen. You’d grab more fresh meat next weekend. You were already going to do enough damage with today’s grocery bill. So you moved on to the eggs, opening the carton and doing the visual check first for cracks on the tops of the shells, then quickly bumping each egg gently in its spot to check that it moved freely – it was a trick your grandma had taught you: if the eggs had cracked on the bottom, they would ooze, making them stick to their spots. All twelve checked out.
You continued your circle around the perimeter of the store through the dairy for sour cream and Greek yogurt, then into the cheeses. You bit your bottom lip. What to spoil yourself with this time… You went with a hunk of Toscano soaked in Syrah and took a chance on a strawberry white stilton cheese. The sticker on the red, wax-covered hunk of cheese said it paired well with pomegranate. You would need to get some proper crackers. That or head back to the bread aisle. But the breads were right next to the bakery items, and you probably deserved to get some of the brookie bars.
You didn’t go down every aisle, but almost, and by the time you made your way to the check-out lines, your cart was respectably and entirely full. The area at the front of the store was bustling and crowded as shoppers ushered themselves into lines. It was the kind of crowd to be expected in the late afternoon on a Saturday, so you didn’t fuss about the lines, just chose the relatively shortest option, and then pulled out your phone to entertain and distract yourself while you waited through the customer currently checking out and one cart ahead of you.
As they wrapped up business and it was almost your turn, you sent a quick text to your mom, snapping a quick under the radar photo of the checkout area and your very full basket, letting her know you had wrapped up and were clocking in your first visit at your new home Trader Joe’s. She reacted almost immediately with the heart emoji and said she was glad you were settling in. You smiled, knowing this move was hard for her – she was happy for your career leap, but devastated to have her girl out of state.
You slipped your phone into your pocket quickly as you pushed your cart right up to the checkout counter, the cashier reaching out for the end of the basket to assist you.
“Hey, how’s your day been so far?” they asked as you stepped past the register to the customer arm rest where you could see each other.
“Oh, not too bad,” you responded habitually. You were ready for the robustly friendly interaction your cashier and possibly the bagger would give you. It was one of the reasons you had still wanted to make your first grocery run rather than order or pick up dinner – you wanted that small moment of human connection. Although it was customer service stranger to stranger, Trader Joe’s employees knew the culture was to try and make that customer service a moment of genuine connection, to let each customer know they were seen and appreciated.
But what you were not ready for was looking up into the eyes of a towering, excessively broad shouldered man, whose chest and arms were fit to burst out of his navy blue Trader Joe’s crew t-shirt, hair pulled back into a man bun with a few strands tucked behind his ear, a soft smile, and steel blue eyes that when you locked onto each other shot right into your soul.
No, you were decidedly not ready for that, and your stomach and chest flared very suddenly with violent butterflies.
“Did you find everything you needed today?” he continued after a small beat.
In that next split second, you reminded yourself to breathe, and blinked to try and reset your brain. This was fine. You glanced back at the basket, then let out a small laugh. “Probably more than I needed! I don’t think I could fit anything else in the cart.”
“No, I guess not,” he assessed as he looked back to the basket, grabbing the yellow bell peppers with a warm laugh of his own and then keying in their code. “But it looks like you pulled a good haul.”
“I’m going to double bag your groceries,” the younger man standing next to your stupidly handsome cashier said, drawing your attention. “That should do you.”
“Oh, perfect, thank you,” you said. The nametag on his chest read Peter.
“Sure, no problem,” he said. This brunet was nowhere near as big as the man next to him, but stood at average height and average build, and you were glad not to have him to tamper this down to a much more normal encounter. You guessed the younger man was somewhere between twenty and twenty-five, with one of those youthful, open, friendly faces, and a manner that could clearly cheer and put anyone at ease.
“Any plans for tonight,” your cashier asked, drawing your attention back to him.
“Oh, I hope not,” you immediately spat out.
There was a lightning-fast exchange of a look between the two men, and you grinned and explained, “I just moved here today for a new job, and I start Monday, so just lots of unpacking and settling in for the rest of the weekend.”
“Oh, that’ll keep you busy. Good thing you’re stocking up on snacks,” he added, holding up the small box of dark chocolate coconut almonds, then scanning it and handing it to Peter. You glanced at his nametag to see the name James, as he continued to grab, scan, and hand off the next item and the next.
Peter held up the small tub of body butter with its magenta lid. “Have you tried this Brazil Nut lotion yet?”
“Yes!” you gushed. “I don’t know what I’m going to do when the summer is over!” It was only due to be a seasonal scent.
“It’s so good! Did you see we have it in bodywash? I picked one up a couple of days ago.”
James huffed a laugh.
“What?” Peter asked. “It does smell amazing, and all the girls love it!”
You grinned even more. “He’s not wrong. It’s a good strategy.”
James rolled his eyes, but he was smiling, too.
“Where’d you move here from?” Peter asked.
You responded with your hometown.
“No way! That’s where my gran used to live!”
You and Peter compared notes over some of your favorite places as he and James continued to efficiently move through your acquisitions. James was attentive to your conversation but didn’t have much to contribute. You guessed he’d never been to your hometown. But when your eyes moved back to him, he was alternating between retrieving and passing the groceries and you.
You also realized you were fidgeting nervously with the collar of your linen button down. You hadn’t dressed up – because you were only going to Trader Joe’s, you weren’t supposed to be bumping into an Adonis – but you were glad you’d at least changed out of the old t-shirt that had gotten you through moving day. This wasn’t fancy, but it least it wasn’t torn and sweaty.
You were still fidgeting with the collar.
Stop, you thought. You’re just buying groceries.
You conscientiously placed both your hands down on the
“Ready for the damage today?” James asked, and you looked into his eyes again, reminding yourself to keep your heart rate steady.
Peter suddenly disappeared from his spot without a word, which seemed strange – to both you and James, it seemed – but then you looked back at each other.
You crossed your fingers. “Give it to me.”
He turned the small display for the customer total to you, and you tilted your chin up a titch, a satisfied smile on your face.
“That’s not awful for a decent kitchen and cupboard stocking.”
“Pretty respectable,” he agreed. “Cash or card?”
“Card,” you replied, and he hit a button on his register, and you saw the card reader down at your waist light up. He didn’t fill the space with any more talk but let you focus on putting the payment through.
The sound of the receipt printing brought you both back. “Looks like it went through,” James said, and waited for it to finish printing, then tugged it away from the receipt printer, and handed it to you.
At that moment, Peter reappeared out of nowhere with a bouquet of sunflowers from the fresh flower section and held them straight out to you. “A little housewarming gift, compliments of me, Bucky, and the spirit of ol’ Joe himself.”
You gasped. “What? Really?”
“Of course!”
“Wait, who’s Bucky?”
“Oh,” James said, rubbing the back of his neck, and you saw just a touch of red on his cheeks. “That’s me. I go by Bucky, not James unless it’s serious.”
Peter pushed the flowers into your hand and took the receipt from Bucky’s hand and tucked it into one of the grocery bags.
“Thank you,” you said, truly touched.
“I hope you have a good weekend,” Bucky’s warm voice melted your heart even more.
“Thanks, you, too.”
“And we’ll see you again soon,” Peter said, pushing the cart out for you to take.
You nodded and then made your way to the exit, setting the flowers to rest in the top basket of the cart, a stupid grin on your face that you didn’t feel a need to wipe away.
After loading the groceries into the back of your vehicle, you pushed the cart into the cart corral, retrieved your flowers, and held them close to your chest. There were a hundred reasons you loved Trader Joe’s – and yes, you had even looked to see if there was one in this town when you were interviewing for the job, and you’re pretty sure it wouldn’t have affected your decision if there hadn’t been one here – but the warmth of the crew that worked there was one of the consistent things people could typically count on. Peter and James – or Bucky – had made your first trip to your new Trader Joe’s just the warm adventure you needed.
As you set the flowers on the passenger seat next to you and buckled in, you were glad though that if this store was like your old Trader Joe’s, the crew seemed to rotate enough in shifts and days – as did your own shopping habits – that you probably wouldn’t see them again, at least not regularly. As much as you wouldn’t mind seeing Peter any time you dropped into the house of Joseph, you didn’t want or need to worry over whether you would bump into that kind and far too attractive cashier or not. That would be too stressful, and Trader Joe’s was your home away from home here as you built the next chapter of your life in this new city.  
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ashshmee · 3 months
i just know the marauders era characters would have fucked with animal jam
sirius would have been a MASTER trader he’d charm people into giving him good deals on all the rare item and prob had all the spiked collars and headdresses etc. he also probably would have started a youtube channel and actually gotten famous.
james would have been obsessed with the quests. especially the eagle adventure. and he probably would have bought memberships for his friends.
remus would not have accepted the membership and probably just goes online whenever his friends beg him to. and like. he’s just that scraggly little wolf (the regular not the arctic) maybe wearing one of those little scarfs (you know the ones) and his username is like soggyburnttoast or smth
peter definitely would have scammed people. like when you do the trades and then it’s like oop i’m gonna cancel and then you just don’t and he runs away with the items. he’s almost as item rich as sirius tbh.
regulus probably would have been really into the lore the elders and the phantoms (y’all ever watch those julian2 videos? i’m thinkin like that). he also probably would have done the paintings.
lily would have made the prettiest dens. regulus would give her his paintings for them and james would give his quest items for them. so they were DECKED OUT.
barty and evan were definitely role players. warrior cat. family. cult. idk there was some weird stuff going on that website.
i think marlene would have also been a role player. she would probably would have pretended to be a guy to get girlfriends.
and dorcas would collected things specifically to make good outfits. and she’d have a ton of animals that are all super cute and have cool names.
pandora would have had a bunch of the pets.
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fatehbaz · 1 year
In the summer of 2020, [...] Black Lives Matter protesters tore a statue of 17th-century slave trader Edward Colston from its plinth in the centre of Bristol and rolled it into the harbour. [...] [C]ritics [...] argued that this type of direct action was “erasing history”. Britain’s prime minister at the time, Boris Johnson, claimed that to remove statues of figures like Colston from the public square was “to lie about our history”. Sir Trevor Phillips complained that Britain’s public history was being “erased entirely” [...]. Yet rather than lead us into an era of collective forgetting, the tearing down of Colston’s statue transported his name – and deeds – into the public consciousness.
This week, the renewed attention towards Colston bore fruit when the Guardian revealed that a historian, Brooke Newman, had unearthed a document showing that in 1689, Colston transferred £1,000 of shares in the Royal African Company (RAC) to none other than King William III. The exposure of the extent to which the monarch was financially intertwined with the slave trading company of which Colston was a director does not teach us less about history, it teaches us more.
The activities of colonial companies like the RAC, which enjoyed a monopoly over the English trade in slaves from the west African coast, are often presented as distinct from the internal history of the British Isles.
Yes, there may have been the odd massacre performed in the service of British imperialism, but these were the actions of rogue merchants in distant tropical lands, operating far from the watchful eye of Westminster and the living embodiment of British sovereignty, the monarch. This makes it easy to delete the actions of the RAC from the national record: the 84,500 men, women and children who, during Colston’s time with the company, were taken by its ships from their homes in west Africa to suffer a life of slavery in the New World.
