prettyannette · 2 years
Alexis Kaye a.k.a Punchline / DC
Punchline is the Joker's new right-hand woman. April, 2020
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Real Name : Alexis Kaye
Main Alias : Punchline
Base Of Operations : Gotham City
Alignment : Bad
Identity : Public Identity
Citizenship : American
Marital Status : Single
Occupation : Criminal · Serial Killer
Gender : Female
Eyes : Green
Hair : Black
Universe : Prime Earth
Creators : James Tynion IV · Jorge Jiménez
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Alexis Kaye before Punchline
Alexis Kaye was a student of Snyder College when she had her first encounter with the Joker, While on a field trip at a TV studio. the Joker had hijacked the studio and forced Alexis at gunpoint to act as a newsreader and deliver his message to the citizens of Gotham. The stunt however was interrupted by Batman and Alexis was saved, but, she developed an obsession with the Joker. She quickly came to believe that the Joker's crimes served a greater purpose.
She started an online podcast dedicated to the Joker and thoroughly researched all of his past crimes. Eventually, she created her own costume and began poisoning people around Gotham to attract the Joker's attention. The Joker saw potential in her and taught her how to create a modified form of Joker Venom, which she used to experiment on the homeless community.
The college's dean Bob was concerned with Alexis' behaviour and went to talk to her, but she murdered him with her form of Joker Venom. This was before finally adopting the persona of Punchline and thus successfully proving herself to the Joker.
Road to Joker War
Punchline was hired as a new underboss by the Joker in preparation for his coming war against Batman after Superman revealed his secret identity to the world, and Joker decided that a final battle with Batman using his secret identity in play would be fun. Punchline was at first assigned for a stake-out on Catwoman who had gone to dig up a Joker-lookalike's corpse after receiving a message from the Designer, not knowing it was the body of the Joker's gang member Artie. Punchline informed the Joker about Catwoman and Harley Quinn having found Artie's body, but he stated it was okay as he had to meet a few people first.
During Lex Luthor's battle against The Batman Who Laughs, Punchline held Mercy Graves hostage while Joker dealt with Lex for using the help of the Dark Multiverse's Batman despite his warnings. Joker however let both go, stating it was a joke all along and Lex had got what he needed.
She encountered Catwoman and Harley Quinn while working with Underbroker and fought Harley. Punchline cut Harley's neck and ordered her body to be dumped into the river. She then wounded Catwoman and used the account numbers Catwoman had stolen to steal the entire Wayne fortune from Batman for the Joker.
Joker War
With Joker in control of the Wayne fortune and Underbroker in control of Wayne Enterprises, Punchline went in to capture Lucius Fox, poisoning him to take control of Batman's equipment. When Batman returned to the building, Punchline was waiting for him, catching him by surprise with the new Batsuit Lucius had designed for him. Punchline mocked him for losing everything and infected him with a hallucinogenic version of the Joker Serum, forcing Batman to flee.
Punchline vs. Harley Quinn
At Tricorner Yards, Punchline and Underbroker doublechecked the arriving shipments of chemicals so they could make a larger batch of her Joker Serum variant. They learned of a clown-themed vigilante, Clownhunter, attacking Joker's gang members, but Punchline forced Joker's goons to get over it. She warned Joker of Clownhunter and Batman's continued existence, but he was unworried, telling her to send some of his tougher thugs to take care of Clownhunter before going off to kill Harley Quinn.
Finding Harley Quinn and Batman in Eden, a forest area hidden underneath Gotham that Poison Ivy made for Harley, Punchline proceeded to try and torch the place before Harley shot her with a flamethrower. As they fought, Punchline taunted Harley for ever believing she could reach the Joker's heart. When Punchline said the Joker truly loved her for "understanding" him, Harley lashed out, telling her that he's nothing more than a manipulator and she's just his latest victim, and that all he cared about was Batman. Furious, Punchline broke away, ready to kill Batman to prove her point. However, she arrived just as Batman had broken free of her drug thanks to a concoction Harley had given him earlier. Her defeat at Batman's hands was quick.
Powers and Abilities
Hand-to-Hand Combat (Basic)
Weaponry: Punchline wields two daggers which she uses with skill. She was able to seriously wound Harley Quinn and injure Catwoman in her first fight against them.
Joker Venom
James Tynion IV has stated that she is intended as an anti-Harley Quinn, being a silent and intimidating serial killer and the fact that the Joker seems to actually care about her.
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prettyannette · 2 years
Robin and Nightwing: The Evolution of Dick Grayson
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Fans of Batman will be familiar with the The Bat’s first adopted son, Dick Grayson and how he came to be in the hero’s care before he became the first Boy Wonder, Robin. But, what many don’t know is how much he has grown as a character. Dick’s evolution over the years has become one of the most recognisable character developments in DC Comics history.
Let’s take a much deeper look at who Dick Grayson is and how he has evolved over the years as a character. Before we dive into the gritty details, we need to establish who he is.
