#''You know where these belong? On my self-ship blog!''
stars-self-ships · 8 months
💖 Hey, you! 💖
Your F/O wanted me to relay some words of love and affirmations to you! They wanted you to know...
You are worthy of love and belonging.
You do not need to 'earn' rest.
Everything you do, whether it's big or small, has a purpose.
You are more talented than you lead yourself on.
You deserve to take pride in what you create and do.
You have such a wonderful smile, and you really should smile more often.
It is okay to be sensitive. It is okay to not be okay. It is okay to cry.
You are strong. Whatever you are going through, you can pull through. You always have.
Take deep breaths. Drink some water. Get something to eat if you need it.
You are loved more than you could ever fathom.
And honestly... I couldn't agree with them more! 💖💖💖
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headspace-hotel · 1 year
a friend of mine said that the environment would be better if everyone lived in cities and basically left the rest of the natural world alone... i felt like there was something wrong with that argument but i really dont know enough about it to have a real point against it. i might be biased though cause i love being around nature and want to be able to live rural without killing the environment? idk im just wondering if she's right and how to live in a way that isnt negatively impacting the world
love your blog btw, it's been the thing that's helped me understand ecology for once
the idea that humans Are Bad for the ecosystem—not that particular activities or practices have particular negative effects, that just humans existing harms the environment—is in fact the worst idea ever
I mean, first of all, where does your friend think food comes from?
"Food" is one of the problems. It's one of a lot of problems. Some other problems include "all other natural resources besides food" and "human rights."
It's not just your friend, this kind of thing has been suggested in varying ways by self identified "leftists" a bunch of times, and I genuinely hope they're mostly random laypeople who can't really be expected to know more than they can learn from being terminally addicted to Twitter, because otherwise I will call them "dumber than a sack of hammers" in those exact words.
No offense to your friend. Your friend is a laypeople. And sadly, non-experts end up with ass-backwards ideas about how conserving the environment works, because of all this commonplace nonsense about humans being a cancer upon the planet. I'm not angry about those people, just sad.
But my serious answer is—The world's most intact and best managed ecosystems are found on land owned and managed by Indigenous people, who do what with the land?
And these groups of people learned to manage and care for the land how?
Conventional (white, Western) intuition holds that human management of an ecosystem should reduce biodiversity, but what science shows—I mean what study and observation and data and more study and more observation and more data shows—is that indigenous land management practices can do better than Nature can on her own.
I mean, for one thing, if you don't live in a place, you don't observe it every day. You don't see how the ecosystem and its inhabitants change over time. You can't learn about it, and therefore you don't know about it.
Disconnection from nature is ignorance about nature and ultimately apathy towards nature, and that's the worst and most disrespectful thing we can do.
And like I hope it's clear that even in the imaginary scenario where everyone lives in a city, even if this was possible (it's not), the city dwellers who are separate from nature are living a silly little lie. You're part of the ecosystem. Don't like it? Go become a rock in space.
The electrical signals moving through your brain right now are rays of sunlight that were soaked up by a plant that grew in dirt. Do you know fruit? Do you enjoy fruit? I enjoy fruit, I'm drinking a smoothie right now! That fruit y'all love so much was pollinated by a bug.
A bug did that for you! Because you're family! Because you're part of this world, because you belong to this intricate and ancient community of living things that need each other, that were shaped by evolution to need each other, and nature cannot abandon you.
But more on the cynical side of things, even if you don't know where the hell a berry grows or how, someone has to grow and harvest and ship that berry to you, someone who has to live somewhere, and you should care who is doing it and how they're being treated and paid, and ultimately you should want for them the same things you want for you.
Urban life is just rural life with extra steps my friend.
Like, @ all the "put everybody in cities" crowd, what is the plan here? Fancy ass indoor aquaponics systems notwithstanding, we're not technologically at a point where we can just, like, build giant multi-story factory buildings where we grow food under special lamps, and even being at that point wouldn't make it a good idea. With all the hype about solar power, you'd think people would look at plants (have been using solar power just fine for like a billion years) and think, "Neat how those things can just make food when you stick 'em in the sunshine."
I'm sorry, I'm never going to be psyched about technological innovations that are like "We took a plant and put it inside."
There is so much I could say here. The brainrot in the wake of "cottagecore" discourse where a bunch of well meaning white people got convinced that farming was racist. The idea that rural people are somehow more complicit in colonialism than urban people, and that rural land is, I don't know, landier than urban land, and the correct and moral thing to do if you live on stolen land is to....what? Live on land that has a protective layer of concrete in between it and your racist feet?
Land ownership is a whole fucked up beast, but you're not cultivating a non-exploitative relationship with land by living in a city. There's just extra steps in between you and the land.
"Homesteading" as seen on cottagecore boards on Pinterest has a lot of white supremacist wet dream mixed in, but listen: It is not only okay, but GOOD, to want to live in close relationship with the land, with the food you eat, with the trees and plants that fill your lungs when you inhale. It's IMPORTANT. It's VITAL.
What has to change is that this relationship can't be based on ownership and dominance. Ecosystem is community and that ain't it.
My ancestors were colonizers, the land I live on right now was violently stolen, the ecosystem that once was very carefully managed so that it flourished with life was ravaged, and I don't even know the names of most of the life-forms that ought to be here. What now?
You belong to the ecosystem that takes care of you. You can't wash your hands of this and run away.
I feel like I'm getting off topic, but it's very much on topic actually. What I hope for the future is that we would stop entertaining the silly little lies that imagine we can just...opt out of participation in something that is underneath our every footstep and in our every breath. It would make us feel pure, but it wouldn't be real.
I do think that forcing people off the land that is their home is bad, in general. I don't think those people have to be indigenous for this to be bad—and successfully claiming otherwise is a bit of conundrum, since as far as I know, the political and social phenomenon of indigenous identity has a lot to do with the being forced off your land thing.
Obviously people like me don't have the same deeply central cultural relationship to the land, but the "we should all just go live in cities and leave nature to itself" proposal implies that such relationships are unnecessary or even bad.
I've said this before but I find it weird when environmentalists accommodate indigenous ways of life in their visions of the ideal future as like...a special exception granted because it's like, the nice thing to do for a historically marginalized and violently oppressed group. Not because there is value or merit in those ways of life. Like "Oh I guess indigenous people should be allowed to hunt because it's part of their culture" ????? And it's part of their culture because...why?
Maybe because it's a sustainable way of doing things and has been for millennia???
Like don't listen to me, look at the research, indigenous folks participating in ecosystems and managing them worldwide know what they're doing and the rest of the world should be looking to them as examples. Key word here is participating, because you can't competently manage an ecosystem with your head all the way up your ass with the idea that you're somehow not part of it.
Humans aren't a cancer upon the planet. It's capitalism and colonialism. It's the practice of seeing the world as a disposable resource to be exploited.
Humans lived in the place I called home for 15,000 years. Within the past 200 years, almost every forest was razed to the ground, and almost every large animal extirpated or damn near to it.
"Humans" did that! These humans are so terrible!
But I have to remember.
There are descriptions of this place from before that, and they describe a lush, teeming heaven-like paradise that the adjectives provided by English trembled to capture, so perfect and bountiful that the observers assumed this land was never tainted by Adam's sin.
Humans did that, too.
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stormfirebeauty · 2 months
Still thinking about how Leo is the only one of the seven who doesn’t really have ties outside of the quest.
Hear me out. Percy and Piper both still have a solid human life to go back too. Annabeth too although I’d say she’s more tied to camp half blood.
Frank and and Hazel both really care about camp Jupiter despite not having been there long. Jason actually feels very closely tied to both camps which causes him conflict. He seems to think he doesn’t know where he belongs but he DOES feel connected to both places.
Leo though… he’s a BIT attached to camp half blood. Not as much as the others tho. I don’t have my copy of MoA rn so I can’t find text support but I’m pretty sure there’s a part in his POV where he talks about it too. He was at Bunker 9 significantly more than the camp. It’s actually so so impressive he manages to pull his irresponsible goofball act off as much as he does. Cause like this dude WORKED. He built an impossible magic ship in like six months. I’m pretty sure there’s a part where it’s mentioned even HE doesn’t totally understand the magic power my the ship. Bonkers.
