#“you look shocked but you textes me. you set up the explosives.”
soubidou · 6 months
If I had a penny every time Luis Carazo played a broken character reaching out and talking (negotiating) to a cosmic/horror/evil deity that ended up ripping open a rift between realities with its own two hands to try and come out of it on a Critical Role short season with a 6h30 long finale I'd only have 2 BUT IT'S WEIRD (EXHILARATING) THAT IT HAPPENED TWICE
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yn-barnes · 6 months
Exploring explosions ~
Bucky x reader *no use of Y/N*
Part 1 part 2 series
:⚠️warnings: use of russain throught google translate as your gurl aint russain, SHARON, 1 naughty word ⚠️:
【This is probably bad, but I've changed it already, so oops】
Summary - While on a mission, something happens to bucky. On his journey to recovery, he fines something he wants more than life.
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You've been by buckys bed like you promised steve almost 24/7, it's not so bad as you get to catch up on paper work you've been ignoring like the plague and its also helped you de-stress, somehow. The only issue is Sharon... FUCKING SHARON, she keeps trying to get in here but for what? She said because she misses him but everyone knows he didn't like her, but you were able to get her on a mission saying Nat still wasn't fit for the job due to explosion but since Sharon used to tell everyone she was better than her you volunteered her.
Your sitting at the your desk you moved into the room, you've been avoiding buckys paper work for the failed mission, but as Steve didn't see why the building explosioned it makes the report almost impossible. You scoff and throw the papers on your table and lean back in your chair. You rub your eyes with your finger and thum, groaning while doing so. You slowly looked up at the clock on the other wall, sighing you, looking over to James hospital bed. You were shocked to see him laying there, staring right back at you.
Grabbing your chart, you write down the time and all his vitals on the machine he's hooked up to, slowly pushing your chair closer. You analyse his features like his cheekbones, eyebrows, and his eyes.. you couldn't admit that you found bucky slightly - okay, maybe more than slightly attractive, but how could you not with that arm and his hair and those muscles... what? You think to yourself as you stare at him in disbelief that you caught yourself even thinking like that. You looked at him properly this time, and he just looked blank with a smidge on confused, barely noticeable. "Hello Barnes, im the head of medical.. can you tell me where you are?"
He doesn't reply, just hyper focused on you and nothing else, but then he slowly shakes his head, maybe to himself, but you think you saw it. "Barnes, do you know where you are?" You say more firmly, hoping you will get some sort of answer but just stares. Your mind is going blank on what to do. For a first in a while, you're stuck. You got an idea and slowly took out your phone, turning it on you sent a text to Steve asking if you could try the winter soldier way, doing this extra slowly so you didn't startle him. You just kinda stared at him, breaking into a soft smile once or twice, but his face was set in stone.
Your phone vibrating twice before you look at it, again slowly bringing it up and checking to see Steve's reaction giving you the go ahead, you didn't need his approval or didn't really care but you wanted to keep him in the loop, so you thought of a game play while he's secretly look round the room, here goes nothing. "солдат, ты знаешь, где ты?" You tried speaking with authority.
"меня поймали" he mumbled not look at you but the ground. You're not proud of this, but you took off your coat and showed him your collar bone with: SC-837-152 tattooed into your flesh. He looked up at you and straightened his back at the new knowledge, "это не база ГИДРЫ.. где я? почему ты на них работаешь.. " He scoffed at you slightly before he looked at the door as the door handle rattled and shook. You smiled as you just thought of a great way to welcome him.
"женщина не знает личного пространства, тебе нравится личное пространство, не так ли? самое лучшее, что она не знает русский язык." She snickered as you added the built-in restraints walking to the door. You saw him thrash around and try to get his arms out, but they were built for him. "они были созданы специально для вас, получайте удовольствие" you unlocked the door and opened in swiftly to see Sharon on her knees with a lock picking tool, "hes all your" you say walking away to get lunch, which is now upgraded from 39 mins to 2 hours, which were your normal lunch hours.
@unaxv @sapphirebarnes (just lemme know if yall want added (don't think the first one worked)
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Code Blue Pt. 29- Hungry Like The Wolf
Summary: Ethan and Johnny converse. More shocking revelations come to light. Elizabeth is cornered as Johnny's dark side arises. Jo and Lee get steamy. Orlando becomes detached and makes plans.
*Warnings* DARK! - language, angst, mentions of murder plots and death, smut, sexual gifs,
Stories Stories Stories Masterlist
Chapter characters: Lee, Josie, Ethan, Johnny, Elizabeth, Orlando
Salem, Massachusetts
February 28, 2023
6 pm
As Ethan rested on the couch in the high rise of the Metro Court, drinking scotch after scotch to numb his pain, Johnny paced about on the phone trying to do damage control with his mob boss and father, Anthony Zacchara.
"Yes, understood. Look, I can handle Ethan. He's not going to be a problem with things. Yes...yes I know but...ok but...if you would just list...."
Johnny scoffed as his father hung up on him and gave Ethan a not so pleasant look.
"What man? Let me guess. Anthony's pissed."
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"Oh he's more than that. Luckily I was able to get you covered on that shipment, but my father is more than concerned about the reason you weren't there."
"Dude, I got my ass kicked if you haven't noticed. I can barely walk let alone handle business at the moment."
"Yeah well, that's exactly it. From what you told me, you got your ass handed to you by your own brother because you handed your other brother's ass to him and it was all over a man you can't have, a man who happens to be dating Jason Morgan's sister, who's ex fiance is a fucking cop. You see, in case you've forgotten what went down with Morgan, this don't look so good for you. You're too close to a potential problem."
"Dude man, Jason's dead. What does he have to do with my personal issues? No one is going to know what happened. Especially that bitch."
"Is that so? Funny you say that because you also have seem to of forgotten that Julian Jerome was found swimming with the fishes after the explosion...and we all know who was responsible for that...Corinthos, a mutual enemy of the Jeromes. Jason has everything to do with it. He was not only Sonny's right hand man but his best friend as well. Sonny found out Jerome was involved and you can bet your ass it's only a matter of time before he will find out we were too. You need to stay away from that girl and anyone she's involved with, most importantly that doctor. I can only defend you so far when it comes to my father...and Sonny."
"Look man, Julian set that bomb off, not you, not me."
"Do you really think that will fucking matter to Sonny?? We organized it! He's out for blood and he's going to take any he can get. And if you hurt that girl, he'll come after you for that too. Cut your losses man before you get us both killed."
"Can't do that man. They're both going to pay for turning my brother against me AND for putting me in fucking jail. There's no way Lee and his barbie doll could ever know I was involved anyways."
"Yeah, well it would seem you brought all that on yourself and you should take it a huge lesson before the reaper comes calling for you. Your brother Luke, I know who he is and what he does. He let your ass off easy. Having him AND Sonny Corinthos on my ass is not my idea of a good time."
A knock sounded upon the door, making them both jump. Ethan then laughed.
"That's what you get for talking about reapers and shit. Calm down, it's only Lizzy. I texted her when you were on the phone."
"You what?? You brought Lee's ex here after what I just fucking told you?? She's a loose end with her involvement!"
"Dude, her and I are good on that and she's a fucking nurse. I kinda need some help man."
"Un-fucking-believable..." Johnny huffed as he reluctantly went to get the door.
"Elizabeth, wish I could say it was a pleasure.." Johnny quipped as he let her in.
"Johnny Zacchara, long time no see." Elizabeth riposted.
"Not long enough. Take care of him and be on your way. I don't need this shit right now...or ever."
Elizabeth went straight to Ethan and sat down, pulling out her stethoscope to listen to his heart.
"EEEooowww! Ow ow! easy!"
"You're such a baby."
"Yeah, well not when you're pushing on something that's broken."
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"It's not even broken. Maybe cracked ribs, but there's nothing I can do about that. All I can do is give you pain meds and some peroxide for your facial wounds."
"You brought her over here for something I could have done? Nice." Johnny reeled.
"What's your problem Johnny?" Elizabeth snapped.
"My problem?? It's you. In case you've forgotten, I know who you're ex is, both of them actually and I don't associate with anyone that had had dealings with people close to Jason, which includes you."
"Wait huh? Lee don't even know him." Ethan asked in confusion.
"Maybe not, but he's fucking his sister yes? Close enough...."
"Johnny, what the hell does Lee have to do with anything??" Elizabeth retorted.
"Are you really asking that question mommy dearest?? For starters, Lee is part of the reason Ethan here is in the shape he is in....and now Ethan wants revenge on him and that girl of his."
"So? Let him get his revenge. Lee deserves it. You know his petty ass cut my seatbelts to make some statement to me about Jacob? And I don't care about who he's fucking. SO what if she's Jason's sister?? I can't stand her either or that friend of hers Britt aka the britch who both think, like you, that my business is theirs."
"Ahhh yes. Britt Westbourne, Jason's love interest that you were insanely jealous over because he wanted her and not you, which aided in your decision to help off the guy. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned....If I can't have him, no one can.... Hello Ethan! Just another reason Elizabeth shouldn't be here. Not to mention... Britt is her boss! You're the entire reason Elizabeth ever even knew Jason in the first place... And yes, your son Jacob...I am sorry to hear about what happened to him by the way. Poor kid didn't deserve what happened to him. Such a tragic accident....or was it....Lizzy?"
"Would somebody tell me what the fuck is going on here??" Ethan shouted. "Seriously, what does that poor kid have to do with this and why did you say something like that to her about him?? It's bad enough Lee blames her."
"Don't go getting all sentimental now Ethan because we both know that's not you....Goes to show how much you really know your Lizzy here. I think Lee had just cause to blame her."
"Shut up Johnny!!" Elizabeth shouted. "My son is none of your business and has nothing to do with this!!"
"Doesn't he? Do tell Ethan here who little Jake's real daddy was..."
Ethan winced in pain as he swiftly stood up. "What the fuck is he talking about Liz?"
Elizabeth went to pour herself a drink and knocked it back, then slammed the glass down.
"I don't know what you think you know, but you are sadly fucking mistaken Johnny Zacchara."
"Am I? You really shouldn't drink so much Elizabeth. It's how you're secret was revealed in the first place one night on the Haunted Star, you know, Jason's yacht his father left to him. The same boat that held many gambling events that Ethan and I attended and will soon again. But, back to the matter at hand...Ethan...your bff Lizzy here...I overheard her spilling her drunken guts to Jason during an argument they were having, telling him that he was little Jakey's papa. I never spoke of it to anyone because I actually understood Jason's reasoning for keeping it unknown considering his lifestyle, you know, to protect his son and well, I'd do the same if I had a kid... but I suppose the secret don't matter now just between us. With that said...Jason still chose Britt and so Lizzy Borden here decided to punish him, but she didn't use an axe no...she simply just didn't buckle the kid's seatbelt and then purposely started a fight with Lee while he was driving to make him wreck on that dark stormy night. Of course, she had her belt on though. Maybe Jason's ghost decided to recently cut yours because he knew what you did?? I don't know Lee, but from what I do know because of Ethan, it just doesn't seem his style. Just my theory on it anyways from the talk that went around...I mean, Liz here did conspire to off Jason with us, although we had different reasons for wanting him gone. You never did say why Elizabeth. Did Jason figure out what you did and so you killed him before he could kill you?? Because we all know he would have. Tell me, Elizabeth, am I getting warm??"
Elizabeth turned back to the booze with her hand shaking as she poured another drink, feeling like a caged animal being prodded with a stick.
"Jesus Lizzy?? Is that fucking true???" Ethan fumed as he went over to her. "Tell me you didn't do something like that to Lee and his boy, or your own son for christ's sake."
"Hence why I referred to her as mommy dearest earlier in case you didn't catch that." Johnny jested as he casually paced around with his drink, loving that he had the upper hand.
"Which now brings me to the other ex I mentioned... whom she also has a kid with, can you believe that??. What, is she four now? Almost the same age as Jacob was. Hope that's not an omen. Got married and popped her out right after your son died. You wasted no time eh? Blaise...is that her name? Perks of my profession. I know things. I do my homework. The marriage didn't even last a year. He probably realized what a psycho bitch you are. I know who your ex is...so do you Ethan....so did Jason. In fact, he and Jason were extremely good long time friends. Probably how he had the misfortune of meeting Casey Anthony here. Parker ring a bell? Crazy huh, how big Salem is and yet how small it is."
"P..Parker...oh hell, you don't mean...Craig??" Ethan asked after he sprayed his drink from his mouth from the incredulous shock.
"Do you know any other Craig Parkers that knew Jason?" Johnny sarcastically asked.
"I know I haven't seen you in ages since I've been away Lizzy, but...it would have been highly nice to know that's who you married AND had a kid with...are you fucking kidding me??"
"If that's even his kid as well." Johnny quipped. "Now do you get it Ethan?? He's one of Corinthos's boys. Everyone's tied together. Lee, Josie, Jason, Sonny, Gerry, Craig, you, me, HER! Shit, we may as well add Britt in there too..I mean shit, she lives on the floor above me....hell, even Luke could be an issue. But it seems to me, only one of them could be a real problem and I'm looking right at her."
Johnny's face fell into something sinister as he walked towards Elizabeth.
"Oh come on Johnny. I would never say anything. It would incriminate me." Elizabeth assured as she backed away from him with wide eyes.
"Oh, of course you won't because that would mean I would relay all your secrets as well. Even without proof, they would be quite believable and valuable to a lot of those said people...and then, I'd have to take care of you if Sonny didn't first. Maybe I should just do that right now because I really don't like loose cannons or links...and you are both of them."
Ethan then stepped in between them as Elizabeth hid behind Ethan, clinging to his waist. "Oh come on man, you aren't going to get rid of her??? She has a kid man..."
"That kid has a father to raise her, so your point is invalid. She'd be better off without a mother like her. What part of that did you miss??? I can make it a lot prettier than what Corinthos will do to her. Get out of the way man."
"Jesus Johnny, are you...serious??" Ethan reeled with out moving an inch.
"As a heart attack, which is about what she's having right now."
Johnny pulled out his gun from the back of his pants and aimed it at the two of them. "Move Ethan. It's your only warning. I'm not above collateral damage."
Urine began trickling onto the floor from the bottom of Elizabeth's pants as she hysterically begged Johnny for her life.
Johnny's brows narrowed for a moment, then he spun the gun back in his hand and put it away as he chuckled.
"I'm just fucking with ya. I think I've made my point. Now get the fuck out of here before I change my mind...and don't come back now, ya here?"
Elizabeth scrambled to get her stuff and ran out in tears as Johnny raved, pouring himself another drink.
"What the...fuck man. I really thought you were going to...god. My ribs, I can't breathe..." Ethan panted and drank a huge swig of scotch straight from the crystal bottle.
"Nah...didn't have my silencer handy or I just may have. Now...is she the only one I have to worry about?"
"What's...that supposed to mean?"
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"Oh Ethan...you didn't hear much of what I said tonight at all, did you? I know things....such as...a girl you're fucking named Megan....Jason's other sister...."
The Farm- 7 pm
You sniffled as you gently freed yourself from Lee's loving hold to look at him.
"I...I also worried about if, that I could have children...would you...even want or could you love...another child after...Jacob."
Lee stroked your cheek with the back of his fingers as he sweetly smiled. "How could I not? He or she would be a part of you...ok, well that was just stupid to say considering. Jo, if someday, it ever came to thinking of something like that, there are other options. There are plenty of children that need a home or there's surrogacy etc etc etc...I would love any child I would have with you, no less than Jacob. I'm just so glad you trusted me enough to tell me but I'm sorry it had to come out this way. Jo...is that what was wrong that night when Dash was at the house? When he and I came inside from goofing around in the backyard, you just..seemed different and then later you became all upset and left and...."
"And I left you all alone wondering what you did wrong...god Lee...I am so sorry! Yes...seeing the two of you...you were so good with him and I don't know...it just triggered me I suppose, knowing I could never give you that. I... I should have just told you. God, I wanted to...I was..."
"Afraid I wouldn't want you anymore...I know. That could never happen, trust me, I had tried once to stay away from you, thinking that you were better off without someone like me. But nope. Epic fail. Couldn't do it...didn't want to. I want YOU Jo...that's all I have ever wanted. Just you."
Your face crunched up into a frown as you began to cry. "I'm sorry." you squeaked.
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Lee stroked your hair as his own eyes teared up. "Shhhh....don't be sorry my girl. You have nothing to be sorry about. Come here."
He softly placed his lips over yours, making you cry more. You brought your hands to his face and gazed deeply into his glassy blue eyes.
"I...I love you so much...so fucking much..."
You kissed him again, intensely, wanting to be with him again so bad, it hurt.
"Lee...please...take me upstairs. I...I need you so much..." you lightly panted through your tears.
His dilated eyes spoke the same words and he pulled you up to stand, then reached behind your thighs and hoisted you onto him, kissing you all the way up to his room.
Things became instantly heated as he carried you through the doorway. You stripped your shirt off and, then helped him remove his. Lee spun you around so fast while kissing you, that your phone flung out of your pocket and your foot hit a vase, sending it crashing into pieces on the floor, but that didn't stop either of you, nor did the beep of a text.
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Lee laid you back on the bed and yanked your leggings and panties off as you both laughed, then you sat up before him and his very prominent arousal.
You teasingly undid his button and zipper with a grin, then slowly pulled his jeans down, revealing his beautiful erection. You could only imagine the look upon Lee's face by the sound of his deep hard gasp as you took him into your mouth, for he certainly was not expecting that.
Lee's head arched back and his fingers entangled into your hair as he groaned your name with a few f bombs inserted before and after, only making you go deeper on him. His scent was invigorating, partly of his cologne that was traced in the small patch of hair that laid just below his happy trail and a fresh clean soapy aroma clothed his cock, but his taste...it was so natural and you couldn't get enough.
As your hand gripped his base, you began to slide your lips faster, His panting became more intense and his cock rock solid.
"Jo...Jo baby, you gotta stop...I can't..."
You could taste his precum, so you reluctantly took him out of your mouth.
Your phone beeped again, annoying you. "Let me shut the volume off."
Quickly, you went to get your phone, but Lee grabbed you from behind and pulled you to the ground, spreading your legs wide open and taking his turn.
You whimpered and mewled as he wasted no time thrusting his warm smooth tongue into you and twirling it about. His thumb massaged your clit, making your hips shake and twitch as you laid on the cottony soft rug.
"Lee...oh my god...." you panted as you clutched his hair in both fists. "I...I want you now...please....god please..."
Your begging for him drove him mad and he happily gave you your wish. Lee shoved into you, both of you releasing exuberant gasps as your nails dug into his back. His thrusts became harder and harder as he gripped you tightly between his strong arms until he was fully inside of you. He then began rocking his hips so gently as his moans of hot breath plunged over and over into your ear.