Who Is Dick Grayson?
If we’re going to talk about any character, we need to know who they are and what their back story is. So, just who is Dick Grayson?
Born as the son of Haley’s Circus trapeze artists, John and Mary Grayson, Dick was born was Richard John Grayson and practically lived and breathed aerobatics.
When he was young, Dick overhears crime boss Tony Zucco threatens the boss of the circus. When the circus boss refused to pay Zucco his money, the crime boss took revenge and had the Graysons’ trapeze sabotaged. Dick was forced to watch as his parents fell to their deaths.
Adoption and becoming the first Robin
After his parents’ murders, Dick was placed into the uncaring foster system. He was treated poorly. Though was soon rescued by none other than Bruce Wayne. Despite being saved from a cruel fate in the Orphanage, Dick quickly became frustrated when Bruce would give him even the smallest of attention. Deciding enough was enough, Dick decided to investigate his parents’ murders on his own, regardless if he had Bruce’s help.
The first place Dick went was back to the scene of the crime, Haley’s circus. However, he gets ambushed by one of Zucco’s associates, Eddie Skeevers and is almost killed. Dick awakens in the Batcave, discovering Bruce is Batman. Together, the unlikely pair work together to work out, exactly what Zucco is up to.
After a while, Bruce comes to the realisation Dick is a lot like him and offers him a chance to prove himself. He asks the boy to take on the mantle of his sidekick and to do some good in the world. Dick accepts and becomes the first in a long line of Robins.
Romance With Batgirl
Dick was many things and he had a high profiled romance with one of the most beloved characters in Batman lore, the original Batgirl herself, Barbara Gordon.
For the longest time, Dick and Barbara had a close relationship as Dick’s foster dad was Batman and Barbara’s dad, Jim Gordon was an ally of Batman, so they would have crossed paths. The pair went through a lot together and eventually, ended up romantically linked and this was long before they became known as Nightwing and Oracle.
When Barbara fell victim to The Joker and his war on Batman and Commissioner Gordon — she ended up paralysed after The Joker shoots her in the spine. When Dick gets wind of what has happened, he’s first reaction is total devastation. As time goes on, Dick proposes to Barbara and she accepts, however, when Batman asks for his help, Dick is reluctant as he promised Barbara he would give up being a hero. Barbara, seeing him torn over what he should do, allows him to help their friend, telling him they just aren’t ready for marriage.
Romance with Starfire
Other than Barbara, Dick’s other great romance was with Teen Titans teammate, Starfire, despite it being widely believed that Barbara was the love of Dick’s life.
During the crisis involving the Judas Contract, Dick and the original Teen Titans, rescue an alien girl who doesn’t understand English. The girl, Koriand’r and Dick had instant chemistry which resulted in a kiss. This kiss was the way Koriand’r learned English.
Five years into their relationship, Dick impulsively proposes and Kory says yes. However, their union wasn’t to be. Their friend and teammate Raven became evil and interrupted the wedding, killing and injuring people. After their near wedding, the pair end up with a strained relationship as Kory fears Dick had become anti-alien.
Relationship With Batman
Not matter what comic book era you’re reading, Dick’s relationship with his adoptive father is almost always the same: tense. It should be noted that Bruce was always tough on Dick which was why young Grayson always went to Alfred for fatherly advice instead of Bruce. This came when Alfred realised his mistake upon raising Bruce after the deaths of his parents. Bruce was raising Dick the same way Alfred had raised him: with tough love.
When Bruce discovered he had fathered a child with Talia Al Ghul, Dick was brought in to help train the heir to the demon and was often forced to play babysitting, big brother and sparing partner to the boy. Despite his own upbringing, Dick certainly didn’t like the idea of playing babysitter, but he did it because Damien was now his family and his little brother.
It’s evident in every piece of media he appears in that Dick is the polar opposite of Batman. When he was Robin, he was a cheery lad who followed his mentor’s rules and often broke them when he saw fit. As he grew, Dick found he didn’t deserve to be in Batman’s shadow and decided to venture out on his own.
Team Ups
Over his lifetime, Dick was a member of a number of teams of heroes. His most famous venture was The Teen Titans in which he started out.
The Teen Titans started as a group of sidekicks, associated with various members of The Justice League. Originally, the version of the team Dick was a part of consisted of him, Wally West; the nephew of Barry Allen’s The Flash and Garth; the sidekick of Aquaman. Later on, Donna Troy; the original the sidekick of Wonder Woman and Roy Harper; sidekick of The Green Arrow joined the team’s ranks.
Dick was elected as the team’s leader as he was the most experienced. The group of former sidekicks would see their fair share of horrors and dangers, including having to save their mentors from mind control.
