#with the name. its hard to brag about the name without giving away the exact name asdfjklsdf
cozylittleartblog · 7 months
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i got an alien aisha from a fountain faerie quest 🥺 i named her cosmica...
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shreddedparchment · 3 years
A Wife for Thor Pt.15
Pairing: King!Thor x Reader          Word Count: 5,747
Warnings: angst, jealousy, anxiety, talks of pregnancy, conception troubles
A/N: I’m sorry this came so late and that it’s taking me time to get these out. I’m writing very slowly right now and I only have my brain to blame. I’m finding it so hard to focus right now and I’m not sure why. I’ve gotten away from my usual habit of writing when I wake up and before I go to sleep. Hopefully, I’ll get back to normal soon. I hope y’all like (hate?) this chapter! Things will start to get tough from here on out. I hope y’all will stick with me through it. xoxo
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“Well, I’ve got to get back to my girls. Some of them have taken to sneaking out at night in an attempt to earn their wings. If I catch them, I get to make them do whatever I want and I’m not going to lie, it’s the best part of my day.”
Hilde smiles at you, and you try to give her a returning social exchange with the same energy but your mind and eyes keep drifting back to the astronomer across the room currently chatting with Bruce and Tony animatedly about something scientific that you don’t understand.
“Are you seriously stressing about her?” Hilde asks, exasperated with you already.
“No,” you answer with your feathers obviously ruffled. “I’m not.”
Hilde clearly doesn’t believe you as she skews her lips and tilts her head.
“I’m not!”
You say it too loudly and the trio on the other side of the table turn to look at you.
“Not what?” Tony asks, brow furrowed a little with curiosity.
“She’s not tired,” Hilde covers. “How about a tour from Her Majesty?”
“Uh, yeah, I can give you all a tour of the palace. It’s really big.”
“No,” Tony shakes his head. “No tour for me. As fun as following you around while you brag about how much bigger your house is than mine sounds, I just spent weeks in the trenches and I’m going to try and get some sleep or Pepper will ground me and won’t let me come out and play. So, I think, good night?”
“Right. Of course, yeah. Estrid?” You call out to the two large open doors.
“Yes, Your Majesty?” Estrid hurries into view, giving you a quick curtsy before standing with her hands at her front.
“Can you show Mr. Stark-”
“Really?” he asks, incredulous.
“Sorry, habit,” you laugh nervously. “Can you show Tony to his room, please? And Bruce?”
“Uh, yeah. I’d love some sleep,” he nods, rubbing his chest with one hand in slow circles.
“And Bruce as well,” you nod to Estrid who gives you another curtsy.
They all begin to stand, shoving their chairs back in under the table and taking a last drink.
“And…” with odd trepidation, you look at your husband’s very recent former lover and try not to feel too overwhelmed. “Jane?”
“No, actually I was hoping I could speak with you?”
She takes a step towards you, hands pulled to her front as she fidgets with the tips of her fingers for a second then drops them at her sides.
“Oh, yeah. Sure. Thank you, Estrid. When you’ve escorted the gentlemen to their rooms, come find me so that you can show Jane hers when she’s ready.”
“Very good, Your Majesty,” Estrid nods, another curtsy before she turns to Bruce and Tony who now look nervous too as they give you and then Jane inquisitive looks. “This way, gentlemen.”
As Estrid disappears into the hallway, Tony and Bruce follow slowly leaving you, Hilde, and Jane to stand awkwardly in the smaller of the two dining rooms in the palace.
“Should I stay?” Hilde wonders, inching a little closer to you and reaching out to grab your elbow.
“Hm? No. It’s okay. But if you’re going-?”
“Your Majesty,” Heimdall’s warm voice fills the space strangely washing over you with a soothing calm.
Something about Heimdall always makes you feel at ease and the night suddenly seems very bearable.
“Heimdall will be taking over your care until Thor returns, is that alright?” Hilde checks, sounding genuinely worried.
“Will I do, Your Majesty?” Heimdall asks, his voice a gentle teasing.
“Of course, Heimdall!” your huff of a laugh pulls from him a gentle chuckle and he moves around towards you to draw your hand up to his lips.
It’s a genuine sign of respect and it warms your heart.
“Alright, well, I’m off. I will see you tomorrow, Your Majesty. Jane.” Hilde gives her a nod and quickly slides from the room eager to catch her troops out of bed.
Heimdall makes his way towards Jane and as she turns to him, she smiles wide, “Heimdall, it’s so nice to see you again.”
“Jane Foster,” he says her name in full though it doesn’t sound as if he’s being formal.
In fact, they sound pretty close.
“It has been quite a while.” They hug and your heart gives a strange uncertain clench. “How are you?”
“I’m good, all things considered,” Jane says.
All things considered? What things considered?
“Yes, well…” Heimdall leaves his words hanging there, full of meaning that you don’t understand and suddenly the warmth his greeting had left you with is gone and in its place is a sense of intrusion.
Jane was the Queen they had all been expecting. Suddenly feeling dismal, you turn away from their reunion to fill up your fancy silver cup with wine and take a nice long drink.
Without turning back around to look at her because in the moment you can’t really bear it, you address her and hope that your voice doesn’t give you away.
“What was it that you wanted to speak to me about, Jane?”
Hopefully it has nothing to do with Thor or you might just lose your head a little. While a part of you would very much like to bury the hatchet and put everything that happened with her and Thor in the past behind you, in this moment, the last thing you want to do is talk about how she is or was the love of his life.
That you know, right?
This is all so fucked.
“I was actually just wondering if you had a space that I could set up my equipment? Somewhere with clear access to the sky is preferable, and lots of space? I’ll need to set up my equipment to show Thor--and yourself what I’ve been seeing the last few months.”
You can hear it in her voice that she added you as an afterthought. She came to show Thor. To see him?
You hate this sudden insecurity growing inside of you, this second guessing that didn’t even exist until she walked into your home tonight.
Are you thinking too much? Is this wrong of you? Thor is your husband. He loves you. He says it every day. Several times a day because he knows you need to hear it. He physically shows you, also several times a day if he can. Just today, in the hallway downstairs…
“Your Majesty?” Heimdall prompts, pulling you from your thoughts.
You dismiss his concern without acknowledging it because it’s in his all-seeing eyes. Instead, you focus on Jane.
“I have the perfect space. It’s a bit of a walk. I mean, it’s still on palace grounds, just a bit further up the hill behind us. But it’s an observation tower Loki was having built probably for this exact reason.”
“Perfect,” she smiles, then moves to her chair to pick up a large brown bag you hadn’t noticed she’d brought in here with her. “After you?”
Heimdall follows behind the two of you and Jane follows a step behind as you lead her out of the palace back entrance which is hidden behind a smaller room behind the throne room.
The night is chilly and you wrap your arms around yourself and regret the shorter choice of dress.
Jane also seems to shiver for a moment but her own clothes are more tailored to the weather outside than yours is. Her shiver passes.
“Do you enjoy living here?” she asks.
For a moment you don’t realize she’s talking to you, then when no one else answers, you start and quickly clear your throat.
“Yes, I do. I mean, it’s cold a lot. I’ll be glad when Summer’s here. Spring is also kind of on the chillier side.”
“Yeah,” she smiles, as if she’s been here often.
The silence after her affirmation grows tense and your heart begins to pound as your mind goes into a flurry of what she might have gotten up to here in New Asgard before you’d come into the picture.
Warmth suddenly envelops you and you turn to look at Heimdall as he places his dark cloak over your shoulders.
“Thank you, Heimdall,” you gasp, reaching up to pull the cloak around yourself more tightly.
“Of course, Your Majesty,” Heimdall nods, “It’s my honor.”
The terrain suddenly grows more rugged and Heimdall is quick to offer you his arm as you adjust your steps to accommodate the rockier path.
You make a mental note to have this pathway fixed. Smoothed out and maybe even given a railing as it gets steeper.
The only thing you can hear is the sound of three pairs of feet trudging along shifting stone and dirt then a softer step as the hill evens out a bit more and becomes covered in grass.
When you don’t have to look down at where you’re stepping anymore, you look up at the tower that looms ahead.
The base is made of heavy stone, each placed with precision and reinforced with steel supports. Wooden beams line each of the corners, decorated with carved images of what you can only assume are Asgardian moments in history.
When you’d come to see its progress at the beginning of its creation, you’d recognized the images of Thor and Odin in battle just above the beam that lines the doorway.
The rest of the tower is a mix of wood, stone, and iron. The aesthetic is very much like the palace, Asgardian curves and shapes fit into more modern Norse lines.
The three of you stop as you reach it and Heimdall hurries forward to throw the large door open.
As you step through, you see that the inside of the tower has not changed much since the last time you came to inspect it.
The bottom floor is a large empty room with only a fireplace against the back wall, exposed rafters up above before the height is cut short by the ceiling.
“Wow,” Jane does sound impressed, “This is great. Is there a-?”
“Upstairs,” you point towards the staircase to the right that rises up around the side of the room. “There’s another room, smaller, but it has a lot of balcony space.”
“Great! Thanks,” she sighs with relief as if she really didn’t expect you to give her some space to work, then heads towards the staircase.
“Um, there’s no furniture in here yet. I’ll have someone bring you some tables and chairs, is there anything more specific that you need?”
Jane stops at the foot of the stairs then turns to look at you and then the space of the bottom floor.
“Would it be possible to get a bed in here? You’re right, and it is a long way from the palace. I’m gonna be in here probably all the time so…?”
You know that she isn’t asking for the impossible or anything out of the question, but suddenly the idea of making this tower her little space has a whole other life playing out in your head.
A life where you had married Thor and he had been unable to give up Jane. A life of her living here at the palace with you in her own space where Thor can come and be with her in private away from prying eyes while still giving the appearance of being with you, his Queen in name only.
“Your Majesty?” Heimdall prompts you quietly, reaching out to touch your elbow again and pull you from the pain and panic you’re trying to hide.
You force a smile, a small shake of your head, “Yes, of course. Sorry, I’ve had a busy day. I’ll have them bring you everything you need within the hour.”
“Thank you. Once I have everything set up I’ll make sure to show you what I’ve found and then Thor can um, plan for what might come?”
“Of course,” you agree, eager to get the hell out of here and back to your room where you can fall apart in private. “Now, I hope you’ll excuse my bad hosting skills, but I really am super tired and I think I’m going to turn in a little early.”
“Oh, yeah, sure! No problem at all,” Jane smiles, “Thank you for all your help. And dinner! Dinner was so good. Thanks.”
“My pleasure. I’ll let Cook know,” you nod, hoping that your smile isn’t too tense for the moment. “Good night.”
You’re almost grateful for the cold night air as it bites the skin of your cheeks. Anything is better than the stress you just felt in that tower.
You hear the heavy door of the tower close behind you, then Heimdall’s footsteps join your own though your heavy breathing is alone as he walks calmly beside you.
“Are you alright, Y/N?” Heimdall wonders, gentle and honestly concerned.
“I’m fine,” You lie.
“Does having Jane Foster here bother you? There is no need for you to worry. I have seen Thor be with many women-”
“Oh, my God,” and you can’t help but huff a laugh. “Not helping, Heimdall.”
“-and I have never seen him be with anyone the way he is with you. It’s more than just love. It's a partnership. Companionship. It’s friendship. Trust. After their initial reconnection, Thor’s trust in Jane and their courtship dwindled and as you know, by the end, it was completely gone.”
“So, what you’re saying is he’s so sure that I love him that he has no reason to worry?”
Which is true, you do and he has no reason to worry about you not loving him or falling for someone else at this point. You can’t even imagine being with anyone the way you’ve been with Thor.
“He’s not afraid to lose me?” You hate giving into these thoughts.
Honestly though, talking about them to someone will help you sleep tonight. Maybe.
“Yes,” Heimdall agrees. “And no. Even now, this very moment, all he can think of is you.”
You stop walking, stunned by his words because you’ve never asked him to look for you. You’ve heard Thor ask him to see things before, to search, and Heimdall always has. It had never crossed your mind to do the same.
Then again, this is the first time you and Thor have been apart since before you were married.
“What-You can see him?” Heimdall looks down at your feet, focuses what must be his mental eyes, and then slowly nods.
“He’s distressed at leaving you here alone, he’s finding it hard to focus on what Fandral is telling him and Fandral is growing more and more upset.”
You smile, completely absorbed by this information.
“Did he ever ask you to look for her? For Jane?”
Your words are quiet, hesitant, though your heart feels slightly more at ease by Heimdall’s reassurance.
“In the very beginning of their courtship, just after he left Earth and the bifrost was destroyed. Their love was new then. It was short-lived. Then Thor came back to Earth and they were able to be together, for a time.
“But their compatibility has always had its trials. After some time together, Thor was called back to the Universe and Jane had her own work to do. Their responsibilities have always pulled them apart and if I’m honest, Thor is the more hopeless romantic between them.”
You think about all of the small things that Thor has done for you since you came back home. The flowers, the baths, surprise dinners, the small presents hidden under your pillow or in drawers he knows you’ll get into. He’s done a lot more to show you he’s thinking about you during the day than you have and you can understand what Heimdall is saying.
You’re not so much a gift giver in love it seems, and instead give him all of the affection he’d seemed so starved for in the beginning.
“Her being here will not damage your marriage. Trust me.” Heimdall finishes.
You lead the walk again, moving slower but calmer after Heimdall’s reassurance.
“Will you come back up and check that Jane gets everything she needs? We really should have had the tower set up a long time ago.”
“As soon as I am certain you are in your quarters safe, with a guard outside your door, yes. I can ensure that she has everything that she requires.”
For a few minutes you walk in silence, at ease. When you reach the back doors of the palace however and he holds the doors open for you, you turn to Heimdall and after a quick bite to your lip, “Is he still with Fandral?”
Heimdall smiles and nods, “Fandral is yelling at him for not paying attention.”
Both of you laugh.
It’s so early when you wake. It’s still dark outside and you’re almost sure that sunrise is still a few hours away.
You’re exhausted. Eyes burning as you push yourself up and the night plays itself over.
So suddenly you’re anxious again, nerves making your fingertips tingle and your stomach do an uncomfortable flip as you turn over onto your back to look at Thor’s side of the bed.
It’s undisturbed. Both pillows are still in their made up position.
He said he’d be back very late at night, early morning at the latest. You’d been hoping for the former.
With a groan, you sit up, sliding slowly down to the end of the bed and the bench where Thor sits to put his boots on.
You’re so groggy. The night was restless and you’ve really only gotten about an hour of sleep. Two at the most.
It’s stuffy in the room, the fire still burning and leaving you a little sticky from being huddled underneath a heavy blanket because you’d missed the weight of Thor’s arms all night.
The large glass doors across from you rattle from the wintry breeze outside, beckoning you forward for relief from this heat.
As you step on the floor, your body is rocked with a shiver that pushes you up onto your toes. As fancy as this palace is, you’ll have to ask Thor if it’s possible to get some heated floors installed.
Moving as quickly as you can, you don’t stop until you’re at the doors and then thrust them open and absolutely inhale the frigid late night air.
You scan the distant ocean as it spreads into the horizon, the sky it touches still an inky black with a breathtaking scattering of stars.
You can hear the Valkyrie below in their barracks and training grounds already working hard to get into shape. Hilde must have really caught them sneaking out.
Heimdall should be waiting close by. You really want to see if he has news about Thor’s schedule and if maybe he’s on his way home and just running late.
As you turn to walk back into the room, you freeze as your eyes scan the tower you’d set Jane up in.
From this angle you have a clear view of the balcony. She’s already set up her equipment. You didn’t know that you could see this well into the tower.
It’s all lit up like a beacon in the dark.
It’s an unpleasant reminder that she’s here and you make a mental note to keep the curtains drawn when you know she’s up there. Which you realize that unfortunately, will probably mean all the time.
Sighing, you move towards the door but then freeze again as Thor moves from the balcony doorway towards a large telescope attached to what looks like heavily modified computers.
He’s still in uniform, smiling. Behind him, Jane follows, arms wrapped around herself before she stops too close to Thor for your liking.
She rushes around him and looks through the eyepiece. You can see her talking away, mouth moving at the speed of light as she explains something to him, her hands flying around her as she talks, apparently the cold is forgotten.
She pulls away from the telescope as Thor chuckles then moves back inside out of sight as Thor sidles up to the eyepiece but doesn’t touch it yet.
The telescope moves, clearly Jane adjusting it from inside where she must have set up her computer equipment.
Thor takes a step back then the telescope stops and Jane flutters back out onto the balcony and gestures for Thor to look through.
He does, Jane moves in beside him, saying something that must be a whisper if she’s standing that close. He says something back.
The two of them having a pleasant conversation.
The clench in your chest feels choking.
Thor pulls back from the eyepiece and turns to look at her.
He’s too far away for you to see his expression, too small. But their faces are so close and he doesn’t pull away.
You sink back into your room, terrified to see something that will ruin the perfect bliss you’ve been in these first three months of your marriage.
Not that it isn’t already ruined. You’ve been a mess since Jane showed her face and now with what you just saw, how can you feel anything but lousy?
You don’t do what you want to do. You don’t slink back into bed and hide under the covers to wallow.
Instead you move to your closet and look for a dignified dress. Something that you can wear that will scream Queen of New Asgard but also be relaxed enough for you to work in.
You choose something with a simple cut. Long sleeves, a deep V in the front, with a loose flowing skirt but a tight bodice to match the equally tight sleeves. The color is an iridescent black that shimmers in teal and startling pink.
The color reminds you of the northern lights with a splash of the hazy pink in the orion nebula. It’s beautiful and otherworldly, and it screams Queen of Asgard in casual formal.
With the dress you move back into the room and hang it on the small stand in front of the full length mirror by your vanity before grabbing some new underwear and moving into the bath.
You ignore the large tub you and Thor have spent hours upon hours in and quickly shower instead. You emerge fresh and clean, though not exactly refreshed.
You’re stepping out of the shower when your bedroom doors open and you freeze, staring at them as they swing forward with your hands pressed to the top of your towel holding it shut.
Your heart drops when Estrid smiles prettily at you, turning around to close the doors as she greets you.
“Good morning, Your Majesty, did you sleep well?” She moves straight for your vanity to pull out the brush, pins, and makeup she usually uses on you in the morning.
She’s in here much earlier than normal and she can’t have gotten that much sleep herself. She’s so attuned to you now that you’re worried for her but also grateful.
“Good morning, Estrid,” you reply, refusing to answer her question because she’d only worry. “Did Ms. Foster get all of the things she needed in the tower?”
“Yes, m’am. Heimdall made sure that she had everything she would need for her research before he retired to stand guard at your door.”
You have an endless stream of questions about Thor in your head, things you want to ask Estrid but you bite your tongue as Estrid helps you on with your dress then sits you down at your vanity to dry your hair and work on today’s set of braids.
Time passes as she works. Time that feels like seconds to you as your mind works hard to try and reassure your heart that you have nothing to worry about, and yet, it still aches.
“You’re very quiet this morning, Your Majesty,” she observes.
“Yeah. I don’t really feel like talking unless I have to.”
“Very well, Your Majesty,” she accepts, but then after a few minutes of silence. “Are you not feeling well? Shall I send for the doctor?”
“No, Estrid. I’m not sick. I’m-shit, what’s the date today?”
Reaching around, you look for your phone to check the date.
“‘Tis the fifteenth, Your Majesty,” Estrid informs you.
“Did you forget about me already?” A deep smooth voice slides in from your doorway and you turn in search of the comfort the tone gives you.
On your feet and across the room, David greets you with open arms. A small firm hug is what he gives you before kissing the side of your head and then pushing you back to look at you.
His eyes linger on your stomach for a moment before he frowns playfully.
“Nothing yet? I guess we’ll find out today if we’re to expect anything in the next month.”
“No pressure,” you reply sarcastically.
David chuckles, his fancy four piece navy suit a display of his busy nature. As much as he wants to visit, you know that he’s busier now with so many people wanting his services. The prestige of being the Queen of New Asgard’s lawyer has brought him a windfall.
Not that he needs it, but he appreciates the work.
“I did forget we had a testing today. Something happened yesterday.”
Your voice filters into a whisper at the end, though you’re not even aware of it.
David matches your energy, though he doesn’t whisper, he recognizes your stress and concern saturates his entire person.
“What’s happened?”
“I-” You look towards Estrid, and she’s so good that she’s cleaning your vanity, ignoring your conversation as best she can, but still. “Estrid, were you finished with my hair?”
“Yes, Your Majesty,” she turns to you and smiles. “Will you be needing anything else? Breakfast in the breakfast room?”
“Are you hungry, David?”
“No, I’m not. Thank you.”
“No breakfast, Estrid. Thank you. When the doctor arrives, can you show him in?”
Estrid curtsies, and without another word, she leaves you and David in the room.
“You look beautiful today, by the way,” David tells you as he moves towards the small table in the corner to sit but waits for you to reach your chair first to pull it out for you.
“Thanks, I chose it very carefully,” you admit. “Does it make me look like a real Queen?”
“You are a real Queen,” David assures you, then cocks his head as he registers your stress again. “What happened last night?”
You sigh heavily, using your nails to pick at the woodgrain of the table, shoulders slouched a little as you deflate.
“Jane showed up with Tony and Bruce,” you reveal, a shaky breath accompanying your desperate information.
“Oh? At Thor’s invitation?” David wonders, which honestly sobers you up a little from your depression.
“No. I don’t think so. I mean, Tony and Bruce were supposed to come to install a security system for the palace and I guess maybe she just tagged along?”
“And you are upset that your husband’s former lover has forced her way into your new home.”
It’s not a question. David has always been very observant and he sucks for it. Jerk.
“Well...yeah. But that’s not why-”
“Something else happened?”
David leans towards you and places his hand over yours, a soft knowing look on your surrogate father’s face.
With a quick little sigh you tell him about your stress over not getting pregnant and the pressures from the ambassadors to do that before more time goes by to secure the ties between the Asgardians to Earth. You tell him about your worries about Jane that have died down a little since you and Thor got married but have never truly gone away. Lastly, you tell him about what you saw this morning and how you’d been expecting Thor to come directly to you when he got back but clearly that’s not happening.
“Maybe I’m being too sensitive? But I mean, it’s been what? An hour and a half since you got here and he still hasn’t come to look for me?”
You reach over and rub your arm, the soft fabric of your dress pleasing but only in the back of your mind where you’re not thinking about Thor and Jane.
“If that is how you feel, then that is how you feel. The important part now is talking to Thor about it. Couples lose out when they feel about something the way that they do and then keep it to themselves. Even Gods are not mind readers.”
David tilts his head, eyes looking across the room for a moment before he looks right back at you.
“At least not to my knowledge.”
You almost smile, but the stress of talking to Thor about this is giving your anxiety a nice boost.
“What if I don’t like what he says?”
“Then you don’t like it. You cannot avoid the confrontation because you might not hear what you want to hear. That is not how a marriage, or any relationship works. In big moments like these, honesty I think is the best policy.”
He’s right of course. You know he is. That doesn’t mean you have to like it.
You close your eyes and try to see Thor’s handsome face smiling sweetly at you, just as he had yesterday before he left. Instead you see him smiling down at Jane next to that stupid telescope, him chuckling at whatever she’s saying as she talks away about her work.
Two knocks to your door pull you from your stupid thoughts and drop your heart into the pit of your stomach, but Estrid peeks in to make sure that you’re okay to see her.
Suddenly, you’re dreading seeing Thor.
“Come in, Estrid.”
She moves in, behind her follows two doctors. One is a woman with a lovely heart shaped face and long full dark brown hair that compliments her olive skin. She’s wearing a sleek gray pantsuit, pink camisole underneath, and a thick black coat draped over her arm.
Her name is Amana Wilson and she has been your gynecologist since David gave you your inheritance and you were able to afford better healthcare.
The second doctor is an older man with a thick black beard streaked through with bits of gray. He glows an almost ethereal way. Clearly Asgardian. Your general caregiver since you moved to New Asgard, Doctor Alric Orvinson smiles eagerly, kindly, a pure excitement radiating off of him.
He’s always so eager to put everything he’s learning into practice.
Doctor Wilson curtsies and Doctor Alric bows before they both greet you in unison.
“Your Majesty,” they say.
David waits until you’re standing before he stands too, but then he moves towards the doors.
“I think I’ll go have some of that breakfast you offered me,” he tells you then makes his way towards the large doors. “Doctors, I know you will give Her Majesty the best care you can offer?”
“Of course,” Doctor Wilson assures him and he leaves you with a quick wink of his eye.
“Thank you, Estrid. Make sure David gets a proper meal? No pop tarts!”
“Party pooper!” David shouts back.
Estrid curtsies, “Right away, Your Majesty.”
She leaves you quickly with a chuckle in her throat at your exchange with David.
