#*points to my Daisies out of Season dynamic*
roboraindrop · 3 months
Jfkdhs I rlly wanna watch Curse of Chu.cky again bc it's my favorite and he's been on my mind all day but I can't find it streaming anywhere aside from Amazon ://
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aro-geo-turtle · 1 year
TMA’s narrative structure and its reflection in character dynamics
With the end of @a-mag-a-day, I though it would be a perfect time to post this meta-analysis I’ve been thinking about for ages! Its always fun when a story’s ending wraps back around to its beginning in some way, and TMA dips into this a tiny bit via the “can I have a cigarette” moment, but I think the wider narrative structure and parallels in TMA actually get way more interesting than that. Long rambly analysis below cause I’m a writing nerd, and also remember this is purely my own personal interpretation.
I have three main points to make here.
A: season 4 is a twisted mirror of seasons 1 and 2, which act as a singular narrative unit, while season 5 is just like season 3 but more so in every way.
B: these parallels and mirrors between seasons are symbolized through Jon and Martin’s ever changing relationship.
C: the grand finale of Last Words feels like such an abrupt ending because it breaks the pattern established for how season finales are meant to work.
So let’s look at this chronologically:
Seasons 1 and 2 can be viewed a single unit in the overall narrative structure. They follow the same basic premise: Jon in his office at the Institute, alienated from his 3 assistants, trying to find out the truth about the supernatural. They both have a very slow pace, with only a handful of plot-furthering episodes among mostly world-building statement episodes. Then we have a cliffhanger leading into an action-packed climax, and then a calmer epilogue episode to clarify exactly what just happened and set up the new status quo for the next season. There are obviously differences (added supplementals, the paranoia, Gertrude’s murder, you know), but they follow the same general format. We also see the classic Jon/Martin dynamic established and shared between these two seasons: Martin reaching out to care for Jon, Jon rejecting and pushing him away. 
Season 3: Status quo? Out the window! Jon’s out of the Institute, traveling the world, we’re gone from the traditional 3 assistants to 4. The goal is no longer vaguely learning about the supernatural, we got most of those answers from Leitner. Instead we’re building towards the Unknowing from the very beginning. And the pacing here speeds up dramatically. So much happens, plot moving forward most episodes. This is where Jon and Martin’s dynamic first changes, too, finally becoming a lot more friendly. Some parts of the format stay the same, though. The ending is still made up of high-action climax episodes followed by an epilogue episode to set up the next status quo.
Season 4 is a return to the format of 1 and 2, but all twisted and reversed. Jon is in his office at the Institute, alienated from his 3 assistants, but it’s a totally different set of assistants (Tim, Sasha, Martin to Melanie, Basira, Daisy). We’re back to the slower pace, but after the mile-a-minute speed of S3, it feels agonizingly slow, a waiting game. The characters spend a lot of time sitting around. We know how the supernatural works, and now Jon’s looking for answers on what he’s meant to do about it. Of course, S4 also sees the reversal of Jon and Martin’s early season roles. Now it’s Jon reaching out and Martin rejecting him. And then we hit the finale and the tension that’s built up all season suddenly snaps. Once again, it’s a high-action climax followed by a slower epilogue that sets up season 5.
Season 5 is obviously the biggest status quo change of all. Literally all the rules of the normal world are shattered. It’s season 3 but even more so. We’re not at the Institute (there is no Institute), we don’t have the typical 3 assistants (that role doesn’t really seem to exist anymore). Like with the Unknowing, we have a clear goal from the very start: get to the Panopticon, kill Jonah, bring the world back. While the pace of 3 is rapid-fire, 5 is a steady march forward, episode by episode. Jon and Martin are once again friendly, and even more so, have finally connected and realized their feelings. And then we get to the grand finale. I think the reason the ending feels so abrupt to me and many others is because it finally breaks the format of season finales. Last Words is the action-packed climax episode but it has no epilogue episode. It just ends.
So, yeah! Those are my points. I just find looking at this all very cool.
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backgroundagent3 · 1 month
You did Daisy for the character game. How about my baby??? 🙈
Thanks for the ask! I'm assuming you're talking about Fitz, so here you go! 💙
First impression: I think he was the character I loved the most at the beginning. I thought he was adorable and I found his awkwardness hilarious, and I especially loved his dynamic with Simmons in season 1. It really stressed my out how innocent and helpless he seemed though, because he just didn't know how to defend himself at all back in the day.
Impression now: I have to admit my opinion of him changed for the worse after 5.14, and I so wish that hadn't happened (or at least had been properly dealt with), but it did, so here we are. I still love him, and I think he had some really good and interesting character development and a great ending.
Favorite moment: It's really hard to choose because he has so many funny moments that I really enjoyed, especially in the earlier seasons. One moment I loved was in 1.06, where Jemma gets infected with the chitauri virus and he enters the lab anyway to help her find a cure. Here's where I realised he's not just the nerdy comedic relief, he's also loyal and kind, which in my opinion are some of his best qualities.
Idea for a story: I'd like to know how he came up with the idea for the night night gun. Dendrotoxins are neurotoxins produced by snakes, right? So now I need to know what kind of experiment led to him potentially knocking out a couple of students by accident before he thinks to apply the science to a non-lethal gun. I like to think that after the accident, he went to extreme lengths to get a snake (because that's funnier than just the neurotoxins) and extract its venom all to make some bullets which might not even work. He then needs to get some volunteers to test it on, because the test subjects need to be human to get the correct dosage to knock out a person. Can you imagine him going up to random students and asking them to participate in a pretty dangerous experiment all for the sake of a weapon that he's gonna name the night night gun? I think it has the potential to be hilarious.
Unpopular opinion: I think the writers didn't know what to do with him in the later seasons. I felt like his presence was not only irrelevant but also unnecessary. Like seasons 1 to 3 he wasn't the main character, but he still played a role in the show. Seasons 4 and 5, he was arguably pivotal to the plot. But seasons 6 and 7? I couldn't tell you why he was there if you held a gun to my head. All the time he spent lost in space in season 6 was a waste of time for him and other characters as well, and it just took some much needed time from the main storyline of the season. And he was barely in season 7, but I didn't even miss him because they'd pretty much made him a side character at this point. Maybe he was important as the other half of Fitzsimmons, but not as his own character. This is of course not his fault, I just think it's such a shame that they wasted all the potential he had, just when he got really interesting and complicated after season 5.
Favorite relationship: Romantic? Fitzsimmons. I was rooting for them literally since their first scene. I love that their ship name is cannon. And platonic? Lance Hunter. They had such a hilarious dynamic in season 2, and I love how Hunter helps him and doesn't care about his brain injury. Honourable mention to the bus kids.
Favorite headcanon: Not my own, but I read somewhere that he's autistic, and I love that headcanon for him. I feel like that's kind of how Iain played him, and it would have been cool if they'd explored this in canon.
This was fun to write, so thank you so much for the ask! 🐵💙
Character Asks.
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general messy thoughts about sab s2 (spoilers ahead)
Things I liked:
- Genya. Daisy Head SLAYED completely she was SO GOOD. I didn’t like them downplaying her scars and I wished we had gotten the line “I am not ruined I’m ruination” especially knowing how much that line means to so many people but other than that Genya was everything Daisy did an INCREDIBLE job of playing her. I actually got teary-eyed at several points this season (and me and my emotions are not at all close so that’s a feat) and they were all either Genya or GenyaDavid scenes, which brings me to…
- Genya and David. They were so good. So wholesome. The best part of this season IMO. Like their brief scenes, them hugging in the woods, the tiniest moments STOLE the show. I cried for these two and these two alone. Also, David was so well-portrayed like I loved these two so much. 
- Several soft Malina moments that gave me butterflies and I felt accurately showed their dynamic, more toward the beginning of the season but they were there.
