#// all that could have been avoided if elijah and freya would have just sat the fuck down somewhere
heaven4lostgirls · 1 year
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You’re my happy place
husband!elijah mikaelson x wife!fem!reader
tags: fluff, happy ending, soft!elijah
a/n: if u guys even read this pls pls pls send me requests for fics u want me to write!! ok enjoy<3
You had spent the entire day at the compound waiting for Elijah and Nik to get back. They had gone on some stupid witch hunt again because Nik believed that the witches were plotting against him as usual.
You sat on the floor of the compound playing with baby hope when you hear the hurried footsteps of the two brothers and the stench of blood nearly made you vomit on the spot.
You hurriedly put Hope back in her cot before running to see if anyone was hurt. Nik looked like he had just committed mass murder but by the look in his eyes you knew better than to ask him what had happened. All you did was beckon hun closer and take a look to see if any of his injuries were major, thankfully he just looked like he had a bruised ego.
To the left of his Elijah stood in a ski liar state however he seemed to be clutching his side. You knew whenever Nik would put himself in dangerous situations your idiot of a husband would not be far behind, always looking out for his little brother.
You made your way to him slowly whilst looking over him to see if anywhere else seemed to be causing him pain, once it looked like his side was the only place he seemed to be clutching you sighed in relief.
As you reached him you carefully placed your hands on his face, he seemed to be avoiding your eyes and you somehow knew exactly why.
“Is that blood Eli?” You questioned harshly, you knew that when you both moved to New Orleans that the witch community wasn’t exactly fond of the Mikaelson family however the lacerations on Elijahs side didn’t seem to be healing and this has been an all time low for them, never had the witches hurt them so badly they couldn’t heal it. You were on relatively good terms with all of the witches however seeing your husband in this state all you could hear was your heart pounding and your blood boiling.
Elijah looks almost embarrassed as he utters a small “No?” You sigh and shake your head with a small smile, your husband would always be the one trying to make you laugh even if he did seem like he was bleeding out.
“That isn’t normally a question you answer with another question darling” all he does is smile back innocently.
“Cmon let’s get you cleaned up” you motion for him to sit on the couch as Hayley ends up attending to Nik as he grumbled about the ‘stupid witches’. You just sigh and look at Elijah pointedly
“You can’t keep running head first into ever fight that Nik picks so you can save him, it’s not safe” you tell him as you brush his hair out of his face to clean the small scratches surrounding his eyes.
“I know my love, he’s my brother, I simply can’t let him get himself in trouble, I made a vow to my mother to always protect him and it is what I plan to do as long as I’m alive, alongside you of course” you can’t help but smile at his loyalty to his family, you know it hasn’t been easy for him and Nik to gain back their mutual trust of one another especially after decades of daggers and heartbreak however for the most part they seem to have moved past all of that.
“I love you Eli, I can’t stand to see you hurt” He can feel your worry and although he and you both know he will continue to put himself in harms way to save Nik he hugs you and mumbles affirmations that he will try harder and be safer when he travels with Nik. You can’t ask for much more and you know that so as you both make your way to Freya’s room so that she can heal Eli’s wounds you squeeze his hand as a reminder he’s okay and Freya will most likely know how to heal him.
After the quick visit of Freya healing his wounds and researching about the kind of magic used by the witches that was somehow strong enough to hurt an original you both lay in you shared room.
“Do you ever wonder what it would be like if we were never turned?” You turn to him in confusion, you had been one of the first vampires that Elijah had turned after his mother had used to spell however even after decades of being together you always thought that you were both content with how life was. “Sometimes, but I am quite happy with how we are right now…Are you not?” You admit and question almost insecurely.
As if Elijah has read your thoughts he backtracks “No no no, my love I just meant that I would have wished for us to have a family of our own, little children for us to take care of and I am sorry that I can’t give that to you” you feel tears welling up at the thought of what your life could have been. You grasp Elijah’s face in your hands and assure him that you are perfectly happy with how things have played out.
“Even if you hadn’t turned me with you Elijah I would have been heartbroken to see you outlive me, you have been my rock and compass our entire lives, seeing you daggered by Niklaus only ever brought great heartache to me, so please don’t think for a moment that this life has not been more than enough, I will always choose you over and over again my love” You can feel his smile as you rest your head on his chest.
“Do you remember the 20’s? Where we had gone to that jazz club with Niklaus? We had just changed our names and anytime someone spoke to us we would make up elaborate stories of where we came from, we spent the entire night dancing and once we got home you told me that you loved me and that you wish we could have had that life-“
“You proposed to me that night and promised you would show me the world”
“I plan to keep that promise everyday we have each other”
“I love you Elijah Mikaelson”
“I love you more Y/N Y/L/N”
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svltzmans · 9 months
message in a bottle - h.m.
a/n: hello hello!! i'm currently working on all the requests in my inbox and this one is so cute!! i love writing cute little fluffy romantic stories <3 i hope y'all like them!!
warnings: none :)
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hope's yearly trip to new orleans to visit her family was always something she looked forward to. as much as she loved living in mystic falls and being surrounded by close friends, she always yearned for the part of her that was missing.
however, there had been some major changes in her life since the last time she visited new orleans.
she had fallen deeply for someone that it would be difficult to leave, even for a little while.
y/n was absolutely thrilled that her girlfriend got to visit her family. she knows how close they are and how little they got to see each other in person.
however, she knows it won't be easy to go without seeing hope for a full week. to say the couple is attached at the hip would be an understatement.
y/n's first day without hope was full of distraction. she did every activity she could, desperately trying to avoid feeling hope's absence.
hope's drive to new orleans was uneventful, except for her attempts to zone out and pretend y/n was in the passenger seat.
when hope finally arrives and greets her family, she immediately feels empty without y/n's presence. she brushes it off, trying to reconnect with her parents and aunts.
while in the middle of a conversation with klaus, a text pops up on hope's phone.
hey, love. i miss you. how is it in new orleans?
hope smiles as soon as she realizes the text is from y/n.
"what's the smile for, darling?" klaus questions, seeing that hope is profusely blushing as she types a response.
"just a funny text from a friend," she responds, trying to control her excitement about hearing from y/n.
hope hadn't told her family that her and y/n were dating. it wasn't that she didn't want to, but she just didn't feel ready. she didn't want her visit to only be focused on her love life, especially because her dating a girl might be a surprise.
klaus dismisses the subject, but hope can tell he's suspicious. she silently curses her tendency to blush.
so far so good. miss you more. can i call you later? wanna hear your voice.
hope finally sends her response to y/n, unable to hold back another smile.
rebekah had prepared an extravagant meal for hope's arrival, and hope thought it was entirely overkill.
nonetheless, she was grateful, and she sat at the table surrounded by klaus, hayley, freya, rebekah, marcel, kol, and elijah.
the group effortlessly falls into conversation as if they had never been apart, sharing laughs and stories.
hope debates telling them about y/n, but stops herself, wanting to properly introduce them to her when the time comes.
when hope finishes her plate, she's quick to excuse herself to her room. she insists that she's tired from the travel, although her overly happy demeanor suggests otherwise.
as soon as she closes the door behind her, she dials y/n's number.
"hey, darling," y/n's voice sounds velvety through the receiver, and hope can't help but to kick her feet a bit in her bed.
"hi, beautiful. how was your day?"
"it was okay. it would have been so much better with you. how's your family?"
"loud, but good so far," hope laughs, hearing y/n's giggle from the other end of the line.
"i can't believe it hasn't even been a whole day yet. i miss you like crazy."
"you're just obsessed with me, aren't you?" hope teases, giggling at y/n's affection.
"guilty as charged."
as the group continues to talk in the kitchen down the hall, they can't help but to tune into hope's conversation.
they blame their enhanced sense of hearing, but their interests are all piqued by the romantic nature of hope and y/n's conversation.
"that sounds a bit more than friendly," freya breaks the silence, smirking knowingly.
"you would know, wouldn't you?" rebekah teases, and the table erupts in laughter.
"should we say something?" marcel questions, almost feeling guilty for continuing to listen.
"she'll tell us on her own time, right?" hayley adds, trying to relieve marcel's guilt.
like clockwork, hope walks down the hall, having just ended her call with y/n.
"guys, can i tell you something?"
the group all nods in unison, already sure they know what hope is going to say.
"i have a girlfriend."
"it seems you've forgotten we all have vampire hearing, love," klaus responds, earning a dirty look from hayley. "what! it's true!"
hope turns a deep shade of red, realizing that her entire family had heard her flirt with her girlfriend over the phone.
after a few seconds of silence, the entire mikaelson family burts into laughter, as if they were all aware of the awkwardness of the situation.
"love you, hope," elijah smiles, giving hope an encouraging pat on her back.
"love you too."
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ferociousmochis · 1 year
Best Friend's Brother
Elijah Mikaelson X Fem!Reader
Warnings: oral (fem receiving), fingering, penetrative sex, biting, a little blood, dominant Elijah/more submissive reader, shitty writing lol
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When you first met it was like meeting your soulmate, you and Rebekah were the perfect duo. The two of you do practically everything together, that often meant spending most of your time with the Mikaelson family. That was never a problem, the way Klaus saw it was that it never hurt to have another little witch around. You practiced your magic with Freya, played pranks with Kol and even got under Klaus's skin. But Elijah always had a different effect on you, you never seemed to get along but you couldn't shake an unwavering attraction to him. You avoided each other, and when you didn't you bickered. A never ending cycle.
"Are you almost done in there?? Y/N?!"
"Just about-" you huffed, applying the last of your mascara.
"I spent a hour on this hair, if it gets messed up by the time you leave this bathroom I am going to rip your heart out"
"okay! okay! I'm good", you shot back.
"Finally", Rebekah sighed in an exaggerated tone of relief.
You rolled your eyes and grabbed your coats. Rebekah had been waiting to go to this club all week, and of course you weren't going to let her go alone. The two of you clattered down the stairs in your heels giggling, your excited whispers echoing through the halls of the eerily quiet house.
The place resembled the rustic New Orleans atmosphere that most bars in this area had, the air smelled of cigarettes and bourbon. You sat by the bar and looked to the floor, watching Beka have the time of her life. It's been about an hour since you arrived and you desperately needed a drink. It didn't take long for your best friend to find her boy-toy for the night. They tangled together on the dance floor sloppily, making you laugh.
Only a few moments passed before a very generic looking guy approached you. He looked like another frat guy, definitely a tourist, probably seeking out a quick fuck to tell his friends about later. He sat uncomfortably close and offered you a drink, "No thanks.", you politely decline. He wraps an arm around your shoulders lazily, "Just loosen up a little", he pushes the drink closer in front of you.
Just then you hear a deep voice cut through the air behind you, "It would be wise for you to leave". The boy stood up aggressively, "I saw her first man". Elijah leaned in and whispered something in the his ear that made the color drain from his face. In a matter of seconds he was scrambling out the door nervously fumbling with his keys.
Elijah grabbed your arm and, in a blur, yanked you into a room.
"What were you thinking." he said angrily, unable to look at you. "Seriously?" you said in shock and disbelief. "Going out amongst all this filth, do you have any sense about you?" he snapped, you noticed his hands tensed and the veins in his neck protruding slightly. "I can handle myself, Elijah, thanks", you said rolling your eyes. "Really? It didn't seem like it when I whisked you away from that degenerate", he spat. Finally looking at you, his eyes burning holes into your skin. "I didn't need your help! What if I actually liked him?", you replied defiantly, attempting to prove a point.
He froze, "Are you that desperate for attention?", he said spinning around looking at you with disbelief and concern painted all over his face.
"I am not!"
"The slutty outfit, the pathetic boy, it all makes sense!" he laughed, his tone laced with mockery, making your face grow hot with anger and embarrassment. You turned to leave but he grabs your arm spinning you around to face him.
"If you wanted the attention you could have just asked for it.",
"Who said I ever needed anything from you, Elijah.", you hissed, trying to shake form his grip. "I can smell your arousal.", he smirked, taunting you in a painfully husky voice that paralyzed you. Was this a some kind of cruel joke? "You think I haven't noticed the way my voice alone makes you shift? Such a needy girl.", He backed you into a table. "Elijah.." you breathe stunned, "what if someone-" you begin, gesturing to the door. "This room is mine, I bought it", he said in a nonchalant manner, shrugging his suit jacket from his shoulders and loosening his tie, "Did you really think I was going to let you go out in this little dress with just my drunk sister to keep an eye on you?".
He lifts you onto the table with ease. You whimper as his cold fingers trail up your thighs, hiking up the short dress. "Already so wet and I've barely touched you", he rubs his thumb over your clothed entrance making you squirm. His hand grips your hip warning you to be still as he admires the sight before him. You spread open on a table, beautiful skin begging for his touch. He hooks his hands under your knees, bringing you forward in a swift motion. "Do you want me to stop" he says, his tone is serious. "Elijah.." you breathe, "I need to hear you say it", he whispers sternly.
"I need you."
His eyes clouded with an animalistic lust as he met your lips in a hot, desperate kiss. Your hands fumble with the buttons of his black dress shirt while his explore the curves of your body. You feel his hands slipping under your dress, pulling it over your head and exposing the black, lacy bra just barely covering your breasts. The sight is enough to break his noble exterior. He rips the thin material with ease, making you yelp in surprise. "I'll buy you more", he mumbles, kneading your breasts with his large hands. His mouth finds your nipple and you feel his teeth grazing the sensitive flesh. You jolt with pleasure, the sensation lights a fire in your abdomen that has your hips squirming desperately for more.
His slender fingers find the band of your panties, pulling them down your legs while placing methodical kisses along your inner thigh. "Don't tease me, Elijah", You whimper, frustrated. His hand is quick to wrap itself around your throat, the cool metal of his ring biting into your skin, "you will take what you are given", he warned. His hand lingered there for a moment, admiring the way it made your eyes saturate with desperation. He trailed his hand between your breasts and over your stomach, sending a chill down your spine like an electric shock.
You could hardly comprehend when he buried his face between your thighs. Your legs were draped over his shoulders and his tongue traced patterns over your clit. Your breathing grew heavy and your whines more potent, only encouraging him to ease his middle finger into your weeping hole. You whined his name making him groan against your skin, sending vibrations to your core. His lips latched around the small bunch of nerves as he pulled you closer to your orgasm.
He rose to meet your face, never stopping his aggressive pace as he worked you with his hand. "So good", he breathes against your skin, "so good for me". The pathetic cries that fell from your lips when he added another finger could have made him finish right there. He filled you so good and the pleasure was blinding, you could feel the coil snap as you let go. His eyes roll back as he watched your face tighten and your lips part ever so slightly, reciting his name like a goddamn prayer. He removed his fingers promptly pushing them past your lips. You sucked greedily, determined to please him.
Breathless, he pulled the belt from his waist, making quick work of his dress pants. He didn't have the patience to be gentle, he needed you. He pulled you up to meet him as he thrusted into you in a quick motion. You felt as if you were being split in two, but it was a delicious pain. His forehead pressed against yours while he relished the feeling of your sopping cunt wrapped around him.
He began thrusting at a bruising pace, small tears trailing down your cheeks, "oh, poor baby can't take it can she?" he taunted. He was making it so hard to hold back your cries and he noticed. "Let them hear you," he growled, pulling your hair back to expose your neck, "let every sorry bastard in this place know who is fucking you stupid right now". He tugged harder on your hair, dragging a loud moan out of you.
You saw his face ripple, veins protruding from under his skin, and eyes glazing over. He sought for any signs of fear on your face, but only felt you clench around him instead. You should be afraid of this side of him but it excited you and he knew it. His face nestled into your shoulder and you felt the sharp pain of his fangs cutting through your skin, the pain mixed with pleasure was enough to quickly send you over the edge. He pulled away and kissed you hungrily, the metallic taste of your blood on his teeth overtook your senses as he fucked you through your orgasm, chasing his own. Feeling you spasm on his cock was enough to leave him spilling inside of you, whispering your name into the soft skin of your neck.
He held onto you for awhile, afraid to let go, before pulling out. He lifted you into his arms, pulling you into a chair and holding you in his lap.
"I've always known about your little crush"
"Oh, really?"
"I suppose it's a good time to tell you I admire you too."
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l-r-christian · 3 years
Hi I really enjoy your writing, and thought I would just send a request for a story! I was thinking for the plot the Mikaelsons find out the Haley verbally, and physically abused the reader, and keep them quiet by saying the Mikaelsons wouldn't believe them over the mother of Klaus's child, and for the pairing I would love to see the mikaelson siblings x reader.
Oh boy who is ready for angst
Warnings: Angst, fluff at the end, protective Mikaelsons
Y/N whimpered as she carefully lowered herself into her bath as the bruise on her chest made it a bit hard for her to breathe. Y/N was glad her lovers were out for the moment as she didn't want to explain the bruises caused by Hayley.
Y/N had began dating the Mikaelsons a year ago after catching all fours attention as they wanted her. For Y/N it was amazing be adored by four beautiful beings but Hayley hated her seeing Elijah just showering her with affection.
'They wouldn't believe you. After all your just human they forget about you within a year.'
Y/N felt a tear roll down her face feeling a ache in her chest and finish bathing then got dressed walking out jumping seeing Rebekah sitting on her bed.
"You okay love? It sounded like you were breathing too hard."
"I'm okay Beka. Just tired." Y/N said climbing into bed as Rebekah frowned as lately she noticed how Y/N would flinch away from intimate touches or avoided looking at their eyes. Something was wrong and Rebekah was going to find out what.
"Something is wrong with our little rabbit." Rebekah said walking into the den where Elijah, Klaus and Kol sat reading as Hayley was out with Jackson having took Hope to a zoo and Y/N was a work.
"What do mean?"
"She has been limping lately and when was the last time she allowed you to touch her?" Rebekah said as the men frown as they realized that Y/N had indeed avoided any intimate touching.
"We should find out what is wrong." Elijah said as they nodded putting a plan in place.
Y/N whimpered softly as she showered watching the water turn pink from her bleeding wound as Hayley was worst this time around. It hurt and Y/N was unsure just how much she could take.
"You should leave them as they wouldn't want to be with a weakling anymore."
Hayley's words echoed in the human's mind as she thought over the hybrid's words. Y/N choked out a sob making up her mind to leave her lovers. It was going to be painful but she knew it was for the best.
"They don't deserve you. After all you're human, just a toy."
Y/N shook her head blocking out the words as she had gotten dress stepping out ready to pack up. Once done Y/N thought over to leave a note but decided against it and left pushing away the pain.
"She'll love it Nik." Kol said as the siblings walked in the compound ready to see their lover. Kol was carrying a over sized stuffed bear for Y/N as a gift when Hayley walked out smiling at Elijah.
"A gift for Hope?"
"No, for our little rabbit." Klaus says watching Hayley wrapping her arms around Elijah's arm as Rebekah went up to get Y/N.
"She's gone!" Rebekah said coming back as the men frowned and right away began looking for Y/N.
Three weeks passed since Y/N ran off and since that time the siblings hadn't stopped searching for her as they weren't satisfied until she was in their arms again. Y/N had settled in a little town gotten a job as a tea maker and grower.
"Morning Y/N!"
"Morning Mrs. Brown." Y/N said waving as she worked in her tea garden. Y/N had recovered from Hayley's abuse a little bit while the outside scars healed but her inner scars lingered.
"You cut your hair." Y/N heard a familiar voice say as she looked seeing Elijah and Rebekah standing at her gate. They watched the love of their life stand seeing other then cutting her hair that she gained a little weight but she was still beautiful in their eyes.
"Freya found me."
"With help from Davina." Rebekah says smiling when Y/N let them in but her smile dropped seeing a scar on Y/N's arm and it caught Elijah's eye too.
"Care to tell us why you left? Don't lie baby." Elijah said watching Y/N closely as she sat on her steps with Rebekah.
"She said you won't believe me."
"Hayley." Y/N said tearing up remembering all that happened as Rebekah and Elijah gently coaxed her to tell them. Y/N broke down in sobs telling the two everything and Elijah cupping her face.
"Baby, we will always believe you."
Elijah was angry as he got home with Rebekah and Y/N following behind as Hayley looked surprised to see the human.
"Elijah, wh....." Hayley was cut off by Elijah wrapping an hand around her throat slamming her against a wall as Y/N jumped watching while Rebekah held her.
"When were you going to inform us that it was you that drove away Y/N?" Elijah growled as Klaus and Kol were quick to pull Elijah off of Hayley. The female hybrid fell coughing as Elijah stared eyes dark with anger it made Hayley shiver as she never seen Elijah like this.
"Care to explain yourself Elijah?" Klaus growled lowly glaring at Elijah while Kol moved next to Y/N hugging her having missed her.
"Tell Niklaus how you abused Y/N until she left Hayley. How you filled her head with lies." Elijah said lowly making both Kol and Klaus tense up as Hayley frowned standing looking at Elijah.
"Is that what she told you? What reason would I have to do that?"
"Your jealousy that Y/N got Elijah and not you." Rebekah said as Klaus turned glaring at Hayley who froze.
"Klaus you can't possibly believe this!"
"Y/N has no reason to lie. Now leave before I kill you. I am allowing you live for Hope's sake." Klaus said lowly as Hayley glared at Y/N leaving. Y/N sniffled as they hugged her muttering apologies for not noticing earlier.
