#ultimate husbando material
squidlykitten · 1 year
I have nothing to say for myself, only... Man. I love Nightcrawler.
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littleeyesofpallas · 5 months
In the inevitable, logical extreme of my compulsive fixation on Bleach and on cropping images into little squares all the damn time, I've finally put together what is, to the best of my knowledge, the most complete waifu tier list for Kubo characters, plus a few that he technically didn't design himself but felt in-line enough with the franchise lore and/or aesthetic that I included them.
So, go ahead and have at it, y'all...
Random notes:
I struggled to keep the list manageable, and ultimately cut a pretty sizable number of basically non-characters. (it was legitimately difficult for me to convince my brain to let me remove Hitugaya and Momo's unnamed grandma from the list...)
It also really fukin killed me to make the arbitrary call to use the most aged/recent versions of most characters because a handful definitely got bad new outfits in Kubo's post-epilogue art. (Hiyori and Unagiya really lost their charm points in his Klub Outside calendar set)
I was so tempted to include different forms for some characters, but deciding who got their forms in and others not felt too inconsistent, so i just opted out of them entirely
But more to the point I also included in this list characters from Kubo's early one-shots, Zombie Powder, Burn the Witch, Sakura Wars(2019), Aoi Bungaku, Dragon Quest X, and that one time he did Gorillaz fanart...
Oh and if it wasn't clear the Arrancar I included and labeled by Resurreccion rather than name, were done as such because their swords are specifically gendered feminine in how they were named. And considering the nature of both zanpakutou and the hollow mask themselves as reflections of inner/true self, I considered that valid Waifu material
And no I will not be making one for Bleach husbandos because there's just too damn many male characters by comparison, and because my compulsivity crossed with Kubo's lopsided art preferences would mean, unlike the fairly scant number of background women, a huge chunk of the men that I'd be obligated to include would just be decidedly unattractive goons by, like, the dozens...
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uwuowotf2waslife · 1 year
What does your husbando/waifu/nonbinary barbie-crotched S/O says about you?
TW: slight teasing,but oh well...., also nsfw themes and swearing ( sowwy)
Scooter/weanie man: complete morosexual or the unhuman need to take care of Boston inhabitants with room temperature EQ ( en englais: you have the mommy/daddy/parent kink and you want to show that boi all the love he deserves)
Soldier: you are a human carpet ( sub) or so Dom my sibling in Christ I am terrified. You think his bravery/randomness is endearing or you got roped in by every tumblr/wattpad headcanon potraying him as the ultimate beefcake ( cant argue with you, mofo built like a brickhouse on steroids without the roids.)
Pybro: A. you are a nonbinary peep and any nb representation makes your ovaries/balls/reproductive parts COMBUst with excitment. B. intense latex/leather kink with slight burn/wax play on main. I am both afraid and faschinated by your ability to flesh out on a person we barely know the most basics of their personaility, Godspeed you allmighty bAstERD <3
eNGIe: cowboy appreciator, daddy seeker and parental figure creamer connesuer, you fell in love with the ( here ) so much you actively search and look out for the gruff, wrench handling and guitar-playing texas man of your dreams. No matter your gender or sexuality engie hits that hotspot only the daddiest of daddies hit !
Heavy: rare breed of bear enjoyer, probs an older sibling that wants to make the older sibling ( tired, unhydrated and slighty (( extremely)) in need of therapy) pair. Probably not a huge shipper since you view HeavyMedic as more of a platonic pairing, or you are of the rarest Medicx Reader x Heavy poly sandwich. Please dont hug him too tight, hell hug tired and make your eyes pop like a cheap pop eyed toy.
Demo: contrary to popular belief, you are not a bbc enjoyer/seeker, Demoman isnt just a sextoy to you. He is just the only level headed person you see in a team of morons ( for u) or manchildren with murder tendencies and well, JUST LOOK AT HIM, HE IS BUILT WITH ABBS LIKE A WASHBOARD AND LOVES HIS MOM, HE IS NOT HUSBAND MATERIAL. HE IS SOULMATE/LOVE TILL DEATH ( WONT DO YOU PART, HE KNOWS MAGIK TO RECITATE YOU) , PLEASE I SALUTE YOU YOU GLORIOUS TAVISH ENJOYER!
Medic: WE GET IT HE IS HANDSOME AND SOUNDS EITHER LIKE A CHICKEN WITH A TOP TIER DANTE DEMON OR HOT GERMAN GILF! Please dont canoodle him so hard, youll throw out his back or break his hip. Also very questionable kinks ( i see you blood kinksters). You unironically are the I cAn MakE HiM So MUch WorSE squad and you scare me.
