#who literally tried to fight a guy at a concert once bc he saw he was bullying a girl
yournowheregirl · 2 years
alice! i'd love to hear more about "i wanna make you swoon" 👀 GIMMEEE
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okay so this summer the deleted song 'get it right' from frozen 2 went semi-viral on the clock app and it got stuck in my head for WEEKS. naturally, i went and made it about steddie and more specifically a 3 + 1 failed proposal fic. i haven't written much yet, but here are the 3 + 1 ideas:
one. Steve has the perfect proposal plan. It's the middle of summer and there are supposed to be dozens of shooting stars tonight, so he's filling the Beemer with all the necessary equipment for a midnight picnic at Lover's Lake (which he thought was pretty fitting for the occasion). He's got the blankets, he's got the wine and snacks and most importantly, he's got the ring that's been tucked away in a part of their shared wardrobe where Eddie'd never find it (behind his polo shirts), everything is set. The night itself goes smoothly, Eddie doesn't seem to think that tonight is any different from their usual date nights, even with the way Steve's hands are trembling and he's sweet talking Eddie more than usual. But just when they're walking alongside the shore of the lake and Steve's about to go down on one knee, they hear a very familiar voice behind them. From the bushes appears none other than Dustin Henderson, who also came here to stargaze but for nerd reasons that Steve doesn't really care about. He tries to shoo Dustin away but Eddie, being the good guy that he is, invites Dustin over and just like that, the moment's gone.
two. Eddie has the perfect proposal plan. Corroded Coffin is playing sold-out shows for three nights in a row and at their final show, he's planning to propose to Steve halfway through the song he wrote specifically for him. His bandmates and the crew are well aware of his plan and Steve, while confused, agreed to watch from backstage. Eddie's giddy all night, buzzing out of skin a little more than usual, and the whole night is perfect. As planned, they stop playing halfway through the song and Eddie holds this little speech about how he wrote this song about the love of his life, secretly patting his pockets to find the ring he bought for Steve months ago, only to come up empty. Shit. Well, Eddie can still give him the ring later, it's the gesture that counts. He's just about to call Steve on stage when he sees something in the crowd - some bulky guy harassing a girl who clearly isn't interested. Well, this clearly can't do, so Eddie yells at the guy, throwing all kinds of insults at him and the crowd goes wild. Security steps in before things get too heated but just like that, the moment's gone.
three. Tonight has to be the night. Steve doesn't care that he feels like complete and utter shit, that his bones feel twice as heavy and that he feels cold all over even though it's still warm for this time of year, he has to do it tonight. Because tonight, some kind of planet is visible for just a couple of hours and it will take decades before that happens again. Eddie had been talking about it for weeks and Steve's tried everything to make sure that this time it's perfect. He called Dustin to stay home (and to tell the rest of the Party not to bother them for the rest of the night), he got the ring, and all is fine. Well, except for the fact that feels a headache coming up and he's trembling in his sneakers and Eddie is literally begging him to go home and get some rest. But he's not going to do that, he has a plan, you see, and he's so lucky to have Eddie in his life and if he doesn't get it right now, Eddie's just gonna leave him and- and - He's suddenly rambling with tears in his eyes, his body aching all over, and Eddie has to manhandle him back into the car, driving them back home without even seeing that dumb planet and Steve's pouting the entire way back, before he dozes off in their bed, mumbling something about a ring.
plus one. Eddie has lived through many a disaster in his life, but he feels like this is going to be the one that finally breaks him. After his failed proposal back at his show, he's determined to get this one right. They're at home, no crowd to distract him and he checked in with Steve's health earlier that day (because he was pretty sure that Steve was about to one-up him the other night and while he doesn't like seeing Steve sick, he's kinda glad that he can propose instead). Everything's supposed to be fine, except that Eddie got distracted by setting the table that the pasta water boiled over. And the pasta sauce got burned in the meantime. And he spilled a glass of red wine over the crispy white button down he wore even though he feels ridiculous in it. And Mike won't stop calling. And the neighbors are drilling a hole in the wall at 8 fucking PM. And Eddie just breaks. He's tried so hard to make things perfect for Steve, because that's what he deserves, and he still ruined anyway. Steve finds him panicked and frazzled in the living room, with the smell of burnt food wafting through their apartment, and he listens to Eddie explain that he really tried this time, that he wanted to make tonight special for Steve, but that they should just postpone this whole thing to some other night. Eddie slumps back to their bedroom, defeated and determined to sleep it off, until Steve stops him by yelling out the one sentence he had been waiting months to ask. Eddie slowly turns around, his expression a mix between confusion, happiness and still a little anxiety, until he tackles Steve to the floor with kisses and a loud yes. (Later, he'll be pretty pissed at Steve for hijacking his proposal, but the shiny ring on his finger helps soothe that pain)
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cloudy-leonhart · 3 years
Marleyan Warriors with a Filipino S/O!!
[Author Note: this is literally a re-do of my headcanons bc tumblr’s being mean and deleting my drafts, anyways trying to rush another finished bc outta here 😭 also! Reminder that my requests are OPEN, don’t be afraid to send in any requests!!]
Summary: Marleyan Warriors with a Pinoy S/O!
Recommended Song: Titibo-Tibo by Moira Dela Torre
TW: Swearing.
Theme: Fluff, Modern AU.
Characters: Reiner, Bertholdt, Annie, Zeke, Pieck, Porco.
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Annie Leonhart
Annie knew, she actually met you at an event for those with cultures, and saw you dancing with your friends to traditional filipino folk music.
She was kinda hesitant to go when you asked her to accompany you to the Philippines, she didn’t like traveling.
She was kinda shocked on how welcoming your family was, your mom and dad hugged her out of nowhere and she just let out a squeak.
Your little sister forced her to go to SM mall with her omg- She literally came home with bags of candy.
Yes, Annie has a soft spot for your family, she probably almost spent all her money on them.
Buchi rivals her love for donuts. She looked like she discovered a new universe after eating one of them thangs.
God, help her when she’s watching filipino movies, your family encouraged her to watch movies with them, and by the end of it she was a mess, pretty sure she cried into your shoulder after watching Seven Sundays.
You see, Annie is a really fast learner, she was bound to learn to be able to speak some point in her stay.
You were shocked when she spoke back to you in tagalog, like ‘dropped my stuff out of shock’ kinda way. 
IT WAS A PAIN GETTING HER INTO A BARO’T SAYA. But bribing her with Buchis got her to keep it on for like 2 hours so like..good enough.
Her favourite filipino song is Porque.
Everybody acts like it’s a concert for every karaoke night because she’s there, like she’s just THAT good.
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Reiner Braun
This man was so awkward. He went on a trip with Bertholdt to the Philippines, and met you.
He didn’t think you would understand him, so he just stared at you while you talked with your friends, until you were creeped out enough and asked him if he had a problem.
When you and him started dating, you convinced him to travel all around the country. 
Firstly, you guys visited your family, your dad absolutely loved him, your mom was a little bit hesitant in letting him in the family, he was blonde, big and buff. Filipinos are bound to worry. Until Reiner cooked with her, then she started to warm up to him.
Okay but why did your family’s chickens like him so much??
He likes the feeling of being around your family, him not having a dad left an impact on him and he felt complete being with you and your family, he swore to himself that he’d marry you.
He almost fainted when he found you battling with one of the kids with your pet spider, mf was deathly afraid of your spider, it was like the size of your hand pls-
I think he’d be fairly good at speaking tagalog, he’s got an accent but people can understand him. 
He eats like a tito omg- You lost him at a party once and when you found him, he’s already eaten half of the barbecue. 
Everyone thought he was really old, because of his beard so everyone called him tito Reiner. 
He’s somewhat good with the village kids, you could see Reiner playing soccer with the kids or goofing off.
He says he doesn’t like watching Manny Pacquiao but it’s his guilty pressure.
He doesn’t really listen or watch anything filipino, but he will listen to old filipino bands if you play them in his car.
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Bertholdt Hoover
HAHA PLs- you got mad at him for eating your cake and started cursing in filipino. He was confused because he thought you were just blurting out nonsense.
One second you’re explaining what you were saying and the next second y’all are on the way to the Philippines.
He sweats like a waterfall, LITERALLY. Everyone would like move away because he sweated that much.
You had a private island..because y’all were RICH rich. he was kinda awestruck, you literally just said out of nowhere.
“oh yeah, we have a private island.” ‘YOU HAVE A FUCKING WHAT??”
Poor baby was kinda intimidated by your basket-ball player of a brother, he was taller than Bertholdt omg-
You’re always worrying him somehow, he’s be on the toilet and he’d just hear you scream and he comes running down with his boxers, just to see you watching a telenovela and you had to tell him that you were just gushing over the drama.
He has never felt so embarrassed.
Am I the only one who thinks he looks amazing in a Barong?? Like he’d rock that shit- 
He loves eating filipino food, he likes when you guys stay in the country and you go out to buy bread at the nearest bakery.
Like every filipino, he too, dips his bread in coffee.
He ended up learning guitar while he’s in the Philippines, the country’s filled with people who can sing amazingly, he’s bound to learn guitar.
His favourite filipino song to play is Tadhana, it’s also the only song that he knows to sing to, like he absolutely butchers pronunciation for words but this man covers it up with this song.
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Zeke Jaeger
He bumped into you and you cursed at him in tagalog, he basically just fell for you at that point.
I just know your family secretly hates this man, he slapped your ass once around your mom and your dad, it’s always tense when he’s around now.
You don’t have the heart to tell him your parents saw because one afternoon, he was gushing and praising your family, you didn’t want to ruin his happiness, his dad’s barely around and his mom passed away. he’d obviously be attached.
Yes you had to talk to your parents about it, a lot of filipinos are very kinds and forgiving, so your parents were very understanding, and made sure he felt loved around the family.
He actually almost cried when your dad told him to marry you already.
He calls your parents nanay and tatay.
You got him to buy a pet spider please- You would catch him fighting a kid’s spider to the death in a match, he’d feel bad though so he buys them new ones after.
Hey this man looks so hot in a Barong, please. You guys had to book a hotel for a night for some alone time yk.
Lord help this man, he tried to do the tinikling dance and he tripped, in front of everyone.
Every night, he comes to bed all shirtless, you could just hear the air conditioner buzzing as he tells you how fun it was playing with the village kids, or talking about he and your titos had a drink while watching a boxing match.
He more so listens to various artists, he doesn’t have a favourite.
but he will replay Joseph Vincent’s filipino covers.
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Pieck Finger
She was on a business trip in the Philippines, and you were coincidentally at the same bar they were celebrating at. You were by the karaoke section and she kinda just, fell in love with you. right there and then.