So anyway he isn’t that connected to his human life (because it burned in a dumpster fire) and he’s not that connected to camp half blood. But WAY more than the rest of the 7 he is connected to this quest. He’s literally been dreaming about this ship since he was a kid that he would one day build for there people. I think the bonds between the seven could’ve been more built up in general but I gotta say Leo has some STRONG connections compared to the rest. Jason and piper are obvious that’s literally what I made this blog about years ago.
But the rest too. He doesn’t talk with Annabeth much but they do have this interesting relationship of ship builder/commander and quest leader also both being absolute geniuses. Like the only ones who can even Kind of keep up with each other there’s a lot of mutual respect (and fear he is a bit scared of her but that’s just smart). Percy and Leo are interesting bc in theory they have so much in common but one of the only deeepish conversations the have is about Calypso?? BUT his extreme guilt when Percy and Annabeth are in Tarturus bc he thinks he traded them for Frank and Hazel??
Yeah let’s talk about Frank and Hazel. I’m ignoring the love triangle bc I don’t care for it and it’s irrelevant to what I’m talking about. Hazel and Leo have the obvious connection of Leo grandfather being Sammy but ALSO the thing we don’t talk about enough is how both of the childhoods were defined by this quest more than anyone else. Gae interfered with both of them HEAVILY and they both suffered for it, AND carry huge amounts of guilt for what she manipulated them into doing.
And then one of the most underrated friendships that is Leo and Frank. Because Frank’s one weakness is fire and Leo IS FIRE. Like they are each others worst god damn fear. Leo REALLY fears the consequences of his destructive powers which is something he has to learn to work past and Frank really fears his mortality BECAUSE HE HAS TO CARRY IT AROUKD WITH HIM SO VALID. Trusting each other is like confronting those fears… (ok so maybe it wasn’t done that well in canon but that’s not the point).
ANYWAY what’s crazy is I don’t think anyone else really realizes this. Like Leo’s whole woo is me I’m the seventh wheel thing seems really self pitying but… you could argue that everyone on the ship was more invested in someone else on board and on their lives outside of the quest. Like, this is Leo’s life. And he’s their side character (i don’t think this is actually true at all for Jason and Piper but he doesn’t know that ugh). His character is so crazy to me.
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jackoshadows · 2 years
There’s just so much dishonest bothsidesing in the discourse about Arya and Sansa in this fandom.
For ex. I saw this post on the tag that got a lot of likes and reblogs and I felt it was so disingenuous regarding what happens in the fandom as well as in ASoIaF.
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At no point, have I ever seen any Arya fan on here say that Arya is better than Sansa because she is ‘masculine’. Quite the opposite - we have critiqued this characterization of Arya as being a misogynist take on what it is to be a woman and how characters should not be constrained to patriarchal definitions of femininity and womanhood. Arya thinks that the woman is important too. Arya is just like other girls. Just because she likes to learn sword fighting she is ‘masculine’? How utterly idiotic is that?
On the other hand, you know who is constantly harping on about Arya being ‘masculine’? Sansa stans:
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I am not linking to the above post - suffice to say that it’s from a popular Sansa blog. I mean, look at the nonsense above - Arya is ‘masculine’ because her hair is described as a nest?!
We have also never, ever said that Sansa is worthless because she is feminine. Never. This is the gaslighting that is very popular in this fandom and used frequently to give the impression that Sansa is unfairly targeted and hated on because she’s feminine. When in actuality, readers have only ever critiqued her for actual flaws the character has - like her treatment of her younger sibling, her snobby classism, her idealization of beauty rather than the person underneath appearances etc.
It’s Sansa stans who continue to argue that Arya cannot ever be Lady of Winterfell because she’s not the right kind of women. It’s Sansa stans who argue that Arya will never find love, have a romance or be pretty because she’s not the right kind of woman (Has nothing to do with age considering 11-13 year old Sansa is shipped with every Tom, Dick and Harry). It’s Sansa stans who devalue Arya’s political education and participation because she’s not the right kind of woman. It’s Sansa stans who deny Arya is also kind and compassionate because she’s not the right kind of woman.
Book Jonsa as a ship - where they basically take everything from the Jon/Arya relationship in the books - exists because Arya is not the right kind of woman for Sansa stans.
So while Sansa stans argue that Sansa is better than Arya in all ways because she’s ‘feminine’, I have never seen the opposite where readers argued that Arya is better than Sansa because she is ‘masculine’.
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This is true when Sansa is a Lannister hostage and Arya is on the run from enemies. Yes, it does not matter whether Sansa adheres to partriarchal notions of femininity and Arya does not - they are both beaten and threatened with rape and suffer hardship.
However, again, the above is being disingenuous by ignoring Sansa and Arya’s childhood in Winterfell. There is a clear difference in how Sansa and Arya were treated in Winterfell because one of them conformed and the other did not.
We see this difference in Arya’s low self-esteem and having low self worth. In Arya feeling like she did not belong. In Sansa and Jeyne Poole mocking Arya as being ugly and horse faced, in her Septa saying she has the hands of a smith because she could not do needle work properly, in her mother telling her that she had to be like Sansa in looks and behavior - making Arya question if her mother would want her back while on the run in the Riverlands.
“…my hair’s messy and my nails are dirty and my feet are all hard.” Robb wouldn’t care about that, probably, but her mother would. Lady Catelyn always wanted her to be like Sansa, to sing and dance and sew and mind her courtesies. Just thinking of it made Arya try to comb her hair with her fingers, but it was all tangles and mats, and all she did was tear some out.“  - Arya, ASoS
Sansa conformed to patriarchal ideals of femininity because she liked it, she was good at it and she thought it an indication of high class and stature (For ex. she thought Arya should have been a bastard because she was not good looking and behaved differently). Arya was unable to conform because she can’t fundamentally change who she is as a person. We are who we are.
As Sam says:
His eyes met Jon’s and darted away, quick as frightened animals. “I… I’m sorry,” he said. “I don’t mean to… to be like I am.” - Jon, AGoT 
As Arya says:
Sansa was two years older; maybe by the time Arya had been born, there had been nothing left. Often it felt that way. Sansa could sew and dance and sing. She wrote poetry. She knew how to dress. She played the high harp and the bells. Worse, she was beautiful. Sansa had gotten their mother’s fine high cheekbones and the thick auburn hair of the Tullys. Arya took after their lord father. Her hair was a lusterless brown, and her face was long and solemn.- Arya, AGoT
As Jon says:
Lord Randyll couldn’t make Sam a warrior, and Ser Alliser won’t either. You can’t hammer tin into iron, no matter how hard you beat it, but that doesn’t mean tin is useless. Why shouldn’t Sam be a steward?” - Jon, AGoT
The Septa and Catelyn couldn’t turn Arya into another Sansa because one can’t hammer tin into iron no matter how much one beats it - one of the central themes of GRRM’s story.
Sansa was the favored, beautiful, eldest daughter of the Lord of Winterfell. In canon, in the text, she was not jealous of Arya or sad that Arya did not play with her. Her only problem with Arya is that Arya is not graceful and elegant and beautiful like her, that Arya played with the lower classes like the stable boy and butcher boy, that Arya picked flowers from the marshes and gave it to Ned.