Sniper: yes he is the ratman ofyour dreams and yes he is also really pretty, but please stop treating him like a man who aint also a hired killer. Yes he wont even think to correct his Macas orders, but he will and can make you swoon so hard you look redder than Pyros suit, mans gots that outdoors, unshowered , rugged swagg and he is rocking it harder than the fricking 80s <3 <3
Spah: yesh you have a french kink, yes you want him to whisper in your ear soft french while he btters your bagguet, probably into dilfs or gilfs in the distance because none is a dilf /suave/sensual enough for you. ( perfume isnt a shower, go to shower now, mon petit coucou
RESIDENT EVIL VILLAGE ( or the bimbofied RE4)
Lady Alcina Dimitrescu: a cis male/ a sapphic soul/trans,enby vagabond who respectfully wants to drown while motorboating he absolute units of bazoongas. Perhaps slight size kink and perhaps a person who doesnt mind a good blood slurped by their F! S/O if their tumm had the ramblies. Please dont go overboard, or youll enter the unholy assemblange of vore/stuffing kink irl
Donna Bienevento: creepypasta kid, you unironically got spooked first time you read Jeff the Killer. Probably into some questionable types of literature, hardcore horror enjoyer who also has a sanrio addiction. You have tried some kinds of handcraftmanship and might even have some hobbies that involve handiwork. I applaud you, but please dont give the basement FEOTus monster your choccy milk, itll have the zoomies and knock of angies card-castle.
Salvatore Moreau: the epitome of I can fix him! peeps, probably slight hurt/comfort enjoyer. You saw how dirty all the other treat him and you crave to make fish man happy. Both feet in monsterfuckening domain, unironically want to do the dirty while he is at monster form. Maybe you saw the Shape of Water and your brain did the thingy, but oh well, please continue on and make the lord of the reservoir the happiest fish in the sea!
Karl Heisenberg : you slimy, daddy kinked bAsterds, cant we have one game with a slight rat man with a good VA without yall flocking to him like lycans to his factory for french toast scraps??? slight bdsm enjoyer, or person who wants metal rat man happy and softened out like a soviet made breadcutter blade after a top tier professional restoration. Either way, please handle with care he may cry if you hug him the good way
The duke: an absolute chad who may or may not want to drown all your sorrows to a large, beautiful, suave man hug ( or man-thing, you never know.) You seriously deserve the world, because you be pumping fics faster than a heated political debate on Reddit. Also probably a slight hand kink, we all show those monsters at the Shadow of Rose DLC.
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detectivenyx · 7 months
A month or so back, someone made a tweet defending Himiko saying she's overhated by fandom and claiming she has autism. Of course, half the replies are people hating Himiko and she didn't deserve to be a survivor. I didn't know Himiko was disliked that much. This post was to ask, what are your feelings on Himiko?
if you asked a danganronpa fan on twitter if they'd like to examine their potential biases against a character and whether they're based on problematic stereotypes of marginalised groups or put themselves in a saw trap, they'd be strapping themselves into the fucking Shotgun Carousel with baffling enthusiasm, and himiko is one of the characters that makes that most apparent.
himiko has the exact same issue as hiyoko before her; she isn't waifu material since she looks like a child, and to danganronpa fans, if a female character who isn't explicitly a child isn't waifuable, there's zero value in them whatsoever. their flaws are exacerbated because they can't be sexualised and girlboss'd or failwife'd (which is not a problem reflected in male characters and them being 'husbandoable'). and this isn't an issue with the characters, but very much fan perception. there's no mistaking it, a lot of the hatred for himiko is just fans' misogyny; traits she gets criticised for having made gundam and kiyotaka fandom darlings. there's a fair amount of ableism in there too. himiko is never explicitly stated to have autism, but while i have the theory every character is at least somewhat autistic, himiko is probably one of the more obvious ones. she very clearly struggles with social interactions and her response to the life-threatening danger is to clam up and try to make herself seem insignificant, and she's a terrible liar - all traits common in autistic individuals, but additionally seen in depression. she reads to me like an autistic person with depression. to a danganronpa fan nothing is worse than an unsexy female character who is heavily implied to be autistic.
i absolutely do not get anyone who says she shouldn't have survived; the girl was berated and subjected to The Horrors every time she took a fucking breath. fuyuhiko might have had the most happen to him physically, but himiko definitely had way more on her plate. there's not a single murder in the game she wasn't accused of doing and she didn't want to bother with defending herself, and through chapter 2 and 3 she was put through the absolute fucking wringer. her magic show she put on to help everyone feel better about the motive was hijacked for the most brutal corpse disposal in danganronpa's history, then to top it off, she was accused of said murder by the person she trusted, with only tenko defending her innocence. she joins angie's student council for whatever security she can get as the smallest and weakest person left in the group, and then that crumbles when angie is found dead - the closest thing angie had to a friend. then, tenko offers to take her place as the medium of the seance, and dies because she did so. and honestly, himiko realising moments too late exactly what tenko meant to her and begging for her to move, to say something, is far more heartbreaking than anything to come out of any of the 5th chapters. and then, she gets accused of being the one to murder the two people she cared the most about. after all the shit she's already been through, of course she clams the fuck up and stops caring. she doesn't think she should've survived, the writing all but spells out that himiko's going through severe survivor's guilt, and she's just given up, if everyone goes down with her, so be it. it does require everyone to look at the case and provide himiko with a reason to go on; ultimately, she's the one who takes that purpose to keep moving forward (the old 'you can lead a horse to water' addage). and yet, STILL, she gets put through the wringer AGAIN in chapter 5 when she learns that it wouldn't have mattered anyway; they're the last people left alive and there's no more humanity. at every turn she's been given reasons to give up, again, and again, and again. and more realistically than someone heroically going 'no! i'll never give up!' she more realistically DOES give up - but giving up can be as difficult as not giving up, even more so. that's what she embodies - someone who very much does want to give up, but doesn't.