As the years wore on, the team started to disband as they started to grow up and move away from their sidekick roots. However, Dick was called back into action, not long after, he became Nightwing. He was called upon by a figure known only as Raven. Dick once again took on the role of leader, but soon headed the handed the reins over to Donna Troy. Raven had pulled together the second generation of Teen Titans.
Becoming Nightwing
As he started to grow into his solo hero role, Dick wanted nothing more than to step away from being known simply as ‘Batman’s sidekick’. However, after he was shot in the shoulder by The Joker, Batman tells his adoptive son that he needs to give up being Robin.
Eventually, Dick decided to move out of Wayne Manor to attend Hudson University. He dropped out some time later, after just one semester. Because he quit college, Grayson was free to continue serving alongside the Teen Titans.
When it came to advice, Dick often found himself turning to Superman, as he knew the Kryptonian understood what he was going through. For a short time, Dick considered giving up being a superhero all together as he could no longer fight as Robin. Superman told him a story about a man on Krypton who was rejected by his family. While the strange man’s identity was not revealed, he did go by the name Nightwing. This inspired Dick to become his own hero under that very same moniker.
When the Titans were caught by Deathstroke, Dick decided the time was right to on his new persona as Nightwing. Because of this mission, Dick had finally found himself stepping away from Batman’s imposing shadow. However, despite not being Robin anymore, still upset him, especially when Batman decided to take on Jason Todd as the second Robin.
Because of this new arrangement, Dick’s relationship with Bruce never fully recovered. Though, it was through longtime fan Tim Drake that made Dick reconsider. Tim tried to get Dick to return to his mantle as Robin, but Dick refused. When Jason was killed by The Joker, Dick saw Bruce’s need for a sidekick and pleaded with his adoptive father to consider taking on Tim as the third Robin.
After impulsively proposing to Starfire and having their wedding interrupted by an evil Raven, Dick was left devastated when Kory decided to go on a ‘spiritual journey’ after Raven planted a ‘demon seed’ within his now former fiancée to do so.
Some time later, Dick almost gave up with the superhero mantle a second time but decided against it. It was also in this time that he realises there was so much more to the murders of his parents than he was originally led to believe. Later, he returned to Bruce and Alfred and told them they were the only family he had ever needed. He then became Nightwing in a permanent basis.
Famous Storylines (As Robin)
All superheroes have their own storylines. Therefore, Dick Grayson is no exception. Here are three of Dick’s most famous storylines while he was Robin.
1. Robin The Boy Wonder Dick’s introduction was during 1940 as a combination of Robin Hood and Doctor Watson. His original purpose was to serve as Batman’s companion.
Dick’s backstory was similar as Bruce Wayne’s. He saw his parents murdered and decided to avenge them by fighting crime.
2. Operation Escape By the time late 1940’s rolled around, Robin had gained his own solo comic series. The Robin comics ended during the early 1950s.These comics showed Robin was more than just Batman’s sidekick and that he was able to work on his own.
3. Requiem For A Titan By the 1960s, Robin found himself in the position of leader of the Teen Titans. The Teen Titans were a junior incarnation of the Justice League of America. It was this adventure that Robin would begin to distance himself from Batman.
Famous Storylines (As Nightwing)
The 1980s saw a massive change in Dick Grayson’s persona. He slowly began to shape into another persona. He became known as Nightwing. Here are four of Dick’s adventures as Nightwing.
1. The Judas Contract As of the 1980s, Dick earned his place a separate hero to Batman. By this time, he had become Nightwing, the polar opposite of the sidekick, he had once been to Batman. After the founding of the new Teen Titans, Jason Todd became Robin.
2. A Knight In Blüdhaven A Knight in Blüdhaven became the start of Dick’s transition into Nightwing. This first adventure shows him getting a sense of the corruption that plagued Blüdhaven.
3. The Black Mirror In the early 2000s, Dick accomplished the one thing fans may not have expected him to do. He becomes The Dark Knight himself. However, Dick does not become Batman full time. When Bruce is presumed dead, Nightwing takes on the Batman cowl.
The Upcoming Nightwing Film, The Batman And Titans
At San Diego Comic Con 2016, DC Entertainment announced Dick would star in his own spinoff film as Nightwing. The film, which is entitled Nightwing, will be directed by Chris McKay. McKay mentioned he knew how the fans felt about the character and knew how they would the character to be portrayed in the right light and how he knew the would want the character to be portrayed as closely as possible to the original.
However, McKay stressed that fans shouldn’t expect a straightforward origin story, though he did mention the possibility of flashbacks.
Director of the two most recent Planet of the Apes installments, Matt Reeves will helm The Batman, which could very well be the starting point for Dick’s debut into the DCEU. It could even set the events of the Nightwing movie into motion. The film could should a young Dick move through the ranks of Robin and eventually becoming Nightwing.
Dick is set to enter the live action television world sometime in 2018 with the television series, Titans where he will be portrayed by Australian actor Brenton Thwaites and will begin his tenure on the show as Robin, trying detach himself from Batman and to become an independent hero.
