#yup. that's the good stuff.
sobeautifullyobsessed · 6 months
Watching 'The Sound of Music' and boy is it ever feeding my craving for tropes. Older man/younger woman. Curmudgeon (who is also a Hero) whose heart is melted by a sunny, generous, loving spirit. And tall, dark, handsome man with a piercing blue gaze...
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Much pining...and oh the dancing, wherein the parties are breathlessly aching to kiss but don't quite realize the other feels the same...
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Yum! Oh, and did I mention tall, dark, devastatingly handsome man with a piercing blue gaze?
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komashkathesilly · 10 months
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hii i just fixed the fishies a bit in another emunene kissy piece :]
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konakoro · 5 months
Ngl, I kinda dig how the Monsterverse has fully leaned into corny 1950's-60's fantastical science. They just accepted the fact that giant monsters existing and fighting each other is inherently silly, so fuck it, let's have fun with it
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spineless-lobster · 7 months
Ngl, and correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m starting to think that life is a cabaret, old chum. But that’s just an assumption idk if that’s true
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art dump ft. shitty camera that sucks fyi
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i have horrible camera quality but still on the art block grind
(I'm actually @maeyluvver [but didnt want to go through the trouble of manually positioning the computer lol!! >—<] so that's that I guess?)
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cotgar2 · 9 months
Hello Clean Out The Garage 2, would you share those cursed in-betweens with the world? I'm an enjoyer of that type of screenshot from animated shows
Oh, full name I see? Lmao forget that’s what cotgar is 99% of the time
Of course I can, but do note that there’s different genres of “in-betweens” so I’ll give a sampling of a good chunk of them lmao
Ofc this is gonna be long cause of the images so this is gonna be under a cut ^^
All these names are made up by me so have fun with them lmao. They’re gonna become progressively worse so brace yourself
Type 1: Hidden Greeds
Typically an actually well drawn frame that makes me overjoyed because it made my extra effort worthwhile loll. The drawing I did and the one on the left I consider a Hidden Greed because it’s very well drawn, it just lasts a single frame though. The right one’s just got a good enough expression that it goes here too
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Type 2: Funnies
These ones are usually good reaction images cause while they ARE well drawn, they just have a completely different aura than the actual scene. Love these ones a lot. To the left is one I commonly caption “Greed shits his pants”. Amazing content. The middle one I dub as Roy Mustang Greed, and the right one is them about to start a diss track
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Type 3: In-Betweens
Although this whole post is in-betweens, these ones (from an animator perspective) are literally just there as a transition from one frame or shot to the next. They usually look pretty weird out of context but flow totally fine when watching. Proportions usually get screwed up at this point as well, but again. It’s for the big picture
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Type 4: Oh god I can’t unsee it Help, why did I pause here
These ones suck because they either last for just long enough or stand out enough that now the watching experience is never the same. If you rewatch the scenes that this kind is from, you will be able to pinpoint the frame(s). Please never pause during OG and Bradley’s final fight cause it’s… it’s all cursed lmao, spare your eyes and just let the animation ride out
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canichangemyblogname · 3 months
March 13 needs to stop being a date.
March 13th, 2023 was the day I came out to my friends IRL. And March 13th, 2024 will be the day I find out whether I have breast cancer or if it’s just cysts (I’m leaning toward cysts, but only imaging can determine that).
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princessmo · 2 months
hm maybe i should be an editor. who wants me to edit stuff for them
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freaking it on the living room floor twitching dead cockroach style. Amen.
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Getting as far away from today’s episode as possible, imagine Lunar comes back with Good Eclipse just like ‘hey Moony, Sunny, I brought home a new brother, he’s lonely and sad and his own brothers are broken and stuff, and he needs a good home’.
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soundcrusher · 10 months
You admire me?
Usually I know what to write here, but for some reason, I can't find the right words.
Oh well, might as well keep this short and simple:
It's a small story featuring @tachyon-omlette's TFA Eda and my TFA Flinch. The setting is during Season Two, when things get rather rough for the main cast and our poor boy Flinch here.
At least he has a good friend who's there for him.
First story about Eda and Flinch I post, despite having othere ones too. But I still have to work on the Armada stories before I post them.
