#was i listening to that one mitski song? yes
vshushmshu · 8 months
two slow dancers
forward with left, backward with right. right to the side, left to the side. close left to right, close right to left. step back with right, step forward with left. to the side with left, to the side with right. close right with left, close left with right.
it was easy, or at least it was supposed to be, but you and leo had fumbled over each other far more times than you could count on both hands. you didn’t know why he was so determined to go to your stupid school dance with you, since you originally weren’t even going to go. he had caught you in the middle of a conversation with april about it, lamenting how her “human bestie” wasn’t gonna be going with her to the dance, and the red eared slider naturally butted himself into the mix, exclaiming smugly, “nahh, he’d definitely wanna go with me instead, since we’re also the bestest of friends!! isn’t that right, bestest friend?”
the absolute deadpan look you had given him was seemingly was too vague for a no, so you groaned, “blue, i was never gonna go, and you hauling your turtle ass over to?? my?? school?? ..it won’t change my mind. besides, how would you even get in without people calling 911 on you saying they spotted a freakazoid crawling around the gym?”
“ugh, whatever.. my bestie-westie is so mean to me…” he pouted at you for a moment, before you could almost see the imaginary lightbulb above his head fizzle on, and the slider gave you a cheeky smile, “oh! i could cash in a favor with sunita! she has that cloaking brooch, right? i’ll blend right in!”
april side eyed him, cocking a brow, “cash in a favor? with ‘nita? what the fuck kind of pickle did you guys get into for her to ask you for a favor?”
leo crossed his arms, huffing snootily while raising his snout to the air like he smelled sour booty, “well, nothing for yoouuu to worry about, i’m just trustworthy like that! anyways-!”
he scooted over to stand next to you, wrapping an arm around your torso with a dismissive wave of his hand at april, to which the girl snorted at your pained expression, “-we! have some practicing to do, don’t we~?”
“did you just vocalize a squiggly liNEEEAHHHH-“
the red eared slider had tried to portal you two away from a less than impressed april for dramatic effect, but now you two were desperately clinging to each other, as well as the tip of the burj khalifa, and scatting your britches. it took a while for him to figure out how to portal you guys back to somewhere that wasn’t another dimension and was closer to either of your homes, slashing ōdachis through the air around the pair of you. you think he teared up a little every time he looked down, though you definitely weren’t any better. at least you got a nice view of dubai?
you might’ve laughed out loud, because he looked back at your face instead of the two pairs of feet below, shoulders stiff while he chuckled back, “what, am i that bad?”
blinking back to the present, the corners of your lips quirked up a little as you narrowly avoided tripping him, guiding the both of you to turn just the slightest with his hand in yours, “i think we both are, don’t worry.. are you sure you wanna do this, though? because i really don’t.”
leo rolled his eyes, letting you rotate the both of your forms across of the roof with the arm you had around his midsection, grinning while still mentally keeping up with the steps he was supposed to take, “aw, come on! you never wanna do anything fun, and we never hang out! i’m pretty sure.”
looking down at your feet for a split second in satisfaction at the move being pulled off, you raised a brow at him and huffed, “mhm, sure, we totally don’t hang out like every other day.”
he squinted at you for a moment while feet continued, and you felt him tapping a green finger on your shoulder while he held onto it, “okay, whatever, but you get the point!”
he almost stepped forwards a little too far, and you scooted your foot back to avoid it getting stepped on, mumbling a “watch out” while he whispered “my bad.” you both watched your feet to make sure you continued without slip-ups for a moment, and then you raised your head to tilt it at him, “for the record, i really don’t.”
he grumbled, eyes darting up to look at your face for a split second before going back down to watch below, “man.. what i mean is that, we never do anything cool or special y’know-?”
you laughed a bit, squeezing the hand that relied on yours to guide, “huh? is fighting crime once a week minimum not cool enough for you? is neon leon too jaded now?”
the both of you twisted to spin a bit across the rooftop again, and leo laughed along with you when you picked him up a bit through the twirl, kicking his feet when they lifted off the ground, “pfft- wh- no! i’m not an expensive stone, what?? no but-”
a brow raised, but you only interjected again for a short moment with a snort, “we need to get you a dictionary.”
he tried to scowl at you, but it didn’t really last, “shut up! what i’m trying to say, is that i wanna make special memories! ones where we can look back while we’re out doing your dumb patrols and be like “hey remember when i totally dramatically swept you off your feet that one time at your highschool dance for people that come home,” y’know? bestest friend stuff!”
you blinked owlishly at him, and he went quiet, keeping his eyes on your guys’ now mostly fluid movement. you could finally keep track of where your feet were going to go next, after weeks of practicing and sore legs, to where there was starting to be little thought put into leading the turtle along in the simple box step dance. a little smile on your face, “that’s… i don’t think that’s how it’d go exactly, but yeah. when you put it like that, me too, i guess.”
he finally looked back up at you, and was still quiet for a little longer, before the arm around your neck brought you two closer while he beamed, “good.. we’re gonna have so many cool ass memories to look back on, i swear! we’ll be old and wrinkled, laughing about another stupid thing ‘till our dentures fall out!”
you snickered, the red eared slider following suit, and you tugged him along as the two of you slowed the dance, “really? we’re still gonna be “the bestest friends” until decrepit and senile?”
leo gave you a devious smirk, wiggling his eyebrows while you fought the urge to punch him in the middle of your simplified practice waltz, “of course.”
“…that’s pretty gay.”
the actual dance seemed to have disappointed leo, not really knowing what to expect other than something out of highschool musical and having his dreams crushed upon entry. he was standing beside you and slurping at some punch like a wet cat, decked out in formal wear he no doubt stole from donnie, speaking of whom, probably also previously stole it from a random name-brand store (the purple one was fashion forward, moderately surprising). the cloaking brooch was pinned to the inside of his coat pocket, giving him the look of an average teenager that for some reason, bothered to come to the lackluster “party” held in the school gym. and yes, he went through with the effort to wear a whole suit and everything, because “it’s just how it works, okay?!”
you, meanwhile, had just bought a t-shirt with a tux design on it, and threw on some jeans with sneakers in the most gloriously low-effort homecoming outfit. the dance was coming to an end, really only being a bunch of kids either standing around awkwardly on the dance floor or twerking on each other, and you cringed a little while kicking at a balloon that bobbled over. they had either not left room for any actual dancing the entire three hours, or it had just not been socially acceptable at the time to actually do the dance you both practiced, since every couple had immediately started making out the moment the slow dance section came up. both you and leo had covered each others eyes when you noticed, and laughed at each other.
now though, he looked dejected while swishing around the last of his punch in his cup, and then tilting his head back to down it. you glanced nervously at april, who had been chatting it up with cass for most of the time since you had “abandoned her” when she asked you before leo forced you to go, and they seemed to be hitting it off. you smiled a little, glad, and then looked back at the disguised turtle still boredly observing everything at your side, plastic red solo cup tossed to the side along with the other trash littering the scuffed floor, “hey leo?”
his attention immediately locked on you when you finally said something, and he sighed, scratching at his human-looking cheek, “yeah? i can see why you didn’t wanna go now, by the way.. this kinda sucks nuts.”
“don’t wanna say i told you so, but,” you ended the statement with a shrug, laughing a little. he grumbled, and you patted his back, or well, shell in disguise, “hey! on the bright side, we can always reminisce on how we cha-cha-slided with a bunch of horny teenagers!”
the turtle’s pained expression made you choke on any other words you were going to say for a moment, and you leaned against him for support while wheezing, the subject rolling his eyes, “uhuh, har dee har, laugh it up… we better tell april we’re leaving, i’m done with this.”
you placed a hand on his chest to stop him, and he did, waiting for your breath to catch up with you. you were grateful, breathing out any lasting chuckles while he raised a human brow at you in question, “w-wait! pfft- nono! we can still dance if you wanna live out your teenage dreams, just maybe when everyone is gone, yeah?”
leo blinked at you for a moment, “when everyone is gone?”
nodding, you gestured to the general mass of sweaty hormonal minors having tiktok dance-offs, which was really just them tweaking out with their hands with an occasional stomp of their feet, “yeah, we can wait for a bit until the gym is cleared out, and then we’ll have the floor to ourselves. how’s that sound, blue?”
he raised a hand to his chin, pretending to stroke an imaginary beard, and he laughed when you deadpanned at him, “sounds good to me… let’s go bother april and goth chick until then. they’re having too much fun!”
leo took your hand, making you follow along with him while you almost stumbled to catch up, waving at the two on the opposite side of the room laughing at something the other said.
the both of you had hid in the folded up bleachers as the custodian cursed the amount of trash the kids left in the gym, limbs pretzeled together and trying your best to scooch back in fear they find you both giggling like dumbasses. they eventually left, closing the door behind them with a sigh, and you two clawed your way out the tight space. you high-fived the disguised turtle with cracking limbs, while he rubbed his sore shell wrapped in magic human backside with a whine, and you both helped each other hop down to what was once “the dance floor,” now just the land of dreaded pacer tests once more. your sneakers squeaked against the gym’s floor as you walked to the middle, the pair of you cringing at the way the sound reverberated through the empty space, and you smoothed down your precious now-wrinkled shirt while turning to face leo, “well, we did it.”
he looked around in surprise, seemingly at how barren the gymnasium seemed now, and nodded along, “that we did.. we don’t even have music though, how are we gonna dance?”
you shrugged, taking his hand to tug him over gently, and he let you, but the disguised turtle having five fingers instead of the three you had to adjust to weirded you out, “we don’t need tchaikovsky or something, half the time we’ve been practicing without any music at all. take off the brooch.”
the boy’s eyes widened. it was so strange to see a nose on his face, and it was stranger when you booped it and he flinched just the slightest, a hand already reaching into his coat pocket to take it off. he paused in his movement for just a second, head swiveling to the doorway nervously, “uh.. are you sure? it’d be taking a risk. what if someone comes in looking for their like, i dunno, wallet or something??”
your lips pursed, and you tapped your fingers against his side that you were loosely holding, raising a brow but letting him take his time, “leo, everyone buys the tickets before they come. if someone brought their wallet here to pay for the overpriced snacks they sell, don’t you think they deserve to get traumatized by a short mutant turtle shittily dancing with some random kid?”
fighting a smile, he grumbled a “whatever, i’ll be tall as hell one day, and you’ll be sniveling and seething,” and then unpinned the brooch to let it simply sit in his pocket, neither agreeing nor disagreeing with your question. one magical girl detransformation later found you the red eared slider you had been forced to practice with for a near month, eyes crinkled as you assumed your positions. you stepped forward with your left foot, the turtle stepping back with his right, and feet met their respective pair as you both stepped to the side, leading him to spin along. the two of you continued like this across the empty gymnasium, leo laughing every time you picked him up off the ground to twirl him, leaving you beaming while humming something waltz-like to satisfy.
it was fun, and the both of you kept going till you slowed as you neared the middle of the scuffed wooden floor once more, breathing uneven while the dimming sunlight shone from the too-high windows. you resolved for one more spin to end off the dance with another bout of giggles from the slider, and he hugged you close to find purchase when you heaved him up to whirl him to the middle, tuckered out smiles from the both of you while he let out a high pitched school girl-like titter. you let out a snort that broke your murmurs of a tune, finally stopping to rest your head against his shoulder, trying to catch your breath, “was it.. hh.. was that a good memory?”
leo wasn’t as worn out as you, considering the fucker had been spun into the air more times than you could count with your sore arms, expression something of unbridled joy while he let you lean against him because he did the same against you, “pff- are you kidding? it was one of the best! i hope i never get dementia.”
you sniggered, shoulders shaking while he let out an amused laugh, like he didn’t expect that to get you, “can mutant turtles even get dementia?”
the slider rolled his eyes, something you couldn’t see, but instead heard in his tone with lingering chuckles, “well, i sure hope not, because i wanna remember this forever! i’ll just make donnie reverse engineer my brain if i ever do.”
your breathing had settled into its usual patterns again, and you pulled away slightly to give him a pointed look, “yeah, now i hope not too, ‘cause purple is gonna one hundred percent lobotomize your goofy self.”
he let out an indignant scoff at the idea, before he seemed to mull over it again, and then nodded solemnly in agreement. you shook your head with a grin, pointing to the exit, “anyways, wanna skedaddle? i’m down for some dinner after i pick that lock.”