As the door closes, you take a step towards your doctors and slowly release a held breath.
“So, what will it be today? Should I go strip or…?”
“No. Not today. Since we did a physical on you last time, we won’t worry about that during this visit,” Doctor Wilson assures you.
“Today, Doctor Wilson will be watching me take some blood and perform a pregnancy test to see if you are expecting our heir!”
Our heir?
New Asgard sees the future prince or princess to come as their own. It’s not just your and Thor’s baby. This baby, if and when there is a baby, is an entire people’s baby.
You feel your anxiety rise again. Clenching your hands, you nod and force a smile as Doctor Alric moves towards you with a large metallic box that he places down and opens.
Inside comes a rush of cold air and what looks like medical equipment used to test blood. You don’t know what it’s called and it’s super high tech. Nothing that you’ve ever seen before.
Your two tests before had been sent to labs and then you’d received the results a few days later, if they’re testing the blood here, does that mean faster results?
“So, how long will I have to wait this time then? To know whether I’m doing my job or not?”
Doctor Alric looks up at you with slight surprise and worry.
There must be something in your voice since he seems to realize what he’s said is putting pressure on you because he stands up straight and fixes his own suit jacket before speaking.
“Your Majesty,” he begins, but Doctor Wilson moves to stand beside you and places her hand on your shoulder.
“Within the hour. This is Stark tech, so it’ll be quick and accurate. Have you been stressing about getting pregnant?” She’s so much softer than Doctor Alric, but not because she’s a woman.
She just knows you better.
“Kinda hard not to with an entire planet waiting for it,” you admit. “Do you think that if-if it’s negative, should Thor and I stop trying so hard? We’re trying daily. No breaks.”
“I think the stress more than the trying will probably make it harder but you’re both healthy. It will happen. If you are tired and you think the stress is too much, then take a break. It won’t do any harm if you lose a couple nights of sleeping with your husband.”
You feel a swell of relief for this human woman who knows just what to say. You give her a sly smirk.
“Have you seen my husband? It’ll hurt.”
She laughs a quick knowing chuckle, “Trust me, you don’t gotta tell me how fine he is, Your Majesty.”
Both of you laugh a few seconds then you take the seat that Doctor Alric sets beside you and while you roll up your sleeve, he and Doctor Wilson fly off into medical jargon that you don’t understand and consequently zone out into thoughts of Thor and why the fuck he still hasn’t come to see you.
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silke-doomflare · 3 years
Meet the character: Ainu
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► Name ➔  “Ainu”, the tiny lalafell answers politely and bows. “Ainu Wanyuudo. Pleasure to make your acquaintance.”
► Are you single ➔ “What an odd question.” She eyes you up and down, her eyes slightly narrowed. “Why are you asking? Are you up to something?”
► Are you happy ➔  She rolls her eyes. “’Happy...’ One of those words I’ve never truly understood. Oh well, I guess I’m happy enough. I have a job I like and steady income... Actually I’m making the most gil of our family, apart from my mother.”
► Are you angry? ➔  Ainu smiles widely. “Funny that you asked, since I haven’t been this angry in ages. It takes quite a lot to make me angry. This certain thug tried to murder my mother not too long ago, and I’m plotting a vengeance worth of such a deed”, she states casually, like she’d be talking about weather.
► Are your parents still married ➔  “I only have my adoptive mother, and as far as I’ve understood, she prefers to stay alone. Which I, of course, perfectly understand. Romance would only be a risk and hindrance in the criminal underworld.”
► Birth Place ➔ “Kugane. I stayed there for the first half of my life, and the second half I spent traveling and training around the far east.”
► Hair Color ➔ “Black?” she asks slightly confused, and glances upwards at her bangs. “Yep. So it’d seem.”
► Eye Color ➔ Ainu rolls her eyes again. She marches closer, looks up to you and pulls her lower eyelid slightly downwards, so that you can see the blood red orb clearly.
► Birthday ➔ “I have no clue about the exact date. I only know it’s sometimes around spring.”
► Mood ➔ “...bored. I am so... bored! You see, I was given this interesting assignment a couple of months ago, but my target has done nothing. Nothing! Either he chickened out just because he’s a coward, or somebody told him I was after him, and he chickened out because... well... he’s still a coward.” Ainu lets out a frustrated sigh. “I do know I have quite a reputation, but I wish people wouldn’t back off from the game because of it. How shameful. One should finish what one starts.”
► Gender ➔ Ainu raises her eyebrows. “Seriously, have you considered glasses?”
► Summer or winter ➔ “Summer absolutely. Working is easier in summer. No footprints.”
► Morning or afternoon ➔ “Afternoon. Most of my work consists of night shifts, and I’m more of a night owl anyway.”
► Are you in love ➔ She snorts and looks at you scornfully. “I don’t think I’ve ever experienced any kind of love. I grew up in an environment where such a thing didn’t exist. Besides, as far as I’ve been observing people around me, who are in love, it seems more like a nuisance than something worth pursuing.”
► Do you believe in love at first sight ➔ “I don’t believe in love at all.”
► Who ended your last relationship ➔ Ainu lets out a frustrated sigh. “It should be obvious at this point, but I have never had that kind of relationship. First of all: I would be insane if I let another person that close to me. And secondly: even if such a miracle happened, it would eventually fail, because the other party couldn’t handle everything a pact like that with me would bring with it.”
► Have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔  “I think I... maay have broken my mother’s heart at some point. She’s been trying so hard to save me. Though, I’m not quite sure what she’s trying to save me from. She should know by now that I’m not one of those people who need saving.”
► Are you afraid of commitments ➔ “Commitments? Do you mean my pacts with my customers? No, I’m not afraid of commitments. If I had to name one of those few things in this messed up world I find meaningful, it would be my reputation and bringing honor to the shinobi who trained me.”
► Have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ “Do hugs received from others count as me hugging them? They do? Then I’ve been hugged, yes.”
► Have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ “If I have, I’m not aware of it. However, in theory it could be entirely possible. People - well, mostly my family - keeps telling me how cute I am, so I wouldn’t be surprised if others would’ve noticed my charm as well.”
► Have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ “Hm. You nosy little cockroach just had to remind me, just for the sake of some interview? ...yes, I have broken my own heart. By believing that if I just was a good girl, she’d love me. If I just tried hard enough, I’d eventually gain her acceptance. And after she had left, I kept believing she’d come back for me. I wasted too many years telling lies to myself. Should’ve realized sooner the only living thing you can trust is yourself.”
► Love or lust ➔ "Lust. Not that I’d be interested in it, but definitely lust rather than love. I think I already made my opinion about love clear earlier, yes?”
► Lemonade or iced tea ➔ “Iced tea, absolutely. I don’t know about you people here, but we drink quite a lot of tea in the east - both hot and cold.”
► Cats or Dogs ➔ “Cats. In general, I don’t like animals, but the less trouble they are the more I could say I like them. Besides, do you have any idea what a pain badly trained dogs can be especially to us smallfolk?”
► A few best friends or many regular friends ➔ Ainu repeats the word ‘friend’ and sneers. “Now there’s another thing I never learned to understand. People talk about friends like they’d be a good thing. I don’t call them friends, but backstabbers. I’d rather not have any of them.”
► Wild night out or romantic night in ➔ “Wild night out - alone.” Ainu smiles charmingly.
► Day or night ➔ “At night I feel most alive. Almost everyone else is asleep, and I’m free to do whatever I want, to whoever I want.”
► Been caught sneaking out ➔ “In the beginning of my training. I wasn’t used to suddenly having so much different rules to live by, so naturally I rebelled. I couldn’t understand why my mother... - Asagi at this point - would dare to leave me there. Anyhow... I soon realized one couldn’t be a good shinobi without discipline, so I never did it again.”
► Fallen down/up the stairs ➔ “I don’t think I have. My balance is unparalleled.”
► Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ “Love”, she answers without thinking. Right after her mouth is twisted into a slightly creepy grin. “But that was before realizing it’s not necessary.”
► Wanted to disappear ➔ “Oh, a couple of times actually, mostly back when I was still in training but had just started practicing with real targets. Not to brag, but nowadays I’m quite good at what I do. Nevertheless, even I can’t completely avoid mistakes. My area of work is one of those were mistakes will likely cost you your life. So, yes... after being sloppy I’ve had angry targets chasing me. Without my training I wouldn’t have had a chance escaping them with these tiny feets of mine.”
► Smile or eyes ➔ “I don’t care about either, but if I had to choose one... smile. To be honest, I don’t like to look people in the eye. From their eyes it’s fairly easy to tell are they lying or not. It annoys me, when people are saying something, but their gaze tells they don’t mean a single word.”
► Shorter or Taller ➔ “Shorter. I hate it when people look down on me like I’d be some piece of shite they accidentally stepped on.” Ainu falls silent for a moment, and after a while, shrugs. “Then again... it’s also quite hilarious when people have to bow or kneel before me, when they want to whisper or give me something. I guess being a stump also has its’ boons...”
► Intelligence or Attraction ➔ “Attraction of course. The more intelligent people are, the more trouble they usually give me. I prefer situations where I’m the smartest one around.”
► Hook-up or Relationship ➔ Ainu’s unimpressed expression hints she’d probably rather watch paint dry or grass grow than talk about this kind of subjects. “Well... if I had to choose... hook-up. That wouldn’t tie me to anyone in any way. The less I have people around me the better.”
► Do you and your family get along ➔ “My current family? We get along just fine. ...Apart from some minor disagreements usually considering work and how it’s supposed to be done. Sometimes it makes me wonder would they listen to me more if I had born roegadyn instead.”
► Would you say you have a “messed up life” ➔ Ainu giggles, but there’s no genuine amusement in her voice. “Well, at least it hasn’t been normal, if that’s what you mean. It... could’ve been better. I admit seeing happy families and people having fun with their friends tend to make me somewhat bitter, even angry. But perhaps those things just weren’t meant for me. I’m capable of things those regular people are not, and I believe the Kami have bigger plans for me than some boring everyday life.”
► Have you ever ran away from home ➔ “No, but I probably should have.”
► Have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ “Yes, and that’s the exact reason why I should’ve ran away. If I had just realized sooner what was going on... But meh... I guess it’s unreasonable to expect a five-year-old or younger to understand your parent is actually a piece of filth you would be better without.”
► Do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ Ainu lets out a frustrated sigh. “Since you seem to be unable to grasp the concept of not having friends, I’m just going to answer your friend-related questions by using my family members instead. Does that sound good? Good.”
► Do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ Ainu pouts while shifting her hands behind her back. “Mostly. My adoptive sisters are both as... tolerable as siblings can be, I think. I’m not so sure about Bella, though, and what she’s going to do with her life. Same with my aunt, Silke. Those two are the only law-abiding citizens of our family - as far as I know at least - so that kind of forces me to keep my eye on them. If a betrayal were to happen, they’d be my main suspects.”
► Who is your best friend ➔ “Aya”, Ainu answers without a moment of hesitation. “If I had to name one thing I truly appreciate in people - besides not stabbing me in the back, obviously - it would be their ability to return my friendly bantering and not get offended by it.”
► Who knows everything about you ➔ Ainu smiles sunnily, before answering: “No one. Though mother is probably quite close to it.”
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dancingkirby · 3 years
In which Azula learns to not judge a book by its cover
WARNING: Discussion of past rape.
To the surprise of both his parents, rather than moving back to the palace full-time after graduating from Capital University three years ago, Kazuo had elected to rent his own apartment in the Caldera.  A “bachelor’s pad,” Azula was pretty sure it was called in modern slang. Kazuo had said that this was because he’d wanted to take a stab at independent living, but Azula suspected that the real reason was so he could have a place to entertain various lady friends in private.  Azula didn’t care to think about that too much, and decided that as long as her son was diligently using protection and keeping everything consensual, she would keep quiet on the subject.  Besides, he wasn’t so caught up in his liaisons that he was neglecting his duties as a member of the Royal Family.  He showed up for every required event, and had inherited Azula’s knack for public appearances.
Last year, Kazuo had gotten into his first serious romantic relationship, and had taken the young lady to meet Azula and Tom-Tom.  Azula had initially been excited about her son finally thinking about settling down, but the meeting had not exactly gone well.  Kazuo’s girlfriend, who was named Kumi, had completely defied royal protocol and run up to shake Azula’s hand, even having the audacity to address her by her given name without so much as a “Princess” before it!  The young lady had then spent the entire encounter bragging about her accomplishments so that neither Azula nor Tom-Tom could get a word in edgewise.  Azula had made her displeasure known by giving Kumi death glares at every opportunity, yet this did nothing to curtail the woman.  Tom-Tom, of course, had been as unerringly polite as he always was. However, when Kumi finally left, he admitted that even he hadn’t cared for her much.  Neither of them was surprised when it turned out that Kumi had been in it simply for the status.  
Azula had been relieved when that was over.  On the other hand, poor Kazuo was heartbroken.  Then, this spring, a devastating earthquake had hit Shuhon, destroying most of the island’s natural gas deposits and killing tens of thousands of people.  It was the worst natural disaster to hit a home island in living memory.  Her son volunteered to take an extended trip there to help with the rebuilding process once the air was deemed safe to breathe, and Azula had thought it was probably for the best.  She’d hoped that the hard work would take his mind off his anguish.
What she hadn’t anticipated was that within weeks, Kazuo would write home that he’d met a girl in Shuhon and was going out with her.  And now, six months later, he was bringing her home with him.
Tonight was the big night, of both their reunion with Kazuo and introduction to his girlfriend…and they were late.  At this rate, the food would get here before her son would.  Azula began to worry that Kazuo had crashed his…what was it called again? Satomobile, that’s right.  Some young upstart in Republic City had started manufacturing them a couple of years ago, and now everyone in the Caldera wanted one.  Everyone except Azula, that is.  Those vehicles went entirely too fast for her liking.  
Just as Tom-Tom was attempting to talk Azula out of sending servants to look for the pair, there was a knock on the door.  Azula bid the person to come in, and felt enormously relieved as her beaming son ran straight past the servant announcing his arrival and into his parents’ arms.  
“Mom!  Dad!  I missed you both so much!” Kazuo exclaimed.  “Sorry we’re late…traffic was horrible.”  When they broke from their embrace, Azula appraised him with her sternest maternal gaze.  
“You have been gone entirely too long.  Your skin is all brown; did it never occur to you to wear a hat?” she demanded.  But she couldn’t keep the act up for long. Within seconds, she had cracked a smile, hugging Kazuo again.  
Tom-Tom cleared his throat.  
“Son, I believe you said that you wanted to introduce us to someone?” he prompted.  Azula finally got a glimpse at the young woman hanging back in a doorway, who fell into a kowtow as soon as she saw that Azula was looking at her.  Well, that was one point in her favor already.  
“You may rise,” Azula told her.  When the girl stood and walked into the room, Azula finally looked her over properly. She was quite tall and a little gangling.  However, seeing as how Kazuo had attained a height of 6’3’’ (just like his grandfather), it didn’t look as awkward as it might have.  Although her face was nothing memorable, her hair was glossy and reached down to her mid-back.  She was attired in a pretty yet modest outfit of a pink tunic and a matching set of red jacket and pants.  
“Mother, Father, this is Lady Botan,” Kazuo said.  
The girl was shaking like a leaf, but managed to get out, “P-princess Azula.  Prince Tom-Tom.  It is an honor to meet you.”
“And it is a delight to meet you too, Lady Botan,” Tom-Tom assured her.  This, combined with Kazuo placing a protective hand on her shoulder, made Botan look slightly more relaxed.  
“Yes, well, dinner will be ready shortly,” Azula added.  Then, at another knock on the door, “I stand corrected.  Dinner is ready now.”
The four of them sat at the table as the servants arranged the first course.  Azula gazed intently at Botan over her bowl of wontons in clear broth.  She was perfectly aware of how intimidating her appearance could be to those who weren’t close to her.  Although she would be sixty next month, she could pull off her trademark eyeliner and bright red lipstick as well as ever.  Plus, as this girl’s potential mother-in-law, was it not expected of her to be overbearing?  Her standards were exacting; none but the best would do for her only son.  
“So,” she began, “How did you come to meet Prince Kazuo?”
Botan jumped a little in her seat at being so abruptly addressed, and began, “Shuhon is my home island, Princess.  My dad, my sister, my brothers, and I were all contributing in any way we could.  We were lucky that our house escaped the worst of the damages…but anyway.  The first day I arrived there from Capital Island, I was carrying some heavy crates of medical supplies.   They slipped, and I would have dropped them all if Kazuo hadn’t run up just then to help!  And then we started talking, and something just…clicked.  He said his name was Kazuo, and I was like, ‘Oh, like the prince?’ and he was like ‘Uh…yeah.’  He didn’t end up actually telling me who he was until after our fourth date! Can you believe that?”
She gave a very annoying high-pitched laugh.  
“I see,” Azula responded.  She daintily picked up a wonton from her bowl with her chopsticks and popped it in her mouth, her eyes never leaving Botan’s.  Once she had swallowed her food, she continued, “My son called you Lady Botan.  That means you are a member of the nobility.  How could you possibly not have known who he was?”
“Azula…” Tom-Tom said softly.  However, his pleasant smile never left his face.  
“I don’t believe we have ever seen you at court, Lady Botan,” he said in an attempt to soften Azula’s words.  
“No, my mom was the one who was noble,” Botan explained.  “She was an only child and inherited the estate.  But she died when I was four, from cancer.  My dad’s just a silk merchant, and he didn’t see a reason to live at the Caldera after that.”
“Ah, yes, I remember hearing about that now,” Tom-Tom replied.  “Lady Ayako, wasn’t it?  I think I met her once or twice.  I offer my condolences for your loss.”
“Thank you,” Botan said.  “But it’s okay.  I hardly remember her, so I’m just kind of used to it now, you know?” Another nervous giggle escaped her.
Their conversation had to be suspended at that moment, since the servants were clearing away their soup bowls; Azula noted that Botan had scarcely touched hers.  Then, two beautiful roast ducks were presented for their main course, skin sizzling and deep golden-brown.  They were accompanied by a sweet and spicy sauce, along with sides of rice, scallion pancakes, and mixed vegetables.  
“You’re in for a treat, Botan!” Kazuo said while grinning.  “They make the best roast duck here in the palace.  It was one of the things I missed the most when I was in Shuhon.”
Botan smiled back at him, although it looked a little strained.  
For a few minutes, they ate in silence.  However, Azula wasn’t quite done with her interrogation yet.  
“Prince Kazuo informed me that you are a recent graduate of Capital University,” she said.   “What was your major?”
“Psychology and sociology, Princess.  Double major,” Botan said.  At least that was a hopeful sign.  Perhaps this young lady wasn’t as unintelligent as she appeared.  
“Then you must have made the acquaintance of my friend Ty Lee,” Azula stated.
Botan nodded eagerly, seemingly relieved that they’d found some common ground.  “Yes.  She taught my Trauma Psych class.   She…well, it could be a difficult class at times, but it was always interesting.”
Azula raised an eyebrow, feeling annoyed for reasons she didn’t fully understand.  “Why ‘difficult?’  Is my friend too strict of a teacher for your liking?  Or are you simply averse to a little hard work?”
She heard intakes of breath from both her husband and son.  Botan’s face flooded with color.  “No, no, she was a great teacher!  Really nice.  It’s just…it was difficult for another reason…”  Her gaze darted frantically over to Kazuo.  He squeezed her hand and whispered in her ear, and she nodded.  
“We’re going to go take a walk,” he stated, glowering in Azula’s direction.  Before she could protest, Tom-Tom said, “Yes, that’s fine. I think it would be best for all of us.”
As soon as the younger two had left the room, Azula’s husband turned to her.  
“Azula, we have been married for twenty-seven years, and I love you more than anything.  You know that,” he said.  “Nevertheless, you went too far this time.  I thought that Botan was a perfectly nice young lady, and was trying her best.  You should consider apologizing to her when she returns.  I will certainly do so myself for not doing more to intervene.” His voice was as level as always, but it had a hint of underlying steel that Azula had only heard a handful of times during their marriage.  It meant that this was one of the rare occasions that Tom-Tom was genuinely angry at her.  And if something was sufficient to piss him off, then she knew it was serious.
“I didn’t think I was that…” Azula began somewhat lamely, only to cut herself off when she heard muffled sobs coming from down the hallway.  It was clear that Tom-Tom heard it too.
“…Right.  I’ll go apologize to her now,” she sighed in resignation as she got up from the table.
When she opened the door to their apartment, she heard Botan wailing, “She hated me! A..and I can’t blame her because I sounded like an idiot!”
Kazuo took her into his arms.  “Aw, no, sweetie, you did just fine.  Mom can be…difficult.  But I’m going to talk to her later tonight, and I think Dad already did.”
Azula waited in the shadows for a while, until Botan’s tears faded, and her mind wandered back to the day almost twenty-nine years ago when Tom-Tom had comforted her in much the same way.  It appeared that her son had turned out to be as good a man as his father.  
Finally, she cleared her throat, and both Kazuo and Botan’s head shot up.  
“If you wanted to say something to me, you might as well do it now,” she said.
Kazuo frowned. “I don’t think this is a good time, Mom…”
“No.”  Botan stepped out of Kazuo’s embrace.  “I…I want to tell her.  Alone.”
“Wow.  Are you sure?  That’s…I know that would be difficult for you, especially since this is just your first time meeting her.” Kazuo touched her shoulder again.  Botan looked down and took a deep breath.
“…Yes,” she finally said.
“Might I suggest doing this in my study instead of in the hallway?  The palace servants are quite proficient at making themselves almost invisible in order to eavesdrop,” Azula pointed out.  
“Good idea,” Kazuo admitted.  Then, to Botan, “One last time…are you really sure?  I don’t want you to feel pressured to do it if you’re not ready.”
The younger woman squared her shoulders.  “I’m ready.”
“Now,” Azula said, once they were both situated in comfortable upholstered chairs and free from any listening ears, “What was it you wanted to tell me?  I give you permission to speak freely.”
She was expecting for Botan to yell at her, to fling all sorts of insults.  What she actually said was somewhat surprising.
“I’d been wanting to meet you for so long, before I ever knew Kazuo,” she began. “You’re...you’re my hero. All that work you’ve done to raise awareness for sexual abuse, all the charities you run…and I read the book you co-wrote with Professor Ty Lee.  It was so comforting to me after…”
She broke off; tears were running down her face again.  Azula wordlessly gave her a handkerchief from the stack on her desk. Even though her own crying spells occurred nowhere nearly as frequently as they had in her youth, they still had the nasty tendency to blindside her every now and then.
Once Botan had gotten this latest burst of emotion under control, the words poured out of her like water from a burst dam.  She said, “I was nineteen.  A man who I had seen as one of my closest friends put something in my drink when we were at a party, and then he took me to his dorm room and…and raped me.  And everyone thought I was lying about it because he was so popular!  I tried to go to the campus police, and they wouldn’t press charges because they didn’t think there was enough evidence. All they said was that I shouldn’t have looked away from my drink.  I was so discouraged that I kept it from most of my family; didn’t even tell Kazuo until about a month ago…”
“And yet you told me, even after I upset you,” Azula pointed out.
“Yeah,” Botan acknowledged.  More scrubbing at her eyes, and she continued, “I know it seems weird.  But I thought if anyone would understand, you would. Your book helped me get through that. I kept telling myself that you had it so much worse than me, since I was an adult when it happened, and not…I mean, I’d had boyfriends before, and I couldn’t even remember much of it, and he wasn’t my dad, and I didn’t…didn’t…”
“Didn’t get pregnant?” Azula guessed.
“I see.”  She took a moment to figure out exactly how she wanted to say this.
“Trauma isn’t a competition,” she finally said as she rose from her chair and walked closer to Botan. “Just because yours was different from mine, doesn’t mean it wasn’t as real.  And…I apologize for my behavior, as difficult as it is for me to say that. You shouldn’t have had to feel compelled to share something so personal just to seek my approval.  At the same time, I am glad that my life’s work meant something to you.  My goal was that no abuse survivor should feel as alone as I did, or my father’s other prey did.  It appears as though there is still much work for me to do, though.  Perhaps my charities need a younger spokesperson who is more in touch with the times.  Someone like you…if you find that arrangement pleasing.”
Botan was struck speechless for a few moments.  Then, she breathed, “Of course I would, Princess. It would be such a great honor, and my dream job.  I just hope I can be worthy of it.”
“If you are seeking to become a part of the royal family, you’ll have to find some cause to champion,” Azula remarked.  “My brother is all about public service.  Now let us finish our dinner, shall we?  There is plum ice cream for dessert, which we won’t want to miss.”
“Sounds good,” Botan replied.
“It is Kazuo’s favorite flavor.  If you intend to marry my son, it would be wise of you to memorize all of his preferred foods, don’t you think?”