"It's okay."
"No it isn't love."
"How we watch Y/N's favorite movie." Kol said as Klaus picked their human lover up agreeing and soon Y/N was wrapped up in Klaus's arms and Rebekah laying against her chest as Kol sat on the floor holding her hand and Elijah sitting on the couch with her and Rebekah's legs in his lap.
Y/N smiled falling asleep feeling safe as her lovers made a promise to try harder to keep her safe while it would take Hayley a long while to earn their favor again.
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biisexualemma · 3 years
kick ass. kol mikaelson
word count: 1.8k
warnings: mentions of blood and some violence
requested: n/a
plot: you get hurt and deal with the repercussions
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"i'm fully capable of kicking your ass," you spat. you were having none of it. you'd been threatened plenty of times in your lifetime, you were equipped to handle this kind of situation. ever since you started dating an original vampire, he had you taking every precaution. you always had vervain in your system. you took self defence classes. you always carried a small stake in your purse, just for times like this. "and if i'm not, my boyfriend certainly won't hesitate to."
"i don't see your boyfriend anywhere?"
"do you know who my boyfriend is?"
"should i?" he took a few steps towards you, but you mimicked and took a few steps back. you weren't far from the compound, so there was no doubt in your mind that if you screamed loud enough, kol could hear you.
you wore a sly smile. "you probably should."
you clutched the stake in your hand, holding it behind your back, ready to move on him if he tried anything. "too bad—" you saw it coming before he did, and quickly sliced his hand open with the tip of stake before he could touch you. while he was caught off guard you nailed him right in the crotch with a powerful kick.
he stumbled backwards, and before he could recover you ran as quickly as you could in the direction of the compound. you weren't stupid. you could only defend yourself so much against a vampire, no matter how young they were. you were sure he could kill you with no trouble at all, you just couldn't give him the chance.
you didn't have a second to pull out your phone to warn anyone of your situation, so you continued to run until you felt a hand clamp around your ankle and yank you to the ground. your face slammed into the pavement, your nose dripping now with blood. you leak out a shriek at the impact, and you quickly noticed the stake in your hand had jammed into you leg as you fell. you pushed aside the pain and scrambled away from the vamp hunting you.
if you died, kol would never let you hear the end of it. he was always having a go at you for being reckless with you life. but in his eyes, being reckless with your life, included simple things like walking home alone, or closing up the bar you worked by yourself, or even leaving the compound without telling him your whereabouts. these were all simple things, things you couldn't avoid. he didn't get it though. so you just didn't tell him. you'd lie and say your walked home with a friend. or lie and say your manager was locking up with you that night. what he didn't know, wouldn't hurt him.
you only wished now, in this moment, that you had listened to him.
you were steps away from the compound, clawing your way to the gates, your right leg struggling from where the stake had penetrated your thigh. you could feel the vampire looming over you. you flipped over, trying to push yourself up with your arms but your legs were weak.
you wore a tired, wicked smile on your face. blood was oozing from your nose, dripping onto your lips. the vamp couldn't understand your reaction, when he was about to suck the life out of you.
"you really don't wanna do this— you're kinda already dead for this," you motioned to your bloodied face. the vampire shook his head, wearing a smirk that you were sure would be wiped off his face any moment now.
"you're pretty cocky for someone that's about to die," he quipped.
"if anyone's about to die— i can promise that it's going to be you," you let out a heavy sigh of relief when you heard klaus' voice from behind you. "you not only interrupted my reading but you've also only gone and bashed up the face of my brother's girl."
you saw the young vampires face turn pale. he knew who he was dealing with. everyone knew klaus, everyone knew the mikaelsons. he suddenly looked very regretful.
"you're— you're boyfriend is—"
"kol mikaelson," he appeared from behind klaus, elijah and freya following behind him. klaus grabbed the young vamp before he got any ideas about running away. you knew they were going to really make him pay for this. you'd feel sorry for him if he hadn't just tried to kill you, twice.
kol crouched beside you, his eyebrows knitted tightly together as he gently touched your face. you winced, pulling away from him. his jaw clenched. his eyes remained on you, as he spoke to his siblings. "freya, take y/n inside and clean her up," kol helped you onto your feet, handing you over to freya with great care as you limped on inside.
you were sure that vampire never lived to see another day. you were sure when he was left alone with klaus, kol and elijah that he was made to suffer deeply. you tried not to think about it. you should be used to the blood and gore by now, but nothing ever prepared you for it. you put it out of your mind, hissing when freya touched your nose cautiously. you frowned, leaning away from her touch.
"ow," you mumbled quietly. freya muttered a quiet sorry in return, but continued to wipe away the blood that had poured all over the rest of your face.
"i don't think it's broken," she wore a sympathetic smile, you were sure she was trying not to think about what her brothers were doing too. "but it's bruised pretty bad."
you nodded, letting her touch your chin and tilt your head backwards. "shove these up there and it should stop the bleeding," you did as she said and put the cotton wool up your nostrils, and sure enough the bleeding stopped. "what happened to your leg?"
you scoffed out a laugh, your head still tilted back as you held the cotton up your nose. you couldn't really see freya from this angle at all. "uh— that was my fault actually— never run with scissors— or stakes in this instance."
freya cracked a small smile of amusement. you were the clumsiest person she'd met, only you would bring a stake to defend yourself and end up hurting yourself with it. "you're so stupid," she muttered half-jokingly. you could tell she was waiting for the moment her brothers would come back and start some kind of argument over this. she always tried to keep the peace, which is why she wasn't grilling you about walking home alone. and although you knew kol was worried about you, you were also prepared to get an earful from him about being more careful. so right now, you were thankful to be in freya's company over any other mikaelson.
"uh huh," you nodded. it was true, you did often get yourself into these stupid situations. it wasn't your fault, you were like a beacon for bad situations. you titled your head back to its normal level, catching freya's stare. "do you think he'll be mad?"
she gave you a soft stare before refocusing on your leg, cleaning out the wound. "don't worry about it," she shook her head. "you know he's really only angry with himself. he just needs to get it all out."
you nodded, your eyes moving to the door frame where kol was standing silently watching his sister tend to your wound. he didn't look angry, you thought. "i can take over, sister," he spoke up, catching freya's attention. she nodded, putting down her supplies and walking to kol.
"don't be mean to her," she threatened quietly, so only he could hear. kol clenched his jaw as his sister left and you sat watching him standing far away from you.
"hey," you mumbled. he moved so he was sitting where freya sat before in front of you. he didn't look at you, he just picked up the supplies freya had been using to clean out your wound, and begun inspecting your leg. "are you mad at me?"
he shook his head.
you noticed a bit of blood on his neck that he must've missed upon cleaning himself up. he would never let you see him like that. he always cleaned himself up before he came to you. he knew how much you hated blood. you accepted his lifestyle. you just didn't need to see it, he knew that.
"i should've called," you let out a soft sigh. you felt bad for lying now. lying to him didn't benefit anyone. you knew he was protective, but you also knew it was for good reason. for this exact reason. you felt guilty.
"yeah," he mumbled. you winced as he pulled a splinter out of your wound, you hand instinctively went to his shoulder and squeezed tight. he stopped, glancing up at you where he finally saw the bruising surrounding your nose. he threw down the supplies in his hands and let out a deep sigh.
"i'm sorry," you frowned, you moved your hand from his shoulder to the side of his face. "i'll be more careful next time."
"no next time," he shook his head. he placed his hand over yours and moved it from his face so he could hold your hand. "sweetheart, i just want you to be safe."
you nodded. "i know," you loved kol, so much it hurt sometimes. and it pained you to see him looking so upset, so unlike himself. "if it makes you feel any better, i got a good kick in to his balls before all this happened."
kol cracked a small smile, ducking his head. "that does make me feel a bit better, actually."
you looked at him sympathetically. you wanted to ease his worry but there wasn't much you could do. he would always be worried and protective no matter how careful you were.
"d'you still love me even though i'm a bad girlfriend, who gets herself into bad situations more often than you'd care for me to?"
"'course i still love you, darling," he squeezed your hand he was holding and lifted it to press a kiss to the back of your hand. "just call me next time you need a ride home."
you nodded, still wearing a gentle smile. you were glad he wasn't angry, you didn't have the energy to hash this out with him. he knew you understood why he is the way he is.
"i love you," you squeezed his hand in return. "thanks for protecting me."
"anytime," he wore a lopsided smile now. he leaned closer a pressed a soft kiss onto your lips.
"still think i'm pretty with this honker?" you teased, trying to make light of the situation now that everything had been resolved. kol snorted, pulling away from your lips.
"i do," you wore a wide smile. he moved both his hands to either side of your face and held you still, looking over you. "you're beautiful."
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spunky-89 · 3 years
All Power (Kol Mikaelson x Female Reader)
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A/N: Woo a new fic! Cause updating or finishing old WIPs is apparently not as cool. Also, this fic is a bit of a crossover from Teen Wolf, not anything like major, just some references and such.
Word Count: 1.8 k
Warnings: None that I can think of
The air was tense in the courtyard as Kol stood protectively in front of his lover, facing off against his pain-in-the-ass hybrid brother. Elijah stood between the two trying to keep them from tearing each other apart. Freya was off to the side holding herself, feeling guilty for starting this disagreement.
“You come anywhere near her Nik and I swear it will be the last thing you do.” Kol threatened.
“I don’t like liars, especially not in the house where my daughter sleeps,” Klaus growled.
“You really think I wouldn’t make sure that my girlfriend had no ill intent towards my niece? Do you think that low of me brother?”
“Enough, both of you,” Elijah spoke, turning slightly to look at his youngest brother and his lover. “Now, would you care to share what this ruckus is all about?”
“I don’t know, ask Nik.” Kol spat, rage in his eyes.
“You stand there and make me the bad guy when it is your pet human that is lying and has been her whole time with us.” Klaus proclaimed.
“And how do you know this Niklaus?” Elijah inquired.
“Because I sensed it,” Freya spoke up, moving closer to the brewing storm.
“Sensed what Freya?” Kol snapped, becoming more and more fed up with the current situation.
“Something… off,” She tried, struggling to find the words.
“You need to do better than that sister, or else this is a waste of time because you have no grounds to accuse my girlfriend of anything.”
“Enough.” The woman came out from her position behind Kol and came to stand next to him. “Please just stop, all of you.” She requested.
“Darling?” Kol gave her a questioning look and she gave a heavy sigh.
“She isn’t wrong, I’m not human,” She started, avoiding eye contact and staring at the ground. “Well, not entirely human I should say.” She then looked to Klaus, “I’m honestly surprised you didn’t sense it. I mean typically wolves have a sense for this sort of thing.” She remarked.
“Get to the point, my patients is waning fast,” Klaus warned. As he did so, Kol took a threatening step forward, only to be stopped by a hand on his arm.
“Okay, calm down. The short version is I’m a werewolf.” The woman stated plainly.
“You can’t be, you’ve never turned on a full moon,” Kol stated, looking to his girlfriend in confusion.
“That’s because I’m a different breed and I’ve learned to control it.” She then gave a bashful smile at him and said, “I also happen to have an amazing anchor that keeps me grounded.”
“That’s it,” Klaus growled and sped at the supposed werewolf and pinned her to the wall, his eyes glowing golden. “Who are you?”
She saw Kol move to intervene but she shot him a look to let her handle this. She smirked as she took a deep breath and closed her eyes, opening them to reveal her eyes were glowing a vibrant purple, wolfish features taking over her face slightly. And before Klaus could make a comment or move, she dug her claws deep into his side and rake them upwards, causing him to release her in shock. She used that moment to roundhouse kick him away from her.
“Who am I? Well, I’m someone you really don’t want to piss off.” She huffed, fixing her clothes.
Kol was looking at her wide-eyed, never having seen her like that before. He watched in fascination as her face shifted back to the one he loved so much, though the claws on her hands didn’t disappear.
While Kol was focused on her, she was focused on Klaus. She knew she just poked the sleeping bear, or well in this case wolf. She acted casual, but she was ready for a full-fledged brawl. She heard him let out a chuckle, and her heart went icy cold. She knew that kind of chuckle. It was the kind that told her she’d just pissed him off and he was amused by her attempt to hurt him.
“That was a neat trick, love,” He said as he stood back up to his regular height. “But you’ll have to do a lot better than that if you want to hurt me.” He growled as his eyes flared and he started to rush towards the woman. Before he could even get close Kol threw him to the other side of the courtyard.
“I told you Nik, not a hair.” He seethed, standing protectively in front of his girlfriend, who was now minorly terrified and clutched onto the back of his jacket.
“Maybe I should just go,” She murmured to Kol.
“Nonsense, you are still welcome here,” Elijah promised.
Klaus had gotten up and was getting ready to argue when Elijah cut him off.
“Why don’t we give the lady the benefit of the doubt. As it stands, if she had wanted to harm any of us she’s had ample opportunities to do so and has not. We shall hear her out before we jump to any more conclusions.” He stated, his tone leaving no room for argument.
Everyone was slow to move, but eventually, all were gathered in the seating area.
“What do you want to know?” The woman asked, practically perched in Kol’s lap.
“First off, how is there another breed of werewolf?” Elijah asked.
“Well, there’s actually a few. I’m from the French line of werewolves, whereas your brother is of the North American breed. As far as I know, the only other breed is English wolves. But there are many different shifters out there from many cultures. Kitsune, for example, come from Japan.” She explained as best as she could.
“How is it we’ve never heard of any other wolves or shifters before?” Freya asked.
“That I am unsure of, but I’ve met loads of different shifters and other creatures. Where I come from, it’s practically a beacon for supernaturals.”
“And you can control your shifts?” Kol piped up.
“Well for the most part. The way French wolves and shifters work is that you can shift at any time, not just on the full moon. But the full moon makes us more susceptible to turning. But for older wolves, it becomes easier to control your shifts. Whereas baby wolves tend to be much more at risk of turning uncontrollably.”
She then spent the next hour or so explaining the differences between the different wolf breeds and other supernatural creatures, although she never really explained what she was. It was actually Kol that brought up the question.
“Me? Well, I’m kinda a special case. I’m a werewolf, but well, an extremely rare one. It’s why I didn’t tell you who or what I was.” She explained, clearly nervous to reveal who she was. But with one squeeze of the hand from Kol, she sighed and started speaking, “I am the twin sister of Scott McCall, the True Alpha. I am his opposite in most cases which makes us an elite team that is nearly unbeatable. So I am what is called a Compliment Alpha. Part alpha, part beta, all power. It’s why my eyes are purple. It combines the red of an alpha’s eyes and the blue of a beta’s.” She explained, once again flashing her eyes.
“Does that satisfy you Nik? Or does she have to go through her life story before you trust her?” Kol asked, seemingly done with his girlfriend being interrogated.
“I swear to you I am no threat to your family. I didn’t even know of your existence until Kol revealed who and what he was. Vampires are kinda new territory for me. This is not some evil plot to harm you or any Mikaelson. You all have become my new pack, and you don’t hurt your own pack.” She swore.
“I shall allow you to stay, but be warned little wolf, I see even the slightest hint of your inevitable betrayal and I will end you and your brother.” Klaus threatened, but instead of being scared she just gave him a smile.
“I would expect nothing less.” She teased as she stood from the couch. “But just so you know, my old pack and I are hard to kill. Trust me, many have tried, yet here I am.”
Kol stood as well and took her hand as they left for her apartment on the other end of town. He pulled her close by her shoulder and kissed her head as they walked out of the compound.
When they finally made it back to her apartment, he could see her noticeably relax.
“I have to say, darling, I’ve never seen you kick ass before but I would love to see it again,” Kol murmured as he wrapped his arms around her waist and laid kisses on her neck. She giggled and tried to push him away.
“Stooop,” She whined as she tried to wiggle out of his grip.
Kol, unfortunately, refused to let her go and held her tighter as he relished in her laughter. Moments like this were his favorite because there was just joy in the air. All troubles forgotten and burdens lifted to make room for the contentment he felt when he was with her.
The two settled down on the couch and just sat cuddled up in silence for a while. Kol was the first to break it after about half an hour.
“Would you have ever told me?” He asked, looking down at his lover who suddenly seemed very interested in the couch.
She sighed and sat up. She hated this. She knew he would eventually ask this. And she dreaded it because she didn’t have a good answer. But she knew she had to give him something.
“Honestly, I don’t know,” She started, “My identity and my secret is the reason why I ran here in the first place. The danger became too great for my brother and me to stay together. We had to separate, at least for a little while. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do.” She paused as she recalled the day she had to say goodbye to her mother and brother. The physical pain she felt when she got on the plane without him. “I was scared.” she admitted, “I trust you, and I wanted to tell you so many times, but…”
“But what darling? Cm’on darling, I just want to know.”
“If my identity was found out, I would have had to leave again. Which would mean leaving you. And I couldn’t- I can’t lose you too. It would break me. Shatter me to a point that I would become volatile and dangerous to those who came across me. Because my heart’s been broken a few too many times for me to be able to come back from that.” She said quietly, not realizing that tears had begun to stream down her face.
Kol pulled her back into his arms and just held her.
“I swear to you my love, no one will keep me from you. Not even my brother.” He vowed.
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kareniliana · 3 years
Klaus: Love & Power
A//N: I’ve been gone for a LOOONG minute. But I have good news about it. 
Winter qtr of college was a little difficult but it was the best I’ve ever done in school. Such good news right!?
Anyway, this qtr I have a little stricter schedule, which means I knew specially when I can write. And I had been. 
& enjoy!
xx Karebear 💛🧸
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Yours and Klaus’s love story seemed far fetched for most people but for those who were able to experience your connection grow into an immense amount of love for each other, would say otherwise. You became his world, alongside with Hope. In his mind, after he was able to curse Hayley and the werewolves in the bayou, he had the perfect life. His two great loves under his roof, under his sole protection. You would never agree to what Klaus has done, but nonetheless you love him. He’s the complete opposite of your previous partners in more ways than that. You understood him, through and through. You knew him like the back of your hand, you know his next move before he does. 
You were holding Hope in your arms as you walked along the bookshelf trying to get her to sleep, but all the effort was about to go to waste when Klaus comes barging in panting about to rage about gods knows what.
But before he could begin you raised a warning hand, “Don’t you dare wake her!” You whisper shouted at him. He instantly stops dead in his tracks.
Once his breathing normalizes he sits down on the couch, “The witches are siding with Marcel against me, they want my crown.”
You walked over to him, handing off his sleepy daughter to him. “You don’t need to be everyone’s king. You have all that you need with Hope and I, right?” You asked shyly.
He looks down to a sleeping Hope, then he looks back up to you before nodding his head.
“Maybe you should just give them New Orleans?”
Klaus sighed before standing up, “I should put her to bed, it’s late.” Klaus avoided your advice, walking off to Hope’s bedroom.
After a few minutes of contemplating whether you want to still be here when Klaus comes back or not. If you stay, you’ll more than likely have to sit there listening to him rant about this losing battle. If you leave, you can avoid all of that. 
With no incentive to stay, you grabbed your things and made your way out of the compound. 
As you walked down the steps you notice a disheveled Elijah. He sat on an almost broken chair, drinking liquor out of a broken bottle. The entire ground floor is basically destroyed, broken tables, chairs, artwork, glasses and everything in between. 
“Who in the Hades did you fight today?” You gasped at the sight, oddly enough no bodies were to be found. Blood could be seen splattered all around.
“Y/n, my apologies for the mess, I seem to have taken it a bit too far.” Elijah stands, setting the bottle on a table. In mere seconds the table caves in, shattering the bottle on the ground.
Elijah tried to fight the smile off his face, but it only grew twice in size.
You laugh at his reaction, soon Elijah bursts into laughter as well. As you descended down the rest of the steps, Elijah explains how some of his sires became a threat to the rest of his family.
“Therefore I sent them a message, ‘come after my family, I will come after you.’ It’s what this family does best.” Elijah explains as he begins cleaning up the broken furniture as you stood on the last step listening to him.
“Violence begets violence, this family of yours lives in a cycle of violence.” You sighed, crossing your arms across your chest. You sounded almost defeated.
“You speak like it’s your final efforts dealing with the dramatics of my family, why is that?” he asked, noticing how fed up you are.
“I love Klaus and I love Hope, but...” You shake your head, holding yourself back.
Elijah stopped cleaning, “No, no, please don’t hold yourself back now. If there is anything this family is in dire need of, it’s your brutal honesty. Please continue.”
You sighed, “It’s just... no matter how hard life gets for him, he will not give up the one thing that brings most of this unwanted violence.”
As you spoke Elijah had come to the same realization as you, his face fall into a slight frown as he listened to you.
“After all this heartbreak and sorrow brought upon your family, you’d imagine he would at least hand over some of the reigns. But no, the mighty Klaus Mikaelson has to be King of everyone.” You talked without any reservations on the topic, eventually your tone became stern and cold.
“I know my brother can be a lot, he wants the perfect life for Hope. You can't blame him for that.” Elijah speaks with some regret, they're problematic past on his mind.
“I love that man but at some point I have the face the truth, there’s nothing more that he loves than power.” You almost choked on your words, first time saying them out-loud was harder than you thought. 
Without another thought you gather your composure and hurried your way to the exit, “I should go.”