the slider pinned on the brooch once more, and you frowned just a bit at the fact that he had a nose again, the skin-walker offering you a nasty smirk back with a raise of his eyebrows, “pick the lock? well, the more you know. lead the way, bestest buddy, i’m just about starved!”
you rolled your eyes as he dramatically pointed towards the exit, striking some extravagant pose while you unsheathed a couple paper clips, urging your friend to follow you. he did with nothing but a short laugh at how you fiddled with the little metallic school supplies, cheering you on until you both were home free.
the turtle had caught you out in the commons again, making some tea in the wee hours of the morning. you don’t know how long he had stood there watching you, until he let out a sigh that alerted you of his presence, tense shoulders immediately slumping when you recognized his footsteps, “don’t scare me like that, commander.”
his prosthetic was off tonight, only one arm wrapping around your stomach, careful not to lean on your back while you stirred the barest of sugar into your tea, “commander? ha, what happened to leo? or even blue?”
you let yourself laugh, raising a brow and pausing to take a testing sip of the tea, not caring it was still bitter because you didn’t want to waste sweetener, “psh- okay, bestest friend, why are you still up? don’t we need to gather some recruits to go for a supply run at noon?”
a laugh in your ear, surprised, and then he nuzzled into your cheek, “wow, been a while since that, and usually i start it! did you finally decide we’re best friends after all?”
you huffed, setting the tea down with little to no trembling to turn and face him, the slider immediately backing away to give you room, “oh shut up, leon, it’s been like… fifteen years, at the least? and you’re avoiding my question.”
he pouted, flicking the middle of your forehead lightly, snickering when you rubbed it with a grumble, “that’s true, and i’m not! you just get a.. delayed answer, yeah.”
you raised a brow, “when’s that answer gonna come around, then?”
the turtle instead pulled you away from your precious tea, and you whisper screamed at him while he whisper laughed at your misery, knowing you weren’t in any actual pain at the fact that your limbs were still uselessly flailing. you gave up pretty quick, simply slumping in his arms as he walked you both over to the middle of a cleared out area in the commons, and you groaned, “leo, what are you doing?”
he set you down onto the ground again, smiling cheekily, finally having something that wasn’t exhaustion in his eyes for now, “dancing.”
you sputtered, “wh- what?? why??? i don’t even know if i remember the steps anymore!”
the red eared slider let out a gasp that wasn’t as played up as it could be, lightly covering his mouth with his only remaining hand, “ohmigosh, does that mean that you got dementia before me?! i’m so sorry!”
the was a pathetic smack to his plastron, and he sniggered, “you know what i mean! i can’t even twirl you around like some damn princess anymore, look at you!”
leo was now a head and a half taller than you, something you bitterly griped about whenever he even so much as mentioned it, and his smile much too smug for your liking when he had first noticed he grew even just a tad more than you. apparently mutant turtles were just bound to keep growing despite the point where humans stopped, and the now flipped height difference always found a way to get under your nerves despite the literal apocalypse you were trying to survive. the turtle looked down at himself, then back at you with a “tsk,” trying not to appear as embarrassed as he was at what you could still recall, “well, you don’t have to lift me up, okay! jeez, can a guy just shittily dance with his buddy as the sun rises?”
you laughed, shaking your head in a silent surrender the slider was eager to accept, a hand making its way to your hip while you rested yours the best you could on his shoulders, “you might be the cheesiest fucking turtle i know, y’know that?”
he frowned at you in distaste, sticking his tongue out while you rolled your eyes, and then stepped forward with his left, “well, you never say no to anything i wanna do, so who’s the real weirdo, huh?”
you stepped your right foot back, about to take his other hand when you remembered he didn’t have one, and he snorted as you rested your hand at his shoulder once more, huffing, “spoiler alert, it’s still you.”
you both sniggered under your breaths, the slider leading you to rotate the both of you along the empty ground, “oh, shut up.”
the two of you continued like that for a while, slowly orbiting around nothing as you hummed, faces tired but content. that is, until leo’s arm around you tightened a little more, careful not to agitate any corroded nerves, and your feet left the ground. your panic turned to embarrassed giggling as he whirled you around, face hot and a hand punching him lightly while the other arm held on for dear life, and his face lit up, “hehehAHAH- HEY!! what happened to no twirling??!”
he spun a couple times until setting you down once more, sluggishly picking up the dance steps with joy twinkling in crinkled eyes looking down at you, meanwhile you beamed back up at him with raised brows, “psh, i said you didn’t have to lift me up, nothing about the opposite. plus, i can see why you did it for me so many times!”
you spent most of the sleepy dance with a burning face rested on his chest after that, to which he laughed teasingly at you, but said nothing else as he smoothed down your hair, continuing your humming for you. the slider still twirled you around a couple more times to get reactions, at which you couldn’t help but burst into giddy snickers every time you felt weightless, catching sight of leo’s face with something cherishing you had to rip your eyes away from. you could feel his arm bracing for yet another lift, and your cheeks hurt from your grin, the red eared slider rubbing his cheek against yours, “here we go, one more time! up, up and away-!”
he had barely suspended you up once more before someone cleared their throat a ways away, and you jolted, scrambling across the shoulders of the turtle holding you as his grip had gone slack. you hid behind his shell with a sweat, and you could hear donnie’s voice carry out to his brother, “what.. are you guys doing? it’s early.”
leo might’ve smiled, you couldn’t see either of their faces, but you would assume donnie yet again looked as if he had risen from the dead for more coffee, “good morning, dear brother! your face makes it seem like it’s still late at night! when’s the last time you got some sleep?”
you heard shuffling moving towards the kitchen area, and leo moved to face the soft-shell responsible for it in time, graciously avoiding you being seen sweaty and embarrassed, “i hate you both. homophobic now.”
that got a genuine chortle out of the slider, and your muscles slackened as you slumped down to the floor with a groan, blue turning a bit to catch a glimpse at you. it only made him start laughing even more, and you spotted donnie side-eyeing the both of you with an apathetic annoyance. leo helped you up, to which you gave him a grateful expression, and donnie piped up again after a sip of his freshly brewed coffee, “if you’re done being idiots now, you need to get ready for that supply run. i’ll be giving your “student” something new that’ll make his life a little easier, and run a couple diagnostics on the base’s defenses.”
blue cocked his head at purple, and you rubbed at your eyes, making your way around the island in search of the tea ripped away from you, “yeah, yeah, i know all that, but what are you giving casey? there’s only so many lethal weapons you can give the kid before it becomes overkill, donnie.”
the soft-shell had let you squeeze past him, looking over at your frown at a cup of tea gone cold with a quirk of his brow, before dragging his gaze back up to leo, “oh come on, the boy needs it if he wants to stay alive, plus it’s fun. i’ll just be giving him a grappling hook though, nothing special.”
leo squinted at him when he said “nothing special,” looking to you as you poured out your tea. you met his eyes blankly for a moment, thinking it over before shrugging, washing the mug and putting it away, “i mean, you can’t commit that many more accidental fatalities with a grappling hook compared to chainsaw hockey stick, so it’s fine in my book. maybe don’t let him loose with it in the base while he’s still learning how to use it, though.”
donnie and leo both nodded in agreement at that, and the matter of casey junior having yet another purple-patented device was settled, the inventor smiling to himself smugly, “i will also be relaying all of what i saw to mikey and april. this is payback.”
and with that, he sauntered out, picking up the pace after you registered what he said with wide eyes, chasing after him. leo watched the both of you run off, donnie fighting to keep the precious bean juice in his hands from spilling with evil cackles while you screamed at him in annoyance, the red slider simply shrugging and resolving to go tell casey the good news. he had fun, and you had fun. that’s all that mattered.
even if it was pretty gay.
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chaos0pikachu · 8 months
Boston is the only one in that friend group that would know Nails, Hair, Hips, Heels by Todrick Hall word for word
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portokali · 1 year
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bestie gi @pinknoisemp3 tagged me to share my 9 albums of 2022!!! ty that was v fun to do and think abt!!!
criteria for being a nica album of the year were: °albums i listened to front to back a lot, not just albums where i loved a couple individual songs, °albums that actually set the vibe and made me think of a lot, °albums i liked (ofc), °albums that i either discovered or came out this year OR if they're old favorites, °albums that were particularly relevant, and °albums that were somehow in pace w my character development
here we have: jubilee by japanese breakfast, laurel hell by mitski, ANIME by foivos delivorias, be the cowboy by mitski, μια πέτρα σαν σπίτι by sophie lies, a liquid breakfast by audrey nuna, metro by lex, surf by blackstarkids and red hearse by red hearse
tagging besties @catboyparrish @catboykacchan @catboypranparakulisaro @catboyhammerandsickle @transcatboymegumi @byrons @matchas @stuckwith-harry @quillsand @soupbi @diarygirls and everyone else who wants 2 do it.. ily i hope everyone enjoys the music they listen to as much as i do if not more its my genuine hope for humanity
#jubilee ALBUM OF THE YEAR loved it soo much only listened to it this year too before that all i had listened to more than once was be sweet#but so so so good sooo important to me!!!!#laurel hell A GROWER i loved the singles as they came out but after the album came out i loved jt#but then took a break from listening to it and arrived at the conclusion that it's a lot less musically interesting#than any of her previous works and then came back to it some months later w new uears#OK I STILL KINDA AGREE W PAST ME that melodically it's not AS impressive as some stuff shes done before but stillll#such an important album to me this year n now i grew into some of the songs more esp thats our lamp#ANIME BY DELIVORIAS AND FIRST GREEK ALBUM IN THE LINEUP OKOK OK LETSGO#hes my greek boomer of choice look he went and named his album anime it doesnt even have 2 do w anime#he meant as in.. anima as in the soul in latin ig?? so much of it has 2 do w the matter of thr human soul n how delivorias sees the world#his brain!!! ok even if u dont speak greek i think its an enjoyable listen!!! look i wouldnt be reccing it if it wasnt good!!!!#BE THE COWBOY a classic an old favorite but i listened to it soo much more this year and developed personal close relationships w so many#of the songs so!!! a 2nd win for mitski CHEERS#mia Petra san spiti aka a rock as a home (??) by Sophie lies ANOTHER greek indie album in the lineup n honestly#its more of a 2021 album of the year but this year too and actually one of my fav albums ever#soo much of it is abt growing pains and struggling in your 20s.. hi. was listening to it recently thinking funny how sophie lies writes#songs specifically for me such as aeras bc well of course eimai aeras eimai o ai8eras pou anakatevei fyllarakia eimai neraki ki auto einai#kati... mia stagona poy soy 8wlwse to mati!!! WHO comes up w this stuff NOT NORMAL PPL ILL TELL U THAT MUCH. also nastia likes sophie too#yes yes loved talking abt her w nastia bestie..#a liquid breakfast by audrey.. v good grew on me fast too it interchanges btwn being badass and gritty to vulnerable and softer letsgoo#definitely sth i needed a lot also v fond memories of playing this in the car 2 my friend and his friend i had just met and them both#approving. also b4 the friends friend became MY friend hello!!!!#lex metro what can i say. he already said it all!!! skg gang letsgoo#CULTURAL RESET also ofc i was there at the live.. a v v remarkable and unforgettable day by all means. n my brother gave me one of the#tshirts he got AND I ALSO got a paprika tshirt by artist ej chong so i have 2/9 tshirts for the albums mentioned here#surf by blackstarkids WOW A VIBE!!!! again v relatable to growing n 20smethingisms but also v fun and just super gr8#helped me alot through the summer.. love 💕💕💕#RED HEARSE is actually a long time fav since 2020 i think but it stayed a fav this year n got me through a lot there r some absolutest bops#here!!!! everybody wants you is one of my top most listened songs n my fav alongside red hearse n half love..#tag game
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welcometogrouchland · 2 years
Where's the "If the pussy is bad I'm stealing something from your house!!!" Meme. I need it
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strawberrycircuits · 5 months
i. thibk this is asking about eveline ((my oc my girl evie? evie woode?) but im ever so slightly unsure. uhh did u kno she has a garden and tht she knows how to play piano (was forced to initially, is learning to love it + make it her own) and that her favorite fruit are blackberries (least fav are raspberries, she really dislikes them :[ ). when designing her i originally based her off of 40s/50s aesthetics to kind of reference the general turmoil of that time on women/minorities (a lot of her story centers around that) AND as a deliberate anachronism to make her seem more out of place and "behind" on the times as a means of visual storytelling but im also playing with pushing her towards 60s/70s aesthetics to kind of convey the growth she undergoes as time goes on (she doesnt really get much farther than that before she dies(asterisk)(asterisk)(citation needed). the way i draw her hair is this strange mishmash of victory rolls, pageboy curls, and actress lauren bacall's hair that i really out to change to be more realistic but im so attached to how i draw it bc its so iconic i just cant bear 2 change it. her freckles are genetic but she ends up with way more once she moves to aconite!!!!! her special interest is music and while she doesnt get music theory much and doesnt care for the lore of musicians she can talk for hooouurs about the instruments used in songs and what feelings they tend to illicit and the ways lyrics can be interpreted and not-interpreted but she tends to get embarrassed easily when she gets on a tangent about that. she works part time in mail delivery, part time in a bakery, and occasionally does piano lessons! uhh i based her original concept off of this song, this song, and this song too. can you tell im not too sure how to answer this ,
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melzula · 2 months
All I Ever Wanted
pairing: zuko x reader
notes: this was originally requested by an anon but i also took inspiration from mitski’s song “your best american girl” while writing this. give it a listen during your read !
summary: as a peasant and servant girl for the palace, you should have known better than to fall for the Prince
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The sun is warm against your skin and the grass is soft beneath you as you land on your back in a fit of giggles. Azula is unamused by your antics, but Zuko finds himself laughing right along with you. It’s a peaceful summer’s day in the palace gardens, and you spend it as you would any other day by playing with your friends.
