#(i just had to put something there bc i drew him leaning on the line but then changed my mind because.
xheartachee · 1 year
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hello tumblr ive returned and i present. stanley
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fatuiracha · 4 months
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tsundere!alhaitham x gn!reader, fluff, first kiss. 1.2k. 
a/n: nervous bc this is not my first fic but this is my first genshin fic!!! accept me please <333
alhaitham was. 
something you couldn’t quite put your finger on. something that drew you towards him like a helpless moth to a burning flame, something that sparks your curiosity more than the crisp pages of the books lining the akademiya shelves surrounding you. something that was once again taking up residence in the space near your desk. 
you couldn’t help but glance towards him out of the corner of your eyes, flashes of his silver-gray hair or his bare right shoulder leaving you no choice but to. the words on the pages blur in front of you and you don’t realize that your pen had started trailing a line across your stack of papers until your hand falls off the edge of the table. 
alhaitham was something. he never spoke to anyone here unless he had to, preferring to work in solitude. there was no one at the akademiya who considered him a friend save the loud blonde man with a flair for drama, and yet he had spent every day of the last week here, in the same aisle of books that you occupied as you rotted through the steps of your latest thesis. days of him stopping by for a few moments turned into weeks of him settling down in a chair by you which turned into a month of him taking up a regular occupation in what you had half endearingly, half frustratingly named your aisle. 
it was different, having him so close to you. you were used to admiring him from afar, watching as he glided across the akademiya floors with a grace that very few of your fellow scholars possessed. you didn’t mind his presence near you, it was the opposite in fact - he was a very welcome distraction. 
you look away quickly when he turns his head towards you, a flush creeping along your face as you feign flipping through the pages of the book you don’t even remember the name of. his soft footsteps track towards you, leveled and commanding even with their lack of sound. 
he stops right by you, crossing his arms as he glares at the bookshelf. his eyes sweep over the rows of texts, and you can hear him muttering to himself. you strain your ears to hear, and you can faintly make out the words chapter fourteen. 
the exact book sitting at the top of the stack on your desk. 
“do you need this?” you startle him out of his mumbling and his piercing eyes meet yours for a moment before glancing towards where you were pointing. they light up when he sees that you have the exact thing he was looking for, and before you can hand it to him he’s leaning over you to take it himself. 
he’s invading your space completely, his face mere centimeters from yours from how far he has to lean to reach it. his face is right there, and instead of saying something sane like oh, i can hand it to you, you lean forward and press your lips to the smooth skin of his cheek instead. 
he freezes, hand still outstretched, and although his time seemed to stop yours was going into overdrive. did you really just do that?
you push your chair back and it makes what must have been the loudest screech you’ve ever heard, bouncing off the stacks of books and echoing through your skull. you stand up so fast that your legs almost give out and the papers on your desk fall to the floor in a flurry, but you don’t care. your footsteps are hurried as you walk away, crossing aisle after aisle until you find one that was empty. you lean back against a shelf and let out a breath, closing your eyes and coming to the terms that you just kissed the acting grand sage of the akademiya and were probably going to be promptly dismissed from your position soon after. 
a beat of silence passes, then another as you regulate your breathing and try to soothe your pounding heart. 
“you forgot these,” his voice startles you out of your spiral moments later, and you let out a shriek that you will later deny producing. 
“i’m so sorry, that was totally out of line,” you ramble out, unable to meet his eyes from where he was standing in front of you. “it won’t happen again.”
“here,” he says in response, once again breaking you out of your whirlwind of anxious thoughts as he thrusts out a stack of papers at you. your thesis notes. his nose twitches as you take them from his gingerly, ensuring that your fingers didn’t touch. 
“thank you?” you almost squeak, and you clear your throat to rid yourself of whatever that was. “i’m sorry, again.”
“why are you sorry?” he asks, genuinely confused in a way you’ve never seen him before. 
“for kissing you?” you’re confused too, now. 
“i’ve spent hours a day sitting by you for a while now, when i could be doing my work anywhere else,” he starts slowly, as if explaining something to a child “you intrigue me. trust me, if i wanted you to apologize, i wouldn’t have given you the opportunity to do it in the first place.”
“i,” you cut yourself off, blinking at him. “intrigue you?”
“you’re one of the only ones that write research here that isn’t, how do i put this,” he rests his chin in his hand, eyes perking upwards as he thinks. “utterly useless. and then i discovered that the beautiful mind was attached to an equally beautiful person. so yes, you intrigue me.”
“you like me,” you smile, understanding coating your words. “that’s what you mean, right?”
“yes, and you like me too.” he says it so plainly, as if stating a fact about human nature or the trees lining the streets outside. like there was no room for error, no chance that he could be proven wrong. “you kissed me.”
“i kissed your cheek,” you defend yourself, a little offended that he had seen through your paper thin veil so easily. he smirks in response, leaning into your space again and cupping your face in his hand. he pauses a hair’s breadth away from you, his eyes flickering between yours as he waits for any kind of rejection. you close the gap between the two of you yourself, slotting his lips against yours and pressing your cheek further into his palm. 
it’s good. for all the multi-syllable words that made a home in your brain, all you can think of is how nice it feels to be so close to him, to feel his eyelashes flutter against your skin and to smell the clean, earthy cologne that he wears up close. 
“now that you’ve kissed me,” he mumbles against your lips, leaving a lingering peck there before pulling back. you resist the urge to chase after him, having embarrassed yourself enough for one day. “can you admit that you like me?”
“if you answer my question first,” you pause, smiling at the way he quirks his brow at you in surprise. “you didn’t even need chapter fourteen, did you?” 
alhaitham was surely something, but you were beginning to understand him a bit more now. at the very least, you understood the way he looked when his ears went red. 
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sunlightmurdock · 1 year
i'm always thinking of being bradley's inexperienced controversially young girlfriend who also happens to be mav's daughter
got a lil carried away with this one bc it’s almost 2k words oops… warnings for obviously unspecified age gap, and dumbification a lil bit. Tried to keep this race inclusive despite dad Mav
I am pushing the deadbeat dad Mav agenda hard rn ,,, sorry Mav. So we all know Bradley had his issues with Mav, I’m gonna say that Bradley cut him off at around eighteen and didn’t really come back into contact with him until the events of TG:M, when he’s around 33/4. And we all know that Mav was a bit of a heartbreaker.
So, I’m going to say that it’s a while after Bradley cuts off Maverick that one of Mav’s exes comes to him and let’s him know that he has a daughter. He tries, but your relationship with him is consistently strained. You’re a lot like him and that scares him, he tries to control you and you hate that. He missed out on a lot in those years before he knew you, too.
You see him occasionally, less than frequently, through your adolescence and into early adulthood. You know all about Goose, and Goose’s son — your mother filled you in. You hadn’t ever really taken much time to think about the cute little blonde toddler dangling off of your father’s arm in of those photos from the eighties, and who he would be now. Truthfully, your intentions are as innocent as can be when you’re lounging on that beach and picking up a football that was kicked in your direction. There was no way you could’ve known who the tall, handsome brunette towering over you and asking if he knew you from somewhere was.
Sure, once you’d noticed that he was an aviator, maybe that should have put you off a little bit — but growing up this close to Miramar, if you struck off every guy in the Navy, you’d be single forever. And Rooster, the name he had given you, was a dream.
From that first day, inviting you and your friends to join his at their little bonfire on the beach, you had been hooked. Pretty brown eyes and a smile that made you want to melt, he drew you in and left the rest up to you. Inviting you to that bonfire, sitting at your side, acting like he was the perfect gentleman. Letting you do the work, prove that you wanted him.
And you had. Giggling at something that would soon spin into a full-blown inside joke between the two of you, you touched him for the first time. Just you palm, skimming briefly across his knee as you leaned into him, laughing.
Then, your arm looping around his as you shifted closer to keep warm. He chides you about not dressing appropriately for the late April weather, you remind him of his age. He smiles, hearing old man roll off your tongue, knowing that it’s anything but an insult coming from your mouth.
He doesn’t kiss you in front of his friends. You ask him to walk you home, already knowing that he will, since he’s such a gentleman. You weren’t planning on staying out that night, the t-shirt you had brought to wear over your swimsuit does nothing to protect you from that evening chill. But his arm does, when he’s got it draped around your shoulders, cuddling you into his side as you walk.
He’s bigger, far warmer, than you are. He tells you about his adventures as he walks you home. At your door, you both know that this isn’t going to be a kiss on the cheek goodbye. Still, he plays your game like it will be. His giant hand eclipsing the nape of your neck, pulling you into him so that he can kiss you. Up close, your head tips almost all the way back as he lips touch slowly against yours. Brief, disarmingly tender.
And then he pulls back, and he’s staring at you with those big, brown eyes and the freckles on his nose and those forming smile lines. You really can’t take any of the blame for the decisions you make when he’s staring at you like that.
You press forwards and kiss him again, harder than he had kissed you. If it had been anyone else, he might have been knocked back by your enthusiastic kiss, but he isn’t. He’s steady, grabbing your hips and walking back until you’re hitting your front door. Your heart’s beating a million times a minute and you’re willing yourself not to get in your head about this.
He lets you lead him through into your bedroom, your fingers knitted between his as you guide him along. Your buzz wearing off, he feels your confidence starting to falter as his hands are pushing up and under that thin t-shirt.
His voice feels like silk, making you close your eyes and hum eagerly in agreement as he asks if you’ll let him see you. Your experience doesn’t match his, that’s clear, but you don’t feel left behind. Even though it’s far from slow, he keeps you with him, setting the pace and making sure that you can keep up. He pulls you out of the bikini you had worn to the beach, working his warm mouth over each inch of newly uncovered skin.
You’ve had guys go down on you before, this isn’t the first time. You expect it to go as it always does: a few seconds of eager lapping at a spot vaguely close to your clit, and then him to pull back and start pushing down his shorts. As it turns out, you’re not as experienced as you had thought. Not when it comes to the things that Bradley can show you.
He presses two, thick fingers over your core and guides your excitement upwards, working them in slow, methodical circles around your core. God, pilots and their fucking steady hands. You’ve got Bradley moaning into your soaked cunt, his cock straining so hard against his shorts that he thinks for a second he might cum in them like some teenager.
Your thighs bracketing his ears, his fingers pressing hard into the soft flesh of your stomach as he holds you down to the mattress. You’re so sensitive, more fidgety than he’s used to — you can tell that he likes this.
He’s been thinking about this since he saw you laying in the sand, talking to your friends with that pretty little smile on your face. He groans as you jolt against his firm, wet tongue, pressing his fingers into you up to the knuckle. Your slick walls take the two digits perfectly, your back arching away from your sheets, rolling your hips down onto his tongue.
You’ll be embarrassed about that later, when he’s trailing his fingers along your bare stomach and he’s grinning, reminding you how you had chanted his name. It’s something that, with Rooster, you quickly learn not to be embarrassed about. He adores it when you do that.
Bradley sits back on his knees and pops open the button to his shorts, dragging the zipper down slowly, his muscled chest heaving. Kneeling over you like that, just watching you come down from clearly the most intense orgasm you’ve ever had, he’s pleased with himself. And you, so eager and willing, are propping yourself up like you’re ready for more.
He cards a hand gently over the top of your hair, precise in his ability not to catch his fingers or tug at your texture, just caressing the back of your head as you sit up and kiss feverishly across his toned stomach.
You nose at the almost blonde trail of hair below his navel, following him as he pushes the band of his shorts down just enough to let his cock spring free. It sits in front of your chin as you look up at him and swallow.
“Another time.” He decides, giving the nape of your neck a quick squeeze with an amused smile on his lips.
Then, he’s pulling you under him, your hands are in his hair and your legs are hooked around his waist. He’s grinding the tip of his cock back and forth over your overstimulated core, gripping your jaw and sucking at your neck.
You whimper softly when he finally decides to give you what you’ve been begging him for, the tip of his cock pressing into you, his mouth trailing your jaw. The stretch is there, but it’s not a feeling of discomfort— just a brief need for pause — you barely notice it when he’s squeezing at your tits and telling you that you’re taking him so well.
Grabbing onto his thick shoulders, pressing your heel into the small of his back, lifting your head to try to kiss his plush lips.
He fucks you hard from the moment that you’ve eased into it, pounding into you until you’re too dumb to even beg him to keep going. But, he’s so tender about it. Groaning like he’s got some sympathy for how dumb he’s making you, kissing you softly while his hand’s knotted into your hair and tugging at your roots.
And he doesn’t leave right after, either, he kisses your cheeks, your chest until your head finally stops spinning long enough for you to laugh and swat him away.
“So, when am I seeing you again?” He asks, squeezing those big palms of his around your hips, still nestled between your legs even now that he’s back in his boxers. You should be shy, with the wolfish way that his gaze will drop occasionally to rake over your naked body. But you aren’t. You want him to keep looking.
“Mm, I have to meet my dad for something tomorrow,” You give a small shrug and glance behind you to see what you’re lying uncomfortably back against. Bradley’s lips quirk as you tug the stuffed rabbit from behind you and hug it to your chest. “I’m free after seven.”
He leans down, squashing the rabbit between your chest and his to kiss your lips. “How about you come over to my place and I’ll fuck you in a bed without so many guests in it?”
Your cheeks burn at his acknowledgment of the couple of stuffed animals you’ve got dotted around, but you grin and nod anyway.
“You want me to pick you up?” Bradley offers, kneading at the flesh of your thighs with his warm hands, kissing you slowly again.
