#translation: I will succeed where you failed but I won't fail
lab-gr0wn-lambs · 2 months
To be honest the dialogue in twd is absolute ass sometimes but the actors deliver their lines with so much conviction that it kinda slips by. You yell that convoluted sentence with your whole cunt, girl.
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cosmicdream222 · 2 months
An interview with a shifter who has been “time leaping” since 2001
I found this website of an interview with a Japanese shifter known as Mr. Kanda. He figured out how to shift back in time when he was in middle school - he calls it “time leaping”.
The original website is in Japanese and can be found here.
Mr. Kanda was born in 1986, and around 2001 failed his high school entrance exam. Due to his intense regret, he shifted back in time to repeat middle school. He then made multiple time leaps repeating certain years of his life, studying different subjects in high school and pursuing different careers. At the time of the interview, he says he has lived about 70-80 years of life.
I translated some of the most interesting parts below.
Note: a Tulpa is a phenomenon that’s like an imaginary friend that actually becomes a sentient separate consciousness from you. It’s an entirely different rabbit hole, so you can just think of it as a dream character to understand his story.
My notes are written in [brackets].
Mr Kanda’s First Time Leap Story
Kanda: When I was meditating on my futon, I started to have a lucid dream.
At that time, Tulpa talked to me and said, "If you raise your clarity to the maximum in your dream, wouldn't it be possible to time leap, or even move around the world?" I tried it, but no matter how much I increased the clarity, it still felt like a dream.
So Tulpa said, "If you get absorbed in something you like, you won't be able to hear the voices around you, and your focus will gain momentum. You will eventually forget that you’re dreaming," so as a result of playing in the dreamworld, I spent about a week in a dream without knowing it.
At that time, I suddenly realized, "This is a dream", but I had already completely forgotten the feeling of the original world, and the dream world had become my new reality.
After thinking about why I didn't come back even though I realized it was a dream, the answer I came up with was, “It's because I completely lost my sense of the original world.”
To explain it another way, wouldn’t it be disorienting if I told you that the person you are right now is in a lucid dream of another person? That’s what it was like for me. My dream had actually become my reality, and I forgot about my old reality.
Q: What was the reason for your first time-leap?
Kanda: I think because something bad happened and I wanted to pretend it never happened.
The first time for me was probably a coincidence/accident. In fact, when I tried to do it again, I couldn't, so I started practicing with time leaps through lucid dreaming and meditation, and I got better at stabilizing and controlling them.
When people can’t do something, they hate it, but when they can do it, they love it. So once you succeed, even just once, your faith increases, and you know you can do it again!
Mr. Kanda’s Lucid Dreaming Method
Mr. Kanda recommends lucid dreams the most as a time-leap method. This is how he does it:
Before you go to sleep, first visualize in your head where you want to go. Then lie on your back and meditate. When you fall asleep, the images you were thinking about will run through your dreams. If you shift your consciousness to yourself in the dream, you will be able to act without being aware of what you are currently dreaming about.
In normal lucid dreaming, you become aware that you are dreaming right now [known as DILD or dream-induced lucid dream]. When trying to time-leap, the important thing is how much you can act in the dream in a way that is consistent with reality. He says it is important to “improve your clarity” to the point where it doesn’t feel like a dream anymore.
Mr. Kanda seems to be able to suddenly enter into a lucid dream from the moment he begins to sleep, [WILD - wake induced lucid dreaming] and he also teaches us how to do so:
First, relax.
In Kanda's case, he darkens his room 70 minutes before going to bed and drinks hot herbal tea. Adjust the temperature in the room to a comfortable level, then listen to some calming music. It's better to feel a little tired.
Once you get into bed, visualize and replay strong happy and positive memories in your mind. When you feel happy, close your eyes and calm down all at once and enter a meditative state.
Mr. Kanda recommends mindfulness meditation. Don't think about anything, just focus on the sound of your heart and breathing. When you successfully fall asleep from meditation, you are conscious but your body is asleep, and lucid dreaming begins.