“I caught you,” you tell him with a breathless laugh after turning your head to face him.
“No way, I was just going easy on you,” he argues with playful grin, his nose nearly brushing against your own due to your close proximity on the grass. Your heart beats fast in your rib cage as you try to ignore the rising heat on your face and play it off as a result of your exhaustion and not your nerves from lying with the Prince. You haven’t realized it yourself, but you have a crush on Zuko, a painfully obvious one that he hasn’t seemed to notice yet. What you also don’t realize is that he reciprocates the feeling, and he shares the thrill that comes with being your playmate.
“Are you two done yet?” Azula finally interrupts with a roll of her eyes as she offers you her hand and helps you up from the ground. “It’s my turn to hide this time.”
“I don’t think we can play anymore,” Zuko notes with a frown as his mother makes her way towards your group. You quickly bow in respect to the Fire Lady, but she waves you off with a smile.
“I’m sorry, y/n, but Zuko and Azula must attend their fire bending lessons now. I’m afraid playtime is over for today,” she informs you apologetically.
“Yes, Fire Lady Ursa,” you reply politely before turning to give both of your friends departing hugs. “Bye Zuko, bye Azula!”
“It’s too bad you’re not a fire bender,” Azula remarks after halfheartedly returning your embrace. “Maybe dad would let us play with you more if you were.”
Her words make your body hot with embarrassment and shame, and though you don’t voice your discomfort Ursa is instantly able to pick up on it. With a scolding glare, the Fire Lady quickly urges her daughter to apologize.
“Azula, that is not a nice thing to say to a friend.”
“But it’s true,” the girl mutters under her breath only to have her mother drag her away before she can get the chance to say anything else. Zuko hesitates then, giving you an apologetic look and promising to play with you tomorrow before rushing after Ursa and Azula.
You’ve never really cared about being a non-bender, but there’s something about Azula’s words that has you questioning your worth. As the daughter of a royal family servant with no title or money to her name, you knew you were lucky to be able to grow up in the palace and play with the Fire Lord’s children. However, you never once realized that you weren’t their equal. They were royalty, a Prince and a Princess destined to become powerful benders and ruthless leaders of the Fire Nation, and you were simply a girl who would one day grow up to live a life of servitude. You had no real future or purpose ahead of you, not like they did, and yet you were the only one unaware of your unfortunate fate.
Perhaps it’s because they never treated you in such a way, and your mother did her best to shield you from your true heritage. For now you could grow up blissfully unaware of the fact that your friends would one day outgrow you.
“Mom?” Zuko asks once they’re safe inside the palace. “Do you like y/n?”
“She’s a sweet girl,” Ursa notes with a faint smile, “and she makes you both happy. So yes, I like her.”
“Then why doesn’t Dad?”
The Fire Lady’s smile fades into a remorseful frown, and she simply ushers her son forward with a shake of her head. “Let’s not worry about that now. You’re going to be late for your lesson.”
Zuko isn’t satisfied with her answer, but he isn’t give a chance to discuss it further with her. For now, he remains content with the fact that he likes you, and his mother likes you.
That is enough for him.
The day is calm as you carefully hang the clothes to dry and enjoy the warmth of the sun basking on your skin. It’s rare that you get tasked with the outdoor chores, so you savor the opportunity for as long as you can. Doing the royal family’s laundry certainly beats scrubbing the floors of the palace, and you are grateful the spirits have taken mercy upon you today.
You’re freshly fifteen and the summer is just beginning. You’ve grown into a well-mannered young woman, and you’re old enough now to be able to take on some of the work that once fell to your mother. One day you will take her place and continue to serve the royal family until you’re no longer physically able. You’ll never get to leave, but you consider yourself grateful to live on the palace grounds. You will forever have a roof over your head, food on the table, and, most importantly, your friends.
You take great care to pin Azula’s dresses down without getting any creases or wrinkles in the fabric, and you’re so lost in thought that you don’t notice the figure carefully creeping up behind you. You’re too busy reciting the words to an old Fire Nation folk song your mother had taught you to pay any mind to your surroundings, and it gives Zuko the perfect opportunity to catch you by surprise.
“Y/n!” He exclaims with a grin as his hands land firmly upon your shoulders. You nearly jump out of your skin at the act, and your reaction has the Fire Prince laughing so hard his cheeks begin to hurt.
“Zuko!” You scold with an irritated scowl as you chuck a handful of clothespins at him in retaliation. “You need to stop doing that!”
“I’m sorry, you just make it so easy,” he teases with a light nudge to your side before taking it upon himself to pick up the pins you’d discarded.
“Shouldn’t you be getting ready to leave for Ember Island?” You ask him with a quizzical look as you resume your previous work of hanging the clothes.
“That’s actually what I was coming to talk to you about,” he admits with a sheepish smile. “I want you to come with us.”
“What? You’re not serious, are you?” You retort apprehensively, halting your movements to gauge his reaction for any hint of insincerity or humor.
“I am serious. You deserve to have fun once in a while too,” he notes with a careful smile. You’re too oblivious to notice the look of admiration on his face and definitely too concerned with finding a way to let him down gently to realize he’s inviting you because he likes you. Despite your own feelings for the Prince you’ve developed over the years, you’re much too self-depreciating to ever believe Zuko could possibly feel the same. If only you knew.
“I can’t just up and leave! There’s work to be done, a-and my mother would be so upset with me if I abandoned my chores and-“
“Azula will tell our father she wishes to bring you along as a personal servant so you can come with us, and someone else will be tasked with taking on your work while you’re away. There’s no way your mom could be upset with you for serving the Princess, could she?”
“Azula would really do that for me?” You question meekly, a hopeful glint in your eyes as you hang on to his every word. You’re trying your best not to get your hopes up, but you wish for nothing more than to leave the capital city to see the ocean for the first time and feel the sand beneath your feet. As the daughter of a servant and now a servant yourself, you know you’d never get a chance like this if not for the fact that the siblings had grown fond of you over your years of friendship together. You’re lucky, because you know without them you’d truly be nothing more than a floor scrubbing peasant.
“Of course she would, she wants you there just as much as I do,” Zuko assures you. Gently taking your hands in his own, he gives them a comforting squeeze and looks into your eyes with a loving smile. “We leave tomorrow morning. Bring enough clothes to last you three days and a bathing suit.”
“I don’t own one,” you admit with an embarrassed frown, but your friend doesn’t display any sign of judgement in the slightest towards your shortcomings.
“Then I’ll take you shopping myself when we get there.”
Your heart melts at his words, your gaze falling to the ground bashfully as you try not to dwell on the fact that he’s still holding your hands. You’re in love with the Prince, and the Prince is in love with you, and everyone but you has figured out just how much you mean to each other.
Even Fire Lord Ozai, who odiously watches the scene unfold before him from the top of the palace balcony.
The shores of Ember Island are beautiful.
The waves almost seem to sparkle underneath the moonlight as they crash peacefully against the shore, and down below the lively chatter of your friends carries through the air and fills your heart with contentment. You’ve had the most perfect time here at the beach, and it pains you to know that tonight will be your last night of freedom before you must return home and resume your life as a servant girl.
The wooden doors behind you carefully slide open and closed, and soon a familiar warmth joins you out on the balcony. For a while you say nothing, simply enjoying the closeness of him as you watch Azula, Ty Lee, and Mai practice tricks in the sand below. You don’t know how to thank the Prince for all he’s done for you, for always looking out for you since you were children, for never once treating you as less than for your heritage. You don’t know how to tell him that you love him with your entire being.
So he does it for you.
“I got you something,” Zuko says after a moment’s silence, waiting for you to turn your gaze to him so he may pull out a small clam from beneath his robes. You raise a curious eyebrow at his offering as he gestures for you to take it.
“A clam shell?” You note inquisitively as you turn the gift around in your palms, carefully feeling out its grooves and intricate ridges.
“Open it,” he directs you quietly, anxiously watching your movements with bated breath.
You smile curiously at your friend before delicately pulling the top half of the shell open to reveal the contents inside. Your eyes widen in surprise at the gift that greets you, and you immediately look up to Zuko to ensure this isn’t some kind of joke.
Inside the clam sits a beautiful gold necklace with a dainty sun pendant resting in the center that shimmers under the light of the moon. It’s beautiful, and it’s certainly worth more than your own life, which is why you immediately try to hand it back to him.
“I-I can’t accept this!” You hastily insist with a quick shake of your head as you struggle to return the clam to him. “It’s too nice!”
“You can accept this,” Zuko reassures you as he carefully pushes the gift back towards you. When his efforts fail due to your persistent attempts to give back the shell, he lets out a sigh and carefully removes the necklace from the clam. “Y/n, I want you to have it.”
“But why?” You demand apprehensively, almost flinching away when he moves towards you with the necklace. You’re completely overwhelmed by his gift and unsure of what it means or why you’d ever be deserving of such a thing. You don’t want to take advantage of his kindness or his status, and you feel like he’s done more than enough for you by bringing you along on this trip, so it just feels wrong of you to take it.
“Because you deserve nice things too,” Zuko explains, and after giving you a pointed look you finally allow him to carefully put the necklace on you. The sun rests daintily along your neck, and he thinks it suits you perfectly. “I brought you on this trip because I wanted you to have fun for once, but also because… well, because I love you, and I thought a romantic setting might make it easier to tell you that.”
“You love me?”
“You haven’t noticed?” He retorts with a meek smile. “I’m not the best at words, but I know that I’ve loved you since we were children feeding turtle ducks in the pond and playing tag in the gardens. You have the purest heart of anyone I know, the sweetest smile, you are everything to me. I hope that by accepting this gift, you’ll be accepting me as someone worthy enough to be your boyfriend.”
“Oh, Zuko…” you murmur softly, eyes full of tears as you throw yourself into his arms and hug him as tight as humanly possible. You’re still shocked by the fact that the boy you love will all your heart feels the same, but you try to remind yourself not to look a gift horse in the mouth. Zuko is right when he says that you deserve to enjoy what life has to offer just as much as he does, so maybe it’s time you finally start allowing yourself the chance to finally let your guard down. You can be more than just a servant girl from the palace.
You can be happy.
You sit quietly before the vanity mirror as your mother tediously brushes through your hair to ensure not a single strand is out of place. The wrinkles in her skin crease with her nerves as she carefully begins to pin your hair back into the perfect top knot. Immediately after your return home from Ember Island, you were informed that the Fire Lord wished to speak with you. You were expected to drop your chores for the day and make yourself decent before presenting yourself to him. His request to see you surprised you considering the fact you previously believed he didn’t even know of your existence, but it made you nervous all the same. If anything were to go wrong during your meeting, you’d be jeopardizing both yours and your mother’s jobs.
“Make sure to sit up straight and no slouching,” she reminds you quietly while stopping to admire her work. “Hold your tongue until he allows you to speak and thank him for all he has done for us. It is a great honor to speak to Fire Lord Ozai, so you must treat it as such.”
