#you guys know i'm a person of faith. and hope is something i don't lack either. so i'll be fine. i promise <333
mel-loly · 1 year
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-“That hurt.”
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karalianne · 3 months
NaNoWriMo Fire
I have been posting comments on NaNoWriMo's Facebook page, to the most recent three posts there (copied and pasted). My latest one has apparently been blocked or something, so I'm going to start sharing here. Please do share this far and wide.
If you don't know what the NaNoWriMo fire is, I have two resources for you:
Reddit Post (took two to post the whole story)
Google Docs summary (being actively updated as things continue to burn)
So below the fold I'm pasting the comments I put on Facebook, in order. Enjoy!
March 5, 20204
It's becoming increasingly obvious that the goal here is to shutter NaNoWriMo as an organization. I wish you guys would just DO IT ALREADY instead of pretending you're trying to do right by the community. That ABSOLUTELY ATROCIOUS ABOMINATION of a new ML agreement is reprehensible. I hope NOBODY signs it, because it is BLATANTLY trying to put ALL BLAME for anything that goes wrong directly on the ML's. Which is ludicrous. On top of that, if people have concerns about the agreement they are automatically being removed as ML. That's not good faith. It's not transparency. I've been trying to believe the best but obviously that was really silly of me and I apologize for believing that everyone is capable of actually doing better.
March 7, 2024
The Board Update is laughable and reinforces the impression I offered in my previous comment. Basically, nobody on the Board right now was even there when all this stuff happened. NaNoWriMo the organization is not actually listening to the feedback from the community; supposedly there have been focus groups but none of the people I'm in contact with (which is a lot of people who have all been very heavily involved with the organization over the years) ever got an invitation. I am just one person, and I am aware that I am not owed anything. However, this entire thing continues to be mismanaged, and I do not for one second believe that the organization is heading in the right direction.
Again, I suggest you just shut things down completely like you're obviously planning. All the noises about trying to do the right thing, followed by this alarming lack of actually doing the right thing and incredibly tone-deaf approach, are not helping the situation. Support for the organization is dwindling, and I am not surprised. That's what happens when you ignore and/or woefully mismanage your response to concerns.
March 9, 2024
Well, I'm back for another round of "I thought I told you not to do this kind of thing." Again, I know I'm just a person and nobody has to listen to me, but I know plenty of people who agree with me.
First, regarding the FAQ for MLs, there are contradictions and missing words. I try not to criticize that sort of thing too much (in spite of being a trained proofreader) but this is supposed to be a writing organization, and you people at HQ are supposed to be writers. Do better.
Second, it has come to my attention that both the Terms & Conditions and the Codes of Conduct have been updated with no notification. That is ridiculous and unethical, not to mention poor business practice. Literally every organization I am connected to sends an e-mail to let me know when there are changes upcoming, and often those changes are outlined so I know what to expect. And then I have the option to leave if I don't agree with those changes.
If you did send a notification e-mail prior to these changes being implemented, well, hey, we already knew the e-mail system was borked so whatever. But it looks like literally NOBODY got a notification of the upcoming changes, which indicates that there was no attempt to follow best practices.
It is clear to me, and to many other people in the community, that nobody at HQ actually knows how to manage a non-profit. I'm also pretty sure you don't understand ethics or best practices. You're trying to get ahead of bad things that ALREADY HAPPENED, and if you're actually consulting a lawyer about all of these things before you do them, they are giving you horrible advice. You also needed a PR team back in like November (maybe even October).
There's a weird attitude that I've seen all over the place, that people who are being vocal about this disaster are being mean or trying to destroy NaNoWriMo or something like that. I want to be crystal clear here: People who are being vocal are speaking up on behalf of people who needed a voice. People were being abused and others decided to help them get out of that situation. When the expected solution (reporting to HQ) did not result in appropriate actions, they moved to make the situation public. (That's when I found out and got involved.)
When we were discussing problems and asking questions on the forums in November, we were trying to be productive. We were looking for answers, making suggestions, explaining what was wrong (because as we talked we learned that there was far more than just the Mod X situation that was wrong), offering our assistance... and we got shut down.
Now I'm also hearing that there has been a focus group. Who was in that focus group? How did you get the participants? Nobody I know was contacted to be on that focus group. Are you actually LISTENING to the participants? Are the people you're recruiting all folks who've made it clear they're mad at those of us who are using our voices to call out abuses of power, poor organization and business practices, and unethical behaviour? I don't care if I'm not approached to be a part of a focus group, but making sure you involve an assortment of viewpoints would be beneficial.
I am just incredibly disappointed in how everything has gone and is going. The yacht has sailed. It's time to accept that and move on.
March 12, 2024 (the one that isn't showing up)
Every time I turn around, it seems, there's something new to facepalm over. It is becoming increasingly clear that HQ is on the defensive. You need someone on staff, like, six months ago, who is actually capable of professional communication. Right now, we're receiving passive-aggressive whinges about how many e-mails there are and how you're giving up vacations in order to reply to them. At least some of the foolish "answers" on the FAQ (which again, why is that on Zendesk? That makes no sense.) have been removed. The thing is, nevermind Pepperidge Farm, the Internet remembers. EVERYTHING.
It is not professional to tell your subordinates (whether staff or volunteers) that you're giving up personal time in order to deal with a mess that is your responsibility to deal with. It is not professional to complain about having to do a job you agreed to take on.
It is not ethical to try and get anti-union verbage into an agreement for volunteers. It is not ethical to try and get volunteers to take on all liability for events they organize on your behalf.
It is incredibly rude to treat adults as if they are misbehaving children. Especially not when they are bringing you legitimate concerns and criticisms about how your organization is handling a serious situation.
And yes, a lot of this one is specifically about Kilby, because WTF? How have you been on multiple boards and not learned how to do all of this stuff properly? You were absolutely NOT the right person for the job, and it's laughable that you think you were.
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Something that been on my mind
Warning: there maybe some grammar mistake in this cause english isn't my first language and also iam not an analyst or theorists or anything is just that I just want to get this out of my mind
The new bsd manga cover is out and I just realized something
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The upside down pose of atsushi and if I remember correctly what happened in volume 21 is equivalent to "sh*t is going down" and if iam right then volume 24 is a manga cover for chap 105 to 109 (unless there another chapter coming out but it will be in September so i just gonna put it like that) also equivalent to "things are turning to the worse" kinda like volume 21.
I'm not an analyst or anything but it will be great for someone to do an analysis on this
It just atsushi is being upside down in the volume manga cover lately and there have to some hint for it cause harukawa art always have meaning or some parallel for something
Also if I remember correctly there are a tarot mayoi card for atsushi and his cards is the fool
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(Credit the art to the game bungou lost tales)
I remember someone already did an analysis on this card so I'm just gonna link it later
So here is the meaning of the fool
- UPRIGHT: (new) beginnings, freedom/free-spirited, adventure, travel, originality, innocence, foolishness, carelessness, idealism, youth, spontaneity, lack of commitment.
- REVERSED: recklessness/risk-taking, carelessness, negligence, stupidity, distraction, apathy, irrationality, lack of fun/hope/faith, holding back.
With what is going on in the manga and atsushi upside down pose in the new manga volume I gonna go with the reversed one
The lack of fun/hope/faith are what is currently happen in right now in the manga and the holding back thing is kinda related to how atsushi have to hold back so he can't hurt akutagawa (it in chapter 108) i guess but the other I'm not so sure
Like I say I'm not an analyst it just when I see the new manga cover my thought just spiraled to this
And here is the link to the analysis about the tarot mayoi card
We also need someone to talk about this too
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(Credit the art to harukawa sango)
This is the new illustration art of harukawa and the first thing that I notice is why fukuchi scar is yellow the same color of atsushi eyes and fukuchi scar here is like a claw mark however maybe it was just a scar when he was fighting with the ability experiment "werewolves" or the semi-immortal ability user "wasp" (it in chapter 82) but why the claw scar is yellow and atsushi eyes is also yellow here so that gonna mean something
I also see a post talking about this too
And here
Also I hope that you guys still remember that the DOA still have the page right
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And they gonna write on the back of the page at the next full moon
(I don't know what time it is in the current chapter but I guess it not the day of the full moon yet)
The real question is why DID they chose the next full moon they could have chose any day but why (I did see some questions about this too)
Now what are the thing about full moon that we are all know about
Yep that's right atsushi ability
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I also want to add this: "he was actually transforming into a white tiger under the moonlight due to his ability" (Credit to wiki)
And who is holding the page right now- yes is fukuchi
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But is he really the one holding the page, I see some post point it out that the page is blank or quite clear like it didn't even have any word on it so we have another question it is really the page
We also see another person shroud by darkness and writing on the page
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We don't know yet if this person is affiliated with doa or fyodor or they are someones that haven't been revealed yet or the creator of the book itself
So is the page that fukuchi holding is just a decoy(a fake page?) And the real one is being keep at somewhere else because it is something that are super valuable, and you can't just keep it on yourself all the time cause what if something unexpected happen
Does that mean that there are gonna be some connection revealed or an answer to some questions that have been unanswered or just a foreshadowing for something that gonna happen later in the manga
I guess we just have to wait though cause I remember a translate of a interview with asagiri and he say that doa arc is not the end and there are going to be a "order of the clock tower" arc but I'm not sure.