Kanda meditates for 20 minutes every morning, not just when he wants to lucid dream. According to him, “conditioned reflexes” [creating habits] are important. By repeatedly performing a certain action, one eventually becomes able to enter that state without even trying.
Q: If the ‘you’ from another world were to time-leap to this world, what would happen to ‘you’ now?
Kanda: There seems to be a misunderstanding: there is only one consciousness.
Reality changes depending on where we place our consciousness in a world of infinite possibilities.
I do have consciousness in my other reality, but from the perspective of me in the current reality, it seems like I don't have consciousness.
In other words, my life in this other reality is as if it were controlled by a computer.
Of course, the same can be said for us. From the perspective of another reality’s consciousness, we too live our lives as if controlled by a computer.
In the end, even if consciousness from another reality shifts, the consciousness we see is always here. So no matter what they do, it has no effect on us.
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mariacallous · 5 months
A lot of people were surprised two weeks ago when Donald Trump started posting on social media about trying to repeal the Affordable Care Act. I certainly was.
The attempt to wipe out “Obamacare” in 2017 was one of his administration’s most spectacular policy failures, and one of its most damaging political failures too. The backlash to the unpopular effort was a big reason Democrats took back the House in 2018. Two years later, it helped put Joe Biden in the White House, while giving Democrats a narrow hold on the Senate as well. A sensible, thoughtful politician mindful of that experience would do everything to avoid the subject altogether. Or, if they were truly committed to the repeal cause out of principle, they would return to it only after developing a well-considered strategy to succeed where the last attempt failed.
Suffice to say it does not appear Trump did that.
The likely backstory, according to a report in Politico, is that a Wall Street Journal editorial on the Affordable Care Act “piqued his frustration” with the program, enough that he decided to post on Truth Social that he was “seriously looking at alternatives” to Obamacare and imploring fellow Republicans to “never give up” on trying to get rid of the law.
Trump’s own advisers didn’t seem to expect the post, based on the Politico story, and Republicans in Congress certainly didn’t. In the days that followed, they made clear their reluctance to try repeal again ― in no small part, I’m sure, because so many of them were around last time and remember how that all turned out.
Sen. Chuck Grassley, Iowa Republican and senior Finance Committee member, told a local radio station that “I don’t hear any Republicans talking about it.” His GOP colleague from South Dakota, Majority Whip John Thune, offered similar thoughts to Politico: “Boy, I haven’t thought about that one in a while.” Translation: “Are you f**king kidding me?” Their ambivalence makes even more sense given that repealing the Affordable Care Act now would likely be more difficult than it was in 2017, when the then-fledgling program’s widely publicized implementation problems ― like the catastrophic rollout of the HealthCare.gov online shopping site, or insurers pulling out of markets because they were losing so much money ― made it an easy target for political attacks.
Six years later, the website works great, insurers have figured out how to offer a profitable product and the markets are stable. People buying coverage on their own can have access to lower premiums and out-of-pocket costs because Biden and the Democrats have added to the program’s financial assistance.
That’s one reason that, relative to 2017, even more people are getting insurance through the program. Another is that voters in conservative states like Idaho and Missouri have since approved Medicaid expansions that their state Republican officials had been blocking, adding hundreds of thousands to the long list of Americans with something to lose if Obamacare goes away.
In short, the program is a lot more entrenched than it was before ― and, as the polls show, a lot more popular too. Just this week, a new Navigator survey found support for the Affordable Care Act at 61%. That’s the highest the poll ever recorded, and consistent with findings from the KFF monthly poll, which has been tracking support for the Affordable Care Act since it first became law in 2010. All of that makes it tempting to dismiss the threat of repeal ― and significance of the issue more generally. But that would be a mistake.
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terinour · 10 months
Harvey and the old lady / Harvey et la vieille dame
Harvey and the old lady
Harvey walked his loneliness as others would walk their dogs. He would collect the little things, a mundane event, the weather of the day and sometimes take a picture with his polaroid. He would slip his views and writings into a notebook. After a few years Harvey had become an explorer of the everyday and a collector of a new kind.