- Jack Wolfe as Wylan. I have some not-so-positive thoughts about the aged-up crows in general, but I still think Jack was a convincing Wylan and you can tell from both the show and from his interviews that he really cares about Wylan and his portrayal. Every time he LOOKED at Jesper I was like…wow just WOW.
- Getting to see Nina interacting with the Crows was nice. Especially when they turn around and she has waffles and Kaz has that annoyed moment but then we find out Nina got them the info they needed because she’s a spy and she’s incredible? 10/10 and one of the few moments that felt accurate to the real crows. Also, that part where she was talking to the guard and pretending she needed to pee (idk that was a weird way to describe it I know) but that was so Nina
- Also, just them together in a restaurant vibing was what I needed
- “The barrel doesn’t belong to kings. It belongs to bastards.”
- Tolya and Tamar were so cool in their introduction like they’re so hot and cool and powerful ahh
- When Genya, Alina, and Zoya are all at the Darling’s funeral pyre that was chilling
- The slivers of foreshadowing with Zoya.
Things I didn’t like:
- The weird slow motion in some of the fight scenes was so unnecessary lol
- Okay I’m not a fan of the Darkling and I’ve made that quite clear in the past, but I do think he’s a good and interesting villain and I like the Flavour he adds to the story but this season the Flavour was just…not there. It’s funny how many Darkling stans I’ve seen angry about this season because for once we’re in agreement. Like he was so boring and weird and just creepy instead of interesting and creepy? I wanted to skip all his scenes. Also, they took out so many of the awful things he did in the books like what about him killing Ana Kuya? When he says “you’ll have no shelter but me” that line hits so much harder and is so much more chilling and awful because he’s literally killing off the people in her life. Turning Nikolai into a monster himself?? The moment Alina loses her powers in the books and the Darkling tells her she’s nothing is SO IMPORTANT because it shows he’s just interested in her for her powers, which is a big theme in the books. As wonderful as Nikolai is, he needs Alina for what she can provide for Ravka. The Apparat just sees her for her power. Everyone wants to use Alina for something except for Mal who just wants them to be happy and able to make their own choices. Anyways, the Darkling didn’t feel like the Darkling from the books at all. Also, he was just cringy. Like I was laughing when he was like “I have returned. And I’ve made some new friends” and stared at the camera it was so bad.
- Ruin & Rising is my favourite from the trilogy and I was so disappointed with how much was cut out for the most random crap, like hallucinating and eating butterflies?? Instead of the bonding time with the whole TGT crew? And no Oncat I’m crying. There’s so much character growth that happens and so many relationships that are deepened in Ruin & Rising and WHERE WAS THAT?
- Personally, I didn’t think Paddy was giving Nikolai. Like he seems like a good person and actor and all that jazz but he just didn’t feel like Nikolai and since Nikolai is my favourite, this kind of hurt.
- Erasing Mal from the story and his struggles. Look, Mal is not by any means a perfect character. And he doesn’t need to be. Let him be messy. Let him struggle and sometimes be rude and make mistakes because that’s real that’s compelling. They could have shown all the book!Mal haters that maybe they were being too harsh on him because he was struggling SO MUCH but instead they just turned him into Perfect Supportive Man. His character growth in Ruin & Rising is so good especially after you’ve spent Siege & Storm thinking “what is going on with this man.” Seeing him owning up to his actions and seeing him working on his flaws and seeing his support for Alina is so good and we deserved it especially considering how talented Archie is.
- Cutting Zoya almost completely out, especially since this is the book where she goes through a lot of growth. Also, the fact that Alina choices they’re making are cutting into Zoya’s future story >:(
 Things I HATED:
- Killing off David. WTF. Obviously we didn’t see a body so he might come back but like…what’s the point. We didn’t even get to see Genya and David get married.
- Almost all of the Crows content. The rushed Crooked Kingdom plotlines with none of the significance from the books. Rushed Wesper. Matthias working with Pekka. Nina’s character completely revolving around Matthias. Kanej focusing on Kaz’s trauma but not Inej’s and making her contract with the Menagerie all about Kaz and his vendetta against Pekka and killing off Tante. Actually, pretty much everything Kanej this season was so awfully handled. Also, just not a fan of the Crows being aged up and I tried to be okay with it but this season made me more upset with the casting choices. The Crows stuff was so so so badly done I want to cry. Comfort rereading the duology right now
- The ending. Just…frick the ending. I hate it. Too many thoughts I just hate it I can’t even talk about it
- I’ve already reblogged a lot of posts that go into things I hated but just in general it was such a mess they combined too many stories without doing them justice and there’s more I’m upset about but this is it for now
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momentofch-aos · 5 months
for the fanfic writer asks: 1, 6, 15, 20, and 29 ! :)
August - Taylor Swift reminds me of my Coffee Shop AU every damn time I hear it. Not only are the two main parts of the series titled after lyrics within it but it was the song that was playing when I started writing it, first posted it and posted the final (before bonus chapters) one shot. The lyrics and story of the song aren't reflective of the story in any way other than the titles spoke to me when I was writing. I'll cry when I hear it live this year.
6. Yes! I have a few series that I pop back to when I feel the urge.
Season 2: All the Different Ways We Could Have Gotten the Peggy/Daniel Kiss by yourcadaverouspallor - my PeggySous Heart 🥹
Brooklyn Scout Troop 87 by @steeleholtingon - a fic that had me hooked with an incredible story line. I especially like the third part of the series as it offers a dynamic I wish we could see on screen .
and theres many more I cannot remember off the top of my head.
15. When I used to write more consistently I would plan out a lot more and normally have names sorted early on, but these days I tend to write and take something I organically write that sounds a bit poetic? If that makes sense? Sometimes I wind it in as I think of it sometimes I spend a long time looking for something title worthy within the 4,000 words I've cobbled together in an anxiety fueled rush.
20. I have a love for "I'll Be Right Here (when you wake up)" but I have no idea why.
29. Random idea that I'll never end up writing is Coulson dying in my Coffee Shop AU, I just can't write it. I wrote a chapter where he had a heart attack and it took me a long time and I cried writing it. I just feel like I don't have the words to capture everyone's feelings about it. BUT I would probably write it from Sousa's point of view, taking care of Daisy and the kids, bringing a broken May green tea and sitting with her in Coulson's office for a while. Checking in on Jemma and Fitz as they sit on a couch in the back of the shop. The empty feeling of holidays without him at the grill. And I'm gonna cry again....
Thanks for asking :)
FanFic Writer Asks
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I was surprised to see you put george in absolute best - did you like him the whole time??? I had moments where I loved him but he ended up being too irredeemable for me so im curious to hear your thoughts
he's always been one of my favorites, if not my absolute favorite character! a character being entertaining is way more important to me than their likability and I am almost always entertained by george. take owen for example: i absolutely hate him and don't find him likable because he is a smug murderous abuser but i find him very entertaining. the show has lots of great villains who are awful people but we all love them because they are charismatic and fun to watch. I feel the same way about george.
he brings a lot of the show's humor and i like his awkwardness. his nerdyness and intelligence contrasts well with his monstrous side and i like seeing his progression in season 1 towards becoming more accepting of himself. i will also admit that out of the 3 supernaturals in the show, i find werewolves more interesting than vampires and ghosts. i know a lot of fans of the show are more into the vampire stuff and i like it too but i just like werewolf storylines more anyway so that's definitely part of why i like george.
in season 2 we see how much george was affected both by killing herrick and by his relationship with nina falling apart in addition to his guilt about infecting her. even if he's not always at his most likable throughout that season we see character progression. a boring character is stagnant and doesn't change. seeing a character change and grow (for better or worse) makes them more dynamic. a character with flaws is more interesting than a character who is perfect and never does anything wrong. there are characters on the show who i find likable but mostly boring (like hugh or sykes).
i didn't put season 2 george on a lower tier like i did with mitchell because i was still entertained by george in that season, whereas i find mitchell's s2 vampire king storyline one of the least interesting storylines in the whole show (sorry anyone who loves it, just not for me).