A quarter of them would not even survive the journey, so horrific were the conditions aboard Colston’s ships.
Yet this separation between internal royal histories and external colonial histories has always been a [hidden] spot in our understanding of the past. Companies like the RAC needed to be granted a royal charter just to exist: they couldn’t be just registered and incorporated like companies today.
And furthermore, as the Guardian’s research has illustrated, there was often a cosy personal connection between the ruling kings and queens of this island and its slave-trading and colonial companies. This extended from James II acting as a governor of the Royal African Company to George II being a shareholder of the South Sea Company, which held the contract to supply enslaved Africans to the Spanish colonies in South America. [...]
The new revelations arrive at a difficult time for the monarchy, with the coronation of a new king seeking to shore up the disruption caused by the passing of the long-reigning Elizabeth II. [...] Leading politicians in Australia and Jamaica, countries where the British monarchy traditionally enjoyed a great deal of public support, are now campaigning to follow in the footsteps of Barbados, [...] a step towards the Caribbean island “leaving our colonial past behind”. The rising unpopularity of the British monarchy in the once-reliable British West Indies was made evident by the protests that greeted [...] William and Kate, during their tour of the region last year. [...] The relationship between the British royal family and the former colonies isn’t just a question of symbolism or constitutional law. It is an entry point into a deep and bloody history [...]. It is a history that the lid has only just started to be lifted on.
Text by: Kojo Koram. “Those who tore down Colston’s statue helped lead us to the truth about slavery and the monarchy.” The Guardian. 7 April 2023. [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me.]
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soberscientistlife · 1 year
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Solomon Northup was a free black man who was illegally held in bondage for twelve years before he regained his freedom. Northup was born to free parents in Minerva, New York in 1808. Little is known of his mother other than she was born a free mulatto. His father Mintus Northup, an emancipated slave, was a farm owner, voted in local elections, and valued education for his sons, Solomon and elder brother Joseph.
On December 25, 1829 Solomon Northup married Anne Hampton and the couple had three children: Elizabeth, Margaret, and Alonzo. The Northup family sold the family farm and moved to Glens Falls, New York where he worked numerous seasonal jobs around their county of residence. His wife also contributed to the family’s income as a part-time cook at various taverns in rural New York State. Northup eventually gained a reputation as a brilliant violinist who entertained large audiences throughout rural New York.
While seeking temporary employment in Saratoga Springs, New York in 1841, Northup was propositioned by Merrill Brown and Abram Hamilton to play his violin at an event in New York City. Without notifying his wife and collecting his free papers, he departed with the men. Following his performance in the city, the men convinced Northup to attend a circus with them in Washington City (Washington, DC), where slavery was legal. During the trip, Brown and Hamilton drugged Northup, kidnapped him, and stripped him of his identity. They renamed him Platt and sold him to James H. Birch, a slave trader, in Washington, DC. Eventually Northrup was sold to a Louisiana planter.
Northup recounted his experiences in his memoir, Twelve Years a Slave: Narrative of Solomon Northup, a Citizen of New York, Kidnapped in Washington City in 1841 and Rescued in 1853, from a Cotton Plantation near the Red River in Louisiana which appeared a decade before the Emancipation Proclamation. The book describes in vivid detail the harsh but at times humane treatment he experienced while serving on four cotton and sugar cane plantations. His memoir also describes the torture of other slaves, including the rape of a slave woman.
Northup was finally rescued from slavery with the help of Samuel Bass, a carpenter from Canada, who sent letters to Northup’s family detailing his location. With the assistance of Henry B. Northup, a relative of Mintus Northup’s former owner as well as Washington Hunt, the Governor of New York, and Louisiana Senator Pierre Soule, Solomon Northup was finally located and released from slavery in 1853.
After reuniting with his family, Northup traveled throughout the North and Canada, speaking to abolitionist groups about his experiences as a slave in Louisiana. He also attempted to sue the men involved in his abduction. However, the case was tried in Washington where blacks had no legal rights and standing in court. After several attempts, legal proceedings were dropped in 1857.
There is some uncertainty of what happened to Northup after 1858. At the time of his wife’s death in 1876, some obituaries stated she was widowed but others believe Northup had been kidnapped and again sold into slavery. Despite the confusion over Northup’s death, his memoir remains, along with Harriet Beecher’s Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin which was released a year earlier, a powerful indictment of the inhumanity of slavery.
Saratoga Springs, New York honors his legacy with an annual Solomon Northup Day held the third Saturday in July. In 2013, Black British filmmaker, Steve McQueen, directed the movie Twelve Years a Slave, which was adapted from Northup’s memoir.
Source blackpast.org
Solomon Northup-Black History Month Day 15
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alfredadewoolf · 10 months
New Theatre Trader here!
Hi! I'm new to trading and I'm ready to start building my collection. If anyone is willing to gift me any videos/audios to help me get my footing, I would really appreciate it! Thank you so so much. Any gift would be helpful! Thank you!
About me: Some current obsessions include Sunday in the Park with George, Follies, Company, Sweeney Todd, Cabaret, Falsettos, and Fun Home. I also love straight plays and am very interested in acquiring some eventually. Been recently obsessed with Stephanie J. Block, Kelli O'Hara, Brian D'Arcy James, Patti LuPone, Laura Linney, Laurie Metcalf, Mary-Louise Parker? I gotta put an end to the list somewhere, so that's all for now. Any help and tips would be greatly appreciated!
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pbandjesse · 2 months
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I'm on my way back from visiting Jess. And I had such a awesome day. Like seriously I could not have asked for a better Saturday with my best friend.
I slept a lot better last night. I did wake up a couple times. It was hard to fall asleep at first because sweet pea kept biting me and then I pushed him off the bed and I felt bad so I had to go downstairs and give him treats. But I was able to sleep until James left for work. They stopped and gave me a kiss and said goodbye and told me to be safe. I slept in until about 9:00.
When I woke up I texted Jess that I was going to leave at 9:40. And I took a couple extra minutes to wake myself up. I made the bed and it took my time. But I felt really good. I went and got dressed and I wore my new pretty dress that I plan on bringing to gonda. Kind of like as a test run. But it ended up being super comfortable and it stays up and doesn't shift around so I feel very good at it. I just wish it had pockets.
I warmed up one of the biscuits James made the other day and said goodbye to sweet pea and then I was on the road by 9:40. And it's a really nice ride. It's pretty easy. It's an hour 20 and hit any traffic. And I just listened to music and rolled up at Jess's house at 11:00.
She was at the door when I pulled up and we were waving at each other. And I was just so happy to see her. I texted James to let them know that I was safe and then we went inside and she showed me some of her house updates. Including where she pulled the carpet up to reveal the original hardwood. Which is very exciting. And I'm very jealous because I hate our carpets. And we would sit for a little while while she gave me some things that she collected. I brought my fake nose ring so she could try it because she's thinking about getting her septum pierced. And we talked about our plan for the day.
The plan was to go to flower farm to pick tulips. After that we decided we would go walk around the mall and then we would go to Costco and trader Joe's. And in there we would also have a couple meals. So our first stop was going to be brunch.
We took her car and we drove to a diner in swedesboro and it was really good. It was pretty busy but they sat us right away. And our waiter was nice. We got sandwiches and I told her all about the movie last night and we just caught up on stuff. Like we're text ing constantly but sometimes the nuance is lost. And it was just really nice to hear about the dates she's been on and me and James stuff and our plans and some of the Uganda things. And I just was having a wonderful time.
At the end of our meal I went to pay and they were having some Wi-Fi issues so Jess wanted to use the bathroom while we figured that out. And then after I paid I also used the bathroom. And then we drove to the farm. And it was great.
1.5 million flowers. That's what the paperwork said. And I believe it because it was crazy. Rose and Rose and Rose of tulips and daffodils. It was beautiful. And we decided we were going to get the 10 stems for $10 thing that they were doing. Jess wanted to get one of everything and I wanted to get a variety of the purple ones. I just thought that would be fun. So we walked up and down the road trying to pick the best ones and some of them were loud because they had bees inside of them. But it was just a lot of fun figuring out how you pulled them without pulling the bulb up. Just would end up pulling three bulbs by accident I only pulled one. And it was just a beautiful day. And even though there was a lot of people there I didn't feel like we were on top of anyone and while it was windy it was just really beautiful. And after we picked our flowers we would take some pictures and just be silly and sit at the picnic table and just enjoyed being outside.
You would walk over to the farm stand and they had a lot of peach cider products but nothing I was really interested in. Jeff says that the guy that was running the stand was flirting with her and I believe it. She's very cute. And then we went to pay and it was a child at the register which was very funny to me. And we went to find the car. Which was difficult. We struggled to find the car all day. We're not good at remembering where we parked.
Next we went back to the house because for the rest of the day we would take our own cars. It just made more sense because it was in the direction of home for me and we didn't want me to have to pack So we got back to the house and we spent like 45 minutes just chilling on the couch. Playing with Lady Bird. Drinking water. You're both really thirsty after the flower farm. Just surprisingly dehydrating activity. But we chilled for a bit and double checked that we were both still cool with our plan. And then it was time to go.
We both stuck around cars like I said and we drove to the Christiana Mall. I was mostly behind just for the whole time but I did lose her at one point but then I got up at her again and we were waving at each other being silly. And we parked near the Barnes & Noble so we had a pretty solid place to meet in case we didn't get lost. But it ended up being fine.
And man is it cool to go to a not dead mall. This mall was crazy. I haven't been to the small in a very long time. I think I have gone a few times like a decade and a half ago. But the parking lot was fullful and it was busy inside. And it was just so nice to experience that again. Because I was such a mall kid. Like that was my life when I was in high school. And it's the same for Jess so we get to reminisce and this was just a really good mom. And we were doing really good not to buying nonsense. We both did buy some stuff. She got a shirt and I got James a gift. It's a jacket. And I bought hand sanitizers about the bodyworks because I use those all the time now. Trying not to get sick again. And we both went to a special fancy candy shop where we did their fancy pick and mix. And we were very good about staying at our $10 limit. We were both under it.
And we also just had really nice interactions with people. In the stores people just be really nice. There was a baby that tried to hand me a lollipop and then there was a whole like little moment we had together. And we got to see the Easter Bunny. And we went in and out of every store that we were interested in and just telling stories and talking about stuff. We went and airy and I found a bathing suit I liked in the clearance section but they didn't have my size and I was a little bummed about it but that's okay. At least I know kind of know like somewhere I can look. Because I do want to get a new bathing suit this year. But it's not like a need need it's just something I want to look out for.
But we were having a great time. Looking at the calico critters at Barnes & Noble. Going in the Hot topic. Looking at toys and clothing and people. Being together. It was awesome. And once we felt like we had seen everything we wanted to see we decided it was time for dinner.