Elijah opened his mouth as he was going to say something but was speechless. There wasn’t something he could say that would fix what you were feeling. After some short time has passed Elijah had managed to get the ground floor back to its glory.
Meanwhile Klaus sat in Hope’s nursery all night, just watching her sleep. He kept thinking about what you had said; giving up New Orleans. How would he be okay with giving everything back to Marcellus? 
Klaus hadn’t realized that he had been there all night until the sun rises and began to beam into the room. Letting Hope sleep, he finally leaves her room quietly. He walked around the house in search of you but much to his surprise, you weren’t in bed or the kitchen or even the study. You never came back.
Elijah walks into the study behind Klaus, “Hope’s still sleeping?” 
“Have you seen Y/n? She never came home last night.” Klaus asked, worry evident in his voice.
“Not since last night when she left, you had a fight.” Elijah states which only angers Klaus.
“Were you eavesdropping on us last night?” He began to raise his voice, Elijah simply looked at his younger brother with a stern look.
Smirking at Klaus, “I had a conversation with Y/n on her way out, that is all.”
Klaus wanted nothing more than to chase you down and talk but Hope started crying meaning she’s awake. First Klaus tends to his daughter, contemplating on what to do with the situation at hand.
He knows you love him with everything that you are, but letting go of this city was something he didn’t think he’d every have to do again.
As soon as night falls, Freya comes to watch over Hope while Klaus goes out looking for you.
You sat in the lycée with Davina, she performed a cloaking spell on you to stay hidden for a while. She practiced different spells, continually getting up for different plants or herbs for said spells.
“I never would have thought that the city of the dead would be this... peaceful.”
“It’s a great place to help think, maybe soon you’ll start telling me why you need to hide from your own boyfriend.” Davina laughs slightly as she walks back to you with different colored potion bottles in her hands.
“Klaus needs to be King of New Orleans, I just need to finally accept that as one of his personality traits.” You sighed, setting down whatever witch instrument you had been playing with.
“A guy like Klaus means there is no changing him. Take the time that you need to sort your feelings, I’m meeting up with Josh. No one should come through here.” Davina gathered her things and walked out to go with her vampire friend.
Hours pass and soon it would be night, your thoughts ran wild. You love Klaus with every cell in your body, you could die loving him and it'd be a worth while life. So maybe him being the King of New Orleans is something to fight for. You’ve loved him when he's at his worst, so why can’t you love him when he’s fighting to stay King.
Coming to the realization that no matter where or what Klaus is doing, you’ll love him and want to be with him. Almost immediately you made your way out of the Lafayette Cemetery and straight to the Mikaelson compound.
After a few hours, Klaus lost hope in finding you before you wanted to be found. He went back to his daughter to wait for your return, running into Elijah at the enterance.
“Anything?” Klaus asked him, almost pleading with his eyes for some good news.
Elijah shook his head, “I didn’t want to mention this but, brother maybe she's not coming back.”
“Why on earth would you say such things?” Klaus asked before looking over to Elijah who wore a guilty expression. “Unless she said something?”
They slowly began to make their way inside the fortress, “Our chat last night, she mentioned that you might desire power more than you desire love.”
Klaus stopped dead in his tracks, there you were standing in front of Freya who was holding Hope.
Once you noticed the brothers enter the room you began apologizing for basically vanishing out on him. “I am so sorry, I needed time to figure out my stupid feelings.”
Klaus walked straight to you, pulling you into his embrace. Freya and Elijah looked to each other, making their way elsewhere to give you and Klaus some privacy.
When he pulled away he held your hands in his, “Your feelings are never stupid. There is nothing I love more than you and Hope. I’m sorry I made you feel that way, it was never my intention. I don’t need to be King.”
Your eyes go wide and you furrow your eyebrows, “No, no, I was wrong. I know why you have to be King. It’s okay, really. I know that everything you do is for those who you love.”
Klaus smiled down at you, “I do love you, do not forget that.”
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mysticalrambling · 3 years
Love Conquers All (The Originals)
Part 9
Part 9/10
(Y/N) means your name and (Y/LN) means your last name.
Warnings: none. Angst and fluff all the way.
Summary: Dad!Klaus. (Y/N) finds out that you are pregnant and runs away from Klaus. After five years of avoiding him, Freya discovers your secret and it will all be revealed in time. At last, love will conquer all.
"We are suppressing Hope's wolf gene so she won't be able to access her full magic." Downing the glass of whiskey, you welcomed the burning sensation in the back of your throat. Vincent's eyebrows shot up at the mention of Hope but otherwise, he remained impassive.
Vincent abruptly excused himself from the bar and you just sat there disappointed. Sure, your plan was working just fine but a small part of you hoped that everyone was wrong.
He was one of your closest friend for many years. He knew things that many people did not such as the time when you broke Klaus's favorite vase from the 1600s. He was furious and to this day he blames it on Rebecca. But Vincent knew it was you and never told anyone about it. You confided in him for a lot of things like the reason your parents were dead. Vincent held you close the night you found from Marcel that your parents died protecting you.
But now, you had your daughter to think about and no matter what, you would go to any lengths for her. If he was the one that had to pay the price, then so be it.
"Hey, darling." Even before he said anything, his cologne enveloped you ever so gently. Bourbon and woody. You leaned in to his arms the moment he stood behind you. "Everything is going to be okay. Kol is following him and Freya's pendant that you slipped in his coat pocket will help us listen in on the conversation."
"I am okay. Let's just go. Hope will be up anytime." Pecking his cheeks softly, you made your way out of the bar.
Hope was busy with her painting and when Rebekah questioned her about it. She shyly looked around and pointed at one of the family paintings that was took five years ago. You and Klaus stood together in the centre with Freya and Rebecca sitting on the couch. Elijah and Kol on the side rests. All of you had a smile plastered on your faces and she remembered it like it was yesterday. They were all so happy together, both of the Mikaelson parents dead and everyone was leading their lives on their own terms.
"Baby, did you eat anything?" Your daughter just looked at you with her puppy eyes, meaning she forgot. Removing her dummy with a stuffed animal attached to it, she gently shook her head. Klaus came in with a snickers bar and was about to offer it to Hope.
"She is allergic to peanuts." You quickly removed it from her hand and Klaus silently apologised to you. Freya interrupted the moment and called you both in to the office. There was a large bowl filled with blood sitting in the middle of the room.
"They are taking Hope to Mystical Falls to suppress her wolf gene." Vincent's voice filtered through the bowl and everyone's ears perked up.
"Foolish children! They think they can outsmart me." The cold emotionless voice sent a chill through your spine and you tightly gripped your boyfriend's arm. "I will stop them before they can go through with it. That child belongs to me."
"I have done my part. Now let my son go and I am not doing anymore favors for you."
"Of course. Thank you for your service Vincent Griffith and my link with your child has been severed." She told him after chanting some spells that seemed much too complicated for you to comprehend.
You knew what was going to happen next. Kol would kidnap Vincent as soon as he exited the warehouse and bring him here. He was a bit disappointed when Klaus told him not to lay a hand on the witch. There was some kind of tension between the two of them but you never quite figured out the reason.
"Man, what are you doing?" Vincent looked at all of you in disbelief and he slowly pieced it all together. "This was all a set up, wasn't it?"
"And the award goes too- And if you do not give us any valuable information, then we have no reason to keep you alive." He was getting on Klaus's nerve and he was itching for some blood. Placing a hand on his shoulder, you tried to calm him down. You knew why Klaus was on edge. Hope was on the line and he could not just sit by while his aunt takes her away.
"No need to go all hybrid on me. I just know that she sent some of her minions to collect a knife from her homeland."
"I know what you are talking about. Daliah told me about it when I was with her. She told me that it was the only thing that could make us mortal but I thought she destroyed it in the 1600s when a witch tried to use it on us." Freya interjected the moment she heard about the knife.
"Apparently not. So Elijah and I will follow those minions and my dear Vincent, you will help us." Placing a hand on his shoulder, Klaus gave him a wicked smile.
As they all divulged in to the plan, you went to cook something for your daughter. Steaks were her favorite just like Klaus. You took the plate in your hands and took it to her. She was sitting on her father's lap, giving final touches to her master painting. You knew she wanted to be fed by you and you happily fulfilled her wish. In between bites, Klaus would open his mouth and you fed him too, while shaking your head and laughing at his childish antics. In that moment, you forgot about everything.
Hope you guys liked it!! Like, comment and reblog.
Part 10 coming soon. The plan finally is put in place and a lot happens.
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rafecameron · 4 years
Forever (Kol Mikaelson X Reader)
Request: @scandalousfemale​ Hi! Can I get a “how would Kol act if you were pregnant with his child?” I know he’s a vampire and can’t get you pregnant but maybe a witch does it as a “punishment” for him to suffer what it feels like to care for human life more idk
Summary: Basically what the request says, Kol gets revenge of course
Words: 5K
A/N: I’ve never really written anything for Kol so sorry if this sucks, also I haven’t proof read so there's probably spelling mistakes.
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*GIF is mine*
You gingerly make your way over to Hayleys bedroom, walking slowly and almost hoping that you never make it to her door, and that if you do she isn’t in there. Unfortunately for you, you make it to her door and once you knock you hear her voice come from inside. You slowly push the door open, standing in the doorway and looking to where she was sat on the edge of her bed beside Elijah.
“Sorry to interrupt.” You play with the hem of your shirt as you look over at them, “Hayley can I talk to you for a minute?” You chew on your lower lip as you wait for a reply, avoiding making eye contact.
“Of course.” She nods with a concerned look on her face, shooting a look to Elijah to signal he should leave them alone.
Elijah quickly stands up, making his way to the door, you step to the side to allow him to pass, “Is everything okay?” He asks as he stops beside you, you quickly nod your head in reply and although he looks apprehensive he decides not to question you more and walks off.
You close the door behind you and pace the room in front of Hayley, your hand against your mouth as you chew at your nails nervously. Hayley is frowning up at you but waits until you’re ready to talk about whatever you had come to her for. Your arm wraps around your waist as you take a deep breath, stopping your pacing and finally turning to face your friend.
“I don’t know what to do, Hayley.” You finally speak, tears brimming in your eyes and threatening to fall down your cheeks at any moment.
“What’s the matter?” She quickly stands up and pulls you into a hug, “Has Kol done something?”
You shake your head, quickly rubbing at your eyes in hopes of stopping the tears before they even begin, “Not exactly.” You sigh, you move to sit on her bed and she follows suit, perching beside you with concern plastered across her face.
“You’re worrying me now Y/N. What’s wrong?” Hayley questions again, hands resting against her thighs.
“I’m pregnant.” You whisper out, the whole situation suddenly feeling real now that you had spoken the words out loud, you ignore the tears sliding down your cheeks now, the shock of what you just admitted weighing you down heavily.
Hayley’s mouth opens to speak but no words come out, she looks around the room searching for the right words before giving up and instead simply asking, “Are you sure?”
You nod your head, “Unfortunately.” You laugh bitterly, “I took four tests.”
“But…How is that possible?” Hayley places her hand on your shoulder, trying to catch your eyes but you refuse to look at her, “Is it Kol’s?”
“Of course it’s Kols! What do you take me for?” You snap before a sob racks through your body, you cover your face with your hands, mumbling a feeble apology to your friend for snapping.
“It’s okay.” Hayley wraps her arms around you and pulls you against her, “We’ll figure this out together, all of us. How did this even happen?”
“I have no idea.” You sniff, “I didn’t think this was possible.” 
“I think I’m living proof that anything can happen.” Hayley sighs, rubbing circles just below the back of your neck as she held you close, “You really should tell Kol.”
You nod your head in agreement, “He’s going to be so mad.” You wipe at your face and pull away from Hayley’s grip, “I don’t think I’m ready to tell him just yet. We should tell Freya, maybe she can help us figure out how this even happened. I don’t want to go to Kol full of questions he wont know the answers to.”
Hayley nods her head in agreement and offers to go find her which you accept, not trusting your legs to carry your weight right now. You sit back against your friends headboard, pulling your knees to your chest, the tears had stopped falling but your face was still red and wet.
Before long Hayley returned with Freya in tow, concern filling her features as you guessed Hayley had not told her what was wrong just that she was needed urgently. So Freya sat in front of you and you explained yourself again, her reaction more collected than you expected it to be.
“Okay.” Freya nods her head, the hair she had tucked behind her ear falling into her face, “We can figure this out. I just need to think of how.” She stands up from the bed rubbing her hands against her thighs as she thinks for a moment, “Give me an hour, I think I know how we can get some answers.” And with that she hurries from the room and Hayley took her spot on the bed in front of you, reaching her hand out and rubbing your knee comfortingly.
“We’re going to figure this out. Everything’s going to be okay.” She promises, a soft smile on her face in hopes of making you feel a little less afraid, “If all else fails, I’ll always be here for you.”
The room stays silent while you wait for Freya’s return, Elijah pokes his head back around the door to ask if anything is needed but Hayley quickly shoo’s him away, you feel bad because he only wants to help but you know you can’t tell anyone else before speaking to Kol. He would be mortified and hurt to learn his whole family knew about this before he did.
It felt like a century had passed since Freya left the room, you couldn’t help but sit and watch the second hand tick around the clock at an agonisingly slow pace, every part of the room felt so far away but too close at the same time, you were freaking out on the inside but on the outside you sat calm and still, not an ounce of your inner franticness showing.
“Do you want something to drink?” Hayley finally breaks the silence with her question, you were certain her eyes hadn’t left you this entire time.
You shake your head, but she insists you need to drink and goes off to fetch you some water. Finally gathering yourself a little more you sit up and rub the tear stains from your face, you didn’t want to look like a mess when you eventually speak to Kol. You float over to Hayley’s dresser, locating her hairbrush and running it through your knotted strands, you don’t remember if you even brushed your hair this morning, probably not.
Hayley returns with the water, passing the glass over to you, “Drink it. All of it.” She commands with a warning look, you do as she instructs and down the glass in one, placing it on her dresser and offering her the slightest hint of a smile.
You let out a sigh of relief when Freya strolls back through the bedroom door, a smile on her face, “I’ve spoken with a friend, I think I know a spell that should give us an idea of how this happened.” She informs you.
“I don’t even want to know how this works, just do it.” You instruct. Freya guides you to the bed, laying you down in the middle of it.
“I need a little of your blood.” She smiles apologetically as she holds a knife out to you, you grimace but slice lightly at the palm of your hand, allowing Freya to take whatever she needed before wrapping your hand in a cloth. “Now, just close your eyes and relax, I don’t need you to do anything.”
You nod your head, relaxing against the sheets and letting out a shaky breath, you had never been apart of a spell before and weren’t sure if you liked the thought, but if it got you the answers you needed then it was a small sacrifice you were willing to make.
Freya begins chanting above you, the same words over and over, you could feel her and Hayley hovering around the side of the bed even without being able to see them. This continues for at least a minute before Freya finally stops chanting, you slowly peak your eyes up at her, waiting for her to clarify if she got an answer or not.
“It’s not much, but I felt something.” Freya nods, “There’s magic surrounding you, Y/N. I’m not sure who, but someone made this possible, they used a spell to allow Kol to get you pregnant. Do you know anyone who would do that?”
You sit up, eyebrows furrowing as you let the new information sink in, you shake your head, “I don’t really know anyone, Freya.” You mumble, being human you only really knew your boyfriends family and those he wanted you to meet, he was very protective and wouldn't allow anyone he didn’t trust near you.
“I’m sure this has more to do with Kol than it does Y/N, I’m afraid you’ve really just been caught up in the storm that is the Mikaelson family.” Hayley sighs, her hand rubbing your shoulder lightly.
You smile lightly, a small shrug lifting your shoulders, “I guess I couldn’t avoid it,” You laugh softly, “It could be worse I suppose, I’m not dead yet.”
You let out a huff of breath, throwing your legs off the side of the bed and standing up, “I think I need to talk to Kol.” You decide, rubbing your sweaty palms against your hips nervously, “Do you know where he is?”
Both girls shake their head causing you to sigh, “We’ll ask Elijah, and if he doesn’t know where he is we can send him to go find him.” Hayley pushes you towards the door softly.
You head downstairs, Hayley and Freya in tow, Elijah is sat at the table with Klaus, both caught in a mundane conversation about god knows what.
“Have either of you seen Kol?” Hayley announces your arrival with her question, the brothers looking up from their conversation.
“What do we look like, Kol’s babysitters?” Klaus asks, raising the glass in his hand in question.
“Klaus.” Freya warns, “We really need to talk to him. Do you have any idea where he is?”
Klaus sits up, placing his glass on the table, “Why? What has my brother done now?”
“We will find him.” Elijah shoots Klaus a pointed look as he stands up, “He can’t be too far.” He begins to head to the door, a sigh falling from Klaus’ lips as he begrudgingly follows his older brother.
“We need a leash for that boy.” You hear him grumbling on his way out.
You pull a chair out from the table and flop down into it, “Is it just me that’s really nervous?” You ask looking up to your friends as you run a shaky hand through your hair, “I have no idea how he’s going to react.”
“No one ever knows how Kol’s going to react.” Hayley sighs and pulls the chair out in front of you, “But we can be there when you tell him, if you want?”
You shake your head, “I appreciate it but I think it will be better just coming from me, there might be less of a chance he will go mad?” You pose it as a question because you know Hayley’s right, no one truly ever knows how Kol will react to something.
It didn’t take long from the boys to locate their brother, Kol hurries into the room, kneeling in front of where you’re sat and grabbing for your hands, “Is everything alright, Love?” He asks, a worried expression set on his features, “Elijah said it was an emergency.”
You frown over at Elijah, you hadn’t wanted them to completely freak him out, you look back down to your boyfriend trying to muster up a smile, “Everything’s fine, Kol.” You reassure him giving his hands a soft squeeze, “I just needed to talk to you.”
“Right, okay.” Kol nods his head, “What about?” his features soften a little as he lets the initial worry leave his body.
“Can we go somewhere a little more private?” You quirk your brow, looking up at the four extra people stood around the room watching.
“Of course.” Kol stands up, pulling you up by your hand and leading you from the dining room and up the stairs towards your shared bedroom, “You’re really worrying me Y/N, what’s the matter?”
You remain quiet until you’re both inside the bedroom, shutting the door behind you you turn to face him, letting out the breath you hadn’t realised you had been holding.
“First I need you to make me a promise, Kol.” You place your hands against his biceps and look up into his concerned eyes, “Promise me you wont get mad.”
“Get mad? Y/N, what’s happened?” Kol pushes, he reaches up and places his hands on top of yours.
You sigh, looking away from his face, you couldn’t think of a way to ease the conversation in so you decided to just say it, get it over and done with like ripping off a bandaid.
“I’m pregnant.” you say, eyes glued to the floor, you wait for him to reply but after a few seconds of quiet you peak up at him. Kol is stood, mouth slightly open as he stares at you intensely, you could see the cogs turning in his brain as he took the information in and processed it.
Finally Kol reacted, he drops your hands and takes a step back, his head moving from side to side, “That’s not possible.” He states.
“That’s what I thought, but Freya said-“ Kol cuts you off with a glare.
“You’ve been with someone else?” He accuses you, anger spreading across his face like a wave during a storm, “That’s the only explanation!”
You shake your head quickly, reaching for Kol but he pulls away, “I can’t believe you!”
“Kol, please!” You beg reaching for him again, “It’s not like that! Freya said it’s magic!” You grasp onto his arm but every time you make purchase on it he pulls away, stepping further and further back into the room away from you.
“No.” Kol states, refusing to listen to your explanations, “No, it can’t be.”
“Kol, please.” You grab his arm, this time he didn’t escape, “I’m telling the truth. Freya said it has something to do with magic, like a curse or something, I don’t even know I don’t fully understand.”
Kol falls down onto the edge of the bed, you follow suit and sit beside him, reaching for the hand on his knee and holding it tight, “Kol, do you believe me?”
Kol doesn’t answer, he’s staring intently at the floor in front of him, his lips moving slightly but no noise was coming from them, you squeeze his hand again and finally he looks up at you.
“Do you believe me?” You asks, your eyes watering up for what felt like the hundredth time today, you didn’t think you had any tears left in you but it seems you were wrong.
“You’re sure?” Kol asks, eyes boring into yours as if he were daring you to be lying to him.
You nod you head, “Four tests kind of sure.” you sigh. Kol turns away again, you want to say something but know you need to give him time to process, he would speak again when he’s ready.
It didn’t take Kol half as long to take in the information as it had yourself, he turns to you, eyes searching your face for a moment before he speaks, “I’m going to be a father?”
You give him a soft smile and nod, “So it seems. Your family is just full of miracle babies.” 
Kol nods his head, the confusion furrowing his brows slowly lifting, instead a smile begins to form on his face, “A father…I don’t know how good I will be at that.” He laughs almost bitterly.
“You will be amazing.” You reach your hand up and rub it up and down his tense back.
“I really don’t think I will.” Kol looks over to you slowly, “I’m not ready for this. I’ve only just come to terms with letting you in, now there’s something else I could possibly loose?” he shakes his head, “I can’t do it, what would I do if anything ever happens to you or the baby? How could I live with myself?”
You shift positions, moving to straddle Kols lap and cup his face in your hands, “Listen to me,” You lean your forehead down against his, “You will be amazing.” You repeat yourself, “You will be kind, and caring and the most amazing father to our child. Nothing will ever happen to either of us.” You promise him.