HOWEVER i do wish the show had addressed him cheating on nina with daisy a bit more since nina never actually finds out about it (although he heavily implies it in that scene in episode 3x05(?) and i always thought it was weird that nina never confronted him because she is very smart and i would think she'd be able to figure it out). that felt like a totally unresolved aspect of their relationship and seems like a common complaint about george's character. i do find it kind of funny that most fandoms view adultery as worse than murder since i see people criticize george for cheating but never see people criticize mitchell for the box tunnel 20. im guessing it's because mitchell is seen as unable to control himself and will inevitably fall back into his dark side whereas george knew what he was doing (but i do wonder if it being post-full-moon when george cheated on nina was a factor in that decision with the wolf and its more primal tendencies influencing him more than other times of the month. im not justifying george's actions here but it's just interesting that i never see that possibility discussed while mitchell is granted more leeway for what is a much worse crime).
my least favorite version of george is in 4x01 and i agree with what other people have said about it feeling like a weird one-off episode that doesn't feel like the show we know. the whole episode feels like it only exists to kill off george but not before butchering his likability. he's just a husk of himself and his complete detachment from his daughter to the point of not even naming her is really upsetting. i get that grief can do that but i wish the writers would've went a different direction. i would've much preferred them killing off both nina and george in this episode so that we could've seen them parenting together while also dealing with losing mitchell. george comes off as sort of selfish to me in the way that his grief for nina completely overshadow annie's grief for both nina AND mitchell. the episode doesn't leave enough room for annie's feelings. I wanted to see him and annie coming together, not them being driven apart because he barely lets anyone else into the nursery. so he definitely loses likability for me here but i think a lot of that is that it's just an awkward episode that's really more of a stepping stone between 3x08 and 4x02.
i do find it really interesting how the fandom seems to criticize george more than mitchell. i think mitchell sacrificing himself because he knows he will never be able to control himself forever allows him to be redeemed in the end and he is given a heroic send off. george ALSO gets a heroic send off by saving his daughter and killing griffin but for whatever reason people don't seem to view him as redeeming himself as much as mitchell did.
so i guess my answer to your question is that george is still one of my favorites despite where his character ended up because:
he's very funny
i like werewolves and the contrast of his personality to what he is
russell tovey is a great actor who is good at both comedic and dramatic moments
i like his relationships with nina, annie, and mitchell
his character evolves and has ups and downs throughout the seasons
most of all, i am consistently entertained by him
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alexlibbey · 1 year
shadow & bone season 2 spoilers below!
Ok I just finished season two of shadow & bone and I have so very many thoughts!!
Despite not following the plot of the books and kind of cutting and pasting plot points together, I really loved this season. I view it less as an adaptation of the books and more as an adaptation based on the books. If you take out the pressure of the show supposed to be the same as the books, it’s so much more enjoyable!! I thoroughly enjoy seeing this unique adventure the two stories go through.
I think the proposed six of crows series could just be them going on more adventures and stories from the barrel! Maybe delving more into their backstories and relationships and adventures they went on before landing where we meet them and it would be amazing.
Wesper, despite the altered storyline, are absolutely perfect and I love them so much. I want to put them in my pocket. Their dynamic was nailed and it so lovely to see progress throughout the season!
Kanej (as well as Freddy and Amita) absolutely owned this season. They have the characters and dynamic down to a T. I love them so much and they are my all-time favorites!! I also am honestly quite happy with the ending of this season’s ending with Inej forging her own path in the world doing what she’s passionate about. And not just living under or for other people. I truly believe that they come together again, but they both need and deserve time to grow. Anyway I just love them so much and aaaaah.
I really tried to start loving Mal but I really can’t stand him. He has great moments and is overall a good character but sometimes he just says things that remind me of Gale from The Hunger Games and just get an insane ick.
Genya needs to feel peace and happiness next season and Daisy needs all of the awards like oh my god she was brilliant. Also I love her coronation outfit with the matching eyepatch and dress.
Nikolai my love he is literally golden and amazing and I just love him. Literally a beautiful person and character. Also that man has insane rizz like I’m genuinely impressed.
Anyway that’s all apologies for this insanely long post I just have so many thought in my head wooo.
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itchyeye · 1 year
Ok I will say. Hot take here but i think JM in s5 is not MEANT to be healthy. I think that’s the whole entire point. It’s never portrayed as healthy; they spend the whole time bickering and arguing and not trusting each other and being so horrifically extremely codependent it’s pointed out BY ONE OF THE AVATARS, THE LITERAL HARVESTERS OF HORROR. I think making them dysfunctional is entirely the point. The last episodes they appear in together they’re arguing about jon becoming GOD, martin is very obviously against it, and jon simply decides he Does Not Care. And i mean, in the grand scheme of things? Jon, well, he’s correct! Doom one world and not millions of others. Martin isn’t portrayed as correct here- (in ‘checking out’, Jon says he knows martin is fine with the theoretical suffering of others, but when he actually SEES it then he’ll be horrified- same logic applies to his take on release the fears vs keep em in 199) all of them are just.. people. With opinions. Not really any of them good, or the standard, or healthy in the slightest. If you’re constantly bickering with your boyfriend about the morality of consuming other people’s terror, asking him to smite people you dislike, and practically insulting him at some points.. i don’t think that’s an intentionally healthy portrayal. Jmart is purposefully dysfunctional in canon, and I don’t think it’s bad writing because of it. And it goes both ways, too! Jon can be pretty mean to Martin throughout the pod!! He insults him behind his back to vent his frustrations about their relationship! Because, hey, loving each other isn’t enough, you’ve got to Actually Make It Work. And they can’t (won’t?) ever do the latter.
Actually, another hot take: not a single relationship exists in tma without extremely jagged or messed up edges. Even the canon ones, especially jmart. Because it’s a hORROR PODCAST.
…evil murder husbands JE, though? I get what you guys mean, tbh. That may be the exception to the above rule.
Same anon as before, i just wanted to add that none of that is from a place of frustration I just want to have a discussion about s5 jmart tbh. I feel like how unhealthy jm is isn’t spoken about in the context of ‘what if it’s intentional?’ Because a lottt of people just assume it’s bad writing when. No, no, i think jonny knows what a healthy relationship looks like, and this absolutely isn’t it (and that is pointed out in-canon)
Outside of my jmart Thoughts, I absolutely adore your writing!! How you DESCRIBE things just completely sticks me in the room in a way I don’t usually experience when reading fic. I sadly don’t really have any jonelias prompts floating around up in me noggin (for NOW), but i just wanted to say that. You’re super cool! I like seeing your stuff on my dash! Sorry i’m an anon, also; I fear people may come for me with fire and pitchforks if i were to use my main lmao. You’re really great at writing their dynamic!!
hey! thank you for sharing your thoughts. i'm not really a productive person to have this conversation with though because i haven't listened past MAG 166 (I have previously said multiple times that I never got past episode 4 of s5. turns out that's incorrect! the last episode i got to was The Worms, I misremembered it as 4 episodes because the first 2 episodes of s5 take place in Daisy's safehouse, so I was counting the number of statement episodes i listened to. they were extremely disappointing so they stuck with me. the jmart plays house episodes i just blacked out i guess as a defense mechanism.)
so, i really can't weigh in on what you've said here because i haven't experienced this season and i'm not going to. publishing both to respond and because maybe other people would like to have this conversation with you and it's clear you've put a lot of thought into this understanding of the text!
