haruspexs · 4 months
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Top 100 PJO Characters List
I'm totally not procrastinating anything but here's a list of the top 100 most tagged PJO characters on AO3. As usual this doesn't include Magnus Chase or Kane Chronicles. I'm sorry. Today is 5/27/24.
1. Percy Jackson - 30,957
2. Nico di Angelo - 23,414
3. Annabeth Chase - 21,924
4. Will Solace - 14,767
5. Jason Grace - 14,228
6. Piper McLean - 10,759
7. Leo Valdez - 10,122
8. Hazel Levesque - 8,306
9. Frank Zhang - 6,577
10. Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano - 5,728
11. Thalia Grace - 5,676
12. Apollo - 4,840
13. Sally Jackson - 4,783
14. Luke Castellan - 4,484
15. Grover Underwood - 4,330
16. Chiron - 4,102
17. Poseidon - 3,800
18. Hades - 3,341
19. Clarisse la Rue - 2,845
20. Rachel Elizabeth Dare - 2,790
21. Zeus - 2,367
22. Bianca di Angelo - 2,324
23. Dionysus - 2,078
24. Artemis - 2,050
25. Connor Stoll - 2,022
26. Calypso - 1,796
27. Travis Stoll - 1,775
28. Paul Blofis - 1,751
29. Kayla Knowles - 1,729
30. Silena Beauregard - 1,578
31. Hermes - 1,530
32. Aphrodite - 1,502
33. Athena - 1,483
34. Lou Ellen Blackstone - 1,352
35. Hera - 1,195
36. Austin Lake - 1,154
37. Drew Tanaka - 1,152
38. Ares - 1,150
39. Charles Beckendorf - 1,026
40. Octavian - 996
41. Persephone - 987
42. Hestia - 920
43. Katie Gardner - 864
44. Estelle Blofis - 860
45. Tyson - 856
46. Cecil Markowitz - 837
74. Zoe Nightshade - 837
48. Chris Rodriguez - 762
49. Ethan Nakamura - 761
50. Kronos - 755
51. Triton - 750
52. Meg McCaffrey - 685
53. Michael Yew - 627
54. Hephaestus - 625
55. Demeter - 597
56. Malcolm Pace - 586
57. Lee Fletcher - 575
58. Amphitrite - 536
59. Gabe Ugliano - 480
60. Gleeson Hedge - 454
61. Naomi Solace - 418
62. Maria di Angelo - 410
63. Frederick Chase - 409
64. Hecate - 401
65. Mitchell - 363
66. Juniper - 342
67. Pollux - 317
68. Jake Mason - 300
69. Thanatos - 293
70. Nyssa Barrera - 287
71. Lacy - 255
72. Hylla Ramirez-Arellano - 247
73. Dakota - 245
74. Gaea - 239
75. Mrs. O’Leary - 230
76. Blackjack - 212
77. Miranda Gardiner - 212
78. Sherman Yang - 203
79. Bob/Iapetus - 202
80. Tartarus - 199
81. The Fates - 196
82. Castor - 191
83. Eros - 187
84. Nyx - 177
85. Chaos - 176
86. Shel - 174
87. Harley - 171
88. Clovis - 165
89. Tristan McLean - 164
90. Kymopoleia - 160
91. Festus - 159
92. Annabeth Chase’s Stepmother - 153
93. Gwendolyn - 153
94. Beryl Grace - 152
95. Lupa - 152
96. May Castellan - 149 
97. Ella - 129
98. Medusa - 129
99. Lityerses - 123
100. Esperanza Valdez - 120
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Also, if you're wondering how many times Octavian nearly died on a boat, the answer is 7. 3 times to a storm/shipwreck, 2 times from Sextus Pompey, and 2 times from illness.
That time he cursed out Neptune probably didn't help.
1/8/23 update: Make that five times to storm, and nine times total!
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cyanide-latte · 3 months
Get to know my TWST OCs pt. 3
Copper's Backstory
Figured maybe doing a series of posts like this would help friends and mutuals get to know my OCs better!
Part 1: What Are They Twisted From? | Part 2: What Nicknames Do They Have?
Special thanks to @blithesharem for prompting me to do some basic character backstory write-ups for you all, starting with Copper~. Apologies in advance, this gets a little lengthy!
Warnings: child abduction, references to emotional manipulation/abuse and malnourishment of a child, references to deadnaming and misgendering, implications of animal abuse
While I try to keep all of the above mentioned mostly vague, I completely understand if you do not feel comfortable reading any of it. So please don't feel obligated to do so, you are allowed to nope out.
We open one stormy night in early May many years ago, on the stoop of an orphanage, where a child is surrendered, the person who brought them fleeing into the night before too many questions can be asked. The only real information known about the infant is that they were born in late April and are only two weeks old, and their birth name was written as Helena B—., the surname having run in the rain to the point of being unreadable apart from the first letter.
