sraffasnotes-blog · 6 years
November 1927, D3/12/11: 50; E2.44
Phases of capitalism
Age of increase of population:
up to Industrial Revolution + French Revolution.
Mercantilism (practice or theory?) absolute monarchy
ends in Malthus, Wallace (Lloyd: power = population × circulation)
Age of increase of circulating capital:
up to 1820–1830 (railways, chartism) Classical P. E.
beginnings of democracy
The series of the forms of capital must be made continuous
Age of increase of intermediate capital
up to 1870. Free trade, democracy
Age of increase of fixed capital
up to 1914 Protection “to infant industries”.
Age of...
Imperialism, ultima tappa. {final stage} Capitalism has lost all his reasons of life, having exhausted his tasks. It simply defends itself.
Age of increase of land
inventions (Ricardian improvements)
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sraffasnotes-blog · 6 years
November 1927, D3/12/11: 49; E2.43
negative rent on fixed capital
Tumblr media
circ. on fix.
Law of Keynes: two forces:
time discontinuous: diff. ord. smalls
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sraffasnotes-blog · 6 years
November 1927, D3/12/11: 48; E2.42
Fixed + circul. cap.
Does not the proportion of machines that is fixed capital depend upon the length of the productive period? And then also whether they ought to get interest or not? Is it so arbitrary and ill defined as Marshall's quasi rent? Because it is a question of deciding, in precise numbers, what is rent + what is interest.
Is Ricardo's calculation of accumulated profits according to length of period of production helpful?
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sraffasnotes-blog · 6 years
November 1927, D3/12/11: 47; E2.41
Surplus ‒ all right
Then fix. cap. elimin. D = D
Keynes' theory
Conciliation of econ. + Marx
Infinite solutions but proportional: all that is wanted
Marsh. on measure of cost (Mr Mills theo)
Stupidi, cercate soluz esterna al valore!
(nt. lav. ecc.)
Pesi e lunghezze
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sraffasnotes-blog · 6 years
November 1927, D3/12/11: 46, verso; E2.40.ii
But the question as to whether interest on fixed cap. is good or harmful cannot be left to arbitrary choice of length of period (but is it arbitrary?) yes, if continuous)
Ricardo's cumulated interest.
But Warning: long + short period, rent or interest have meaning only in respect of future possibility of disinvest., not past
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sraffasnotes-blog · 6 years
November 1927, D3/12/11: 45, verso; E2.40.i.b
The size of the marginal unit depends on the period: but that is indifferent to payment of interest, as it is proportional.
But period affects distinction in proportions of rent + interest. It is however definite: rent bears the same relation to interest, as amount consumed bears to amount surviving of fixed capital during that period. The longer the period, the greater proportion of rent.
On the part which can never be consumed nor disinvested, always rent whatever the period. [(But necessity of stimulus for attracting further invest.)
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sraffasnotes-blog · 6 years
November 1927, D3/12/11: 45, recto; E2.40.i
In fixed capital rent is paid also on the marginal unit because otherwise it would be converted into circulating: it is just the marginal that would be converted. Therefore fixed capital is not, as it should (and as land cannot for fisical reasons) be exploited up to the margin only because interest has to be paid even on the margin.
Rent of ability = fixed capital.
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sraffasnotes-blog · 6 years
November 1927, D3/12/11: 44; E2.39
The remarkable thing is that both on capital and on land I reach the same results of Pigou (expand by bounty the first, leave alone the other) without introducing either diminishing or incr. returns. This is because here we dont count surplus as cost, and apparently variations come only out of the surplus.
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sraffasnotes-blog · 6 years
November 1927, D3/12/11: 43; E2.38
quasi rent: proportions of cap.
So far, arbitrary.
But periods determined
The shorter the period dura period considered, the greater fixed capital: [how two forces cumulate] K. law.
2 Elimination of capital.
1 Economic time, discontinuous: at limit, no capital.
What is limit?
enhanced p.l
but his period: cycle of prod
my per. is Marshalls
Time Keynes' law.
meaning of long + short
relative to period progress + fluctuations
statical assumptions, what mean?
lenght of period.
where long (agric.) little progress (also little fixed cap.: is it not identical to little progress?)
where short (railways, electricity) great progress
Happy coincidence, allows statical long periods in first, short in latter.