“What if I can’t look after you?” Kol asks, closing his eyes as he rests his head softly against yours.
“You always look after me.” You whisper, “And if for some reason you aren’t there, Elijah will, or Klaus, or Hayley. I have a whole lot of people able to protect me.” You laugh softly.
Kol smiles up at you, nodding his head softly, “Promise me you wont get into any trouble?”
“When do I ever get into trouble?” You reply, to which Kol simply raises his eyebrow at you, “Alright, fine, I promise I wont get into any trouble, ever again.” You lean down and kiss his lips softly.
“We should celebrate, but first I want to find the bastard that cursed you.” He stands up with your legs still wrapped around him, carrying you out of the room and only putting you down once you reach the stairs.
Once downstairs Freya paces in front of you and Kol as you sit at the table, “What do you mean you can’t find who did this?” Kol asks in angry disbelief.
“I mean it’s not that simple.” Freya sighs, “I can sense the magic, but I don’t know who it came from. Are there any witches currently pissed off at you?”
Kols eyes widen and he nods his head slowly, “Yes. Yes there are many many witches currently pissed off at me.” He admits, “When aren’t there?”
“Yes, that was a stupid question.” Freya groans, rubbing her fingers through the short hair.
“Well, that’s that then.” Klaus stands up matter of factly, “We’ll just have to get rid of them all.”
Hayley rolls her eyes and Elijah shoots him a disdainful look, “Yes, good idea Niklaus, we’ll just kill all the witches Kol has ever wronged and infuriate the rest of them while we’re at it.”
“You say the rest of them like Kol hasn’t pissed off every witch in New Orleans.” Hayley groans.
“I am sat here you know.” Kol complains, “And I haven’t pissed off every witch in New Orleans, just a very large amount of them.”
“Look, this isn’t getting us anywhere.” Freya cuts in, “We need to narrow it down, has anything happened this week, Kol?” She turns to her brother.
Kol shrugs his shoulders, “I don’t know.” He groans letting his head drop back, “I don’t think I’ve fallen out with any witches this week, it’s only Wednesday.”
“How about,” Elijah stands up, smoothing his suit jacket down as he did, “Me and Niklaus take a trip to the cemetery and ask some questions?”
Klaus joins his brother standing up, “That seems to be our only option.” He agrees.
“Wait, I’m coming with you.” Kol makes to stand up but Klaus pushes him back down with his shoulder.
“I think you should stay here.” Klaus shoots him a warning look, nodding in your direction in a hinting manner.
Kol sighs but settles back into his chair, “We’ll take Rebekah with us.” Klaus announces as he and Elijah leave the room. You watch as they leave, sitting in the silent room for a moment before rising from your chair. Kol is instantly on his feet beside you, reaching out to take a hold of your arm.
“I’m just going to lay down.” You inform him, placing your hand gently over his, “Today is wearing me out.”
“I’ll come with you.” Kol states, not leaving room for you to argue even if you had wanted to.
Once back upstairs you lay down on the bed, leaving room next to you for Kol to occupy, he slides his arms around your waist and pulls you into his side, resting his face against the top of your head as you relax into him, feeling safe for the first time today wrapped in his strong arms.
“Do you think I’ll be a good mum?” You ask softly against his chest, closing your eyes when you feel his hand reach up to play with your hair.
“I think you’ll be the best mum to our child.” Kol presses a kiss to the top of your head, “You have nothing to worry about there, love.”
You slowly drift off to sleep in his arms, your dreams full of shouting and curses and anxiety, you toss and turn as you sleep and Kol keeps his arms pressed tight around you, doing his best to calm you while you slept. His mind still racing at the thought of being a father. He was impulsive and rash and he knew with a child in the picture he needed to change the way he was, he was scared he wouldn’t be able to change and would only cause more problems for you.
When you finally wake it is dark and Kol is nowhere to be seen, you stretch and push your hair out of your face, slowly crawling out of the bed and making your way across the room. Once you reach the hallway you hear raised voices, you tiptoe down the stairs, Elijah and Hayley come into view first, then Kol stood in the middle of everyone shouting and throwing his arms around in typical Kol fashion.
“Just let me fucking go there!” Kol shouts, squaring up to Klaus but his brother simply pushes him back.
“We can’t just barge in there and kill her in front of the whole coven, that will simply make a mess of things.” Elijah walks around the group of people slowly, deep in thought trying to come up with a plan, “We need some way to draw her out, make it look like an accident.”
“I don't care if it looks like an accident.” Kol scoffs, getting irritated with his families lack of proactiveness in getting the situation sorted, “I just want her dead.”
“We all do Kol.” Elijah turns to glare at him, “But do you not think we’re the first people they will suspect? What do you think they would do to Y/N and the baby if they find out we killed her?”
Kol glares back at Elijah but stays quiet, knowing he didn’t have an argument for that.
“Y/N.” Rebekah is the first to notice your arrival, the previous conversation coming to an abrupt end, “Are you feeling better?” She asks.
You nod your head, “Much.” You reply making your way through the group to Kol and taking his hand in yours, “You found some answers then?”
Klaus nods his head, “We did.” He shoots a deathly look to Kol, “It would seem Kol murdered the daughter of one of the coven leaders. My guess is she made you get pregnant so she could then do the same to him. We can’t let that happen.”
You hand instinctively moves to your stomach, wanting to protect the child that hadn’t even been born yet from harm, you had only found out this morning but now you couldn’t imagine your life without it, you couldn’t live with yourself if anything happened to it.
“That’s why you should let me go kill her!” Kol demands, hand squeezing yours protectively.
“No, Elijah’s right.” Rebekah steps forward, “We need to lure her out. We need someone she thinks she can trust, another witch.”
“Don’t look at me.” Freya holds her hands up and shakes her head, “I burned my bridges with that coven a long time ago.”
“No, Davina.” Rebekah announces.
You hear Klaus groan beside you, dropping his head back as he looks up at the ceiling, “Davina isn’t going to help this family.” He drawls out, “In case you forgot she kind of hates us.”
“No, she hates you.” Rebekah states, “And if she doesn’t want to help us we will just have to find a way to force her.”
“Me and Rebekah will go talk to her.” Hayley states.
“We’ll keep an eye on the witches.” Elijah decides, pulling Klaus along with him, “Make sure they’re not up to something else.”
Kol quickly makes to follow them, “I’m coming.” He leans down, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead and promising to be back soon before he follows his brothers from the room.
“Well can’t I come and do something to help?” You ask with a sigh, “I feel useless just sat here.”
“Absolutely not.” Rebekah states with finality in her voice, “Kol would murder us if we took you with us and something happened and I’m not in the mood to get murdered today.”
You sigh but don’t bother arguing as you know she has a point, Kol would loose it if anything happened to you and even if nothing did happen to you he’d still loose it at you for putting yourself in a situation where something could of happened.
“I guess I’ll just sit around here then.” you watch Rebekah and Hayley leave the compound, leaving just yourself and Freya behind.
The night was long and unbearable. You weren’t tired thanks to your nap earlier so you couldn’t get to sleep and you were constantly checking your phone for the time, worrying more and more the later it got. You couldn’t find anything to occupy your mind, too busying thinking the worst, what if something happened to any of them? And it would all be because of you, you couldn’t live with that.
It wasn’t until the early hours of the morning that the group returned, most of them with specs of blood littering their clothes and faces, you run quickly towards them, throwing yourself into Kols arms hugging him tightly and never wanting to let go.
“What happened?” You asks hurriedly, “You’ve been gone for so long, I thought something had happened.”
You pull back from the hug, looking up into Kol’s eyes and swiping a piece of hair off of his face, “It doesn’t matter what happened, we’ve dealt with it.” He reaches up to stroke your cheek softly, “No one else is going to try to hurt you love, or the baby.”
You place your hand on top of Kols, running your finger over his knuckles lightly. He was always the same, he would never tell you the grisly details of things that he or his family had done, wanting to save you the trauma, but you trusted him and his family, if they say something has been sorted then you knew it had been.
“I was so worried.” You sigh, burying your head back into Kols chest and wrapping your arms around his waist. Kol’s arms wrap around your shoulders, pulling you as close to him as he possibly could, resting his cheek against the top of your head he promises nothing will ever happen to him or you.
You make your way upstairs, climbing into the bed and waiting for Kol to be done in the shower and come to join you, your hand strokes at your stomach lightly, images of a baby and then a toddler running through your head. You knew life was going to change tremendously from now, but you were excited for it. If anyone had of asked if you and Kol wanted a baby both of you would have said no, not a chance, but now you couldn’t help but feel ecstatic about the thought of the little life growing inside of you, and you were equally excited to see Kol be a father, even with his doubts you knew he would be amazing, you could just tell.
“Lost in thought?” Kol asks as he appears at the side of the bed, he pulls the covers back and climbs in beside you.
“Just thinking about us.” You smile and roll onto your side, laying your head on the pillow beside his, “About our life.”
Kol reaches over, his hand running softly through your hair, “We’re in this together, I promise. And I have no doubts you will be amazing.”
You smile and lean over, pressing a soft kiss to his lips as your hand rests against his chest, “We both are.” You reassure him.
Kol just smiles in reply and pulls your head down onto his chest, fingers continuing to stroke through your strands, talking to you about nothing in particular so you could drift off to the sound of his voice. You feel his hand move from your hair and rest against your stomach, rubbing slow circles against it, you smile against his chest, finally falling asleep feeling safe and protected in his arms.
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xxwritemeastoryxx · 4 years
Painted Souls Part 8
Author: xxwritemeastoryxx
Pairings: Elijah Mikaelson x Reader, Klaus Mikaelson x Caroline Forbes
Word Count: 2.9K
Warnings: Slight mention of being drugged, alcohol use, and that’s about it in this one. 
Author’s Note: I’m doing things a little differently this part. I’m hoping it works out like I am hoping it will. I was able to sit down and write out this whole part without any interruptions and I am so surprised at how quickly this came out. 
Feedback gives me life and motivation for future things. ♥
KM: Drinks tonight at The Local Bar?
EG: The usual time?
Y/I: Woah, wait a minute, since when does this group chat include Klaus?
CF:Hey, it also includes Elijah now.
Y/I: ...
Y/I: Fine.
CF: She’s rolling her eyes, isn’t she?
EG: Oh, yeah. And there was a reminder of needing to tell you how much she loves you thrown in.
KM: I’m so looking forward to that conversation.
Y/I: I think I’m gonna need a drink.
KM: I’ll take that as a yes for tonight.
EG: That’s a yes.
CF: She’ll even get the discounted drinks!
Y/I: Not everyone has agreed to this.
KM: He has no choice in the matter.
KM: Plus he’s currently stuck in a rather boring meeting with my older siblings. He’ll see these messages once he’s been freed from the torture.
Both Elena and Y/N looked up from the phone with a roll of their eyes. They had just loaded up all of the paintings Y/N needed for her showing. The car had been filled to the brim with the canvases she needed.
“I can understand that meetings can be boring.” Elena said with a shrug as she placed her phone back into her pocket and grabbed the last canvas to put in. “But I doubt its torture for Elijah.”
A chuckle passed Y/N’s lips as she closed up the unit. “I know he has been working on this new case that’s been stressful, but he hasn’t mentioned it being tortures. So, I’m going to take that message as Klaus being over dramatic about it.”
“Sounds fair to me.” Elena said with a shrug.
Y/I:Fine. But I’m not getting the discounted drinks. You guys can fend for yourself for a change.
The moment the message sent, Y/N pocketed her phone and helped Elena get the last canvas into the car. “Just one more stop, and then we can go home and get ready.”
“Do you really think it’s going to take us all day to get ready?” Elena asked once the canvas was in, and began making her way to the passenger seat.
“No,” Y/N said with a shake of her head as they got into the car. “It might take all day just to get me away from the gallery.”
Both girls laughed at that. Elena believed that was an actual possibility of needing to drag Y/N out of the gallery. Elena knew how much this showing meant to her. She was willing to help Y/N out in any way she could. The showing was only a few days away and the excitement for her friend grew.
“I’m sure I can lure you out somehow.” Elena said with a nod as Y/N started up the car.
“Or you could just threaten me with Caroline rushing in to drag me out.” Y/N shrugged “That usually works.”
Elena chuckled. “Something tells me this time I know exactly how to lure you out should you take too long.”
“I’m surprised you haven’t checked your phone.” Freya said with a small smile on her face.
The siblings finally decided on a break halfway through making calls to have law enforcement collect new evidence. While they were making some progress in the case, the only thing that would make things work in their favor was the security footage from The Local Bar.
A sigh passed Elijah’s lips as he looked over at his phone on the other side of the table. The moment several notifications came through at once, he had wanted to check the phone. He had never been one to be so attached to the object outside of work. But with Y/N now in his life, he constantly felt the need to check it.
“If I grab it now, Finn will just return with more evidence that we need.” He shrugged slightly. “Why pull her into conversation when it might be cut short.”
Freya’s eyebrow raised. “I hope she doesn’t think you’re avoiding her.”
“Y/N understands why I don’t.” He nodded his head. “Plus, if I am correct, Y/N is busy herself. She’s getting the rest of her work to get the showroom ready.”
Freya crossed her arms over her chest. “All work and no play.” She said watching him for a moment. “All three of us have taken stress on from taking this case. Especially when it involves soulmates. We’re on edge.” She walked over and picked up Elijah’s phone and handed it to him. “A conversation with Keelin has been making me feel a lot more relaxed knowing she’s okay when I message her. Texting Y/N might do the same.”
Elijah eyed the phone for a moment before reaching for it. His sister had been right. For as worried as he had been the last several hours, he knew just messaging Y/N would make him feel better. As he unlocked his phone, his hope of relieving some of his worries faded.
“I’ve been pulled into a group chat.” He said as he looked up at his sister. “It seems as Niklaus has invited Y/N and her friends to The Local Bar tonight. And I’ve apparently had no choice in the matter, but to attend.”
Freya’s head tilted to the side as she took in her brother’s words. “If they are going to The Local Bar, it might be better for you to go with her. If what Lucien has said is true, the killer is still out there. It’s better to be safe than sorry.”
Elijah nodded his head. “I’d hate to become the overprotective soulmate that’s just come into her life, but given the circumstances-”
“She’ll understand.” Freya cut him off. “Y/N knows you’re working on a case. She knows that while some information can’t be shared, there are reasons for you to worry.” She placed her hand on his shoulder. “A quick message to her, either by text or by ink, it’s going to make you feel a lot better. And after work while at The Local Bar, you can explain some details and I’m sure she’ll understand.”
Elijah thought about her words. For now, Y/N was safe and by the looks of it with Elena. But that hadn’t stopped him from worrying. As his sister moved away from him, his eyes looked between the phone and the pen that sat beside his notepad. Reaching out in front of him, he grabbed the one thing that would make him feel better.
“These are wonderful, Y/N!” Joyce said as she watched her staff bring in the canvases out of Y/N’s car. “The images you’ve taken of them don’t do them justice. Seeing them in person is so much better.”
“Wait until you see the one she’s got back at the dorm.” Elena said as she beamed at Y/N.
“Joyce actually knows about it, Elena.” Y/N said as she looked over at her friend. “I’ve been sending Joyce progress pictures.”
“That one will definitely be the center of the showroom.” Joyce said with a nod. “I just love how raw and emotional it is in comparison to your other work.”
“I know someone else who will love it.” Elena said as she bumped her shoulder into Y/N’s.
Joyce caught the interaction and a smile pulled at her lips. “Will your muse being joining you on opening night?”
“I’ve been told he wouldn’t miss it.” Y/N answered with a smile on her lips.
“I look forward to meeting him.” Joyce said with a nod. “I’ll get these cleaned up, why don’t you look around and see where you want a majority of these to be placed.”
Y/N’s eyes widened. “You want me to choose?”
A chuckle passed Joyce’s lips. “Honey, you’ve been coming to the gallery for ages. You know the kind of eye appeal we look for when it comes to the showing. I know you won’t disappoint me.”
A smile pulled at Y/N’s lips the moment she caught the words on her wrist. Pulling a pen, that she continuously put into her hair for safe keeping, out she began to write on her wrist.
For you? Never.
Good to know. Might come in handy in the future.
A smirk pulled at Y/N’s lips as she took in the message. She looked around for a moment, making sure she wasn’t missing anything. So far, no one made any mistakes on where she wanted things just yet. It was still all coming together.
Like the near future where your brother is forcing us to go out?
I know it will be shocking to say, but seeing your writing has made this day less stressful.
I actually know what you mean. There’s more of a connection compared to texting.
At least it is not only me. How’s the gallery?
Unbelievable. I can’t wait for you to see this place.
Neither can I.
I can tell you all about it tonight?
I look forward to it. I’ll pick up soon.
Can’t wait.
Laughter filled the table as the group sat in their usual spot. College war stories were being shared while the alcohol was flowing. While Y/N had denied getting them discounted drinks, Klaus stepped in and talked with Marcel about them.
As usual, Marcel gave in to the request since he had known the Mikaelsons and the girls for quite some time. Whenever his breaks happened, he found himself at the table with them, enjoying the time with them.
“Wait, that’s not how that happened.” Klaus argued, causing Elijah and Marcel to roll their eyes.
“I still have pictures from that weekend if you’d like me to show the girls.” Marcel said with a smirk.
“Oh I wanna see this.” Caroline said as she leaned into Klaus a bit.
The glare that Klaus had given Marcel had made Y/N laugh . “Wasn’t that the same glare we got the other night when we forgot about Caroline’s date with Klaus.”
Elena nodded as she grabbed her drink. “It was the glare for us and the pout filled puppy eyes for Caroline.”
“I’ve seen that plenty of times.” Elijah muttered under his breath. “Most of the time he had been in trouble.”
Both Elena and Y/N almost spit their drinks out as they tried to keep their laughter in. Elijah pulled Y/N into his side once her laughing fit started. With that, both Klaus and Caroline stood up from the booth. Groans and whines came from the others as they watched them do so.
“Klaus promised a dance or two.” Caroline said nodding her head towards the dance floor. “While staying her and drinking has been fun, dancing sounds even better.”
“Fine.” Y/N rolled her eyes and Elena moved to the edge of the circular booth.
“I’ll go get some more drinks.” She noted as she stood. “I’ll be back in five.”
Y/N shook her head slightly and looked up at Elijah. “It seems as if we’ve been purposely left alone.”
Elijah chuckled. “So it seems. Gives me a moment to talk to you about some things.”
Y/N’s eyebrow rose. “About what?”
“The case.” He said with a sigh. “The stress from it,” He shook his head. “Would you want to go to the cabin tonight instead of going back to your dorm?”
A grin pulled at her lips. “I’d love to. We’d just have to stop by the dorm, so I can pick up a few supplies.”
A chuckle passed Elijah’s lips as he leaned into her. “If those supplies include paints and canvases. You can just use what Niklaus has left behind.”
“Maybe I’d like to pick up other things.” She said as she brushed her lips against his.
A smirk pulled at Elijah’s lips. “Do tell.”
Before Y/N could say anything, the familiar squeals of Elena and Caroline reached her ears. A second later the music in the background registered in her ears, and she whined. “We’re about to be interrupted and I’m about to be taken away.”
Elijah chuckled as he leaned back. “We have the rest of the night.”
“Ooh somebody’s making plans on not coming back to the dorm tonight.” Caroline said as she reached the booth and pulled at Y/N’s arm. “Come on, you know we can’t miss this.”
Y/N sighed and slid to the end of the booth. “I promise I’ll be back.” She said giving him a smile. She watched as Klaus plopped himself into the booth before she let Caroline and Elena drag her away to the dance floor.
Elijah watched as the girls found themselves a place on the dance floor and began dancing together. While Elijah had been glad that everyone had been enjoying themselves, there was still that lingering worry about the place they were in.
“I don’t think I’ve see you happier.” Klaus said as he pulled his brother’s attention away from the girls.
“In the short time I’ve truly known her, I can’t see a life without her now.” Elijah admitted. While normally he wouldn’t have said such things to his brother. But seeing as Klaus had been drinking quite a bit, Elijah knew he’d hardly remember this conversation in the morning.
Laughter from the girls had mixed in with the music as it played. The small dance floor had made things crowded around them. But no matter how many times they may have bumped into someone, it hadn’t messed up their mood.
“Alright,” Caroline said as the song came to an end. “I think I may have one too many for the night, and I’m going to sit down for a bit.”
“Need us to walk you back?” Y/N asked wanting to make sure that Caroline was okay.
Caroline shook her head. “I can find my way back easily.”
“Alright.” Elena said with a nod as Caroline left them and made her way towards Klaus and Elijah.
The two stayed there continuing to dance together. Part of Y/N had an idea to call Elijah over. A small smirk pulled at her lips as she looked over at the booth. Before she could make any move to call Elijah over, she felt someone bump into her, distracting her. A moment later a sharp pain came over her side.
“Ouch.” Y/N said out loud as she looked down at her side for the cause of the painful poke.
“What is it?” Elena asked as she watched Y/N.
“It felt like something poked me. I think there might be something in my dress.” Y/N tried to feel the fabric against her skin to pinpoint anything. There had to be something if she had felt pain like that.
