#stu-dna study challenge
not-so-bored · 4 months
5-6 January 2024, Friday-Saturday
Things I have done:
🏫 Friday Classes
💬 Conversations 
🤩 Philosophy 
🦉 Duolingo: Dutch 
🗒 Literature Revision (2 questions) 
🗒 Maths Revision (4/73)
🖥 Computer Science Class (online) 
🎶 Dancing in my room (15 minutes)
👔 Job Application 
📚 Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell 
🍊 Tangerine 
Winter Studying Challenge 
5th January - Would you rather live in a world where it is always winter or always summer?
A world where climate is normal 🙃
6th January - What is the weather like during winter in your country?
Sometimes it snows, sometimes it rains. Sometimes the sun is shining and you’re convinced that it’s quite warm outside but it is not and the air is sharp. Usually it’s cold, below freezing kind of cold.
January study challenge 
why did you choose your major, or if you’re still in the process of choosing (or if you haven’t even started), what’s your thought process in choosing one?
I would like to be able to combine Computer Science and Philosophy. 
are you an early bird or a night owl?
A night owl! 
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izicodes · 1 year
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Studying can be a daunting task, especially when we're not feeling motivated or don't know where to start. Luckily you are on Tumblr, where the Tumblr Studyblr community lives!
A group of individuals who share their study tips, techniques, and challenges to help motivate and inspire others.
As a member of this community, I've compiled a master post of study challenges created by Studyblr bloggers. These challenges aim to help students stay on track, improve their focus, and achieve their academic goals. So you can join in and start achieving your academic potential!
>> 𝐍 𝐨 𝐭 𝐞
If you know any other challenges or you've created ones yourself and want to share them, do message me with the link to the post so I can update the list! I too will be creating some, more coding-related ones as I am a coding studyblr (codeblr) blog! That's all and hope you find a challenge you'd like to start!
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@tranquilstudy's Studyblr Challenge - 𝒍 𝒊 𝒏 𝒌 
@sub-at-omic-studies' Study Challenge - 𝒍 𝒊 𝒏 𝒌 
@wecandoit’s Study Challenege - 𝒍 𝒊 𝒏 𝒌 
@cheereader's The “Back To College” Study Challenge - 𝒍 𝒊 𝒏 𝒌 
@myhoneststudyblr's The Studyblr Community Challenge - 𝒍 𝒊 𝒏 𝒌 
@ddaengstudies' Wabi-Sabi Studyblr Challenge - 𝒍 𝒊 𝒏 𝒌
@hayley-studies' 30-Day Study Challenge - 𝒍 𝒊 𝒏 𝒌 
@ddaengstudies' Zoomester Studyblr Challenge - 𝒍 𝒊 𝒏 𝒌
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@cheereader's Summer Studying Challenge: Southern Hemisphere Edition - 𝒍 𝒊 𝒏 𝒌
@cheereader's Horrortober Challenge - 𝒍 𝒊 𝒏 𝒌 
@caramelcuppaccino's Autumn Studying Challenge - 𝒍 𝒊 𝒏 𝒌 
@myhoneststudyblr's Winter Studying Challenge - 𝒍 𝒊 𝒏 𝒌
@ddaengstudies' Winter Wonderland Studyblr Challenge - 𝒍 𝒊 𝒏 𝒌  
@cheereader's South Hemisphere Autumn Challenge: 2023 Edition - 𝒍 𝒊 𝒏 𝒌  
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@stu-dna's January Study Challenge - 𝒍 𝒊 𝒏 𝒌
@planningforpatience's February Study Love Challenge - 𝒍 𝒊 𝒏 𝒌 
@littlestudyblrblog’s March Study Challenge - 𝒍 𝒊 𝒏 𝒌 
@wilstudies's April Studyblr Challenge - 𝒍 𝒊 𝒏 𝒌 
@smallstudyblrsunite's The June Challenge - 𝒍 𝒊 𝒏 𝒌 
@stu-dna’s October Study Challenge - 𝒍 𝒊 𝒏 𝒌 
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@alfalfaaarya’s 21-Day Productivity Challenge - 𝒍 𝒊 𝒏 𝒌 
@work-before-glory's G's Productivity Challenge - 𝒍 𝒊 𝒏 𝒌
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@moltre-se-s' 30 Day Langblr Challenge - 𝒍 𝒊 𝒏 𝒌
@drunkbloodyqueen’s The language challenge - 𝒍 𝒊 𝒏 𝒌
@caramelcuppaccino's 20 Language Learning Challenge - 𝒍 𝒊 𝒏 𝒌 
@prepolygot’s Langblr Reactivation Challenge - 𝒍 𝒊 𝒏 𝒌 
@onigiriforears's Target Language Reading Challenge - 𝒍 𝒊 𝒏 𝒌
@prepolyglot's Langblr Reactivation Challenge - 𝒍 𝒊 𝒏 𝒌 
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@xiacodes' 5in5weeks Coding Challenge - 𝒍 𝒊 𝒏 𝒌  
@xiacodes' FreeCodeCamp Study Challenge - 𝒍 𝒊 𝒏 𝒌  
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@friend-crow's Tarot Study Challenge - 𝒍 𝒊 𝒏 𝒌   
@dreamdolldiary's 100 Days Reinvention Challenge - 𝒍 𝒊 𝒏 𝒌   
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historicallytired · 1 year
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@stu-dna​ January Study Challenge 
Oh wow, here we go, first real post of my studyblr! I should probably make an intro post at some point but that’ll wait for later. 