“Mother, what could the Fire Lord possibly want to talk to me about?”
She doesn’t meet your eyes at first, looking away as if contemplating carefully what her next words should be. With a sigh, she sets the brush down and looks at you through the reflection. “Word has spread quickly about you and Prince Zuko, and I think he knows.”
You swallow nervously at her admission, absently brushing your fingers against the sun that hangs around your neck. You never once considered what Zuko’s father would think about his son’s choice of a partner; Ursa had always treated you as one of her own, and Azula considered you to be a good friend, but what would Ozai say of the peasant girl who had stolen his son’s heart?
You don’t have much time to mull over it further as a guard arrives to escort you from your quarters to the throne room. All eyes seem to follow you as you walk through the palace, the gold and red hues overwhelming your senses as you do your best to remain calm. You have no idea what awaits you at the end of the hallway, but there’s no escape now as the grand doors open and you’re pushed inside.
Ozai sits on the throne with a wall of flames roaring behind him. His features are stoic but his gaze is menacing as his eyes watch your meager form approach. You immediately bow in respect to the man once you reach him and kneel before his seated figure. Just as your mother instructed, you say nothing until you are spoken to.
“So you’re the girl my son has chosen to be his partner?” He drawls with a raised brow, obviously not impressed by the person before him.
“Yes, sir. It is an honor to present myself to you, my Lord,” you profess as earnestly as possible while adding another bow for good measure. You need his approval not only to continue dating Zuko, but also to ensure you and your mother are both able to continue living behind the palace walls. Even if you are there as servants tucked away in the peasant quarters, it certainly is a better place to be than out in the streets.
“I know who you are, child,” Ozai scoffs callously as he peers down at you from his place on the throne. “You are the peasant girl who managed to worm her way into the lives of my children. You are a lowly servant with nothing to your name and nothing special about you, and yet you have managed to corrupt my only son."
“Fire Lord Ozai, I-I apologize if my actions have upset you,” you quickly try to interject, but he holds a hand up and signals you to halt your pathetic rambling. Ozai does not have the time nor care to hear your excuses or explanations. That’s not what this meeting is for.
“Do you know how poorly it would reflect on me to have Zuko galavanting around the palace with a servant? Do you know how poorly it reflects on him to be seen with you? It’s a disgrace, and it is something I will not tolerate.”
“I know,” you utter quietly, trying to make yourself appear as small as you feel on the inside. Despite what Zuko has told you, you know that his father is right. You are nothing compared to him. He is the sun, the Prince, the heir to the throne. His future ahead is bright, and there is much for him to accomplish. You have no future, no plans for your life, nothing as grand or important as him and Azula. You are not the sun or the moon or even the stars that hang in his sky, you are insignificant, and you will never be worthy enough to be his.
“A future Fire Lord cannot have a maid as a wife. You must break his heart so that he no longer wants anything to do with you, so that he can move on and find a girl more worthy of becoming the future Fire Lady. You must make it appear to be your own doing and not mine, otherwise it won’t work. Have I made myself clear, child?”
“Yes, Fire Lord Ozai,” you whisper softly, a single tear sliding down your cheek as you bow to the cruel man before you. “I understand.”
The clouds that hang overhead are gray as Zuko makes his way towards the servants’ quarters. It is unheard of for any royal to ever set foot on these grounds, and so all eyes watch the Prince curiously as he approaches your humble home and knocks gently on the door. Movement sounds from the other side, and after a moment he is met with the startled face of your mother. It’s clear that she hadn’t been expecting him, and he takes her by surprise when he bows to the woman in respect.
“I apologize for coming unannounced, but I was hoping I could speak to y/n,” he utters with a look of defeat on his face. His sullen features make his lack of sleep obvious, and his eyes are full of desperation. You’ve been avoiding him for weeks and he has no clue as to why, but he hopes to figure it out soon before he starts to spiral any further.
“She’s…” your mother begins to say, glancing unsurely behind her before looking back to him, “she’s not feeling well. You can come back another time.”
“Please, Prince Zuko, we can’t risk you catching whatever it is she’s come down with. You must go.”
She gives him no time to argue before slamming the door in his face. Zuko is stunned, but his shock quickly turns to anger as he lets out a frustrated breath of flames from his mouth before stalking off to cool himself down.
His footsteps fade into the distance as he departs, and you can only sit by the window of your room and watch him walk away. There’s a tightness in your chest that makes you feel as if you can’t breathe, and once he finally disappears over the horizon you break down into an inconsolable mess.
You love Zuko with all of your heart, so it kills you to act as if he means nothing to you. You’re trying to do what Ozai has demanded of you, but it’s agonizing and difficult. You’re too much of a coward to face him and break it off for good, so you’ve resorted to avidly avoiding the Prince at all costs. You hope that by pushing him away he’ll take it upon himself to end the relationship; it would be much less painful that way, but he’s too stubborn for his own good, and he’s persisted despite your best efforts.
The days seem to blend together as you lock yourself in your room while your mother continues to turn Zuko away. You haven’t done any of your chores or worked in days, but Ozai has not faulted you for your incompletion of tasks. Breaking Zuko’s heart is your task, and so long as you keep your word he couldn’t care less what you did with yourself.
After another week has passed, suffocation finally catches up to you and you’re forced to leave your room in order to get some fresh air. You sneak out at nightfall when the palace is quiet and your mother is sleeping so that no one can detect your presence. You retreat to the well out in the back and stare contemplatively into the water below. Clutching the sun that hangs from the gold chain around your neck, you admire the moon’s reflection in the ripples and wish you could be anywhere else but here in the Fire Nation.
“I thought I’d find you here,” a voice utters quietly, causing you to jump in alarm at the intrusion. You turn to meet the solemn gaze of the Prince, and as your back hits the cool stones of the well you find that you are cornered. You can’t avoid him now, and it’s a fact both of you are aware of.
“Zuko, I… I was just leaving,” you stammer hurriedly as you try to push your way past him, but he catches you by the arm before you can get away.
“No, not until you talk to me!” He demands, his eyes full of desperation and despair. “You’re supposed to be my girlfriend, yet you keep avoiding me. Why? Was it something I did?”
“No, Zuko, you didn’t do anything,” you insist despite refusing to meet his gaze. You’re terrified that someone will see you both together and alert Ozai, and you wish he would just release you so you could go back to hiding away in your room.
“Then why won’t you even look at me?”
Slowly, you peek your head up to meet his exasperated face. It seems he’s not going to give up without a fight, so you’re going to have to resort to doing what you’ve been trying to avoid this entire time.
“I don’t love you.”
“W-What?” Zuko stammers in quiet surprise, his hold on your arm loosening slightly. He doesn’t believe what he’s hearing from you, and his mind is scrambling to process your words.
“I don’t love you. I want nothing to do with you,” you repeat firmly, your eyes hardening as you stare up at him and yank yourself free from his grasp.
“Y/n, you don’t mean that-“
“I do mean it! I feel nothing for you, Zuko. I never have. I just felt like I couldn’t say no to you because you’re the Prince, so I had no choice but to say yes to being your girlfriend.”
Hurt flashes across his features and you’re dying inside at having to be so cruel to him. The heart of your childhood best friend is in your hands and you crush it with every word despite how much it pains you. But it’s better for both of you this way, it must be. Ozai will never let you be happy together, but apart he still has a chance to capture the promised future ahead of him. You’re doing him a favor, and you hope one day he’ll be able to see it that way too.
“I don’t understand,” he murmurs weakly, tears beginning to well in his eyes. Then, with frustration clear in his tone, “This doesn’t make any sense!”
“Did you honestly think we could actually be together?” You retort in disbelief. “Azula always said you were a fool, but I didn’t think you were this naive. A servant and a Prince don’t belong together, and you’re the only one who can’t seem to get that!”
“Alright, fine,” Zuko mutters indignantly. His sadness has quickly morphed into anger, and you hate the way it makes you feel. “Can I just ask you one thing?”
You say nothing in response, and he takes your silence as a sign to continue.
“If you don’t love me, then why are you still wearing the necklace?”
Your eyes widen slightly as your hand immediately flies to your neck to clutch the pendant, and your heart slowly begins to sink to your stomach as you realize you’ve been caught in your lie. It’s your turn now to be at a loss for words, unsure what to say as you simply stare up at him with your mouth slight agape.
“You don’t mean what you’re saying,” Zuko says firmly as he moves closer to you. “Someone else is speaking for you, aren’t they?”
“What’s going on, y/n?” He presses gently, carefully resting a hand upon your cheek. “Why are you acting this way?”
“I can’t tell you,” you argue weakly, your own eyes becoming full of tears as you allow yourself to melt into his touch. You’ve missed the feeling of his warmth and the comfort of his closeness, and despite your mind screaming at you to remove yourself from him your heart keeps you planted in place.
“That’s nonsense, of course you can. You’ve always been able to tell me anything, so why can’t you now?”
“Can’t you just believe me when I tell you it’s for your own good?” You plead emphatically despite the wavering of your voice.
“How can this possibly be for my own good?!” He retorts in exasperation. “I’ve been miserable without you. Life feels empty when you aren’t around, and I don’t know how to deal with the fact that the girl I’ve loved all my life can’t seem to stand me.”
“It’s not like that!” You cry defensively as the tears finally begin to fall.
“Then what is it?!” Zuko demands, and you can’t seem to take any more of this torture. The lies are killing you, and you can’t help but to finally crack under pressure.
“I’m not good enough for you!” You finally exclaim as you pull yourself away from his touch. You try to choke back your sobs but the ache in your chest makes the task difficult, and you can do nothing but let your words flow freely after keeping them bottled in for weeks. “I-I have nothing to offer you, nothing that makes me special, nothing ahead of me like you do. It’s an embarrassment to the Fire Lord for you to be with me, and it will be an embarrassment for you to have me as your Fire Lady.”
Stunned by your admission, it takes Zuko a moment to process your words. He steps towards you and you flinch, effectively breaking his heart in the process. It’s clear you’re frightened, but not of him. Your fear is geared toward someone else, and the culprit must be responsible for you now feeling this way.
“Who told you such nonsense?”
“Your father,” you admit quietly much to Zuko’s dismay. His eyes immediately harden and his chest is immediately tight with anger, but he does his best to keep his emotions at bay so as to not upset you further. “He spoke to me when we returned from Ember Island and told me we couldn’t be together. Ozai demanded I break your heart so that you can move on and find another girl more suited for this life than I could ever be. I didn’t want to, I still don’t want to, but I’m doing this so that you can have a better future. I’ll only hold you back, Zuko.”
After taking a moment to digest your words, Zuko carefully steps towards you again. You don’t reject his advances this time, so he allows himself the opportunity to carefully wipe away the steady tears that fall down your cool cheeks. Despite how much of a mess you assume you must look like, the Prince still sees you as the most beautiful girl he’s ever laid eyes on.
“I don’t care what my father says,” he assures you gently as he takes your hands in his own. “You’re not an embarrassment, and there’s no other girl that could ever compare to you. I love you, y/n, and I’m not going to let anyone ever get in the way of that.”
“You mean that?” You ask with a quiet sniffle, holding his hands tight as if he’ll leave if you let go.
“Every word. Let my father and anyone else who disapproves of our relationship say what they want to say. I want to be with you, and I hope you still want to be with me too.”
His looks to you with pleading eyes that seek your reassurance, and for a moment you hesitate. Being with Zuko is all you’ve ever wanted, and now he stands here before you professing his loyalty and his love to you. The boy from your childhood had stolen your heart, and you’d be lying if you said you wanted it back.
You know being with him won’t be easy, especially not with his father’s adamant disapproval of your relationship, but you trust Zuko, and so you have to trust that everything will turn out okay. You meet his desperate gaze and gift him a faint smile, and despite knowing you’ll regret this, you wordlessly lean in to meet his lips in a kiss.
