#we do love a teen girl with a protective evil demon
aroaessidhe · 9 months
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2023 reads
Damned If You Do
fun supernatural YA about a Filipino girl who accidentally sold her soul to a demon to get rid of her abusive father years ago…
and now the demon’s come back (masquerading as the school’s guidance counselor) and needs her help to get rid of another demon terrorising their town
but she’s too busy worrying about the fact that it’s tech week for the school play, she’s failing her classes, and is in love with her best friend
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littlequeenies · 1 year
Why Do We Love...
Shannen Doherty
We continue with this series called "Why Do We Love" in which we share the love for our muses on their birthday, and today is Shannen Doherty's turn!
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[The typical 1990s Shannen/Brenda image. Shannen in 1991 by Mario Casilli]
It was the early 1990s, a Friday evening at our granny's. She was watching the telly, "Beverly Hills 90210", with the Spanish title "Sensación de Vivir" (roughly translated as Feel of Living). There was this beautiful tiny brunette girl called Brenda, who had a twin brother called Brandon, and she was passionate about acting, and she was trying her best to be a good student and a good girl, but sometimes, of course, she did mistakes. And we fell in love with her! Maybe because she was petite like us, or brunette like us, or was a twin like us!
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[The Beverly Hills gang pictured in 1991 by Andrew Semel]
Then we kind of "forget" her and, even we knew when we were teens that she was playing a good modern witch in Charmed, we didn't watch that show (I don't know why, since the subject was very appealing to us. Maybe our parents were watching something else on the telly at the time the show aired?). We were more focused on Drew Barrymore at that time, anyway.
But then, when we were in our late teens or early twenties, through a website I created for some of my favourite actresses, I "reconnected" with Shannen! And then I learnt she had been acting since she was 11, and that she had an amazing rock/grunge fashion sense when she was young!
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[Shannen as Jenny Wilder in "Little House of the Prairie". She was there in the last 2 seasons, 1982 & 1983, and some farewell films from 1983 & 1984]
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[Beautiful Shannen in 1992 & 1993]
We also found out that in the 1990s she was hated by many Hollywood men influencers, as she was a very strong and confident woman, she was always voicing her opinion and not everyone agreed, so they labelled her as difficult. She was also followed with the press everywhere all of the time. She made some mistakes and bad decisions, as she is human, but the tabloids were always there annoying her, which fe found very sad, as she was just a young girl who wanted to live from her dream, from her art and from her craft.
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[Shannen as Brenda in Beverly Hills, in the fourth season of the show, her last]
We finally re-watched all the 4 seasons of Beverly Hills in which Shannen was (the so called "Brenda Years"), and although today it looks very sexist (as Brandon can do what he wants and he is the good boy, while his sister Brenda always gets punished for things she does that are not as bad as her brother's), back in the day broke many stereotypes about teenagers and the issues they faced with friends, lovers, sex, alcohol, drugs, racism, sexism, animals rights... it was interesting to see that some things were very dated but some others were still very current subjects.
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[Shannen as Brenda in Season 3, some of our favourite looks]
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[Some of our favourite looks of Shannen as Brenda in season 4 of Beverly Hills, her last]
We also recently watched "Charmed", not only the first 3 seasons starring Shannen, but some others as well. It might have been one of the first TV shows for wide audiences about witches, demons, good/evil and special effects. I personally loved her Prue character, although not always agreed with her. She was the oldest sister and wanted to protect her younger sisters, and kept them together. I also like that they lived together in an old Victorian house in San Francisco. She was at her most beautiful in this TV show, and she also got to direct the last 3 episodes in which she appeared.
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[Shannen as the good witch Prue Halliwell in Charmed]
Shannen is also an activist and author, besides being an actress, director and model. She fights for animal rights, she is an animal lover since she was a little girl, and she supports the Sea Shepherd Sea Society. Shannen is a vegetarian and is against animal captivity.
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[Shannen in 2015 for the "World Love For Dolphins Day" rallying against the dolphin's slaughter in Taiji, Japan, with the Sea Shepherd]
Shannen is also a cancer survivor, she suffered a breast cancer in 2015 that went to remission on 2017 but came back on 2020. However, this hasn't stopped her acting or making her voice loud for animals' rights, people's rights (when her house was burned on a fire she sued the insurance company, and many other owners joined her), or actors' rights (recently she posted about how her acting union didn't support her when she was sick and couldn't work).
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[Shannen in 2016 with dogs rescued from the meat factories in South East Asia by the Animal Hope and Wellness Foundation, in Los Angeles]
She is very strong and despite all the hate she has received and all the hardships she has endured, Shannen is a warm and lovely woman according to her fans, and she finally is receiving the love and recognition from press and people that she's always deserved. We met her very recently and we are very excited too!! She was very sweet and lovely!
Today, for her 52nd birthday, we wanted to share with all of you, dear followers, how we knew about Shannen and what made us love her.
Here we share:
OUR PHOTO COLLECTION HOSTED AT GOOGLE PHOTOS (all the photos have been collected from the net, photographers, details, websites etc are credited when known)
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destinyimage · 2 years
Ex-Witch Jenny Weaver Warns of the Spiritual Dangers of Halloween
The Origin
Dressing up in costumes, handing out candy and carving jack-o-lanterns may seem like an innocent tradition, but Halloween’s roots come from a dark, ancient, pagan festival. Now, ex-witch Jenny Weaver who is being used powerfully by God is warning Christians about the spiritual danger of participating in Halloween.
Originally called “Samhain,” Oct. 31 marked the summer’s end and fall’s beginning. Many believed it was a day where the veil between the living and the dead was so thin people could cross through.
“It’s all steeped in demonic rituals,” Weaver says. People in Northern Europe would dress up in costumes to disguise themselves as one of the spirits rising from the dead to protect their families from what they thought was lurking between the veil.
During the pagan festival, food and animal sacrifices were offered up to the evil spirits that were believed to be coming from the other side. History.com reports fortune-tellers would gather together in the dark, alongside the fires burning sacrifices to make predictions about the coming year.
A Message to Christians
Weaver, a wife, mother and worship leader who is best known for “Singing the Scriptures” live each week on her Facebook page opens up about her testimony with the hopes it will help others from being led astray.
“As a young girl I got into some real deep, dark things. I was in an abusive family so the spirit of rejection gripped my life and I was looking for acceptance,” Weaver says.
She found the acceptance she was looking for in all the wrong places. Weaver met a group of girls who were also gripped with the same identity problems. “They invited me to watch a movie called ‘The Craft’ which was about four witches, wiccans in high school and they had all this power and I had watched the movie and I decided I wanted to do that,” she says.
For awhile she thought the path she was going down was great, but in reality the enemy was dragging her deeper down a dark path. She lived with another witch, casting spells, having parties, doing drugs and calling on spirits to rise and come into their bodies.
For nine years she lived a life in bondage. God in His tender loving mercy came down to where she was and rescued her from the pit. “God set me a part and delivered me in a moment,” she says.
Now she disciples women through her Core Group mentorship program seeing thousands of women around the world set on fire for Jesus. Coming from darkness into the light and glory of God, she’s warning Christians about the danger of participating in Halloween.
“What parents think is a one day thing, is not a one day thing. It is only an open door that allows children, teens and even adults, say if we allow this, this one day, then you’ll find they’ll allow horoscopes, horror movies, sorcery, witchcraft and they’ve got healing crystals instead of calling on the name of Jesus,” Weaver says.
Standing in Truth
The devil is not backing off this generation, he is going after them more furiously looking to steal, kill and destroy everything he can before his time is up.
Weaver says, “Police officers and the EMS can tell you that is the day [Halloween] they have the most kidnappings, child abductions and murders. For some reason on this day people in the police industry know something is going down today, why is that?”
One university professor is also warning poisoned candy and razor-filled apples aren’t the only thing to worry about. “The evening violent crime count on Oct. 31 is about 50% higher than on any other date during the year, and twice the daily average,” Professor James Alan Fox says.
So this year, when you think about participating in Halloween, remember what the holiday represents. The costumes symbolized people masquerading themselves as spirits, candy represented the demonic sacrifices made and people carved jack-o-lanterns to scare off the evil spirits.
Weaver tells parents to stop worrying about being cool. This is one holiday you should feel good about not letting your child participate in.
To watch our full interview with Jenny Weaver click here.
Originally posted at CharismaMag.com
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stranger-nightmare · 2 years
Ahh it’s okay love! I have done that when I used to write drabble requests in the before times of tumblr and I would write whole things out and then tumblr would crash. And it would just go poof. I tried to re-write it as best as I could answer it after you sleep young lady!
Basically if I can remember what I wrote my OC who is number 9 in the Hawkins lab babies and escaped with El, I might have a slight idea of having her have a connection with Peter, because JCB is so hot in that evil role.
And basically it was she escapes with el, she’s like one of the oldest kids in the program, so she’s about 14-15 when they escape and then ya know she is living with Joyce during season 2 because reasons. And is in school.
And when she meets Eddie the first time, it’s because Mike and Dustin dragged her over. And Eddie was just heart eyes at her, big heart eyes.
And like she’s gone to hellfire once or twice and each time eddie like really just showed off to impress her.
She’s the sweetest thing like a lil naive because lab baby. She stayed in Hawkins, basically living alone in hoppers cabin that they fixed.
And like when they tell eddie about everything she has to be the sort of like one to show it’s real like basically she like kneels down in front of him and just
“Friends don’t lie, ever, so know what we have told you and what I will show you now, is the truth. And that we know you did not kill Chrissy”
And then like makes him levitate in the boat a bit and when he gets put down he fully just hops up just
“That was fucking sick! Dude that was, you could do this the whole time?! Dude I’m like…oh shit” and like he he uses his bandana to wipe her nose cause ya know nose bleed after powers is never fun. And like it’s this soft moment of him just caring for her.
And it’s just Eddie has been heart eyes for her since day one of meeting her. And she’s mostly mute around everyone besides the kids and the teens and like Joyce and hopper.
I love her she’s my baby and she has sort of a special gift like how Kali did which she’s Sonokentic meaning she can manipulate and control sound waves. Not well mind you she was just learning how to control it when uh peter went all anakin and killed all the kids.
But yeah just her protecting everyone in the upside down is the current thought. Like her powers I feel would be fine in the upside down but like 🤷🏻‍♀️ she kills a demon bat by like exploding it’s head with sound waves things.
This has been my inner mind world for like the last week and a half. I just. Yes. Her name is Valerie hopper, she’s a red head with like green and gold eyes like green outside gold flecks on the inside. She’s just 10/10 best girl.
Uh yeah if you ever wanna know more about her I’ll happily gush about her for hours on end
crying at ‘Peter went all Anakin and killed all the kids’, 001 really said execute order 66 lmaooo
anyways ahhhh I love this so so much! I would read the hell out of this if you did write it!
also her physical description reminds me of Clary Fairchild and I love that sm
009 sounds so cool and so badass and just the whole Eddie being head over heels for her just makes so much sense I love it, and him being one of the only people she kind of feels really comfortable and safe with asdfghjkl so fucking cute
- Hope
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mejomonster · 2 years
The "ghost" or something saved Wu Xie from theidmapper, and is now scaring the fuck out of the kidnapper. More to come. I expect the ghost to kill him. (I'm reading 夜半衣寒)
Only the slimmest bit related, but I watched My Best Friends Exorcism on Amazon Prime yesterday. The movie had certain elements that reminded me of the satire Saved (all the religious background setting and jewish protagonist), Jennifer's Body (the main 2 best friends and one becoming possessed), and The Craft (especially the stuff done to the friend group). However, it fell short of actually being as good as any of those. It was a good watch. But it didn't do anything particular with all the religious mentions so I couldnt tell if it was critiquing Christian hypocrisy of shut shaming and protecting attackers while vilifying people who speak about what happened or if it was simply presenting it as the normal world we should accept, if it was presenting demons and a Christian tie as genuine or if it was saying Christianity itself doesn't stop evil but the love between friends does. I couldn't tell if the girl being possessed was a metaphor for girls going "bad" in high school (because of drugs like their teachers implied) or if it was more a metaphor for the cruelness teen friendships can break into. So it didn't utilize that heavy Christian backdrop for a particularly clear purpose. Then it didn't go quite as in depth as Jennifer's Body with the friendship - although this part landed BEST in the movie and worked well. And it didn't get as scary as The Craft so it didn't quite hit the mark in the metaphor for teen girls and their heavy lives that The Craft hits - the scares were gross but not always as scary as the Craft (though some were), but mainly what took away the bite was I never felt anyone would die except maybe Gretchen. In The Craft, there's a lot of points it truly hits as hard as any standard horror movie and you are Afraid one of the main characters might die. So it didn't land quite as scary on the scary movie scale. I think in the way it Did handle things, it works as a fairly good movie for 12-15 year olds regarding some friendship points and its light horror being scarier than Disney but still nobody dying. However, it's poor use of the heavy Christian imagery could've been handled better to make a more noticeable commentary on something. I am going to assume the book used that Christian imagery for more of a specific Reason, since I've heard the book is really well written. The movie is no The Craft horror wise, but again i do think it's a good teen girl friendship movie and for people who would Like less intense of a horror vibe (as again its kind of gross and off putting so a bit horror but you never fear anyone will die). Of the new horror movies coming out, at least it's solidly memorable which is a huge compliment in the modern movie landscape.
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asterekmess · 3 years
Heyo! So I’ve been in the sterek fandom for quite some time now and I’ve been wondering about how you would describe stiles’ personality?
I’ve never actually sat down and watched a full episode of teen wolf (and honestly I’m not sure if I ever will considering everything I’ve heard about how they treat derek and his history but idk who knows I’m very curious in a lot of the plot lines and character development), and a lot of the stuff I know about the show I’ve scraped from fics, gifs, and meta posts
For me personally, Stiles’ personality and characterization is so fluid and nuanced that sometimes I have trouble pinning him down (tho derek doesn’t have trouble with that *wink wink*) So I would love to hear your thoughts! Sorry for the long ask, this grew legs and an ugly mug shdhdhhdjdcj anyhow have a great day :D
Well, everybody's got different perspectives and opinions on Stiles' personality, honestly. Even when you try to stick to 'canon' things, there's a lot of room for interpretation on the why when he does things, or what it says about him as a person, etc etc etc.
Personally, I see canon Stiles as kind of an asshole. I mean, I love him, and he does some incredible things, and he's clearly got an intense love for those close to him. But I do make him kinder in fics, or I at least make him regret being a dick.
In canon, we're given a Stiles who cracks 'dead baby' jokes (he's talking about human sacrifice, so the conversation was already plenty morbid. This wasn't out of the blue.) Who begs for Scott to let Jackson die (though it's made clear that this wasn't serious, and he later works to save Jackson's hide like ten times over), and who will mercilessly poke and prod at people's insecurities or painful pasts, especially when worked up. Isaac's previous abuse isn't a no-go topic. Derek having 'dated' (read: been assaulted at worst and at best, been lied to) serial killers isn't something he's going to tread lightly around. He doesn't try to soften things to save someone's feelings most of the time.
He's presented as someone who is incredibly impulsive, with his emotions, words, and actions. It's kind of implied this is because of his ADHD, but that doesn't explain how often the impulsively cruel or harsh things he says aren't retracted or apologized for, or just generally regretted. Yes, ADHD people are impulsive, and yes sometimes our mouths get away from us and we can end up saying some Fucked Up shit to people because we literally couldn't control the words coming out. But that doesn't mean we're cruel or evil or mean. We still feel bad for doing those things, and those of us who are decent people, try to fix or repair what we've messed up. I am...not a fan of how often ADHD is used as an excuse to make a character a dickhead because "he has no filter." No filter means we struggle to control our thoughts and what we say, it doesn't make us heartless.
So, when I'm writing him, I fix it. Even if he still Does something fucked up, I have him care that he did it. I have him realize what he did or said wasn't okay and respond to that knowledge in some way. Which to some people, means I'm just ignoring what a fucker he is, but imo it feels like a horrible fuckup on the creator's parts, so I'm just correcting the mistake. He's no less Stiles just bc I taught him to say sorry.
Anyway. I'm trying NOT to ramble here.
To answer your question, as best I can; Stiles is sarcastic. Stiles is passionate to a fault. His emotions are BIG, whatever they are. Good, Bad, or even apathy. Whatever feelings he has are just intense. He is very much a no gods, no kings, no masters, kind of man. There isn't really an 'authority' to him, except maybe his dad sometimes. He puts family, and those he considers family, First. But that doesn't mean he isn't selfless. Because he is. Incredibly so. Uncomfortably so.
