meteors-lotr · 6 days
Denethor: You are not good enough for my son. Éomer: You’re not good enough for your son. Denethor: Excuse me? Éomer: You heard me.
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444names · 5 months
Names derived from Turkish cities, plus Tolkienesque and Irish forenames, excluding the letter "H"
Adanán Aelene Afretríana Agolcwince Aitéalı Akırn Alait Aloron Amannéar Amienna Amlin Amuinronne Anall Anelengern Angwë Aniesian Anine Antaraman Aodróf Aoimraş‎ Aradûn Arainnev Arait Arbauglan Argoir Argus Armerië Arnaitrín Arnán Aronn Arostóir Arpol Aruca Atard Avastín Ayburen Aydır‎ Ayvann Aziling Azığ‎...
Bagli‎ Balmogán Balodekta Baoir Baraile‎ Bardion Bareglaird Barvinya‎ Bataladar Bayal Bayfa‎ Beacir Bealya‎ Beamûl Beldanán Belegor Belen Beleskirr Bellob Belro Beogán Beorgazôr Berkez‎ Bersaod Berzin Bifrónárd Binmarra Blaus Bline Bluin Bofán Boldë Boluglori‎ Bolundiob Bombrya Bomir Branisam Branngon Brant Bratep‎ Breallán Brean Breargor Briksar Brion Bryle Bréadarad Bréannimon Brídeim Brídennlı‎ Bulaorle‎ Buldor Bureas Burin Burindur Burwendonn Béamit Bëorlamil Bóiriel Caimlornán Calarges Calendás Calmaolmir Caoibûn Caoiri Caolmo Carines Carlald Carás Celimë Cemedir Cenwë Ciacel Ciang Ciarnear Cilanar Cilas Cile‎ Cilit Cili‎ Cilíomë Cilíon Cinyë Ciobna Ciorlan Cirilín Cliona‎ Coası‎ Coirtın Coise Coispar Coldan Collann Collor Coluilín Colóise Combaratep Comeruala Comuilg Comáinn Comóisir Conce‎ Condil Conoron Corgalin Crinnán Cuiringus Cyrin Dakkârilt Danán Darneas Davor Deann Delasael Delear Dendindag Deriel Dernín Derumbat Deóiries Diamine Diléod Dingornaid Dinu‎ Dondin Donán Dortín Dorum Drerid Durkilín Dursiir Durs‎ Déoda Déodónaid Dörtienn Dörtvid Dúnalins Ealor Eamag Eamlin Earbaltar Ecloc Edwing Eilúvi Eimoronn Eimra‎ Einduiler Eland Eldorl Elegna Elemil Elewinn Eline Elisíle Ellovast Elocilín Elron Encaityat Endres Enduir Enerken Eoris Eormornín Erdağ‎ Erkenbur Eärnán Eärwenbulm Eärwenwë Eärwing Farata‎ Feacil Feall Feanisíleb Feard Fele‎ Fetri‎ Fetya‎ Fetyonng Finara Fineankır‎ Fioncalas Fitlín Flainzinn Flard Foláin Foriag Freli Frout Fétak‎ Fílen Fíonna Garingorne Ginzimilín Golmaigne Gonne‎ Gorimë Goroir Goronn Gosca Grianor Groiregol Grondean Grondiye‎ Gronya‎ Gwalerinak Ildaill Imran Imrayfa Isaolwis Isartın‎ Isionór Iviainaing Iğdırın Iğdıya İskey‎ İzmind İzmiri Kaldon Kalgazôn Kanaty Kanyamann Karassil Karatarin Kargor Kayseor Kayseárl Kentelia Kona‎ Kylebze‎ Kúvandran Kütalı Kütarand Kırken Kırna Labük‎ Ladague Lartin Latlir Lazığ Lindiong Linnacán Lorlemmuir Luing Léomus Mablán Macia Maeladna Maeld Maerispal Maerzia Maidu‎ Mairi‎ Maitiën Malanne Mankır Maomeldarë Marann Maranongas Maron Marrya‎ Marya‎ Masirdiye Mearog Melenán Melmoger Mergazimer Meriele‎ Miangwaer‎ Mildil Minaitéaf Mirnárler Mirtan Miríniye Morona Muimel Muinwë Muire Muir‎ Munda Mundur Mursi Musiamûl Muzgazog Míde‎ Mírdur‎ Míril Móirleál Mónaine Nakez Neassar Niaramir Niara‎ Nikalbele Niksara Nólion Oimbolui Orionn Osaorlep Ostap Palablán Palcal Palis Palota Peimë Peitinzil Perian Perin Perinwë Pield Piele‎ Pilean Plagerven Plaic Plainvas‎ Plait Plandarn Pólimë Ravir Ringal Roibomear Romór Roplas Rostanwë Ruane Rucarm Rumaell Rumbratep‎ Rundonnán Runin Réalainel Réargebze‎ Ríanaossar Rúmeirla Scait Seori Singliod Sionn Sirean‎ Sivraiwen Socianm Stelseor Stríonkırn Stéawinya‎ Stíof Séadalık Séalık Séaodait Súri‎ Taragor Tavinn Tegir Teglis Tegona Tientak Timed Toinéannc Tontiën Torandu‎ Travielwë Tuadana Tulfwisa Tumarealf Tundeal Turbatya Turionncar Turisin Türkla Ualya Uarcia‎ Ufind Ularadoin Ulfaus Ulfionn Ulmel Uşancain Valac Valıkez Varíog Varón Worien Woronn Woroplait Zonnedger Ágasán Ártamar Çormaerzi Éalaoldu‎ Éamrout Éandorn Éaramir Éarne Éimbaybur Éimin Éodain Éomir Éomtoimlib Éorilín Étafa Étaniar Órdrety Órimír Únlas Şırann Şırık‎
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Here's Part 2 of my main characters over the entire fanfic spanning all 3 films. This post will outline the details of and the similarities and changes made to the next 9 characters. Here we go!