Just took me to a sushi place that she really enjoys. And I wasn't like particularly hungry. But I'm so glad we went. It was one precious. And two the food was really good.
our waiter Isaiah was very nice. But he brought the food all out very weird order. We ordered at a mommy to come first but it came last. But it was fine. We both got rice hand roll things that are kind of triangular and they both had avocado in them and were wrapped in seaweed. I would love to tell you what they're called but talk to text is not understanding what I'm saying so I'm not going to worry about that. And we also got edamame. And she got me so soup and salmon over rice. Which also has a name but text to talk to text will not write it correctly. So whatever. And then I got a coconut pudding drink. To go at the end it was so good. I told Jesse tasted like a fancy candle and she said that's disgusting. But it was really nice. And I was just having a great time watching people around us and eating my edamame and seeing what everybody else got over here in conversations and just having fun with just. It was great. We make each other laugh and it's a good time. And I said her at one point I'm just having such a nice day I'm having such a good time. And she was like I'm so glad that you're telling me how much fun you're having and if it was anyone else I would say that sounded sarcastic but I know she was being serious because we both like to tell each other when we're having fun. Plus we were both really excited that we were hanging out but we get to be in our own houses later which that is something we both struggle with I think when we have sleepovers is like I'm loving this but I would love to be home. So now that we're closer and we can do these day trips it makes everything just a little easier.
While we were sitting there I had decided that I wanted to go back for the jacket for James. Originally I was going to try to buy it online but then I saw the people were reselling it for like twice what it is in the store and it's not available in the size I wanted on the website. And they had given me a coupon when we were leaving so I was able to get the jacket for 25% off plus they took another $10 off for giving them my email. So I really felt like I won in the long run. though I did not like that we had two backtracking through them all and it was a little bit of a weird spot so we had to go like all the way back around. But whatever. It's not like we were in a rush to go anywhere.
Our next stop was to go to Costco. I told Jess I was excited because I haven't been to Costco in a very long time I thought it would be fun but she's like it is a very stressful. And she's not wrong. There was entirely too many people. But I did have fun. And she bought me a couple things. Including cookie bites that are thin mints. And some street corn dip. And a jam that's really tall. Like it's the jam that we normally buy except that I much larger container. So I'm very excited about that. And we got almost everything on her list. It was fun walking up and down the aisles and seeing all the weird stuff that they sell. There was even a couple things I would absolutely buy but I did not want to spend hundreds of dollars today. Like the screen door that retracts instead of being in the door all the time. But that can be something I investigate later. For now it was just really fun hanging out and doing chores with Jess. I'm so glad that we're able to do that now. That was something we always really enjoyed when we both lived at home with our parents in bucks county. In the end just would end up spending $350 at the Costco. But we were having a blast and she even got to use cell check it at the end. And while she was doing that I went to go wash my hands because I touched something very dusty. And while I'm a dirty gremlin person half the time I don't really want to have dirty Dusty hands.
Are very last stop would be trader Joe's. Just as a lot of her grocery shopping there it turns out because while all grocery stores have gotten expensive and trader Joe's has always been kind of expensive. Trader Joe's is kind of evened out because of all the other grocery stores being expensive in and out are pretty cheap comparatively. And she got two bags of groceries for like $60. So pretty sweet. And it was busy in there but I was having a lot of fun and the staff was really nice. That cashier flirted with just too. Though she says that that is a requirement to work at trader Joe's. She says that being flirty is part of the drop description. I don't know if that's true. But it was very funny when she said it. And I got two very fancy cheeses. One is lemon ricotta which just says people say taste like cheesecake. And I got a sweet heat cheddar that I think James is really going to like. And I got green tea mints and chai tea mints. And I tried to try tea so far and the cardamom is really nice and I don't always like cardamom because I think it tastes like Christmas. But maybe a sweet cardamon would be nice for me.
While we were paying just was telling the cashier that I was just visiting for the day and he was like all excited that our friendship has been able to exist over all the different distances that we've lived apart from each other. And it's just so true. And friendship really is all about the effort that both people put in. And we both put a lot of effort into this friendship. And I think that's just really lovely. I love my friendship with Jess and I love Jess. She's such a wonderful person. And when we were done at trader Joe's she drove me back to my car.
After I moved all my stuff that I purchased back to my car and saw that my tulips were a little wilted We hugged and I promise to tell her when I get home. And that's almost now. It started to rain on my drive back but it wasn't bad. I listen to a podcast and about 25 minutes ago started working on this post. I already had the document pulled up because I knew I would like to do this and finish it before I get home. And I am 1 minute from home now. Tonight I am going to put all my stuff away and hang out with my husband and then tomorrow's Easter. And I don't really have any plans. I kind of want to paint eggs. But I think we only have brown ones. We'll see. I'm not that concerned. I think it will be a really nice day. I hope that you all have a great night and you are taking care of yourselves. Happy Easter everybody. Good night.
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glassprism · 1 year
So this is a question that's been burning in me for a long time, and I just gotta ask: What is the video that you, as a trader/collector, consider your great white whale? What boot have you been chasing for a long time, and would consider the crown jewel of your collection if you got your hands on it? I'm honestly just really curious to know!
Hmm, well, probably the big one is the video John Owen-Jones and Gina Beck, from when she emergency covered the show in... I think the video was specifically the December 23, 2010 date. (Or at least there's audio from that performance.) There's two clips originally posted by the master, and I thought I knew who it was that filmed them, so when that person released some of their other, long-coveted boots, I had hope that the JOJ/Beck video would be among them, but as far as I can tell, it's not on their list and it's still yet to be released. Which means that either I got the master wrong or I got it right and they're holding onto it... or maybe they lost it. Or those are the only two clips they filmed.
Having said that, a very close second would be the Steve Barton, Raissa Katona, and James Romick mentioned on this ask on @wheel-of-fish's blog. I'd never even heard of this video, but this anon just pops in, drops that bombshell on everybody, and then hightails it out of there without another word. Like, where has this video been? Was it in someone's secret hoard? Is it even a real video? Where'd the anon go? Why didn't they ever respond? Were they a troll? Did they die? How dare they just say something like that and then leave!
Anyway, yeah, those are definitely the top ones! Probably a few more out there that I'll think of later.
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pwlanier · 1 year
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Jeremiah Theus, Important Georgia Portrait
(Charleston, South Carolina/Swiss, 1716-1774)
Portrait of James Habersham, Jr., unsigned, oil on canvas, 30 x 25 in., good old gilt wood frame with applied decoration, 37-1/2 x 32 in.
Note: James Habersham Jr. (1745-1799) was a planter, merchant, slave trader and politician who was speaker in the Georgia General Assembly. He also served on the board of trustees which established the University of Georgia in 1785.
As noted in the volume by Margaret Simmons Middleton, Jeremiah Theus, Colonial artist of Charles Town, p. 10 - There is a letter written by the Honorable James, Habersham, governor of Georgia, (Collections of the Georgia Historical Society) which discusses this commission and gives the price that was charged
Brunk Auctions
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webeasts · 5 months
The Impact of Metaverse on Digital Marketing
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Metaverse is one of the most talked about phenomena on social media. People are not sure what impact it would have on our daily lives. With more and more brands accepting metaverse as the new reality, we try to examine the likely impact of metaverse on digital marketing and vice versa.
Metaverse is a digital universe that allows its users to build unique characters and customize these characters as per their liking through the use of virtual reality technology. It comes as no surprise that Facebook, which generates 97% of its revenue through advertising, changed its name to Meta. Facebook’s decision has prompted digital marketers all over the world to look at the metaverse as an opportunity to advertise their products.
This blog will examine the likely changes that may be seen in the world of digital marketing after the introduction of the metaverse.
1. Increase in popularity of NFTs Currently, the most popular product that can be traded within the metaverse are Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). NFTs are cryptographic tokens that represent digital assets that belong solely to the owners. Digital assets such as Amitabh Bachchan’s movie posters and Lebron James’s previously unseen basketball footage have already been traded within the metaverse. An increase in digital marketing of these collectibles within the metaverse will also lead to heightened interest in NFTs among the potential consumers who would want to possess such memorabilia.
2. Increase in the circulation of cryptocurrency As pointed out previously, digital marketing will increase the popularity of NFTs. Currently, NFTs can only be bought by using cryptocurrency. Ethereum is the most accepted cryptocurrency amongst NFT traders. As a result, it is clear that with an increase in the popularity of NFTs through digital marketing, we will also witness a rise in transactions involving cryptocurrency.
3. New range of products for the consumers Until now, marketers have been selling products that are tangible in the real world. With more and more digital marketers entering the metaverse, we will see a completely new range of products. These products will be available for use only within the metaverse. An example of this could be fashion products that can be worn by a consumer’s digital avatar within the metaverse. Research shows that nearly 75% of Gen Z consumers have purchased a digital product that can be used exclusively within a video game.
4. Consumers will try the product digitally before purchasing In a shift from the norm, the metaverse will allow its users to try products digitally before investing in them in real life. For instance, a user can try a fashion product on their online avatar, get a feel for the product, wear it to events, flaunt it to their friends and develop an affinity to the product before buying it in real life. This will force marketers to invest heavily in the products that they launch digitally.
5. Custom advertisements Marketers in the digital space will have access to a lot of data on their potential customers. The marketers can analyse this data and customize their advertisements to suit the behaviour of individual consumers. This will improve the marketer’s chances of making a sale. Further, by providing unlimited space, the metaverse allows marketers to customize marketing plans in accordance with consumer behaviour patterns.
6. Celebrity marketing Metaverse provides fans the unique opportunity to interact with the digital identity owned by their favourite celebrities. Fans will also be able to interact with these characters in various online events. Marketers can collaborate with these celebrities and customize their characters to advertise their products. Not only will this provide the product with a lot of eyeballs, but it will also be cheaper and more efficient.
Conclusion The metaverse will surely be a game-changer and transform how we understand digital marketing and consumer behaviour. However, there is one concern. After the introduction of social media, a lot of small-scale businesses just could not survive. They were not able to adapt to the rapidly changing world of social media. As a result, they got left behind. The world of metaverse seems to be even more challenging. It remains to be seen if all the companies will be able to adapt to these changes. Another question is, will people embrace the metaverse? Would they really want to move away from the reality and live in a make belief world? Only time can answer these questions.
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packedwithpackards · 8 months
Nathaniel Packard's role in the odious slave trade
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Page 158 of Coughtry's well-known 1981 book, Rhode Island and the African Slave Trade, 1700-1807 . He currently teaches at University of Nevada in Las Vegas.
Happy Black History Month! Slave trading runs in the Packard family as I've noted on this blog before. This article was a tough one to write because there are TWO Nathaniel Packards! While I tried to ask about this on /r/AskHistorians and received no reply, [1] I am operating with the educated assumption that the slave trading shown in the 1790s was from Nathaniel Packard, Jr., not his father, of the same name, Nathaniel Sr., as he will be called herein to distinguish from his son, who was the father of Samuel. I would further like to point out that Nathaniel Jr.'s mother was part of the Sterry family, and her first cousin, Cyprian, is the same one who Samuel worked with as a slave trader! [2] Not really a coincidence if you think about it.
Some may ask, how can you be so sure that this is the right Nathaniel? What if Nathaniel Sr. was the one involved in the trade of human beings? For one, I found out that Nathaniel Sr. was born in 1730, died in 1809 while his wife "Nabby" Abigail, was born in circa 1734, and she came to live with this Nathaniel in 1752, at age 18. [3] Her death in 1819, has not been confirmed. Nathaniel Sr. had a child with Abigail in 1769 (at age 39) named Elizabeth, in 1775 (at age 45) a child named Polly, and his child Nehemiah got married in 1777. [4] Furthermore, he probably wasn't engaged in slave trading in the 1790s, due to his age. After all, in 1790, Nathaniel Sr. would have been 61, and in 1799, he would have been 70. That seems a little old to be a captain of a ship, with anecdotal evidence suggesting that captains retired between 53 and 62. [5] I wish my evidence was stronger, but I decided to go with this article anyhow.