it's clear fans don't give a shit about the impact her death would have; when she dies in a fangan she's rarely given a second thought. so if her death would've been meaningless, why are people so upset she survived? that's a question i can't really answer - not when the characters that do die i think had to for the sake of the story. kaito and kokichi would've been terrible survivors because their stories do hinge on them dying; their deaths are their conclusions. but himiko, i think, for her story to have its intended effect - she needed to survive, and very much fought tooth and nail to do so.
i've noticed the video i made 3-4 years ago now did help to kind of rehabilitate her image because hatred was even more common before it but there's still quite a bit of unwarranted himiko hatred. my advice; get off twitter and get on cohost where i am and himiko's autistic swagger is always welcome
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theuntamedangel · 7 months
Wanna get them off my chest
Few things i wanna talk about here. I'll go point wise
A: Overhaul arc had all the male characters do something epic all while giving us a solid background to their past lives, even the villains like Rappa were given a decent amount of interest. And they fought like crazy. The girls (god i HATE Nejire) were there just to be cute and have girly moments. Their team effort couldn't put up a respectable fight against that giant meat head of a villain despite having a pro hero by their side and their victory was shown off screen. Why were the female characters even there? They're all fap bait material and anyone who says otherwise, you need therapy, help, you need Jesus
B: This is hard for me to say it, but here goes. I have a soft spot for Shigaraki and a few LoV members. But they are as stupid as the heroes because if they'd been a tad bit smarter and actually did some serious digging, they'd be able to figure out about Hawk's true intentions. No chips, no tracking devices, no hidden cameras attatched to his clothes without Hawk's knowing, or anything of that sort despite knowing Hawk's is actually the #2 hero of Japan? I don't run any criminal organization but even my dumb brain can tell me that this is plain stupid. Thanks to the LoV being this gullible enough to allow Hawks to dance, prance and flutter his feathers all over the place, we are in this shit storm now.
C: The villains had Best Jeanist's dead body floating around in their facility, waiting for the right moment to use it and turn it into a nomu. Wouldn't the ''right time'' have been now, during the war? If you need to make both the villains and the heroes equally stupid and irrational, then it's better to take a 3 to 5 months hiatus and rethink about the plot of the series
D: Stars and Strips. Enough Said. Also, i won't be going into details about the latest events of the manga because I have self respect and also because I dont care. Maybe I will once the manga ends.
E: It's ok for both Izu and Mirio to use Eri's quirk but it's not if its the villains who are doing it. Double Standard. Also, Overhaul himself could have used his own quirk and made bullets to sell them off in the back market. He too can destroy and heal at the same time. Sell the healing part of his quirk to the heroes and sell the other quirk of his to the villains. Capture Eraser Head, use artificial drugs to enhance the erase quirk and also sell his quirk in the black market. Problem solved. This whole Eri plot still doesn't sit well with me.
F: MVA is pointless, Shigaraki's growth and achievement and him getting more powers from the crazy doc to become even more stronger because a war was coming, are not worth the the mention because potato ball sac just possess Shigaraki. That poor character is now a nothing ass character. I'm sorry Shiggy hunnie, you're my ultimate anime husbando but I see the reality too and it's twisting my heart, ripping it apart.
G: Don't expect/have high hopes for Deku vs Shigaraki to happen because the manga is busy wetting itself for Bakugou. Hori might not be decent enough to let this happen
H: Who is Izuko Midoriya?!?
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twistedexecutioner · 8 months
Nightmare is ultimate husbando material
Thick, and a giant size, perfect for laying on top of him like a big soft bed. He is furry, bears are very soft I heard. Strong, can lift up 18 wheeler I bet. Maybe not but he can carry like 3-4 Funtime Freddies! His voice is rich, deep, demonic. Very attractive!
Being a black bear, he blends in the dark nicely. Lovely set of red eyes, fantastic strong set of fangs both outside and inside (Two sets of sharp teeth basically). Got a big gut, perfect for hugs! Monster maw on his stomach, extra really thick tongue comes out of that! 👀
Despite his built, height and size. He is in fact very fast. I would not want to be testing the myth of 'Running up the hill to escape a bear.' Because I'm pretty sure he'll catch you in no time.
He is a bear, so his sight, hearing and smell is extreme. Perfect for looking out for you, away from threats/danger.
With paranormal skills on top of that, he can sense your emotions, judge characters of others, keep you on the right path, give you pleasant dreams and memories.
Best of all, his attitude is zero bullshit tolerance.
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eien-no-gakusha · 1 year
Touken Ranbu:  The Contradictory Tale of Genji
Went in expecting fanservice and just a good time, left impressed.
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Part 1/3 - Plot:
The videogame source material has a very barebones plot because it knows what it is:  a gatcha game for fujoshi to collect sword husbandos.  Basically, something evil is trying to change (Japanese) history and make the universe implode.  You, the player, are an onmyoji or priestess who is summoning famous swords like mad to save the world.  The touken danshi themselves basically have the personalities of their famous historical figure owners or forgers coupled with quirks related to random facts and legends surrounding them.  Some come with a Hachiko streak from losing their masters or their service in some darker parts of history.  (only your love can heal them!). Classic gatcha game fare.  In other words, there is a lot of room to be creative with this framework.  Just look at all the sexy derivative works spawned from the thirsty fujoshi.  This aspect of the fandom is surprisingly relevant to the plot of the musical.  Stick around and find out. 