Bilbo Baggins
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Bilbo teaches Frodo a few more practical skills
He puts focus on languages and teaches Frodo all the elven he knows and what dwarvish he learnt when with Thorin's Party
Bilbo also teaches Frodo some sword combat, using Sting and a dwarven short sword given to him by Dwalin
Bilbo is delighted to see Dwalin again, tearfully embracing him and the two bond as survivors of Thorin's Party
Bilbo has managed to give up and forget his love for the ring by the time he leaves for The Grey Havens
Bilbo is asexual and aromantic, explaining why he never married and settled down
Tom Bombadil
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Tom Bombadil is a character from the books who was cut from the movies
He's a strange and quirky character who is supposedly immortal and was alive before Sauron reigned over Modor
In this AU he fills his book role of both giving the hobbits their barrow-blades and journeying to Rivendell with them
Tom will see The Fellowship off from Rivendell
He will later join the party of fighters who journey to Helm's Deep
Tom will go from Helm's Deep to fight at Pelenor Fields and The Black Gate
Tom will have the face claim of Anthony Hopkins
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Smeagol will be even more manipulated by Gollum
Smeagol will be the nicer guy trying to give up the ring
Gollum will be the twisted psychopath who will kill anyone for the ring
Smeagol does take control in the same scene as the movie
The Ithilien Rangers cause the Gollum personality to re-emerge again
The way they die is different (no spoilers)
Arwen of Rivendell
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First off she's much more involved
Arwen uses she/they pronouns
Arwen is a warrior elf and a highly trained one at that
Arwen is there at Helm's Deep and joins Aragorn going forward
Arwen goes with Aragorn into the mountains to find the ghost army
Arwen and Aragorn are coronated as King and Queen of Gondor together
Arwen stays in Gondor after Aragorn dies seeing to her family as they grow
Éomir captain of Rohan
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Éomir is a lot more sure of himself
He steps up into his duties as heir to the throne of Rohan
He knows and respects Faramir when they meet in the plains of Rohan
He leads the Roherim to Helm's Deep, Pelenor Fields and The Black Gate
You'll see him step up to take the throne of Rohan
Éomir is gay and ends up with Faramir
Yes fuck the haters I'm adding gayness to Lord of The Rings
Éowyn shieldmaiden of Rohan
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Firstly, the shieldmaiden's are a actual trained woman fighting force
Éowyn is lesbian and uses she/they pronouns
They're kinda like valkyries from norse mythology or The Dora Milaje from Black Panther (with Éowyn being like Okoye)
Éowyn and the shieldmaidens are on the front lines at Helm's Deep
She and her warriors journey to Pelenor Fields and The Black Gate to help free Middle Earth
Éowyn ends up staying in Gondor with her wife (more on her later)
Dwalin of Erebor
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Dwalin is one of the survivors of Thorin's Company
Dwalin is bisexual and married Bifur
He stays in Erebor with a legion of dwarves
Arwen sends word not just to Lothlorien but to Erebor as well
Dwalin (and another) as leader(s) of the dwarves arrive at Helm's Deep with The Roherim to attack the orcs
Dwalin leads the dwarves in subsequent battles
Dwalin survives to journey back to Rivendell and be reunited with Bilbo Baggins
Glóin of Erebor
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Glóin is the other of Thorin's party that still lives
He attends The Council of Elrond and sees his son Gimli off
Glóin returns to Erebor and with Dwalin prepares the dwarves for battle
When word arrives, Glóin and Dwalin lead the dwarves into battle
The dwarves under Glóin and Dwalin act as warriors and weaponsmiths, bringing dwarf made weapons to the struggling allies
Glóin doesn't go to Rivendell at the end and thus is not reunited with Bilbo
Erymir daughter of Denethor
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This is my OC for this AU, using the faceclaim of Angelina Jolie as she would've been the right age for the role I have her in
Erymir takes Faramir's place as Captain of The Rangers and is the one to encounter Frodo, Sam and Smeagol/Gollum
She's a lesbian and also uses she/they pronouns
Erymir is kinder and more merciful to Smeagol/Gollum then Faramir was
Erymir escorts Frodo and Sam away and leaves her soldiers with Smeagol/Gollum
The soldiers are cruel to Smeagol bringing out the Gollum personality
Erymir initially takes the ring from Frodo for the journey from Ithilien to Osgiliath, but gives it back to Frodo after hearing how it corrupted Boromir
Erymir is injured trying to retake Osgiliath and like Faramir in the movie is almost burnt
She recovers from her injuries slightly faster and rides out to The Black Gate for the final battle
Erymir ends up marrying Éowyn and they stay together until Éowyn dies
As Erymir (and her brothers) are descended from The Dunedain (through their mother) she has a longer lifespan the others
Erymir as a ring bearer (although briefly) journeys to The Grey Havens with Legolas and Gimli after Éowyn dies
And that wraps up the next nine characters I've designed, edited and changed for this AU. The last nine of them are left and then actually writing the damn thing. Anyway hope y'all enjoy
Tag list (added those who liked Part 1 but if you wanna be removed please tell me)- @monsterlovingftm @lieutenantn @dragon-baron @agenderandhellaanxious @flynnisavampire @allourstarsareshinning @rogue-barnes-durin--mainblog @starryeyedrogue @ohgnas-yramesor-sukram (no idea why that one won't tag)
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meteor752 · 3 years
I wrote a lotr Chatfic
Check that out
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somanycannons · 4 years
Currently writing Part 2| Geralt x Mermaid!Reader! My ask/messages are still opening! Here’s a list of what/who I write for!