He walks into gasoline for his friends. He puts himself in the position of losing the only parent he has left, for his classmates. He cares enough about strangers to insist a drunk girl he's spoken to for five minutes max stay hydrated and give her a bottle of water. He literally handed over his mind on a platter to a fox demon for someone he barely fucking knew, to keep her safe.
Loyal. Humorous. A fighter. Family-oriented. Clever. Passionate. Strong, physically, mentally, and emotionally. And a very good liar, in my opinion.
He doesn't lie very well in the show, not to people's faces. He'll stumble around a "I haven't seen him since the last time I saw him" or "are you asking me to tell you what I would have told you if I were going to tell you it?" but at the same time, he can repress and hide away his feelings and his pain in a way not even Derek manages.
He asked Caitlin questions about her girlfriend, and worked to solve the human sacrifices, literal minutes after finding out he'd just lost his oldest friend. He drove Lydia to the warehouse to save Jackson after having the shit beat out of him by a man who'd been learning to cause pain since he was a CHILD. And he never gives away how incredibly broken he is for more than a couple seconds. and it's a little frightening, because he convinces people in this show who are lie detectors that he's okay, when he's a fucking mess. Even Derek shows his pain.
You're right that he's nuanced, and part of that is because when you see him in meta or in fic, what you're seeing is a dozen versions of him sort of compressed into a flat image. Because he changes throughout the show, and while some of his core personality stays the same, a lot of stuff changes. So one fic might harp on his insensitivity, and callousness toward Isaac or how easily he says "just let them die" when talking about Derek or someone else. And then another will dive into how fucking far he's willing to go, travelling all the way to mexico and facing down a hunter clan a dozen times more powerful than the argents with no one but a banshee at his side, just to get Derek back. Or how he saw Malia hurting and sat with her on a couch and held her hand. One is a much earlier version of Stiles, from the start of the show, the other from his midpoint. Near the end, you're able to say that he was so torn about leaving Derek while he was dying, he had to be Begged to go save Scott. That he manipulated an ENTIRE FBI investigation in order to save and protect Derek. (im focusing on derek bc sterek, but also bc his relationship with Derek is the Biggest Arc he has in the show, and the most solid)
You're going to read about different versions of him, and I totally get how that's confusing.
We all sort of bleed ourselves into him and either bring certain canon characteristics to the forefront, or straight up add our own so he's more relatable to us.
So while I can't really help you pin down any specific Stiles, just know that there's not really a 'true' Stiles that anyone can confirm or deny. It's all just perception, so however you see him, go with it. Strengthen it. Explore it. I'm sure you'll find people who see what you do.
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stonesparrow · 2 years
Target Reached pt. 2
The Legend of the Three Heroes
pt. 1 here
Once upon a time, very long ago, the world was covered in grand cities with buildings that stretched towards the clouds, lights that glowed without fire, ships that sailed through the skies. 
This world was filled with a vast population of people, and thousands upon thousands of rich cultures and languages. 
But one day, an evil creature known as the Green Demon descended upon this land. It ravaged the earth, destroying entire nations in a single blink, and shattering men, women, and children like fragile glass. 
Here on the island of Japan, one man had a dream which told him that in order to save humanity, they would have to hide from the Green Demon until it could be defeated by three Great Heroes. They would build a grand ship that would take a group of survivors far into the sky, away from the touch of the Green Demon, where the Heroes would train to confront the demon. 
The ship was built, the Grand Ark of Crimson Wings. It sailed into the sky where the survivors created a refugee kingdom among the stars, and thus the man as their leader was called the Hundred Stars King. 
Before leaving on the Ark, the King chose the three Great Heroes that would save humanity from among the young men and women of the survivor colony.
The first Hero was the King’s own son, who was not born of his own blood but was considered the greatest gift in the King’s life. He was wise beyond his years and could remember anything that had been said or shown to him. This young prince was declared to be the Herald of Wisdom, he who knows a billion things, who would lead humanity in the war against the Green Demon.
The second Hero was a peasant boy and a beloved childhood playmate of the young prince. He possessed the power of a hundred men and could plow the fields for a whole month straight without tiring. The King declared him to be the Guardian of Strength, he who carries the mightiest burdens, who would protect humanity in the war against the Green Demon.
The third and final Hero was the other beloved childhood friend of the prince, a beautiful young weaver girl. She could spin thread as fine as spider’s silk, and weave a tapestry from here to the mountains in a single day. The King declared her to be the Weaver of Love, she who spins the bonds of companionship, who would cultivate the friendship of humanity in the war against the Green Demon. 
For years the three Heroes trained to fight against the Green Demon, until the day of the final confrontation. However, the Demon attacked them with a new power - a wave of light that turned everyone in the world to stone.
The Heroes, though great, were still human, and became statues along with their people. When it saw that all humans had been completely destroyed, the Green Demon left as mysteriously as it had come.
The Hundred Stars King descended to earth from the sky kingdom and embraced his son’s lifeless statue, weeping for the loss of his child. But then the King knew - his son could not truly be dead. He had simply been trapped, as all the others had been. And one day, they would break free, and rescue humanity from their awful fate. 
For the Green Demon may return, and the Heroes will wait until the time is right.
“So what do you think?” Amaryllis asked as the children clamored around the storyteller’s legs, begging for another.
“...It was interesting,” Gen replied, putting a hand on his chin thoughtfully. Thoughts were swirling all around his head as he processed, twirling the flower garland in his fingers. “Your hunch about the petrifying light seems to be right, but I truly do not know anything about a Hundred Stars King or three heroes of any sort.”
“Maybe it’ll make more sense when we make it to the capital and speak with the Queen,” Amaryllis suggested. “The royal scholars might know something about our ancient history that isn’t noted in the old folktales.”
“Maybe.” Gen watched as one of the older teens donned a green monster mask and began chasing the children around as they squealed with laughter and fended the “demon” off with small sticks. Three other teens appeared dressed in costumes that apparently represented the Heroes - the first a boy with a white robe, the second a boy with a black one, and the third a girl with a yellow robe and a red scarf. The children cheered as the “Heroes” vanquished the “Demon,” and then began to pass out candy.
“At the very least, I’d like to know what inspired all of this.”
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ktheist · 3 years
the hero.
knj / myg / jhs / ksj / pjm / kth / jjk
the first time jeon jeongguk met the demon lord was when he wandered into the forest while he and his friends were playing hide and seek.
“hey, have you seen anyone pass by here by any chance?”
well, before she became the demon lord, she was just an ordinary village girls collecting herbs with her younger brother.
“o-oh um, they climbed up that tree.” she pointed at a great oak tree a few feet away, cheeks flushed red.
“you promised you won’t snitch!” comes a voice from the branches.
the next time he sees her is downtown when she’s shopping for groceries with her mother.
“hey, you’re that girl that helped me win!” he grinned, recognizing an ally.
she held out her hand shyly, palm facing the sky, “where’s my share for helping you win?”
“uh,” jeongguk hesitates, looking left and right as if a prize would materialize if he kept looking.
“you can help me find some wood sorrels.” she proposes.
“yeah! i’ll pick all the wood sorrels in the forest!” he folds his arm inwardly, showing off what little muscle he has in his arm.
she gawks at his radiance as if he’s the meteor that lights up her night sky.
7 years later, he’s knocking on the door of the quaint little cottage her family lives in.
“jeongguk, did you get into a fight? again?” she rushes over to him, eyes brimming with worry and hands clasped in front of her chest.
the small tremble in her fingers tell him she wants to touch the hair and sweep it behind his face but won’t because she doesn’t want to end up grazing his cut.
“you’ll heal me, won’t you?” he puts on his best grin even though it hurts.
and the tremble cease. a smile tugs on the corners of her lips.
she flicks her wrists and the fire on the stove begins to dance. a cauldron levitates in the air and settles on over the dancing flames a second later.
she’s going to make that bitter healing medicine he hates so much.
“what am i going to do with you?” she shakes her head.
“oh, jeongguk, you’re here too. would you like to have dinner with us?” her mother asks, coming from the back door of the kitchen, hands full with the harvest from their backyard.
“no! mother!” only a day after he had a warm meal with her family, he’s holding her by her waist.
“we have to run,” he says, eyes not even looking at the flames that lick her mother’s body at the stake.
her brother and father have fallen at the axe of the villagers that came barging into her home, searching for a “witch”.
she was with jeongguk, picking stinging nettles because they’re only traceable at night.
they live together in a tiny cottage meant for one but they made it work for one more.
her smile is gone.
not really, but it comes and goes. and jeongguk suspects, they’re just shadows of what once was, if only to tell him not to worry about her.
at night, he hears he soft sniffles and he slips out of his bed to climb into hers. he holds her tight until she falls asleep in his embrace.
a year has passed yet they’re stagnant; living the same day over and over again. filled with sorrow and tears.
if he could take away her pain, he would.
jeongguk didn’t know that after a year of endless night sniffles and dried cheeks; this is the last night they spend in each other’s arms.
jeongguk doesn’t know where she is or if she’s found another person to hug her on nights when the cold gets unbearable.
he gets enlisted into the knight squad.
it’s like a miracle. like he’s meant to wield the sword.
no man his age would have the skills he has now without any prior practice.
“i did get into fights as a teen and won every one of them,” he would laugh whenever someone brings up his unmatched expertise in swordsmanship.
little does he know, it’s the working of fate, preparing him to kill a childhood friend and the woman he lives for.
“i won’t,” he declares, the clang of his sword ringing against these cold walls of the demon lord’s castle after he tossed the holy blade away.
“and this is the hero you so love and worship?” she looks at his comrades with eyes painted in blood red.
“j-jeongguk, snap out of it! she’s controlling your mind!” the healer’s voice reverberates against these walls.
she and the others stand a few feet behind him as if an invisible wall has separated them.
“no,” he says, taking steps to her throne until he’s cupping her face with his gloved hands, “my mind has never been clearer- i- i’ve missed you.”
a shattering silence.
a crack in the ground.
vines creep up the distance between the hero and his comrades until they completely shield them away from the rest of the world.
she leans into his touch like she would when they lived together in that little hut.
‘she’s not lost.’
‘not really.’
“do you know what causes the birth of the demon lord?” she asks.
“a heartbreak.” she finishes without waiting for him to say anything, “it has to be more painful than death. more sinful than the goddess’ blessings. and more hollow than the deepest depths of the hell.”
his fingers are wet from the rain the acid rain that has never tore through the skies.
until now, that is.
“i’m sorry i couldn’t protect you,” he holds her in his arms like he’s always dreamed of doing.
she weeps and the blood in her eyes washes away. “i miss them, jeongguk...”
their tale becomes a legend. of a virtuous hero and the wretched demon lord.
the castle gets torn down by the emperor’s reinforcements that arrived a month later.
yet they couldn’t find any trace of the hero nor the demon lord.
it’s as if they’ve vanished like the wind that carries their tragic beautiful story from kingdom to kingdom.
over the years, their tale took different turns. some say the demon lord took on the form of hero’s most beloved. others say the demon lord’s lonely soul trapped him in her pitless dungeon.
her favorite, which she goes back to as she tucks her little ones in their bed, is-
“mommy, mommy, can you tell us about the story of the hero and the demon lord’s love that turned her back into a human?” the boy with his father’s deep brown eyes blinks at her with evergreen wonder.
“blegh, that again? i want to hear about the hero’s journey to defeat the dragon before he went after the demon lord!” says the little girl with rich black hair, as black as hers.
“my children, never grow up,” she sighs, gathering them in a tight embrace until they begin to squirm and complain about how-
“mommy, you do this every night.” the both say in unison.
“don’t blame your mother too much kids,” jeongguk laughs as he enters the room the three are huddled in together, “she just loves you a whole lot.”
“daddy! daddy! is it true? that love changes even the evilest of soul?” the boy sighs, falling into his bed with a dreamy thump.
jeongguk looks at her for the briefest moment. her dark, jet black hair looks magnificent catching the light of the silver moon. she’s smiling at her two younglings like they’re her world.
“you see, no one is truly evil...” and he goes on to tell the tales of the hero’s journey to be reunited with the love of his life.
though the journey has been arduous; though he wonders if life is worth living without her around; they always find their way back to each other.
back home.
he kisses the boy’s forehead and she kisses the girls before they cross each other at the foot of the bed, doing the same for the child they haven’t bid good night yet.
“they grow up so fast,” she’s holding back tears like she usually does.
she’s always had a faint yet strong heart.
he kisses the top of her head and wraps his arms around her, swaying their bodies gently to the tune he’s humming from their childhood.
how long ago that felt.
how long ago the tale of the hero and the demon lord had happened.
how glad they are, to have walked the road less traveled by.
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cloudycrystalkpop · 3 years
SMOKY | Hell Below
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Blind! Prince! Mingi x [unstated skin deformity] fem! reader
Words: 2k+
Warnings: self harm, possessiveness, demonic interaction
au: crown royal au | moodboard
series masterlist: SMOKY
Seonghwa paced back and forth in front of your door. He was placed on guard duty this evening and it was slowly torturing him.
Normally he would never complain, more than happy to forgo his own rest to know that his princess slept safe and sound. However, he was very aware that at the moment, his princess was not sleeping at all.
He gritted his teeth as he heard your voice moan out a name in pleasure. The name of your husband. A name that wasnt his.
Seonghwa squared his shoulders. He had made you a promise, one a very very long time ago.
When he was the man having you sing such pretty praises. When he wrote his name in calligraphy with his tongue between your thighs.
A promise he painted into your skin, one very late night. Kissing every patch that made you shy. Every inch that your family frowned upon. Every piece you had ever wanted to burn off.
"I will protect you, until the day my heart stops beating, And surely even after."
he is more than just a knight. No, after holding you, bare as the day you were born, shaking in his arms. After the words of hate and disgust at the case your very soul lived in, at watching you take blades to try and peel the unwanted flesh away, he would never ever let you hurt yourself again.
He would never abandon you, even if you took his heart right out of his chest, it was always yours anyway.
Seonghwa held his head in his hands. He was always yours anyway.
"They sure are loud huh?" Seonghwa jumped and reached for the sword on his belt at the voice.
"Sorry, bad night?" Hongjoong asked, standing before the heartbroken man.
"Yeah just, stuck in my own head." Seonghwa admitted. The other man nodded, scanning him with curious eyes.
"You and your princess sure are, close." he stated. The words curled on his tongue, watching Seonghwa flitched as the sound of a high pitched groan came from the lover's room.
"We... Used to be." he replied.
"I see. Makes sense why youre not so fond of that Duke." he quirked an eyebrow, a sly grin pulling at his features. "Hey, you wanna know a secret~" the man purred.
"Not tonight Hongjoong. Im not in the mood for your teasing." Seonghwa frownd.
"Hmm~ if you say so." his smile pulled into a playful childlike one, before Hongjoong skipped off down the hall, leaving Seonghwa alone with his thoughts once more.
Hongjoong purred to himself as he glanced over his shoulder as the knight stood at the lovers door. Lust is a very powerful tool in his bag of tricks, one that, it looks like, will do him very, very well.
you spent your days now often with Yeosang, his experience and wisdom helping you greatly in easing your nerves. he told you many stories, explained much about the kingdom you had never dared to venture around in.
whenever you did leave your family's estate, it was always with Seonghwa as your loyal guard. a long veil to hide you away from the world, or heaven forbid you simply, existing taint your family name.
you remembered the day The King died. he was an old man, had been sick for years. while not beloved by his people, he was well respected, and yet. when he passed, no one knew anything about him. there was no mourning, for there was no loss.
The Queen had fully stepped into power then, ten years younger than her husband she was more than capable of leading. and so it had been since your early teens. The Queen was now however, ready to pass her power, rather than see it out live her too, just like her husband.
and that, was where the crown prince and princess had come in. the pair lost at sea in a tragic shipwreck, the kingdom scrambling to find a new replacement. you and Mingi were nobles, sure. second rate royals even, your father once a prince, a second born. Mingi was next in line to become a Duke, chosen over Yeosang for your hand in marriage for, such a trivial reason. or so you thought.
“my family comes from the Valley, My Lady. Lord Mingi’s comes from the Sea.” Yeosang explained, an, almost forlorn look in his eye. “when yourself and your husband were married, it showed a joining of the land and the sea. loosening trade deals with other lands, its... business I'm afraid.”
