hogwarts-cousins · 5 years
Gay Comedies and Romantic-Comedies
4th man out - On his 24th birthday Adam decides to come out as gay to his three best (and straight) friends, Chris, Nick, and Ortu. The film follows them as they all navigate this new information and do their best to get their bro laid. Pretty funny in the way straight dudes are pretty funny.
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Alex Strangelove - This Netflix Original follows Alex Truelove, a highschool senior with a girlfriend eager to take the next step in their relationship. Alex isn’t so confident. After meeting a charming gay kid at a party, Alex starts to question things he’s kept secret for awhile.
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Blockers - probably one of the funniest movies on this list, Blockers follows the parents of three teenage girls who have all made a “sex pact” with each other, to lose their virginity on prom night. It’s a refreshing, queer, feminist take on a classic trope. All the parents make it their mission to stop them. One of the girls is a lesbian and her father only comes along to prevent her from being tricked into losing her virginity to “the wrong sex” aka a boy.
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But I’m a Cheerleader - a lighthearted take on a very serious subject (especially in the late 90s when this was made) But I’m a Cheerleader is a campy comedy parody of conversion camps. After Megan’s boyfriend suspects her of being a lesbian and informs her parents, she’s shipped off to “True Directions,” a boot camp with the intent to set gay kids straight. While there she meets fellow lesbian Graham and hits it off with her. The entire aesthetic of this movie is very cool.
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D.E.B.S - cheesy lesbian spy movie! An elite teenage spy falls for a criminal mastermind. Watching their story play out is like reading fanfiction, and its no cinematic masterpiece but its a cute, lighthearted, easy to watch film.
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Edge of Seventeen - Set in 1984 Ohio, this comedy-drama film follows a teenage boy coming out during the same era gender-bending pop stars like Boy George and Annie Lennox were hitting the mainstream.
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Handsome Devil - Irish sports comedy about a gay teenage boy who attends a boarding school full of rowdy straights obsessed with rugby. It had some genuinely funny moments and the exploration of homosexuality and the way its treated in Irish culture was very interesting.
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Life Partners - A straight lawyer in her late twenties and her lesbian best friend undergo a dramatic shift in dynamic after one enters a serious relationship. This film chronicles love, relationships, and change.
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Love, Simon - Based off the novel “Simon vs the homosapiens agenda” this film follows Simon Spier, a closeted gay 17 year old. He begins to fall for another mysterious, anonymous gay classmate he speaks to online.
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The 10 year plan - honestly probably one of the most fanfiction-esque trope-y movies I’ve ever watched. It was cute and funny though and my greatest struggle was trying to tell the two leads apart from each other. The premise is that two gay best friends make an agreement to be with each other if they’re both still lonely and single in 10 years.
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hogwarts-cousins · 5 years
Happiness Will Come To You.
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hogwarts-cousins · 7 years
27 september 2017
My mom’s place, my bedroom
Hi Rose,
I am so sorry that you had to wait for my reply for so long, but in my defence hectic doesn’t even begin to cover the past seven days.  
First there was the unexpected early return of my mom. Her owl was very cryptic about it and it left me worrying about why she was coming back. I didn’t sleep very well after that and neither did my dad I think. We spent the entire next day fighting about petty stuff until he got fed up and left for work.
A couple hours later my mom knocked on the door, much later than she’d said in her letter, and she looked very bleak and tired. She was happy to see me though and so was I, but sadly only for a while, since she got quite mad when she saw my dad wasn’t home.
She wanted to leave right away to have words with my dad, but I have heard those two fight too much already and really it wasn’t fair of her to be mad at my dad for working  a vew hours a day when her quidditch career had kept her away from me for weeks on end. 
I didn’t tell her that of course, I’m not stupid.
It was really hard to persuade her not to hunt down my dad without speaking my mind though. I eventually gave up and just started crying, that was quite effective though I don’t like to play with emotions like that.
In the end she agreed to ignore my dad’s absence  and she told me about training camp over tea and Canadian pancakes. By the sound of it she has made lots of new friends and still doesn’t want to retire, even though she was still pale after the tea.
When my dad got home, looking slightly better than when he’d left, I left him and my mom alone and snuck out to WWW. No amount of tears from me would stop those two from fighting, I’ve figured that much ages ago.
I feel a bit bad for writing this but arriving at the jokes shop felt quite like coming home. Uncle Fred made me hot chocolate and when it was closing time we held a wheelchair race through the store. It was hilarious and the only raised voices came from having too much fun (and Tiny Fred, who started crying at some point because stubbed his toe).