“Mm, no,” You give a quick shake of your head and press your foot into his thigh, “My dad would probably just interrogate you. I’ll drive.”
Bradley chuckes, handsome in the warm glow of your bedside lamp as he slides his hands down and squeezes at your ankles. “Well, sure. He’s gotta make sure you’re safe.”
“Mhm,” You nod your head slowly, sitting up and hooking your legs over his hips, crawling into his lap. Your arms drape around his thick shoulders. “I don’t think he’d like the thought of me and you together very much.”
Both of you unknowing, Bradley just chuckles and turns his face in towards the crook of your neck to leave you with a kiss.
anyway how long do we think the two of you make it before Maverick finds out?
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Sign of the Times
Ominis Gaunt x Reader
Summary - Anon request for "ominis family kidnaps you and tortures u cause idk why maybe bc ur muggleborn or something"
Word Count - 2,130
Warnings - angst, violence
A/N - maybe room here for a more comforting type part 2? thoughts?
For Ominis, Hogwarts had been much more eventful than he had wished it to be. He thought it could help him escape from home, but with everything that had happened 5th year he didn't think it could possibly get worse.
The bright side was that it was also somehow the best year for him because he met you. He hadn't been looking for any kind of new relationship, but you fell right into his lap.
A lot of students avoided him altogether either because of his lineage or his blindness, but not you. You paraded in late to the sorting ceremony, knocked Sebastian on his ass although you were really just on your first year, then walked right up to him and introduced yourself.
You did everything you could to guide Sebastian the right way and when he wouldn't listen you would be there for Ominis. He would make himself sick with worry when Sebastian would lie to the both of you and go off to doomed quests.
His favorite thing was when you would nestle up with him and read muggle stories. He always got a laugh out of the more innocent fairytales for children with their fantasies of how magic worked. You were able to make him feel better and learn new things all at once.
It was year 6 when things came to fruition between the pair of you. Ominis was alone in the Undercroft again. He was sad beyond belief about the whole situation with the Sallows. He had come to realize he cared for you deeply, he was pretty sure he loved you, but you couldn't replace Sebastian. Some days it felt too much for him to bear, at least too much to do it alone.
You found him slumped against a wall, silent tears on his face. You could tell it was bad because he didn't even acknowledge that you had shown up. You sat down with your legs crisscrossed in front of him, wrapping your arms around his drawn up knees to rest your head.
For a few moments you just sat in silence together, Ominis treasured that you gave him moments like this; moments to not be alone, but to steal just a few more moments of peace before he had to face reality.
You spoke up first to take the burden off of him, "Ominis, I know no matter what I am to you, I'll never be any of them. I didn't grow up with you and have years to make innocent memories."
He traced patterns over the back of your hand as you continued, "I want to start, though. I want to put as much of these things behind us as we can. I'm happy to be your rock whenever you need, however often you need to talk about these things, but I do want to help you enjoy life again. I promise I won't ever leave you."
You were smiling at him softly with adoration, wishing nothing more than to erase all the bad things he'd endured in such a short time. He kept his eyes on you, deep in thought for several moments before slowly deciding to close the gap between the two of you, to finally cross that line.
He found your cheek with his palm and drew you close, pressing soft lips to yours, willing you to understand all the things he didn't have words for. He pulled away enough to speak, leaning his forward against yours and his voice was barely a whisper, "You really promise?"
Now, in your 7th year, nearing the end of your education, you both were looking forward to so much. Neither of you could wait to taste the freedom of making a home where nobody could find you, using magic as much or as little as you wanted, even going out into the muggle world because why not?
You met up during a free period in the court yard, enjoying the scents of Spring. He sat pressed into your side, never overly affection in public, but always being sure to touch you in some way.
"Which class are you going to miss skipping the most, Y/N?" You gave him a playful whack, shaking your head as he grinned at you.
"Thank you very much, I have been to all of my classes this year except for when I've been sick," you huffed, pretending to be angry.
"Besides, I've been keeping myself busy and surrounded to avoid any run-ins with your absolutely insane family."
Ominis felt a pit in his stomach at your words. He couldn't wait to run away with you, but for now you were just a sitting duck to their threats. He assumed other families must have told his, which he thought was ridiculous that any of them cared enough. He assumed their lives were just too boring.
His family had threatened Ominis with the idea of hurting you, torturing you as they loved to do with anyone who wasn't a pureblood. He stood his ground with them, though. He made it clear that if they dared to do anything, he would personally ensure consequences. It was one of the reasons he worked as hard as he did to be a good wizard; he had to protect you.
"I really think for now their threats are empty," he lied, "they just want me to be afraid and miserable and if they think I am that's really enough for them." He didn't want you to worry or know how much he kept an eye on you in secret.
You shuffled to grab your bag, sighing in annoyance before placing a chaste kiss on his lips, "Well, even if they aren't just promise you'll forgive me for whatever I have to do to them?"
You winked although he couldn't see it as you pushed back his hair. He grabbed your hips to pull you closer, nearly knocking you over before murmuring, "Maybe I can find a way to reward you instead?"
You playfully slapped his hands away before running off, "Ominis. I have a class that I don't attend to go to!"
He smiled in spite of himself as you left before a worried look came over his features. Every day you remained at Hogwarts felt like a day in a jail cell for Ominis.
You were on your way to Advanced Divination, guard down thinking about how cute Ominis was when he let himself open up to being silly. Then suddenly your lights were just out. Everything was dark for what seemed like seconds and then you came to at some place you didn't recognize.
You found yourself in a what seemed to be a cave. It wasn't well lit, but there were candles around. As you sat up from the cool floor, scanning the room with caution, you saw faces you didn't recognize. You didn't need to in order to understand what was going on. It was the Gaunts.
You felt quickly for your wand just to realize it was no longer on your person. You couldn't keep your mouth shut as you scanned over them; Mr. and Mrs. Gaunt at a makeshift table as if preparing to watch a show while Marvolo roused from his seat upon seeing you awake.
"So you're cowards? I'm so much lesser than you and yet I can't have my wand to prove otherwise?" You stood up tall, adrenaline pumping as you were determined to not show them weakness.
Marvolo practically snarled at you as his parents watched in amusement, "It would be a pitiful sight as much as it would be a disgrace," he spat at you as he walked closer.
You threw your hands in the air, slightly amused when all 3 of them flinched as they were aware you had this ancient magic nobody really knew about, "Well, that's fine. I know you can't kill me, there would be too many repercussions that I daresay you lot can't afford. Ominis and I will be long gone for you to never worry about again in a few months so give me your worst."
You swallowed thickly upon finishing your sentence, knowing you were stalling what was to come your way. All you could hope was that Ominis noticed you were gone quickly enough to keep your sanity.
The word crucio flew threw the air so fast that you could at least pretend you didn't hear it. The minute the sparks hit you a scream left your mouth, you fell to your knees. You could hear your heartbeat and your blood rushing through your veins, it all felt like it was boiling.
You clutched helpless at your face, your arms, any of your exposed skin, clawing at it as if tearing it of would make the pain go away. Every movement, every breath, every ounce of your existence was filled with searing agony. As you wriggled and clench your fingernails against the cave floors you just kept the shade of Ominis' eyes in your mind.
You couldn't think to form thoughts or daydreams, you couldn't commit to thinking about him and your future together, but you could remember the cloudy blue eyes that got you through the worst days of your life you'd yet to experience. And you just hoped the could get you threw this one too.
The Gaunts taunted you with words you couldn't even understand as Marvolo flung you about, every once of rage at your insults pouring into the spell.
Suddenly, things seemed a little bit quieter. Your body felt like every bone had snapped, like you had been forced to run a mile per second for hours, but you could hear your own sobs and labored breathing. You were still in the throes of pain and panic, but nothing was intensifying any longer.
You couldn't process your surroundings as Ominis lifted you carefully from the floor, murmuring your name hoping that any time would be the time you answer him back.
He had run into Garreth in the lavatory where he was immediately confused to be asked why you didn't make it; after you had bragged about your attendance all year.
Ominis rushed passed him, his wand ready to guide him wherever you were with the aid of a charmed locket he had given you. As badly as he wanted to rush to you, he barged into headmistress Weasley's office to tell her what was going. He knew where you were, what was happening, and he trusted her from your relationship to know she would spring into action when headmaster Black wouldn't.
He stormed in with a fury, knowing help would be on his tail. He disarmed his brother and flung them all to the floor. None of them had every seen violence from him, that hellfire in his eyes. They were really too curious to look away as several aurors filled the cavern, manhandling magic restraints onto them.
Ominis felt ready to pass out himself as he heard your continued whimpers and understood much too well what you were going through. He was scared out of his mind that you wouldn't come back to him.
Things went dark again for you, but it wasn't just black this time. You could hear Ominis' soothing voice reading to you. You could see him running his fingers over the braille pages, eyes closed as he read a story the two of you often joked about.
As your eyelids fluttered, you reached up a hand to rub them and found that Ominis really was there. He heard your movement and was immediately kneeling by your side on the sofa.
Your hand drooped across your face, you regretted the movement the second you had made it, "Son of a -"
"I know," he interrupted. He rested a hand carefully over yours, "I unfortunately do know."
He sounded so sad. As memories of everything that had happened flooded you all at once you let out a painful breath, "Ominis. It's not your fault."
You lulled your head to look at him, wishing you could move enough to embrace him. "I was only able to take it by having you to live for."
"It only happened to you because you have me." His voice was flat and dejected.
You knew it wasn't the time to be sad or cry or talk about the fear. It wouldn't help anyways since it was all done with except for the lingering pain.
You mustered every bit of strength you had left to bring a hand to his cheek, forcing his gaze towards you.
"You should have seen their faces when I called them poor." Ominis groaned at you and buried his face in your palm, but he knew you were beaming at him with pride.
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moremaybank · 1 year
WOUND UP — j.m
pairing jj maybank x fem!reader
summary you've had a bad week and jj makes you feel better
warnings 18+, unprotected sex (bc i'm sinful), breeding kink (bc i'm insufferable), a sprinkle of dacryphilia (no explanation for this one, i'm just the worst), praise kink, language
author's note lost the request to this, just my luck. jj & reader are both over 18.
jj masterlist
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"jj! how many fucking times do i have to tell you to throw out the milk carton when it's empty? stop putting it in the damn fridge!"
your voice echoed off the walls quite loudly, startling your blonde roommate. jj walked into the kitchen from his bedroom, eyes wide. he'd never seen you so worked up over something so little, and honestly, he was a tad concerned. "christ, why are you so worked up? it's just a milk carton."
"i'm worked up because it's annoying as hell when i come into the kitchen expecting milk with my cereal, only to find out that there's none left."
"well, if i don't leave it in the fridge, how else will you know that we need more?"
expecting a verbal response, he was startled once again when he was met with the empty carton smacking into his cheek. "ow," he frowned, "that was mean. and uncalled for."
"whatever," you grumbled, beginning to walk off into your room.
jj grabbed your arm, halting your movements. you tried to ignore the butterflies in your stomach, a direct result of jj's touch. "let go," you said, trying to free your arm from his grasp.
"nope. not until you tell me what kind of bug crawled up your ass."
"don't start with me, jj. seriously, i'm not in the mood," you warned, looking up at him.
he zoned in on you, noticing how stiff your stance in front of him was. his hands grasped your shoulders, and he turned you around so that your back was facing him. he began to work out the rigid muscles of your shoulders, and you had to hold back a satisfied moan at his magic fingers. your head fell back slightly, leaning against jj's chest as you finally start to feel some relief.
"what's got you so tense, princess? i can just feel the stress radiating off of you," he spoke as he continued to loosen your muscles for you. jj had always loved your carefree energy. it's what drew him to you — not that he'd ever tell you that. so seeing you this agitated had him concerned.
"i've just had a crap week, is all."
"anything i can do to help?" jj questioned, his lips close to your ear. his breath tickled your ear and sent a noticeable shiver down your spine.
the truth is, you knew what you desperately needed. the only problem is that it definitely would cross the line that you and jj constantly teetered over. you two had a certain will they, won't they thing going on, yet it'd been a year of living together without either of you making a move. was it finally the time? or was jj's touch just thoroughly clouding your judgment?
"you still with me, pretty girl?" jj's voice brought you back to reality, and you managed to nod.
"tell me what you're thinking," he urged, his hands running from the tops of your shoulders down your arms as he stepped closer to you. your back was almost flesh against his front. "i can't help you if you won't talk to me." his hands found their place on your hips, his thumbs caressing the sliver of exposed skin in an attempt to soothe you and the proximity was doing nothing to quell the ache you were feeling.
it was now or never.
your hands found his, sliding them under the hem of your shirt so you could feel him closer still. the warmth of his skin on yours forced an eruption of butterflies deep in your belly, and you wanted him touching you constantly. it amazed you how something as small as having his hands on you could make your heart race more than anyone ever had.
"i need a distraction, j. need you to distract me. please."
you drew his hands further upwards, dragging them to cup your bare breasts. you encouraged him to give them a squeeze, massaging them as a small moan escaped your lips. "touch me, j. i need you," you pleaded.
"why didn't you just say so?" he rasped into your ear, removing his hands from your shirt and turning you around to face him. in a flash, his lips were on yours, tongue slipping into your mouth so he could show you that he wanted you just as much as you wanted him.
you moaned into his mouth as his greedy hands slipped down your back to your thighs, fingers tapping against your skin as he silently urged you to jump. you obliged, your legs wrapping around his hips as he blindly placed you on the kitchen table. he broke the kiss, quickly pulling his shirt over his head before doing the same with yours. "i hope you like it rough, baby girl. i've been holding back for so long, i don't think i can go easy on you," he spoke as he stared down at you.