Geralt /The Witcher
Jaskier /The Witcher
Bilbo Baggens / The Hobbit
Thranduil/ The Hobbit
All of the Company from /The Hobbit
Bard/ The Hobbit
Thorin Oakensheild / The Hobbit
Aragorn /LOTR
Legolas /LOTR
Tony Stark / Marvel
Steve Rogers/Marvel
Natasha Romanov /Marvel
Bucky Barnes / Marvel
Peter Parker /Marvel
Peter B. Parker /Marvel
Eddie Brock /Marvel
Sam Wilson/ Marvel
Bruce Banner/ Marvel
Clint Barton/ Marvel
Scott Lang/Marvel
Peter Quill / Marvel
Yondu/ Marvel
Vision/ Marvel
Erik Lehnsherr/ Marvel
T’challa /Marvel
Kylo REN/Star Wars
Rey /Star Way
Poe /Star Wars
Finn/Star Wars
Hux/Star Wars
Hans Solo/ Star Wars
Obi wan Kenobi /Star Wars
Luke Skywalker /Star Wars
Anything you want tbh PLEASE
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LOTR K-8 field trip AU
The hobbits are all fourth-graders, Frodo just got a family heirloom (his uncle's ring) and keeps checking to make sure he still has it. Sam brought a ton of snacks in his backpack that he planned on sharing with Frodo and ended up sharing with everyone. Merry and Pippin are Frodo's rich cousins who have iPhones even though they're like, eight and are completely inseparable little bringers of destruction (to Mr Elrond's endless misery).
Aragorn and Boromir are both eighth graders who are kinda low-key frenemies, but usually get along ok, just don't leave them alone for too long. Boromir's little brother, whose in fifth grade, is the light of his life and follows him closer than a shadow. At recess they're usually reading together or playing soccer. Boromir also kind of adopted Frodo and he and Faramir love messing with each other, but they'll always have each other's backs when it comes down to it. Aragorn is a little bit emo and only wears black, he's had a crush on Arwen since forever and writes awful poetry about it.
Legolas and Gimli are high schoolers volunteering for service hours who are Totally Not A Couple, in fact, they Hate each other's Guts! Just like their fathers before them! Legolas goes to a private art school called Lorien High and Gimli is a football star at Erabor Tech. They went to the school together and they've been on this trip at least five times.
Gandalf is the long-suffering chaperone who's already sat on three tacks and a woopie cushion today, he's a bad influence and he knows wayyy too much about the fish.
They're going to an aquarium, after a three hour bus ride in which Faramir got on crying with a bruise on his cheek and Boromir looking about ready to kill someone, Legolas and Gimli almost kissed once and fought twice, Pippin stole Gandalf's hat and Merry took Legolas's left shoe. Aragorn spent the entire ride staring at the back of Arwen's head and Sam fell asleep on Frodo.
Galadriel is the weird gift shop owner who they run into halfway through the tour after Gandalf falls and has to get checked out by the nurse. She also, knows way too much about fish, turns out all the lights to teach the class about bioluminescent algie, and, because she (somehow) knows Gandalf, gives all the kids free stuff.
They run into Éowyn and Éomir a little after that, Éomir's in sixth grade, Éowyn's in fifth, and they're both obsessed with horses. They're from another school and they got separated from their class after their cousin Theodrid wandered off. Éowyn wants to be a cop, Éomir really, really doesn't want her to.
Gandalf ends up showing back up by saving Merry and Pippin from being lost forever in the kelp forest exhibit. There's a weird guy covered in fake kelp who somehow also knows Gandalf, ends up carrying them out on his shoulders (he's huge and they love him).
There's no ring, there's no war, no one dies and somebody calls child protective services.
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//what did they do for their first date
Gimli: I believe Legolas should handle this one Legolas: in my defense..!Gimli: I told you we should have gone somewhere more private Legolas: alright, Aragorn found us and we spent three hours explaining ourselves to everyone from the hobbits to ÉomirGimli: you're so cute when you blushAlso, YOU ARE MY FIRST ASK AND I HAVE HAD THIS BLOG UP FOR MONTHS THANK YOU SO MUCH!
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girl-of-ink · 7 years
Also listen to my lotr au idea I just had. The family trees don't work but I don't care. - hearth & blitz are legolas & gimli of course. - Magnus is frodo. - Idk who's Sam-- maybe TJ? Yeah. - Mal & Halfborn are pip & merry. - Odin is Gandalf, literally. - Samirah is aragorn & alex is éowyn. - Randolph is théodred & loki is wormtongue ohhh. - One of randolphs daughters is éomir. - Gunilla is boromir (& maybe Margaret or the other dead Valkyrie is faramir idk). - I guess fenris is Sauron? - Amir is Arwen?? Bc he isn't supposed to be part of Samirah's crazy ass world. - Thor is denethor - Mimir is elrond. - Freya is galadriel. - utgard-Loki is Saruman? - WAIT A SECOND DOES THIS MEAN JACK IS THE ONE RING? Bc if Sauron gets the ring, middle earth is doomed & if jack is used to cut fenris' chains, the world's are doomed. Plus jack saps Magnus of his strength Ask me more about this if you want
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meteors-lotr · 1 month
Faramir: Ew. What kind of tea is this? Éomer: I boiled gatorade.