All this is right there in the text:
Sansa knew all about the sorts of people Arya liked to talk to: squires and grooms and serving girls, old men and naked children, rough-spoken freeriders of uncertain birth. Arya would make friends with anybody. - Sansa, AGoT
Why couldn’t Arya be sweet and delicate and kind, like Princess Myrcella? She would have liked a sister like that. It would have been easier if Arya had been a bastard, like their half brother Jon. She even looked like Jon, with the long face and brown hair of the Starks, and nothing of their lady mother in her face or her coloring. And Jon’s mother had been common, or so people whispered. - Sansa, AGoT
Sansa threw back her head in disdain. “You? You couldn’t sew a dress fit to clean the pigsties.” Sansa, AGoT
“Hodor!” Sansa yelled. “You ought to marry Hodor, you’re just like him, stupid and hairy and ugly!”  - Sansa, AGoT
“I’m not like Arya,” Sansa blurted. “She has the traitor’s blood, not me. I’m good, ask Septa Mordane, she’ll tell you” - Sansa, AGoT
Sansa had once dreamt of having a sister like Margaery; beautiful and gentle, with all the world’s graces at her command. Arya had been entirely unsatisfactory as sisters went. - Sansa, ACoK
“Arya Underfoot. Your sister used to call you Arya Horseface.”  - The Prince of Winterfell, ADwD
Take this post on the tag that bothsides the sisters’ antagonistic relationship as being due to ‘different interests’ and ‘life philosophies’.
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Arya being unable to conform and be good at sewing and singing and not being beautiful and playing with the serving girls is interpreted as her being ‘immature’ and having an ‘ego’...
So what would it take for the sisters to meet in the middle?
Despite Septa Mordane being a terrible teacher, Arya forces herself to spend time sewing, hangs out with Sansa and Jeyne enduring their taunts (Because she can’t change how she looks!), stops playing with whom she wants like the grooms and serving girls, stops hanging out with her father, forces herself to live up to Sansa’s standards of beauty and elegance and being delicate and sweet.
What would it take for Sansa to meet Arya in the middle? Nothing! Because Arya has no expectations on Sansa. Arya doesn’t want Sansa to change the very essence of her being in order for them to be siblings. Arya doesn’t want Sansa to look different or be good at horse riding for her to love Sansa as a sister. Just like Arya loves Jon as a brother despite Jon being a bastard. 
Sansa wants Arya to change and conform, Arya doesn’t want Sansa to change. This is important and the root cause and core reason for why the sisters have a contentious relationship. There can be no discussion or discourse on the relationship of the sisters without acknowledging this important aspect. Fans can go on overhyping the same few lines about ‘Sun and Moon’, however ignoring the discord between them and the why of it is just ignoring a large part of their story, themes and narrative arcs.
These themes are important for Arya’s story. That’s why Arya fans include it in their theorizing about Arya’s story and in discussions about the character’s current and future plot points in the series. That is not Sansa hate. Arya is the outsider, the outcast, unable to fit in because she can’t conform to patriarchal standards.
I’ve always had a soft spot for the outsider, for the underdog. ‘Cripples, Bastards, and Broken Things’, as the title of one of the (TV series) episodes goes. The angst that they have in life makes for more conflict, makes for more drama, and there’s something very attractive about that. My Game of Thrones is told by outsiders of both types. None of them fit comfortably into the society into which they’ve been born, and they’re all struggling to find a place for themselves in which they’re valued and loved and respected, despite what their society considers their deficiencies. And out of that, I think, comes good stories. - GRRM
Arya’s relationship with Sansa, Jeyne, Septa Mordane and Catelyn also resonates thematically with Hans Christian Anderson’s Ugly Duckling. It tackles issues of identity, loneliness, not belonging, bullying, feeling low and worthless. It’s about embracing and accepting oneself and loving oneself and Arya’s story is leading towards her being a swan raised among ducks.
And finally, analyzing the effect of the patriarchy on Sansa and Arya from a Watsonian and Doylist perspective is also not hating on Sansa for being feminine. From a Watsonian perspective, Sansa is the favored, high born daughter of the Warden of the North, who could do well in a court of Lords and Ladies. However, the patriarchy - especially in the North - restricting women into what they can and cannot do, means Sansa and Arya are denied the education that Robb and Bran receive.
It’s only because Arya wants different things and does different things that she spends time with her father eating with his men, interacting with his men, listens to him teach his sons, and gains an understanding of the North. So from a Doylist perspective, Arya has the wisdom and knowledge that Ned imparted to his sons, to be a leader of the North.
This is not saying that Sansa is less than for her version of femininity. This is not hating on Sansa for the kind of woman she is. This is saying that because of the constraints the patriarchy places on what girls can and cannot learn, while from a Watsonian perspective Sansa got the happy childhood, beautiful and graceful and excelling in activities assigned solely to the Ladies, from a Doylist perspective Arya’s inability to conform leads to her making choices that could lead to her possibly becoming leader of the North.
This is a critique of the patriarchy in Westeros that puts constraints on what a woman can and should be  - this is something that GRRM tackles in Arya, Brienne, Cersei, Arianne, Asha and Daenerys’ stories, where these characters question and challenge the patriarchy in various (Good and bad) ways. It’s only by breaking existing societal rules and challenging the status quo that female characters can do what their male counterparts get so easily.
Like I mentioned earlier, these are all important plot points that GRRM is weaving into a larger story. The bastard, the cripple, the girl who can’t fit in with her peers, the exile, the dwarf - five central characters will make it through all three volumes, however, growing from children to adults and changing the world and themselves in the process. In a sense, my trilogy is almost a generational saga, telling the life stories of these five characters, three men and two women.
I ended up writing a lot here, but coming back to my point - Sansa fans need to stop bothsidesing and gaslighting the fandom on discussions of the character and the relationship between the sisters.
Again, no one, repeat no one is attacking Sansa for being feminine or liking songs or being good at sewing or having good manners. What is being criticized is her treatment of her younger sibling - that has no relation to Sansa’s femininity. Sansa liking romance songs has nothing to do with her mocking Arya’s appearance or wanting her to be a bastard or siding with Joffrey against her after Joffrey attacks her with a sword.
Don’t be dishonest. Don’t twist what people are actually discussing and saying on the tags into something else. If you don’t have anything to contribute, at least don’t lie and make up stuff.
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About Me
I figured I should do this. No idea why. Anyway, it'll get updated... whenever I feel like it should get updated.
What's your name?
Sir Lancelot of Camelot (and my quest is to seek the Holy Grail) It's Josh [surname redacted]. Pronouns are he/him.
You're on AO3?
I am! I'm currently writing a Wrong-Boy-Who-Lived fanfic (yes, yes, I know, WBWL stories have a... reputation...).
What fandoms do/will you write?
Predominantly Harry Potter if only because that series was my first love and still has a place in my heart. I'm also planning a few fanfics in the Mass Effect, DC, Star Trek, Game of Thrones, original fiction, and Fallout fandoms.
Well it all started when I was born...
Who are your fanfic idols/inspirations?
@artemisia-black, hands down. She is one of the finest writers I've ever seen, ever had the privilege of interacting with, and I genuinely adore her as a person.
But I'm also a big fan of Frickles, TheSinister_Man, Dorothea Greengrass, and TheEndless7.
What kind of fanfics do you write?
If it's Harry Potter, it's either a Wrong Boy-Who-Lived (WBWL) fic — either with Harry's brother as the believed to be Boy-Who-Lived or Neville as the believed to be Boy-Who-Lived. Or it'll be "action-adventure" where canon diverts this way instead of that way.
I mean the USS Massachusetts is pretty neat, but that's also because I was able to visit it when I was a kid.
No, I mean, who do you ship?
I'm not a fan of Harry/Ginny, nor Ron/Hermione. Actually, the only canon pairings I like are James/Lily and Ted/Andromeda... that's pretty much it.
For Harry: Lavender (she'd be great for him ngl), Hermione (eh, sometimes), Pansy (enemies to lovers is top tier), Daphne (Haphne is a top tier ship and everyone should know it), Susan, Fleur (I just think she's neat), Tonks (post-war), Andromeda (post-war), Parvati, Padma, and Bellatrix (when it involves time travel).
Most out-there ship you've got?
Ron/Pansy, Hermione/Cormac or Anthony Goldstein/Hermione, Draco/Ginny. Also Kingsley/Bellatrix, Sirius/Aurora Sinistra, and Snape/getting his ass handed to him.
Most cursed ship you've seen?
[trauma intensifies] We don't go there. But I've seen some shit.
What character(s) do you hate the most?