After I had celebrated my giant victory (okay, not that giant. I think uncle Fred let me win because I wasn’t feeling very happy) we all had pizza for dinner. When I told George’s Angelina about your Angelina she told me that your Angelina was named after her, because she brought her parents together.
You should ask for that story next time you see her, it’s very cute. When desert came round my mom stopped by. Uncle George had told my parents where I was, though they could have thought of that themselves since I always go to WWW when I’m not feeling great.
She told me she and my dad had agreed that I would go to her place the next day. I didn’t like the fact that I didn’t have any say in it, but I was long glad they’d agreed on anything at all so I didn’t mention it.
Tiny Fred and Roxanne came home with me that night and we had a sleepover, which was fun though also exhausting. Not that that is very strange. Uncle George told me Tiny Fred has ADHD. I don’t really know what that is yet but apparently it makes you very hyperactive, which really sounds like Tiny Fred.
The next day my dad looked very sad when mom came to pick me up, but only when he thought I wasn’t looking. I didn’t want him to feel so sad but there wasn’t anything I could do about it. I hated leaving him like that.
My mom’s house had a lot more furniture in it than last time I saw it, but my room was still empty. The next three days I went furniture shopping with my mom and Luna. It was weird to be around Luna now that she and my mom are dating, and I didn’t really speak to her much. She taught me how to paint the walls of my room though, that was nice.
The day after my room was done (which is today) we went to the quidditch pitch where my mom had a training match. It was really weird to watch her fly without my dad cheering next to me, and to my shame I must admit that I fled when Luna noticed and tried to comfort me.
It wasn’t that I didn’t appreciate the effort or that she did anything wrong, but it just didn’t feel right. She’s supposed to be my fun aunt not my fun stepmom.
When I walked away I (quite literally) bumped into a fun aunt that still is a fun aunt, namely your mom. I think she was there to see my mom, but when she spotted me she didn’t mention anything of the sorts. What she did do is take me up to the training court next to the pitch.
There she told me about the time your dad tried to teach her how to ride a broom, and she showed me the resulting scar as well. It was nice to hear your mom talk about your dad. About how he carried her to the first aid post, how he kept apologising and how much your mom loved his clumsiness.
It was wonderful to hear her talk so fondly of your dad. When I told your mom that she should cherish that feeling of love for your dad she started crying. I didn’t understand why she did that back then and I still don’t really see it now. Adults are weird.
When she stopped looking at me so sad we got lunch and watched the remaining part of the match together. My mom won, but only because their new chaser is flying twice as good as she has any right to do (according to an older lady in a really fancy dress next to us), and not because my mom tipped the scales.
I still think she should have retired after winning the world cup, but as usual no one listens to me. Though when it comes to quidditch I get that, because I’ve never really gotten into the game.
Soon after the match was over your mom left for work again and my mom and Luna took me home. I went straight to my new bedroom when we got there, which is much more spacious than the one I have in London since it’s a farmhouse. I have been working on my letter to you ever since.
I worry about my dad. First he had a family of five, and now he’s all alone. I hate the idea of him working long shifts again just to give himself something to do.
I have to go now, tea is ready. Thank you for cheering me up Rose, I don’t know what I would do if I couldn’t write to you, you’re awesome.
With love, Lily Luna Potter
Ps. Visiting the Battle monument sounds terrible but fascinating, and I’m glad it ended in an evening full of fun.
Pps. Tell Hugo I miss him too. Very much even.
Ppps. You are so nice to me! Thank you Rose, I really needed your support for a moment with all the hectic stuff going on at the home front. I hope my next letter won’t take this long but I can’t promise anything since it appears that I do not have a say in where I spent my time. We’ll just have to wait and see.
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hogwarts-cousins · 7 years
22 September 2017
The Hogwarts library, Divination section
Hi Lily,
My mom and dad came to visit three days ago! Just like I said they might. It was great fun, and my brother was there too. He was very endearing with all of his outspoken enthusiasm. And you know the surprising part? He got along with peeves!
I don’t know how, I don’t know why, but Hugo actually had a conversation with him. I didn’t even know he could do that. I thought his main goal was being an asshole. It was a really bizarre thing to witness.
What was also quite strange to see was my parents walking through the castle. They were fine in the Ravenclaw common room, but they got terribly nostalgic walking through the other parts.
Apparently my mom once set a flock of birds loose on my dad, and they started making out quite passionately as soon as I mentioned the house elves in the kitchen. It was weird, and pretty gross. But at least they seem to still be very much in love with each other, which is a good thing.