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You didn't want it to end. They way he felt inside of you was indescribable. A perfect union, not only of your bodies, but of your souls. A feeling you had never felt with anyone through intimacy...but it was going to end because he was he soon found your spot and you couldn't stop it if you tried.
"LEEEE!!!! AHH...I....I'm going to...."
"Me too baby..." he grunted and sped up, sending you into a shaking and screaming starlit climax.
"God!!! Ahhh!!...fuck...ahhh!" Lee harshly shouted as he released. It was so strong, you felt every vigorous pulse.
Lee cupped your face as you both gazed in each other's eyes, softly panting.
"I love you Josephine Leeann March. You will truly never know how much."
"Right back at ya babe." you grinned and kissed him deeply.
Lee chuckled. "Maybe we should try the bed next time. I don't know what came over me. I just had to have you right here and now."
"I'mmm not complaining." you giggled. "This...this was amazing. YOU are amazing."
It happened again...the smoke alarm went off.
"Shit...the pie!!!" Lee shouted and flung up to his feet. You tried not to laugh, but failed as he almost tripped stepping into his pants and hopping to pull them up.
"I'll meet you downstairs." he chuckled and ran out.
You laid there in absolute bliss for a few moments, taking in how real he was, that he was no longer just some dream.
You then remembered your phone beeping, so you got dressed, then check it. There three of them...from Orlando. Apparently, Luke kept his word and got him a phone.
"Josie, it's me, Orlando. Text me when you can."
"I'm home now. Just wanted to talk for a bit. I heard you came to the hospital."
"Where are you?"
You quickly replied so you could go help Lee.
"Hey. I'm so glad ur home. Are u ok? I'm at Lee's farm. Sorry, we were making dinner." you slightly lied.
You then went downstairs and told Lee about the text, then sat at the table to wait and see if he would reply. Meanwhile, Lee was trying to save his pie by scraping the burnt pieces off the top while cursing under his breath.
"I think it's official baby. We cannot have food cooking while we are...enjoying each other." you laughed, trying to cheer him up while thinking about the bacon incident. He had worked so hard to make that pie for you and you felt bad.
"Ya think?" he chuckled. "I think it's salvageable. You ready to eat sweetheart?"
"After all that, I am famished."
You helped Lee set the table with a candle lit in the middle, then you both sat side by side and enjoyed the pot roast, potatoes, carrots and salad with more wine....and after that, some slightly overdone homemade cherry pie in which you both ended up picking all of the outer crust off of. The begging dogs sure liked it though.
An hour went by and the storm became stronger. Still, there was no text back from Orlando, so Lee called him, but still, no answer, so he left a voicemail.
"Hey banando. Jo said you're home. I'm glad to hear that. I see you texted me too. We were...uh...cooking." Lee grinned as he looked at you, then continued on. " So...call or text back. Let me know how you're doing and if you need anything. I hope Luke or your mom is there. Talk soon. By man."
"Well...we were cooking, were we not. Just not in the kitchen." Lee jested with a curled smirk as he came over and kissed your forehead.
"That we were." you laughed.
"Come on babe...let's go down to the basement so you will feel more comfortable. Movies and more wine?"
"That sounds perfect."
Orlando sat at a desk in his dimly lit room, living inside of his messed up mind, while his mom and Luke were downstairs making them dinner and both not pleased that Orlando had left the hospital. He could hear them talking about him, so he cranked up his music to block their condescending voices out.
He saw your text and listened to Lee's voicemail, but became even more frustrated to know you were at the farm with him, so he didn't respond. It only proved to him once more that he would never be with you. Instead, he downed some beers while he carved the word "father" with his left hand into the wooden handle of a small sledge hammer as he blared the song "Hungry like the wolf."
As he finished up, he then mumbled two words. "My turn...."
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The Bond Between Us ~ 85
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< previous chapter
Word Count: 1,525ish
Summary: Luke struggles with Rey.
Notes: I can't believe that there are only 4 more chapters after this. Are you ready?
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Luke was resistant to Rey when she first found him on one of the islands of Ahch-To. He had turned cold to the ways of the Jedi and the Force, now believing that he understood what you were talking about when you refused to help him restore the Order. 
After finding out about Han’s death, he reunited with R2 in the Falcon. Luke was upset at himself for shutting himself off from the Force so much that he hadn’t sensed Han’s death. R2 showed Luke the old footage of Leia asking for Obi-Wan’s help, he decided to teach her three lessons.
The first lesson allowed Luke to see that Rey had a level of power identical to Ben, you, and Anakin. This worried him and caused him to quickly abandon the lesson. Luke also realized the truth about Rey during this brief lesson: that she was the granddaughter of Darth Sidious.
After the second lesson, Luke revealed his view (or what he wanted Rey to believe) about how Ben became Kylo Ren. Leaving Rey, he went down to the mediations ledge and managed to regain his Force abilities once again. This allowed him to sense you and Leia, both unconscious across the Galaxy.
It began storming on the island and Luke went searching for Rey, sensing something off. He found Rey connecting with Kylo in a hut, revealing that they had a bond similar to what you and Obi-Wan shared. Rey and Luke began dueling as Rey questioned if Luke created Kylo. After gaining the upper hand, Rey pushed Luke to be honest with her. Luke told her about the darkness he sensed in Ben and what really happened that night.
Rey, having seen a future where Kylo turned back to the light, was convinced she could turn him. She left, going to go to him to try. Luke watched the Falcon fly off before taking a fiery torch and heading to where he kept the sacred Jedi texts. Sensing someone watching him, Luke turned to see Yoda, in Force ghost form, standing on a rock.
“Master Yoda,” Luke said roughly.
“Young Skywalker,” Yoda responded.
“I’m ending all this. The tree, the text, the Jedi. I’m going to burn it down.”
Yoda chuckled as he watched Luke unable to actually set fire to the tree. Yoda concentrated and used the Force to summon lightning, hitting the tree and allowing it to burst into flames. Luke turned around in pure shock. Yoda laughed. 
“Ah, Skywalker, missed you, have I,” Yoda told him.
An explosion caused Luke to fly back, away from a tree, and to the ground. Yoda appeared in front of him, watching the bright flames.
“So it is time…” Luke said, “for the Jedi Order to end.”
“Time, it is. Hmm.” Yoda turned to face Luke. “For you to look past a pile of old books, hmm?”
“The sacred Jedi texts!”
“Oh, read them, have you?”
“Well, I…”
“Page turners, they were not. Yes, yes, yes.” Yoda walked closer to the man. “Wisdom they held, but that library contains nothing that the girl Rey does not already possess.” Luke was still watching the flames over Yoda. “Skywalker, still looking to the horizon. Never here, hmm? The need in front of your nose.” He tapped Luke on the nose with his cane. “Hmm?”
“I was weak… unwise.”
“Lost Ben Solo, you did. Lose Rey, we must not.”
“I can’t be what she needs me to be.”
“Heeded my words not, did you? Pass on what you have learned. Strength, mastery, but weakness, folly, failure, also. Yes, failure most of all. The greatest teacher, failure is… Tell you that, Obi-Wan and Y/N could.”
“Y/N… is she not the one most equipped for training Rey?”
“Y/N’s time, come it will, for many things.” Yoda sighed, thinking of you, his Padawan, and how far you’ve come and the journey that still lay ahead for you. “Luke, we are what they grow beyond. That is the true burden of all Masters.”
Yoda moved to sit beside Luke on the rock the man was sitting up against. The two sat back and watched the tree burn together.
“Is Rey the true Chosen One?” Luke wondered, looking to the Jedi Master for the answer.
“The Chosen One, Rey is not,” Yoda answered. “Your father and Y/N, that title belongs to.”
“But Y/N—“
Yoda tutted as he shook his head. “Again, heeded my words not you have. My Padawan’s time will come, for many things. Continue on her path, she must… depends on her, the Galaxy does.”
Luke nodded, glancing back at the flames. “Do you know the truth about Rey?”
“Mhm,” Yoda hummed. “Granddaughter of Darth Sidious, she is.”
“She is drawn to the dark side… like Ben. I fear—“
“Lose Rey, we must not,” Yoda repeated his words from earlier with a stronger conviction. “Matters not, who her family is, just as it matters not about yours.”
Gasping, you woke and could sense the distress on the cruiser. It was different like there was a rift in the Resistance. You sat up, despite the medical personnel urging you to take it slow. Looking beside you, you saw that Leia was up. She looked at you as she grabbed a cane handed to her.
“That was stupid of you,” she reprimanded.
“Leia,” your voice was clearly tired, the years of fighting seeping through your tone, “I can’t outlive anymore loved ones.”
She understood your struggle and gave you a slight smile. “I’ll try to do my best.”
You were quickly told by a Resistance officer that Poe had caused a mutiny and had taken control of the bridge. Time was running out as the transports were being loaded to get the people on board to safety. Sensing that Leia was actually weaker than you, you told her that you’d handle it. Grabbing your lightsabers and a few armed Resistance officers, you headed for the bridge. You weren’t surprised when you found the door locked.
“General, we can grab—“
“Don’t bother getting anything,” you interrupted the officer, “I can handle it.” 
You ignited your yellow saber and plunged it through the door. Once you had cut a hole in the door, it fell forward onto the ground and you stepped into the room. Poe was standing near the window with 3PO and Lieutenant Connix.
“Y/N,” he breathed out.
You waved your hand, using the Force to knock Poe out. Furrowing your brows, you noticed something on his wrist. The binary beacon that was once on your wrist. You glared at the droid and the Lieutenant.
“I would get to the transports quickly if I were the two of you,” you advised as officers rushed in.
You held your hand up. “I don’t need any excuses, 3PO. We don’t have time. Get to the transport, now!”
You chose to seclude yourself as much as you were able on the transport and meditate. The feeling of needing to strengthen your abilities was strong. You were meditating when Poe woke.
“No! No!” He exclaimed, jumping from the stretcher he was laying on. He rushed to the window that viewed the cruiser and punched it. “No, no, no!”
“Poe,” Leia calmly called from the opposite side. She looked back out her window at a nearby planet as Poe came near.
“What’s that?” Poe wondered as he sat beside Leia.”
“The mineral planet, Crait,” you responded as you came over to join them. “An uncharted hideout from the days of the Rebellion.”
“That’s a Rebel base?”
“Abandoned but heavily armored,” explained Larma D’Acy, “with enough power to get a distress signal to our allies scattered in the Outer Rim.”
“Holdo knew the First Order was tracking our big ship,” Leia told Poe. “They’re not monitoring small transports.”
“So we could slip down to the surface unnoticed and hide until the First Order passes,” Poe said, catching on to the plan. “It could work.”
“She was more interested in protecting the light,” Leia reached out and touched the beacon on Poe’s wrist and slowly pulled it off of him, “than she was seeming like a hero.”
You could tell that Leia’s words affected him. You knew that Poe thought that by wanting to be a hero, he was still doing the right thing. The man still had a lot to learn. Suddenly, the ship was rocked as one of the transports was hit and exploded. Then another. And another. Poe rushed up to the pilots, demanding full speed as another transport was destroyed. You lurched forward as you felt them die. Leia, concerned, placed a hand on your knee. 
Admiral Holdo, who had stayed on the larger cruiser, turned the larger cruiser around. You looked up and watched as she prepared to make the jump to lightspeed. Reaching over, you head tightly to Leia’s hand as you watched the cruiser make the jump and hit Smoke’s ship, cutting a large chunk of it off.
“We’re still not safe,” you whispered. “That won’t stop them from following us.” You turned to look at Leia. “We need to get to Crait and fast.”
next chapter >
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ashtheketchum · 12 days
A new family Part 9
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A/N: I sat on this chapter for an incredibly long time because I had to look up all of Vi's text and then type it out completely (Picture from Pinterest!)
Warnings: Mention of death, mention of alcohol, slight panic attack
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8
PoV (Y/N):
I just looked at (D/N) confused while she looked at Daryl with tears in her eyes. After thinking for a moment I understood what her problem was and I looked at Daryl too. He was drunk, but didn't behave the same as he did last night. He was aggressive, loud and didn't pay attention to anyone. "Honey…why are you on the floor…?" I then asked her. I placed my hand carefully on her shoulder, but she was still shaking badly. She couldn't say anything, was she in that much shock?
"It's better this way!" I heard Dr. Jenner suddenly speak up. I immediately stood up again and looked at the doctor. Rick spoke to him and asked him what would happen in 28 minutes. But the doctor didn't answer. "Doc, what happens in 28 minutes!" Shane shouted again, but this time the doctor didn't stay silent, he screamed loudly. “Do you actually know what this place is!?” Dr. Jenner looked around, but then his gaze settled on Rick. He had a mild panic attack, screamed loudly and eventually sat weakly on the chair.
We all remained silent for a moment before Jenner spoke again. "In the event of a catastrophic power failure, in a terrorist attack for example, HIT's are deployed to prevent any organisms from getting out." That's all he said. "HIT's?" Rick came closer and closer to the doctor. Dr. Jenner remained silent for a moment, his gaze falling before he looked up and sighed quietly. “Vi, define.” He simply said. The computer voice was heard immediately and we all looked up.
,, HIT´s Definition: High-impulse thermobaric fuel-air explosive consist of a two-stage aerosol ignition that produces a blast wave of significantly greater power and duration than any other known explosiveexcept nuclear. The vacuum-pressure effect ignites the oxygen between 5.000 and 6.000 degrees and it is usefull when the greates loss of life and damage to structures is desired.“ Vi was finished with her definition.
I immediately pulled (D/N) towards me, she had slowly stood up again and I hugged her tightly. I looked around anxiously to see everyone else's reaction. Carol hugged Sophia tightly, Rick hugged Lori and Carol tightly, and the others stared into nothingness. Nobody knew how to react. "It sets the air on fire…" Murmured Dr. Jenner ultimately. Now I looked at him in shock. (D/N) had wiped away her tears and was now looking up at me. "No pain… a quick and painless death for all…" The doctor added. I couldn't believe what I had just heard. This scientist had lured us into a death trap and we couldn't escape.
Rick, Shane, Tdog, Glenn and Daryl tried to open those doors so we could get out. Lori, Carl, Carol, Sophia, (D/N) and I sat on chairs or the floor and we held each other tightly. However, (D/N) and I sat further away from the others. I wanted to calm her down first because she was still a little in shock. "Honey…please talk to me…" I then murmured quietly. (D/N) just stayed quiet but clutched my top. She had her face buried in my shoulder.
I sighed quietly and closed my eyes. "I don't want to die like this, mom…" But then she finally murmured. I jumped, startled, before wrapping my arms around her tighter. "You're not going to die here, sweetie…" "That's not what I meant…" Confused, I pushed her away slightly to look at her.
Her eyes looked down, tears rolling down her cheeks. "I don't care where I die or how I die… but I don't want to experience Daryl like Dad… I don't want to die with one last picture of him like that…" She finally spoke up. My heart was breaking and I felt tears welling up in me too. (D/N) looked at me slightly angry. "Daryl isn't like Dad… but I saw him like that just now…" My grip around her became a little tighter.
So Daryl had really scared her. Even if it wasn't intentional, I was right. (D/N) saw her old father in Daryl. The smell of alcohol, the bottle of alcohol in his hand, the aggressive behavior, everything. "He didn't mean it… Daryl is just scared…" I then tried to change her mind. But (D/N) looked at me even angrier and stood up.
She walked away, leaving me to sit alone on the floor. She slowly limped to Carl and Lori, who gently hugged her.
What did I just say? What had I done? Did I just defend a man from my daughter? Daryl had scared her, whether he wanted to or not, it wasn't right of him.
Meanwhile, Dr. Jenner is still trying to convince us to let it go. "You know it's for the best… it's a terrible life out there… if you die out there, it's painful…" Dr. Jenner looked at me. "Your husband died, right?" His question hit me and I opened my mouth. But I couldn't get anything out. Tears streamed down my cheeks, so I looked down and stayed quiet. "No." (D/N) suddenly spoke up.
We immediately looked at her in shock. She looked at Dr. Jenner angrily. "We killed my dad… we watched him die." Her words immediately made me jump and I ran towards her. "Don't say something like that, sweetie…" "But it's true! Dad wasn't good…! He should die, it was right!” Her words shocked me and I trembled violently. The doctor just remained silent before turning to the others. "The world changes us… until death…"
Now Shane and Daryl tried to open the door with axes. But she still didn't move. "These doors were built to withstand a rocket launcher…" Murmured Dr. Jenner briefly. Suddenly Daryl ran towards him, ax in hand. "But not your head!" We immediately saw Daryl swinging the axe. Shane, Dale and Tdog stopped Daryl, but he still fought back.
"Daryl, stop it! He’s the only one who can get us out of here!” I immediately screamed and I ran towards him to take the ax away from him. Daryl looked at me angrily for a moment before pointing to (D/N). “Do you want to die here with the little one?” “You don’t have anything to say about my daughter!” I just growled quietly. My words silenced him for a moment before he hissed, took the ax away from me and went back to the door. Breathing heavily, I watched him before turning to the doctor.
"You can't do that…! You can’t do this to us!” Carol whimpered loudly. "My daughter doesn't deserve to die like this!" "But there will be no pain… isn't it much better to hold your lovers while they can pass from this world without pain?" Dr. Jenner asked her then. "No! No it's not!" However, Carol cried out and hugged Sophia tighter.
It was quiet for a moment before we heard a gun being loaded. I immediately looked around in panic, Shane ran towards the doctor and pointed the gun at him. I ran to (D/N) and pushed her away from Shane, behind me. "Shane, don't! Stop it!" Rick and the others wanted to stop him. "Open those damn doors or I'll blow your head off!" Shane growled threateningly. The doctor looked at him unimpressed as the others tried to lure Shane away. Eventually, Shane fired wildly until Rick took the gun away from him and he lay on the ground.
We all stayed quiet again, I hugged (D/N) tightly to me. I breathed heavily and then looked down at (D/N). She just looked at Shane angrily but held onto my top. "Shane is crazy…" I heard her mutter quietly. Before I could react, Rick was talking to the doctor again. The doctor told us about his wife that she had achieved much more. He would have only continued because he promised her he would. "Let's try this as long as we can…" Lori just murmured quietly. The doctor looked at us briefly before walking to a table. "I said the doors would stay closed…" When he muttered this, I had given up all hope.
But suddenly the doors opened and Daryl called out to us. "Come on! Get out!" I immediately picked (D/N) up again and we ran to our rooms to go out. I didn't look behind me, not when people stopped, not when they spoke. I just wanted to get my daughter out of here.
Next Chapter ->
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crowborn666-writes · 2 years
Fake Dating?