Snape. I despise Severus Snape with every fiber of my being. The fact that Harry names his son after that child-abusing terror supporting racist wank-stain who simped hard for his mother after calling her a bigoted slur is a stain (and wanted her as a prize after he sold Lily, James, and baby Harry out to Voldemort) is the reason I throw the epilogue into the trash where it belongs.
Also Dumbledore, while I do think he's (for the most part) well-meaning, is very much the chess master who got far too up his own ass with how important he is. Also he facilitated child abuse, so I don't like him.
And Molly Weasley, who is an overbearing harpy of a mother who gleefully and maliciously went out of her way to bully a 15 year old girl because she read some bullshit in the Daily Prophet — when a few chapters before she had dismissed the author (Rita Skeeter) as a hack.
What do you do?
I work for a medical provider's office. Specifically, an ophthalmologist's office. Oh, go get your eyes checked!
Do you like it?
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So then what do you want to do?
I'm actually getting myself out there to be an actor! And a writer of works that aren't fanfics.
Are you Zionist?
What does that — ?
It means I believe Jews have the right to national self-determination in our ancestral homeland.
But what about — ?
That's literally the definition of Zionism. And yes, I do believe that anti-Zionism is antisemitism.
What if I'm an anti-Zionist?
Get off of my blog then. I don’t want you here.
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fuelinthetank · 1 month
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Please note: This section will be updated from time to time.
If you’re following with the intention of:
Doing one liner threads with random sized gifs and NSFW/smutty/flirty.
Your only goal is to get me to write sexual themes with you right off the bat.
You just want to ship your character, canon or not, with Eddie/Venom.
You’re a person with low self esteem who starts drama for the sake of attention.
Then, please, don’t bother following nor interacting.
This blog is semi-selective. Which means we don’t have to be mutuals in order to interact.
I don’t write with minors, so please don’t interact with me if you’re one. Don’t lie about your age either. Minors will be blocked.
I engage only with writers over 21.
Please, no god-modding.
I speak Spanish, English, and some Japanese. Writer is over 30 years old.
Been writing for over ten years, mostly on LiveJournal and Tumblr in the past. Meaning, I’ve been around long enough to know the drill.
This blog will contain at times mentions of NSFW topics and dark themes. Everything will be tagged accordingly if you wish to block certain topics.
I do multi-para and novella mostly, sometimes it can get longer than that depending on how inspired I feel.
One liners are mostly reserved for memes/ask interactions.
I’m quite active but I tend to queue a lot of replies. Sometimes I hyper-focus on specific threads that have been previously and heavily plotted. This doesn’t mean I’m ignoring our thread.
Give me something to work with. This is incredibly important. If you invest a lot of time and internal monologue and give me no actions nor dialogue for my character to write with, it will be impossible for me to do anything about it, which will put all the weight on me to push the thread forward. I will drop the thread if this continues to happen after I’ve brought it up with you.
Please make sure you check out my verses before interacting. Depending which Eddie/Venom you interact with, they will react differently to various characters and situations. I will not accommodate Eddie/Venom's behaviors to please any characters either canon or original.
Sex scenes are something I enjoy quite a lot when written properly, and I don’t shy away from kinks. However, let’s make sure we can plan ahead before jumping right into it.
I can be very picky with how sex scenes are written, so if at some point I let you know I’m not feeling it, please don’t take it to heart.
If you’re curious, this is my (the writer’s) kink list, to know what kind of things I like and dislike writing. Please note this kink list does not reflect the kinks of the character I write.
Role-playing is a collaborative effort. I expect you to at least throw a basic idea of what would you like to do: that can be a prompt, a genre you’d like to explore or a trope, etc. I love discussing and plotting, and I’m constantly asking questions to better understand where you’d like to go with the plot as well as adding my own thoughts to it. Don’t take it to heart, the only reason I ask many questions is to make sure we’re on the same page.
I refuse to do all the work for the both of us, so keep in mind I won’t indulge into plotting by myself.
Know your facts. If you are writing a canon or original character, I expect you to know most if not everything about them. I can’t be doing research on them for you in order to be able to plot, and that also includes their background and trivia details that are relevant to their biography.
If there is something I need to know about your character, feel free to point me in the right direction. I do my best to go through most of the information offered on each writer’s blog, but please don’t expect me to jump through three or four links to know what their name is or which fandom they belong to. Please, make it easier and accessible for writers to get to know your muse through your links (this is mostly a suggestion).
Please, be open to feedback, as I am as well.
I will be very selective on which OCs I choose to interact with.
Know your character, your facts, their backgrounds, etc. If your character’s story has plotholes, keep in mind I won’t be fixing them but I will be pointing them out if they conflict with my character’s story or verse. Don’t take it personally, just remember you know your character better than I do, and I expect you to keep those things in mind before interacting.
I won’t accommodate my character’s background or verses to fit your OCs. Which means, whatever fact you have for your OCs (if they’re an OC from a specific fandom, in this case Marvel) won’t apply to my character, and they won’t automatically know or assume about it.
By under no circumstances I will interact with children-OCs of any Marvel character, especially those that were created specifically to be “Eddie's kid”. The same goes for any “Eddie's husband/wife” characters.
If the existence of your OC is to invalidate my character’s existence, we most likely aren’t a good fit.
Don’t feel obligated to follow back.
If, for whatever reason, you no longer feel comfortable writing together, feel free to soft block. By no means you’re obligated to reach out but if you want to talk about it/tell me something, you can always reach out via DMs.
I will ignore you if it’s obvious you haven’t read my rules. It’s common courtesy.
I give people plenty of time to get back to me either via DMs or reply to our threads, but after a month of no reply/interaction I just tend to untrack the thread from my Thread Tracker and unfollow. No hard feelings, I just like to keep my dash clean.
Don’t confuse me with the character I write.
No, I am not here to fulfill your sexual fantasies nor I’m your boyfriend or your friend with benefits.
Don’t harass me.
If I unfollowed you, most of the time is to keep my dash organized, don’t take it to heart.
I don’t ship automatically. Yes, even if you’re writing a canon love interest.
Don’t force ship your character with Eddie/Venom. I will just ignore you completely or troll you.
Yes, I do have a Discord. I like to keep everything on Tumblr messages but I tend to give my Discord out to people I trust/people I’ve been plotting plenty with here on Tumblr. Please, don’t force me to give my username to you.
I am very selective with those I main or affiliate with. Don’t push me to add you to that list.
I make my own graphics and icons. Don’t steal them, I will find out eventually and it will be embarrassing for you.
All done? Don’t know where to begin? Break the ice with a prompt!
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thesilverlock · 10 months
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Heya! I’m Blue !
I meme post, make fanart, rarely write, and try to have fun nursing a 12+ Yu-Gi-Oh spinoff obsession asdfhj
My Ko-Fi
Welcome to my zany little ZEXAL blog asdfgh ♡
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1.) Please do NOT repost, steal, trace, or do much of anything likewise with my art / fanart / writing. Whether on tumblr or otherwise. Please and thank you.
2.) I didn’t actually have another one for here, so - have a lovely day! ^^
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“Do you take commissions?"
At the moment, any Art or Writing commissions I am willing to do are for very close mutuals and friends only!
“Can I make fanart / fanfic / little stuff about your character or ship?"
YES! As long as you send it to me / tag me, and don’t claim the oc/ship as your own ofc, then it is super duper appreciated. I love sweet gifts like that 🥹 ( Just again, please let me know directly when you do! I’ve had one or two odd instances of someone posting materials involving my characters without my consent or knowledge, and it was pretty strange. Asdfgh. )
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#| blue rambles | º☕︎ - Where I keep my thoughts, random tidbits, questions, or — as it says — rambles! Just your good old ‘ooc’ posts, essentially.
#| saved ✧ | - All reblogs or posts that I want to save, and look back on frequently!
#| my art ♡ | - Pretty self explanatory, this tag denotes that the art and/or doodles on the post belong to me!