"that a promise, maybank?" you grin, biting your lip as your eyes trailed over his gorgeous chest.
he smirked in response, before delving into the skin of your neck. he softly gnawed at it, leaving behind a trail of red and purple hues as he made his way down the valley of your breasts to your stomach. once he reached the waistband of your sweatpants, he hooked his fingers inside, yanking them off as quickly as he could and discarding them on the floor. his gaze landed on your bare pussy in front of him, and his eyes bulged out of his head.
"no panties? naughty girl," he scolded playfully. his fingers spread you apart. "goddamn, she's so pretty. i haven't even touched her and she's ready for me."
jj licked a stripe up your folds to your clit, and he blew onto your core. this pulled a shiver from you, and your hips jerked up in response.
"no teasing, j. fuck me now. you can eat me later," you whine, growing impatient.
"oh, don't worry. i will."
jj pulled his cock free from his shorts and stroked it a few times, getting himself ready. his free hand landed on your hip, holding you in place as he lined himself up with your entrance. he slid inside, every delicious inch of him stuffing you full when he was buried at the hilt.
you threw your head back as your legs wrapped around his torso again, your heels digging into his ass as you pushed him as far as he could go.
"shit," he groaned, dragging his cock out to the tip and pushing inside of you again. "look how full you are with me inside you, pretty girl."
his hips started to move faster, and yours met him with each thrust. your hands found his broad shoulders, bracing yourself as jj continued to fuck you. "oh my god, jj. yes," you moaned, nails scratching at the skin of his shoulder blades.
his pace became relentless and he tugged you closer, pressing a feverish kiss to your lips. if this was the only chance he ever got with you, he'd damn well make sure that he did his job right. he'd make you feel every single feeling under the sun for him. he'd leave his mark on you.
pulling away, one of his hands came up to your face, and he pushed his fingers into your mouth. your tongue slithered around them, and his reaction went straight to his cock. he twitched inside of you, and he cursed. "fuck, baby. you're squeezing my cock so tight. you gonna come for me? cream all on my cock like the good girl i know you are?"
you nodded desperately, but it wasn't enough for him. he wanted to hear you beg for it, to tell him how much you crave him and how much you needed him. so he removed his fingers from your mouth. "tell me how bad you want it, princess, and i'll give it to you."
"please, baby. need you so fucking bad. wanna be good for you, let me be good for you. i'll make you so proud, i promise," you begged, your hand cupping his face as you kept your eyes locked on his.
"good girl, baby. good fucking girl. fuck, we should be filming this shit. we should be documenting how perfect you are. how you take me so well. wanna fuck you until you're crying," he gruffed as he brought his thumb to your clit and rubbed vicious circles onto it.
you tensed, gripping onto jj for dear life as he brought you to your high. you could barely move, that long-awaited itch finally being scratched in ways you never could have fathomed. you were so pissed off at how many girls jj had made feel this good, you honestly could have killed them out of spite. but then again, you were the one there with him. you were the one he was pouring all of his energy into, and it made you feel like the luckiest girl on the planet.
"yes, yes, yes. oh, jj," you squealed, your toes curling as you came hard. "yes," you whimpered, tears escaping your eyes. your hand found the back of his neck and you pulled his lips to yours.
"fill me up, j? please?" you pleaded as you came down from your high. your lips grazed over the spot below his ear as you began to suck a hickey onto his soft spot.
"fuck yeah, baby. want me to drain my cock inside you? what if i give you a baby?" he questioned, his hips slamming into yours as he chased his own orgasm.
your cunt clamped down on him tightly as if it wanted to keep him inside of you forever.
"oh fuck, you want that, don't you? want me to fuck a baby into you?" he taunted, a smirk playing on his swollen lips.
"yes, baby. give it to me. put your baby in me," you encouraged, watching him throw his head back as his hips began to stutter. he let out a loud groan — the sexiest groan you've ever heard — as his cock twitched, and he released inside of you. he slowed his pace, riding out his high. his grip on your hip was so firm that he'd surely leave a bruise behind, the best kind of bruise.
jj leaned his forehead against yours, chest heaving as he pulled out of you. "shit. i'm gonna take you to my bed so i can taste you. gonna make you come with my tongue until you're begging me for a break. that sound good?" jj breathed, looking into your hazy eyes.
"why are we sitting here talking about it when we could be doing it?" you asked, smirking at him.
"you're right. let's go," he spoke as he swiped you up into his arms and started to walk toward his bedroom.
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jj tag list (join here!): @maybankslover @skydisneylover @kittyqrt
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tickle-page · 2 years
“Being smart is a curse” ( THE RISE OF THE TMNT)!!
A/N: This is a tickle fic based off my fav turtle from ‘The Rise of The TMNT”, Donnie!! Haven’t finished yet, so no spoilers😭. It may seem like I made Donnie this really annoying nerd, but I can assure u, he’s my fav, and I’m joking😭.
Lee: Donnie
Ler(s): Leo, Mikey, Raph, brief April
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With Mikey:
“And that’s how I built Sheldon,” Donnie finished talking about his dumb robot thing to Mikey who literally didn’t ask.
“Uh, huh, cool,” Mikey was on his phone during Donnie’s whole “lecture”. Replying with words that’ll make it seem like he was listening.
“And… You don’t care.” Donnie slouched in his standing position.
“Nope, but it was rlly cool talking to ya, D!” The orange turtle waved him off as he continued looking at his phone, exiting the room.
With Raph:
Donnie examined Raph’s fighting style on the side lines, cringing at his techniques. “Ya know, Raph, you gotta do it like this, or that way won’t be as effective while fighting the villains.” Donnie showed him a “good technique”.
Raph was kinda getting annoyed that Donatello kept telling him different ways to fight every step of the way, “I understand that, Donnie, but I like doing this better than that.”
“Hmmm,” Donnie pondered, “I still don’t see it.”
Raph sighed and face palmed, then he walked back inside from the rooftop.
With Leo:
Leo was casually skating doing some tricks like he always does, while Donnie was on the side watching him. Leo couldn’t focus like this, so he stopped, and asked the purple turtle why he kept staring at him.
“Only bc I feel like I can do way better at skateboarding than you.” Donnie laughed almost mocking Leonardo.
The blue ninja turtle scoffed, “As if.”
“Nah, frfr, Wanna bet?” Donnie grinned, leaning on the wall. Which keep in mind, he just wanted to be cocky bc he had no skateboarding talent whatsoever.
Mikey, Raph, and Leo all came together to complain abt Donnie’s cockiness within the last week.
“We need to put an end to him being a smartass.” Raph said.
“Uh huh, tottally. We need to think of something he absolutely HATES, that’ll knock him down a peg.” Leo agreed w/ Raphael.
They all thought of one thing he couldn’t stand, and that was… tickling.
“We could tickle him to make him understand.” Mikey jumped up, excited to be the first one to come up w/ an answer.
“Oh yh, remember that one time when April tickled the living crap out of Donnie, making him cry?” The blue ninja turtle drew a figment imagination in the other two turtle’s heads. Like a flashback.
“Mhm Mhm, we had to console him for hours.” Raph.
“Then we should do just that.” Leo ended the “family meeting”.
They all walked into their third youngest brother’s lair. “Hey, D!” Michelangelo nonchalantly walked to the right side of a very concentrated purple turtle.
“What’s going, Angelo?” Donnie didn’t look up to meet the orange turtle’s gaze, still focus on his witchery.
“Oh nun~”
Donatello kinda got a little nervous at Mikey’s tone, but shrugged it off.
Raph and Leo was still standing by the door way as to not get Donnie any idea abt what they were planning because, all of them standing by one smart soft shell turtle is looking for trouble.
“U still highly sensitive?~” Mikey poked Donnie’s side in a teasy tone, earning a squeak and a protest from the older turtle.
“Mikey…. Don’t touch me.” Donatello warned.
The youngest turtle motioned to his other two older brother’s, and they both took an arm and pinned the scared brother on the back of his soft shell. “AGH!! Guys!!! Get off of me, PLEASE!!”
“Not until u laugh~” Mikey poked repeatedly on Donnie’s twitching stomach.
“Ahahhahahaha, Mikey! Stop!” Donatello withered in place.
“Wow, u rlly are extremely ticklish, huh?” Leo joined in on the teasing.
“Ohhahahahah, please! We all know, youhuhuhuhuhu three will start gihihihigling too, if u wehehehehre tickled like thihihihihis, STOP!!”
“Awww he’s already begging, how cute.”
“Shut up, RAPH!!! Ahahhahahahahaah!!!”
“Hey! Be nice!” Mikey scratched his stomach harder now.
“MIKEY!!! StahAhaaoP!”
“Say ur Sry,” Mikey continued to tease his older brother.
“I’M SRY!!”
“Ur forgiven, but we’re not gonna stop yet.”
“Lucky for you, April told us where ur weak points are.” Leo cooed right by the soft shell turtles’ ear.
Donnie scrunched up his shoulder to get rid of the phantom tickles that vibrated against his ear w/ the help of his older brother. “Please, stahahaha-Stop!”
“No can do, D. We gotta teach u a lesson for always being so cocky, and out besting us.” Raph scratched the purple turtle’s exposed neck.
“Guhuhuhuhys, please! Just stohohohop it alr, I’m serious!”
“Yh, kinda hard to take u serious, Mr. Giggles.” Leonardo his collarbone, by gently tracing his finger around the sensitive bone.
“Please! Ihihihihit hurts.” Donnie lied through his teeth, trying to make it seem like it did so they would stop, but Mikey had other plans up his sleeve.
“Dw, Donatello, Mr. Delicate Touch, will make it to where it won’t hurt.” The youngest turtle pinned one of his arms above his head, and lightly traced up and down from his top ribcage to the center of his armpit. Tracing around inside, giving the center a few scratches as he teases. “Does it tickle when I ever so slightly scratch my way, starting from ur sides, all the way to ur armpits? Bet it’ll tickle so much more when I use a soft paint brush on ur delicate skin. We’ll see if ur still begging me to stop afterwards.” Ofc, Mikey didn’t have a paint brush, but just the thought of it twirling around on his exposed armpits, with Micheal’s continuous teases, made him shiver.
Donnie’s drawn on eyebrows furrowed in fear, wandering if he’ll ever get out of this soon bc he’s nearly abt to pass out from all this non stop tickle torture. Then he realized one person he could call on for help, or so to say, robot. “SEHEHEHHEEHLDON!!!!”
“Wsu, D?” Sheldon asked, almost blind as to what’s infront of him rn.
Sheldon acted like he was thinking of what to say. Should he help him? Or not? He finally made up his mind, “No way, man. You’re on ur own.” And as if his name was Usain Bolt, he flew right out of the room.
“CURSE U, SHELDON!!” Donatello laughed, from Mikey’s continuous tickling to his armpits, Leo’s non-stop torment to his neck and ears, and Raph’s tormenting fingers on his stomach. Donnie was losing his mind.
He couldn’t breathe, he couldn’t protest or talk, it felt like he had a migraine, and he was losing his vision. The three turtles were obviously oblivious to there ticklish brother’s agonizing pain, so they decided to tickle one last place, that’ll get him to scream… They flipped him over on his stomach, exposing his most vulnerable area, and his most sensitive.
“Ok, listen Donnie, u gotta make sure u don’t move too much or you won’t like the outcome,” Dr. Delicate Touch warned as he took off Donnie’s battle shell.
The 3rd oldest brother felt a hit of cold wind on his back, that signaled him to stop them while he still has the chance. “G-guys… Please don’t touch me there. I can-can’t stand it at all, and I’m being serious rn… Please…”
Mikey, Leo, and Raph couldn’t believe what they’re hearing. Was Donnie crying? They’re whole 15 years of living together, not once did they hear their stoic, always serious, never cutting corners, brother cry. They all realized that it was time to stop, so Leo put back on his battle shell, while they gave him space. Bc they just felt like he need time for himself since he needed to cool down after the torture they put him through.
“Ummm… D? Doctor Feelings is always here if u need someone to talk to, k?” And as Mikey finished his sentence, more so question, the three ending lers left the room. Donnie composed himself w/in 5 minutes after they left, but he stayed in there a little longer, figuring out the perfect revenge he can do to get back at them, individually.
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frostedpuffs · 1 year
3, 5 and 29 for the ask game! ❤
3. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)? I'm not sure if this question means just from this year or for all of my fics, but I think I'm most proud of sewing sentiments, because I stuck to the chapter count I wanted, wrote the story the way I planned to, and wrote over 80k words in the span of exactly three months! while there are some things i'd do differently if I were to write it now, I'm still pretty happy with it!
5. What work of yours got more feedback than you expected? tbh, returning to a simple suggestion, I thought nobody would remember the fic or even wanna finish reading it considering I abandoned it for three years 😅 but I gotta say I'm really surprised (yet happy) by how many people came back to it, old readers and new!
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year? this is such a hard question bc I'm gonna be honest, as soon as I post something, I completely forget everything about it LMAOOO
but you know what? i really liked the first kiss scene in sewing sentiments. it's something I'm still kind of proud of. also the makeout scene in perfectly platonic (unless), but the kiss scene in sewing sentiments was a lot sweeter, and sweet is something I enjoy more than spice 😂
here's the scene. i'll put it under a read more though
He was just as soft as she’d imagined.
