daily-hyosatsu · 5 months
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Since I am sitting pretty under nearly a foot of snow (New England, baby!!!), here’s an adorable print by Yoshitomo Nara: White Fujiyama Ski Gelände, “In the Floating World.” The horizontal text on the top and the vertical text on the left both read 白富士スキー Shira-Fuji Ski(ing).
白富士 Shira-Fuji is one of the many faces of Mt. Fuji. It means, as far as I understand, a Fuji that is snowy and white.
白 means white, and it's read しろ, しろ.い, しら-, ハク, or ビャク. In some typefaces/styles, it’s very easily confused with 臼 mortar, so watch out.
富 means wealth, rich, or abundant. It’s read と.む, とみ, フ, or フウ.
士 means gentleman, scholar, or samurai (though that last one is usually written 侍). It's read さむらい or シ. Be careful not to confuse it with 土 earth, which is long on the bottom and short on top (because you need to be able to stand in the earth; meanwhile, a gentleman has a small bottom).
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ninelanguages · 2 days
Kanji for "under", "below", "lower pain", "inferior", "go down"
下 = shita / shimo/ sa•geru/ kuda•ru/ o•rosu/ moto/ ka/ ge
下手な - hetana - clumsy/ awkward/ unskillful - へたな
下着- shitagi - underwear/ underclothes - したぎ
テーブルの下- taabulu no shita - under the table - テーブル の した
靴下- kutsushita - (a pair of) socks/stockings - くつした
下宿する- gesyukusuru - to room (board, lodge) (at a person's house) - げしゅくする
下げる- sageru - to lower/ to drop/ to let down/ to hang - さげる
Kanji for "new", "novel", "fresh"
新 = arata•shi/ ara•ta/ nii/ shin
最新の- saishin no - the lastest/ up-to-date - さいしん の
新たな- arata na - new/ novel/ fresh - あらた な
新しい- atarashi - new/ fresh/ recent/ up-to-date - あたらし
新幹線- shinkansen - a bullet train/ a high-speed train - しんかんせん
新宿- shinjuku - Shinjuku (ward of Tokyo) - しんじゅく
新しい車- atarashiikuruma - a new car - あたらしいくるま
Kanji for "company", "firm", "society", "social", "shrine"
社 = yashiro/ sha
本社- horiginnsha - the head [main] office - ほんしゃ
社会人- shakaijin - a member of society - しゃかいじん
神社- jinja - a Shinto shrine - じんじゃ
社交的な- shakoutekina - sociable -しゃこうてきな
社会- shakai - society/ the public - しゃかい
新聞社- shinbunsha - a newspaper publishing company - しんぶんしゃ
Kanji for "world", "age", "generation"
世 = sei/ se/ yo
世の中- yononaka - the world/ life/ the times/ the age - よのなか
世界- sekai - the world/ the earth/ the globe - せかい
世代- sedai - a generation - せだい
世話のする- sewa (w)o suru - to take care (of)/ to help/ to look after - せわ の する
浮世絵- ukiyoe - ukiyoe (wood-block prints of Edo period) - うきのよえ
二十一世紀- nijuuisseiki - 21st century - にじゅういっせいき
Kanji for "world", "cirlce", "bounds", "boundary"
界 = kai
限界- genkai - a [the] limit/ limitations/ bounds - げんかい
政界- seikai - the political world - せいかい
世界- sekai - the world/ the earth/ a world/ one's world - せかい
世界中に「の」- sekaijuuni[no] - all over [throughout] the world - せかいじゅうにの
世界一- sekaiichi - the best in the world - せかいいち
世界的な- sekaitekina - world/ worldwide/ international/ global - せかいてきな
Kanji for "work", "labour", "serve"
働 = dou/ hatara•ku
働き者- hatarakimono - a hard worker - はたらきもの
労働- roudou - work/ (manual) labour - ろうどう
働く- hataraku - to work/ to labour/ to serve (at)/ to operate - はたらく
本屋で働く- honyadehataraku - to work at a bookshop - ほにゃではたらく
重労働- juuroudou - heavy labour - じゅうろうどう
働き- hataraki - work/ labour/ ability/ action/ a function/ operation - はたらき
Kanji for "endeavor", "make efforts"
勉 = ben
猛勉強する- moubenkyousuru - to study [work] hard/ to grind (away) - もうべんきょうする
がり勉- gariben - studying hard/ grinding/ a nerd/ a swot - がりべん
勉強家- benkyouka - a diligent student/ a hard worker - べんきょうか
勉強- benkyou - study/ work - べんきょう
勉強する- benkyousuru - to study/ to prepare/ to do one's lessons - べんきょうする
勉強中- benkyouchuu - while studying - べんきょうちゅう
(This kanji is pretty much only used for refering to studying. It's (as far as I know and learned) only used together with the upcoming kanji for "strong", "strength", "powerful" as you can see in the examples above)