Honestly some people thought you guys were siblings, Pieck can be mistaken as a filipino easily so, you guys expect it from time to time.
She likes to ask from time to time to teach her guitar, your mom probably has a lot of pictures of you and Pieck.
She loves eating the food in the Philippines, she thinks the adobo is great and if you lose her in public she’s probably by a street vendor eating food.
You guys dance to old filipino songs, a replaying song for you guys is Mabagal by Daniel Padillia and Moira Dela Torre.
She learnt Moira’s Part while you had Daniel’s part. 
GUys she looks so beautiful in a Baro’t Saya. And she knows it, she flaunts it so well.
You guys probably have a vacation house in the Philippines after leaving with her to go back to her country.
She helps you with packing balikbayan boxes for your family, she makes handwritten letters, she’s both good at writing and saying anything in tagalog. 
Her favourite artist is definitely Moira Dela Torre, she just loves her airy voice.
Favourite Filipino Movie? Yes.
You cannot tell me she doesn’t have a shelf full of filipino movies you guys watch.
Her favourite street food is probably qwek-qwek. She likes the sauce she dips, and she probably bought almost twenty bucks worth of the fishballs.
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Porco Galliard
UGh honestly he’s a little cringey when it comes to the culture, for some reason I can see him accidentally disrespecting it somehow, I can’t help it.
Your family owned a sari-sari store, and he could not help for the love of him, he ended up being the one stocking it up while you chatted with the customers. 
Like Pieck, he and you dance when you’re alone, he probably learnt from Pieck too.
He listens to modern filipino artists, like Ex Battalion, Skusta Clee.
He tries hard to really be respectful, he butchers the way he says nanay and tatay but your parents appreciate the effort.
I can see him being able to secretly make amazing filipino desserts, his ube cake is bomb.
He watches Basketball with your dad, and they both drink during the match.
I can also see him being the type to scream out curses when he hurts himself, a ‘PUNYETA’ comes out of his mouth.
he doesn’t enjoy the hot weather in the Philippines, and due to that, he wears sandos all the time at home, and when he goes out, every girl always looks at him because he’s ripped, yes you’re jealous, but as you should, he’s your mans-
He also knows how use a barbecue grill? You can find him helping your family members while they’re selling barbecue.
he hates going to SM?? He just really hates going, because you genuinely just go for the food court. They sell hella good food.
One time he got chased by the village dogs, so he doesn’t go out without you or a family member.
He secretly loves watching telenovelas with you.
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aclosetfan · 4 years
if you are still taking prompts
may i suggest
“he focused the sound of her feet walking towards him. damn, he is so fucked”
@over-under-through1 (Lol you don’t even have to request stuff btw, Id literally just write stuff for you b/c youre so nice)
I thought of a few ways I could go with your prompt, but everything was coming up either hella boring or too predictable. I can’t say I’m too happy with what I wrote, but I know you like the greens so I settled on fleshing out a scene from a never written fic about Bubbles and Boomer’s engagement, and Bubbles forcing their families to meet (against Boomer’s recommendation). The twist is that everyone already knows each other, and unsurprisingly, no one likes their bridal party counterpart. (no powers au)
For the sake of context: Butch and BC are both the kid-siblings in this story. They know each other because they go to the same high school. Butch is one strike away from being sent back to juvie, and BC has the incredible (self-imposed) pressure of living up to her amazingly successful older sisters. Prior to the blue’s engagement, none of the green’s interactions had been particularly positive b/c Butch is considered a bully and BC’s best friend (only friend) Elmer is often bullied. BC’s personality is very closed off and Butch thinks she’s creepy. (lol I could go on forever about the potential outline of this story, but this is enough for a dumb excerpt)  
Prompt: He focused on the sound of her feet walking towards him. Damn, he was so fucked.
Summary: Butch needs a hero, he’s holding out for a hero—wait no, not that one! He wants another hero; he’s holding out for literally any other hero. Buttercup would just like one night of normal jogging.
Pairings: greens (but not romantic more like the very, very beginning of a positive relationship)
Genre: friendship/action
Rating: like 18+ for language and violence; t/w: thinly veiled sexual harassment (just threats, NO action—located towards middle) My warning/rating is just precautionary. Honestly, didn’t write anything that wouldn’t be shown on TV.  
He was slammed against the fence by the scruff of his collar, and it was the first time that night that Butch thought, maybe, things weren't going to work out in his favor. "Come on, guys." He coughed, still recoiling from the punch to his gut, "Three of you, one of me? You may want to call the rest of your friends over and make it a fair fight."  
The smart and playful banter was neither appreciated nor reciprocated, as another jab connected with his stomach. He gagged, and they allowed him to drop to his knees.
 "What?" He coughed, as bile burned the back of his throat, "Skipping the dirty talk? Got somewhere better to be?"
"Do you ever sssshut up?" Snake, one of Ace's fave little goblins, growled.
"My incredible wit is half my charm, and you want me to s-s-s-sssshut up?" Butch argued back, mocking Snake's ever-present lisp. It wasn't the smartest move, but the way Snake's face contorted into something uglier, Butch believed his inability to keep his fucking mouth shut had been worth it. Snake kicked him fully to the ground and pinned him there. Face smooshed in the dirt, he cursed at them, and Snake pulled his hair, peeling his head off the pavement.
"What you sssay, kid?" He hissed.
"I said," Butch spit, "how's it feel to finally be the guy on top?"   
Snake smashed his head down hard onto the pavement, and Butch saw a wave of stars.
"Piece of sssshit!"
"Takes one to know one, right?" He groaned as his vision became less and less spotty.
"I jussst," Snake chuckled, "I jussst can't fucking wait to sssee you get taken out."
"Like murder? Or on a date, because, like, you're not my type."
That earned him a punch to the back.
"Ssshut the fuck up, man!" Snake huffed, shoving his face back into the dirt.
"Fuck thisss kid." Snake said to the other two idiots, "Billy, hold him down. I'm gonna get Ace. Tell him we found him."  
Butch tried to break away, as soon as Snake had let him go, but Big Billy, the biggest, dumbest, motherfucker that Ace probably kept around for his size and his size alone, stomped down on his back, replacing Snake, and effectively keeping Butch in his place on the concert.
"Yeah! That's right, pillow princess! Run home to daddy!" Butch barked after Snake's fleeing form, before a foot connected with his head. This time his abuser wasn't Snake or even Billy. No, this painful encounter was best accredited to Grubber. Grubber was another one of Ace's favorite minions. He was a short ugly man who, Butch swore, was suffering from some thyroid disease that made his ugly eyes bulge.
Butch couldn't tell if Grubber was dumb or smart. Butch couldn't even tell if Grubber was human. He looked more like the reanimated corpse of a dog-troll with the way he hunched and let his tongue lull out of his mouth. Regardless, the guy haunted his nightmares.
Butch let his head drop back to the ground in a daze and cried out when Billy applied more and more of his weight onto his back with a giggle. Butch was sure he'd end up snapping in half.
Mentally, he pleaded with the universe for a miracle. He had never been much of a believer in anything before. He figured when he died, he'd just die. Really nothing more to it. What he had not figured on, in all of his existential wonderings, was his death taking place in the middle of an abandoned McFatties parking lot, and frankly, he found the whole ordeal a little unfair. An abandoned McFatties parking lot was possibly one of the worst places he could think of to die in, and that was coming from him, a kid who had been forced to visit the state of Ohio once. So, mentally, he pleaded with the universe for a miracle.
"Hey!" A voice cried out, and because he was 99.9% sure he knew that voice, Butch filled with even more dread, taking back his pleas to the universe that had only happened mere seconds ago. He actually didn't need a miracle. He needed the sweet release of death.
Please. Please. The Death. Please! Not this! I don't want this! He mentally chanted, Death, death, death!
"Duuuh, hello?" Billy asked the parking lot, and Butch lifted his head a bit to get a look. When no one presented themselves, Grubber and Billy shared a look before shrugging, and they continued to bounce on his back until a brick sailed through the air and hit Grubber on his head. The shock of it caused Grubber to bite down on his tongue, and he cried out in pain.
"Grubber?" Billy asked, his voice thick with worry.
"Get off that guy!" The “mystery” voice rang out, and another brick flew through the air and hit Billy on the shoulder.
Big Billy stumbled off of him and looked around, "Who threw that!"
"Go!" The voice was closer, and Butch could hear the sound of running, "I'll call the police!"
The threat was enough for Grubber, who was still clutching his mouth. He grabbed Big Billy by the shirt, and they took off.
"We're telling!" Billy cried out like a five-year-old as another brick made contact with his back, "We're gonna tell on you!"
"Yeah! Keep running!" The "stranger’s" running came to a halt a little away from him, and yep, he 100% knew that voice. He groaned, his eyes screwing shut with pain, as he laid out on the pavement. He focused on the sound of her feet walking towards him and groaned again. Damn, he was so fucked.
"Shit are you ok—wait, Butch?" Buttercup asked, barely masking her surprise.
"Don't tell my brothers." He cracked an eye open when he felt her standing over him.  
"I could care less." She scoffed at his weak begging, "Are you dying?"
He flexed and wiggled, but besides some major bruising, he seemed to be functioning well enough.
"Like," he grimaced, "not physically."
There was a shout, and Buttercup bristled above him. "Good enough, now get up," She huffed, yanking him up and his knees locked in pain.
"I take it back." He bent over, clutching his stomach, "I take it back, I'm dying."
"They were over here, bosssss!" The Snake called from around the corner.
"Well, now's not the time." Buttercup hissed at him and threw one of his arms over her shoulder to help drag him along, "I'm really gonna need you to get your shit together."
"Give me a minute." He hissed back, gritting his teeth, as he tried to get his legs to corporate, "Internal damage doesn't just fix itself. I don't have fucking superpowers."
"Consider getting some," She huffed back as they hobbled along in the shadows, ducking into a random alleyway.
He scoffed, "What are you even doing here?"
"What are you even doing here?" She echoed as they exited the alley and took a random right. She was moving them towards a bus stop. The street lamps shone over the bus stop bench like a spotlight, and the seat sang to him like a siren. His head was still reeling from the blow Grubber had dealt, and sitting down was exactly what he needed to stop the world from spinning.
"Touché." He said after a moment. Her business was her business. His was his. He was fine keeping it that way.
They made it to the bench, and Buttercup set him down. He slumped, holding his head in his hands as she paced around, peering into the shadows that the bus stop lights couldn't reach.
"Buses aren't coming anymore." He mumbled, and she looked back over at him with a frown, "Obviously, I know that."
"Then can you stop pacing.” He demanded, “You're giving me a headache."
"I'm giving you a headache?" She scoffed, "Listen, get up. We need to get somewhere with more people."