We visited the Battle Monument as well that day. You know I don’t handle things like that very well (hence the late letter, I was a bit out of sorts for a while), though I am glad I visited it. Its located at the same spot where uncle Fred got buried under the rubble. The rubble is still there (and there is a lot of it. I’m amazed uncle Fred made it out alive), together with a newly placed bronze plaquette with a brief history of the battle and the list of names of those who lost their lives. When we got there my mum and dad hugged us really close and tight, and if Hugo hadn’t started fidgeting I think we would have still been there.
The evening that followed was more fun that that luckily. Headmistress McGonagall let my parents stay over in a guest room and my brother and I shared my bed. It was just like old days, only now I had my roommates joining too.
We spent the night telling ghost stories, but then Alissa (a muggle born girl from my year) got scared so Eris told us about all the dramatic stuff the famous people do during her mother’s interviews for witch weekly. I thought she was exaggerating, but at least she calmed Alissa down so maybe she’s not 100% evil.
Just 98% or something.
I did miss you though, and so did Hugo. When he was almost asleep he kept asking for “his flower”, which was super cute. I hope you can come visit one day. Maybe if I impress the headmistress during transfiguration she’ll let you stay over for my birthday. That would be grant.
Lavender Patil was very happy to hear you enjoyed her book, and I’m happy to hear you and your dad had a bonding moment. Baking with your dad is always great fun. Not lying to yourself does indeed sound like a good idea and yes you are completely entitled to be sad about your parents!
And putting some time between now and the break up by focussing on reading for a while sounds good too. Whatever makes you feel better Lily!
With love, Rose Granger-Weasley
Ps. You are NOT an inconvenience! I love talking to you, and though all the new impressions and classes at hogwarts make my letters a little late sometimes I really love telling you everything that happens here. Please don’t think so low of yourself, I love you, and after everything I told her about you I’m pretty sure Angelina loves you too! You could not be further away from being an inconvenience even if you tried.
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hogwarts-cousins · 7 years
19 September 2017
My dad’s place, The living room couch
Hi Rose,
I hope your mom has a wonderful birthday! I’m sure she had if she ended up visiting you, especially when you don’t have any books around to distract you. (Good call Albus, good call).
The weather was terrible today so I stayed indoors and read the books you send. I finished The perks of being a wallflower an hour ago, and really enjoyed it. You should read it when Albus lifts your ban!
But I didn’t just read today, because today was one of those rare days on which my dad came home early. He was here just after lunch and we spent the entire afternoon baking. It was wonderful!
As I am writing you this letter my dad is asleep on the couch next to me, still half covered in flour which to be honest looks quite adorable on him. I still don’t know if he’s going to therapy yes or no, but whatever he does it seems to be working since his mood has improved a lot the last few days.
I wished I could say the same about me, but apart from this afternoon I haven’t had much success yet. I mostly read a lot, fleeing into worlds where divorced parents are not an issue I have to deal with. I tried to tell myself that was not why I started reading this much, but lying to yourself isn’t going to get you anywhere.
I talked to Bill the other day (he came over for tea, though really I think your dad send him to check on my dad) and he said that it was okay to be sad about the divorce, so I think I might just try that for a bit. See if letting things out is going to stop me from feeling like I’m walking on the edge of a cliff all the time.
Merlin that sounded dramatic, and trust me it’s not all that bad, but it is true. Divorced parents suck.
Anyhow, I’m falling asleep a bit and I still have to take a shower so I’ll end this letter now. Thank you for writing to me, I know you probably have tons of friends at Hogwarts already and writing to me is a bit of an inconvenience, so I’m very glad you’re doing it.
With love,
Lily Luna Potter
Ps. Say thank you to Lavender Patil for me!
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hogwarts-cousins · 7 years
18 September 2017
Ravenclaw tower, the common room floor
Hi Lily,
I’m glad to hear you liked the book! Sadly Albus has confiscated the second part because he claims “I need to sleep, eat and pay attention in class”. Utter nonsense if you ask me.
My parents do work too hard (though I thought I had already told you that? But anyway, they do) but tomorrow they might no since it’s my mom’s birthday then. They hinted that they might celebrate it here at school, which means they take a day off and can relax! I really hope they come here, that would be so cool.
I’m glad to hear Percy and Audrey are back in Britain, Audrey promised me she’d teach me how to play piano when she’d get back. There is a piano in the common room, but no one seems to be able to really play it, and I’d like to bring some change to that situation.
Sorry that this letter is a bit short, my reading habits got me behind on homework and if my mom really is going to visit tomorrow then I need to have everything done. She’d be so disappointed otherwise.
Anyhowm hope your dad doesn’t give you food poisoning any time soon!