No—softer, like pillowed clouds, fluttering through the breeze as they danced in tandem with her heart. With one hand trailing up to rest on his shoulder, the other found his neck, weaving her fingers into the soft blonde hairs at his nape. In turn, she felt him do the same, as if he were mirroring her actions, unsure exactly where to place his hands but enjoying it all the same. She had to stand on the very tips of her toes just to reach his lips; Adrien took it upon himself to lean down, angling his head in a way that left her feeling absolutely breathless.
It was a little clumsy—a steady mixture of gentle, chaste pecks and lingering brushes that were occasionally interrupted by breathy laughs—but it was undeniably addicting. Adrien flooded her senses, filling her nose with his familiar scent, for every breath she took smelled of fresh mint. His hair was silk between her fingers, like delicate wisps of gold. When she finally pulled away, reluctant despite her desperate need for air, she ran her tongue over her lips, swearing that her mouth tasted just a bit sweeter.
Her muscles tingled, every inch of her body buzzing aflame. With a sated smile, she drew him in, capturing his mouth again, and again, and again until both of them were subdued to a fit of quiet giggles and whispered praise. His forehead pressed against hers, he gazed into her eyes, his face warm as the flush of his cheeks traveled across his skin. He looked so adorably content that she wanted nothing more than to dive back in and kiss him senseless, kiss him, kiss him until neither of them could form a single coherent thought, lost in the languid movement of their mouths.
Marinette had been kissed before. She'd been kissed plenty of times, of course. But those kisses, as fun as they had been in the moment, balked in comparison to the feel of Adrien’s lips roaming over her own, slow and curious and perhaps just a bit uncoordinated, but so wholesomely him that she wouldn’t trade the experience for the world.
It had been too long since she had last felt something so freeing.
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nehswritesstuffs · 10 months
banish every gaslight; let clarity shine - Part 5
It is only fair to note that I feel like “Antonia” would look more like what Oda drew for Law as a woman than anything, just as a reminder for those who deem that important. You’re also getting this early bc I’ll be busy tomorrow so there.
Part 1 [FFN/AO3] - Part 2 [FFN/AO3] - Part 3 [FFN/AO3] - Part 4 [FFN/AO3]
Viola moves to rescue Baby 5, while Corazón contemplates Joker’s orders. [2509 words; AU where there is a Third Corazón, whose existence makes Law’s life hell]
Trafalgar dropped to the floor of the Hall of Suites as Antonia’s kick knocked him out cold. His limp body lay motionless, broken, completely devoid of resistance and fight as his blood began to pool on the marble.
“Fufufu… see how we treat those who cross us?” Doflamingo chortled. He glanced over towards where a pair of guards had hold of the former King Riku, having had him watch the entire scene. “I’d like you to think very carefully about how you’re going to proceed.”
“All I see is you having a tantrum through your niece,” the older man frowned. Doflamingo shrugged.
“Potaytoes, pohtahtoes; we only punish naughty children here.” He then snapped his fingers and the guards grabbed Riku. “Throw him back in the trash with the rest of the garbage—he’s seen what he needs to here.” They complied, leaving Doflamingo and Antonia alone with Law.
“What are we going to do with him?” she wondered. She nudged Law with her boot to get a look at her handiwork—he must have been extraordinary if he was surviving such a beating. “Do you want me to get more information?”
“Only in the way you do best, my darling Antonia,” Doflamingo grinned. He pressed a kiss to the top of her head and tilted her chin up so that he could look at her. “If he refuses to talk or gives you more of those lies, then kill him immediately. Don’t waste too much time on trash; I need your help in cleaning up the rest of the vermin.”
“As you wish, Uncle Doffy,” she nodded. He walked out the door and the young woman found herself alone with their hostage. She sat down in the Heart Seat and watched him patiently.
‘How did Papa choose such a pathetic weakling like this?’ she wondered silently. Leaning forward, she rested her elbows on her knees and glared.
It bothered her.
“What made him choose you over me?” She didn’t expect a reply and proceeded to be correct—the traitor stayed still, the only movement being that of his shallow breathing. Despite the fact she could not remember his face, there was something… off about it, as though there was tiny voice in her brain telling her that he was familiar…
…except, no… she didn’t recognize him, did she? He was just a no-name stranger, who thought he was hot shit for becoming a Supernova and Shichibukai. That was not someone worth fretting over, not when there were much bigger players still in the game, and she was poised to inherit one’s vast empires.
Then why, pray tell, did he wear the word Corazón on his back and a heart inked in his chest? He knew her uncle, and Uncle Doffy had clearly known him from business not Government-related, so why didn’t she remember herself? What was it that made his face foggy in her memory? It was almost as though he was someone else entirely, yet on his own was someone that should have been…
…maybe, she thought, with enough coaxing she’d get the truth out of him.
Viola stared at her Den Den with abject dread. The other end of the line wasn’t picking up despite the fact she desperately needed it to so. She poked her head outside of the alley she was hiding in and looked around the square—no sign of anyone that needed avoiding.
“What could be going on?” she hissed under her breath. “This is not like her…”
“Lady Viola,” said a voice, startling her. She looked behind her and saw a plush toy dog, one she’d spoken with before many times, saluting her. “I’ve been given a report from the Patrol.”
“Yes, what it is?”
“Someone saw Gladius put Baby 5 down one of the tubes that leads to the Scrap Heap,” the toy said. “She appeared to be unconscious.”
“Ah merda,” Viola swore. She resisted the urge to kick a rock—her shoes would most certainly break. Panicking was not going to do her any favors. “Has the Patrol gotten visuals on Princess Antonia?”
“She was at the Coliseum, but since then, we’re unsure.” The toy frowned best it could. “Lady Viola…?”
“What if… what if the princess doesn’t want to be saved? Would she really force us to take drastic measures?”
“You claimed once that you remember the princess when she was first brought to the palace, correct?” The toy nodded. “Then you know how she was before—we won’t let Doflamingo kill that sweet little girl for good. All we need to do is make sure she finally knows the truth.”
“Lady Viola! Lady Viola!” The Human looked over to see another toy—this one a robot—running towards her, this one clearly upset. “It’s the princeseta! She has met the pirate Trafalgar Law! He is being tortured as we speak!”
“Then I’m going to need a distraction while I get someone out of the Scrap Heap,” Viola said. She snapped her fingers and both toys stood at attention. “Enact Plan T; I am going to need the Officer’s Tower cleared for at least twenty minutes. We’re going to make this count.”
“Yes, ma’am!” They saluted and scurried off, allowing Viola to take out her Den Den Mushi and call Sanji. “Are you there?”
“Oui, mademoiselle,” the snail crooned, a curled brow appearing above its eye. “Pardonne-moi; unfortunately I shall be out of range soon.”
“Why?” she asked sharply. “You said you were going to extract them.”
“My crew needs me, which unfortunately takes precedence over anything else,” he replied. Honesty—it was something few gentlemen truly possessed and she could not be cross at him for it. “Robin-chwan and the mooks that are left on Dressrosa are sure to help you while I get our ship to safe waters. I will say this, though: I did get a hit on Doflamingo while setting up an opening for Trafalgar. I last saw them trading niceties, but I doubt that lasted very long.”
“Were you able to tell Law anything?”
“Just that no one should worry about us.” He paused, the snail passing on a contemplative expression. “Perhaps one day soon I can return to your beautiful land, mon chérie, and this dashing prince can sweep the wonderful and capable princeseta off her feet.”
“Maybe one day, petit príncep,” she replied. The snail blushed perversely before passing out—the Thousand Sunny was too far from shore.
Yes, with any luck, she’d be able to share a bottle of wine and a pot of paella as she asked him why how he came to have the features of some other princes she had the misfortune to be acquainted with, but that would be a different day.
Baby 5 was beginning to run out of ideas as she paced the large atrium where everyone was being held in the Scrap Heap. Normally she could figure out something to fly her way out of the chutes, but that was a no-go thanks to the seastone shard lodged in her shoulder. She puzzled and puzzled over the situation, cursing the fact that she wasn’t the smart one of her siblings.
“Maybe if I lift some of you up, and you all stand on one another’s shoulders?” Hajrudin wondered. Baby 5 shook her head.
“That’ll create too much of a scene—I don’t want to be caught again.”
“We’ll protect you,” Cavendish offered.
“We can’t let those pieces of shit get away with treating you like this,” Sai grumbled. “If someone in the Happo Navy wanted to protect one of their own, then why shouldn’t they?”
“It still confuses me that she is your sister,” Elizabello frowned. Once it was apparent that Trebol and Sugar were not in the Officer’s Tower after taking King Riku, Baby 5 had been able to impart a couple other details she felt were crucial to getting the gladiators’ help: that Antonia was her sister, that their brother seemed to be allied with the Straw Hat, and that everything would make a lot more sense once they brought down Doflamingo. “You’ve always been presented as a lady-in-waiting or a noble officer when at court or the Levely.”
“Our family situation is not normal by any means,” Baby 5 replied. “Our brother is older than me, which adds more questions I can’t answer here.”
“Doflamingo really does bring a whole new definition to ‘Royal Shichibukai’,” Chinjao scoffed. “Passing up two children for their youngest sibling when that is not the tradition is more suspicious than when a Marine cooperates.” He looked at Elizabello and huffed. “Maybe I should have come here with the intention of building an alliance via marriage; what do you think that prospect is?”
“You mean marrying your grandsons to Doflamingo’s nieces? You’d have better fortunes finding them virginal Mermaids than getting that parfait to give them up.”
“Then it’s a good thing I’m already engaged,” Sai scowled, not appreciating the conversation. He then noticed a noise that was coming closer from one of the pipes—someone was coming. “We got another coming down the pipe! Hajrudin!”
“On it,” the giant said. He figured out which pipe the noise was coming from in time to catch the former king Riku. He put the man down, who almost instantly stormed up to Baby 5 and got in her face.
“Who is Lami?!” he demanded. “Doflamingo had his niece take off her Corazón mask and it drove a Warlord to tears. Who is this Lami and why does the Surgeon of Death think that she and Donquixote Antonia are the same person?”
“Because they are, alright!” Baby 5 snapped back, not in the mood to hide things anymore. “I don’t know what he did, but Doflamingo made it so she couldn’t remember anything real from before we landed here! Your daughter and I are trying to fix it!”
“As though my daughter has enough to worry about! Is this what Doflamingo was aiming for with my granddaughter?! Brainwashing and using her existence as a torture device?!”
“Even if he wasn’t, I’m sure the thought crossed his mind, not that he would have told me. I’m sure he was just waiting for when Law-nii showed up!”
“Wait…” Cavendish cut in. “So what that means is the brother you spoke of earlier is Trafalgar Law, a member of that rude, inelegant Worst Generation? That he is another one to take the Royal Shichibukai title crassly literal?”
“He’s our big brother, yeah, and that’s—”
Just then, an explosion shook the Scrap Heap, sending most of the people in there to the floor. A crack appeared in a high part of the wall, which Hajrudin took as his chance. The giant jumped up and wedged his fingers into the crack, causing it to crumble into a handhold utilizing the outside street.
“That’s great, but what about the rest of us?” Bluegilly frowned. He and the other gladiators watched as the giant punched a hole in the wall, it possible now that he was only punching brick and mortar and not bedrock as well. As the dust cleared, a rope was thrown into the hole.
“Baby!” shouted a voice. “Where are you?!”
“Viola?!” King Riku gasped. The dust settled enough for him to see his younger daughter standing in the hole in the wall, holding onto a rope. “What are you doing?!”
“Trying to get our only shot at overthrowing Doflamingo!” she shouted back. “The toys can only give us cover for so long!”
“Then let me be of assistance, so that we all might rid ourselves of this place in a more timely manner. Everyone looked to see that the red-haired, white-faced man who had been intensely silent til that moment was now standing, holding his giant brush in what almost seemed like a dramatic pose. “My jutsu allows me to draw things. Verily, now that there is an opening, we can escape posthaste.”
Meanwhile, Antonia gasped as the Hall of Suites rumbled from the unknown explosion. It was a testament to the workmanship of the palace that nothing crumbled due to the tremors, yet it also spoke volumes about the fact her captive did not so much as twitch in reaction.
“Fuck—what was that…?!” She looked out the window and scowled—a plume of smoke was coming from below the King’s Plateau, too close to be anything except at the base…
…over near the Toys’ House.
“Puto infiern,” she cursed. Antonia felt another tremor and looked back at Trafalgar, seeing that he was still completely unconscious. Part of her wanted to simply leave him and go see what was going on, potentially dooming him should there be another blast that ruined the building’s structural integrity before he came to, and yet…
Something was still nagging her about him and she needed to understand what.
Groaning, Antonia went over to Trafalgar and hefted him onto her shoulder, pulling him throughout the palace until they were outside in the courtyard. Sure enough, there was another explosion, which made her decide to take this to the other side of the palace. She found an empty sunchair on a patio and dumped him on it.
“Come on, Trafalgar,” she sneered. “Wake up.”
Looking around, she found a discarded water bottle, still half-drank from when the Young Master last used it. She opened it up and dribbled a bit of water on his face. When he didn’t move, she put two fingers on his neck and checked his pulse—heart was still beating, at least.
“Wake up.” Antonia dumped the rest of the water bottle on Law’s face and he sputtered awake, shocked at the fact he was now wet and staring up at a bright blue sky despite his seastone handcuffs. “That’s better.”