Perhaps she had found that perfect mate for her son that she
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haberdashing · 4 years
Hidden Away
Statement of Riley Parker regarding a hide-and-seek game played on their college’s campus.
on AO3
Statement of Riley Parker regarding a hide-and-seek game played on their college’s campus. Original statement given April 13th, 2019. Recording by Artemis Lee, archival assistant for the Usher Foundation.
Statement begins.
I think it’s important to start off by saying that this was a Saturday night, midterms had just ended, and most of us were drunk. I think that explains a lot of what we were thinking here. I know hide-and-seek is seen as a kid’s game, but when you’re hanging on campus with your friends, you’re bored, and you just want to let off some steam after a week of grueling exams... sometimes you get creative.
I wasn’t drunk, though. I don’t drink, never have. Alcoholism runs in my family, and I figured the best way to avoid it is to just not drink in the first place. Not that it’s really anyone’s business why I don’t drink, but when people get snotty about it, explaining that usually makes them back off a bit.
Crystal, though--Crystal Wheeler is her full name--she’s the one who suggested it, and she was drunk as a skunk at the time. Luis Vasquez was the one who suggested Old Bailey as the playing ground--he was drunk too--and it wasn’t long before we all went over there and started figuring out the rules.
There were eight of us playing--myself, Crystal, Luis, AJ, Bowie, Ben, Nessie, and Red; I could give you last names for everybody, but I really doubt they’d be of much help. The rules were simple: find a spot in Old Bailey and hide in it, wait for the seeker to find you, first one found is the seeker next if there’s time to play again, last one found gets bragging rights, leaving Old Bailey means you’re kicked from the game for good.
Old Bailey isn’t called that because there’s another Bailey to confuse it with, but because it’s really old--like, early 1800s old, oldest building on campus by far. It gets whatever classes or activities can’t fit somewhere else, pretty much, but for such a big building in the middle of campus, it’s really not used that often. And most importantly for our game, it’s got a lot of little nooks and crannies hidden away in it.
Ben volunteered to be the first seeker, and he gave us a full minute to go find our hiding spots since we needed time to be able to get there, and maybe even to figure out where it was we wanted to hide.
I knew where I was going the instant I started running, though. There’s a little room on the far end of the building from where Ben was counting that the choir uses for practice sometimes--I’m not in choir myself, but I found out about it when I helped them carry equipment in one time. The door to it’s kind of hidden away off to the side of a lecture hall, so unless you know it’s there, you’d probably pass by it and not even notice.
Once I got in the room, I noticed a wardrobe in the corner of the room, and when I opened it it turned out to be empty, so I had no doubt I’d be able to fit in it easily, if not comfortably. I climbed inside, got as comfortable as I could, and looked down at my glow-in-the-dark watch, which was already ticking away.
Tick. Tick. Tick. 12:01 AM. One minute passed. The seeker could stop counting and start looking.
I wasn’t worried about being the first one found. Even if Ben knew about this spot, it was on the wrong end of the building for that. I figured I had several minutes at least to hang in there, watch the clock, peer out through the slits in the doors to see if anyone was coming.
Tick. Tick. Tick. Thirty minutes passed.
Ben’d probably be getting close now, I figured--though I didn’t hear him, so maybe not, maybe I had a bit longer to wait. We’d never done this before, so it’s not like I had any real idea of how long it’d take. And like I said, it was a big building.
I started to wish I’d brought my phone with, but then, knowing my luck, it’d probably make some noise and give my spot away at exactly the wrong time. As it was, my watch seemed loud enough, though maybe that was just because there wasn’t anything else to make noise in there.
Tick. Tick. Tick. One hour passed.
I was getting a little achy--the wardrobe had enough room for me but not much to spare, so I was just standing inside it in kind of an awkward position, without much room to fidget around in there.
I had to be one of the last ones left, right? Maybe I’d even be the winner.
I could put up with a few aches and pains for a bit longer if it meant getting to lord it over my friends for ages to come.
Tick. Tick. Tick. Hour and a half passed.
This was getting ridiculous. My nose itched, and I had to pee, and I was bored as hell, and I hadn’t heard one single person come by this entire time.
Had they forgotten about me?
No, of course not. We were friends. They probably just overlooked the door to the room altogether. It was easy enough to do, after all.
...when I won the game, I was making them buy me food afterwards.
Tick. Tick. Tick. Two hours passed.
I kept coming back to the thought that my friends had forgotten about me, forgotten about the game entirely, forgotten that I was still hidden away in my little nook in Old Bailey. I didn’t want to believe it, but what else was there? Could two hours of searching really not be enough to find this room? I still hadn’t heard so much as a single footstep.
Then I started to wonder what would happen if that was the case. How long would it take for people to notice I was missing? Would somebody come use the room before then?
It suddenly occurred to me that I hadn’t checked whether I could get out of the wardrobe before stepping inside. What if I was trapped in there? What if it was locked? I could still see the room outside through those slits in the door, but I think I started hyperventilating a bit, because the air didn’t feel right in my lungs, and I wondered if the slits weren’t big enough, if I was going to suffocate to death in there and nobody would ever know-
It was exactly 2:36:13 according to my watch when I opened the wardrobe from the inside, taking a deep breath as I stepped out into the room beyond; the air wasn’t exactly fresh in there, but it was damn well better than inside the wardrobe, anyway.
I still didn’t hear a sound beyond the tick of my watch and my own breathing and heartbeat, but just getting out was enough to calm me down a little, convince me that I wasn’t going to die forgotten in an old choir wardrobe. Still, it took a few minutes before I got my bearings enough to start wandering around.
The part of me that just figured I was really good at hide-and-seek finally shut up for good when I opened the door to the choir room and entered the giant lecture hall it was connected to and still heard nothing. There was no way that seven mostly-drunk college kids searching for someone in an echo-y old building wouldn’t be making some kind of noise, but I couldn’t hear a thing. Not from people, anyway; I focused enough that I heard the hum of the electric lights, noticed a few gurgles from the plumbing system when I got a drink of water and stopped in the bathroom, but nothing that came from other people. I even looked down at the carpet to see if I could make out any footprints, but no such luck.
I walked... well, really it was more of a jog, to the other side of the building, where we’d all left our bags and phones and stuff just before the game started, but the only stuff there was mine. My phone wouldn’t turn on, even though I thought it’d still had 70% battery when we started, but at that point I wasn’t even surprised. I did, however, have a couple hard candies still buried in my bag--I tend to keep some kind of candy around just in case, especially since Nessie lives two doors down and she’s diabetic--and I ate one, thanking my past self for being so considerate.
The tiredness set in all at once, it seemed like. I’d chugged an energy drink while most of my friends were chugging alcoholic drinks, so it might’ve just been that wearing off, but suddenly I didn’t want to bother dragging myself back to my dorm and plugging in my phone and doing everything else I’d need to do before going to bed, I just wanted sleep, now. I saw some sort of a teacher’s lounge with a couch in it, and fuck, it wasn’t even an especially nice couch, just a beat-up old yellow thing that was lumpy as hell, but at that point it might as well have been sent by the gods as far as I was concerned.
I don’t remember the exact time, but I know it was a little after 3 according to my watch before I managed to get some sleep in.
When I checked my watch upon waking up, it was 9:47, the sun was shining, and I still didn’t hear a peep. Which didn’t surprise me that much, really--obviously my friends had ditched me, and I’d give them hell for it later.
But then I passed by a window. It was a beautiful day out, the sun was shining, the trees were swaying gently in the wind... and there was nobody outside.
Nobody rushing to or from the cafeteria. Nobody heading to or from their car. Nobody walking their dog, or feeding the feral cats on campus, or playing ultimate frisbee, or any of the usual things people would do on a nice Sunday morning. I didn’t even see any squirrels scampering about, and those things are usually all over campus.
My mind went to... some weird places there. Wondering if I’d missed the apocalypse or something. Maybe the Rapture. Not that I’m religious, but hell, what else was there?
I had the rest of my hard candies at that point, though that wasn’t quite enough to fill my stomach on its own. Just needed something to get my mind off things, I think, some kind of distraction.
I looked back at the lounge where I’d slept, figuring I’d make a note of it for later, maybe even thank the professor who took care of the spot for putting the couch there... I remember it was room 165, but there was no name on the door. Not a plaque, not a carving, not even a piece of paper saying the professor’s name.
There was a desk next to the couch, and I looked at the papers on it, not because it really mattered who this professor was in the greater scheme of things but because I just wanted to know, but all the papers were blank. Just ordinary white printer paper, stacked haphazardly on a desk to look like a normal professor’s workspace if you didn’t look too closely.
Not going to lie... I think I had a bit of a panic attack when I saw that. It just didn’t make sense, even with my half-formed theories about the apocalypse or the Rapture or whatnot. It wasn’t that everybody had vanished--it was more like nobody had ever been there to begin with, or that every sign of their existence had vanished with them except the building of Old Bailey itself. There was just me and my bag and that was it. Me against the world.
I really wish I’d brought my charger with me that night.
Then I figured, well, lights had worked fine the night before--and I flipped one on now, confirmed they were still working--so I might as well make my way back to my dorm room, charge my phone, get out my laptop, figure out what the hell it was I’d clearly missed. Leaving Old Bailey was still technically losing the game of hide-and-seek that I’d rightfully won, I guess, but that had long since stopped mattering to me. If I couldn’t have my friends with me, I at least wanted to know what happened to them.
According to my watch, it was 10:18 when I finally stepped outside Old Bailey.
The instant I stepped outside I heard a loud noise and I flinched, panicked a bit, covered my ears. It took me a minute to realize what the noise was.
It was my friends, all seven of them, standing outside the main door to Old Bailey, shouting my name. There was a police officer there, too; apparently they’d called him when I vanished, thought I might have gotten stuck somewhere. Guess they weren’t entirely wrong.
It was dark out, though. And according to all of their phones and watches and whatnot, it was only 2:36 in the morning, though my watch still showed that it was well after 10 AM.
The next time I went back in that building--with Red in tow, because I was not going back alone--I checked on what I remembered from my time in there. Not only could I not find the couch, I couldn’t find room 165; the numbers only go up to 149 before skipping to the 200s, apparently. The wardrobe was gone, too, and when I asked some choir kids about it, none of them remembered it being there.
There’s no big moral to this story, I don’t think, no way to tie it all up in a knot. I’ve always had a bit of an issue with anxiety, and that’s even worse now, as you might imagine. If I’ve learned anything, it’s just that the world is even weirder and scarier than I had imagined, and I could do without that knowledge, thanks. All I know is I’m never going back to Old Bailey alone, and I’m never playing another game of hide-and-seek in my life.
Statement ends.
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bigcat-hanson · 4 years
Long Way From Home [Part One] | Arin Hanson X Reader
You and your best (and only) high school friend, Arin, spend a day together at the new mall in your hometown. Your parents give you earth shattering news that turns your world upside down
Word count: 1670
     The tires of your bike propelled you forward, the occasional rock crunching below its weight. Your legs pedaled as fast as they could, fueled by your determination to beat him to your destination. There was no way he could catch up to you in time.
     “Slow down! You’re already winning!”
     “No chance, Hanson!”
     Two sets of tires skidded to a stop in front of the mall in your hometown of Wellington, Florida. It hadn’t even been a year since the mall was built, and it was already riddled with tourist trap crap. There were machines at every turn for little trinkets and souvenirs. Pressed pennies, cheesy keychains, and dad hats. You thought it was a bit cringy, but for whatever reason, Arin loved it.
     “Alright, (Y/N), lunch or Pokemon card hunt first?” Arin looked at you as he asked the question, waiting for your answer before entering the building. You adjusted the strap of your backpack to prevent it from further slipping off of your shoulder.
     “Cards. That way you can open them and brag about it while we eat. You did remember to bring your sleeves, right?”
     “In my pocket. I didn’t bring that many, though. I probably won’t get any rares.”
     “Fingers crossed. Alright, let’s go.”
     The mall was busy, as it was practically every weekend since it opened. The two of you swerved through crowds, around slow walkers and even managed to dodge the few seemingly unattended children that ran a million miles an hour in your direction. As you approached the game store, you crossed your fingers, hoping you could find what you were looking for. 
     Arin bolted directly inside and to the card display before you even had a chance to set foot inside. It wasn’t hard to find him when you finally did. The large sign advertising the new Pokemon: Neo Destiny release was practically a beacon for finding your friend. He already had at least seven packs in his hands by the time you found him.
     “Dear christ, Arin. You know you can’t buy out the whole store, right?” you laughed, gesturing to the packs of cards in his hands. 
     “It’s only ten packs!” he said defensively, grabbing one last pack. You shook your head, unable to help the smile that crept onto your face. 
     With pockets full of new Pokemon cards, Arin followed you to the food court. Both of you had agreed that it would be best if you took your food to one of the tables outside, and after receiving your orders, did just that. As Arin placed the food onto the table, you removed a small box from your backpack and slid it across the table to him, the Pokeball design slightly scratched from it. 
     “Ok, fingers crossed. Crack ‘em open, Hanson,” you prompted, taking the hot fries out of their container and cautiously biting into them. The look of excitement on his face was one that you wouldn’t trade for the world. 
     The first half was nothing to brag about. Almost every card was a common, with some neat looking holofoils mixed in. The next four packs after that revealed a number of low-level rares, all of which ended up getting sleeved just in case. Then there was the last pack. 
     “Holy shit! Oh my god, are you fucking kidding me?! Yo!!” Arin practically screamed, a look of amazement plastered on his face as he stared at the card in his hand. His free hand ran through his hair as he let out an excited laugh.
     “Wanna share with the class there, bud?” Your voice held a tinge of amusement. Seeing him that excited never ceased to be one of your favorite things in the world. 
     “I got a foil Dark fucking Espeon! Holy fucking Christ!” He scrambled wildly to find a sleeve to put the card in, his frantic movements turning into careful, precise ones as he slipped the card into one. 
     “Good pull, Hanson! God damn, nice work.”
     “That’s fucking awesome. Oh my god, I can’t believe I pulled that. That’s amazing.” You did have to admit, the shine of the foil did make it look super cool.
     “Alright, mission accomplished, fantastic pull made. You gonna eat or what?” you asked, placing the now full box of Pokemon cards back in the backpack. You gathered up the empty card packs and threw them away as Arin finally started eating his lunch. 
     You were finally about to head out after he had finished eating, but before you could even see your bikes, Arin grabbed your arm to prevent you from walking any further.
     “Look! They have one of those machines where you can make your own dog tags!” You looked in the direction that he was now pointing and, sure enough, he was right. You sighed, knowing exactly where this was going.
     “Arin, no. It’s cheesy tourist crap. I’m not doing that.” You tried to take a step forward, but he just pulled you back. 
     “Come on, please? Perfect ending to a perfect day. Think of how cool it would be to have dog tags with our names on them! Please, (Y/N), I promise I’ll never ask for anything like this again. Just this once, I promise,” he pleaded. You so desperately wanted to say no, that it was most likely cheap metal that would rust or break within a week, but as he always did in moments like these, he was boring a hole into your soul with those damn eyes of his, and you couldn’t resist.
     “Damn it. Fine, but just this once, and only because of the Espeon,” you relented, still trying to hold even a shred of sternness. Still keeping a hold on your arm, he bolted over to the machine and began digging around for coins in his pockets. You took the handful of quarters you always kept in a small pocket of your backpack and handed them to him.
     “Ok, uh, what should I put on it?”
     “Didn’t you just say you wanted your name on it like, three seconds ago?”
     “I mean, yea, but I want this to be perfect. I don’t know if just my name and a little picture of a palm tree would be cool enough.”
     “Here, let me do mine first,” you offered, moving in front of the machine. The quarters clinked as they disappeared inside, and the machine whirred to life. You typed out what you wanted to be on the tag, making sure to hide the display from Arin until you were finished. The machine went to work carving the letters and image into the metal, and dropping it into the dispenser once it was done.
     Arin got to it before you did, reaching into the slot and bringing it closer to himself to read it.
     He laughed as he read it, rubbing his thumb over the little carved palm tree under the lettering.
     “Well?” you asked, smiling at his apparent amusement with your inscription choice. He nodded and handed the small piece of metal to you.
     “That’s perfect. I’m doing that, too.” Taking a step back, you dramatically gestured to the machine, allowing him to make his own. Once the tag clattered out of the machine, he picked it up and inspected it before proudly turning it towards you, revealing an exact replica of the design you had used. “Now we match.”
     “Yes we do. Alright, I really need to head home. Let’s go.”
     The front door to your house closed quietly behind you. Something was up. Usually, your parents would still be at work at this point in the day, but for whatever reason, both of them were home. You walked into the kitchen to get yourself some water, when your mom called you into her bedroom.
     “Hi,” you said cautiously, not sure what to expect. The two of them both sitting on the edge of the bed, seemingly waiting for you set your nerves on edge.
     “Come sit down. We have something to tell you.” Your dad gestured to a chair sitting across from them as he spoke. You sat down, expecting the worst. 
     “What’s going on?”
     “I know this is going to be hard for you, but your mother and I agree that it would be the best thing for you.”
     “What? What are you talking about?”
     “You’re going to move to Arizona with your au-”
     “Arizona?! What? Mom, what is he talking about?”
     “Your aunt has an extra room in her house, and there’s a really good high school there for you. I promise you’ll like it there.”
     “I don’t know anyone there! It’s hard enough for me to make friends here, let alone in a completely new place!”
     “We understand that, but a good education is worth it.”
     “But Arin-”
     “Arin will be fine without you. Now, we need this to happen as soon as possible, so you’ll fly out first thing tomorrow with your essentials, and we’ll send the rest of your things as soon as…”
     Your mom’s words suddenly sounded like you were hearing them from the inside of a glass jar as you tried to process this. You knew things were bad for the three of you, but not bad enough to send you across the country. How the hell could they afford to move you away like this when they could hardly put food on the table on a consistent basis? How could they send you away from the only friend you had without giving you a chance to say goodbye?
     “You’ll tell him, right? That I say goodbye, and I’ll miss him, and that I’m sorry. You’ll tell him?” Your words were strained, every ounce of energy being spent on trying not to break down then and there. Your parents exchanged a look, but through your foggy eyes, you couldn’t tell what it was about.
     “We will. If I were you, I’d pack for tomorrow so you don’t have to worry about it when you wake up.”
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angelofthequeers · 4 years
Hold Me By Both Hands: Chapter 15
Disclaimer: I don’t own ML.
Chapter 14 | Chapter 16 | AO3 link
Once the magic of the transformation fades, Ladybug bursts into the hotel, only to see Kim throw Chloé in the air. Acting on pure instinct, Ladybug throws her yo-yo to catch Chloé’s ankle and tug her into the ball pit rather than letting her splat on the hard floor.
“About time!” Chloé snaps once she’s surfaced. “What took you so long?”
Ah, there’s the Chloé they all know. Kim seems to be sharing Ladybug’s thoughts because he charges at Chloé, only to trip over a silver baton and crash head-first into the ball pit. Ladybug notices a small black teddy bear lose its grip on his ankle and slam into one of the rich red walls.
“That’s a very slippery dance floor,” Chat Noir quips, expertly twirling his baton. In any other case, Ladybug would have chuckled, but when the bear starts making a run for the crowd of people nearby and they start to scream, she knows this isn’t the time.
“Move aside! All of you!” she demands, sprinting for the bear while spinning her yo-yo. Chat Noir’s hot on her heels. The screaming civilians scatter like smoke, but the distraction is enough time for the bear to vanish, and Ladybug has no clue where it’s gone until Max jumps onto a table and attempts to throw a chair at her.
It’s like a game of musical bears. From Max, the bear goes to Alya, then to Ivan when Alya fails to subdue Ladybug. Chat Noir breaks the table Ivan is about to crush them with, but they lose sight of the bear again…until Chat Noir grabs Ladybug’s wrist.
“Oh no!” Ladybug gasps when she catches sight of Chat Noir’s unnaturally poisonous-green eyes. Once again, her partner has been brainwashed against her, and she doesn’t want to have to fight her partner again, but she also can’t just keep dodging every time he makes a grab for her earrings.
“Chat Noir! It’s me! Stop it!” she cries, dancing out of his way with her wrist still held captive. But appealing to his suppressed consciousness when he’s brainwashed has never worked before, so of course it doesn’t work now.
“Cataclysm!” The familiar word, dripping with contempt, reaches Ladybug’s ears when she’s finally got Chat Noir in an armlock. He whips his arm back around, grabbing for her Miraculous, and she’s two seconds from finding out what happens when Cataclysm touches a person when she receives help from the most unlikely source.
“Paws off, kitty!” Chloé grabs Chat Noir’s tail and yanks him away from Ladybug, sending him stumbling and crashing into a couch and wasting his Cataclysm when he accidentally touches it.
“Thank you,” Ladybug says, figuring that she may as well offer positive reinforcement as the side of her that Chloé respects. Maybe it’ll help her stay nice.
“Hey, I was really nice just then!” Chloé says, looking positively delighted as she addresses the whole room. “Did you see? No?”
In response, everyone in the room collapses.
“You all suck,” Chloé says sulkily, crossing her arms with a pout. Okay, this has gone on long enough. At a loss for what to do now, Ladybug turns to her last resort and summons her Lucky Charm, which turns out to be…a fork. Sometimes, she feels like Tikki’s just messing with her.
Chat Noir jumps to his feet and launches himself at Ladybug, who squeaks and hightails up the spiral staircase with him hot on her heels. She needs a plan, she needs a plan, what’s she supposed to do with this fork –
She doesn’t start forming a plan until she’s hiding on the top of the entrance to the rooftop so that Chat Noir doesn’t see her. Only then does she manage to cobble something together after spotting a poolside umbrella, the boot of Chat Noir’s that the bear is clinging to, and her fork.
“Okay,” she says to herself, then leaps into action. Unfortunately for her, Chat Noir anticipates her yo-yo throw and easily deflects it with his baton, resulting in a brief bout of hand-to-hand combat until she can grab the bear’s string and tie it to the fork. She throws the fork at the umbrella so that it lodges in one of the spokes, then spots Chloé hiding from the action under the umbrella, and the final part of her plan falls into place. “Chloé, would you be so kind?”
She keeps Chat Noir occupied until Chloé salutes and twirls the pole of the umbrella like a carousel, beheading the bear and rendering its influence on Chat Noir useless. She can see the exact moment when Chat Noir comes back to himself, as the poisonous green of his eyes fades back to the normal paler green that she knows so well and the force trying to ram the baton into her head while she holds it off fades.
“Ladybug?” Chat Noir blinks and looks around, no doubt wondering why he’s on the rooftop. “What are you doing?”
“Oh, nothing,” Ladybug teases. “Just saving your skin with the help of our new little sidekick.”
Chloé preens and flips her ponytail. Suddenly, there’s a high-pitched sound that can only be described as the sound of a tiny voice screaming threats, coming from the miniature person kicking Chat Noir’s boot.
“Watch your step, Chat Noir,” Ladybug grins. Chat Noir grins back and grabs the tiny person, leaving Ladybug free to break the bear’s string so that she can release and purify the akuma. After she releases the Miraculous Ladybug, the miniature person grows into a full-sized butler that Chat Noir suddenly staggers to hold, while the evil little bear reverts to a golden bear with a black-striped white belly like Chloé’s top. Ladybug picks the bear up and holds it out to Chloé. “Thank you for helping me out there. That was…really nice of you.”
While it’s painful to say, those words do the trick; Chloé preens again and says, “I know, wasn’t it?” But the moment doesn’t last, as Chloé starts to swell and brag about how she’d saved the day and how she’s better than the superheroes when her butler confesses that he doesn’t remember anything. Ladybug just sighs and shakes her head. It’s egotistical, but it’s better than nastiness.
“Hey, milady?” Chat Noir says as their Miraculouses beep. “Can I have a word?”
“It’ll have to be quick,” Ladybug says. Chat Noir holds his hands up.
“Just a minute or two, I swear. Just haven’t had a chance before now,” he says. Once they’re out of earshot of Chloé and her butler, Ladybug turns to Chat Noir and waits. For a moment, he bites his bottom lip, as though trying to figure out exactly what to say. Then, before she can gently hurry him along, he says, “I have to ask you something. And I need you to be completely honest with me.”
“Kitty? What’s wrong?” Ladybug tilts her head.
“Do you love me?”
Ladybug blinks. “I – what? Of course! You’re my partner, Chat. You’re one of my best friends.”
“No, I mean…” Chat Noir runs a hand through his hair. “Are you in love with me?”
“I – I –”
“Be honest with me,” Chat Noir blurts out. “I’ve just been wondering. I’ve never actually told you that I was in love with you.”