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444names · 9 months
swedish and tolkienesque forenames BUT excluding "a"
Belemen Belen Belendie Belest Belien Bello Belmon Belron Belsel Beorod Beregor Bergot Beriel Berion Beriën Berker Bernuin Berodrid Beruf Berunge Beruniel Bofilto Bolorn Bomboro Bomil Bomiry Bormton Bormtorlie Borod Borotheor Breth Brilinen Brine Briotto Briën Celdel Celegol Celenwë Celes Cellen Celron Cenwë Cildion Cilliel Cilmë Ciltor Ciriel Cirine Cobeldor Cobellobe Coldur Colgergor Colliellen Corod Cottâri Curgor Curwen Círid Delen Denwë Deregil Derine Dorin Dortinoel Dreth Drethráin Durik Durum Dáinestë Dáinethor Déodh Déodwyn Déomberger Déomë Déoth Déotherior Dírion Ebbelbel Ebreth Ebrimlin Ebrin Ecton Eddilin Edhel Edwineor Egiminbur Eilin Eldbelvi Eldel Eldielth Elebberion Elebreg Elebri Elendurund Elenger Elenglo Elengol Eleondorm Elfwinorn Elion Elkhâl Elkhôr Ellegolfin Ellegolion Elmondor Elmorl Elrod Elrohelex Elrondil Elthor Elundith Elverion Embur Emelin Emelwin Emendilie Emilron Eminoel Endor Endui Eneleil Engorth Enrondil Eriondis Erondeór Erumbur Erved Essui Estil Estir Estretheon Estrid Eäreg Eäregil Eäres Eärnhíring Eärthili Eärwenwë Eärwin Feleo Felwinbur Filtoheri Findilron Findir Findui Finereg Fingerohir Fingrórwen Finry Foril Foron Frecton Fredirmton Fregiminel Freth Frether Frómild Frómin Fuilind Fundind Fungelmo Gelio Gerniel Ghânbron Gilgo Gilhele Gilis Gilmir Gimir Glimon Glinel Glion Gloron Glugundor Glóindil Glóingoron Glóri Glórwend Golde Goldor Golor Golwë Gondil Gondog Gorli Goron Gothos Gotton Grethorn Griene Grimë Grion Gundil Gundoc Gunilie Hedielmo Hendil Hendoron Heredh Hereg Herik Herië Hindur Hinil Hirine Hugdui Hugoldur Hundirid Huolor Húrient Húrimor Iduglis Idumo Ilheoddien Imbrin Imilminyë Imros Indil Ingon Ingridust Ingung Inilzôn Inimberut Inúvie Joellir Joelly Joelwë Johnárin Johnárion Jonton Jostor Julin Julion Jundion Khânbrid Kílin Kílisir Lecthor Legol Lemin Lemir Lendil Lendiloke Lendor Lengolfhil Lengorn Lethéomine Lethéomë Liendor Limrod Lingbofur Lingorn Liond Lishel Lisir Livrik Livrië Lothos Lotte Lotton Louil Lovidur Ludvir Luglo Luiry Lurthels Lurufil Lúvid Melfheor Melin Melip Melke Mellyë Melron Mendir Mendoher Merin Merion Merthil Milhelmo Milke Milmo Milse Milth Mines Minielth Minui Minwë Mioroth Mirin Miryon Molemildo Monuinn Morine Mormo Motton Märengotto Märenne Märwin Neldornhír Nelyë Nengon Nielbin Nielf Nilgo Nimbron Nimir Nimiry Nonne Norod Noron Nárion Nínicil Nínimlin Nínimë Nóline Nómel Nómer Nómir Oherumbur Olduf Olfhind Olgelwë Olgrin Oline Olingorgol Olleglob Ollyë Olorie Orimil Ornhíri Ornienbur Ornuil Ornuilmond Oronuilmo Orwen Pelcwin Pelinellug Pendilgon Periën Perthor Perungo Phelm Rumberil Rórind Rúmel Rúmen Rúmilzôr Rúthir Sebbeor Sebrin Seleb Serimus Sernuil Sheldwin Siggelpen Siggol Siggolë Siggorl Sildui Sillinyë Simed Sinoro Sirid Siriel Sirieliry Sofin Sofund Sofur Sorin Svendirid Svene Súrid Súril Telcwin Telebolge Telimilzôn Tellum Thiel Thmol Thorn Thorth Thoster Thróg Théod Théoro Tildë Tilzôr Tinceor Tinyë Tuolóind Turod Turundur Túrinwë Túrië Ufillod Uglin Ulfwilmo Ulfwind Ulivrilin Ulkhôr Ulmin Ulwin Undur Unúmel Uoron Vegil Velviggel Veren Vidur Vielimë Viendrie Vigger Viggoldwyn Vilivid Vingon Vinuiriel Viondoc Viondur Viothir Visumbor Vorfin Wilge Wilor Windinn Winessë Winil Winúmel Wormo Woronwë Woros Yávin Yáving Ziliv Zimbomin Éoddir Éodenel Éodhel Éomir Éormto Éothir Éothor Írien Írion
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444names · 1 year
tolkienesque forenames + theological angels and demons + roman and brythonic deities BUT excluding "a"
Behelus Behor Beleshel Belyol Benelwin Bercus Berepius Beres Bereth Beril Berin Berintir Bermendus Bernus Berrus Berturiel Berumbor Beruns Berus Bervine Bezberkelf Bishen Bollo Bomiriono Bonzimloc Boris Bornuin Bornus Boros Borth Boutus Brich Briel Brieldo Brielocir Brimbri Brivir Bubrionwë Bubus Budiry Bukouleg Burfin Burwen Bëorn Bórwendis Celes Celfinúmin Cemul Cerin Cheriel Cheries Cheus Chimë Chorn Cicoenwë Cifel Cilbel Cinvechos Cleneth Clept Clorin Coces Coenes Conius Coron Corphir Cothon Cromë Cuborn Cullioniel Cundil Cunúvir Curion Curth Curtunos Cyberes Círin Dechil Decir Deldohegel Delene Deles Delethory Delith Dellu Delphkil Denus Deristel Digorlif