Kanji for "strong", "strength", "powerful"
強 = kyou/ gou/ tsuyo•i/ tsuyo•maru/ tsuyo•meru/ shi•iru
強い地震- tsuyoijishin - a big [severe] earthquake - つよいじしん
強いる- shiiru - to compel/ to press/ to force/ to enforce/ to coerce - しいる
力強い- chikaradzuyoi - powerful/ strong/ mighty/ reassuring - ちからづよい
がまん強い- gamandzuyoi - patient/ enduring - がまんづよい
歴時に強い- rekijinitsuyoi - be good at history - れきじにつよい
強気の- tsuyoki no - assertive/ bold/ aggressive/ strong/ firm - つよきの
Kanji for "move", "motion"
動 = dou/ ugo•ku/ ugo•kasu
箱を動かす- hako (w)o ugokasu - to move a box - はこ を うごかす
自動ドア- jidoudoa - an automatic door - じどうドア
動く- ugoku - to move/ to shift/ to stir/ to shake/ to work - うごく
運動- undou - exercise/ athletics/ sports/ games/ a campaign - うんどう
動物- doubutsu - an animal - どうぶつ
感動する- kandousuru - to be moved [touched] (by) - かんどうする
Kanji for "prefecture", "territorial divisions"
県 = ken
県- ken - a prefecture - けん
石川県- ishikawaken - Ishikawa prefecture (of Chubu area) - いしかわけん
山口県- yamaguchiken - Yamaguchi prefecture (of Chugoku area) - やまぐちけん
県庁- kenchou - a prefectural office - けんちょう
都道府県- todoufuken - Japanese prefectures - とどうふけん
県立の- kenritsu no - prefectural (hospital, school, etc) - けんりつ の
Kanji for "paper"
神 = shi/ kami
表紙- hyoushi - a front cover/ a binding - ひょうし
紙- kami - paper - かみ
手紙 - tegami - letter - てがみ
(''Tegami'' literally means hand-letter. Supossed to represent a letter writen by hand.)
手紙を書く- tegami (w)o kaku - to write (to) a person/ to write a letter - てがみ を かく
神部来る- kamibukuru - a paper bag [sack] - かみぶくる
折り紙- origami - origama (the art of folding paper) - おりがみ
新聞紙 - shinbunshi - (a piece of) newspaper - しんぶんし
(This word is actually written without the ''paper'' part as well, also meaning ''newspaper''.)
Kanji for "parent", "relatives", "intimate", "familiar"
親 = shin/ oya/ shita•shii/ shita•shimu
親指- oyayubi - the thumb - おやゆび
(Literal meaning would be parent-finger.)
両親- ryoushin - one's parents - りょうしん
父親- chichioya - a father - ちちおや
親子- oyako - parent and child/ parents and their children - おやこ
親切- shinsetsu - kindness/ goodness/ goodwill - しんせつ
親しい- shitashii - close/ friendly/ familiar/ intimate - したしい
Kanji for "both", "two"
両 = ryou
車両- sharyou - vehicles/ cars/ a (railroad) coach/ a carriage - しゃりょう
両立する- ryouritsusuru - to be consistent [compatible] (with) - りょうりつする
両側- ryougawa - both sides - りょうがわ
両手に花- ryoutenihana - be between two beautiful woman - りょうてにはな
両替- ryougae - money changing - りょうがえ
両方- ryouhou - both sides - りょうほう
Kanji for "of long duration", "longstanding", "lasting for a long time"
久 = kyou/ ku/ hisa•shii
永久に- eikyuuni - permanently/ perpetually/ eternally -えいきゅうに
恒久の- koukyuu no - lasting/ everlasting/ permanent/ eternal - こうきゅう の
耐久性- taikyuusei - durability/ persistance/ lasting quality - たいきゅうせい
久しぶりに- hisashiburi ni - after a long time [absence/ seperation] - ひさしぶり に
持久力- jikyuuryoku - endurance/ stamina/ perseverance - じきゅうりょく
久しい- hisashii - long/ long-continued/ longstanding - ひさしい
Kanji for "finish", "complete", "conclude", comprehend", "know"
了 = ryou
了承する- ryousyousuru - to approve/ to accept/ to agree - りょうしょうする
了解- ryoukai - (an) understanding/ agreement/ consent - りょうかい
終了すること- shuuryousuru - to end/ to be over/ to come to (an end) - しゅうりょうする
修了証書- shuuryousyousyo - a certificate/ a diploma - しゅうりょうしょうしょ
了見- ryouken - an idea/ an intention/ a design/ a motive -りょうけん
完了- kanryou - completion/ finishing - かんりょう
Kanji for "decease", "die", "pass away", "lose", "perish", "go to ruin", "escape"
亡 = bou/ mou/ na•i
滅亡- metsubou - a fall/ a downfall/ ruin/ collapse - めつぼう
未亡人- miboujin - a widow - みぼうじん
死亡- shibou - death - しぼう
亡くなる- nakunaru - to die/ to pass away - なくなる
亡くす- nakusu - to lose - なくす
亡命する- boumeisuru - to flee (one's country) for political reasons - ぼうめいする
Kanji for ''musical composition'', ''melody'', ''tune'', ''song'', ''curve'', ''bend'', ''bent''