(And also resolve some mystery about atsushi cause he have so many hole in his backstory and there so many question about him that haven't been answer)
P.S: I want to write more about it but my mind just got overload-like I was having a very bad headache and my eyes feel kind of sleepy
Also did I do this analysis (theory) post as the same time as the the other one- yes (you know what maybe that the reason why i was having a headache i mean doing both analysis(theory) at the same time can leave you quite tired), do I really need a break- yes...maybe it just I have so many to do right now and I really want to but my mind just blank so yeah I might take a break
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daisys-reality · 2 years
ᴠᴏɪᴅ ꜱᴛᴀᴛᴇ
𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐩𝐬 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐄𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐕𝐨𝐢𝐝?
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This reading kind of turned into motivational talk lol. I hope it helps you somehow!😅 [I'm sorry I didn't proof read it, please excuse any dumb mistakes</3] If you liked this, feel free to message me other PAC ideas!
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what is the void state? It's a state of pure consciousness. It's usually reached through meditation. The void is within you, hence you are the void. You can manifest anything through the void state. - click here for more information
how to choose a picture: try to calm down, take deep breaths & use your intuition to select. Take you time and chose the picture you feel the most drawn to. (You can choose more than one picture.)
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༣P𝔦𝔩𝔢 1
𓆸 What kind of person are you?
(you might have many earth and fire placements in your chart, I also got strong jupiter and mercury energy)
hello my pile 1 people <3 You guys are surely very earthy but inside you there is fiery passion. You are stable and secure or at least that’s what you’re working towards. You are independant and quite resourceful. You value material things and it’s also something you need to feel emotionally better. You like to be generous to other people and provide for others. But for that you need to be in a stable position, right? Also, I’m sure you dislike sudden or unexpected things - it might trigger you in some way. You are maybe the type who takes a bit longer to finish certain things because you wanna make sure that everythings is done correctly and ‘perfectly’. And ofc it’s ok to not hurry yourself especially on this manifestation journey but don't let your need for control get too you head. I feel like your surroundings might be a little chaotic, so try to create your own calm place in the center of this chaotic energy. It also seems like you are a fair and just person who likes to protect others and yourself. Your energy is very expanding and I also think you’ve been quite lucky in your life even though you might not see it that way. Often, you want to understand the bigger picture of life and that’s also why you might be into spirituality and have great faith. Other people might not notice it that well but I think you have a racing mind. Also, you surely are quite intelligent. You might have a great desire to share your ideas and to communicate with others as well as educating yourself on all kinds of topics and collecting knowledge in general. From the outside, you might always seem calm and content but with sparkling eyes. You can endure anything. You know how to nourish yourself (even though this might stem from being neglected as a child). I think when you are not feeling good, you might neglect yourself a bit - like not drinking enough water/being dehydrated etc - and you might just lack vitality to do anything. Going on a small trip, just walking around nature or just having a change of scenery might help you in those times to get your energy back.
𓆸 So, what is stopping you? What is the problem?
As I mentioned before, you seem a bit like an overthinker and perfectionist.You may feel as though you’re restricted by the circumstances you find yourself in, but that’s just an illusion. Make a promise to yourself to refuse to be stuck in a situation that’s making you unhappy. Don’t wait for someone to come to the rescue when you can free yourself! The difficult times you went through helped you to transform and to get you mentally to the ‘place’ you are now. Surely, you've been hurt and betrayed in the past and even though you just wanna escape all of it as fast as possible you gotta realize that you or rather your higher self/consciousness  chosed all these situations to help you grow and transform and for you to realize who you are and what you really need and want in your life. You’ve been prepared to make the decision for what kind of life you really want and what kind of person you really want to be. If you still have ‘childhood trauma’ (even if it seems small to you), you should think about where it stems from and how you can let go of it. Of course it won’t be easy but let me tell you YOU ARE STRONG ENOUGH! Don’t let other people and their past deeds hold you back. You don’t need that! You are so powerful! Don’t overthink things. You tend to doubt your skills and power. Please don’t do that - You are a queen/king! All this overthinking, these doubts and the old patterns from your childhood hold you back. It makes your mind infertile! I want you to put yourself on top of everything, you are your own main priority. Please nourish yourself! A healthy mind and body will help you. You might have already heard that before but try to ignore the 3D if it’s as shitty as it feels! Don’t mind it! You should make yourself feel loved and proud - that is important! Trust yourself and in your power! Everything will work out perfectly! Just stay committed to what you want and what you definitely deserve !!  You’re being called upon to claim your personal power! Feel confident about yourself and this journey! Your angels/guides/spirits (whatever you believe in) will give you strength to say no when it’s the right thing to do for yourself. On a side note, your struggle may actually stem from an unresolved inner conflict, rather than a conflict with others. So, try to resolve this. Work on your mindset - like tell yourself how much you value yourself with all your quirks etc. and that you deserve everything - guilt has no place here! Your past is over - you’ve learned from it - so it’s done. Close this chapter. Your new journey/life can begin now - so claim your power! As I said before, even if things take longer for you - I assure you you will totally master this!
-> check out my other pac readings
༣P𝔦𝔩𝔢 2
𓆸 What kind of person are you?
(you might have many water and air placements in your chart, I also got strong sagittarius and neptune energy)
hello my pile 2 people <3 You guys - let me tell you - are beautiful inside out !! You are the type who often undergoes great change and transformation. You seem very versatile. Even though ‘change’ might not be something you're extremely comfortable with, you seem extra patient and kind during those times - especially to yourself. Tho it’s totally fine to let solid friends and activities (you enjoy) support you during those times. On a side note, committing to one daily routine (a meal, practice, meditating, affirming) done at the same place and time will do wonders for lifting your spirit.  You’re the type to become very ‘fragile’ and really frustrated (with yourself and your life) when you’re out of balance. Your energy seems so graceful and cheerful.You might like interacting with others and you’re charming, friendly, optimistic, talkative, persuasive and maybe also a bit impulsive. I think freedom and beauty might be important to you and your life. You also seem creative like an artist and you surely inspire other people (just by being you or with you creations). However, you might also easily get distracted by new things and get bored of the old ones. You seem quick to adapt to new situations and are quite innovative. I think you have a strong drive and you kinda want to stand out from the crowd. You might like the ‘going with the flow’ lifestyle. You are a perceiver and are always motivated to look around to discover your own individuality while finding your place in the world. You might often ask yourself ‘how can I be true to myself?’. I think you usually try to be honest with yourself and with the rest of the world. You are powerful in your own way. It’s important to slow down from time to time so that you can perceive the depth as well as the breadth of the situation. Also, I think you should be careful with ‘careless unkindness’. You are quite a complex person. You have a great imagination, compassion (and I also think psychic experiences). You might have issues with sacrifice and obligation. Also balancing between giving and resenting might be an issue for you. I do think you value yourself and do some kind of healing and energy cleansing. You are the type of person who is forgiving and who needs to connect, to understand and to be understood, who values intimacy and creative expression. You try to speak your truth with kindness and compassion and that makes you so sweet.
𓆸 So, what is stopping you? What is the problem?
Mhm.. I think there are some blocked emotions that create some problems here. I feel like you are ignoring what your intuition is trying to tell you. Deep down you know exactly what the problem is. There is something beautiful and useful in dark reflection and sorrowful emotions; but these emotions turn ugly when they rot and fester to become self-pity and martyrdom. I feel like you are a bit blind or oblivious to the gifts around at this time. Try to become more aware.  Be brave and rise above the suction of self-pity; avoid wallowing in indulgent sorrow. I think you already have inflicted enough self-suffering on yourself. You are manifesting but at this time you’ve become a little stagnant. There is some inner resistance - you are blocking the peace and the fulfillment that you yearn for, and yet it seems like you feel like you must deny yourself. Please do not think like that! You know what the right decision is for you! And you deserve EVERYTHING you want ! YOu are eNouGH ! Do not miss your opportunity because you’re wallowing and feeling sorry for yourself. Open your arms and receive the gifts waiting for you!! Turn your face to the sun and let the shadows fall behind you. At this time, it’s better for you to not let everyone know what is going on in your head. Also, boundaries … it’s time to set them. Small areas of ugliness are blinding you to the greater beauty that is your rightful environment. I think social media especially seems to negatively affect you. Try to set some boundaries with social media or try to avoid using it for some time. Protecting yourself is very important because you seem easily influenced by the energy around you. Think about who you really should allow access to your space and energy and who you shouldn’t allow it. Avoid negative people who are draining, or who bring unwanted drama into your life. Not everyone has your best interest at heart. Do not suffer because of some fools but also do not let your heart become hardened by others’ cruelty. Have compassion for their wounded souls - and yet set firm boundaries. Be soft but strong. Changes are necessary so that you can get back on track. While being on this journey, try to withdraw from this ‘world’. Follow your intuition and don’t think too long about what to do. In addition, I want you to know that releasing the past can seem like a challenge, but it can also be liberating. Your angels/guides (whatever you believe in) will help you let go so that you can fly higher than ever before. You need to actively allow this situation to lead you to a more joyful life. You can change your life by changing your thoughts as you already know! Sometimes you may feel as though your way is blocked but often that’s just an illusion. You could easily free yourself from the obstacles that you’re so focused on by choosing a different path. Turn your thoughts away from negativity, and instead envision more often the other possibilities or desired scenarios of your desired outcome etc. You need to actively choose your own freedom. Of course, your past shaped you into who you are at this time. But ask yourself about your past and how it influenced you and in which way. Now, is that what you really want to keep being? And if not, just release everything you don’t really need anymore. It will make you so much happier. Everyone has their own journey and they are all different and that’s ok. I know you’ll find your own way!