what i will say though is that i don't doubt that jonny sims knows what a healthy relationship looks like. i'm not pretending i know anything about him or his irl marriage (besides the crazy and immediate chemistry he and sasha have solely as disembodied voices) but he does write a lot of healthy relationships from his statement givers. people who love and care about each other in romantic, platonic, and familial ways that feel real and three dimensional.
but i'm actually totally uninterested in what sort of healthy relationships he can write, though. i don't seek out healthy relationships in my fiction lmao i seek out interesting ones. i don't want my blorbos to talk to one another like they're on the couch at couple's therapy.
my problem with jmart isn't that it's "unhealthy", it's that it's rewarded by the narrative. i'm supposed to believe that jon and martin randomly getting together in 158/9 is a culmination of their hard work. a reprieve from their suffering. finally, after all that horror, they can end up together. it's a reward for them! it's immediately taken away and that's supposed to be the tragedy. of having had a glimpse at happiness, or having closed your fingers around it, and then it being snatched away.
it's like, have you seen the descent (2005)? if you haven't i recommend it, it's one of my favorite movies. good buried statement. if you liked Lost Johns' Cave you'll love the descent (2005). i'm gonna spoil it for you now though, so sorry if you haven't seen it.
there's a scene near the end where our sole survivor sees daylight. she crawls for like a mile with broken limbs over sharp rocks and her hand breaches the surface. she escapes into the open air. she screams in the most primal, life affirming, animalistic way as she breaths lung full after lung full of fresh air. and then we snap back to reality and she is miles and miles beneath the earth, hallucinating her salvation.
it's really really affecting. it's such a gut punch. you think, huh, we're close to the end of our runtime, i've really come to care about this person. i'm so relieved that she's getting out. i'm experiencing her euphoria at finally escaping. and then it's all ripped away from you. it's incredible!!!
that's what 158 - 160 was supposed to be. jmart in their little scottish cabin with their little highland cows was the fresh air. except ,well, it didn't taste like fresh air to me! it felt like turning around 180* and crawling back into the dark. i think jon and martin are awful for one another but more than that: i don't believe that they find comfort in one another.
one of the chief draws of jon/elias is that elias is a reprieve for jon. he's the one person in his life who he is close to that doesn't hate him. that doesn't verbally abuse him as soon as he catches sight of him. he's also the person responsible for turning him into a monster but listen, you win some you lose some. every relationship has give and take. i: isolate you from everyone you know and drag you deeper into your paranoia. you: crawl to me for comfort only i can give you. romance!
i don't see the doomed romance that people who like jmart talk about because i don't see the two of them ever enjoying one another's company. i don't see anything that they have in common. i see them sort of hunker down as s1's sole survivors but even then, martin is pulling away from jon as hard as he can. we as the audience know this is because of peter, but basira tells jon it's because his mom died (??????) and he hates him too (?????).
so, i don't think that jmart is bad writing because it's supposed to be a great relationship and it's actually really unhealthy. i think jmart is bad writing because their plot arc hinges on me believing, despite 160 episodes giving ample evidence to the contrary, that they are in love with one another. maybe it's bad love, maybe it's a lie or an illusion or a veneer. whatever. i still need to believe (i the audience, the beholder in whose eye this is playing out) that they are in love. with one another.
and i honestly can't even picture them further than arm's length apart.
um also turning around to twirl my hair thank you SO much for your kind words about my writing D: i really appreciate that, it means a lot!!! i think it's obvious i care about this podcast a lot and i spend a lot of time thinking about it so thank you for sharing your thoughts with me and for reading my stuff. you are welcome here on or off anon, i'll also happily not publish things if you would like me not to publish them.
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okay but what are the three nhthcth songs tho
So it’s important to note that Songs for me don’t always have a perfect correlation or fit with lyrics matching the story and is more based on the overall Vibe somehow clicking with what I want the story to be.
1. Bad Habits by The Federal Empire
This was the original Song and it was the background for the vast majority of plot creation. I listened to it so many times that skewed my Spotify wrapped to a ridiculous degree. It specifically became the Song because of Daisy and Jon’s relationship in nhthcth.
Like, when I build a plot, there’s a lot of jumping around and figuring out how it all fits together. It’s always a fun, pleasant surprise when my brain knits together the very separate parts and tells me how we get there. Which gives me a very distorted perspective of the story, because the order I get information in tends to be very different than the order y’all get information in.
nhthcth loosely went: initial Tommy bradstaff confrontation-> daisy and Jon buddy cop adventures-> horrible devastatingly sad backstory that got us there-> ohmygodisthatDannystoker-> rest of it
Bad Habits really had sort of off the cuff, mildly ill-advised and self-destructive, chaotic dynamic I wanted between Daisy and Jon. Like, I knew I wanted them to be really messy in this, because they were supposed to live in this sort of in-between in canon characterisations for them. They’d never had the buried, but they had to be past the point of “Daisy is hunt mad and wants to kill Jon in the woods.” They had to exist in this space where neither of them had progressed to the same point as they did in season 4 to stop feeding entirely and were in this sort of half-measure where they were trying to ignore the reality of their situation and make it work as best they can—and, you know, save the world while they went.
Like, I loved them so much. They committed so many crimes. Pov you’re spooky and you get brutalised in the woods by woman who looks like she kills people for the mob and man in cardigan who looks like he died last week. They were morally ambiguous and fucking hilarious. They weren’t allowed in France anymore. Dream team buddy cop between deeply violent woman and utterly exhausted man. I was obsessed. It was so fun and zany in my head.
Then I came up with the devastatingly sad parts and devastatingly sad ended up being the tone y’all got instead of fun and zany but it was too late the Song was set. Yes, Jon’s horrible traumatic past was created while listening to this fairly upbeat song. We get One Song per story it’s the rules of my brain.
But then it became so convoluted that it ended up getting more Songs, which was unprecedented.
2. Two Birds by Regina Spektor
The second song nhthcth, and I can’t say what part of the story it belongs to because we haven’t gotten to that part yet. I will say that it is a Song that belongs to Jon & Gerry.
3. Never Forget You by Noisettes
This is actually young Jon & Gerry’s Song. I really liked the fit for them because it sounds so upbeat and energetic with lyrics that are a little bittersweet.
Like, I can’t emphasize enough that Jon and Gerry were happy together. When they ran, they were genuinely happy kids who were glad to be alive for the first time in their own memories. They loved each other, they loved each and every adventure they went on, and even though they were in a completely shit situation, it was the happiest they had ever been. And even when they lost it, that period of their lives was always a sort of light they never let go of—and never stopped trying to get back.
This Song really had the jaunty, fun vibe that I wanted Gerry and Jon to have when they ran together, and there’s this overarching yearning and bittersweet reflection that I thought echoed how it ultimately would end in them being dragged back in the most painful way possible. It sort of acknowledged that it didn’t work out the way they hoped but it doesn’t diminish the joy and love that they had before it was lost.
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bookthroneking · 10 months
Six Spooky September Recs
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I know, it's not September yet, but it's coming soon, and I always feel like the beginning of autumn is a perfectly good time to start getting into the Halloween mood. So I'm recommending six books to help you get this year's spooky season going. I've tried to restrict myself to less famous or more contemporary works (we all love The Haunting of Hill House, yes, yours truly included, but it's a pretty well-known novel), and only picked books that really stayed with me. Mind the content warnings on StoryGraph for each of these.
The Red Tree by Caitlín R. Kiernan is a very, very good eldritch horror novel with a complex and deeply flawed lesbian protagonist; it's also an unsubtle but insightful examination of mental illness, toxic relationships, and the way people sometimes just can't do right by each other. Lots of hypnotic prose, bitter dialogue, and some nightmarishly beautiful imagery.
Sisters by Daisy Johnson is a very sharp, contemporary literary thriller that puts a new spin on the 'woman who has something wrong with her moves into house that has something wrong with it' Gothic trope. I picked this book up just on a whim and got completely hypnotized by the corrosive character dynamics and the haunting atmosphere.