He did not believe that everything had been discovered and that nothing new could happen. For Harvey, there were still untapped and infinite resources, starting with the human interior. He had decided to dedicate himself to this research for the rest of his life. He was not in pursuit of precious stones, works of art or forgotten temples in the depths of inhospitable jungles, but of something that he himself could not define.
Harvey had many notebooks filled with notes and photos. That morning he sat on one of the park benches next to an old lady.
She turned to him and asked:
- Are you a writer?
- I write but I am not a writer
- It's just for you
- That's what it is
The old lady squinted her eyes as she looked towards the kindergarten. After a long silence she said:
- Excuse my indiscretion, but what are all these notebooks for?
- I am looking for some light, I am trying to understand myself
- It is normal not to understand everything. It is our way of living this incomprehension that distinguishes us from one another. I just have to come here and observe. Look at these children, for example. What does that inspire you? - They are not aware of the passage of time and this may be the source of their happiness. They easily get in touch with each other. They have fun with little, pieces of wood, stones. They succeed most naturally where others fail throughout their lives. It makes me think of this sentence of Nicolas Boileau: "He who lives contentedly with nothing possesses everything".
- Is this the kind of stuff you write in your notebooks? - Yes, I must have written it down somewhere
- Yes, but where did you write it down? In your notebook, in your brain or in your heart? Do you have children?
- No, I don't. For a while I lived with a woman who wanted them
- And you didn't want them?
- In fact, it was a time when I was very often annoyed and for nothing. One day I found myself alone with my anger.
The old lady nodded her head. She moved closer to him, stretching her wrinkled neck:
- You remind me of a penitent. You've never actually forgiven yourself.
Harvey didn't know what to say. Deep down he knew the old woman was right, but he couldn't accept it. She continued:
- You've gone from one extreme to the other
Harvey remained silent as she continued: - One day anger and the next day penitence. A long time ago someone said "stop doing, and just experience being". Perhaps you should accept yourself, and especially forgive yourself.
The old lady got up with difficulty, leaning on her cane. Before leaving him alone with himself, she concluded:
- When you get there, you will find that light. Then you won't need to search anymore.
Teri Nour
Note: I had translated my own text below in french. I apologize for this appoximative translation with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version).
Harvey et la vieille dame
Harvey promenait sa solitude comme d’autres auraient promené leur chien. Il collectait les petites choses, un événement banal, la météo du jour et parfois prenait une photo avec son polaroid. Il glissait ses vues et ses écrits dans un carnet. Au bout de quelques années Harvey était devenu un explorateur du quotidien et collectionneur d’un genre nouveau.
Il ne croyait pas que tout avait été découvert et que rien de nouveau ne pouvait arriver. Pour Harvey il demeurait des gisements inexplorés et infinis, à commencer par le territoire intérieur humain. Il avait donc décidé de se vouer à cette recherche pour le restant de ses jours. Il n’était pas à la poursuite de pierres précieuses, d’œuvres d’arts ni de temples oubliés au fond de jungles inhospitalières, mais de quelque chose qu’il n’arrivait lui-même pas à définir.
Harvey avait beaucoup de carnets noircis de notes et garnis de photos. Ce matin-là il s’était installé sur l’un des bancs du parc, à côté d’une vieille dame.
Elle se tourna vers lui et demanda : – Vous êtes écrivain ? – J’écris mais je ne suis pas écrivain – C’est juste pour vous en somme – C’est ça
La vieille dame plissa les yeux en regardant vers le jardin d’enfants. Après un long silence elle reprit : – Excusez mon indiscrétion mais, à quoi il vous servent tous ces carnets ? – Je cherche un peu de lumière, j’essaie de me comprendre – Il est normal de ne pas tout comprendre. C’est notre façon de vivre cette incompréhension qui nous distingue les uns des autres. Il me suffit de venir ici et d’observer. Regardez ces enfants par exemple. Que cela vous inspire-t-il ? – Ils n’ont pas conscience du temps qui passe et c’est peut-être là la source de leur bonheur. Ils entrent facilement en contact les uns avec les autres. Ils s’amusent avec peu, des bouts de bois, des cailloux. Ils arrivent le plus naturellement du monde là où d’autres échouent tout au long de leur vie. Cela me fait penser à cette phrase de Nicolas Boileau : « Qui vit content de rien possède toute chose » – C’est ce genre de trucs que vous écrivez dans vos carnets ? – Oui, j’ai du le noter quelque part – Oui mais où l’avez-vous noté ? Dans votre carnet, dans votre cerveau ou dans votre cœur ? Vous avez des enfants ? – Non. Un temps j’ai vécu avec une femme qui en aurait voulu – Et vous vous n’en vouliez pas ? – En fait c’était une époque où je m’énervais très souvent et pour un rien. Un jour je me suis retrouvé seul avec ma colère.