So, there you have it, a look at the evolution of the great character, Dick Grayson. Despite being a sidekick, he has grown into becoming his own person by detaching himself from his mentor and adoptive father, Bruce Wayne. Dick has the heart and soul of a leader, having learned from one of the best heroes around.
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pt.2. ^3
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prettyannette · 2 years
Jerome Valeska (Gotham) DC series.
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Jerome Valeska was a nihilistic anarchist, and the identical twin brother of the genius Jeremiah Valeska, who Jerome later drove to be a sociopathic serial killer. Jerome dedicated himself to showing the people of Gotham City, particularly Jim Gordon and Bruce Wayne, that nothing matters, a message that resonated so strong with some people, they formed a cult around his ideologies.
Real Name : Jerome Valeska
Other Aliases : The Great Rudolpho
Relatives : Paul Cicero (father, deceased) Lila Valeska (mother, deceased) Zachary Trumble (maternal uncle, deceased) Jeremiah Valeska (twin brother)
Affiliation : Legion of Horribles, Cult of Jerome formerly Theo Galavan, Maniax, Haly's Circus
Base Of Operations : Formerly Arkham Asylum
Alignment Bad Identity Public Identity Citizenship American Marital Status Single Occupation Anarchist, Serial killer
Gender Male Eyes Blue Hair Red
Universe Gotham (TV Series) Creators Bruno Heller
First Appearance Appearance of Death "The Blind Fortune Teller" (February 16, 2015)"A Dark Knight: That's Entertainment" (April 12, 2018)
Jerome Valeska was a kid born to carnival folk, raised by his snake charmer single mother. Lila Valeska was a sub-par parent, and Jerome resented her, finding cameraderie with Paul Cicero, a blind old man who was a sideshow psychic. Valeska became sociopathic, eventually murdered his mother, and then tried to hide the fact.[1] When he was caught by the GCPD, because he was of age, he was tried as an adult and sent to Arkham Asylum, a local institute for the criminally insane.
Valeska was comfortable enough there, but his flair for murder caught the eye of criminal mastermind Theo Galavan, who jailbroke a collection of inmates, planning to use them as part of a series of staged criminal acts, as a gang called "The Maniax".
Drawn to the theatrical and artificial nature of the endeavor, Valeska blossomed, becoming the leader and face of the gang.
In a plan to make Theo Galavan appear as a hero to the city on live television, Valeska held up a charity event, killed the deputy mayor, and proceeded to take Bruce Wayne as his hostage. Going off script in order to make himself look better, Galavan double-crossed Valeska by sneaking up behind him and stabbing the boy in the neck. Jerome died on the stage, laughing at the betrayal hadn't seen coming.
Jerome's corpse was taken inside a storage warehouse along with multiple other corpses. Dwight Pollard, whom used to be an employee at Indiana Hill prior to it closing down managed to learn to resurrect the dead. Dwight was also a fanatic fan of Jerome Valeska. While trying to revive Jerome he was raided by the GCPD so in a swift manner Dwight cut of Jerome's face and escaped. But little did he know that the attempt had worked and Jerome was resurrected successfully.
Jerome's corpse was brought at the GCPD morgue where he woke up at and killed a nearby police officer and took his gun. Later Lee Thompkins entered the morgue and Jerome came up behind her and asked her a few questions. Jerome was going to go after Theo Galavan who killed him but Lee explained to him that he had already died. Jerome then asked her where was his face, with her not knowing the location Jerome decided to gag her. Suddenly Channel 9 News started broadcasting and showed Dwight with Jerome's face and Jerome proclaimed that Dwight had no charisma. Jerome then took a cop car and went to the Channel 9 News Studio. After Dwight was arrested Jerome took his face and snuck Dwight in the cop car and left to the city's power plant. There Jerome stapled his face back on with a staple gun and tied Dwight up to a chair and started a broadcast as well. Jerome held a short speech and told everybody that they could kill who they wanted. Jerome then set the power plant on fire making it explode and create a blackout.
With Jerome now free, he remembers that the last thing he wanted to do before his death was to kill Bruce Wayne. Jerome and his followers then break into Wayne Manor to kill Bruce Wayne, whilst in the middle of trashing the manor, Bruce manages to convince Jerome to kill him in front of an audience in order to buy more time.Jerome and his cult then take Bruce to a theme park which is one of the places that the cult had taken over, he leads Bruce through the theme park showing him some of the cruel things he is doing to innocent people. Jerome then moves Bruce on to 'The Main Event'. He ties Bruce up and moves a circus cannon in front of him. Before Jerome could start, Alfred, Gordon and Bullock along with the strike force, stop the show and attempt to apprehend Jerome and his followers, before they have time to reach Bruce, Jerome lights the fuse on the cannon in order to kill Bruce. Bruce escapes by using staples that Jerome had put in his wrist to test him. After his escape, he leads Jerome into a mirror maze in an attempt to bring him down, Jerome places his gun on the ground and let's his confidence get the better of him, unaware that Bruce is already mildly trained. Bruce wins the fight and beats Jerome until his stapled face is hinging off of his face, Bruce picks up a piece of glass in order to kill Jerome, Jerome is constantly Psychotically laughing at him and ordering him to do it, Bruce realises what he is about to do and manages to keep his anger inside of him. He leaves a beaten Jerome on the floor and walks out. Jerome follows unexpectedly and sneaks up on Bruce and Alfred, Gordon realises and throws a punch at Jerome, this results in Jerome's entire face falling off, Gordon punches him again and his face goes flying off into a puddle. Jerome is then sent to Arkham Asylum.