Cast a Cold Eye by Alan Ryan is, simply put, my favorite ghost story. Set in a remote Irish village, it's the slowest of slow burns but utterly terrifying sometimes, written in literary, imaginative prose and threaded with themes of community, history and tradition examined thoughtfully through literal and metaphorical hauntings. Also, the writing is just genuinely beautiful.
Through the Woods by Emily Carroll: THE horror comic book for me. Gorgeous art and terrifying little tales (including the celebrated His Face All Red), what more do you need?
Experimental Film by Gemma Files is another excellent eldritch horror story told through a very unique perspective. The novel is about Lois, a bitter film critic who is trying to balance a difficult family life with the disappointment of her professional career, until she stumbles across a mystery in cinematic history that leads her to something terrifying. I'm pretty hard to freak out, but man, this book always does the trick. (For bonus nightmares, also read her short story each thing i show you is a piece of my death, which explains a certain side character's backstory and is literally the scariest goddamn thing I've ever read.)
And finally, Killer Verse: Poems of Murder and Mayhem is exactly what it sounds like: a poetry anthology examining the act of murder, from old ballads to contemporary poetry and through various points of view. Some of the poems are horrifying, some are bleak and some are really sad, but they all make for a hell of a read.
Happy haunting, fellow bookworms!
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samanthaswishes · 2 years
Agents of SHIELD Rewatch Season 4A (ep. 1-8)
Here's my commentary on my rewatch of Agents of SHIELD Season 4 Episodes 1-8. This may not be the best commentary since these are just the thoughts and opinions that come to my mind as I watch the episodes rather than a full-blown analysis, but I'm just having fun with it!
Oh boy, do I have OPINIONS about these first few episodes…
4x01 The Ghost
And here’s where the show took advantage of the 10pm time slot: we get a scene of Daisy getting dressed.
Also the score for the Ghost Rider pod is badass and also the same score Daisy was listening to when she was in quarantine after getting her powers in s2.
This season also gave me a new appreciation for the title card.
The Mack and Coulson dynamic is pretty cool this season.
Especially after how they were kind of butting heads in season 2.
“I think you look forward to that more than I do” about May.
May isn’t wearing heels, so you can actually see how short she actually is irl😅
“Spine pulled out of his… ohh” Oh Mack, I love you.
“May, you’re not sharing”
Thank you Coulson and Mack for understanding Daisy’s intentions.
“Who the hell are you” - Mack. My second favorite person to say this line.
“Those are football teams” “Not sure they are, Turbo”
Mack is such a mood. Wanted an exploding pen.
Emo Daisy style tho👌🏼
Love how you don’t really see much of Robbie’s face at first. Raises the intimidation.
Mack’s one liners are ON POINT!
They really set Davis up to die this season giving him a wife and a kid on the way.
“Just ask me to dinner again” WHAT HAPPENED AT THE FIRST DINNER!
Also, because of the Accords, literally every move Elena makes is tracked. EVERY powered and enhanced individual that is under the Accords is being tracked. Literally taking away innocent citizens’ civil liberties. This is why being Team Cap is the right answer. The government is taking advantage of their power and using it to track and later kill individuals like inhumans who have done nothing wrong but are being targeted.
Radcliffe just has Aida naked all the time???
“A nAkEd BoDy”
I can’t watch Daisy getting on the bus seriously anymore knowing that the crew decided to troll Chloe and have it drive away😂
Daisy and Yo-Yo friendship🥹 screw you season 5.
“I think I stumbled upon a serial killer” “Ooh fun”
“Take care of yourself” All Daisy wants for the team is for them to be safe.
Also how can anyone blame Daisy for leaving. She’s loss so much and has felt the guilt for all of it. Not to mention how NO ONE except Mack decided to go down and see her and comfort her after Hive. Daisy left because she didn’t want to feel like a burden, which if i’m being honest, the team kinda treated her like so after Hive and talking to her only for information. Daisy left because she cared about her team. She didn’t want to be the reason she brought them pain. However, I have a feeling that them not talking to her is what also pushed her away, thinking that they didn’t want her around anymore.
Elizabeth and Ming are essentially the same height, so they couldn’t have May in heels and put Jemma in shoes that have a lift in them so that she seems intimidating towards May.
“Should’ve cut off your own hand”
I love Robbie Reyes. Just thought you all should know.
I appreciate that Jemma has gained the confidence to where she can handle positions of authority, but knowing what I know happens later makes it really hard to be proud of her for it. The fandom respects Jemma’s authority, but when Daisy is in authority, she’s disrespected? How come Daisy’s authority isn’t respected later?? Jemma was quick to defy Daisy in season 5.
And Jemma has the nerve to assume May is jealous of her status? May makes it clear that even she’s surprised what the position has done to Jemma.
I do understand Jemma wanting the power to keep the team together in some capacity, but it shouldn’t come at the expense of your friends’ respect.
“After all we’ve been through” yet you, Jemma, insinuating May being jealous of you. You’re the one who has thrown away the respect they deserve just as much.
Daisy does her research. But I liked to believe she knew Robbie’s car’s model because Coulson and Mack are such a car guys that they probably shared some car facts with her.
“These guys might kill someone else besides themselves” “YEAH US”
The way Robbie calls Daisy chica😍
The visual effects this season are INSANE!
How come it’s barely touched on that Daisy is literally suicidal this season?
Even the Ghost Rider sees Daisy as a good person.
Robbie and Gabe’s relationship🥹
“I finished high school… in the 11th grade”
The van’s back. But it’s not her van.
4x02 Meet the New Boss
That poor little boy😅🥺
You do that badass walk, Robbie
The team always saw the common room of the Playground as home🥺 now that it’s redecorated, it’s doesn’t have that homey feeling.
Daisy with the tea mug and acting all smug is giving me life.
I feel like a lot of people dislike Mace, which is understandable given what we got of him at first, but later, you can actually see how he’s a good person.
Robbing banks and returning money to their rightful owners. How come they only look at the bad?
“Maybe she’s just a ghost”
The little Piper and May interaction.
Again, Daisy is literally suicidal. Why is barely anyone talking about it?
“Fighting to right every wrong” DAISY’S CHARACTER IN A NUTSHELL!
She still keeps a picture of Lincoln😭
I LOVE THIS SCENE WITH DAISY ON THE CAR! I bet Chloe had so much fun with that scene.
“Neutralize powers. I’d love to see them” that guy seemed a little too happy about repressing powers.
“Who wants to step aside a real life quinjet” ME🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️ Aren’t they supposed to have a quinjet ride coming to Avengers Campus at Disnleyland or is that just something I dreamt/made up?
Poor May😭
“Always looking out for us” THATS MAY
It definitely was cool during my first watch finding out that Mace was “inhuman”
The way Mack carefully cares for Daisy’s arm😭😭
“She’s turned her back” She most certainly HAS NOT! WTF!! Has she done anything terrible to you, Fitz? I don’t think so. And don’t say choking you out during Hive cause that was not of her will.
“We’ve all been through terrible things” That is something you NEVER EVER want to tell a person who is depressed, suicidal, and grieving after a very traumatic experience. Also, you didn’t have that attitude when other people went through terrible things. How come every single person in this show are allowed to step away from the agency for their own good (Jemma in s2, May in s3, Fitz himself in s3), but Daisy isn’t allowed??? And when they all went through those things, they had people supporting them, while Daisy was basically left to fend for herself in confinement. How come she’s told “well too bad. bad things happen to all of us so you just have to suck it up” My god, just show some empathy. Daisy does it, basically expected to, but why can’t anybody else?? Then again, we’re talking about Fitz who literally doesn’t have an empathetic bone in his body and only cares if it effects him. So what if YOU were so hurt that SHE left to BETTER HERSELF and MAKE SURE THE POEPLE SHE CARED ABOUT ARE SAFE after no one else would. I hate this. I hate this scene. I hate Fitz.