Diliel Dilkhâl Diriel Doriel Duilge Dured Dáinor Déoder Díriel Dírith Ebrimir Echul Egnos Eldir Eldiriën Electh Elendë Elfwin Elliberil Elphoskees Elron Elroth Elurgios Emend Emeniel Emielperee Entorwin Eonos Erethor Erichus Eriel Estelwë Estops Estrestes Eärel Eärendis Eärnus Eärwentu Felern Ferine Ferio Ferkel Fervon Filim Finemboth Finiel Finus Flotheel Foccubub Forcus Foril Foriën Fornelrorn Foron Fredur Frempos Frilos Frinúmius Fundim Furonor Fírin Gilmë Giriel Glicid Glillor Glorgondir Goldë Golfhiel Golio Gonelen Gonius Gonos Gornenes Gotorus Grine Grinueth Grisus Gudil Guessios Gusor Hegoriel Helecth Helethors Helis Hemeng Hemoni Heregor Heresthron Heridri Heriel Herin Hielicth Horgeld Horiel Huornhír Hámoron Hámory Ibern Ideree Idevendel Idrephil Ifrin Imelwë Indiron Ingol Innis Inzilmon Ionduriel Irios Isclo Ivirmius Jegolomun Jehon Jehus Jindin Junus Jupiel Jupis Jupitë Kiendir Kilif Kirilúk Kromë Kúvin Kúvis Kúvitemel Lebrinelen Legil Lemene Lemin Lemnus Lemon Lempes Lendurge Lenthiri Lepis Lerel Lessormiel Lestinusil Leves Liberin Libezbeon Licidrops Lildoc Limion Limlius Limor Liningor Liontringo Lothôn Luchin Luchon Luchos Luchu Lucif Lucir Lucis Lucist Luinil Lummorn Lundir Lunes Lurin Léodwyn Mefin Mehel Meillus Melum Melus Melzel Mendil Mendis Mendocel Mennus Menwë Mephiel Merester Mergor Meristione Merus Mestou Metel Methos Minduglir Minesegol Miriterin Modeucir Mogus Mondin Moniel Month Morie Multusih Murontis Murub Muturn Muzzim Míril Mírios Nenus Nepos Nielebrel Niellorl Ninin Nithrórin Nocel Noros Nákhîm Nákhôr Náris Níninzil Nómes Nómir Ogollyë Ogunus Oline Oltherúth Ophqies Ornus Orodrion Ortel Ortus Pelego Pelim Penemen Penes Periderine Pesili Phorli Pidemo Pidog Piduus Poldë Polos Pomilitim Pothiens Pothráin Poyoth Priel Prielenth Privinus Probielmon Prodrerië Propicur Propius Prutin Pudilil Pusoin Ressollor Rodeon Ronos Rutus Sciritis Scone Scorruns Scothoel Sedhroden Seidor Seidrion Seiondus Semod Seriel Seris Serus Sheres Sherith Shetir Shiel Shirisir Shnáros Siessiel Sihelin Simbri Sioncimur Sisullor Smonios Sollush Soyel Spesh Spestven Stemetes Stisione Stregin Strete Suchir Súrin Telemeros Temelendir Tenwë Terubur Tevethiry Theus Thiel Thielen Thiron Thomnur Thonwë Thoriel Thoul Throd Thymolë Toher Toheus Tonwë Tophimiel Tortris Tungel Túriel Uinex Ulottiosh Umnunír Unúvion Uoros Vegor Vegus Velen Vendil Vendor Venduil Ventiel Venui Verio Verus Vervehus Vidum Vidumnus Viduruf Vistius Vitus Volcwin Volth Vonus Vorfin Vorin Vortis Werion Xendui Xezephsil Xezepius Yellod Yeqonzil Yetel Yethielen Yávis Zeptus Zielin Éodeserus Éodeus Éodisiel Éombomë Éomir Éotir Éowentuolf Óinio Ördil
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444names · 1 year
ayleid names from tes and + tolkienesque forenames BUT excluding "n"
Abalyë Adacil Adarothor Adohelor Adoril Adorl Adormeht Adorwalmo Aeriaril Aerumo Aihir Alacil Aladrahir Alassilmo Albeleth Aldadorimë Alduil Aldur Alivriel Alolfas Amarod Amborl Amdís Amlia Amrador Amramel Araam Aracir Arahe Araherostar Arahi Arambarahir Araphar Aravorl Arazog Arcir Ardad Ardalimo Ardar Ardil Ardilest Argoladomir Argor Arileles Arior Armare Artir Artiusil Arveda Arvegir Arvegothir Arvirë Atamras Atisil Aurhar Aylluglor Azagdufth Azagollu Badohi Bagalas Baladil Balia Baraldur Barim Barmessumar Barwerved Beldë Beleca Beleil Beletha Belma Belmo Belorgimo Berdilimë Bered Bereth Berethróm Berethôr Beriel Beril Berum Berúmir Bifurgol Bofure Bolch Bollas Bollu Bombaug Bomir Borlaiarik Boros Borthrair Brahallas Brahil Brimortz Bucald Bucalormto Bucar Bëorbagdui Calcar Calia Caraphaphel Celeb Celebregor Celelda Celest Celitë Celmo Celobel Celpered Celpert Celser Celvel Celwë Cemauglast Ceorfix Ceyrre Cilor Cilye Cirethel Ciryttohil Cladaldil Cladoc Cophiliaril Coulë Curhalas Curhaul Curth Daraamil Delas Deldar Deleme Destre Dombomil Draglu Drefix Dróregolla Durgolg Durod Duuromir Déaladuf Déalch Déothar Déothor Eilbêth Eilmader Elada Elagolia Elairis Eldarceor Elebomir Elegolór Elegróril Eleil Elemeldacil Elemer Elemirgorli Elemmaug Elessilmo Elest Elich Eliril Ellothéod Elmaril Elmog Elmor Elper Elralas Elwarvegoth Emablime Emaitë Emeht Emmacil Emmaitleg Erryar Essakh Essaulma Essir Estatar Eteriarda Eteril Eäred Eäresta Eärwe Falbel Falbeor Falmaglacal Falor Farchil Farodras Feath