She was right; he knew that. The street they were on was desolate. They were still too far from both the City's hustle and bustle and the neighborhood cop patrols in the outlining suburbs. This was an awesome no-man land for shitheads like Ace and Co. to hangout.
At the same time, though, it hurt to move.
"Are you suggesting we run away?" He snorted, putting on a brave face, "Not my style, cupcake."
"Don't call me that." She shot back without missing a beat, "And I'd say this is more of a tactical retreat. I can't spend the rest of the night saving your ass. There are better things to do to waste my time with."
He stood up with the full intention to say something witty and badass back, but he moved too quickly and swayed. Little black dots filled his vision, and he plopped right back down onto the bench with a grimace.
"Five more seconds," He ended up spitting out as he gripped his head in his hands.  
"Okay, for real, are you going to be okay?" Buttercup asked, kneeling in front of him, "Your head's bleeding."
He brought a hand to his forehead and tried to swallow the wince as his fingers brushed the wound. He frowned and examined the blood on his hands, "Well, that explains a few things."
She frowned back at him, "You could have a concussion. We need to get help."
"Probably not." He waved away her concern, cracking a smile, as he thought back to a particular conversation they had had in the school cafeteria not too long ago, "I've been told I've got a thick head."  
She opened her mouth to retort, but somewhere in the shadows, there was a scuffle, like the sound of a can being kicked, that made her snap her mouth shut. She stood, whipping her head in every which direction looking for something terrible to appear.
"You're gonna have to walk faster." She looked back at him, "You're too heavy to carry."
"Excuse me, ma'am, it's not very polite to comment on a person's weight."
Buttercup glared down at him, "Do you really think right now is the best time to be a smart-ass?"
"Yes, in fact, I do. It's how I cope, thanks."
"You cope with humor?" Buttercup blinked with a dry stare, "Why?"
"Well, Ms. Doom-and-Gloom, I know this may be hard for you of all people to understand, but laughter is the best medicine."
"No," She snorted, rolling her eyes, "I'm aware. I just don't get how it works for you since, you know, you're not funny."  
Butch opened his mouth to retort, but a hand shot out of the shadows and gripped Buttercup by the shoulder. She gasped in surprise, and he shot up a little straighter, ignoring his headache.
"Gotta say, Butcie-pal, I agree with the girl. I neva thought you were too funny either." Ace leered, "Who's ya pretty little friend, anyway, hmm? I don't think we've ever been introduced."
"Oh," Buttercup grimaced, shaking her head as she flicked Ace's hand from her shoulder, "no. No. Touching me won't be necessary."
"Fancy seeing you here, Ace." He gritted out through a forced smile, "A little birdy told me you got out of the joint early."
"Good behavior." Ace's face split into an equally condescending smile, "Did ya miss me, kid?"
"I've been countin' the seconds, buddy."
"Wait, Ace?" Buttercup's eyes went wide with recognition, "The Ace? From the Gang Green Gang?"
"The very same." Ace winked down at Buttercup, his sunglasses slid down his face as he checked her out, "I see my reputation proceeds me."  
Buttercup ignored Ace, and whipped back around to glare at him, "Seriously, Butch? You were fighting with the Gang Green Gang?"
He rolled his eyes, "Oh, I'm sorry, did I not get around to telling you that, Buttercup? I've been a bit preoccupied."
"Buttercup?" This time Ace froze with recognition, and jabbed a slim, long finger in Buttercup's face, "Now, hold on. I know you."
Buttercup's lips pursed as she hit his hand away, "No, no, you don't."
"Yes, yes, I do." Ace continued to wag his finger in her personal space, "You're that prissy prosecutor's sister, ain'tcha, the one who had the pleasure of locking me up for three years?"
Buttercup's eyes darted over to Butch before going back to Ace, "Can't say exactly. The City has a lot of prosecutors."
Ace's face broke back out into a smile, "Yeah, yeah. I remembers seeing you in the paper, right next to ya sista."  
Buttercup frowned, "Not ringing any bells."
"Aw, come on, don't play dumb with me. We're all friends here. Your sister, she's the one with the red hair, wears a ribbon, funky eyes. What was her name again? Tulip? Rose?" He snapped his fingers in though a few times, "Something floral."
"Blosssssom?" Snake suggested from behind.
"Ah!" Ace's smile grew, "Blossom! Yes! Thank you, Snake!" He grabbed Buttercup by the shirt and dragged her close. Practically nose to nose with her, he smirked, "Ringing any bells now?"
"Just a few." She glowered, no longer feigning cluelessness.
Ace threw his head back with a laugh, "This is the night that just keeps giving, boys! We've caught this shitbag." He jabbed a finger back at him on the bench, "And now we've got Blossom's pretty little sister to play with." He pulled her closer by the sleeve of her shirt, smashing her against his chest, "The only thing that would make this better is a beer! You drink, sweetheart?"
Butch scoffed because even though Buttercup was obviously a secret witch necromancer in her spare time, he wasn't a fucking degenerate who enjoyed watching men scaring girls, "Your issue's with me Ace, leave her out of this."
Ace threw Buttercup away, pivoted on his heels, and stalked back over, "Oh, oh, don't worry 'bout nothing Butch. I haven't forgotten about you. Sees after me and the boys get done having a little fun with your girlfriend, I'll be taking care of you."
Butch bristled in sync with Buttercup, "Oh—"
"Time out!" Buttercup cried, forming a 'T' with her hands, "I'm—"'
"—not his—"
"—girlfriend!" They denied simultaneously.
Ace blinked, "I'm threatening both your dignities and your lives, and that's what you're choosing to focus on?"
"Alright." Ace conceded, shrugging. "Say, fellas, get Butch's. . .acquaintance?" Ace asked, looking at him for confirmation.
"Eh, sure—" He conceded with a shrug, as Buttercup huffed from behind Ace, crossing her arms.
"—I wouldn't even say that."
"Yeah, okay then," Ace corrected himself, ignoring Buttercup, "Fellas, get his acquaintance nice and ready for me while I have a few words with the kid. Don't rough her up too much, though. You know how I like to work with a clean canvas."
"Ssssure thing bossss,"
"Oh, hell, no." He heard Buttercup growl, but his view of her was cut off by Ace, who pulled him up by the scruff of his collar. The adrenaline was pumping once more through his veins, so this time, standing at least didn't hurt.
"Seriously, dude, I don't think you wanna fuck with me like this." He threatened, but even he knew how empty it sounded.
"Seriously, dude," Ace mocked with a smile, "I don't think I give a fuck. Gotta admire your balls, though, kid. Takes a lot of guts to talk to me like that."
"What's your fucking deal anyway? I did what you asked for, I—"
Ace, a cheap bastard who fought dirty, kneed him hard in the groin. Butch let out a strangled gasp, and Ace laughed, letting him drop to the ground.
"It's that fucking mouth of yours." Ace answered, squatting down to get in his face. His breath smelt like cigarettes, weed, and rat piss, "Anyone ever told you it ain't becoming cussing in front of your elders all the time?" Ace reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a pack. Taking a cigarette, Ace offered it up, "Want one?"
"I don't smoke." He replied curtly. It was a semi-lie. He smoked. He just wasn't an avid cigarette smoker. Considering his family, though, he did, in fact, fancy himself a professional second-hand smoker. Brick chained-smoked. Boomer was always in a perceptual state of "I'm quitting tomorrow." Mojo could typically be found puffing on some pipe or cigar. And HIM was more of a social smoker, but a smoker nonetheless, since he liked using the cigarette sticks that made him look like Audrey Hepburn too much not to smoke.  
If he died, Butch had always figured, it'd be lung cancer that took him out.
"That's smart." Ace nodded, chuckling, "It's shit for ya anyway, but what vice isn't, right?"
Butch watched Ace wearily as he searched around for his lighter. The pain in his groin had subsided into a dull ache, but he stayed on the ground. With Ace, he had to play it smart. Five against one weren't numbers in his favor, and there was Buttercup to consider, unfortunately. The little priss was probably scared shitless.
Ace flicked his lighter on a few times before it caught light and puffed his cigarette for a moment. Finally, he looked back down at Butch and exhaled a cloud of smoke in his face. It didn't bug Butch, but Ace seemed to think it was pretty funny.
"Now, kid, these manner problems you seem to be still having, I think, you know, that someones gotta teach you a thing or two. Seems like your shitbag brothers ain't doing too good a job, huh?"
"Don't talk to me about my brothers."
"Yeah?" Ace smiled, the cigarette hanging loosely from his mouth, "And whatcha gonna do, huh, do I gotta remind you about the position youse in?" Ace stood up and kicked his foot hard into Butch's gut. Again, he lost the air in his lungs.
"Fuck you." He coughed, and Ace shook his head.
"See again with the cussing." Ace sighed, "Figured since your brothers are too good for us now, that they'd do a little better by you, but I guess somethings neva change. Once a rat, always a rat, right?"
Butch opened his mouth to retort, but the commotion behind Ace caught his attention. Ace didn't seem to notice as he continued to lecture Butch on manners, respect, and a bunch of other things gang-bangers seemed to believe they automatically deserved. Through the gaps of Ace's legs, he watched as Grubber hit the ground hard.
His eyes widened as Buttercup swooped in on the fallen man, stomping down onto his back to keep him still. The taser in her left hand sparked to life as she spun around and lodged the offending weapon into Snake's neck. Snake cried out and made a swipe for her arm, but she ducked down, invading his hold. Squatting on the ground, Buttercup jabbed the taser into Snake's crotch, and the noise he made was finally enough to get Ace's attention.
"Wha—" Ace started, his sunglasses sliding down his nose in shock. Butch probably didn't look any better.
Buttercup ignored Snake's pleas for mercy and kicked his feet out from under him. He collapsed to the ground, still holding himself in his hands, and Buttercup smirked. Using her hands to launch herself into the air, she flipped away from Big Billy, who had been clambering up behind her, without a second glance. Billy’s nose was already bleeding, and based on the feral way Buttercup was taking the gang out, Butch would have placed money that a good headbutt had caused it.
Billy was too slow for Buttercup. Butch didn't have a clue where Arturo was, but if she kept bolting, he was pretty sure she had a clean and clear shot out of danger's way. To his surprise, though, Buttercup didn't run away. After landing her flip, she slid to a halt and turned back towards Billy. Squatting down low, like a sprinter, she took off back towards him at top speeds. Butch knew Buttercup was fast since she was always running everywhere like a madwoman, but he didn't think she could go that fast. She was on a high-speed collision course with Billy, a guy four times bigger than her, and it was the first time in his life that Butch had ever seen her smile like that.