Glad I can finally say that^
“Never turned our back” UM FITZ, YOU LITERALLY DID IN SEASON 3.
“I’m doing what I need to do” “But that still affects us” Again, how come they get to guilt trip Daisy with their own feelings but she doesn’t get to help herself with her feelings and trauma?
4x03 Uprising
This is surprisingly one of my comfort episodes. I know, weird one to have. Maybe because it has a lot of Elena and I love her.
Yes Maria. Mack is sexy.
The crackling of the title screen!!
Elena, always the hater of heels. (Me too Yo-Yo, me too)
“I like to vet my vengeance demons before I hop in a car with them”
Of course as they are talking about it, the blackout strikes LA.
Fuck Ellen Nadeer
Elena’s outfit in this episode is so cute!
“She’s at a bachelorette party. Probably having a good time, drinking and dancing with all those sexy latino guys” Fitz, I don’t like you, especially after last episode, please don’t make me laugh. But also, don’t throw that at Mack.
It doesn’t take a lot to be a decent human being. Elena, you don’t need these people in your life.
Love how Coulson’s like “I wish I could have been there to see the flame demon” while Mack is all “Oh hell no”
If people turn on you that quickly in a situation where you are the victim, they were never your friends in the first place.
Love this fight scene! And Elena’s little teasing smile with the knife😁
“At least I don’t have to wear a stupid dress”
“I thought registered people were protected” ANOTHER REASON THE ACCORDS WERE A TERRIBLE IDEA.
Also, the actor who plays Gabe (Lorenzo James Henrie) is the younger brother of the actor who played Justin (David Henrie) in Wizards of Waverly Place. One of my favorite fun facts cause that was my favorite childhood show. He’s also only like a year younger than Chloe.
So SHIELD just has drugs that instantly kill people on hand?
And here’s Melinda May death number 1 of 2.
FINALLY we have a location of the Playground. Washington D.C.
This episode should have been a good form of proof that Mace isn’t a terrible person. He knew better than to believe it was the inhumans and he trusted Coulson.
Only Melinda May can wake up from being dead and just immediately demand to be released from stuff holding her down.
I LOVE the slow mo Yo-Yo shots. Especially cause she looks like she’s having so much fun.
“If that’s your real name” “I’ve had a few”
Thank you Elena for telling at least someone that they should respect Daisy.
He brought meds and bandages for her😭😭
Gabe, you liar.
“I hear you’re feeling like yourself” “I’m cranky” “Like I said”
Daisy, I don’t think that’s how you take pills.
Ellen Nadeer, fuck you
17 innocent inhumans were killed because of the Accords.
4x04 Let Me Stand Next to Your Fire
Jemma, NEVER trust email offers on apartments. Especially if it meets your criteria exactly.
The soft Quake theme as Daisy’s literally bleeding out.
So May’s just there, with nothing to entertain herself with? At least let her watch TV or give her her phone.
May’s just thinking “I could’ve gone out at the hands of anything, but Radcliffe? Really?”
Also the drinking. Why is Daisy kinda having a drinking problem not talked about either?
People will hate Daisy for holding a gun to Jemma. You guys actually think Daisy would have pulled the trigger on Jemma??? Heck I don’t think Jemma even believed Daisy would pull the trigger.
And of course, a vintage car chase in the famous LA River.
Mack the entire chase: “Please, for the love of god, let me work on Lola”
Dorky Coulson with the Grease reference.
“We did everything we could for him” But you guys couldn’t do the same for Daisy??
“Suck it up” Again, stuff not to say to people who are depressed.
Of course, the fire starter guy works at a fireworks store.
“Take a stand with me. Fight back. Take control of your life again” I’ve seen people call this being reckless, but Daisy only wants what’s best for her people.
DO NOT tell the robot that lying saves lives. DO NOT tell a robot that EVER!
ALSO!! The gun Jemma brought that Daisy held to her… WAS AN ICER. So Daisy wasn’t going to kill her even if she did pull the trigger, which she certainly was not going to.
“Did two fire dudes fall into a warehouse full of fireworks”
Coulson, you gotta be dramatic with just throwing the tablet on the ground?
4x05 Lockup
It’s definitely interesting watching this season after WandaVision and Multiverse of Madness. But I will always love shield more for how they handled the Darkhold.
Love snarky Daisy.
“Lucy and the whole Peanuts gang”
Mack delegating. Director Mackenzie foreshadowing.
“I didn’t always have powers, and I think I did alright” I love you Daisy.
“Oh, hell!” That’s my reaction too. I don’t like needles either, Mack😅
“Stop whining” Oh May. I love you.
Blue-skinned killers in Wyoming. So those Kree were reported.
Now that’s May and Coulson’s “stay away from our daughter” fight.
This is probably the only time they talk about Daisy being suicidal, and it’s to degrade her.
I feel like May was the only person to talk to Daisy in a way that didn’t make her the bad guy. She was stern, in her very May way, but she never put Daisy down or called her the bad guy or that she’s a terrible person for trying to protect the people she loves.
Fuck Ellen Nadeer
4x06 The Good Samaritan
Again, I love that Robbie and Gabe are so close and they are always looking out for one another despite their situations.
“Geese? I have zero geese. We are goose free”😃🦆
May concerned with Fitzsimmons’ relationship. At least she is cause I sure as heck am not.
This flashback is so deep and so powerful oh my god.
UGH Daisy being so supportive of Robbie during this time. If the show had went down the route of Quakerider being a thing, I would have been so down for that! I’m more of a casual Quakerider shipper, but they would 100% be otp if it went down that road.
Mace canonically collected Hot Wheels.
What do you mean it’s not possible Fitz? Ghost Rider just broke out.
“ROYGBIV clearance”
Isodine mention! I really need to rewatch Agent Carter.
“Sounds a little Fox News to me”
Sorry if I don’t say a lot for this episode. I’m kinda working on something at the same time😅
Shut up, Fitz.
“Like the angel” “No, I’m the other one”
4x07 Deals With Our Devils
I like how May has protection gear (the glasses/goggles) while Mack only has his shotgun axe😅
“Impossible things happen all the team” THANK YOU DAISY.
Not the biggest fan of this Simmons side story because 1) it’s another annoying Fitzsimmons separation storyline, and 2) it introduces Vijay (who deserved better) and we never go anywhere with that.
“Melinda, don’t you dare” one of the very few times someone (Mack) other than Coulson calls her Melinda.
“My axe is plenty sharp… and a shotgun”
Daisy is always the best at comforting people a shame that people couldn’t do the same. yes, i will never be over it.
“Mack, what’s gotten into you?” THE FREAKING GHOST RIDER, THATS WHAT
“I hate watching my own demise”
Fitz, can you think of the current situation instead of Simmons or yourself right now???
“It heals itself. Scientifically impossible self healing car” Keep telling yourself that, Daisy😂
“WiTh No HeLmEtS” Oh Mace.
“What’s your name?” “Nathanson, ma’am. What can I do?” “Get lost Nathanson”
But I am glad Jemma was able to help Vijay out. It is a really sweet scene.
“She’s a tool” and you wonder why Aida turned evil other than reading the Darkhold.
Okay, but Ghost Rider Mack is so BADASS.
“Attagirl” Robbie’s seen what Daisy can do and has been through, so he knows she’s capable of doing some crazy shit.
“I love this car” I feel like that’s every car guy in this show😅
“Oh, I am so thick” yes, Fitz, you are.
So could Aida hear Fitz speaking to her, or is that a decision she made herself?
What’s with Fitz and blaming other people for making decisions to better themselves and the people they care about?
Is it mean to say that I don’t care about Fitzsimmons this episode?