A few months later, Jerome, along with Jonathan Crane (Scarecrow) and Jervis Tetch (Mad Hatter), led a breakout from Arkham Asylum which resulted in hoards of crazed inmates escaping into Gotham City. He searched for a man named Xander Wilde, who is later revealed to be his identical twin brother Jeremiah Valeska. He developed an insanity gas through the Scarecrow, which he planned on using on Jeremiah and the citizens of Gotham. However, the plan failed, and Jerome falls into his death. He left a final trap for Jeremiah, which is the insanity gas in a Jack-in-the-box disguised as a gift from Wayne Enterprises.
Powers and Abilities
Deception: Jerome was initially able to pose as a kind and understanding son after murdering his mother, even pretending not to care about her drunken sex life.
Intimidation: Because of his constant smiles and disregard for life itself, many are scared to just even be in the same room with Jerome. He is able to stab someone without so much as batting an eye, even using the victim's blood to paint a smile on Bruce's face.
Charisma: Right after his first death, Jerome was able to inspire senseless violence and death. Upon his revival, he was able to take control of the cult that worshiped him and take over an amusement park.
Mental Illness: Due to the abusive and neglect he suffered from his mother that Jerome suffered for years, he snapped.
Any vehicle that he could steal
Anything that he could steal
Jerome Valeska was portrayed by Cameron Monaghan.
Described as "Proto-Jokers", Jerome Valeska and his twin brother Jeremiah are the precursors to the Joker, a supervillain based on the Batman's nemesis from the comic books. According to Gotham executive producer John Stephens, "Joker is somewhere out there, anonymous and unformed, and he's watching the actions of Jeremiah, Jerome and possibly even another one and he's adopting them as inspirations as the person he'll one day become.
His removed face is a reference to Batman: Death of the Family.
did you watch Gotham series? ^3
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prettyannette · 2 years
Chandi Gupta (Justice League Europe.) NEW EARTH. DC COMICS.
Chandi Gupta is Maya, a young Indian superheroine with elemental fire powers. She was a member of the Justice League Europe.
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Real Name : Chandi Gupta Main Alias : Maya Affiliation : Cadre , Justice League Task Force , Justice League Europe.
Alignment : Good Identity: Secret Identity Citizenship : Indian Marital Status : Single
Gender : Female Eyes : Black Hair : Black
Universe : New Earth Creators : Gerard Jones · Ron Randall
First Appearance
Justice League Europe #47 (February, 1993).
Chandi Gupta manifested her elemental powers at an early age, barely into her teenage years. Her parents, unsure of what to do, left her in the care of a strange Indian cult. The leaders of this cult were convinced that she was the reincarnation of one of the Hindu gods, Shiva. Chandi, confused and terrified, realised that the cult was evil and planning to sacrifice her. Horrified, she escaped, and fled to London.
Justice League Europe
There, now under the alias Maya, she witnessed the Justice League Europe brawl with the super-villain Sonar. She reluctantly used her powers to assist them in their battle, and managed to single-handedly defeat the threat. The JLE, grateful for her timely assistance, offered her official membership with them. Feeling she had nowhere else to go, she gladly accepted. One of her earliest missions with them was a return to her homeland of India. There, she came under attack from her supposed protector, the Mahayogi. Fortunately, she fended him off long enough to escape and rejoin her team.
The JLE later journeyed to Nepal, where she encountered a boy with powers similar to hers. However, the child was killed, and Maya learned that the cult that had held her as a young girl was a front for a villain called the Overmaster, who planned to destroy the Earth. Overmaster took control of her mind and used her against her teammates, but the Mahayogi, whom she had fought earlier with the League, sacrificed himself in order to free her mind. After a climactic confrontation with the Overmaster, the JLE disbanded. Maya decided to give her parents one more chance, and currently resides with them in India. She has only been seen fleetingly since the team split, at the "funeral" of Maxwell Lord, at a gathering of mystics trying to call forth The Spectre, and in an adventure in which she aided Wonder Woman.