“that’s all marriage is good for after all anyway. its just business.” you gazed off out the window, watching the roses sway in the morning breeze. the garden was beautiful, flowers in full bloom.
“I’m sorry you feel so my lady. but, you must admit how darling and romantic an idea it is.” Yeosang followed your gaze.
“to be married?” you wondered.
“the prince of the sea, wed to the princess of the forest. and a man who cannot see, tied to a woman never allowed to be seen.” he hummed softly.
“sounds like a horrible tragedy of a play to me.” you shook your head, eyes falling to your lap. “I should have a word with the playwright.”
“would you have preferred a different ending?” Yeosang wondered, dropping his head down to force you to look him in the eye. you chuckled, watching the corners of his eyes crinkle in a smile.
“I haven't decided.” you answered. “...are the flowers in the valley in bloom this time of year?” you asked.
“oh yes. the wild flowers were always my favorite as a boy. my sisters and I used to go out and make crowns out of them.” his voice was soft, eyes far away. caught in a memory from boyhood.
“...will you take me there some time, Yeosang?” his gaze focused back on you once more.
“if you wish to see it My Lady.” he grinned. “I will braid you a crown so lovely the royal jewels will be jealous.”
“promise me?” your voice betrayed you. a crack of pain hidden away there.
such a very different ending you could have had. one where you could spend your life safe, hidden away from the judgment and piercing eyes your mother always frightened you of. flowers in your hair, children at your feet, a husband who could provide for your every need. free to play in the forest of your childhood. there was no judgment from the trees, nor would you find it in the open fields.
“you have my word... My Lady.”
but your life was no fairy tale. you were to be queen of a kingdom you barely knew. sure, you had a husband, a man to wear the title of “king”, but both you and Mingi knew, the queen is the most powerful piece on the board.
“My little Prince~” you called to the darkness of the room as you returned to your chambers for the evening. “Mingi?” you cooed once more, looking around for the tall man.
“we need to talk.” you nearly screamed, the voice was not your husband’s. upon turning on your heel, you came face to face with...
“Seonghwa! you nearly had me jump out of my skin!” you huffed, smacking the man on the side of his arm.
“hey! I'm sorry I scared you but, I'm serious.” he sighed, rubbing his arm.
“very well.” you huffed, seating yourself on the plush bed and waiting for his explanation. Seonghwa shuffled, changing his weight from one foot to the other, gaze fixed on the floor. “well? when did you become so awkward?”
“since I had to listen to you having sex for hours last night.” he growled. your ears glowed hot, but you choked the embarrassment down.
“I am sorry, I'm sure that was a bit.. uncomfortable-”
“you don’t get it do you, Princess.” he lifts his eyes to meet yours. “I love you.”
a lump forms in your throat. you do not move, only stare him down, unblinking, unreactive.
“I have been in love with you for almost five years now. I was the one who took your virginity, I was the one who held you when you cried, I was the only who protected you from the evils of this world. and I-” his voice cracked. Seonghwa, your loyal knight in shining armor, the one who had been by your side for the better half of your life, was in tears before you.
“I love you! I'd do anything for you! I've been with you since you were just a young girl! I've stood beside you through everything! and I can't pretend that it doesn't hurt me anymore!” his eyes sparkled with tears, cheeks damp and voice horse.
“... I-” you never got a chance to finish your thought as the door swung open once more.
Mingi stood in the doorway, blank eyes staring straight ahead of him, his face blank of any emotion.
“get. out. of. our. room.” never had you heard the intimidation in Mingi’s voice before. his voice rumbled deep in his chest, but his tone now, was that of a final, deadly warning.
Seonghwa stared at Mingi, shoulders taught, fists clenched. but he didn't say a word.
“...you are dismissed Seonghwa.” you finally broke the tense silence between the two man.
“as you wish, My Princess.” Seonghwa made his way towards the door, stepping past Mingi, only to be halted by said man shoving him against the wood, hard.
“if you dare, to even think of touching my wife, if even the thought of her in such context even passes your mind,” he growls. “I will have you executed for adultery.”
Mingi stepped away from a very shocked Seonghwa.
“she may be your Princess, but she will be your Queen. and never, for a moment forget, she will only be your queen, and she is my wife.” and with that he slammed the door shut.
Mingi developed a possessiveness over you, you must admit you didn’t expect. the once shy boy who could barely speak to you, now kept one hand on your person at all times you were together. when asked he said he preferred you guide him over a staff member. but you know by now Mingi knew this castle perfectly fine. he didn't need help or a guide anymore. he was lying.
he also got rather upset if you were left alone with another person too long, without himself or his chosen guard close by. his chosen guard? Hongjoong.
you woke one morning to find bruises so deep on your hips and chest they looked like black ink in the mirror. Mingi was marking you now. like you were something that belonged to him.
knowing who you needed to speak with, you snuck away one morning, before the sun rose. to find Hongjoong.
“your highness! what a pleasant surprise~” the handsome man cooed.
“may I speak with you? in private.” you glanced to the rest of the guard, Seonghwa the only one not meeting your gaze.
“oh? absolutely. please, come with me.” Hongjoong lead you out into the gardens, just as the first touches of dawn peeked over the skyline.
“alright creature. out with it. what have you done to the prince.” you growled, arms crossed as you glared at Hongjoong.
“such mean words from the ‘princess’ herself~” he smiled a grin, one a little too long and a little too wide for his face.
“why are you here?”
“what a stupid question! you already know that answer~ otherwise you wouldn’t have asked to speak to me, alone.”
“fine, who summoned you?”
Hongjoong chuckled, one in tone too deep for the voice he speaks with. “the dead king of course. but that was a long time ago you see.”
“speak to me truthfully creature, did you make a deal with Mingi?” you glared him down. while your experience with his kind was limited, you understood the one true weakness they had. they cannot directly lie.
Hongjoong grinned once more, that same unnatural once, the one that extended too far up his face, showing teeth a human man wouldn’t have. his eyes crinkled at the edges in the grin, the white parts of his eyes turning dark as a bruise.
you held back a whimper at his voice. inhuman. demonic. bloodcurdling.
“...thank you. you are dismissed.” you blinked, and the man was back as he was. charming smile and handsome features glowing once again in the dawn.
“as you wish, your highness.” and with that, he walked back into the castle. leaving you alone in the garden, a ring of dead grass surrounding where the pair of you had stood.
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sixofpomegranates · 3 years
Rain in California - Act 1 - Fame
🥀Mini Series “Rain in California” Act 1 - Part 3 - Fame🥀
✨My Main Masterlist✨ | 18+ | AO3 | Wattpad
🥀Soundtrack🥀 | ✨Aestethic Trailer✨ |  🥀Masterlist🥀 | Words: 6.4k
🥀click here for the previous chapter🥀
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TW: ANGST (LIKE REALLY),  mention of loss/death/addiction/sobriety/murder/abortion/miscarriage, suicidal thoughts/tendencies, depression, addiction, substance abuse, drugs, alcohol, ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP, mentions of OD, PTSD, Self-Harm/Cutting, religious trauma, past physical/psychological abuse on child/teen, abusive parents, teen pregnancy, murder, injustice, withdrawal symptoms,
Songs in this Chapter:
Heartbeat - Don Johnson
Seven hours and a Gastric Suction later, [y/n] felt like hell.
Her throat hurt and the medication they´d given her didn’t work. Now she laid in her hospital room, in her uncomfortable bed and was mostly angry at herself. [y/n] didn’t know why she had acted so stupid…well, probably because she had been high as hell. Not feeling able to control herself, when taken more than usual.
 She didn’t want to be so erratic, but when she was high, it just all seemed so easy. Saying the things she thought, doing things she normally would never even dare thinking of, not being hurt by others...On drugs she felt free. Herself.
Although she didn’t even know who she was anymore.
 When Spencer was holding her in the bathroom?
That was the first time somebody had said something to her about her addictions, except for ‘Are you sure that’s a good idea?’, ’It´s not that bad.’, ‘We´re here once you´re ready.’ and ’She´s just having a rough time.’.
It was the first time somebody really seemed to see through her and literally forced her to look at herself in the mirror. To care for her enough to show her tough love. Leroy, Hank and Tom had tried it, but given up on her, sure they supported and cared for her still, but for them she was already too far gone. And they were probably right about it.
 But the dog? He still had wanted to help her, even after she tried being her ugliest.
 She had gone too far, still remembering his face, the terror in it, when she cut her wrist, when she had taken all her pills at once. [y/n] had wanted to hurt him like that, her mind, her stupid junkie mind, had her convinced, that doing it would be a great way to get back at him.
Because she felt hurt, being rejected by him.
 Most likely she had scarred him for life. And now he hadn’t come in, since she was allowed to have visitors, and probably would never come back.
 She has successfully driven away the only one that had still cared enough.
 Now, mostly sober, she felt like a monster, aware that she was a wreck beyond repair.
 Of course she had, in the beginning, thought about stopping. But the drugs were the smaller evil to her, since they calmed her mind and made her forget the pain. She would stay alone forever, unworthy other people´s love, her mind should at least be allowed to be numb.
 “I came as fast as I could. What happened?”, Philip handed Spencer a duffle bag, filled with [y/n]´s clothing. He had asked him to bring it, since Spencer didn’t know how long she would stay.
“They pumped her stomach and had to stitch the wound on her wrist.”, he stated, making the short manager´s eyes go wide.
“Are you insane? What if they hurt her vocal cords?”, the tall one tried to remain calm, but had to really force himself to not hit Philip.
 Why was that a priority?
 “I didn’t wanna let her die. She could´ve OD´d. What would you have done?”, Spencer asked slightly aggravated.
“Carry her to the bathroom and force her to throw up, until nothing´s in her stomach anymore. Then I usually take her to bed and give her water every hour and feed her soup until she´s better.”, the manager explained and Spencer felt like that had to be a joke.
 “That has happened before?”, he asked baffled and Philip nodded. “Yeah, a couple of times, but she always either took something or cut herself. Never both at the same time. Where you two fighting again?”, he asked reproachful and Spencer felt the guilt sink into his heart. “See, agent Prentiss? This is why I said, [y/n] didn’t need a bodyguard.”
“I´m sorry, but I don’t think that this is the result of having a bodyguard. It´s much more one to them not getting along and [y/n] being highly addicted to a couple of substances.”, Emily stepped in for Spencer.
 The manager just ignored the her obvious insinuation of the rockstars declining mental help, before going into [y/n]´s room. The agents then just looked at each other before going in too.
 This was the first time Spencer saw [y/n], since they got here. He hadn’t been able to bring himself to be alone with her before. She was laying in her bed, bandage on her left wrist, looking directly at him when he came in. They had taken of her make-up, making Spencer realize, that she was prettier without it. Her jet black, dark hair in a ponytail. To him she looked calmer and softer like this. The real girl behind the façade. Philip was already all over her.
 “[y/n], you look awful.”, he said, shaking up the pillow as she got up a little, to sit.
“Feel like it too.”, her voice sounded a little raspy.
“Poor girl. How is your voice? Do you need anything?” “Fine. My throat´s just a little sore. Can you check me out of here? The faster, the better. That way I can go home without the media knowing.”, Spencer and Emily shared a look.
“The paparazzies showed up an hour ago.”, Emily stated, making [y/n] nod.
 She leaned further back in her pillow and looked at Spencer, like she wanted to say something.
 “C-Can you still check me out, Philly?”, Philip nodded.
“Of course. I´ll be back asap and then we´ll take you home so you can pack.”, he walked outside and [y/n] looked at Emily.
“Can – I don’t know – you maybe go with him?”, she asked her friendly.
 The dark haired woman shared a look with Spencer, who nodded at her. Signaling, that he was okay being alone with the singer again. Emily then nodded and walked after Philip, closing the door on her way out. For a second Spencer thought about leaving the room too. To, no longer, have this black-haired demon take hits against his sanity, but then her voice cut into the silence of the room.
 “I´m sorry.”, she said and Spencer wondered, if she was being honest.
“For almost killing yourself?”, he asked her sarcastically and she shook her head.
“For how I treated you.”
“I´ve been through worse. You´d need to be trying way harder, if you want me to break.”, he answered her cold and she began looking at her hands.
“I´m sorry, I tried pressuring you, to take drugs.”, Spencer shrugged at that. “You were high. If I didn’t relapse after the love of my life was killed or when I was put wrongfully into prison, I won´t relapse because a pretty girl is offering me drugs.” “Doesn’t make it better or okay. I saw the token in your room, when I was looking for my pills. I knew and still did it. You must really hate me.”, [y/n]´s voice sounded like she was about to cry.
“I don’t hate you.”, he said gently, sitting down on her bed. [y/n] let out a self-degrading laugh and looked at him, tears filling her eyes. “No, it´s okay. I deserve it.”, she looked over to her IV drip bag, filled with clear liquid, and hit it slightly. “That stuff makes me sentimental.”, she tried saying jokingly, but sounded just sad.
 Spencer looked at her for a while, thinking about what he could say. He hadn’t thought she would apologize for how she acted and he had meant what he had told her. He didn’t hate her. Yes, she was emotionally draining to be around, it wasn’t all bad though.
 Spencer remembered Philip and how he had talked about the two sides of people.
 “That´s no medication, [y/n].”, she looked at him confused. “You lost a lot of water so…Yeah. What you´re feeling is the drugs wearing off.”, he cooed, holding himself back with the rambling. “Nice. That´s what every junkie loves to hear.”, both chuckled a little. “Hey, I give you ten thousand dollar, if you get me some pills, my head hurts like hell.”, she said it in a joking manner, making Spencer chuckle and shake his head.
“No chance. I´m not bribable.”
“Makes you one of few in Hollywood.”, the sound of rain made [y/n] look to the window. “Can you open it?”, he nodded and got up. “Thanks. I love the sound of rain. People always portrait it to be so sad when it rains, but I think it´s nice…cleansing.”
 He opened the window and sat next to her bed on the chair. They listened to the sound of raindrops hitting the streets for a while, when he decided to take the shot and ask [y/n], what had been on his mind for the last hours.
 “Why are you doing it?”, she looked at Spencer, making a questioning noise. “Cutting yourself, taking drugs.”
“The pain makes you feel alive and the drugs help you hide the side effects of being it.”, Spencer chuckled a little.
“So melodramatic.”
 High, she would have probably devoured him, but now she only smirked and rolled her eyes. By now a certain realness tried finding its way in both their voices.
 “What was your reason for taking them then?”, she asked, leaning in his direction.
 Spencer thought a second, honesty was earned and he wanted her to be honest with him. So he gave her a trust bonus, reviling a bit of his darkness.
 “I wasn’t giving the chance of choosing to take them. I was kidnapped and my tormentor, at least one of his personalities, thought he would help me handling the pain.”
 He could´ve sworn to see empathy in her eyes, but instead of showing it or whispering words of condolences, like so many others would do in this situation, she just smiled.
 “And there I was, thinking you´re just a hypocrite.”, he shrugged. “Well…I am one.” “How?”, [y/n] asked, a little frown appearing on her forehead. “Because you were right. I think you are attractive and maybe my motive wasn’t all just about protecting you at the concert.”, he could feel himself blush.
“I´m sorry for acting out, after…you know.”
“It´s okay. Would you feel better, knowing that I really hated making the decision, to not sleep with you?”, she nodded.
“A little.” “Good. Cause it was. But it was the right thing to do.”, she smiled a little and began focusing on her hands again.
“You see, I get it now and I´m glad, at least one of us, has made a right decision tonight but…I don’t know how I´ll be to you, when I´m high again.”, her concerned voice made him take her hand. Being afraid of your own mind, no longer being able to control it, was something he was very familiar with. “Then don’t be. We could get you into rehab.”
 [y/n] chuckled and took his hand with both of hers, caressing it with her thumbs. She seemed to be thinking. Making Spencer believe she may be taking his offer. But the longer she thought, the more obvious it became, that she was losing to something dark inside her head.
“Would be a waste of time.”, she whispered, her playfulness gone, as if reality just slapped her into the face.
“But if you continue like this, you´ll be dead soon.”, [y/n] gave him a gentle smile.
“You always say that, like I don’t plan on dying with twenty-seven.”
 For a second he tried reading her, hoping she was joking, having made those suicidal jokes a little to often in the last days. When he didn’t like the answer, he prepared himself to hear it from her.