We do know that Nathaniel, my 2nd cousin eight times removed according to FamilySearch's "View my relationship" algorithm, was a captain, participating in the Revolutionary War, and reportedly having a similar career to his son, Samuel, owning land on  North Main, Howard, and Try Streets in Providence. He was a master privateer during the revolution, captain of a sloop, called the America in 1776, and had a ship he was a captain of, the Sally, captured by the Royal Navy the same year. [6] That, and the story of the America, a ship appearing in thousands of results of the Naval Documents of the American Revolution Digital Edition, is for another day, whether I choose to write about it not. The age of Nathaniel, Jr., my third cousin seven times removed, is disputed. When he died in January 27, 1807, death notices recorded his age as 25, 35, or even 55. [7] At the time of his death, he owned a house on Providence's Main Street, with two houses and other buildings, and in 1801 he is noted as a sea captain, and as marrying a woman named Miss Margaret D. Paddleford in 1800. While he would have been born in 1782 if he was 25 years old in 1807, that means he would have been 15 years old in 1797, it is more likely he was 35 or 55, meaning that he would have been born in 1772 or 1752, although I am leaning more toward his birth in 1772, around the time his other siblings were born, than 1752.
Otherwise, what is known about his personal life is sketchy at best, even having a Find A Grave entry without a photograph of his gravestone. As such, writing about his story and its interconnection with the transatlantic slave trade is important, possibly even revealing more about him as a person. Whether he was a "man of wealth" like his brother, Samuel, or not, the fact remains that uncovering his connection to the slave trade is an important part of recognizing my collective past, the history of enslaved Black people, and much more. This article tries to counter what historians Erica Caple James and Malick W. Ghachem describe as "a still powerful tendency to marginalize or suppress the stories of black lives," with narratives about the past propagated as more marketable than alternatives that try to cut against the grain of “great man” history. [8]
Often Americans see themselves as exceptional people tied together by noble ideals, but this falls apart when history is taught fully and honestly "without omitting facts or telling outright lies" as Margaret Kimberley writes in Prejudential about the racial prejudice manifested by every single US president in history. For Nathaniel, the story starts in 1797. That year, he was the captain of four ships which crossed the Atlantic. The first was the Danish Harriet, which traveled to an unspecified region of Africa, from February to December, bringing with it 53 souls, most of which were men, and selling people in Havana, Cuba. Second was the Providence schooner, Abigail, owned by Ebenezer Macomber. Unlike the Harriet, which Nathaniel owned, this ship began its journey in Rhode Island. Similarly, it traveled to an unspecified region of Africa and sold 53 enslaved peoples, mostly men, in Havana. 11 souls perished during the voyage. [9]
The same year, and into 1798, he was captain, again, of the Harriet, now owned by J de Wint. It traveled once more to Havana, this time with 57 enslaved Black people on board. [10] A pattern emerges when combining data from slave voyages: from 1797 to 1800, Nathaniel, as captain or owner, transported 314 Africans in chains to Havana, Cuba, 85 who died during the Middle Passage, and 6+6 who may have died during the voyage or have a fate unknown, while 10-15 died in a slave revolt as described later in this article. Although after 1794 U.S. slave trade to Cuba was illegal, slave traders still made slave voyages to Havana, and "profited from their own Cuban plantations". This was amidst a societal change in Cuba, which changed from underdeveloped and unpopulated small settlements, ranches, and farms in 1763 to large tobacco and sugar plantations by 1838. This was accelerated by the import of hundreds of thousands of enslaved people during that time period, estimated at 400,000 by Hubert Aimes, benefiting Cuban planters, and a decree in 1789 which allowed foreigners and Spainards to sell as many enslaved people as they wanted in Cuba's ports. Land values rose as landowners, especially those involved in sugar production, gained more power and influence as the "sugar revolution" swept the island, with a 22.8% increase in enslaved people on the island from 1774 to 1827, and the planters depended on Spanish power more than ever to protect their investments. [11]
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From pages 8, 60, 136, 360 of Ship Registers and Enrollments of Providence, Rhode Island, 1773-1939, Vol. 1, 1939, I believe the America was owned by his father.
The following year, he was captain, and owner, of the Flying Fish, a schooner from Providence. He co-owned the ship with Sam McClellan. This ship went to an unspecified part of Africa and sold 76 enslaved people in Havana, but they resisted with a "slave insurrection" noted. However, a voyage earlier that year with the same ship was more deadly, as almost half of enslaved people aboard died during the Middle Passage! [12] The ship had a tonnage of 85 tons, higher than some other ships.
It was then that Nathaniel would experience a revolt on the Flying Fish, which was transporting enslaved people. Ten of those on board would revolt, noted in the Newport Mercury. 10-15 enslaved people and 4-5 crewmen were killed in a failed revolt on this private armed vessel. While some sources said this was in 1800, the revolt was in late 1799, in actuality. [13] Coughtry, who I quoted at the beginning of this article, wrote:
Occasionally it was the whites who panicked. With masterly timing, Captain Nathaniel Packard's slaves rose against the crew of the Flying Fish as a pursuing British privateer drew alongside to claim the slaver prize. Terrified, Packard instantly opted for white justice over black, and implored the privateer to fire on his vessel. The British obliged him, and discharged a devastating broadside into the Flying Fish that left ten slaves and six seamen dead. Massive retaliation was effective but indiscriminate. On the few vessels that did experience slave revolts, captors and captives alike paid a high price for the latter's courage.
Nathaniel would be captain of the Betsey in 1800, Eliza in 1803, Minerva in 1794, Juno in 1805, and Dolphin in 1792. By 1800, he was married to Margaret Downs Paddleford, the daughter of well-off physician named Philip Paddleford and Margaret Downe. By the time they married, her mother had been dead or twenty years and Philip had married another woman, Elizabeth Macomber. The same year, friends of a 10-year-old Black male child, Peter Sharp, would testify against Nathaniel to the Providence Council. [14] In later years, in 1801 to 1802, he would be captain of the aforementioned slave ship, the Betsey. Only 94 of the enslaved people made it to the Americas and were sold in Havana, with 24 people perishing during the voyage across the Atlantic. [15] He did this while professing his religious ferment in his last will and testament, bequeathing money and personal property to his children and Margaret:
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Will of Nathaniel in 1806, probated in 1807, noting his children and wife. [16]
Nathaniel was creating generational wealth, something which came in part from the trading of enslaved Black people. As Mary Elliott, curator on American slavery for The Smithsonian's National Museum of African American History and Culture noted in July 2019, some 12.5 million men, women and children of African descent were forced into the transatlantic slave trade, with the "sale of their bodies and the product of their labor [bringing]...the Atlantic world into being...[with] freedom was limited to maintain the enterprise of slavery and ensure power." She further said that Africans were forcibly migrated through the Middle Passage while the slave trade provided political power, wealth, and social standing for individuals, colonies, nation-states, and the church, while noting that enslaved black people "came from regions and ethnic groups throughout Africa." Although the U.S. international slave trade was made illegal in 1808, domestic slave trade increased, even as illegal slave trading continued internationally, with people such as my ancestor, Captain Samuel Packard, involved in it. What she next is significant to keep in mind:
Slavery affected everyone, from textile workers, bankers and ship builders in the North; to the elite planter class, working-class slave catchers and slave dealers in the South; to the yeoman farmers and poor white people who could not compete against free labor.
Furthermore, slavery itself was built and sustained by "black labor and black wombs", maintaining the economic system itself, with prosperity depending upon the "continuous flow of enslaved bodies", while a campaign of violence was waged against black people that "would rob them of an incalculable amount of wealth" following the end of Reconstruction in the 1870s. [17] Nathaniel, as well as his family, was part of this exploitation and it something that should be recognized, not hidden away or covered up as some people like to do with this history.
[1] On August 21, I asked "What age did sea captains, in the 18th century, retire?", adding in part "my common sense tells me he wouldn't be sailing a ship at that age and some scattered sources about this, when I did a quick search, did point to that." Unfortunately, a moderator removed the question for asking "basic facts," to which I wasn't happy (obviously), and was directed to another askhistorians thread. I posted a similar version of the question there, asking "Does anyone know what age did sea captains, in the 18th century (more specifically 1790s-early 1800s), retire?" And, just as I expected, I received NO reply. The lesson I took away from this is that you can't trust these forums to respond to you, and sometimes you just have to do the research yourself, with no help from anyone else, sad to say.
[2] Using this family relationship chart and explanatory post, I determined that Cyprian is the son of her uncle. This is because the brother of Abigail's father, Robert (1711-1789), was a man named Cyprian (1707-1772), who had a son named Cyprian (1752-1824), the one, and same, as the slave trader. So, that's the connection. Abigail and Nathaniel later had a daughter named Abigail, who married in 1784, and was named after her. In another interesting antecote, it appears that John Congdon, the father-in-law of 3rd cousin 7x removed, and the father of Abigail, the wife of Captain Samuel Packard, may have been a slave trader as well, as a Congdon is listed as captain of an unnamed slave trading vessel in 1762 and the Speedwell schooner from 1764 to 1765.
[3] Knowles, James D. Memoir of Roger Williams, the founder of the state of Rhode-Island (Boston: Lincoln, Edmands & Co., 1834), 432-433. Reprinted in "Notes on the Grave of Roger Williams," Apr. 20, 1907,  Book Notes, Vol. 24, No. 8, p. 59. Relevant quote, reprinted from a letter in The American in 1819: "I am induced to lay before the public the following facts, communicated to me by the late Capt. Nathaniel Packard, of this town,  about the year 1808...Captain Packard was son of Fearnot Packard, who lived in a small house, standing a little south of the house of Philip Allen, Esq. and about fifty feet south of the noted spring. In this house Captain Packard was born, in 1730, and died in 1809, being seventy-nine years old...Mrs. Nabby [Abigail] Packard, widow of Captain Packard, who is eighty-five years old, told me, this day, that her late husband had often mentioned the above facts to her; and his daughter, Miss Mary Packard, states, that her father often told her the same... Mrs. Nabby Packard, Nathaniel Packard's widow, told me this day, that she came to live where she now lives, when she was eighteen years old, which was sixty-seven years ago."
[4] "Rhode Island Town Births Index, 1639-1932", database, FamilySearch, 4 November 2020, Nathaniel Packard in entry for Elizabeth Sterry, 1857; "Rhode Island, Town Clerk, Vital and Town Records, 1630-1945," database with images, FamilySearch, 4 November 2020), Nathaniel Packard in entry for Elisabeth Sterry, 22 Nov 1857; citing Death, Providence, Providence, Rhode Island, United States, various city archives, Rhode Island; FHL microfilm 2,022,703;  "Rhode Island, Town Clerk, Vital and Town Records, 1630-1945," database with images, FamilySearch, 4 November 2020, Nathanul Packard in entry for Polly Packard, 17 Dec 1858; citing Death, Providence, Providence, Rhode Island, United States, various city archives, Rhode Island; FHL microfilm 2,022,703; "Rhode Island Town Births Index, 1639-1932", database, FamilySearch, 4 November 2020), Nathaniel Packard in entry for Polly Packard, 1858; "Rhode Island Marriages, 1724-1916", database, FamilySearch, 22 January 2020), Nathaniel Packard in entry for Nehemiah Rhoads Packard, 1777.