“You…are?” Ladybug says softly. “Oh. I just thought you were a flirty tomcat.”
Chat Noir laughs uncomfortably and looks away. “Only with you, milady. And Marinette, but that’s just our dynamic. I just have to know. I talked to Marinette the other night and she mentioned trying to move away from her crush and focus on being friends – and I know we’re friends, we’re best friends, but I just…guess I need the clarification. If you’re not in love with me, I can try and put those feelings aside like Marinette is with her crush.”
Ladybug ignores the beeping of her earrings again. “I had no idea,” she says. “I thought that was just our dynamic.”
“It still can be!” Chat Noir hastens to say. “If you like it, bugaboo, I can keep doing it. I guess I just wanna know if I’ve got a chance with you or, well…if you’re still in love with Adrien.”
“Honestly?” Ladybug says. “If I didn’t meet Adrien first…I think I might have fallen for you. But I did meet him first, and I can’t just turn those feelings off.”
“I’m not asking you to.” Chat Noir reaches out and only takes Ladybug’s hand when she nods. He rubs his thumb over the back of her hand and adds, “I just needed to know for sure. Closure, I guess. Now I can –”
“Move on?” Ladybug says when Chat Noir cuts himself off. “Is there another girl, Chat?”
Chat Noir shrugs. “That doesn’t matter. At least now I can flirt with you without hoping it’ll lead to something more or trying to push anything on you,” he says. “Which I probably shouldn’t have been thinking in the first place but…”
“Thank you, Chat,” Ladybug says with a small smile. “I appreciate the consideration. And thank you for being open with me. I’m actually kind of flattered, if I’m honest.” She’s about to ask just why Chat Noir had even been in love with her in the first place, but their Miraculouses beep urgently and she jumps away from Chat Noir. “Oops, gotta go! Bug out!”
Okay. So. It seems that positive reinforcement when Chloé’s nice is a thing, because she’s gone and done the unthinkable and invited Marinette’s father to give them a baking demonstration at the party. Marinette’s not sure whether she wants to grudgingly thank Chloé or tie her up and search for an akuma. Instead, she hovers at the end of the baking table to overhear Chloé and Adrien, who are abstaining from the baking along with Chloé’s butler.
“That was a really great idea, inviting Marinette’s dad,” Adrien says. Chloé positively glows.
“I know! This way, no one can be mad at me for calling the fire department!” she says. Marinette closes her eyes and counts to three under her breath. There’s no point in making a scene about it now, especially when Chloé’s invited her father to make up for the interrupted baking demonstration. She’s just going to have to let this one go. “I’m really nice now! Did you notice, Adrikins? Even Ladybug said so! Didn’t she, Jean-Pascal?”
Marinette’s certain that’s not the butler’s real name, but that doesn’t seem to faze the man.
“I’m proud of you, Chloé,” Adrien says with a wide smile, resting a hand on her shoulder. Marinette takes a deep breath. Positive reinforcement. Praise Chloé for being nice or she won’t see any reason to be nice otherwise. “I think you’ve proven that you’re capable of making an effort to be nicer to everyone!”
“Oh, Adrikins!” Chloé sighs. “So, we’ll always be best friends forever? Pinky swear?”
“Pinky swear. So long as you’re nice.” Adrien does the pinky swear with Chloé and they approach the baking tables together.
“That’s…okay, I guess,” Chloé says when she surveys Kim’s macarons with a slightly disgusted look on her face. “It’s totally the most awful shade of pink, but it doesn’t look too horrible.” She moves on to Mylène’s, picking up a macaron gingerly and scraping some icing off with a spoon. “Too much icing. You don’t want to kill people. But it looks baked okay, at least.”
They’re not nasty comments exactly, but they’re not nice either. Still, Marinette supposes that it’s a start for someone so used to being nasty as Chloé is. Her comments are now more along the line of harsh criticism rather than outright insults…at least, until she reaches Marinette’s macarons.
“Wow, for a baker’s daughter, you sure have no actual talent,” Chloé scoffs, pushing Marinette’s near-perfect macarons away. “I mean, I can think of something nice to say about everyone else, but you? Hopeless, utterly hopeless.”
Marinette clenches her fists as Chloé tears into her, struggling not to bite and start a massive fight. She glances at Adrien out of the corner of her eye, only to find his face darkening with each comment Chloé makes.
“That’s enough, Chloé,” he snaps. Chloé blinks and her words screech to a halt. “You were just nice to Kim and Mylène, so why can’t you be nice to Marinette?”
“Well, that’s asking a bit much,” Chloé scoffs. “They’re Kim and Mylène, not Dupain-Cheng.”
“Marinette’s super sweet,” Adrien says, crossing his arms. “And if you can’t be nice to everyone then we can’t be friends. Apologise to Marinette.”
Marinette’s even more certain that she’s in an alternate dimension. Adrien’s standing up for her? Against Chloé? Had he really taken her talk to heart?
“But Adrikins –”
Chloé turns to Marinette with blazing eyes and clenched teeth. Marinette tries not to look too smug on the outside, although she’s not sure how well she succeeds because this is Chloé and Marinette’s only human.
“I can’t,” Chloé says pleadingly, stomping her foot. “I’ll be nice to anyone else, Adrikins, please, but I can’t be nice to her, especially when she’s so mean to me!”
Adrien sighs and shakes his head. “Then we can’t be friends anymore. You can’t just be nice to people selectively, and Marinette didn’t even say anything to you there. I’ve never seen her be mean to you if you weren’t mean first. And I can’t be friends with someone who lets me take the blame for something I didn’t do. Twice. I was going to forgive you for that, but I can’t if you can’t be nice to everyone.”
“Adrikins, wait!” Chloé runs after Adrien as he stalks off, leaving Marinette frozen to the spot, blinking. She pinches her forearm and yelps, but nothing changes. She’s not dreaming. What the heck is even happening?
“Omg,” says a voice from behind her. Marinette jumps, but calms down when she sees that it’s only Alya. “Did Adrien really just stand up to Chloé? For you?”
“Yeah,” Marinette says. She blinks when Alya sighs.
“I’m sorry, Marinette,” she says. “I never meant to make you out to be this silly girl with a crush and invalidate your feelings. I didn’t realise it hurt you so much.”
“And I’m sorry too!” Whoa, where did Lila come from? “I thought that it was my duty as your friend to point out when you were blinded by him, which obviously wasn’t the case. You were right to not want to come to Chloé’s party unless there was someone who could keep her in line.”
“At least I know I’ve got friends who’ll keep my head screwed on straight,” Marinette teases. Lila’s apologised and sounds sincere, and Alya apologised even though she didn’t even need to do so, so that’s good enough for her. Now she’s debating to herself about whether she should tell them about her near-akumatisation as Miroir, since Alya would get wildly enthusiastic that Marinette had fought off an akuma, but Lila would probably blame herself for it. “But you’ll never get me anywhere on time. That’s a lost cause.”
“Oh, girl, don’t you challenge me or I’ll actually do it,” Alya cackles, slinging an arm around Marinette. Marinette’s suddenly blindsided by how radiant Alya is, but it’s not in the same way that she’s been blindsided by Adrien; it’s more like an epiphany that her best friend is gorgeous but with nothing actually coming of it except for that realisation.
“But seriously, you’re trying to move on from Adrien?” Lila grabs Marinette’s other arm, her olive eyes wide and gleaming. “You have to tell us everything!”
“Okay, okay,” Marinette laughs. “Just let me grab these macarons and I’ll tell you.”
Yes hello I would like one (1) bi Mari who thinks her bestie is cute without necessarily crushing on her because I mean who doesn’t think Alya is gorgeous
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][Valentine's Day Alphabet for Sal][ A || B || C || D || E || F || G || J || K || L || N || O || P || S || V || X || Y || Z
A   :   AFFECTION.   how does your muse show affection?
He's so mean but affectionate bumps against you and constant teasing. Sal gives you a personalised nickname and he's like that one cat that runs and slams your room door open. He likes giving the occasional piece of jewelry that he steals and definitely a lot of kisses and dragging someone into his own touches and comfort. He likes things at his own pace.
B   :   BOUQUET.   does your muse like flowers? which ones are their favourite?
Oh yeah, he has a soft spot for bouquets because they're the Big Thing of romance. Sal hides it because he knows that its dumb and cheesy to like bouquets but if Rhys got him one? Bashful stuttering and name calling but he absolutely gives them water and tries to keep them alive for a long time while brushing his fingers against them. He obviously loves purple flowers but Sal admittedly likes roses because they are the Romance Icon.
C   :   CHOCOLATE.   does your muse like chocolate? which one is their favourite?
Y es. It's the number one way Rhys can get normal affection out of Sal (Rhys: the bigger the treat, the longer I can love him because it takes him longer to get through it). Thoguh it's so hard to pick a specific??? Sal just...loves chocolate. He's that guy who says that his favourite is whatever he's eaten less than five minutes ago.
D   :   DATE.   what is your muse’s ideal date? where / who with / etc?
Probably going out to somewhere that's busy and drinking, something that can easily be passed off as a get between for friends more than a date. So definitely going out to a fair or clubbing rather than a dinner between him and Rhys. Though, Sal wouldn't argue against having take out and watching a movie in the dark. He definitely likes being with someone who can joke about and tease him.
E   :   EMBRACE.   does your muse like hugs? what are their hugs like?
Depsite what he says, Sal does enjoy hugs. He likes the warmth and the way he feels...closed in but in a good way. It's nothing like being pinned down and forcefully reminded that he's weak beyond his powers. Hugs are nice and Sal can relax into them and just be safe for a moment. His hugs are warm and Sal tends to grab on and spend a few moments burying his face into your neck to enjoy the moments of quiet.
F   :   FLIRT.   is your muse good at flirting? how do they flirt?
Sal's flirting is rather smooth when he wants to be and a lot of the time it's rather sexual. Over time with someone, he knows exactly what buttons to push so that really helps in getting what he wants out of them. Rhys is easy to flirt with because Sal knows that he loves it when he's being mean.
G   :   GIFT.   is your muse good at gift - giving or do they struggle to get it right?
Sal isn't all that good at gift giving, mostly because he doesn't have the exact idea on what people could want. Mostly because his first reaction is jewelry or his body. Sal also doesn't have the best reactions if someone doesn't like his gifts since it's just a sign that "oh the don't want my stuff??? They don't want me" mentality.
J   :   JEALOUSY.   does your muse get jealous in a relationship?
For sure, Sal cannot stand the idea of sharing anyone because it's only a matter of time before they release they're better off without him or they want him to leave so they can have something special. He's desperate for wanting to be kept or stay around and this rears its head in very ugly manners.
K   :   KISS.   is your muse a good kisser? why / why not?
Sal likes to pride himself on his kisses because he likes showing off to his partner and that he can show them a good time. He likes taking advantage of what his partner enjoys. Plus he has a very hot mouth so that's always fun to make out with.
L   :   LOVE.   who does your muse love?
He loves his owls because they're his and Sal loves everyone at his work for being the fun friends he never had. He especially loves Bex for being the one to give him his job and to be so...loving. He loves her in the way Sal hasn't loved someone in a very long time.
Sal still loves his family depsite everything. He wants to go back one day and see whether his father made a grave for his sister (oh the woes of not being told that your sister lived). He misses his dad more than Sal would ever like to admit.
And admittedly, Sal still loves Cecil in a way. She groomed him and raped him, but it still doesn't wipe away memories of her giving him outfits and teaching him dancing. Everything gets blurry when he thinks back on her and what exactly he felt, but Sal figures that there's no point, not when Rhys is there.
Rhys is...he's a lot. Sal finds himself eager to see him and looks forward to anything Rhys has to say. He enjoys the warmth of leaning against Rhys and feeling hands stroke his hair and rub his back and the kisses on his back and neck. He loves the hot angry sex and has a growing fondness for the giggly softer sex that they have so rarely but Sal finds himself aching more for. He has more fantasies of kissing Rhys and being held now and that's absolutely horrifying.
N   :   NAUGHTY.   what is your muse like in bed?
Sal is, as you know, very dominating and charge taking. He knows that he wants the power and can't trust anyone else with it so its much better to have Rhys on his back and moaning from Sal's actions and Sal's entire being. He likes sex as a power playing game that he'll win or die trying or as something to play and punish Rhys for. He likes having attention on himself and Sal enjoys making Rhys feel real good and to make him not want anyone else.
O   :   ODE.   does your muse have a way with words?
If you're looking for someone to talk shit? Then Sal has an excellent array of insults and jabs. However, he isn't so nearly eloquent in discussing his feelings or telling Rhys stuff. It causes Sal a little frustration that he'll never really say anything that's as meaningful or good sounding as Rhys does.
P   :   PARTNER.   what does your muse look for in a partner? looks / personality?
He wants someone who's pretty because Sal is shallow but also because if they're pretty, it means that they understand the effort he puts into his appearance and will probably put in just as much effort. Though Sal ruins that by constantly looking for people who tend to be dangerous and bad for him. He needs his other braincell so he can have someone to bounce and perform terrible ideas with.
S   :   SWEETHEART.   did your muse have a childhood sweetheart?
Not exactly? Sal wasn't really allowed to interact with many kids because Giles was afraid that he'd give away Perigee so he was always kept close by. Doesn't mean that Sal didn't pay attention to the kids around him and form a small crush on a girl dropped her ball and asked for Sal to pass it back one time. She did it every time he came and it was Sal's favourite part of visiting the human town until Giles caught on and made Sal move to the other side of him and started passing the ball back instead.
The girl stopped doing it eventually and stopped looking at Sal when she noticed that his skin started gaining pitch black pigments among the bone white.
V   :   VALENTINE.   how does your muse feel about valentine’s day?
Annoyed by it. It's a holiday where he has to work longer hours because of the lonely souls there and it's a time where he's gotta set up three different dates because his scams want to take him out that night. Also, he does not look good in red lingerie (in Sal's own opinion) and he always needs to take the next day of to sleep over the extra use of his power and any possible injuries.
X   :   XOXO.   does your muse use / like pet names?
He does use them and often they tend to be something to annoy someone or something to show his affection of them. Sal is fifty/fifty about his own pet names depending on how offensive they may be. All nicknames regarding his height earn Sal's ire but Starshine? He's gotten soft for it, much to his own chargin.
Y   :   YOURS.   does your muse get protective easily?
If possessive counts as protective? Then yes. Sal gets anxious if he thinks Rhys might be in danger or doing dangerous shit so this leads to overly aggressive displays of affection and Sal attempting to bully Rhys into staying safe and doing whatever dangerous thing himself. Yeah, he's soft, but he can also explode into a red hot alien Rhys!! No he isn't crying, shut your face and hide in his bed to put that mouth to some good use and practice on a dildo u stupid moonass!!
Z   :   ZZZ.   how many people has your muse slept with?
Sal likes bragging that he's slept with hundreds but really it's only around twenty or so. It's a lot harder to find people who would let a 4'9 pretty boy fuck them and Sal has a harder time with women after Cecil. Add the alien shit??? And that's how most of his late nights are with people who ask him to "probe" them and proving themselves enough for him to take them to his home planet. He always feels a little empty after these nights so of course Rhys has become his favourite man ever.
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Lost and Found
Orlaux Voss, once dee Dzemael, has spent the past twenty years searching high and low through dangerous lands looking for his hope. After the fall of Ala Mhigo, and the death of his wife Maerwynn, his missing Daughter (and unknown to him, Warrior of Light) Danica in hopes that even with the two of them, family and home can be found again.
AKA Welcome to My Adventure in making my Main's Dad first a retainer and then an Alt and now he's demanding fiction explaining how he found his Daughter that I'm too willing to write. For the most part is just Noir Lancer Dad.
Archive Link
Chapter One:  Hope Thine Name is Wyrmblood
It started simple enough. A strange lancer much like myself, so very far from home, half swallowed by his cup in a bar seedier than a pomegranate. White hair, grey eyes, exhaustion of something greater than war written across his face, I had half the mind to try to get his story but what he said damped curiosity's flame.  
“You’re eyes. Familiar.” He murmured more into his ale than to me. I tensed, normally such declarations are punctuated by blades to my gut. My mask of indifference, honed from years in Ishgard and once again in use since the fall of my dearest Ala Mhigo, gave no outward sign of my fear, only raising a single eyebrow in query. When he didn’t continue, I cautiously goaded my foe.
“Oh? Strange.” I laughed, my cup to my lips, thankful my hands didn’t betray the thoughts in my mind by shaking. God’s it had been years since I had dealt with any of my families assassins, I had hoped they had finally left me to my own devices. “Most of the time I’ve been told they’re freakishly unique. Gold and Green as they are.” 
The stranger dropped his eyes from me to his glass, his fingers tightening around it, twisting it aimlessly as the bartender did everything he could to avoid both of us. For good reason, I imagine. We both look the part of the angry loner, he more than I honestly. I leaned back, my glass empty, and slide gil across the counter, hoping eventually the bartender will risk serving us for the glinting gold on the table. 
“What’s familiar about them?” I probed once again. “I don’t recall ever meeting you before ser...” I let the words hang in the air, and attempted to give a reassuring smile. He didn’t look up to see it, but he did shake his head. 
“Estinien. Estinien Wyrmblood.”  He looked back at me, finally, but pointedly avoids looking me in the eye. Uncomfortable. Cornered. A state I’ve been in before, but I needed to know where he’s seen these strange mismatched eyes before. I needed to know if this twenty year vigil was at an end, without a body to bury on the other side. Did dare I hope? Yes. Hopes all that's kept me going over the years. 
“Well then Ser Wyrmblood, I’m Orlaux. Lovely to make your acquaintances, but that still doesn’t answer my question.” I cracked a smile, the one that wins me jobs and pays my tabs, and prevents people from asking for my surname. He seemed to relax a bit. The gears in his mind turning slowly. Figuring how much he wanted to tell a stranger, smart boy really, tired and more world weary than he should be but smart all the same. I would have been lying if I said I wasn’t trying to figure out the exact amount myself. Dangerous to overshare. Dangerous to undershare. 
“I’ve seen them before, but on someone else.” Words fell from his lips like slow melting ice, setting me on edge even as I was grateful for the progress. He ran a nervous hand through his hair, and grimaced as it caught on some knot. “A friend of mine. Better than I deserve. Defended me. Saved my life.”
Saved his life ey? My mind tried to connect the last image I had of my daughter with an older, wiser, and kinder woman. Perhaps a healer, or guard, or perhaps she’d follow after her mother and pick up a rapier and venture. Someone out there helping the world.  I could not help but crack a smile, and my mask, at such a thought. “Oh? What’s her name? Perhaps I have some heroic cousin I should be bragging to my family about.” 
He tensed, and I immediately knew I’ve overstepped something, slipped up somehow. This time it was he who got defensive, snapping his eyes towards mine and squinting with all the rage he can muster, or at least that he can contain in his moderately inebriated state. I could smell the booze coming off of him even before I sat next to him and heard his murmuring about my eyes. He went to open his mouth, but was stopped by the approach of the bartender, who sweeps up my gil and goes to refill us both. 
“Or their name, or his name, though from memory most of my venturing’ cousins prefer feminine pronouns.” I covered my own ass with a half hearted lie. I doubt a sober companion would have bought them, but hopefully a drunken one did. It’s hard to tell with the permanent scowl on this Estinien’s face.  He didn’t look at me again, instead, turning his gaze to his own reflection in his cup, colored gold by the liquor inside. I could have counted this out as a failed lead, nothing more than the drunken ramblings of a lonely Dragoon, when he spoke again.
“She doesn’t have any family,” His words once more to himself more than to me, “Hasn’t for a long time.” He shakes his head hair falling in front of his eyes, blocking his own reflection, and exhales audibly. I watched him carefully, while attempting not to appear as if I was doing so. Failing terrible honestly, but thankfully he was too enthralled by his drink to notice. “Plus, you don’t strike me as a Mhigan, not with a spear like that. What took you out of Ishgard?” 
He looked up, and I caught him taking a glance at a black scarf tied around the neck of his own spear, instead of mine, as he tried to redirect the questions away from himself. A ragged little thing, more grey than truly black anymore, with a time worn symbol of the Destroyer embroidered onto it. I gritted my teeth and think, deciding to leave my answer up to fate and down my drink instead of replying.
“Ala Mhigo did.” Honesty, I always told her to be Honest, best practice what I preach. “A Wanderer in Red stole something from, not something I wanted back, but something I was willing to follow her for.” The thought of my stolen love, my dearest Maerwynn, stalls my tongue for but a second. I blinked, even though I know I’ve no more tears to hold, and feel naught but the hollow ache in my chest. 
“Wanderer in Red...” He repeated after me, sitting up right, making his own choices, hearing some familiar in my words. “They tend to do that, don’t they?”  He faced me and gave me a once over I’m too busy wishing away my memories to notice. I traced the scar on my face absently, cursing its very existence. Perhaps, perhaps if it wasn’t there and I had been at home the Garleans would have never gotten to her. To either of them. 
“Her name is Danica,” His words snap me from my self pity, and I can’t stop my eyes from going wide. I feel my heart skip a beat and hope course through my veins like oxygen. A breath of fresh air in my face after years, nay, decades of stagnation. My rational mind tried to will this away, at least to a reasonable level, but my heart is so overcome with joy I cannot help but show it on my face. I fear the smile may unsettle, but in fact it seemed to relax him. A curiosity for another day, another night of pondering. He looked away, back to his drink, sadly finding it empty. 
I need to know more. This name, this dearest matching name. Eyes like mine. A Hero, a friend. My mind moved faster than it could possibly make coherent sentences, in the end I blurted out my next question with such force Estinien jumps a bit. 
“Where is she?” 
Startled, he blinked, and I once again fear I had faltered. I glanced to the bartender, though I know fate isn’t keen on giving second chances, let alone thirds, and then to him. Finding the red face of someone who truly three sheets to the wind. “Last I saw her she was in Ishgard. Tired, Happy that the Dragonsong war didn’t claim another of her friends.” 
And what once was boiling blood, filled with hope and joy and images of being reunited with a daughter I’ve searched so damn long for freezes in my veins. 
Of course she had to be in fucking Ishgard. She had to be within stabbing distance of my family, she had to be in danger. She had to be where if I was seen, I’d be chased out with pitchforks and torches bought with nobles money or worse. Branded a heretic and executed in some fun and brutal way where accepting my death would prove my innocence. A land even more dangeorus for me than fucking Garlemald. 
Yet. I would still go. 
Even for the chance, the hope, that his Danica and my Dani were one in the same. That I’d walk into the Forgotten Knight decades after I last left it and see my daughter enjoying a fine evening surrounded by friends and those who care for her and see her smile up at me again like when she was small and asking for bedtime stories about heroes and dragons. Even if she wasn’t with friends, even if she was alone, even if she didn’t recognize me in the slightest. 
Alive. Just Alive would do.
I stood from the bar and tapped the newest of Ishgards expatriots on the shoulder in thanks. Though I doubt he knew the weight his words had had on me. He barely looked over his shoulder to me as I departed without so much as a word. A rudeness, but one I felt was needed when my own words could not be trusted to hide my truths in such a state or joy and fear. 
I had much to consider and plan, in the relative safety of my inn room, but found no such purchase as I laid my head down. The wine and memories overtaking me into a realm of sleep that for once, seemed not so dark. 
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tkstrannd · 4 years
Ronen Rubinstein as a potential boyfriend for William Clayton in GA&TC
Well following the events of Arrow 8.09 Green Arrow and the Canaries episode, Future Team Arrow has a lead in the “she” person and who is behind of all this mess of bringing all this trouble to the future, and this time the mission need William's brains in the field and not behind a computer, William needs to go undercover
-No definitely no- says Mia. You’re not going undercover it’s dangerous for you, you don’t have an extended training or any battle skills this could be dangerous. 
-Come on it’s only party I don’t think that can be that dangerous and besides you will be there too, and who is the best in having my bad in the field than you, also Zoey and Connor will be there too, I think that I’ll be well secure.
-Fine -Mia sighs- But you don’t get to get lost from my sight alright
-All right just let me get ready i need get some files in the tablet and i have a suit already, it won’t take long.