-> check out my other pac readings
༣P𝔦𝔩𝔢 3
𓆸 What kind of person are you?
(you might have virgo or pisces placements in your chart, I also got strong saturn/earth energy)
hello pile three :D You seem like the type who has lots of responsibilities going on. But you also demand respect. I think that’s important to you. You are protective especially of your close family/friends. You might also be quite humanitarian and might like helping people through teaching or advising them/sharing your knowledge and experiences. You are really reliable. You have a brave and almost fearless side to you. It might be hard for you when people close to you don’t share the same opinion or values as you - especially when it’s about something that is really important to you. It almost feels like betrayal lol. There is some kind of duality. You seem to have reckless/rebellious aims while still following traditional/conservative values. Which might sometimes even confuse yourself. You might have been the type who worked hard to make their parents proud, genuinely looked up to them and who wanted to follow their footsteps as a child. But over time you worked on finding yourself and building up your own identity. And you soon noticed that more and more clashes appeared in the way you and your parents approach life and it might have become really difficult for you to (emotionally) differentiate yourself from your family/parents.
You are also impulsive and prone to spontaneous actions. Because you don’t want a dull life. YOu easily get bored and it makes you feel hopeless sometimes so you often eagerly look for new stimulation in all parts of your life. When out of balance you might become judgmental and dominating. You should practice tolerance and more as well as letting go. You seem to be good at analyzing and focusing especially when everything seems chaotic around you - like you can just shut out all distractions. You might be quite detail-oriented at times. But it also leads you to pettiness and obsessiveness. You should avoid being overly critical. I feel like you grew up in a judgmental environment and you thought their critical/judgy behavior comes with being mature, so you developed that trait as well because you wanted to grow up fast. You always push yourself to set and achieve goals to create a secure life. You might have faced many challenges but you’ve also learned a lot of things because of them. I feel like you also have a creative and intuitive side to you which might have been a bit neglected in your childhood. You have a strong belief system and are usually very passionate about them (that’s why it feels like betrayal when other people disagree lol) You might actually be very aware of the ‘unseen’ and of other people’s emotions. This might be overwhelming at times. You should maybe employ simple energetic protection techniques and avoid destructive escapism !!
𓆸 So, what is stopping you? What is the problem?
Mhm it feels like there is an important decision that you’ve been putting off. I feel like you know which choice you should make, but you’re procrastinating so you don’t upset someone else ? You are avoiding something important. There seems to be still a lot of chaos in your head. You haven’t released the past yet. You are still too stuck on the old story. As I said before, you struggle with letting certain stuff go and I think the problem lies in your self-worth… like your ‘identity’ seems to be attached to your past. PLease work on that. You are You! Ofc the past shaped you but your inner self is still the same… it’s just oppressed by all these limiting belief systems of society and by those of your family. In order to free yourself you need to honor your (physical) self more! A loving relationship with yourself will help you stand on your own two feet. You are strong enough! You won’t lose yourself when releasing the past, you will just step into your power - into your true self! PLease don’t neglect your body! I feel like poor eating, excess of ‘toxic substances’ and dragging yourself through things you don’t really enjoy are a theme here - and that’s punishing yourself and not celebrating yourself !? Why are you abusing your own body? :( Don’t put anything in your body that is not worthy of your god/goddess status!! Quality over quantity is the key at this time - awaken to your sacred self. Meditating and listening to ‘god state’ subliminals might help you as well as lots of selfcare! Also, you should be selective about who you let into your space. Ask yourself what is and what isn’t worthy of yourself. You deserve being treated in an honorable and respectful way not just by others but by yourself too. Furthermore, you seem to overthink things too much. I got the message “Friction and resistance in the circuits of your brain have now confused you into thinking the pain and tension is in the world around you when, really, it’s all in your head.” That was a clear message lmao. Free yourself from other people's opinions and take this time to be quiet and to reflect.The only thing standing in your way is you. The light of a busy mind can be beautiful, but in order to reveal its best achievements, times of darkness and rest are essential. Let go of your worries and fears for a while and let the world/your reality balance itself around you.Your inside is infinite, and your physical form is the gateway. You are drawing close to the start of something new/ a rebirth. But in order for that to happen reflection and reevaluation is required !! Look back on your past, reevaluate it and move on to bigger and better things! It all depends on you, nothing stands in your way anymore. Great progress will now be possible. You may need to make rapid decisions due to the suddenness of activity. Be confident and trust the guidance you receive.The last card I got for you is the ‘successful completion - dreams coming true’ card.So don’t worry too much, you are really close<3
-> check out my other pac readings
༣P𝔦𝔩𝔢 4
𓆸 What kind of person are you?
(you might have leo/libra/cancer placements in your chart, I also got strong moon,venus and fire energy)
hello pile 4 <3 For you guys, I get the feeling that you are my visionary pile -slightly eccentric but very creative. You seem to be young at heart, well cultured and you seem to have an undying curiosity about life. You really are a delight for everyone around you and you seem to open their minds - like you inspire them and things just seem to make sense. You might like traveling and expanding your worldview while having a blast. You might also be the type to contribute to global health through environmental or volunteer work. You are usually very enthusiastic and I think quite fashion-forward. When in a bad mood, you might be very pouty and just feel super worn out. I think traveling or creating art might lift your mood in those times. Also, I think your mood changes quite often and randomly. And you might go through many changes and transformations, especially emotionally. You might be emotionally quite intelligent and your intuition seems to be strong as well. You might enjoy reminiscing about the past or dwelling in your imagination. Your energy is very fluid and adaptable. But you also have a passionate/fiery side to you. You have leadership qualities but I feel like you are often too shy to accept the spotlight. You have ambition and when you set something to your mind, you will make it happen. This dedication inspires some and intimidates others. I think people actually respect you alot. But not many really know you that much about you. You might give off aloof vibes and be hard to access … (funnily while writing down your pile my computer completely shut off randomly and I had internet problems and then shortly afterwards I heard weird noises in my room and I was so distracting by it because I am alone at home lol anyways I started wondering if I shouldn’t do you pile like wtf that never happened before but I decided to finish it as good as i can sooo coming back to the main topic… ) Not only are you fashion-forward I also think you really enjoy beauty and love related things. You might actually be quite the beauty <3 Also, your possessions, your money and your ideals seem to be important to you and are things you value very much.
𓆸 So, what is stopping you? What is the problem?
Ask yourself more often ‘how can I shine?’ and gather all your courage and confidence and create your own reality. You seem to lack confidence a bit. The theme of your journey is: taking your rightful place. You deserve all your desires. Don’t doubt yourself! You have the right to live your desired life or manifest your wishes. Don’t feel bad for it. You might feel a deep longing for something meaningful in your life. In your heart, you know that there’s more ‘out there’ waiting for you - and it’s true! It may be time to switch careers, or to move to a new home or city, or to initiate other important changes. If you planned to manifest those things through the void but started questioning if you should really do that. Let me tell you: DO WHAT'S RIGHT FOR YOU, AND SEEK OUT YOUR MAGICAL NEW LIFE !! Keep going! You might struggle with saying no to others and with prioritizing yourself. But you already have great courage and kindness inside you. You may not realize how strong and powerful you are, there is no problem in this world/reality that you can’t solve !! The compassion you so freely give to others must also be given to yourself! Stand strong in your convictions if the right answer to tell someone is no. It’s true that you have to make a sacrifice in order to move into the next creative expression of self - manifesting your desired life. But you are strong enough. The message I got for you pile 4 is ‘Honor your mystical and creative force’. You are the type to want to express your creativity in relationships, music, art and even food. And you should totally do that because it will empower you! You may feel restricted and powerless at this time but these are things that you have imposed on yourself. While on your void state journey, you may face a difficult decision of some sort, but you must release those constraints/limiting beliefs/issues before doing so. Be honest with yourself. I feel like you struggle with being authentic. You might avoid having to deal with your darker side and your subconscious issues- I feel like you try to ignore them or just avoid facing them. Take some time out, make yourself comfortable and have some deep talk with yourself OR just be in silence with yourself and let your thoughts flow and observe them if talking to yourself is too hard for you. Or you could write it all down, burn it (please stay safe lol) and affirm you new beliefs - especially regarding your void concept. I feel like that might help you alot. Also, it seems like you may have recently experienced a crushing failure or betrayal/back-stabbing that brought you to your knees. However, you should be mindful of not making yourself into a martyr because of it. Release any kind of victim mindset. Just know that you might have hit rock bottom - but from here on out there’s nowhere else to go but up. I can tell you from the messages I got for you that even though it feels like a waiting game for you at this time, opportunities/manifestations are lining up around you. I want you to merge with the flow of life, trust it in all its light and dark times on your journey. They have brought you to this point. Maybe unbeknownst to you, you are perfectly ready for this - trust your efforts and recognise the signs of serendipity occuring around you. You are where you are meant to be, doing what you are meant to be doing. You are growing in abundance and opportunity - you awakened fresh potential. Your circumstances (energetically) seem to be really good at this time! Use this chance no matter what! The planning period is over, it’s time to put your plans into action. Open the doors of opportunity to broaden your scope. Start thinking long term and be ready to embrace change!!