With love,
Rose Granger-Weasley
Ps. You are stubborn, I hugged Albus and I included some muggle YA novels I got from a fifth year, Lavender Patil, and she said they were really good. I wouldn’t know because again, Albus doesn’t let me read anything. )=
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hogwarts-cousins · 7 years
16 September 2017
My dad’s place, my bedroom
Hi Rose,
It’s your fault I am writing this late, I was up all day and night reading you book (and I loved it). I’m glad I can borrow Hugo but I’m sad that your parents (or at least your mom) are working so hard again! I did hear Hugo say to my dad he was surprised he got home in time to make dinner every night, “because my mom and dad never do”, but I thought he was exaggerating. Not that my dad comes home on time every day, but he’s here more often than not.
My dad is faring better lately, his meals are getting more creative (which is NOT always a good thing. Yesterday we had shrimp soup and it was d i s g u s t i n g) and more importantly, I suggested we should get a dog this morning and he said he liked the idea, so there’s hope in that department.
I can confirm by the way that uncle Fred and uncle George are making a new line by the way. They’re very sleep deprived because of that, their kids and Lee’s radio show that now starts at six in the morning. It makes them extra funny and less careful, which always leads to interesting things (and indeed a lack of eyebrows).
I healed my paper cuts with dittany and didn’t do much after that except read your book. Oh and I went to grandma and grandpa for tea yesterday and Audrey was there too. She and Percy just came back from the embassy job in Greece and she was looking a lot better than when they left two years ago.
I think she’s fully over that burn out now. I haven’t seen uncle Percy yet, but Audrey said he was doing great too. She was there to teach grandpa how to drive a car. I don’t think he’ll ever master it, but he was having so much fun with it! Enthusiastic old people are so cute.
Audrey did distract me with her car though, so I didn’t notice her getting out her knitting gear. I had to spent three full hours making small talk with her while learning how to knit, it was awful. It wouldn’t have been so bad if Albus and James had to go through the same torture, but “knitting is for girls, not boys.” Grandma is so old fashioned sometimes.
I have knitted a scarf now, which I’ve used to hang James’ teddy bear. “Hang” as in gallows I mean. My dad said I scared him when I showed him I could do a dead man’s knot, but I didn’t believe him. My dad is only scared of your mother and grandma (and Luna when she gets mad, but I’ve only seen that once).
I hope your mom takes it easy, I hope my brother fails all of his classes, I hope you catch up on your sleep and I hope you write soon because I have no books left to read so now I am boooooooooored.
With love, Lily Luna Potter
Ps. I am not stubborn, I am simply not willing to accept someone else’s advise if it’s crap advice. That doesn’t make me stubborn it makes me smart.
Pps. Give Albus a hug for me will you? I miss him (don’t tell him I said that)
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hogwarts-cousins · 7 years
14 September
Ravenclaw tower, first year girls dorm
Hi Lily,
Damn, every time I think your brother cannot become more of an annoying jerk he pulls something like this. I think I might just need to stop expecting any decent behaviour from him. And for what it’s worth, as long as I’m here at Hogwarts you can borrow Hugo.
I got a letter from my parents yesterday and they both sound pretty stressed out,so they’d be happy if you take him off their hands from time to time.
My mom didn’t write much, she’s still dealing with the mess of those ancient laws they recently discovered in the ministry's archives. She voiced things like it was no big deal, but you know my mother. I wouldn’t be surprised if she ends up in St. Mungo’s again within the next month, but I also know it’s pointless to tell her to cut down her workload. She’s the most stubborn woman I know, even you aren’t so bad Lils.
My dad is running the jokes shop in Hogsmeade all on his own now, since uncle Fred and uncle George are in the middle of their experimenting phase in London. According to my dad neither of them have eyebrows at the moment. It’s looking like they might have an entire new line of products in stock before the holiday season starts, so I suppose it makes sense.
I hope your paper cuts have healed nicely and that your mom either comes home soon or writes soon. Sorry if this letter arrives in the dead of night, I wanted to send it after I finished reading the name of the wind so I could send it to you together with the letter. I hope you enjoy the book!
With love,
Rose Granger-Weasley
Ps. I’m afraid I cannot confirm that Neville or Victoire said anything to James, because I have spent the entire day either in class or reading my book (or both). If it hadn’t been for Angelina, Albus and Scorpius I would not have eaten at all. Scorpius is a pretty nice kid by the way, and his dad does not look like a ferret. Or at least he doesn’t anymore now.
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hogwarts-cousins · 7 years
12 September 2017
My dad’s place, the living room
Hi Rose,
You might have a point there, but I just can’t get myself to say that to my dad. Besides, I don’t think saying it will change it. If anything it will only make my dad feel worse, and that’s the last thing I want to happen.