(Reblogs always appreciated!)
Midoriya x Reader
Genre: Fluff, Romantic, Friends to Lovers
Summary: A fake date leads into something real.
You and Izuku were practically attached to the hip. Similar to how Bakugo and Kirishima were quick to become friends, you and Izuku became fast friends when you first met. You helped each other study and train, you had each other’s backs during embarrassing or tense situations, and even shared food during lunchtime.
So when you come up to Izuku asking for a favor, he’s giving you his signature, warm smile and polite nod.
He wasn’t expecting the words that came out of your mouth, however.
“I need you to go on a fake date with me!”
You take a breath, glancing around behind you before leaning in a little as you dropped your voice. “This guy keeps trying to ask me out and won’t take no for an answer. S-So I figured if it looked like I was already dating someone, he’d quit.”
“Oh…” Izuku blinked, a bit of the shock from your request melting away with realization. “I-I guess I could do that for you! What do you think would be a good place to go?”
You leaned back out of his space as you hummed in thought. “Maybe that new noodle diner that opened up? Nothing too fancy.”
“Sounds good!” Izuku chirped, trying to hide his nervousness with a smile just before the class bells rang. “Text me what time?”
“Sure. Now let’s get to class.”
It was normal for Izuku to grab your hand as you both hurried to class, but today it made heat crawl up your arm.
When the next Saturday rolled by, you both showed up to the diner a bit into the afternoon. Your nerves were a bit jumbled, no doubt Izuku’s was too judging by his expression, but the smell of cooked noodles as you entered was enough to calm you both.
And just as you feared, the guy that was bugging you and bugging you was there too. In fact, you recognized a couple people from school. The place was busy enough to keep eyes off of you both, and you followed Izuku into one of the booth seats.
You both ordered, getting drinks and a small appetizer to chat over as well.
“So what happened yesterday in hero class? Heard a loud boom from my classroom.” You asked, raising an inquisitive eyebrow at the green-haired boy across from you.
“Kacchan.” He said simply, taking a moment to swallowed the mouthful he had before continuing. “And I guess you could say Shoto too. Teachers had set up a mock-aftermath of a tornado, and so Shoto was using his fire to make cutting up a fallen tree easier. A bit of the fire made contact with Kacchan’s hands and well…”
“Bakugo really living up to the name King Explosion Murder, huh?”
You grinned at the snort you pulled from Midoriya, almost forgetting you both were on a fake date, considering this felt just like your conversations at lunch.
Your smile faltered a bit though, feeling a pair of eyes on you. A discreet glance over your shoulder showed the bothersome admirer glancing your way.
You didn’t have time to say anything or see Izuku’s glare towards the guy as your food arrived and your attention was snatched up by how good the food looks.
“Oh wow!” You spoke past a mouthful, “This is really good!”
“You’re right!” Izuku’s face lit up at the first bite he took, “We should come here again soon.”
The use of the word ‘we’ made you pause for a moment, but thankfully, Izuku didn’t notice.
You both finished your food soon enough, finding yourselves to bicker lightly over the check before agreeing to split it, and then heading out the door.
This time, you didn’t miss how Izuku glanced back at your troublesome admirer in a not so friendly manner before turning back to you with a smile and taking your hand in his.
It was late afternoon as you both walked back to the dorms, the silence gentle and not unnerving.
“H-Hey (Y/n)?”
“Do you think… do you think we could go on a date again? A real one? I-I just had a great time a-and wasn’t sure when to actually ask and—”
“S-Sure!” You quickly cut him off, if only to keep his voice from growing any higher, “I wouldn’t mind that! I h-had a great time too.”
“Sounds good.” Izuku let out a small sigh, letting himself relax again, “Maybe next week or the week after?”
“Sounds like a plan, ‘Zuku!” You grinned up at him, squeezing his hand a bit before tugging him along.
Izuku, after finally having a free moment from being swamped with class work and multiple visits to Recovery Girl over the past week, texted you that he was finally free to make plans with you.
It wasn’t until he opened the front door to the class dorms did he get a response from you. That response being you nearly knocking him to the ground with a hug.
“Hello!” He took a moment to steady you both, your excitement bringing a smile to his face. “What’s got you excited?”
“Not once this week has that guy tried to ask me out! I’m so happy right now!”
“Hey that great!” Izuku chirped, not daring to admit the fact Bakugo of all people had to hold him back from punching the guy’s lights out in gym class after a snarky comment was made.
You didn’t need to know how mad the guy made Izuku, and hopefully Bakugo wouldn’t say anything either.
“Now c’mon!” You stood on your tiptoes a bit and pecked his cheek, “Shoto’s making dinner tonight and I’m not gonna let him serve us cold noodles!”
Izuku, red-faced and struggling to splutter out a response, was forcibly dragged into the dorm building by his arm.
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elcho-da-artist · 1 year
The inflation prank [Text story/SES number lore/TW: BLUEBERRY INFLATION + LEAKING,SWEARING/I know it's not April Fools Day anymore but IDC/Also this is my first text story]
𝑖 and π doing a prank on 7 but they don't know how to prank 7. "How about we inflates him with a blueberry as a prank?" said 𝑖. "Sure." said π. 𝑖 grabs a blueberry with his dot and throw at 7's mouth and 7 choking and say "WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM 𝑖!?" 𝑖 laughs a little and 7 look confused and say "Why are you laughing?" as his nose turn blue as he still unaware at first.
3 seconds later...
his belly getting Inflates and 7 looks at his body turn blue and shocked "WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENED TO ME!?!" 𝑖 and π laughs "𝑖,π WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO M-!?! MMPPPHH!!!" He is interrupted by his belly (?).
His body is now full of juice and juice leaking out of his belly (?). 𝑖 And π Burst Out Of Laughing Until 11 walk in. "What's that sound- WHAT THE!?!" "7?!" she looks at 𝑖 and π Then They Stops Laughing And 𝑖 "Hey 11." "MMMPPPHHH!!!! 😾💢" said 7 and 𝑖 says "SHUT THE FUCK UP BITCH!" 11 sighed and says "Alright 𝑖 and π, what the hell do you both just did?" 𝑖 says "Well... We decided to set a prank on 7 by inflates with a blueberry! Funny! Right?" And 11 Says "No... It's not funny at all. YOU LITERALLY JUST ALMOST POPPED HIM UP!!" And 𝑖 gets confused and says "what do you mean?" And 11 says "HE CAN BE EXPLOSION FROM THIS!!!!" 𝑖 just blink and says "Why Do You Think So?" and 11 says "UGH! At least just send him to juice room before he's popped up! OR YOU'LL REGRET..." And 𝑖 and π says "Fine. Whatever." they pushed 7 to juice room.
After juicing...
7 is still blue for a few weeks
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baseballb4t · 2 years
just had a jerma dream for the first time.
i was getting out from school as the sun was setting and i started walking into the nearby woods where i found my brother and when i found him, the world turned into minecraft but i still had my own body except now i was two blocks tall and so was my brother. we were mining into a mountain and i suddenly acquired the knowledge that jerma was in our world with us and he was streaming. so i was like, woah being on stream sounds like fun but i'm not gonna go look for him since he's like five hundred blocks away. my brother and i were killing random mob bosses that don't actually exist in game.
eventually it was nighttime and my brother and i found a village and we were flying around like you do in minecraft and then jerma came to our village but he didn't say anything and was instead talking to the camera that was floating with him. jerma then pointed me to a cave where there was basically a dungeon and a super big mob boss so i flew with him to go fight it. as we were flying, i tried to make conversation with him but he wouldn't talk to me. the cave led to this tall stone corridor with red carpet on the floor where there were a bunch of chests with text above them that you had to pay money for to open them, and that was when i realized jerma had found one of these chests above ground and that was why he was super good at minecraft. in my head i was thinking "i would never pay real money for stuff in a game." the corridor had a right turn so we went there and at the end of it there was the mob boss dungeon.
jerma and i flew around and the boss fight started, the boss was a humongous 2D picture of a bubblegum girl and as we were flying we would hit her. every time she was hit, the screen would get a pink haze and there would be blue explosions. she had a shocked expression on her face but it was just a 2D image turning and rotating. we killed her pretty easily and then we got some small rewards. i wanted to hang out in the corridor looking at the treasure chests and talking to jerma but he still wouldn't speak to me. he flew out of the cave before me so i ran and jumped to catch up to him. when we got to the mountain and found my brother again, i turned to look for jerma but he was gone so i woke up.
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viksalos · 1 year
4, 7, 11, 12, 15, 20, 31, 40, 46, 48, 56, 57, and 58
so understandably this got very long lol
(ask game)
4. thing i'm looking forward to: hmmm short term i'd probably say for Skinny Puppy to reschedule their Pittsburgh show, and for a friend's wedding coming up at the beginning of next month :) longer term to graduate with my fking doctorate aughhh
7. what my life was like last year: about the same? i hadn't made as much progress in my degree but i did hit a few important milestones at least, so it was frustrating but i was getting somewhere. last year was definitely the year that live music *really* started back up since the pandemic began, so i started getting out and doing that a lot more. was a bit nervous to get back into crowds but i thought it was really good for me to have a hobby where i get to see other human beings regularly and slowly make friends in the local music scene 👍
11. music i'm listening to rn: ya i got the thou/ragana split repress in the mail yesterday so i'm spinning that
12. something i want rn: i mean most of my immediate needs are taken care of so i feel like this kind of ties in with 4 lol--skinny puppy show, my doctorate, cure for my chronic illness maybe idk
15. personality description: hmm!! well shy but friendly, tries to be careful with my words but ultimately a chatterbox, sad sometimes but full of love for others & tries to be compassionate in all things. duality of woman or whatever
20. favorite song rn: ohhh that is hard, my favorite song changes like every day lol. i guess since i'm listening to the thou/ragana split rn and it just came on i'd say The Void. i know the void!!
31. 3 random facts: uhhh off the top of my head. 1.) have skydived 2.) when i was a teenager i went to an "explosives camp" which was billed as a way for troubled kids to get out their destructive urges but really it was just a way for the local mining & engineering school to recruit people to its program lol. but i did learn how to set up & detonate C4 among other stuff 3.) was a member of a local cult/megachurch for a few months as a kid
40. favorite memory: ohhh this is HARD. i feel like i have to say my wedding though. there was a lot of stuff leading up to the wedding that was difficult & painful but it was mostly like, pandemic and terrible relatives, but our friends really showed up for us and the actual day went as well as it could have :)
46. last text: "none really"
48. turn offs: idk, like sexually or personally? sexually i guess not much shocks me but there's plenty i'm not willing to do, including discussing this too much on tumblr lol. on an interpersonal level though i'd say my turnoffs are mostly just like, making being a hater your whole personality i guess? like you could otherwise be a totally decent person, have politics that completely align with mine etc., but if everything you say or post is about how X harmless phenomenon or group of people is annoying or trash or whatever then i'm not gonna want to be around you, even if X harmless phenomenon is something i also don't like. wish you the best tho
56. answered
57. favorite domestic animal is probably the humble kitty cat :) favorite wild animals are probably servals and snakes. i think all animals are cool tho & i like learning about them
58. description of my best friend: uhhh physically he looks somewhere between kaidan alenko and harvey guillen. he likes podcasts, video games, and synthpop. also kind of a shy-but-friendly personality, maybe a bit shyer than me tho. normal human man, keeps me sane 👍
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xoxo-teddybear · 3 years
I Didn’t Mean It - Bakugou Katsuki
Bakugou x f!reader
Warnings: ANGST, cursing, death
Summary: It was too early for this. All the yelling, the fighting, the screaming. You didn’t give in but for some reason Bakugou just couldn’t let it go. Words get said and hearts die.
Your boyfriend, whom you’ve been dating since your second year in junior high, was currently screaming your head off.
Last night, the two of you and your friends all went out but the night ended early for you and Katsuki when some rando got a little too handsy with you. Even though you pushed the guy away, Katsuki couldn’t help but feed into his jealous nature. You both argued all night but you left the argument early and went to bed, too exhausted with everything that just went down. Unfortunately, Katsuki was stubborn and the second you woke up to get ready for patrol, he brought the argument back to life.
“A-Attention whore? Katsuki, I pushed him away!” You said with a cracked voice as you gathered your things. Bakugou was standing near the kitchen island as he slammed his fist on the counter and continued to yell.
“Why do you think he went to you in the first place, Y/N?! You walk around, dressed like a fucking slut, even though you have a boyfriend!” He screamed.
His words were hitting hard and you teared up the slightest bit as he continued yelling. “Katsuki! I didn’t do anything wrong!”
“Would you quit fucking crying! Just fucking admit you were going to be a fucking hoe and cheat on me! Then you can get the fuck out of here!” He screamed in your face. You squinted your eyes as the tears pricked at the end of them.
“…is that what you want? You want me to leave?” You asked with a broken heart. You could see the hesitation on Bakugou’s face. He was fighting himself, trying to force himself to bite his tongue and take back every harsh thing he said but his pride wouldn’t allow it. He didn’t mean any of it. His heart cried for one thing while his wild mouth said another.
“…..yes.” He muttered. He watched as your face grew in heartbreak and he could practically hear your pulse booming. You bit in your lip to hold back your sobs before you blinked away your tears and nodded.
“I’ll get my stuff out after my patrol.” With that, you walked off to the door and left to work but not before you heard Bakugou mutter a soft ‘I hate you,’ knowing full well that you heard. Bakugou stood in the now quiet house, immediately regretting everything he said.
He knew you weren’t a cheater. He knew you wouldn’t do that to him. He doesn’t know why he said what he did but all he knows is that he’s going to make it up to you once you come back home. He’ll do whatever it takes. He loves you after all.
After hollowing in sadness and regret, Bakugou got up and began his plan to make it up to you. He left the house and went out to buy groceries, a new Teddy Bear for you, a necklace, and a bouquet of your favorite flowers and another bouquet of roses.
With the new groceries, he made your favorite meal and baked your favorite dessert. He wrapped the gifts and placed them on the beautifully set table that was littered in flower petals and candles. Bakugou was sure this would help aid in his apology.
Throughout the day, Bakugou sent you multiple texts trying to explain and apologize. He sent multiple messages and was starting to grow a little hurt at the fact that you weren’t replying to any of them. He tried calling but when you didn’t pick up, it worried him. He sent voicemails to no avail and continued waiting. It was only a morning patrol so you should be back soon. Right?
Wrong. Bakugou sat in front of the t.v screen with an open jaw and wide eyes as tears fell from his face.
Pro-hero, H/N, fallen in tragic battle against villain.
Bakugou could feel the world stop. He felt his heart beat all throughout his body as he shook. He couldn’t move. It was like he was frozen in place as he stared at the screen showing an image of you being impaled. He snapped out of his trance when his phone rang. Stupidly having hope that it was you, he immediately answered.
“Y-Y/N?!” Bakugou screamed into the phone with a broken voice.
“I’m sorry Bakugou.” He recognized the voice as his best friend, Kirishima. “I don’t think she’s gonna make it.”
Bakugou began to huff as he looked around the house. This wasn’t supposed to happen. This wasn’t what he wanted! You were supposed to come home and make up! You were supposed to be here with him! You were supposed to be home!
“Where are you?! Where are you, where is she?!” He screamed into the phone. Kirishima gave him the information and Bakugou was out the door, blasting his way to your location.
He forced himself to go beyond his limits as he traveled the distance to where you were located. He arrived at the busy land where the battle took place. He ignored everything else and set his sights on where you could be, until he finally took notice of a crowd of people, surround your seemingly lifeless body.
“GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER!” The pro screamed at the crowd. Everybody took notice of the hero as he ran to your body with tears in his eyes. Tears he vowed to hide from the public. As Bakugou landed, Kirishima and a few other heroes at the scene pushed the crowd away and told them to leave the couple be. The paramedics tried to take your body from Bakugou in a foolish attempt, but Bakugou refused to let you go. The paramedics allowed him to hold you, for they knew it would be for the last time.
Bakugou knelt down at your side and pressed your body to his chest. He still held frantic eyes as he examined your condition and felt his heart sink when he came to the conclusion that you weren’t doing so good. “Hey..hey, hey, hey. Y/N? Y/N, please. Please baby, wake up!”
His heart and head were in battle as one knew you weren’t going to make it while the other held hope and prayed you would. Bakugou moved the stray pieces of hair that covered your beautiful face and caressed your cheek. “Y/N come on! You have to wake up! We have to go home now!”
As his tears finally fell and dropped onto your face, you began to move and awaken due to his sobs and pleas.
“……..Katsuki,” you ever so gently whispered out, barely audible. But Bakugou heard you. He heard you well.
“Y/N! Fuck- thank fucking god!” He exclaimed into your neck as he cried. He sobbed while you merely looked to the sky, waiting for the heavens to take you.
“…I’m gonna die.”
At your words, Bakugou picked his head up and looked at your dull and almost lifeless eyes. His heart began panicking again as he shook his head. “No…no, baby, don’t say that. You’re gonna make it. I swear!”
“……I didn’t get to move my stuff out. I- ngh- ….I’m sorry.” You said with a weak look as you stared at nothing. Bakugou felt his tears fall heavier as he was reminded of your fight. He told you to leave. He told you he hated you. And he hated himself for even doing it.
“Y/N, please don’t leave. Please. I don’t want you to go..I- I didn’t mean it! I want you to stay. Stay with me! Stay alive! Please don’t go.” He begged as he held on a little tighter. You felt yourself growing weaker by the second and your vision was beginning to dull and turn hazy.
“…it’s too late.”
“It’s not! Please, it can’t be! Y/N!” Bakugou looked around for help when he realized he was left alone with you. “Y/N, please! Just stay a little longer!”
“…I’m tired, Katsuki.”
“I-..I know baby. I know. But- you have to stay awake, okay!? Stay awake, stay alive!” Bakugou cried as he looked at your life force drain right in front of him. What was he going to do?
You began to curl in a little more as you felt your body relax in his hold. “Katsuki?”
“Yes baby?” He frantically asked.
“…. I love you..and I’m sorry.”
His body took a screenshot as he looked at you in shock. Sorry? For what? You did nothing wrong. Today was horrible and it was his fault and now..he was paying the ultimate price.
“Y/N, I love you too.” He cried. He didn’t know what to do. What to say, what to think. He didn’t know anything. All he knew was that he wanted you to live. As he cried with shut eyes, his world stopped spinning when he felt you become dead weight in his arms. He shot his eyes open as he looked at your now lifeless body. “Y/N?…..Y/N!”
You didn’t get to hear him say it back.
Bakugou shook you, but to no avail. You were gone. But he refused to believe it. “Y/N!….Y/N wake up! ….This isn’t fucking funny! Please!”