Powers and Abilities
Energy Construct Creation: Maya was originally only able to manifest a mystical bow. She has used it as a conventional bow, able to fire sometimes devastatingly powerful projectiles usually made of mystical energy.Energy Projection: She later developed the ability to manifest large amounts of fire or water without using the bow as a focus. Energy Projection: She can manifest her arrows to become mystical fire. Hydrokinesis: She can manifest her arrows to become mystical water.
Power Distribution: She can grant herself enhanced abilities.Enhanced Speed: On one occasion she's granted herself enhanced speed, allowing her to run faster than a normal human. Enhanced Strength: On one occasion she's granted herself enhanced strength, allowing her to lift heavier loads than a normal human.
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Maya forms a bow from water
I think she's really cool, right? More Asian superhero and villain! ^3
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prettyannette · 2 years
SILK #1 Review: Cindy Moon Does Whatever A Spider Can.
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In Marvel Comics’ Silk #1, Cindy Moon proudly steps into the spotlight. With writer Maurene Goo and artist Takeshi Miyazawa at the helm, an underrated Spider-Verse member is poised to become a breakout star after this captivating launch. Goo gives Moon a personality that packs as much wit as you’d expect from Spider-Man himself. Plus, Miyazawa and color artist Ian Herring’s cinematic action shots turn this issue into a strong introduction for what should become a can’t-miss series. Finally, letterer Ariana Maher subtly brings each character’s voice to life, making every scene feel dynamic and life-like.
If you’re unfamiliar with Cindy, you’ll fall in love with her by the end of this first issue. She’s wonderfully sassy, and Goo’s script gives her several Peter Parker-like quips that hit home. Cindy’s spunk is immediately evident in the opening scene as, much like Spider-Man, she delivers some zingers while she stops a bank robbery. In one line, she hits a home run by telling one of the would-be crooks that she’s a disappointment to her parents. Goo captures the essence of Spidey and twists it so that Cindy’s character stands on its own.
As fun as the opening scene is, the heart of the issue comes at Cindy’s day job, where she’s a budding journalist working under J. Jonah Jameson’s tutelage at Threats & Menaces. Jameson’s presence firmly ties the book to the Spider-Man mythos, giving casual fans something to latch onto, but his relationship with Cindy becomes a vital part of the story. Goo smoothly establishes a cute dynamic between the two, as the senior Jonah bonds with Cindy over their affinity for antiquated technology and good old-fashioned journalism. It’ll be fascinating to see how this relationship progresses throughout the series, especially if/when Jonah finds out about Cindy’s crime-fighting exploits.
Like you might expect in any story that involves a reporter, Silk #1 centers around a mysterious crime. In this case, it’s a gangland killing that leaves Cindy half-joking that werewolves might be involved. Miyazawa and Herring depict the scene of the carnage by leaning into the horror, with blood splattered all over the wall and gory shots of the victims themselves. This scene illustrates the brutality of the crime, but one small yet crucial detail comes when Cindy returns to her office.
Though it might sound obvious, Goo and the art team make Cindy feel like an actual journalist. But when Miyazawa actually shows Cindy drafting up an article, this story clarifies that the character’s day job is just as important as her status as a superhero. The action shots of Silk slinging into action in full-page spreads are nice, but this little detail hammers in the fact that Cindy, much like the original Spider-Man, is essentially an everyman who’s trying to do the right thing.
Likewise, the creative team makes Cindy feel relatable when she makes a mistake. Maher’s lettering shows her inner monologue criticizing her carelessness in one seemingly harmless moment that sets off a dramatic chain reaction. In a nutshell, the whole team works together to make Cindy likable and remarkably human.
Silk #1 is the perfect jumping-on point because it establishes Cindy’s character, offers some typical superhero crime-fighting, and drops a few breadcrumbs for a compelling mystery. Hardcore Spider-Man readers and casual Marvel fans alike should check out this issue.
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she is my new crush ^3
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prettyannette · 2 years
Death of Doctor Strange: White Fox (2021) #1 MARVEL MCU
Published: December 01, 2021
Writer: Alyssa Wong.
AMI HAN is the last of the mystical shape-shifting KUMIHO. As the WHITE FOX, she's defended Earth from every threat and proven herself again and again alongside the Agents of Atlas and Tiger Division. But the DEATH OF DOCTOR STRANGE will test her like never before. Something (or someone) is murdering innocents and the only suspect who fits the profile is White Fox! She'll have to clear her name and uncover the dark secrets from her mysterious origin while the very planet is under siege. Ami can have the answers she so desperately seeks, or she can save her friends. Guest-starring SWORD MASTER and TIGER DIVISION!
White Fox protects Seoul from the fallout of The Death of Doctor Strange in new special preview.
The Death of Doctor Strange leads to White Fox being the prime suspect in other Marvel murders.
The relatively new Marvel hero the White Fox returns this December, becoming the prime suspect in a series of murderers connected to the Death of Doctor Strange. In the upcoming one-shot Death of Doctor Strange: White Fox,  Alyssa Wong returns to write the next White Fox adventure alongside artists Andie Tong and Luciano Vecchio, along with colorist Arif Prianto.