-> check out my other pac readings
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© daisys-reality
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muzzleroars · 2 months
You seem to know a lot about Christian mythology/ or atleast are quite passionate about it have you ever thought about discussing it in general? If yes i'd like to ask about the Antichrist and its many interpretations, i see like a billion of them in a lot of Media so i'm really confused on what it is
i don't mind discussing it in general at all! i will say i'm absolutely not an expert in any capacity, christian mythology has just been a big interest of mine since i was a kid (i was that guy....) and i have actually read the bible (only once all the way through and my memory is. well. bad). and while i haven't looked much into the history of the antichrist in general, i can tell you about its appearance in original text! the antichrist is really interesting from a mythology perspective because this is a case where culture and many, many sources outside of scripture have highly impacted the figure into something not much like their appearance in the bible itself. the actual word "antichrist" appears only in john's epistles, and this was in reference to the splintering of christianity at the time - basically the author was warning christians against "false" christians (early gnostics in this case) as they didn't believe in the second coming of christ in the flesh. they are even referred to in the plural here as basically this author used "antichrist" as a term for anyone claiming to believe in christianity but rejecting certain (core) doctrines, and therefore able to lead people into what he believed to be a "false" faith considering christianity's then lack of central leadership (and so people not being sure on what all the teachings really even are). the term "pseudochrist" is used similarly elsewhere to warn against false believers, but essentially the anxiety is still the same.
revelation is the book that introduces the singular figure often associated with the antichrist but not named as such - the thirteenth chapter describes the "second beast", which is a creature that looks like a lamb but speaks with a dragon's voice, causes many terrifying signs to happen, and famously marks its followers with the number 666. it wields the power of the first beast, which represents the general evil attacking the church and is ultimately satan's presence on earth made manifest. honestly, there's nothing inherently wrong with labeling this figure as "the antichrist", as it is a metaphorical being representing all false prophets in the latter days, but this is purely meant to condense down what would be a massive movement - it is not truly just going to be one guy, but a whole flood of fake messiahs that will come claiming to be christ or to be sent by god.
for what all this means/is, i'm definitely of the opinion that revelation was never meant to be taken literally and is a book written entirely about the roman empire of the time. 666 is nero's number and great harlot is rome (as places in the bible were always depicted as women when personified), with revelation meant to give the christians living through a terrible time of oppression and persecution hope for the future. in this way, the antichrist is representative of the people christians will encounter who will attempt to tear down their faith, who will attempt to make them worship rome or a false, romanized version of christianity (and thereby make them heretics) and are meant to represent a more tangible, real world threat than satan would be to the average person. there are many, many calls to faith in the bible, both in the old and new testaments, and i believe revelation to simply be a very big, very wild refrain of the same sentiment: we know it's bad, we know it's scary, but one day we will be saved and safe forever. i will say as an aside gabriel also reveals an antichrist adjacent figure to daniel, telling the prophet about one who gains power and wealth through deceit to take over the throne and rule in infamy. his defeat by michael brings about the end days, but again this was largely a projection of history and based on the current tensions at the time. IN ANY CASE it's interesting how the figure has become the actual child of the devil, something introduced by later theologians but still usually not literal. i think a lot of it comes from the nebulous nature of the antichrist in general but also because the name just evokes that idea - christ is the child of god, so the antichrist is the child of satan. i can't speak too in depth about the history outside of that, but i hope this answered your question ok!!
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tobiasdrake · 7 months
Final farewells. T_T So long to everyone. Until we meet again one day.
And by one day, I mean "On sale now!"
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Of course she is. She's the obligatory love interest for a romance arc that didn't even manage to dip its toe in the water before the end credits rolled. She's going to need several more games of development before anything gets started for her.
Poor girl didn't even manage to get a climactic last-minute kiss, either right before Yuma went off into the final confrontation or just before the end-credits rolled. The game was having too much fun shipping Yuma with Fubuki (gross) and Shinigami (SO GROSS) instead. Kodaka owes her at least one date to a coffee shop or something.
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Go get him, girl. Maybe next time, you'll be allowed to have a relationship with him that is actually romantic in some way.
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That must have been such an awkward conversation. Can you imagine having to talk to your crush's clone to try and get permission to go look for his human counterpart?
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I remind everyone that Kurumi was able to navigate a Peacekeeper-infested Dohya District when even Yuma needed timey-wimey powers to pull that off. I have the utmost faith in her abilities.
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...all due respect to everyone here but I cannot in good conscience vote for any of them. Halara's too capitalist, Fubuki lacks worldly experience, Vivia's unmotivated, and Desuhiko has a lot of personal growth he needs to do before he'll be ready for any kind of authority.
I hope there are more well-adjusted Master Detectives in the organization who will do a better job of it. But if you twisted my arm... Fubuki, with Desuhiko as running mate.
Halara is far too valuable in the field and would most certainly convert the WDO into a for-profit corporation immediately after assuming control, so that's a hard pass. Vivia, absolutely not. Why would you do that to the poor guy? He just wants to rest.
Fubuki lacks a lot of wordly knowledge but she has a boundless curiosity and love for the act of discovery itself. I have faith in her judgment. I do not have faith in her ability to fully understand context, which is why Desuhiko would make a good partner for her.
Desuhiko's head is too far up his own ass to make sound judgment decisions with authority. He has a lot that he needs to figure out about himself and the way he engages with the world. But he's attentive and follows along with information well.
The two of them could make for an effective tag-team, with Desuhiko laying out the context and Fubuki calling the shots. That could work.
But if there's someone, anyone better, that would be... better.
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T_T This is the true reason that Yuma went into hiding.
See you around, Halara. It was awesome knowing you. I have the utmost faith that you're going to excel, no matter where you go or what you do.
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Oh, of course! In fact, I have these three friends who I'm sure are just dying to meet you. I can take you to them right now, if you'd like!
I kid. We know now that he's only doing this to try and look cool. Nonetheless, as uncomfortable as I was interacting with him as a boy, I am twice as uncomfortable interacting with him as a girl. But, c'est la vie. This is what every day is like for women.
So long, Desuhiko. I wish you the best of luck in figuring yourself out and finding your way to a place where you can be satisfied with the man you've become. Or woman or person, if you wind up down one of those roads. Whatever the case, may you one day find yourself in a place where you can be happy.
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Spinoff game starring Fubuki and Kurumi. I want it now. They can call it Ultra Truth Girls or some shit. I don't care what.
Farewell, bestie. I trust that wherever your adventures take you next, you'll have the awesomeness to weather it. And get the hell away from your shitty family, while you're at it! If you wind up becoming President of the WDO, that's my fault, I'm sorry for that.
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Yeah, I'm mad at Desuhiko too. I told him that was his job. Though he might not have skedaddled so quickly if I hadn't threatened to get him eaten by ferals. So I guess that's on me. Sorry, Vivia.
In any case. Vivia? I hope you get to take a nap. A long, long nap. The longest nap of your career. And when you wake up from that, you get to take another nap. You deserve all the rest in the world.
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So. That. Means. We have dibs on the submarine, right? Let's take this sucker out of port and get to globetrotting!
Y'know, a sub wouldn't be a bad place for a homunculus to live, in fact. No fear of sunlight in here. None whatsoever. Plus, Yakou's still feral for the time being so it's not like he needs it.
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No? Going to leave it here to rot forever? Okay. Fine. What's even the fucking point of having the office in a sub if nobody ever uses its vehicular capabilities for anything. Angry fish noises!
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Sure. I guess we can take the train, if we want to be boring about it. Watch out for murderers, Kurumi.
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Yuma left Kurumi a note telling her that he left and offering little information as to where. Aww, that was sweet of him.
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Kodaka, you realize that this is a promise for Kurumi to be the protagonist of the next game, right? You're clear on that?
I want to be sure because you might think that this means "Kurumi is going to find Yuma at the start of the next game and hand him back the book, so he can connect with Shinigami again."
But that is not what this promise means. This promise means, "Our next adventure will star Kurumi as she makes a pact with Shinigami and they go on adventures while trying to find Yuma together."
I'm gonna be mad if Kurumi isn't the protag for Master Detective Archives 2.
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Again. This is promising a Kurumi-centric adventure. Just so we're clear. I expect you to deliver on that.
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Post-credits scene showing what Yuma's up to?
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The closeup here implies she's going to be important for the next game. Fuck, we're not getting a Kurumi-centric adventure, are we? She's going to show up in the prologue and be like, "Here you go, Yuma. I brought your book!" and then resume the same role she had in the first game.
Fine, but at the very least, I demand a badass scene where she exposes herself unfiltered to the sun and lets herself turn temporarily feral on purpose to fuck up the bad guy.
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queseraone · 14 days
EXACTLY!! I understand them needing some bad guys but like you said—they introduced too many this season in such a small time frame and it was so difficult to keep up with.
My complete honesty opinion, season 6 wasn’t my favorite. Now there were a few moments that I enjoyed throughout the season but because they only have 10 episodes, I feel like they rushed it.