Bakugou continued to try and get you to open your eyes until paramedics came to take your body and heroes pulled him away from you. “No! NO! LET ME GO! LET ME HOLD HER! PLEASE!”
“Bakugou! Stop! She’s gone!” Kirishima screamed as he held Bakugou back. The blonde continued to fight and struggle against the heroes that held him as he continued to reach out for you.
“NO! SHE’S NOT GONE! SHE’S THERE! SHE’S RIGHT THERE! PLEASE! LET ME GO! GIVE HER BACK TO ME!” Bakugou watched as the paramedics laid you down on a stretcher and covered your body in a sheet. The sight made Bakugou nauseous as he felt his heart drop to his stomach.
“NO!” He cried as he used his explosions to push away the heroes and ran to your body. The sight of the angry and heartbroken hero scared the medics away as Bakugou ripped the sheet off and was finally able to have you in his arms again. Kirishima was the first and only one who tried to reach out to him.
“STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM US!” He screamed as he held into your dead body.
“…Y/N..baby, please wake up. This wasn’t supposed to happen!” He cried as he pressed his forehead to your own and held onto the side of your face. “I’m so sorry we argued and had that fight…but- but I was going to make it up to you! I swear! You were supposed to come home..so I could give you flowers..and gifts..and- and I made your favorite meal! I set everything up back at home! You have to wake up so you can see! YOU HAVE TO WAKE UP SO YOU KNOW THAT I DIDN’T MEAN ANY OF THE SHIT I SAID!”
You remained silent and breathless, and yet Bakugou still tried, hoping you could hear him.
“Wake up…so we can go home. So I can show you all I did for you. So I can shower you in a thousand apologies, so we can cuddle on the couch…please.” He cried. “Y/N…..”
All of a sudden, Bakugou was pulled back by a hero’s quirk and held there. He fought against restraints and screamed against everything and everyone. “NO! NO! GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME!”
He continued to scream until he felt someone jab him with a sedative. He felt himself going weak and feeling drowsy. He was getting tired. His vision became fuzzy but he was still able to see them cover your body up once more as Kirishima tried to hide his view of you.
“No!” He screamed in a weaker, more tired tone. “No, please. Please..just-…just let me hold her. Please……Y/N….” And with that, he was knocked out.
When he came to, he awoke on his couch with Kirishima sitting at his feet with his elbows on his knees. When the red head noticed the blonde’s opening eyes, he was quick to grab him some water.
“Hey man, you’re finally-“
“WHERE IS SHE?!” Bakugou asked, slapping the glass of water out of his best friend’s hand. He grabbed onto the red’s shoulders and demanded answers. “WHERE’S Y/N!? TELL ME NOW!”
Kirishima looked at Bakugou with pitiful eyes. He slowly took hold of his friend’s hands and pulled them off of his shoulders. “Bakugou…I’m sorry.”
The blonde began to shake his head in denial as he began to cry again. “No..no! No, no, please! She can’t…”
“She can’t be gone.”
The blonde began to sob uncontrollably as Kirishima consulted him the best he could. He was unfamiliar with the blonde’s despair, the hot head had never been this upset before. The two friends remained on the couch until Bakugou calmed down enough to a point where he could talk…barely.
“H-How long have I been out?” Bakugou asked.
“Just two days. Don’t worry..you didn’t miss her…” Kirishima looked at his friend’s broken face as Bakugou lifted his head to show his friend his depression. He knew what words were coming. He didn’t know if he wanted to hear them. “….you didn’t miss her funeral.”
Bakugou squeezed his eyes shut as he allowed his head to fall as tears poured out of them. He silently suffered before asking another question. “When is it?”
“…in a week. Y/N didn’t have any family left-“ Kirishima felt his friend tense at his words. “…She didn’t have any blood related family left to give her one, so our friends and the agency put together a small one. Just her closest friends, the agency, and the heroes who fought with her in battle.”
“……I’m not going.” Bakugou stated.
“What?” Kirishima asked. “Bakugou, Y/N was your girlfriend. You guys were together even before U.A. and even after that! You both built a home together. How could you not go to her funeral?”
“I can’t face her! Not yet. I don’t deserve to get a good look at her face after what I did.” The pro sobbed. Kirishima looked at him in confusion, urging the blonde to continue. “I-….I said so many horrible things to her. I called her a fucking whore! I- I completely disrespected her and accused her of cheating when I know she didn’t! I told her to leave and to get the fuck out of my life! I told her I hated her!”
“KIRISHIMA I TOLD HER TO LEAVE BUT I DIDN’T MEAN IT!” He screamed. Bakugou began to cry again as he finished pouring everything on the table. “I didn’t mean it! I didn’t want this! And- and now, I’ll never be able to get her back!”
Kirishima processed his friend’s words and began to understand exactly why he was so upset. He placed a hand in his friend’s back before softly speaking. “…Go to her funeral. Going could give you some closure and relief. Don’t say you don’t deserve to see her because you do. Y/N would want you to be there for her. …Honor H/N’s name.”
Bakugou said nothing as he kept his head in his hands. He didn’t sob uncontrollably anymore but Kirishima could hear his sniffles. The friend pulled him in for a small one sided hug and spoke.
“You’re my brother, Katsuki…I hate seeing you this upset.” With that, Kirishima got up and walked to the exit. Before he left, he looked to his friend with a sad look. “I hope you show up..for Y/N.”
The day of the funeral came, and Bakugou didn’t show. He couldn’t. Despite everything Kirishima said, he just couldn’t bring himself to face you. To see you dead. Pale faced in the casket. The thought alone made him sick to his stomach.
Time passed and months went by before Bakugou could even leave his house to go to your grave. The first time he went, he brought your favorite flowers in a mix of roses. He found your name engraved on the stone slab before placing the bouquet down and sitting. It was a beautiful day..and all he could think about was how you weren’t here to enjoy it with him.
“Y/N…I’m so so sorry. The day you left..you didn’t even get to hear me tell you that I love you too. I love you so much and now you’ll probably never know just how much I do. You’ll never get to wear the ring I got for you..you’ll never get to walk down the aisle..I’ll never get to be the one to receive you at the end of that aisle. We’ll never have that family you wouldn’t stop talking about. We’ll never get to grow old together..and be together forever like we planned.” He said with a sorrowful expression.
“I told you I hated you, I told you to leave but I didn’t mean it! Please….. come back! I love you and I want you here with me! I didn’t want you to go, I didn’t mean it, please!…
…I didn’t mean it.”
As he cried at your grave, a gust of wind blew against his hair in a soft breeze. Too lost in his tears, he couldn’t make out that it was your spirit attempting to comfort him.
A ghost of you rested on your grave as you looked down at your ex-boyfriend crying more than he ever has before. You got down on your knees to sit infront of him as he cried with his head down as you placed an empty hand on the side of his face, knowing he couldn’t feel your touch.
“I know you didn’t mean it, Katsuki…I know.”
Tag list: @sxcker4you @aomi04
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outsideratheart · 3 years
I'll Always Come Back to You (Preath x Military!Reader)
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Anon request: Hey love, could you write a preath x reader. With military!reader coming home to them both.Just pure fluff😢
3 months, that is how long your mission was supposed to take. Now here you were 7 months later still in Afghanistan.
Your job was very important and you were very proud of the work you did but it did have its downsides, the biggest one, being away from your girlfriends.
“How is it going? I mean I know you can’t tell us why but” Christen begins to mumble.
“Everything is going according to plan, I should be hope by the end of the month” You tell her.
“Really! That soon” You cannot help but smile at Christen’s smile, it was infectious.
But it was the sight of your other girlfriend that now had your attention.
“What’s the matter Tobs?” You ask as she clearly wasn’t as excited as Christen.
“Nothing” Tobin lies.
“Well I have just told you that I am coming home and you face looks like a brick wall”
“It’s just that…well…we have had this conversation before and I got excited the first and the second time even the third but now” Tobin doesn’t look at you instead she plays with her hands.
“Baby, look at me” you wait until she does so.
“I know it can be hard but I have a job to do which is bigger than me. It requires be to be away from you, both of you. I miss you both so much and I am doing everything in power to come home to you as soon as I can”
You look up just in time to see tears falling down Tobin’s face.
“We know it’s hard Y/N which just miss you is all” Christen tells you.
“So how is camp? We watched your came against Sweden, there’s nothing quite like watching my girls tear up the field” you say trying to change the subject.
“It’s going good, we finally nailed that set piece I was talking to you about the other day” Tobin says.
She goes on to describe the play in detail and you smile at her passion. You could listen to her talk about soccer all day.
“What?” She asks as she catches you staring.
“Nothing, I just love to see you smile” Tobin blushes at your compliment. You loved that you still had this power over her even it is from the other side of the world.
“Oh Y/N, I tried that yoga routine you recommended. I was so sore the next day I could hardly walk” Christen rolls her eyes at your smirk and Tobin’s giggle which she managed to cover with a cough.
“Don’t say it” She tells you.
“Sounds like I never left” You say smugly.
“Chris you practically set her up with that one” Tobin says playfully.
“Y/L/N time for briefing” Your hear someone say.
“Duty calls” you tell them “I love you both so much”
“I love you” Christen says.
“I love you” Tobin says.
“Please stay safe” They both say in unison.
You blow a kisses at the camera before ending the video call.
After the brief your sergeant asks you to stay back.
“I know you have been on base a little longer than expected and we appreciate the work you have been doing so we are releasing you from Duty. I have organised a flight for you, if you go pack now you might make it back for you girls’ game” He tells you.
You were finally able to go home and you will be able to surprise Christen and Tobin since they thought you would be back at the end of the month.
Your bags were packed and your were on the plane. In order to keep the homecoming a secret you would have to cancel a FaceTime with your girlfriends but it would be worth it in the end.
You send them both a text saying that you will be going dark for next 24 hours due to the mission to had.
20 hours later, you land in Houston. You look at your watch to see that that have an hour before kick off so you make your way to the game.
Meanwhile at the stadium Christen and Tobin are freaking out as they saw on the news that there was an explosion near the base you were staying in and they couldn’t get in touch you.
“I’m sure she is fine. You said that she was on mission so that means that she wasn’t on base” Alex says trying to calm them down.
“Something is wrong, I can feel it. Last time I felt like this Y/N had been shot” Christen said.
“Christen!” Tobin shouts “you can’t just say something like that”
Christen goes to Tobin and gives her a hug, whispering something in her ear that the rest of the team can’t hear.
“Right, listen up” Vlatko enters the locker room “Christen, Tobin I have seen the news and i want you both to know that you are excused from today’s game”
“I want to play” Christen says.
“Me too” Tobin agrees with her girlfriend.
Before going onto the pitch there is another news report saying that there were no casualties at the bombing so that put’s them at ease but your dark 24 hours were over and they still couldn’t get in touch with you.
You arrive at the game just as the referee blows the whistle and you cheer loudly as you see that both Christen and Tobin are starting.
The game is over before you know it. It was finally time be reunited with the loves of the life.
The players begin their walk around the stadium thanking the crowd, luckily Tobin and Christen are at the back which gives to the chance to get the attention of one of the other players.
It is Ash that sees you first and goes to one of the security guards letting you know that you are family and need to come to the locker room. He escorts you through the stadium, down the several corridors and then you see it. ‘Home Team Locker Room’.
The team had won so most of them were celebrating but not your girlfriends, they were checking their phones and you knew they were waiting for a text from you.
You stood in the doorway watching them for a moment. They were your everything and seeing them in person floods you with all kind of emotions. You don’t realise your crying until Alex passes you a tissue. Turns out everyone had noticed your presence, everyone but the two people you wanted to see you.
“They’re all yours” Ash tells you patting you on the back.
You hear Christen telling Tobin to try calling you one more time and you see your opportunity. You get your phone out of your pocket and turn it on.
Your phones goes off seconds later and your answer it.
“Y/N! You finally answered, please tell me you are ok?” Christen says and you smile at her concern.
“How about you turn around to see for yourself” You tell her.
Christen runs to you, jumps into your arms and you catch her spinning her around.
“I can’t believe you’re here” She says as she places a kiss on your lips.
“She’s really missed you, it has been harder on her this time” Christen tells you signalling to Tobin who is still in her locker staring at you in disbelief.
You place christen on the ground, taking her hand in your as you go to Tobin.
“Am I dreaming because I have had this dream before, you come home then I wake up and your gone again” She tells you.
“I’m here baby” you say.
She stands and kisses you, this one more passionate than the one you shared with Christen which surprises you. Normally Tobin shied away from PDA but not today.
“I really missed that” you say pulling away.
“I have missed you so much Y/N” She says with tears in her eyes.
The rest of the team stand in shock, they have never seen Tobin this vulnerable.
“I hate to break up this reunion but it’s time to go back to hotel” Becky tells you and you, Tobin and Christen frown. “Oh no, I don’t mean it like that. Y/N can obviously come with us”
The ride back to the hotel took too long for your liking. You just wanted to get back so that you could have some alone time with your girlfriends.
As soon as you arrived the three of you politely declined team meal which everyone full understood.
You got to the hotel room and quickly got a shower to freshen up whilst Christen and Tobin got changed. When you came out your were wearing some shorts and a sports bra.
“Those pictures you sent really didn’t do you justice” You blushed at Christen’s statement remembering sending those photos to her.
You lay on the bed between Tobin and Christen and Tobin begins scanning your body and you knew exactly what she was doing.
“This one is new” she says pointing to a scar on your leg then placing a kiss on it.
“So is this one” christen says and she copies what Tobin did.
You had several new scars, none no bigger than a quarter but your girlfriends were very observant.
“We’re not playing this game, despite how much I love where it is leading”
Tobin hold her hands up in defence.
“We just worry” Christen tells you.
“I know you do”
You kiss her forehead and then kiss Tobin’s.
“Is that a new hoodie?” You ask Tobin.
“It is” she replies.
You look at her giving her your best puppy dog eyes. You loved Tobin’s clothes and often stole them.
You watch her take her hoodie off and give it to you.
“It’s smells just like you” you say as you put it on “thank you” you kiss her cheek.
You lay between your girlfriends as you all watch a film. These are the moments you missed, when it was just the three of you.
“We’re really happy you’re home” christen tells you.
“I’ll always come back you”
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michiieewrites · 4 years
THORST COLLAB: Bakugou - Starving till I tasted you
A/N: First: IF YOU’RE UNDER 18, BEGONE FROM MY BLOG SINCE I WRITE MATURE CONTENT!! This one has been sitting in my documents for almost 2 months now. This week inspiration finally struck me once again tho!
This fic is actually a Thorst Collab between my lovely friends & I on Discord. I’m the first one to post mine, so I can’t wait to see what the others will write!
If someone told you a year ago that you would have enough money to pay off your student debt, buy your dream apartment, help out your family and friends, move abroad and drive in a ’67 Chevrolet Impala, you would’ve died laughing at the joke.
You told yourself it was stupid, buying that lottery ticket. But here you are; $100.000.000,- on your bank account. A young and now rich Omega in her prime. After making sure you had spend part of it wisely, you made sure to live the rest of your life on interest alone.
The first month had been nice. Decorating your new place, going out for dinner every day, getting a new wardrobe, spoiling yourself silly. You got new nesting materials, softer blankets and bigger pillows. It felt nice. Until it didn’t anymore. It started to feel pointless and empty. You felt like you were becoming one of those people that flaunt their money and that isn’t the type of Omega you are.
So here you are. Sitting in your peach colored dress and a numbered paddle in your hand. Tonight, you attend a charity auction. The charity was a rehabilitation program for criminals who want to get back on the right path.
The auction items aren’t exactly… items. They’re Pro Heroes. People could bid on having a date with some of the most desirable Pro Heroes, Alphas, Betas, Omegas, all of them. Even No. 1 hero Deku and No. 4 hero Red Riot are up for auction, both being Omegas.
One of the last dates are being auctioned and you realize you have been zoning out. Not having bid anything yet, you put up your paddle.
“Going once, going twice… SOLD TO NUMBER 917 FOR TONIGHT’S HIGHEST BID OF $300.000,-! A date with explosion pro hero Ground Zero!”
Oh lord. Yes! You got- wait… You got actually got it? You won a date with Pro Hero Ground Zero. Wasn’t he the one with the explosion quirk? Impressive power and always capturing the villains. What separates him from Deku is his social skills. Or lack thereof, to be more precise. Ground Zero isn’t really the type of hero to stick around the people he saved to see if they’re okay.
On top of all that he’s also an Alpha. Highly sought out by Omegas who want a pup, but not the Alpha. His genes are what people want, not the man himself. His personality also making it harder for people to approach him. And you just won a date with the most desired and aggressive Pro Hero Alpha there is.
The voice behind you pulled you from your thoughts. The subtle scent of caramelized candy apples caught your attention. You turn around and find a handsome Alpha standing there. Arms crossed, cardinal red eyes watching you and his lips in an almost angry looking pout. This is the man you just bought yourself a date with.
“H-hi!” you manage to stammer out.
With a huff, he places a card on your table. You pick it up and see that it’s a business card from Ground Zero’s agency. At the bottom, writing in sleek handwriting, is a phone number. You look back up at him, ready to ask him why he gave this to you. But he’s already turning around and heading for the exit.
“Just contact me when you wanna plan that date things.”
And just like that, you had Ground Zero’s personal phone number.
 ~ A few days later ~
 You’re sitting at a small booth, sipping on your matcha latte. You were a half hour too early, so you decided it wouldn’t hurt to go ahead and order a drink before Bakugou would arrive. In his very first text he made it clear to call him ‘Bakugou’ and not by his hero name. He said that it would feel too much like an interview otherwise. In return you told him to just call you ‘Y/N’.
After some back and forth texting the last couple of days, you two agreed to meet up at a local coffee shop. Not a lot of people know about this shop. It’s small and the interior looks more like cozy living room than a flashy coffee shop. It was your favorite place to sit down and enjoy a cup of coffee, tea or like right now, matcha latte.
Neither of you had any set plans for the rest of the day. Just kind of going with the flow seemed like the way to go. This would give you the freedom to hopefully have a quiet ‘date’. But you can’t really know that for sure when the person you’re on a date with is a Pro Hero.
The sound of the bell above the front door rings. You look up and see him walk in. Sitting all the way in the back, you can’t even smell him scent. Weren’t Alpha’s supposed to have very strong scents? Maybe he’s on suppressants?
He scans the shop, probably looking for you. His eyes land on you. He walks over and sits across from you. He leans back against the chair and swings his right arm over the arm rest while the left one is resting on the table. His eyes trail down from your face to the drink in your hands.
“I see you couldn’t wait for me to arrive,” he gruffly says.
“Uh-uhm, yeah. Sorry, I was super early. I hope you don’t mind.”