La vieille dame hochait la tête. Elle se rapprocha de lui en tendant son cou ridé : – Vous me faites penser à un pénitent. Vous ne vous êtes jamais pardonné en fait. Harvey ne sut quoi répondre. Au fond de lui il savait que la vieille avait raison, mais il n’arrivait pas à l’accepter. Elle reprit : – Vous êtes passé d’un extrême à l’autre Harvey resta silencieux tandis qu’elle poursuivait : – Un jour la colère et le lendemain la pénitence. Il y a longtemps quelqu’un a dit « arrêtez de faire, et faites l’expérience d’être, tout simplement ». Peut-être devriez-vous vous accepter, et surtout vous pardonner.
La vieille dame se leva difficilement, en s’appuyant sur sa canne. Avant de le laisser seul avec lui-même, elle conclut : – Lorsque vous y arriverez, vous trouverez cette lumière. Alors vous n’aurez plus besoin de chercher.
le 21 mars 2021
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fluffyferalkacchan · 3 years
Kacchan & Deku: Win to Save and Save to Win - A circular path of parallels (part 2.1)
I mentioned it in part 1, but Bakugou and Midoriya's character development relies heavily on them working on their basics flaws but also on removing their own internal shackles. Only after doing so, would they be able to properly become the hero they thrived to be.
In addition to the Win to Save and Save to Win transition they need to go through.
Midoriya must also work on mastering his quirk so that he could use it without hurting himself, and he must get rid of his shackles that is his admiration and idolization of All Might.
Bakugou on the other hand must also work on not acting on his own, in other words cooperating with people, and he must get rid of his shackles which is the huge Deku-complex he's got.
This post is going to showcase how Midoriya's and Bakugou's progress were nearly always mirrored and paralleled throughout the different big arcs.
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Actually this post got way longer than I expected and I reached the 10 pictures/video/gifs per posts limit pretty quickly, so this part will only go until the Stain arc.
(more under the cut)
The USJ arc is where we see Midoriya and Bakugou taking their very first step from their respective starting lines (albeit a very small and almost accidental one).
In the first part of the USJ attack, Midoriya and Bakugou are thrown into a situation where they are outnumbered and surrounded by enemies.
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Midoriya quickly comes to the conclusion that if they wanted to go and save the others, they'd have no choice but to fight and win. What is interesting to note is that Midoriya thought that in order to win this he needed to act like Bakugou, which of course led to the goldmine moment where he was leaping from the side of the ship yelling "DIE" to the villains.
This is also the first time we see Midoriya actively trying not to hurt himself with the "egg in the microwave" image, instead of just trying to minimize the damage to one small area like he did during the quirk assessment test. Well he didn't really succeed there but at least he's trying.
Bakugou on the other hands is seen working with Kirishima in order to defeat the villains. There were no real teamwork or cooperating moves worth speaking of there, as they were basically both doing their own thing independently. But what I think is worth noting is that moment where we saw them fighting back to back. I don't think at that point in time Bakugou truly trusted Kirishima completely with his back, it's a little too soon for that. But it was more probably something along the lines of "I acknowledge that if you got into UA then it must be for a reason, so better not mess up".
This is also the first time we see that Bakugou isn't just blindly trying to fight people who pissed him off, but he also have quite a rational and strategic mind.
As an aside, I think it is very telling that Midoriya's next move plan was to go help Aizawa, while Bakugou's was to go fight Kurogiri. It was two very diametral mentality and strategy that nevertheless led both of them to the very same place. (Story of their lives amiright?)