Billy was ready for her, though. His arms were opened up wide as he got ready to grab her. Butch almost called out to her in warning, but instead, he watched in astonishment as she collided with Billy at a nearly perpendicular angle. She jumped slightly up before impact and threw her weight down onto Big Billy, using her shoulder to break his block and knock him off balance. The force of her momentum caused the big guy to stumble off to the side. He cried out in surprise as he tried to steady himself, but Buttercup didn't give him a chance. Like Snake, she dropped to the ground so that she could kick his unsteady feet from out underneath him. And like on Snake, it was quite effective.
Billy hit the ground with a loud crash and Buttercup stood over him, clapping the dust off her hands as she shot Ace a look.
Butch shared a bewildered look with Ace for a moment, before they both turned back to the fight.
"Billy!" Ace cried out, "Get up, you lug!"  
Billy didn't get up, but he did start crying, and Butch laughed, "Ah, come on Ace, the bigger they are, the harder they fall, right?"
Ace glowered at him and called out to both Snake and Grubber, who both, in turn, moaned from their spots on the ground.
"Arturo!" Ace shouted, "Where the fuck are you?"
"Here, boss!" Arturo cried, sprinting out of the shadows and towards Buttercup with a battle cry. He lunged for her, but Buttercup seemed unfazed as she reached into her hoodie and pulled out a can. She sprayed whatever it was into Arturo's face, and he dropped mid-lunge to the ground with a horrible cry. She sprayed his face two extra times for good measure and then pocketed the can of mace like it was as unimportant as Chapstick.
She whipped her head back around towards them and again shot Ace a death glare.
"Holy shit." Butch blinked and then let out another short laugh, looking back up at Ace, "Like damn, dude, you're so fucked."  
Ace balked, taking a few steps back. He began to root around in his pockets before pulling out a switchblade and flicking it open, "Don't take another step!"
Buttercup brushed some dirt off her jacket as she continued to advance, "What, Ace? Is the canvas not clean enough for you?"
Without his lackey's, Ace trembled with fear, "I said, not another move."
"Cute knife," Buttercup shrugged, nonplussed, as she reached back into her pocket, "Wanna see mine?"
Ace looked between the two of them, as Butch began to find his footing once more, then at his fallen minions. He dropped his hands and backed further away.
"This ain't over!" He sneered and took off running.
Buttercup pulled her hand out of her pocket, sans knife, and dropped to her knees to inspect him.
"Do you just piss everyone off for fun?" She asked, helping him up.
"Something like that," he shrugged.
Behind them, Billy began to groan as he attempted to pick himself off the ground. Buttercup's eyes went wide.
"Let's go." She hissed and pushed him into a run. She pulled him along for a moment as she ran before letting him go and taking off on her own. He tried his best to keep up, but the beating he had been put through quickly caught up with him. He slowed to a stop and watched her disappear into the distance. Taking a few deep, heavy breaths, Butch bent over and put his hands on his knees.
In. Out. Wince. In. Out. Wince.
He wanted to call out to Buttercup, but she was long gone, and, for once, he couldn't find his voice. 
What a fucking night, though, he ended up thinking to himself. 
There was nothing else that the world could throw at him that would surprise him at this point.
But right on cue, the world took him up on that because immediately after he spoke the challenge into existence, red and blue lights flashed behind him. A cop car chirped, its siren turning on and off once to get his attention. Butch slumped further down with a sigh, because of fucking course. He should have known better.
Jumped and thrown back into juvie all in one night—it was a new personal record! He couldn't wait to hear the opinions his family would have. With another heavy sigh, he threw his hands into the air and turned around to face the officer since he wasn't too particularly keen on adding "racially profiled and shot in the back" to his long list of shitty sob stories.
"Well, well." The officer stepped out of his car, but Butch couldn't see which one since the officer had neglected to turn off the headlights shining right in his face, "What do we have here?"
He kept quiet because he knew his fucking rights. The cop stalked up to him and blinded him with a flashlight. He didn't quite understand why that had been necessary given the patrol car's headlights, but cops were a different breed of stupid in this City.
"Now, if it isn't the most illustrious Butch Jojo. I've heard about you, kid."
Butch grunted back.
"Hmm, not much of a talker?" The cop asked conversationally, and Butch twitched with annoyance. He didn't get why everyone—especially adults—always wanted to do the small talk bullshit.
"That's fine. I'll get to the point—" Butch already knew he actually wouldn't, "—where are you coming from looking like that?" The cop flashed his flashlight up and down, emphasizing the tears and bloodstains on his clothes. "Are you aware of a robbery that took place on 5th tonight?"
Butch seized up, knowing exactly what the cop was implying. "That's like forty minutes from here on foot!" He protested.
"I wasn't asking for directions, son."  
"I don't know anything about a robbery on 5th." Butch spat back, and the cop's mouth curled into a sneer.
"Then, care to explain what you were running from?"
Taking a deep breath, Butch glared at the officer, "I don't have to say anything."
The cop chuckled, "Well, maybe you'll change your mind at the station."
"What!" Butch yelled, "I—"
"—Calm down, kid, I'm not playing games!"
"Wait, officer, wait! He's with me." Buttercup ran forward, reappearing from the shadows and linking their arms together. Slightly, she pulled him away from the officer and his blinding lights, "I was showing him the loop I run, and he tripped. I—I was doubling back to bring him a—uh, a bandaid?" She (poorly) lied.
"Buttercup Utonium?" The cop blinked, and she offered a strained smile.
"Hey, Officer Smith."
The officer's face contorted, and he jabbed the end of his flashlight toward Butch's face, "He's with you?"
"Uh, yeah." Buttercup shrugged, stepping slightly in front of him like a barrier, "His brother is engaged to my sister."
The officer lowered the flashlight and blinked in surprise, "Blossom's engaged? I just saw her the other day."
"Not Blossom." Buttercup shook her head, "Bubbles."
"Bubbles! Engaged?" The officer exclaimed, blowing air from his lips, "Time flies! I remember you being this tall—" He indicated a little past his knee, "—when your sister starting working for the Prosecutor."
Buttercup nodded her head, curtly, "Yep."
The officer smiled at her and reholstered his flashlight, "Well, you tell Ms. Bubbles I said congrats, ya hear me?"
"Alright, no problem." Buttercup nodded again, nudging into him, so he'd start backing away. The officer shot him a quick look before turning back to Buttercup. "And you keep this one in line, ya hear me." He told her as he wagged a finger in his direction. "It's about time you found some decent friends to hang out with." Officer Smith lectured, staring him down, before he addressed both of them, "Now, it's past curfew, you two need to head home."
Butch kept his mouth screwed shut, but Buttercup seemed to read his body language loud and clear because she threw him a nasty look before turning back to the officer.
"Sure, sorry, Officer Smith, we lost track of time." She apologized to the officer as she elbowed him into walking away, "I'll tell my sisters you said hi."  
"Goodbye, Buttercup." The officer waved as he made his way back to his patrol car. "Butch." The officer nodded at him, giving him the once over again.
 He rolled his eyes, turning away. "Fucking cops." He grunted, but when he looked over to his right, Buttercup was gone. "Hey, where—" He spun around looking for her, only to find that she was practically halfway down the block, "—Hey!"  
Ignoring how sore he was, he jogged after her. She didn't bother to look at him as he knocked into her.
"Okay, three things—" He started, as he kept in step with her, and Buttercup heaved a heavy sigh. "One, how do you three know everyone in this fucking city?"
She shrugged, "Just do."
"Two, why do you just have a taser and mace on hand?"
"Because I'm a teenage girl, and I run at night."
"Yeah, soooo…"
"Sooo," Buttercup emphasized slowly with a dry look, "sex trafficking, rape. Teenage girls always seem to be a pretty hot commodity. Recent events should have probably tipped you off to that."  
Butch stopped dead in his tracks for a moment and blinked, dumbfounded, "Oh right. Cause you're a chick. I, like, forgot about that."
"Yep." She agreed over her shoulder since she hadn't stopped to wait for him to process the obvious.
He jogged to catch up with her with a nod, "Guess that's smart then."
"Guess so." She muttered back and took a sharp left down a pathway he hadn't even known existed.
"And three," He slowed them down, rubbing the back of his neck, "uh, thanks, I guess, for back there."
"Which part?"
"All of it."
Buttercup looked past him towards where the cop car had been and then back at him with a shrug, "Don't mention it. Like, seriously, don't."
He nodded, and she turned away, going back to fast walking speed. He stumbled after her.
"So, where we going?"
"I'm going home. I don't know where you're going."
"Going home?" He repeated.
"But why—how! You can't just go home! Not after all that shit back there!" He speculated out loud, "Aren't you, like, pumped up?"
She sighed, "Nope. Are you going to keep following me?"
"Buttercup." He huffed, running in front of her to block her way, "dude, that shit back there was fucking badass, and I don't say that kind of shit lightly. I don't know whatever fucking voodoo god you're praying to every night, but it's working. You gotta—" he scrambled for anything his mind could come up with, "—you gotta, like, at least get something to eat with me for like, like, closure."
Buttercup stared up at him, her eyebrows pulling together, "Did…did you just ask me to hang-out?" She paused before clarifying, "With you?"  
"Uhhh…" He frowned, his own eyebrows pulling together as he mulled over his previous statement, "huh?" He shrugged, "I guess I did."
Her frown deepened, and she pushed past him, "You should probably go to the hospital. Thick head or not, it was obviously hit a lot harder than you've let on."
He snorted and turned around to catch up with her, "I think I'm serious, though."
She looked him over again, "Seriously, you're starting to freak me out. Should I call 911?"
They made it out of the alley and emerged near a little corner before Townsville blended into the surrounding Pokey Oak County. There, like a beacon in the night, was Pops, a burger joint that he liked.
"Ha!" He proclaimed, pointing towards the 24/7 diner, "Come on!" He grabbed her by the elbow and began to drag her with him.
"Hey!" She protested, digging her heels into the ground as she tried to wriggle out of his grasp, "Cut it out!"
"Listen. We're getting a burger, whether you like it or not. Brick's treat."
She stopped her struggling and a raised eyebrow, "Your brother's paying?"
He rolled his eyes with a smirk before he pulled his older brother's debit card that he had stolen earlier that night from his back pocket and waved it in the air, "Duh."
She looked back over her shoulder towards the direction of her home, then over again towards him and the burger joint, "Welllll, if he's paying," She hummed, shrugging, "sure, why the hell not."
He laughed and dropped her elbow, "Good choice, Butterfingers, let's go."