“Come on, we’ll go to the bathroom and check.” Elena offered.
“Let me tell Elijah we’re going.” Pulling the pen out of her hair, she quickly wrote a message on her wrist and looked towards Elijah.
Elijah noticed the writing appeared on his skin and his eyes quickly looked up. The moment they landed on Y/N he gave a head nod in understanding. There was definitely a perk of having this soulmate bond in a crowded place such as this one.
They began walking towards the bathroom a moment later. But the closer to the bathroom they got, Y/N felt off. Her head felt heavy and she swore her world was starting to spin. She stumbled slightly, but Elena caught her.
“Woah, how many have you had tonight?” Elena asked concerned.
Y/N shook her head. “Not enough to feel like this.”
Elena’s eyes widened as the words that come out Y/N’s mouth were slurred compared to a few minutes ago. Elena quickly looked around, noticing that their group wasn’t within sight.
“Shit,” She mumbled as she grabbed for the pen Y/N had put back in her hair moments before. She helped Y/N into a booth and quickly wrote on the back of her hand.
911! Something’s wrong with Y/N
Elena had tried to keep herself calm the whole time, not wanting to draw attention to them. Her eyes scanned for anything out of the ordinary. Nothing she saw raised a red flag. There was something out there, but it was obviously hidden in plain sight.
“What is it?” Elijah asked the moment he found them. His eyes went straight for Y/N, and she was barely holding her eyes open as she leaned against Elena.
“She felt something poke her.” Elena said moving so Elijah could move in to take a look at Y/N. Elena watched as Elijah adjusted Y/N, bringing her to the edge of the booth. “After she got her message to you, we started walking this way. But one moment she was fine and then the next she stumbled, her words were slurring instantly. I have a bad feeling about this Elijah.”
“Y/N, look at me.” Elijah’s voice sounded distorted to Y/N, but she opened her eyes as best as she could. Elijah’s blurry figure came into view.
“‘Lijah.” Even the simple word had been slurred. “What’s happening to me?” Even with her vision blurring, she hadn’t missed the way his jaw clenched at taking in her eyes or even at how she spoke.
Looking over his shoulder, he looked at Klaus and Caroline. “Call 911. we are going to need an ambulance here. And Klaus, don’t let Caroline or Elena out of your sight.”
Those had been the last words Y/N had heard before darkness closed in on her vision. Elijah caught her as she slumped forward. The drugs that had been put into her system had taken affect. While Elijah refused to say the words out loud, he knew they were right.
If it hadn’t been for Elena, Y/N would have been taken. And with every alarm going off in his head, it was telling him that Lucien was right. He was innocent in this. 
Always & Forever Tag:
@taylordrunkonwhiskey @thewolf-and-thesheep @wayward-dan @neeadinghugs @fafulous @kenmen02 @elizamonet @dora-the-grownup @mschellehitt @xanderling @fandom-princess-forevermore @buckysarm4 @hi-my-name-is-riley @helenasingers @alka16555
Painted Souls Tag:
@inmylifeilovedthemall @graciejunie  @this-is-mycrisis @une-lueur-dans-la-nuit @violentmommabear42 @ignorantly-apathatic  @carostar2020 @shanty-lol @generallyclumsy @gwenawesomeness @x-memi12 @misunderstood-shadows @krazykatkay456 @emilymarie105 @insertcooluser55 @firedancernix @tuliptx @kpoplover1306-depressedgirl315 @giraffelover2309 @fading-mentality-boquet  @sincerelykay12 @dpaccione @castofstrangerthings @twigstar18 @colors-for-theworld-please @foreverlostindreams @petraballins @sorrowfulfragmentation @tattoedraven1022 @heartjoohoney @bitchingkeres @jemimah-b99 @athenamikaelson @high-on-shai @we-dance-through-an-avalanche @lilipads @sagittarianwolf @gazzellifics
Stag Tag:  
@elejah-wonderland @xxsovereignsarayaxx @asiaaisa77 @astudyoftimeywimeystuff @bulldozed88
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kiingmarcel-blog · 7 years
im sitting here thinking about the fact that marcel was literally not even going to try and kill the mikaelsons and was just testing klaus on the bridge when they were talking -- he was getting to marcel until elijah fucked it up with his paranoia.
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missnmikaelson-main · 4 years
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She was Kol’s friend first. Apparently they had been friends for centuries, though none of them knew, but of course Kol always had a habit of seeking out the extraordinary; it should have come as no surprise that during his nomadic years he encountered her.
Kol’s discovery of her was not in any way shape or form strange, but his friendship was. If Klaus’ soul was black, Kol’s was all the darker. And yet, friends they were.
To Y/N it was only natural to act when Kol was murdered. That was how the family came to know her. Like her kind, she possessed an ability to walk between realms, so stepping into the Other Side had been easy – a simple matter of stretching her wings. And three months after his baby brother’s demise he returned to the Governor’s Mansion to find Kol pouring tea and sharing a shockingly pleasant conversation with the then pregnant Hayley and a woman whose beauty struck him to the core.
Kol had been fast to warn his brothers away from Y/N – not a problem where Elijah was concerned, as he had eyes only for Hayley.
Y/N quickly expressed her desire to stay for no other reason than to keep Kol out of trouble.
Upon reflection Klaus remained unaware of when it started. The process was so gradual that he was halfway through before realizing he had begun, and though he had never been one prone to fits of romance – it was Rebekah’s territory and he was more than happy to leave her to it – that blasted Jane Austin quote perfectly summed up his situation.
He had no business caring for her – no business developing feelings. She was his polar opposite. Where he was wicked, she was kind. Where he was damned, she was innocent. Where he was the embodiment of everything evil in the world, she was a literal angel.
Literally… an angel.
He can still remember the first time he had seen her wings, unfurling from wherever she concealed them in a flurry of iridescent feathers to disturb the air as she carried his young daughter to safety high above the vampires’ stupid enough to come for her. A few of those feathers had littered the ground after and at her request he had scoured the street for each and every one lest they fall into the possession of someone less than savory.
Those were the early days before he fully trusted her, so he had taken a single feather to Freya; the power in that one specimen rivaled the mystical energy found in Elena Gilbert’s veins.
In retrospect that might have been the moment he felt something a smidge beyond gratitude for saving his precious daughter’s life – not that he would ever admit Hope was in real danger – because if he had felt nothing he might have exploited the power she possessed, getting Freya to harness the energy to create a spell strong enough to keep her safe from all of his enemies regardless of whatever objections Kol would have raised.
She had grown steadily in his affections over the past four years, always around, always encouraging the family to put aside their differences, and surprisingly never losing her innocence. He had once thought it impossible to embrace immortality with clean hands, but then he met her.
“What are you doing?” Her lyrical voice washed over him, snapping Klaus from his reverie.
He lifted his eyes from his bloodied knuckles and the feather that never seemed to attract grime.
“Yes,” she slipped into the room, seeming to float across the floor. Her fingers trailed across the table, expertly avoiding the spilled wine and broken glass. “You’ve been staring at your hands for nearly five minutes. I was watching.”
“I know,” he bluffed, “I heard you.”
“Liar,” the edges of her mouth tipped up, but her sparkling eyes revealed no malice – just teasing. “I was on the plain between, or have your almighty hybrid senses grown so great you can hear the ethereal?”
“My senses would surprise you,” he ran a finger over the feather in his hand, hidden beneath the table’s edge. “Where is Hope?”
“Once the threat was gone I placed her back in her room,” her smile softened. “She slept through the whole ordeal, blissfully unaware of the turmoil in her home.”
He nodded, eyes focused on her glittering gaze; a slight glow lit up the y/e/c, betraying what she truly was but only to those who dared hold her in their eyes.
“Your ability to carry her into a realm of safety is nothing short of astounding,” he breathed.
“Do my ears deceive me?” She pulled out a chair and sat, folding her arms on the table. “Did the Klaus Mikaelson just pay me an honest compliment?”
“Was I being too subtle?” He smirked. “Would you rather I remarked on the luminance of your eyes, or the sweet brilliance of your smile?” His words succeeded in both shocking him and bringing a pretty flush to her cheeks.
She lowered her eyes, daring only to watch through her lashes until the colour faded from her skin, and delicately cleared her throat.
“You didn’t answer my question.”
“Forgive me, sweetheart,” a line appeared between his brows, “it’s been a long hard day. What was your question?”
“I asked what you were doing.” She reminded, finally bringing her eyes back to his face. The pink tint across his cheekbones did not go unnoticed, nor did the way he couldn’t quite meet her eyes.
Wordlessly he held up the feather.
The breath stilled in her lungs.
“You still have this?” She questioned, rather stupidly she thought since the evidence was less than an inch from her nose.
“I couldn’t bring myself to burn it,” he shrugged.
“So you didn’t take it to Freya?” She cocked an eyebrow.
“No, I did,” he tilted his head. “I know what it can do, and I promise you I’d never use that information against you, and no that decision had nothing to do with Kol having my head if I did. I should have burnt it after.”
“So why didn’t you?” She folded her ankles, resisting the urge to stand up.
He frowned, knowing now the true reason but not sure if he dared admit it. He had no business feeling the way he did, but as he had said the day had been long and taken a toll; he had no remaining energy for deceit.
“It’s the only part of you I could ever hope to possess,” he sighed, voice a low rumble.
“Possess?” Her brows lowered, but something shone in her eyes, and for a moment all to brief the colour gave way to pure light. “You would possess me?”
“No,” he frowned as her shoulders slouched. “I would never presume to possess you. In spite of the company you keep – and you should truly consider finding a new best friend – you are far too good to be corrupted by me.”
“How could you say something like that?” She shook her head, regarding him through wide eyes.
“I’m the devil in disguise, love, and you, well,” he looked her up and down, waving the feather pointedly.
She bristled, feeling the telltale tingle in her shoulder blades of suppressed power.
“My wrath can be every bit as terrible as yours,” she crossed her arms. “Haven’t you ever heard of avenging angels?”
“You don’t have a wrathful bone in your body, Y/N,” he chuckled. “If you did I’m visited it on my head more than once, and your rescue of Kol would have been far more dramatic.”
“Who needs drama?” She scoffed. Her eyes fell to the feather in his hand. “Is that your blood?”
“Would yes or no make you feel better?” He placed his stolen prize on the table.
She chewed her bottom lip and decided to change the topic back to possession. She had heard many men use the word ‘possess’ in regards to her over her countless centuries, but never before had the word been spoken with such reverence. When people coveted her they did so for the power she could grant, but it had been years and Klaus’ tone said he had no desire to use her – at least not for anything beyond ferrying his child to safety in a pinch.
“You wish to possess me?” She tilted her head, hair slipping forward over her shoulders. “That pitiful feather is nothing – it’s long since lost its luster.”
“What do you mean?” He glanced to the table.
“It’s dead,” she ran a finger over it. “Very little power remains inside now.”
“I’m not interested in it for power,” he inhaled slowly, “more the reminder of the woman it came from.”
“You need a reminder?” She stood up, reaching for the zipper at her throat. “That’s a poor reminder of me.”
His mouth went dry as she pulled, revealing inch after inch of smooth /y/s/c that his fingers itched to trace, his tongue to worship. When she was left in a strapless bra he attempted to swallow the sudden lump in his throat.
She dropped the fabric on her discarded seat, exhaling in a rush. Wings unfurled from her back spanning twice her body height and reaching out to kiss either side of the dining room.
“It’s a pale comparison,” she twirled the white feather between her fingers, “don’t you think?”
“Y/N…” He cleared his throat, straightening his spine as she stepped closer. Her wings gleamed in the darkness and he had to admit she was right because the feathers still attached to her body held an iridescence he had only seen in his memory.
“You wish to possess me?” She repeated her question, stepping closer. Her thigh brushed his knee, naturally slotting between his legs.
“Forgive me, Y/N,” he gripped the arms of his chair, “I spoke out of turn.”
“You make a habit of that,” she blinked slowly, “but for the first time in months I think you’ve actually spoken your mind. And do you know how I know?” She leaned down, bending slightly. Her tongue darted out to lick her lips when his eyes flickered briefly to her chest.
He shook his head.
“Because you were holding my feather,” her breath fanned over his chin. “And my feathers inspire honesty; it’s impossible to lie when touching one.”
“Then I suppose it’s fortuitous that you’ve not caught me with it until now,” his hand rose a few inches and he forced it back down, unwilling to smear her skin with the blood still clinging to him. “I’m not holding it,” he warned.
“I’m hoping you’ll be honest anyway,” she shrugged, wings rising several inches. “I’ve grown tired of this dance; we’ve been stuck in it too long.”
He swallowed. Where the bloody hell was Kol when he needed him? He would have taken one look at their proximity and given Klaus an earful for daring to corrupt his friend.
“What would you know?” He lifted his chin.
“Many desire me for many reasons,” she bent her knee, lifting her leg to rest alongside his on the wide seat. “What do you want from me? What part of me would you possess?”
Her other leg came up so she straddled his thighs. She held the back of his chair and slowly curled her wings, closing him into a circle; the soft lift from her wings cast deep shadows along his face. Somehow she managed to hover away from his body – straddling, but never breaching the quarter inch of space to touch.
“Please tell me,” she implored, eyes wide.
“You,” he brought his hand up, slowly hovering just above her skin from hip to breast and further towards her jaw. “I have fallen for you. I don’t know when it happened; I was too far gone before I even realized it. All I know is that I want you: body, heart and soul; I want everything you are, Y/N, and I shall never have it, so leave me with my feather.”
“Who says you could ‘never have it’?” She tilted her head, skin tingling pleasantly beneath the brief touch of his fingers.
“I say,” he met her eyes, “and anyone who looked upon you would say it as well. I’m not good enough for you, and I never will be. You deserve someone better.”
“What if I don’t want better?” She dropped her hand to hover over his cheek, tracing the air above his features close enough to feel the heat under his skin. “What if I want someone willing to violate everything under the sun in the name of protecting loved ones? What I want who strives to do right by people that matter?”
Her fingers caught his bottom lip and slipped towards the dimple in his cheek. The more she spoke the harder his delirious smile became to hide.
“What if I want you too?”
His eyes flickered briefly towards the wings on either side of his chair. “Did you just compel the truth out of me?”
“I’m no vampire,” she snickered.
“But your wings…”
“Are not touching you,” she shook her head. She curled her fingers around his wrist, coaxing his palm beneath her hair and flat over her breastbone where her heart raced.
“I’m covered in blood,” he made a half-hearted attempt to pull away.
“I don’t care,” she held him fast. “I would give this to you with a single condition.”
“You come with conditions?” He meant the question to be teasing, but her swiftly closing proximity made it a breath of air.
“Don’t break it.”
It only grew harder to breathe when pressed her soft lips to his. He had experienced many first kisses in his thousand years of life varying in intensity from alright to burning with passion. Somehow her mouth coaxed a fire into his blood and a profound sense of calm into his heart.
He wrapped one hand around her waist, dragging up her spine until softness touched his wrist.
It was right; he knew it deep down just as he knew his answering words were a lie no matter how much he wished them to be true.
@klaroline-4ever @cry-btch @xanderling @kol-and-elena-fanfiction @elejahforever @elejah-wonderland @morsmornte @geekofmanyfandoms @eternityunicorn @shhevjyd
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schattenjagd · 4 years
Lost without you (1/2)
A/N : I got this idea long ago when I first listened to Freya Ridings’ beautiful song “Lost without you”. I don’t know if one can really call this a Songfic, ‘cause I didn’t use any phrases directly, like I did in Hold on. This is gonna be a 2-parter. I’ve already written and finished the second part, so I’m gonna upload it in the next few days. 
Word Count : 3.2K - I finally made it to write something that isn’t that long xD
Warnings : Angst (what else can you expect from me ? xD)
Pairing : Elijah Mikaelson x Reader
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The day had been tough.
Mikael had risen from the dead, summoned by the young witch Davina Claire, who almost signed the Mikaelson's death sentence.
But for Elijah Mikaelson there were bigger problems at that moment. He paced the room uneasily.
Y/N could hear the nervous footsteps in the room above herself even with her human hearing and closed her eyes for a moment.
She knew that following the two Mikaelson brothers had been a mistake, but she hadn't expected to be used as a weapon against her loved one and kidnapped by Mikael. Only Niklaus’ quick action was due to her that she still had all her limbs.
With a sigh, she let down the blood-red towel with which she had washed the rest of her blood from her body. Elijah's blood had healed all the serious wounds, but she still looked like she had come out of a meat grinder and the spot in her stomach where Mikael had rammed the stake - which was actually meant for Elijah - still hurt a little with every movement.
She was just coming out of the bathroom when she winced at a rumble above her.
,,He is fine."
Hayley, who was sitting on her bed, was just trying to calm her down, Y/N knew that, yet she couldn't really believe her friend. She raised an eyebrow.
"You are a bad liar."
The brunette sighed and rubbed her hair as she watched Y/N disappear behind the screen and slip into something more comfortable.
"Well, the hell is loose up there right now."
Y/N frowned and swallowed. And all because of her.
"Okay, I think I prefer it if you lie," Y/N came out from behind the screen and freed her hair from the fabric. "What's going on up there?"
Elijah sat tense behind his desk, glaring at the papers in front of him, while Klaus stood in the middle of the room with his arms crossed over his chest. The blonde winced when his brother swept the pile of files from his desk out of nowhere and when it fell to the floor with a loud rumble.
"She’s fine," Klaus finally interrupted the uncomfortable silence. "There is no need to worry - at least when it comes to your loved one."
Elijah's head snapped up. “No need to worry, Niklaus ? Our father, he was here and he is alive. And he almost killed her."
"Then isn’t it great that I was there and intervened ?"
Elijah scowled at his brother and Klaus eyed him suspiciously. A dark veil had laid over Elijah's features, which the blonde didn't like.
“You won't always be there. And neither do I, neither of us. She is in danger."
Klaus narrowed his eyes. "I don't like what you're up to do, brother, so I would recommend you leave it alone."
Elijah looked up. "What, Niklaus ?"
"That woman down there risked her life for you and saved it."
“That's the problem. She was ready to give her life for us. I can not be responsible for this”, Elijah swallowed hard at the lump that had formed in his throat at the memory. “She almost died, Niklaus. Because of me."
The dark-haired man wistfully remembered how Y/N had suddenly stood in front of him and the white oak stake that had been meant for him had instead pierced her body. If she had died, he could never have forgiven himself.
Elijah got up, went restlessly to the window, and looked out into the gloomy night and the still busy streets. He swallowed hard and devotedly closed his eyes. He couldn't put Y/N in that danger again. He couldn't live with that.
"It will break you," went Klaus on and looked at his brother. He couldn't deny that Y/N was close to his heart. She had often been the one who had curbed Elijah's anger at him and was able to call to reason. It was she who had seen something different in Klaus than the monster everyone seemed to see. And it was she who had cast a spell over his brother. Elijah would be lost without her love, Klaus knew that. He would no longer be the same, no longer his brother, if he was up to do what was already floating through his head a few times.
"I let her in, Niklaus," Elijah said and Klaus narrowed his eyes and looked up. In the reflection of the window, he saw the nervous tremor of Elijah's hands and his desperate eyes. "I don't let people in. You know this. I need her and it will break me, but not as much as if she would die through my hand. "
When Elijah ran down the gallery to his bedroom an hour later, exhausted, Hayley met him, who quickly disappeared around the next corner. When he closed the door to his bedroom behind him, he knew why.
Y/N was still up, which surprised him. But he swallowed hard at the look on her face as he pulled the tie off his neck and hung it over the back of a chair together with his jacket.
Y/N had been sitting on the edge of the bed, now got up after hearing him approaching and had her hands on her hips.
For a moment, he could only look at her and his heart contracted painfully.
“I know what you're up to, Elijah. And I won't let that happen."
He sighed. "Hayley told you."
"It has its advantages to have a hybrid as a very good friend, yes," she replied a little irritably. “Taking my memories ? I mean, are you completely crazy ?!"
If Y/N hadn't lived in a house with original vampires, she would have looted all vervain stocks long ago, but they didn’t exist.
"You almost died," he replied instead. ,,Because of me."
"Yes, and I wouldn’t regret it," Y/N immediately replied. And I would do it over and over again without hesitation.”
Yes, that's exactly the problem, Elijah thought and closed his eyes for a moment. A moment in which Y/N carefully approached him, took his hands in hers and looked up at him. "Promise me you won't, we'll find another way, but not this one."
He swallowed hard, avoiding her gaze, which he couldn't keep up with. Devotedly, he closed his eyes and kissed her forehead. "I'll find a way to protect you."
"I can take care of myself," Y/N immediately replied, looking up at him.
Elijah put his arms around her. Her head fit perfectly under his chin and when she wrapped her arms around him, she closed her eyes. He nodded slightly, gave her a kiss on the top of the head. "I know," he said softly. ,,I know."
He laid awake that night. He had wrapped an arm around Y/N's petite figure, who had laid her head on his chest and snuggled up to him, as if she wanted to steal the last bit of his body heat and never let go of him.
For some time now he had been  thoughtfully watching her calm and steady breathing and had had to smile slightly when she sighed softly in her sleep at the kiss he had breathed on her hairline.