#| my oc ❦ | - Anything, art, ask, lore, and any other type of post involving my original character. Usually that's going to be primarily about Jey Cleary / Jei Takara. My main and most beloved son.
#| goldenshipping ✧◦༌ | - My oc ship & otp! Jey x Astral. Their relationship is quite intricately tied in Jey’s “canon”, since his creation was borne from wanting a rival character specifically just for Astral (why was he the only main who didn’t get a shiny new rival for ZEXAL II? Unfair, Konami) I will shout incoherently about them ♡
#| pierceshipping ✶٭༌ | / | ultravioletshipping ✶٭༌ | - My other ocXcanon pairing, Jey x No.96! My big ‘AU’ and ‘for-fun’ ship. Borderline OTP in and of itself tbh. Overall you might see less of this one than of the previous, but rest assured they’re in my brain nearly just as much. I will get the occasionally scream about them too lol ♥︎
#| not zexal related ! | - Again, pretty one-to-one description, posts with this tag are not related to zexal! This one is going to be by far the most rare of all the tags afgshj
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missmugiwara · 4 months
Hewwo Mugi! 🥰🥰
I hope that thee be doing FAAANTASTIC 🤭 Staying warm all cuddled up with Satoru, yes? 👀
Was feeling a little gloomy today at work as I have been a bit icky-sicky and what helps cure that? Thinking about our beloved sorcerer of course! Today I was thinking about the whole world of self-shipping and how sometimes, or maybe it’s a me thing haha, there are times where you feel a little guilty for wanting to be loved so dearly by said character. But you know what… FUCK THAT 🫵😤 WE ALL DESERVE THE LOVEEE!!! There is no guilt in self-shipping! I wanna see people be happy simps!
So that had me thinking about Satoru being all lovey-dovey on us eheheheh 🥰🥰🥰 Bringing home a wonderful haul of sweets to share as we watch movies with him, cooking with him and laughing when he starts a playful food-fight. UGH I CAN GO ON FOREVER 😩 And just imagine him protecting us from danger 👀 Mmm… I wanna see him mess someone up for daring to bother us 😇
I wanted to share these yummy thoughts with ya 👀 And just know that I’m on the Mugi x Satoru supporter ship eheheheh 😜 YOU DESERVE HIS LIMITLESS LOVEEE ❤️❤️❤️
Oh, hello darling! ❤️ You bet Satoru and I are staying warm in more ways than one. 😉
I hope you feel better soon! I'm so happy you're stopping by on my silly little blog. Please drink water and sleep, okay?
You are absolutely right. There is no shame in self-shipping and in the love we carry for our beloved Satoru! He deserves so much! These thoughts are so sweet and domestic. They make my cheeks warm as well as my heart!
Thank you for supporting my lil relationship with Satoru ❤️❤️❤️ I support Skittles x Satoru too! And in fact, I support all my friends here who ship themselves with Satoru! Isn't that what's beautiful about this? There are so many people who love the same character, and we can all connect and become friends over it. The character we adore is meant to be loved by everyone! Someone who thinks Satoru belongs to them and only them have no room here!
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bloodstainedstar · 4 months
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Please note: This section will be updated from time to time.
If you're following with the intention of:
Doing one liner threads with random sized gifs and NSFW/smutty/flirty.
Your only goal is to get me to write sexual themes with you right off the bat.
You just want to ship your character, canon or not, with Bucky.
You're a person with low self esteem who starts drama for the sake of attention.
Then, please, don't bother following nor interacting.
This blog is semi-selective. Which means we don't have to be mutuals in order to interact.
I don't write with minors, so please don't interact with me if you're one. Don't lie about your age either. Minors will be blocked.
I engage only with writers over 21.
Please, no god-modding.
I speak Spanish, English, and some Japanese. Writer is over 30 years old.
Been writing for over ten years, mostly on LiveJournal and Tumblr in the past. Meaning, I've been around long enough to know the drill.
This blog will contain at times mentions of NSFW topics and dark themes (such as HTP). Everything will be tagged accordingly if you wish to block certain topics.
I do multi-para and novella mostly, sometimes it can get longer than that depending on how inspired I feel.
One liners are mostly reserved for memes/ask interactions.
I'm quite active but I tend to queue a lot of replies. Sometimes I hyper-focus on specific threads that have been previously and heavily plotted. This doesn't mean I'm ignoring our thread.
Give me something to work with. This is incredibly important. If you invest a lot of time and internal monologue and give me no actions nor dialogue for my character to write with, it will be impossible for me to do anything about it, which will put all the weight on me to push the thread forward. I will drop the thread if this continues to happen after I've brought it up with you.
Please make sure you check out my verses before interacting. Depending which Bucky you interact with, he will react differently to various characters and situations. I will not accommodate Bucky's behaviors to please any characters either canon or original.
Sex scenes are something I enjoy quite a lot when written properly, and I don't shy away from kinks. However, let's make sure we can plan ahead before jumping right into it.
I can be very picky with how sex scenes are written, so if at some point I let you know I'm not feeling it, please don't take it to heart.
If you're curious, this is my (the writer's) kink list, to know what kind of things I like and dislike writing. Please note this kink list does not reflect the kinks of the character I write.
Role-playing is a collaborative effort. I expect you to at least throw a basic idea of what would you like to do: that can be a prompt, a genre you'd like to explore or a trope, etc. I love discussing and plotting, and I'm constantly asking questions to better understand where you'd like to go with the plot as well as adding my own thoughts to it. Don't take it to heart, the only reason I ask many questions is to make sure we're on the same page.
I refuse to do all the work for the both of us, so keep in mind I won't indulge into plotting by myself.
Know your facts. If you are writing a canon or original character, I expect you to know most if not everything about them. I can't be doing research on them for you in order to be able to plot, and that also includes their background and trivia details that are relevant to their biography.
If there is something I need to know about your character, feel free to point me in the right direction. I do my best to go through most of the information offered on each writer's blog, but please don't expect me to jump through three or four links to know what their name is or which fandom they belong to. Please, make it easier and accessible for writers to get to know your muse through your links (this is mostly a suggestion).
Please, be open to feedback, as I am as well.
I will be very selective on which OCs I choose to interact with.
Know your character, your facts, their backgrounds, etc. If your character's story has plotholes, keep in mind I won't be fixing them but I will be pointing them out if they conflict with my character's story or verse. Don't take it personally, just remember you know your character better than I do, and I expect you to keep those things in mind before interacting.
I won't accommodate my character's background or verses to fit your OCs. Which means, whatever fact you have for your OCs (if they're an OC from a specific fandom, in this case Marvel) won't apply to my character, and they won't automatically know or assume about it.
By under no circumstances I will interact with children-OCs of any Marvel character, especially those that were created specifically to be "Bucky's kid". The same goes for any "Bucky's husband/wife" characters.
If the existence of your OC is to invalidate my character's existence, we most likely aren't a good fit.
Don't feel obligated to follow back.
If, for whatever reason, you no longer feel comfortable writing together, feel free to soft block. By no means you're obligated to reach out but if you want to talk about it/tell me something, you can always reach out via DMs.
I will ignore you if it's obvious you haven't read my rules. It's common courtesy.
I give people plenty of time to get back to me either via DMs or reply to our threads, but after a month of no reply/interaction I just tend to untrack the thread from my Thread Tracker and unfollow. No hard feelings, I just like to keep my dash clean.
Don't confuse me with the character I write. I wish I was James Bucky Barnes but I am not.
No, I am not here to fulfill your sexual fantasies nor I'm your boyfriend or your friend with benefits.
Don't harass me.
If I unfollowed you, most of the time is to keep my dash organized, don't take it to heart.
I don't ship automatically. Yes, even if you're writing Steve Rogers.
A lot of WinterWidow fans ask me this all the time: Do I ship it? Not particularly. Am I open to the idea of them being more than friends? Yes, if plotted correctly. Does my Bucky know Natasha as their former lover/friend? No, I base off my Bucky on MCU and I've added a few bits and pieces from 616. WinterWidow is not one of those bits.