“Do you?”, she nodded. “I´m going to join ‘Club 27’ and then drift into oblivion. My songs and everything I did, only becoming an relic from the past.”
 The way she said it, made it sound like she had already made peace with that decision. It frightened Spencer, making him think of how to make her re-think it.
“What about your friends?”
“There´s only the band…and I started pushing them away from me, a long time ago. I saw how it will end for me and decided not to have it hurt them, like it hurt me, when I found my mom.”, he shook his head. He refused to accept this as an answer.
“And what about yourself? You can’t just feel like dying is the only option.” “It´s not. But it´s the most relieving one.”
 The calmness in her voice and body language showed him so much. What had driven her into that state? A state were death was seen as a relieve, because everything else hurt too much. Depression. She showed signs of it. Many people with addicted use it to cope with their mental problems. What had happened to her? His mind traveled back to the day before, to the only moments when she had let her façade slip.
 To the silver bullet that would kill her.
 “What happened to your baby?”, he asked her stern and she looked at him defeated.
“Oh, I see…I´ve been profiled. What do you think happened?”
“You lost it.”, she nodded, but he continued, carefully watching her body language. He wanted answers, but would stop when she would get too uncomfortable. “Probably because of your abusive father.”, she nodded again, seeming a little numb to his words. “Was he religious?”, the black-haired girl chuckled and answered him a little sarcastic.
“Depends on how religious you´d call a reverend. Why?”
“Religious trauma or trying to shock people. Your music, I mean.”
 For a second [y/n] let go of his hand, making him rest in her lap. Spencer refused to pull it away, if she would start talking, he wanted her to know that he was still there. He had, by now, enough pieces of the puzzle, showing him a dark picture of her past. A reason, why she tried to be high so often.
 Reality was a sharp knife and its cuts couldn’t hurt so bad, when you numb yourself.
 “My father was always hitting my mom, but when she then took off, there was only me and him. He forced me into the mold of the perfect, religious daughter and when I wasn’t as obedient as he would´ve liked, he´d make me read the bible for hours and beat me senseless.”, she started gesturing to her stomach and chest area. “Of course only hitting me in places, nobody would see the bruises. When I was fifteen, I got caught trying to smoke for the first time, by a teacher. As they notified my father, he locked me into the dark broom closet for a week. Out of spite, I then started smoking regularly and met a boy through it, Daniel.”
 Spencer watched [y/n]´s face light up for a second. She looked like JJ or Rossi, when they were talking about Will and Krystall. Like he probably did, when he was thinking about Maeve.
 “He went to the same school as I and his abusive parents were addicts, like my mom had been. We kinda bonded over that and would sneak out at night, spending hours together, talking about the stupidest things. Thinking we were so deep and intellectual. He, at one point, started stealing his parents weed, so we could get high together. Made getting beaten easier. The time with Daniel was the first and last time I ever felt those butterflies. You know? This childish feeling of love?”
 She smiled at him as he nodded, remembering those butterflies too, but then the smile darkened and she took Spencer’s hand again. As if to try and hold onto him, shielding herself from the dark memories creeping up.
 “I got pregnant with sixteen. A shame. I managed to hide it for a few weeks and Daniel and I came up with the childish idea of running away together. We thought, we could just get jobs somewhere else, buy a home and become a family…Like foolish kids.”, her self-degrading laugh broke Spencer’s heart, as she tried swallowing her tears.
“And it didn’t work.”, he whispered and she only laughed, voice dripping in sarcasm. “Of course it didn’t. A woman from church had overheard us talking and the rumor of me being pregnant was already out there, since I threw up so often at school. So she thought she would help me, if she told my father.”, Spencer squeezed her hand a little. “You wanna know what he did?”, he shook his head.
“He waited for us to meet at night. As I crawled out of the window, he stormed outside with his shotgun and confronted us. After I admitted to being pregnant he hit me, making Daniel step between us and start fighting with my dad to protect me and the baby…and my dad- he-…he then just shot him. In-…In cold blood, just pulled the fucking trigger.”, [y/n] voice was filled with disbelieve. Like she still wasn’t able to believe what she had seen.
 “My father then grabbed me by the hair and tried getting me to go back into the house. I, obviously shocked about him just shooting my boyfriend, refused to and so he started beating and kicking me, till I stopped fighting back…Needless to say, I lost the baby after that.”
 As a few tear ran down her face, she let go of Spencer´s hand and wiped them away. Letting a cynical laugh follow.
 “That’s not even the best part of the story. Nothing happened.”, Spencer looked at her frowning.
“What do you mean with ‘Noting happened’. He shoot a teenager. Weren’t there any repercussions?”, she shook her head.
“No. Because he told the police, that he came outside to me screaming, because Daniel was beating me. Angry at me, for being pregnant. He stated that he just did what he had to do, to protect me.”, he shook his head in disbelieve.
“Weren’t you questioned? Didn’t you tell them what really happened?”
“I would try telling, but nobody believed it. Because the reverend, a pillar of our community, would never do such thing. They thought I was just lashing out and framing my father, because I was high and angry at him for shooting my boyfriend...Daniel´s parents didn’t even care, too high to get what had happened. After that, I wasn’t allowed to go to school anymore, in fact, I wasn’t allowed to do anything anymore. My father taught me at home and every Sunday I was allowed to go to church and pray to have my sins being forgiven.”
 Spencer nodded at the amount of information she had just given him.
He felt bad for her, started to understand her, started to hate her father and the cruel injustice she, Daniel and the baby had suffered.
Why had they only once, tried to get her into therapy?
The amount of suffered trauma had to end in a situation like this, left untreated.
It was eating her alive, suffocating her, and everybody who saw it, just slapped the ‘She´s gonna be okay’-Band-Aid on this gashing wound, moving on with their own life´s, while she was losing the battle inside her head. He got up and sat on the bed next to her, she scooted a little, giving him some room to lean back too. As he lifted an arm, [y/n] rested her head on his chest.
 “Then how did you get…viral…?”, he looked at him and the confused spoken word, smiling.
“You know about that?”
“Luke.”, he answered and she nodded. “I wasn’t allowed to have a phone, but I was allowed to use our computer once a week for an hour. I would record myself singing and playing guitar on our shitty webcam and started uploading it, not thinking anybody would ever see it. With eighteen I got in contact with this guy, he said he was in the midst of establishing his own record label and he would love to pay my flight to LA, taking me under contract. I accepted and just ran as fast as I could, before my father could get me.”
 [y/n] again laughed cynical. Seemingly a coping mechanism of hers, to play down the pain and severity of things and situations.
 “When I arrived, he then offered me to stay with him, if I´d be…you know…nice to him. He earned a shit ton of money with my music, while I got nothing…But everything was better than going back home again.”, she sat up a little, so she could look at Spencer, again with that sparkle in her eyes.
 “At one point, when I didn’t want to have sex with him anymore, I had to work at a pizza restaurant to afford rent. There I met Leroy, Tom and Hank at the Open-Mic-Night. I told them a little about what was going on and Hank sued that guys ass. He didn’t want anything in return…just happy to help me. If you think Hank is scary now, you would have shit yourself, seeing him in court!”
 Both chuckled. Spencer could, thankfully, only imagine how terrifying the fifty year old biker could get.
 “After winning the case I asked them if they were interested in becoming a band and we made some demo tracks with the money I had gotten. The label took us under contract and introduced us to Philip, who became our manager.”
 “But you weren’t into anything but marijuana. How did we end up here?”, she sighed.
 “The label has a lot of expectations surrounding me. One of them was for me, to go out and be publicly seen with their other artists, for the image. They were taking a lot of stuff and I always said no, sticking to weed. But somewhere along the line, I wanted to know how it felt. If my mom was right, for choosing it above me. And I think I get it now. Everything I told you before? My dad, my baby, Daniel? They´re gone. I´m able to standup for myself and not letting me being pushed into something I don’t want, like when that creep wanted me to whore myself out to him, just so I´d have a roof over my head. Life is just easier that way and thankfully shorter too.”, Spencer pulled her closer.
 “I like you like that.”, he almost whispered. “Depressed?”, [y/n] snickered and he chuckled, shaking his head. “Real.”
“Only fair. I´ve been a real bitch to you, the whole time.”, he shook his head again. “Not that bad.”, she hit his chest gently, while giggling. “Oh, please. I can handle it. Come on.”, he sighed playfully, admitting the truth. “Okay, yeah. You´ve been a bitch.”
 They laid there for a while, [y/n] seemingly thinking, before she talked again.
 “You´re gonna pass on babysitting duty for me now, I guess?”, she asked hesitant, making him chuckle.
“Nope. I´m gonna stay.”, [y/n] sat up and looked at him, like he had completely lost his mind.
“Why in the world, are you doing that to yourself?”, Spencer shrugged. “Savior complex.” “I´m not worth it.”, he shrugged again. “I know. But the sober girl inside you is. You know? The one that knows my name, speaks French with me while playing Mozart and puts a blanket over me when I fall asleep while reading.”
 Then she asked him something that hit too close to home. Revealing a reality he liked to ignore.
 “You can’t save everybody. You´re aware of that, right?”, he nodded as she laid back into bed, her head resting against his chest again. “But I can try.”, Spencer whispered against her ear.
“Would you mind just watching TV with me? Withdrawal headache´s a bitch.”
 Spencer grabbed the remote and turned the TV on. After many attempts of finding something interesting, [y/n] stopped him from switching the channels. They had come across an 80´s music special. Something with the name ‘Heartbeat’ by Don Johnson had just started playing. Although [y/n] didn’t move a lot, Spencer could tell she was excited. Moving her lips along the lyrics.
  “I don't care what you say
You can give it away
 Your money don't mean much to me.
I've been out on my own
Gonna got it alone now
 'Cause that's the way it's got to be.
Ev'rybody tells me how I can beat the odds for now.
Well I've been standing by the fire
But I just can't feel the heat.”
  “That’s a great song.”, Spencer shrugged, again not feeling too much connection to the music. But it did sound nice. At his shrugging she hit him a little and put on a badly played face of disbelieve and shock. “Show some respect for the classics!”, he laughed at her words. “Respect for the classics? You called Beethoven a deaf bitch.”, now [y/n] shrugged. “Touché.”, she giggled, laying her hand on her head as if to ease the pain.
  “Looking at me
It's easy to see
 You think you know just how I feel.
If you do to me wrong and it won't take me long
 Before my restless heart will heal.
I'm looking for a love
Love like mine”
  “That was good music back then.”, she whispered against his chest. “Heart break, real emotions…love that stuff.”
“Why don’t you play more of it then?”, Spencer asked, Luke in his mind telling him about their music just no longer trying to hit the feelings. [y/n] giggled a little. “I´m guessing…Luke told you?”, he nodded and she let out a sigh. “Remember when I told you about the label having expectations? Every song I make has to go through them first, before being released. At one point, I had nine songs, completely done and they only greenlit one of them. Told me the others ‘weren´t my style’, ‘not exactly my genre’ or ‘wouldn’t speak to my audience enough’. So I just stopped looking for the deeper emotions. Still love the music I make, but the feeling´s dead. My lyrics helped me coping at the beginning, but the restrictions the label set me, ended that.” “Why don’t you just write those songs again? It doesn’t matter if anybody hears them.”, he suggested to her chuckling in response.
  “They tell me it's so hard to find
But I can feel it in the rhythm of the heartbeat in the street.
 Heartbeat - I'm looking for a heartbeat”
  “If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound, mon amour?”, Spencer looked at her for a second, flustered by the realness she let him see.
“Yes. For me it would.”, he told her, making her giggled. “I probably lost my ability for stronger emotions anyway. But thanks, Spencer.”
 His heart skipped a beat as she said his name.
  “Heartbeat - I'm looking for a heartbeat
Beating like mine.”
  As the door opened Spencer quickly jumped up, Emily looking at him with a lifted eyebrow.
 “Uhmm…Hello?”, she asked, more meant as a ‘What´s going on?’. Philip walked in right after her, not having seen the both of them more or less cuddling in the hospital bed.
“Oh no, it´s raining again.”, he sighed as he closed the window and stepped aside for the nurse, who took out the IV from [y/n]´s arm. “Okay. I got you released from hospital, [y/n]. I have the papers and ta-da.”, he handed her a white little paper bag. “Your pain medication and antibiotics for the arm.”
 “Thanks.”, she answered and passed it over to Spencer. “Ca-Can you…so I take them correctly?”, he looked at her confused.
 “You sure?”, she nodded and Spencer smiled at her. Baby steps. “Of course.”
“I thought Dr. Reid would stop his bodyguard duty, now that you´re going to stay with me?”, [y/n] shrugged.
“I- I don’t know.” “You know, I can protect you too.”, Philip insured her. “Yeah…but I would feel safer with my guard dog around.”, she looked at the tall man. “Only if you´d be okay with that, Spencer.”
“More than okay.”, Spencer smiled at her, making her smile back.
“O-Okay, that´s fine. That´s gonna be fine. Dr. Reid can sleep in my office. Now get dressed, so we can pack your stuff at home.”
 Philip handed [y/n] her black duffle bag, Spencer had put on the floor next to her bed. She opened it and pulling out some jeans and a black sweater. When she tried to get up she was a shaky on her legs, but managed to go to the bathroom. Spencer stayed close to her, being able to catch her in case she´d fall. When she closed the door behind her, he looked at Philip and Emily.
 “How many paparazzies are out there?”, he asked and Emily held her breath, shortly thinking.
“Too many. Just checked before coming in. You guys better think of a plan, if you don’t want [y/n] to be seen by them and become five o'clock news.”, both men nodded and then looked at each other.
“Okay…so, Philip? Where do you park?”, Spencer asked. “Outside, visitors.”, he nodded and looked to his friend.
“Me too. Emily, you?”
“Car park.”, she answered and Spencer handed her his key.
“Okay. We trade. I take [y/n] home in Emily´s SUV. Emily takes [y/n]´s car and you, Philip, you just drive to the mansion. Maybe we can make them think she´s still in medical care, that way.”, all of them nodded to each other, not really knowing what more there was to tell. Not knowing if the plan would even work.
 When [y/n] looked in the mirror, in the tiny bathroom of her hospital room, after washing her face, she felt okay. Horrible, but okay.
 Feeling kind of stupid, having given Spencer her medication. It had felt right. But she didn’t know why. Did she want to make him happy? Well, he certainly was. But honestly? Nobody just stops being addicted for one person. Having your addiction tendencies being bound and under control solely for another person than yourself probably never works in the long term.
She knew she would have to stop for herself and that just wasn’t worth it.
She just wasn’t worth it.
Spencer would leave again, he was just another person in her life that would vanish, never to be heard from again. Her life would move on, just like it did now and that was it. It was okay like that. There wasn’t much to be expected anymore and she had made her peace with it. Having lost the will to try years ago.
 Somehow she had decided however, to enjoy the few moments she would still have with this man. A man she barely knew, but yet, felt so interest in. A man that either lived his best boomer life or just simply lived in a cave without Wi-Fi, giving his lack of knowledge by simple words like iconic and viral.
 Maybe it was his lack of interest in her Rockstar persona, that intrigued her. She had heard him and Philip outside of her room. Spencer had not given a single fuck, that her voice could´ve been ruined by having her stomach pumped, as long as she didn’t die. That was nice. Being more than an expensive voice. Being counted as a human.
 She wanted to know more about him, had given him her silver bullet, as a sign of trust. Now she wanted his or however much he was willing to give. Being high would ruin it, being high would maybe have her forget something. [y/n] knew she would still need to take the bare minimum of her drugs, so the withdrawal wouldn’t kill her, but for now she would like to be semi-clean. The headache and the freezing being acceptable.
 She had put on her fresh clothes, liking that they didn’t smell like cigarettes, wondering why she even smoked, when everything just started to reek and ruin the nice smell of her lavender perfume. Was it still out of spite, because her father didn’t like it?
Maybe she would quit…on the other hand…maybe just reduce them a little. For now, she didn’t have any, anyways. She would probably need some chewing gum.
 When she walked out of the bathroom Spencer smiled at her, stepping closer and his hands cupping her face.
 “Hey. You okay? You´re a little pale.”, she quickly nodded, her heart beating as fast as it always did shortly before a concert.
“Yeah, just not wearing any makeup, so…”, he shook his head, thumb stroking her cheek.