[5] I'm referring to a 1931 New York Times story titled "37 YEARS AT SEA, CAPTAIN TO RETIRE; SHIP MASTER TO RETIRE" (noted a captain retiring at age 55), a U.S. Navy webpage saying you retire after age 62,and the life of Captain Edward Penniman (1831-1913) described by the National Park Service.
[6] White Jr., George Wylie. “A Rhode Islander Goes West to Indiana (1817-1818),” Rhode Island History, Vol I, No. 1, January 1942, p. 22; Lewisohn, Florence, The American Revolution's Second Front: Persons & Places Involved in the Danish West Indies & Some Other West Indian Islands (University of Texas, 1976), p. 12; "Captain Nathaniel Packard's Account Against the Rhode Island Sloop America, September 30, 1776," American Theatre from September 1, 1776, to October 31, 1776, Vol. 6, via Naval Documents of the American Revolution Digital Edition; "Owners of the Rhode Island Sloop America to Captain Nathaniel Packard, August 21, 1776," American Theatre from September 1, 1776, to October 31, 1776, Vol. 6, via Naval Documents of the American Revolution Digital Edition; "Lists of Prizes Condemned in the Vice Admiralty Court of Antigua, January 14, 1778," American Theatre from January 1, 1778 to March 31, 1778, Vol. 11, via Naval Documents of the American Revolution Digital Edition; "Governor Nicholas Cooke and John Jenckes to Captain Nathaniel Packard, February 3, 1776," American Theatre from January 1, 1776, to February 18, 1776, Vol. 3, via Naval Documents of the American Revolution Digital Edition; "Prizes Taken by British Ships in the Windward Islands, May 1, 1776," American Theatre from April 18, 1776, to May 8, 1776, Vol. 4, via Naval Documents of the American Revolution Digital Edition; "Journal of H.M. Sloop Pomona, Captain William Young, March 11, 1776," American Theatre from April 18, 1776, to May 8, 1776, Vol. 4, via Naval Documents of the American Revolution Digital Edition; "Potential Suspects," Gaspee Virtual Archives, accessed September 26, 2021. He was also said, according to the  1774 RI Colonial Census, to be living in Providence with his family, that year, and have tracts of Land in Providence as early as 1762. As a note on his FamilySearch profile proposes, he may have been involved in the Gaspee Affair in 1772.
[7] According to a note on his FamilySearch profile, a death notice was published in Providence Phoenix (Providence, R.I.), 31 Jan 1807, p. 3, col. 2, has an unclear date of either he was age 25, 35, or 55, with a reprint in the Columbian Centinel (Boston, Mass.), 4 Feb 1807, p. 2, giving his age as 25, the Salem Register (Salem, Mass.), 5 Feb 1807, p. 3, col. 3,  giving his age as 35, the Independent Chronicle (Boston, Mass.), 5 Feb 1807, p. 3, giving his age as 25, and Newburyport Herald (Newburyport, Mass.), 6 Feb 1807, p. 3, col. 2, giving his age as 25. See the note for further sources of information beyond this sentence, mainly abstracting from probate records. He was also living in Providence in 1800, according to "United States Census, 1800," database with images, FamilySearch, accessed 26 September 2021, Nathanies Packard Jr, Providence, Providence, Rhode Island, United States; citing p. 211, NARA microfilm publication M32, (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.), roll 45; FHL microfilm 218,680, and his marriage is noted here: "Massachusetts Marriages, 1695-1910, 1921-1924", database, FamilySearch, 28 July 2021, Nathaniel Packard, 1800.
[8] Erica Caple James and Malick W. Ghachem, "Black Histories Matter," Perspectives of History, Sept. 1, 2015, accessed September 26, 2021.
[9] Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade - Database, "Voyage 35224, Harriet (1797)", with entry also in Peoples of the Historical Slave Trade database and another entry here; Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade - Database, "Voyage 36677, Abigail (1797)", with entry also in  Peoples of the Historical Slave Trade database.
[10] Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade - Database, "Voyage 35225, Harriet (1798)", with entry also in Peoples of the Historical Slave Trade database.
[11] Franklin Knight, "The Transformation of Cuban Agriculture, 1763-1838" in Caribbean Slave Society and Economy: A Student Reader (ed. Hilary Beckles and Verene Shepherd, New York: The New Press, 1991), 69, 72, 74-78.
[12] Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade - Database, "Voyage 36727, Flying Fish (1799)", with entry also in Peoples of the Historical Slave Trade database; "Voyage 36726, Flying Fish (1799)", with entry also in Peoples of the Historical Slave Trade database and here.
[13] Eric Robert Taylor, If We Must Die: Shipboard Insurrections in the Era of the Atlantic Slave Trade, Vol. 38, 2009, p. 209; Naval Documents Related to the Quasi-war Between the United States and France: From Dec. 1800 to Dec. 1801, United States. Office of Naval Records and Library, 1935, p 397.
[14] U.S., Newspaper Extractions from the Northeast, 1704-1930 for Margaret D Paddleford, Massachusetts, Columbian Centinel, Marriage, Nabor-Ryonson, :Newspapers and Periodicals. American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Massachusetts; Massachusetts, U.S., Compiled Birth, Marriage, and Death Records, 1700-1850 for Margaret Downs Padelford, Taunton; Massachusetts, U.S., Town Marriage Records, 1620-1850, Vital Records of Taunton, Margaret Downs of T. and Nathaniel Packard of Providence, Feb. 12, 1800, in T. Intention not recorded; Massachusetts, U.S., Wills and Probate Records, 1635-1991 for Philip Padelford, Bristol, Probate Records, Padeford, James - Paine, Sarah, pages 144 and 145; via page 11 of Descendants of Jonathan Padelford, 1628-1858 chart, where it almost looks like Margaret Brown; Children Bound to Labor: The Pauper Apprentice System in Early America, 2011, p. 43.
[15] Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade - Database, "Voyage 36753, Betsey (1802)", with entry also in Peoples of the Historical Slave Trade database.
[16] Will of Nathaniel Packard, 1807, Rhode Island, U.S., Wills and Probate Records, 1582-1932 for Nathaniel Packard, Providence, Wills and Index, Vol 10-11 1805-1815, Rhode Island, District and Probate Courts.
[17] Of note is what one writer, Nancy Isenberg, argued: that Americans believe in social mobility, but have a "long list of slurs and of terms" for people, and noted that "the discussion of class throughout our history has forced on the centrality of land and land ownership, as well as what I call breeds, or breeding", concepts which come from the British, and notes that another English idea is that "the wealth and the strength of the nation are based on the size of its population" and goes onto say that the English were focused on bloodlines, lineage, and pedigree, even more on inheritance, while saying that class has a specific geography with class-zoned neighborhoods, and stated that convincing people that poor whites are enemies of black Americans is a way to divide people, concluding that "not only are we not a post-racial society, we are certainly not a post-class society."
Note: This was originally posted on Feb. 6, 2023 on the main Packed with Packards WordPress blog (it can also be found on the Wayback Machine here). My research is still ongoing, so some conclusions in this piece may change in the future.
© 2023 Burkely Hermann. All rights reserved.
0 notes
buckets-and-trees · 2 years
Forest of Fics [masterlist]
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an ask about a water creature C!Evans character [bullet point drabble] Bolotnik!Curtis Everett x Female!Reader | explicit smut, non-con, dub con, terato/monster fucking
Love That's Laid Beside Me [5k] King!Steve x Queen!Female!Reader | explicit smut, part of the Cedar Trees Royal AU
It Fit Too Right [690] soft!dark Nomad!Steve x female!reader | smut
Prepare for Takeoff [1.5k] soft!dark!mafia Andy Barber x female!reader | tw: dub con, explicit smut, part of the I'm Your Man collection
Morning Radiance [750] soft!dark!mafia Andy Barber x female!reader | tw: dub con, explicit smut, somnophilia, part of the I'm Your Man collection
Waiting On One Look [300] alpha Ari Levinson x female!omega!reader | apocalyptic omegaverse, referenced smut
Give Up [450] soft dark alpha Bucky x female!omega!reader | tw: DUB CON, explicit smut
The Only Way of Knowing You [7.8k] leshy!Nick Fowler x female!Reader | modern AU, smut, tw: dub con
CEDAR TREES [royal AU collection] f!Reader insert, king!Steve, Royal AU, smut, fluff
DEVOUR [short series] soft!dark Bucky x f!Reader insert, mob AU, non/dub-con start, explicit SMUT
Sacrificial [3.5k] Minotaur!Bucky x f!scientist!Reader (modern AU) dark SMUT/monster fucking, dub-con
Desperate [3k] Bucky Barnes x f!Reader | SMUT dubious consent, sex pollen, kidnapping
WARM SHADOWS [post-endgame omegaverse series] Alpha!Bucky x f!reader, Alpha!Captain Hydra x f!reader | DARK SMUT, tw: non con, tw: dub con, fluff beginning
events & challenges
Aspen's Holiday Extravaganza 2022
Into an Alternate June-iverse 2023
Hot Bucky Summer 2023
Bucky Barnes Bingo, Round Five - through January 2024
Aspen's 1st Anniversary Sleepover
'A Very Horny Monday to You...' August Sultry and Sinful List
Aspen's Dark Forest Fest - October 2023
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IN THE OPEN AIR [dual-part series] Gender Bend Mermaid AU, f!Reader insert
part one: Out of These Waters [7.9k]
part two: That Shore Up Above [will be continued TBD]
THE BROOKLYN BOYS [drabble series] female!Reader insert, slow burn
A MAN IS NOT HIS SONG [short series] female!Reader insert, slow burn, eventual smut, post-CA:WS era Bucky
1: More than a Melody's Needed
DEVOUR [short series] female!Reader insert, mob AU, non/dub-con start, explicit SMUT, mostly-dark!mob boss Bucky
salt - non-con fat - dub-con acid - totally con heat - coming Nov/Dec 2023 post series-drabbles: mint | yeast
BUCK'S ELEVEN [snapshot series] historical AU, Ocean's Eleven-style heist premise
Buck's Eleven (original one-shot) [1.6k] Bucky, mentions of ex-wife!Reader, Steve
WARM SHADOWS [post-endgame omegaverse series] Alpha!Bucky x f!reader, Alpha!Captain Hydra x f!reader | DARK SMUT, tw: non con, tw: dub con, fluff beginning
Into Cursed Pixie Dust [9k] female!Reader insert, SMUT, morally grey Winter Soldier
Silent Screams in Wildest Dreams [8k] female!Reader insert, SMUT, dark ending
hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have [2k] dark!Wanda + Bucky x gender neutral!Reader, non-con/dub-con smut DARK FIC
Sacrificial [3.5k] Minotaur!Bucky x female!scientist!Reader (modern AU) dark SMUT/monster fucking, dub-con + follow up drabble: Do You Remember?