“What the fuck is going on?” he groaned, clearly in pain. He blinked some of the water away and his eyes began to look the same as before. “Lami…?”
“Guess again.”
Deciding that she was not going to take any more of this than she had to, Antonia grabbed Law by the front of his coat and with one arm hefted him out of the chair and flung him against the wall. He coughed as he made impact, only fully realizing what was going on when she took a blade from her back holster and held it to his neck as she easily pinned him.
“You are going to listen to me, and you are going to do it very carefully,” she warned. Law could feel the blade against his throat, moving against his hard swallow. “If you lie to me, I will have no qualms about spilling your blood all over the flagstone. Do I make myself clear?”
He nodded.
“Good.” Antonia held him tighter against the wall and moved the knife so that the blade was resting against his cheek. “Now, tell me: why the fuck do I look at your face and feel as though I know you?”
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bi-wan · 2 years
Alright the Boxer au fanart- Listen, I put a lot of me panicking in the tags, but now I need to give you actual thoughts bc it is my favorite <33 Out of all the art I've ever seen you post, Cam, this is the one that really knocked me in the head. I have been staring at it for the past however long its been and even tried to distract myself, but came back to it. So let's get into it- Number 1- HIS FACE OMG- the line of sweat pouring down his cheek- I want Obi-wan to lick it and then kiss that cute, but utterly cocky look off of his face. Anakin knows he is the best and his whole relaxed demeanor shoes it. AND THE LIGHTING- woof, i adore that Anakin's chest becomes the center of attention in this piece. At first I thought he had nipple piercings and was WOAH- and then I was like MORE WOAH bc that's just his cute little nipples. Obi-wan should lick those too >:0 And his ARMS- woof as well. The muscle, the lighting, the way he's just leaning back and holding himself up on the strings?? idk about boxing listen- it's hot and that's what matters. Obi-wan should lick and bite his muscles bc they both deserve it. I can imagine so many different things with this and I have no idea what part Obi-wan plays in this au or if he's even in it, but I am in love with it. In conclusion to my five paragraph essay, this is beautiful and i am going to keep staring at it for eternity <33
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I know very little about boxing too (my partner is a fan and I am subjected to watching sometimes), but listen, licking your opponent's sweat and cute nipples is allowed in this au because Anakin is VERY pretty when he is that excited and focused (on Obi-Wan, of course).
And also, of course he loves bare-knuckle boxing because he is a violent unhinged baby ♥
I'm so happy you liked him! I feel like it's been a long time since I drew something for myself (not that I don't enjoy making art for other people's ideas! I do ♥) and he came out just as I imagined him.
Thank you for your wonderful comments, they made my day!!
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effeminateboyninja · 3 years
♡ dating team Guy hcs ♡
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he notices the way you look at him and he doesn’t know what to do with himself. feelings? romantic ones?? he is confusion.
it takes him a while to accept it, but once he does he’s an adorable mess, unsure of himself for one of the rare times in his life
Neji is a romantic, and he wants your relationship to be storybook perfect right from the beginning
so when he asks you out he plans the whole thing, it’s an intimate moment with just the two of you underneath the cherry blossoms and he says it so sweetly
“be mine, (y/n)?”
from that moment on it’s just bliss. he’s a private lover and prefers to take you on dates away from the public eye where he can let himself be gentle with you
pls no pda! it’s not that he’s ashamed of you, he just thinks intimacy is meant to be shared between you two, and you two alone
when you’re alone though, he’s always touching you affectionately. brushing your hair behind your ear or absentmindedly rubbing his thumb over the back of your hand
writes poetry for you!! and reads it with his head in your lap as you run your fingers through his long hair absentmindedly
the first time he kisses you you’re shocked because it happens it public :o
Kiba is teasing you two about being so awkward and he’s had enough, so he just leans forward and plants a quick kiss on your lips, leaving you a blushing mess as he turned to the Inuzuka boy with a smirk
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Get so adorably flustered and blushy when you’re around, Lee is constantly teasing her about it
“Shut. Up.” she says through gritted, punching him on the shoulder before turning to you to flash that nervous smile that made you weak
then one night you’re walking home together from training like you often did, just joking and laughing lightheartedly and she just looks so pretty you can’t stop yourself
you ask her to be your girlfriend, and her little apple cheeks turn bright red and she looks away shyly, but you can hear her whisper, “yes”
you guys spend all your free time together between training sessions to meet up for a quick date at Yakinuki Q’s or just take a walk
she’s always pushing you to better yourself and you love her for it
one night you give her one of your jackets to walk home in and you never got it back... you definitely didn’t mind though
little spoon! she just feels so safe and comforted wrapped in your arms
acts of service is definitely her love language, she’s always doing small tasks like getting your clothes ready for you in the morning or packing you a boxed lunch
your first kiss happens unexpectedly. you two are helping each other train and you’ve got each other in a checkmate, kunais poised skillfully against one another in front of your faces
and she just drops her weapon, using your moment of confusion to lean in and pull to your lips to hers tenderly
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okay we already know this man is a 10/10 catch, he would do anything for you
asks you out the first time you meet, and you’re like ??? who are you??
but he’s persistent, and you can’t help but admit he’s sweet (and incredibly cute), so eventually you relent and it’s the best decision you ever make
let’s you plan all the dates, he just wants to spend time with you doing something that makes you happy
king of pet names. “flower”, “sweetheart”, “my beautiful love”, anything that will make you blush
so protective of you, but not in an overbearing way?? he knows you can take care of yourself
literally always talking about you to other people! he just thinks you’re neat okay?
always there to support you when you’re down. he knows just how to cheer you up with that signature smile and thumbs up
sometimes you’ll just catch him staring at you while you go about your day with this absolutely love struck expression and it melts your heart
almost has a heart attack after your first kiss. you lean back and open your eyes and his face is beet red, his adorable wide eyes staring at you in awe
“Can we please do that again?!”
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pulls a lot of dorky stunts to impress you and you’re ngl... they kinda work? finally one day you’re like “you’ve already won me over, you don’t need to keep trying”
but he never stops trying to impress you. it’ll be five years down the line and this man is still treating it like your honeymoon phase
will show you off to everyone, loves walking through the village with you on his arm
fun, high energy dates where you two can let loose. he suggested skydiving once and that’s where you drew the line
always asks you to be his workout partner. but don’t worry, you don’t need to do anything, just sit on his back while he does pushups
and I mean that’s fine bc ✨muscles✨
one time you come out in his jumpsuit as a joke and expect him to laugh, instead he looks at you like you just put the stars in the sky
“flower, you are truly the most beautiful creature I’ve ever laid eyes on”
he’s a big spoon. his favourite way to fall asleep is with you in his arms
the first time he kisses you it’s sweet and soft, he gently lifts your chin and brings his lips to yours
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babblydrabbly · 3 years
Ok, ok, here me out (& last one; I promise): Rick & the Reader, blankets & a sweatshirt (bc fall🍁 baby & only one sweatshirt bc Rick’s a toasty bear who don’t care ‘bout the cold), cozied up in bed, asleep. Their large dog nestled half way between them, contently. One small, peaceful, happy family. Goodnight 😘💤😴
Mornings || Fluff Drabble
Pairing(s): Rick Flag x Neutral!Reader
Warning(s): Just Fluff :)
[ A/N: Somedays the need for fluff just hits ya 😌 Also, obsessed with the head canon that rick flag runs toasty because it's too freaking cute. ]
"Aren't you freezing?" You mumbled from under the blankets. Across the room, you heard Rick move about, your closet door softly opening and closing, then the bathroom's. You drifted in and out of sleep, the sounds of the shower muffled beneath your warm duvet.
Rick had gone for his morning run— Something you declared a form of insanity considering he liked to do it right before sunrise— Even on his day off. He chuckled as he gently pried you off of him that dawn, your limbs making a valiant attempt to keep him there by your side even half-asleep.
You felt a weight press down at the edge of the bed now. You peeled an eye open to see Rick's broad back, his damp head of hair. He drew on a pair of wool socks, tucking the ends of his pajama bottoms back over each one. You made a sound of protest when he stood back up; Opening the bedroom door, Rick made a clicking sound with his jaw, and the sudden rush of hurried paws scratched along the hardwood floor toward your bedroom.
You groaned as you received a leaping 60lbs worth of golden retriever directly in your lap. Still, you smiled, your hands flying up out of the covers to pat your pretty girl fondly.
You glanced sleepily up as Rick watched you, his face awash with equal fondness. You bit back a small grin and patted the empty side of the bed.
"Get over here." You commanded. Rick Flag pushed off the bedroom door he was leaning on and made his way to you. Instead of walking to his side, he stopped before you, and you sighed happily as he knelt down to bracket you between his long limbs. You felt the brush of his lips ghost over yours as he passed; He landed with a grunt, careful not to crush your pet between the two of you.
"Under." You yanked a corner of the blankets open to help Rick get comfortable beneath them.
You're unsurprised by the cool touch of his skin— Another unrelatable habit of his— An ice cold shower, no matter the time of year. Still you moan softly at the feel of him as he wrapped himself around you, the soothing contrast pleasing you. You bury your face in Rick's neck, feeling the faint vibration of a soft laugh rumbling through him.
"Nothin'." He said. You don't have to look up to hear the smile in his words. "How're your feet so damn cold under here?"
You shifted, sneakily drawing your legs up to press against his— When you realize that's why Rick Flag knew to put on those socks. Clever bastard.
"How are you so warm all the time?" You countered. The skin that touched yours was already beginning to heat up again. You shifted against him once more, inhaling deeply. You inhaled the soap from his recent shower, and the familiar scent of Rick in general.
Rick removed one arm from the blankets and propped it behind his head. He moved the leg that wasn't entangled with yours', sticking it out from under the blankets to keep from overheating.
"Would you kill me if I opened a window?" He said after some time— Minutes, an hour— You didn't know. You murmured something along the lines of 'No, but I'll kill you if you leave this bed', but you weren't certain you said it aloud.
Rick returned with a kind breeze at his back, his body shielding you from the window as he returned to slip in beside you. You heard the rustle of dry leaves outside, the crackle as they fell down into the yard with the gentle morning wind. You allowed the dog to get comfortable between you again before wrapping your arms around Rick.
He slotted himself beside you, head tilted so that his eyes stayed resting on your dreaming face. This time, the second contented sigh of the morning that fills your quiet room is his.
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studiobeebo · 3 years
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IM SO GLAD I COULD CONVINCE U BC ITS FANTASTIC AND I HOPE MORE PPL GET INTO IT! and im literally the biggest slut for aquariums so ty ty and hope u enjoy 🤙🏽 @alibrick1
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♡ Aquarium Date ♡
Soshiro Hoshina x Unspecified Gender! Reader
as always if y’all enjoy this please remember that reblogs are greatly appreciated!!
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“What’s so funny?” You huffed, giddiness at the sight of the incredible creature in the tank in front of you quickly turning to suspicion upon turning away to look for where your boyfriend could have wandered off to, only to find him standing a few feet behind you, laughing.
“Nothin’.” He chuckled, a smile still on his face as he closed the distance between the two of you, though now his eyes were on the large whale shark that passed by behind you, which was arguably where his attention should have been considering the two of you didn’t go to the aquarium just stare at each other, but he couldn’t help his focus shifting to you more often than not.
Things at the base had been a bit hectic to say the least and being the vice captain, that chaos naturally landed right in his lap and he was expected to take a large part in getting things under control. That combined with the fact that you hadn’t exactly gotten off easy yourself meant that the two of you had been seeing very little of one another, which was generally expected due to your jobs and the fact that he was never really ‘off duty’ due to his position, but you’d barely had time to do anything aside from maybe eat lunch together and even that had become rare.
To be honest, he was arguably more put off by your lack of time together than you were, yet it was you who ended up finally requesting to get a weekend off with him.
While you decided to shoot high by asking your captain if her vice captain could be included in your time off, you were expecting her to draw the line at him considering the amount of work that had to be done, but to your surprise she agreed. It was something about how she knew good performance stemmed from a well rested mind, but all you heard was ‘you get a weekend off with your boyfriend’ and you were practically running down the hall ordering shinkansen tickets to Osaka and texting Soshiro simultaneously. He didn’t believe it at first, but he was more than happy to agree so here you were, at the Kaiyukan aquarium on a well deserved weekend off.
He himself was pretty impartial to aquariums and zoos, he dealt with insane creatures damn near everyday so there was never really anything about the attractions that really drew his attention. You, on the other hand, were someone who had become very good at drawing his attention and he’d caught himself staring a good handful of times throughout your day.
It was partially because of your looks, especially since you had gone all out considering the fact that you rarely got to do so, but mostly because this was the first time he had seen you looking excited and happy in a while. Usually when you saw one another, you were both exhausted and just about out of any energy you could muster, so seeing you looking into the various fish filled tanks with a wide smile playing on your lips and an extra pep in your step was more than enough to give him reason to stare.
He only laughed because he couldn’t believe himself for being so romantically cringey, plus it was funny seeing you practically smash your face against the glass to get a better look at the gentle giant that swam by every once in a while, but he was quick to act like he definitely-totally-100% wasn’t laughing at you.
“ ‘Nothin’ “, you mocked while gently elbowing him in the ribs before leaning into his side as he feigned dramatic pain. “You’re a shit liar, I can always tell when you’re laughing at me.”
“I don’t know what you mean.~” He hummed, this time letting out an actual ‘ow’ upon receiving a kick to his foot as he wrapped an arm around your waist. “Just in a good mood ‘s all.”