But I do love Coulson being a father figure towards the younger members of the team.
“I can’t help you. Have fun”
Okay, yeah, Aida said she can hear them.
I forget how good this episode is. oh my god!
Hope 4/18/06😭😭
4x08 Laws of Inferno Dynamics
As someone with emetophopia, this puking up diamonds scene makes me super uncomfortable.
“Ignoring the fact that I was mildly attracted to her”
Mack is just done with people sometimes. Honestly same😅
“I do not like magic. Or clowns. Or clowns with knives… in the dark”
Burning Man™️
Mack caring for Yo-Yo🥹
Elena worried about losing her favorite jacket😂
“A) I don’t care. B) That wasn’t me”
Always hand it to Elizabeth and Iain to remember all the science jargon, but I wanna know how the writers come up with it all and make it make sense haha.
Everyone just wants to see a freaking nuclear weapon.
Daisy’s teasing again🥹
Surprised this is the first time Daisy notices she can sense a quake coming. Thought it would have been there since she got her powers.
“This is water” “Wow, i’M sO iMpReSsEd”
“Agent Coulson, you should be dead” “Yeah, I get that a lot”
Sorry, Eli. Laws of Nature was a last season episode.
And of course, Daisy lands right in front of the press.
“Maybe in the comic book version”🤣
And Daisy and Coulson 100% saw that.
Well, RIP Nathanson.
And hello, LMD May.
And there goes that bottle of Haig
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@karatecaulfield they're in my brain rent-free again!
WELP seeing as I have not one but TWO (2) honey-themed songs on my YasMoon playlist (Queen Bee by Lauren Sanderson and Honey by Halsey), it would have been ILLEGAL not to make a honeycore YasMoon aesthetic at some point. Like they fit really well with a goldenish aesthetic anyway, but honey specifically??? It's just so THEM.
Like that's their vibe!!! Looks enticing and sweet and delicious, but the stinger comes out if you get too close. And goddamn, do Yasmine's insults STING if she puts her mind to it D: And y'know how bees always protect the queen, well...
When there's two queens, they protect each other.
(1000% convinced that whenever one of them sees some creep ogling or generally being gross with the other, they've got a nasty set of rumors prepped and ready to go aksjdhsouyfh. Like you do NOT mess with these lesbians unless you want your reputation in shambles.)
Actually very pleased with how this came out!!! What's a little more yellow to Yasmine's whole...deal? XD And like!!! Even the eye-with-the-bee pic is actually sorta close to Yas's eye color!!! I always see them drawn/described as blue, but I'm pretty sure they're actually a greenish-gray. But hazeley-green is pretty close! Big fan of the yellow eyeshadow as well. Would love to see Yas in yellow or golden eyeshadow and feel it would add greatly to the Bougie Rich Bitch aesthetic. Which I LOVE for her, btw, I want to see more of it.
No my lower middle class ass who will never be able to afford designer clothes and makeup ain't tryna live vicariously what are you talking about aksjdnhuobf
Btw this lil aesthetic is presumably set sometime during Season 1 (their most fascinating and problematic dynamic <3), where they ruled the school together as the evil bitch queens <3 I do like to think Moon made things like honey-daisy toast and honey-infused tea for Yas during their S1 era, to really like...Commit to the Bit on the whole queen bee metaphor XD Also Moon loved to spoil Yasmine by making her delightful little treats to hopefully relax her and temporarily relieve the pressure of being The Most Terrifying Bitch At West Valley High. Hey, being a complete and utter menace is exhausting, okay??? I feel like Moon was the only one S1 Yasmine ever let down her guard with (except maybe Kyler, since they were close-ish back in the day), and the walls come down when they're alone and Yas doesn't feel this constant urge to assert social dominance. And she just lets Moon pamper her and take care of her and treat her softly in a way that would definitely shatter her "cold, hardened heartless bitch" rep if anyone knew about it. But she can't help but let the armor fall from time to time.
Sometimes, she doesn't want to be Yasmine the Terrifying Queen Bee. She just wants to be Yasmine.
And Moon, on her end, can gloat that "she stings like she means it, she's mean, and she's mine," even if it's only ever to herself. Even if she can't show off Yasmine to the world, and only gets to see a secret soft side behind closed doors. She can take satisfaction in knowing that Yasmine stings for her. That the meanness only ever goes away for her. That Yasmine belongs to her, even if it's in a way Yasmine will never admit.
For Moon--for now, at least--that's enough.
They're definitely laughing at you in that pic, btw. You want what these absolutely depraved Mean Girl™️lesbians have. Don't we all.
As always, pic credits available upon request!
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agl03 · 2 years
If there was a season long arc about Fitz's dad (post Framework and in the real world), what would you do?
Hi Anon,
Man answering this is like shaking cobwebs off and is a very welcome ask right now.
So how I would run with it:
Building off the fact that Radcliffe had talked to him in the real world have the tag for the Season be a bit ala Radcliffe in Season 3. Where we see Fitz's father in the shadows either issuing an ominous statement or just watching him so that we know that he's still in play and lurking.
Since you said its a season long arc he wouldn't really come into play or have a big reveal until at the very least the B half of the season. The A half would be dedicated to another story and it would be revealed that he was either lurking or pulling the strings all along. I also feel like efforts would be made to get Fitz and Jemma away from the safety of Shield. IE push them toward what looked like happily ever after. I know those writers if we got Scottage anytime before the freaking final scene it would have been something used to hurt us so bad.
Now there is also the issue of is his Father good or bad? An interesting take on the Arc would be after seeing such a horrible Alistair in the Framework having the one in the real world be a reformed man who genuinely wants to right his wrongs . Fitz has been hurt and betrayed so bad, so many times, and has 2 life times of terrible memories to over come. Trust does not come easy with him.
Should his father be bad there is a the worn trope of his father would want to use his as so many others had for his talents.
AIM remains one of my favorite missed opportunities that the show didn't dive into. That offered a built in tech focused non Hydra Baddie practically gift wrapped.
I would have LOVED to see Alistair in any form having to deal with Deke in the mix too. But Deke also offers a weakness in their armor almost. Having just lost his father, craving any family, if his great grandfather snuck in and offered him that family and love he wanted, nurtured his talents, then there is a whole other fun sandbox to play with.
There would need to be a big of a bigger arc in the mix too that drew in the rest of the team. IE taking down AIM, they have a larger lets take over the world kind of plan while Alistair is using/working with them to accomplish his own goals.
At some point towards the end of the season Father and Son would indeed be reunited and with Fitz's track record through a Fitznapping. I honeslty could see Deke being taken with him with Jemma being left behind, again that is how the writers roll, and I would love to see Jemma going after her husband and grandson.
Through the FItznapping everyone's motivations are revealed. Choices will need to be made. All that Jazz.
Other things that will need to be considered is making sure that FItz's story doesn't follow Daisy/Cals. Yes, they would do their parallels they love so much, but it can't be the same thing. He can't be bad/creepy, then grey area, then sacrifice himself to save him. Its either a fake out good guy who goes way bad, bad guy that stays bad, or a good guy that stays good.
Add in the dynamics with the team and how they all feel about Alistair as well. Jemma killed him once and will likely be more than ready to do it again with Mack right behind her.
Hope that was what you were after?