Speaking of them being in the same place... What we witness next is their first success...even if it's an accidental one.
Accidental quirk use success | Accidental saving success.
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He had intended to smash Shigaraki and his punch just happened to be intercepted by a Nomu with a shock absorption quirk, so it was purely accidental. But this was still the very first time Midoriya used his quirk against someone else and didn't break his bones or hurt himself in anyway.
On the other hand, we've got Bakugou who blasted in and neutralized Kurogiri and he 'just so happened' to save Midoriya who had been recklessly rushing toward the villain. It might not have been completely intentional (though that's debatable) but this is the very first time we see Bakugou intercepting an attack for someone else.
Sports Festival
The sports festival arc is touch and go in term of characters growth for both Midoriya and Bakugou. But, what I think is really interesting with this arc (which is one of my favorite btw) is that the narrative - directly or indirectly - rewards/punishes them for their growth/regression.
Successful use of his quirk against Todoroki | Successful Cooperation against Monoma
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This is the very first time Midoriya is purposely using his quirk against another human being, in a friendly-fighting/training context and he doesn't break his bones in the process. This successful use of OfA allowed him to one up Todoroki and to steal his headband (reward).
But as Midoriya himself noted "It hurts, but it's not broken", because using the quirk this way still hurts him in some way, it cannot be considered a full success. Plus, Midoriya wasn't really fully trying to control his quirk since "It's not going to touch [Todoroki] either way". And so Midoriya fails to get the headband he was truly aiming for (punishment).
On the other hand, we see Bakugou fully cooperating with his teammates for the very first time. It's not some half-assed attempt or anything but a fully thought-of quirk combo that allows him to literally blast his way through Monoma's defenses and get his and several other headbands (reward).
But, Bakugou only started to truly cooperate with his teammates at the very end. The rest of the times, he was seen jumping and attacking without really warning his own teammates. And so, Bakugou fails to get the first place position he was aiming for (punishment).
Successful hit against Todoroki | Successfully staying rational against Uraraka
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So I mentioned above that Midoriya's use of OfA against Todoroki during the cavalry battle wasn't 100% successful because since he had no intention of touching/hitting Todoroki he didn't really bother to fully control his quirk. This is not the case here. In the Midoriya vs. Todoroki we see him truly hitting someone else. This is the first time his "egg in the microwave" imagery worked. And I guess that if Midoriya had not been recklessly breaking every single fingers of his, it might even not have hurt his arm. But well since he's a self-sacrificing dumbass who tried to punch someone with broken fingers *shrug*
As for Bakugou... I mentioned before that he has this huge, huge, Deku-complex. (It's this weird mixture of superiority and inferiority complex which atomically burst out whenever anything Deku-related is in proximity... so yeah. Deku-complex).
And here comes Uraraka, who was part of the Deku-Uravity combo winning against him in the training battle, who is Deku's friend, whose fighting strategy could be quite similar to Deku's at times. And as a reminder Bakugou went against her fully expecting that Deku might have given her some kind of secret strategy against him, so he went in fully expecting a Deku-proxy. (Which by the way is totally untrue 'cause Uraraka is a badass strategy queen who needs no Deku to think her battle for her thank you very much)
But regardless of all the deku-factor, Bakugou fought against Uraraka without underestimated her and being super focused from the beginning to the end. And more importantly he was 100% rational and had full control on his temper.
Midoriya vs. Todoroki | Bakugou vs. Todoroki
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Okay so we can all agree that breaking and double-breaking one own fingers (and arm) in order to prove a point isn't really the epitome of self-care. So I don't think I need to comment on Midoriya's failure to control OfA here.
About Bakugou though... So of course Bakugou is pissed because he didn't manage to get the indisputable win he wanted, but raging and getting handsy at unconscious opponent like this? It's the first (and I think only time?) we see him so irrational and out of control with rage at someone who isn't Deku. But is it really unrelated to Deku though?