-I’ll regret doing this- says Mia to herself
Now in the party looking for any resources that could lead to this “she” person William starts to scan all the room looking for anyone to get some info from, not exactly to get to the “she” person, the lead is to its second, the one that does all the dirty word and this person the second in charge, but could this person be there as their resources told FTA that he would be there, the only thing that FTA knew is that it was a He and that HE would be in the event
-Maybe would be someone who attracts a lot of attention- says William
Then we will have to wait a little more, because for me all this old men seens pretty boring to me- says Mia
As Mia says this, this gorgeous man enters the room and suddenly everybody in the room starts clapping to him, this gorgeous man that sudden made William lost his concentration that attractive 27ish male with those green eyes that could hypnotize you if you stare them right amount of time,a smile that would make you do anything that he would ask, brown hair long enough to have a curl on his forehead, slightly taller than William and a fit body that you could say that was made by the gods, he that could be wearing a suit that seens more like a second skin that which each movement that he makes the suits follows, as he turns to welcome the people to the party suddenly all the room starts to look at him, Him with an aubergine suit that William would say that is an ugly color but not in him, not in that physique, and Mia in the comms asking for anything new or suspicious and suddenly William couldn't articulate any word, he was shocked at the looks of the second in charge.- I-I think i found it- says Williams. I will get close to him
In matter of second this man is surrounded by people trying to talk to him, as William approaches to him, the man decides to leave the conversation with all these people and seens attracted to William. 
 -Did you know Argus in collaboration with Palmer tech built this place and is the most secure building in all Star City- says William to the man in the aubergine suit.
-Yeah I know I'm the one who ordered this building to be made with my exact specifications, this a total anti-meta building, anyone can’t get in without getting noticed. And as you can see all the doors only can be opened with biometric scans and the security firewall was created in association with Felicity Smoak so any one who tries to enter physical or virtually will have some trouble doing it say the man in the aubergine suit, -yeah I know- says William stuttering -I mean I know that it will be hard to enter this building with being invited, that is why I'm so amazed by this construction.
William Harris -he says giving his hand to the only man that has been able to make him hesitate without even talking to him.
Eliott -answers in the man in the aubergine suit returning the action and giving William his hand and with a firm handshake but he didn’t gave his last name, this is a little strange for William, everybody always introduce to him with a full name but not Eliott not this time but William let it past since he’s got his attention 
-I've never seen any beautiful eye like yours- tells William to Eliott
-And I've never seen such a fine man in this building before, after me of course answers Eliot turning this conversation into a compliments battle almost at the point of flirting in the room, a room with almost fifty people where suddenly every disappears as Williams and Eliott talks, It’s like the room was only for then but no, the room was full of people, talks and classic music.
-Jesus get room- says Mia in the comms and William basically ignoring her, this was the time, the time where William will return the favor to Mia and not listen to the comms, Mia was furious - I can believe that he is doing me the same I did to him the last time- says Mia.
Zoey and Connor are in the comms too and both look at each other and says, now the turn tables right Mia, this wasn't the right time to make a boyfriend this was a serious and important mission but William seen to not care and He and Eliott wanted to take the conversation to some place more private.
Both William and Eliott goes to Eliot's office, So tell me more about this building -says Eliott- since you're so interested in this construction maybe you can tell me something that I don't know. Well -answers Williams-  I know that any speedster can't phase this building, the guards are trained by ARGUS and the rotate turns each 6 hours so there won't be any tired guard and all these guards can be focused, but then William remembered that he doesn't have to say a lot, he doesn't want to blow up his cover, but I thinks that you already knows that tells William to Eliott with taking his eyes off of him, Yes that is correct -says Eliott- but maybe you can tell me more about yourself ask to William as he pours two cups of champagne,
-Well what can I say tech is my passion and anything related to Palmer tech would be my priority to study.
-Oh I see says Eliot, you work for Palmer Tech,
-Not like that- say William, more like a consultant, I specialize in virtual security actually I have my own company Harris Consolidated, and we are based in hackers security and meta tech, instead of preventing meta tech to be used in crimes we use them for security,
-So basically you're tell me that you're responsible for all the anti-meta security in my building- says Eliott. More or less -answers William- I don’t like to brag about my work, it’s what i love- 
Now having more confidence than before but of course he has more now, they are in a private place and talking about what he does best, -Well let me tell you something -says Eliott- while he takes William's cup of champagne from his hand to fill them again, I know what you were staring at me since the moment I entered the room you're not very subtle. And there it goes all of William's confidence, it left the room the moment that Eliott said that, Don't worry -says Eliott- if I were you I will be looking at me all the night too, and William left a breath leave his chest and calm again.
Oh I see now -says William- You're very cocky
Eliot reaches Williams with the cup of champagne and leaves them over the table, You know what?, Let's get straight to business -says Eliot as he approaches even more close to William-, I don't like to make a lot of turns and after that Eliott grabs William by the suit and gives him a kiss in the mouth
I thought you wanted to make business -says William as he takes a breath of that kiss maybe wanting more, maybe being so sure of wanting more-
This is business -replies Eliott- or you will lie to my saying that this isn't the reason that you're here, to seduce the most attractive man in the room? 
-At this moment William doesn’t know what to think, he can’t think straight well he never has do it, but at this moment he doesn’t know how to reach, He keeps kissing Eliott and enjoys it or he has to make a plan to get some info after all that is why he’s in that place, is Eliott really bad as he thinks?, does he really works for this “she” person?, he seens so nice but who knows apparences always lie. Something that William doesn’t know about Eliott is that he was trained by the League of Heroes created by Thea and Talia and he went rogue, when he found all those ancients books of the League of Assassins and he really wanted to make a change even if it was by his own hand, but this really didn’t matter after all this happened in earth one in the timeline before Crisis, but maybe this mattered after all, ever since the “she” person used Martian Manhunter’s tech on him to recover all of his memories from the erased timeline due to the creation of earth prime, and that in thew timeline he never lived through all that and he is "good", maybe he can use that training for something good, but not for the moment because Eliott works for the “she” person, maybe William can change something on him in the future, who knows?-
Well I wasn't exactly planning in seduce you but maybe this is a plus after all I just wanted to take a look at my work and you being here to show it is a total win, still kissing Eliot and with a shortness of breath after all this fine man takes William's breath away.
-Jesus -says Mia in the comms- and Zoey and Connor better decides to turn off their comms so they can't hear anything and in a moment of distraction William turns off his comms too for Mia's respect, they share everything after all they are siblings, but maybe William didn’t wanted to share this experience with all FTA and his little sister, not this experience that could possibly blow this mission and if William play well his card this could be the key to find HER
After a few minutes of kissing and laughs between kisses the clothes started to fall in the office's floor, yes that beautiful aubergine jacket fell on the floor and after all that William doesn’t thinks that it's an ugly color anymore, it was the turn of William Jack but Eliot wasn't so delicate taking William's jacket he was basically ripping off his clothes, Easy tiger -says William- I still need to turn to the party remember.
-I don't care says Eliot I can get you anything else if you want after all this is my building, and who say you will come back to the party?, come with me -tells Eliott to William while grabbing him by the hand and reaching the elevator.
Both of them goes one floor up and who could say that his building has a whole floor dedicated to be Eliott’s room. William is amazed by what he’s seeing the bed, the space and maybe just maybe Eliott new that i was going to be a long... night so he asked to get ready the room before they get there.
Alright them -says William- lets keep going with your business maybe we can have a good deal.
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guzma-reader-hell · 5 years
Date Nite
Dis for my buddy @boxdfoxeninc . There’s no fucking excuse for this being so late, but I wanted it to be nice because she caught me a beautiful salandit shiny named opal and I owe her my life (and two more chappies of dis beautiful adventures of Lynnie and Guzma) I hope you enjoy this my friend, and that as it goes on that it makes up for the wait and for the effort you put into getting me my dream Pokémon ❤️
“It’s fine.”
Mantra of the night.
“It’s alright.”
“You good fam.”
“I gotchu.”
But deep down Guzma knows it ain’t alright. It ain’t even remotely close to fine, he ain’t good, and you barely got yourself.
Chasing dreams, making a fool of yourself, you’ve done it all. Just like him, and one of the many things that endeared him to you. Everything he tried to do to make trial captain was all for naught, and better than anyone he knew the state you were currently in. It was just the problem of your denial that prevented him from giving you the help you truly needed...
Date nights hadn’t been this tense, not since you visited before your last trip to Sinnoh. A bundle of nerves had come to see him at least a year ago, crying about how nervous she was to take on the Sinnoh league all over again, and oh my god what if I don’t make it, what if I fail, spouting all these different worries and anxieties pickled and stuffed up into one big fuckaroo of a thing you called life. Then when you left, unable to call or write because you wanted to commit fully, he agonized endlessly but trusted in his pride for you. Well... no news came. Everything had gone dark for a few minutes, and there were no new updates on the Sinnoh League champion. Guzma, well, he’d been living a life of debauchery after leaving his parent’s house and forming up his own ragtag group of criminals, and ironically there wasn’t anyone else he could think of that he wanted to share his accomplishments with but you. It was just that when you finally came home, and he managed to get you alone before anyone else, he found you oddly closed off to everyone, even the one criminal boss you trusted from the beginning.
This bullshit sucked. Plain and simple. But what could he say?
“It’s fine.” You insisted. “Order whatever you want babe. It’s all on me.”
“Ya sure?” Guzma finally settled on. “Don’t look alright Lynnie...”
You waved it off, like swatting imaginary cutieflies out of your face. The Ronin set he wanted to share was costly, for normal folks it meant half a month’s salary. For trainers, it was more money than you could expect to battle for on the islands without a VS Seeker.
“Told you, ‘s fine. I’ll buy this time.”
“Yeah.” You insisted, “No trouble at all my dude. Besides, like you’re in a position to buy anything, with your broke ass.”
He shrinks back, not at your comment, but your laugh. It sounds too hollow. Too depraved of any sort of joy. It speaks the volumes of words that won’t come out of your mouth no matter how many times someone asks you how life treated you in a colder climate. There’s only one indication that your trip even existed (because let’s face it, all interactions have basically indicated it never happened). Your Pokémon, a grizzled Infernape that drapes its arms lazily around you every now and again, seems to bear the only souvenir of a scar, and it’s an old one at that... There’s no fanfare, no presents for anyone save for the scarf you’d gotten him.
What can Guzma say? You won’t talk to him about the things that plague your mind as the appetizers come out, bowls of miso soup and a plate of tempura that he devours but you can only pick at. Naturally, as expected, there is no conversation the whole of dinner even though he wants desperately to catch up. To have both of you brag about successes, cry about failures, anything save for this damned silence that will not end. But he can’t reach you, all he can do is reach the food, and it’s been a while since he’s eaten this good. So the only thing he can do at the moment is eat. The aforementioned Ronin Set is gone the minute it hits the table, and the sad piece that Guzma has spared you sits untouched, going lukewarm by the time the bill hits the table and you’re paying for everything on a card.
It’s the next sentence that worries him: “I’m not sure what’s on this one but let’s give it a try.”
Oh hell no. Not if you were just as broke ass as he was. Immediately he flags down the waiter, nearly tackling the poor man as Guzma tails after him on the pretense of taking a leak before you both return home. He stuffs a wad of cash into his hand unceremoniously, assuring him rather gruffly that if he brings back the receipt and card in one piece that he can keep the change. It’s not that hard to convince the waiter, especially when Guzma doesn’t pay attention to how much of his hidden stash he slaps into the other man’s hand before hightailing it back to the table, and considering the fact that the locals know him well in Malie, and will give this hardened criminal whatever in the hell he wants.
The waiter comes back and presents your card and receipt with a flourish. You take it nonchalantly, and Guzma thanks the gods that you simply take the card and stand up.
“Ready?” You ask, seemingly ready for the night to end. Infernape follows behind, equally disenchanted with everything that Sushi High Roller has to offer.
He wants to make a scene, cause a dramatic altercation because, as one Ms. Clavel might say: Something is not right.
He suddenly find himself pushing the chair out behind him, the noise harsh as the legs scrape the flooring. Guzma has to book it after you, because you’re already out the door and walking into the brightly lit streets by the time he catches up. You look back briefly, shrugging when you see him panting, breathless with anger, and you’re about to tell him goodnight when the nuclear bomb decides it’s time to drop.
“<i>What the fuck is your damage?!</i>”
You’re caught off guard. The world stops spinning on its axis, holding breath from the moment the first word exploded from his mouth into the mushroom cloud that formed the rest of the sentence. The rest of Malie floats away on the wind, a blur of colored lights sprinkling magic droplets into the dark fades away until there is nothing. No city. No people. Just a void. A vacuum in space and time that Guzma has created with the halting bark of his voice and the pent up rage and aggression that cannot be matched by anyone but himself.
“You’re acting like a brat!” He screams, getting right in your face and his eyes blazing with something so fierce that even infernape cannot come to your rescue.
“You leave me for a year, ya don’t call or write to me, or even think to lemme know you’re still kicking... then ya come back and have the audacity to axe me out and take me to this tired date so you can avoid questions and treat me like imma fuckin’ stranger to ya! This is BULLSHIT! Why the hell you don’t tell me what’s going on with ya?! Come on Lynnie! Talk to me! TALK GODDAMN YOU!”
His words have knocked the breath out of you. It’s... quite a long time before anyone moves or says a word and he’s about to go for it again when you suddenly break down and begin sobbing, infernape trying to resuscitate you from your break down and nearly torching Guzma when he drops to his knees to come and get you up off the floor. You struggle briefly, once, twice, before pushing infernape away and collapsing in Guzma’s arms where your facade of holding it together reveals quite the contrary.
You closed off because you were broken. He doesn’t have to pry to get you to talk because in that brief instant that you’re clinging like an animal to him he knows. He knows you’re here for good. He knows that you tried your best at everything you’ve done and come back a failure because he’s gone through the exact same shit, taking a nine iron to the face to show for it. You don’t need to tell him that becoming the champion fell through, because the emotion you exude and the mantras of “I did my best” slipping out between the dry heaves and snot bubbles is so heartbreakingly familiar, so mind numbingly sad that it takes everything inside Guzma not to break down into a million pieces right there with you in the street. One thing he knows... and he knows it for certain... you are not going home tonight nor any of the other nights after. He will be go to hell if he lets you out of his sight and out of his life ever again.
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fanfic-inator795 · 5 years
RotTMNT/Baron Jitsu fanfiction: Dating… With Children - Chapter Seven
(Also on AO3 if you want to leave a comment or kudos)
Plot:  Benjamin Draxum hardly considered himself a man of high social standing. Not because he was uncouth or unworthy of it, mind you, but simply because he didn’t have much of a social life. Hard to have one when he usually spent his days at work, cooped up in a lab for so long that he often had his lunches in there, and his nights at home reading or doing research for more personal projects. But perhaps meeting handsome semi-retired movie star - as well as his four young sons - could change all that…
((Soooo, I know I said this chapter would have a bit more drama, but as I was writing that chapter, I realized that this idea was better as a lead-in to the next, slightly more dramatic idea. So, you're getting this chapter first, hope you guys don't mind! Anyway, enjoy the action and fluff! ^v^))
They say no news is good news, and for the most part Draxum could see some truth to that. It wasn't as if he had wished for something to have gone wrong, like their lab’s computers completely crashing or one of his intern’s screwing up. But at the same time, there also hadn't been any major breakthroughs, not even small discoveries in their research and tests that could lead down a rabbit hole of possibilities.
No, instead it had just been another average day at work. Just like the day before, and the day before that… And the several days before that…
Draxum sighed, rubbing his eyes. He only had a couple hours left in the shift, and he knew exactly what he was going to do afterwards. It was a part of his routine that he had been somewhat denying himself, thanks to all the extra time he had been spending either at the Jitsu house or at his own apartment. And, while he certainly didn't regret the time spent with his boyfriend, he was still looking forward to a couple good rounds…
Suddenly, he felt his phone vibrate for a second in his pocket. “Speak of the devil,” he mumbled with a smirk, taking the phone out. Sure enough, it was a text from Lou.
“Hey, babe. Whatchu up to? Hope work is going well.” Draxum wasn't quite sure when Lou had started calling him that (though it certainly flustered him a bit the first time he noticed), but while he usually wasn't one for pet names, he supposed he didn't mind this one too much.
“Work is work. Going to stop by the ring after,” he texted back.
It only took a few seconds for Lou to reply. “Oof, that bad of a day?”
“No, just haven't done it in a while. Figured it'd be a good way to clear my head somewhat, instead of feeling like a rat on a wheel.”
“Fair enough, hope u have fun!”
Draxum stared at the reply, thinking about it for a moment before typing, “Would you want to come with?” He waited, and then-
“Really, you don't mind?”
“If I did, I wouldn't have asked.”
“Haha, ok! Let me call my babysitter to see if he’s available, otherwise yeah, I'd love to!” A few minutes later, Lou sent another text - a simple thumbs up emoji - and Draxum replied with what time he'd be picking him up.
A quick stop at home after work to change and grab his gym bag, and then it was straight to the Jitsu house. Thankfully traffic was on his side for the most part, making him only a couple minutes late. He walked briskly up the colorful sidewalk - it looked like the boys had tried to play some sort of space themed hopscotch game - and knocked twice. The door opened, and-
“Well hello there~!”
Draxum blinked, stepping back slightly. He had been expecting Lou or one of the boys to answer the door, but instead he was greeted by a stout man with bushy blond hair and an even bushier mustache and a smile that just seemed much too happy and friendly to be natural. “...Hello. I-”
The short man suddenly grabbed his hand, shaking it firmly. “You must be Lou’s new beau! Oh it's just so great to meet you! And I can just tell already that you two must be the sweetest thing and probably look so CUTE together!”
“...If you say so,” Draxum said slowly, allowing the man to hold onto his hand for only a few seconds before yanking it away. Figuring that he wouldn't just want to stand and wait in the doorway, the overtly happy man stood aside, allowing Draxum to come in. He noticed all four boys - and… Was that a dog? What in the world, where had that come from? - in the living room, contently sitting on either the loveseat or the beanbags as they all watched TV together.
“Oh, hey Dr. Draxum!” Donnie noticed, waving. The Labrador puppy that was sitting near him also gave a quick greeting, barking loudly before settling back down. The mustached man just giggled at the pup, wagging a finger at it.
“Er, hello boys,” the scientist nodded, giving them a halfhearted wave, “Where is your-?”
“Hey, you.” Draxum turned and saw Lou coming down the stairs, dressed in a v-neck tank top and long gym pants, with his yellow-tinted sunglasses once again being opted out for darker ones. His hair was also missing its usual pompadour-like style, his bangs instead being tied back in a top knot. The leaner man’s smile almost immediately helped put Draxum a bit more at ease, even if he still wasn't too sure of their ‘guest’.
“Have a fun date, Pop!” Raph told him as his father gave him and his brothers goodbye-and-be-good hugs.
“I'm sure we will,” Lou smiled. Once he was done with his boys, he turned to the blond. “We’ll try not to stay out too late. I would imagine that-”
“Oh no, take your time!” The stout man insisted, “I'm in no rush! And you know how I just love looking after your boys, Lou, it's no trouble at all! Now you two go on and have a great time, okay?
Lou chuckled. “Alright, if you insist. Thanks again, Todd.” They quickly shook hands, with the smaller man once again insisting that he was happy to help. Finally looking back at Draxum now, he led his date out the door while his babysitter waved them off. And as soon as the door closed, Draxum broke his silence.
“Okay… Who was that guy?”
“Who, Todd?” Lou asked, “Uh, he's my babysitter? Kinda thought that was obvious, but-”
“So, you just found this guy and thought, ‘yeah, he seems normal enough to trust with my children’, huh?”
Lou laughed as they walked. “Okay okay, I know Todd seems a bit weird-” Even he could admit to being a bit overwhelmed by the guy’s friendliness and enthusiastic niceties the first time they met- “But he's also just a nice guy! And a good babysitter too, the boys have a fun time with him. ...Though, that maaaay be because he always brings over one of his puppies whenever he sits - he runs a puppy rescue that's on the outskirts of the city.”
“Ah,” Draxum nodded, opening his driver’s side door, “Well, that's one way to give them a pet without actually giving them a pet.”
“I know, right! That's what I thought too!” He paused as he got in the car. “Though, Mikey still tries to ask me for a cat sometimes…”
Since it was for amateurs only, the gym wasn't too fancy, all things considered. It was a little on the small side, and the youngest equipment there was still at least ten years old. Even his tiny home gym in his apartment was technically more modern. Still, the structure was sound and the roof never leaked, more than half the lockers there still locked and - the thing that always kept people like him coming back - there was still a well-kept, MMA regulation ring right in the center of it all. The perfect place for people to spar, as well as the home of amateur league bragging-rights-only championships every other month.
Draxum could still remember his first few times stepping into this old gym. He'd never been interested in team sports in his youth, but once he had found this place on one random walk around town, suddenly the strength and strategy behind mixed martial arts seemed pretty appealing. It kept him in shape at least, and even after three graduation ceremonies and earning a doctorate, he still found himself coming to the old gym to let off some steam about as often as he did as a teenager.
Lou seemed fairly impressed with it as well, immediately taking interest in the ring. The only other people there were a trainer and his hopeful eventual-champion, and since they were currently busy with the heavy bags in the corner, the ring was completely free.
“So,” Lou asked, stretching his arms as he glanced over his shoulder at his date, “Should we just get down to it then?”
Draxum smirked back at him. “Eager, aren't we?”
The ex-star shrugged. “What can I say, I like a good fight… Think you can give it to me?”
“I'd say I've got a pretty good chance.” Draxum walked over to him, close enough to let his natural height tower over Lou slightly. “Even when up against the great Lou Jitsu.”
Lou grinned. “Well then, let's see what you've got, Doc~”
“...This is ridiculously cheesy and over the top, even for us.”
“Oh don't act like you don't love it.”
All flirting aside, the two of them did take some time to stretch after climbing into the ring, with Draxum making sure to face away from his date, not wanting to risk staring or be caught staring. (Unbeknownst to him, Lou was doing the exact same thing. After all, Draxum was wearing a faded blue-grey tee and black shorts. Lou had never seen Draxum in shorts before, and he had no idea why. The man certainly had the legs for them.)
As they then turned back around to face each other and got into a starting position, the doctor couldn't help but feel a sense of deja vu, recalling the last time they ‘fought’. Of course, this time would be without the music, which meant it would naturally be more fight-like than dance-like, and there probably wouldn't be nearly as much fancy footwork. Still, he could feel excitement bubbling up in his chest, and allowed a small smile to stay on his face as they began the ‘round’.
Lou started things off, rushing in with a punch so fast that Draxum just barely managed to block it. “Ah, I was wondering if you'd actually take this seriously,” he said as he dodged another blow.
“Hey,” Lou chuckled, “Gotta keep you on your toes somehow!” He definitely had an advantage on speed, side-stepping and bouncing on his feet with ease as he hardly gave Draxum any room.
Of course, Draxum had his advantages too. He still had his height on Lou, as well as his physical strength. Once he saw an opening, he didn't hesitate to throw a punch. “Whoa!” Lou cries out, ducking down to avoid it before popping back up. “Nice one!” His date quickly raised his arms, ready to block.
Smirking, Draxum continued to throw hit after hit, keeping an eye on his openings and making sure to throw a fake out or two in there, just to keep things from getting to predictable.
Of course, Lou had his surprises as well. Turning one particular dodge into a sort of somersault, he gave himself some extra space. Once he was back on his feet, he tried a kick that was so fast and sudden, Draxum actually gasped as he moved away, thankfully only getting lightly kicked in the shoulder. The other amateurs he sometimes sparred with couldn't get their feet up nearly that high! “Too much?” He heard Lou ask.
“Hardly,” Draxum retorted, taking only the briefest of moments to regain his footing before rushing his date. Lou had been so focused on getting a possible tide-turning move in that he failed to also keep in mind his surroundings.
Not wanting to get pinned to the fence behind him, Lou dove out of the way, once again getting back to his feet in record time and trying another kick, this time aimed at Draxum’s back. But his boyfriend had speed of his own, it would seem. Draxum was able to catch the kick as he turned, taking the chance to shove Lou away.
Lou cried out a bit as he stumbled, though managed to keep from completely falling over. Standing back up to his full height, he was all smiles as he stared down his smirking opponent. “Alright, you’re asking for it!”
For the next two to three minutes, it was nothing but punches, blocks and dodges, with the two of them switching off between attacking and defending so quickly that if their fight had been an official match instead of just a spar, it could've been anyone’s round. Then again, if it had been an official match, Lou would've pulled out all the stops and shown off every trick he had while Draxum certainly would've been hitting a lot harder with quite a few more face shots, with either one of them being able to end the fight quickly.
But really, what was the fun in that?
For now, they just enjoyed the push and pull of the spar, observing each other’s strategies and clever moves while also admiring the other’s strength and athleticism. It was enjoyable, there was no denying that, but things were starting to slow down some. So, as Draxum caught his last punch, Lou allowed his body to stop. He smiled at his opponent, tilting his head slightly as he stared into Draxum’s eyes, not once trying to pull his hand away. “So… Wanna call it a draw?”
“Hmph.” Draxum lowered his arm, but didn't let go of his boyfriend’s hand. Only changing the position of his own hand, so it could feel like he was actually holding it rather than catching it. “Normally I wouldn't, but I think I can make an exception.” He rubbed the back of Lou’s hand with his thumb, taking a half step forward. “Good fight though. Shame it had to end.”