The silence that spreads between you two makes your Omega feel uncomfortable. Something doesn’t feel right and you’re starting to think that the Alpha in front of you truly doesn’t want to do any of this. So, to make it a little more bearable for yourself, you pump out a small amount of calming pheromones. Just to take the edge of this meeting.
Bakugou keeps looking at you. Until he finally picks up the menu card and says: “It’s fine. It’s your day, after all.”
He was right, you figured. But you still wanted him to have a pleasant time today too.
And so the day continues. The conversation isn’t very lengthy or deep. You discuss basic things like work, hobbies, favorite food. After a while the conversation kind of dies down. You suggest you two head out and into town. The man in front of you doesn’t seem overly thrilled about it, but still agrees.
When you go up to the front to pay, you hear him quickly walking up to you. He pulls your arm back. Surprised, you let out a small sound of shock and look up at him. A confused look is on his face and he pulls his hand away from you.
“The heck are you trying to do?”
Confused, you say: “Uh, paying?”
“I see that, but why? Omegas don’t pay when they’re with Alphas.”
Wow. At first you didn’t know how to respond to this remark. True, Omegas usually aren’t the ones paying on dates. In the past an Alpha would go out and hunt for their Omega. Since the hunting days are over and many Omegas work nowadays, treating them on dates are a way to show the Omega they can provide for them.
“Well,” you say as you hand over the money to the Beta barista behind the counter and thank him, “I don’t know about other Omegas, but I’m perfectly capable of paying for drinks too. I can provide just as well as any Alpha.”
You two walk outside and turn left to head into town. You’ve been meaning to go to the bookstore and hopefully find some new reading material. Two birds, one stone, right?
“Tsk, should’ve known a rich Omega like you doesn’t like to be told what to do,” Bakugou mumbles to himself.
You stop in your tracks. What? Was that really what he thought of you? A rich and snobby Omega?
Realizing you’re not walking beside him anymore, Bakugou turns around. Your head is bowed in shame. Normally your scent smells like peaches and hazelnuts, but now it turns into that of rotten fruit. You feel called out. For winning the lottery, for treating this Alpha to some drinks, for basically buying yourself a date with someone who clearly wishes to be anywhere else but here.
Your voice shakes, but you gather all your courage. “I’ll admit I was given a lot more financial freedom recently. And yes, I don’t like being told what to do. I believe everyone should be treated equally, regardless of their second gender. But I have never in my life asked for something. I was taught to work hard, to help people and to help and reward the people that help you.”
You pick up your head and look him straight in the eyes, politely smile and say: “I’m sorry you had to do this. This isn’t really how you planned your day would go. You can go, if you want to.”
As you pass him, determent to still go to the bookstore, you feel a weight being lifted from your heart. It really is unfair to the Alpha to make him go on a date with someone he doesn’t like. Deep down inside your Omega whines sadly. She recognized a good and safe provider in the Alpha, one who isn’t driven by hormones to just get an Omega pregnant. One who isn’t controlled their Alpha status. Too bad his Alpha isn’t interested in the Omega.
“Fuck, crap- wait! Shit!”
The cursing Alpha quickly catches up to you. He stops in front of you, holding up his hands to halt you. “Okay, fuck-just… let me explain.”
You cross your arms at him and wait for him to continue.
“Okay, so… Listen, I’ve been a real dick to you. Not just today, but basically since that charity event when I gave you my card. It was wrong of me assume anything about you. Shit Y/N, you’ve been nothing but nice to me. You don’t mind carrying the cost of a date, you’re not flaunting it around town that you’re spending time with a Pro Hero, you put up with my shitty responses and that isn’t how you should be treated. Or anyone for that matter! You deserve a proper date. So just, maybe I can make it up to you?”
By the end of his apology, Bakugou practically gives you angry puppy eyes in an attempt to ask for forgiveness. He reminds you of an angry Pomeranian. Smiling, you tell him that you forgive him. This day is supposed to be a fun one.
“But! You’ll have to carry the books I’ll buy as a punishment. And just so you know, I always come out with two shopping bags,” you tell him.
Bakugou just grins. “Fine. They’ll probably weigh nothing for me.”
Something in the air changes. A little sniff of your nose helps you identify the change. The scent coming from the Alpha next to you is slightly peaked. You heard that when an Alpha is preening their scents get stronger. You hardly think that’s the reason. Maybe it’s just because he’s in better mood now. Whatever the reason, you find yourself agreeing with your Omega; it’s a very nice scent.
 ~ An hour and a half later ~
 “I’ve never met someone who spends over an hour inside a bookstore!”
“I told you when we came in that it could take a while,” you reply to Bakugou’s complaints.
“You do this with nesting stuff too? You know, blankets and shit,” he asks.
In both his hands, Bakugou is carrying a bag containing close to twenty books you can add to your bookcases back at home. Even underneath the sleeves of his hoodie you can see the muscles of his arms. He’s not as bulky as Pro Heroes Deku and Red Riot, but those muscles are pretty impressive. You bet your money that those thighs could squish a watermelon. You can practically feel the water filling your Omega’s mouth. She wants nothing more than to chomp down on those delicious shoulders. And honestly, you wouldn’t mind that either.
You remember you were asked a question. “I do. How else am I gonna know I made the right choice? All of those blankets and shit, as you put it, go in my nest. I’m at my best with a perfect nest.” A confident smile forms on your face and from the corner of your eye you can see Bakugou looking at you. A small smirk creeps up on his face.
While enjoying our little banter, you both failed to notice the Alpha towards the two of you. Until he opened his mouth. “I bet I can make your nest even better, little Omega.”
The other guy stops right in front of you, completely ignoring the Alpha next to you. You’re shocked and take a step back to create some distance between you again. But the guy doesn’t let up and steps closer again.
“No, now get lost,” you firmly say. This wasn’t the first Alpha-asshole you encountered.
“Awh, why the sour face, baby? Bet I’ll be more fun than the hedgehog here.”
“Oi, asshole! She said to get lost.” The smells of pheromones of two Alphas are dominating the air. The strongest one being the creepy guy, Bakugou’s not so much. You honestly confused on that point. With an Alpha as desirable as Bakugou, you truly expected a stronger scent.
You can’t help but release your own distressed scent. The tension is getting to you. Even other people noticed and are stopping to see how this plays out.
The creep briefly looks at Bakugou before returning his attention on you. “Come on, baby. Ditch this  guy and then you and I can have our fun. What do you say?”
He extends his hand to put it on our waist and before you know it, you slap his hand away and punch him in the face. He stumbles back while cupping his now bleeding nose. Screaming in pain and shouting names at you. He’s beyond pissed; punched by a fucking Omega!
The adrenaline is pumping through you and every instinct in your body is telling you to run. Hide. Find an Alpha to protect you. You’re frozen on the spot. Your mind shutting down.
That’s when you feel a hand tugging you away. Your Omega recognizes the person this scent belongs to. Caramel candy apples. Bakugou.
You don’t know where he’s taking you. Your mind still processing things. All you know is to follow. ‘Cause he’ll lead to safety. Alphas keep Omegas safe. Follow. Safety. Alpha.
By the time you get to take in your surroundings, you realize you’re in an office. An office? What are you doing here? You look around and see a wooden desk with a black leather chair. A small bookcase, a closet and a couch with coffee table. A puffy black rug is covering the wooden floor, complimenting the one black wall behind you. The other walls are a tinted orange color.
The scent hanging in this office is… comforting. Soothing. Safe. You’re safe in here.
You’re seated on the couch. Wrapped in something soft. A blanket. A big, fluffy and soft blanket. The scent is even stronger on the blanket. You slowly inhale, imprinting this delicious mix of sweetness. After a couple seconds you finally notice the man next to you. Bakugou grins as he sees your focus shifting to him.
“I take it the blanket is approved,” he jokes.
You slowly nod. This small little cocoon makes you feel less vulnerable. Just like the presence of Bakugou next to you. It feels right. “Where are we?”
“Oh yeah, fuck. We’re at my agency. This is my office.”
You’re confused. “Your office? Why? I’m sorry, I kind of… froze. Can you tell me what happened afterwards?”
The smile that spreads on his face makes you feel funny inside. “What happened?! Y/N, you punched that fucker right in his fucking face! Shithead had it coming, tho. You just beat me to it. Omega or not, you know how to fight.”
You two look at each other and burst out laughing as you think back to that glorious moment. The creep definitely didn’t see your punch coming. It feels good to know the man next to you thinks you’re a decent fighter. He seems to actually be enjoying your company. Maybe he’s one of those people that are careful with who they get comfortable with. It feels good to know he feels like he can relax a bit more around you now.
You jokingly nudge him and say: “I bet I can even take you on, you big grump.”
“Oh yeah?” His eyebrow is raised, grinning with his canines on display. “Prove it then.”
Knowing a challenge when you see one, you keep your eyes fixed on his cardinal ones and slowly lean in closer. Baring your neck to the side in submission to lure in his Alpha. Your Omega is very pleased by the motion. Just as he moves to lean in too, you throw the blanket in his face, grab his neck and shove him down on the ground. Stradling him and jabbing your elbow into his side, pressing your nails into the skin of his neck.
Smiling down at the man below you; “How’s that, Alpha?”
A short lived victory as he snarls and the two of you roll over, with Bakugou keeping you pinned underneath his weight. He may not look like it, but this man weighs a ton!
“If you’re trying to be a worthy opponent, why not call me by my first name? It’s ‘Katsuki’,” he breathes heavily atop of you.
Next to your ear you hear a low grumbling sound. Still seeing this as a playfight you laugh and reach back. Your fingers finding pressure points in his neck, making him let go of you. This gives you the chance to overpower him again and straddle him once more while holding his wrists above his head.
Victorious once again, you look down. Growling and teeth bared, the air around you growing thick. The smell surrounding you hits you like thunder. The caramelized candy apple scent overwhelming your senses. Your eyes travel down to his neck and see something you failed to notice before; gland patches. Patches to block someone’s scent from becoming too noticeable. That’s why the other Alpha smelled so much stronger. But now, now you’re drowning in it. You can pick up on rage, possessiveness and… arousal. As much as he’s growling and snarling at you, you know that he’s enjoying this too.
Chuckling at you, he cranes his neck. His face now closer to you than a moment ago. “I’m pretty sure I just got my ass handed by the most perfect Omega.” His words push through the alarm bells his instincts are sending off. His Alpha is not pleased about being pinned down. But as it takes in the Omega’s scent of peaches and hazelnuts, it can’t help but lie down and surrender itself to this tasty smelling Omega. An Omega that can fight back. An Omega that can hold him close. An Omega worthy of carrying his pups.
His Omega.
Before either can properly get out any words Bakugou has wrestled his hands free and grabs a hold of your hips while your hands pull his face closer and seal the distance between your lips. The taste of sugar coated apples is even stronger on his lips and you can’t get enough of it.
His fingers press deeply in your skin, kneading the flesh. His hips pushing upwards while holding you in place. The low rumbling sound in the back of his throat being accompanied by your mewling. You wanted more of him, your Omega needed more.
The Alpha makes his displeasure heard. You both part to breathe in fresh air. His lidded eyes are on fire and following every movement you make. Your hands slip down to his collarbones and settle on his shoulders. The path of your hands make Bakugou throw back his head. His body is pressing into yours desperately, like he has no control over it anymore. His growling increases in volume.
Through gritted teeth he manages to speak to you. “Fuck, Omega. What are you doing to me?”
Taking a leap of faith, you answer: “I don’t know. All I know right now is that I need capable Alpha to take care of me. Are you that Alpha, Katsuki?”
Before you can even blink, you’re being rolled over again. This time you’ll let him have his way. His hands are sliding their way up to your chest, grabbing the front of your shirt and tearing it apart. You try to protest, but you’re stopped by the warning growl of his Alpha. You lay back down and occupy yourself with running your fingers through his hair. Your gently massage making the Alpha let out a content sound.
Entranced by the man above you, you hardly even notice his onslaught on your clothes. And his own clothes. Getting those replaced will be a worry for later, your Omega decide. All you need to focus on right now is Katsuki. You want this Alpha to mate you and it needs to happen right now, or else your Omega just might perish on the spot.
That’s when you feel it. The hard and heavy feeling of his cock rutting itself against your core. Your body can’t help but react to it and release a good amount of slick. Katsuki’s mouth nipping along your collarbones as your bare you neck in submission. You feel his fangs graze your scent glands and you start to whimper desperately.
“Fuck, Y/N. Keep making those pretty noises,” Katsuki says.
“Yes, Alpha, yes. Just-ah shit! Just fuck me already!” you loudly exclaim.
Now who is Katsuki to deny such a nice plea from such a good Omega?
Wasting no time, he slides himself inside. The stretch making you cry out for more, deeper, more, anything he can give you. You just know you need more. Barely able to hold himself back from ramming himself inside and fucking you like you’re in a heat, he takes his time for your to fully take him in. A sigh of satisfaction leaves you both when he finally does.
Your legs wrap around his waist and try to pull him deeper in. Your fingers curl around his spikey locks and tug harshly to get him moving. Grunting, Katsuki finally complies. Being buried inside you sends him into over-drive. You feel too damn good around him. He feels too good inside you as he sets in a brutal rhythm. You’re pretty sure no other man could ever make you feel this good. No other Alpha could ever please your Omega ever again. Feeling his body slam into yours like his life depends on it is possibly the best feeling in the world. Your lungs are sending out a mix of his name, pleas for more, for him to go faster.
Katsuki can’t help it, he can’t stop himself anymore. He need to do this, he needs you, his Alpha needs to mate your Omega. Give her everything she wants and all that she’ll take. Only the best for his Omega, he will be worthy of giving her pups.
You can feel the base of his cock starting to inflate. His knot. His knot is growing. As soon as you notice, you start to claw at his back. A need filling you till the point you’re almost bursting.
“Alpha! Knot, please- Alpha, knot me- I need- Need your knot, Alpha!” you scream in desperation.
He wants to. Oh, he wants to so badly. But in the back of his mind there’s one braincell left that tells him that now is not the time nor the place. His Omega deserves better.
“You deserve better than to be knotted in my office, Y/N,” he moans, “please give me a chance to give you something better one day. I’ll be the best fucking Alpha there is!”
You love the sound of that. Something better. Somewhere in the future. A future with Katsuki. “Yes, Kastuki! Only you, you’re the only Alpha, please, I’m so cl-“
The moment he sinks his teeth into the flesh just above your collarbone, you’re send into a world of blinding lights and exploding fire. His name keeps falling from your lips. The waves of fire keep pulsing through your body.
The tight grip around him becomes too much for Katsuki. He needs to pull out or else he’ll knot you for sure. When he you keep chanting his name, he pulls out and covers you in thick, long, white streams of his cum. Covering you in his seed, marking you as his in an obscene, but beautiful way.
“Look at you, perfectly covered in my cum,” he pants.
You preen at the compliment. A content scent is released. The smell of a happily fucked Omega. Katsuki could get addicted to this smell.
With the shredded pieces of clothing he cleans you up. He pulls the blanket you discarded earlier over you both as he lies down next to you. Your tired and warm body cuddles closer to him. He drinks in your scent a you purr softly.
“What did you have the blanket for in your office?” you ask with a yawn.
Katsuki looks down at your half-asleep face. A smile forms on his lips as he gently kisses the top of your head.
“I kept it for my future mate.”
Tagged: @reinawritesbnha @thots4daze @hipster-merchant-of-death @aizawascumslut @strawbirb @ravenfeet222 @sailor-manga @yanderart @league-of-villians-headcanons
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wkemeup · 3 years
Sunrise (5)
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summary: After an explosion takes his arm and his only sense of belonging, Bucky is content to live out the rest of his days in the hollow comfort of the dark. This is, until Sam drags him down to the local VA and he meets you. (Modern AU) pairings: bucky x reader chapter word count: 4.3k warnings: really flippin sweet fluff, more book recs a/n: to avoid confusion - the manner in which Bucky lost his arm is different in this series than in canon  🧡 series masterlist / series playlist
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For the first time since Bucky was discharged from active duty, he had a routine again.  
The curtains were open before he took a shower in the morning; sunlight streaming in through the windows and casting a gentle glow over the apartment. It touched over books piled high on the coffee table, pillows neatly lined on the sofa, and blankets folded over the arm rest. Steve had nearly done a double take the first time he made his usual beeline to whip open the curtains to expose a dusty and unkempt apartment, only to find Bucky making coffee in the kitchen, freshly showered, and the sun shining high in the sky.  
It had been almost a month since his first attendance at book club and he’d gone through nearly a book a week just to have the excuse to visit you at the library again for another. You’d given him your number after his first trip to the library with a binding promise to text you if he was held up in his apartment in pain again. You’d sworn to bring books straight to him and read them aloud if you had to.  
You had laughed as you said it, like it was only a joke. Bucky had nodded along, but if he were honest, he would have liked that very much.  
He’d arrange for times to meet you at the library at the end of your shift where you’d always have a book waiting for him. There’d be a few sitting on the shelf you’d set aside, but without fail, he always opted for the first one you presented to him. You hadn’t led him wrong so far.  
After, though neither of you directly proposed it, you’d often find yourselves back at Luciana’s. It was like your feet simply carried you there, a silent agreement to spend as much time together as you could, even if you were both too afraid to admit it out loud.  
He came to understand why Sunday was your favorite day of the week. Bucky started to take it upon himself to meet you at the library to walk you to the VA where he fulfilled his word to help move the couches before the usual members arrived. The look of surprise on your face when you bounced down the library steps and caught sight of him leaning on the pillar a few steps away from the busy sidewalk had been enough to convince him to never leave your side again. 
Your smile was one he’d learned to memorize. He conjured it when the strangers bumped into him on the sidewalk threatened to collapse his racing heart entirely and it pushed him further. It was enough to convince him to keep going beyond the safety of his apartment walls and it was worth it every time. Just to see you smile at him like that.  
“Have you started it yet?”
Bucky blinked a few times, reminding himself of his surroundings. You stood on his right side in line at Luciana’s behind a couple of tourists who were having a hard time discerning the difference between a cappuccino and an americano. He raised an eyebrow, confused, and you gestured to the book in his bag.  
“Oh, I just flipped through the pages so far,” Bucky said, pulling the book from his bag; thick black cover with a small white illustrated creature staring up at the stars. Everyone's a Aliebn When Ur a Aliebn Too written by an author that seemed to go by a name as misspelled as the title, Jomny Sun. “It looks like a children’s book?”
You grinned and your shoulders lifted in a shrug. “It’s somewhere in between. You have to trust me on this one. It may seem young on the surface but it’ll tug at your heart strings. Hold your judgement until you’ve actually read it, Barnes.”