I do hope my mom will come back from Canada soon, because I miss her very much now, it’s been over two weeks since I last saw her and she is not a very regular letter writer (as opposed to you).
It’s a pity that you don’t want to switch brothers, because I really want to after the stunt James pulled this morning (though I would not oppose to kicking him out of the family entirely either). I was calmly cleaning up my dad’s breakfast after he left for a work emergency when I got a letter from him.
I didn’t know it came from him at first because he used one of the Hogwarts owls, otherwise I would have been more careful while opening it. James must have sensed that, hence the unusual owl. I expected some payback from him for the howler I send, but I had never imagined he would be as petty as he was.
In line with my criticism on the colour he’d chosen for his prank the content of the letter was a giant stink bomb filled with pink paint. It exploded in my face so hard that I wasn’t just covered in paint but in seven pretty deep and hellishly painful paper cuts from the envelope too.
It took me the entire morning and a large junk of the afternoon to get the kitchen clean again. I even had to cancel on tea with grandma and grandpa, because I didn’t want my dad to come home to a pink kitchen. It was nasty paint too, magic didn’t work on it, not even our cleaning potions did anything.
I felt like a housewife from the fifties as I wasted my day away on my knees on the floor. I got rid of everything halfway through the afternoon though, which was a good thing because the cleaning stuff I used smelled like crazy, so the kitchen really needed to air out for a bit.
It was the first time I was happy to receive a message from my dad that he’d be home late. I burned some potatoes on purpose while making dinner to hide the remaining part of the smell and now I am waiting for my dad to come home while watching the telly.
I hope you are doing okay, I hope my favorite brother isn’t dead (though really I don’t see James as brother anymore now. This so called “prank”took it several steps too far) and I wish you luck with the trivia quiz. Please send me this engrossing book once you’re finished, I’d love to read it.
With love,
Lily Luna Potter
Ps. Feel no need to kill James, I vented out all my anger to Victoire and send my “help my brother is an asshole” sentiment to Neville, which I think should do the trick. Let me know if it doesn’t though, because then I won’t hesitate to tell both uncle Charlie, uncle Percy and if need be also uncle Fred and uncle George. I didn’t want to do that straight away though, because I want some leverage for later in the year.
Pps. Let’s just stick to my mom and Luna instead of my moms, because I don’t see Luna as a second mother now and I don’t think I ever will, however sweet she may be.
Ppps. I do NOT look like a Malfoy, thank you very much.
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hogwarts-cousins · 7 years
11 September 2017
Ravenclaw tower, 
first year girls dorm
Hi Lily,
What do I think? I think that you should stop saying that you are not enough reason for your dad to come home early and I think he needs to man up. Before a divorcee and single sad sucker he’s your father and he ought to remember that. It’s not your job to keep the flat cozy and clean, it’s his.
I get that he doesn’t feel very happy right now but neither do you. I heard from Albus that your mother is coming home soon, so then you can discuss all of this with her. I’m sure she knows better how to deal with it then I do.
Talking about Albus, he had the brilliant idea to ask Neville what photosynthesizing means about two hours ago. He still hasn’t come back, so I guess he became the victim of one of Neville’s famous over enthusiastic lectures. R.I.P.
And I had to call my brother an “it” otherwise you would have guessed it right away, but though I love you very much I am not switching. Hugo is mine! Or at the very least James is yours, though right now he doesn’t look like he wants to be anyone’s. That howler kind of made him look like an ass in front of his friends, and when you add the detention to it you can see why he’s been sulking for the past few days.
Molly is planning to break him out of detention tonight though so don’t feel too bad for him. Oh and I must tell you, the stories James has been telling us about Molly are definitely true. She might be named after our grandmother and have our most boring uncle as dad but she is more mischievous then uncle Fred and uncle George put together.
Only yesterday she blew up the toilets in the sixth year Ravenclaw dorms because one of the guys who sleeps there was rude to her best friend, and somehow she managed to blame it on the guy himself. He’s gotten two months worth of detention and a lifetime ban from the potion supply room. Our common room did smell like shit for over an hour but his face was totally worth it. She’s awesome.
And you know who is awesome too? You are, for writing so regularly and keeping me in touch with the home front. It helps with my homesickness and also I miss you terribly, but the letters make me miss you a little bit less. In a positive sense. I think I need to go to bed, it’s been nearly two hours since midnight. I was reading the name of the wind by Patrick Rothfuss and got carried away.
Anyway I hope you have a nice day and say hi to your mom and Luna for me! (or should I say moms now? This divorce thing is making shit stuff complicated.