“Uh-uh. You weren’t pale like that before. You feeling sick?”, actually yes, she did.
“A little.”
“We´re gonna get you something to eat later and then you should take a nap. Philip is going to drive in his car and we´ll meet him at your house. Emily already left.”, [y/n] nodded, quickly stepping away from Spencer. She hadn’t even noticed Philip still being there, while he smiled at them.
“I´m gonna leave now and you guys just go to the garage and wait a few minutes. When something happens you call me, okay [y/n]?”, she nodded, Spencer taking her duffle bag as Philip hugged her and then left.
 She and Spencer went to the car park, her having the hood from her sweater pulled into her face, hoping nobody would recognize her. The last thing she wanted was a media scandal, so shortly after the her teen-pregnancy was brought to light. People talking about the ‘out of control’-Rockstar almost dying due to an overdose. Not that they were completely wrong, but still. She hated when strangers acted like they knew her, only because they read one of those crappy articles.
 When they got into the car Spencer turned on the seat heating, without saying a word, only smiling at her. Why was he so nice? Was it his savior complex or did he just have a great personality?
 Driving to her mansion in silence, they were met with an array of paparazzies in front of it. Spencer parked across the street. [y/n] quickly fixed her hair, should they notice her and start making photos.
 “Tinted windows, they don’t see you.”, he told her, making her relax.
 For a second she thought about how much she hated this. The flashes of the cameras pointed into her face, only inches away from it. Asking her inappropriate question, because fame cancelled out the right of privacy. They were always waiting for her to do something, to be put on a blast for.
 Maybe she could just, a little longer, be a no one. Like she seemed to be, alone with Spencer.
With Philip, she never had even five minutes to herself. Yes he was nice, but he was so in-your-face sometimes. Smothering her with care.
 “Spencer?” “Hm?”, he turned to her. “Would it be okay, to just go undercover?”, Spencer raised his eyebrows. “Undercover?”, her cheeks flushed a little.
“Yeah…get a hotel room and some junk food maybe…” “What about Philip?”
“I´ll text him…I- I´d just like to be alone.”, he nodded at her words, already starting the car again. “Oh, sure. I get that.” “Alone with you.”, was that sentence too bold? “I know. Already thought so.”, he put a hand on her thigh, gently squeezing it. She smiled at this gentle gesture. “Any hotel okay?”, he asked her, as she laid her hands on his, wanting to make sure it stayed there. “Sure. But you´ll need to get the room. I tend to attract attention.” “Really?”, he asked in a playful voice, as he pulled into the main street. “Yeah, apparently I look like this one singer from a rock band.”, she answered, giggling, even though it killed her head. “Huh, weird. Wouldn’t have noticed.”, he almost whispered, seeming to have noticed it.
“Maybe we should get me some nicotine patches too.”, she smiled, making him look at her surprised.
“Stopped smoking?” “Yeah, thought I´d try it. Maybe you can smell my perfume better like that. Lavender.”, Spencer chuckled. “Sexy. Kissing a smoker only seems good in the movies.” “You know movies?”, she said, playfully mocking him. “Russian and black-and-white ones.”
“You´re a little nerd, huh?
“Hope that’s not a deal breaker?”, she looked at his little worried, almost insecure look.
 Yes, the junkie who just ruined his night, by having a mental breakdown, would think a nice, smart guy that liked watching ‘Dr. Who’ was a dealbreaker.
“It´s actually kinda cute.”, he let out an adorable giggle and for a second she could feel her heart skip a beat.
 Spencer had gotten them a hotel room in a small hotel with individual, private entrances. Definitely not as classy as [y/n] was used to, but private enough, not to be seen. Before, he had bought her nicotine patches and gum and they had gotten some pizzas.
 Now her arm was plasters with some of the patches and they sat on the bed, eating pizza and watching ‘10 things I hate about you’, making him see just how quirky [y/n] could be. Singing along to every song, telling him how much she loved watching it, secretly at a friend’s home, as a teen; giggling like crazy when something funny happened and gushing over things she thought to be romantic. Spencer had given her her medication and the withdrawal, at least in the moment, seemed to be manageable.
 After the movie she had insisted on him picking something, making him extremely nervous. He didn’t think that any of his picks would have her enjoy the next two hours, but she didn’t let him say no. So he put in an old black and white movie called ‘La Dolce Vita’, about a week in the life of a philandering tabloid journalist living in Rome. He laid down in bed and signaled [y/n] to come closer. She had quickly cuddled up beside him, seemingly touch starved by the way she held him close. A very familiar feeling for Spencer.
 After he had begun stroking her hair, she had fallen asleep faster, then he had fallen for her.
 Seeming to like every side of her, every part, no matter how damaged or ugly. Spencer had pulled the sleeping girl a little closer, gently kissing the top of her head and smiling to himself. What he had smelled two days ago, had been lavender. He drifted of as well, only waking up half an hour later, when the credits woke him.
Turning the TV off, before laying close to [y/n] again, now spooning up behind her, face buried in the crook of her neck, arms wrapped tightly around her.
To be continued...
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phoebehalliwell · 3 years
christy in law school...so, you'd have to fudge her age a bit, but imagine christy in law school/maybe just graduated in season four meeting paige right after she becomes a witch. and maybe we never had a phoebe/cole thing, so christy's the first demon we see trying to infiltrate the charmed ones using paige and her inexperience as a way in. only, whoops, she might be catching feelings for the witch she's supposed to be spying on.
(and then if you want an additional wrinkle, sometime after she turns good - or maybe even the reason she turns good - christy tracks down her birth family only to find her former demon masters murdered her parents and orphaned her pre-teen sister, and she scoops billie up and hightails it back to san fran and paige all "i need you and your sisters to help me fight some demons and i need you to help me raise billie bc i know nothing about kids)
okay but like if we are putting christy + paige closer in age can i literally pitch at some point in high school paige and christy committed arson together???? like? like some really kinda you know fucked up crime crime but like a fun one (arson) like haha just girls being girls you know,, lighting stuff on fire 😗✌ only for you know christy to find paige years later and not only is she at social services which woah what a turn around but holy fuck is she a whitelighter too?? wait okay actually in an au where paige and christy are the same year but we can say went to different schools like paige is def a public school girl but you know if christy is the ultimate power being groomed by demons all that we're def going bougie private school but idk they meet through their fellow hedonistic evil teen friends they don't date but they do at least once 1) hook up & then of course 2) commit arson together. the point is christy fresh out of law school and a little too smart for her own good is trying to look up on her family and like the place for her to start is gonna be social services and wow this girl looks really familiar and then the other shoe drops. and then it's just like. catch up. get some coffee i guess? long lost sister? okay. they're working together. prue dies and paige becomes a charmed one. she's working with christy when piper and phoebe coming kicking down her cubicle for one reason or another and paige is like haha yeah speaking of long lost sisters as it turns out i've got a couple of my own and christy looks up to see The Motherfucking Charmed Ones????? Paige Is A CHARMED ONE???? okay. okay i guess i can't take her to the firm's christmas party.
i also think if we still want like a really young billie just for dynamic's sake, then billie could be christy's half sister, and it could even be like. well now i'm just really fucking with canon but from billie's mom side we have a latent witch gene she's unaware of and christy was a teen pregnancy with a guy whose name she can't even remember (but unbeknownst to her,,, he was a demon!! unbeknownst to said demon he fathered a child whoops lmao) so for a while it was just christy and her mother the two fending for themselves you know they're actually making it pretty well christy starts developing powers her mom remembers all the stories her grandmother used to tell her and realizes christy's a witch (the demon part never clicked until like. well into christy being raised by demons). then, l8r, christy's mom meets billie's dad & they start to fall in love now get this okay so here me out billie's dad is half whitelighter. not a whitelighter-witch. just half whitelighter. his mom was a future whitelighter who fell in love with her whitelighter, not knowing he was you know A Whitelighter. she got pregnant and her whitelighter cloaked her from the elders but idk the elders still found out and like recycled him or whatever so he wasn't there to see his son born. But. since billie's dad has no latent magical gene, the whitelighter side goes unactivated. blah blah blah Then billie is born, as a whitelighter-witch. the ultimate power is specifically a demon and an angel who share the same blood. and then we get billie/christy's tragic backstory where like. idk christy's in middle school or whatever but it's her job to walk lil billie to kindergarten every morning or something they're at the bus stop in the early morning san francisco fog when they hear rustling and billie's scared but christy's like it's okay i'll protect u as long as i'm here you're gonna be safe okay and this one'll be our red herring it's just some evil mortal who tried kidnapping them and christy like lights him on fire and the like runs away unclear if he lives or not but fuck that guy i hope he dies. But. this display of her powers has marked christy as a demon to other demons who like within a week or two do kidnap her (on halloween! bc that's lit.) so boom. there's our tragic backstory and our billie/christy split, in which billie ends up entering the charmed one's lives as a fellow witchlighter who needs to learn the ropes.
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ichika27 · 3 years
Mairimashita! Iruma-kun s2 ep18
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Was gonna post this days ago but I decided to do twewy-related stuff first lol.
Anyways, lots of pictures below again. At least 20, I think. Talks of ships below as well.
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The last time we saw them, Iruma had jumped in front of the beast preparing to shoot a blast of magic in front of Ronove. Everyone else is worried but don’t know what to do cause if they tried to help, they’d get blasted, too. It seems though that Iruma himself has a plan.
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Iruma plans to use Ali-san’s ability to swallow the huge amount of magic to eat the blast of it the beast is going to release saying he thought it was possible since Ali-san is the Ring of Gluttony. Arikured is surprised by this and complains at first but agrees he could do such a thing but Iruma's strength will be needed to succeed.
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Remember that spell Iruma learned before about changing the appearance of something? Iruma uses that magic spell to turn Ali-san into this... cat thing. Giant cat thing idk so it could swallow the magic. Ali-san swallows the entire beast and let it explode inside him. Once it was over, the sky clears up, too. The plan totally worked and Ali-san is full!
Does this mean Iruma could use the power that got eaten from the beasts?
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Trouble is over and Iruma gets together with his friends again. His friends were all worried about him though and Kalego-sensei came up to tell him he'd been reckless again. Iruma says he hasn't forgotten about what Kalego-sensei had said before at the home visit and that he had now finally understood what sensei meant. He was so used to danger due to almost always being in one himself that he never realized how bad such situations were until everyone else he cared about got affected. He adds that he gave it everything he's got even though he wasn't sure he'd even win because he wants to protect everyone and holding onto that ideal is part of his "desire".
I’m happy this arc helped some of them grow and show the growth of those who already have. Pretty cool.
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Random screenshot but I just wanna direct your attention to fluffy Kalego-sensei who is being adorable right now. I cannot take him seriously when he’s like this and even when he’s angry, this form makes it look adorable.
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Back to the story.
While all the mess is happening on the surface, Kiriwo-senpai has finally been found by the Six Fingers who are there to help him escape under the orders of Baal. The other escaping inmates are also in the area but still behind bars and Kiriwo-senpai tells them that he never planned to help them escape alongside him and never said he'd do such thing in the first place.
I kinda feel bad for them but they are also bad people so, eh.
Upon donning the same coat the Six Fingers' wear, one of the prisoners had the realization that unlike all of them there who are merely "bad", Kiriwo is actually "evil".
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One of the Six Fingers asked why they couldn't just let the prisoners escape, too as it'll help in causing chaos and Kiriwo-senpai answers that seeing the despair the prisoners are gonna be in when they realize they'd never be let out despite going this far will be fun to see. Plus, they're not strong enough and will be caught again anyways.
I missed seeing Kiriwo-senpai’s evil hairstyle. It’s been a while. I guess this answers the question I had back in season 1: Kiriwo-senpai chose to be evil. Sad but I should’ve seen it coming.
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Back on the surface, a parade starts and on the float are the heroes who saved Walter Park. While Iruma is properly mentioned, the owner, Rossevelt also shows off his son (Ronove does call him Legend-daddy as in the English word lol). The owner thanks Iruma for saving the park and calls him a hero.
They look alike except for the mustache and hair length. Anime genetics never fail. Does Legend-daddy also sing his own bgm?
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Unbeknownst to our heroes, Kiriwo-senpai is around the corner watching the parade. He's surprised to find out that not only was Iruma also at Walter Park at this time but Iruma is also the one to defeat the beast. Instead of being angry at another evil plan foiled, Kiriwo-senpai says that this must be destiny and was happy to see Iruma. He was gonna walk out into the crowd but snaps out of this happy state by a call from Baal.
Senpai really blurs the line between love and hate cause he acts similarly when it comes to Iruma. Congrats to the fans of this ship for getting this scene and also, I still don’t know the ship name for them. How do I tag this?
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Back to the phone call, Baal isn't happy that the park still stands. Walter Park is created to vent out demons' evil cycle after all and he has no need for that in his goals as he prefers that the demons go way beyond the evil cycle and just become ultimately evil. Unfortunately for him, the authorities are coming and they can't really do much else so he tells Kiriwo-senpai and the rest to escape already.
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After being told to escape, Kiriwo-senpai says that this isn’t the end and declares that he and Iruma will meet again as they are destined enemies.
I guess in Iruma’s harem, he’s the “enemies to lovers” love interest lol.
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Iruma looks at the direction where Kiriwo-senpai was but of course, he doesn’t see anything and he’s none the wiser.
Opera gives Iruma back his backpack at the float. As Iruma looks inside for his stuff, he finds the note his grandfather gave him of things he must do on his trip with the final one on the list being "Have fun with everyone!". Iruma looks at his smiling friends and thinks that even though a lot of scary things happened today, he still did have fun with them. Aww so cute!
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Iruma gets reunited with his worried grandpa who goes to the hotel to check on him. Iruma says he couldn't go home early as Ronove's dad let them stay at the hotel as thanks for saving the park. Ronove’s dad adds that they are also Sullivan's students so he's happy to give them such things. Iruma tells his grandpa that he's happy and okay and that the teachers and Opera protected them. Grandpa Sullivan decided that the three adults would be given the job of protecting Iruma from now on (and Kalego-sensei felt a chill down his spine elsewhere in the hotel lol).
These two adults are the same. They probably won’t stop talking about their kids if you’re around them. Reminds me of FMA’s Maes Hughes (thought still makes me sad).
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While the teachers are discussing information about the attacks, Kalego-sensei goes to his room to find his team on the bed making fun of the stuff he said earlier much to his annoyance. The boys said wanted to stay in the teachers' room as it's better than the room they got but Kalego-sensei quickly kicks them out.
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The girls also get rewards and are allowed to get any clothes they wanted which made them happy. Ronove’s dad is pretty generous, huh? Like, I know these guys deserve it for all their hard work but the guy looks so happy that he’d probably still be nice to them even without all the trouble happening.
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They are all also given an all-you-can-eat buffet. Iruma eats a ton of food obviously. Clara is having fun at the chocolate fountain thing and Ronove is trying to make Agares eat. Those two got close, huh? lol I wonder if Ronove’s doing this to try and make Agares unattractive or something. It’ll be cool if they became friends though with their very contrasting personalities and all.
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While everyone is having fun inside, Iruma leaves without anyone else realizing except for Ameri who decides to follow. They end up at the rooftop by themselves with Ameri trying to calm herself down as she's thinking of romantic stuff as it’s just the two of them. Iruma then reminds Ameri of the question she asked him before about his goal and tells her he finally found one: he wants have fun with everyone. He's willing to change in order to be able to protect that ideal of his. Ameri is happy to see Iruma has grown.
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Ameri decided that she also wants to give it her all for her own desires and ambitions. She then tries to tell Iruma something but sadly she gets cockblocked by Clara and Azz both appearing. Ameri gives up for now and tells Iruma to just go with his friends.
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Before leaving, Iruma asks Ameri a question - the same thing she was going to ask him earlier! He asks if they could hang out sometimes but just the two of them and she passes out from this lol.
Congratulations to Iruma x Ameri fans for getting a scene like this, too. I also don’t know the ship name for them. Anyways, why is it just the senpais getting a moment with Iruma? Ameri has been getting a lot of moments, too and it’s making me wonder if she’s endgame.
lol also, Ameri is worried about the other female rivals not realizing there’s another threat somewhere else.