“Funny,” Lou said as he began tilting his head up now, “I was just about to say the same thing…” Still, there were certainly worse ways for a great spar to end than with a draw and a kiss...
Always seeming to have a few crumpled dollar bills and dull quarters sitting in the bottom of his locker, Draxum took the responsibility of keeping them hydrated and headed out to the old pop machine in the alley behind the gym. It took a couple tries for the finicky machine to accept his money, but Draxum was stubborn, and eventually this determination was rewarded with two bottles of water.
Unfortunately, once he stepped back inside, his mood quickly soured. The gym was a bit busier now, and while most of the people there were doing their own thing and minding their own business- “-Come on, you can't expect anyone here to believe that you are anything more than some washed up pretty boy from Hollywood!”
“Well, if you want to get technical, I'm actually from Tokyo,” Lou replied, arms crossed lazily, “Though I do appreciate the pretty comment, even if you are not really my type.”
The Chinese man who had recognized him (though definitely wasn't a fan) just sneered at the comeback. “Yeah, say all the one-liners you want, but that doesn't change the fact that you're not a real fighter!”
“And what makes you say that?” Draxum said suddenly, now directly behind the two of them, “After all, Hun, if you're going to be stupid enough to insult someone with enough skill in one hand to outclass you, then you'd better at least have some so-called evidence to back it up.”
Looking over his shoulder, Hun smirked. “Didn't think you were the fanboy type, Draxum. What, you think your ‘star’ can't handle a bit of trash talk? Can't handle someone who knows how to actually fight and not just swing a ladder around a set or toss around opponents who aren't even trying? Yeah, sounds like a real champion to me!”
Draxum narrowed his eyes, glaring down at him now. Of all the acquaintances and opponents he'd met at this gym, Hun was both the most cocky and the most annoying. Covered in tacky tattoos and always bragging about his ‘skills’, and despite only winning about two-thirds of the time, he still gloated incessantly about his victories to his cronies when they were there to back him up. The only good thing that came from running into him was usually beating him and shutting the mouth of his for a good while. ...But now, he could think of one better…
Draxum gave Lou a look and Lou didn't have to think about it, nodding back and giving his boyfriend a look of his own. Oh yeah, I've got this. “Well, if you are so confident, then why don't we have a friendly spar?” Lou asked, “Since we’re, you know, next to a fighting ring and all. You don't mind, right Ben?”
“Nope,” Draxum answered, “Don't mind at all.”
Hun grinned, cracking his knuckles. “Alright, Hollywood, let's do it. I for one can't wait to tell everyone how I beat the oh-so-great Lou Jitsu!”
“Oh I'm sure it will be an enjoyable tale,” Lou told him, not even looking at him now as he headed towards the ring’s entrance. Hun huffed, and started towards the other entrance. As for Draxum, he just found a good spot to watch from, and waited for the show to begin.
Lou took off his sunglasses in order to have completely clear vision, his face rarely serious. Hun smirked again, not at all intimidated. As far as he was concerned, this spar would be his, no sweat! “Here in the ring, you can't use fancy moves and convenient props as a crutch,” he taunted, “It's all skill!”
“I prefer to think of those things as ‘style points’, but hey, I can do basic.” Lou took one last deep breath before shifting into a starting position, completely prepared for whatever his opponent had to throw at him. “Ready when you are.”
Hun’s face shifted into a scowl, and he rushed towards Lou with a punch. Lou hopped back, dodging it easily. Another punch, another dodge. Hun tried a kick, and Lou simply ducked, sidestepping out of the way.
A small crowd was starting to gather outside of the ring. “See, I TOLD you that was Lou Jitsu!” “Whoa, you still think he can kick ass?” “Hun’s got this, Jitsu’s barely even fighting!” “Are you kidding me, Jitsu’s a pro! He's gonna wipe the floor with Hun once he gets going!”
Draxum watched in silence, eyes totally focused on his boyfriend. He could see the concentration in Lou’s face as he continued to duck and dodge, each move calculated as they darted around the ring. He wasn't trying to tire Hun out, he was just waiting for the perfect moment to go on the attack…
One more punch was thrown, aimed directly at Lou’s face - and this time, Lou blocked. His arms up now, he shifted into a punch so quickly that it made Hun flinch. He put his own arms to block, but the punch never came. Not from that direction, at least. The first one had been a fakeout, and it had done its job well, allowing the second punch to have a clear shot at Hun’s midsection
The crowd gasped and cheered. Hun grunted at the attack, but managed to stand tall. A respectable feat, but now he was out of step. Now it would be time for him to play defense. Lou began throwing hit after hit, hard and fast enough that even the ones Hun managed to block still caused a bit of pain. The occasional fakeout was enough to keep Hun from regaining an edge, and for the second time tonight, Lou was able to surprise his opponent with a well aimed kick to the shoulder.
As this all went on, Draxum could only stare, eyes wide. He didn't cheer along with the others. He couldn't even smile. All he could do was watch his date with amazement as he fought. It had been one thing to watch an extreme version of his fighting style in his movies, or have a playful spar-dance with him, but this was the real deal. No quips, no smirks or taunts, nothing but raw skill and strength. He could also see just how muscular Lou still was at this angle, despite being so lean and his abs, while not being completely gone, not nearly as tight as they used to be.
Each movement of his arms was a natural extension that was as easy as breathing and as powerful as a cobra strike. His stance was firm and as solid as a skyscraper, yet his feet almost never stopped moving. His eyes were sharp, always looking for the next opening and always trying to think two moves ahead. This was the mind and body of a true champion.
Simply put: To the others watching the fight, it was amazing. To Draxum, it was incredible.
With the two of them quickly running out of space - they were nearly up to the fence now - and the clear fatigue beginning to appear in Hun’s face, Lou decided it was time to officially end it. Huh threw one last punch, desperate enough that there was little technique in it. Lou caught it with ease, and with his other hand, he punched Hun right in the nose, sending him to the floor. He’d held back quite a bit, not being annoyed with Hun enough to seriously hurt him (or risk getting sued by him), but the man’s nose was sure to be bleeding for quite a while.
“Good fight,” Lou said simply, offering a hand.
Hun slapped it away, and stood up on his own, swaying only slightly. Even with one hand holding his nose, he managed to sneer at the ex-movie star. “So you proved that you can fight. Good for you. Just don't expect it next time, you got that?” With that, Hun stomped off, shoving past anyone who tried to talk to him outside of the ring.
But despite the harsh words, Lou just shrugged and headed towards Draxum, a smile already returning to his face. “Hey!” He waved, “So, I think I did pretty good in there.”
“Yes,” Draxum nodded, his voice slightly stiff, “You… Did well in there. Very well.” He inwardly scoffed at himself. That was only a mere fraction of the reaction he had to Lou’s fight, of the praise he wanted to give, though the rest would have to wait. “But I think we should head out to the car now.”
“Huh?” Lou raised an eyebrow. “You want to leave?” Did he get turned off by Lou showing off, or-?”
“I'm saying…” Draxum tried again, his cheeks a bit red now, “That we should go out to the car.”
Lou stared at him for a couple seconds before it finally hit him. “Oh. ... OHHHH.” He grinned. “Why, Benjamin~”
“Shut up,” Draxum hissed, his face burning now as he grabbed Lou’s wrist and dragged him towards the exit, with his date just barely managing to hold back his amused and excited laughter.
“One roast beef, and one burger. Enjoy, you two!” Lou nodded, silently assuring that they would.
The two of them had decided to stop somewhere for a bite before heading back to Lou’s place, and as luck would have it, the diner they’d had brunch at a few weeks prior was on the way there. Even better was that the diner was pretty deserted for a weekday evening, which meant other than a couple whispering waitresses, there was no one to really bother them.
The ex-action star smiled as he picked up his burger. “Heh, nothing like a couple good spars and a great makeout session to get you hung- Ow!” The kick under the table wasn't very hard, but Lou still gave a pout. “What was that for?”
“It's just not really the type of thing to say in public, is all,” Draxum grumbled, blushing slightly again. He took a moment to brush some hair out of his face, his hair tie currently lost somewhere under the seats of his car. “Especially not for us. We’re not exactly teenagers, after all.”
Lou scoffed. “So what? We can still have our fun, can't we? Not too old for that. And it's not like there's too many people around to hear. ...Though, if they did, they would probably call us lucky, and I would say the same.” Draxum just rolled his eyes while Lou chuckled, finally taking a bite of his burger.
The couple ate in silence for a bit before Lou spoke up again. “I had fun tonight,” he told Draxum, his tone much more sincere now, “Thanks for letting me tag along.”
Draxum smiled back at him, swallowing his own bite of roast beef and mashed potatoes. “If you had that much fun, then I’ll remember to invite you along next time.”
“Yeah. It really wasn't that bad of a place.” Lou dipped a couple fries in his ketchup, looking a bit thoughtful now. “Maybe I could even take the boys there. Once they're older, of course.” Can't exactly have fights out in the backyard, after all. ...Well, you could, but it'd probably lead to a visit from the cops.
Draxum looked curiously at him. “Oh, so you are teaching them your fighting style?”
“Eh, sort of.” Lou gave a small laugh, shaking his head. “From the first time they saw one of my movies, they have been begging me to teach them. Perhaps they were a bit young for those films, and certainly too young to begin intense training. Not that something like that was going to stop them. I lost count how many times I caught them trying to spar with each other - and usually hurting each other or themselves accidentally in the process. Once I even caught Raph with a ladder.”
Catching Draxum’s look of concern, Lou quickly clarified. “It was one of those little kitchen ladders. More like a stepstool, actually. Still, it scared me enough to send both him and his brothers that were cheering him on to their rooms. Afterwards, I sat them down and we had a long talk, leading to the compromise that I would begin to teach them when each of them turned ten.” He then sighed slightly. “Still, you know how insistent kids can be. So, in the meantime, I'm teaching them tai chi as well as the very basics.”
“Ah, I see,” Draxum nodded, “That seems fair.”
“Yeah, and it's actually been working out well. Tai chi actually makes for a very effective cool down exercise when any of them get into a fight with one of their brothers or have a meltdown over something. Plus, just learning different moves and techniques is just fun for them, no matter how simple they are.” Lou smiled to himself. With how enthusiastic they were at such a young age, not yet being bored or frustrated enough to quit, there was a good chance for martial arts to remain a long term part of their family.
His date smiled back at him. “Perhaps they'll grow up to be like their father, then,” Draxum commented.
“Heh, not exactly like me, hopefully,” Lou replied, “But yeah, maybe. It's like they say, you pass down who you were in life as well as what you knew during it. I just hope I'm passing down all good things.”
“I'm sure you are,” Draxum assured him, “Can't think of many bad things about you…” He stretched out his foot once again, this time gently brushing past Lou’s ankle rather than kicking it. Lou said nothing, wanting to use his mouth to take another bite of his burger instead, but returned the touch with his own foot.
Traffic slowed outside the window by their table, bright lights flashing by only occasionally. Some old 60s melody came up on the diner radio, further adding to the homey feel of the room. Once he was finished eating - for such a skinny guy, he could not only eat quite a bit but also eat it quickly - Lou rested the back of his hand against his drink, the water droplets from the glass of pop cooling the spots where light bruises were already starting to form. Switching his fork to his other hand, Draxum gently took Lou’s for the third time that night, lightly massaging it. And just like twice before, Lou didn't dare pull away.
Indeed, playful spars and showing cocky jerks who’s boss was pretty fun. But as it turned out, simply sitting at an old diner table, holding your date’s hand and just being able to peacefully exist with them was just as nice.
"...Would you like to join in on one of our tai chi sessions?" Lou asked suddenly, "We usually do it early weekend mornings, so I can understand if you would want to sleep in, but..."
Draxum personally didn't know much about tai chi, yet it didn't seem to matter. "Count me in," he answered, and the two didn't hesitate to seal the agreement with another kiss.
I'm admittedly not a huge fan of TMNT 2012 - though if any of you like it, it's fine, glad you could find more enjoyment in it than I could - but I thought including Hun from that incarnation could be a fun little easter egg, plus he seemed to fit better than just a random no-name character. And of course, gotta have some Todd! Heh ^v^ Anyway, please leave a kudos and a comment if you can, I'd love to know what you guys think of this chapter and story as a whole, and i'll see you all next time!
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What the Storm Blew In (1/4)
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Summary:  50 years ago, Regina Mills founded the town of Storybrooke to be a sanctuary for supernatural creatures. Witches, trolls, and all manner of creatures that go bump in the night live in semi-harmony, all under the watchful eye of werewolf Emma Swan. Until a mysterious ship sails into port in the middle of a blizzard and Emma has to deal with the sexy Captain and unexpected consequences that came with it.
Rating: Teen
Warnings: Language, Violence.
AN: Here is my contribution to @cssns!  A huge thank you to @theonceoverthinker for her amazing beta skills and @kmomof4 for her encouragement.  Lovely art by @shady-swan-jones!!!!
               Snow crunched under Emma’s boots as she jumped down from the cab of David’s truck.  She pulled her beanie further down - ensuring it covered her ears - as the wind tore the hood of her jacket from her head.  She grabbed the coils of rope from the bed of the truck and headed toward the focus of her attention. Right before her eyes was a tree that had crashed down across the powerlines that connected the west side of Storybrooke to the town’s power grid.
              “Didn’t we fix this last week?” Emma muttered as she trudged through the eight inches of snow that had fallen since the most recent nor’easter had made landfall on Maine’s coast.  
              “Last week’s was on the other side of town,” August’s said, his voice floating from somewhere in front of Emma.  Instinctively, Emma tried to pin down her friend’s location based on scent, but all she got was a nose full of snow.  
              Even if Emma had been able to smell anything, it would not have done her any good. August, no matter where he was, always smelled like a tree; what type of tree he’d smell like depended on his mood. Usually, he smelled like pine. It was a trait of his druid heritage, he had explained on the one and only date the two of them had gone on. She wasn’t entirely convinced that he had been completely honest with her. Once, when running in the forest that surrounded Storybrooke, she witnessed him turn into a maple tree.
              One moment he had been standing in a small patch of sunlight that had broken through the canopy of the forest and in the span of a blink of an eye, there was a tree in the exact same spot.  The event had been unexpected, but it was hardly the weirdest thing she had seen since moving to Storybrooke. The majority of the town’s population was otherworldly and not-entirely human individuals, and she was no exception.  
              Emma’s werewolf boyfriend had ‘accidentally’ bitten her when she was sixteen. Not long after, she’d found herself in police custody for possession of stolen goods and her lover nowhere to be found.  Thankfully, one of the officers that had been involved in her arrest had recognized Emma’s unique condition and had arranged for her to be sent to Storybrooke for ‘rehabilitation’ with a very special foster family.  
              Over a decade later and she was the town’s Sheriff. Sometimes, that job meant dealing with drunk fairies or barroom brawls between dwarfs, a wizard, and a troll, but most of the time it was the same work as other Sheriffs in rural Maine. Being a werewolf helped, though. It was almost a tradition for her to sniff out the rebellious teenagers drinking and smoking in the woods at the beginning of the summer.
              However, werewolf enhanced sense of smell or not, there was no way Emma could pinpoint August when surrounded by trees. Relying on her hearing instead, Emma followed the dull thud of an axe hitting wood.  She found August hacking at the base of the fallen tree; it had broken from the trunk about 10 feet from the side of the road. Her eyes darted to the electrical wires the tree had fallen across and breathed a sigh of relief to see that they were not live. She doubted August had bothered to confirm that the electricity to the area was off before starting work - not that she was sure a direct shock would do much damage to the man.  
              Emma dropped the rope on top of the tree and eyed it with distaste.  Not only had it taken out the power lines, but it was now situated across the main highway that ran in and out of town.  She sighed as she pulled some flares from her jacket and set them upright in piles of snow.  Though she didn’t expect anyone to be on the road in the middle of the night during a blizzard, it was better to be prepared.  They would move the tree off the road tonight, but Leroy and his team wouldn’t be out until the storm weakened to repair the power lines.  
              A car horn sounded and Emma jumped.  She yelled “Sorry” to David and got out of the way of the backend of his truck.  Once they had the fallen tree disconnected from its trunk, and the length of itself that was on the other side of the road, they would use the truck to drag the obstructing section of the tree to the side of the road.  After that, it would be left to either decay naturally or August would buy it off the town for his and his father’s woodshop.
              Truck in place, David hopped from the cab and trudged over, two axes on his shoulder.  “I think you should make a line of jewelry boxes from this tree,” he suggested to August.  The other man halted his chopping and gave the tree a contemplative look.  
              “Regina wants to redo her kitchen.  This is Black Cherry and would make some lovely cabinets,” August replied.  
              David looked at Emma and rolled his eyes.  Regina was not only the town’s mayor, but also its founder.  She had formed Storybrooke over 50 years ago to be a haven for the supernatural people and creatures in New England.  A powerful sorceress, she maintained the magical barrier that kept people away from the area.  Only those who already knew about the town were able to find it.  
              Emma’s son, Henry, called Regina the town’s Secret Keeper.  
              “I don’t think boxes of any kind would be a good idea.  They named this storm Pandora,” Emma informed David as he passed her an axe.  
              Her deputy laughed.  “Are you serious?  Who came up with this year’s list of names?”
              “People with a keen interest in Greco-Roman history,” Emma replied.  She held up her hand and lifted a finger as she listed off some of the other names on the list.  “We’ve already had Winter Storms Eris, Iola, Juno, and Neptune.  Next up is Quantum, which is latin, but after that is Remus and Sparta.”
              The three of them debated the wisdom of naming storms after gods and mythical beings as they chopped away at the tree.  Once they had a portion free and had removed most of the branches, Emma dropped her axe into the bed of the truck and grabbed a bottle of water from the cab.  She drank half of it before passing it to David and August.  
              Once they were all rehydrated, Emma crouched next to one end of the tree and lifted it a couple of inches off the ground.  David and August quickly looped the rope around the circumference of the tree and secured it to itself with a series of knots.  Emma dropped the end of the tree back into the snow as soon as they were done. While she was securing the ends of the rope to the hitch on the truck, she heard David let out a huff, a grunt, and, finally, a groan.  She looked back and saw that he was sitting near the end of the tree with a putout expression on his face.
              “He tried to lift it, didn’t he?” she asked August as he helped David to his feet.
              August nodded.  “He got it off the ground.”
              Impressed, Emma clapped David on the back.  David was one of the few completely human residents of Storybrooke, but more often than not, he could measure up in pure strength to some of his fellow townspeople. Emma knew she wouldn’t have been able to lift the tree even a smidge without the strength that being a werewolf gave her, and that just made David’s feat all the more remarkable.  
              “I’m sure Mary Margaret will be very impressed.  You may want to leave out the part about falling on your ass afterwards, though.”  
              David laughed and kicked at the tree.  
              “Then let’s get this log moved so I can go brag about my prowess to my lovely wife.”
              Mary Margaret, David’s wife and Emma’s foster sister, would be impressed.  After, she would brew a magically enhanced tea that could help with muscle pain, just in case her husband had strained a muscle trying to imitate a werewolf.  As an earth witch, Mary Margaret knew exactly how to combine nature’s gifts to solve nearly every ailment.  Her anti-nausea potions had been the only reason Emma had been functional during her pregnancy with Henry.
              David climbed into his truck and started the engine, but the tires had a hard time getting a grip on the road through the fresh snow.  Emma put her booted foot on the bumper and gave the truck a push until the tires found traction.  
              “I said you needed new snow tires,” Emma muttered to herself.  The 20-year-old truck was heavy, but even it could use some high-quality studded tires to deal with Maine’s winters.  David dragged the large log until it was parallel with the road.  Emma was removing the rope and preparing to push the log into the ditch alongside the road when David hollered from the car.
              “Emma!  Eric is on the radio! He says there is a ship coming into port!”
              “The ship’s name is the Jolly Roger? Really, over?” Emma said into the truck’s radio.
              David chuckled as he carefully guided the truck along Main Street.  
              The radio cracked as Eric replied, “That is what they said, over”
              “Did they happen to mention why they are out sailing during a blizzard, over?” Emma’s ‘like idiots’ was left unsaid but implied in her tone.
              “No Sheriff, over.”
              Emma sighed.  Storybrooke wasn’t equipped to stage a sea rescue if the ship didn’t make it into port safely: at least, not a traditional one that wouldn’t give away the special nature of the town’s inhabitants.  
              “Radio the Hermit and have him get the lighthouse going.  I don’t know how much good it will do in this weather, but I’d rather they not crash into the shore,” she said, before adding a belated “over.”
              “Already have, Sheriff, over.”
              “I’ll be there as soon as I can. Over and out.”
              Emma sighed.  A blizzard was bad enough.  She did not want to deal with possible humans arriving and becoming stranded due to the weather in the very not-human town.
              She looked down her cell phone.
              No signal.
              She was spared from having to call the mayor, in the middle of the night, and tell her about the unexpected ship coming into port for a little longer.
              Regina hated unexpected arrivals.  
              So did Emma.
              The town of Storybrooke and the surrounding woods were her pack’s territory.  And like their wild cousins, werewolves defended their territory against any interlopers.  They were the town’s second line of defense should anyone manage to get through Regina’s protective spells.  Not only did they patrol the woods on a regular basis, but they also knew the scents of everyone who lived in Storybrooke.  They would sniff out any newcomers or imposters.
              Given that - combined with her sense of duty as Sheriff - Emma could be a little overzealous about protecting her home.  However, it had been at least a year since she had growled, while human, at the few new arrivals that had come to town.  
              She was making progress.
              David eased the truck to a stop outside the Harbor Master’s office, positioning her door right with the path someone, probably Eric, had shovel a path to the door.  
              Inside the office, it was toasty warm and Emma immediately removed her hat, gloves, and coat.  Eric had the radio in one hand as he studied a map of the local coastline.
              “Keep on your current bearing as best you can and you should reach our harbor within the next 30 minutes, over,” Eric said into the radio.
              “Roger that, over and out,” the person on the other end replied.  Though the signal was full of static, Emma could pick up a hint of an accent in the male voice.  It sounded vaguely like the one from Newfoundland, but any sailors from that area would know better than to set sail when a blizzard as powerful as Pandora was on its way.
              Emma grabbed the handset of the phone that hung on the wall and put it to her ear.
              No dial tone.
              She depressed the switch a couple of times and, remarkably, got a dial tone on the fourth try.  She quickly dialed the number for the landline at Regina’s home.
              It rang a half dozen times before an irritated, “what?” snapped down the line.
              Forgoing any pleasantries, Emma simply said, “We have a ship coming into port.”
              Regina was silent for a few moments before stating, quite matter-of-factly, “We aren’t expecting anyone.”
              “No, we aren’t.”
              Emma heard the sound of blankets moving and a sleepy grumble of, “what is going on?” from Regina’s partner, Robin.  
              “I’ll be there soon, Sheriff,” Regina said before she abruptly ended the call.  
              Rolling her head back to loosen the knots she could feel forming in her neck, Emma spotted the clock that hung above Eric’s desk.  It read 3AM.  She turned to David, who was filling the coffee pot with water.
              “Why don’t you go home and get a couple of hours of rest before the clean-up begins?”
              “Are you sure?” he asked, but his hand was already in his pocket to retrieve the keys to the truck.
              Emma raised her brow before asking, “Would you rather stay and deal with Regina?”
              David laughed.
              “No way.  I’ll say hello to Henry for you!” He called over his shoulder as he headed out the door.  Emma took shameless advantage of her sister’s willingness to watch Henry when Emma worked.
              “Lucky man,” Eric remarked as he watched the truck pull away.
              “He’s been worried about Mary-Margaret all night,” Emma replied. She wrinkled her nose. His worry had made the truck smell like stale sweat.
              Eric finished preparing the coffee that David had start making.  
              “Is Ariel at home this evening?” Emma asked as the bitter smell of stale coffee started to fill the small office.  Eric’s wife, Ariel, was a mermaid.  She split her time between her family in the sea and life on land with Eric due to a bargain she’d struck with her father, King Triton, and Regina.  
              Part of the settled upon agreement between the parties in that deal was that Ariel would stop bringing any wayward sailors she rescued to Storybrooke.  Regina had become tired of erasing the memories of the hapless humans and having to arrange their ‘rescue’ away from Storybrooke. Eric had been one such shipwrecked sailor and the only one of Ariel’s rescues that had been allowed to stay.  But that only had been because Eric had proved oddly resistant to Regina’s memory manipulation and had wandered into town on his own two months after Emma had dropped him off on a beach near Jonestown.