Flinch could still remember the first time he woke up on earth. It was right after the pod his parents put him in crash landed near a military site. Luckily, he got out before anyone human could find him and quickly scanned a nearby Black Bird jet before passing out again.
The next time he woke up, Flinch found himself in the hangar of a museum. Surrounded by other plains that weren’t like him. At least, he was sure they weren’t like him because every time he tried to reach out, there was no answer. And so, the young Cybertronian simply stayed put. Watching the humans walk around the museum, observing how they would interact with each other, and he wanted that too. It was lonely being nothing more than a museum piece. He had no friends, no-one he knows, and his parents were far away.
Flinch was alone, and so, he created a holo-form. Using the references he took of the visiting humans and those he found in the thing called ‘Internet’.
And it worked. He was able to create a real looking human avatar, and at first, he used it only at night when no-one was around. It felt weird, yes, but with more practice, it became like a second body. A body that allowed him to interact with humans during the daytime. He could talk with the personal of the museum, he could talk with the visitors, and he even found a friend in the cafeteria lady who was the first human Flinch ever told who he really was. And instead of alerting the security or even the military, she took him in and showed him what it meant to be human.
Misses Goodwill was a nice woman. Flinch was still unsure how she pulled it off, but after finding out about him and his story, he suddenly had a job at the museum. More specifically, as one of the tour guides walking around the place. She even helped him with figuring out how to do certain things like opening a bank account or doing his taxes. The best thing she helped him with though was getting a citizenship. Although, Flinch isn’t really sure how he should feel about that, because the way she did it was kind of dubious, but who was he to look a gifted horse in the mouth.
Thinking of Misses Goodwill caused Flinch to let out a sad sigh as he watched Mister Powell’s scientist scurry around his frame from his look out. He didn’t like how he had to stay in this stingy warehouse like a caged animal, but what else could he do? Mister Powell, after kicking out poor Sari, took over Mister Sumdac’s company. And that meant that he also had the contract between Mister Sumdac and his museum. Although, Flinch could care less about the contract. It was written when the museum’s boss didn’t know about him being a Cybertronian, so, he could have walked out at any time.
He could have, but Flinch didn’t. Mister Powell, after Flinch voiced his lack of care of the contract, threatened to contact the needed authorities about Sari’s predicament and the Cybertronian knew what that meant.
Of course, it could have been all a bluff. Mister Powell wouldn’t try anything like that, not when Mister Sumdac could still return and Sari had friends among the Autobots, but still. Flinch cared too much for the little girl to put her through even more trouble. So, he simply took whatever Mister Powell, Mister Masterson, and the traitor he called his co-worker put him through. No matter how painful it was or how tired it made him. Feeling like an experiment was better than putting one of his only friends through even more pain. Even if it felt like he was slowly taken apart from the inside out or like his mind was being ripped in two and burned. Knowing Sari was safe from whatever Powell could do made it worth it.
His suffering was worth it, right?
“Eda would probably say ‘No’.” Muttered Flinch quietly as he wrapped his arms around himself in an attempt to fight the shudder running through not only this avatar, but also his real body staying underneath the roof he was resting on. “They’re only getting bolder… I wonder if they know that they’re tearing open a Cybertronian and not just examining a strange jet.”
“I do not doubt that they know.” Said someone Flinch only knew all too well. And as the young ‘man’ turned his head to face his friend, he couldn’t help the sad chuckle coming from him. “I think you’re right Eda. Powell probably told them who they’re taking apart… or they managed to figure it out themselves. There’s only one light green Black Bird in Detroit.” Said Flinch, before scooting over to give Eda some space to sit down. “How are you doing Eda? I… haven’t seen you since that ‘debacle’ with my war-frame-protocol-thing last week.”
Eda nodded as he sat down on the blanket Flinch had placed down on the roof. There was no need for it, not when these forms of theirs were only avatars, but still. It felt nicer sitting on a blanket than the hard roof. “I am doing well Flinch, how about you?” Asked Eda, eyes fixated on the squirming ‘young man’ next to him.
“I… Can I be honest with you?”