I have a lot more faith in season 7 because it’ll have more episodes, I just hope they focus on the main cast more. Also like you said about the finale; they basically only focused on the bad people like half the episode, maybe more. It made little to no sense, at least to me 😭
Also that ‘cliffhanger’ was eh. I’m personally not too upset about it so it’s not like I have to wait 8 months to find out what happens, but then again, they should have made it a bit more exciting so people have something to look forward to, Yk? (Sorry I need to talk about this stuff 😭😂)
Wayyyy too many bad guys, and here's the thing... none of these villains feel authentic enough?
Rosalind Dyer was the ultimate villain, in part because we understood why she did what she did (I mean, in theory - she was a straight-up psychopath... but that was the reason). Armstrong was a great villain (which, admittedly, I did not see coming at all!) because again, we understood his motivations, what made him go dirty.La Fiera, same thing. They delved just enough into her backstory that we knew how and why she became a criminal.
That's what's lacking with Monica (and Elijah before her). They're just there and we're told they're the bad guys and we go with that. Why did Monica become this evil lawyer?? I would imagine she wasn't always like this, because Wesley was involved with her, and he's not a scumbag. So I think that background was a glaringly missing piece. (And if I'm dead wrong and they gave this information and I missed/forgot about it, then... oops. But that clearly means it wasn't done in an effective way!)
Fumbled big bad story and villain whack-a-mole aside, I did enjoy season 6 as a whole (I clearly may be in the minority there!). In a lot of ways, it felt more like some of the earlier seasons (...until it didn't).
One thing the shorter season did was allow them to carry some threads between episodes, which I really enjoyed. We know the timeline leans very Jeremy-Bearimy, but it truly felt like whole chunks of this season could have happened over the course of just a few weeks, which is kind of cool.
And yet, some things definitely still felt rushed, especially toward the end of the season. The whole Ray thing could have been more effective spread out over a couple additional episodes. It would have been beneficial to take time to dig a little deeper with the big bad storyline, pepper that arc into the season more, etc. And of course, GIVE LUCY SOME SOLID STORYLINES AND FOLLOW THROUGH WITH THEM IN A MEANINGFUL WAY!!!!!!!
I really hope season 7 takes us back to our characters. That's who I tune in for (especially Lucy and Tim), so I don't want to sit and watch some random criminals for 72% of an episode (let alone as season finale!).
Totally agree, I'm glad that cliffhanger really wasn't much of a thing. There's nothing to stress about over the hiatus!
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Assassination Classroom
alright I have to start this by being sentimental first. This is the last post we're all gonna be making you guys :( personally I'm sad as this has been like my favorite class ever. It has been so amazing getting to hear from all of you and I've been exposed to so many beautiful pieces of media. This class is forever something I will bring up in any conversation and has made an actual impact on me. I know it is unlikely we will run into each other in the future considering the amount of you that are computer science or engineering majors but I hope my Hetalia blog post made a lasting enough impact in your brain that you may remember me, thanks for putting up with my takes and just being a really fun group of people ❤ (I won't be taking the exam with y'all so Wednesday will be the last time I see you all and I will be sad about it because I'm emotional)
okay now on to the actual show!
I have seen bits and pieces of this show but I've never sat down and watched the whole thing, and I still haven't cause I only had enough time to watch the assigned episodes.
This show has a lot of the same themes of shows that we watched previously. A few that I noticed are Psycho-Pass and Eden of the East. This show and Psycho-pass share the similar theme of "if you tell someone they are something they are bound to become it". Within this show, these kids have been seemingly abandoned by the education system. Every person at this school seems to hate class-E for no apparent reason. They are viewed as violent, dumb, and worthless by every other class and even the educators. They are being set up to fail, and their fate has been set for them at 14.
In regards to Eden of the East, this show also shares the similarity of kinda pinning the responsibility of saving the world on other people (also many of the shows we watch rely on children to save the world like Sailor Moon, Gundam, Evangelion). Despite literally having no faith in Class-E to do anything successfully, they put the fate of the entire planet in their hands. If these kids cannot kill their teacher every single person will die, and yet people still don't seem to be rooting for them.
They also have to work considerably harder to do satisfactorily on exams, as their education in the past has been lacking since no teacher ever gave them a real chance. With everyone against them, they still managed to rank themselves at the same level as Class-A, proving their ability despite what others may believe they are capable of.
Overall I think this was a pretty good watch and I will likely get around to finishing it.
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zaewii · 1 month
On track
CHAPTER 3: Anger Management
| Where are they? They're always absent when we they're needed.
FP2 was cancelled yesterday and the FIA decided not to forgo it anymore so today it's straight to FP3 and Qualifying today.
Mideum decided to arrive at the paddock today with Alpine, since she felt that Hyeonjoon felt a little lonely.
"We should talk about your self-control, or lack thereof"
"You want to taste the floor of the paddock"
"... No"
"Then quiet down"
"Fine, but never threaten by TP like that ever again or I'm stealing your car and crash it on purpose"
Mideum looked at her older brother in disbelief but Hyeonjoon didn't back down even after she glared at him.
Inkyu decided it was a good idea to start a water gun fight later in the paddock.
He filled one up, planning to use it on Hyunjoon if he doesn't drive well today for Qualifying.
"What's the stupid smile for hyung?"
"...My smile is always stupid"
"Nah it's like you are planning something"
"Yeah I'm planning on our strats... How not to fuck up a pit stop as mentioned by Jiayi"
When she heard her name mentioned, Jiayi let out a scoff and rolled her eyes.
"Don't bring me into this"
Before FP3, Hyunjoon decided to meet up with his friends, some were also drivers, engineers, and some are WAGS.
"Hey bitches!"
"I hope you lose control of your steering wheel"
Mideum usually questions why she's friends with them when there are obviously a lot of better options out there.
"So... found a girlfriend yet?"
Mideum glared at Lujue and shook her head.
"I have a boyfriend dipshit"
Hyunjoon and Lujue looked at her in confusion as the others began to laugh. Kwanghee knew who the boyfriend was as Mideum is not really very good at hiding relationships.
And it didn't help that the RedBull team walked over to where they were and Kwanghee found the situation funnier.
"What's so funny Kwanghee?"
"Oh nothing hyung... these two were just being oblivious and stupid"
Sanghyeok went to pick up Haewon and Mideum when he saw the girls with their friends.
He pretended not to know the reason why Kwanghee was laughing but found his answer funnier...
But the thing is Kanghee is an oblivious mofo as well.
"Hey babe!"
Sanghyeok saw the McLaren driver's and the Williams Engineer's eyes go wide as they finally find out who Mideum's boyfriend was.
He looked towards the McLaren garage and saw Inkyu with his water gun.
Hyunjoon finished P12 in FP3 and P9 in Quali and Inkyu was ready with his water gun and waited for the driver to get out of his car.
The moment Hyunjoon got his helmet off he suddenly felt splashes behind him and it got worse.
"What the fu- Oh..."
He just accepted his faith when he saw that it was his Team Principal...
then he saw everyone else from McLaren pull out a water gun... as it turns out Inkyu brought one for everyone.
Hyunjoon tried running away but Inkyu kept chasing him, he has now fully understood how Mideum, his best friend, and Inkyu, his Team Principal are siblings.
"Hyung stop please!!"
He said it while giggling but Inkyu was adamant about finishing the water inside his water gun.
Then suddenly someone bumped into Inkyu and he fell, the person bumping didn't even apologize.
Inkyu saw this and tried stopping the McLaren driver from causing a fight...
but he was already too late, Moon Hyunjoon has already punched the guy.
Inkyu ran towards the scene and saw two people hold Hyunjoon back. It was Sauber's driver Yuanhao and RedBull's engineer Haushuan.
Inkyu stood there frozen as he saw the guy with a bloody nose and what it looks like a broken arm.
Hyunjoon tried prying off the two holding him but to his dismay they were as strong as him.
"Stop it Hyunjoon-ah, he's already beat up"
Inkyu helped the guy stand up as he was taken to the clinic, he grabbed Hyunjoon away from the crowd.
This is so not good, first his sister punched a "fan" and now Hyunjoon punched a guy.
Inkyu just getting doomed by his sister and driver.