Anyways, the plot of this specific show features a Tale of Genji crossover.  The usual evil is messing with history again and a squad of swords are dispatched to fix it.   The problem of the day is the entire Heian court has been isekai-ed into the novel Tale of Genji.  The author Murasaki Shikibu and her fans have all gotten merged with the characters of the book.  The Heian era swords are unavailable for vague reasons, leaving a bunch of young swords not forged in this era to untangle fact from fiction.
Thus, we start with team Kanesada finding themselves escorting a lady-in-waiting who explains that everyone around her has been suddenly larping Tale of Genji and she’s the only sane person left in court.  They realize they are trapped in the book and reenact all the early chapters as they figure out how to undo the curse.  Some of the more hot-tempered swords try to brute force their way out only to realize that book characters have protagonist halos to protect them from getting KOed.  At the center of this vortex, the titular character Hikaru Genji is effectively an NPC who has gained sentience a la RE:  Creators.  We learn he functions similarly to the sword boys as the embodiment of the book.  Not being a weapon, he can’t do much by way of fighting but he is unkillable and can act as dungeon master in his own story by transferring protagonist status to his victims.  In other words, Genji can possess targets to simulate his story as a substitute while he dicks off.  He uses this power to go OOC and try to retcon his own story.  This is all quite convenient for him since he has a complicated relationship with his author.  He is half reverential of her and half resentful.  This culminates in Genji ultimately killing his own author.  In the merged universe, Murasaki Shikibu and her readership have merged with the female leads of The Tale of Genji with Murasaki taking the role of the unobtainable Fujitsubo no Nyogo, Genji’s true love.  In breaking the story with literal death of the author, all hell breaks loose with Genji going rogue.
As the touken danshi dig deeper, they learn the source of this chaos was a result of toxic fan culture!  While many people enjoy Murasaki’s book and come away from it positively, a stalker fan voices his concerns that this is all vapid fiction with no value nor contribution to reality (the “wake up, loser” argument).  They debate about the point of writing “fake” stories.  While Murasaki understands the man’s point of view, she disagrees and refuses to put down her brush as this work is her passion.  The man becomes so upset he is taken over by the evil powers to cause the time rift and alter history.  His reasoning is if everyone is so obsessed with the book, they may as well live in it rather than face the real world. 
Back in the present, the touken danshi are having a bad time resolving the timeline.  They complain about needing grandpa Mikazuki’s help and keep getting possessed by Genji to reenact chapters while he escapes to cause trouble elsewhere.  However, during the final boss battle with evil Genji, the isekai-ed fangirls come to the rescue!  As they reminisce about their love of the novel (well, it would be equivalent of a serialized magazine at time of publication) and how it was therapeutic or inspiring for their real lives, they begin to return to themselves.  Now it’s important to note that Murasaki’s contemporaries did write derivative works or helped her transcribe chapters to share.  Therefore, these fangirls are effectively ancient Japanese fanfiction authors and thus have power to end Genji as much as the original author does.  But they love him as a character too much so are unable to strike the finishing blow and basically toss the responsibility to young Murasaki, Genji’s second wife who he had kidnapped as a child to groom into the perfect woman.  Unable to bear the suffering and moved by the women in his life both as characters and as his fans, Genji lowers his protagonist’s halo and accepts death.  The touken danshi are able to finally fix history and complete their mission.  When they return to modern day, they hear news that archeologists have found physical evidence that Genji existed as a historical figure and thus a conspiracy theory is born!  The touken danshi take this information with mixed emotions.
What an amazing story.  The theme was deep without being too obtuse.  The climax got meta and opened a lot of discussion about the value of fiction, derivative works, the dangers of escapism, censorship, and even spirituality.  Definitely worth a second viewing to digest all this.
There was a mini-revue number in the end where the cast performed an umbrella dance to anachronistic Touken Ranbu music.  Then the cast descended a staircase in parade order for final bows.  It was a much-needed break from the heavy and complicated plot.  It was also a small nod to the main cast’s Takarazuka roots or hina doll staging, which is a common set design when using Heian costume.  The umbrella dance reminded me of the finale Sakura dance OSK does at the end of their performances.  Perhaps this is a proud Osaka tradition.  I haven’t seen a different Touken Ranbu show (yet) so I don’t know if this is a part of the brand.
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mochikage · 2 years
ok let's go
the mochi ship list is as follows
shisui you're chem lab partners and he sucks at it. you are literally fighting for your life everyday and not in the sexy way. but he's cute and funny and his notes are actually colour coded (he just refuses to read them). brings you a drink and a snack as a thank you for quite literally ensuring his head stays attached to his shoulders. insists you come over at least twice a week to help him study. he has good intentions but he just gets too distracted by your pretty face to pay much attention to the textbook
kakashi a nice stable man (aside from all the trauma). married for 10 years kinda vibe. packs your lunch every morning and messages you throughout the day to make sure you drink water. never sends you flowers on your anniversary bc he's sent them so often "just bc" that he thinks they're not special enough anymore. you've got a piece of jewelry for every year you've been together instead. you don't know it but he's already planning your vow renewal ceremony
gumi (you're the only one allowed to call him that though) sweet grumpy pervy bb. he's your roommate and he's a pretty good one to say the least. cleans up after himself, cooks extra for you, offers to do your laundry if you're busy. he even helps you look for the missing panties that the dryer keeps eating. the most jealous man in the world but pretends not to be. literally sulks when you go out on a friday night instead of staying home to watch movies on the couch with him. your missing panties are always folded and waiting on your bed when you get home after though
love you the absolute mostest 💚
no bc this is the cutest thing to exist and i do not deserve this.