“I don’t feel well Eda. Scratch that, I feel like shit.” Flinch clenched his teeth as another shudder ran through his body. “I’m not allowed to leave the warehouse; I’m not allowed to even transform into root-mode since they messed up and caused my war-frame-program to activate. I’m constantly poked, prodded and… and…” There was a pause, before Flinch continued. His voice nothing more than a whisper as he looked over at Eda. Eyes wide in fear and body shaking as if the words alone would doom him to a fate worse than death. “They’re going to put me into stasis, Eda, or something like it. They’re… they’re going to ‘shut down’ my mind. They’re basically going to put me into a coma, while they have full control of my body. They’re… They’re…”
“Eda… what if they use me to do bad things? What if they break something? What if… what if Mister Sumdac comes back and… and he wakes me up and I’m not me anymore?” With each word, Flinch grew more frantic. Looking around the roof as if fearing that someone would come up any moment and drag him back into the warehouse or force him to make his holo-form disappear.
Flinch didn’t want to be forced back. They already took his movement, locked him into his alt-mode and forbit him from using his holo-form to walk around the city. Flinch couldn’t even visit Sari to see how she was doing; he didn’t want to lose the freedom this roof provided. Nor did he want to leave Eda.
No, Eda was the only thing that made him feel safe now. He didn’t want to lose that. And so, Flinch scooted closer to his white-haired friend. Silently asking if it was okay to hug him, and when he got the okay, Flinch was quick to wrap his arms around hims. Hiding his face in Eda’s shoulder, while his body shook like a tree during a storm.
And Eda found himself at a loss. How was he supposed to comfort someone who’s as scared as Flinch? How was he supposed to fix this mess, he had no idea. Was there even something he could do? Well, maybe there was. Eda could try to ‘kidnap’ Flinch. Take him away from this place and hide him somewhere, where he’ll be safe while Team Prime searched for Mister Sumdac. But how was he supposed to do that? Eda would need to come up with a plan, and then, he would need a place big enough to hide Flinch.
He would definitely need help, but for now, all he could do was help Flinch calm down. And so, Eda wrapped one arm around his still shaking friend, while placing the other one on top the light brown tuft of hair. Awkwardly patting it and causing Flinch to let out a soft, although still sad, chuckle.
“You’re really bad at this Eda.”
“At least I am trying. It’s the thought that counts, right?”
“Yea… Just one more thing to admire about you.” Flinch said without even thinking, but the silence following it caused him to look up at his friend. Face depicting nothing more than pure confusion, as he tried to figure out why Eda was staring at him as if he just grew a second head. Can holo-forms even have a second head?
“You… admire me?"
“Y-yea?” Eda’s confusion was confusing Flinch. Did he say something bad? Weird? Why was Eda looking so strangely at him? “I mean, there isn’t anything I can’t admire about you. You’re kind, funny, you’re nice to me when you have no reason to, you came whenever I needed you. Honestly, it’s like you’re my guardian angel, you know? And… you don’t look at me as if I were a… a monster. Team Prime took one look and attacked me.” Flinch couldn’t help the chuckle as he remembered that peculiar memory. “Okay, yea, I kind of did kidnap Sari, but still. I’m sure that they would have attacked either way. Same goes for that chin-for-brains Sentinel, that hammer-brain Magnus, the twins, and Jazz. I don’t know if the Decepticons would have done the same, but I don’t think looking up to them would be good.” Flinch shook his head, no, looking up to them would definitely be bad. Alone for the fact that they have tried to destroy Detroit a few times.
“Yea… Yea! I look up to you Eda, more than you might know, because I want to be just like you when I’m older!” Flinch was beaming brighter than the sun when he finished speaking, and Eda found himself confronted with the undeniable fact that Flinch was speaking the truth.
This young, innocent, Cybertronian was looking up to him. Him who was nothing more than a monster, an engine of destruction meant to destroy every single good thing in this universe. And yet, one of those good things he was meant to destroy saw him as good enough to be admired. To be someone to look up to and aspire to be like. Someone he compared to a guardian angel, a pure force of goodness and protection. And not the destructive arm of the opposite.
And Eda didn’t know how to feel about it. On one hand it made him happy to be seen as more than a weapon of mass destruction. To be seen as someone who protects instead of destroying, but at the same time, he couldn’t stop the self-doubt slowly creeping into the forefront of his mind to taint the happiness and twist it into sadness.