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hey. sorry to do this but i have to second what the other anon said re: your reply to the first(?) guy. you're dead right that you don't owe people complete agreement and that your blog is not their confession box. at the same time i think it's a pretty bad faith reading to interpret that ask as anon saying that trans men bottoming is gross. as far as i can see what they said is that lack of rep makes them FEEL gross. i say this with love in my heart as someone who has often fallen prey to it myself but i think you may need to check that your approach-everything-as-discourse switch is not switched on. responding to someone being vulnerable about their sexuality by nitpicking the possible political implications of their wording is not really necessary and a bit mean. anyway love you i hope you have a good day/night and enjoy your team fortress pornography
Looking back at it, I do think I was a bit harsher to that person than I should have been, especially since I have a lot of very similar feelings myself. I want you all to realize that whatever interpretation this has of my words is definitely not what I meant in any way. However, I am also under no obligation for every post I make to be perfect, and I am ESPECIALLY not well-equipped to perfectly answer something THAT personal which I was not prepared for and did not ask to receive. I think referring to what I said as me "approaching everything as discourse" is disingenuous. I don't think looking in on your feelings and asking yourself why you might have such a strong gut reaction to other trans people's expression is "discourse". I'm not saying that no one's allowed to feel that way (if you knew literally anything about me outside of this stupid comedy videogame blog, you would know I have a LOT of the same feelings myself), but I am asking people to think about how they express those feelings and try to not word them in a way that TO ME, IN THE MOMENT, sounded like it was somehow other trans people's fault or something. I'm a vers and allowing myself to feel good again about bottoming, which is actually very stigmatized for trans guys and "mascs" in general in a lot of spaces, is something that took a lot of work. Despite my best efforts, I too will have strong gut reactions to anything that posits either topping OR bottoming as like The Good Proper Trans Guy Thing To Do. If I had gotten an ask complaining about transmasc tops in the same way, I would have probably given the same response. I have feelings about this stuff too, and I don't really want these feelings to be a topic of Great Debate. Literally nowhere in my response did I tell that anon that they weren't allowed to feel the way they did, just to think about ways to word their response that doesn't accidentally put the blame on other trans people with different relationships to their bodies, which is something I am working on myself! I was too harsh and I do apologize to them, but I don't retract any of the actual content of what I said. I think if anything the issue should be viewed as "not enough transmasc top posts" and not "too many transmasc bottom posts". Everyone deserves to be "represented" and make content about what they like. I really DO hope that we get an increase in "representation" for transmasc tops, we ARE underrepresented and I talk about that on my nsfw sideblog literally all the time, I just don't think that should be done at the expense of posts about trans guy bottoms, which I understand now was probably not that anon's intention at all, but it's how I read it at the time. I am a human being and I will make mistakes sometimes. I am going to ask to please stop overanalyzing my feelings AND that random anon's feelings now. I really do not want this to be the next "discourse" or whatever on this blog
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heavenly-garden · 1 year
I'm here to have conversations about any subject so long as the conversation remains civil. I'm a genuinely open minded person but I'm also not a gullible fool. My eyes have been opened much these past six years since I became a follower of Christ.
I only seek to understand and not to judge because in the end it's not my place to judge others. I'm a sinner and are no better than anyone.
I used to lack a sense of direction in my life and didn't have any real goals but now I am focused, it's like I've come out of a deep dissociative state that I was trapped in for years and into a more grounded state of being, the holy spirit is guiding me to a better life but it doesn't guarantee I'm safe from harm. Pain is a part of life but I can handle it with Jesus I can withstand anything. I'd rather die standing for what is right and for my eternal soul than to risk it all for earthly pleasures. I'm done being shallow, lazy, greedy and foolish. This is my testimony. I am free. I am driven to go out and do more for others and hopefully help people by being kind and helpful.
Look guys I'm not here to brag or preach. I won't put myself up on a pedestals and treat others as though they are beneath me, that's not how a true Christian should act (IMO). I want to be able to be myself and coexist with you all as best I can. I want to reach my best highest potential and with Jesus I can. I'm not alone anymore carrying sin alone. I was finally able to let go and find real peace. I just want to share this joyful feeling with others, just good vibes and kind words, to lift spirits of my fellow human beings.
I was once a practitioner of traditional witchcraft, I studied alchemy, hermeticism, satanism, demonology, I was a pagan and used to do tarot card readings and astrology charts (now I try to work with my guide, angels and remain close to Jesus Christ as much as I can)
I won't go into much more detail, since for me this is my faith and I want certain things to remain between me and God only. All I can say is that I have been saved from my sinful ways and my life is great now. I still deal with depression and anxiety now and then but I deal with it better than I ever could in my own, the Lord has removed my burden.
I feel like prayer has helped me a lot as well as prayer, meditation and getting off social media for breaks from all the insanity is good for my mental health.
Look if you're a witch, a pagan, a Satanist, Occultist, whatever you may be I hope u find faith one day or that it finds you. You don't need to sell yourself to these unclean spirits. I say this out of genuine concern for your life and your soul, because I love you as I should love my neighbors, were all human and hurting. It's none of my business how you live your life just be careful, unclean spirits can destroy your life. Possession happens when you go down these paths, all kinds of scary things can happen, these entities are not something to be messed with.
You are dealing with beings beyond human comprehension and once an individual is open to possession it means your body is controlled by the spirit, complete and you allow it total dominion over your body. You could end up doing things you might not do because you agreed to be possessed. That's all I'm gonna say.
It happened to me and I'm never letting it happen again. I'm done with asking for power from these entities. All I need is Jesus and Yah now. They aren't asking me for anything but love and to love others so that's what I'm going to do.
Wish you all the best and I mean all of you no matter what we're all human and we need each other to succeed in this world so I'll respect your choices because it's your life and it's a gift.
I know there is a chance I'm going to potentially end up getting hateful comments for this post but I guess it's to be expected. Too many people feel like they have been burned, mislead or betrayed by the church so I get it. I go to church now, it took years to find a good positive place to worship God/Jesus and they're all so kind and welcoming. Ever since I was baptized in the river I've been at peace and I'm so grateful for it.
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glass-expanse · 1 year
hi there. I really do truly agree with what you said about online dating. For a long, long time I've felt and still do feel it's almost entirely so abhorrently shallow, self-centered, and self-serving, like flipping through a menu of people looking for someone to serve one's own tastes, lusts, and desires. (Especially the culture around it in today's society.) To me, that's abhorrently lacking in understanding of human worth.
I also really do understand your perspectives on it being a "desire for a relationship that maybe you just aren't ready for yet" and that we should "allow the right person to come into our life outside the screen." On the surface, there is admittedly some plain Christian logic to those sentiments. I'd like to offer a different perspective in meekness and love for just a minute, if I can.
In 2020 I moved from a well-populated area of Cali to an another state and again in 2022 to an extremely rural place in the same state--for several reasons, but I had to. I've dreamed of and longed for marriage and children with my whole heart since I was a little girl, with the understanding and ache for what I was longing for only increasing greatly over the yrs. I'll be 30 this yr. I've never had a boyfriend or courted anyone, never once been on a date, never once been asked out, never have even come close. I struggle to believe that all my desperate longings matters to God, though I know it does. I now find myself in an extremely, extremely rural place, where the grocery store is 45min-1hr away. I recently had a deer accident that wrecked my paid-for car, and am having to borrow one until I can save up to buy a new one on my small pay.
In January, I decided to try the free version of Christian mingle, which has been extremely difficult and sparse in itself. But the years are flying by faster than I can even blink. I've been trying to think of it as simply a mode of hoping and trying to meet someone, that's new to me. Because there are simply no people around, and I have little to no other recourse. My somewhat small-medium church has no other available men anywhere near my age. This gives me access to possibilities who are up to 500-miles away. And I can't move again, not for at least another few years. It wouldn't mean that once I met him in person I'd rush into anything, which is not any different than if I'd met him in person. I can filter through the guys who seem flippant or that I feel I need to be wary of and look for guys who seem serious and respectful. I don't think of any of them as only a possible date. I think of each profile as a real, valuable human man with all his own hopes and struggles.
It doesn't really matter; there's been no success. I just wanted to offer a moment of a different perspective. I'm in a v, v painful spot in life rn. I was recently told by a fellow Christian that, "I've been given the gift of singleness." In my head I could understand what she was trying to say, but that doesn't mean it didn't absolutely gut me & my hope, which I already intensely struggle in. It felt somewhat lacking in empathy & compassion for my deep sorrow and loneliness. It's begun to seem to me that many Christians expect other Christians who have these longings and struggle with prolonged singleness and being childless not by choice, to go about life completely as normal, simply waiting for something to happen, and then also accept the outcome when it doesn't. When we also have to watch our fellow Christians be given marriage and children every day, so easily, as a part of everyday life. It’s heart-rending.
I hope I don't come across angry or upset. I do really appreciate your perspective and am grateful to see a young Christian person on tumblr. Thank you for your faithfulness and for your presence here. God bless.
Thank you so much for your kind and gentle ask, anon! I won't lie after some other anons I've gotten I was bracing myself as I waited for the page to load, and this was a really pleasant surprise.
It definitely sounds like a hard spot in life right now! I'll be praying over your car situation and everything else. What I know: God will provide!
I will admit I'm not someone who fully understands the desire for marriage, which makes it easier for me to make observations about the trends I see. However I have come across lots of people in a similar situation as you-- single for so long-- when will it end--?
I really do believe that when it comes to marriage, that deep longing and desire is proof that you're not in the gift of singleness-- just in a (maybe very long) season of it. It's tone deaf of people to say that a season of singleness is somehow equivalent to the gift of singleness somehow-- when it's not. They're different.
I fully believe that God has given people desires like that in their heart, and that He has put desires and proficiencies and everything in us from the time we were created in order to use those as tools for His glory. I fully believe in His complete and sufficient plan for each unique person on the face of the earth. I also believe that His timing is exactly what we need for our sanctification, even if it seems like something will never end.
In the tags of my original post, I did include a little personal memo-- my parents met online in the 1990s. (I know that pretty much makes me a baby.) I believe God can and does sometimes deign to use things like online dating apps for His glory... but He also uses other, worse things for His glory also. Like maybe someone is rescued from a terrible fire that takes away all their belongings, but it is through that fire that they start going to church and build a beautiful community.
I'm not saying a dating app is a fire. Like anything, it's a tool. Unfortunately it is one that is developed with those bad habits in mind, and it is a tool often misused. Because of that, in my mind, it does have a dark atmosphere around it and I personally would never touch one with a ten foot pole. And it hurts when I see others using it poorly, in the wrong context, at the wrong time of their lives.