Bucky chuckled, nodding. “Hey, I never said I didn’t trust you. Just curious where you’re leading me on this one.”
“Be blind, Bucky,” you sang, teasing him. “I won’t guide you into a creepy forest or the bottom of the ocean, I promise.”
“Oh good. I was starting to worry.”  
It was strange to feel so light again, but there was something about your presence that allowed him to let go of all the weight he carried. He could set down his baggage at his feet for just a minute to give his back a break, to stretch out his muscles and find relief in the solace. You would have offered to carry some of it yourself if he’d asked— of that he was certain. But it was a heavy load, and he wasn’t sure he was ready for you to see what was inside just yet.
The bell to the café rang behind him and a mother and her young son walked inside. The little boy held the woman’s hand as he scrunched his nose at the smell of the coffee, pouting up at her. A bright red backpack hung off his shoulders, Velcro ties over his tiny sneakers. The soles lit up as he walked.  
“Mommy, I want to go to the playground,” the kid whined and Bucky watched you laugh to yourself from the corner of his eye.  
“We will, sweetness,” the mother replied calmly. She bent down to brush the hair from the boy’s eyes. “Mommy just needs a bit of caffeine before we—”
“Whoa! What happened to that guy’s arm?” the kid gasped, a mixture of shock and amazement in his tiny little voice.  
Bucky tensed up immediately, every muscle in his body turning to stone. When strangers noticed his arm, he was usually met with unwanted stares and hushed whispered, but children were a whole different story. They had no filter, no sense of the unspoken rules garnered by society; they were driven by their own curiosity and something as trivial as politeness did not get in the way of that.  
“Oh, honey,” the mother gripped tight to the boy’s arm, lowing her voice in hopes Bucky hadn’t heard him, “you can’t ask things like that.”
“Why not?” the boy replied innocently. “Where’d it go?”
Bucky could feel your eyes on him, studying for his reaction, but he couldn’t offer one. He was stone, after all. A frown tugged at your lips to see the sudden distress wash over him and he felt an aching puncture of embarrassment deep into his stomach. It only took the mere mention of his arm to wipe him to a blank slate, to throw him back to the battlefield where it was torn from his body. Any unexpected reminder of it usually did.  
You nodded at him, offered a small smile, like you were trying to tell him it would be alright. Then slowly, you turned around and knelt in front of the boy.  
“Hi,” you said sweetly, catching the mother off guard.  
“Do you know what happened to his arm?” the boy asked, must to the dismay of his mother.
“Mason! Oh God, I am so very sorry,” the mother quickly apologized, flustered as she desperately tried to hush the boy. He pressed his face into his mother’s arm.  
Bucky stole a glance over his shoulder to find you kneeling on the floor beside the boy, smiling at him as he clutched a plush triceratops to his chest. You tilted your head at him, trying to get a better look at the boy.  
“You want to know what happened?” you asked softly. He nodded, arms wrapped tight around his stuffed toy. You glanced up at Bucky and his eyes narrowed on you, heart beating a little faster, stomach twisting, before you turned back to the boy. “He did something really brave.”
Did you know? 
Did Sam tell you? 
Bucky’s legs started to feel weak.  
“You like superheroes, huh?” you continued, pointing at the image of a man in a red cape flying on the boy’s t-shirt. The boy nodded shyly. “They swoop in and save the day with their super strength or magic powers, right?”
The boy started laughing, he was smiling again, standing free from his mother’s hold. She was staring at you like you were akin to one of the characters on the boy’s shirt. Bucky felt the stones cracking around his body, freeing him from their grip.  
“Is he Super Man?” Mason whispered, glancing up at Bucky with such wonder, it took him by surprise. The boy was so small, no older than four years old. Bucky didn’t know the last time he’d even talked to a kid that young and yet here you were, at the boy’s level, making him laugh and smile and easing the concerns of his mother.  
“No, he’s not,” you laughed for a moment. Then, you softened, gathering the boy’s attention again. “My friend here doesn’t have super powers. So, when he saved someone, he got hurt. But I think that makes him very brave, don’t you?”
The boy nodded enthusiastically, grinning so wide Bucky wondered how it was possible your smile could be so infectious. The mother mouthed a soft ‘thank you’ in your direction as the boy quickly changed subjects to the sprinkled donut he was going to eat for snack. She caught Bucky’s eye for a minute and nodded at him, almost in appreciation. He pressed his lips to a thin line. He wasn’t sure if he was supposed to say anything back.  
You ordered his usual coffee and one of the freshly baked muffins, then a drink and a pastry for yourself. In Bucky’s distraction with the kid, he hadn’t noticed you pay before he had a chance. He felt like he was in a bit of a trance as you led him back to a table in the far corner of the shop, away from the windows and the customers.  
“You alright?” you asked as you slid into your chair opposite him.  
“Did Sam tell you?” Bucky blurted out before he had a chance to bite his tongue. It was the last thing he wanted you to know about and he had half a mind to storm up to the VA just to rip Sam a new one before he shut himself off in his apartment for a few weeks.  
It was the reason for the reoccurring nightmares that hadn’t let up in the last month, even when he’d started to have more good days than bad. They’d celebrated him for what he’d done, given him a medal, and thanked him for his service. The very thought of it made him want to vomit.  
“Hey, hey, Bucky look at me,” you called gently, your voice at the end of a dark tunnel. He blinked, adjusting to the light. “Sam didn’t say a word about what happened. I had a theory and I made a guess. You’re clearly a good man. It didn’t feel like much of a stretch. That’s all.”
Bucky clenched his jaw, staring down at the muffin as he picked at the paper cup. He heard you sigh, surprised that he couldn’t find a single sliver of impatience in your voice. When he looked up again, you smiled sweetly at him and asked him about Alien – Aliebn? – book; quickly lost in tangent of your favorite pages and moments you were excited for him to read.  
He was grateful for the change in subject, but more than that, it gave him a chance to just admire you. There was nothing strange about watching a woman, studying the intricacies on her face and the passion in her voice, when she was speaking right to him. He nodded along, doing his best to actually take in what you were saying, but he was so easily distracted by the brush of steam touching your nose, the press of your lips into your cheeks, the lines on your forehead, and the way your eyes seemed to light up the entire city block.  
The kid, his arm, and nearly six years of combat were quickly forgotten when he had the chance to watch you like that. You hardly let him get a word on, too caught up in your own excitement for the novels you placed in his hand, but he didn’t mind. He preferred to listen to you anyway. Your voice had a calming presence about it; soothing and gentle, loving and joyous. If it weren’t for the clock hanging on the wall above your head, he might have sat there all night with you.
“We should probably head over,” he pointed out reluctantly, gesturing to the clock as it approached six.  
You frowned, following his gaze to see the time had slipped by quicker than you realized. As you began to clear off the table, throwing the scraps in the garbage and setting the mugs on the counter for Luciana, Bucky began to wonder if maybe you would have sat there all night with him, too. If only he could find the courage to ask.
Bucky removed the clip from the book, closed the back binding, and slumped back into the cushions. The room was still pretty quiet, everyone’s noses still down in their books as the soft strum of Simon & Garfunkel played from the speaker by the coffee table. He glanced over at you as you sat beside him, a little closer than usual, though he didn’t mind. Your hip brushed his every so often when you adjusted position. It was a kind of closeness that left him wanting more.  
You were only halfway through your own book, but you could clearly sense him watching you because you slowly looked up in his direction, a pointed smile on your face.  
“You were right,” he admitted, his voice a hushed whisper in effort not to disturb the other members. “Surprisingly deep considering it’s a children’s book for adults.”  
“Hey maybe we need pictures on our pages, too,” you whispered back, teasing him with a nudged to his right shoulder. He laughed, leaning back comfortably against the couch as Tony’s eyes glared over in his direction from the top of his book. He pressed his lips together to keep quiet.
You snickered into Bucky’s shoulder, lips pressing against the sleeve of his jacket and he had never wanted to remove that layer more in his life; to actually feel the imprint of your mouth instead of just the press of your face, to feel the heat in your breath breathe through the thin layer of his t-shirt. He shivered.  
“Alright kids,” you said aloud, setting your book on the table. “Times up for today.”
“Oh, come on, Y/n! I’ve only got one chapter left!” Clint whined, stretching out dramatically along the table he was laying across.  
“Glad to hear it, Clint,” you smirked, hands planted firm on your hips. “Finish on your own time.”
A couple of ‘ooo’s rang out and it reminded Bucky of his days sitting behind a desk in class in grade school and a kid would get called up to the principal's office. Clint took it in stride though and seemed to bask in it, throwing up a pose in face of the chorus.  
The crowd quickly dispersed after that, though a few of the older members lingered behind to update you on how far they’d gotten in their books. Bucky watched you from a distance as he started to move the couches back into place, mesmerized by the glimmer in your eye as you spoke to them, a soft hand resting on the crook of their arm, nodding along with a smile on your face – always so genuine in every interaction, in every bone in your body.  
Bucky had practically finished arranging the entire room by the time you walked back inside. Your jaw dropped, wide eyes meeting his.  
“You didn’t have to do all that by yourself!”  
Bucky shrugged. “How long were you doing it on your own before I came along? Take the help when it’s offered, Y/n.”
You smiled at that. “Still. I appreciate it.”
“It’s really nothing,” Bucky said simply.
He hadn’t felt a drive like this is years. Not even before his final tour and the destruction that came with it. He hadn’t remembered what it felt like to want to lift even the smallest of burdens for someone else just to see the weight slip from their shoulders, just to see them smile. He found himself wanting to carry everything you had, even if it started with arranging the heavy furniture of the empty VA library.  
You chewed on the edge of your lip as you watched him approach the door, your jacket in his hand. He had wanted to hold it open for you, to let you turn your back and slip your arms through the sleeves, but it just wasn’t something he could do with one hand, and instead, he placed it to hang over your forearm. 
A longing for a world in which you met him before his body had been put through the shredder ached deep into his gut. It started to push a frown onto his lips, but then your voice broke through and he shook it away.  
“Ready?” you asked, gesturing to the door and he nodded, following closely behind.  
There was a sudden nervous energy in the air he didn’t expect, and for once, it wasn’t coming from him. He glanced over at you as you walked in line with him to find you fidgeting with the zipper of your jacket, hands wringing into the fabric, and hair falling out of place and down into your eyes. You exhaled a few tense breaths as Bucky opened the main door for you, following behind as you stepped out onto the side walk.  
The two of you stood there for a minute, neither one making a move to leave. You kept glancing back at the VA, then to your watch, barely able to look in Bucky’s direction and he started to feel that familiar twist of anxiety in his stomach.  
“Hey, are you oka—”
“Do you want to go for a walk?” you blurted out before he could finish, biting down quickly on your lip as if to stop yourself from saying more.  
Bucky froze, confused. He glanced down at his watch. It would be dark soon. “Now?”  
A flash of embarrassment quickly passed over your features and Bucky’s stomach dropped. 
Was it possible that you just wanted to spend more time with him? That maybe you could crave his presence the same way he did yours?  
“N-No, no, you’re right. It’s late. I’m sorry,” you muttered quickly, arms folding protectively over your chest. You kicked at a stone on the sidewalk, watching as it rolled over on its side. “I should, uh, I should head home then. I’ll see you later, Bucky.”
“There’s a park nearby,” Bucky offered before you could turn away. You lifted your head.  
“Yeah?” A cautious smile hung on your lips as you stepped closer to him.  
Bucky nodded, trying to push away the shaking in his hand. “Yeah, come on.”
A couple minutes passed by in silence as you walked along his side. Every so often, your knuckles would brush up against his hand, a nervous laughter between you as you pulled away. It happened so quickly each time, he never had a chance to respond. Even if he did, he wasn’t sure he would have had the courage to twist his fingers into yours, hold your hand tight to his own, feel the warmth of your palm and guide you along the cobblestones to the small space of greenery amongst brick and steel and concrete.  
“I hope you don’t mind me keeping you out late,” you said slowly, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear as you waited at the intersection to cross the street.  
“Not at all,” Bucky replied sincerely, offering you a small smile in hopes to ease your nervousness. Part of him wished he said more, maybe told you that spending time with you was the best part of his day or that you were the reason he was getting out of bed most mornings, but it was too big of an admission. It could scare you away and that was the last thing he wanted. Before he had a chance to decide, the light turned and you stepped out onto the street. Bucky followed closely behind.  
The entrance to the park was bordered with a dark metal fence, an arch way carrying over the brick walkway decorated with flowers and vines. You crossed underneath, pausing to stare up the twisting of the leaved through the pattern in the arch, a delicate finger reaching out to touch the tip of a petal. You looked back at Bucky with a smile twice as wide on your face and he hung his head, a breath of a laugh in his chest.  
The park was mostly empty for a Sunday evening. The last remaining streams of sunlight lit up the greenery, touching over the flowers and the reflecting into the pond at the center where a family of ducks were waddling along the edge. You seemed to like that, watching how the babies followed the mama along the rim of the water. Bucky turned to his right to find you imitating their walk, chasing after them until they stepped into the water.  
Meanwhile, Bucky found a bench sitting under an old oak tree. Its branches hung draped over the bench enough to provide a shadow from the closing sun. It faced the west side of the park, where the sun was setting just over the tops of the buildings and illuminating the sky in brilliant shades of golden orange and vibrant reds.  
“You want to sit for a bit?” Bucky asked, gesturing to the bench. His feet were a little tired from walking through Brooklyn all day with the library, the VA, and now this. It was more than he usually did these days – not that he minded. He’d happily allow his legs to be a little sore if it meant more time with you. He’d walk through busy streets for miles if it was you he was walking towards.  
You plopped down on the bench on his right, sinking into the old wood. You glanced over at him, hiding behind a strand of hair that had fallen down into your face.  
“Thanks for amusing me.”
Bucky raised an eyebrow, chuckling to himself. “You act like I don’t want to be here.”
“I know, I know,” you laughed, swinging your feet off the side of the bench. “It’s just... and I hope this isn’t a strange thing to say but... I just like spending time with you. Wanted a little more of it today, I suppose.”
Bucky swallowed, his throat feeling suddenly very dry. His heart stammered a bit inside his chest, butterflies causing chaos in his stomach, but it didn’t make him want to run. He felt no drive to escape, to push those sensations so far out of reach he turned back to the numbed and empty version of himself he’d been occupied by for months before he met you. They were frightening feelings, yes, but they were pleasant ones, ones he welcomed and invited inside.  
“You can have as much of my time as you want,” Bucky said as the words fell off his tongue. No filter, no second guessing. No chance to bite his tongue. You looked up at him with a kind of hope in your eyes that made his cheeks start to hurt from how much he was smiling.  
You settled back in on the bench, gazing up at the sunset as it lowered behind the buildings. Brush strokes of softer tones blended into the fading blues in the sky, giving way to the moon and stars as they emerged beyond the clouds.  
He glanced down at your hand as it rested on the bench by your thigh. There was hardly even a breath of air between his pinky to yours. You were so close; it would only take one instant of courage to bar the space between you.  
Be brave, Barnes.
Testing the waters, Bucky allowed the very edge of his fingers to brush over your knuckles. Your skin was softer than he’d remembered from that first handshake in the VA nearly a month earlier. He felt your breath hitch like a jolt of electricity had rushed though you, though you didn’t tear your eyes away from the sunset. Your thumb ran a tender line along his hand as you turned your palm up. Bucky swallowed.  
He slipped his hand into yours, curling his fingers to the space between your own, and for a moment he just let himself feel.
He felt for the slight give in your hand, the twitch in your movements as you settled in against him. He felt the gentle sway of your thumb as it painted a line along his, comforting sweeps like you were reminding him you were there. He felt the chill in your skin – cold hands, like he remembered from before – and the heat of his own.  
Then, your head on his shoulder. Your legs crossed towards him as you leaned in closer and he made no efforts to move. A gesture like that would have thrown him in a tailspin before he met you; to be this close to someone, to anyone, to sit in the vulnerability of allowing someone to know and feel him.  
He looked back up at the sunset. It had nearly dipped below the horizon now; only a few glimpses of color remaining in the sky and the shine of the lamppost just a few feet away.  
You sighed in a contented hum, circling your free hand to rest on the inside of his bicep, hooked around his arm. You held him against you like a teddy bear, just wanting to feel more of him. 
It was a strange sensation, he thought; this new urge to want to give you as much as his body could offer.  
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 317: My Boy Was Just Like Me
Previously on BnHA: AFO randomly blew up Lady Nagant as a good reminder of why you should never make a deal with this fucking guy, smdh. Hawks was all “well if it isn’t my two best friends, Deku and Lady Nagant, both of whom I respect and love tremendously.” Everyone was all “??” and Horikoshi was all “shh... just pretend” because it was too embarrassing for him to admit that he forgot to write a couple of set-up flashbacks I guess. Anyway so Hawks got Lady to tell them where AFO was hiding out, and everyone said goodbye to her and Overhaul, who never did get to see his boss (sorry buddy, I’ll send you a vial of my tears in the mail), and headed out to a house in the woods. AFO was all “hello Deku :) :) it sure is fun making you suffer :) :) :) anyways this is a trap”, and blew up the house. Yeah, we all here are getting reaaaaaaaal tired of your shit, AFO.
Today on BnHA: The Hawksquad and Edgeplatoon meet in a warehouse and are all “what should we do about the fact that everything sucks?” Mt. Lady is all “here’s a thought, what if we tried battling AFO with more than six people.” Hawks and Endeavor are all “great initiative, but just a friendly reminder that our friends also suck and would probably betray Deku which would suck further still.” Shouto is all “ANSWER THE PHONE DAD” and Endeavor is all “[IRONICALLY DOESN’T ANSWER THE PHONE].” Meanwhile over in Sadtown, capital of Sadland Prefecture, Japan, Deku is all “All Might, as you can clearly see I am completely fine and good, never been better in fact, definitely not caught up in the throes of an epic mental breakdown which is shutting me down emotionally, anyway so on that note I would like to leave you now goodbye!!” All Might is all “[can’t actually form any words because he’s too distraught].” Fandom is all “o(╥﹏╥)o.” Horikoshi is all “(*^-’) 乃 [pew pew finger guns and barrel rolls into the darkness].”
sweet jesus lord
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this literally doesn’t even look like Deku anymore?? this looks like Dark!Deku who shows up to fight you in that one room in the Water Temple. he looks like he’s about to crawl out of my television set and murder me with his psychic powers good lord
holy shit lmao Horikoshi is really just shrugging his shoulders and resolving last week’s cliffhanger with a single line of dialogue
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fire is no one’s weakness. idk what other options you’ve got, AFO, but you’re gonna have to go back to the drawing board. maybe try bees or something. I’m just saying. we’re all expecting fire at this point but nobody is expecting bees
anyway so now they’re all sitting in some warehouse somewhere chatting about it I guess. shoutout to Horikoshi for finally giving my man Edgeshot some more dialogue at long last
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well, Edgeshot, to answer your question, she exploded. so naturally she’s fine
nah just kidding, Hawks says she won’t be able to help them out much because she’s recovering from being exploded. this is the part where we all ignore the fact that Hawks got set on fire for like a full ten minutes back during the War arc and was only in the hospital for a day. anyways enjoy your temporary plot hiatus Nagant
man there’s a lot of dialogue here and I’m trying to figure out where to insert commentary but it’s kinda difficult lol. basically, Edge and the others are saying that they should gather up the other remaining heroes and get them all caught up on the whole OFA situation. which, hmmmm
like on the one hand, these guys definitely aren’t going to cut it on their own, so it’s a reasonable suggestion on the face of it. but on the other hand, do we really want to entrust the OFA secret to a bunch of other people, most of whom shat the bed during the War arc to be quite frank? is it really worth the additional risk? especially given that any one of them might go spilling the beans to the public -- or worse, betray them to AFO??
also just a quick side note here, Mt. Lady’s character development never ceases to delight me. she’s become so committed to her responsibility as a hero these days, and it fucking suits her. I genuinely consider to be one of the elites now. I mean it doesn’t hurt that all the other elites are fucking dead lol but still
wait what? Death Arms retired??