Bakugou was already pissed that at the beginning of the Sports Festival that Todoroki would recognize Deku as a threat and not Bakugou. Then the fact that Todoroki willingly used his fire against Deku despite his previous resolve not to use it, translated into Bakugou's mind as Todoroki recognizing Deku's strength. (Which as we know isn't really what it was about, but that's how Bakugou is interpreting it.) Bakugou even explicitly asked something along the lines of " Am I not strong enough to make you use it?" at Todoroki during the fight.
So his train of thought was probably something like this:
Half-and-half refused to use his fire quirk > Deku somehow managed to make the bastard use it > Deku is strong enough to force him to use it > the bastard won't use it against me > I am not strong enough to make him do it > Deku managed to do something I couldn't > I lost against Deku again
And well... is that really so surprising that his Deku-complex exploded after that? So yeah huge failure to control himself and deal appropriately with his complex Deku-related emotions here.
One of the reasons I absolutely love the Sports festival arc is the way the Bakugou-Todoroki and Midoriya-Todoroki dynamics really reflect the Win to Save and Save to Win situation.
Midoriya went into that fight fully intending on making Todoroki use his fire side in order to save him from his clearly traumatic issues (and if he managed to win the fight while doing so, it would be an amazing bonus).
On the other hand, Bakugou went into that fight fully intending on making Todoroki use is fire side in order to win against him (and if it somehow managed to save the half-and-half from his issues, well who the fuck cares).
They had the same task in mind, but they tried to solve it from two diametrically different directions of the spectrum. Why is why their results were diametrically different too.
Midoriya managed to reach and "save" Todoroki but he failed to win the fight, while Bakugou managed to win the fight but failed to "save" Todoroki and by extension failed to get his undisputed win.
During the internship/Stain arc, both Midoriya and Bakugou are confronted with a mentor figure who points out their flaws.
Gran Torino: You're stiff! And there's discord within your mind. [...] The way you used One For All in the cavalry battle and the tournament... You should already have realized it. But your admiration for All Might and your sense of duty are like shackles. You're thinking One For All is more special than it is.
Best Jeanist: I watched you at the sports festival. You were able to freely manipulate a Quirk with high potential, and had a good grasp of application as well. [...] However, you have a fatal flaw. You believe yourself to be the strongest, and you try to put in into practice not caring how that looks... you have a ferocious nature.
Here, their shackles are textually - and almost textually in Bakugou's case - laid out to them. (Best Jeanist has no way of knowing about the whole Deku thing so he went to address a tangential problem: Bakugou's "ferocious nature").
By the way, I think it's very interesting that Gran Torino chose to make his point by beating the shit out of/fighting Midoriya, while Best Jeanist chose to restrain and lecture Bakugou on "hero nature and moral". It really emphasizes on what they think their "mentees" currently lack.
And so thanks to Gran Torino nudging him into the right direction (and Midoriya's obsession with everything Kacchan), Midoriya manages to come up with Full Cowling, which is like one of his first major breakthrough in term of quirk mastery and fighting style. His All Might-shaped shackles is still very much there and he is still at a stage where he is imitating other's (Kacchan's, the incarnation of flexibility and versatility as far as he is concerned) rather than truly having his own yet, but it's a very huge progress in the right direction.
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And it shows Bakugou had listened to BJ's previous words... Even if he was missing the point by a whole a mile, seeing as what BJ meant by 'deal with them properly' was to calm the kids down but well, at least Bakugou is trying. *shrug*u did manage to internalize some things that Best Jeanist tried to teach him.
"Your hero name is supposed to inspire hope. You do not yet see the world in that context. Once you return to my agency next year, I will hear your name out."
This is what Best Jeanist told Bakugou in a flashback (chapter 293) and I think this is when Bakugou started to seriously think about what a hero -and by extension the hero name - should mean to the public and civilians. Bakugou took Best Jeanist to heart which is why he wanted BJ to be the first one to know about his Hero Name once he found it.
Another sign of Bakugou listening, was a anime only scene in S2E19, where BJ told him that patrolling was important because it gave "the public peace of mind" and it built "a sense of trust between those who protect and those who are being protected". And right after that Bakugou is called out by three kids.