              Eric chuckled.  “Of course not.  She informed me about the ship heading our way before they radioed in.”  Ariel, for whatever reason, loved to swim in rough seas.  “I asked her to keep an eye on the ship, just in the case the storm proves too much for them.  Though the Captain insists he is, and I quote, ‘a hell of a Captain.’”
              Emma scoffed as she poured Eric and herself some coffee.  Just as she was about to take her first sip, the smell of sulfur hit her nose.  A moment later, a puff of purple smoke filled the room. Regina stepped out of the smoke, dressed in a grey skirt suit and pointed black heels. It was nothing Emma would ever dream of wearing during a blizzard, but then again, she couldn’t travel via magic.  Immediately, Emma waved her hand in front of her face to dispel the stench of Regina’s magic, but it was no use.  A normal human wouldn’t be able to smell the hint of sulfur that remained in the air, but her enhanced sense of smell meant that she would be smelling it until the office was aired out.
              “What do you plan to do about this situation, Sheriff?” Regina was great at getting to the heart of the matter.
              Emma resisted the urge to roll her eyes.  “I plan to let them dock, give them coffee, and ask them some questions.”
              Regina’s eyes narrowed.  “Why don’t you take them to Granny’s and buy them breakfast while you’re at it?  Whoever these people are, they are trespassers.”
              “I’m not going to arrest them and lock them up at the station, Regina,” Emma argued.  “Seeking a safe port during a storm isn’t a crime.”
              The mayor’s lips thinned.
              “I’m more curious as to how they got through your spell,” Emma continued.
              There was a map pinned on a wall in the Sheriff’s station that had the magical borders of Storybrooke outlined in bright red marker.  Emma mainly used it to mark trees in the forests, so she and her pack mates didn’t run beyond the limits of their territory during full moon runs, but she vaguely recalled that the coastal border of the spell extended about 45 miles away from the town’s shoreline.  
              Too far for the old radio in the harbormaster’s office to pick up the signal from boat unless it had already crossed through the spell’s barrier.  A fact she only knew because Regina had refused to allocate city funds to pay for a new radio and antenna at the lighthouse so the town could monitor the recreational boaters in the area.
              “You and I both, Miss Swan.”
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ontheedgeofrecovery · 5 years
What was different?
Hang tight, this is going to be a long one. I hope it is worth your time to read. Also, I put a hell of a lot of time into writing this, so I really hope it is helpful for someone (anyone!) out there.  
So, I was messaging with a friend the other night (and by the other night I mean a few weeks ago because this took me forever to write) who I met a long time ago in treatment (you know who you are and I miss you and love you!). As we were talking about how hard it is to be in treatment, I started thinking about my own last experience in treatment. What made it stick? Why was it that time that I was able to stop the cycle of going in and out of the hospital? I have struggled with anorexia and restrictive eating since about the age of 7. It didn't turn into a full-blown eating disorder until I was 13, but the seeds were there around 7ish when I started to become very rigid about what and when I would eat. Anyway, it's been a long struggle. And then from 13 to 31 I cycled in and out of treatment. I literally have lost count of how many times I have been admitted - I don't say this to brag (I have noticed this is a thing in treatment), but rather to emphasize that clearly something was not clicking for a long time. In the summer of 2014 my treatment recommended palliative care and to stop trying to get better in the hospital. Basically, let nature take its course. 
I pretty much accepted that the only thing left to do was die, but then decided to give it one last go and embarked upon one of my longest stays in treatment ever (October 20, 2014 to August 22, 2015). Although to be fair, I "left" many times. Usually for a day or two and then I would come back and resume my stay. I am so lucky I found a place and a treatment team that was willing to put up with my flight impulses and always accepted me back. I went from inpatient to PHP to residential to PHP to inpatient to PHP, and then finally IOP. I really hung in there and allowed myself to get to about 90% of my ideal before I discharged. Which I don't think I had done since being 15 and being at Remuda. While I clearly think this is one of the bigger players in how I got myself stable, there are others. 
What was different? How did I allow myself to stay that long in treatment and sit through the discomfort of gaining almost double my body weight?
Well, there is no one simple answer, but I have been mulling it over in my head the past few days and I thought I would jot down my thoughts 1) because I feel stuck where I am at in recovery and maybe this will be motivation and 2) I don't have many readers, but for those of you who are out there maybe this will be helpful? So here they are in somewhat of a particular order (though these have changed over time in how they contribute and maintain my "recovery" (I hate using that word, because I still struggle a lot with food, but I am so much better than where I was and maybe this is what recovery looks like for me?).
1) Cannabis -  This is kind of what kick-started the whole journey. I was 31 and had NEVER been high. Not edibles (well, obviously), not smoking. Nothing. I was absolutely terrified of getting high. I had heard so many stories of people getting paranoid and having panic attacks. I am already so anxious that the thought of something making me more anxious was an absolute no go. In addition to that, I am a rule follower and smoking weed was definitely against the rules. 
My brother came to visit in March of 2014. I was not in a great space. This gets confusing because my brother and my ex are both named Nick, but we called my brother Nicky growing up so that is what I will call him here in order to differentiate. Nick had been trying to convince me to try smoking for years, pretty much since we started dating in 2008. I was steadfast in saying it was a no-go. However, Nicky made a compelling argument that I had tried everything else and was dying anyway so why not try it as a last-ditch effort to save myself. Or at the very least make the time I had left enjoyable.  
I did and it opened my world in so many ways. It made me feel more connected to a greater whole. It made me realize that I am not alone in this world and I felt less isolated. Coming to terms with this made me realize how insignificant I really am in the overall scheme of things. This really helped me put into perspective the amount of time and energy I was putting into something that was not contributing at all to the betterment of society, my relationships, and I was not okay with this. 
It also reduced my rigidity. Things just seemed clearer when I smoked. It was kind of like a veil lifted. I had more room for flexibility. Smoking also fills me with a feeling of hope (similar to my feelings of connectedness). Things just don't seem so dire and pointless when I am high. It seems like things could be different, that I can choose a different reality. 
And finally (I don't know why this is, but I would LOVE to do research on this someday), I saw myself somewhat accurately when I smoked. For some reason when I am high I am able to see myself more realistically. My distortion doesn't completely go away, but how I see myself is definitely closer to what is real. I would look down and see my body and be like, "oh shit, this is really bad”. This even happened to me tonight when I smoked. All day long I was feeling really uncomfortable in my body and seeing myself way bigger than I actually am. I hate to say "fat," because I don't see myself as fat, I just see myself as a little above average - which everyone tells me is not true. Tonight though, I looked down and was like, yeah, I am at a normal weight, but I am on the low side of normal and I could see it for a little while after I smoked. 
I don't know if that makes sense, but basically starting to use cannabis made me see things from an entirely different perspective. Throughout the summer of 2014 I gradually began to believe that things could be different. That maybe the amazing clarity I had when I smoked was how things were supposed to be. Maybe if I could get to a better place I would feel the happiness and hope I felt when I was high. Maybe if I gained weight things would get better. And for the first time in a long time, I believed it. 
2) My (now ex) husband drew a hard line in the sand - This was a huge influence as well. I started my treatment journey at Princeton (which I chose because I had never been there before - I also knew they had private rooms and that was a huge draw. Also, to be totally honest, I had been essentially banned from a number of other treatment centers for being a repeat customer and always leaving before I was ready). However, I signed myself out after a month.I had a million reasons - I was the oldest one there, they were making me gain weight too fast, I knew everything they were teaching me, it was depressing, I was sick of being on bedrest, it wasn’t fair, the staff sucked... on and on. 
Nick was PISSED. He had finally reached a point where he couldn't do it anymore. He told me I was not allowed to come home. He said if I came home he would either move out or that he would file for divorce. 
I was devastated. Nick had never done this before, he was never thrilled when I left treatment, but he also was a little happy to have me home and doing marginally better. I didn't know what to do or where to go, so I knew there was no escape, I had to go back to treatment. I chose a place near my family so I would a) have the support and b) if I stepped down I would have a place to stay. Nick made it clear I was not allowed home until I had put on a significant amount of weight and my treatment was onboard with a discharge from care. 
I knew if I was going to save my marriage and get home, I had to at least stay long enough to be appropriately discharged. There was no escaping it. Also, this didn't happen until a little while after, but when Nick did ask for a divorce, it hit me that I had become my dad. My father has a lot of mental health issues and my mom stuck by him through the years. But at some point, he stopped being an active participant in his own care and health. My mom couldn't do it anymore and she left him. The quote, “watching someone drown in a puddle and all they need to do is stand up” comes to mind. She just couldn’t watch him refuse to stand up anymore. 
It completely devastated him. I have always been afraid of becoming chronically mentally ill like my father and losing everyone in my life. By continuing to go in and out of treatment and cycle in and out of doing well enough to maintain relationships I was going to follow in the exact footsteps as my father. I see how miserable his life is and I continue to use that image to push to not listen to everything the eating disorder tells me. 
3) I wanted my dogs back/needed to get out of where I was living - In May of 2015 (when I was in PHP and living at my mom's boyfriend's - his name is Don - house) Nick asked for a divorce. I was doing pretty well in treatment, still struggling and being non-compliant at times, but continuing to attend every day and slowly weight restore. I still don't know entirely when the scales (no pun intended) tipped, but they did. I don't know if Nick realized how much more peaceful his life was without the eating disorder or if he just didn't believe things would change. Regardless, he said he was going to file for divorce. 
I went from "staying at Don's house" to living at Don's house in one phone call. To say I was devastated is an understatement. In fact, I am still devastated. I saw my parent's marriage end because my dad couldn't get sober and now I had done the same thing in my own marriage. I lost the person I was closest with because of the eating disorder. I guess, in a way, this was part of what kept me at treatment as well - the hope that I would get well and Nick would take me back. I still hope this will happen, but I know it won't. Anyhow, I digress.
Living at Don's house sucked. I was living with my mom again at age 32. I felt like such a failure. It wasn't even my mom's house I was staying at, it was her boyfriend's. It was not comfortable living there, it was awkward. It was awkward sharing a space with Don and his son who has a lot of anger issues. My bedroom was uncomfortable. I slept on a twin bed for the first time since I was a teenager and it was lopsided. It was out in rural NH and I hated that all my friends and anything to do was a quite a drive away. Everyone in the house smoked cigarettes and I hate the smell. But what I hated most was I was not allowed to have my dogs. 
My dogs are the most important thing in the world to me. I love those little beasts so fucking much it hurts at times. And I hadn't seen them in 7 months. I absolutely needed to get myself out of that house and get my dogs back. However, I could not do this without a job. And I could not get a job while I was still struggling so much with eating and reliant upon the structured schedule PHP was providing for me. I made it my mission to get to a point where I could hold a job and get my own apartment. If I was going to stay well long term and not have to be re-hospitalized, I knew I had to give myself more cushion room in terms of weight gain than I ever have before. 
4) Yoga - Yoga has become really trendy lately and with good reason. There are so many benefits to yoga that go far beyond the physical. For me, the primary thing I learned in yoga is that if you stay persistent, the uncomfortable gets more comfortable. And things that seem impossible become possible. 
I have a very special relationship with avoidance and perfectionistic behaviors. I tend to avoid things I am not good at or not even try at all. I hate being uncomfortable. Like, no one likes being uncomfortable, but I have a particularly difficult time with it. Not being good at something and building the skills you need to get better is often very uncomfortable. I pretty much have always shied away from things that challenge me to the point of being uncomfortable. This is for a couple of reasons 1) I hate not being good at things 2) It doesn't seem worth my time if I suck 3) Getting better at things requires being uncomfortable at some point and I don't like it. 
I often do not stick with things that I am not good at or require discomfort on my part. I will try to pick up a hobby and not be good at it and quit. Or I will try to get myself in better shape by trying to lift weights or run and it makes me feel discomfort, so I quit. Although I go to the gym every day, I will not do anything beyond walking because pushing myself physically is uncomfortable (though I will walk 7 miles in a go, I hate breaking a sweat). I don't like to eat because I have a nauseous stomach and that is uncomfortable. I don't like to try new things because the unknown is scary, so I avoid it. Basically, what I am saying is I never stick with anything long enough to see the discomfort dissipate and the rewards of tolerating the discomfort come through. i.e. weight restoration, facing fear foods, sitting with the feeling of food in my stomach, making choices about what to eat, physical activity, anything I am not immediately good at. 
Yoga at first seemed like a thing to get into because I wasn't allowed to really exercise and at least it was some physical movement. I was so desperate to be able to move more that I didn't care that I wasn't very good at it. Also, I went to a gentle yoga studio and everyone there was so accepting and welcoming to people who were just getting into yoga. I kept going to yoga and I actually started to get better at it. I didn't feel any pressure to be getting better, but I began to see it happen anyway.
I started taking harder classes. I started to learn to breathe through the uncomfortable poses. That they would end and that next time I did them they would be easier. A friend of mine sent me a yoga sequence and it was hard. Like, an hour long with a million chaturangas (when you lower yourself like a pushup, into up dog and go back into downward dog). The first couple times I did it I couldn't do all the chaturangas, so I skipped a lot of them. But as I did it everyday, I was able to do more and more. Eventually, I could do the whole sequence and even the jump back from crow into chaturanga! 
Committing to doing yoga every day was the first time I really stuck with something through the uncomfortable learning period and allowed myself to see the benefits of my practice. It started t make sense to me that other areas of my life could be similar to yoga - that if I didn't focus so much on the discomfort in the moment and rather on the fact that it would pass and I would be better for tolerating it that I would gain skills. I finally got that part of growing and evolving involves a certain amount of discomfort and acceptance that you won't see results right away. Yoga has taught me so much. To accept my limitations and also to push them, to breathe through discomfort, to not be so hard on myself, and that I am capable of growth and change. 
Here is a great little blurb on Reddit about discomfort and yoga: https://www.reddit.com/r/yoga/comments/5hc0b2/yoga_has_taught_me_to_welcome_discomfort_into_my/ 5) I agreed to medications - I have always had a not so great relationship with medications. I have a ton of side effects and I just really don't like taking them. Over the years I have gone on and off medications so many times. I will take them for a while, go off them, fall apart, go back on them, not really get better, have side effects, go off them - you get the idea. Even when I found something that helped I would frequently go off it after a time because I really didn't want to be on meds. 
I finally got desperate enough that I thought, hey, it improves my quality of life, fuck it. Even if the medications shorten my lifespan (worst-case scenario) then at least I had some years with decreased mental health issues. I started to really talk to a psychiatrist about finding something that worked. It was trial and error and took a little bit of time to find the right meds that a) helped and b) didn't cause horrible side effects. The two medications I am on certainly do not get rid of the obsessive thoughts or the anxiety, but they certainly make it way more manageable. 
I don't feel as much like a prisoner of my brain or that my brain is a prison - either or. And I have remained compliant instead of being like, "oh things are better, I don't need these!" Because I do need them. I have a brain-based illness and I wouldn't turn down medications if I had any other disease of the body, so really this is no different. 
6) I went slowly but surely - I stayed in treatment for a loooonnngggg time and took weight restoration pretty slowly. It sucked and I so wanted to get back to life, but every time I have done weight restoration the quick and dirty way in the past, it didn't stick. I would either leave treatment early because it was happening too fast and I was too uncomfortable. Or I would leave treatment and be unable to adjust to my new body and rapidly relapse. I knew I had to do things differently. I was very lucky I had good insurance and a treatment that was willing to work with me. Also, not lucky, but I have comorbid mental health issues (anxiety and OCD) that helped keep insurance covering me. 
7) I gave up trying to eat intuitively - This is a big one too. I always thought that recovery looked like eating normally. For me, it doesn't look like what most people would classify as normal. It is very regimented and I eat a lot of very safe foods. And I used to think that meant I wasn't in recovery and why keep trying. I might as well go back to listening to what my brain tells me and not eat. I mean, if I couldn't eat normally, why even bother?
I decided to try something different than what is encouraged in treatment. I began to eat the same thing every day. The same exact thing at the same exact times. No matter how I felt. This helped me for many reasons 1) I got used to the foods I was eating and desensitized myself a little 2) It took the overwhelming choice of what to eat out of the equation. Deciding what to eat is really stressful for me and so I often avoid it. Eating the same thing every day meant I didn't have to make decisions 3) I could stop counting calories. If I eat the same exact thing every day there is no reason to count calories. I did at first but eventually seeing the same number every day seemed like a waste of time and unnecessary. 4) I am super routine, so once I get in the groove of something, I stick with it. Now even when I feel nauseous or I had a rough day and don't feel like eating or I am having an uncomfortable body image day I still eat at my scheduled times, because, well, routine. It is more uncomfortable for me to break my routine at this point than it is just to eat what I have eaten every day for 3 years. 
I am not saying this is a great long term solution, but for people with chronic and severe anorexia, it is better than anything else I have found in managing a healthy weight. Like I said, maybe this is what recovery looks like for me right now. I hope it gets better in the future, but I am just happy to be participating in life.
8) I eliminated almost everyone I was in treatment with from my social media - Well, not everyone, but other people who were cycling in and out of treatment like I was. It just wasn’t healthy for me to see their posts. People would post how they were going back into treatment or pictures of them that were incredibly triggering. So, I didn’t want to see that anymore. It made me feel like there was no hope when I would see someone doing well no longer doing well. Or to see the constant treatment posts. Some people glorified being sick or seemed to take pride in how sick they would get or how much weight they had lost. It was just a world I needed to step back from. For me, I experienced a lot of competitive and self-destructive feelings when I would see people thinner/sicker than me. I would feel either a) I wasn’t really sick enough to need help and b) jealous they were thinner than me (I hate this part of the eating disorder and I am kind of ashamed to admit this here). 
I also needed to build a community that wasn’t treatment based so I wouldn’t miss it. I grew strong relationships in treatment that I had a hard time finding in the real world. Treatment and the community within it didn’t consciously keep me ill, but when I wasn’t there and I would see group pictures. It made me feel as though I needed to go back to the safety and community of treatment. Again, I just needed to focus on something other than anorexia to escape the cyclical pattern I was in. 
I certainly kept in touch with some people who continue to struggle, but these are the people I regularly talk to and have authentic, real friendships with - not people I just followed because we spent time in treatment together. It was sad to unfriend these people, but I just needed to build a life outside of treatment and to focus on my friendships that had nothing to do with eating disorders. It helped me regain an identity outside of anorexia. I needed to be exposed to normalcy around eating after being surrounded by people who struggled with food/weight/body image. I needed to start to have conversations outside of my obsession and dysfunctional relationship with food. 
Anyway, that was long, but I hope there were some nuggets in there that helps someone. Thanks for sticking with me through to the end if you read this! 
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selenecrown · 6 years
Akira Kurusu x Female!Reader x Ren Amamiya (Your Heart Belongs to Me)
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Author's Note: So. This filled with fluff. Not much else. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Okay, there is a little bit of sin in there, but that's because I need to work on my skills dealing with affection. But, it's short and just a teaser. So, it will be quick. So, no good plot, just fluff.
I wrote this because I love the Akira Kurusu and Ren Amamiya Twins!AU and was really down because of how stressful school is for me right now. So, I'm not going to waste too much time because you know guys the drill. Well, besides I do not claim most of the things I say about the Twins!AU, because I mostly got it from other people, ask me if you want the link because I'm on mobile right now. Other than that, this fic has lots of fluff, blah blah blah holy crap I love the Twins!AU blah blah blah. 
Akira Kurusu was a kind, but misunderstood high school boy. After all, he had a false criminal record on his head. 
Akira Kurusu grew up in a small town with his divorced parents and his twin brother, Ren. His parents got divorced at a young age, and his brother, Ren, was born a really smart child. So, his parents cared more for Ren then Akira. Akira mostly wasn't paid attention to by his parents. So, he had lots of freedom, but it also made him lonely since he was ignored most of the time at home. Akira was a quiet kid, but that didn't mean he had no friends. He had some close and good friends, and he cared deeply for them. But, he got along with the best with his twin brother. Despite their situation, the two of them get along really well. Mostly because the two of them hated their situation and needed someone to lean on, so they leaned on one another. Despite Ren being smart, Akira was more mature out of the two, since his parents mostly ignore him, he didn't get protections from how horrible the world truly was. So, Akira had to grow up fast. 
Ren was born a genius, but his parents put so much pressure on him. He is definitely a smart cookie and almost everyone in town knew that. But, Ren and Akira's parents put too much pressure on him academically wise. So, he often cannot socialize because his parents force him to study so much. Despite being a genius, Ren is a cocky, sassy, high self-esteem type kid. He often puts on this cocky attitude because he truly is bored or wants to truly find a someone to be with that he actually likes. Ren is actually very judgmental, believe it or not. Ren normally wears darker clothing compared to Akira, and while the two twins have almost the exact same hairstyle and wearing mostly the same clothes just in different colors, you can recognize Ren by his cocky smile and attitude towards others, and the fact he doesn't have any fake glasses, because he actually doesn't need to use them.
Akira was kind, but often alone. Akira has much more freedom compared to his brother. Heck, most of the time, as long as Akira has an excuse, his parents will let him do anything he wants. Akira is a more reserved and quiet kid, but he is very nice and has a heart of pure gold, he also has less confidence in himself, and does tend to put others before himself. Akira is often considered a quiet kid, who does average in school and knows what he is doing. He isn't an idiot. Akira is smart, but he is more wise than he is smart. Akira is often the one who tries to blend in, but he's still kinda socially awkward due to his twin brother's reputation. But he had friends that truly cared for him. Akira was the twin that wore the lighter clothes, and has fake glasses to seem normal.
Akira was walking home one day when the incident happened with Shido and the women. Ren, who had found out as soon as Akira was put into holding, was absolutely mortified to hear what had happened. Ren wasn't mortified to hear what Shido had falsely accused Akira of throwing himself unto a women, (he knew that was a lie from the start) but he was mortified his twin brother was going to be sent on probation for a year as his sentence. But, despite Ren trying his best to not get his brother sent away, his parents refused to do anything. Letting Akira go on probation and not talking to him at all during that time. Ren, on the other hand, felt he now was stuck. Akira and him would sometimes switch places and give Ren some room to breath which really helps Ren stay sane from all the studying, and now the closest person to him was going to be gone for a year over a false testimony? 
Akira's life had been ruined now that he had a bad reputation. All around him, people treated him like he was a horrible person when he wasn't.
Ren was now going to be forced to live a hard, restricting life. His academic status was what his father and mother loved bragging about. But now, Ren wouldn't have much freedom now that Akira is gone.
It seemed that the lives of Akira and Ren were ruined now by Masayoshi Shido.
But, life wasn't completely unfair to them. 
After all, life gave Akira you. 
You truly where like a blessing to Akira bestowed to him by fate. He may not have known it when he first met you, but you made his life less miserable the closer the two of you got.
You were a friend of Ann and Shiho, and you met Akira after he talked to you about Kamoshida's abuse, where you flat out told him and Ryuji the rumor wasn't a lie, and you actually where one of the first people they knew to admit it. When you found Akira, Ryuji and Ann were hanging a lot after a strange card had been plastered all over the school you decided to keep an eye on them, and by that, you didn't stalk them like Makoto opted to do, you more tried to gather information about them through overhearing conversations and things like that. 
You weren't like Makoto in opting to stalking someone. You felt that was creepy to say the least. So, you tried to be more. . . Respectful of their privacy.
You once got in the vicinity of the group's Metaverse Navigator, and was brought to Kamoshida's castle. And, believe it or not, surprisingly you weren't caught by anybody. 
Neither Kamoshida nor the early Phantom Thieves of Hearts caught you sneaking around. Actually, they only caught you when you had been thrown into the Metaverse and was in Mementos. 
And by that time, it was your second time being in the Metaverse.
You had been about take the train home through the subway station when they activated the app, carelessly not looking around. When they got into the Metaverse, they didn't notice you until Morgana said he felt a presence wandering around. It definitely wasn't the Reaper, too. They wandered around Mementos, and found you wandering around the tracks. Completely confused, afraid, and unsure of what to do. You were just wandering around, looking for a way out of this place. Ann, immediately after seeing you, ran out of the Mona-car and rushed to you.
"(Your/Name)! Are you okay?! How did you even get in here?!" She asked as she ran over to where you where.
You freaked out seeing Ann in her Panther outfit, thinking she might be a monster like you had seen earlier. Ann was able to calm you down by taking off her mask and proving to you it was her. She then brought you inside the Mona-car, and asked you how you got here. You said you didn't know.
"I was just walking to the station, and then everything turned red and black and creepy. But, there was no exit, so, I've been looking for one for who knows how long." You told Ann. Ann was hugging you right now, as seeing you in Mementos had scared her for a second there.
"You don't know? Then---" Ann said, but was cut off by Morgana.
"I see. She must have come in because you three weren't looking around when you activated the app. And now, thanks to you three's carelessness, they're in danger." A voice said, it sounded like it came from the car itself.