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Death Arms as in the guy who was too afraid of a little fire to try and save a terrified 14-year-old kid who was slowly suffocating right before his eyes?? that Death Arms???? color me surprised. shocked, I tell you
...okay but holy fuck
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Death Arms. bro. my expectations for you were low but holy shit. like I’m sorry, but I don’t even have it in me to try and pretend like I feel the slightest bit of sympathy for him or Old Man Samurai or any of those other guys today. thanks for a whole lot of nothing my dude. good riddance
(ETA: so I’m rereading this the next day and realize this comes off as kind of harsh, so let me just try to clarify. it’s not the fact that he’s quitting that bothers me, to be honest. it’s the fact that he’s quitting specifically because he feels like the public is being mean to him. that’s it.
seriously. it would be one thing if he was quitting because he was scared, because now that is human. nobody wants to die, and I doubt any amount of training can ever fully prepare someone to go up against that fear. but the thing is, he never once mentions that, or talks about the danger aspect. instead, I got the distinct vibe from this speech that Death Arms is one of those people who only became a hero because of the limelight. and I just don’t have any patience for that. if all you care about are likes and subscribes then go become a fucking youtuber or some shit. nothing wrong with that! but you didn’t; you signed up to be a hero and protect these people. they gave you their respect and admiration because they trusted you to protect them. and now that they’re no longer in the mood to worship and applaud your every move on account of them being scared shitless because they’re living in the literal end times, you decide to dip. so like okay, fine then. don’t let the door hit you on the way out. anyways lol sorry for the rant.)
anyway so yeah. perfect example of why I don’t exactly have a ton of faith in most of the remaining heroes out there lol. also let me just once again give a shoutout to my best girl Mt. Lady whom I suddenly find myself appreciating all the more
“please calm down makeste. drink some water and enjoy this fresh new jeans pun” listen Horikoshi don’t tell me what to do dammit
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fine. it is a nice pun, I guess
-- damn so now Endeavor’s saying that the media is already being fed info by the retired heroes. so for some of these guys it wasn’t enough for them to abandon all the people they swore to protect and to leave their fellow heroes out in the cold; they decided they might as well actively make things worse for them while they were at it, huh. like I get wanting to spill all the dirty secrets from your old job that you just quit, but this isn’t Jeff Bezos you’re screwing over, this is a sixteen-year-old kid
-- like, yes!! this, right here!!
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exactly!! let’s not forget that there are already two prior instances of this happening. Endeavor arguably deserved it, but Katsuki not so much
huh. Endeavor seems to have a more optimistic outlook regarding this than I do lol
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I mean, this is the same public that didn’t hesitant to blame a kidnapped child for his own kidnapping, and then later on for being the downfall of the Symbol of Peace. but okay then
anyway so blah blah blah, more talk about how they need to use Deku as bait, which basically puts them back at square one, and then they’re all just trailing off into silence and sitting around in the dark lmao this is getting very depressing
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OH HOW THE TURNTABLES OMG. THE GHOSTER HAS BECOME THE GHOSTEE. Endeavor you petty son of a bitch. and what a brutal cut to that flashback too. “let’s stop Touya together” nah Shouto I’ve got a better idea why don’t I abandon you in U.A. and sally off with Hawks and Jeanist to found the “let’s pretend like we’re doing something to help Deku” club, which basically consists of us sitting around making terrible decisions all day long
Shouto, honey. you deserve better my little Coca Cola can. .........but if you really do have something important you need to tell your dad you could just text it to him. all the love and support, hugs and kisses, you’re doing amazing sweetie. but if you need to pass on any vital information you can just write it down and hit send honey that’s all I’m saying love
now he’s getting another call?? -- or, no, Hawks is getting a call from All Might
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so while you all were sitting around talking about how useless you are, the kid you’re supposed to be protecting was battling another hired gun. I see. please pardon me for one second, I have a phone call to make. the phone call is to RockLockRock and Manual. the reason for the call is to apologize for calling them the worst bodyguards ever back during the War arc. the reason for the apology is because it turns out I WAS SEVERELY MISTAKEN OMFG
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shoutout to Horikoshi for offscreening this fight. we get it, lol. Deku strong and scary, villains ineffectual and feeble, and AFO... [checks notes] yep, still a dick. the angst arc continues
-- the angst arc continues, SIR
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jesus christ I may have to rethink all of my opinions about Deku being framed for murder in movie 3 lmao. never mind. he did it, your honor
holy fucking shit Deku. “he might blow up, so please be careful” fdlskjflk jlskdjflk lwkejflk anyway so I’ve decided the explosion running gag can stay, actually
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lol why do I get the feeling some serious shit is about to go down. ALL MIGHT NEVER MIND BACK OFF I THINK HE NEEDS HIS SPACE
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shit. shit shit shit shit and OF COURSE all I can fucking think about is that stupid fucking prophecy and gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Deku please. please please please if you really are going to leave All Might here, please be so very careful in choosing your farewell words to him now because have this sudden horrible fear that this might be the last time you ever see him alive and oh god. oh god oh god
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holy shit. and the fucking callback to the prophecy now. just in case we forgot. WHICH FYI, WE DIDN’T. but that’s basically confirming that this is all still very much on the table and HORIKOSHI NEVER FORGETS oh my god someone please hold me
and the fact that Deku’s flashing back to it now too, though?? because he never forgot either, because of course he didn’t, and now all this stuff is happening, and AFO’s words are getting to him, and this is literally his worst fear come to life and so of course he’s distancing himself from everyone, and now it’s finally come to even this. even the person he admires most
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(ETA: just a quick note that even though some of the posts I’ve read have described these as All Might’s flashbacks, I’m pretty sure they are Deku’s. most of these are scenes that only he was there for, so yeah. even though All Might is the one thinking the thoughts on the next page, the flashbacks are what’s running through Deku’s mind right now, and so we’re getting that emotion from both of them, which makes it extra devastating lol.)
wait, what???
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WHAT??? do you really think that’s why he’s been so determined to protect you this entire time?? simply because you’re his successor?
-- oh no wait lol I think I got that mixed up, this is All Might saying that Deku feels the need to protect him. well that makes more sense lol
oh my god I cannot
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his last words. his last words to him. and we can’t even see if he is smiling, like All Might always encouraged him to do. but what are the odds he can’t actually bring himself to do it. what are the odds he’s actually crying. oh god this scene is going to rip my heart out and STOMP on it in the anime isn’t it. Deku’s VA is going to full on murder me with emotion. not that there’ll be much of me left to murder after the thorough job that Horikoshi has already done here
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nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope no words just feels just a big ol’ pile of feels. I do not have the strength. future me... [broadly gestures] good luck with all that
what breaks my heart here is All Might. All Might, and everything he’s been through, and history repeating itself, and forcing him to live this moment from both sides because he wasn’t strong enough to fix things.
Toshinori had only just turned eighteen when Nana died. like, I feel like we don’t mention this enough. the All Might we know is a sixty-something-year-old man, and so everyone always talks about him like he’s basically been an adult forever. but he was a child when he met Nana. and he was still just a child when she died. barely a year older than Deku is now. younger than Mirio was when we first met him.
and we don’t talk about that. we don’t talk about how devastating that was for him. and we don’t talk about how the reason he grew up to become so reserved and withdrawn -- for all that he always tried so hard to outwardly project the image of a bold, confident, smiling hero -- was specifically because of what AFO did to him. because AFO targeted him in the exact way that he is now targeting Deku. because that’s what he does. he goes after every new user of OFA, and he finds out what’s most important to them, and then he destroys it. and for Toshinori, that was Nana. if you’ve read All Might Rising, you know that AFO basically killed her in front of him (and only killed her, while letting Toshinori and Gran get away). Toshinori (while crying) later says she was like a mother to him. and interestingly enough, during this same conversation, Gran tells Toshinori that he can see “that madness in [his] eyes” when Toshi talks about becoming strong enough to defeat AFO. madness in his eyes. sound familiar??
what’s happening to Deku now is the exact same thing that happened to Toshinori when he was a boy. AFO tried every bit as hard to break him as he’s trying with Deku now. “the path you’ve chosen is a thorny one. every battle grinds away at your soul with no end in sight.” we don’t talk about how Toshinori experienced this same thing for forty fucking years. and all the while isolating himself, exactly like Deku is doing now. pushing people away, exactly like Deku. because he never had anyone who was able to reach out and pull him back. and those words that he now finds himself frozen and unable to speak -- “don’t push yourself”; “you can rest” -- are the same words that no one ever said to him until decades later, when it was already far too late to make any difference.
everything that Deku is experiencing now is what Toshinori also went through. and it’s only now, as he watches it happen to his student, the boy he loves like a son, that he’s finally starting to realize the full extent of how wrong it was. you shouldn’t have to fight alone. you shouldn’t have to bear that kind of enormous burden alone. you shouldn’t have to push yourself, and you can rest. you can rest.
but it’s too late. just as he’s finally coming to understand it all, it’s all too fucking late. and he can’t say the words, he doesn’t know how to say the words, and then just like that, Deku is gone.
and he’s alone. again.)
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I can’t. this can’t be their goodbye. I’m not ready. for this to be how they finally part, and then they never see each other again except in OFA. how is that fair. how is that fair. how is that fair
fuck me. lol. how many pages are left in this thing. let’s just wrap this up lol. so now of all the times for this fucking guy to finally show up
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I can’t believe Stain has been here literally this entire time hiding behind this random wall and cutting onions. that was you who was cutting the onions, right. no need to answer that we’ll just say it was
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Stain did you also let AFO give you a new quirk. what’s with you guys. do you like blowing up
oh nvm lol because they were talking about THIS GUY ohhhhhh my fucking god
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omfg. and so yes, good, the chapter is ending here now on page 15. for once I am FULLY on board with that lmao
anyway so tune in next week for more adventures of Werewolf Deku!! that is, assuming we don’t finally cut back to U.A. at long last, which is actually a strong possibility considering that this chapter will likely mark the end of volume 31. it sure wouldn’t kill Horikoshi to start giving us some hope after everything he’s just put us through lol. KACCHAN COME GET YA BOY
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goldentournesol · 3 years
Not in That Way
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*gif not mine, found on Giphy*
(Spencer Reid x fem!Reader)
The one where Spencer’s TA falls in love with him.
Length: 3.3k
A/N: VAGUE SPOILERS FOR S15 AHEAD! AGE GAP (10 years). Read at your own risk everybody, very angsty. NO PART TWO’S WILL BE WRITTEN. enjoy :)
It wasn’t hard, really. It wasn’t hard at all to fall in love with Spencer Reid. In fact, it was the easiest thing she’d ever done. It came so easily that it shook her to the core.
Really, what’s not to love? He is a badass FBI agent with a heart of gold, he can literally recite almost any book to her on demand, and it certainly doesn’t hurt that he looks like he’s been sculpted by a coveted artist.
She didn’t know though, she didn’t know how easy it would be to be completely enamored by someone. She didn’t know what kind of life she’d be stepping into when she’d applied to become his Teaching Assistant. She’d heard from her peers that there was a part-time professor who had been looking for a TA. She signed up without a second thought, desperate for any kind of connections that could possibly help her with her PhD in forensic psychology. When she’d learned that he was a certified genius whose other job was to be a real life superhero, she hoped and prayed he’d pick her application.
She was over the moon when she found out that he did indeed pick her out of all the students who had applied. This was an opportunity of a lifetime. She’d seen his university ID photo on the website and thought he was attractive, but seeing him in person was almost magical. The camera definitely could not quite pick up on the subtle gold flecks in his irises or the silky sheen of his hair. And that smile. She was sure she could drown in it forever.
After being chosen and going through a number of interviews, Y/N learned just how meticulous Dr. Reid was in everything he did. She helped him create the syllabus as well as build his lesson plans. Over the semester, she would go over his grading since he had the tendency to give students the answers instead of making helpful comments on the papers to make them think and reflect. She’d also learned about his particular aversion to technology, which meant they had multiple meet-ups when he was in town just so she can walk him through certain systems, like the university’s portal system as well as the email. She also showed him how to pose his answers as questions instead, explaining that sometimes, he shouldn’t answer their incomplete thoughts because it's an undergrad class. Also, with his unpredictable schedule concerning the FBI, she would often step in and teach his class whenever he was away on a case.
They’d become good friends outside of his office and classroom, probably closer than they should have been. He was just too likeable and she was always eager enough to hear what he had to say, thus a bond between them was born and reinforced each time they saw each other. He was so thoughtful, it shocked her. Once he’d heard her mention that she used to love collecting keychains when she was a child, and made sure to get her a new one from each state he’d visit thanks to his trips around the country. Her previous boyfriends were beyond disappointing in comparison to say the least, and they weren’t even dating. He knew her favorite coffee order by heart and often had it ready with a fresh croissant whenever they met at the university’s coffee shop and if they were meeting at his office, he’d take them to go. 
It was little things like that that made her fall in love with him. And she knew, it’s not like she didn’t, she just chose to hide it with every cell of her being. Crushing on your professor is pretty common amongst university students, but being a TA and being desperately in love with your professor was a whole different kind of story. 
She already admired his intelligence in class immensely, however hearing his stories from his time out in the field made her heart grow three times the size of normal. His stories ranged from being about geographical profiling, to action-packed anecdotes, and even funny moments with the team.
Was she constantly impressed by him? Yes.
Was she constantly worried about him? Also yes.
Which is why she’d practically made him adopt the habit of texting or calling her every time he landed in DC. They’d been chasing this unsub, Lynch, for months on end and he’d informed her that they were finally close to getting him. The last time they talked two days ago, he was feeling confident. But then it was just silence. He hadn’t texted her, he hadn’t called her. She didn’t even know if he was back in DC. Her mind took her places she didn’t want to go. He’d gotten so good with keeping her updated that this silence was turning her blood into ice water.
She’d left 11 missed calls so far. But she didn’t give up, she was determined to hear from him. The next morning she tried again, holding her breath and squeezing her eyes shut in a silent prayer.
“Hello?” Someone finally picked up, a woman.
“Hello? Who is this? I’m trying to reach Spencer Reid.” Y/N said into the phone, voice clearly on the edge of tears.
“Oh you must be Y/N Y/L/N. You’re Spencer’s TA. I’m Penelope Garcia, I work with Spencer.” She said into the phone evenly, calmly.
“Yes, I am. Did something happen to Spencer? He hasn’t contacted me in two days. Why do you have his phone?” Y/N worried into the phone. She could hear every heartbeat, loud and clear.
“Spencer is in the hospital. There was an explosion yesterday and he hit his head really hard. We found him passed out in his apartment this morning.” Penelope answered. Y/N’s eyes widened and she felt the tears slip from her eyes quickly. The panic began to set in.
“C-could you please text me the address?” Y/N managed to whisper into the phone through her tears.
“Of course, sweetie. He’s going to be okay. His mother is here, I’m assuming you know about Diana?” She asked tenderly.
“Yes, yes, I know. I’ll be there as soon as I can.” Y/N said, already rushing to put on shoes and looking for her keys.
The drive to the hospital wasn’t long, but Y/N felt like it took ages to get there anyway. Her breathing was uneven and her eyes were already swollen as if she’d been crying for days. There was a bad, bad feeling reverberating around in her chest. She’d somehow floated through the hospital like she was running on autopilot. 
She’d found the room and met eyes with a blonde woman adorning two identical blue puffs in her hair. She would have thought they were adorable if she wasn’t panicking her heart out. She spotted Spencer laying on the hospital bed with oxygen tubes hanging around his ears and inserted into his nose. The sight made her stomach lurch. Something about the way his usually pink lips were drained of their color made her want to sob until tomorrow came. Beside the bed on the other side sat Diana Reid, a tall woman with short blonde hair. She’d seen her in photos before. Diana merely stared at her with a hint of a smile.
She stepped in the hospital room, swallowing down the bile in her throat, “H-Hi, I’m Y/N.” She waved tentatively into the room, almost unable to keep with the tensity of the two women’s gazes. She wiped at her eyes and stood at the foot of Spencer’s bed, “Is he going to be okay?” She asked, staring at the steady rise and fall of Spencer’s chest. That way it was reassuring to watch him. She could hear her heartbeat in her ears as she stood.
“The doctors are hopeful.” Penelope replied, assessing the young woman who just entered. She was much younger than she previously thought she was. Although she had no idea what to expect when it came to Spencer’s academic life, he was always surprising her.
Diana sat still and silent in the hospital chair, a pensive expression draped across her features. Penelope sensed a tension in the room and looked towards Diana, “Hey, Diana, would you like to come with me down to the cafeteria to fetch some jello for Spencer to eat when he wakes up?”
Y/N sent Penelope a sidelong glance filled with gratitude. She tuned out the sounds of Diana telling Penelope the story of the first time Spencer had jello as they exited the small room. She immediately pulled up the chair closest to his bed and grasped his hand tightly. She let out a shaky breath at the contact. Cold, his hand was so, so cold.
“Oh, Spencer, you scared the shit out of me.” She whispered, pressing her lips to the back of his hand quickly, “I could have lost you today...and-and I wouldn’t have known what to do with myself if that would have happened. I know you probably can’t hear me, but I still have to say what I’m going to say. I have to. For myself. So here goes,” she pauses, taking a deep breath, “there’s nothing that scares me more than losing you, and that thought alone terrifies me.” She sniffled, wiping away her tears, “What I feel for you terrifies me, Spencer. I didn’t know I was capable of loving someone so deeply until I met you. And...I don’t know what to do with all this love, I want to hand it all to you, let you see yourself the way I see you, but I can’t do that. I can’t.” She held back an incoming sob, whispering, “I can’t ask that of you.” 
