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part 2: wanting a girlfriend
but it’s quarantine and we’re being socially distant from people
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my story (please read, i know it’s long but the world needs to know this)
so, i know i dont have many followers but i still want to put it out there. i’ve been gone for a bit and that’s because i was in residential treatment for anorexia nervousa, depression, and anxiety. i feel like people talk about depression and anxiety enough to the point where people at least understand what it is, but no one seems to actually understand what anorexia (or an eating disorder in general) is.
first off: anyone can have an eating disorder. eating disorders are not for only famous actresses who need to get really skinny for a part. 5 year old girls can have an ED (eating disorder) and so can 50 year old men. ED’s don’t discriminate. they don’t care about age, race, gender, sexuality, or social status. just like cancer. they have the highest mortality rate out of all mental health disorders. you don’t just get skinny, you’re heart can fail, your reproductive system shuts down, your hair falls out, you can have osteoporosis, you can become infertile, your brain starts to deteriorate, your memory starts to disappear, your blood can stop circulating to your extremities and you will become extremely cold, and countless other awful health issues can happen. for me, anorexia meant i didn’t eat any chance i got. i threw away food, i hid food, i would purge, etc. i didn’t think i had an ED, i just thought i was trying to be healthy. but i wasn’t healthy, i was excessively weighing myself, never satisfied with the number i saw. i compared myself to ever girl i saw. i secretly exercised in my room. my bmi was way under what it should be. etc. ED’s are no joke and trick your brain into thinking nothing is wrong with you, only the people telling you to eat more are wrong. ED’s are constantly in a silent competition of who’s worse, who’s eating the least, who’s eating the most, etc. if you aren’t the worst, then you aren’t winning, you are failing. and with an eating disorder, you are never winning because ED’s only want more and more and more. they manipulate your mind and tell you that everyone is wrong, that nothing will be as good as what an ED can do for you. they tell you that you’re worthless if you eat or gain weight, they literally change the way you pathways in your brain and neurons work. they are an evil creature pretending to be your savior. people don’t get them by choice, although it certainly feels that way sometimes if you have one. they can be genetic or coincidental. you can’t just tell someone with an ED to start eating more because the ED will tell you that they’re lying and just want to make you fat. i keep saying “the ED will say/do this” and it seems like you’d be able to separate yourself and recognize that you have an eating disorder but you can’t, it feels just like you, like nothing is wrong with you and you’re the same person you’ve always been. only after extensive therapy and treatment have i been able to separate myself just in the slightest bit and recognize that this is a problem. i wanted to share all of this and say that i am still in treatment, i am no where near being recovered and the process can take anywhere from a year to 20 years or more. i wrote all this out because the world desperately needs education on this matter. there is such a horrible stigma around eating disorders that needs to disappear because having an eating disorder is no ones fault and shouldn’t be made fun of. and to anyone who may be reading this who can relate, it does get better, i promise, you just have to work hard with a treatment team to make it to the better part. and you don’t have to go to residential treatment to have a valid eating disorders, nor does it have to match everything i’ve described because there are tons more ED’s out there than just anorexia. thanks for reading this if you did, it means a lot to me.
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what’s up peeps, i’ve been gone a hot minute (more in a separate post later) but for now i got a great gay chat!
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enjoy the innocence of straights
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I’m so tired:
I’m exhausted of living. Of having to fake every emotion, having to pretend I care. I hate prentending I’m happy all the time for those around me. I’m exhausted of always being there for everyone and maybe this is selfish but I just need to break and for someone to be there for me, rather than the other way around. I feel like the weight of the world is on my shoulders and I carry it all because I don’t want to enflict this pain on anyone else. I don’t want to drag anyone down with me so I just keep it all to myself. But I’m getting tired and soon it’s going to crush me and I’m going to break and I don’t know if I’ll be able to recover from that this time.
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Emoji Spell: Clarity, peace, love, entertainment and enjoyment. Friendship, unity and understanding.
Likes Charge. Reblogs Cast.
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You know it’s getting bad again when music doesn’t even help.
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[Image: A pastel rainbow color block with repeating white text that reads “aces and aros belong in pride”]
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Reblog this for suicide prevention.
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“Loving me isn’t easy, I have sharp edges, I have missing parts.”
— Donte Colins (via thegoodvybe)
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i know everyone makes fun of ya dystopian fiction and books like the hunger games or divergent, etc. like “lmao one teenage girl can’t save the world” but uhhh 
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that is literally????
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what’s happening?????
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right now?????
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like idk about you, but i can smell a revolution coming
and she’s leading it. 
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please stay.
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