You can worry about Ozai’s wrath later. But for now, you allow yourself to melt into his embrace by the moonlit well as you share your first kiss in weeks. It feels right being in his arms once more after spending so much time apart, and you hope you’ll never have to be without his touch ever again.
| zuko tags: @ilovespideyyy @yiyibetch @eridanuswave @lammello @a-monsters-love @taeeemin @livelaughlovekuni @lovialy @alexatiu
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jjunieworld · 2 months
── a bed in your shape ⋆ 𓈒 ⊹ 🖼️ ˊ𓂃
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read part two here ⇢ a life in your eyes ☆
pairing: huening kai x gn!reader
genre: angst, fluffy, childhood bestfriends to ???, slice of life, blonde!kai, kai is kinda an asshole (i'm sorry)
synopsis: for as long as you could remember, you’ve been in love with your bestfriend kai. the only problem is, he never loved you back. yet, you can’t stop imagining your life with him.
word count: 1.4k┊part two┊masterlist
author's note: happy easter to all those who celebrate! this drabble was heavily inspired by the song strawberry blond by mitski!! all feedback is appreciated and please reblog instead of just liking! yes, i know i use ‘blonde’ instead of ‘blond’… i just like the way the ‘e’ looks better lmaoo.. txt comeback tomorrow and i’m so excited!!! i hope you enjoyed this little drabble!! ♡
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you knew what you were doing was going to lead to heartbreak, but at the moment you couldn’t care less. you and kai had planned a picnic in a nice field that the two of you had been visiting since you randomly found it as kids.
at the moment, you were listening to kai talk about this girl that he’s been going on about for months now. the wind was flowing smoothly over your skin from the open window, the spring breeze cooling you off. it was nearing summer now. “we have a date later today that i’m actually really nervous about,” kai spoke, his eyes briefly glancing at yours from the road. “i really really like her, y/n.”
you turned fully from the window to him. despite your heart fluttering at your name on his lips, you gave him a small grin as you said nothing. kai had pulled up to the field, which had saved you from answering anyway.
looking down to your hands in your lap as he parked, you tried to ignore the crushing weight of your heart. of course it wasn’t you he liked—how could you be so naive? this wasn’t some sort of fairytale. you still remember vividly overhearing kai’s conversation at the surprise birthday party you and your mutual friends had threw for him. “don’t be ridiculous,” he had said.
“i could never see them that way.”
you got out the car, looking over to see the top of kai’s blonde hair kiss the sunlight and turn golden. a smile formed on your face. as long as you had kai, that’s all that mattered to you. you didn’t need anything else—not this town, not this road, not this field. not even the sunshine, you’d much rather be clouded in darkness. just him.
grabbing the picnic basket and the blanket, you followed kai out to the field. the field was quite beautiful, the lush green grass was spread across the rolling hills with tiny multicolored flowers dotted about. it looked straight out of a painting that claude monet would’ve painted, and it belonged solely to the two of you.
jogging a little to catch up with kai’s long legs, a giggle slipped from your lips. kai looked at you with a small smile playing on his mouth, “what?” another giggle escaped you as he dodged out of the way of a bee, shaking his arm furiously as the bee tried to land onto his arm after. “they must think you’re a flower,” you replied.
you wouldn’t doubt it, he looked like a sunflower if you’ve ever seen one. blonde hair like honey and rosy cheeks as sweet as pie. kai chuckled, “why are they only going after me then? what about you?” he waved his hand in the air at you to insinuate you’re just as much of a flower as him. you shrugged, “must not be shining as brightly as you are.”
kai tilted his head at you and shook his head. he then wrapped an arm around your shoulder as you both continued your way to your spot in the field. “come on now, don’t say that! you shine just as bright as me, if not more. if anything, we shine brighter together!” you couldn’t disagree with that.
you laid the blanket out onto the grass and kicked your sandals off so you were barefoot, kai doing the same. you sat down onto the blanket and began taking out the wrapped food the two of you had prepared. the wind picked up just as kai went to lie down, flicking the blanket up. instead of laying on top of the blanket, he was now laying fully in the grass. either kai didn’t notice, or he didn’t care about the change.
“the clouds are so beautiful,” he breathed, tucking his arms behind his head. you placed the remaining food onto the blanket and scooted over slightly so you could lay down next to him. pointing, you grinned as you tried to ignore the heat rising in your cheeks, “look, that one looks like a duck!”
kai looked over to you and it made you realize how close the to of you were to each other. “a duck?” he asked incredulously, “that’s clearly a boat!” you returned his gaze with raised eyebrows. “a boat? maybe you should get a new prescription…” you shot back. kai playfully nudged you, causing the both of you to laugh.
you sat up and reached for the muffins you had bought. as you took a bite out of it, savoring the sweet flavor, kai spoke up. you turned to see that he was sitting up now, unwrapping a sandwich as he looked over the field. “i think she’ll really like it here,” he stated before taking a bite from the now unwrapped sandwich in his hand. raising an eyebrow, you lowered the half eaten muffin, “what do you mean? you’re bringing her here?”
“yeah, it’s breathtaking here,” kai shrugged as if what he just stated meant nothing. “she said she wanted something quiet but meaningful and this is absolutely perfect.” you abandoned your muffin in the empty space where it once sat in the container. he had your full attention now.
“but this is our spot,” you spoke slowly. it was as if you were trying to convince yourself that what you just heard come out his mouth somehow got twisted and you were trying to set the record straight. kai just nodded, adding nothing. so you did. “our spot—since we were kids, kai.”
kai nodded once more. “i know, y/n. what’s the issue here? it’s a field. we can find another field if you want to,” he furrowed his eyebrows at you and anger started to rise in you at the confusion in his voice. why didn’t he get it? even if you didn’t have any feelings for him, this was still your spot. your field—just the two of you. not the two of you and some girl.
“it’s not about finding another field. this field is suppose to be sacred—just for the two of us—and you want to bring some girl to our spot?” you practically seethed. desperately, you tried to control your tone, but the anger that had seeped through refused to be hidden. kai sat up straight and you knew you had made a mistake.
“it’s not just ‘some girl,’” kai said defensively. “she’s my girlfriend, and i can take her wherever i want to—even here. it’s just a stupid fucking field. it’s not even that special.” you opened your mouth to retort but all you could get out your mouth was a choked, “g-girlfriend?”
kai rolled his eyes at you, not hearing what you said, “save it, y/n. this is ridiculous.” he stood up from his spot in the grass and grabbed his shoes. kai began walking the path back to his car barefoot and you quickly stood to your feet. “you’re leaving me here? are you fucking serious right now, kai?” you shouted after him. kai continued, clearly ignoring you.
you watched as he got to his car and roughly flung the driver’s side door open. watched as he yanked his shoes back on and watched as he ripped out of the small gravel road and drove furiously away from you.
slumping to your knees, you let out a deep sigh. it looks like you’re walking home. you looked over to the spot in the grass where kai was just moments before. it was as if he didn’t even leave. the grass was still indented in the shape of him. your heart broke and your eyes watered as you reached over to softly touch the flattened grass.
packing up the food and the blanket, you tried your absolute hardest not to break completely. you knew this would all lead to heartbreak, and still—still you continued. foolish. you should’ve known better, maybe then all of this could have been avoided.
breathing out another sigh and looking over the field one last time, you began the walk back home. you were sure this was the last time you’ll ever be in this field again.
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© jjunieworld - all rights reserved. please do not repost on any social media sites, translate, or modify any of my works.
permanent taglist: @jjunberry @gothgyuu @spooksh0wbabe @beargyuuzz @kittyhyuka @dani-is-tired @riaawr @nxzz-skz @soobieboobiedoobiedaboobie @rapmonie2047
part two┊masterlist┊request rules
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lainsshop · 4 months
I’m Your Man ୨ৎ
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Pairing: Alastor x Reader
Tags: angst(?), established relationship, out of character(?) n probably more..
Song: I’m Your Man - Mitski
A/N: i really don’t know about this one.. give me your thoughts tho!
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Alastor is known as a huge narcissist, sure but you were the only one who got to see the “real” him, not only the real murderous side of him but also the soft spot he has for you. You made him feel.. weak?
Ever since you two got together, he view you as you were apart of him like an accessory but also much more than that, his lover. He absolutely adored you, you really accepted his flaw self even if he doesn’t admit he doesn’t have flaws.
He never wanted to admit to so many things cause he believes one second of him showing his weak self will make his enemies aware of that and it will put him and yourself in even more danger.
You were also the only one who got to see him in a vulnerable state, which is rare to be honest. Maybe he doesn’t wanna worry you, he really doesn’t but every time he’s in that state he would always come to you and you will listen to his words.
“You’re an angel, I’m a dog,” He started to slowly say as you two were in the hotels library. The door was locked, the sound of rain and fire cracking could be heard and a sweet slow tune next to you as you play with his hair and ears carefully.
“… or your dog and I’m your man.” There was times were he gets.. poetic in some way. Luckily, you knew what the meaning of his words meant.
He didn’t looked at you in the eyes. “You believe me like a God,” He continued. “I’ll destroy you like I am-” Oh, he could. He could easily hurt you in a second, he doesn’t tho. You being so near to him is like a risk to both of you cause he never hesitates to do anything. Like that night..
“I’m sorry I’m the one you love..” You see, you two met when you were alive, you were a lil bit younger than him by that time and he involved you into his weird habits like killing people, cannibalism, so much more and then your death..
Deep down, he blamed himself for that. That night, he took you into the woods to hide a body, usually it went well but then you guys got mistaken as a deer and the hunter got you first.. he looked at you dead body and then- he woke up in hell.
He couldn’t even process what happened in that exact moment so when he appeared in hell, he wasn’t surprised at all but then he remembered you. He genuinely thought you went to heaven but then again.. you helped him so he looked around.
“No one will ever love me like you again, my dear,” He finally looked at you as he grabbed you hand and gave it a small kiss. “So when you leave me, I should die.. I deserve it, don’t I?”
You froze a bit at that. You looked at him with a surprised, shocked and worried expression. “Al-” “I can feel it gettin’ near like flashlights comin’..” You wanted to tell him how much you meant you him, how even if he’s not the affectionate type or how much of a bad he is, you still loved him ever since the day you met but-
“One day, you’ll figure me out..” There was apart him that you really didn’t knew and he feared that. He feared that one day you’ll know more about him, more deeper about him and leave him. You knew his murderous way, yes but do you actually?
“I’ll meet judgement by the hounds,” A silent scratchy static could be heard as he said the last word. He was still smiling as he spoke.
“You always gave me love, you were never to blame after all, mon ange..” He looked at you with a bit of sad soft eyes as he cups your cheek and his thumb strokes your under eye.
The sudden sound of dogs start to appear outside in the rain. You two looked at each other as you had watery eyes trying not to get emotional or anything. There was silence between you two until-
“You believe me like a God-” A tear fell down your cheek. You suddenly hug him, not too tight, just enough to show him that you cared about him and you didn’t care how he really is.
He started to caress your hair. “I’ll betray you like a man.”
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knavesflames · 24 days
Hey knavesflames. New follower here.
Hope you are having a great day.
This is my first time ever requesting a writing and I know you could cook up a wonderful piece with it.
So basically got this idea after listening to Mitski's Washing Machine Heart (yes my life is mitski coded). So anyways, the prompt goes like how Arlecchino views the reader as a replacement for the Clervie, something along those lines (and the lyrics of the above mentioned song). All three of them were also living together in the House of Hearth during the reign of the previous Knave (I forgot her name) who Arlecchino defeated.
(I don't know if anyone else have come up with this idea).
Would love to see an angst filled story with this.
Thank you!!!!!
P.S - love your writings💙
Hello! My day is fine thank you:) the fact you trust me to cook here made me smile very much, I hope I cooked enough. Thank you for liking my stuff!!
Contents: angst, non graphic moment of sex that just turns sad as hell, arlecchino sharpen urself up
Word count: 2873
Fic under the cut:D
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She was different from you and Clervie. You and Clervie were very similar, most of the kids called you twins. Happy, cheerful, protective, always talking to the other children. Peruere was not like that. She was reserved, almost cold-blooded, quiet. It quickly became obvious she cared about you both when she would quietly invite you to watch her spider do something, or when she would catch three fish instead of one, because you and Clervie were simply too loud for one to stay still. You were a trio, one the entire House of the Hearth knew, and ‘Mother’ knew. She let you all be friends, for now. But it didn’t mean she stopped punishing Clervie. If anything, she was punished more. Often coming back to your room (where you all mostly sat, because your room was the biggest) with shaky hands and a tight lipped smile after having a photo frame thrown at her, or a red face where ‘Mother’ had slapped her. Or, as she got older, even worse, when she would come back with cuts and scrapes that you and Peruere would bandage for her silently. You learned that making the bandages look pretty cheered her up, despite her always having an outward smile. And when she opened the window that night, promising that you’d all go to Snezhnaya and see the dancing lights in the sky, something in Peruere changed that day.