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sraffasnotes-blog · 6 years
November 1927, D3/12/11: 42; E2.37
When we have got surplus, natural economy stops. How distributed?
Pull, i.e. marg. productivity, provided each individual (not all) free to withdraw. For R. [net] marg. prod. of labour = zero, in consequence of theory of population. Rent determined by differential (?). ‒ Why it does not enter into cost ‒ The rest goes to capital, proportionately
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sraffasnotes-blog · 6 years
November 1927, D3/12/11: 41; E2.36
Uses of “absolute cost”. Necessary for distrib. of resources, Pigou's taxes + bounties. National dividend, intermediate between gross + net. What matters is net, in the long run.
Absurd conclusion of Pigou on labour saving machinery, right conclusion of Ricardo.
Labourer [costs 10] substituted, after invention by horse, that costs 8: suppose the 2 goes to the labourer, he will substitute horse in former employment, which was certainly marginal, and will get just under 8.
But if large numbers displaced, margins dont apply, and consequences temporarily disastrous.
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sraffasnotes-blog · 6 years
November 1927, D3/12/11: 40; E2.35
Marshall's “short or long periods”: how could he think of two simultaneous + different times for the same thing?
“Period of time” is simply the internal (or relation) between the cause and its effect. This is a definite not arbitrary [length] unit. The cause takes place at one point in time, the effect explodes all at once at a different point of time.
When Marshall says a tax [a rise in price] will have different effects on prices (or quantities produced) according as we “allow a long or a short period”, by “a tax” he is taking an arbitrary composite unit. He is in fact considering an enormous number of extremely small taxes: they all start simultaneously, but their effects take place at different points in time, but according to the nature of the different particles of matter to which they are applied: but each of the effects explodes at one point of time.
In fact time can only be thought as the relation between cause and effect.
There is one time for each thing: this time is discontinuous, it is formed by segments, the ends of which are ‒ an effect (end) of one is the cause (beginning) of another, the effect [(end)] of this becomes a cause (beginning) of the following..... and so on... ad infinitum?
No: lenght of period decreases in the progress as the square of....
(due to cumulative effects: effect is cause plus surplus)
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sraffasnotes-blog · 6 years
November 1927, D3/12/11: 39, verso
Tumblr media
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sraffasnotes-blog · 6 years
November 1927, D3/12/11: 39, recto; E2.34.ii
Tumblr media
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sraffasnotes-blog · 6 years
November 1927, D3/12/11: 38, verso; E2.34.i.b
There must be some advantage he brings to others which he does not reap himself.
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sraffasnotes-blog · 6 years
November 1927, D3/12/11: 38, recto; E2.34.i
Shifts + working capital
Suppose several shifts are worked every day. If, by decreasing the working hours of each shift, we can add one further shift, this is convenient even if each worker puts in 6 hours work less than less output than in the former 8 hours, paying of course the same daily wage to each.
In effect, working capital decreses with square of period of production = and the latter decreases owing to additional shift.
But why if that is so does not the capitalist undertaker carry it out? Because interest on working cap. is small part of his expenses? But then also interest of fixed would decrase in proportion, not to t2, but to t.
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sraffasnotes-blog · 6 years
November 1927, D3/12/11: 37, verso; E2.33.b
If we say that interest [i.e. surplus] “may” be paid on working capital only, we can conclude that it can only be paid to the workers.
(But then why are we so anxious to reduce working capital, taking advantage of the fact that it is proportional to t 2?)
W. Capital is exceedingly small because it is the photograph of what exists at any one moment, not of what has been spent during the period (not? of course it is)
Nobody holds stocks. What matters is to have ready command over stocks, to be able to rely with certainty upon possibility of procuring it. But this is money. Firms have an enormous working capital because they have money. This is capital [(even if it is paper money; but fixed capital (gold). No interest ought to be charged]
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