Talk [2k] Pleasure Dom!Bucky (modern AU) SMUT, BDSM, forced orgasm
Perfectionists [2.2k] + Test Play [1.8k] Game Designer!Bucky x female!reader (modern AU) SMUT
Desperate [3k] female reader, SMUT, dubious consent, sex pollen, kidnapping
Uncertain and Sure [550] Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader | follow up drabble to Desperate, slight angst, feels, no smut
Insatiable [1850] Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader | more for the Desperate verse but can stand alone, explicit smut
The Pool Party Op [1.2k] female reader, SMUT
Meet Cute [2.2k] female reader, modern AU, first piece in the Trader James Collection
Saturday Night Movie Marathon [2.4k] female reader, SMUT
Don't Blame Me [<1k] female reader | SMUT, tw: infidelity
What You Want [2.7k] lawyer!Bucky x curvy!female assistant!reader| modern AU, power dynamic, periphery/secular reference to the Christmas holiday, vaginal fingering, use of "plum" as a term of endearment
Christmas Eve Eve [1.1k but slotting with the drabbles because it’s still short] gn!Reader insert, fluff
Tactics [650] TFATWS era Bucky, character study
Coffee Shop Meet-Cute Request [1.1k] post-TFATWS!Bucky Barnes x female!Reader, fluff
The Color Crimson [500] Bucky Barnes x female!Reader x Ari Levinson, SMUT
Nose-brush forehead kisses post-TFATWS!Bucky Barnes x Reader, fluff
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CEDAR TREES [royal AU collection] female!Reader insert, king!Steve, Royal AU, smut, fluff
THE BROOKLYN BOYS [drabble series] female!Reader insert, slow burn
WARM SHADOWS [post-endgame omegaverse series] Alpha!Bucky x f!reader, Alpha!Captain Hydra x f!reader | DARK SMUT, tw: non con, tw: dub con, fluff beginning
Tiny Vessels [1.5k] gender neutral Reader insert, end of Endgame Steve, brief moments of non-graphic physical intimacy follow up: Don't Forget You Were the One Who [1.3k] Steve returns
King [1k] female!Reader insert, mob!Steve, angst quickly resolved into fluff
Witchview [1.3k] female!Reader insert (witch!reader), Steve stays in the present after Endgame, post-WandaVision, smut, magic, manipulation, dark-ish
Peering In My Hollow Core [2.4k] Nomad!Steve x Morally Grey f!Reader | SMUT (dub-con sex pollen)
With You female!Reader insert, fluff, potential future Neighbor!Steve scenario/chaptered work
inspired by a Chris and Dodger gifset gender neutral Reader insert, fluff
Bookings and Rings female!Reader insert, Buck's Eleven Collection, light smut
Steve with a Breeding Kink [750] Steve x f!reader | soft dark SMUT, tw: dubious consent
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Sketch of Sam and Natasha [1k] Nat x Sam, exploring a CA: The Winter Soldier theory/close “reading of the text”
Are We Falling [1k] Sam x female!Reader, smut, post!TFATWS
Consort [2.3k] Namor x female!Reader, smut, post Wakanda Forever Companion [3.3k] Namor x female!Reader, smut, part two of Consort
The Ashes In My Wake [1.2k] dark!Daredevil x female!Reader, non-con smut
These Hands Had To [1k] Alpha!Joaquin Torres x female!Omega!Reader, omegaverse, fluff to smut, post!TFATWS
hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have [2k] dark!Wanda + Bucky x gn!Reader, non-con/dub-con smut DARK FIC
Late Night Quickie Natasha Romanoff x Joaquin Torres | Gamer AU, SMUT
Lexicon Post (Prologue, premise, context, character list)
Part One: Unrest - Steve, Bucky, Thanos, Natasha
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Unholy Errand [4k] Lloyd Hansen x female!Reader, God the Bounty Hunter x female!Reader, Ransom Drysdale SMUT, dark, non-con, dub-con
I'm Your Man [3k] soft!dark Mafia!Andy Barber x f!reader SMUT, tw: dubcon
The Color Crimson [500] Bucky Barnes x female!Reader x Ari Levinson | SMUT
Exactly Like You [1k] Nick Fowler x Female!Reader | soft dark, reference to smut happening, Stockholm syndrome
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Can’t Be Forgotten [4.5k] Lily Luna Potter x Tom Riddle, soft dark
1K notes · View notes
roamanddiscover · 10 months
Cook Islands
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The Cook Islands are a collection of 15 islands in the South Pacific, located between Hawaii and New Zealand. The main island, Rarotonga, is the hub of the country and serves as the capital. The islands are known for their breathtaking beauty, crystal clear waters, and unique culture. The Cook Islands are believed to have been settled around 600 AD, with the Polynesians being the first inhabitants. In 1888, the islands became a British protectorate, and in 1901, they were annexed by New Zealand. Today, the Cook Islands are a self-governing territory in free association with New Zealand. The terrain of the Cook Islands is diverse, ranging from coral atolls to volcanic islands. The warm tropical climate makes the islands an ideal destination for a tropical getaway. The economy of the Cook Islands is primarily based on tourism, with many visitors drawn to the islands for their natural beauty and unique cultural experiences. The Cook Islands have a rich culture that is deeply rooted in Polynesian traditions. The people of the Cook Islands are warm and welcoming, and visitors to the islands are often struck by the kindness and hospitality of the locals. Music and dance are an important part of Cook Islands culture, with drumming and chanting being particularly popular. The cuisine of the Cook Islands is a delicious blend of Polynesian, Melanesian, and Western influences. The islands are famous for their fresh fish and seafood, as well as their tropical fruits and vegetables. Visitors to the islands can sample a wide variety of dishes, from traditional fish curry to modern fusion cuisine. In recent years, the Cook Islands have made significant strides in industrial development, with a focus on renewable energy and sustainable tourism. The islands are also known for their commitment to conservation, with many initiatives in place to protect the unique flora and fauna of the Cook Islands. Visitors to the Cook Islands can enjoy a wide range of activities, from relaxing on the beach to exploring the islands' fascinating history and culture. Whether you're interested in hiking, snorkeling, or trying your hand at traditional fishing techniques, there's something for everyone in the Cook Islands. the Cook Islands are a unique and fascinating destination that offers a glimpse into a rich and diverse culture. From its stunning natural beauty to its warm and welcoming people, the Cook Islands are a must-visit destination for anyone looking for a tropical adventure.
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The Cook Islands are a group of 15 islands located in the South Pacific, and their name has a fascinating story behind it. The islands were named after the famous explorer Captain James Cook, who first visited them in the late 1700s. However, Cook did not actually discover the islands; they were already inhabited by the Polynesians who had been living there for centuries before Cook arrived. The Maori name for the Cook Islands is "Kuki 'Airani", which means "the islands of the great chief 'Airani". 'Airani was a powerful leader who is said to have ruled over the islands before the arrival of the Europeans. The name "Cook Islands" was chosen in honor of Captain Cook's contributions to the exploration and mapping of the South Pacific. The islands were formally annexed by Great Britain in the late 1800s and became a British protectorate. Today, the Cook Islands are a self-governing territory in free association with New Zealand, and the name "Cook Islands" serves as a reminder of the islands' rich history and unique cultural heritage.
The history of the Cook Islands is rich and diverse, dating back over a thousand years. The first settlers were believed to have arrived from Polynesia in around 800 AD, with subsequent waves of migration from nearby islands. The islands were visited by European explorers in the 16th century, and named after Captain James Cook, who landed on the islands in 1773. The arrival of European traders and missionaries in the 19th century brought significant changes to the culture and way of life for the islanders. The Cook Islands became a British protectorate in 1888 and were later annexed by New Zealand in 1901. The islands gained self-governance in 1965 and became a self-governing territory in free association with New Zealand in 1965. Throughout its history, the Cook Islands have faced a number of challenges, including diseases brought by European visitors, natural disasters, and economic struggles. However, the resilience of the people and their strong connection to their culture have helped them persevere. - In 2017, the Cook Islands celebrated the 50th anniversary of self-governance, highlighting the progress and achievements made in the past half-century. - The islands continue to maintain their unique cultural traditions, including the practice of tapa cloth making, traditional dance and music, and elaborate tattoo art. - Tourism has become a major industry for the Cook Islands, providing jobs and economic opportunities for locals. Today, the Cook Islands are a vibrant and welcoming community, proud of their rich history and culture. Visitors can experience the unique blend of traditional Polynesian culture and modern amenities, making the islands an attractive destination for travelers from around the world. Geology The Cook Islands have a distinct and diverse geology that contributes to their unique landscape. The islands were formed by volcanic activity, and their geography reflects this. The volcanic eruptions that created the islands also gave rise to a range of features, including mountains, valleys, and waterfalls. The main island of Rarotonga, for example, is dominated by mountains that rise up in the center of the island. These peaks have eroded over time, leaving deep valleys and ravines that give the island its distinctive shape. The island is also surrounded by a fringing reef, which protects its shores from the effects of the ocean. In addition to the volcanic activity, the Cook Islands also have a limestone base that contributes to their unique landscape. This porous rock has been worn away by the ocean over millennia, creating stunning natural features such as caves, sinkholes, and underground rivers. The unique geology of the Cook Islands provides a rich habitat for a range of flora and fauna. The islands are home to many indigenous species, including birds, plants, and insects, that have evolved to thrive in this unique environment. Many of these species are rare or endangered, and conservation efforts are in place to protect them. Visitors to the Cook Islands can explore its geology by visiting some of the island's natural attractions, such as the Anatakitaki Cave on Rarotonga or the Vaerota Stone Garden on Aitutaki. The islands also offer opportunities for hiking, mountain climbing, and exploring the underwater world of the fringing reef. the Cook Islands' unique geology is an important part of its identity and a major draw for visitors. Its stunning landscape, rich biodiversity, and unique natural features make it a fascinating destination for anyone interested in the natural world. Geography The Cook Islands are a vibrant archipelago located in the South Pacific Ocean, northeast of New Zealand. The islands consist of 15 small islands and two large ones, Rarotonga and Aitutaki, which act as the central hubs of the islands. These islands span over 2 million square kilometers of the Pacific Ocean, situated within the Polynesian Triangle with its three points marked by Hawaii, Easter Island, and New Zealand. The Cook Islands are known for their stunning natural beauty, and their geography plays a significant role in this. The islands are home to picturesque lagoons with crystal clear waters and vibrant coral reefs, palm tree-lined white sand beaches, and lush tropical jungles. Rarotonga, the island that hosts the main airport and largest population (13,000), boasts a stunning mountainous terrain and a vibrant Muri lagoon, perfect for snorkeling and swimming. The archipelago's location and geography make it a popular destination for beach lovers, water sports enthusiasts, and nature lovers alike. The islands' volcanic origins create a diverse terrain ranging from sandy lowlands to lush forested hills. The Cook Islands are often referred to as paradise on earth, and visitors are always in awe of the beauty these tiny islands have to offer. Visitors can relax on the beaches, swim in the clear waters, explore the lush forests, and immerse themselves in the vibrant culture, making the Cook Islands the perfect destination for those seeking paradise. Ecology The Cook Islands are a natural wonderland, with a plethora of unique ecosystems to explore. From the crystal-clear waters of the lagoon to the lush rainforests and coral reefs, there is no shortage of natural wonders to discover. One of the most notable features of the Cook Islands' ecology is its stunning coral reefs. The reefs around the islands are home to an incredible variety of marine life, including colorful fish, sea turtles, and even sharks. However, these delicate ecosystems are under threat from climate change, pollution, and overfishing. To protect the reefs and other vital ecosystems in the Cook Islands, a number of conservation efforts are in place. The Cook Islands Marine Park, established in 2017, is one such initiative. This marine park covers over 1.1 million square kilometers and is designed to protect the marine environment, including the coral reefs, from threats such as overfishing and pollution. Another key conservation effort is the Cook Islands Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan, which aims to protect the many unique species that call the islands home. This plan includes initiatives such as habitat restoration, pest control, and education programs to raise awareness of the importance of biodiversity. Beyond the marine environment, the Cook Islands are also home to a variety of terrestrial ecosystems, including rainforests, wetlands, and grasslands. These ecosystems are vital to the health of the islands' soils, watersheds, and wildlife. To protect these ecosystems, the Cook Islands National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan includes initiatives such as the restoration of degraded ecosystems, the reduction of invasive species, and the promotion of sustainable agriculture and forestry practices. the ecology of the Cook Islands is incredibly diverse and rich, and the conservation efforts in place are vital to ensure that these ecosystems remain vibrant and healthy for future generations to enjoy. Through a combination of education, awareness-raising, and practical conservation initiatives, the Cook Islands are working to create a sustainable future for both their people and their environment. Biodiversity The Cook Islands are known for their vast and diverse range of biodiversity. Their unique location in the South Pacific has made it a haven for several rare species of both flora and fauna. Some of the most notable bird species found in the Cook Islands are the Rarotonga flycatcher, Rimatara lorikeet, and the Kuhl's lorikeet. The Rimatara lorikeet, in particular, is a rare bird species that can only be found on the islands of Rimatara and Atiu in the Cook Islands. The marine life in the Cook Islands is also incredibly diverse. One of the most popular tourist attractions is the Aitutaki Lagoon, which is home to over 400 different species of fish. Some of these fish include tuna, marlin, and swordfish. The lagoon is also home to several species of sharks, including the blacktip reef shark and the whitetip reef shark. Aside from the fish, the Cook Islands are also home to several species of sea turtles, including the green sea turtle and the hawksbill turtle. The hawksbill turtle is an endangered species, but conservation efforts in the Cook Islands are helping to preserve and protect their habitat. Furthermore, the islands are home to several species of plants and trees, some of which can only be found in the Cook Islands. One of the most unique plants is the Cook Islands coffee plant, which produces a type of coffee that is only found in the region. The Cook Islands are also home to several species of bats, including the Pacific flying fox, which is the largest bat found in the region. These bats play an important role in the ecosystem, as they help to pollinate flowers and distribute seeds. the biodiversity in the Cook Islands is incredibly diverse and unique. The conservation efforts in place are helping to protect these species and their habitats, ensuring that they will continue to thrive for generations to come.