"Doctor Strange's death has hurled our entire reality into all-out war and chaos. Magical invaders from countless dimensions descend on Earth. One such threat will change the life of Ami Han (AKA White Fox) in a huge way," Marvel editor Tom Groneman said when Death of Doctor Strange: White Fox was announced.
"White Fox is the last of her kind, the last of the magical, shape-shifting beings known as Kumiho. Her family, the other Kumiho -- they're long gone. No one else on Earth knows what it's like to be the White Fox… until now."
According to Marvel, a series of "brutal killings" in Seoul paints White Fox as the only possible suspect.
"The attack… the killings…they're connected to Ami's mysterious past and to the Sorcerer Supreme," Groneman continued. "Stopping them and finding the answers to her many questions about her past will change the future of the White Fox forever."
This is Wong's second outing with White Fox, after 2019's Future Fight Firsts: White Fox - which established the character's full origin for the first time. Wong also worked with Tong on the recent The Legend of Shang-Chi one-shot.
"I love White Fox and I'm excited to be writing her again, especially for the Death of Doctor Strange!" Wong said. "One of my first Marvel stories was Future Fight Firsts: White Fox, a one-shot about Ami Han's origin story, so this feels like coming home."
In addition to featuring White Fox (and possibly a flashback to include Doctor Strange), the book will feature Fox's team Tiger Division, the new Agents of Atlas line-up, and Sword Master.
Death of Doctor Strange: White Fox's cover is illustrated by R1c0, with variants from Peach Momoko and Inhyuk Lee. Check them all out here:
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prettyannette · 2 years
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prettyannette · 2 years
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prettyannette · 2 years
White Fox (Ami Han) - AVENGERS : ELETRIC RAIN.
Marvel’s First Korean Superhero Secures A Role In Avengers.
The hero is based on the myth of the 9-tailed fox, or Kumiho, a creature with the ability to shape-shift, and she is shown in the issue speaking with animals.
She was Marvel’s first attempt at targeting the Korean audience and the comics giant already feel that the character belongs alongside the likes of Iron Man and Captain America, showing her popularity in the country.
The her first appearance in the series came in chapter 6 where the action moved to Seoul, Korea and is the main location for the issue
The hero is based on the myth of the 9-tailed fox, or Kumiho, a creature with the ability to shape-shift, and she is shown in the issue speaking with animals.
She was Marvel’s first attempt at targeting the Korean audience and the comics giant already feel that the character belongs alongside the likes of Iron Man and Captain America, showing her popularity in the country.
The her first appearance in the series came in chapter 6 where the action moved to Seoul, Korea and is the main location for the issue.
White Fox makes her first Civil War – Choosing Sides appearance in Seoul’s Sheep Cafe!
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Among other abilities, she has the power to communicate with animals.
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It looks like she may be making many more appearances in the series, and in the Avengers universe!
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prettyannette · 2 years
Ami Han (White Fox) Marvel Comics Earth-616. Future Avengers. Future Fight.  “Avengers: Electric Rain.”
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Real name - Ami Han Aliases White fox, agent F-one.
Gender Woman
Citizenship - Korean
Race - Kumiho
Strengths and abilities
Like Kumiho, White Fox has superhuman abilities, the full extent is unknown. She has demonstrated the following skills:
Elevated senses: White Fox has extremely sharp olfactory senses. She is an excellent tracker and has even detected traces of extradimensional energy, odors and even the smell of fear. He also has superhuman hearing.
Claws: White Fox has the ability to extend and retract claws at the fingertips.
Communication with animals: White Fox has demonstrated the ability to engage in conversation with animals such as pigeons and squirrels.
Mesmerism: White Fox can use his voice to hypnotize a person to do what he wants.
Superhuman stamina: White Fox managed to survive several stories of falling without injury.
Superhuman Agility: White Fox is able to jump long distances.
Fox Transformation: White Fox can transform into his kumi form (nine-tailed fox), with each tail having unique abilities that are still unknown.
Superhuman Stamina: According to Ami, the kumihos never get tired.
Superhuman Speed: White Fox is able to run and move at a speed that far exceeds the natural physical limits of the best human athlete.
Absorption of life force energy: Through Yaewoo Guseul ("fox marble"), the kumi can absorb human energy in order to rehabilitate its power. The fastest way is through a kiss.
Skilled Combatant
: White Fox is experienced in melee combat.
Multilingualism: In addition to Korean, White Fox is able to speak Greek and English fluently. According to her, all Korean superagents must speak at least six languages.
Device Combat suit from Yeowoo Guseul
Guns White Fox used a battle stick that appears to have a telescopic mechanism.