You hummed, shifting your eyes to look at him before looking back at the display before you. You liked to act like you didn’t care in retaliation to the amount of teasing you received from him, but you really did want him to have a fun weekend to relax a bit. You had been a tad bit worried that he might have wanted to spend his small slice of free time having time for himself, not that you would blame him, so you were relieved to see the lack of tense body language that you had been seeing in him as of late and a genuine smile on his face.
“In a good enough mood to buy me dinner?” You challenged with a raised brow, not wanting to dwell on being mushy for long as he let out a laugh of his own while giving a gentle squeeze to your waist.
“You’re not very good at being persuasive.”
“What do you want me to do, pose?”
“God no, that would be embarrassing and then I’d have to act like I don’t know who you are.”
You rolled your eyes and let out a faux huffy “Fine then.”, though when you went to pull away from him he was quick to tighten his grip, reflexes as fast as ever as he pulled you closer and muttered a resigned “Fine, fine.” against your skin while pressing a playful kiss on your temple.
“Gross, people are gonna think we’re dating or something.” You teased, this time actually wiggling out of his grasp to get a move on as your hunger began to creep up on you at the mention of dinner.
He simply smiled, moving to follow after you as he had done so many times before and would probably end up doing until the day he died.
“Yeah, well-“ He started, lacing his fingers with yours as he caught up. “Guess we’ll just have to tell them I got lucky.”
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chososhoe · 3 years
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summary: you surprise your boyfriend with a lace apron after seeing him in a long time 
warnings: spanking, rough sex, oral (receiving; giving), dirty talk, little bit of praising
note: I've been taking a short break from tumblr bc of school but now I'm here again and I just want to say thank you for the support bc I rly didn't think I’d get almost 200 followers in this short amount of time. So thank you all uwu
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You slipped the white lace apron over your naked body before you looked in the mirror in front of you and put another layer of red lipstick on your lips. Satisfied, you walked away, heading into the kitchen as your black pumps echoed in the hallway.
Your boyfriend finally came home after a week full of missions and you of course wanted to surprise him with something he surely wouldn’t see coming.
In the kitchen, you put the two plates you decorated carefully beforehand on the small table and placed wineglasses next to them.
Your ears perked up when you heard footsteps approaching the small apartment and keys jiggling. You were in the middle of pouring wine into the glasses as you heard your boyfriend yelling out a “Hello”.
“Welcome back. I’m in the kitchen”
After taking off his jacket and shoes he headed into the kitchen, only to see you in your revealing clothing.
“New way to welcome me?”
Your boyfriend snickered and got closer to you.
“Do you like it?”
You asked with a seducing voice while you smiled at him.
“I sure do”
He chuckled and kissed you sweetly. As soon as your lips connected, his hands found their way to your butt and drew you closer before he slipped his tongue into your mouth and kneaded your cheeks.
Your hands were wrapped around his neck as he picked you up to place you on the counter.
“Spread your legs for me baby”
He whispered into your ear while one hand lingered on your inner thigh, gently trying to push your thighs apart.
When you had done what he commanded, your boyfriend got on his knees and shoved the part of the apron that was covering your heat up to your stomach.
Right after, you felt his fingers grab the soft flesh of your legs tightly and his tongue laying flat on your clit. As a respond to that you moaned and grabbed his hair with one hand.
His face got shoved into your pussy, but that didn’t really bother him because his tongue flicked your clit next. It circled around your entrance and slipped in a few times, making you grab his hair tighter.
“Fuck I’ve missed this”
You moaned out, encouraging your boyfriend to use one finger to enter your prepared hole while switching to sucking on your clit.
“Ah please…I’m cumming”
Upon hearing your words, Choso’s finger sped up as he sucked harder on your clit.
You thrust your hips forward and arched your back as you moaned, satisfied.
“are you that desperate for my touch that this made you cum already?”
“How could I not cum fast when my boyfriend is finally home again after a week?”
“I know I know”
Choso mumbled as he kissed your inner thigh before he got up to lick your jaw and whispering something into your ear that left you with goosebumps and excitement.
“You know, it’s been a long time since I fucked you so hard that you couldn’t walk for days.”
Just thinking about it made your pussy throb in anticipation.
Normally, Choso would fuck you gently, trying not to hurt you while pleasing the two of you. However, sometimes he just couldn’t control himself, especially when you hadn’t had sex in a long time.
Your boyfriend moved his mouth from your ear to your lips and left a messy kiss on them before he kissed down to your collarbone and sucked on it.
You got impatient and softly rocked your hips against him, trying to get his attention, to which he responded with a chuckle before one hand of his loosened his pants so they slid down to his knees.
“Turn around for me baby”
A smirk was plastered on his face as you got off of the counter and turned around before you lay your hands on the surface to support yourself.
Choso then grabbed his already hard length and lined it up to roughly enter your entrance.
“Fuck you’re so tight”
He hissed and smacked your cheek so hard that it left a red mark after you moaned from the stinging pain.
You tried to steady yourself every time you felt him thrust harshly into your hole, but with no effort.
Your boyfriend just huffed and applied pressure on your back with his hand, pushing your chest on the counter while still fucking into you.
“Be a good slut and take what I give you”
Your walls tightened around his cock as you felt another slap on your cheek. You screamed out his name, making him moan, grab your hair and pull you back.
His upper body leaned forward, pressing against your back as he bit your shoulder.
“You feel so good”
He moaned into your ear, giving you goosebumps once again.
“Fuck me harder”
Hearing him chuckle again, he pulled back and grabbed your hips before he mercilessly rutted into your tight cunt.
Your head couldn’t process anything anymore with the amount of pleasure you received, only yes’s leaving your mouth.
Your voice got higher and higher as you felt your high approach, clenching your walls around his dick.
With one last scream, you came while your boyfriend still wasn’t finished, penetrating your sensitive pussy over and over again.
Before you could end your sentence, he pulled out and grabbed your shoulder to turn you around and pushing you to the ground to kneel before him.
“Suck me off”
You didn’t waste time and immediately grabbed his throbbing length to put it into your mouth.  Doing your best to suck his wet cock with the rest of the strength you had left, it still wasn’t good enough for the man. Soon after, he grabbed your head and shoved his whole length down your throat, causing you to get glassy eyes.
Choso looked at you struggling with his big length as the first tears left your eyes. At the sight of thus, you felt his dick twitch and push your head up and down faster and faster.
“Oh god yes”
Your boyfriend groaned with his gaze on your face where your make up was running down your cheeks due to the tears.
You tasted his semen in your mouth and pulled away from him, swallowing it and opened your mouth to show him that you’ve drunk it all.
“Good girl”
Choso praised you and pulled you up to carry you to the bedroom. When he laid you on the bed, he chuckled while removing the apron.
“You should welcome me more often with this”
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Fic Idea: Geralt being very self conscious about literally all of the inhuman traits he has (he probably has even more than most Witchers because of the extra trials) and trying to hide them entirely or just make them less obvious when Jaskier starts traveling with him, probably angsting whenever Jaskier notices, and some nice h/c from Jaskier ( + feral bard ready to stab all the humans who made Geralt feel like that and/or horny bard with a broken brain bc “oh no hes getting hotter”)
so I did this from Geralt’s pov bc honestly I was just feeling the angst today? Its the first day of classes and a bitch was overwhelmed so here. we. go.
also I couldn't get that face out of my head from the betrothal episode where he’s watching the chaos before the fight breaks out and he looks like a confused puppy?! y’all know the one? god its so cute.
Waringins: none
Geralt had always managed to stay far away from the average human. They always cringed and drew back at his slightly off appearance, until Jaskier started following him. 
It started with his teeth. On the rare occasion he gave in and smiled at the bard’s jokes he noticed Jaskier staring at his teeth. They weren't fangs per se, but he had pronounced canines before the trials, now they were rather obvious. 
Jaskier made to say something, paused, then changed the subject. Geralt ran his tongue over his teeth and feigned attention for the next few minutes of the bard's story. He spent the night trying to decide if Jaskier was scared or disgusted by him.
When Jaskier insisted on brushing twigs out of Geralt’s hair after a contract rather early on Geralt felt a panic he wasn't sure what to do with. He’d already accepted that he needed the bard, though whether for personal or professional reasons he hadn’t made up his mind, and he didn't want him running when he realized Geralt was more wolf than expected. His hair was coarse and unruly, another side effect of the trials, but Jaskier hummed in content as he ran his fingers through it. 
“It’s softer than it looks.” he murmured.
Geralt only grunted, surprised but still not entirely at ease. 
Months down the line they were having to haggle over the fee an alderman owed and Geralt growled. Not a human growl, no. He was tired and covered in blood and, frankly, really fucking angry and he’d let an animalistic growl leap out of his chest. He could smell the fear in the air and made sure to avoid Jaskier’s eyes. He couldn’t bear to see the disgust reflected at him. They got 100 orins above asking price though. 
When they reunited after the winter Geralt was far more careful. Less smiling, kept his hair neat so Jaskier wasn’t inclined to fix it, even made sure to rest better so he didn’t slip up again. 
Of course his plans went to shit after a week. He’d taken quite the beating from a bruxa before killing it and Jaskier had insisted he lay down while the bard skinned and cooked their dinner. 
While it roasted Jaskier laid down next to Geralt, brushing the hair out of a cut to begin with, but when Geralt leaned into the gentle touch he ran his hands through his hair. Half asleep, Geralt thought maybe this was a bad idea, he'd managed to keep up his civilized human act for a few days now, but it just felt so nice. Jaskier continued his gentle strokes for a few minutes, nudging Geralt closer to sleep despite the hunger eating at his stomach. When the bard finally pulled away to check their dinner Geralt gave a high pitched whine, not unlike a puppy.
Jaskier froze, "Did you…"
Geralt cleared his throat, gingerly sitting up to lean against a log and grumbling, "No." 
"Yes, you… Geralt that was cute." Jaskier was squatting next to him, fussing with his bandaged arm to busy his hands.
Geralt was too tired to control his facial expressions, completely baffled by his words he turned to him, "I'm an animal and you think it's cute?" 
Jaskier sighed, abandoning the bandages and resting his elbows on his knees, giving Geralt an exasperated look, "You are not an animal. I, for one, am quite drawn to your differences."
"You mean the fangs and fur for hair?" Geralt didn't believe him for a second and he made it clear with his tone. 
"Your teeth don't scare me in the slightest." He heaved a sigh as he stood to take the rabbit off the fire, "In fact I think they suit you well." 
"Suit me?" 
"Yes. Adds to the total attractiveness you have going on." Jaskier handed a rabbit leg to Geralt as if their conversation was completely normal, as if Geralt's heart wasn't about to beat out of his chest. 
He realized he was staring, probably oogling up at the bard but he was too lost to care, "And the growling like a dog…?" 
"Mm!-" Jaskier spoke around a mouthful, waving his free hand as if conducting an orchestra, "-That was rather hot." 
"What!?" The panic in Geralt's chest was slowly disapating until Jaskier's words transformed it into something else entirely.
"Oh please! Don't act so surprised," Jaskier was snickering now, looking down at Geralt with an amused bewilderment, "You've fallen into many a bed since we first met, how do you not know?" 
Geralt picked at the hare, more self conscious than ever, "I just… most of them think it will be a story for the tavern, the, uh, 'thrill of the other'. A challenge."
"Yeah. Idiot. I too would be telling everyone about bedding the hot witcher who saved the townsfolk." Jaskier rolled his eyes as he sat on the ground next to Geralt, "Not to be untoward-"
"You always are." Geralt teased.
"-It's more fun- what I'm trying to say is, I find all of you appealing. Your little wolfy bits and habits and the quintessential humanness of you as well. You are not an animal, Geralt, and you don't deserve the way scared little weasels treat you." 
Geralt was silent for a moment, chewing at some gristle stuck in his teeth as an excuse to think. 
Jaskier lowered his voice, a hint of nerves on his tongue, "I know you're realigning how you view yourself up in there but I did just do a little confessing and it would be nice if you said something. Anything." 
Geralt tilted his head, looking at the bard from under a furrowed brow, "You're attracted… to me?" 
Jaskier nodded, now the one to look away, "When you say it so plainly…" 
"Hmm." The panic from before was entirely replaced by a terrifying warmth spreading through Geralt's chest. This idiot of a human who had seen him at his worst wanted him for him. In 80 years the closest he'd come to this kind of feeling was the bond with his horses. 
He couldn't put words to it, not in a million years, so instead he shuffled closer to the bard and rested his head on his shoulder. Jaskier placed a hand on his knee and he let out a deep rumbly sigh of content. 
They finished their meal in silence, more than enough words passed between them for the night. 
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mellowswriting · 3 years
Settled - A Sequel to The Future
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pairing || Din Djarin x fem!Reader
summary || A glimpse into domestic life with Din. 
word count || 4,238
warnings || soft smut, food consumption, pregnant reader, domestic fluff, Din Djarin is the best dad in the universe but we already knew that, Uncle Paz Vizsla bc I’m shameless
a/n ||  Listen... soft domesticity with Din was something I didn’t realized I needed in life until writing this, so I had so much fun. Thank you to the anons who sent the requests that inspired this! ​
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Translations: riduur - spouse buir - parent mesh’la - beautiful kurshi’ika - little tree cyar’ika - darling, sweetheart
It was the kind of morning people wrote poetry about, line after eloquent line about how the sun broke over the trees in brilliant streaks of orange and pink backed by the symphony of cheerful bird chatter, how the steam from your coffee mug curled through the air in a lazy pirouette, how each sip you took as you read by the open window filled you to the brim with a warm peace that rivaled any other. That kind of tranquility was something you had craved, but never thought you could actually have for yourself.