曲 = kyoku / ma•garu/ ma•geru
曲がり角- magarikado - a street corner/ (an) intersection/ a turning point - まがりかど
曲げる- mageru - to bend/ to curve/ to twist/ to distort/ to pervert - まげる
新曲- shinkyoku - a new musical composition/ a new piece [song] - しんきょく
曲線- kyokusen - a curved line/ a curve - きょくせん
作曲する- sakkyokusuru - to compose/ to set to music/ to write music - さっきょくする
曲がる- magaru - to bend/ to curve/ to be bent/ to turn/ to make a turn - まがる
Kanji for ''a samurai'', ''a soldier'', ''a knight'', ''an officier'', ''a gentleman''
士 = shi
修士- shuushi - a master/ a master's degree/ a Master of Arts [Science] - しゅうし
武将- bushi - a samurai/ a warrior - ぶし
紳士- shinshi - a gentleman - しんし
学士- gakushi - a bachelor/ a bachelor's degree/ a college graduate - がくし
兵士- heishi - a soldier/ a private/ (the) troops - へいし
博士- hakase - an expert - はかせ
博士- hakushi - a doctorate/ Ph. D. - はくし
(Yeah, the last two use the exact same kanji but a different pronounciation.)
Kanji for ''change'', ''alter'', ''transform'', ''abnormal'', ''unusual'', ''irregular''
変 = hen/ ka•waru/ ka•eru
変わる- kawaru - to change/ to alter/ to undergo a change - かわる
気が変わる- kigakawaru - to change one's mind - きがかわる
変える- kaeru - to change/ to alter/ to transform/ to reform [amend] - かえる
変化- henka - (a) change/ (a) variation / (a) transformation - へんか
変更- henkou - (a) change / (an) alteration / (a) modification - へんこう
変な- henna - strange/ odd/ queer/ curious/ peculiar - へんな
Kanji for ''third person pronoun'', ''the other party'', ''he'', ''she''
彼 = hi/kare/kano
彼岸- higan - the equinoctial week (of Buddhist observance) - ひがん
彼女- kanojo - she/ a girlfriend - かのじょ
彼- kare - he/ one's boyfriend/ one's lover/ one's husband - かれ
彼の本- kare no hon - his book(s) - かれ の ほん
彼氏- kareshi - he/ one's boyfriend [man]/ one's lover - かれし
彼等- karera - they - かれら
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yumbles · 4 months
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✴ happy new year! ✴
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nakamorijuan · 1 year
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inefekt69 · 7 months
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Mt Fuji from Chureito Pagoda - Fujiyoshida, Japan
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rennebright · 2 months
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ドラクエ3の女戦士 by 米沢 麻央 [Twitter/X] ※Illustration shared with permission from the artist. If you like this artwork please support the artist by visiting the source.
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anamon-book · 6 months
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広告批評 「もののけ姫」の向こうに見えるもの 1998・2(213号) マドラ出版 ART DIRECTOR : KASHIWA SATO. DESIGNER : JUN KAMATA, AKIFUMI NISHIURA
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shanks · 3 months
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takahashiyoshikazu · 9 months
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Mt. Fuji🗻 富士山
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lynndylee · 11 months
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A sweet birthday wish to Usagi and her Chibiusa 🐰🌙
patreon | shop
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callmevenus · 6 months
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arcadebroke · 7 months
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Leiji Matsumoto
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kaito0100 · 11 months
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Artista - @yutakanohanasi
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nakamorijuan · 6 months
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美少女戦士セーラームーン 劇場版 美少女戦士セーラームーンR
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inefekt69 · 10 months
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Mt Fuji, Japan
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