Chem lab partner SHISUI definitely burned part of one of his eyebrows off during an experiment last year. I would love to have him as a partner IRL but in chem I just know I'll be lowkey crying about my grade (with him most likely). He's such a cutie though that he makes up for it all and is surprisingly a good study buddy.
KAKASHI is ultimate husbando. My end game. I feel like the Pope himself must've blessed me as a baby for me to be here today to see this. Also look at this baby dressed up as the pope it's my favorite thing in existence. also baby pope w obama
Roomate!MEGUMI??? Cher you might be on to something here. He's the sweetest roommate to you but will be so fucking rude to any date you bring home. Does his best to look like boyfriend material when your friends come over just so he can listen to you guys gush in your room about him later on. Smiles when they tell you that you should just date him already.
thank you so so so so much for this and for playing this was an absolute delight to read.
??? game: who do you ship me with? (thank you in advance for playing this is by far my fav game)
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mysticdragon3md3 · 8 months
Fire Emblem Three Houses: Is Edelgard Likable? by Adam With FED
I'm glad to see that even 4 years ago, lots of people did recognize El as a villain. By this point in 2023, I've heard from too many of her stans, and I was getting the impression that people were refusing to think critically about the given narrative, to even consider her as a villain.
Personally, I like to compare my rejection of El, against my love for Lelouch from Code Geass. I don't think it's a simping issue for me, because 1) I'm aroace, and 2) I've never thought of Lelouch as "husbando" material. I liked Lelouch because I respected his resolve, intelligence, and compassion, and I loved indulging into the villainous fantasy of it all. His maniacal laughter, his unnecessary slaughters, and just him doubling down into his own darkness, until the very end, when he realized he was wrong, and set up the world to take power away from him and anyone else like him in the future. I know there are lots of El stans who would say the same thing about El---though, I've never really heard them say they enjoy reveling in the fantasy of being a callous villain. I've only heard them preach that El "did nothing wrong" and was nothing less than a hero, driven by compassion, etc. So I'm not sure my reasons for liking Lelouch can be properly compared to El stans' reasons for liking her. But I do hear them compared a lot. I've certainly heard from more meticulous analyzers of FE3H, that FE3H's writing went out of its way to simp for El, even if they had to write other characters out of character or reasonable sense for their established motivations. And they've convinced me, backed up by screengrabbed evidence, combined with the logic of characters' motivations, rejecting the nonsensical "bad writing" that contradicts established characterizations. (Intelligent Systems proved that Atlus wasn't the only one doing canonical bad writing.) But even before the Edelcrits' input, the thing that made me lose the chance to sympathize with El, unlike Lelouch, was the world setting. Aside from the fact that I really don't think the war was necessary and I dislike her for starting a war, despite Fire Emblem being a "war story" series, I don't think FE3H's act one effectively set me up to sympathize with El. White Clouds was "happy, sunshine, school days", occasionally sprinkled with Agarthan intrigue, so of course I'm going to be sore at whomever started the war. And the writing didn't even make the war feel necessary TO ME. If the writing had made the war feel necessary, in an effective way, then maybe I would have sided with El. But with White Clouds as ineffective as it was in that aspect FOR ME specifically, I just can't side with El. In contrast, Code Geass starts with a melodramatic close-up of a tiny child, declaring war and destruction against an entire empire, then when act 1 proper gets going, we're introduced to a bleak world with bleak adults, breaking the rules to crush anyone and everything for fun, and the downtrodden can do nothing but suffer. That's very different from White Clouds! Code Geass made Lelouch's extreme actions feel like the only option, and the tone made it all feel completely warranted, justified, and satisfying. But FE3H White Clouds didn't justify El's war to me.
Another interesting angle I see is religion. Sometimes I see the people so ready to follow El unquestioningly and jump to feel her war is justified, and some of them I KNOW have experienced religious trauma. As someone who went to Catholic and Christian schools all my life, came out disillusioned with religion, and was horrified to remember all the times they had brainwashed me to go against my personal values and even judge others, I understand wanting to glorify the story route that's shouting "down with the Church of Seiros!". There's a certain amount of vendetta craved against organized religion in general. And El is saying the Church of Seiros is evil and the ultimate villain to defeat at the end of the war. It sounds very gratifying and cathartic. But I saw Rhea in White Clouds. I saw first hand, that she was a nice person. Maybe a little creepy, but when Garreg Mach was attacked, she equated any loss of life there to "another Red Canyon Tragedy". She equated human life to be as valuable as Nabatean. Meanwhile, the obvious villains, the Agarthans, who El teamed up with, regarded all humans and above-ground creatures as "lower beasts". And the Agarthans acted with no sympathy or regret towards the lives they took or the suffering they caused. We even have several characters who barely survived their human experiments. It's just hard to take Rhea as the villain, when contrasted versus the Agarthans and when I've seen her be nice with my own eyes. On top of that, Cyril is constantly worshiping her, so she must have been treating him well. And Cyril is too blunt to be anything else than sincere, so everything he describes is effectively truthful. And then we get into the Ashen Wolves DLC to discover that even though Byleth's mom Sitri was a "failed experiment" who couldn't achieve Sothis's resurrection as Rhea wanted, Rhea still treated her well, almost like family. And when we hear the truth of Byleth's birth during Silver Snow, we find that Sitri was the one who asked Rhea to trade her life for Byleth's, and Rhea was just respecting her wishes. And then by the time of FE Engage, I hear from more veteran FE fans that the series usually uses "green dragons as good and purple dragons as bad", and Rhea is a green-haired dragon lady. Despite my beef with organized religion in real life, I just can't see Rhea as the villain in FE3H. Sure, she loses rationality when it comes to Sothis and I don't think she should be allowed a position of power, especially militarily, except as a purely spiritual leader in worshiping Sothis… But I just don't buy her as the bad guy. Either FE3H's writing was very bad in trying to portray her as a villain, or it was very good at hinting we should question this narrative of "Rhea bad" that El was peddling.