She became more protective, more cautious of things.. when Clervie was involved. As you entered your teenage years, you would often come back to your room, devoid of people, only to hear two people giggling in the next one. You were still a trio, you always had been and always will be. But growing up means indulging in feelings, and they seemed to have more feelings for each other than for you. They were not cruel, no. They did not mean for it to be this way. They invited you out on walks and you caught fish together like usual, but it just felt.. different. The small jokes they made, clearly private jokes you didn’t and wouldn’t understand did not go unnoticed. Neither did the small pit of loneliness that began growing inside of you. You were jealous, yes. Your two best (and only) friends seemed to like each other more than they liked you, if only in a romantic sense, and they let it cloud them when they were with you too. A bitter person, you are not, so you endured it. You still loved and cared for both of them (especially Peruere, but you refused to let Clervie feel the way you felt then) and wanted the best for them, you just wished that for a second, things could go back to the way they were.
But they didn’t. Especially not when you and Peruere stood frozen over Clervie’s fallen body, both of you trembling and breathing fitfully. ‘Mother’’s fight to be king has finally infiltrated your friendship, and Clervie was the one to fall. With Peruere holding the blade, you were convinced you’re next, with your eyes widened and filled with unshed tears (though, the past couple of years, all of your tears have been unshed).
“Peruere, please don’t.”
“I’m going to murder her.”
Your voice trails off as it shakes, your ears thoroughly listening to Peruere’s admittance of her plan, of the future matricide she did in fact go on to commit. You were the one to bury Clervie and place lumidouce bells around her body, closing her eyes and placing the small teddies you three had of each other next to her. Arlecchino was the one who avenged her, brutally murdering her before quickly being imprisoned.
Eventually, after taking Crucabena’s place as the Knave, after becoming ‘Father’, changing her name to Arlecchino, you both began dating. A drunken night turned into dating and living together. Perhaps it was grief stricken, perhaps she really did feel that type of affection for you, the way you have for her for so long. The way you have silently yearned for her has not gone unnoticed by the people around you. What is also noticed, what has been noticed since the day you met Clervie, is your similarities. You both are very similar, you always have been. Kind, cheerful, you both even say the same things, enjoy the same foods. Most used to joke that you were secretly twins, you and Arlecchino know that, but the joke came to an end when Clervie met hers. It was never spoken of again, and neither was she. Barely, anyway. Years went past, and it seemed both of you were happy in the relationship you both had carved from tragedy. Though, you ignored the niggling feeling in your chest when Arlecchino would come home and surprise you with a bouquet of flowers. It wasn’t the fact you received flowers, no, that made your heart warm. It was about which flowers and what she said along with it.
“I saw some lumidouce bells as I walked home. Here, dear, your favourite.”
The phrase alone is all good and well, but.. they are not your favourite flowers. They never have been. You have always preferred lakelight lilies, and she should have known that after over a decade knowing you. Lumidouce bells were the favourite of Clervie, not you. The strange feeling in your chest swells with every new bouquet you receive, until receiving flowers is no longer a pleasant thing. The feeling is pushed back again and again, until she comes home one evening, the keys jingling against the door. The familiar sound of the paper around the bouquet is audible again, and you feel your stomach sink slightly when you see the familiar lumidouce bells.
“Look what the florist had today, dear.”
“So they did. Thank you, love.”
You take them with a small lump in your throat and a tight smile, delicately placing them in water and giving one a small pat, a habit you picked up many years ago as a nod to your best friend. Your mind wanders, though, and eventually, you bite the bullet and ask.
“Did they have any lakelight lilies?”
“They always do. Why?”
You wonder why she doesn’t buy those instead.
“No, no reason. They’re pretty, don’t you think?”
You are not talking about the flowers when you ask this, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear and smiling softly. She glances up with the faintest smile of her own before continuing to undo her heels, the heels you know she has killed many with.
“Not as pretty as lumidouce bells, in my opinion.”
You have to turn swiftly to hide the twist of your expression, the hurt that flashes over it as you grit your teeth together so hard they should have turned to dust already. You manage out an “alright” before beelining towards the kitchen to make dinner. You don’t even know if she knew you were not asking about the appearance of the flowers, if she understood you were asking about your own, to try to find some affirmation in the sea of self loathing. It stung nonetheless, but you realise you cannot be angry if you didn’t say it outright. Still, the thought lingers, eating away at you as you zone out, letting your hands chop the carrot too finely before shaking yourself out of it. You can’t stay upset for long though, when her hands snake around you and she praises you for your food making skills, murmuring that it smells good. So, the thought is forgotten, left behind for a night of overthinking that will inevitably come. For now, though, for tonight, you enjoy dinner. Steak tartare, (you scrapped the carrot), laughing lightly when she draws an ‘x’ over it with sauce to match her eyes. The rest of the evening goes the way all of your evenings go. Contentedly, quietly. She agreed long ago to not bring Fatui doings into the home. You grew up with that and you don’t want to deal with that again, which she respects, so, you don’t speak about work, a relief for both you and her. You watch a movie, a boring movie neither of you really like, that leads to channelling the inner teenager and making out on the sofa. You can’t hide the giggle that escapes you when she lifts you up, carrying you and placing you on the bed before proceeding to undress you. Before long, you’re naked, moaning her name softly in pleasure, both names of hers. ‘Peruere’ is reserved only for this, only for moments of intimacy or when you’re alone. In return, she loves to whisper sweet nothings against the shell of your ear, enjoying the way your body squirms against her.
“It’s good. Please keep going.”
“Good girl. You’re so pretty, the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen, Clervie.”
Oh.. oh. You freeze. She doesn’t. Despite her movements still continuing, the pleasure is gone as quickly as it came and your ears begin to ring as you pale. A shaky hand comes to her chest, pushing her away as you shake your head, swallowing hard.
“Stop. Stop it. I don’t want—“
She stops immediately, a concerned look on her face. Her hand moves to comfort you, to ask what’s wrong but your own hand slaps hers away gently.
“What…? What happened?”
The way you sit up, your once pink cheeks now pale, your eyes wide and your breathing shallow concerns her. When you don’t speak, she stays silent, staring at you as your mouth opens and closes. You know you heard her right, it was clearer than the sky in Fontaine during June. The worst part is that she doesn’t even realise she’s done it. Your stomach is twisting, your chest aching harder than it has in years as you finally manage to speak.
“You called me by her name.”
“I did not.”
“You did.”
When you think about everything in hindsight, the way she (accidental or not is still hard to tell) indirectly said you weren’t pretty earlier with the flowers, and now, during sex of all things, told you that you were the prettiest girl she had ever seen, only to call you by someone else’s name makes you realise it wasn’t you she was talking to at all. She wasn’t calling you pretty, she was calling Clervie pretty. And she wasn't thinking about you at all. Suddenly, the fact you’re naked becomes all too apparent and your hands clutch at the various blankets, covering yourself out of insecurity. A wave of nausea fills you for a second before you speak again.
“I’m not her. You know that, right?”
“I know.”
“I was naked underneath you and you were not even thinking of me.”
“I was, I..”
How many times has she thought about Clervie while having sex with you? How many times has she wished it was Clervie underneath her instead? Your brain begins a whirlwind of thoughts, barely giving each one time to form before another one comes. Then, the words spill out of your mouth before you can stop yourself, your shaky, quiet voice echoing the room and cutting through the awkward tension.
“Do you wish it was me that died instead of her? Do you even know me at all?”
“Of course I know you.”
She didn’t answer the first question, it dawns on you. It hurts too much to bring it up again, not when you know how her avoidance of the question is an affirmative.
“What is my favourite flower, Peruere?”
Her true name comes out of your mouth in what seems to be an attempt at a sneer, but ends up as a sad whisper, your voice quivering with the force of your contained tears. Arlecchino’s own voice is quiet, softer than it usually is.
“Lumidouce bells.”
“You loved them as a child, you had a necklace—“
“No, Clervie had a necklace. I like lakelight lilies.”
Arlecchino’s own face pales slightly at the memory of your earlier question. The way your face looked at her with your crooked smile that held that slight tinge of hope, only for you to immediately turn (not before your face fell, she noticed that, but didn’t understand) and walk away. She goes to speak, but you cut her off, a tearful, small voice that’s so unlike you.
“When is my birthday?”
“April 23rd.”
“That is Clervie’s birthday. My birthday is in December.”
“You don’t think I’m pretty. You think she is pretty. You have not moved on, you still love her. You— you do not love me and you do not know me at all.”
The silence that follows confirms everything, and a choked sob fills the air at the newfound knowledge. You let your head fall to your knees, quiet sobs wracking your frame as Arlecchino sits beside you, a hand hovering over your back.
“My dear.”
“Do not call me such a thing, Peruere. Not when it is not me you wish to be saying it to. Say my name. Say my name, and tell me you love me and mean it.”
“You must take a breath.”
She does not say it and your heart shatters.
“You do not say it because you can’t. You did not ever love me, you loved her. I am the closest thing you can get to her, so you settled for me and you live your life pretending I am her. What is it, exactly, about me that isn’t good enough compared to her? Why not me?”
“I don’t know. You are wonderful.”
“Yet I am not enough.”
“You are.”
“Not to you.”
The utter heartbreak and anguish in your voice rips through Arlecchino’s body. Not many things get to her like this but her best friend lover crying like this, the insecurity and shame radiating off of her body is heartbreaking to her and she feels the guilt rise in her stomach. You have your head buried into the blankets as your body wracks with soft cries. Being stabbed would hurt less than this, you think. Hurt less than being used to live in a fantasy where Clervie didn’t die.
“Should I go for a walk?”
“Yes, go.”
How enthusiastic your response was, she wonders. Though, she knows what she has done even without meaning to do it. She stands up, clothing herself silently before slipping out of the room. You hear her feet padding down the hall, and eventually her leaving the house and her softly muttering to herself as she passes the window. You want to hate her, you want to punch her and throw all of the flowers out of the window. At the same time, you can’t even bring yourself to think of looking in the mirror and seeing the face your girlfriend does not find pretty. Nor can you bring yourself to walk to your living room and find a picture of the face your girlfriend does find pretty. All you can bring yourself to do is dress yourself in the first clothes you can find before letting yourself fall back into bed, sniffling with a look of misery on your face. You wonder when she’s coming back. You wonder if she’s coming back at all. You wonder if you care. You do, but you wish you didn’t. You wish you didn’t love her the way she loves Clervie. Or, rather, you wish she loved you the way she loves Clervie.
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kxmisato · 9 months
↳ note : for @sleepysnk and her down badism for him ♡
↳ song rec : my love mine all mine by mitski
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coming home after a long day in court is secretly neuvillette’s favourite time of day. no more loud yelling coming from prosecutors and defendants, and no more listening to furina’s childish attempts at making the trial a drama.
he gets to come home, home to you.
home where you already have two cups of tea waiting, the fireplace going, and blankets at the ready.
so when he walks through the front door of your quaint home, he already knows what to expect and he accepts that happily.
he shuffles off his dress shoes, unfastens his tie and link cuffs, and inches his way to the living room. and that’s when he sees you sitting on one end of blue chesterfield.
“hi.” you greet him, a blanket wrapped around your shoulders and a cup of earl grey in your hands. “i missed you, how was the trial today?”
“hello, my love.” he responds, heavy footsteps padding over to you then leaning to press a sweet kiss to your temple. “i missed you too, greatly. the trial was… good. it was just a petty theft.”
neuvillette sits beside you, pulling the blanket that’s wrapped around you to share it, his arm wrapping around you. you playfully pout and he chuckles lightly.
“you should drink your tea, before it gets cold”
“ah, yes, i should. thank you, love.” 
his free arm reaches out to the chestnut coffee table, lithe fingers grabbing the porcelain handle of the cup.
though it was simple, the first step of his night routine was this and it was his favourite. the hushed tellings of how each other's day went and the warmth of a cup of tea to accompany the warmth that you bring to his heart.
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bellaaae · 2 months
Yn obsessing over Mitski for 6mins straight [1.3M views]
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— Clip 1✰
Yn was doing her solo live.While reading the comments as well.
“Yn what song is playing in the background?” She read out the comment. “Oh it’s Mine all mine by Mitski” Yn told the fan giggling.
“It’s one of my favorite song this days” Yn laughed.
“Yn is such a big Mitski fan” yn read out then smiling brightly.
— Clip 2✰
Hanni and minji’s live.