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While all that teen drama is happening, both Romiere's dad and Iruma's grandpa are being interviewed on tv. The two men then tell everyone how their kids and those kids' friends are the heroes of Walter Park. Since Iruma's name had been specifically mentioned (with everyone knowing the heroes are "Iruma and friends"), there ends up being reporters outside the hotel wanting to see Iruma the next day. Iruma, of course, doesn't like this popularity. With the thought that there may also be reporters waiting at his home, Clara offers to let Iruma stay at her house.
Oooh... will we finally get Iruma x Clara and Iruma x Azz moments as well? Hehehe
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There's something new in the ED video by the way! This used to be for Kuromu but now it’s for these boys! Cute!
I’m guessing this is the end of this arc? I wonder what the last one will be since we only have like, what, 6 episodes more? What kind of arc will it be, I wonder cause this one had battles.
Okay, the end where the heroes are mentioned to be “Iruma and friends”, I’m happy and surprised that none of the others were bothered by this at all. No one complained about why Iruma is the only one specifically named. It didn’t cause a fight between the entire group unlike what would’ve happened if this was any other story. I get why Iruma got proper credit as he is the one to end the incident and saved everyone around from being fried but his friends did a lot of work, too and it’d have been better if they were all credited properly in the news. None of them were mad though and are happy that they won because they did their best.
Ronove calling his dad “Legend-daddy” will never not be cute and funny to me. His dad, despite being rich enough to own this entire park, isn’t an annoying, arrogant asshole and I like that. I’m happy that most characters in this show subvert my expectations and they make me like them more.
I’m sorry if I don’t tag ships in my mairuma posts but I don’t know any of the series’ ship names lol. Speaking of ships, as I mentioned before, Ameri’s been getting a lot of moments with Iruma or focus on her growing feelings for Iruma. Kiriwo-senpai only showed up a bit in this arc and got a bit for himself, too. Kuromu and Clara only had a bit when Iruma went evil cycle and I wonder if they’d get more, too. I personally ship him with Azz so I wish they’d gets some moments as well. Eiko gets hers mostly on the “Interval” segments.
So... is it possible to have a mairuma dating sim or not? Look at how many routes are available! XD
Anyways, focus next time is on Clara’s family probably with Iruma spending time there. I expect another Valac Family musical! XD
Thanks for reading!
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heynikkiyousofine · 3 years
Inukag Week Day 3
Okay guys, this is my first try at InuKag week, as I’ve always loved it each year before. Enjoy my story for Day 3: Promise! @inukag-week
<a href="https://archiveofourown.org/works/31995838"><strong>InuKag Week 2021 Day 3 Promise</strong></a> (5135 words) by <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/users/heynikkiyousofine"><strong>heynikkiyousofine</strong></a><br />Chapters: 1/1<br />Fandom: <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/tags/InuYasha%20-%20A%20Feudal%20Fairy%20Tale">InuYasha - A Feudal Fairy Tale</a><br />Rating: Teen And Up Audiences<br />Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply<br />Relationships: Higurashi Kagome/InuYasha<br />Characters: InuYasha (InuYasha), Higurashi Kagome, Kaede (InuYasha), Miroku (InuYasha), Sango (InuYasha)<br />Additional Tags: InuKag Week 2021<br />Summary: <p>Inukag work for Day 3, hope you enjoy!</p>
Inuyasha sat high in the tree, eyes closed, relaxing against the trunk, his ears flickering every few seconds, listening to the encouraging words of the monk below. He knew his Kagome could do it, she just had to believe it herself. They had been traveling for almost three seasons now and she grew more powerful every time they went into battle. As much as he hated to admit it, these sessions with Miroku were helping her access and channel her spiritual powers every time she faced a new danger. He would still protect her with his life no matter what, he promised himself that.
“Kagome, try one more time. Close your eyes, focus on expanding your barrier to cover both of us. Deep breaths.” Miroku spoke softly, as if he was any louder, he might discourage her.
“Okay, I can do this.” She said to herself, knowing one and/or both men were listening and watching. She felt that spark of power, the pure warmth expanding from her soul, brushing softly against her skin and covering her entire body. She could feel her skin buzzing with barrier slowly being pushed out from her body, as if it wanted to protect the precious things inside.
“Great, take a breath again, deep breath in, and when you exhale, push the barrier farther. You’re doing great.”
Sweat starting to form on her brow, she did her best to breath normally and push her barrier out. Kagome heard Miroku’s gasp and quickly opened her eyes. Around her, him, the tree where Inuyasha sat and a few more, were enveloped in her barrier. She squealed and laughed, catching her gaze with Inuyasha, who smiled slightly in return. “That’s my girl.” Inuyasha thought, knowing he could never actually tell her to her face without facing the teasing of Miroku or the knowing smile from Sango. Hearing Kagome gasp like she was in pain, he was instantly jumping from the tree to her side.
“Kagome!” Both men shouted.
Falling to her knees, with Miroku on her right, catching her arm, Inuyasha, right in front crouching, holding her left hand, Kagome was breathing extremely fast, her heart pounding, feeling like she had ran for hours. “I think I might have overdone it.” She admitted sheepishly, cheeks rapidly flushing, realizing Inuyasha was holding her hand.
“While you did a great job Kagome, I think it might be time to rest for the evening and we can continue training in a day or so, after some rest. We are only about a day’s walk back to Kaede’s home as well. I understand you need to restock on supplies.” Miroku spoke reassuringly.
While nodding her head, Kagome turned her eyes toward Inuyasha’s and softly smiled. Grunting, he spoke. “Miroku’s right. You can get some rest. You shouldn’t over do it.” Slightly scolding her, while also being gentle, he helped her up to her feet, hiding the fear in his eyes as an unwelcoming thought came about.
“I’m okay. Let’s go get dinner started. I’m sure Sango is waiting for us.” Kagome sighed.
As they headed back to their make shift camp for the night, the spot becoming more common to stop at when they traveled, Kagome couldn’t help but feel suddenly exhausted, like all her energy was being drained for her. Tripping over her feet, she felt clawed hands catch her upper shoulders and suddenly swing her arms up around his neck, so she was on his back. Smiling softly, she laid her head on his shoulders and whispered a thanks. Feeling his hands tighten around her legs, she knew he heard her.
Miroku spoke up suddenly, “Do you feel that?” Turning to his left, then his right, past the couple, he felt like his energy was trying to be drained from him, towards an evil aura. Inuyasha looked at him questionably, stopping as well, with Kagome lifting her head to look at him as well. The feeling vanished suddenly, as if it was caught doing something it shouldn’t, and Miroku shook his head, sighing softly, “Never mind, I thought I felt an evil presence.”
“That line only works in a village, when you just so happen to spot a well off house, Monk.” Inuyasha scoffed. “Let’s go, I want ramen and I don’t want Shippo to think he can have mine.”
Later that evening, after dinner was cleaned up, everyone got settled into their sleeping arrangements, Sango eyeballing Miroku, making sure there was plenty of space between them, Kagome felt even more exhausted and sore, wondering if she had pushed herself too hard today. “I think I’m going to refill my water and stretch my legs,” getting up and gathering her bow and arrows. Standing up as well, Inuyasha stated, “I’m coming with you.”
“I’m okay, the stream is right there. I’ve got my weapon just in case.”
“I’m still coming with you.” He replied gruffly, walking closer, “I have to ask you something.” He added softly.
Smiling brightly, she nodded her head and turned toward the stream with her empty bottle. Miroku and Sango watched them leave, exchanging questioning looks. As they walked quietly over, kneeling down, she felt him sit down beside her. After filling it, she screwed the cap on her bottle, Kagome looked up at the sky, it’s stars shining so brightly, smiling at how the stars just never seem to be as bright in her time.
Turning her head, she locked eyes with Inuyasha, gasping softly, she saw so many emotions come across his face. He never seemed to be this troubled or want to talk. “Yes?”
“Can you promise me something? And in return, I will promise you something?”
“Of course, what is it? What is troubling you so much?” Using her right hand, she took ahold of his.
A slight blush forming on his cheeks, he swallowed quickly, knowing if he didn’t spit the words out, he wouldn’t ever and he needed to know this. “First, will you promise to be more careful with your powers? I know today, you made progress, but you, uh, worried me there for a second. I mean, I knew you would be fine, but I couldn’t but help, uh, but think if there was danger around, someone could actually hurt you. Not that I would let them. Uh, I mean, my promise is-“
“Inuyasha.” Without realizing he was looking at their hands, he lifted his head to clash his golden eyes to the brightest, blue eyes, that you could get lost in. Kagome, smiling and softly spoke, “You’re rambling. Take a breath. Start over for me.”
Feeling much more calm than before, he squeezed her hand in a silent thank you, began to speak again. “Kagome, you are getting stronger. You can fight really well. I just want, no, I need you to promise me, that you won’t over do it, and end up hurting yourself again. That you will, uh, let me protect you.”
With a matching blush, Kagome nodded, “Oh Inuyasha, I promise. I want to stay by your side.”
“I will protect you with my life, Kagome. I promise you that.”
“Can I ask you something, Inuyasha?”
Nodding in agreement, he squeezed her hand again, in encouragement, noticing her sudden nervousness.
“After everything is said and done with Naraku, will you let me stay by your side?”
“I mean, of course, I know you have other obligations and such, but you and Shippo, Sango, Miroku and Kaede have become so much more than friends to me and-“ she rambled on, eyes shutting tight, feeling insecure, like she said the wrong thing, letting her thoughts get away with her.
Opening her eyes, she saw the one thing she never thought to see reflected back in his eyes, love. “Kagome, I want us to stay together. If you want, I, uh, want to build us a hut. I want you to stay by my side.”
Laughing, Kagome jumped into his arms, giving him the tightest hug she could imagine, tears forming in her eyes. Burying her face in his fire rat, feeling his arms wrap around her, she nodded and enthusiastically repeated yes, over and over.
Chucking, Inuyasha, squeezed her, with a smile on his face. “Okay, now that that is settled, let’s get some rest, so we can make it back to your time tomorrow evening. You talked about another one of your exam demons you have to fight. We can talk more later.”
Giggling softly, she agreed and they headed back to camp, not even realizing their friends were laying, smiling, having heard most of the conversation.
The next morning, after breakfast and packing up their stuff, they began to travel back toward the village. Inuyasha up front, with Shippo on his shoulder, babbling on about the latest toy he couldn’t wait to play with, Miroku nodding along, beside him. A few paces back, Kagome and Sango followed with Kiara in Sango’s arms, napping slightly.
“You look fairly happy this morning Kagome.”
“I am. Inuyasha and I had a talk last night that cleared some things up, made a promise to each other. My heart just seems really happy today.” Kagome responded, a smile forming on her face.
Sango laughed and hugged, causing both girls to laugh louder, making the men up front, turn around and stare at them with questionable looks.
“It’s nothing guys! Kagome and I are having girl talk.”
Hearing them mumble and turn back around, Kagome sighed happily. She wondered if when she went home, she could go get a few extra things for the group, just because. Before she could think any further, she felt a wave of foreboding wash over her, causing her to stop and turn around, expecting to find something behind her. It was a like a pull towards the campsite they were at the previous night.
“What is it?” Sango asked stepping up beside her, stroking Kiara’s fur.
“I don’t know, it’s this weird pull, like something is calling me.”
“Come on! We haven’t got all day!” Inuyasha yelled at them from a little ways in front, the men not stopping to realize the girls felt something. As soon as Kagome turned to tell him what she was feeling, it disappeared, as if being caught, like a child sneaking a cookie before dinner. “It’s gone” she whispered to Sango, shrugging.
“If it comes back, we’ll check it out. Let’s get back to Kaede.” Nodding in agreement, they jogged to hurry up with the boys.
As dusk neared, they came walking towards Kaede’s hut, seeing her pull her door mat aside, welcome them. “Hello ye! I was wondering if ye all were arriving back soon. Come inside, I have just finished a pot of stew.” Thanking her as they walked inside, Inuyasha giving a nod in thanks for once, Kagome felt a light breeze, and slightly shivered, thinking about the weird feeling from earlier. Brushing it off, thinking it as nerves for her upcoming test she had been trying to study for at lunch, she followed everyone inside.
Once dinner was finished, everyone sat around the fire, speaking of the few demons they had slain, gaining two more jewel shards recently. Kaede asked about Naraku and of any whereabout, they told her that hadn’t seen or heard any hide of him since Mount Hakurei collapsed, that they came back to stock up on supplies, and hopefully go on another search in a few days, after Kagome returned. Shippo and Kiara curled softly near the fire, Shippo snoring softly.
The uneasy feeling from before washed over Kagome again, gasping looked toward the door.
“Something doesn’t feel right.” Miroku spoke and catching everyone’s attention.
“Kagome, are you feeling that weird sensation from earlier again?” Sango asked, touching her shoulder softly, nothing Kagome looked a little pale.
“What feeling? Why didn’t you say anything Kagome? What’s going on?” Inuyasha asked, voice growing louder and louder, staring Kiara and Shippo awake.
Before she could respond, Miroku started to speak, “Kagome, is this feeling, like something that is pulling at you, pulling at your soul in a direction, also a feeling of something bad and uneasy?”
Nodding, Kagome agreed quietly, “it started this morning, but I haven’t felt it since before lunch.”
“Why didn’t you say anything earlier?” Inuyasha asked again, crouching next to Kagome, trying to catch her eyes.
Looking down, feeling suddenly tired, Kagome started to speak, when everyone gasped around her. She looked up at their faces, she saw expressions of seriousness, confusions and astonishment. Seeing her hands out of the corner of her eyes, she realized she was glowing! What was going on?
“What the fuck?” Inuyasha angrily asked, getting to his feet turning towards the door quickly. “Something is coming.”
Jumping up, Miroku and Kaede applied sutras to the door panels, casting a barrier around the hut. Kagome immediately stopped glowing, feeling a little bit more energized, take a deep breath.
“Child, I think somebody is trying to steal your soul.” Kaede stated.
“Could it be Kikyo?” Sango asked quietly, gathering Kagome’s trembling hands in hers, knowing she needed to get ready for a battle.
Hearing Inuyasha growl loudly, swearing under his breath, Kaede shushed him and turned to the young ladies, both with frightened looks on their face. “No, I cannot feel her presence here. This is a far more pronounced evil, someone who has taken many souls.”
“I felt this feeling yesterday, but I think because I am more experienced in my spiritual powers, they couldn’t take mine. Kagome, I think, whoever it is, is after your powers and your pure soul.”
Feeling like she was about to faint, face going pale, she felt a clawed hand on her shoulder. Turning slowly, she locked eyes with hard, determine gold ones, hearing the words from his mouth, “I promised to protect you with my life.” Nodding in agreement, she closed her eyes and took a deep breathe, trying to steady herself again.
Feeling soft paws other outstretched legs, she opened her eyes to see Shippo looking at her with a worrisome expression, “Are you alright Gome?”
“Yes, Shippo, I’m okay. So what do we do now? I can’t stay in this hut forever.” Kagome asked out loud.
Before anyone could respond a loud, shrill scream came from outside, causing everyone to stop and stare at the sutra covered doorway.
“Stay here.” Inuyasha walked towards the door, turning around, “I’ll check it out.”
“Wait, Inuyasha, if you-“ Miroku started to yell. As Inuyasha stepped through the door, the barrier around the hut shattered down, making the whole hut shake. “Inuyasha! You just dispelled the barrier, now anything can come and go!”
“How was I supposed to know that?!”
Hearing a feminine laughter outside, everyone grabbed their weapons and fled the hut. Rushing outside, they saw a village woman weeping over a body, that looked devoid of a soul and a witch standing a few feet away, glowing in the same light color Kagome had been in previously. This witch was tall, with long, pin straight, black hair, and black eyes that reminded Kagome of the darkest clouds during a thunderstorm.
“Ah, finally, that delectable soul has come out to play. I was wondering when I would get to see the face of the purest soul I have ever tasted.” The witch, in a purple garment, with elegant red beading, spoke arrogantly.
“Who the fuck are you?” Inuyasha growled loudly, pushing Kagome behind him. He didn’t like this woman or that she made his Kagome sacred.
“Well, if I must tell you, before I take all of your souls, my name is Ahmya”
“Black rain.” Miroku whispered.
“You are correct, Monk. I cursed my mother for giving me the name, she never wanted me. Her angry soul tasted divine I tell you.”
“So, that’s why you’re after our souls? Because you have mommy issues? Grow the fuck up.” Inuyasha yelled, pulling out his tessaiga and pointing it towards the woman.