Also, this reminds me of my feelings on Akechi Goro, another very popular villain character which I despise. I won't even play P5R because I heard it tries to redeem him and make him into the core trio with Joker and Violet. (No. The Core trio is either Joker, Skull, and Panther, or Joker, Skull, and Morgana!) I think the value in Akechi is how he acts as a villain and a foil to all the ideals the Phantom Thieves stand for and all the story themes advocated by the narrative. I HATE Akechi as a person, but I think he is a great villain. And I'm glad he was there in Persona 5 to demonstrate the antithesis of all the themes and act as a cautionary tale for the Phantom Thieves. I loved his function in the story, but as a character, he can jump off a cliff and die. lol
It's nice to hear other people talk about how divisive El is, because sometimes you avoid the fandom's toxic vibe so much, you begin to wonder if you're crazy for having any opinion. But yes, she was divisive. Which is why I blame her for why there are still no FE3H Nendoroids or Figma. Good Smile Company probably didn't know how divisive she was, so when she was their first Figma, I'm sure they were confused when she didn't sell. I don't have any sales numbers, but generally, if one character from a series sells well as a figure, GoodSmile will make more for that series. And yet, no FE3H Nendoroids and no more FE3H Figma, their primary figure lines. FE3H eventually got some Pop Up Parades, but those are cheap for GSC to make. Nendoroids and Figma are an investment for their production schedules. Characters/series MUST sell well, to be made into Nendoroids or Figma. But El was their first test into FE3H figures. Either 3/4 of the fanbase dislike her as the villain (if we assume the fandom is split evenly among each route), or people who like her don't like her enough to spend $60-$90 on her Figma. I bet if the first FE3H articulated figure was a Byleth or a post-timeskip Dimitri Nendoroid, they would have sold well, and we'd have a whole set of FE3H Nendoroids by now. Curses…Intelligent Systems probably told GoodSmile, she was the safe bet. After all, even though half their writing is hinting she's wrong, a bunch of their writing still simps for her. x_x;
It's interesting that this video suggests the Thought Experiment of giving El's role to Claude, and vice-versa, because 3 years after FE3H, 3Hopes kind of did that. I often call the Golden Wildfire route, 3Hopes' version of Crimson Flower. I will have to preface my reactions to Golden Wildfire, with the caveat that I pulled multiple all-nighters to watch its cutscenes, out of order, so my brain didn't exactly process the story correctly. But I do remember initially enjoying the angst of Claude so frequently expressing all his hesitations in begrudgingly carrying out their attacks, then too quickly rationalizing them. He didn't talk that much about his worries and vulnerabilities in FE3H! It was refreshing. But my biggest hint that there was something wrong, was in Golden Wildfire's ending. Despite my foggy sleep deprivation, I clearly recognized that the ending of Golden Wildfire felt wrong. It felt like the opposite of all the things I loved about Claude in FE3H. Not only that, but it was exactly the ending of Crimson Flower. From then on, I began to wonder what other parts of Golden Wildfire mirrored Crimson Flower, and there seemed to be more, the more I looked. Later, because I circulate in Dimiclaude circles, I heard a lot of criticisms about Claude invading and attacking Faerghus. I remember thinking that the writers COULD HAVE done better to justify Claude's belief that he had no choice but to invade, BUT THEY DIDN'T. And that was disappointing. They could have emphasized how Faerghus was too locked into their alliance with the Church, so they wouldn't be able to split that alliance without the appearance of being forced to by another military's force. But not only did Golden Wildfire not do anything like that, but they also made it a point of the story's plot that during Leicester's invasion of Faerghus, Leicester killed some key, named characters from Faerghus. That is something you avoid doing, if you are trying to convince someone to be your ally! And the worst part was, that in the very same game, 3Hopes had another route which demonstrated how Claude could slip into Faerghus and ask for an alliance, without expending Leicester's military and Faerghus commanders' lives. The more I looked at Golden Wildfire, it was as messed up as Crimson Flower. As for my impressions of 3Hopes Claude taking on FE3H El's role: I remember distinctly, loving Claude's 3Hopes outfit during the pre-release trailer reveals, but then after the game came out...to this day, I have a hard time looking at or enjoying that costume/character design, simply because it reminds me too much of a Claude that had dropped half of what I loved about him. And aside from that, Golden Wildfire had turned into a Claude-whump-fest, that is also painful for me to think about. And not in the beautifully angsty way that I fondly remember Code Geass and Lelouch. So to answer this video's thought experiment, changing El's gender, specifically swapping her role onto Claude, would not help me like her more. The only thing left of 3Hopes Claude that I enjoyed was his warm, casual demeanor. And unless El completely changes her personality too, from her characteristic "trying so hard to look dignified" to "warm, friendly, playful, and mischievous", then just swapping her gender wouldn't help me like her. I think this proves her gender and simping/waifu material were not pivotal points that would make me like her. Because Claude is definitely "husbando" material, and even that didn't help me not feel sick about him playing out El's Crimson Flower role.