 I’m sorry if you hate it—I know the pacing’s a bit off and my dialogue punctuation needs work, but it’s been a crazy few days lmao and I just wanted to get this out ☹ if it’s absolute shit let me know and I’ll try writing you something else! Also, the body slam BC used on Big Billy is a move Jammers use in roller derby to get past blockers because, hint, in this world BC is “secretly” in roller derby. ((“Secretly” because her fam and Elmer knows, but no one else.)) I just suck at action scenes so it doesn’t come across well
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sastrugie · 4 years
john entwistle biography review
ok so first: I didnt really like the biography because I thought it would focus on totally different aspects. John was a musical virtuoso and that hardly ever gets mentioned in the book. But we get exact axccounts on how much money he spent on what day and in which pub he bought which champagne. like wow thanks. The other personal stuff is basic who knowledge you can read in any other Who biography. His autobiographical bits were joy and fun! Maybe the only reason to buy the book in my opinion. He writes totally different than the author...
ANYWAYS: here my fav facts from the book that you probably didnt know before
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this is the face of a man who -when his father gave him driving lessons for his 21st birthday as a present- decided driving wasnt really his thing and he spent the money on clothes and parties instead. He never had a drivers license ever and also never desired to have one 
the hospital he was born in, was bombarded and destructed one day after his birth
as a child he was really weak and thin and had basically every disease that existed
his family was poor af
his father left the family early and held contact with his son, but soon disappeared with a new family
his stepdad, Gordon, disliked John alot and would ignore him, hated everything John did or said and he let his bad moods out on Johns mother, which caused John to be very silent and observative around the house so that there wouldnt be any trouble
he did everything to please Queenie (his mom) so that there was no fighting, according to Alison
loved drawing and playing but usually alone since he had no friends apart from their dog
he heard a trumpet solo once from a trad jazz band when he was 6 or so and decided he wanted to learn the trumpet
my fav line of the book probably: “despite his own expectations, he passed the exams to go to grammar school” like same
at school he was bullied from the older boys but soon left alone by them because he would fight back with badass comments 
he applied for the school band for the trumpet but the tallest guy in the year was chosen (he was the 2nd tallest)  which made John mad, but he discovered the french horn
soon he found a friend, mickey brown, at last and he gave him the nickname “ent”
he was so terrible in P.E that he was dismissed with other pupils to play somehwere else, they were called “the hockey misfits” and guess who was among them: Pete Townshend.
yeah as you might know they became besties because they loved music and black humour.
he found himself a gf (alison) and Pete & a school gang (like 4 ppl) and his life seemed to finally get where it should.
his worst subjects were geography and german like wow (im a german geography student lmao)
once they played in a pub and johns stepdad was there and was super angry and gave john a list with his fav pubs and told him “these are the places I never want to hear your fucking music playing”.
after walking home pete decided to switch the guitar and john wanted to become a musician more than ever
Roger found him and John kind of convinced him (it took months apparently) to get Pete into the band and then it all started
he judged the beatles because John Lennons harmonica was “out of tune” in love me do, wow ok you nerd
john started smoking with 20 and was the last one to quit his job for the band and he was against drugs at first (bc he had a “civilized” job) but then decided to give a shit, dyed his hair black, bought cigarettes, smoked dope with pete and did speed too
he wanted to step out of himself and feel good about himself and he was always a fashionnerd so he started buying and trading and selling clothes (he once was dismissed from school bc he wore the school uniform incorrectly)
with 18 or so he was still living at home, had a toy soldier collection and a pet budgie
pete and his college friends made fun of john bc he wasnt a student and still lived at home, although john could have gone to college too and he wanted to, but his stepdad again said no and he had no choice.
he was very awkward and introverted but could open up with his music 
he was really into pop art (esp pop art clothes)
was a pseudo mod bc he only liked the fancy clothes and motown music
with the who he found a purpose in his life and finally could be different than ordinary ppl
hated when people touched his hair, he literally hated it
would fuss much about his hair in general
once after a concert they were starving and the room service was alreday home so they had to look on used plates and food wagons and John found a shrimp and said: “who wants to dine with me tonight?” (idk that really made me laugh)
keith moon was john entwistles soulmate and they were the cutest, most iconic and funniest duo ever end of discussion
his amps would soon be called little manhatten bc he had so many bc he wanted to be loud
he actually went to sing at church once when he was like 24 and the band made fun of him then he stopped
in the late 60s he bought a house with alison in a normal neighbourhood and went walking the dogs on sundays and stuff
but he was a party animal and always the last to go
he was really sensitive and cried often according to Alison but only in front of certain people
he would totally step out of his way to please people
when they played at the monterey pop festival they didnt bring their own amps along and john was furious bc he said the american amps are shit and kit was like “no” and john didnt talk to him for the whole festival until their perfomance was over and they had sounded like shit to tell kit “I TOLD YOU SO” thats how extra he was
when he got money he would spend it bc he was so used to being poor that he thought it wouldnt last long and he had to enjoy it NOW
he was always calm and everyone respected him and kit told a story where he entered the room and roger was at keiths throat and and pete was screaming something and john was sitting in the corner cleaning his nails. thats who energy
liked to dance at parties
his fav drink was rémy cognac with 40% and he would drink like 1 bottle alone everyday in his later years...wow dude
he was also gentlemanTM and once paid taxis for girls from london to brighton after a party
once at a wedding the free drinks were out and John just gave the barkeeper his creditcard and said he will pay for all the drinks of the night for everyone (it wasnt his wedding)
Roger once said: “John made smartass comments that deserved a punch in the face” sounds like him yes
he didnt really care about money and always wanted to pay and never told anyone how much things had cost and brought gifts for everyone
soon that ended in a shopping addiction tho and he bought ridiculous things for ridiculous amounts of money
when the who was inactive he sank into depression :(
held the band together during who by numbers & who are you
wrote and played all the quadrophenia horn parts himself
never lost his passion for art and always drawed alot, said Alison
cried when Christopher was born aww
once he saw their manager in an art museum and how he wanted to buy a painting but couldnt afford it, so John bought it secretly and shipped it to said managers home as a gift
We all know John was a huge collector. His most treasured collection was .. wait for it: teapots.
he tried to save Keith from being arrested once and ended up being arrested too lol
wanted to write a scifi concept album but desorted the idea and gave some songs to the who (905) or Pete
was a good cook apparently
When he gave a hug HE was the one who decided when to let go sdfghjk
hated confrontation and would hire other people to tell someone bad news
he spent so much money on dumb shit like wtf
but didnt really care either
probably the master in picking up and seducing girls
he let his stepdad live in the quarwood mansion when he wasnt there but Gordon was still an asshole wtf
the contact to his real dad was really sporadic
when the who ended, it hit him really hard and he didnt know what to do besides partying and buying stuff/hording stuff
was very insecure and selfconscious in the 80s according to Maxene :(
he actually took pete breaking up the who really personal and was sad 24/7
was that kind of guy that said bad stuff about the who but when you said bad stuff he would try to kill you on spot
with cocaine he felt really confident and still like the 60s/70s rockstar he once was but he didnt understand that these times were over and he needed to move on
sometimes went into random pubs with friends and made jam sessions for the guests
he still was generous and loving until he died and tried to play with other bands but it was not the same
he really liked Kenney and hung out with him more than with his wife at some point lmao
was a total giver and people who worked at quarwood would steal money from him but when someone pointed that out he got angry with that person for even suggesting that
was a real softieee (and a huge nerd)
all his friends said that he was shy at first but once you got to know him he would come totally out of himself, was very funny, loved to tell stories, was very very loyal and would try evertyhing to make you laugh aww
all in all a glorious story with a sad ending and he did destroy himself completely, but lets remember that Pete Townshend described old John still as "wonderful, mature and elegant” so lets cling on to that :)
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A Little Jealousy [1] | Lee Taeyong
Summary: Taeyong gets a little too overprotective, and that can cause him to get in trouble—with you and the law.
Pairing: Taeyong x Reader
Genre: angst, sum fluff, slightly yandere!yong
Warnings: some swearing, fighting, jealousy, kinda yandere
Word Count: 1.8k
A/N: LET ME START OFF BY SAYING BAD BOY IN LOVE - LEE DONGHYUCK IS COMING SOON!!!!! butttttt my manz Taeyong ;))) nsajbchjbwjbcd this is kinda angst. i’m sorry!!! but it’ll end all good. i was in a relationship for a while where my boyfriend was really jealous and didn’t like my guy friends and lemme tell you, it’s not fun or cool. as much as people write about how jealousy is “cute” it can be something that breaks relationships and friendships and it could even lead to abuse. yeah, everyone can get jealous but if it ever gets out of hand, tell someone. ahhhh sorry for all my speeches i always put but i care about you guys and i don’t ever want you to be sad :(( i love you guys and thanks for the support!
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so let’s start with how you and Tae came to be
you met Taeyong at a concert two years ago
One of your friends bought you a ticket to a summer festival for your birthday
since you always spoke about how much you wanted to experience one
at first, you were worried about going to a crowded concert alone
let’s be honest
you were scared to go to the movies by yourself
how could you go to a whole day long festival alone?
but for some reason as soon as you got there
you felt comfortable
you stood in the crazy long line
and watched the people around you
laugh and talk with their friends
you kind of wished you had someone to talk to as well
well this is where ur boi Taeyong comes in
its like he read your mind
because as you stood there thinking about how lonely you must look,
he was wondering how he should approach you
he was in line directly behind you and tbh he thought you were pretty cute
but you were by yourself and for some reason that made him sad
but happy at the same time bc he was alone too
so after thinking about it for wayyyy too long
he just taps your shoulder on impulse
“hey i’m taeyong. are you here alone? i’m here alone too.”
and that’s where it started for you guys
you spent that whole day together and even ended up swapping phone numbers
you thought Taeyong was so sweet and nice
and he was
but from the beginning
he definitely had a softer side for you and you only
so you guys began hanging out when ever you both were free
and it got to the point where you guys would adjust your schedules just so you could find time to be together
and of course, you both started developing feelings for each other
Taeyong was the first to confess his feelings
it was kind of unexpected 
you guys had planned a day at the board walk
there were boats you could rent so you and Taeyong decided to try them out
so here you guys were
in the middle of this lake
just chillin in a boat
when out of nowhere, Taeyong just says it
“y/n, i like you.”