He couldn't live without this woman, he knew that. But he had no choice if he wanted the woman in his arms to stay alive. He couldn't imagine a night without feeling her body heat next to him or her arms around him. A night she wouldn’t snuggl  up to him as if she wanted to crawl into him. And no night where she wouldn't use his chest as her personal pillow - and woe, he would move.
He remembered the first time he'd met her when he'd just arrived in New Orleans looking for Niklaus. He was in a hurry, trying to intercept Marcel’s henchmen at Sophie Deveroux’s back then, and yet something had made him stop when he crossed the Jackson Square.
He still remembered the red, airy summer dress she had worn that evening and which had contrasted sharply with the white piano she had been sitting in front of. He didn't know if it was because of her tender voice, the dress, or her entire appearance.
Back then he had just been able to stand there and look at her. He had watched people stop by and listen to her over and over, and applaud when she ended. And then she had looked at him. Nobody else, straight him. And he was frozen when she just smiled. Nothing more, she just smiled.
And the next time she looked up, he was gone. Only a suddenly appearing $ 50 bill reminded her that she hadn't imagined it.
Back then it was pure coincidence, or rather pure luck, that they ran into each other again. As a bartender at Rousseau’s, it had been clear that the two would meet again sometime and that had happened when he had followed his brother into the bar one night.
Y/N had been shifting with Cami and he had been amazed that it was she who had suddenly put his bourbon in front of him.
Elijah closed her eyes and listened to Y/N's steady heartbeat. It was so peaceful, so powerful. He couldn't stand not hearing it one day.
He gently ran his hand over her bare back, letting his fingertips dance across her vertebrae as if they were piano keys. Even in her sleep, she seemed to feel his touch, for she murmured something unintelligible and pressed closer to him.
He gave her a kiss on the forehead, long and intimate, and closed his eyes. No, he had to protect this woman, no matter what. He would not allow her to die because of him, that her life would run like sand through his fingers. Y/N was not Tatia, neither Katherine nor Celeste. She would not end like they did. He wouldn't let that happen.
The sun had just risen when Y/N woke up the next morning, amazed to find the bedside next to her empty and cold. After only feeling yawning emptiness, she raised her eyebrows, blinked a few times, and sat up. Her forehead wrinkled even more when she heard clatter from the bathroom and saw her suitcase and Elijah's travel bag at the foot of their bed.
Elijah was just coming out of the bathroom, smiling at her, when he found that she was awake. He was already dressed, wearing black suit pants with a white shirt and black vest over it.
Y/N looked at him, questioningly.,,What is all of this ?"
"I made a deal with Niklaus," Elijah said, approaching Y/N and leaning briefly down to give her a kiss on the lips. “We both leave here. Until then, he and Hayley will clarify matters. We'll be back when it's safe. I can't protect you here."
Y/N couldn't really believe it, but a huge stone fell from her heart when she found out that he would go with her. Slowly, she swung her legs over the edge of the bed and stood up.
"Good," she finally said. "Since you probably won't tell me where we're going anyway, how much time do we have left ?"
"Our train leaves at 10 am."
Y/N smiled at him, sincerely and honestly, and she leaned over and kissed him again. This time more intimately and she wrapped her arms around his neck as he put his around her waist and hugged her tightly.
Y/N had to smile at the tender feeling of his lips on hers and reluctantly broke the kiss. "I'm just changing quickly."
He also forced himself to smile and nodded slightly, gave her a last kiss on the lips and let go of her.
Y/N didn't see the single tear running down his cheek when she disappeared into the bathroom.
The train station was loud and crowded. Although Y/N had never feared large crowds, she was a little uncomfortable now. Even Elijah's arm, which he had wrapped around her waist and which pressed her tightly against him so that he would not lose her in the hustle and bustle, did not change the fact.
Since the drive, she has been suffering from a gnawing feeling that she couldn’t shake off. Her head told her that everything was fine, that there was no need to worry, but her mind wanted to make her believe otherwise.
"It's over there."
Y/N was taken out of her thoughts when Elijah pointed to a certain platform that she couldn’t see from where she was.
The crowds were slowly diminishing and the platform on which they now stood was only occupied by a few people who waved to their loved ones who were already on the waiting train.
“That one ?"
Y/N pointed to the train ahead. Elijah nodded slightly, but he stopped when she took a few steps to the train and wanted to get in.
Y/N swallowed hard. The gnawing feeling grew stronger.
"Elijah?" She hesitantly asked when he attached his travel bag securely to the handle of her case so that one person could carry it safely. Her eyes narrowed as he reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a train ticket. He handed it to her.
Y/N looked at it for a moment, but swallowed hard. The ticket was for one person.
One person.
Ignoring her faster heartbeat and looking up, his hands were empty.
"Where's your ticket?" She asked, uncertainly.
She already knew the answer when he avoided her eyes. There was none. She was holding the only ticket."No ..." she stammered and her eyes widened.
"Otherwise I could not have brought you here at your will."
Y/N's lips minimally opened. He was right, if she had known what he was going to do, she would never have agreed to it. He couldn't do that, he couldn't. That wasn’t fair.
"You can't leave me alone, Elijah," she tried again and she could feel the tears that were slowly pouring into her eyes and threatened to find a way out. "I am lost without you."
"So am I."
"Then why this suicide mission ?" She immediately asked. Y/N abruptly took a few steps towards him and gripped his face with both hands, forcing him to look at her.
“I can't protect you here. Not the way it is needed. "
“We find a way. Somehow,”she pleaded further, looking directly into his eyes, straight into his soul and now he too could feel the tears. ,,We always found a way. But please, please don't send me away. Do not do this."
She looked him in the eye and she knew that he also wished there was another way - that didn't exist. A first tear escaped from the corner of her eye and she pressed her lips together in a thin line before finally pulling him down and kissing him.
The tears ran down her cheeks in torrents, and sometimes she didn't know if it was his that she could feel. She put as much love in this kiss as she could. All the love she felt for this man in front of her and she tried to remember every single moment; the tender and tingly feeling of his lips on hers, the way he wrapped his powerful arms around her waist and hugged her tightly, and his breath on her skin.
When they loosened and gasped, Y/N kept her eyes closed and instead pressed her forehead against his. She was afraid that if she opened her eyes, time would go on and events would take their terrible course. But now, at that moment, there was only Elijah and her and it should stay that way for as long as possible.
"All I did yesterday was to protect you," she said softly so that only he could hear it. "I couldn't go on living if you were dead. I'd rather die knowing that I saved you."
She carefully stroked the tears from his cheeks and then looked at him sincerely. “I love you, Elijah. And I will do that always and forever. That's why I did it."
"And that is why I have to do this now."
She held her breath. Her body reacted faster than her brain was able to process his words and just when her eyes widened and she wanted to open her mouth to say something, his gaze had already caught her. It was no longer possible for her to look away from his dilated pupils, from which tears still flowed. She could feel his hand on her cheek, and she couldn't at the same time. Part of her screamed, her soul screamed, but no one could hear it. It was silenced by the part of her that was just caught in his eyes. And there was no pain, no pain that she knew that was as big as this. It hit her at full speed and she felt like she couldn’t breath.
She motionless watched as he pressed his lips together in a thin line, presumably to avoid sobbing.
"Your promise to love me, I want you to forget it. Forget it all. My family, you, so desperately trying to protect me, forget it. All the pain, the anger, the grief ... The love. None of this has existed. The name Mikaelson is as common to you as anyone else. You won't know who I am, nor Niklaus. Vampires, werewolves, hybrids, none of this exists. I want you to forget everything you know about this world. You never met me ”, Elijah swallowed hard, he wanted to look away, he wanted it so much, but he couldn't. "You don't remember meeting me. And not that you love me either. You forget everything."
Y/N blinked in confusion several times as a short breeze right in front of her pulled her out of her thoughts. She looked around questioningly, but couldn't find anyone, just a couple of strangers rushing past, just trying to get home. Her cheeks were incredibly cool, and when she touched her skin with her fingertips, she noticed that they glistened damp. Did she cry ? Confused, she raised her eyebrows at the train ticket she was holding.
Chigaco was written on it in large block letters and she rolled her eyes. For a brief, tiny moment, she seemed to have forgotten why she was here at all. She could have slapped herself.
She moaned and reached for her suitcase and travel bag. Just before she got on the train, she turned again and took a last look at the platform. She would now leave New Orleans behind - finally. Her job here had been miserable and when she got the job offer from Chigaco, she didn't have to think long. She had no one here anyway, so what should stop her ?
With a smile of anticipation, she climbed the stairs and the train doors closed behind her.
She didn't notice the dark-haired man dressed in a suit watching her from a safe distance. A single tear flowed down his cheek before he turned and finally disappeared.
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daylight-imagines · 4 years
Miss Me? Part 5
Pairing: Kol Mikaelson x Reader
Warning(s): Swearing.
Word Count: 1110
A/n: So this part is very short. I’m so sorry it has taken so long to post. School has kept me extremely busy. I’ll do my best to have the next part up sooner than this one. I’d love to know what you think!
Masterlist | Series Masterlist
Over the next few weeks, you spent more time at the Mikaelson compound. They all tried to make you feel welcome. It was easy to get close to them despite everything that had happened in the past.
Rebekah would steal you away for hours. She made sure you visited all of her favorite places in New Orleans. Most of those were clothing stores, and she bought anything she slightly liked on you. Elijah had also made an effort to get close to you. He would sit with you, asking all kinds of questions about the twins and the Gemini coven. At first, you'd been a bit suspicious. But you realized he was only trying to figure out ways he could help you. Elijah was the one who gave you their mother's grimoires, thinking they might have something that could help you. Freya also tried to help you learn more about the twins. She went with you to many of your meetings with witches; she was better at figuring out their riddles than you would ever be. 
Your interactions with Klaus were strange. In the beginning, there was simply silence between the two of you. Avoiding each other was working, and no one argued against it. You were content to leave things the way they were. Then you ended up alone together. You had expected him to throw out more comments to hurt you, but you were wrong. He apologized. It had shocked you more than anything he could have done. After that, things became more civil between the two of you. You weren't friends, but there were no more glares and silence.  
Even after the weeks, you'd been around the Mikaelson compound, you still hadn't been alone with Hayley. You'd found yourself thinking about her face when the hybrids were mentioned often. She'd almost looked guilty, and you needed to know why.
Finally, one afternoon you found her alone in the kitchen. You were the only ones in the house, so you wouldn’t be interrupted. She hadn't heard you come in, so she jumped when she saw you standing in the doorway.
"Y/n, you scared me."
"Sorry." You sat at the island across from her. "Can we talk?"
The hesitance was clear in her eyes, but she just nodded. 
"Do you remember dinner the first night I met you all?"
At her nod, you continued.
"When the hybrids were mentioned, you had a strange look on your face. I would have understood sadness; they were your friends. But you looked guilty. I just want to know why."
"Please stay calm and let me explain."
You stayed silent- a twisting feeling building in your gut. 
"A man approached me. He said he had information about my family, but to get it, I had to do something for him. He was planning to wake Silas. He needed to sacrifice twelve hybrids. My job was to make that happen."
Rage filled your entire body. It was her. She was what caused your father's death. You took deep breaths, trying to keep yourself calm. Hayley saw the emotions pass over your face and couldn't help but feel a bit of fear. Both of you were hybrids, and if a fight happened there was no guarantee she would win. You watched her glance around the room, trying to find a way out. 
"Get out," you said between breaths.
"Get out before I kill you."
Once she was gone, you stood and made your way out of the house. If you stayed, you would do something you'd regret. You needed to getaway. 
Kol and Rebekah were walking towards you. They saw you, and Rebekah glanced at Kol before she was gone. You stopped in front of him, and his hands came up to cup your face.
"What's wrong, darling?"
"Take me home, please."
He lifted you into his arms and ran. He sat you down outside your apartment building and followed you inside. 
You paced across the floor of the apartment. Normally, you could calm yourself down. But this time it was overwhelming. If anything, you were just getting angrier.  Kol stood across the room watching you. 
"What happened?"
You grabbed a vase off the coffee table and threw it towards the wall. As it shattered, you sat on the couch, putting your head in your hands and trying to calm down. Kol made his way across the room and sat on the table in front of you. 
"Talk to me. Did Klaus do something?"
He pulled your hands away from your face, holding them in his own. You shook your head as a few tears fell down your face. Kol let go of one of your hands to wipe them away.
"Klaus didn't do anything. I talked to Hayley. She-" You trailed off with a sigh. "The hybrids. She set them up to die."
He moved to sit next to you on the couch and pulled you into his arms.  The beating of his heart under you calmed you better than anything.  His arms held you tight against him, and you felt your test tighten. You'd never felt more at home than when you were with him. Kol looked down when he felt you shaking, and you lifted your head to look at him. 
"Are you alright?" 
"I love you." You rested your forehead against his and let out a small laugh.  "I'm sorry. I don't know why I'm crying."
"Don't apologies, darling." He brushed your hair behind your ears. A small smile was on his face, and he pressed a kiss to your lips. "I love you too, more than you can imagine."
You didn’t talk anymore about what Hayley told you and never told any of the others. But you did notice over the next few weeks whenever you were at the compound, Hayley seemed to be gone. 
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Time seemed to be dragging past as you paced the living room. You couldn't shake the nausea that had come over you while you waited. Tears threatened to fall from your eyes, and you couldn't stop your hands from shaking. The panic in your chest was growing more as every second passed. You were thankful Kol wasn't home because he would have known something was wrong the moment he looked at you, and this was something you needed to worry about on your own. 
The alarm on your phone caused you to jump, breaking you out of your thoughts. You let out a breath.  The shaking in your hands increased as you walked towards the counter. The moment you saw what you'd been waiting for, it felt like your heart might explode.
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Miss Me? Taglist
@cybernmph​| @booksandwonderlands​ | @amarachoren​ |  @shootingstarsaretearsofheaven​ | @free-pool-trash​ | @psychiccreationtaco​ | @xceafh​
Kol Mikaelson Taglist
If you want to be added to any of the taglists just send me an ask or a message.
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theworkofxanderking · 4 years
The Originals: Bad Blood (Alternative Season 5)
Episode 5: A Mikaelson Family Christmas
Warnings: I do not own the original content to “The Originals”, “The Vampire Diaries” or “Legacies” or any of the characters from the television shows.
15 plus, displays of Violence, Gore, Torture, M/M, F/M, F/F.
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Klaus vamp sped into the dining area of the compound to find Rebekah and Elijah sat the table both looking rather miserable with themselves.
“I’m beginning to think use two are competing for most miserable Mikaelson this year and I have to say I’m rather annoyed your coming for my trophy.” Klaus said to them mockingly. “Things are on the up Marcel and I have called a truce, Hope’s arriving any minute and Hayley’s compelled one of the city’s finest cooks and yet you two have been miserable for days.”
“As long as there’s no daggers in my stockings like that one god awful Christmas I’m sure I’ll get into the festive spirit.” Rebekah replied as she stood up forcing a smile on to her face.
“I must admit even this Christmas still beats that one.” Elijah said as he too stood up and straightened his suit jacket.
“I found it rather amusing,” Klaus retaliated with a cheeky smirk noticing Elijah and Rebekah were hardly feeling festive. “Okay what the bloody hell is going on?”
“You should tell him Rebekah after all this is of your doing.” Elijah snapped at his sister.
“Firstly, none of you would be here if it wasn’t for me so don’t even start blaming me for reuniting us.” Rebekah snapped back.
“Well somebody please tell me before I dig out those bloody daggers for a second Christmas.” Klaus demanded clearly grown tired of his siblings’ secrecy.
“It’s Henrik, he’s alive well he’s a lot more than just alive he’s all kinds of messed up and all he wants for Christmas is to feast on his beloved siblings.” Rebekah revealed before Hope walked into the dining area hugging Hayley.
“Guess whose finally home for Christmas?” Hayley said to them all while hugging her daughter tightly.
“Now how exactly do us Mikaelson’s celebrate Christmas?” Hope asked them while Rebekah and Elijah tried to hide their guilt and her father Klaus remained shocked by her aunt Rebekah’s admission.
Marcel walked into Rousseau's to find Josh wearing a Santa hat while cleaning tables within the bar and listening and dancing along to “I Wish It Could Be Christmas Everyday” on his Bluetooth speaker placed on the counter of the bar causing Marcel to laugh at possibly the world’s most innocent vampire before walking over to the counter and switching the speaker off demanding Josh’s attention.
“Hello Marcel,” Josh said as he took of his Santa hat and gushed at the man, he had recently spent a night with. “I’m guessing your not here for a drink considering we’re not open although that tends to not stop most of my clientele.”
“I actually wanted to talk about…” Marcel began to say.
“Davina and Kol coming to the city for Christmas I know Davina already told me.” Josh butted in knowing that wasn’t the topic on Marcel’s mind. “I bet you can’t wait to see Davina again I sure can’t.”
“Well it has been a while but that’s not what I came here to discuss.” Marcel replied.
“Is it about the Mikaelson’s getting a head at the table for the faction meetings because I think that’s a good idea if only to lessen the bloodshed.” Josh added in proving to be very eager to not talk about a certain subject.
“Josh you’re not the first guy I’ve ever been with when your immortal sexuality is a lot simpler than people make it out to be.” Marcel explained to him. “We like who we like when we like them and have no need to apologize for it.”
“Wow where was that kind of thinking when I came out to my parents.” Josh answered him clearly surprised by Marcel’s reaction to their one-night stand.
“It was definitely interesting I mean you’re a lot less shy between the sheets,” Marcel said with a sinister smile “definitely unforgettable however I value our friendship too much for it to ever happen again.”
“Oh, thank god,” Josh breathed a sigh of relief. “I mean no offence but us would’ve been super messy I mean you’re clearly still madly and deeply in love with Rebekah and I tried the whole relationship thing once and it ended it too much pain.”
“I’m glad you and I are on the same page.” Marcel laughed. “However, I don’t think you should write off romance with everyone I know what happened to Aiden broke your heart but the moments you had with him were worth every ounce of pain. Trust me when I say love is truly the best and worst thing that can ever happen to you.”
“So, did you get invited to the Mikaelson’s Christmas?” Josh asked. “Davina’s convinced me to go just what I love Santa and Klaus wrapped up into one holiday I just hope it’s not me that ends up roasted on the open fire.”
“Do you know you’re absolutely adorable when you say stuff like that?” Marcel told him while looking at him with pure admiration.
“Oh no don’t you be looking at me like that!” Josh said clearly nervous by Marcel looking at him. “Shouldn’t you be last minute Christmas shopping for Hope and Davina?”
“I’ve already got their presents sorted.” Marcel replied with a laugh finding Josh’s nervousness intoxicating before vamp speeding to be standing right in front of him so close that Josh could feel Marcel breathing on him, the two beginning to long for each other’s touch.
“Well I can’t say I’m surprised to see you working Josh.” Davina said as she walked in instantly making Marcel and Josh distance themselves from each other. “I’m guessing you’re also here Marcel because you’re doing just about anything you could possibly do to avoid seeing Rebekah until necessary.”
“It’s so good to see you,” Marcel said as he walked over to hug the girl he loved like a daughter. “I’ve missed you so much.”
“You got here in perfect timing.” Josh said with a sense of relief in his voice.
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Hope and Klaus walk down the stairs in the compound Klaus’ arm lovingly around his daughter as they reach the bottom of the stairs and start making their way to the fountain Hope clearly suspicious of what’s going on with her family knowing when any Mikaelson was quiet it was never a good sign.
“Okay go on dad tell me what’s going on already.” Hope demanded as the two stopped walking and Klaus let go of his daughter. “It’s freaking Christmas our first one together in I don’t know how long certainly the first one I’m going to remember that’s for sure and you’ve all been quiet since arrival. Do you not want me here?”
“There is nobody on this earth I’d rather spend any day with than you Hope.” Klaus replied making it clear to his daughter she was wanted and loved. “I just want you to have the perfect Christmas.”
“Dad I’m fifteen now I’m hardly a kid anymore and even when I was, I went up against the ancestors, unbound aunt Davina from The Hollow and helped Aunt Freya restore Elijah’s mind after his death.” Hope snapped at her father. “I can take care of myself now tell me what’s going on. You’ve spent five years away from me dad don’t come back just to keep me in the dark once again.”
“You are right you’re a Mikaelson after all,” Klaus responded as he lifted his right hand to touch his daughter’s cheek lovingly “one day you are going to become the most powerful witch this world has ever seen. You are everything we ever wanted you to be and so much more Hope, you are this family’s true legacy.”
“Who’s plotting to kill our family now?” Hope asked. “It can’t be The Hollow because she’s gone right?”
“The threat this time is a lot closer to home I’m afraid to say.” Rebekah announced after vamp speeding into the compound.
“Thank god you’re here to explain because to be quite bloody frank I have little clue myself to why our brother is now hungry for our blood.” Klaus told his sister while looking at her furiously.
“So, it turns out this ancient powerful witch brought our youngest brother Henrik back to life and the spell took a toll on him making him a power draining monster he’s already claimed our mother’s spirit.” Rebekah explained before taking a reluctant sigh. “And our eldest brother Finn’s spirit. Finn sacrificed himself so that Bonnie and I could return from the now destroyed ancestral plane.”
“There’s always some pain in the ass witch messing around with our family.” Klaus snapped. “We need to get a hold of Freya and see if there’s some spell or something that can help Henrik.”