You were never more glad to be wrong.
Every promise Din made to you, he followed through on. Ma’ira was small but beautiful, covered with lush forests and dotted with turquoise colored lakes, and the second you landed on the planet you just knew. Something about it all felt right. It didn’t take long to find the home you now lived in with your riduur, an almost cottage-like home on the outskirts of town, far enough away that Din felt comfortable enough to strip away his armor more often than not.
It had been a strange adjustment. Din wasn’t used to the possibility of being so open. You weren’t used to the possibility of staying put. But the biggest adjustment of all was the swell of your stomach when you first moved into the house that the two of you had turned into a warm, happy home. Din, being the overachiever of the century, somehow managed to knock you up right on the first try. To say that the both of you were surprised would be an understatement. You expected to have more time, to be able to spend however long it took to find the absolute perfect place to settle down.
In more ways than one, you were beyond glad that your lover was such an overachiever. You would have overthought it all; which planet was the best to settle down on, whether or not the house you chose was the right one, if your town was safe enough. The kiddo growing in your belly like a weed forced you both to make a decision in a timely manner and now you had an incredible husband, a perfect daughter, and another warrior growing strong in your belly.
At two years old, Willow was a bright, vibrant little girl who also managed to create mischief anywhere her little feet could carry her. And with all of that endless bounty of toddler energy? Yeah, you needed those calm mornings as a reprieve from her energy, as much as you loved her
It was the rumble of her bare feet on the wood floors that drew you from the novel in your hands, her wild mess of brown hair the first thing you saw as she clambered in your lap. Her arms wound around your neck as she pulled you into a bear hug, practically choking the life out of you in her excitement.
“Good morning, Willow,” You said as you shifted her weight away from the swell of your belly before brushing her curls out of her face. “How about we go wake up your buir, huh? I think he’s gotten to sleep in enough this morning.”
Willow’s eyes lit up at the mention of her father and she nodded emphatically, already ready to poke at her father until he woke up like she did every morning. You made your way into your bedroom with her on your hip and you couldn’t help but smile at the sight your husband made. Din was still dead asleep, his face buried in the crook of his elbow, the stark contrast of his tan skin against the white sheets made even more striking by the sunlight flooding through the windows. Just like his daughter, his hair was a curly mess atop his head.
You gingerly set Willow down next to Din and she crawled over to kneel at his side and pry his arm away from his face. It woke him up immediately, you could tell by the slight curve of his lips despite his still closed eyes - a game he played almost every morning with his daughter. Next came the poking at his cheeks, then his eyebrows, and then his lips - where Din grabbed her hand and pretended to gobble her up.
“Papa!” Willow squealed, devolving into a fit of giggles as she tried to squirm away. “Mama, help!”
The second you leaned over to try to scoop her up, Din pulled you down onto the bed on top of him and pressed a kiss to your lips, always careful not to put pressure on your stomach. You shifted to lay next to him, propping your baby bump on his side to relieve the tension. Sat there in that bed, your husband rubbing your belly with one warm hand and your toddler jumping and tumbling around the pillows, her peals of laughter echoing off of your bedroom walls… well, it brought you more peace than any early morning sunrise or good book could ever bring you.
“Good morning, mesh’la.” Din murmured against your temple where he pressed a kiss, his voice rumbling low and sleepy. “How’s the book?”
“About halfway through, it’s a good one.” You loved the interest he took in your little hobbies. The newest book in particular was the fourth in a series Din had gotten for you. He knew you liked to read while you breastfed and was more than happy to provide you with as many books as possible. “The little one is kicking up a storm, though. He’s killing my bladder.”
Din hummed as he slid down to speak right into your belly. “Be good to your mama, little one.”
He kissed your baby bump, leaned up to kiss your lips, and then stood to stretch his arms high above his head with a strained groan. “Come on, kurshi’ika, let’s get your hair fixed.”
You smiled at the nickname, watching Din carry his little girl to the bathroom. He may be an intimidating Mandalorian, a big and bad ex-bounty hunter, but he was the softest, sweetest dad you had ever seen. With a low groan, you eased yourself onto your feet and busied yourself with preparing breakfast, and by the time Din emerged from the bathroom with Willow, you had yogurt and a pile of sliced strawberries ready for her.
Sitting down to eat meals together was something you cherished. It felt like a completely different life, back when you and Din would have to sit in separate rooms to eat to protect his creed, back when everything was so complicated. Now Din would share small bites of his own meals with Willow, he talked through mouthfuls of food hidden behind his hand, he cleared the table once all of you were finished. Yet another new side of your soulmate that you had the privilege of seeing.
It didn’t take long for Willow to finish her breakfast and ask to be let down to play. It amazed you how much energy such a small kid managed to contain, watching her zip around the living room without pausing to take a breath. You couldn’t help but laugh as Din tried to keep up with her. Not long ago, you would’ve been right there on the floor with them, but now that pregnancy had shifted your center of gravity and had your back and feet aching constantly, it was too damn hard.
While Willow was lucky to have a dad who had no qualms with crawling around on the floor with her, even he couldn’t rival her energy. Din dropped onto the couch next to you with a long drawn out sigh, watching with raised eyebrows as his daughter shot around the room.
“How does she do it?” He chuckled, shaking his head. You hummed in lieu of an answer and leaned your head against his shoulder. Just like with your first pregnancy, you were tired more often than not and Din’s warmth was like a heavy blanket that could only lure you closer to sleep. Din pulled you closer to rub your belly. “How are we going to do it? With two?”
“If we can handle bounty hunting, we can handle two kids, my love.” You murmured, your eyes falling closed as you relaxed against him.
“Bounty hunting was less scary.” Din said with a huffed laugh and yeah, he wasn’t exactly wrong. But as terrifying as parenthood could be, watching Willow grow and learn made everything worth it. You could see pieces of both of you in her; she had Din’s hair and your eyes. She had her father’s attitude and your perfected puppy-dog eyes. She had her father’s grumpy face and your laugh.
Even so, she was becoming her own person the more she grew. Every annoyed huff, every little pout, every time she jumped out from behind the couch or bed to ‘scare’ one of you, it became more glaringly obvious just how lucky you both were. The little one growing strong in your belly would only add to that luck, you just knew it. Even when your bladder was being used as a trampoline, when the exhaustion got so bad you had to nap in the middle of the day, when the nausea overwhelmed you, there was an underlying tone of luckiness.
Three quick knocks had you easing yourself off of the couch despite Din insisting he could get it. If you stayed on that couch curled up next to him any longer, you would fall asleep and you knew it. A warm rush of air flooded against you when you opened the door and you smiled brightly at the man in front of you.
“Paz! It’s good to see you!” You said as you pulled him in for a hug. “Come on in.”
The second Willow saw him, an excited cry of “Uncle Paz!” echoed through the living room as she scrambled to give him a bear hug. Paz was the one who made you realize that your husband wasn’t an anomaly among Mandalorians - you knew they cherished children, that raising them to be strong and healthy was the foundation of their culture, but you hadn’t realized just how gentle they were with the littlest ones. If anyone had told you before all of this that you would see Din Djarin and Paz Vizsla sitting on the floor and happily playing along with a tea party for a two year old and her stuffed bunnies, you would’ve laughed at the very idea.
But now it was a weekly occurrence, one that you would cherish the memories of for the rest of your life, and you couldn’t imagine life any other way.
“Are you sure she’s ready, cyar’ika?” Din murmured as he watched Willow debate which stuffed animal she should bring with her.
“I definitely think she is. Besides, Jaina and Paz are only a few miles away. If she changes her mind, we’ll go pick her up.” You rubbed his arm reassuringly. “Are you sure you’re ready?”
“Just nervous.” He grunted.
Willow’s first overnight away was something you both agreed on, but that didn’t mean neither of you were anxious about it. Paz and his wife were the only ones you trusted enough and Maker knows that they didn’t mind helping. You were all family, after all.
“She’s going to be with them while I’m in labor, she needs to be comfortable if she has to stay overnight. But we can put this off a bit longer if you want.” You offered, but he shook his head. No matter when Willow went to spend the night with her Uncle, it was going to be nerve wracking and you both knew it.
You knelt next to Willow and helped her zip up the bag she had stuffed full of toys. “Okay, Willow. Are you excited to stay with Uncle Paz and Aunt Jaina?”
Willow nodded emphatically, bouncing on her toes and struggling to keep her attention on you in her excitement, especially when she saw her dad walking over to crouch down next to her as well.
“Be a good listener for Paz, okay kurshi’ika?” Din reminded her gently and Willow nodded again before hugging him tightly. The worry on his face eased as he held her close.
“Bye, Papa.” Willow chirped before turning to hug you as well. “Bye, Mama. Bye, Baby.”
The kiss she popped against your belly choked you up and you almost wanted to wrap her up in your arms and never let her go. Oh, your sweet, precious little girl. So excited to be a big sister, already so loving to a sibling that wasn’t even born yet.
You watched her hop along after Paz and as he strapped her into the seat of his speeder, always overly cautious about the strap placement of her harness, but Paz was a quick learner. All it took was that one time of showing him exactly where the chest clip was meant to be and stressing the importance of it, and the man had it down expertly.
You expected the house to feel smaller, empty without Willow’s high peals of laughter and exhaustive energy, and while that thread of nervousness at being away from your child still held true, the idea of getting to relax with your husband without any real obligations was… nice. Different, but nice. You sat down heavily on the couch, that heavy exhaustion creeping over you to weigh down your eyelids the moment you met the cushions.
It was the feeling of Din’s hands rubbing the tension from your feet that woke you sometime later. His attention was on the television across the room, some rerun of a trashy holodrama playing at a low volume. You smiled sleepily at him. So handsome with his fluffy, unkempt hair and the stubble he hadn’t bothered shaving in the past few days. You reached out to graze his arm with your fingertips and Din smiled before he even looked away from the screen.
“How was your nap?” He asked quietly, a soft fondness on his face.
“Good,” Your voice was rough with sleep. You wiggled your toes against his hand. “This is better, though.”
Din chuckled but complied, those strong fingers of his digging into the arch of your foot and pulling a pleased hum deep from your chest. The man had hands like magic. It was something he loved to do, taking care of your body aches and tense muscles, especially when you were pregnant. He was the one who put you in that state after all. He felt it was his responsibility to take care of you, however you needed.
The tightness of your muscles slowly relaxed with each kneading pass of his fingers, his hands slowly making their way up past your ankles, working through your calves and your knees. He pressed feather light kisses to your calves as he worked his hands, shifting so he could lean over you and slowly work himself up your body. Din knew exactly what he was doing, could tell by the way your contented little hums morphed into pleasured moans.
A grin found your lips when your heady whine was met with a low, needy groan. Din nipped your inner thigh playfully and looked up at you with those bright eyes. “What do you need, Din?”
“You.” He leaned up to press his forehead to yours. “Just you.”
“You have me.” You whispered, your heart pattering faster in your chest. It had been far too long since you could just let loose with him and enjoy each other without having to think about anything other than the feel of each other’s bodies. “You always have me.”
Din kissed you, one hand propping himself up next to you and the other gripping your chin to tip your head back. A shudder rocked through you at the feeling of his tongue dipping to lick at your lips. You pulled away to pat his cheek, a breathless laugh falling from your lips.
“Not on the couch,” You said. “Take me to bed, riduur.”
Your husband helped you to your feet, ushering you ahead of him with one big hand smacking and grabbing at your ass as you laughed at his antics. Before you were showing, Din would’ve had no issue shoving you down on the bed and going to town on you, and while his touch was still firm, he was gentle. Beyond careful.
He had you stripped in no time, your shirt and shorts flung somewhere unknown and uncared for. The warmth of his hand at your waist made you shiver and press closer; the skin on skin of his chest pressed against your back was addictive, left you keening for more, for any other gentle touch he would grace you with. It was a kiss to your neck that came next, followed almost immediately by the drag of his teeth against your pulse. His fingers knotted in your hair, angling your head to give him better access to the corded muscle of your neck that he loved sinking his teeth into.
The stuttered cries he managed to pull from you were like music to Din’s ears. Every single sound you made for him… fuck, they were just as pretty as you. He pressed you forward onto your hands and knees, grinning at the way your fingers immediately curled into the sheets, and ground his clothed cock against your ass in a slow circle, relishing in the desperate cant of your hips in your search for more friction.
“So needy, cyar’ika.” Din murmured as he leaned down to kiss and lick and bite at your shoulder blades, his hand coming down to cradle your belly, feeling his child close and safe inside of you. “Such a good girl, huh? Always so good for me.”
“Please…” You arched against him with a whine, seeking his touch where you really, desperately needed it. The look you tossed at him over your shoulder was almost enough to break him. “I need you.”
Din popped the hems of his briefs with how quickly he ripped them off. He moved to kneel at the edge of the bed, ready to open you up for him, spread you out with his tongue and his fingers and let your pretty little moans soak into his ego and stroke his pride. Your foot shot out to stop him, damn near catching him in the ribs.
“Fuck, Din, I’m ready. I promise, I just need you, please -”
He eased your desperation with a hand at the base of your spine, shuddering at how much you needed him, his touch, his cock buried as deep as possible in your wet little cunt. Din’s fingers brushed your core gently, barely touching you to hear that needy whine one more time, before tracing your clit in practiced circles.