you were shocked, to say the least bc
you never thought someone like Taeyong would actually like you back
but after he further explained his feelings, you were beyond ecstatic
Taeyong asked you to be his 
and bam
you guys were together
throughout your relationship with Taeyong, you’ve noticed the little things that irritate him, make him smile, make him upset
all his little quirks 
and you have come to be quite good at reading his emotions
even when he looks like he’s happy, he could be angry
when he looks upset, he could actually be relieved of something
basically, you have just come to know him like the back of your hand
sooo now that we’ve explained all of that, let’s get to present time
you and Taeyong have been together for a little over a year now at this point
before you guys started even dating, he met your friends
so it was normal for both you and Taeyong to show up to your friend’s parties
you two are currently on your way to one of your best friends bday parties
your best friend Johnny literally rented out a whole ass bdubs just to throw his birthday party
this kid is extra
but you and Taeyong decide to walk from your place, since it’s not that far from the restaurant
it’s a little chilly outside, even with Taeyong’s coat around your shoulders
“are you still cold?” Taeyong asks you 
you nod
Taeyong puts his arm around you, trying to warm you up more
you’re pretty happy in your relationship right now
Taeyong is even more of a gentleman than before
he’s perfect in your eyes
and you’re perfect in his
all you’ve been is good to him 
and best believe that he shows you his appreciation
whenever Taeyong is going through a rough time, whether it’s with his family or he’s just having a bad day
you are always there for him
and he honestly feels like he is the luckiest man on the planet because he has you
Taeyong glances down at you as you guys reach the restaurant
he thinks you look great tonight
as he pulls open the door for you, he smiles to himself
he walks in behind you and brings you closer to him
“let’s go find Johnny.” you tell him as you grab his hand
Johnny’s party was packed 
it’s no surprise tho, because he’s a social butterfly who just love, love, loves meeting new peeps
you and Tae squeeze through people, trying to look for Johnny 
even though it’s making you lowkey claustrophobic you see so many friends you haven’t seen in a while 
so it’s nice
after some more maneuvering you guys spot Johnny 
but before you can get to him you and Taeyong hear your name 
you turn to see the one and only Wong Yukhei
your first love 
”Yukhei!” you yell back as you spin to hug him 
Taeyong follows close behind you, eyeing Yukhei 
Tae knows exactly who Yukhei is 
before you and Tae began dating, he had seen the pictures of you two on your instagram
he didn’t like him for the simple fact that he once had you 
 “How are you? It’s been so long! You look amazing!” Yukhei compliments 
as you two chat, it feels as if Taeyong isn’t there
he watches you and Yukhei talk 
he can just feel the anger rise within him 
Taeyong pushes himself next to you, making his presence obvious to Yukhei (as if it wasn’t before but ok yongie)
”oh, Yukhei! this is Taeyong.” you introduce him 
”y/n’s boyfriend.” Taeyong adds, glaring at Yukhei 
”oh, hello. i’m Yukhei.” he says awkwardly 
Yukhei holds his hand out for Taeyong to shake
but what does Tae do? 
he stares at his hand, not even flinching 
you nudge him, beginning to feel embarrassed by his behavior 
Yukhei awkwardly retracts his hand 
“well, i guess i’ll see you around, y/n.”
you nod before waving bye to him 
as you watch Yukhei walk away, you feel Yong grab your arm 
you shake him off bc ur seriously annoyed and embarrassed that he acted like that to Yukhei, who has always been nothing but nice 
before you can walk away Taeyong grabs you again
“where are you going y/n?” Taeyong is hot on your heels as you continue trying to walk away from him towards Johnny
Johnny sees you two and smiles
but of course as soon as he sees the expression on your face, his smile fades
“what’s wrong guys?”
instead of you telling him the real reasons you look annoyed,
ur bf decides to tell him what he saw
“that Yukhei kid, her ex? yeah he was getting too close to her.”
yeah, he really said that
“are you serious?” you say to Taeyong
Taeyong doesn’t see why you’re so mad
but the fact that you’re angry is making him angry
he was only trying to protect your relationship
he just couldn’t lose you to someone else--especially your ex and first love
because you know what they say
you never really forget your first love
but Taeyong wants to make you forget him
he wishes you two could have met earlier so he could have been your first love
it’s not fair
but since he has you now, he’ll love you more and better than Yukhei ever could have
you roll your eyes and begin to move towards Johnny 
“he’s acting rude and jealous for no reason. we’ve almost been together for two years!” you spill to him
as you stand by your best friend, Taeyong honestly feels irritated bc
you should be thankful that he cares that much
“we’ve been together for a while, but you were basically flirting with your ex!”
Taeyong yells, causing a bunch of people to look over
“i was not flirting! if you think asking how someone’s been is flirting, then you need some serious help.” you’re done with him
Taeyong has never acted like this for as long as you’ve known him
why is he starting to now?
out of everyone who heard your voices, Yukhei happened to be one
“is there a problem?” he asks, stepping in front of you and johnny
(Johnny is honestly shook)
Taeyong is #$***//FUMING\\***$#
“our conversations are none of your business” he steps towards Yukhei
“you’re shouting for everyone else to hear” Yukhei fires back
you squeeze between the two--who have not broken eye contact
“guys, stop” you say, glancing at the both of them 
“no, this guy is gonna get what’s coming to him” Taeyong tries stepping closer to Yukhei
“Tae! stop!” you yell as you try to push him away from Yukhei, who’s being held back by Johnny
“why are you defending him, y/n? i’m your boyfriend, not him!” 
by now, everyone has stopped what they were doing, and they’re paying attention to the current situation
Jaehyun has joined you in trying to keep Taeyong back
but of course you can’t really hold two grown men lmao back
Jaehyun cannot hold Taeyong back 
he’s moving forward
he is so ready to fight
and so is Yukhei
you try to get in the middle
but unfortunately
when some people get to their breaking points, they black out and don’t realize what they’re doing
Taeyong seems to be one of those people
without thinking, he pushes you away
but it wasn’t just a soft push
Taeyong seemed to use all his strength which resulted in you falling to the floor, quite hard
but as soon as he’s done it
everyone becomes quiet
he realizes his mistake almost immediately after
“y-y/n, i’m--i didn’t”
you’re shocked
never in a million years did you think Taeyong would do something of the sort
“dude i think you should leave” Johnny tells Taeyong as both him and Jaehyun help you up
“wait y/n--”
“Tae, leave.” Jaehyun demands as they take you away from the situation
you can feel the tears beginning to form in your eyes
“y/n, baby i’m--”
this time you stop yong
“we’re done” you say as you turn around to leave with Jaehyun
tears are streaming down your face and you’re embarrassed that any of that just happened
Jaehyun quickly gets you to his car while Johnny trails behind
you turn to Johnny as hug him like your life depended on it
“i’m so sorry for ruining your birthday” you sob
Johnny pats your back “you didn’t ruin my birthday. plus, you know i love when the three of us spend time together.” he tries making you feel better
but you feel absolutely horrible
Jaehyun speeds up the process of you getting into the car when you three see Taeyong come out of the venue
“i’ll take care of this. go on, i’ll be there soon.” Johnny closes your door before Jaehyun reverses the car
after what Taeyong did, you don’t know if you’ll ever be able to look at him the same again
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illstaywithstray · 6 years
Request: Hello! May i request angsty fluff chan scenarios when he compared you to his ex? Thanks☺😘❤
note: THIS IS SO LATE I APOLOGIZE! also oof this was a tough one bc i feel like he wouldn’t do that, but testosterone is a funni chemical
At first, being with Chris Bang made you feel like you were floating; you were constantly in this mood where it seemed like no one could bring you down. Because he was so damn perfect and you were falling head over heels. But for some reason, recently you were getting angrier and he was losing his patience more often and both of you were constantly on edge with each other. But you were still in love with this boy. And he was absolutely obsessed with you. But every time he would cancel plans, every single time he would ignore you because of some stupid fight, you felt like you were breaking apart when he either texted you something short and blunt or nothing at all. On several occasions, either you went too far or he went too far, and there would be a period of silence but no apology. There would just a silent hug or a peace offering like breakfast before he left. But then it was February, and Valentines Day and both of you were trying really hard to fix your relationship, and he was gushing about his plans and you were so so excited because this was the first time you guys were having a good time doing something together. And this boy, he kept telling you that he would pause all work for you. Even if JYP tried to drag his body to the rehearsal studio he wouldn't budge. Because
“Y/n, you're so important to me, above everything else. Trust me, this is gonna be huge.”
And you had smiled while your heart just melted because finally, finally you guys were mending things. And then it was Valentine’s Day. You got ready, taking the time to straighten and brush out your hair. You wore your favorite dress, the black satin one you had gotten on a trip to Milan. Your phone buzzed and you put on a coat while checking it. 
“cant make it. work. sorry”
The screen blurred as you fell back onto the couch. You could feel your heart pounding faster until your chest was tight and it hurt to breathe. You were just crying and crying and just absolutely broken. He knew, he fucking knew how much you had been looking forward to this. But he canceled with no explanation, no remorse. 
An hour passed and the phone rang. 
“Hey y/n, it's actually Lucas? Lucas Wong? Uhh, we met when you came to our concert? NCT? Maybe you don't remember me? You know, like-”
“Ok, ok, sorry Lucas, I just thought you were Chan,” you said, laughing at your best friend. “God y/n, I thought you forgot me already. I was wondering if you were free right now?” “Yeah, I am” “Wanna go to the spot tonight?” “Yeah, pick me up? I’m pretty much ready” “Alright, see you in five”
You ignored the messages on your phone while flying out of the apartment into the cold night. Lucas looked up at you while you came down the stairs, looking away quickly. You paused as he opened the door for you, and glanced at his face. It was red. 
It was silent in the car till he started talking. 
“Well, you look nice, not gonna lie, and also Johnny’s on my ass for ditching practice for you tonight, so you better feel grateful, and also I brought a lot of food but let's eat it at the end this time”
“Okokok, hold on. Who was the one who threw up on the carousel last time? After chugging three sodas?” 
You glanced over at him and grinned while he just laughed.
“Ok stop exposing me, I'm supposed to be strong... like king kong”
“I know. And you are”
He glanced at you once, laughing quietly.
An hour later, you were both laughing your asses off. The spot was a place you and Lucas had stumbled upon a couple months ago. It was pretty much an abandoned circus, but the rides were intact. At night, the streetlamps lit up the entire place and it looked so ethereal with blushes of gold and red. The Ferris wheel was where you had kissed Lucas once upon a time.
“NO, WE LOST HIM” “I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DID THAT LUCAS” “Y/N I HAD TO” “WHY” “BECAUSE I HAD TO DEFEND YOUR HONOR” “SO YOU SHOVED A PIE IN A POLICE OFFICER’S FACE?” He sighed, slowing to a walk. “Don't question me y/n, my actions are pure instinct.” “If you say so Lucas. Ferris wheel now?” "Hell yeah, let's get it”
You clambered onto the small cart, with him sitting just opposite of you. The carts were small, so your knees rested against his. You both silently stared into the night. The ground became a haze as you stopped at the top. Roofs of buildings seemed so far away and car lights became little stars. 
“Y/n? Why are you alone?” “Hmm?” You glanced over at him, and now it looked like he hadn’t been looking at the buildings.
He’d been looking at you.