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Rimatara lorikeet
The climate of the Cook Islands is tropical, with year-round warm temperatures and plenty of sunshine. The islands are located in the South Pacific Ocean, between French Polynesia and American Samoa. The average temperature range throughout the year is between 26°C to 28°C (79°F to 82°F). The coolest months are between May and October, while the warmest months are from December through March. The humidity is high, particularly during the rainy season, which is from November to March. The Cook Islands are generally unaffected by tropical cyclones due to their location. However, heavy rainfalls can occur during the wet season, so it’s important to be prepared and bring appropriate rain gear. The ocean temperature remains warm throughout the year, ranging from 26°C to 29°C (79°F to 84°F). The water is crystal clear, making it perfect for swimming and other water activities. However, be aware of strong currents and undertows in some areas. the Cook Islands offer a warm and tropical climate throughout the year, making it the perfect destination for travelers seeking sunshine and relaxation.
Environmental Issues
The Cook Islands face a range of environmental challenges, including climate change, overfishing, and pollution. Rising sea levels threaten the islands and their ecosystems, while overfishing puts pressure on marine life and coral reefs. Pollution from plastic waste is also a concern, with efforts underway to reduce single-use plastics and promote recycling. To address these issues, the Cook Islands government has implemented a range of policies and initiatives. These include the establishment of marine parks and protected areas, as well as restrictions on fishing and other activities that could harm the environment. The government has also set targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase renewable energy use. In addition, the Cook Islands have partnered with other countries and organizations to tackle environmental challenges. The Pacific Islands Forum, for example, has launched initiatives to address climate change and protect marine biodiversity. The Cook Islands have also established partnerships with New Zealand and Australia to promote sustainable development and address environmental issues. Efforts are being made to educate locals and tourists alike about the importance of environmental conservation. Tour operators and tourism businesses are encouraged to adopt sustainable practices, and visitors are urged to minimize their impact on the environment. The Cook Islands have also encouraged the use of eco-friendly products and recycling, with initiatives such as plastic bag bans and beach clean-ups. while the Cook Islands face significant environmental challenges, the government and its partners are taking steps to mitigate them and promote sustainable development. Through these efforts, the Cook Islands hope to preserve their unique natural beauty and diverse ecosystems for future generations.
The Cook Islands is a self-governing territory in free association with New Zealand. The government structure of the Cook Islands is based on the Westminster system of parliamentary democracy, with a unicameral legislature and a cabinet headed by a Prime Minister. The Queen of New Zealand is the head of state, represented by a Governor-General appointed by the New Zealand government. The Cook Islands has a multi-party political system, with two main political parties – the Cook Islands Party and the Democratic Party. However, politics in the Cook Islands are often influenced by traditional customs and values. The House of Ariki, a council of traditional leaders, has an advisory role in the government and plays an important role in decision-making. The unicameral legislature is called the Parliament of the Cook Islands and consists of 24 members. Members of Parliament are elected by popular vote for a four-year term. The Speaker of the House is elected by the members and chairs the meetings of Parliament. The Prime Minister is appointed by the Queen's Representative, who is the representative of the New Zealand government, and is usually the leader of the political party that commands a majority in Parliament. The Prime Minister appoints a Cabinet from among the members of Parliament. The Cabinet is responsible for advising the Queen's Representative on the appointment of government officials and the formulation of government policy. The judiciary of the Cook Islands is independent of the legislative and executive branches of government. The highest court is the Court of Appeal, which hears appeals from the High Court of the Cook Islands. The High Court has jurisdiction over all criminal and civil matters in the Cook Islands. Judges of the High Court are appointed by the Queen's Representative on the advice of the Prime Minister. The Cook Islands has a strong tradition of democracy and political stability. Its government is committed to promoting economic development, protecting the environment, and preserving the culture and traditions of the Cook Islands. The political climate in the Cook Islands is generally peaceful and friendly, with a focus on consensus-building and cooperation. The government works closely with civil society organizations and the private sector to promote community development and improve the lives of Cook Islanders.
The economy of the Cook Islands is heavily reliant on tourism, which accounts for more than 80% of their GDP. The country's secluded location and stunning natural beauty make it a popular destination for honeymooners, adventurers, and beachgoers alike. In addition to tourism, agriculture and fishing also contribute to the Cook Islands' economy. The agricultural sector is small but significant, producing mainly citrus fruits, pawpaws, and vegetables for local consumption. Fishing is also an important industry, with exports of fish and shellfish, primarily to Japan, the United States, and New Zealand. The government is focused on sustainable practices to ensure the long-term health of the Cook Islands' fisheries. Aside from tourism, the Cook Islands' financial services sector is another major contributor to its economy. The country serves as an offshore center for international business companies, trusts, and captive insurance. Read the full article
0 notes
fatehbaz · 2 years
When in 1923, Mathias F. Chapman arrived in the Port of Los Angeles with 11 chinchillas, few expected that he would revolutionize the fur-trade business. Previous attempts to breed the little Andean mammal in captivity had failed, and traders and consumers feared that the days of the chinchilla coat, a garment that usually required 110 skins, would soon be over. But despite all odds, in 1946, Life magazine reported, there were near 200,000 chinchillas raised in captivity in the United States. Breeding had replaced hunting, and the chinchilla became a North American commodity.
To understand this radical transformation, we need to go back to the Andes and Chapman’s crossing. Traveling through Chile in the 1830s, French naturalist Claudio Gay saw for the first time a chinchilla, one of the “most beautiful animals,” as he wrote in his natural history. The Chinchilla lanigera (Molina 1782) was the most sought and valued chinchilla. It originally lived in the Chilean valleys of Illapel and Choapa to the south of Peru and Bolivia, a territory known for its mining industry, arid landscape, and limited vegetation. Indigenous people, wrote José de Acosta in his Natural and Moral History of the Indies (1589), used animal hair to make blankets and coverings.
Throughout the nineteenth century, hunting came in tandem with the expansion of the mining industry and the destruction of local habitats such as the algarrobilla, a shrub sought for its tannins that chinchillas also consumed.
The docile mammal with a soft coat became a global commodity, complementing a collection of South American animals used for fur, including seals and guanacos. Between 1898 and 1910, Chile exported about seven million chinchilla pelts per year. Pushed by high prices and soaring demand, hunters used fire and dogs without discriminating between old and young or male and female animals. Hunting methods, lack of regulation, and rising demand in the North Atlantic created the perfect storm.
In 1919, Chapman got a job as a mining engineer in the copper town of Potrerillos, in the southern tip of the Atacama Desert. By then, the chinchilla was almost extinct. [...] While working at the mine, Chapman bought a chinchilla from a trapper and spent the next three to four years looking for animals to raise. He [...]  traveled throughout the Andes to Peru, Bolivia, and Argentina. His experience was not unique. US engineers working in Latin America usually toured the surrounding areas. Hunting, exploration, and expeditions were part of their culture, their recreational activity, which informed the way they experienced what they saw as remote regions.
Previous efforts to raise chinchillas in captivity had failed. In the early 1920s, scientific knowledge about this animal was still scarce. [...] Relocating chinchillas from their home environment to southern California was a grueling task. Chapman designed a special cage for the ocean trip between Chile and Los Angeles. As John Angus Haig wrote in the Nation’s Business magazine in 1937, Chapman “built an ingenious box with chinchilla pens in the ends and an ice compartment in the middle.” He slowly moved them to lower altitudes to guarantee acclimation, and after a year, they were ready to sail north. The trip from Iquique, Chile, to Los Angeles Harbor took about forty days and was incredibly challenging. Despite his constant care, one chinchilla died, and all lost their hair. [...] Then, he moved the animals down to Inglewood, South Los Angeles. The Chapman farm produced knowledge about domestication and acclimation, attracting visitors from Hollywood stars to animal experts. Many would come to replicate his route, method, and, especially, the icebox. In 1939, the LA Times reported that James F. Mitchell adapted the icebox to bring chinchillas from Peru to San Diego, California, where he and his wife opened a ranch. The chinchilla business thrived. [...]