Comment White Fox is based on the character of the same name from the Avengers: Electric Rain web series. In addition to hiding her tail behind civilian clothes, Ami uses a black wig to cover her distinctive white hair. Details After her mother's death, Ami began to dye her hair black, but each time she turned into Kumi, it turned white. Eventually, she began using a black wig.
Who is Ami Han in MARVEL?
Ami Han is the last of Kumi, a mystical Korean nine-tailed fox, known for hunting to seduce men to rip out their hearts and eat them. Her grandmother was Kumi, who fell in love with a man who helped her reveal her humanity.
Who is White Fox in MARVEL?
White Fox (Ami Han) is a vigilante who is a member of the Altas Foundation and an agent of the South Korean news agency. Ami Han is the last of Kumi, a mystical Korean shape-shifting nine-tailed fox hunted by seductive men to rip out their hearts and eat them.
Champion content
The White Fox began investigating the mysterious disappearance of his fellow agent Gun-R as soon as his body was found, eight months after he disappeared. White Fox's investigation concluded that Gun-R had been torn into an alternate universe. Although she had past experience with other universes and pocket dimensions, she believed she would need help to validate her theory and prevent anyone else like the Gun-R from being abducted. For this purpose, Ultimates sought help.
White Fox and Ultimates traveled to the Grand Master's hideout. The Grandmaster revealed that he had actually forced Gun-R to compete in his latest Contest of Champions. The white fox pounced on the grandmaster, but he would rather make a deal than fight her: if she and the Ultimates left, he would tell them who had killed the Gun-R and won the competition, as well as the location of this individual. In this way, White Fox learned about the Maestro and his control of the ISO-Sphere. Miss America created a portal to Battleworld, and White Fox joined the Ultimates against Maestro. When they arrived in Battleworld, they were attacked by the Symbioids, creatures that formed from the remnants of Venom and Void. The white fox held on to the monsters until the survivors of the Maestro's Contest of Champions escaped and joined the battle. Madame Hydra tried to control the minds of the Symbioids, but was killed by Maestro. As a result, Blue Marvel attacked Maestro, who repulsed him and sent him back to Earth with the rest of the Ultimates and Night Thrasher, without remembering what had happened there. He did not intentionally expel the white fox because he wanted it as a competitor in his next competition. White Fox joined the remaining champions and went as a renegade
When Maestro decided to confront the competition directly, Outlaw managed to snatch his ISO-Sphere and use her power to make the competition end with Maestro's expulsion. As the ISO-Sphere broke, it teleported the competition wherever they wanted to be. White Fox and the Earth-616 competitor were teleported back to their home universe, and I seemed intrigued by the idea of ​​creating my own team to protect the world.
Cold war
The White Fox teamed up with Domino, the Black Widow and Platoon to restore and destroy the Constellation of Creation, an artifact capable of transforming humans into the Celestial, but when he discovered that the White Fox intended to infect the Constellation in a year to gain cosmic power, the White Fox was fired from the team. White Fox later returned to the Creation Constellation, which was stolen by Iron Man Sentry, so Domino could use it to defeat Geun the Kat (Dr. Geun), bringing Neena and Doctor Geun back to normal. Later, White Fox rejoined the team to attack Hogar Hernández Para Jóvenes En Riesgo in Costa Rica, where the mutant girl was held as a prisoner, as Domino saw her when she was under the influence of the Constellation.
New Atlas agents
During the Empire War, White Fox, the leader of the South Korean army, fought alongside fellow citizens Luna Snow and Crescent against the invasion of the Fire Demons of the Muspelheim Empire attacking Seoul. She led the South Korean heroes against Brawn (Amadeus Cho) and the Protectors (who came to help stop the invasion), believing that they were allies of the Fire Demons.
She later led an army against Sindr, Queen of Cinderella, but when Sindr threatened to summon a volcano in the middle of the city, White Fox, against her will, was teleported away from the Battle of Brawn along with other heroes, without the Moon. Snow.
Later, White Fox helped Brawn infiltrate an army of fiery demons to save Luna Snow. After the agents discovered Sindra's plan to melt the polar ice caps, Ami and the other heroes stopped their fight to save the world.
While the rest of the team fought Sindra and lowered the Arctic temperature, White Fox, Crescent, Silk, Sword Master and "Tūtū Pele" were teleported by Agent Woo to Atlas's ally Sun Wukong of the Ascendants in northern China, where Shang-Chi began training them for their last combat.
After training, the White Fox in her kumi form fought alongside the Atlas Agents against Sindra's army and then attacked Sindra after "Tūtū Pele" sacrificed herself to weaken Queen Cinderella, but was easily defeated and returned to her human form. When Sun Wukong also sacrificed, further weakening Sindr, the agents used what they had learned during Shang-Chi's training to defeat her. Although Jimmy gave him a chance to give up, Sindr escaped with Black Bifrost. Agents follow her through Brawn's teleport, where he helped Captain Marvel defeat her and her other forces at the Great Wall of China. After Malekith's defeat.
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