With love and yawns (more yawns then love by this point),
Rose Granger-Weasley
Ps. You NEED to get a dog. If not to cheer your dad up then at least to get you outside more often. Otherwise you might start looking like a Malfoy.
Pps. I’m well on my way to victory! Next weekend I’m up against the second year Hufflepuffs. Wish me luck
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hogwarts-cousins · 7 years
10 september 2017
my dad’s place, the living room
Hi Rose,
You refer to your little brother as “it” and “thing”? I mean yes we used to dress up Hugo instead of our doll and walk around with him in a pram, but you know he’s not an actual doll right? If you keep addressing him as an inanimate object I might just have to switch Hugo with my oldest brother for his safety's sake. You can have that insensitive idiot and I’ll keep your brother.
But all silliness aside, it was wonderful to have him around for a bit. I don’t know where he gets his cheery mood from but as soon as I find and exploit it I’ll be richer than Fred and George. He even kept me so busy that this letter is a day late.
We may or may not have finger painted James’ bedcovers (on the bottom not on top, my dad can’t see of course) but we most certainly did have a huge pillow fight with my dad which was great fun.
I think he really needed it, work has been though on him lately. He’s been doing a lot of long irregular evening and night shifts at the auror department ever since he and mom moved out of our old house at the start of summer.
He doesn’t really know what to do with himself now that I am the only one he’ll meet when he gets home. I do try to make the flat a bit more cozy so that he might start feeling at home a bit more but so far I’ve had no success. I think he needs to start dating, or even better get into a proper relationship so that he has more to come home to besides his grumpy daughter.
He’s still not entirely over my mum tough, or rather over the idea of my mum. I mean they’d been fighting more than talking for at least two years before everything went belly-up. Their marriage was dead and they both knew it. Still, my dad can’t really accept it and I know for a fact he feels lonely. Maybe I should get him a dog if he’s not ready for a girlfriend yet. What do you think?
With love,
Lily Luna Potter
Ps. Hi Albus. You know you could just send your own letters right? Oh and you were too late with the warning, the plants have ceased photosynthesizing quite a long while ago
Pps. Ah thank you Angelina! A meet up sounds awesome. Anything better than the awkwardness of last christmas
Ppps. I do expect you to win that trivia quiz Rose. After the disaster that is James we need someone to restore the family honour!
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hogwarts-cousins · 7 years
8 September 2017
Hogwarts dungeons, Slytherin debate hall
Hi Lily,
You don’t want to know how badly I wanted to floo to your house and hug you to death when I got your last letter. I read it at breakfast and you totally got me out of sorts before charms class, and then Angelina comforted me and that reminded me that you don’t have an Angelina to comfort you so that didn’t exactly help.
Albus and I thought off a plan to lift your spirits during charms though, which should have arrived by now so you won’t read this while sad. I’m not saying anything about it in case you haven’t gotten it yet but I do know it will without a doubt cheer you up.
Also talking about Albus, he is now thick as thieves with Scorpius Malfoy, who is not at all alike his father in my dad’s stories. First of all because he’s not a ferret. I actually wonder how a person could look like a ferret? Does Malfoy senior have whiskers? A huge blindfold shaped marking around his eyes? Is he covered in black and white fur? How does that even work?
I think I’ll ask Scorpius if he has a picture of his father to see if he resembles a tiny carnivorous mammal. I highly doubt it since I found Pansy Parkinson doesn’t look like a pug either. (Again, how do you even look like a pug? People just don’t look like pugs? I don’t understand my dad sometimes)
Talking about the Parkinson's, Eris Parkinson is a pain in the butt. Like I now finally understand my dad when he describes how much he dislikes Malfoy senior. Everything she does is annoying. She chews loud, she eats large chunks of meat just to annoy me because I am a vegetarian, she snores, she is the messiest roommate ever and she hogs the shower for hours.
Did I tell you she’s my dormmate yet? I can’t imagine I haven’t because I can barely focus on anything else but her. Angelina thinks she’s annoying too, but it doesn’t bother her too much because she grew up with four siblings, all of them adopted by her two dads Marcus and Oliver.
You know your father’s old quidditch captain? That guy is apparently married to his rival Slytherin captain. According to Angelina they’re really cute together, and they are with exactly the right number to make a quidditch team. (Her dads keep saying that’s not why they adopted five kids but none of them believe it)
I have to round this letter up now, I am about to start my first inter house trivia quiz as the representative of the Ravenclaw first years after winning the first round against Parkinson the Prat (Or Eris the Evil, I haven’t decided yet). It’s a thing the Slytherins organize and I plan to win it. So far no first year has managed that in the past fifteen years.