Day 1: What did you achieve last year? What are you setting out to achieve this month? This year? 
So, last year was really transitional for me in that I made a lot of huge decisions but can’t put them into action until this year. So last year I managed to go to Costa Rica and begin my meditation journey and also start getting a read on how I’m going to become “that” girl in my life, you know? I also learned that I’m okay with letting go of control but I’m to addicted to distractions and bad habits that ultimately bring me down. Overall, I got a great starting point for who I am and what I want out of life last year. 
This month, I tried to set goals that would improve me overall instead of just in one area or the other. 
Physical goals: I want to comfortably touch my toes without any pain or bending my knees or rounding out my back. 
Educational: once the term starts I’m going to officially become a research assistant. 
Mental: I’m going to meditate at least 5 times a week. 
Financial: I’m paying off one of my student loans and learning more about the stock market. 
Personal: I’m applying for 5 different jobs, all in Europe! 
Over the course of the year, the biggest goal I have is moving to Europe! I want to start a new life in a new continent and completely change my surroundings. My dream grad school is in Scotland, so I’m taking steps to move there! I have a couple goals in terms of weight-loss for the year, but I’m not sure if sharing them would be a good idea, since everybody is in a different body and I don’t want to accidentally share anything toxic. 
Day 2: How are you balancing the holidays and your studies?
Since I’m not taking a j-term class this year I’m really taking the time to relax and organize my life. I love to read so I’m trying to finish off the Harry Potter series in one month (I’m already on book 2!) I’ll also do things like duolingo or khan academy (mainly their finance courses) or even touch typing classes online; it keeps my brain sharp mand my mind ready for class without actually burning myself out. I will say: my term starts on the 23rd so once that happens I’m going to be posting a lot more about classes and uni life.  
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stu-dna · 5 years
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hi guys!! I recently hit 2k and decided as october rolls around and as a thank you to make a study challenge! each day you can post a pic and/or text post following the prompts below. I’ll be joining along too!!
make sure to tag them #stu-dna challenge so I can see + reblog them!
Introduce thyself! What are you studying? What are your goals for this month? This year?
Tea, coffee, or neither?
Today’s study setup! Don’t forget to have water nearby!
Doodles or no doodles?
Favourite stationery? Write a mini review!
Go outside! Take a picture of nature! Enjoy the fresh air!
Do you have a morning routine? What is it / what would it ideally be? What time do you get up? What time would you ideally get up?
How do you plan? Formatted planner, bullet journal, random sticky notes, etc? How long have you been planning this way?
~autumnal aesthetic~
Study music of choice? Does it differ depending on subject / study method?
Favourite cold weather food? Do you prefer to order hot food or cook it yourself?
Show us your handwriting! Do you tend to use different styles or do you stick to one?
What does this week’s schedule look like? Anything fun planned?
Favourite study method(s)? What works best for you?
Least favourite study method(s)?
Halfway, woohoo!! Do you have any long-term goals? Writing them down is one step closer to achieving them!
Favourite study location + why? How often do you go there?
Best hot drink to feel cosy? Recipe ;) ?
How do you take notes? Digital or paper? Colour-coding or none?
What’s in your backpack / bag? Show us your essentials!
Boooks!! Do you have a favourite? Are you a re-reader or do you like to read something new each time?
Do you have an evening routine? What is it / what would it ideally be?
What is your favourite season + why?
What are your best study tips?
Study snacks! Got any recommendations or recipes?
What’s on your desk? Do you tend to keep it tidy or messy?
What languages do you speak? Tell us a sentence in each!
What helps you feel warm on cold nights?
Today’s to do list!
Almost there! Do you celebrate Halloween? Do you have any plans?
Last day! Well done!! Reflect on your month - how did it go? Did you achieve any goals? Did you make progress on any goals?
I’m super excited to see what you guys post! Thanks again for 2k <3
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tortugannastudies · 5 years
Stu-Dna Challenge - Day 3
3. Today’s study setup! Don’t forget to have water nearby!
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On weekdays, I mainly study on the subway and train 🚊📚 I have a full time job and my commute is long, so it always seems like a nice, productive use of time :) As for water, well, there’s a river :p
Featuring japanese worksheets, a french grammar textbook and a year old birthday card serving as a bookmark!
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steviestudies · 4 years
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january stu-dna study challenge day 6: are you an early bird or a night owl?
Honestly it depends on the day, but I am usually an early bird and especially this semester, I’m going to be at school at 8 am every morning!
studygram 🌇
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enviro-studies · 3 years
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Day 2: Coffee, Tea, or neither?
Tea!!!…. Usually. I’m slowly getting used to the taste of coffee so I can enjoy more fun coffee shop drinks. But my daily go-tos are fruity herbal teas or an earl grey.