But when Eda was trying to answer, say that Flinch must be mistaken, that it was wrong to look up to someone like him, all that came out were sobs. Quiet ones at first, but the deeper the realization sank, the louder they became. Until he was wheeping openly in front of Flinch, despite it being weird that he used his disguise to do so. But to Unicron and beyond with weirdness. This day has been nothing more than an emotional roller coaster. Fuck it, his entire existence has been one hell of a roller coaster, Eda deserves to let it all out ever now and then.
And so, he hugged Flinch tighter. Ignored the confused questions coming from him, while letting bottled up and forgotten emotions run freely, and when he was done, he let go. Grabbing Flinch’s face to turn his face to face him. Glowing green eyes meeting confused pale green ones.
“Flinch, I’m going to get you out.”
“I’m going to get you out. I don’t know how, but I will.” Eda might not believe Flinch, no, he couldn’t believe Flinch. Not with the things he’s done, the things he’s been through, but there was a part of him that wanted to believe. It was small, but it was there none the less.
“That’s a promise.”
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beolh · 2 years
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01/08 - Shinichiro kissing is vice-president for his birthday cause i have no self control
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rotationalsymmetry · 11 months
I don’t know if this is what you are looking for exactly, but I enjoy writing for Postcards to Voters because they focus on non-presidential races. I am currently writing postcards against an anti-choice constitutional amendment proposition in Ohio.
I wish more people would do things like that, instead of making posts that guilt trip people for not being excited enough about voting for the Blue sexual harasser instead of the Red one.
Thank you for your highly sensible response.
I guess there's a thing where "just because someone takes 15 seconds to shoot their mouth off online about something that's annoying them doesn't mean they have the time/energy to do anything actually constructive, even more so for the people who took .5 seconds to hit reblog now on someone else's shooting their mouth of post" but I think it would be strictly better for people to spend that .5 second exerting a smidgen of self control and going "either it's actual GOTV or it's not, and if it's not I'm going to not reblog it."
And as the election is over a year away...I don't think "vote blue no matter who" is actually a Get Out The Vote action at this point in time. It's annoying enough when people do it in person but at least then there's occasionally some chance of having a reasonable discussion about it, but on social media between people who don't really know each other? Ha snowball's chance in hell.
(I haven't done Postcards to Voters the last couple years, but I did around 2019-2020 or so and they are fairly low barrier to entry as long as you have stamp money, super introvert friendly, you can be as creative or non-creative as you want to be, and as you can do it from your home on your own schedule pretty darn spoonie friendly as well. As well as covid-safe. And yes, there's a big focus on local/state campaigns, which warms my participatory democracy loving little heart.) (ughh sounds like an important campaign maybe I should pick this thing up again.)
#I did big posts arguing about this in 2000 but I felt crummy afterwards so I'd really rather not rehash all that#it's theoretically and pragmatically wrong on multiple levels#this is the internet you don't get unity#you get two splinter groups arguing the two most extreme ends of the position possible each side convinced that they are 100% right#someone who's a little bit in favor of voting blue no matter who will get downright dogmatic about it#someone who's a little bit against will end up surrounded by anarchists who think voting is a waste of time#which wouldn't be the worst outcome ever#except that as far as I can tell most of the most vocal anarchists on tumblr don't do shit except tear down democratic politicians#like ok glad you think you're right I don't want to have anything to do with you though#there's like 2-3 anarchist posters on here who actually talk about direct action and organizing and stuff -- about things people can do#I guess with the abundance of time freed up by not spending a couple hours doing research and half an hour filling out a ballot#or much much less time than that if they're voting just for the president#yup congrats you sure saved a lot of time there now you have more time to convince other people to not vote either AWESOME GOOD JOB (sarcas#on an unrelated note I really need to work on a following the local news habit#and finding some way to learn more about oakland's history since I live here now#and I know how annoying it can be when someone's trying to be active in local politics but is missing highly important context
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casiopiea · 3 months
consider: shade being one of the names on the bhaalist target list
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orcelito · 1 year
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god i love him so much it's unreal
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How did finally meeting Eliot’s dad make me MORE emotional than I expected? I’ve had 6 seasons of television to prepare myself. You’d think??? I’d have an idea of what to expect?? But no! It punched me in the solar plexus and then did not give me time to recover before punching me in the gut and the face, too. Full K.O. in 10 seconds flat.
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