“What do you mean?” “I mean where’s Chan” “He’s busy, I guess practice went overtime today” “What practice?” “I'm pretty sure he was working on some dance, he had to help Jeongin learn the last few steps” “Then why’s this on Changbin’s story?” He pulled something up on his phone and turned the screen to face you. The room was dark and blasting music and members from a girl group were dancing with the guys from Stray Kids. Chan was with a short girl who looked like she was having the time of her life. You couldn’t really see his face because of the flashing lights. Felix yelled into the camera. 
Before the video ended. You just stared at it, as it looped and played over and over again. Lucas pulled it away, and then turned off his phone and looked back at you. 
“I’m sorry” 
“How could he do this to me-,” you managed to get out before your vision began blurring. “Oh my god, he always does shit like this, I’m so-,” but Lucas refused to let you finish and smothered you in a hug. You were sobbing into his sweatshirt when the ride began going back down. 
The drive home was silent, but you were attached to Lucas’s arm, laying your head on his shoulder. As soon as you pulled into the driveway, you saw Chan sitting on the front steps, head in hands. There was a bouquet of roses sitting next to him. As soon as he heard the engine, he got to his feet and looked at you in the passenger's seat. Then his eyes went over to Lucas and back to your head laying on his shoulder. You could feel his anger through the door, but thanked Lucas for everything and got out. Chan stared at you and followed you in, ignoring the roses. 
“What the hell?”
“What?” You didn’t even look at him as he started looking you up and down and trying to process what he had seen.
“Y/n, why the hell were you with him? And while wearing that?”
“You’re such a hypocrite, you were literally fucking around with some girl. I saw Felix’s story”
“God, you can’t even trust me? She was forcing herself on me, not the other way around,” he ran his fingers through his hair angrily, “honestly, even h/e/n was less fucked up than you.”
You felt like you’d been slapped, while he realized what he had said. 
“Wait, I’m sorry, that’s not what I meant-” but you were already walking out.
You hurried down the stairs while he opened it and ran after you. You were in the middle of the road when he finally caught up, pulling your wrist back, moving you off the street.
“How many times Chan? How many fucking times are you gonna hurt me?” your voice was breaking.
His eyes turned sad. “Y/n, I’m sorry, that was such a stupid and unnecessary thing of me to say. I’m sorry that I didn’t explain anything, but I had practice and Felix decided to drag me to some party. I swear I wasn’t the one who texted you, it was one of the girls there. I know I screwed up, but I’m still in love with you, and you’re the only girl for me. I’m sorry I got mad about Lucas, but I trust you and I know he’s just a friend. I know we’re going through something, but I don’t want you to leave me.”
“I love you too and I’m not leaving,” was all you were able to say before his lips met yours.
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sechangbin · 6 years
Buying Snacks; OT9
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ok so,,, I’m just hungry tbh
WARNING; unedited and messy lmao
would spoil you
like for real
“hey chan I want those packs”
“but they’re pretty expensive-”
“...ok fine- only one though.”
in the end, he bought you two lmao
“I’m going to become broke because of you”
“but snacks :(” a frown, just for fun.
 seeing you so happy while eating those snacks makes him feel all warm inside tbh
I also //think// that he’d recommend a lot of snacks? 
“Hey __, you should try this, it’s really good!”
and of course, you try it because you trust Bang Chan™. if it gets a good review from you he feels super proud!!
“C’mon Chan, let me buy you these-”
“nono, its fine.” you know that facial expression he has, where he’s like ‘nah’? yeah, he does that
and then you argue for like a min lol
you’ll lowkey hide it from him, only to give it to him while you two are walking home.
and hE’D BE SO!!! HAPPY !!!! <33
which makes you happy !!!!
and then you’re both happy !!!!!
Chan just really likes treating you in general, even if he’s pouting about his money lol.
//keep reading for the other members!
the first thing I thought was him getting sulky and pouting when you’re paying more attention to the food.
like,,, you’re just contemplating about which gummy bears you want and he’d be trying to get your attention.
“___! Look, don’t these look cute?”
“huh? I mean, whatever you say, Woojin.” you didn’t even spare a glance, drooling about those gummies.
and then he’d pOUT
you didn’t notice it until you turned around to get his opinion
and when you saw him pouting
“omg, why are you pouting???”
“you should know why :(”
and then you’d figure it out and be like aW YOU’RE SO CUTE
and then he’d be like “hOW?? WHERE’D THAT COME FROM?? THANK YOU????”
ok back to the snacks
so then you ask his opinion for which gummies you should get
and then he’d show you which one he likes best
but in the end, he’s like ‘whatever you like!!’ with a big smile on his face
you just wanna give him a hug tbh
he’d be there to tell you if it’s too much because he’s a mother bear
“no, you already have too much.”
“but,,, they’re good,,,”
“no, you need to look out for your health!!” proceeds to take like half of your sugary snacks and puts them back.
“wow thanks, mOM”
he’d just give you a big warm smile with a chuckle
i love him so much
it’d be so cute
like one moment you’re staring at this lollipop
only to look back and see Minho with pink lollipops sticking out of his head.
and the best part is
that he’d act so sOFT USBYUGC
“minho,,, I like your ears.”
he just smiles, “really?? thanks!!!”
and you can’t help but laugh because ?? no problem you cutie????
he’d play so many tricks on you tbh
he’d just shrug, but really he hid them inside his sweater
“,,, you have them don’t you?”
after many challenges of fighting for your dear snacks, you pledge to never buy food with him ever again.
but that’s a lie because you love him too much
“but seriously don’t steal my snacks ok”
“ok :)”
“stop smiling like that :)”
“ok :^)”
“Chang!! bin!! Look !! at !! thESE!!”
“make sure not to eat too much, you already eat enough as it is” lmao stop u savage butt
“PFT please you would totally eat these all”
it’s true but he wouldn’t admit it lmao
would totally memorize which candies you like
but would lowkey pretend he doesn’t care because lol dark™
“Hey ___, don’t forget those.”
“oH YEAH, thanks, man.”
but omg you’d also take small notes about what he likes as well???
“cHANNIEBIN!!! you’re favorite is -insert his fav- right?? Let’s get it!”
ok buying and choosing the snacks is pretty chill with him
but when you two are eating the snacks together it’d be cHAOS
Changbin would totally steal your food and eat iT
at first, it’d be lowkey but then as he get’s more comfortable he’s like wHATEVER and steals it all without caring
and as a comeback, you’d do the same
you then proceed to take his small box of pocky bECAUSE YOU’RE SALTY
and then this repeats for like 84 years
even with all this, you two just love to hang and eat together
he’s so extra
“Hyunjin look at this-”
once he finds something he likes hE HUGS IT
“hey hyunjin, let it go we need to pay-”
but eventually, he does because if not he can’t eat it lol
The more you two search, the more silly he gets.
he’s like putting chip bags on his head for dramatic effects
and then when you tip the pile over he immediately tries to save his food.
“ahHhH, __!!” and he’s just sulking and it’s so cute like wow- sorrynotsorry for ruining your chip pile
and then you join him because how could you not??
LIKE !!!!!!!!!!!
in the end, hyunjin won because he actually caLMED DOWN AND JUST STOOD THERE TO WIN
like wow, how??
sighs in p u r e
you know those food products with idol stuff on it
yeah there was a Jinyoung section
and hyunjin fREAKED OUT
p.s he also got some foods for his cute doggo <3
guys stop sleeping on my boy
you two almost got kicked out once
it was wild
it’d be pretty chill at first
but then bOOM
like you literally hear a BOOM
and when you look,,, long and behold iTS THE FALLEN SQUIRREL. 
how did he fall you ask???
it was,,, wild
you couldn’t help but laugh at him and the two of you just ended up giggling the whole time???
jisung, the type to beg for you to pay for his food.
jkjk but like,, he’ll try lol
“_____, pleaseeee??? we’re like, best friends!” what a cute puppy
“pay for your own food-”
he sulks
you fall for it every time
ok, not all the time but like!! most of the time!
he’d even offer to feed you like aW TOO SWEET
omG YOU’D TWO WOULD BE FOOD-TRYING BUDS (does that even make sense?? dsugcdsuy)
like,,, while going through the section he’d see this new type or something
and would immediately get it for the two of you to try
 it’d be so much fun tbh
sometimes you two would get something the other hasn’t tried yet and would play this game??
idk but blindfolds are involved
it’s kinda like a feel/touch/taste test
just,,, without knowing the actual thing
basically, you’d be trying something new without actually seeing it 
so it’d be a super big surprise
“__,,, why does it feel slimy???”
“lol, it’s good just try it!”
you proceeded to just stuff it in his mouth
if you're wondering, it was a jelly stick
this got so long lmao
he’s a walking meme and this is no exception
he’d be dabbing in front of all the cameras
while you’d be posing beside him with your bags of food
“Hey Felix, I think that person is staring at us-”
actually, I’m not sure if he would actually say that, but lmao
he’d be pretty flustered and embarrassed though
aw so cute
a lot of these he has never seen before
so he just kinda finds something that looks good/interesting
and asks you about your opinion
ofc he'd trust you
but like if you said it was good but it wasn't,,,
he'd feel so betrayed
"I can't believe you played me like that"
"but,,, it’s good???"
"i feel so betrayed :'( I thought we were friends"
and then as a sorry, you buy him one of his favourites lol 
"do you forgive me yet"
"yes my bestest friend in the world!! I love you!!!"
and itS JUST,,, ilyt you silly boy,,,
but of course, he’d do the same for you!! 
he’d buy you random snacks that he //thinks// you like
“you like these right??? here!”
“uhhh, Felix??? Idek what those are.”
like he’d literally just say the letter ‘O’
in the end, you eat it though because why wouldn’t you??
and he’d be so proud n happy
would underestimate how much he’d want to buy
“Oh, I brought $5″
“Seungmin,,, are you sure that’s enough?”
“Yeah, don’t worry! Snacks don’t cost that much, and I don’t think I’d get a lot anyway.”
he ended up wanting so many snacks that it cost more than $15 smh
he just,,, wants le snacks,,,
but he got no money,,,,,, same tbh
you can’t help but giggle because lmao???? boi wyd?????
he’s pouting like crazy
they’re not even bad photos, they’re pretty good???
and its like, why are these pictures of small snacks so good???
but this is for him to know what snacks to get next time
so that he won’t forget what he wanted to try and all
sometimes, he just takes out his phone to stare at his pics of the food because he just wants them so much
but like I said before
so sometimes you buy some snacks for him
and he’d be like ‘no!! it’s okay!!!!’
but you’d still buy them for him anyway because he deserves them
and he’d be like !!!!11!! thank you!!!!! I’ll pay you back!!!!
little does he know
that you would still end up paying for him lmao
like Jisung, he’d also share food with you!!!!! 
it’s super pure and cute too like wow
his smile full of gummies just blinded you-
seriously though
he’d be holding bags of chips and be singing trot like the cutie he is
and you’d be supporting him 100%
“-insert some trot song bc I'm lazy lol-” 
sometimes other people in the store join in bc wow look at this smol boy!!!
and then he’d get so flusTERED AND CUTE--
and these mini-concerts would be completely random lmao
ok but to snacks
I feel like he wouldn’t want many things??? Idk, but he’d 95% support you and your snacks
that leftover 5% is for when he’s highly worried about your health 
“Hey,,, are you sure you should be getting that?”