Feathor Feleg Felemaed Felusca Femir Fimborl Fimrothor Floriel Folfhil Follor Foredherior Forme Frecthmo Fredaradad Fregrador Frethos Fréagduca Fréalch Fréalmo Fréalveg Fyragróg Fírielmorod Galadorth Galgel Galotta Gamithor Gamlas Gilda Gilmo Gimbur Gimothôr Gimro Girikaldë Glacil Glagrod Glatil Glauglo Glimromë Glimuzgas Glóreth Goldohtarë Golfix Golimog Gollash Golwal Gotha Grahtar Grast Gratamir Gratar Grimo Grodrado Gromiel Grímadorl Gwaithil Gwalortil Hadartho Hadoc Hador Haerth Hagor Haitë Hakalola Hakil Halador Haldorod Halgel Hallaris Halmo Hamdír Harahir Haravi Harda Hardar Hauglór Helebragdur Helmaraik Helmo Herdil Heruldil Horwe Hostre Houlm Houlmalkhîm Houls Houreth Hourgor Houtele Huolimehtar Huord Hyarfimiry Hámad Idrahel Ilratar Imagor Imalmakas Imbrecalg Imoth Irumbre Isumar Isumo Ivieldë Ivratam Kílim Kúvir Lador Ladridregri Lalatië Lalor Laria Legamir Lestamûl Lightar Liryllassil Lormto Lugaldor Lugali Luril Lúthor Mablumbar Macaldë Maeregoldor Maith Malca Maldur Maldë Malmaergor Malye Maláf Maracil Maragor Marahil Maralluglob Mardilob Margorgil Marik Mauglagorl Mauri Mavor Melser Mielumareth Mirmahir Miryaragor Morod Mortz Mulsereduir Muzgalm Namil Namracir Neragol Nilmaeg Ohtambaug Oldormestis Orladuil Orostel Ostil Ostriar Ostrië Palad Palalmo Palas Palbêthéoth Paleg Palgrimor Palma Palor Pelebre Peraamitë Perada Peril Perië Perthaldor Ravir Ravrimo Rulath Rulfas Rúther Saegril Saelastor Saertz Sakilmo Salagrid Salmo Sarahir Scaramûl Scarchalda Scoth Scouter Shalye Smarik Soromir Sorthorm Sourielephe Souteregorl Stardalca Storl Talbada Talmir Talod Tarazôr Tarcerod Tarod Tatho Telebry Telephalmo Tellas Thedher Thragol Thrassa Thróf Théod Théodest Tisirë Tithôr Tulfhil Tulothôr Túriella Túrimraush Ufthor Ugdur Uglug Uldorost Uldush Umaitë Umakil Umaur Uragavi Uregos Ureth Urhalcal Vagdumo Vagolepher Valfalluirë Valimagoldë Valveldor Varavir Vatellober Vidred Vidur Vorlarór Vorlia Waldë Waláf Woropher Zilgal Zimielia Éoddaihil Éomil Éomir Éomirë Éorodia Éothelegol
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444names · 1 year
tolkienesque and french forenames + common flowers BUT similar to "mittsies"
Acision Adacor Adarone Adene Adorflo Aegol Aiwen Alandir Alanelf Alanwë Alegolia Alemmax Alieth Almornass Almos Amlane Amron Anclaurwer Andar Andidilben Andil Andis Andises Anifen Annele Anpiel Ansytte Ançoinie Aphallen Arandrée Araninvale Araphibion Aravidel Arcush Argerve Arlast Arnatarand Arostiën Arthorn Artin Atáron Auder Augon Augorsy Aumar Azanel Balan Baphel Belebor Belfas Benne Berodillyn Berthine Berumbrer Bette Bludorn Bolgalanoé Bolgas Bollard Bollaulë Bolle Bolupid Borlie Bornhel Boroth Brapplexan Brine Brinich Brornuent Brundil Bulmon Bulwë Buren Buttemith Bórin Cacis Cacquin Calarent Calaudeór Caldë Calinash Callimo Celbeed Celdirent Cemeri Cendir Chaëllemog Chenowyne Chrion Chráine Chèle Cianda Clartz Claugduine Clouis Clowbel Clémirë Coldbethia Colegnoth Colephed Collimë Colór Corane Corne Corodriond Cosmin Coston Cotha Cowbe Cupieth Céatharan Cécil Célim Daettoce Dalmonne Dandorna Danmachrum Danne Darde Darvérômed Daymerry Deleb Deria Docklexavi Dyttel Déagel Dérômel Egorondil Einvaith Elbutte Eldumber Elean Elflothôr Eliené Elrancil Emmandor Emmar Emnarómir Emuzgaly Ennene Eontainda Eophageon Eorinca Ermorn Essil Essuil Estine Eucald Eäregon Eärniet Eärnine Faber Fabranth Falacis Falador Falinèse Falium Fanbrane Fancalin Faudie Faximborop Fendrémy Fengriorn Fereding Feregnoron Ferodh Fimbiel Fimburia Findiencin Finettel Flyne Fodil Folgrine Forfin Fragon Frannic Fratan Fraymoroth Fuilanámor Fuine Galaurth Galetherod Ganne Gaymoreil Geandoc Gellash Georfin Gethéod Ghier Gimen Gimpetmin Ginary Gindowslie Ginurion Glara Glastiste Glori Glumeruft Golaud Gollse Gondine Grilzôn Guilkaëlle Gwalmohtan Gwathorguy Gélia Halinbriel Halle Hamûl Hanmagol Hantile Harane Harant Harlie Hellebrag Helvaine Herrerin Hinelperië Hiricth Horen Huanbor Huanher Hugloon Hyand Iladregri Iming Imlimor Imondionks Ingratarie Istor Jaciry Jamdíri Jeabarine Jeancel Jeançois Jeatte Jeste Jostaracia Julas Juldor Julkhaudil Julwë Kandrahaël Kharór Kílingelmo Kúvia Ladanciet Ladorm Lagarinwë Laine Lanium Lançois Laste Lastë Lengold Lierië Lodheng Loondrend Lorian Lothéod Lovel Ludelbely Luniar Lunínium Lurthoss Lúvie Lúvionia