"Can't we just leave them with you while you are still in this car form?" Ryuji, who have put his mask on his head, showing his face, asked. 
"No. We need all hands on deck for Mementos battles. But, if we do that, they will be left defenseless." Morgana said.
"Then, we can take them back, right?" Ann asked.
"But who knows how long that will take." Morgana pointed out.
"Then what are you suggesting?" Akira said. He had also had his mask off his face.
"I'm suggesting someone guard them until we are ready to leave." Morgana said.
"No, it would be much easier to take them home and call it a day." Ann said. "Look at them, Mona! They are in no condition to stay here! We need to take them home!"
But Morgana refused to budge. It was surprising how determined he was to stay there.
"Dammit Mona! What the hell?!" Ryuji said. Yup, it was definitely Ryuji.
"We have missions to do. The faster we get it done, the faster we can take them home." Morgana said. "There are other people who are in bigger trouble than they are right now." 
After that, everyone fell silent. Ryuji seemed pissed off, Ann seemed defeated, and Akira seemed annoyed. You stayed quiet, unsure of what to do or say. Then you turned your head to the window to look at the scenery. Nothing much changed with the creepy tunnels similar the railways of the real world, accept for when you came to a red vortex, which the car jumped into without question. Everyone got out of the car, and everyone hid you behind a tombstone-like thing telling you not to leave this spot until they come back over. You nodded and did what they asked, that is, until everyone started to get their butts handed to them. Ann got knocked down, Morgana was hurt, Ryuji was in despair, and Akira was very hurt. 
They were about to be killed when your Persona spoke to you. It offered you power, and you took the offer and was able to beat the Shadow. You did heal everyone through items you had found on the early Phantom Thieves. And, oddly enough everyone invited you to the team after that.
But, out of everyone in the group, you started to get along with Akira really well. You became very close friends to the point where dating was slowly creeping its way into both of your minds. You were the one who asked Akira out first. It wasn't much, but the two of you had fun.
You two had already been dating by the time Makoto had joined the party. And, oddly enough, everyone didn't mind since the two of you didn't do too much PDA and even when you did it didn't get in the way of missions and/or it didn't last long. So, everyone was okay with it. 
Then, one night while the two of you were in Leblanc having a movie night, when the phone downstairs started to ring. Akira puased the movie and went to pick up the phone, and you followed him downstairs. When Akira picked up the phone, it was Sojiro. 
Sojiro told him about someone coming to Leblanc after they came knocking on the door of his house asking about Akira. Sojiro choose not to answer the boy, but the boy figured out where Akira was pretty quickly.
"So, don't let---" but Sojiro was cut off. 
A knock on Leblanc's door was heard. And you saw a familiar figure looked like Akira's. Akira seemed confused, too. Then, you heard a voice speak to the two of you.
"Akira! Akira! Hey, I know that's you Akira! C'mon! Don't be like that! Let your twin brother in!" A voice very similar to your boyfriend's said as he knocked on the door once again.
Wait, Twins?!
Akira had a twin?!
Wait, he never said anything about that!
But sure enough, Akira opened the door. To reveal to you a man looking exactly like Akira, with the hairstyle and everything. Minus the fake glasses, and he had this cocky smile even worse than the smile Akira wore when he doned his Joker outfit. He wore Akira's outfit, only inverse. Akira was wearing a black shirt with jeans. The boy claiming to be his twin wore a white shirt with jeans. The boy also had a bag he was carrying behind him. 
At this point, you were confused as to what the situation was. 
"Ren?" Akira said. "What are you doing here?"
"Get this: Both Mom and Dad are on a business trip overseas! So, I can stay with you for a while." Ren told Akira.
"But I'm on Probation." Akira questioned.
"Yeah? Well everyone else in the family wouldn't take me in. So, the only real place I have is here." Ren said. 
"Don't worry it. We'll be fine." Ren said, putting a hand over Akira's shoulder.
"If you say so." Akira sighed.
"Ah! And who is this pretty lady?" Ren said, as he had noticed you. He have this smug face on, like he was judging you. He walked up to you, and you took a step back. "Shy, I see?"
"Hold on a minute. Who are you?" You asked. Letting your thoughts out of your mind, and get answers.
"I'm Akira's twin brother." Ren answered you.
"Twin brother? Wait, Akira you have a twin? Why didn't you tell us that?" You questioned your boyfriend.
"Yes. I didn't talk about him too much since I didn't feel it was necessary." Akira answered you, he didn't seem like he was sure about what was going on. But was okay with it.
"Well, I guess you have a point if you didn't know something like this was going to happen." You said. Realizing what the situation was and calming down.
Akira looked at you with wide eyes. 
You flat out accepted the fact he had a twin. 
No explaining, no arguments. 
You just accepted it. 
He wasn't expecting that.
"I'm (Y/N) (Last/Name). It's nice to meet you, Ren." You held out your hand to shake. Hoping it would show you didn't mean to get in the way of the brothers reuniting. Or, at least you weren't trying to be unfriendly.
"(Y/N), huh? How pretty. I'm Ren Amamiya. It's nice to meet my brother's girlfriend." Ren shook your hand, and placed a kiss on it as well. 
He was an even bigger flirt then Akira in his Joker outfit. 
Well, this was going to be fun. 
The next day, you told Ann, Ryuji, Yusuke and Makoto in the chat room about Akira's twin brother.
"Are you serious?!" Ryuji texted.
"What an interesting turn of events." Yusuke texted. 
That's Yusuke for you, surpised but okay with everything.
"You've met him, too? Can we go meet him?" Ann asked.
"I mean, sure." You responded. "I don't see why not."
"Isn't there someone you're forgetting to ask consent from?" Akira asked you, appearing in the chat room after seeing a chat room open, and his brother's name appearing in it.
"Akira, can we meet him?" Makoto asked before you could.
"Sure. When?" Akira asked. He didn't seem against the idea, which was somewhat surprising.  
"How about after school tomorrow?" Ann asked.
"Sure." Akira texted. "Tomorrow it is." 
"Alright!" Ryuji texted.
School went by fast that day, and before you knew it, you and your fellow Phantom Thieves were walking over to the café Leblanc after school, picking up Yusuke from his school. Which, he did seem to appreciate very much. Ryuji and Ann both seem pretty excited to meet Ren, and Akira wasn't helping that by talking a lot about his brother. Yusuke and Makoto seemed pretty curious to see what was up, and intrigued by Akira's stories. Morgana, actually didn't mind any of ths at all. When the eight of you had arrived at the café, Sojiro instantly figured out what was going on, and subsequently closed up the shop early. 
And, everyone seemed to have a good time meeting Ren. It was a little awkward at first, but it got better. And soon, everyone visited Ren more often, and the next thing everyone knew, Ren was a member of the Phantom Thieves of Hearts. Due to you and Akira showing him the Metaverse after Ren had asked why you and Akira came back so hurt and tired. Ren had gained the Persona, Faust. His outfit was almost exactly like Akira's. The black coat, his shirt, his clown boots (the shoes that the Shadows oh so loved to tease), even his mask was the same. the only difference the two had was the gloves Ren wore were a dark purple-black instead of red, the details on the shirt were sliver instead of gold. So, if you weren't being careful, you would easily slip up the twins.
Even though Akira and Ren were twins, the Personas that came from them were very different. But, both if them did have the Wildcard ability on their side. Which, made you even more confused as to who truly was your boyfriend. Since they would often pull that trick on you for fun. You loved Akira, but you had started to slowly develop feelings for Ren, and became aware of it through tricks they would play on you, similar to what they would do to their friends back at home. It did get out of hand for a while, and you stopped hanging out with them since they kept teasing you about it and didn't stop even when you asked them to stop it. They did stop their merciless teasing with you, and makes amends for teasing you relentlessly. Soon after, you confessed your feelings to both Akira and Ren about how you loved both of them the same way. You loved them, and wanted to be romantically involved with both of them, not just one of them. But, you weren't exactly sure what to do about your feelings. 
Ren proposed a solution. Simply, the three of you would become somewhat like a throuple. Sure, it was be werid because of polygamy and incest things surrounding it, but if it truly was how you felt, it would work out just fine. As long as the three of you can explain the situation of your love triangle, it wouldn't be too hard.
And, that's what kinda situation you were in now. As, like Ren had said, it worked out because you loved both of them equally and your love wasn't fake.
It had been a long time since then, and by now, Haru had joined the group. 
The three of you lovebirds had decided to watch Spirited Away together at Leblanc after you had had a long day in Mementos to heal up and get some skinship for the day. 
By now, Sojiro had closed up the small café for the day, and Futuba had come by for dinner but rushed off saying she wanted to see a new anime based off a game she liked. And, the café Leblanc was quiet and open except for three people and a cat inhabiting the property.
Morgana had decided to watch the movie with the three of you. Akira and Ren went down to the café to make the delicious curry the whole team agreed was a godsend for their leader to make. Akira knew how to make it, and Ren had been interested in how to make for some time. While you and Morgana were alone, Morgana asked about the movie you were about to watch as you were setting it up.
"What is this movie about?" He questioned.
"It's about a 10 year-old girl," You explained, "Who is moving into a new area, but her family gets lost and they end up in the Spirit World. After her parents get turned into pigs for doing something that they shouldn't have, the girl has to find a way to survive and turn her parents human again." You summarized the movie as the screen of the TV showed the menu of the movie. 
"That actually sounds not bad to watch." Morgana commented. 
You nodded as you heard footsteps come in your direction. 
"Is everything ready?" Akira asked as he was coming up the stairs. He had two plates in his hand. Ren, from behind Akira,  seemed to be holding two plates as well.
You nodded again. "Yeah." 
"Good." Ren said, as he moved his chair next to yours. "It's been a long time since we have seen this movie." 
Ren draped an arm around your shoulders. Pulling you closer to him. 
Making his twin, who was giving Morgana his food, a bit jealous. 
Akira said nothing, but set food in front of you. 
"Thank you Akira." You smiled, as you temporarily moved out of Ren's arms to kiss Akira on the cheek as a thank you. You gave a kiss on Akira's left cheek, then moving back into Ren's arms, as he was warm. 
Not realizing you had given the reaction Akira wanted. 
Making the one who was holding you in his arms have the exact reaction his twin had a few seconds earlier. 
As the screen had started to show images of the main character's family driving with the familiar scenery of Studio Ghibli was famous for drawing, as well as talking to one another about moving. 
While you had been focusing on the movie while eating your food, your twin lovers were giving one another looks of challenge to one another. As if they were having a mental conversation, the two, after some time, gave the other a cocky smile, is if they knew exactly what the other was thinking. 
But their plan would not come into fruition until they could get your attention.
But, you seemed to be so engrossed on the children's movie that they didn't want to bother you now. So, all they did was cuddle you closer to them, which you were more than happy with. Even though you were being sandwiched between the twins, you didn't mind at all.
"Mom! Dad! Where are you?!" 
The main character, Chihiro, was panicking and calling out into the scenery of streets as she was looking for her parents, who had been turned into pigs.
As you where watching the movie, Morgana, seeing the twins had been giving each other looks, had moved to your lap. He saw Akira and Ren had been giving each other looks, and took his chance to get into your lap. As, it was cold and the boys were in the middle of something, so, why not? But, the twins had now noticed Morgana in your lap.
And, they weren't too happy about that. 
This little furball of a thief forced the two of them to go to bed and not do anything at night, bossed them around, and generally was annoying sometimes, had decided to make a move on you. And now, he was sleeping on your lap like he owned it.
Not on these boys' watch. 
Ren picked up Morgana off your lap, and set him back on the table he originally was supposed to stay on. 
You briefly took your attention off the movie to see Morgana on the table, slightly shivering from the cold. You got out of the twins' embrace, and got a blanket for Morgana and wrapped it around him. And, then went back to the warmth the twins provided you like nothing had happened.
And, once again, another tinge of jealously showed itself to the twins. This time, the twins didn't hide the jealousy and showed an expression of the emotion on their faces. 
You, being clueless to this, focused your attention back on the movie as it was coming to a close.
As soon as the movie ended and was rolling the credits, you got up and told the twins you were going to put the dishes in the sink for them. Both of them did say thank you but followed you downstairs. 
You set the dishes down into the sink, as was going to start washing them to be nice, but as soon as you tried to do that, Akira grabbed your hands and pulled you towards him. Pulling you backwards and losing your balance for a moment. But, Akira caught you. 
"Waaahhh---" You said, as you were suddenly pulled back into Akira's chest.
"Mmm." Akira moaned, as he moved his face to your chin and gave you a peck on your cheek. "Mine." He said simply as he seemed to be wrapping himself around your frame.
"Where did this come from?!" You asked, as Akira gave you another peck, this time on the neck. 
"No. Brother, they're mine." Ren, who had moved in front of you. The twins had pinned you into their embraces once more, unable to move and even try to resist the affection they were giving you.
You were going to be smothered with affection. Ren and Akira backed into the long table at Leblanc were most costumers sat down and chatted with the shop keeper. When the three of you backed up, it shook the whole table. Causing some noise, but nothing broken.
"Hey---!" You said, trying to get the twins attention, but was cut off by Ren kissing you on the lips to force you to be quiet. 
Ren's tounge was demanding entrance into your mouth, but you were unwilling to give it right now, as you were confused as to what was going on. But eventually, you submitted to Ren's kiss which he seemed to be pleased with. Ren pulled away from you for a moment giving to time to breath and said, 
"There. Give in." As he drove for another kiss. 
Akira, was kissing and nipping at your neck, trying to get your attention and prove his love for you. But, he wrapped his arms around your waist and moved under your shirt. Causing you to slightly jump when you felt his arms around your stomach. Ren, seeing his brother making his move, decided to make his move too. By grabbing your waist, and the top of your pants.
You were already red from Akira's hands moving up your chest, as well as your shirt following suit. But Ren's movements only made you a darker shade of red. And by now, it was hard not to notice your body starting to heat up in excitement.
The night had been long, but pleasant. While the twins had given you a chance to show them your body's desires, they had satisfied their own desires. 
But, in the aftermath of the long night, as the sun started to rise and light up the city, the twins weren't cruel enough to leave you after all that excitement the three of you had together. 
Hidden underneath a blanket, you had been tangled between Akira and Ren. You had your back to Ren, and his arms were around your waist and his head was resting just above your own. Akira, was in the exact same position just in another direction. They weren't squishing you against each other, but they still had trapped you in their embrace. In the night, this had actually kept you warm. But, now that the sun was coming up, the room began to warm up. 
The sunlight poured into the cold attic, making the room light up with warm colors from the sunrise. The sunlight also slowly warmed up the room. When the sunlight had fully covered the room, it showed the three of you cuddling into one another's arms. 
But, the sunlight had also woken up Morgana, who found the three of you in bed. The twins were wearing their normal night shirts and pants, but you were wearing a white shirt they found to cover you up. 
The sunlight had also woken up Akira. Who simply groaned, but upon seeing you still sleeping, cuddled into your chest like you had done to him the whole night. Ren woke up because Akira almost kicked him off the bed. But Ren was able to push Akira back, and even though he wanted to go back to sleep, he didn't because he wanted cuddled with you sleeping.
Because the twins agreed, you were so cute while you were sleeping.
Soon, Morgana was about to wake the twins up when he noticed the twins moving around the bed. So, he checked and he saw the twins were wide awake and being. . . Perverted. In seeing the twins being perverted, he said to them,
"If you have time to cuddled into (Y/N)'s body like that, you can get up. Come on, we have things to do today, remember?" He sighed.
The twins groaned, not wanting to move from where they were.
"Come on!" Morgana said to the twins as he jumped on the bed, and messing with the twins. By, well, trying to move the twins away from you and telling them to get up.
In doing so, he woke you up. 
As they were fighting you sat up from the fight, and looked out the window of the attic. 
Ren was the one to first realize you were up. As soon as he did, he shrugged Morgana off, and hugged you from behind. 
"Mmm. Did you sleep well?" Ren purred into your shoulder.
You rubbed your eyes. "Mmm. Yeah." 
When you spoke, Akira and Morgana saw you were awake.
Akira stood up, and Morgana so you could see him. 
"Good morning." Akira smiled at you.
"Mmm. Good morning." you said, as you smiled sleeply at Akira. 
"You ready for breakfast, love?" Ren asked you.
You nodded when you turned to Ren, who was smiling at you too. "Yes." 
Morgana got what he wanted now. And the twins were more than happy about you eating breakfast with them. 
So, it was a win-win situation all around. 
The twins had decided to take you out on a date that day, since they were more happy staying with you for the rest of the day then spending just a single night with you.
They took you to the Arcade, the underground shopping mall, and a few other places you asked if they could go to.
It wouldn't long after that would the school cultural festival be happening. But at that time, the three of you didn't care about that.
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dailydoseofdacre · 6 years
Teenage Dirtbag
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request: angst w makeup at the end,,, also including a song Drabble, “the night we met” by lord huron
a/n: I’m so sorry. this week is not my week for life honestly,,, but since it’s Valentine’s Day, I figure I owe you guys this chapter... thanks for the feedback, follows, and reblogs, it means so frickin much to me. A note that if my timeline for ST2 and this story is off, I’m sorry. If not, think of this like a au ST story. :)
word count: 1k+ (v v pathetic srry :[)
Closing your eyes, you let your lungs expand greatly within you as a deep breath was held in, and all of the tangled nerves that bunched in your body was freed once the breath was exhaled. The soft November breeze was perfect, the wind subtle, as if Fall wasn’t lingering in Hawkins, it felt like Spring had dawned that evening. Small bursts of wind blew your hair back and away from your face.
Taking in a couple more of deep breaths, you finally opened your eyes when you found your mojo. That your temple was at its most serene state, ready to take on the world again. Your heart beat at its normal speed as your eyes glazed over the scene before you. River as dark as night, with the illumation of the moon reflecting the trees and bushes. A soft bed of grass that was mowed recently danced with the breeze of the whistling wind. The moon was out, making known of its presence high up in the sky. You wondered what it would be like on the moon. To feel the bumps and grooves of the massive craters, to glare at the Earth with such curiosity.
Billy was taking a stroll through the ugly forests of Hawkins, eyes wet with tears and cheek still stinging from the contact his father dawned upon him. He would muster a sniffle here and there, the back of his hand wiping his nose every so often. Beneath him as he walked, the crunching of leaves and twigs echoed, bouncing off from tree to tree, alerting any animals that a potential predator was nearby.
Hargrove’s mind whirred, pondering as to what he could possibly do to appease his father. Get a job? Get good grades? Become a saint? He nodded to himself in disapproval, another soggy tear fleeing from his deep sapphire orbs. Billy could be a spitting image of Jesus and his father would still act the same way. Sucking a deep breath in, Billy managed to put a hold of his crying and sniffles as a glimpse of moonlight peeked through the vast amount of trees. In a low position, Billy crept through the path, all senses aware in case he bumped into anyone.
The Californian perched up against a tree when he noticed a girl merely 6 meters away from him. He glossed his tongue across his bottom lip, a smirk plaguing his lips. Billy figured he could swoon the girl, easing him of his personal troubles with some sex. The previous grin that marked his face went straight when he focused a little more on this mystery girl. His heart skipped a beat every thirty seconds or so when he recognized his doll. Suddenly all thoughts of seducing someone were thrown out of his mind, the only thing being you. Looking at you, holding you, and kissing you just as he did that one Halloween night. The night you broke down.
You were completely exposed, your true emotions raw in that moment of Billy embracing you in his arms. Scolding himself, Billy asked himself where his manhood was. What happened to Billy fucking Hargrove? How did these feelings for you develop? When did they develop? Why didn’t he just want to fuck and flee like he normally did with all of the other girls? He slumped his shoulders and ran his hand through the textured curls his hair occupied, sneering at himself that he wasted hairspray for his expected (yet cancelled) date.
Mind lost within the scenery before you, you barely noticed someone whispering the infamous nickname. “Doll.”
Chills exploded throughout your body as Billy’s fingertips caressed your arm with such care, as if he would hurt you. With extreme hesitation, you turned around, head down in attempts to avoid his piercing gaze. Biting the inside of your cheek, your heart sped when Billy’s index finger brought your head up to gaze into his sea irises.
“Billy,” you responded softly, not surprised that he was in your presence. A small smile tugged as you reached out to button his maroon shirt, hands resting on the fabric for a lingering minute before retiring your hands back to your sides. “What’re you doing here?”
Billy’s body busted out in shivers when your hands unintentionally made contact with his chest as you buttoned his shirt. He glared down at you with such admiration, but took a double take when the moonlight exposed the shiner on your cheek. Index finger retreating to your chin, Billy lifted up your head, examining you with concern etched onto his face.
“Don’t think I can’t see it, doll.” Billy said with slight anger. Hargrove swore to protect you, and the exact opposite happened, needless to say, he was upset that you hadn’t gone to him for help.
His comment resulted in you tip-toeing to reach his level, newly white polished fingertips outlining the slap mark on his cheek. “Don’t think I can’t see this, Billy.”
“It’s nothing.” Billy defended quickly, dismissing his measly slap mark, then turning the conversation to your swelled cheek. “Who did this?” He ask in a stern voice, taking a step closer to you, which didn’t help anyone because the two of you were mere centimeters away from each other. One step closer and your face would collide into his chest.
“No one,” you breath out, faking a chuckle as you threw your hands up. “You wouldn’t believe me if I said this.” Rolling your eyes, another nervous laugh filling Billy’s ears.
Billy stood quiet, plucking out the lie that easily slipped out of your lips. From his body tension you stepped away, giving him distance away from you. “I don’t have to explain this to you.” You huffed, crossing your arms and walking away from the 177 cm Californian.
“Yes, you do.” Billy called out, voice raising and blood boiling as you were about to make your way home. His boots crunched the leaves and twigs beneath him as he trudged to get closer to you.
“And why should I? Because we’re dating?” You mocked, storming up to him in a way that slightly intimated him. This side of you was hardly shown, and if so, it was only when someone really upset you. “No,” a humorless snicker followed. “You wouldn’t date a girl like me in a million years, Hargrove. I’m lucky enough to have even had your help on Halloween. You flock to the girls who have experience, who smoke cigarettes with you, who will have sex with you, Billy. Get a reality check! You don’t like me, you don’t even know my name! So, for you to demand why I got this here bruise is insulting.” You pointed to the shiner on your cheek, then letting your arm return to cross against the other one. Billy stood before you, dumbfounded and surprised as you spit some truth and some lies.
“As if you actually care for me. Billy, we haven’t even known each other for what? Two months? I know your motive, you want sex, so you can toy with my heart and cut the strings once you got what you wanted. I’m not stupid, you know.” Finishing, you held your head up high, as if to flaunt that you finally had your turn to speak, and that what you said was a reality check for Billy. That you had finally called Billy out for the real cause of the attention he was giving you.
A ping of hurt flushed in the Californian’s heart. Disbelief covered the features of his face. “I don’t care about you?” He asked, the soft side of his emotions poking against his arrogant and badass state.
Lips forming into a pout, you nodded your head, then spitting out a no.
When the night was full of terrors
And your eyes were filled with tears
When you had not touched me yet
Oh, take me back to the night we met
Without another minute wasted, Billy strode towards you, one hand wrapping around your waist and the other cupping your jaw. Passionately, Billy crushed his lips onto your plump ones. Fireworks went off, it was a weird sensation, but he continued on despite his rapidly beating heart. Stunned by his action, your body froze for a second, not comprehending what was going on. The other second quickly gave into Billy’s kiss, both of your lips moving in sync. All the while, your body went numb, all but your poor heart, which was nearly beating out of your chest.
Resting your hands onto his chest, you pulled back from the lip lock, hastily glaring at him through your eyelashes. Billy’s arm was still secure around your waist, and his thumb rubbed your swoll cheek as his minty breath fanned your blushing face. “If I didn’t care, would I have done that?” He whispered, his lips hovering against yours, the urge to kiss you again invading his thoughts.
The kiss had felt so natural, like his purpose was to find you, care for you, kiss you, love you. Never in his life, even with all of the girls he’s ever kissed, had a pair of lips make him so speechless. Billy felt that the both of you were like the perfect puzzle pieces, handcrafted just for each other. He wanted his lips against yours again. Oh, so, desperately.
“I didn’t know...” you piped up, heart thumping in your rib cage so fast, actually surprised that no one else could hear it. It was hard to admit that you had feelings for the badass, because he could’ve been easily joking around with you, just to steal a kiss and brag about it to everyone.
Billy took your words by pressing a soft and gentle kiss on your lips. A kiss that left you wanting more. Glaring up at him, you adorned his beautiful features with admiration. Without another word exchanged, Billy draped your arms around his neck, the King leaning down for another passionate kiss as the moonlight shining on the two of you as if it was nature’s spotlight.
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