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clit-eastwood-spicy · 10 months
Actually ykw because of the last reblog I wanna know who your absolute fave blorbos are and why you love them and if you'll get married and invite me to your wedding 🥺💙✨
I'll add by saying for me the ultimate husbando material blorbo is probably gonna be Toshinori Yagi (All Might) because he just feels like he'd be in it for the long haul and would be super sweet and such a loving person and I can legit see just doing idle chitchat in a kitchen while cooking or doing dishes and just having soft quiet moments in a living room. Also the idea of plaguing him with internet nonsense and my general gremlin menacery sounds like such a fun time. 💙✨
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starrylothcat · 11 months
If you could only pick one clone, who would you pick? 😈
Anon this is just cruel!
I have to go with Rex since he’s my original clone husband. He’s perfect. Dedicated. Kind. Loyal. Swoon-worthy. Ultimate husbando material.
I’ll love him until the end of time. 💕
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talvikielo · 6 years
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✿ Harukanaru Toki no Naka de Ultimate CGs: Minamoto no Yorihisa ✿
Individual pictures are available under the ‘Keep reading’
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ratsoh-writes · 3 years
Just had to inform y’all, of all the skeletons, sugar falls in love the easiest, gives the best hugs, is the best kisser, and has the second best butt
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flokali · 2 years
Idia brainrot is understandable bro LOOK at him 👀
More than happy to answer TWST shit because my brain is literally swimming with these men… disgusting </3
Pero! Literally! Not only is he hot, like, ridiculously hot for a shut-in otaku but he’s also kind of cute! He’s 100% my type! Like gross little introvert guy who’s big and tall and attractive who hates everyone except you, his lover, who’s also definitely a degenerate… <3 He’s also so weird and stupid I love him (cough he’s what Itaru is to A3! eng to Twst eng in terms of personality cough)! Like, ughhhh… me and my sibling have been bonding over him for the last few days and it’s ?,!?,!!
And the yanderification of this man, please… he’s been giving me severe brainrot all I can think about is him being a creepy little man doing creepy little things like setting up cameras in your room, planting mics on your clothes, having Otho follow you and record you for him, all while he stays in his room fantasizing of you! He makes you wear his shirts and forced you to engage in media he likes because that’s what couples do! He 100% also begins to expect you to love him back eventually, he’s doing so much for you!! You can’t be rude and not love him back, that’s so rude… you’re supposed to be ultimate SSR+ wifeu/husbando material, not a stupid cockblock!
He even has a stash of pomegranate seeds just for you, he even made sure to get at least 24 so he can make sure you never, ever get to leave him! When he finally gets you to himself he’s locked you away and convinced Ortho this is fine and it’s true love so they don’t have to help the rest of the school and faculty search for you! And when he finally graduates, he takes you away to his home and marries you and his whole family loves you so much! Everyone is confused on who the Shroud heir’s new spouse is but they’re glad he’s happy!
NSF_T under the cut because he gives me brainrot with a capital B and R!
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I also know his dick is big, it’s huge! And he doesn’t know how to use it at all and his body is so sensitive and he’s so not used to being touched the minute you start playing with him he’s done. Like, you’ll palm him through his pants and he’s moaning like a bitch while tears stream in his face because it feels so good when a handsome/pretty person does it! His nipples too… you’ll pinch them and he’s drooling and gasping while his cock twitches!
Also only reads doujins and hent/ai that has characters that look like you! His favorite ones are the mindbreak ones where the MC falls in love with the evil, ugly monster than kidnapped them after fucking them because of how good it feels… he hopes you love him from the beginning but he wouldn’t mind fucking you until you learned to love him!
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HIM ^^^
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sarnith · 2 years
idk man ace telling riddle his apology wasn't enough for him to be forgiven is a pretty appropriate response to what he went through. like i get that it's a gacha game and ultimately all these characters exist to be husbandos so they've gotta be sympathetic but they could have done that, how do you say, better.
off with your head isn't just a magic inhibitor, it's a physically painful spell. all the pain of being decapitated, and with removal of bodily autonomy to boot. riddle's housemates weren't (aren't) terrified of him out of pride. ace knew how painful/scary/humiliating the collar was, and then watched riddle put one on every student in heartslabyul. and it's ace. he's under no obligation to take the high road, and he's not gonna. the game takes that for him being an asshole even though it's perfectly reasonable. especially since riddle's apparent capacity for change is very marginal, and everyone, including trey and cater, is still terrified of him.
riddle should have stepped down as housewarden. if the story wanted to show us that he understood his own shortcomings, it should have shown him coming to the realization that those shortcomings make him a bad leader.
he probably would have nominated trey, but i think trey would have remembered what ace said to him, as well. would have suggested to riddle that freshman students who would challenge him for housewarden must be incredibly uncompromising. true heartslabyul material.
housewarden ace, vicewarden deuce; trey, cater, and riddle can just focus on their newfound equal friendship. the two groups help each other with these tasks things. everybody's sympathetic and the dynamic is no longer rage inducing to me personally, thank you bye.