Now I also do believe in gender roles... which means that my personal conviction is that women shouldn't be pursuing men. That works for me, doing nothing. I believe that men should show their leadership and conviction of discernment through his pursuit of women. Which is another reason I don't think dating apps are a great idea. I'm not saying that you're doing something horrible by using one thoughtfully and carefully! It just is not something that lines up with my convictions on the subject.
So... from my worldview (which is admittedly colored by my very low desire for marriage rather than an active one, my belief in God's constant providence and perfect timing, and my conviction on gender roles) if I were finding myself in your situation, I wouldn't be using a dating app.
But I'm not in that situation! And you're not me. And that's okay!
What I know is this, however your life plays out, it is for God's glory and it is according to His perfect plan in your life. Who knows, maybe you'll find someone online. Or maybe someone will show up near you! Maybe your future husband will appear in the most unlikely of situations. What I do know is that God will put him in your life exactly when He intends for it to happen, and that He has already set things in motion for everything to happen at just the right time.
Thank you again for your kind message! I love how your sincerity and respect shines through. You definitely show more maturity than me. I hope when I reach your age I will show the same kindness and grace and control of my speech! I will be praying that God's providence will be abundant in your life, and that you will be led at the right time to the car God has set aside for you. He's got the whole world in His hands-- how blessed are we that He has chosen us as children!
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countrymusiclover · 2 years
34 - My Fairytale Wedding
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Part 35
Her Life Means Everything
@mrs-fanfiction-2001 @the-big-bad-klaus @queenieala @samsgirl93
I'm suddenly jolted awake by two people jumping up on my bed squealing like crazy. Shooting awake I revealed my fangs until I recognized my twin sister and Bonnie in front of me. "Happy wedding day, Maddie Forbes!" They both cheered, throwing their hands in the air.
"What are you guys doing here? It's eight in the morning?" I groaned already knowing the answer since I had told her that Klaus and I wanted to get married today.
Bonnie opened a bag pulling out a bottle of champagne and a flower crown. It is made of yellow and orange roses that she sits on top of my head gently. "Mads, Caroline insisted that you have a full on wedding. Instead of going to the court house or something. So we need tons of champagne to celebrate your last day as Maddison Forbes."
"How in the world are we going to manage a wedding before the night is over. Not even you can do that, Caroline." Slumping my shoulders I take a long sip from the bottle not seeing how we can get married by the end of the day. Because then I wanted to put my focus on helping my sister open her school for the gifted.
"How dare you have a lack of faith in me, Mads. It hurts my twin heart that you think that." My sister waved her finger in my face flipping her blonde hair around.
Pulling the covers up a little I heard the bedroom door get open causing me to gasp seeing another familiar blonde vamp inside the room. "Suprise Maddie. You must have faith in the three of us now that I'm here." She carries multiple wedding dresses in her arms.
"Rebekah, oh my gosh!" I squealed, vamping out of the bed wrapping her in a hug. She sat the dresses down hugging me back. "How are you here right now and who's watching the four gaggle of twins right now?"
Caroline magically got to carry Alaric's twin babies after his wife Jo was killed at their wedding. Now it has been a few months since they were born. Hope and Nikola were almost always with them any chance we all got together. "Don't worry Alaric is handling them." Caroline replied, laying out each dress on the foot of the bed.
"You put Ric in charge of four supernatural children. Couldn't you have put someone with him, like Matt for example?" Blinking my eyes a few times I knew Ric would be in over his head.
Clasping her hands together in front of her she gives me puppy dog eyes. "Everyone else has an assigned job for today. So please Mads just trust me that everything will be fine. Because I have made it my mission to give you the perfect wedding that you deserve..."
"Why do you say you deserve, Care?" Raising a brow to her statement it was weird to hear her say I deserve the perfect wedding.
Rebekah rests a hand on my shoulder making me look towards the original blonde. "Because you finally showed my brother love. You opened his heart and showed him he isn't alone."
Bonnie got to her feet taking my hands in hers leading me over to a cabinet. She revealed a small box holding blue earrings and another that had a silver bracelet that would serve as something new. Our mothers ring would be my something old and borrowed since I would pass it down to whichever of my children got married first like she did. "Maddie, you are probably the only person in the world that could make him truly happy. So today is a big deal considering he is basically saying he won't kill us all anymore."
"Bonnie is right. When we first met Klaus he was so frustrating. And somehow you showed us that he is more than just the immortal hybrid that wants to be king of New Orleans. Thinking that nobody can love him because he is - was a monster. So today is a celebration of that victory for all of us and to let you two finally get married. Even though you kind of did it backwards with first sleeping together, then magic pregnancy and ending in marriage. But you're amazing to find someone to be your prince Charming " My sister intertwined my hands with hers, handing me one of the dresses to try on. "Now go try this on. We've got roughly a lot of stuff to do for a wedding this evening."
"Wait a second, who's gonna walk me down the aisle since...mom and dad are gone?" I questioned exiting the room after hours of trying on dresses. I had decided on the dress that is short in the front so I didn't trip because I wasn't comfortable wearing heels. Covered with lace all over and it's short sleeved.
Bonnie covered her mouth with her hands, almost crying tears. "Oh Maddie you look like a princess."
"Absolutely perfect just like the night of our family ball." Rebekah pushed some of my curled hair over my shoulders in the front getting the full view admiring her work.
My twin walked forward taking my hands in hers sniffing some tears too for our parents. It didn't cross my mind until a few hours ago. I knew dad wouldn't be here but I still wasn't used to mom being gone. "Don't worry, Mads. I have a plan. She'll be with you I promise." She linked our pinkys together on the same hand that holds our sister rings. "Twins together forever."
"Twins together forever." I repeated back to her before we linked arms exiting the room and stopping at the top of the staircase. Rebekah and Bonnie walked down the stairs with Caroline following after. Then Alaric led our four gaggle of twins that were the flower girls. Footsteps approached beside me offering me their arm.
"Escort for Maddison Forbes." Matt spoke with a grin on his face wearing a suit but I could see a sheriff badge on his chest near my side.
Looping my arm through his I struggle to not cry knowing both my blonde helpers would be angry if I messed up my makeup. "Matt, she picked you...is that my mom's sheriff badge?"
"Yep. Care thought I should wear it as a way for her to be close to you. Plus I got the sheriff job. I'll make her proud, Mads promise." He replied, squeezing my hand in his, starting to walk me down the stairs. Once we reached the bottom I gasped seeing my twin daughters on one side and Alaric's on the other side of the altar. Caroline, Bonnie and Rebekah in their places as bridesmaids. Stefan, Elijah and Alaric on the other side. Damon was the one standing in the middle with Klaus.
Matt kissed my forehead placing my hand in Nik's seeing slight confusion on my face that Damon would be performing the ceremony. "He asks that this is a way of forgiveness. I'll allow it if you will love."
Nodding my head I smiled towards the raven haired vampire who cleared his throat intertwining his hands together in front of him. "Dearly beloved. We are gathered here today to witness the joining of these two epic lovebirds in official matrimony. The crazy immortal hybrid Klaus Mikaelson and little Maddie Forbes.But before we begin, if anyone has any objections to this union, please speak now or forever hold your peace." Nobody said anything so he nodded, keeping the ceremony going. "Go ahead with the vows then you two."
"Niklaus Mikaelson, I love you. I never had a serious relationship until I met you. You have been my first through everything in my life and I adore that. I know you want people to fear you and call you a monster. But from the day we met you showed me the good side. The side of you that is capable of love and that is the man that I am grateful to call my husband and the father of our beautiful daughters." Taking the ring from Hope's hand I slipped it on his left hand almost seeing him sobbing happy tears. "From this day forward I will love you forever with this ring."
Klaus twirled my mother's ring while his other hand still held onto mine. A smile plastered on his face as he spoke, almost making me burst into tears. "Maddie, I never thought I would get to feel unconditional love in my immortal life. And yet somehow I managed to find your light in the sea of darkness of my life. I love your heart, your smile, the way you can be fierce and gentle at the same time. Even after you became a vampire you still live everyday as if you're a human to the best of your ability...and you taught me that not all human life means nothing to a vampire. So with this ring I vow to love you always and forever." He slipped it on my hand waiting for the moment we could kiss.
Damon wiped away some tears clearing his throat. "With the power recently vested in me by the Commonwealth of Virginia, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride, hybrid."
Without waiting any longer I fling my arms around Nik's neck crashing my lips onto his. He wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me as close as I could get. Moving one of my hands into his hair deepened the kiss until I felt something hit my forehead. When we broke apart slightly I giggled seeing rose pedals falling from the sky. Nik chuckled seeing our girls holding hands with the young siphons who were clearly doing a spell. "That is a nice touch girls."
"Maddie Julia Mikaelson has a nice ring to it." Turning my focus back to Nik he kisses my forehead.
"Now here we stand as the king and queen." He mumbled back before I pulled him in for another long kiss.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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whiskeyswifty · 1 year
Not you guys acting surprised that taylor likes accolades and prestige when she's always been this way. This isn't about getting funding for a project necessarily. Let's not jump to conclusions, and if you don't like her and are always going to use the fact that she's a millionaire against her, perhaps dedicate your blog to something else? Just a thought.
i'm channelling maddy here cuz i usually don't engage with bad faith anons who clearly don't read the posts they're bitching about buuuuuut
1. i'm not acting like i'm surprised she cares about awards. i literally say that twice, in two separate posts, which you clearly didn't read or simply ignored.