Maihieca Maindilber Mainelm Mainurimë Mainvalda Makhîm Malaugor Malfwis Malot Mandilbel Mange Manicarc Manáric Maranen Mareine Marene Marth Marytus Matiniser Menili Meron Micel Micher Minbry Minemon Mingon Miscin Mistéphan Monne Morand Morle Mundirès Méloe Mélène Nadirma Naranakas Narge Natric Nielucil Nienori Nierfinar Niferion Nólilith Nólius Nómengwin Nómir Odorsy Odreri Ohellyne Oldamdís Olleanol Olwinde Oralmone Orataron Orendir Orgeto Orienique Orline Orose Palganne Palle Panatane Passuil Pataine Pathentië Patthier Peacielle Pellaur Perufth Pervegorn Pettelwë Petther Phiene Phormtoe Picel Pickly Piele Pieting Primpaleth Prion Priën Quette Rancalg Ranne Rançoiscar Rappern Ratria Rhomair Richroth Rodetmil Ronadûn Ropsiregot Rotie Rotine Rotises Rowyne Réatthor Rélielie Rélimedh Réloomir Rémen Rúthoroher Sagduine Sagolls Salas Saline Sandettone Sandir Sangluil Scala Scally Sedur Sestrine Shalmor Silmë Simpaur Smane Snador Snotte Snoweetone Snowery Sophir Spica Swenduil Sylenca Tamilatie Tardanflow Tarielloïc Tarvel Telia Tephakine Teruno Tharie Tharvi Thaur Thelfine Thiseras Thoss Théodower Tione Tufth Tusilane Túria Túrimacis Ugdurundil Uinatte Vainbroses Vaine Vaiwern Valdaland Valephelip Valiam Valing Valmohtar Vandor Vançoisil Vicel Viengéli Vinzog Violluilia Voredil Vorodroth Vánahant Vánahaël Walil Worotinele Xanlum Yantiën Yvegontin Zilivione Zimeld Zimon Élaerne Éloron Éodil Éomir Étinzimë
same thing but shorter names
Acilzôr Acir Adiole Adre Aerth Agot Aland Alcaldë Aleil Alen Alia Alinias Alique Alloïc Alls Almon Alober Alouis Alow Alven Ambomir Ambucil Amendin Amild Amin Amine Amint Amir Amron Ande Andil Andir Andrine Anelle Anflor Angony Ania Aniel Anma Anmain Anmine Anna Anwë Arahaël Arahir Arant Arappy Aras Araude Araving Ardele Aric Arick Arie Arikas Aril Arlegil Arte Arthiry Arwerry Astin Athir Athirie Auglir Auglow Aurane Azalee Azanon Azôn Bagaël Bagduck Bale Bartz Bayline Befloth Bele Belegon Beorsy Beralat Beril Beris Berren Blucis Boldar Bollily Bomad Bomage Bomine Bomë Brie Brine Busil Butte Butthel Béanon Bëorn Cacth Calflo Camic Caragon Caran Caritë Cariën Carnad Cathain Catte Celeil Chamron Char Charos Ched Chelin Chrine Chèle Cielm Clannis Clarn Clas Clavir Clavri Cléa Cléaguy Colacil Colch Colf Colum Corn Cortine Cothan Cotis Cotte Céandie Cécia Cédéra Círian Dace Dacorne Daia Dald Dandie Dandil Danue Dele Dorn Dortz Duil Dush Dwald Dwyn Dwyne Déagor Déodwyn Dérin Dírine Elbel Eldacor Elean Eleb Elen Elette Elilis Elleb Ellie Ells Elphar Elphir Emine Emmain Emung Enessil Erde Erego Erfloe Erion Eäred Eärn Eärnue Eärwer Ferian Fimrago Fine Finèse Floé Folca Forwer Framel Frégir Fuil Fuin Furuc Fília Fílil Gabeldë Gablu Galdet Gale Galline Garfine Gaylver Geroppy Ghel Gilil Gilis Gilmic Gilzôr Gindaed Gine Ginen Githor Glane Gloth Gludor Gluirmo Glór Glúthea Golger Golia Gorce Gorle Gragduf Grament Grielro Grion Grostë Gróf Gues Guin Gwaed Gélip Hadadûn Hadeór Hakhîm Handus Hania Heann Heldain Heria Hirèse Hocele Hold Holdur Hond Hoosest Horc Hund Hydir Hydra Hámor Ibinele Idenis Idetter Iduis Ilber Imondor Imrogel Ired Ireed Isad Isedur Isia Isir Istish Ivia Ivratir Jamlius Jandine Jeac Jeaf Jeanc Jeane Jeanine Jenca Jenthel Jock Jorn Jorna Jornur Joron Josabie Julitë Ketpert Kília Ladûn Laegil Laele Laur Lenzine Lestine Limros Livi Lothôn Lovir Lowyne Lumen Lyptur Lúvaitë Macil Maen Malan Malarne Mann Marda Marin Marië Marnakh Mart Matarc Maur Mendir Milaia Mine Mirion Monisir Moonar More Morol Mose Mírd Mírice Nakint Narosé Naroth Nick Nien Nieu Ninèse Nièveg Noravia Náinar Národh Nárone Ocele Ohin Oldil Olebel Oletho Olfhil Olór Orlad Orne Palchil Palite Pancas Pastis Patanne Path Patmil Patrias Paur Paurwer Peanis Pelie Peorod Peorot Pette Phor Pria Priarla Pril Prin Rathéo Rodrór Roon Ropsimo Ríanata Rúme Sabric Salarde Scarwer Shril Sili Sime Sionick Smaras Smélène Snolie Snor Snorine Soline Sops Soroth Spier Stië Swer Súrick Tair Talaus Tart Tele Theaff Themel Thient Thine Thocush Thor Thra Thôr Tine Tintir Tirid Trinúvi Tuli Tulmë Ulest Uliene Ulimine Umbele Undog Unique Valdur Valim Valor Vardana Varise Varode Vichèle Vine Vièven Wored Worego Yacque Yahta Yandur Yatte Yved Yvor Zila Zili Zilzôr Zimrose Zinto Élia Élil Élimla Élin Élip Émiriel Éode Éodh Éodil Éomier Éowdre Éria Érès