Kid A: Oh, I've seen him on TV before!
Bakugou, exasperatedly thinking: Is this going to be about the sports festival again?
Kid A: He was caught by a villain and looked like he was about to cry, right?
Bakugou, yelling: What did you just say?!!!
Cue kids crying.
BJ: Did you already forget what I taught you? Deal with them properly.
Bakugou, to the kids: Listen here, I wasn't caught by the villain back then, I was thinking about how to defeat him. It wasn't that I lost. I'm the man who'll become the number one hero! There's no reason for kids like you to worry about me --
*Kids crying harder*
Okay so, on the surface layer it seems as if Bakugou has not learned anything at all and is unable or unwilling to change. And true, he didn't manage to calm down the kids and even made the situation worse, but he was trying in his own way.
According to what the kids were saying, Bakugou was remembered and depicted as a "victim", someone in "need of protection" which is the opposite image of what he is trying to instill: a "hero", someone "protecting others". (And let's not forget that for Bakugou, the very essence of a hero is someone who always wins.)
How can they "trust" Bakugou to protect them if they still see him as someone who needs to be rescued? So in his own way Bakugou was trying to reassure those kids and reaffirmed his identity as a future "hero", so that they'll be able to trust him to protect them properly.
And it shows Bakugou had listenned to BJ's previous words... Even if he was missing the point by a whole a mile, seeing as what BJ meant by 'deal with them properly' was to calm the kids down but well, at least Bakugou is trying. *shrug*
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The "coming back to normal hair when angry" thing is 100% a comical effect... but like 85% of Bakugou's seemingly comical behavior shows a more emotional and vulnerable aspect of him if analyzed seriously, so I'm taking the "comical effect" with a grain of salt.
Anyway what is interesting is that Bakugou's hair got stuck that way even if he'd tried washing it after the internship and the only way for it to go back to normal is for Bakugou to be super pissed off. But if it changed back, then it stayed that way. So we can deduce from that, that whenever it exploded back to "normal", BJ would have needed to tame it back again.
And I don't know how many times BJ needed to do that, but if I had to bet, I'd say not as many as we might imagine. Because Bakugou said that his hair "got used to it" which meant he spent more time with his hair "tamed" than spiky. Which meant that apart from the kid scenes from ep19, Bakugou probably didn't have a lot of "ferocious moments" and mostly tried to hold his temper like BJ instructed him to.
Like I said above, i'm going to stop here, because I reached the pictures per post limit. OTL
So yeah tldr: Midoriya externalizes while Bakugou internalizes, both of them are showing growth and development but they still have a long way to go.
Part 2.2 will be about how their progresses are faring while directly confronted with their respective shackles (spoiler alert: not well) during the final exam and then it will (hopefully) go until the Deku vs Kacchan 2 where they'll finally manage to remove their shackles.
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alchemist-shizun · 5 years
Roman and Remus as stuff my cousins, sister and I said + a bonus
Had a day at my cousin's pool and let me tell ya, when they keep us together for more than ten minutes it's absolute chaos. Here's a bit of it for you:
Roman: *is lying on the floor*
Remus: *sits on Roman's back*
Roman: Get off.
Remus: Say the magic word.
Roman: Go fuck yourself?
Remus: You smell like our dog Bonnie.
Roman: I smell like Bonnie?
Remus: Yes.
Roman: *Looks around everywhere in Roman's room commenting everything and doesn't stop until he randomly storms out of the room*
Roman: *stops self from cussing at him*
Remus: Your jokes suck because you wear a necklace on your neck.
Roman: Where do you wear your necklace, on your butt?
Remus: NO, ON MY EARS.
Roman: Why is this bunny- No this is a mouse, buh I don't understand anything.
Remus: *sarcastic* Can you believe that?
Remus: *reads a poem written by Logan*
Remus: What, did ya write this?
Roman: No.
Remus: I'll go ask Logan *walks away*
Roman: *quietly* Yeah go fuck yoursel-
Roman: Hey look what my bro has done. *shows three long scratches on arm*
Patton: Oh my goodness he's a walking hazard.
Remus: Hey you made me bleed out too!