Beginning to walk around the weeping villager, Ahmya began to tell her story, “Oh, my dear sweet, I have gotten over my mommy issues as you say. I walk the countryside, devouring ugly souls for my own benefit. It hasn’t been until the last few decades or so that I have come to know pure souls taste better and give me longer strength and beauty.”
“So, you made a deal with a demon then? For beauty? Well, I can tell you it didn’t work.” Inuyasha smugly responded.
Laughing like it was the funniest thing she ever heard, “I can see why her soul yearns for yours. You are charming hanyou.”
Gasping softly, Kagome began to see blurs of faces, children’s cries, souls being pulled from their bodies toward this woman. Tears streaming down her cheeks, she tried to put into words what she was seeing, her heart breaking. “What did you do to her?! Kagome?!” Inuyasha yelled, smelling her tears, turned around to face her, shocked by what he was seeing. Kagome’s hands were glowing pink, cupped together, eyes glazed over, tears flowing down her cheeks, mumbling soft words.
“Miroku, Sango, watch over everyone, I’m going to rip this witch to shreds.”
“You took their souls.” Kagome spoke softly, just loud enough for Sango to step up and ask, “What was that Kagome?”
Smiling, Ahmya started laughing. “This girl has so much power, beyond any I have ever seen in my years, with the purest soul. I tried to taste more of her this morning, but she is strong. She caught what I was doing before I got far. I, however, did get to look inside her soul, that she yearns to protect you hanyou, like you protect her. That she cares for all you others more than anything. How much she loves her beloved hanyou. She is correct, some of the purest souls have been children. They tasted so sweet, I can still hear their cries as I cradled them into their death.”
“You took so many souls. Children, old folks, babies from wombs, children from their mother’s hands, whole demon families wiped out from you, How could you?!” Kagome began, her voice growing louder, til she was almost yelling, her body beginning to glow all over and bright pink color.
“Kagome, you’re going to push yourself too hard again, take a breath.” Miroku spoke softly, trying to calm her down, stepping closer.
“I’m going to kill you. I’m going to make you pay for killing all those people and for hurting Kagome.” Inuyasha swore, raising his sword up high, while Kaede rushed to the weeping woman, and erected a barrier to protect them, knowing Inuyasha’s power. Miroku stepped in front of Sango and Kagome, while Shippo tried to help Kagome take deep breaths on her shoulder.
Before Inuyasha could swing his sword. he froze, grunting in pain. “What the hell?”
“Inuyasha!” Kagome shouted, taking step towards him.
“Stop. I’m okay, I think” he responded, feeling faint. As Inuyasha’s body started to glow white, he suddenly dropped to his knees, a vacant look crossing his face.
“I’ll start with his soul first. The yearning to protect you makes his soul quite delicious.” Ahmya licked her lips, brought her hands together, holding a mirror, chanting a soft spell, making it glow the same pale color Inuyasha was glowing in. Within the next second, an arrow surrounded in pink flew through the air, towards the mirror, causing it to fall from her hands. Eyes flashing in annoyance, Ahmya turned towards to woman who fired.
Kagome, breathing hard, readied another arrow, “Leave him alone.”
Falling to the ground, breathing shallow, Inuyasha groaned, looking up. Sango ran to this side and helped him, gathering him to his feet. Miroku started to chant, pulling his staff in front of him, creating a barrier around the gang, while Kaede still watched from afar, wearily, with the weeping woman.
“You wretched child. I will have his soul, and yours when I am done pulling his from his body.” Ahyma screeched.
Getting to his feet, Inuyasha yelled, getting ready to release the Wind Scar, Miroku stopped him. “If you release that in here, then we all die. If you step out of that barrier, she will steal your soul. You will lose yourself to your demon side, trying to survive, or you will die!”
“Inuyasha please, we’ll figure this out!” Sango pleaded. She knew this battle would be like none other fought before. Gathering Shippo setting him atop Kiara beside her, she braced herself beside Inuyasha, Hiraikotsu in position.
“Look! She’s chanting again.” Cried Shippo.
Turning around, Inuyasha stepped towards Kagome, only to hear words like a piercing scream, causing his head to pound. Pushing his ears towards his head, he saw Kagome with her hands over her ears, eyes shut tight, everyone else around with the same pained looks. Within seconds, the barrier Miroku tried to keep up, shattered, and the screaming stopped.
“Kagome! Are you okay?” Inuyasha cried.
Nodding slightly, Kagome opened her eyes to see the witch staring straight at her with a smug smile, holding the mirror in her hands once again. As Inuyasha started taking a step towards her, she felt herself becoming angry. Taking a deep, she felt her power spread from her hands, across her body and pushed out, erecting a barrier around everyone, including Kaede and the two villagers, leaving herself outside. She knew what she needed to do.
“Dammit! Kagome! What the fuck are you doing?! Kagome!!!” Inuyasha yelled from inside, beating on the walls with his fists.
“Inuyasha, I’ve got this. I can protect you. If you leave that barrier, she will take your soul.”
“You promised me Kagome! You promised me you wouldn’t over do it. You promised me you would let me protect you!”
Tears beginning to form in eyes, she wiped her cheeks and focused on her breathing, to keep her barrier steady as Inuyasha pounded against it repeatedly. Hearing the other’s voices of concerns, along with Inuyasha’s yelling, she realized Ahmya started to chant again. Knocking an arrow, she whispered “Hit the mark!” And aimed towards to glowing mirror.
Shooting off, the arrow struck in the middle and caused the mirror to shatter into tiny pieces. Small white orbs began to float around them, looking like a million little stars. Smiling, she was about to knock another arrow to take care of the witch, she began to feel the faint feeling again and saw she glowing a light white light. Falling to her knees, she gasped and the witch began to laugh, while the orbs of light floated away.
“You may have destroyed my mirror, which houses the souls that I have yet to devour, but I still can take yours.”
Kagome could hear Inuyasha getting louder, yelling and pounding, crying out her name desperately. “If I can get one more arrow in her, I can save them.” She thought bitterly to herself. Using the last of her strength, she pulled an arrow back, stringing the bow tightly. Before she could release, the bow snapped in two. Gasping in shock, she felt the last of her strength leave her, causing Kagome to fall to the ground, face first.
“NO! KAGOME! WHAT DID YOU DO BITCH? KAGOME! KAGGOMMMEEEEE!!!!” Inuyasha screamed, purple markings beginning to appear across his cheek bones, Sango had tears rolling down her cheeks, holding a wailing Shippo. Miroku began to say a prayer to let her soul find its peace in nirvana, when he noticed the barrier did not fall.
“Look,” he began, “the barrier is still up. She’s still there.” Sango, hearing this, quieted a sniffling Shippo, looking towards the girl on the ground, who lay lifeless still.
“Inuyasha, stop. Ye need to look.” Kaede began to stand, speaking directly at the angry and hurt hanyou.
“Old hag, don’t stop me. I’m going to kill that evil bitch and get her soul back.” He seethed, fangs growing, piercing his lip.
“Inuyasha. Look.” She repeated.
Turning he looked at Ahmya, seeing confusion and frustration wash across her features, wrinkles beginning to appear across her forehead. “What the…” he whispered, whipping his head to Kagome, who was glowing a bright pink.
Opening her eyes, Kagome knew she wasn’t in heaven or hell. She felt the dirt beneath her face, the soft grass on her skin. She couldn’t hear her friend’s voices. Everything seemed to be pounding in her head, she began to get up on her knees, noticing she was glowing pink, her strength returning slowly. Looking up, she saw Ahmya struggling to keep up her chant, aging beyond her years, and turned to her right to see everyone staring at her with wonder, behind her still standing, fully erect barrier. Turning in confusion, she locked eyes with Miroku, who nodded. She knew what to do next.
Determined, she began to stand, following the struggling sounds of the witch, turned her gaze towards her. Ahmya realized that she was failing. Quickly changing to another spell, deciding she could weave one to bind the girl and take her away, so she could get her soul later at her home. Suddenly, she saw the girl glow brighter, she began her spell, creating a glow around herself the color of dark purple, similar to her clothing. Shielding their eyes, everyone in the barrier braced for the unknown, Inuyasha glancing uneasily, between Kagome and Ahyma, hands on tessaiga, ready to go once the barrier was down. Sango and Miroku steadied their weapons, Kaede getting an arrow ready to shoot.
Kagome knew in this instant, if she didn’t stop this witch, she would steal more souls and never stop, taking the purest from the world. Taking a deep breath, she loudly exclaimed, her body glowing brighter, “You will never take a soul ever again.” Using all her strength and power, she readied herself to send it towards the witch. Creating a bow and arrow, whispered “How the mark.” As an arrow made from pure purification energy soared through the air, Ahyma screamed, stopping her spell and turn to try and run. Before she could take a step, the arrow plunged straight through her heart, everything exploding around her.
As the brightness died down, Ahyma dropped her knees wailing, looking at her reflection in the pieces of the broken mirror, seeing an old woman, barely hanging on to life. “You, you child! How could a child do this to me?! I will have your power! I will have ever lasting life!” Screaming, she pulled a knife from her sleeve, not noticing Kagome brought the barrier down a few seconds before.
Inuyasha jumped infant on Kagome, preventing Ahyma from harming her, and swung. “Wind Scar!” Howling in pain, Ahyma disintegrated to ash. All was quiet for about 30 seconds, before Inuyasha turned around towards Kagome with the most irate look on his face.
“Inuyasha.” Miroku spoke softly, coming up beside him, Sango following quickly with Shippo. “Wait.”
Before Inuyasha could say anything, he look at Kagome and froze. Kagome was still as can be, arms hanging beside her, body swirling in pink and white glowing colors, eyes glazed over with a blank face, covered in a barrier.
“I think ye need to take a step back everyone. She is trying to reclaim her soul and calm herself. Give her a minute.” Kaede spoke, helping the gentleman and his still crying wife up, encouraging them to go home, that they were fine and she would check on the tomorrow. “Kagome is very powerful, she realized herself tonight and her soul is attempting to recognize all of it and what she has done. Unconsciously she thinks she is still in danger and is protecting herself.”
“She won’t hurt me.” Stepping closer, Inuyasha spoke softly, “Kagome, it’s me. You are safe now. The witch is dead. I’ve got you.” He reached for her hand, and as he intertwined their fingers, her felt her take a deep breathe and eyes clearing the beautiful blue he had come to love.
The first thing she saw in his eyes was anger, followed by fear, and absolutely awe. Smiling softly, she called his name and took a step towards him, incasing him in her barrier. Once fully inside, the two of them just stood there looking at each other, neither of them speaking just yet.
“I’m sorry.”
“Are you okay?”
Both realizing they spoke at the same time, they blushed and laughed breathlessly.
“You were reckless. How could you Kagome?! You promised me and then went and broke every promise you made to me! I thought you died. Are you okay?”
“I’m so sorry, it wasn’t until she started to take your soul that I realized what I needed to do. I’m okay, I promise.” Kagome softly said, tears forming in her soft, blue eyes. Feeling two hands cuff her cheeks and thumbs wiping away the tears, she brought her hands to cover his.
“You can’t make promises and then break them. I can’t lose you Kagome. Promise me you won’t do that again. You have to swear. You told me you wanted to stay by my side. I need you, haven’t you figured that out by now, Kagome?”
“I swear, I promise. I won’t leave your side again.”
“You better. I’m holding you to that promise.” Inuyasha quickly kissed her forehead, making them both blush softly. “I think you had better let the barrier down, so the others can see that you’re okay. Sango looks like she’s about to kick my ass if I don’t let you go soon.”
Laughing in agreement, Kagome closed her eyes and released a deep breath, bringing down her barrier. Feeling multiple arms around her, she laughed louder, smiling, as everyone began to talk while hugging her.
“Child, ye scared a few years off my life.”

 “Kagome, are you okay? Don’t scare me like that sister.”
“Kagome, job well down. Next time, let me know when you decide to do something that powerful. I can see our lessons are working!”
“You’re okay! I was so worried about Gome! You were such a badass!”
“Shippo!” Kagome exclaimed, “Language!”
“Kagome, ye were wonderful, ye are growing stronger all the time.” Kaede began.
“She doesn’t have to do that all the time! She promised me she would be more careful.”
“Inuyasha, move over, I want to hug her.”
“Alright slayer, but I’m staying right next to her. Monk, don’t touch me.”
“It’s the curse, not me!”
“Gome! You should purify Miroku!” Shippo snickered, everyone laughing along.
“It’s the hand, I swear! I always get blamed.” Miroku exclaimed shaking his head. Kagome laughed, shaking her head at their antics, thinking of her promise to Inuyasha, that she would do whatever it took so she could stay by his side forever.
The End.
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astudyinfreewill · 3 years
hey did i ever mention that for a few days back in ye olde 2014, before s10 ever aired, i became briefly deeply obsessed with the idea of demon!dean becoming the new cain and recruiting demon!bela to be his second-in-command aka the new abaddon? i even decided i would write a multichapter fic about it but only ever published two chapters because 1) hyperfixation ran out and 2) i really didn’t think the plot through very hard other than “dean and bela being sexy narrative mirrors again except this time they’re Evil and Doing Crime for fun”. and frankly i think that was a good concept if not very well planned out!! sexier than the actual demon!dean arc we got at least!!
ANYWAY i never finished the fic but more importantly i DID make a playlist for it on 8tracks (because those were the cursed pre-spotify days) and while that playlist is also EXTREMELY 2014 i simply refuse to be embarrassed about it bc it DOES have bangers on it, and it’s, to this day,  the only spn playlist i have ever made (yes. an au demon!dean and demon!bela playlist. i don’t know either. life is wild y’all). so i’m bringing it back like a ~blast from the past~ (and YES i even made a poorly edited cover and tracklist. what was i gonna do, simply not make a cd leaflet?! it was 2014.) you’re welcome ✨
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it’s 2021 babey and you can listen to the playlist here ✨
(but because spotify is ~too cool~ to list dodgy youtube remixes and i want you to have the FULL cheesy 2014 throwback experience, here is the skorge remix of “sail” and here is the glitch mob remix of “seven nation army” )
and because i was a complete floozy for lyrics even 7 years ago... you can find the extended tracklist with significant lyric snippets under the cut. enjoy besties 💕
1. Feral Love // Chelsea Wolfe
Run from the light Your eyes black like an animal Deep in the water
2. Back In Black // AC/DC
Forget the hearse, ‘cause I’ll never die I got nine lives, cat’s eyes, using every one of them and runnin’ wild 'Cause I’m back, yes I’m back, well I’m back, yes I’m back Well I’m back in black, yes I’m back in black
3. Seven Devils - Florence + The Machine
Holy water cannot help you now A thousand armies couldn’t keep me out I don’t want your money, I don’t want your crown See, I’ve come to burn your kingdom down
4. Lilith // Susanne Sundfør
As you lie across the table you swear and rhyme You lie across the table, you swear and rhyme Thinking that someone might suit your body
5. Sinister Kid // The Black Keys
I’ve got a tortured mind, and my blade is sharp A bad combination in the dark
6. Heaven Knows // The Pretty Reckless
Oh, Lord, Heaven knows we belong way down below Oh, Lord, tell us so, we belong way down below Way down below, way down below
7. Small Pack of Wolves // Ramin Djawadi
8. You’re Going Down // Sick Puppies
Define your meaning of 'war’ To me it’s what we do when we’re bored I feel the heat comin’ off of the blacktop And it makes me want it more
9. An I For An I // IAMX
Apocalypse and rapture signing in (An eye for an eye) If you’re not with us, you’re against (An eye for an eye)
10. Lose Control // Evanescence
Mary had a lamb, his eyes black as coals If we play very quiet, my lamb, Mary never has to know
11. Hey Man Nice Shot // Filter
Now that the smoke’s gone and the air is all clear Those who were right there got a new kind of fear
12. Sail (Skorge Remix) // Awolnation
Maybe I’m a different breed Maybe I’m not listening (Sail with me into the dark)
13. Addiction // Ramin Djawadi
14. Animal I Have Become // Three Days Grace
So what if you can see the darkest side of me? No one will ever change this animal I have become
15. My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark // Fall Out Boy
Burn everything you love, then burn the ashes In the end, everything collides My childhood spat back out the monster that you see
16. Problem // Natalia Kills
We're hell raising and we don’t need saving 'Cause there’s no salvation for a bad girl We’re rock bottom but there ain’t no stopping 'Cause they don’t know nothing about love We're hell raising and we don’t need saving 'Cause there’s no salvation for a bad boy We’re rock bottom but there ain’t no stopping 'Cause it’s you and me against the world
17. Smells Like Teen Spirit // Nirvana
Hello, hello, hello - how low? With the lights out it’s less dangerous Here we are now, entertain us
18. Everybody Wants To Rule The World // Lorde
Welcome to your life: there’s no turning back Even while we sleep we will find you Acting on your best behavior Turn your back on Mother Nature
19. Gotham’s Reckoning // Hans Zimmer
20. Seven Nation Army (The Glitch Mob Remix) // White Stripes
Everyone knows about it From the Queen of England to the hounds of Hell
21. Iron // Woodkid
The sound of iron shocks is stuck in my head The thunder of the drum dictates The rhythm of the falls, the number of deaths
22. Get Lucky // Halestorm
Like the legend of the phoenix All ends with beginnings
23. Bottom Of The River // Delta Rae
The wolves will chase you by the pale moonlight (Drunk and driven by a devil’s hunger) Drive your son like a railroad spike (Into the water, let it pull him under) Don’t you lift him, let him drown alive (The good Lord speaks like a rolling thunder)
24. Counting Bodies Like Sheep To The Rhythm of The War Drums // A Perfect Circle
I’ll be the one to protect you from your enemies and all your demons I’ll be the one to protect you from a will to survive and a voice of reason
25. Animals // Martin Garrix
26. And The World Was Gone // Snow Ghosts
I wish you’d felt me falling I wish you’d watched over me But I blinked and the world was gone
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sage-nebula · 3 years
how would you have liked rins story to go since you hate the cannon?