Anyhow have fun with the thing Albus and I send you!
With haste because I’m about to go up against Scorpius Malfoy,
Rose Granger-Weasley
Ps. Albus here. Please don’t forget to water the plants, Neville won’t forgive us if we let them die again and I’m pretty sure dad will forget
Pps. Angelina here. I’ll see what I can do around christmas. Maybe I can organize a Granger-Weasley-Potter-Flint-Wood meet up, that should distract James enough. Also if I could I would have given you a statue for that howler you send. Absolutely brilliant.
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hogwarts-cousins · 7 years
7 September 2017
My dad’s new place, my bedroom
Hi Rose,
Sucks that your mother was not there to see you off. That is not the best start of the year. It is wonderful to read that you have made a good friend already though! It is probably too early to ask this but when the two of you are closer could you invite her over for christmas? I don’t want to be stuck with my brothers again, especially not now that James wants to murder me after getting a howler from his baby sis.
Your description of Ravenclaw made me homesick to a place I’ve never been, it sounds wonderful. I hope I can join you there next year, though I have no idea what my hogwarts house would be. As long as I don’t share with James I don’t really care.
As for my first rant, here it comes. I am pretty done with mothering my dad and just want to sit down and read a book. That would mean nothing gets cleaned though and I hate mess, as you well know. 
I worry about how my dad will hold up when my mom comes back from her training camp, and I worry about my mom refusing to quit quidditch and getting herself injured and now I also worry about your mom getting another burn out. It sounds like she’s working too much again.
I just wished everything would go back to normal, but I know that’s stupid and not going to happen. Sorry if the ink stained a bit I am afraid there is no friend here to drag me off for hot chocolate when I feel sad. I have to stop writing now, I do not want my dad to see I cried. 
I actually did not want to tell you about it either but I have to tell someone and as I said my mother is still in Canada for training so I can’t talk to her. I feel guilty for wishing she was here. It’s not like I love my dad any less but talking about serious stuff is just easier with my mom.
Anyway, I hope your mom writes you soon or visits to make up for missing your first departure.
With love,
Lily Luna Potter
Ps. Nice idea Angelina, but sadly we ran out of ice cream yesterday. There were muffins though, those were pretty nice too
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hogwarts-cousins · 7 years
From: Lily Luna Potter
To: James Sirius Potter
*Donald trump voice* SAD POTTER. VERY SAD.
*Normal voice* Oh and hi Albus, congratulations on your slytherin sorting. I’m sure you’ll do great. And however difficult it may seem try not to murder our brother. Thanks.
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hogwarts-cousins · 7 years
5 September 2017
Ravenclaw tower, floor of the common room
Hi Lily,
Luna did not exaggerate at all when she told you about Ravenclaw tower, it is the best place ever! Even better than WWW or the Burrow, and I am not sorry at all to say that a big part of my writing today will be a rant about Ravenclaw.
I’ll start with the spiral staircase leading to the bronze knocker, which is hell and way too long. If I hadn’t been reading all about the global obesity epidemic last christmas I would have demanded an escalator to be installed. The thing has more than one hundred steps! It’s pure torture!
Then, when you’ve finally mounted the stairs you reach the knocker and it asks a riddle. So far I haven’t found one I couldn’t solve yet but I think it changes in difficulty depending on who wants to enter. It’s a nice confidence boost anyway.
The common room is totally worth the trouble even when you do need to wait hours before you can enter. The ceiling always depicts the night sky and so does the fluffy carpet on the floor that cleans itself and is amazing to lie down on and write (as I am doing now). Despite the dark sky the room is still very light with arched windows and couches that manage to be both perfect for studying and for sleeping.
I think some of my housemates sleep in the common room more often than the dorms, which is weird considering how amazing they are. Queen size beds, desk with a view, a personal extendable set of shelves… It is heaven. My theory is that Rowena Ravenclaw made our dorms extra comfy because otherwise we would never emerge from the library again. At least I know I wouldn’t. It is like my mothers library but bigger and better and maybe a little bit less illegal (not much though).
I do miss my mother. I miss my dad too of course, but at least he was at the platform to see me off. I forgot to tell you but my mom wasn’t. Another department head went into early labour and the Chinese minister of magic was visiting so she had to leave. I understood that of course, but still, I missed her goodbye hug.
Now I need to end my letter because one of my new friends is hugging me to death after reading over my shoulder (Rude Flint, Rude! Never heard of privacy?). Apparently getting hot chocolate when you’re sad is mandatory here.