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archvillain · 2 years
this is jordan i’m too lazy to log in but uhhh zenos yae galvus? andddd let’s get some thots on gin ichimaru and endrance .hack//GU
(zenos voice) MORE!
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i can only answer this for zenos as far as the end of stormblood, which, for zenos, feels like nothing at all... if this WAS the end, i'd have to say he didn't get enough screen time. truly. there was not enough in stormblood for me to form a strong opinion
that being said:
if they were real i would be afraid of them: this guy has MASSIVE creep by radiohead playing over his shoulder 24/7 no deodorant smells like a convention hall vibes. in modern au, he brings his katana collection to the con, gets panned at security for bringing real ass knives, and complains to his dad the governor mildly about it
not as deep as they seem: this bitch sure does say a lot to say nothing at all
i want to carry them in a handbag like a tiny dog: what can i say i love a freaque
why do they look like that: completely self-explanatory. his ass.... has its own zip code.... but ONLY his ass. got that wasp proportions. gonna bring me back to the hive lookin' ass. i gotta bag on him 3x as hard because im competing w him for my husband's love btw
they're a horrible person: this is the second time it was such a non-take i had to edit it back in
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wasted potential: i could really mark this down to bleach being a school combat competition anime gone telenova but gin's story bugs the hell outta me. continuing this thought ->
not as deep as they seem: i'm using this as a reverse-they work better as part of a dynamic square. i have major beef with his story, motivations, and KEY HEEL-TURN WHICH ALTERS THE ENTIRE STORY being based around his feelings being for a woman that he shares like no memorable dialogue with. i just prefer a guy to be self-motivated, or like, if he's gonna sacrifice his life on a whim, i want him to be motivated by chemistry that happens on screen. i could rewrite gin from the ground up to be a snarling distrustful stray dog taken in off the streets by a kind but ultimately clumsy rangiku, but that'd still be doing him a disservice, because it's still a "die for het" kinda trope
wow! they are a horrible person/if they were real i would be afraid of them: still, WHAT a charmer. his whole shit in the first arc where he plays aimlessly shady red herring the whole time, standing around and looking creepy while doing ultimately nothing? INCREDIBLY funny. just like zenos, this man looks like he stands very still in dark alleyways with his head tilted at a 50 degree angle for kicks and i love that for and about him
once again i am afflicted by "i liked bleach before it got going" syndrome
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OH SHIT THAT'S TWO WHOLE BINGOS!! what do i get!!!... nothing?? fuck! this is a mess. i got a lotta feelings. let's go with the shallow ones first
they are so cool looking: MWAH MWAH MWAH MWAH
if they were real i would marry them: that's my little fucking meow meow. GOD he is so PATHETIC. gamer boy actin' shinji-get-in-the-robot cryin' fucking weakass husbando fuel shut-in won't leave his room emaciated crycat motherfucker
they're like a blorbo to me; i want to carry them in a handbag like a tiny dog: HREUGH
they've never done anything wrong in their life: canon because husband can do no wrong. i'll see you in court over this one
if they were real i would be afraid of them: again... kind of a freaque. kind of a shut-in to the extreme. he falls in love with a furry gamer and it literally lobotomizes him, his con etiquette would be atrocious. this is the unifying theme between all 3 of these blorbos you've had me rate
they're deeper than they seem/wasted potential: his backstory is FUCKING tragic and it gets played for LAUGHS in gu!!! for LAUGHS!!!!! once they scrape aside all his main problems the mental illness is left to LANGUISH!!!! he could be an amazing yandere and what is he? kind of an adorable waifu. kind of braindead but drop dead gorgeous. extreme husband material but like jesus christ he gets no slack or credit past his first arc. this is kind of a running theme with GU characters!!!!
not as deep as they seem: this is but the first contradiction on this list.... boy if you do not stop whimpering poetry at me glassy-eyed while knowing absolutely nothing about me. well. like. don't stop. but DO it's embarrassing as fuck. real middle schooler vibes
didn't get enough screen time/got too much screen time: this is another fun little confusing one, specific to me. you see, i loved endrance so much that i made him a perm fixture in my party in every single playthrough i have ever done. i love him. I LOVE HIM. however this means that despite never being on screen for anything important and not getting much time spent on his incredibly interesting backstory and delicious bod, he does get a lot of time standing around like an asshole, kind of tertiary to what's happening... this is partially on me. but i do not care. they shoulda just predicted my love for him and worked around it
wow! they are a horrible person: he loves a shitty gamer furry, then immediately forgets her for the Next Hot Thing: a stupid guy he knows nothing about, AND NEVER BOTHERS TO LEARN ANYTHING ABOUT! kind of horrible. he is so wretchedly shallow LMFAO. like the baby boy version of the anime loli who pledges her life at the drop of a hat cuz you have a pulse and seem kind of alive. and haseo definitely doesn't return his feelings, even tho i do...... he doesn't seem to notice tho LMAO good enough for him!
im mentally ill about them: see above, i don't think i could be more clear about this. the guy's personality is NOT that deep and yet it is. and yet it could be (clutches at air)
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