“There’s a sound coming from Yn’s room,Like music” Hanni said slowly vibing her head to the music.
“Oh she plays this song everyday!” Minji said trying to listen to the music lyrics.
“I think it’s a Mitski song cause she told me she was obsessed with the artist” Minji told Hanni who nodded.
“Thinking of getting her a Mitski album now” Hanni said with a thinking face.
“Yn would totally love that” Minji said looking at Hanni who smiled after knowing that the maknae would love the gift.
— Clip 3✰
“I love playing songs on this speaker in my bedroom especially mitski songs” Yn showed the speaker to the camera.
“Hyein unnie got me this on my 15th birthday” Yn said holding the speaker carefully. “I’m really grateful because now I can blast Mitsiki songs very loudly while having my own karaoke” Yn said sticking out her tongue.
“The song in currently playing is me and my husband” Yn spoke reading the comments.
“Yn I’m also a Mitski fan ;)” she read out the comment and got really excited.
“Yay! Another Mitski fan!” She said which a high tone.
“Let’s be friends” Yn added and the comment immediately responded with “YESSS :D”.
— Clip 4✰
On Yn’s birthday live.
Hanni came in and surprised yn with a gift wrapped in black wrap.
Yn covered her mouth in shock. “Unnie what is this?” Yn asked still shocked.
“Open it and figure out” Hanni said plastered with a smile.
Yn didn’t waste time and unwrapped the gift and she gave an excited squeal.
“So? Do you like it?” Hanni asked since the maknae was speechless for a while.
“Unnieee of course I like it you bought me a Mitski album and tickets to her concert!” Yn said as she was slowly getting emotional.
Hanni chuckled cleaning the tears that had already started to roll down. “I got it for both me and you” Hanni told yn who laughed.
— Clip 5✰
After Mitski’s concert Backstage where she was singing and interacting with fans.
When it finally got to Yn’s turns she squealed excitedly giving Mitski her album to sign.
“I’m a really huge fan” Yn said in English.
Mitski looked up to yn.
“Oh aren’t you a member of newjeans? Yn right the youngest member?” Mitski asked and Yn’s eyes got brighter as her idol knew her name.
“Yes I’m yn from newjeans” yn responded in English.
“I’m actually a fan of your music my favorite is Ditto” Mitski told yn who got more excited because that was one of the songs she took part in writing.
“Ah really! That’s awesome” Yn said still amazed.
Mitski smiled at yn. “Maybe you’ll give me your number later and we can hang out some other time?” Mitski suggested and how could Yn say no to a once in a lifetime offer. She nodded rapidly.
Mitski chuckled at her cuteness.
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ascendanttarot · 10 months
PAC: Messages From Your Spirit Guides
Hi everyone! This PAC will cover whether your spirit guides have any messages or guidance for you. This is a little shorter than the last PAC but only a little bit, promise! I'll list a few signs for every pile before your reading to ensure you have picked the right pile for yourself. If you resonate with one or more signs, that is meant to be your reading. And! You’ll get a channelled song! :)
Please remember your fate is not set in stone so your answers may change depending on the actions you take and will take if you please. Tarot is not a substitute for professional advice. The images I’ve used are not mine.
From left to right: Pile 1, Pile 2, Pile 3
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Pile 1
You play guitar or favour the sound of acoustic guitar in your songs
You listen to the following bands/artists: Hozier, Florence + the Machine, Mitski, and other similar artists
This is a weird one, but when cleaning you like buying the sprays/wipes/detergent with a fruitier smell?
You like going on nature walks
You read poetry
Your cards: The Tower, Queen of Cups rx, (clarified by the Six of Swords rx) Page of Wands
Your message: Something unfolded in ways you could have never imagined. It’s like all your backup plans fell apart too, and your optimism has been taken away from you. I just heard ‘victim of circumstance’. This is a difficult message to give, but your guides are saying whatever happened, happened beyond anyone’s control. You tried to shield yourself from these difficult emotions by hardening your heart, creating distance between you and your feelings... but you’re spirit guides are asking you, “Is this really worth it all?”. It won’t be an easy feat to move on from this situation, and your guides understand that. However, they’re saying that when the time comes and the right opportunity is in front of you to take that first step of healing, please take it. The best part of your life requires a childlike sense of wonder. It’s going to require a lot more determination and ambition than what you’re feeling now. Your guides are saying to take your time to feel messy, and when it’s time to heal, don’t rush yourself to do that too. They’re here for you if you ask them. They believe in you even if you don’t believe in yourself, but they are waiting patiently and happily for a time when you’ll start standing by your back too.
Thank you for letting me be your reader, Pile 1!
Song: In Your Own Sweet Time by Zaska, Karen Cowley and Hozier
Pile 2
You have an alternative sense of style
You love 80s music. I just heard Wham and The Cure to name a few of the bands that popped up in my intuition
Odd sign to give, but you may have had a vaporwave phase? If you know, you know
You like Fantasy and Sci-Fi books and shows
Another odd message to give here—you may be sensitive to touch, but it goes both ways? Like you can only wear certain fabrics, or you like soft things, but also people may say you give good hugs
Your Cards: 8 of Swords rx, 6 of Cups, The World
Your Message: I just saw the image of your spirit guides popping open a bottle of champagne with a knife before chucking (yes, that violently) streamers and confetti! You know why? Because. You. Did. That. You’ve just come out of a period in your life when you had to do some intense shadow work. You’ve worked on your biases, and have started to fix your flawed systems on your environment and yourself; your spirit guides could not be more proud of you. They’re celebrating 24 hours a day 7 days a week because that chapter of your life is over! This new phase of your life will be given gently to you with the love and compassion you deserve. I think this may be an opportunity to let yourself be seen by others again. At the very least you’ll be hanging out with old friends and making new ones, but at the most, I’m seeing possibly an opportunity for a project to start online. Either way, your spirit guides will have your back for that in the future. For now, though, they’re asking you to put your feet up and high-five yourself for how far you’ve come!
Thank you for letting me be your reader, Pile 2!
Your Song: Blame It on the Boogie by The Jacksons (I’m serious, they’re having a party right now haha!)
Pile 3
You prefer the dusk over the dawn
You like RnB, so artists like Victoria Monét and Ashanti might be familiar artists to have in your playlists. I also heard Destiny’s Child and Ms. Lauryn Hill
I feel like you might like, collect, or work with crystals and metals. I just saw some people here may wear protective jewellery
You like sports, or were heavily involved in sports when you were younger, but you aren’t anymore
I just heard ‘helping hand’, so you may just be a really helpful and generous person. You’d be the friend people go to if they need advice on something
Your Cards: 2 of Wands, 2 of Swords, King of Cups
Your Message: Okay this feels pretty straightforward. Your spirit guides want you to know that you’re coming into a divine partnership (not necessarily romantic if that’s not you’re thing or if you’re aromantic, so this could be a friendship or a business partner even) very soon. With the emphasis on the number two in this reading, this may correlate with timings in your life. You may meet this person in 2 weeks, 2 months, or even within the span of 2 years, but there’s a strong message of divine timing working in your favour. I feel you may have issues trusting the people around you to have good intentions because of negative experiences in the past. This person won’t break that mental belief for you, you’ll do that yourself, but they will certainly be the catalyst for it. Maybe the reason why you’re so jaded is because you’ve hoped for this so long the hope soured to cynicism, but this is not the natural state of your soul. This person will offer you the emotionally mature partnership you’ve dreamed of, with a sensitivity for you and your feelings you aren’t used to. Your spirit guides can’t wait for you to meet them because I’m hearing this relationship will be healing for all the parties involved. They’re with you on this every step of the way.
Thank you for letting me be your reader, Pile 3!
Your Song: Love Is on My Side by Brandy
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jenflirts · 9 months
my lovely, jenna
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𝙿𝚊𝚒𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐 : Jenna Ortega x Fem!Reader
𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚖𝚎 : Angst
𝚂𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚢 : you have been adoring Jenna since you were little
𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐 : mention of homophobia and Language & also my bad writing
A/N: kings and queens era. listen to the song if you ever want to feel what I felt while writing this lol.
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“Jenna, can I tell you something? Promise me you won’t run away or freak out” You said as you sat down under the tree where the two of you often sit just for shade. 
Jenna nodded and sat down beside you looking at you adoringly. 
Jenna and You have been friends since you can remember—the two of you did everything together whether it’s good or bad—it’s been a few months since she turned eighteen and you thought about asking her for a marriage proposal. You never ran this down to your parents nor hers, but you will once you get her consent. 
“Jenna, we’ve known each other since we were kids and I’ve been adoring you since then. I knew what I was feeling is all wrong, I knew that I won’t be accepted for being who I am, but to hell with that—I would go through the depths of hell just to love you freely, I would course through war and have my heart pierced just to make you mine—I love you, every part of you I would be on my knees and worship you just so you could feel how much I appreciate you. I want you to be mine for eternity, I would love to have you by my side and rule this kingdom with me” 
Jenna’s look softened when she looked at your hopeful eyes, all her what if’s and worries for what other thinks faded away. As long she’s with you she knows that everything will be fine. 
“I love you too, I promise you that you only have my heart and no one else can have it” Jenna replied. 
You were content, you have her and no one else can. 
It’s the day that you’ve been waiting for, the day that the both of you are waiting for, it’s Jenna’s and Yours special day. Jenna’s practically trying her best to calm down and not panic, overthinking if she did the right thing, if her dress looks good on her, her saying yes to this marriage, and her being a good queen to this kingdom. She wanted you here, but you can’t see her just yet. A knock interrupted Jenna’s panicking mind and told the person to come in and help her calm down.
Emma saw the girl’s state and went to her and gave a box of tissues and tried to calm her down, but to no avail. Emma thought of giving her the letter that you gave her earlier this morning with a light-weighted box. 
“Y/n told me to give you this, she said read the letter first then open the box” Emma said as she handed Jenna the envelope and the box. 
Jenna hurriedly opened the envelope containing a letter with some tear stains. 
My lovely, Jenna
I hope this letter finds you well, I want to apologize for my inappropriate behavior and not attending your special day. I know you want me to be there and I want to be there too, my love, but I want to be the one waiting for you at the end of the aisle. I want to be the one holding you, I want to be the one appreciating your beauty, I want to be the one sacrificing my life just to save yours and I want to be the one assuring you that I love you every single day. 
My love, I know you’re doubting yourself and every decision you have made, but I’m here to assure you that you did not. You will be an amazing queen to this kingdom and my brother is lucky to have you as his wife. 
I know this is too late to give to you, but once you finish this letter open the box that Emma gave you and read one poem. All of them are about you, my love. If you ever need to let yourself know that you’re appreciated, just read one of my poems because every single one of it is about you. 
Jenna, I just want you to know that this is also my last letter to give to you as I will be joining the knights for the upcoming war. Father instructed me to lead them and as a child that wanted to go to the fields I’m honored to lead them. I promise you that I’ll be back and still love you, and if not, I will be waiting for you and hope that I could love you again like I did before. 
Congratulations on your wedding, my love.
I love you so much. 
Sincerely your loving friend,
Jenna was stunned, she dropped the letter at the table and opened the box hurriedly and to her surprise it was full of folded paper—she never knew that it would be full of paper because of it being light-weighted—she picked up one paper and read.
Your eyes, like stars, in the midnight sky, Hold secrets and dreams that make my heart fly. Your smile, a beacon, in the darkest night, Fills my world with warmth and light.
In the curve of your lips, the softness of your gaze, A beauty that leaves me in endless amaze. A secret admiration, I can't help but feel, In your presence, my heart's secrets I conceal.
Though silent, this love in my heart resides, In friendship's embrace, it sweetly abides. For you, my love, are a work of art, A beauty that's etched within my heart.
Jenna knew she fucked up by accepting your brother’s proposal, she knew she hurt you, but she was too blind for it to see, she wanted to let the remarks of her relationship with you to subside that’s why she accepted this. She wanted you, she wanted to be with you for eternity too like the one that you both promised.
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starkskeep · 1 year
But if you hold me without hurting me (r. stark)
But if you hold me without hurting me r. stark imagine
Pt. 5 of Oh, all I used to do was pray, Right when I felt the moment stop, And I might be ok, but I'm not fine at all, And the life I gave away
Pairings - Robb Stark x female!Reader
Summary - You have a long-awaited conversation with Robb. It changes things between the two of you.