The breeding business expanded in the 1930s–1940s, and farms popped up throughout the western United States and Canada. But while many advertised it as a lucrative activity that could supplement ranchers’ income, raising chinchillas was hard work. The animals were delicate and susceptible to high temperatures and diseases, the daily cleaning of the cages was time-consuming, and profit was unreliable. According to a booklet from the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), ranchers kept the animals in metal, wood, or wired-floored pens in basements or other dark buildings. Space was always an issue, especially in ranches located in semi-urban areas such as the San Fernando Valley. While many admired their beauty and friendliness, they were a commodity and a business. Ranchers kept records, weighed them regularly, and tattooed an identification number in one of their ears. Most ranchers were breeders, but the largest ones also sold pelts. To kill a chinchilla without damaging the fur, they injected Nembutal or strychnine [...].
Text by: Angela Vergara. “From Wilderness to Breeding Farms: The Domestication of the Chinchilla lanigera.” Environment & Society Portal, Arcadia no. 15. Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society. Summer 2022. [Bolded emphasis added by me.]
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malyn---0420 · 1 year
Beware of Scammers
 Today, there are lots of scammers in the internet. There are scammers in bitcoin investments, in online loans and even to the extent of hacking your fb accounts for the purpose of promoting the alleged business using your Facebook friends. 
In online investments like the bitcoin of cryptocurrency and even in Forex and binary trade, scammers are there promoting you to invest with them with a promise that your investment will get triple after a day. Take the case of some bitcoin experts. To name, there is Beauty Queen FX Trader who will encourage you to invest. But she requires payment from time to time such as membership fee, trading fee, bank transfer fee, bank tax, escrow fee and many more.  This person is using Beauty Queen FX Trader as her Facebook account. When you call her in the messenger, a man is the one communicating with you and not a woman. She with other two who are alleged employees of Bitcoin Online Trading Investment has these WhatsApp numbers: 
+ 1 (406) 905 1206 claiming to be the Crypto Commissioner and CEO of the company
+ 1 (801) 784 8287 claiming to be the Crypto Hazing
+ 234 807 809 7822 whose WhatsApp Business name is Kelvin DC claiming to be the owner of the company.
Another scammer in the Bitcoin industry is Tuva Eliassen of Investment Management Company who is a Forex Trader and Senior Account Manager at Forex Bitcoin Trading. She is also collecting huge payments from time to time with a promise that it is the last payment and the profits will be successfully transferred to your bank account. This person has the Facebook account of Tuva Eliassen. In WhatsApp,  her numbers . are +63 955 680 2709 and +55 81 8164 4678.
James Pereira alleged Forex Trader has another way of scamming you. He will first hacked your FB account and then use your FB  friends to scam; that is by encouraging your friends to invest with him. My FB account was hacked by him and he is still active using my account in promoting and encouraging my friends without my consent. He is really a devil by deeds. 
In online loans, there are also scammers to loaners who applied with them by collecting fees and no loan will be given to you. They are  are scammers defrauding innocent borrowers by collecting different kinds of fees with their promise to release the loan immediately. Fees like processing fees ( this is ok) but the others are no supposedly not to be collected from the borrowers like upgrade of GCash, slow internet connection, transfer fees, late for few hours they collect fee for late payment and many more.
Other scammers used a system, you apply in apps although successfully approved you have to pay membership fee and when you pay your loan is freeze for you to pay a fee for unfreezing your account. But if you ask from your basic info doubting that the bank account was change they will not give it.
I would like to enumerate them: 
Eniola Adebayo and her manager using messenger
These are the WhatsApp numbers they are using::
+63 955 283 6201
+234 704 542 3657
+234 818 066 6699
+ 1(936) 223 9255. This is TOM_RICHIE
We should allow ourselves to be fooled or defrauded by these persons
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theresah331 · 1 year
Links for White Mist dog
White mist dog Animals Big Horn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ez7RUSCUhzk
Geography Big Horn wyoming https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Horn,_Wyoming Historical figures Henry Atkinson
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Atkinson_(soldier) Joshua Pilcher https://www.legendsofamerica.com/joshua-pilcher-trader-and-indian-agent/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joshua_Pilcher
Philosophy Hegel https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/hegel/ Hobbs Leviathan https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leviathan_(Hobbes_book) Leviathan https://www.bl.uk/collection-items/hobbess-leviathan Kant Critique of pure reason https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critique_of_Pure_Reason Plato Allegory of the cave https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWlUKJIMge4&t=1s Allegory of the cave https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allegory_of_the_cave Roussou Confessions https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confessions_(Rousseau) Emile, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emile,_or_On_Education The social contract https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Social_Contract Discourse and inequality https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discourse_on_Inequality Noble Savage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AjxHCFA7-7U Human nature vs culture https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pawpkb5ff6E&t=1s Political theory https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81KfDXTTtXE Shelling The phenomenology of the mind https://www.britannica.com/topic/The-Phenomenology-of-Mind
Plants Native Sunflowers for Conservation Use in Montana and Wyoming https://www.nrcs.usda.gov/plantmaterials/mtpmctn12457.pdf Chokecherry https://www.wildflower.org/plants/result.php?id_plant=PRVI https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prunus_virginiana Death Camas https://csuvth.colostate.edu/poisonous_plants/Plants/Details/36 FORAGING FOR WILD GARLIC AND WILD ONIONS https://www.mossyoak.com/our-obsession/blogs/closer-to-nature/foraging-for-wild-garlic-and-wild-onions https://foraging.sycamore.garden/plants/edible-wild-onions-garlic Prairie Turnip https://dnr.wi.gov/topic/EndangeredResources/Plants.asp?mode=detail&SpecCode=PDFAB5L0B0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFBad7JV8Tc James's Wild Potato (Solanum jamesii) Flowers - Ninja Gardening - Episode 47 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhjQM1qkDEU&t=1s Wild Potato https://anps.org/2015/08/12/know-your-natives-wild-potato-vine/ https://cipotato.org/potato/wild-potato-species/ Pomme de terre https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pomme_de_Terre Sacred Cedar https://huuayaht.org/services/language-culture/sacred-cedar/ Service Berries https://hortnews.extension.iastate.edu/faq/what-are-serviceberries Sego Lily https://historytogo.utah.gov/sego-lily/ https://plants.usda.gov/DocumentLibrary/plantguide/pdf/pg_canu3.pdf Yampa https://www.vespermeadow.org/blog/2021/1/25/native-food-plants-meet-the-plants-ii https://galileo.org/kainai/yampa/ Wild Carrot https://fieldguide.mt.gov/speciesDetail.aspx?elcode=PDAPI0X010 https://www.pollenlibrary.com/Local/Genus/Daucus/in/Teton%20County/WY/ Wyoming wild flowers https://www.americansouthwest.net/plants/wildflowers/wyoming.shtml https://uswildflowers.com/wfquery.php?State=WY Tribes Aeolian https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aeolian Arikawa https://www.legendsofamerica.com/na-arikarawar/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arikara Camassia Quamash https://www.gardenia.net/plant/camassia-quamash-blue-melody Kansas https://www.kshs.org/kansapedia/kaws-or-kanzas-kansas/17371 Ioway https://www.legendsofamerica.com/ia-ioway/ Lakota https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lakota_people Omaha https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omaha_people Omtribe https://www.omtribe.org/ Osage https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osage_Nation Pawnee https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pawnee_mythology https://www.everyculture.com/North-America/Pawnee-Religion-and-Expressive-Culture.html
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whatsonmedia · 1 year
Music Monday: Latest Music Tracks of This Week!
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Welcome to the ultimate dancefloor experience, meticulously curated by music editor Adam Humphries. Prepare to ignite your soul and unleash your inner groove with this precision-curated playlist. Featuring recently released upbeat tracks, this selection guarantees a non-stop music extravaganza that will leave you breathless. Get ready to dance like there's no tomorrow and embark on an unforgettable week of electrifying beats and unstoppable moves. Let the music be your guide and let the rhythm take control! Africa Oyé announces FULL MUSIC LINE-UP for 2023 Festival in Sefton Park! Eclectic music festival, Africa Oye, is on this summer and is all set to be a celebration of music of all things from African to the wider Disapora. There will be many musical acts who will take centre stage to represent Cuba, Ghana, Colombia and D.R Congo  Taking over Sefton Park for two days this Summer on the 17th and 18th June 2023, artists from Liverpool to Accra, Havana to London musicians both unknown and from TikTok will put on a huge musical extravaganza. Headlining this year's festival are Afrobeat superstar, Seun Kuti (son of Fela Kuti) and pioneering dancehall singer, Tanya Stephens. They are also joined on the line-up by British/Congolese rapper and singer, ZieZie whose addition to the line-up will delight his 100,000+ followers on TikTok.  On 17th & 18th June 2023, thousands in Sefton Park will celebrate the music and culture of Africa with two free days of fantastic music, workshops, DJs, dance, food stalls and a range of traders in the Village. Entrance is FREE and you do not need a ticket. Harry Heart releases new album - “Cambistry” following sold out NFT collection! Same Solution, G.O.M.Y.O, Diving Bell, Heat and Can't be Led, just five of the songs from Harry Heart's new upcoming album Cambistry due out soon.  The album is a stylish mix of rock, acoustic, ambient and soul based sounds that have all been put together to make an absolute corker of a record. And an Absolute corker is definitely one of the words I'd use to describe it. After hearing little tasters even, I enjoyed hearing it and if you listen carefully, you can hear the LCD Soundsystem and James Blake influences.  https://open.spotify.com/album/09YuUeMSnYSDcqDLH4Ns2n?si=QpXZ9xhVQ8emVQXRAr5-hw RICHARD WALTERS - Reveals new solo track "Move On" || Announces UK Shows Sorry can be a hard one to say at best but in this case, Richard Walters has sung it instead. Move On is a gentle heartfelt melodic tune which wears its heart on its sleeve. Richard's voice carries plenty of feeling as he expresses his regrets from his past so as to reconcile. After being away for a year and a half this is certainly a superb choice for a comeback track and his talent as a solo artist is evident  He will be performing the song as part of his set as part of his upcoming tour later this year in November  RETURNS WITH ATMOSPHERIC, AFFECTING NEW SINGLE:  "MOVE ON" RELEASED 26 MAY, VIA NETTWERK STREAM ON ALL SERVICES HERE https://richardwalters.ffm.to/moveon UK TOUR DATES THIS NOVEMBER - TICKETS https://www.richardwaltersmusic.co.uk/live RICHARD WALTERS - LIVE DATES 2023 24 Nov - BRISTOL, The Louisiana 25 Nov - OXFORD, Jericho Tavern 29 Nov - MANCHESTER, The Castle Hotel 30 Nov - LONDON, The Grace MONOGRAMS - Releases Breathless "Carry The Weight" || New Album 'A Fine Commitment' out 16 June Electronic rock fusion at its finest, that or Ian Jacobs, music maestro behind MONOGRAMS, has possibly taken a leaf out of Kraftwerk's book. Carry The Weight has what can best be described as an invigorating track which has its foot in the future whilst keeping another in the past yet still makes its place in the present. Ian is every bit an amazing frontman regardless of the band being a one-man project.  Carry The Weight is proof in the pudding of electronic rock excellence  MONOGRAMS NYC 'NUKE WAVE' ARTIST RETURNS WITH THE BREATHLESS: "CARRY THE WEIGHT"  STREAM ON YOUTUBE HERE https://youtu.be/Tff1183W3XU ALL SERVICES HERE https://orcd.co/jp1dv38 Read the full article
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