Don't force ship your character with Bucky. I will just ignore you completely or troll you.
Yes, I do have a Discord. I like to keep everything on Tumblr messages but I tend to give my Discord out to people I trust/people I've been plotting plenty with here on Tumblr. Please, don't force me to give my username to you.
I am very selective with those I main or affiliate with. Don't push me to add you to that list.
I make my own graphics and icons. Don't steal them, I will find out eventually and it will be embarrassing for you.
All done? Don't know where to begin? Break the ice with a prompt!
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weaponizedmoth · 8 months
Hi! I'm PB and all you need to know about me is on my carrd.
My art tag. (Incomplete cause I'm bad at tagging, but does give a general vibe of the blog. Another good thing you could do is check the "Works" tab on my carrd).
I sign my art as WPM, WMP, Weaponized Moth and PB. Yeah I'm all over the place, but these are all me. Yay!
WMPTJN is a tag for my OCs, specifically the Eldritch Horror Band of Girls I call the M2-9s (which is the scientific name for the Twin Jet Nebula, where they are hailed from).
Pbochaydenmetzler and Pbocanthonylamonica are others.
Self portraits (for myself to be able to find them, mostly, but you can enjoy them too!).
I'm @weaponizedmoth across all platforms, so Instagram, Threads, Ko-Fi, Itch.io, Behance, Artstation, Deviantart, etc. If you see a @weaponizedmoth, it's probably me. I post my stuff mainly on Pinterest and here nowadays.
I don't draw anything overtly explicit, but I do draw pinups, so minors, kindly be aware of that and DNI when it comes to that. Everything else should be fairly family friendly, or what Twitch would consider to be family friendly. So gore is totally OK and so are horrific things <3
I don't think people have control over who sees their content unfortunately but in case you had any doubt (takes deep breath): TERFS, homophobes, racists, nazis, etc. Minors, see above. I draw some stuff sometimes (mainly half naked men and women). There will be some nudity, probably. Nothing overtly NSFW, but be safe.
I also don't draw ships containing minors, so yeah. Fuck off :)
Uhh idk, anything weird I'll just block, ok? So if I blocked you, no offense but I think you're weird. We don't vibe. Empty blogs withstanding.
Also if you followed me because of a picture of myself I posted and that is painfully obvious (as it usually is), you are also going into the meat grinder. Go in. Go in the meat grinder.
Commissions post.
Personal blog.
Art requests guidelines post. (On break).
Art requests tag.
All drawings I made in this blog belong to me, unless stated otherwise. My art is for personal use only, not commercial.
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kakyoinswifey · 2 years
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AAAH! I'm so excited! A few days ago I reached 200 followers and that makes me very happy! Thank you very much to the people who enjoy what I write, actually I am a girl who does it for fun, but I really enjoy knowing that there are those who read me and think that what I do is nice. You don't know how much I appreciate you, I send you all the love in the world and the best energies for everything that may be happening to you.
Returning to the main topic, I decided to make an event to celebrate! I chose some songs from my playlist (some are from my friend @needy-self-ship-jjba, GO READ HER BLOG TOO, PLEASE) and basically, what I had in mind was this: I have put songs in a list and you can choose one (or more) for me to write something with these prompts and a character, BUT you can choose if you want me to write it with the theme of the song (example: if the song talks about a sad story about a marriage, you can request that theme with the phrase I chose.) OR you just pick the phrase and a character. PLEASE, be precise to prevent confusions. That's all! Remember to check which characters do I write for! OH, and you can say if you want it to be SFW or NSFW. I will receive the requests and I will try to post them as soon as possible!
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Washing Machine Heart - "I'm not wearing my usual lipstick, I thought maybe we would kiss tonight."
Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy - "I'd like for you and I to go romancing"
Dark Red - "I just hope you don't want to leave me." / "Honey, I belong with you and only you."
Stay - "I hope I occupy your mind, no one deserves you, you're mine."
Boyfriend - I could be a better boyfriend than him, do all the shit he never did.
Addiction - "You just gotta listen closely to me, I need you, me, us."
Show me how - "My heart fell to love again."
Happy Together - "I can't see me loving nobody but you for all my life." / "The only one for me is you, and you for me."
I wanna be yours - "You call the shots, I just wanna be yours."
Just kiss her - "I'm sure this is the girl. You think she looks at me?"
Make you mine - "You know that I want to be with you all the time" - "You know that I won't stop until I make you mine"
Training wheels - "I love everything you do, when you call me fuckin' dumb for the stupid shit I do." / "I wanna make you mine but it's hard to say."
Me! - "I promise that nobody's gonna love you like me."
House of Memories - "I think of you from time to time, more than I thought I would."
Golden Days - "Right now our future's certain, I won't let it fade away."
Nicotine - "I taste you on my lips and I can't get rid of you."
Girls/Girls/Boys - "And never did I think that I would be caught in the way you got me."
The End Of All Things - "Whether near or far, I am always yours." - "In these coming years, many things will change, but the way I feel will remain the same."
Sunflower - "I promise I'm the one for you, just let me hold you in these arms tonight."
Off the races - "Who else is gonna put up with me this way? I need you, I breath you, I'll never leave you."
Lover - "Can I go where you go? Can we always be this close?"
How deep is your love - "And you may not think I care for you, when you know down inside that I really do" / "And it's me you need to show how deep is your love." / "We belong to you and me."
More than a woman - "I know that in a thousand years, I'd fall in love with you again."
Hapiness - "Will you still love me when nobody wants me around?"
Can't take my eyes of you - "I love you, baby" / "And if it's quite alright, I need you, baby, to warm my lonely nights."
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lale-txt · 2 years
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♡ charity commission: WB & F!S/I
a/n: thank you @secretsnailor for the commission! Bee supported Gender Justice and asked me for some soft Whitebeard nuzzling her S/I in his hands. i loved writing this so much! you can read more about WB/Bee on her self ship blog @bee-quake, i've been eating up every fic she wrote about those two (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚
↳ find more details about my Charity Commissions here!
word count: 627
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“You’re about to fall asleep while standing.” – “I’m not.”
Bee rubs her eyes, letting out a loud yawn and doing a big stretch before she leans against her partner’s calf, resting her tired eyes a little. She just finished brushing her teeth and slipped into her favorite worn-out sweater that was a little too big for her, waiting for Whitebeard to finish his nightly routine so they finally could go to bed together after a long night of celebrating on the Moby Dick again. 
Currently Whitebeard was busy combing his mustache, tilting his head slightly in each direction and plucking a single hair that sprung where it didn’t belong every now and then. It was a mystery why he had to do this now when it was so late that the sun was almost rising again, but Bee was too tired to question this. Somewhere in the distance they could hear Thatch singing sea shanties, unclear if he was still up and tipsy from the party or if he had just risen again to prepare breakfast for the hungry crew.
“Come on now… how much more often do I have to tell you that your stache looks much better than Rogers, just give it a rest, Eddie…”, Bee mumbled and tugged on his pants for attention.
Whitebeard looked down to his side and smirks. For someone who was for swearing so loudly that she wasn’t on the edge of falling asleep on the spot only a minute ago, Bee was very much dozing off with her head resting against his leg. Before her legs would give in, Whitebeard bent down, putting one of his huge hands on her back and scooping her up with ease. Startled and caught off guard Bee let out a surprised gasp, clinging to one of his fingers for some grip as she hisses out his name, followed by a small chuckle when he holds her up close in his palm to his face.
“What, Newgate? Want me to check your beard for you so we can finally go to bed?”
The captain lets out a loud laugh which bounces from every wall, his whole body shaking from it. There was something about his laughter that was just contagious, making Bee grin from ear to ear. The way he cupped her in his hand made her feel so safe, knowing he would never let anyone even think about doing her harm. She reached for a strand of his blonde hair and he leaned in close, letting her tuck it behind his ear before she placed a soft kiss on his cheek. When he cups her with his other hand too it was almost like a secret cave, a tiny universe in his palms, just the two of them.