She bowed her head and rested it along his forearm, her silent tears soaking through the hospital sheets. The fear of grieving for him outweighed the fear of rejection. She’d never forgive herself if he died without knowing how big of a space he occupied in her heart. She didn’t know if she was brave enough to tell him to his face while he was awake, but this was a start. Solidifying her feelings was a start. And man, were they solid.
A few minutes later, her phone began to ring because of an endless stream of emails. There was a class today, and she’d have to teach it. She went back and forth from her phone to Spencer’s face and released a deep, heavy sigh from the pit of her chest. She stood from her seat and hovered her hand over his cheek before allowing it to rest timidly on his skin.
“I have to go, but I’ll see you soon.” She paused, chewing on her lip, “I love you.” She said softly, fresh tears making their way back to the brim of her eyes. She pulled away from him and exited the room swiftly. 
Spencer’s bleary eyes opened slightly to just barely catch the sight of her disappearing into the hallway from which she came. Seconds later, Penelope and his mother came marching in, seeing his open eyes.
Penelope set down the cups of jello nearby and Diana made her way to her son quickly. He could barely keep his eyes open for long enough. It was a small achievement but they both held onto it dearly. 
Hours later, he blinked his eyes open again as he heard his mother and Penelope conversing about his favorite type of cloud. Diana leaned over her son’s bed and set a comforting hand on his shoulder. He stared at her fondly.
“Am I alive or is this heaven?” He asked, smiling slightly.
“You are very much alive.” Diana smiled broadly at him.
Garcia had since gone back to the office to assist the team in finally closing the Lynch case. Spencer was just waking up from yet another snooze. 
Diana looked at him closely, sometimes he felt she was the profiler in the room, “She told you didn’t she?”
Spencer rubbed at his eyes slightly, “Who are you talking about?” He yawned.
“The pretty girl who was in here earlier.” Y/N’s name had slipped her mind the second she said it. Spencer stared at his mother incredulously, shocked at just how clear her mind was at the moment. Diana took his silence as an affirmative and nodded at him.
“You should tell her.” She said definitively. For a moment, he doubted if he understood just what she meant, but he understood.
“How did you know?” Spencer asked curiously.
“I told you, a mother always knows. And I saw the way she looked at you. She deserves to know, Spencer.” Diana said.
She deserves to know.
The thought tumbled around in his head for days after he was discharged from the hospital. He was on medical leave for the moment but as soon as he could see straight, he took the train to her apartment. He’d been there a few times, they’d had a few casual dinners there while grading papers together or coming up with future lesson plans. His hands were on the verge of trembling as he knocked on her apartment door. The numbers nailed on the door mocked him as he stood waiting for her to open.
She frowned at the sound, she wasn’t expecting anybody. She pushed her laptop to the side and stood to straighten her pajamas, making her way to the door. She ripped it open as soon as she saw who it was.
“Spencer! Oh thank goodness you’re okay! I’ve been worried sick about you.” She threw her arms around his middle tightly, making him stagger a bit from the impact, but he enveloped her in his arms anyway. The contact was very welcome.
“Hey.” He smiled into the hug, his heart spilling with gratitude over being worthy enough of her attention. They separated from the embrace and she stared at him with a look resembling wonder.
“What are you doing here? I thought you still had a few more days off until you had to get back to work. Come in, come in.” She moved aside to let him in. She also moved a plethora of blankets and textbooks off the couch to make space for him to sit.
“I know, I’m sorry for kind of coming over unannounced. I didn’t mean to intrude or anything.” He eyed her matching set of cartoon character pajamas as he took a seat, making a mental note that it was the most adorable thing he’s ever seen. She blushed under his gaze but shook her head nonetheless.
“Oh come on, you know you’re always welcome here. Can I get you something to drink? Some water or coffee, maybe?” She asked.
“Water’s fine.” He smiled, leaning back into the couch. She nodded and made her way into the kitchen. Spencer’s shoulders untensed for a moment and he hadn’t realized that he’d been carrying so much of his worries in them around her. She came back with the water and took a seat next to him, angling her body to face him. He muttered a thank you as he sipped from it, unsure how to approach the situation.
“I wanted to thank you. For coming to the hospital to see me. That meant a lot.” He met her eyes and saw a flash of panic dance across her irises. How did he know she was there? Penelope probably told him, right? He couldn’t have heard her.
“Of course, Spencer. It’s the least I could do.” She smiled sweetly. His heart cleaved in his chest as he stared at the sweet girl in front of him. 
What did he ever do to deserve her friendship? 
He fidgeted with the glass in his hands, a silence beginning to drape over them.
“Is everything okay?” She asked, noticing his fidgeting. 
He took a deep breath and set the glass down on the coffee table in front of them. He turned his body to face her and reached for her soft hands. Her breath hitched at the intimate contact, butterflies erupting in the pit of her abdomen.
“You are a remarkable person, Y/N. I’m so lucky to have you in my life. I see the absolute worst that humanity has to offer on a daily basis, but you have made it your mission to make my life easier. And you do, honestly, I wouldn’t know what to do without you.” He said with soft eyes and a half-laugh. She smiled back, she could practically feel the rush from his words directly in her brain.
“And it is an honor to be loved by you,” his voice hesitated to say the word, his eyes darkening with regret as he continued. Realization snapped into place for her as he said, “but I can’t give you what you need.”
He had heard her. He knew.
Her blood ran cold as she tore her hands away from his, as if the skin on his hands had the ability to burn her. He frowned as he watched her frantic eyes search his for any semblance of dishonesty. Her throat closed up over all the words that fought to surface. She opened her mouth to say something but nothing came up. Instead, tears sprung to the corners of her eyes.
“What?” She whispered, brokenhearted and momentarily in disbelief.
“I’m sorry, Y/N.” He tried to console her but she was past the point of consolation. 
“I-I understand.” She nodded painfully, tears cascading down her face before she even got the chance to wipe them away, “It’s my fault. I shouldn’t have said anything, it’s completely unprofessional.” She swallowed an incoming sob as best as she could.
“No, I’m glad you told me, but if I’m being honest, I knew long before it. This isn’t about professionality, I don’t care about that. But I care about you, a lot.” Spencer said softly, staring at the young woman in front of him. She shook her head, utterly devastated and doing her best to shield herself from his gaze. Thoughts escaped her as her heart took a deep-dive to settle in her abdomen.
“And I thought I should let you know how I feel. I love you, Y/N,” he paused, “just not in that way.” The soft voice he used was completely useless against the harshness of the words. 
She tried, she tried her absolute hardest to suppress the incoming sob, but those words just about broke the dam. She rubbed at her eyes, nodding. He tried to set a comforting hand on her shoulder but decided against it. She took a deep breath and stood up from the couch. 
That was enough humiliation for the day.
“No, no, I completely understand.” She said, voice wobbly and eyes ringed with red. He frowned up at her at the sight of her being so upset. 
“Will you be okay?” He asked as he stood up from his seat. She laughed slightly, this man had devastated her, broken her heart with a few simple words and still wondered if she’d be okay. That’s Spencer Reid for you. The question made her heart ache and long for him more. His simplicity and good intentions made her question why the world wasn’t kind enough to let her have him.
“No, I won’t. And I probably won’t be okay for a long time. Because I will keep meeting men and keep comparing them to you so, until I stop doing that, no, I won’t be okay, Spencer.” She answered with a surprisingly stable voice. He frowned and nodded.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered, stepping forward to cup her cheek and gently use his thumb to wipe the remainder of her tears. Her glassy eyes bored right into his, her lips wobbling at the contact. She then closed her eyes and leaned her cheek into his palm, soaking in his warmth one last time before he tore himself away from her completely and showed himself out of the apartment without looking back.
That was when she allowed herself to fall apart. He heard her heart wrenching cries from behind the door and hesitated, but decided to walk away anyway with a chest heavy with regret.
She will never be enough for him, she thought.
He will never be enough for her, he thought.
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magpietoriches · 3 years
LockDown Part XV: Forget the Rest
Summary: An old “friend” of yours arranges a meeting with a mysterious figure. 
Setting: 2018 in an alternate timeline where Loki made it to Earth after the events of “Thor: Ragnarok” and Sam Wilson, Wanda Maximoff, Clint Barton, and Scott Lang are still on the Raft.
Pairing: Loki x Reader (First Person)
Playlist ~ Masterlist ~ Next Part
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0:30:00 until the Bomb goes off
     “Yeah,” I said. I had my phone resting between my shoulder and neck, ensuring that my hands were free. “I’m just opening the link you sent me.”
     “It should take you to a private chat room,” Logan instructed. 
     I looked at the website with uncertainty and switched the phone to my other ear. “It says I need to enter an access code?” I was starting to fucking hate access codes.
     “It’s 0982.” 
      I entered each digit as Logan spoke. The chat room looked like a website designed in the 90s, complete with cheap graphics and neon text. The second I entered the passcode a text box appeared. “The Power Broker will see you soon. Please have your web camera ready,” I read. “How soon?” I asked Logan as the website morphed into a white canvas. In the middle of the screen was an 8-bit-cartoon man, in a suit, who kept taking his top hat on and off. Each time the hat was removed a speech bubble would appear over the man’s head saying, “The Power Broker will see you soon. Please stand by.”
     Loki tilted his head to the side, seemingly mesmerised by the looping cartoon. “What is your friend telling you?” Loki asked. I held up my hand impatiently to get Loki to be quiet and he blinked at me in surprise, his mouth fell open in shock. 
     “Whenever they’re ready,” Logan told me, “The Power Broker is a busy person. You don’t call The Power Broker. The Power Broker calls you.” 
     I turned away from Loki and lowered my voice. “I just assumed when you said you could connect me...“
     “That’s not what I said. I said I could maybe arrange a meeting.”
     I returned to where Loki stood and took a seat across from the laptop, still perched on the kitchen island. The built-in webcam, on the computer, had a piece of scotch tape over it, which had been coloured in black. The tape began to fray as I peeled it off. The cartoon man was replaced by the image of my face and of Loki standing behind me. Due to Loki’s height, all you could see of him was his torso. I winced when I saw myself. I looked every bit as horrible as I had imagined. I pulled out the hair-tie that had now become lost in my mess of curls and attempted to brush out my tangles with my fingers. I looked more like I had survived an explosion than someone about to have a virtual meeting with a prestige broker.
     “You’ve used the Power Broker’s services before, right?” I asked, rubbing my hands along my thighs, nervously.
     “Mmm,” Logan responded, “No, I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting them.”
     “WHAT?” I shouted in shock. Loki’s look of concern did not go unnoticed. His hands clenched into fists as he stepped towards me in a manner that could only be described as protective. 
     “I was going to hire them, but Charles died. What would have been the point?” Logan explained. 
     The last time Logan and I saw each other was when he returned to New York for Charles Xavier's funeral. He and I spoke about Charles for hours. I discovered the infamous mind reader and I had something in common; a love for paintings. Logan mentioned he had been trying to purchase a painting for Charles before he died. It was the first time I had learned of the Power Broker. 
     “I’m sorry Logan. I know how much Charles meant to you. I just- when you told me you were going to purchase a painting for him, I assumed you had already met the Power Broker.”
     “I haven’t met the Power Broker but I’ve met a lot of people who have. Let’s just say the Power Broker deals in more than just paintings.”
     “Are you still trying to live out your X-Men days? Logan, if the government finds-“
     “Yeah, yeah, if the government finds out I didn’t take the mandated cure I’ll be arrested. I heard the speech. I’m fine in Madripoor. You shouldn’t worry about me.”
     I lightly shook my head. “How dangerous is this Power Broker?”
     “Dangerous?” Loki asked, panicked. “No. I’m not letting you connect with anyone who is dangerous. Tell your friend the plan is off.” Before I had time to react Loki grabbed the phone from my hands. I stood up and tried to retrieve my cell, but it was to no avail. “Hello, this is Loki,” he greeted with a forced smile. Loki’s tone was even despite the fact I could see him brimming with anger. When Loki mentioned my first name a familiar shiver ran down my spine at the sound of it. The last thing I heard Loki tell Logan, before he handed the phone back to me was, “If you put her in harm's way I will find you Logan, and I will rip you limb from limb.” 
     I gave Loki a disapproving glare. “He was kidding,” I told Logan when the phone was back in my hand.
     “Tell Loki, I’d like to see him try.” I rolled my eyes and made a mental note to associate myself with more mundane people. “If you’re worried about the Power Broker being dangerous, don’t be,” Logan told me. I put my phone on speaker so Loki would be able to hear. “The Power Broker is only as dangerous as you need them to be. So, some words of advice; Don’t mention you’re working with the Avengers. The second you do, the Power Broker is going to end the call.”
     “I’m not working with the Avengers, got it. I’ll just explain that my friend was given an original painting and I was wondering if they may have brokered the sale and, if so, with who,” I replied, giving Loki a thumbs up.
     “That’s a horrible plan,” Loki chastised. My thumb immediately fell down.  
     “No, it's a great plan,” Logan responded. I nudged Loki’s stomach. “Great if you want the Power Broker to never speak with you again. Do you know what kind of clients the Power Broker has?”
     “No?” I said, unsurely. 
     “Exactly. They’re good at their job because of one reason and one reason only, discretion. You can't ask who their clients are, you need to approach this as if you’re a potential client. Trust me.”
     “Is there anything else I should know?”
     “There is,” Logan revealed and I held my breath in anticipation. “I hope everything works out.”
     “That makes two of us. We all can’t be immortal,” I smiled.
     “I’m not immortal,” Logan replied in a serious tone, “No one is.” 
     “Yeah,” I replied, staring at Loki, “That’s what I’m afraid of.” 
     “I thought you said you didn’t have any friends,” Loki said after I ended the call. 
     “Oh, Logan. He’s more of an acquaintance.”
     “How do you know each other?”
     “Have you ever heard of mutants?” I asked and Loki shook his head. “They’re humans born with a gene that gives them superpowers. They’ve always been hated. Seven years ago the UN developed what they called a cure to get rid of the X gene for anyone who wanted it. A lot of people thought the cure should be mandatory. I wasn’t one of them. I was 22, fresh out of journalism school and I got assigned my first big story. I was going to write a piece on the X-Men. They were a team of mutants that lived at a school in New York. They weren’t unlike the Avengers, except they were actually friends with each other. Anyway, I was hoping my story would show the X-Men in a new light. Get people to sympathise with them.”
     “Did it work?”
     “I don’t know. My editor rejected the story. A few months later the UN signed a bill, making the cure mandatory. Now there are no more mutants. Well... there are a few, Logan being one of them, but you aren’t supposed to know about that.”
     “Seven years ago,” Loki said to himself. I could practically see the wheels turning in his head.
     “If it wasn’t for the cure the X-Men would have fought you in New York,” I said, confirming what I guessed Loki was probably thinking. 
      “The humans must have regretted their decision.”
      “You’d think. The earth needs more than just the Avengers, but a lot of humans can’t get past their hatred of mutants.”
     “Why?” Loki asked, sounding baffled. 
     I found Loki’s naivety refreshing. “Humans hate what they can’t control, or understand. Basically, they’re racist.”
     “Humans hate what they can’t control or understand,” Loki repeated sombrely. I could see the worry in his eyes, and I could imagine the weight on his shoulders. “I guess I’ll never find a place where I’m accepted, then. Humans loath me for being the God of Mischief and Asgaridans loath me for being a Frost Giant.”
     “I don’t,” I revealed. Loki opened his mouth to argue but I cut him off. “Not everyone is going to accept you. But not everyone hates you. You just have to surround yourself with people that love you, for you, and forget the rest.”
     “I’m afraid I don’t know who I am anymore.”
     “You said you wanted the freedom to choose who you are. Besides not being a monster, who do you want to be, Loki?”
     “I want to be worthy of love.” 
     Loki’s words shattered my heart. “You are worthy.”
     “Have you ever been in love?” Loki inquired. 
     I took a deep breath. 
     “Besides with me of course,” Loki teased when I hadn’t answered his question.
     I wish I hadn’t said I loved him. Not because it was a lie, but because it was the most honest thing I had ever blurted out in my life. Loki promised he would never hurt me, and I believed him. But now I was making it nearly impossible for him to keep that vow. 
     “I told you to forget I ever said that.”
     “Maybe I don’t want to forget it.” 
     Earlier in the evening, I told Loki that he never gave me the false hope that he might love me. What I never accounted for was that I might fall for him. But how could I not? When the asshole goes and waits outside the closet door for me, and dances with me. And kisses me because it makes me smile. 
     “I’ve been in love before,” I said, deciding to answer Loki’s question. “The problem is people don’t love me back. I tend to ruin things whenever I get close to people. I let my mask slip and no one ever seemed to like wasn’t underneath.”
     “What’s underneath?”
     “Where do I even begin?” I snickered, “I try to maintain this facade that I have any idea of what I am doing, but I’m just hanging by a thread. Underneath it all, I am depressed and filled with anxiety. I’ve gone days without getting out of bed. I neglect to love myself and then people forget to love me. I’m not okay, Loki. And people resent that. And I don’t blame them, cause deep down I’m not good company. I’m broken and I’m afraid no one is ever going to love me.”
     “You’re allowed to not be okay around me,” Loki said, brushing a loose strand of hair behind my ear, “I won’t think any less of you.”
     “Yeah, but it’s different. You don’t love me. You just care about my well being and knowing that I'm hap-“ I stopped, my eyes widened. Loki couldn't be in love with me. People don’t do that, and yet...“Loki, a few minutes ago, were you going to kiss me?”
     “You’re not afraid that no one will ever love you. You’re afraid that someone will love you.” Loki leaned down and whispered in my ear, “And yes, I was going to kiss you.” 
     “Why didn’t you?” I frowned. 
     “I could tell you didn’t want me to. I would never force you to do something you didn’t want to do. You just need to find someone that is going to love all parts of you, bug. And forget the rest. Once you do it won’t be so scary.”
       “Okay, but if I cut out those who don’t love every part of me, who would I have left?” I argued.
     “You’d have me.”
     “You’re wrong,” I proclaimed, “I did want you to kiss me.”
      Loki breathed a sigh of relief and stepped towards me.
Author's Commentary
Thank you to everyone that liked my last chapter. Comments and reblogs really keep me motivated. This chapter was going to be Loki and Reader meeting the Power Broker, and it was going to be twice as long. I’m saving all of that for later. 
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