“I’ve already called and explained everything to her she should be arriving just in time for Christmas.” Rebekah revealed. “So far there isn’t much she’s found that can help Henrik, but we won’t stop until he’s saved or no longer a threat.”
“This meddling witch you speak of is she the one who removed The Hollow from us all and restored Elijah’s memories?” Klaus asked.
“Yes, he is.” Rebekah answered, “His identity is a whole other story best saved for later.”
“Seems like you’ve been keeping a lot of secrets to yourself Rebekah!” Klaus shouted at Rebekah.
“Don’t you dare come for Aunt Rebekah for doing everything she could to bring us all back if it wasn’t for her none of us would be standing here together.” Hope snapped at her father causing Rebekah to smile at her niece defending her. “We just need to find a way of helping Henrik and getting him back too.”
“You are right.” Klaus mumbled clearly taken aback to be put in his place by his own daughter.
“Bonnie’s also looking into every resource she has to find some sort of solution to this hell and Davina should be due in the city any minute with some possible news.” Rebekah told her brother. “Plus, the witch that created whatever the hell our brother has become is now working alongside Elijah for some reason he will not reveal to me. Even though I was the witch’s alliance at first, but I guess pompous men like to stick together.”
“Can this witch that Elijah is working with be trusted?” Hope asked her aunt.
“Absolutely not.” Rebekah replied.
Elijah walked into St Anne’s Church to see many people gathered while Hayley, Marcel and Bonnie gathering many of the New Orleans together handing out Christmas style hampers causing Elijah to smile seeing Hayley being so kind.
“Elijah what are you doing here?” Hayley asked him after vamp speeding over to him.
“Nothing’s wrong I just wanted to see you.” Elijah said with a soft smile.
“That bad then,” Hayley scoffed. “I thought it would only be a matter of time. Go on tell me what Klaus has done now?”
“Actually, it’s my youngest brother who has created the chaos our family now finds ourselves in.” Elijah replied.
“Marcel said he saw Davina what possibly could Kol have done already?” Hayley asked wondering what Kol had done now.
“Actually, the blame falls on my youngest brother Henrik it appears he’s not as dead as we were once led to believe and now, he seems to be some kind of magical battery determined on killing us all.” Elijah explained to her. “But I don’t want you to be alarmed because I’ve already got things in hand well as in hand as possible.”
“You’ve just told me your long-lost brother Henrik is out to kill the lot of you which last time I checked meant Hope too and I’m not to worry.” Hayley snapped. “How can he possibly be alive?”
“You guys are around vampires we can hear everything.” Marcel told them after vamp speeding over to them.
“He was brought back to life by a powerful witch which practices some long-forgotten magic called Malus.” Elijah revealed to Hayley.
“The witch in question also happens to be Klaus’ first love but nobody has told him that yet I’m assuming.” Marcel butted in shocking Hayley with his admission.
“Hold up I thought Aurora was Klaus’ first love?” Hayley asked them both.
“Well Bonnie told me that Rebekah told her this Nathaniel guy was Klaus’ first love back in their human days so I guess Aurora was Klaus’ first love after no longer being human.” Marcel responded in a gossipy tone.
“But that would mean this witch is like a thousand years old.” Hayley said clearly intrigued by recent news.
“We’re deciding not to tell Klaus about Nathaniel until after Christmas Henrik being alive and wanting to murder us is enough bad news for one Christmas.” Elijah revealed while rolling his eyes.
“Makes sense Klaus has never been one to take bad news well.” Hayley replied. “Can we trust this Nathaniel not to screw us all over?”
“Absolutely not.” Bonnie stated as she walked over to the three of them.
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Nathaniel sat on a rocking chair swinging back and forward outside of a small decaying cabin in the woods of Helton when Henrik appeared in front of him a puff of black smoke his eyes still jet black and looking rather angry with his long-time friend.
“You left me trapped for what felt like forever am I supposed to believe you only found a way recently to free me from my cage.” Henrik said as Nathaniel stood up from his chair.
“I admit I could’ve got you out sooner but if I did it would’ve have been for anyone’s good except your own. I needed it to be now Henrik because now is the perfect timing to end my father’s miserable existence and save you.” Nathaniel replied.
“I don’t need saving I’m perfectly fine as I am or at least I am now that you’ve finally seen fit to release me.” Henrik snapped.
“Don’t you dare take that tone with me if it wasn’t for me you would’ve been nothing, but a corpse long rotted away into nothing but bones in the dirt. I made you the powerful witch you are today and never forget that.” Nathaniel snapped back at him. “Everything I have done is to protect you and save you from yourself from following a similar fate as my father or soon to be me.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” Henrik asked with genuine concern as his eyes went back to their normal color.
“The details of my plan are not important Henrik just trust in me to have your best interests in mind like I always have done.” Nathaniel replied before walking over and hugging Henrik. “I’m glad I’ve got you home for Christmas let’s not spend it fighting.”
“I’ve never understood your fascination with Christmas.” Henrik scoffed while breaking off the hug. “It’s not particularly like either of us are very family orientated.”
“You are my family,” Nathaniel told him as he placed his hand on Henrik’s shoulder “you may not be my blood but from the moment I brought you back to life, raised you, cleaned up your endless slaughters you have been my son. Always and Forever.”
“Always and Forever.” Henrik smiled before looking at the cabin. “Why do you always come back to this place?”
“Because it’s the only place that has ever been a home to us.” Nathaniel revealed. “It’s exactly where all of this should end.”
“I guess we should find something to cook for dinner then.” Henrik replied while looking around the woods. “I saw a cafe about 40 miles back we could always go there for Christmas dinner.”
“I’d like that very much.” Nathaniel said with a soft smile clearly beyond happy to be reunited with the man who he considered a son.
Klaus found himself sitting on the edge of his bed in his bedroom at the compound staring into thin air as he tried to wrap his head around the fact that his youngest brother Henrik, the brother whose death he blamed himself for was resurrected by some powerful ancient magic the same type of magic which had somehow removed the Hollow from Klaus, Rebekah, Elijah and Kol.
He had never heard of magic powerful enough to do these things and yet somehow it was all possible in that moment as he struggled with flashbacks of his youngest sibling’s death he wished for his oldest sibling Freya to be there to explain the unexplained knowing that if anyone could explain Malus to him it would be her.
“I’m sorry Niklaus all I wanted was for my family to be reunited.” Rebekah apologised after vamp speeding into his room and taking a seat next to her brother. “The truth is after centuries of craving freedom the last five years without all of you were the most miserable of my life. I got you Elijah and Kol back and for that I’m not sorry I just wish I understood what that cost would be.”
“So, Henrik is labelled some kind of monster that’s what we’ve all been called our entire lives we will find a way to help him somehow.” Klaus replied while placing his arm around Rebekah.
“The Malus witch’s master plan includes saving Henrik’s soul so speak.” Elijah revealed after he too vamp sped into the room and took a seat next to Klaus and Rebekah. “Sure, we have to help this Malus witch kill their father but we happen to have an expertise in killing parents sure usually our own.”
“Who is this witch? Why is he so interested in Henrik’s well-being?” Klaus asked as he stood up form his bed looking down his brother and sister. “Clearly he must be somebody of importance if you haven’t told me their identity yet and clearly, we have history with him if Rebekah trusted him to remove The Hollow.”
“Trust is a strong word Niklaus it was more desperation than anything else.” Rebekah revealed as Hayley suddenly vamp sped into Klaus’ bedroom.
“It’s Nathaniel some guy who was neighbours with you all when you were humans.” Hayley admitted much to Rebekah and Elijah’s shock. “Don’t blame your siblings for not telling you they just feared your reaction whereas I genuinely think if we’re ever going to tell you something like this it’s best to have Hope within close proximity so you don’t overreact and dagger everybody.”
“We were going to tell him after today.” Elijah said giving Hayley a disapproving look as he and Rebekah rose to their feet.
“That makes sense Nathaniel was just a mortal who fled our village before we even turned even if he somehow became a witch, he’d of had no clue about Henrik.” Klaus replied as he struggled to understand what Hayley had just said.
“Actually, he didn’t leave as early as planned and when he heard of word came back for Ayana, she was always like a mother to him there was no way he’d ever leave her with a choice.” Rebekah revealed reluctantly. “Kol killed Ayana and I managed to fight him off Nathaniel, but the blood lust was so new, and I couldn’t restrain myself.”
“You fed on him?” Klaus asked her with a look of disgust in his face as tears began forming in his eyes.
“I wish I never, but control was something that took us all too long to learn.” Rebekah answered her brother. “For some unexplained reason he didn’t die, and I guess that’s when he went down this path of discovery into Malus magic.”
“Malus witches feed on the magic of others especially the darker magics which provides them immortality of sorts and incredible power the reason he didn’t die at Rebekah’s hands is because only a Malus can kill another Malus.” Elijah explained to Klaus who continued to remain painfully silent.
“We’re not sure whether we can trust him or not which may mean he’ll have to be killed somehow.” Hayley said to Klaus.
“Enough!” Klaus snapped before forcing a smile on his face. “Hope is downstairs preparing for a Mikaelson family and that is what she is going to get.”
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Nathaniel Malin was a Malus witch by birth but not by nature despite a thousand years of darkness there was still light within him and he had never fully succumbed to the darkness even at times when it would’ve been easier for him if he did. He fought the darkness as he mourned the other mother he knew, he fought the darkness as he spent centuries on the run from his own father and he tried his hardest to help Henrik fight the darkness he had accidentally inflected on him however Henrik may not of been a Malus witch by birth but he certainly was one by nature.
Nathaniel and Henrik had found themselves sitting within a booth in a cafe as Nathaniel watched Henrik tuck into a roast dinner with blood on his hands as Nathaniel look at him with disapproval in his eyes before looking around to see lifeless bodies all around the rundown cafe painted with the blood of Henrik’s victims.
“Less of the judgement Nathaniel.” Henrik told him as he continued to eat his roast dinner. “You know I’ve never been one for an audience while eating.”
“I know but killing them all was hardly necessarily.” Nathaniel replied with a sigh. “I fear for your humanity sometimes Henrik.”
“You’ve killed as much people as I have Nathaniel maybe you should worry about your own.” Henrik responded while continuing to eat.
“I kill for survival for power I kill because sacrifices need to be made to keep us both alive, but I never get off on the kill.” Nathaniel told him. “Sometimes I believe you enjoy it a little too much.”
“We’ve been killing for centuries Nathaniel and I’ve seen you in action you enjoy it just as much as I do but you fight it because you want to hold on to whatever humanity you claim to still have.” Henrik explained to him as he stopped eating. “Your Malus blood is the only reason why we are both alive and yet you continue to despite it.”
“I know you were younger when all this happened to you, but I spent an entire life as a human or an entire life believing I was human.” Nathaniel said. “I was a good person and I have no illusion that there’s good left inside of me, but I won’t freely dance in the darkness as of it’s anything other than sentence.”
“You never change,” Henrik laughed. “Very well I promise to not kill anybody else for the entirety of the day consider it your Christmas gift.”
“Thank you.” Nathaniel replied with a sigh of relief.
“Now please tell my why after all this time you continue to defy me killing my siblings?” Henrik asked him.
“Because their your family and unlike your parents they have done nothing but love you.” Nathaniel warned him. “Killing anymore siblings would be the point of no return and don’t even get me started on how furious I am with you over what happened to Finn.”
“You are my family!” Henrik shouted as he stood up. “I barely even remember them all they are to me is power ready to be drained. You’re my family not them.”
“I will not be spoken to like that killing the Mikaelson’s is not on our agenda.” Nathaniel snapped back as he stood up.
“If we got rid of them, we’d have more than enough power to get rid of Augustus.” Henrik told him clearly furious by Nathaniel’s demands.
“Then we lose everything!” Nathaniel shouted raising his voice higher.
“Everything is already lost Nathaniel you’re just stuck in a past where you meant something to them.” Henrik said with a harsh tone. “They would kill you without pause and you allow their existence because of feelings you should’ve been over centuries ago.”
“Killing them isn’t a part of the plan and would only derail things as for my supposed feelings they are in the past and I am not.” Nathaniel stated trying to convince both himself and Henrik.
Klaus, Hope, Rebekah, Elijah and Hayley are stood within the compound watching the bonfire in front of them burn only to be shocked to see Freya walk into the compound hand in hand with Keelin and immediate attention turns to Freya who’s very clearly pregnant at least five months by the size of the bump leaving everyone shocked as nobody knew anything about this pregnancy.
“I guess there’s a new Mikaelson on the way.” Hayley said with a smile before going over to hug Freya and Keelin. “Congratulations guys.”
“Well I guess I’m not the only Mikaelson sister keeping secrets from the family.” Rebekah joked before going over to hug Freya. “You deserve all the happiness in the world.”
“I’ve got to say I’m shocked that you kept this from us Freya.” Elijah said to his older sister as he too gave her a hug.
“I never thought I’d ever be with child again after everything that happened to me and I never thought I’d ever love again but I’m glad I was wrong.” Freya revealed as she held on to her fiancé Keelin’s hand.
“Well we all know you’ve been saving us or kicking or asses when needed for long enough it’s about time some child has to suffer you instead of your siblings.” Klaus said with a laugh before hugging both Freya and Keelin.
“I guess this means I’m going to have a little cousin.” Hope said before being the last Mikaelson to walk over and hug Freya.
“I was going to tell you all once we had defeated The Hollow but then Nathaniel Malin became the latest threat knocking our family’s doors.” Freya explained herself. “I’ve only met the witch once or twice over the years and he’s not one to be messed with however he’s nothing compared to his father that man is wicked enough to claim aunt Dahlia’s admiration.”
“Let’s not concern ourselves with our enemies tonight.” Klaus told his older sister while pulling in Rebekah and Hope in each arm for a hug. “The entire family is here and tonight we celebrate tomorrow we’ll discuss our battle plans.”
“I guess that means it’s time to dine and fill the humans with enough drink to pass out.” Kol said as he and Davina opened the dining are doors to reveal a table filled with a full Christmas feast with a delicious turkey on the table.
“I’m sure us witches will put some of you vampires to shame.” Davina replied to her husband with a smile.
“I’m not late, am I?” Marcel asked as he vamp sped into the compound.
“You’re just on time.” Klaus responded with a smile as Hope walked over to Marcel and gave him a hug.
“While you’re in such a good mood Klaus did, I happen to mention I’ve invited Bonnie to dinner too?” Rebekah told her brother only to laugh when he rolled his eyes.
“I hope I’m still invited.” Josh said as he too vamp sped into the compound before looking at the bonfire making him terrified. “Oh, crikey there’s a big fire.”
“Everyone is invited,” Klaus said with a smile that made Josh uneasy as he put his arm around him and gave him a hug surprising everyone there. “That smell is oddly familiar.”
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tvdversefanfiction · 4 years
Canary Carnage
Fandoms: Arrowverse, DC Universe, TVDverse and The Originals
Chapter Seven: Bane Bound
Warnings: I don’t own any of the rights, content or characters belonging to any of the DC content I use within the story along with not owning any rights, content or characters within The Vampire Diaries, Originals or Legacies.
18 Rating: Moderate/Graphic displays of violence, sexual innuendos, sexually charged scenes, SMUT, strong language and potentially triggering scenes.
Pairings: M/M, F/F, M/F.
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To say things have been difficult for Laurel Lance since winding up on Earth Blood would be a severe understatement she had found herself swaying backwards and forwards from enemies to allies with her brother Lucas, as well as almost being murdered by a family of original vampires and had her sister Sara return from the dead only for her sister to kill a Mikaelson and start a war with their family before she returned to the dead or better put undead.
Laurel had been through a lot back on her Earth mourning her sister, then her father and dealing with abandonment issues over her mother Dinah leaving her and her brother but she had gathered up all that pain, rage and hurt and turned it into something good by becoming the vigilante known as the Black Canary and turning herself into the hero that Star City so desperately needed.
However, the once forever hopeful District Attorney for Star City had found herself struggling to be hopefully on an earth in a city run by vampires that couldn’t die vampires that couldn’t be trusted and vampires that wanted her younger sister Sara dead.
The news of her brother somehow burying the hatchet with Klaus and Elijah should’ve calmed her but it only worried her more as she once trusted the Mikaelson family only for them to try and kill her so instead of Lucas’ latest alliance comforting the Black Canary found it even more troublesome leading to her arranging a meeting with the only two people within New Orleans she believed she could trust.
“Well I can’t say I’m surprised whatsoever that your brother has struck up some weird kind of friendship with Klaus Mikaelson from the way you talk about him it seems Lucas would fit right in with him.” Davina admitted to Laurel as the two ladies sat at the counter of the bar within the New Orleans Voyage Hotel, each lady holding a cold bottle of beer in their hands. “You’re right to be even more worried now I mean they either hit it off a little two well and cause all kinds of carnage wherever they go or they’ll soon fall out and get to killing each other which considering Lucas is the only one who can die doesn’t look good for him.”
“My brother has a tendency for aligning himself with the worst possible monsters due to some pretty messed up daddy issues and usually when he has this new alliance is when he’s at his most dangerous and any newfound loyalty he seems to have grown towards me or Sara will be straight out the window.” Laurel explained to the wonder witch before taking a drink from her beer. “It wouldn’t take much for Klaus to turn him against us especially if he chose to do some digging.”
“I get he’s this big bad back where your from but around here everyone drops bodies frequently it’s a horrifying truth but it’s still a truth and whether you like it or not sooner rather then later the lines between good and bad begin to get blurred and all that really matters is protecting your loved ones.” Davina replied, attempting to reassure the Black Canary. “I guess what I’m trying to say is just because he’s a deranged psychotic killer doesn’t necessary mean he’ll turn on you as messed up as that sounds.”
“I know there’s some fucked up sense of family loyalty buried deep down inside of him I mean he wouldn’t have pulled that whole undead man-oeuvre with Sara if he didn’t still care for his family in his own twisted way but all he needs is another reason to hate us and then we’re screwed.”  Laurel said, continuing to admit her fears to her magical new friend.
“You’re literally this pillar of all things good Laurel I mean back on your Earth you’re a freaking superhero what the hell could you possibly do to piss him off bad enough to make him turn against his sisters?” Davina wondered, knowing Laurel was hiding something.
“That’s just it, Davina we’re not his sisters well at least not biologically.” Laurel revealed to a stunned Davina who had no time to reply to this revelation before Marcel vamp sped into the bar and over to stand in between the two ladies.
“You’re definitely proving yourself to be the wisest canary Laurel.” Marcel told the Black Canary, who feared the upgraded original had just overheard her conversation with Davina. “Klaus making any friends is unlike him which normally means he’s either plotting something or god forbid he really has made a friend and the latter is a much more terrifying thought.”
“Then we strike today once they’ve dealt with this whole Bane guy when they least expect it, we make our move and make everyone know that the Mikaelson’s no longer own this city.” Davina suggested before downing her beer and standing up to face Marcel.
“And how exactly do we strike against a family who can’t die?” Laurel asked as she too stood up to face the other two. “I mean I’ve literally blown off their heads and they just grow straight back.”
“Actually, there’s something I know that can kill an original.” Davina revealed to Laurel while giving Marcel a knowing look, much to Marcel’s dismay.
“I’m not killing them Davina I’m not saying they don’t deserve it, but I am saying I refuse to be the one who does it.” Marcel point blank refused.
“I don’t want them dead either I still care for Kol like you care for Rebekah however I’m not just going to sit back and then Klaus win yet again.” Davina told the upgraded original, leaving Laurel confused by their conversation. “I want to use your extra special upgraded venom style poison to weaken Klaus long enough to put him down.”
It was late that night within the Mikaelson’s abattoir or compound as they often referred to it and Klaus Mikaelson had found himself unable to get to sleep as he just lay on top of his bed covers wearing just a pair of boxers as he thought about how he and Lucas Lance narrowly avoided a showdown with Bane earlier that day wondering why Bane never continued to follow them back to the compound and continue to come for Lucas.
There were many reasons Klaus could think of as to why Bane didn’t continue his attack but funnily enough a threat which he had been convinced was a big deal thanks mainly to the fear on Lucas’ face wasn’t the top of his concern that night instead it was Lucas Lance himself that Klaus couldn’t get out of his mind.
From the day Lucas showed up in New Orleans he had been fearless, arrogant and frankly reckless but Klaus had to admit he had a certain way about him that made the original hybrid find time in the Red Canary’s presence enjoyable whether he wanted to or not.
Lucas challenged Klaus, infuriated him constantly and even outsmarted him once and yet instead of wanting him dead he wanted to continue this game of wits with him. Lucas’ sister had killed Klaus’ sister and although he wanted revenge for his fallen Freya, he realized he didn’t want revenge on Lucas.
He wasn’t foolish enough to develop feelings for such a manipulative trickster or foolish enough to believe there was something there between them worth fighting for but he knew he was attracted to the Red Canary and there was only one way he’d get over that attraction.
“I guess I’m not the only one unable to sleep tonight.” Lucas stated as he appeared standing at Klaus’ doorway, Klaus instantly responding by vamp speeding his way to stand out of his bed, wrap his covers around his exposed body and vamp speeding over to stand in front of the Red Canary.