His beard tickled when he nuzzled her, charming out a soft laughter from her. Bee could feel him humming softly when she let her fingertips run over his skin, tracing every wrinkle and scar that held its very own story. It was her favorite face on the whole Grand Line and even beyond that. He had her whole heart, bigger than any treasure could ever be. Soft whispered confessions fell out of their mouths, telling a bedtime story sweeter than honey. For a few heartbeats it was like the whole world stopped moving, only them dancing around on stardust with their eyes closed.
“Let’s go to bed, my love”, Whitebeard mumbled and placed another kiss on Bee’s face as he turned off the light, carrying her towards their shared bedroom. She was already about to fall asleep in his palms, her head resting against his, the sweetest smile on her lips, slipping into a dream as soft as the love they held for each other. 
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rangerdoubt · 10 months
i have yelled at length on discord about stepverse interactions and yet
cut for length and rambling good god but this is going out there because i refuse to be a chicken shit on my own blog
i never thought either miguel or miriam would particularly like any of the other steps. (wrong on miriam’s end--tbf she doesn’t like anyone to begin with, ever, but she truly isn’t that hard to win over, despite her best efforts. absolutely dead correct for miguel--although he is by far more stubborn and less avoidant than i had previously pictured him.) 
but they absolutely do not like each other. i thought maybe perhaps a grudging respect (which is miguel @ elmo weirdly enough) but no. they both think the other one is like--a massive loser lmao.
for one thing, mob boss vs hero hunter: miguel thinks miriam is short-sighted and violent (yes). miri think miguel is cowardly and dependent (also yes). vastly different methods of approach that put both of them off of the other: miguel resents how miriam uhhh just shamelessly rips things up. kicks the shit out of the least important person in the room and leaves. like what in the self-centred shit--? but miri thinks that miguel is just as bad as the people he’s coming after--replacing one with another does nothing. there’s no net improvement, no accountability, just power changing hands as it has for literally forever. how’s that for self-centred? 
both of them are pursuing their own little side plots that are just... running adjacent to the actual issue but by god will neither admit that those are side plots. what a waste of talent, they’ll complain to their respective partners, if they weren’t such a (miri: stuck up asshole/miguel: cruel idiot) i think i would be able to turn them around. 
(it’s worse too because miriam’s not. shy. or polite. when she doesn’t like someone. she’s a wetwork agent, an assassin--fighting is her job and she’s her own best tool. the faster she can get things clear the more effective she is. whereas miguel has shades of social anxiety and is relentlessly, strenuously polite, especially if he doesn’t like somebody. you get around in his world by making friends, and he’s not that good at making contacts to begin with. so he settles for being a powerful asset, and easy to work with--make it hard for people to dislike you, and maybe they’ll keep you around. miguel would have allowed himself to be won over if miriam would just condescend to civility but he makes her skin crawl, not knowing where she stands with him but knowing he’s hiding something.) 
also, miri is very willing to die in whatever form it takes. all of the walls she’s been keeping up between the three selves are collapsing. there is physically no way she can keep all of those plates in the air and get a good emotional ending: she has to drop at least two of the lives. tbh if she lost all three, it might be a relief. and this would not jive well with miguel at all--whose dearest wish is to feel like he belongs to his life. like, not even ask for a better one: he can learn to love the one he has. he wants to feel entirely at home in this body that he’s forged himself. to stop feeling like the world is just a globe on a desk, a ship in a bottle. as a fate step he feels like he’s trying to pull a plane out of a nosedive while accepting that this is just slowing the inevitable crash--trying to fall with a little style. in his eyes, miri’s trying to crash a car that would otherwise have driven straight--on its own even! 
and i think--at the core of it, they’d be soooo so so fuckin envious of each other. like that’s all it is. miguel sees miriam’s drive and independence and intensity of feeling and wonders what that would be like. he loves the crew, but imagine that. being able to go off on your own and trust that it would be fine. imagine believing in something unconstrained by practicality or reason--you’ll make it happen. imagine being swallowed up in someone else’s love or anger or what-have-you, able to be there in that moment instead of somewhere before or after. and then miri’s just. furious with this guy who acts like he can steer anyone around--but can’t he? she says has the strings, and she knows what to do and where to go. but does she? if miriam feels like she’s face down in the puddle of her own life, miguel might as well be walking on water. more than that, all of her kindness is wedged behind some--block or whatever: there’s no time or space for gentleness even if she wanted to, even for the people she loves. she watches miguel deftly fit himself into any team he wants and realizes that he never works alone because he never has to. 
if they were in the same universe, they’d be staring at the unholy mess the other one is making of the the life they dream of, asking each other and asking themselves:
why the fuck are you unhappy?
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sallyyysal · 1 year
Hello everyone! I'm making this post to introduce myself and to say what I'm going to post and write! this also contains my DNI list so please read until the end if you're interested, thank you!♡
My name is Sal (she/they) and I'm 18 years old. I speak Italian, English, Spanish, German and French.
I'm a digital artist and writer, and I also play guitar in a band.
This blog is self insert/oc x canon friendly, as an OC x canon creator!!
ALL type of negativity/hate here is NOT welcome, both towards me and towards the others who interact with this profile♡
About art🖌️
I'm mostly going to post obey me and oc x canon content, so if you don't like it feel free to ignore♡
What can you request?
OC art
Fandom art (asking me to draw a character from a series/anime...)
Ship art (oc/self insert x canon, oc x oc and canon character x canon character)
Gore art
What you can't request
Hate art
NSFW art
Anything problematic/I don't feel comfortable with
when requesting, you can send me all the references on my Instagram! username is @/sallyyysal
About writing ✍️
you can find my stories on Wattpad, but I might write some silly oneshots, headcanons or funfacts here, even though I'd like to do something on webtoon. I'll see how it works and let you know!
!dni list!
oc/selfinsert x canon haters
proship, comship, neutral
homophobic, transphobic
use slurs
romanticise mental illness
any type of hate/negativity
if you're jealous of a character... they're not real and do not belong to any of us, so respect everyone who likes the same character you like and share a ship with them!! be mature and friendly please (⁠´⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠.̫⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠`⁠)
where you can also find me
artfol: sallyyysal
Instagram: sallyyysal
X: sallyyysal_
TikTok: sallyyysal
wattpad: sal_stories
And that's all there is to say I guess! I might be a bit slow some days because of school, but I promise you won't be ignored! I'll try my best to do everything!
thank you so much for reading!♡
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emmetrain · 2 years
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Rules and Muse (for mobile users!)
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Hello hello! I am Rain (they/them), 26, have been writing on tumblr for 10 years :D Please know that I am anti-harassment and refuse to partake in fandom drama. The sibling interactions I will rp will be strictly platonic! I am a tad slow with my replies/threads atm, but feel free to IM me if you would like to plot! Thank you so much checking out my blog and my dear train man :D
Thanks a lot!
I also have a sideblog for my Ingo (ingovercast) , main blogs for Sada ( @sadaolim​ ) and Groudon/Daichi ( @crashingearth ).
Rules and Muse pages are under read more! Public/Semi-public/Private Info post is linked! Verse Masterpost is linked! Their home HC is there.  Misc Info on Battle Subway and Emmet’s knowledge on legendaries here.Emmet’s distinctive features muses might notice. Emmet Hidden Powers HC here.
Multiship. Multiverse.  Emmet is not a cheater, every ship is in its own verse. Crossovers and doubles are welcome! OCs and Self-inserts as well!
I do not condone harassment over someone writing fiction. Real people come first. I will block if it the sensitive subject is too much for me, that’s that.
No-nos: Vague blogging. Portrayal shaming. Callouts over fiction (unless it is actual harassment). Policing what others are writing. If you repeatedly bring me drama when I want none of it, it will earn a hard-block. Thank you. Block-evading is not allowed.
IC=/= OCC. If you assume someone’s muse is a statement of their OOC opinions on fandom or other issues, I do not wish to engage. (If you assume people writing villain muses are evil or such, no thank you.)