Word Count - 1,133 words
Warnings - Angst, Possibly unbearable cheesiness
A/N - I broke the Taylor Swift title streak. In my defense, I have been a LDR stan since middle school and Cinnamon Girl makes me sob every time I listen to it.
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Songs I listened to while writing: Like Real People Do (Hozier), Cinnamon Girl, Carmen (Lana Del Rey), Me and My Husband (Mitski)
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Robb feels his heart start to beat erratically as he watches you and Jon. It is obvious that you care deeply about Jon as he does you. Robb knows that he has walked in on something private, feeling jealous but also wishing that he could be the one to comfort you as such. Your moment with Jon is interrupted when Robb clears his throat in order to make you aware of his entrance into your chambers. The sound startles you and causes you to turn in Robb’s direction. Jon also turns to look at Robb, his expression wary that Robb would misinterpret the scene.
Robb begins to speak slowly but his voice cracks ever so slightly, his heart contracting in his chest due to an onslaught of emotions. “Am I interrupting anything?”
You quickly regain your composure. “No, my lord husband, you are not. I lost a letter earlier today. Jon has calmed me down and agreed to help look for it.” You dismiss Jon from your chambers, assuring him that you will be okay. 
Jon locks eyes with Robb as he leaves. Tensions eased between him and Robb once he saw Robb trying to fix everything. However, Jon still continues to be an advocate for you. His brother looks back at him, eyes filled with questions he knows Jon cannot answer. Robb just needs to know that you are going to be okay, regardless of what happened. 
Your husband takes a step closer to you. He looks into your eyes, searching for the pain that he knows must be there. You are a strong woman but no one should be subjected to the kind of abuse that the letter contained. As he moves closer, you notice the letter crumpled in Robb’s fist. “Ah. It seems as I I do not need to search for the letter.” You say with a sad smile, “I take it that you have seen what my father thinks of me?”
Looking down at the letter once again, Robb scowls. The fury that had been burning inside of him returns to the surface. His head shakes in disgust and he quickly closes his fist tighter around the letter, as if the action would make the item disappear from existence. Robb nods once in acknowledgment of her question. “I did. It is nothing less than disgraceful.” He draws his eyes up to meet yours. Robb’s voice shakes with thinly veiled anger. “Your father is a cruel, cruel man. To say such things to you, his own daughter…well, it is unforgivable.” He says the last word through gritted teeth.
You motion for Robb to sit next to you. In your almost year of marriage, this is the first time that you have actually asked him to be near you. It seems as if he has realized this fact as well if his hesitancy is anything to go off of. Robb’s nervous movements are in stark contrast to your controlled stillness. A couple moments pass between you two before you begin to talk. Long-awaited and much-needed words begin this conversation. “It’s cruel but what he says is true. I have failed in my duty as a wife. I should have given you an heir by now.” 
Completely stunned is how the maesters would describe Robb if they were here to record this meeting. You are still calling him your husband, even after everything he has done, but you are voicing something that Robb would never want to believe. Yes, it is a wife’s and therefore your duty to give him an heir, but he would never, never force you to conceive if you were not yet ready. He turns to face the fireplace, staring into the flickering flames as he realizes how truly damaged you have been from a childhood in the Frey household and the months as his wife. Both of you have tried to do everything that has been expected of you, yet it is you who has suffered the most and continues to endure. Robb is angry at the world. Angry at the cruel words of your father. Angry at himself for the way he has treated you. Sighing deeply, he speaks after gathering his emotions. “Do not let them make you believe that this is your fault. It takes two to make a child. I am just as much to blame for the situation we find ourselves in…” 
Robb’s words trail off when he feels you place your head on his shoulder. It seems to be a night of firsts. Much like you never asked him to be near you, you have never initiated any sort of physical comfort. You both enjoy the feeling until you bring Robb back to reality with your voice breaking the silence. “I don’t blame you for anything. I want you to know that. You were forced to marry me, forced to make me your queen, while you still loved Talisa. Why would you want to leave her side for a Frey, especially when Talisa was carrying your child? I ruined your life.”
Feeling a tear soak into the shoulder of his tunic, Robb tilts your head up so he can see you clearly. “You didn’t ruin my life. I made a deal with your father. I knew what I was agreeing to when I crossed the bridge.” He reaches his thumb to brush the tears off your face. “This is not your burden to bear. It is something we must share. Something we must work through so that we can grow together. Something I should have worked harder on at the beginning of our marriage.” Your husband sighs deeply and shakes his head, trying to accept how much he has just spoken. Robb comes to the startling realization that he has never voiced this sentiment to you before, much less even admitted it to himself. 
“Thank you. I need to hear those words said to me.” You say and place a gentle kiss on Robb’s cheek. A blush spreads across your face as you do so.
He freezes when he feels your lips brush against his skin. A matching pink tint blotches his cheeks like yours did. This is the first time you have shown affection for him and it feels…good. Robb smiles and leans over to place a kiss on your forehead, wanting to continue this newfound physical affection that you have started. “I’m here for you. I know I haven’t been in the past, but from this moment forward, I will always be here for you my queen.” The increased presence of his Northern accent betrays the emotions that are overwhelming him. Staring into your eyes, his gaze reveals nothing but honesty and sincerity in his gaze. Robb meant every word he said to you tonight. 
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A/N - Once again, thank you so much for reading. My ask box is always open for requests, comments, or if just want to gush about our lovely Stark boys.
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spidermandni · 5 months
i’m not a violent girl. (i don’t know why i bite.)
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pairing sohee x reader
wc 843
genre angst
notes this was originally an original character/self insert writing but i also imagined sohee as the boy so… take this and yes it’s based off of that one tiktok audio for isle of the dogs and i bet on losing dogs by mitski… i might make a prequel for the “i bite” part… we’ll see
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“i’m sorry.”
when he looks up from the pavement and turns to to his left to look at you, you’re not looking at him. your eyes are staring straight ahead but he can see the corners with slightly red veins—your eyes, they’re watering.
“i just-” you voice cracks and you shut your mouth as soon as the squeak makes its way out of your throat, throwing your head down and shutting your eyes tightly. your eyelashes connect to your cheeks, clumped as the tears you wanted to keep in begin to flow down your cheeks. “i don’t want to be mean to you or hurt you, it’s just… i would rather be mean first and push you away before you do it to me.”
he listens to your words and when he finally thinks he found something to say, you cut him off.
“i’m too much. i talk too much, i feel too much—i don’t want you to get overwhelmed, feel like i’m a bother. i can’t, not you.” you pathetically chuckle while wiping your tears with one hand. “if you think i’m just a bitch, that’s fine, but if you get to know me and realize how i actually am, and you don’t like that, i don’t think i could… that might—it would ruin me. so i think it would be best if we just… never speak again.” you ramble but you still refuse to look at him.
his face crumples up at your words, feeling his heart begin to do the same. he has known you for such a short time but the only thing he finds you is captivating. when he is away from you, all he thinks of is you and even when you are near, he can’t take his eyes away from you. he met you and the world before him shifted to something brighter, so how could you, the person who makes him feel the most euphoric, feel like you burden him just with your presence?
“i know you talk a lot. i know you feel a lot, i’ve seen you cry to the narnia movies. i’ve seen you squeal at the sight of deer crossing the road because of how cute you think they are. i’ve seen you get ridiculously excited about hearing a song you hadn’t heard in years that you still remembered all the lyrics to. i’ve seen you at the end of the day when you can finally relax and let your social battery charge. i’ve seen you on days where you don’t feel so hot but still choose to hang out with us because somebody wants to go get dinner as a group.
“none of that is bothersome to me. i know you and i like it all. there’s nothing about you that could annoy me. anything you say, anything you feel, anything you want to do, i’m here. i’m here and i want to be hear with you to hear it all, feel it and do it with you. you matter to me and if you feel that you don’t to anybody else, just know that you’ll always be someone to me. someone that i really like and care for and want to know even more.” while speaking, he had refused to stop looking at you, even going as far as to softly grab your hand.
you look at him with furrowed eyebrows, pursed lips, and sorrowful eyes. his heart clenches again in his chest because he had never seen you look this defeated.
“but how do i know you mean it? everyone i know, even my family, they get tired of me. you don’t have to lie just to try to make me feel better, i’m a big girl, i can take the pain.” a dejected smile forming on your face, the tears from before now dry and staining your cheeks.
“i’m not lying to you to make you feel better. i’ll prove it to you everyday if i have to. i care about you and i want you to know i do. you’re my friend—and more and when you feel like you believe me, believe that how i feel about you is true, i’m here. i’ll always be here.” he finishes, lifting his free hand to softly caress your cheek. his fingers are slightly rough but still smooth, your skin is still soft underneath his palm despite dried tears.
the two of you sit there for a few moments before you nod. he smiles at you, it’s small.
“yeah?” you nod again.
“can i… can i hug you or is that…?” you smile at him, small like his, and he takes it. his arms wrap around your waist, his chin immediately resting on your shoulder as one of his hands lie on your back as the other rests on the back of your head. he sighs in content when your arms wrap around the same, your hands coming to curl against his shoulders instead.
“i care about you.” your head drops lightly against his, finally comfortable.
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whosavaidkher · 3 months
All I Wanted Was You
Lucifer Morningstar X fem reader
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song to listen to while reading:
warning: death, mentions of bl00d, angst, mentions of insecurity and self hate, reader being a people pleaser.
A/N: This is lowkey a self reflection but ignore that 😭 if you feel anyway similar like this fic, pls know that u can vent 2 me <3, also I forgot abt the poll I made😭, Hope u enjoy!!
It was 2am and you had just gotten into a argument with one of your friends about how your too selfless and a "people pleaser". Currently, you're trying to desperately call Lucifer to come and pick you up as you sob in the pouring rain in Hell. Lucifer finally answers.
"Sweetie? What's wrong, my dear?" Lucifer says nervously as he hears you sob on the phone. "Please just come pick me up.. I'll explain later.. Just please.." You say in tears as he immediately hangs up and rushes to pick you up. As soon as he finds you, he rushes to you and flies you home. When you guys arrive home. He sets you down to talk. "Sweetie, what happened? Please, I'm not forcing you to tell me, only if you want to, my dear.." Lucifer mumbles as he holds you in his arms, like you were the most precious and delicate person in all of heaven and hell. You didn't wanna tell him cause you knew he would be disappointed and sad, and you hated to see anyone feeling that way. You always let people vent or talk to you, letting their feelings out. If anyone wanted to be mean, you'd let them be mean to you, you could take it. You could take all the judgement and pain that they give you and not care. You were stronger than people gave you credit for. That's what everyone thought. You finally opened your mouth and started to talk to Lucifer.
"Sometimes I just feel like.. My whole life is about making the people I love happy and not about me.. Like I couldn't care less about myself, just what others think of me.. Always trying to change myself for society to like me, but they never do.." You say with tears and your voice breaking, shattering into pieces. Lucifer looked into your eyes and immediately his heart sank, not a feeling of disappointment or dissatisfaction in his mind. Only shocked. He would do anything for you, his darling, his sweetheart. And the way he didn't know about this made him feel terrible. Shockingly, he wasn't angry when he spoke. "My dove, please don't ever think that way.. You don't have to please anyone or make anyone happy, don't break bones or damage yourself for a few compliments or smiles from people." Lucifer says as he gently hugged you and let you cry it out in his arms. "Really..?" You mumbled as he caressed your lovely hair and admired your true, non fake self.
"Yes.. I will love you no matter what, angel or sinner, in heaven or hell, dead or living, angel or god. I would rip every crevice of earth, Venus, Saturn, even hell for you. I love you more than any species ever created." Lucifer says proudly and gently, cupping your cheeks as he kissed and wiped away your tears. He held you in his arms as you two slept peaceful st night.
Days later, you would find yourself surrounded by angels, Lucifer standing by your side. He was fighting an angel until he suddenly saw you stabbed right in your filled with love heart. He ran towards you as you dropped to the ground, a loud thud as the demons glanced from afar as they fought. You placed his hand on your chest to feel your heartbeat go from speeding to slowing down. His face dropped and felt every bone in his body tense up. Tears ran down his face as you slowly opened your lips. "Just lean on my arms and break my heart.. Maybe in another universe, I can make every one satisfied.." You whispered as you took your final breath and your eyes shut.
"You already did.. In every universe, I love you and will be in every single universe with you.." Lucifer whispered to you as his tears flooded on your bloody body, holding you close like he always did.
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