My roommate and I went to study in a hotel lobby coffee shop today, and it was just beautiful!
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marie-curie · 3 years
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January study challenge // 11.01.2021 // how do you keep yourself focused? // i try to establish a routine so i have determined times to study and times to rest. whenever i'm feeling sluggish i either make myself some tea or i go for a walk, read some pages in a book, watch a short video on YouTube and after that: back to work. atm i use forest a lot because i like seeing how much i studied, this visual representation motivates me. and knowing that i have some fun activities planned for the evenings usually gets me through the days.
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germanellewoods · 3 years
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I started learning how to code a few days ago, because I always wanted to know how to do this. I started with HTML, so let's see how it goes!
❄️ Winter Studying Challenge ❄️
9th January ~ Name one place you could never live because of the winter weather.
Maybe Iceland? Canada? Alaska? That would be way too cold for me.
✨ January Studying Challenge ✨
9. How do you keep yourself awake when studying?
Since I'm kind of always tired, I highly recommend drinking coffee! I'm also a fan of napping for 20 minutes.
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not-so-bored · 3 months
20 January 2024, Saturday 
Things I have done:
✍️ Writing 
🤩 Philosophy 
🖥 Computer Science Class (online) 
👔 Job Applications
📘 Logic (8/29)
💧 Drops: Dutch 
🦉 Duolingo: Dutch 
🧘��Yoga (10 minutes) 
🎶 Dancing in the living room combined with hanging laundry (20 minutes) 
❄️ Walk
📚 Szczeliny istnienia by Jolanta Brach-Czaina 
Feeling very low on brain energy today 😐
Winter Studying Challenge 
20th January - Do you do any winter sports?
No, but I used to ski when I was a child. 
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lau-and-history · 5 years
29102019 Today's To-Do
Practicing Chinese Characters 8:30am
Therapy 10am
Grocery shopping 1pm
Seminar reading for Thursday 2-3pm
Seminar 4-6pm
Tutoring preparation for Wednesday 7:30 - 8pm
🎉Yay, I really did everything I planned for today! even the seminar reading for Thursday which I had not expected to finish, but I at least wanted to start 😁
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historicallytired · 1 year
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@stu-dna January Study Challenge! 
I had a lot of time to journal today! I have a lot of notebooks and journals that are actually working pretty well for me this year. In total: a weekly planner from lavendaire, the 2023 artist of life workbook (also by lavendaire), a personal journal for the end of the day, and a gratitude journal for about 2 minutes of cursive/gratitude practice every morning. I’m also thinking of starting a manifestation journal to help wit my practice. And here’s an obligatory pic of my cat who takes naps on my chair and stares at birds with Murderous Intent on my desk. Also peep the workout bands and massage ball chilling on my desk. 
3. Do you tend to make new year’s resolutions? how well has that gone for you in the past?
Yeah, sort of? In 2020, I had goals that I wanted to reach and every year since then I stuck to that. I don’t have resolutions in the “I will workout every day for a year!!11!!1!” type stuff, instead I do “I want this body and to feel this level of health by the end of the year.” This means that I have to develop those habits in order to reach those goals. In the past, when it came to resolutions, they typically died off in about a month or (in one really embarrassing case) less than a day. I’ve found that journaling and writing down habits over resolutions has been a lot more successful. I’ve got a lot of habits this year, actually, I might’ve done too many? But they’re all things that successful people who I look up to do pretty frequently, so if they can do it so can I! 
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sarahstudieschem · 3 years
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14th of January // January study challenge
Today was the last day of studying for chemometrics, since my exam is tomorrow morning. I have confidence that it will go well. I made the exercises and they went well. So let’s see how this goes. Have a great evening everyone!
-- show us how you keep cosy in the cold months! --
I don’t really have a picture, but picture a hot shower, fluffy socks and a bed with blankets. I get easily cold, so warm things keep me going during the winter months.
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tortugannastudies · 5 years
Stu-Dna Challenge Day 4
4. Doodles or no doodles?
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Definitely yes to doodles!
Right now I mainly use them to track what manga I’ve read for the month! It feels so satisfiying to recognize grammar points or vocab words while reading!
I don’t use a lot of doodles to study from textbooks lately, but I remember using loads in the margins of my history of the arts class notes when I was in high school! My classmates and I would use stick figures to reproduce paintings or historic events we were studying. There were lots of tiny stick people poking swords into each other !🏛🖼 ⚔️
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steviestudies · 4 years
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january stu-dna study challenge day 4: tv shows/movies you’re watching right now
I watch the way too many shows and movies, usually I watch movies when I’m in school with my roommates but the current shows I’m watching are Hannibal, Dynasty, Sons of Anarchy, and Jojo’s Bizarre Adventures!
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janihernan · 3 years
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|Day 22 of January Study Challenge|  c/o #stu-dna challenge
January 22, 2021- do you use colour-coding? explain your system!
Personally, I do not have the luxury of time to change my pens in the middle of a class discussion, nor to rewrite my notes after. However as a student here are my few tips in taking notes with no time to colour code. I will call this Fast-paced Note Taking System.
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