Roman: At least he's cut his nails now.
Roman: Did you get your floaties?
Remus: No, I won't wear them.
Roman: Drown then.
Remus: *trips over himself while trying to surpass Roman* Ouch.
Roman: "Ouch"? You're always in the way.
Roman: I'm so sick of this broken nail.
Remus: And I'm sick of you, so we're even.
Also a bonus:
Our little chaotic group just so happens to be made up of six cousins, so have the sides as stuff that happened between us (mostly when in the pool).
*while playing Uno*
Remus: *puts a +2 card*
Virgil: *puts down a +2 too*
Remus: *puts another +2 with a smirk*
Virgil: *doesn't even flinch and puts yet ANOTHER +2*
Remus: Are you fucking kidding me you're a monster. *picks up eight cards*
(Virgil wins every time they play too, one round they all had one card in hand, they lost their shit. Also he kept using +2/+4 cards.)
When Remus and Roman play, they put their cards like this:
Tumblr media
Pool time:
Remus and Logan are playing with a little ball and at some point they agree on throwing the ball at Roman's head for fun.
You can find Deceit and Remus every now and then sharing the pool float just floating and talking.
At some point Deceit lets Roman and Patton on the pool float with him and Remus freaking THROWS THEM ALL OFF OF IT STRAIGHT IN THE WATER. Everybody's scared for their safety afterwards.
Virgil helps Roman getting on the little surfboard they have by stabilizing it because Roman just can't do it alone. (Fun fact, after floating with half his body on the surfboard, Virgil randomly fell back in the water. Three times. He started thinking there was some kind of dark force against him.)
Patton absolutely loves diving and before he launches himself in the water he dances to the music. He's always being watched by either Logan or Deceit.
Remus, Logan and Roman take turns in constantly bickering with each other.
Patton and Deceit are sitting on the pool float and Virgil started pulling them around for fun.
When Deceit and Virgil are both on the pool float they just,,, chill. It's nice.
Logan and Remus have a race (Logan wins) and afterwards also Roman and Virgil do (Virgil wins).
Roman can't stop tiring everyone out by saying his broken nail hurts.
Deceit and Remus are really chill together today what's going on.
Remus throws things at Patton when he dives in. Also Patton calls the others and asks them to watch him dive.
Virgil at some point is found zoning out, sitting on the stairs of the pool, with his arms linked to the stairs. Deceit asks what he was doing like that, he responds he honestly had no clue.
Roman splashes around so hard that he plugges up Virgil's ear with water.
Remus and Virgil silently agree on throwing Deceit off of the pool float where he was kinda sleeping, but Remus fails since Deceit notices him and keeps on staring at him. Virgil also fails his attempts.
Patton saying he'd like to get out of the water early but doesn't want to admit it was just because he was hungry.
After a bit Logan, Deceit and Remus follow, but Roman doesn't want to leave yet so he persuades Virgil to keep him company and push him around on the pool float while he relaxes. He succeeds because Virgil would feel bad for leaving him alone.
Virgil's hand skin gets so wrinkled it starts hurting and wonders what kind of malevolent deity was watching him and laughing.
After they were all out and dry, Virgil, Deceit and Remus play Kalooki 40/Fourty Flush (I have no idea how to translate this game in English pardon me), while Roman just watches since he doesn't know how to play.
Virgil wins again with three fucking jollies what the f uck.
Patton trips and falls on Remus's plastic cup and crushes it. Remus is like "NOOO IT'S DEAD oh no actually it's alive."
Remus, Roman and Deceit decide to play Uno while Virgil is chilling on Tumblr.
Where is Logan in all of this? Chilling in the background, scrolling on his phone, sitting on a little sun chair next to the music speakers.
Patton is making the most of his life feeding the goats not too far off from the pool and being excited because THERE'S GONNA BE DUCKS SOON!!
In the end they're all sitting on blankets on the grass, in the shade, waiting for dinner to make itself. Life is good.
(To help choose characters for this bonus part I assigned a side to every one of us so yeah it might not be super accurate but it's stupid and fun. HOPE YOU HAD FUN.)
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