The arch of your hips deepened as you relished in the pleasure your husband sparked through your body, unable to curb the needy sounds you made. Sex with Din was always a good time, but sex with Din while you were pregnant was next fucking level. The doctor had told you it was because of higher blood flow and blah, blah, blah, but you had a sneaking suspicion that he was also just that good. You didn’t even realize you were begging at first, crying out a high, ‘please, please, please’ until you felt Din’s cock notch at your entrance, the hand he had at the base of your spine sliding down to grasp firm at your neck.
He pushed into you in one smooth, devastating stroke, not stopping until his pelvis was flush against. The groan he gave was one you heard time and time again, his voice reverent as if you were the goddess to absolve him of all of his sins, the one to save him and bring him to salvation. It broke you down and built you up in the same second, pride swelling in your chest at the pleasure you brought him, at the pleasure he brought you. Just the full feeling of his cock stretching you was enough to have you trembling beneath him, so that first slow stroke, the roll of his hips as he pulled away only to push back into you, it was devastating.
“Fuck…” Din’s head tipped back, his hips setting a steady, slow pace that still had you almost too full but still needing more. “So fucking wet for me, so ti-ight.”
You wanted to praise him, to tell him how good he felt inside of you, how his thick cock made you quiver around him, but your voice had disappeared, fizzled out with that first thrust. But you could show him. You pushed back against him to meet his thrusts, a cock drunk grin spreading across your face when Din’s pace stuttered at your enthusiasm. The muscles in your thighs and back were starting to ache with the effort of holding yourself up, but before you could find your voice well enough to tell him, he was pulling out of you despite your whined protest.
“Hush, sweet girl,” Din said, pressing a kiss to your shoulder as he eased you onto your side and settled behind you. “I’ve got you.”
Your leg was lifted to brace against his hip and then Din was thrusting back into you, his bare chest pressed firmly to your back. You leaned your head back against his shoulder as he slid his hand up your thigh and over your hip, desperate for the electric feeling of his practiced fingers against your clit. Instead, those teasing fingers trailed over your belly and up your ribs, leaving goosebumps in their wake to flush across your sensitive skin.
“Din…” You whined, sounding every bit like the needy, debauched little thing you felt. Din’s hand snatched yours up when you reached between your legs, only making you whine more.
“Use your words, cyar’ika.” Din murmured low in your ear. He didn’t miss the way his voice made shivers dance down your spine. “Tell me what you need.”
“T-touch me,” You managed to stutter out as you arched against him, angling your hips so that he hit even deeper and the head of his cock pressed against your g-spot. That tension ratcheted tighter in your belly and drug your desperation higher with it. “Fuck, please!”
“Only because you asked so nicely,” Din teased and finally dipped his hand between your thighs, his fingers spreading you open and gathering up your slick to circle your clit.
A loud cry ripped from your chest, your orgasm quickly approaching under Din’s touch, combined with the stuttering breaths coming from your lover. He wasn’t lost on the pleasure he brought you, the feeling of your already tight cunt tensing around him, growing more wet to ease the way for him.
“Don’t stop, don’t stop,” You huffed, hovering on the edge of ecstasy only driven higher with each stroke.
Din captured your ear lobe between his teeth and hissed one word. “Cum.”
You broke. Keened and trembled and gasped as he rocked you through your orgasm, only shoving his hand away when it became too much for your sensitive nerves. Three more thrusts into you and Din’s pace stuttered, his hand coming up to brace against your hip and hold you in place to bury his seed as deep as your body would allow him. You let out an exhausted, breathless chuckle - if he hadn’t already had knocked you up, that certainly would’ve done it.
The two of you took a moment. Soaked each other in as you caught your breath. Din barely moved, only shifting slightly to pull out as you whined at the loss, but he peppered lazy kisses on your shoulder in apology. In those moments, those hazy post-sex moments where you were both sweaty and sated and beyond in love, your hands wandered as did Din’s. It was almost instinctual, a need to check each other over and soothe any aches, any bites that were a tad too rough.
Din pulled at you with insistent hands, guiding you to roll over and face him so you could use his side to rest your belly on. As much as that helped to ease the ache your growing baby put on your back, it was just as much for him as it was for you. He loved supporting you, feeling you relax against his side, running his palm over your belly and tracing the stretch marks that signified all you did for him, for the children you bore and nurtured both as they grew inside of you and at your breast after their birth.
“Shower?” Din asked after an eternity of peaceful silence.
You hummed your agreement, shivering at the idea of those strong hands massaging your scalp and aching muscles. “In a minute. Just wanna feel you.”
And feel him you did. Din wasn’t the only one who loved to aimlessly trace his lover’s skin. His muscles twitched under your gentle touch, something that never failed to make you smile; he was so strong, so firm, yet a single caress was enough to have him shivering with a small delighted smile on his face.
The shower could wait. The rest of the word could wait. All you needed was Din.
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some ian/mickey prompts! (this is not a demand, just some ideas☺️)
• waking up/going to sleep
• cuddling
• domestic scenes in general
• hurt/comfort scenarios
• being in each other’s company (like ur recent fic) and falling in love with each other again
I really don’t know how to describe but I hope these are enough?
<3 ah thank u so much for these ideas anon! i couldn’t fall asleep last night bc i was stressed about a bunch of stuff, so i started to write this little bit of nighttime fluff that seems to fit with your requests:) i hope u enjoy!!
a drabble where ian can’t sleep, and mickey comforts him (can be set as a little coda to 11x05)
It was the dead of night at the Gallagher house— Ian was staring up at the ceiling, his eyes trying pierce through the blanket of darkness to count the cracks in the crumbling plaster above him and listening for something, anything, to distract his mind and finally get him to go the fuck to sleep. But it was no use— it was so late that even the usual summer chatter that bubbled up from the South Side street corners into open windows on wafts of summer air had stilled, leaving Ian sweaty and tired and restlessly laying in bed. Ian was more than tired; he was fucking exhausted, his eyes red-rimmed and scratchy and his muscles tense and rigid. Most nights Ian slept well, or slept okay at the least—he kind of had to learn to sleep in any situation after sharing a room with Lip and Carl and Liam for his entire childhood, always plagued with slamming doors and shouting voices. It wasn’t noise that usually kept Ian awake on nights like tonight, it was silence— a deafening, pounding silence that felt like it was crawling under his skin.
He looked over at Mickey, curled tightly on the opposite side of the bed, facing the wall with his arms around his chest and the covers practically up to his chin, the only really visible part of him the sliver of pale skin at the back of his neck that reflected the gauzy moonlight that was streaming in through the blinds. Ian noticed how comfortably Mickey’s face was pressed into the pillow, with even breaths escaping his half-open mouth, and instantly felt a pang of envy. That was the thing about Mickey—he never really had trouble sleeping. Mickey could always drift off the second he hit the sheets, whatever voices that lived inside his head easily quieting when the lights were dim and the world was still. Ian didn’t get it—the voices in his head always ramped up when the lights turned off, always churned and swirled and made him question his entire existence in the stagnant, pitch-black silence— and usually Ian could quiet them, after a little while, but on a night like tonight Ian knew he’d be stuck in the spiral, with his heart racing, until the sun came up. He pressed the heels of his hands to his eyes, trying to will his body to relax.
Ian could feel an odd sense of panic bubbling up in his throat as he laid there unmoving, feeling suffocated by the heat of the deep, dark night pressing in on him. His legs felt tingly and restless, and his head was throbbing because of how tired he was but the static in his mind kept whirring, like a broken radio set to the wrong frequency. He sighed loudly, letting the air burning in his lungs fizzle out of him, just wanting to penetrate the thick silence. He just wanted to be asleep—he was supposed to get up early to put the coffee on before Lip had a job interview, and then he wanted to go for a jog before he and Mickey had a shit ton of weed runs to do that would jam-pack the entire day tomorrow…
Beside him, Mickey shuffled beneath the covers. Ian froze. Fuck, he did not want to wake Mickey up right now. Mickey was crabby and groggy on the best of mornings, but when he didn’t get enough sleep he was truly a force to be reckoned with.
Unfortunately, Ian’s prayers went unanswered. Mickey drew in a deep breath, rustling under the sheets once more.
“Okay Gallagher, what’re you sighing for?” Mickey’s flat, muffled voice piped up from under his blanket cocoon, low and throaty and full of sleep. He sounded exasperated and deflated, and definitely not fully awake.
Ian let out another long breath, more quietly this time. “Nothing, Mick. Go back to sleep.”
But of course, instead of listening, Mickey aggressively yawned and turned over, stretching to shift his body weight and turn onto his opposite side to face Ian. Ian just remained where he was laying, his head lying limp and heavy on the pillow while he stared up at the ceiling.
Mickey dazedly rubbed his eyes, noticing that Ian was fully awake. Immediately, Mickey shook off the sleep that was clouding his eyes. He stared at Ian for a moment, his eyes wide and searching. After a moment, almost on reflex, he carded a quick, gentle hand through the front of Ian’s hair as he leaned in closer.
“You feeling okay?” Mickey’s voice was distant and drowsy, like he was still half-asleep but trying to will himself to wake up.
Am I feeling okay? There was so much latent meaning wrapped up in that question, and Ian felt a cavernous gratefulness bloom in his chest that this was the way Mickey asked—he wasn’t assuming that Ian being manic was the reason that he couldn’t sleep, but he didn’t rule it out either. Mickey was just waiting for Ian to tell him what he was feeling, what he needed, without assuming anything about Ian’s brain before Ian did.
Am I feeling okay?
Ian swallowed, his glassy eyes still fixated on the cracks in the ceiling that he could barely make out in the dark.
“Yeah. S’not anything to worry about, I’ve been taking my meds. I’m just… stressed out I guess.” Ian could hear the fatigue dripping from his voice as it glided across the darkness.
Mickey was still staring at Ian, his gaze piercing and concerned.
“Stressed out?” Mickey questioned lowly, like he’d never heard the two words before.
“Yes, Mickey, stressed out. I don’t know, it’s fucking stupid, just go back to bed.” Ian sighed in frustration.
Instead, Mickey shifted again, propping himself up on his elbow and leaning fully on his side, looking like a teenage girl at a sleepover who was ready to hear some juicy gossip.
“Well I’m awake now, mouth-breather, so why don’t you tell me what you’re worried about?”
Ian gave a quiet, strangled chuckle. What the fuck was he supposed to say? It just fucking sucked to not be able to sleep, to lie there frustrated with dry eyes and a parched throat, grasped tight in the clutches of whatever worries were lying hollow and dark in the pit of his stomach and not being able to do anything about it.
Ian knew it was stupid, but for the last few months he had been pretty much the only one worrying about keeping things together— getting steady money, putting aside fucking savings, trying to keep the house intact and fill the gaping hole Fiona left behind that Ian still just didn’t fit into right, for the sake of Liam and Franny and Carl now that Lip had moved out. Ian had never really given a shit about money, until he had to start caring about everyone else—and it didn’t bother him, it really didn’t, but now that Ian was caught in this fucking sticky silence, he realized how much worrying about taking care of everyone else was actually wearing him down, grinding away at him bit by bit without him noticing.
He exhaled a heavy, trembling breath.
“Just. I don’t know. Worried about money, I guess? And worried about our job. I know we agreed on guns, and I totally fucking get that now, but I’ve never done a job that’s so… dangerous? And then I’m panicking because what if we make total asses of ourselves with this business bullshit and fail and lose everything, and then we’d be back to square one…”
Mickey just sat there perched on his elbow, listening. He wordlessly reached to press the pad of his thumb to Ian’s forehead, above his eyebrows, smoothing the worry lines and creases that started to bloom there as Ian spoke.
“And I just… I don’t know, my heart’s just fucking racing for some reason tonight and I can’t make it stop.”
Mickey continued to silently run his thumb gently on Ian’s face, tracing above his eyebrow and the side of his temple in a soothing pattern that made Ian’s eyes want to flutter shut for the first time in hours.
“S’there anything I can do?” Mickey’s gravelly, sleepy voice cut through the darkness.
Ian peeled his eyes from the ceiling, and shifted them to meet Mickey’s. He was still staring down at Ian with searing concern, like Ian’s stupid fucking worries were a big deal if they were making him feel this distressed.
“It’s fine, Mick. Just get some sleep.” Ian held Mickey’s gaze for a moment, expecting him to turn back over and wrap the blankets around himself.
Instead, Mickey curled closer, draping a heavy arm over Ian’s waist, followed by a thick and heavier thigh between Ian’s legs, his nose nuzzling into the side of Ian’s neck. Ian froze, just for a moment—Mickey definitely usually wasn’t the one to initiate tender touches of intimacy, but he was half-asleep and he knew how much Ian needed this right now, knew it would calm his racing heart down to a steady beat. Instantly, Ian felt something, some heaviness that was burrowed deep in his chest, dissipate at Mickey’s touch.
“Mick,” Ian said. There was something in his lungs, in his throat, on his tongue. He didn’t know what it was. All he knew is that his heartbeat was slowing, his blood was running through his veins at a normal speed again, and the pressure building in his head starting to dissipate.
“This okay?” Mickey was almost asleep again, and mumbled the words into the crook of Ian’s neck, his breath tickling Ian’s chin.
Ian breathed out with relief, curling a hand over Mickey’s shoulders and drinking in the feeling of Mickey’s warm skin nestled against his, a grounding, solid weight holding him at bay. “Yeah, this is good.”
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