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444names · 2 years
atomic and subatomic particles + tolkienesque forenames BUT all names are made to be similar to "boromir"
Acfenel Acilm Adagolë Adandirë Adantium Adreth Aerryant Aerven Aitin Aiwen Aladog Aland Alast Aldark Alegolg Alessë Alvendir Amdís Amion Amionnam Amirikalmë Amirin Amirmeromë Amiryaring Amiryarwen Anark Anbos Ancaladan Andoc Andor Andrór Angrahil Anneld Antimir Antin Antiquaras Anton Aradoc Arahilmo Aranákhîm Arastir Aravien Aravitë Arazôn Ardanton Ardyon Ardyonnan Argol Argolwino Argor Arion Ariën Arvengolan Atimo Atárieleno Badamarien Barandur Barmanglór Batanwë Beleb Bellad Belmon Beraglin Bereth Bergor Berion Berionwë Beriën Beryath Bifuil Bifuin Bifunír Bifurion Boladog Boldacitor Boldain Bolla Bombucli Borlast Botinil Brada Bradorn Bramdís Bramien Branur Bredhron Breduinzil Brene Breth Brimen Brion Bryttorin Bríanar Calan Calanonuil Calfaurum Calimp Carahilion Celegas Celemnark Celeth Celfwimë Celmo Celrandum Celuebryon Cemmacil Ceorlitaur Chaithorin Charagne Ciriliner Cirin Cothelron Cothronius Cottarkene Curon Círin Damielober Dandur Dendoc Denelegimo Dildohtan Dilkhîm Dorin Dormir Duilmor Dwaer Dáino Ectraphor Ectren Egothorl Eilming Elchyperk Eldanarda Eldil Elegollor Elegon Elembalas Elemer Elemnahard Elemnaron Eleon Elephost Elephotton Elethrague Elfald Elfanna Elfwineb Elmog Elmon Elmoron Eloton Elper Elrodrór Elron Elvene Emman Ennaihir Erenebor Eroson Eroton Esotond Essaegar Essakalim Estane Estimp Eston Excitinan Eäredh Eäregloden Eäregros Eärendohel Eärer Eärethôn Eärnel Eärnhír Eärnuin Eärwendil Eärwenduin Falmaldst Farahil Faxion Felectron Feren Fererego Ferim Ferma Findion Findisil Findoc Finelm Fineutri Fingoton Finon Finor Foron Fregnortz Freth Frethéod Fréag Fréagon Fréalimion Fílin Fílion Fírin Fíring Galair Galaranien Galgri Gameleg Geneth Gildoc Gilmo Gimboron Gimion Gimir Gimlo Gindar Ginúvalmo Gladûn Glashnáron Glinde Glineleon Glodrithor Glothoth Glumboson Glumenwë Glundil Golark Golfhir Golgas Goson Gragandoc Grahinon Grandrend Graus Grinzil Grion Gwaeg Gwalferi Hadohirmo Haghâl Hagon Halaratir Halast Haldë Hancar Haradog Hardis Hargil Hariton Helegalar Herethôr Herohta Heron Hilanarma Honwë Huandir Huarano Huark Hundurin Hyper Hámagor Húrimp Ideór Imbrad Imino Imlas Imuolwin Infaurine Ingolór Inzil Iscaragost Isheron Ishnákhîm Isilin Isiton Islestomë Isotong Isuiryan Kilmaelron Kílim Kílimradûn Kílin Kílir Kúviennel Ladacil Ladamliado Lagor Lectrond Lemeno Lorin Lothor Loton Lumanna Lurumo Léodriën Lúvionaton Madûn Maegon Magdum Magundil Mahtaracir Maitraiton Majoros Majorosil Makhîm Makhôr Malgradis Mandilda Mangwaitri Mantinon Manton Maravion Mauglob Maurimo Maurthor Maurund Mehtark Melenno Meluxon Menduin Merúmil Mingollor Miryar Mundion Muolarant Muzganyë Muzgar Muzgas Muzgavath Mírin Míringor Nahalin Naras Natar Nebroth Nelain Nelekton Nethiriton Nieleb Niush Náinon Námark Námondil Nólin Nólirad Nólitë Nómir Orano Orwin Paldston Palim Palmalman Paláf Peneutren Permest Pharaphed Phoroth Phossumain Pollor Polóreth Prionucca Qualth Quaraphos Radregos Rataron Ríanien Rúmion Saegolgras Saldarting Saratinius Sarion Sariongwë Shardyon Shendur Silmavar Skyrmacas Skyrmadir Skyrmil Skyrmir Sméalas Snerengos Spurundorn Squandil Squar Squaramron Tanbur Tanebar Tanyë Taquarador Tardan Taril Tatanbuca Tatirin Telecth Telegolwin Telfhelm Telvedher Telvenne Tethôn Tetinur Therk Thmon Thorn Thron Théom Tinelegol Tinorn Tiquaravi Tiusion Tulduf Turodwin Turum Turundë Ufinbur Ufthrór Uglod Uldstane Undil Uneutrimon Unúmel Upquar Upquardil Urindur Valas Vanton Vithor Viton Winwë Yatarvel Yatharcild Yávin Yávindë Yávion Yávir Yávitomil Éoddandil Éoddark Éoder Éomir Éorik Éothôn Éothôr Éotin
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meteors-lotr · 3 years
Éomer, letting Faramir win in an arm wrestling contest: Oh gosh darn, you beat me again
Éowyn, slamming Arwen’s hand on the table at full force: DO YOU SEE WHAT YOU GET ARWY?? SEE WHAT YOU GET WHEN YOU MESS WITH THE WARRIOR!!?
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meteors-lotr · 4 years
Èomer: [walking around shirtless]
Èowyn: Nobody wants to see that!
Boromir: [not looking up from polishing his shield] Fari does
Faramir: [Gay panic]
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