Still with the most love, Rose Granger-Weasley
Ps. Wow, just a little bit of love? How petty of you.
Pps. But I did won so I don’t care. What’s the love of a family worth compared to my giant victory anyway?
Ppps. Angelina Flint here, sorry for dragging your cousin away but she was looking really sad. Also divorced parents suck, go buy yourself some ice cream and please send that howler, I would love nothing more than to see your brother’s face when he gets it
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hogwarts-cousins · 7 years
4 September 2017
My dad’s new place, the living room
Hi Rose,
You were right to assume I just needed to vent. I saw how my dad couldn’t really help it when I reread my letter and after we both apologized we had a pizza dinner in front of the telly. I suppose he didn’t deserve me getting mad at him because this is all new for him too. I got ice cream out of it though so I don’t feel very guilty about it. And a small room is less trouble to keep clean, plus I’m getting a king size high sleeper. Life could be worse.
Also *insert emo teenager voice here* don’t tell me what I can and can’t do Rose! You are not my mother! (She yelled while really regretting that she didn’t sleep the night before) I am dead on my feet, but also really glad to hear I sacrificed my sleep for a good cause.
Sucks to hear about the weather by the way, but at least you have an amazing tower to protect you from it! If Luna’s descriptions of the common room and the beds are anything to go by you got into the best house in the castle. I hope you do, you deserve it.
As for the recipes, I have some lying about here but my dad mostly cooks without instructions so I’ll have to dive into some bookstores. Of course I will curse you and your cow for making me do that because as you well know I hate books. And food, eww gross. 
Though I do hope you actually need these things and don’t just ask for them as a form of occupational therapy. I would not appreciate that.
I am thinking of sending James a howler for what he did with the shampoo, just for the hell of it. I mean it really was a terrible idea to only target the generic shampoo, and I have always wanted to send a howler to him. I tried to several times at the start of his first year but Albus always stopped me, and then the divorce happened so my mindset wasn’t really right for it.
There’s nothing stopping me now though. Not even my dad because there’s some guy whose house he needs to spy on because he keeps getting death threats or something. I rather suspect that he’s seeing a therapist and doesn’t want me to know about it, but that’s just guessing. He looks less awful then he did just after the divorce in march, but that could be because he’s eating better now.
Anyway I hope you’re having a nice first week. I’ll be at WWW tomorrow so I might not answer right away but as always I look forward to your letter.
With just a little bit of love because I do not appreciate losing,
Lily Luna Potter
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hogwarts-cousins · 7 years
3 September 2017
Ravenclaw tower, first year girls dorm
Hi Lily,
I am very sorry to hear that you fought with your dad, though I get his point too. I mean he was not in a position to give you your brothers’ room now was he? Albus already resents him and your mom for what happened. But you probably do not want me to mention that, you just want to vent, which is where I’m here for.
Also *insert motherly tone here* you are not allowed to do research after ten PM young lady! Sleep is very important for someone your age! (she wrote at half past twelve herself whoops). Parkinson’s face was totally worth it though, and I made new friends putting her in her place because she was already bullying on her first day. Binch.
I must say that I am indeed noticing a large expansion in my vocabulary range. You assumed correctly that I would be a Ravenclaw and these people do not sleep and cannot say ten words without swearing while tired. I do not think they even notice it anymore, though I will try to watch my language in my letters to you. I wouldn’t want you fighting with your parents about your choice of words too.
The weather here is pretty bad, though it isn’t raining at the moment, there is just a lot of wind. The banquet was fine but the vegetarian options were very limited so I was kind of hoping you could find some good meat free recipes? Apparently being a vegetarian is not a thing yet at Hogwarts. I have given my first speech on the matter this evening and I think I have a couple dozen housemates persuaded already. Now I just need to get the house elves on board, but with my mother’s track record I don’t think that will be a problem.
There is loads more I want to tell you but I don’t want to rush it and my eyes are falling shut so you will have to be patient for that. The cousins are doing fine, though James has already landed himself a month worth of detention by changing the generic Hogwarts shampoo to pink hair dye. Really it was rather rude of him because everyone with dyed hair was suddenly called out as being poor and/or unhygienic, but then you already know that your brother is quite the idiot sometimes.
I hope you made up with your dad, just as I hope you aren’t feeling too lonely there in London. At least you can stalk Fred and George, that’s something I already miss.
With the most love,
Rose Granger-Weasley
Ps. Yes it is kind of weird that your middle name is Luna, but Luna herself is weird too so I guess it fits.
Pps. The ink worked! Or at least it has so far. I am writing this letter in bed and I have yet to spill a single droplet. Thank you very much!
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