How I would have wanted it to go before Yashahime came along and showed us that Sesshoumaru is a child grooming pedophile differs from how I would have wanted it to go now that Yashahime is here and Sesshoumaru is a confirmed child grooming pedophile. 
Before Yashahime: 
Rin is an ordinary human girl in basically every sense of the word except for her upbringing. Due to the tragedy that is her life, Rin has seen both the worst of humans (her parents being murdered, her neighbors in her home village abusing her) and the best of demons (Sesshoumaru saving her life and taking her in). Throughout her travels with Sesshoumaru, she has also seen that there are good humans (e.g. Kagome, Sango, the villagers in Kaede’s village) and evil demons (Naraku, other demons Sesshoumaru fought). During her formative childhood years, Rin was put in a place where any biases she might have formed about humans or demons were thrown out the window, so that she could see with her own eyes that one’s nature doesn’t define you, but rather, your choices do.
So what I would have liked is that instead of her growing up to be a priestess like Kaede, or a slayer like Kohaku, is for her instead to choose to be a sort of ambassador between humans and demons. Because just because someone is a demon doesn’t mean they’re evil, and just because someone is a human doesn’t mean they’re good, and she knows from her own experience that it is possible for demons and humans to coexist and even cohabitate. She could still learn medicine from Kaede, and some self-defense from Kohaku, but given Rin’s personality I think it’s more likely she’d want to try to talk things out rather than fight. If that’s the case, then I imagine Kohaku would actually end up going with her whenever she set out on her journey to try to bring demons and humans together so that he could protect her when negotiations went south.
As for her relationship with Sesshoumaru, while Sesshoumaru is definitely her father-figure and her guardian, I imagine that Rin’s dream of bringing demons and humans together would end up conflicting with Sesshoumaru’s own prejudices and they’d end up butting heads over this, hence why she’s not traveling with him. Rin would point out to him that’s dumb for him to be prejudiced against half-demons and humans when he took care of her and Kohaku, and he’d say “that’s different” and Rin would say “how?!” and he’d not have an answer. He’d still protect her if she and Kohaku got in over their heads, but he’d never fully come around to supporting her quest to help bring demon and human societies together.
Rin’s work would also be work toward making life better for half-demons (and quarter-demons etc) too, since obviously she wouldn’t see a reason why they should be ostracized, and would point to Inuyasha being a hero many times over as to why half-demons should be celebrated. All in all, Rin would be an activist for demon-human relations, trying to push the fact that one’s nature doesn’t define them and that they can always make better choices. 
After Yashahime:
Sesshoumaru is a child grooming pedophile so I honestly don’t think it’s safe for Rin to stay in the feudal era anymore. He’s the most powerful demon in the warring states era and while I don’t think Kagome (if written IC) would hesitate to put a sacred arrow in his ass for trying to rape a child, Kagome can’t be around 24/7 to protect Rin, so honestly the best course of action would be to get Rin somewhere Sesshoumaru can’t reach her.
To that end, when Kagome came across Sesshoumaru trying to victimize Rin (by a twist of fate, let’s say she gets there in time), she does immediately draw an arrow on him and warns him to get away. The loud arguing ends up attracting the attention of Sango, Inuyasha, Miroku, and Shippou; Shippou gets Rin (who is confused and to be honest scared) to safety, and ultimately Sesshoumaru gets chased off . . . for now. But it’s only for now because Sesshoumaru tends to obsess, and Kagome knows that. 
So what ends up happening is that Kagome ends up taking Rin through the well to the modern era, to her family. She explains to them what’s going on, how it’s not safe for Rin in the feudal era right now, and she asks her mother and grandfather to take Rin in, at least for the time being, until they can figure out how to permanently end the risk that Sesshoumaru presents. Rin, of course, is still confused and upset by all of this. She doesn’t believe that Sesshoumaru would want to hurt her, she believes that he knows what’s best for her, she’s sure there has to be some misunderstanding. But Kagome asks her to just wait for the time being, and Rin trusts Kagome too, so she reluctantly agrees. Rin is set up in Kagome’s old room, and Kagome returns to the feudal era.
Since Rin never had any formal education, obviously she can’t just enroll in the local junior high with Souta. So Kagome’s mom ends up homeschooling her, at least so that she can get up to speed and eventually enroll in actual school should they get caught up before Kagome comes back for Rin. Kagome’s mother, having been filled in on all the trauma that Rin has suffered in her young life, also gets Rin enrolled with a therapist, albeit she makes sure Rin knows beforehand not to mention things like demons or being resurrected via magic. Instead, Rin can just talk about how her parents were killed, kidnappings, what her guardian Sesshoumaru wanted to do to her . . . etc. (Rin might end up accidentally mentioning her two deaths and resurrections anyway, but her therapist fortunately thinks Rin is just using metaphors.)
Rin also takes the time to get used to the modern era. The TV scares her at first, because she thinks the people must be trapped inside the box until she’s told that no, those are just pictures, it’s fine. Cars and planes definitely scare her; they’re so loud compared to Ah-Un, she doesn’t see why anyone wouldn’t prefer a dragon. She also doesn’t understand why there aren’t dragons or demons in the modern era, but then, no one else knows the answer to that either.
By the time Souta enters high school, Rin is caught up enough so that she can enroll in the local high school with him, because Kagome hasn’t come back yet. (And Rin has thought to try to use the well herself a couple times, to go back herself, but every time she gets to the edge she feels a terror she doesn’t understand and stays away from it.) School feels a bit overwhelming at first, but she ends up making friends pretty easily, and that makes the whole thing much less overwhelming for her, and much more fun.
Ultimately, who knows if Rin would ever go back to the feudal era, or if she’d even want to. I do imagine that Kagome would end up coming back with Inuyasha and infant Moroha, to introduce Moroha with her family. And Kagome would ask Rin how things were going, and Rin would say “good,” and the topic of Rin going back to the feudal era wouldn’t really be brought up. In the feudal era, Rin faced trauma after trauma after trauma, and was faced with the threat of her former guardian raping her. In the modern era, she has a warm, loving foster family, friends at school, a therapist to help her work through past trauma and a bright future. It’s not really a question of what she picks anymore, is it? 
But ultimately, no matter which of these paths was chosen, I think we can all agree they’re both better than her becoming a teen mom to rape babies and then being sealed into a tree for a decade. Rin deserved so much better. 
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crystalelemental · 3 years
And now, ranking the Fates characters by how good they are as parents.  I’ll just be ranking the canon parent, since generic supports annihilated cohesive characterization by making all the parent dialogues identical.
Also, I do need to address this.  Every parent in Fates is garbage.  They throw their kids into an interdimensional time portal and essentially don’t raise them at all.  So comparing them like this is basically comparing turds by how rank they are.  It doesn’t matter that some aren’t as awful as others, you’re still not gonna find one that smells good, you know?
Corrin - Honestly, she’s got a strong Camilla-esque vibe to her protectiveness toward Kana.  I like it.  Also Kana knows when Corrin is coming to visit, and seems to imply that this is a routine thing, making Corrin one of the few known parents who actually makes a point to visit her kit.  A-rank.
Azura - Once again, your decision to be cryptic for no reason causes nothing but problems for everyone involved, and your son, who you didn’t raise on your own, had his entire village annihilated by foes that went after him to get to you, but you never warned him or them about anything?  D-rank.
Jakob - While hyper-critical, he’s not entirely off the mark, in terms of what Dwyer needs to be doing.  He’s not a bad kid though, so it does come across as more harsh than he really needs to be to make a point, since Dwyer is ultimately self-sufficient and capable.  C-rank.
Silas - Actually a pretty good dad.  He’s one of the few that just actively admires his child coming out of their deeprealm to help others, is fully supportive of them staying with the group, and is supportive of Sophie in general. It is Silas, so he’s a little generic with his praises, but it’s still a better parenting approach than most of them. A-rank.
Kaze - And here to completely outdo Silas is Kaze.  Again, Midori seems to know when he’s coming, meaning like Corrin, his appearance is a routine thing in her life.  Not perfectly routine though, which creates a bit of conflict between the two, in which Kaze is able to express that he always did his best to be there for her, but kept her here to be safe.  Willing to admit mistakes, accepting of her decisions, clear care for his child despite the poor general decision of leaving your children unattended in deeprealms, but is willing to actually be a parent and reprimand them for their poor decisions, while still being compassionate in his approach.  S-rank.  Kaze’s a good dad.
Ryoma - Honestly, I love that Shiro actually calls him out about not raising him at all.  Also the unnecessary secrecy about who he is and not letting Shiro know his status, and then being irritated when Shiro grows up without any direction in life.  Honestly I’m coming around on Shiro, who has so far been right on the money about how shit a father Ryoma is.  D-rank.
Takumi - Honestly Takumi’s pretty solid?  The support has him being a bit of a dick because he’s jealous of his own kid’s ability, but in the paralogue proper he’s honestly a pretty solid dad?  Like he shows up unannounced so we know he’s taking time to actually meet with his kid, and is fairly protective of him.  He does give in to letting Kiragi come along for dumber reasons, but on the whole he’s solid.  A-rank.
Saizo - He’s kind of a dick?  This is very much how Saizo is, but his entire thing is like...the honor of the family name to the point he doesn’t seem to have any connection to his kid, just his bloodline.  He does eventually let his kid be himself, but only in that, when he demonstrates “his own brand of honor,” Saizo gives him that freedom, but by basically disowning him as next in the Saizo line.  Which is I guess what the kid wanted, but still, it’s kind that “Grant your freedom, but you’re not my son” type feel.  D-rank.
Kaden - He’s alright?  He doesn’t do much, but he at least makes plenty of time to go visit his daughter just for the sake of visiting.  Still, he’s so bad at raising his child that she doesn’t know what dead means, and thinks poachers are there to play.  So present, but perhaps too permissive and uninvolved in actually raising her.  C-rank.
Hinata - Apparently just fucking forgot to make time for his kid.  He’s loving in his own way, but clearly not putting his child as a top priority in a lot of cases.  Not the worst, but certainly not good.  C-rank.
Azama - F-rank.  I don’t really need to explain this, do I?  Fuck Azama.  Even Saizo realizes how much of a callous fuckhead he is toward his own kid.  SAIZO!  Also you somehow gave your daughter a separate world from yours, in the attempt to give her a life of peace, which she achieves and is happier without you, so you storm in only when she’s in active danger, then insist on dragging her out of this peaceful realm into the world of constant war...just because?  Fuck Azama.  F-rank forever.
Subaki - He’s a decent dad.  It does kind of imply that he’s been away for a while, so questionable how much time he’s actually spending with her.  And while he’s generally doting and kind toward his daughter, there is that weird ending bit where he gets nervous about her outperforming him.  I’ll give it a B-rank overall.
Hayato - Honestly, he’s wishy-washy.  Either you fully support your daughter’s mad science or you don’t.  You can’t half-ass this, acknowledging she loves the dark arts and permitting her to mess around with it, and then step in and insist it’s off limits when it turns out the dark arts also have some potentially evil consequences.  Stepping in when he does to take things away feels more like backpedaling on a decision he already made to let her do as she pleases, which was probably too permissive as it stands.  C-rank, which is honestly pretty good for a teen parent compared to some of these other shitheads.
Xander - Finally on the Nohrians.  Xander actually like...talks to his kid.  Siegbert knows what his role is, and even if Xander can’t visit as often as he’d like in person, he keeps in contact through missives.  Now, there is the issue of his stance being “You have to learn to shoulder some burdens alone,” and thinking his son refusing to contact him about these fucking swamp demons was commendable.  So he’s definitely not perfect on this front.  But he does acknowledge that this is the burden of a leader having to make such choices, is accepting and understanding of his son’s autonomy and decisions while still being firm about keeping him safe from war and sending him back should he prove himself unready.  A-rank overall, I think.
Leo - Okay listen.  While I do recognize that Leo comes around and starts trying to be a better father, and I recognize the importance of growth and improvement. But the fact that Leo has spent most of his son’s life avoiding him because he disapproves of his interest in feminine fashion is just inexcusable.  The time to step up as a parent and learn this shit was a long-ass time ago, man.  You’ve basically been out of your child’s life this entire time, shown up only to angrily disapprove of how he lives his life, and now want to walk back in and expect that trying to change means he should give you that chance?  Why?  There’s no reason for Forrest to be the one who has to acknowledge you’re changing and growing as a person.  If nothing else, at least Forrest completely tells him off, and when Leo makes his attempt at reconciliation, his first thought is that he’s excited to get to know Elise.  Get fucked, Leo.  At least you go to save your kid, and don’t seem to express that you’re willing to let him die.  But you did stall on going, so like...fuck you.  F-tier.
Benny - And now for the exact opposite.  Benny’s an absolute sweetheart, and it’s no surprise he’s the same with his son.  He seems to care greatly for his son, is proud of his actions, and while protective, is willing to support his son’s decision to become stronger and learn to defend others with courage, while also teaching him that he’s not as fearless as he seems.  Honestly, maybe it’s just the feeling coming off of Leo, but S-rank.  We don’t really know how often he visits Ignatius, but I’d like to believe it’s often.
Keaton - Nothing too exciting, nothing too bad.  An easy, uninteresting B-rank.
Arthur - Apparently he’s never visited.  And openly stated that because he thought his son was safe here, his job was done.  This is the most intense version of just literally not being there for your child at all.  Still, at least he gives a shit, so D-rank, but a low D.
Odin - I think he’s solid.  Honestly there’s nothing outstanding here, but I really like Odin as a person, so A-rank.
Laslow - Okay, so in the intro to her chapter, Laslow mentions that Soleil has a band for town watch, and that she should be in her Deeprealm but goes where she pleases.  Which implies he knows she’s in his world already.  So he’s already letting her do as she pleases.  He’s openly aware she’s bi (let’s be real, here) and is fully supportive (LEO).  He taught her some great mechanisms for coping with difficulties in her life, and helps her realize it’s okay to not be positive when it feels forced.  And when confronted with the reality that Soleil is way better than him at flirting with the ladies, instead of being an insecure prick about it, he’s like “Hell yeah, that’s my girl!”  S-rank, easy.
Niles - I hate Niles, but as far as parenting goes, he’s not the worst.  It’s not clear if he’s been to visit her much (sounds like a no), but he at least has clear care for her.  He does try to emphasize to her what kind of life he’s had and that he doesn’t want her to have to live like that too, so I do appreciate that angle for him.  B-rank.
And that’s everyone.  There are some decent parents in all this.   The only real failures are Leo and Azama.  I think Azama’s a bit worse based on not showing any inclination to change or any particular care about his child, while Leo at least learns something and grows from it.  Though Leo’s issues are such a problem for me.  I think Laslow’s the best, though Kaze and Benny were also really great.
Shame about the Baby Realm thing, though.  That whole idea was just so stupid...
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