“hm? why not?”
“I don’t know,,, it just doesn’t seem like you should eat it. bUT if you want to then don’t let me stop you!!!”
sometimes you listen, other times you don’t lol
but you appreciate it regardless!!
ahh, when eating!!! 
he’d be staring at one of your lollipops
and you’d be like “??? you want one???”
“Is that okay???”
his smiles are like the sun 
and as he gets more comfortable, he’d just take them lmao
but not as much as changbin
tbh I think he gets more and more savage as time pasts sjcuiusd
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yutamint · 7 years
can you feel my heartbeat? (soulmate!au hyungwon)
this was so much fun to write ok also this was 100% based on my experience at the monsta x concert in mexico this weekend except... hyungwon isn’t my soulmate :// but everything else here pretty much happened and i can’t stop thinking about it ok
pairing: chae hyungwon x reader
genre: fluff are you surprised but there’s like some angst?? idk if you wanna call it angst it’s rly nothing tho
notes: swearing SORRY but not sorry
word count: 2.1k
so here’s the deal: when you see your soulmate for the first time you can feel/hear your heart literally drop and the next couple of times you see them your heartbeat is pretty audible and it pains ur chest a lil bit but in a good way!!
let’s goOoo
you managed to get vip tickets to see monsta x w/ group photo
so obviously you are excited af bc i was
and you wait 8 hours until the lines finally start moving and everyone finally gets their bracelets and fuck you're actually shaking
plot twist changkyun is your bias and you have a sign and everything and you are just so excited to finally meet him
you've been practicing your korean for like months now and you're ready to tell him that he is your happiness
but you get into the venue and everything moves so quickly
and next thing you know you're in line with 19 other girls about to take a photo with the boys
and you shake so much and you're on the verge of tears
and kihyun notices that and out of all the boys he's the one to say hello to you and all you can do is nod your head and mutter "안녕하세요"
and so you take the photo and honestly it was 5 sec long but right before the staff tells you to get the fuck outta there, you make eye contact with hyungwon
and you look at him and you smile and you say "안녕하세요" bc that's all that can come out of your mouth
and he smiles at you and waves
and that's when!! it fucking starts!!
you hear a lil thud in your chest and you're like !!??!!! what is going on but you're like oh it's just nerves LOL
and you look at hyungwon and he's holding a hand to his chest and muttering something to the boys
and they're scanning around the room like who could it be
but you didn't see this bc you were leaving with everyone else
and you're just a teeny tiny lil bit sad that you didn't get to say hello to changkyun
but !!! chae hyungwon exists !!!
and so you make new friends in line bc everything was a mess and you guys shared complaints about how you paid so much $$ but only spent 10 seconds with the boys
and then they start letting you inside and holy FUCK it's a stampede
you literally run like the wind and ??? tbh it's the fastest you've ever run in your life
and you manage to get a really gOOod view?? like think third row right in front of the barricade before the stage
but .... so many people keep pushing and hitting... and the concert hasn't even started
and it was so bad and you look around and you see fansites being crushed and one of them is on the verge of tears
so you try your best to stick it out at least one song
but you can feel your lungs giving out and tears about to form
a few girls got pulled out by security bc they were having anxiety and panic attacks and you were like fuck.... i can't do this
so literally 30 min before the concert starts you fight your way through the crowd and you manage to find an empty corner of the section
still a pretty good view?? but def not as close as you were
and your friends end up joining you bc THEY couldn't handle it either so in the end it was okay
and the concert starts and !!!! HOLY FUCK !!!!
and you're on the verge of tears bc .... you've only seen them perform in videos and you've listened to their songs on repeat for so long... and now you finally get to see them do what they love in person
and it's so surreal?? like they are actual living angels...
so you get through the first couple songs and with your luck... changkyun isn't on your side!! but guess who is?? ring ding dong chae hyungwon
and the intro to ex girl comes on and .... this is one of your fave songs so of course you sing and dance like crazy while you record it
but you notice hyungwon looking at you... just laughing and smiling
and you feel your heart soar and the thumping comes back and it starts to get a lil harder to breathe.....
which is weird for you bc nobody was pushing on you and you weren't suffocating
so why was it so hard for you to catch your breath?
and hyungwon noticed it too bc as soon as he saw you dancing he couldn't help but smile
but then his heart started to beat audibly and he was like .... fuck bc his part was coming up but he couldn't even sing bc he couldn't breathe
and so he looked away from you and everything went back to normal and he could sing again!!!
but holy fuck that's when he realized... you might just be his soulmate
but you didn't get this at all
bc you were just like !!!! hyungwon noticed me i'm so jittery n nervous
and you're waving your changkyun sign in the air trying to get your bias to notice you
and hyungwon glances at it and in his head he's like "fuck changkyun"
and you keep recording all your favorite songs and stuff what not like normal
but you notice that whenever hyungwon comes over to your side
you feel a lil... different
you focus your camera on him more and you notice him looking at you and waving a lil bit
and you're like ???? why is he noticing me so much  oh my god
and your heart starts to ache and you're like fuck what is going on
so they're doing their little talk in between songs and while the translator is speaking, you notice hyungwon looking right at your camera
and you're like ..... hyungwon......
and hyungwon sees you recording and he smirks at you bc ... you're so cute recording the other members but he knows you'll notice him looking and he knoOoOws your heart is going to skip a beat
and he's right bc you feel your heart doing that weird thing again
and you're like fuck u chae hyungwon
and during white love he came over to your side and he waved up to the balcony but before he went back to the center, he flashed a lil smile in your direction
and you literally can feel your heartbeat like.. ringing in your ears
and then you start to think ..... is hyungwon my soulmate?
but no fucking way that could happen he's chae hyungwon from monsta x and well.... you're you
but the thought of you possibly being his soulmate lingers in the back of your head
and so during white sugar when they throw candy into the crowd you were so set on catching one
and you'd use your sign as like a lil racquet to try and hit candy in your direction
but nope nothing
minhyuk threw some in your section but the girls around you were faster
and then well well well hyungwon came along with his basket of candy and he tried to toss some up to the balcony but he was always a lil bit too short
but he saw you trying your best to get some and well... he wanted you to get one
but he didn't want to make it too obvious?? he didn't want other fans to think that he was giving you special treatment... when he lowkey kind of was
so he grabbed a handful and threw some not at you but neAaAr you....
and then you felt something hit your head
and noticed a candy fell onto the floor
and three girls near you dive for it
and you just look at hyungwon like... really
deep down inside hyungwon is like fUCK i hit them w/ candy
but he sees you look at him like [○・`Д´・○] and he couldn't help but laugh at you bc you're already looking at him like that and you two haven't even officially met
and amidst the screams of the crowd he hears you call out to him "yah chae hyungwon!!!"
and it was then when he realizes that he wants to hear you say his name like that everyday for the rest of his life
sorry that was rly lame fuck
anyways the concert continues and they start blind
and once again, this is one of your favorite songs
so you're literally singing your heart out and minhyuk and hyungwon come along to your side of the stage
and minhyuk is just doin his lil thing
but when the lyrics go "she go low i go up" you dance along and point down and shit
and you see hyungwon point back at you
and you two make eye contact and both of you guys point to your chests
bc both of you end up getting chest pains?? but they def aren't as bad as before
and he just smiles and walks back to the rest of the boys
and by this point, some of the girls around you have started to notice that you were getting a lil more attention from hyungwon than the rest of the members
and hyungwon noticed this bc these girls were giving you death glares at this point like shooting daggers into you
and so he whispered into wonho's ear while their translator was speaking
"hyung i think my soulmate is over there holding a changkyun sign" and wonho looks over at you w/ hyungwon
you're talking to your friends like "why did hyungwon hit me w/ a candy"
and wonho says "stop paying so much attention to them, we'll find them later" and hyungwon just nods bc he gets it
so for the rest of the concert he keeps his distance from you
and you get a lil sad bc the concert is ending and it feels like he's forgotten about you
but that's not it at all!! hyungwon was just waiting for the concert to finally end so he could tell one of the staff to find you bc well... what if he never sees you again?
hyungwon couldn't deal w/ the thought of losing his soulmate.... he wanted to know what you were like and whether you were funny and liked to sleep a lot too
and he wanted to know your favorite color and your favorite ice cream flavor and what kind of movies you liked
and so when last page started and the concert was finally about to end, hyungwon waved goodbye to everyone
and he came back to your section and he blew kisses to the crowd
in hopes that you would catch one
but you didn't bc you were just trying your best to savor the last moments of the concert
and you felt your heart sink a lil bit
bc what a silly thought it was.... to think chae hyungwon was your soulmate...
so many other people screaming his name... like you were something special
and after they left the stage, you were about to leave
when someone tapped your shoulder and a man dressed in black w/ a headset asked you to come with him
and so you were led backstage, legs shaking and palms sweaty
'what the fuck is happening right now'
and so you were left in a room... by yourself.. not knowing what was going on
and you hear a familiar voice outside "are they inside?" and your heart does that same thing that it does in the presence of hyungwon, something you're so familiar with now
and he says "yeah, that has to be them. i can hear my heartbeat"
the door opens and you're face to face w/ chae hyungwon
fucking hyungwon
the first thing that comes out of your mouth is "why did you hit me in the head???"
and he just pulls you into a hug and he just laughs
and your head presses against his chest and holy wOW
you could stay there forever if you had to tbh
there was something about hyungwon's chest that was comforting and secure and just... it felt right
"i'm so happy i found you... and i'm sorry i hit you in the head....??" he trailed off bc he realized... he didn't know your name
"Y/N. my name is Y/N" and you two exchanged contacts since you were going back home and he had to continue the tour
but before you left, he pressed your hand to his lips
"you're stuck with me for a really long time, Y/N. i hope you can handle all of this" and he smirked at you and you know what??
suddenly he wasn't hyungwon from monsta x.. he was just.. hyungwon. your soulmate, hyungwon.
"yah chae hyungwon, stop being so gross" "you like it though" "who said that??" "says the 40 videos of me on your phone from tonight" "fuck off"
anyways i’m really emo after writing this i miss monsta x and i miss hyungwon thanks for reading again ily
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