2. i didn't say it was for funding a project i said IF that's her reason. I said this because that is the SINGLE REASON anyone competes in the shorts categories, be it doc/animated/live action, which is something everyone in the film industry knows. They're sometimes referred to as the "proof of concept" categories because filmmakers are using this category as a platform to show the industry that they are competent and talented filmmakers with points of view and things to say. And even further, some shorts that win or get nominated go on to get made into feature film versions, which was the filmmakers original intent. They just lacked the funding to make anything longer than a short.
3. i JUST made a post about how the world isn't split into a binary so i can forgive you since you sent this before i made it. but to reiterate, i don't not like her. i'm critical of her and her choices that i don't like, but i still like her. a person is not good or bad, it's never that simple. sometimes people who typically do good things do a bad thing, intentional or not. they should be criticized for that, but it's not a criticism of them as a person, just of that action. The action of her leveraging her fame and power over competitors she knows to be less powerful than her to coast to an oscar win potentially is a bad thing. i'm disappointed in her, but i still like her, love her even. If you can't be critical of the people you love when they do bad things, then you're just letting them walk all over you forever because everyone does bad things. and eventually they'll do a bad thing to you and you're just going to let them. have some self respect! your love for them doesn't make them a good person. but calling someone you love out for a shitty thing they did is a form of love because you love them so much that you believe they're better than that, and you want better for them. even if they don't want better for themselves in that moment and especially if you think they might not be fully aware of the harm they're causing. If you love someone, you don't stand by and let them make mistakes. you try to stop them at least or bring that mistake to their attention. to love is to care about someone else! especially when it's unpleasant.
i have a taylor swift blog because i love engaging her music and i think she's very talented and i love the versions of herself that she has shared with the world. and i'm honest with and about the people i love, especially when i think they're doing something wrong. hope that answers your question.
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theundeadelf · 2 years
I'm not tagging this because I don't really want to cause drama (lol) but I just wanted to write out a few thoughts I'm having about the current show discourse 🧛🏾‍♂️🧛🏼
This is probably a terrible idea, so here we go! Multiple book spoilers below the cut, the usual.
First of all, I'm not sure why people are surprised and angry about the likelihood of s3 being heavily based on TVL.
I do understand being worried Louis' role will be reduced, but as far as I can tell, regardless of whatever contracts he may or may not have signed, the writers seem to be planning to keep Jacob and Louis around. Plans change y'know? If the contract rumour is true, Jacob likely signed it when AMC wanted IWTV to be one season only. We now know it's divided into two. Scripts can get reworked easily - take a look at the original script for the pilot episode. It's a work of art and I mean that in a "oh hell no" kind of way 😂
What I can't understand is this: although AMC does have the right to do whatever it wants with the franchise (and some would argue it already has), Lestat is the protagonist of the Vampire Chronicles. He has been for nearly forty years. Being angry that his POV will be shown later, that his backstory will be shown, that he may get a redemption arc - all of that is in the books, the books that AMC has the rights to. I'm not saying the writers couldn't change things to make Louis the protagonist instead, but then they will basically have to rewrite the whole book series. Sure, I guess they could make Louis meet the Devil, have his body swapped, go into a coma and become the prince of vampires, but at that point he may as well be called Lestat instead. Louis de Lioncourt or Lestat de Pointe du Lac, take your pick 😅
Obviously, I know there is a history of Black characters being upstaged unjustly by white ones, that changing the protagonist from Louis to Lestat would be yet another example of that happening. The only way I can see the writers staying somewhat faithful to the books whilst avoiding this is to make them co-protagonists instead. For all we know that's what's happening - and obviously, I hope that it does! I really love this version of Louis and I want to see ten seasons of him at the very least.
And as for Lestat's possible redemption arc..... Look, I will be the first person to say that AMC handled episode 5 extremely poorly (understatement of the century there). I can vaguely see why it was *necessary* for the very specific plot the show set up, because they had to bridge the gap between "show Lestat is somewhat nicer than the book Lestat (to Louis)" and "Louis and Claudia need to murder him at the end." But the lack of trigger warnings was absurd, and all it really succeeded at was splintering the fandom forever. It was done, I think, for shock value, because they'd backed themselves into a corner, and it was incredibly gratifying to see that Sam had similar worries.
I do think a "redemption arc" is still possible. I'm just not sure if it'll be believable for everyone.
I don't think it'll be at Armand's expense - look, I do think expecting Armand to be the hero to Lestat's villain is wishful thinking. I don't say that to demonise him. Outside of the odd meme, I don't think Armand's some mastermind editing all of Louis' thoughts and memories to make Lestat look bad (something's definitely off about the situation in Dubai though). However, the 514 year old vampire is not a good guy, I promise you. He wasn't good in the books, nobody is good in the books, and I think people should manage their expectations accordingly - that way, if characters end up being *better* or *well-adjusted* in the show it's a pleasant surprise.
And this is what I mean - what does a redemption arc even look like for a vampire? What would a Lestat redemption arc even look like? At the end of the day, he still has to drink blood and he still inflicted horrific violence on the man he was in love with. Sure, you can drink blood without killing people. You can argue that vampires cannot be held to the same standards as humans, and that over hundreds of years there may be the possibility for forgiveness.
But honestly I'm not convinced we'll get all that. Lestat is Lestat, he's never going to be good. What I do think we'll get is - like Sam said - "a massive dose of humble pie." He's stuck in a landfill. He's feeding off rats to survive. We'll see his backstory where his boyfriend and mother leave him, and he was turned into a vampire by a deranged creature obsessed with blond boys and men. We may see everything with Akasha. He'll be bodyswapped with a human and beg Louis to turn him back. He'll fall into a coma. He'll become the prince of vampires and long for the days when nobody saw him that way, for the times he saw Macbeth with Louis and Claudia and they lived in New Orleans together.
I guess the showrunners like a challenge?
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idontpreferit · 4 months
The "are straight men not allowed in lesbian spaces" discourse:
What we are leaving out are: bi women and their boyfriends, pan people, non binary people, gay men, or other reasons a man may find himself allowed in a specifically lesbian space. We are not talking about the overall umbrella of queer space. We are talking abt the Lesbian™️ space. The lesbian still exists. And we aren't talking about the discourse therein.
Cracks knuckles
The straight woman in question lacks nuance and u know its not in good faith when she says "I get it BUT"
The "but" stands for butthurt
The whole problem is that what was decentered or simply erased from the conversation was THE MAN being disrespectful and entitled. The reason that anything happened at all was cuz : ObViOuSLy he made himself a problem.
Treat every gun like it's loaded.
That's how women, queer people, poc, every minority thinks about cis straight white men. Potentially dangerous. Safety check.
He probably wasn't dangerous! But people who acted like him have ended up dangerous. If you're showing the same symptoms I don't feel safe, right? Come the fuck on diva, death of a thousand cuts from these guys
Top comment on her tiktok was "I'm so tired"
What I do at *my* event is take a note from the euro model and have a door picker deadass turn people away if they don't pass a vibe check
And what is that vibe check? Rejection. Maybe it's a witch hunt model too where if they drown they're not a witch, oops. Better safe than sorry though
Interesting metaphor to draw tho cuz you know how like the witch trials actually happened
And the worst thing to happen to a man is he gets rejected
So look, rejection isn't easy for EITHER of us and especially not for my fawn response having ass
Rejection therapy is a real thing
But my event is a queer, trans, kinky space and if you can't handle rejection you have no business interacting in this space.
That's not just safe space that's fortified.
I want a system where the trash takes itself out. The people r butthurt cuz they couldn't get in?? Probably their first time experiencing rejection or lack of belonging. Enjoy the novelty, babes. The deliciousness of experiencing marginalization as a snack. Cissies love it, they go make a tiktok and go viral and make the news.
But a Black enby gets turned away at a "regular" (not queer centered) club, they don't make news huh
The problem with the queen who says "we as lgbt need to do better" here's how I'm gonna put words in your mouth as a favor. What you mean by that is:
We need to do better and install door pickers permanently. Do better at rejecting ignorant disrespectful entitled straight people, specifically. I'm not saying all straight people are all those spicy adjectives all the time. I'm saying those types of straight people, the ones who got mad, lack the understanding and respect necessary to be welcome in those spaces. You showed your ass, just like when we hear a "not all men" we know you're That Kind of Man to Watch Out For.
I hate to "kids these days" about it, but conflict and rejection and resolution and acceptance are not something that many people are equipped to handle right now. It doesn't seem like conflict resolution happened in person that night at the cubbyhole. Miss thing took to the internet and let a bunch of pfps pop off in the comments. Did learning happen? Or did defensiveness dig her heels in? Well either way she and her man aren't going to a lesbian bar ever again.
There's hope for her to learn maybe but her little man friend I think is gonna dig heels, stay defensive and butthurt, and throw the dyke slur around. Because the worst thing that can happen to a man is that he's rejected. And he isn't in the spotlight, he's all protected in his privacy huh, when its his fucking fault. Now the ladies are doing all the work communicating, as usual
But with therapy, maybe in a few generations... rejection won't feel like death anymore
Conflict won't feel like death anymore
When people ask a question it'll actually be in good faith because they wanna be humble and learn
And then! We'd welcome anybody with open arms
And gender will finally be dead
Or some shit
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