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benoitblanc · 2 years
001 AoS and 003 Melinda May?💕
agents of shield:
favorite character: daisy goddamn johnson!
least favorite character: daniel whitehall can die in a ditch
5 favorite ships (canon or non-canon): bobbi and hunter, mack and yoyo, coulson and may, fitz and skye from season one, & jemma and daisy
character I find most attractive: daisy!
character I would marry: mack my beloved <3
character I would be best friends with: i would kill someone to be friends with trip
a random thought: i filled out every other answer and realized i hadn't talked about how much i loved hunter once so this is my "i love hunter" psa
an unpopular opinion: this is going to get me excommunicated from the fandom but i think the writing for fitzsimmons got progressively worse over the seasons to the point that they are just not a good ship. i miss the s1 days when they were just seriously codependent besties. that was by far their best dynamic
my canon OTP: huntingbird... babies...
my non-canon OTP: unfortunately it's fitz and skye but STRICTLY from season 1
most badass character: daisy, but may, bobbi, and yoyo are all serious runners-up
most epic villain: the best-written villain was definitely aida, but raina is my trash goblin bastard fave. i love her
pairing I am not a fan of: okay the default answer would be skyeward here but honestly whatever the hell fitz and aida had going on in the framework made me a LOT more uncomfortable
character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): fitz in season 5b... i'm still angry
favorite friendship: daisy and mack my beloveds <3
character I most identify with: jemma!
character I wish I could be: probably bobbi
how I feel about this character: my QUEEN. she's a ball of sass, violence, and motherly love, and i adore her. i also think that out of a cinematic universe with a TON of severely traumatized and grieving characters, her trauma was handled in one of the best if not the best ways. it's obviously integral to her character but it doesn't define her. also ming na wen is a total icon i love her too
any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: obviously coulson, but i actually thought her relationship with andrew was so sweet. they were such a good match until he turned into a blue rage monster
my favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: definitely her being a mom to daisy, but i also love her being a mom to fitzsimmons, her friendships with bobbi and yoyo, and her frenemies arc with hunter. she has some great dynamics
my unpopular opinion about this character: i can't think of one. i just love her
one thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: i think she also should have gotten to say fuck
send a fandom, ship, or character!!!
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i finished saved by the bell season two, and even though there’s no way to remember all the things i loved (i.e. EVERYTHING!), i’ll just list some things that extra delighted me--
i have always thought there was a little something way underneath the surface with daisy and mac and their dynamic is SO enjoyable, so i loved the slowburn hints that there are feelings there. she only dates guys that win the spirit competition!!!!!!
i did not see the gil twist coming and found it hilarious. do you think he was named in homage to gilbert blythe? (in addition to in homage to his evil scheme.)
lexi remains the absolute light of my life. light! of! my life!!!!!!!!!! also she and jamie were so cute this season!
aisha and chloe!!!!! did not see it coming and LOVED that romance! they are adorable.
i also really loved all of 2.05 and ending on the note of the importance of queer joy rather than getting bogged down in the omnipresent news of injustice & suffering, that was so powerful.
the spanish class storyline was also excellent! in addition to being a great storyline for aisha, i really liked how they incorporated slater into that storyline and how he pointed out that his culture was never really acknowledged in the original series.
kelly deciding to find herself career-wise after a legacy of just being The Nice Babe And Dream Girl (i think, i don’t know the original series super well) was such a fun storyline. BOATS HAVE PHONES???? it wasn’t fate, it was HER dumb ass???? also, props to the kelly/jessie-shipping librarian. you do you, lady.
everything slater and jessie was SO perfect, i was just delighted. (and i may have gone back and watched both their kissing scenes again, a very nerdy sort of indulgence that i have not really experienced in years. but there weren’t enough gifs and i just needed to live it again!) they are friends!!!! slater’s doing therapy and figuring himself and his very continuity-challenged past out and also knows that confessing his feelings for jessie right after she got divorced isn’t what she needs!!! jessie is free from her terrible marriage!!! he’s her best friend, you dumb dick!!!! (or whatever that line was. i was SO tickled.) the KISSING! two KISSES! and SLOW-DANCING! i also loved the reconstructed flashbacks of all the times they’ve kissed and it was a bad idea, hahaha. anyway, sometimes romance is pointing out that your beloved high school sweetheart/nemesis turned adulthood colleague and best friend has a rat skull in her hair.
the j.k. rowling + joss whedon + armie hammer burns were ON FIRE
devante also had a lot of great material this season and i love his dynamic with his ladylove! they are SO cute together.
i am so happy that john michael higgins blesses my tv with his hilarity as poor ron-ron toddman
this show is perfect and i love it with every dear and tender feeling in my soul (or something) -- i almost daren’t hope it gets renewed, since i’m pretty sure i read somewhere that even peacock itself seems like it’s going to get canceled, but also I WANT MORE, THIS SHOW IS PERFECT. give it a chance, COWARDS! / obscure cougar town reference
have you ever tortured someone by chaining them to a radiator and forcing them to read the autobiography of the person who invented the dimmer switch
lexi’s dance marathon dress was ALIVE
the jokes on this show are Good
truly, what a blessing that we live in a day and age where a show like this can exist!
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hypexion · 2 years
Finally managed to watch the final season of Agents of Shield. Truly a time travel adventure worth waiting for, although I would have prefered to have seen it on actual TV and not “Disney Plus”.
It’s definitely a season that understands its finality, opting for a jaunt through SHEILD’s history with the not-so-subtle aim of getting some more fun references and bringing back old characters. Indeed, the first three seasons get a lot of love, with the return of John Garrett, Jiaying, and even the Malicks and their wacky squid cult. There’s also another Koenig, more Hydra, Shield and Chromicon agents than you can shake a time drive at, along with some guy from Agent Carter. (Also: fun alternate title sequences, including a fully fledged 70′s style sequence.)
Okay, Daniel Sousa isn’t just some guy, but as with all these big interconnected things, the whole “look it’s the guy“ bit doesn’t work if you don’t know who he is. However, the season does a lot to make sure he’s a fully realised character even if you don’t know the backstory. In fact, the whole Daniel/Daisy relationship subplot works pretty well, considering it had to fit into ten episodes between other things. You’d think adding in a new team member in the final season wouldn’t work, but it did. Sousa has his whole “out of time“ deal going on, but he’s also very ernestly good, even in the face of the wacky Agents of Shield problems. Like the time loop episode. Daisy says there’s a time loop and Sousa is like “well how are we fixing this“.
Really if I had to pick out a weak point for this season, it would be the villains. The Chromicons’ motivations are a bit weird, since you’d think with all this time travel and advanced technology they could do a better plan than “retgone Shield and take over the new timeline“. Also, even with all their fancy predictions, they basically lose constanty. Eventually, they have Natheniel Malick as an ally, who trades in his old fate for being Alveus bait to become a discount Mr. Sinister for Inhumans. And also a Quake knock-off. I think he lacks a certain menacing presence, and really he gets narratively side-lined by Kora, Daisy’s not technically evil half-sister. Kora herself mostly works, but her whole plotline would probably have benefitted from another episode or two of space, since she goes from “grr, Daisy and Shield bad“ to “actually I love my new sister“ pretty quickly. Her motivations are little shaky, but that does line up with how she clearly didn’t have long term plans that involved being alive at the point where she was introduced.
The rest of the team also continues to move forward. Coulson now has to deal with being a robot, May gets weird empathy powers, Yo-yo has to deal with her (newly introduced) Backstory Issues and Deke uses his time travel knowledge for good rather than self-enrichment. But also for self-enrichment. Also Mack’s parents die in the alternate timeline. Oof. As always, the cast has a lot of fun interactions, with a lot of different dynamics. Then Enoch dies again and this time it’s a lot more sad. It all leads up the very last “where are they now“ scene, where we see that everyone who survived got their happy ending. Yay!
Also there’s a Fitzsimmons baby! It seemed likely when Malick did the evil mind-meld, and became incredibly obvious in the final episode. Not much Fitz in this season incidentally, but it got an in-universe justification which is nice. Hooray for the dorks in love. Best ship, OTP and all that.
All in all, Agents of Shield is still probably the best live-action superhero show I’ve watched. I like the characters (even Deke), I like the stories, and honestly I like how it became its own thing detached from the MCU. Season seven provides a cool conclusion to the show, with a happy ending that the characters earned.
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