Don’t reblog threads or headcanons you are not a part of, please. Unless I tag it “ok to reblog”. I do not force reblog karma for memes, but it would be nice if you could avoid reblogging from me.
Blacklist “ask to tag” if you wish to avoid darker themes with violence. Blacklist “long post” to avoid longer threads.
I will not roleplay incest. I will not ship Emmet with any character under 20. All sibling interactions will be strictly platonic.
Please tag real-life images with nudity, blood, gore and such in general.
Do not force sexual acts on my muse.
The icons and gifs I use are mine. Please do not use my icons, thank you. ((BUT THE LOVELY GRAPHICS FOR OOC/ANSWERED/HC/CONT WITH MACARONS belongs to dearest Plane ;;;; Forever grateful for them ;;;; ))
My Emmet’s backstory may reference canon muses, but these mentions will be disregarded unless we plot and agree on these points. Emmet can also come in a blank state to match his brother!
Thanks for reading!
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*The information can be changed to match his twin, Ingo. Any mentions of canon characters can be disregarded when we rp!
Name: Emmet. (He hasn’t decided on a surname yet.)
Title: The Subway Boss. 
Nicknames: (will be added once we get threads going!)
Age: 24-28 in main verse where Ingo is in Hisui (younger than Ingo by minutes)
19-20 - Depot Agent
21- B&W
24-When Ingo disappears
28-When Ingo returns
Birthday/Sign: September 18, Virgo (Pkm B&W Release Date :D )
Gender: Trans Male (he/him)
Sexual Orientation: Questioning (Pan, most likely)
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Height: 5'8 feet / 1.70 meters
Weight:100 pound/45 kg (Main/Hisui verse), 165 pounds/75 kg (Pre-Hisui Verse)
Hair Color: Currently Grey, formerly black.
Family: Ingo - Twin Brother
Elesa - Best Friend
Starter Pokemon: Tepig (no longer in his party), and then Klinklang
Team: Klinklang, Gurdurr, Eelektross, Galvantula, Archeops, Durant, (Cutiefly in Verse;; Welcome Home)
*Ingo and Emmet share Pokemons, but these six are solely in Emmet’s care.
*Also, Joltiks. So many Joltiks.
Likes: Trains, Learning, Pokemon Battles, Gossip, Sewing, Truth
Fears: Rain and Thunder. Not being good enough. Fear of being forgotten. Being lied to.
*Can sew well, their Subway Boss uniforms were redesigned from the old green to white/black by Emmet. He is currently working to improve his skills to one day design a suit Elesa would LOVE to wear.
*Can cook well.
*Can tackle mechanical problems and advanced mathematics.
*Great strategist in Pokemon Battles. Champion-level skills in battling and training.
*Bringing a new approach or a unique solution to problems. Solution-oriented. 
Jobs: One of the Subway Bosses of The Battle Subway, a battle facility in Nimbasa City, Unova.
Personality: Emmet is highly organized person who likes to do multitask a LOT.
*He is used to the fast-paced environment and a comforting presence for many in the Battle Subway he oversees with his twin brother.
*He is resourceful and grounded, making him a feared opponent.
*He enjoys patterns and habits, thus, he likes to stick to his scripts when talking and greeting new people. He likes to get to his point fast and with short sentences; this sometimes intimidates others, however, he DOES enjoy talking and fun conversations.
*He smiles A LOT. Nervous? Smile. Sad? Smile. Scared? Smile. It is rare to see him holding a neutral expression.
*He is extremely responsible, loyal and hardworking. He is prone to burnouts due to this. 
*He IS nosy. He likes listening to the stories with messy interactions. He likes gossip. He is an avid listener of Gossip shows of Nimbasa City.
*He enjoys fine things. He cares a LOT about his appearance, thus, he can be seen wearing the most sparkling whites everyday. He religiously does the laundry and cleaning himself.
*He is a perfectionist. He takes his hobbies and favors asked of him very seriously. Staying up late for these are a common occurrence for him.
*He is ambitious. He can take defeat with a smile, however, he gets disappointed and throws himself to work to improve his skills after a defeat. After all, he likes winning more than anything else.
*He has hard time making friends. He WANTS to, but it seems he push people away or keep his distance, afraid of bothering people.
*He is playful, curious and creative. He will never admit it but he enjoys jokes and puns. He likes getting to know other people. His love language is gift-giving and praises, and hand-crafted gifts will be his go-to.
*He is caring, and loves to serve others. Taking his time to go over his opponents’s strategies after the match, and happily answering any question about Pokemon battle strategies are his favorite pasttime.
*Passionate. Will give his all to his jobs and people he likes.
*He cannot lie to save his life, because he believes in Truth and that it should be said, and lying is disrespect to the integral part of a true life. Also, as someone who is passionate about TRUTH, he knows Ingo’s ideals are true and well, and wants to make them into his reality as well. This is why he kind of lets Ingo lead and make the big decisions, or propose new ideas, because Emmet feels more at home with execution of ideas and making them real than he is with coming up with ideas.
Emmet believes in organization and helping people be their true selves to make the world a shining place of truth. He believes that with truth never covered, bad actions would have consequences and people would be held accountable, thus, prone to change for better. So, he may be a bit direct when he is faced with half-truths and lies. He never wants to be rude, but he believes every lie start small, and it may hurt everyone on the long run.
History: Emmet and Ingo were born to a wealth family, with high expectations and no space for self-expression. However, Emmet always found a way to sneak his own interests and likes, altering the clothes enforced on him, and generally causing havoc. He likes to bottle up instead of speaking up, and this means when he finally breaks, he goes up in flames.
His sibling rivalry (lighthearted and fun one) started long ago, and he had chosen a fire-type starter on estimation that Ingo would definitely pick a grass-type starter. However, Ingo was one step ahead and picked Oshawoot, a water-type pokemon. Which made Emmet get closer to his childhood friend Elesa, who had electric-type Pokemon (Emolgas), to challange and win against Ingo.
When they were approaching their 20s, Emmet and Ingo decided to respectively live their truth and follow their ideals, which led to them to run away from home and reinvent themselves. 
Emmet chose his name to pursue the truth, (as the common name “Emmett" is connected to the Hebrew word אמת> (emét),“Truth”).
Till they landed a job together at the Battle Subway, Emmet took odd job here and there, and tried his hand at being a model, inspired by Elesa. However, his insecurities about his appearance tore him down and he chose to solely focus on his job as a Subway Boss, which he adores.
*During Ingo’s disappearance, Emmet has stormed Team Rocket’s headquarters located in Unova, and continued to meddle with the police operations and battling/checking the databases of each and every criminal organization in Unova. This was both intended to make progress on his brother’s gaze, but also to cope with the stress and grief. Getting too close to the opponent’s attacks in battle, and only having Haxorus by his side, Emmet was prone to get hurt. A lot.
*This meddling was of course done under disguise, with a black sweater, black mask, and his worn-down white coat cropped to the bare white, becoming a cropped jacket instead.
*He had thought Haxorus “Outrage”, and during one of the battles, Outrage had a lasting consequence. Emmet caries three scars on his right upper arm, and one on his chest from when he tried to shield himself. Appearances are important to him, but with the heavy grief clouding his every sense, he cannot care about it as much as he should.
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*During Ingo's disappearance, he had thrown himself to work, and used the nights to strike at the hornet's nest, any criminal organization he could mess with under disguises. The unknown fate of his brother suffocated him and due to his bad coping mechanisms from childhood, he threw himself knowingly in harm's way to get release.
*For him, having scars and bruises to match his inner suffering feels comforting. Emmet is of a chaotic-good alignment, however, him thwarting the criminal organizationss' plans in Unova is not done out of goodness of his heart. He knowingly engages with them, under disguise and only having Haxorus by his side, to distract himself and pretend it is  for the greater good, that he does not have a problem with seeking danger.
*Emmet trusts a bit easily, but befriending him is a hard feat to achieve.
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THANKS A LOT FOR READING! I can't wait to interact with Pokemon RP fandom!! Also I adore Pokemon OCs, please feel free to drop by my inbox or starter call!!
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