“I’ve reluctantly agreed to help you with this enemy of yours that doesn’t mean you can just randomly come in and out of my home especially in the late hours.” Klaus snapped at the man, refusing to admit his curiosity to why Lucas was stood in front of him.
“I went for a walk at night like I normally do when I can’t sleep and before I knew it I had found myself looking at every shadow fearing he’d attack and I’d meet my end…I’ve never been scared of much in life and I really don’t like it.” Lucas admitted to Klaus, shocking the original hybrid with his honesty. “The truth is I’m not sure even with your help I’m going to make it out of this one alive and facing death has really got me looking back at my life.”
“I can’t say I’m thrilled about how much you seem to underestimate me Lucas I’ve lived for a thousand years killing every enemy in my path without so much as breaking a sweat your enemy will be no different I can promise you that.” Klaus replied, somewhat unamused by Lucas’ seemingly dismissal of Klaus’ strength.
“I was always alone and for a long time I learned to be okay with that,” Lucas continued to reveal as he walked into Klaus’ room. “Laurel had dad and Sara had mum then Laurel had Oliver and I guess so did Sara and all I ever had was me growing up, don’t get me wrong they weren’t terrible or anything but I was always alone and then after Sara and dad I really was completely and utterly alone.”
“Why are you telling me all this?” Klaus wondered, stunned to see a softer side to his enemy.
“Then I met Slade and he saw something in me something special I guess and for the first time in my life I believed I was and I’d do anything to keep that feeling even if it meant killing.” Lucas revealed to the original hybrid. “I can still remember my first kill and how it made me sick to my stomach but I continued and continued until I felt nothing anymore or at least I fooled myself into thinking I felt nothing because being a monster was easier than facing the truth that I allowed a man to complete me, to change me, to defeat me a man who didn’t even love me. I wasn’t special I never was.”
“Now is really not a good time for you to suddenly go all soft on me Lucas not when we have a man to kill.” Klaus told him, clearly feeling awkward over Lucas’ honesty.
“I made so many monstrous mistakes with so many men just longing to feel special to feel like I mattered in this mad world but the truth is I never did and I never will my life won’t make a single difference to anyone and so I just continue with my destructive path until I die and now that day’s probably not far away.” Lucas admitted as he began to walk towards a cautious Klaus. “But before that day comes, I just want to feel special for a few moments, can you do that for me Klaus? Can you make me feel special?”
Klaus found himself staring at Lucas with adoration in his eyes as Lucas stood in front of the original hybrid realizing that this was probably the most honest Lucas had ever been with anyone noticing for the first time the wounded man within the monster who like himself just longed for someone to love him for who he was, no questions asked and before he knew it he found himself leaning in towards the Red Canary slowly kissing him on the lips.
The two men shared a moment together just looking into each other’s eyes as if they were looking into each other’s souls and meeting each other for the very first time until Lucas reciprocated Klaus’ kiss with another before the two shared a loving smile as Klaus suddenly ripped off Lucas’ shirt and trousers with speed and strength leaving Lucas exposing his tight, chiseled body with only a pair of tight white boxer briefs hiding his modesty.
Lucas wasted no time in throwing the cover Klaus had wrapped around him on to the floor so the two men were both wearing nothing but boxers as Klaus smiled at him with a devilish grin that almost made Lucas weak at the knees before the original hybrid pulled the red canary’s body in towards him as they shared a passionate kiss, their tongues crashing against each other’s as Klaus made his way towards his bed and threw Lucas down on to it before climbing on top of the younger man with excitement in his eyes.
Klaus wasted no time in attacking Lucas’ neck with kisses causing Lucas to let out groan after groan as he began kissing his way down Lucas’ impressively muscled body slowly moving his mouth lower and lower as he worked his way towards Lucas’ boxers brief before tearing them off to reveal an already erect and throbbing member which was at least 8 inches of pleasure.
Klaus was beyond thrilled to see he had made Lucas that ecstatic already and before he knew it he found himself slowly taking the tip of Lucas’ dick into his mouth teasing the tip with his tongue, licking it slowly then quicker before removing his tongue and then repeating a few times before deciding to take more and more of Lucas inside of him as he heard the Red Canary moan louder and louder.
Klaus continued to take Lucas deeper and deeper into his mouth enjoying the feel of Lucas’ entire body shaking as Klaus thrust his mouth up and down Lucas’ member while using his right hand to begin playing with Lucas’ balls moving his hand further and further before sticking his pinkie finger into Lucas’ tight yet excited asshole, the sensation of Klaus’ finger inside him causing Lucas to shake even more viciously as his groans of pleasure continued to get louder and louder.
Lucas found himself in pure ecstasy as Klaus continued to take all of him inside his mouth while fingering Lucas’ hole, slipping in two fingers inside of him as he thrusted his head further down Lucas’ member picking up the pace and continuing to make Lucas let out a series of increasingly louder groans as he began thrusting himself harder and harder into Klaus mouth.
Klaus stood back up ripping off his own boxers revealing his very impressive member in the process much to Lucas’ delight who wasted no time in pulling the original hybrid towards him as Klaus lifted Lucas’ legs onto his shoulders so he could face Lucas as he slowly pushed his throbbing dick inside of the Red Canary’s tight hole.
Klaus thrusted himself into Lucas with such force it made Lucas whimper, the sound of Lucas whimpering making Klaus smile as he leaned in to kiss Lucas passionately and began thrusting himself in slowly at first, continuing to passionately make out with Lucas as he began thrusting himself harder and harder into his eager hole as the two mean began groaning in sync to the pure pleasure of their two bodies connecting.
“Bite me!” Lucas demanded through a series of groans, surprising Klaus with his demands who was hesitant at first. “I trust you.”
That’s all the permission Klaus needed as he went full vampire mode while still inside of Lucas and suck his fangs into Lucas’ neck, draining him of his rather exotic blood while continuing to pound the red canary’s ass harder and harder as he felt the blood from the canary enter his veins causing Klaus to hit a level of pleasure he had never felt before as he began grunting louder and louder while pounding Lucas into the bed harder and harder until he found himself shooting a load inside of him while stopping drinking from his neck at the same time before collapsing his naked and sweaty body on top of Lucas’, his dick still inside of Lucas as he continued to unload himself inside of his ass.
Klaus didn’t stop there it wasn’t enough just to make himself come he wanted to make Lucas come too and so he quickly began kissing his way back down Lucas’ chest working his way back to Lucas’ throbbing member which looked more than ready to unload as Klaus put his mouth back around Lucas’ dick and began thrusting Lucas’ dick further and faster down his throat, not taking Lucas long before he found himself coming inside Klaus’ mouth who was more than willing to swallow Lucas’ load.
Rebekah Mikaelson had grown somewhat fond of the canaries herself well more so Laurel Lance and not so much her sister’s killer or the canary that took up far too much of her brother Klaus’ time but ultimately her fondness for Laurel had her second guessing the desperate need for avenging her sister Freya I mean after all they had forgiven Marcel for killing Finn although admittedly they were a lot less fond of Finn than Freya.
Rebekah was relieved for a brief moment after hearing from Elijah that her brother Klaus had managed to broker some kind of peace with the canaries but that moment didn’t last long as Elijah then revealed it was Lucas Lance that Klaus had made the pact with.
Now Rebekah had no reason to hate the Red Canary I mean it was the Black Canary who had attacked her and the White Canary who had murdered her sister and she was thankful for Lucas’ attack on Marcel but she knew Lucas was the least trustworthy out of the three canaries and she also knew her brother Klaus was growing fond of him which was not a good sign for anyone.
“And you’re always accusing me of sleeping with the enemies.” Rebekah quipped immediately waking up Klaus and Lucas after vamp speeding into her brother Klaus’ bedroom the next morning to find Klaus momentarily asleep and naked while cuddling into an equally asleep and naked Lucas, only covers hiding the two men’s modesty. “I guess however it’s different when you’re the one getting laid Niklaus.”
“Well this is awkward!” Lucas gushed as he sat up in the bed at the same time as a speechless Klaus, both covering themselves up as much as possible with the covers.
“Not really my dear brother has had far worse bed companions than you although I admittedly he’s also had far better.” Rebekah replied to Lucas, enjoying revealing to the Red Canary her brother could do better a little too much.
“What the bloody hell are you doing in here?” Klaus snapped at his sister, finally finding something to say.
“Your latest lunatic lover’s former partner has been located by Davina, so I figured we strike now kill the bastard and get back to doing whatever the hell it is we’re doing these days.” Rebekah answered her brother, while giving him a disapproving glare. “That is if you can pull yourself away from making this canary cry long enough.”
“I like you!” Lucas laughed at Rebekah only for her to respond with a death glare aimed right at him, making it clear the feeling was far from mutual.
“Can you meet us downstairs?” Klaus asked, clearly ashamed by his sister finding him in this situation with an enemy knowing he had spurned her many times for the exact same thing.
“Trust me it would be my pleasure to get the hell away from this mess as quickly as possible.” Rebekah replied before a wicked smile appeared across her face, realizing a way to make things even more awkward between the two men as she revealed to Klaus. “You know he’s already slept with Kol right? I’m guessing Elijah’s next.”
Rebekah sped out of the room more than happy to leave Klaus with that bit of information as Klaus turned to look at Lucas, shocked to know he had already been with his brother Kol which was a tradition in his family he wasn’t particularly a fan of, as Lucas just sat there looking at Klaus unsure of what to say to the original hybrid unsure of whether he was meant to defend himself or just get changed and pretend what happened between the two of them never happened, just like he did with Klaus’ younger brother Kol.
Catching her brother Klaus in this particular situation did amuse Rebekah immensely especially with her history of sleeping with the enemies and being torn to shreds verbally by Klaus for doing so but unfortunately her amusement was also met with fear knowing her brother who acted like he had no heart tended to love just as carelessly and reckless as she did when given the chance.
In that moment Rebekah didn’t care about bloody betrayals, potential deaths or even the chance of daggers making a comeback if Lucas and Klaus became a true partnership what she feared more than anything was her brother developing feelings for someone unworthy who would hurt him and that’s when she realized the tables had turned and she had become Klaus as she began to wonder if that mean she was justified to kill a lover of his for a change.
Sara Lance wasn’t exactly thrilled about walking into enemy gates with Laurel and Oliver despite knowing she could trust either with her life she also knew she was ultimately walking into the home of a family who’s sister and lover was taken from them by her a family who supposedly couldn’t be killed and had recently aligned themselves with her little brother Lucas who had recently turned Sara from a canary into a vampire, a vampire who could no longer canary cry a power which the White Canary had quickly found herself missing.
The Mikaelson’s were notorious on their earth and although she hadn’t been there long, she had already heard many monstrous and terrifying stories which neither member of the family came off particularly well.
She wasn’t judging as she had quite a few of her own horror stories from being in the league of assassin’s knowing if she had worked for them for a thousand years the stories about her would be as bad as the Mikaelson’s but she was very much aware this family were extremely deadly and wanted her dead and that left her somewhat cautious but she had no other choice knowing this alliance benefited them for now until they got Bane out of the way.
Sara had never actually met Bane before but she had went up against Batman or rather her former master Ra’s al Ghul had and for someone to go up against Ra’s and survive well that made him a formidable foe in her eyes and this formidable Bat had been broken by Bane many times before making him just as dangerous as Ra’s or Batman, if not more and she knew her siblings were going to need all the help they could get to take Bane down.
“I’m all for keeping the little brat alive for as long as possible even if he’s one big bitch fit in overdrive but when did we get desperate enough to start trusting this lot again?” Sara asked Laurel as she, her sister and Oliver walked into the compound to be met by Rebekah who vamp sped herself into the compound.
“It’s our family who should be doubting ourselves after all you are the bitch who killed my sister so if anyone can’t be trusted it’s you.” Rebekah snapped at the White Canary.
“Hate to say it Sara but she has got a point.” Laurel butted in, all too quick to tell off her little sister.
“Seriously Laurel now is not the time to take a swing at me.” Sara told the Black Canary while rolling her eyes out of frustration.
“Well I for one am just glad everyone’s coming together to get Luci out of trouble I’ll be the first to admit his kind of trouble has definitely grown bigger over the years but damn it’s a good dose of nostalgia helping him out of another scrape.” Oliver said with a joking tone, hoping to cut the tension between the three ladies.
“I’ve got to ask ladies what the bloody hell did you ever see in this pompous fool?” Rebekah asked Sara and Laurel who instantly laughed much to Oliver’s embarrassment. “I swear my brother Niklaus randomly hunted down a werewolf just like him years ago just for sport if you’d like I could snap his neck right here and you girls will have one less thing to hate each other for.”
“I don’t hate my sister…I’m just severely pissed off at her.” Laurel answered Rebekah, Sara feeling relieved that her sister didn’t hate her despite having every reason to.
“I’d never hate you Laurel you’re my big sister when I think about what Oliver and I did and how much we must’ve hurt you it makes me sick.” Sara explained to her big sister. “We were young and stupid, and it never meant anything.”
“Sara’s telling the truth Laurel it meant nothing which I guess just makes everything that much worse because I really did love you and I fucked it all up.” Oliver apologised to Laurel who clearly looked confused on how to take her ex’s and her sister’s apologies.
“I’ve lived over a thousand years and in those thousands years it’s become impossible for my siblings not to share lovers at some stage Klaus and Elijah fought over Tatia then Katherine although admittedly Klaus wanted her for more sacrificial reasons than romantic…Klaus also knocked up Hayley who was in love with Elijah but that came after she got pregnant which isn’t as weird as it sounds and now Kol and Klaus seem to be sharing your brother.” Rebekah revealed to the three of them, surprisingly finding herself trying to calm the tension instead of stirring it up for a change. “What I’m trying to say is shit like that happens all the time but in the end family’s all you got whether you want them or not.”
“I for one definitely second that beautiful sentiment from my dear sister Rebekah.” Elijah agreed after vamp speeding over to announce himself to the group. “I’m Elijah Mikaelson I don’t believe we’ve quite had the pleasure of meeting until now.”
“Wait,” Sara said, demanding Rebekah’s attention. “What do you mean your brothers are sharing my brother?”
“I think that kind of explains itself Sara.” Laurel laughed at her younger sister. “I figured that’s why he suddenly partnered up our brother tends to only ever stay loyal to people he wants to sleep with.”
“I guess he never slept with Bane then.” Oliver continued to joke, trying to take some seriousness away from their current situation.
“Well at least the man stays loyal to who he sleeps with.” Elijah teased the Green Arrow, amusing Laurel in the process as the two found themselves meeting each other’s eyes mid smile, a look Oliver noticed and wasn’t amused by.
“I was going to ask where’s my brother, but I no longer want to know instead I’m going to ask where’s Hayley from what Laurel says she seems to be the only one I’m willing to even consider trusting.” Sara asked Rebekah and Elijah.
“She’s other wise engaged with factional business.” Klaus announced as he appeared at the top of the stairs, now fully clothed, before vamp speeding down to stand beside his sister and brother. “Besides I think there’s enough people invited to this party as it is.”
“I couldn’t agree more.” Lucas said, the next to appear at the top of the stairs, also now fully clothed. “Now let’s jump right to the killing which preferably doesn’t result in me also being killed!”
Nobody was happy with this particular alliance but Sara had no choice she didn’t want to see he brother dead and neither did Laurel or Oliver and surprisingly to everyone including himself neither did Klaus, or at least for now although a certain revelation about his younger brother Kol Mikaelson definitely had him beginning to reconsider.
Lucas Lance wasn’t foolish enough to believe his recent dalliance with Klaus Mikaelson would earn him any loyalty and he had spent too long avoiding his family to freely put his faith in his sisters but he also knew they were his only option to go head to head with Bane and stay alive.
Now what Bane had in strength which had amplified since coming to Earth Blood he had matched in intelligence which meant a drawn-out plan was never going to work and Lucas knew this.
So instead of trying to play a game of wits with his former cellmate a game he knew he’d never win instead he decided to tackle him head to head in a battle of strengths and with the Mikaelson family uniting with the Lances power was most definitely on their side but that didn’t necessary mean a win was on the cards for the Red Canary.
“It’s awfully brave of you to arrange this little meeting and I’ve got to say that little magic trick with the paper appearing out of nowhere was impressive but I’m not foolish enough to believe you came alone.” Bane said to Lucas as the two stood in the middle of Lafayette Cemetery. “I’ll just have to kill every idiot you fooled into helping you and then I’ll kill you.”
“And people say I can hold a grudge I mean so what I screwed you over to get a head start on getting the hell away from Arkham as fast as I could it’s on you that you didn’t screw me over first.” Lucas replied, trying to mask his fear which amused Bane who laughed at the Red Canary’s fake act of bravery.
“You always did talk far too much!” Bane told Lucas before running towards the canary only for Laurel to appear from behind a tomb releasing a canary cry stopping Bane in his tracks as he quickly found himself struggling to stand as Laurel’s canary cry continued to grow more powerful.
Lucas quickly joined his sister Laurel by releasing a cry of his own, aiming it at Bane only for Laurel and Lucas to be left stunned when a portal appeared in between them both and right in front of Bane which was most definitely not a part of their plan as they stopped their cries and watched on in shock as Bane found himself dragged by a unseen force towards the portal before flying right in and disappearing within the portal.
“That was way too bloody easily I mean quite frankly it was a bit of a let-down.” Rebekah moaned as she sped her way into the cemetery, until she stood beside Laurel.
“That wasn’t supposed to happen I’m not entirely sure how it happened.” Lucas replied to the original female vampire as all three of them continued to stare at the opened portal.
“We made it happen Lucas just like we did before…I think that’s the portal back home.” Laurel revealed to her younger brother as Klaus, Sara and Elijah sped into the cemetery, the three of them now standing next to Laurel and Rebekah.
“Are you going to go back?” Sara asked her sister, knowing she couldn’t return home, fearing Laurel would leave her on this earth.
“It’s my home Sara…Star City needs the Black Canary.” Laurel explained to the White Canary as Oliver appeared from behind another tomb.
“I’m sure it could do with the Green Arrow too…I mean two vigilantes are always better than one.” Oliver said to them all, making it clear he was ready to return home.
“You were always the best of us Laurel.” Sara admitted as tears formed in her eyes while she walked over to her sister and gave her a tight hug.
“This is probably the time where we leave the canaries to their goodbye cries.” Rebekah suggested to Elijah and Klaus. “Besides brothers we have much to discuss back home.”
Laurel Lance’s family meant the world to her but then she lost them one by one all starting with the supposed death of her younger sister Sara which was quickly followed by her younger brother Lucas going off the rails, her father drinking himself to death and her mother deserting them all.
Before she knew it she was alone, hurting and had a new powers to come to terms with and so she made the decision to put those powers to use as she became the Black Canary and vowed to keep her home Star City safe.
Earth Blood gave Laurel her sister back and somewhat helped her bond with her brother but it was never her home and she was always determined to go back, the only problem was her family wanted to stay put and now she had to choose between her home and the friends who became like family or her actual family not that there was much choice because unlike her siblings she always did the right thing and being the Black Canary in Star City was the right thing to do.
“Wow Oliver really wasted zero time in getting the hell out of here shame I was planning on getting around to killing him once the whole Bane business settled down.” Lucas said breaking the silence between him and his two sisters as he, Laurel and Sara stood side by side in Lafayette Cemetery looking at the opened portal.
“I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear that mainly because once I go through there, you’re no longer my problem…unless of course you’re suddenly wanting to go home.” Laurel replied to her brother.
“No thanks sis, the enemies on this earth are far better than the ones on the other earth Bane was a painful reminder of that.” Lucas told the Black Canary before speeding out of sight.
“I guess that’s his way of saying goodbye…I guess that little brat is just my problem now.” Sara said to her sister, trying to mask her sadness over saying goodbye to her.
“Once I’m home I’ll get to work on closing this portal from both sides hopefully that’ll keep people from visiting here although if they really want to, I’m sure they’d find a way.” Laurel replied, also trying to mask her sadness. “I really wish we could’ve had longer to work everything out because believe it or not I still love you and I’m really going to miss you again.”
“Well if you miss me too much, I’m sure you’ll find a way to get in touch at least time you know I’m alive well undead, but you get what I mean.” Sara joked with the Black Canary before giving her sister another hug. “It’s probably best if I stay dead on that Earth.”
“Yeah I figured as much.” Laurel responded as she hugged her sister even tighter. “Please keep our psychotic little brother from winding up dead and keep the alliances I’ve made with Davina and Marcel under no circumstances can the Mikaelson’s be trusted.”
“Yeah I worked that one out pretty quickly.” Sara admitted as she broke off the hug with her sister. “Don’t worry I lived with assassins for years this earth is going to a breeze in comparison.”
“I guess New Orleans needs the White Canary just as much as Star City needs the Black Canary.” Laurel said with a smile on her face, knowing she could trust the White Canary to keep Earth Blood and its inhabitants in line.
Laurel and Sara stood there for a moment basking in the moment that they had the opportunity to be reunited as they tried to hide their sadness over their reunion being cut so short as Laurel and Sara wished Lucas stuck around for a proper goodbye, both knowing in his own way he did say goodbye.
The two Lance sisters continued to stand there for some time before Laurel gathered up her strength to walk through the portal as Sara watched on with tears on her eyes as she watched the Black Canary, her sister, disappear into the portal believing she would most likely never see her big sister again.
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