The child is raised for the first ~6-7 years of their life in the orphanage, generally keeping to themself and not making many friends. (Why bother when most of them are likely to just be gone at any given point in time due to getting adopted?) They're rather sharp-minded for their age, and pick up rather quickly that they're less likely to get adopted the older they get, as well as the fact they're often passed over for other children who fit the look or the personality that would-be parents are looking for, furthering their loneliness. The only solace they find is in the kindness of the elderly gentleman who helps with the upkeep and work of the orphanage, a cat beastman the children refer to as "Old Flynn". Flynn often takes the time to comfort and reassure the child, teaching them a rhyme to encourage them to have faith that they'll find their place and their family soon enough.
Trouble comes when a shady pair of individuals start sniffing around the orphanage claiming an interest in possibly adopting a child, but refusing to go through the appropriate channels to do so, instead trying to approach the children when they're outside at play. It's during one of these moments when, having learned the approximate times the children are called back inside, that they abduct the child named "Helena" and vanish long before her absence can be noticed. Even after this, police efforts to find the missing child are quickly abandoned in favor of suggesting "she ran away" despite the evidence of suspicious characters. Only Old Flynn retains any certainty that "Helena" was abducted and worries for them.
The abductors—a failed mage and failed performer, Gorgania Stone, and his business partner, Hiram Lurk—take the child with them to dilapidated riverboat Lurk owns, anchored in a place called The Devil's Bayou [not too far removed from the Twisted Wonderland version of New Orleans] and guarded by Stone's pet alligators, Augustus and Octavian. Though frightened, the kid makes it quite clear they're strong-willed and have a defiant streak, and when Stone eventually gets around to indicating they want the child to work to find missing valuables from other wrecks and various sites in the bayou, he's surprised by the kid's attempts to bargain his way through the whole thing. But children aren't too difficult to deal with if you've got a way with them; make them like you, make them trust you, and have the right leverage, that's all it takes to keep them in line.
And that perfect leverage makes itself known when the kid argues they are a boy, not a girl. While Lurk is prepared to try to argue with the kid, Stone sees the opportunity to make the boy pliable and promises that if he stays with them, behaves and does as he's told, he is allowed to be a boy and pick his own name. After all, he has no guarantee that even if he is adopted that a mother and father would let him do that and be himself, now does he? This tactic works, and the boy agrees, elated at the chance to be himself, and picks the name "Copper".
Over the next ~10 years, Copper is repeatedly made to track down lost valuables in the bayou that Stone and Lurk have difficulty in reaching or uncovering due to their size. This results in a lot of withholding meals as a means of keeping him smaller and capable of navigating tight spaces and various wreckage. Along the way he's found to be ambidextrous and double-jointed in most of his fingers, resulting in Stone gradually teaching him various little skills to "help him". In addition, the more lost valuables and treasures Copper uncovers, the more Stone is willing to give some leeway, bringing the boy books to help him along with his education, including tomes of magic once Copper shows an aptitude for it. (Never enough to truly empower him though.) In secret, Copper also practices his magic and befriends several animals that live in the bayou, gradually learning to speak with them and not ever realizing how his skill as a mage is developing.
He makes numerous attempts to escape Stone, but he's repeatedly caught (usually by Augustus and Octavian, with whom he gradually develops a bond and can communicate with, to Stone's increasing ire,) and his attempts are hampered by his inability to swim. Typically he has to be craftier than that. He often tries to slip away on the occasions he's dragged into town to assist Stone or Lurk with something, though these efforts are more half-hearted, quickly thwarted, and more for a show of defiance than anything. The trips to town allow him to gradually develop more of a connection with the culture there, as well as allowing him extra time to plan a more solid escape.
The one major attempt at escape comes during an afternoon when he's 14, during a particularly dry summer. With Mr. Lurk napping and the alligators seeking cool shelter, Copper manages to navigate enough dry and shallow spots to find his way out and into town on his own. Frightened and high-strung, he tries to find help, only to stumble across a community of people who offer him kindness and a chance to partake in their meal. (It's from them he takes the surname Benoit, to always remember and honor the kindness they showed him.) Touched by this and reminded of Old Flynn, Copper has a brief moment of hope that perhaps these people can help him with his escape, if not possibly find him a place to stay among them, only for Stone to arrive and charm his way through them with a vicious smile in order to drag Copper back out into Devil's Bayou. Though he makes no effort to physically punish Copper, Stone has no issue weaponizing other means of keeping him in line, referring to him as "Helena" and "girl", and revealing he knows about the animals. The old books of magic are removed, no new ones are ever brought there, and that same night all of the animals Copper had befriended disappear, never seen again.
After this, Copper is far more cautious and careful in everything he does. He begins to develop a Signature Spell/Unique Magic in secret, one he so closely guards he refuses to even consider the mechanics of how it works or how it reflects his inner resilience and desire for freedom. Over time his constant living with fear morphs into a fear-response where he intentionally starts to taunt or aggravate whatever is frightening him most, in an attempt to see how far he can get in worsening the situation before facing consequences. Stone quickly catches on and opts to ignore this, taking it as a point of teenage rebellion and contenting himself with the fact that if backtalk is all Copper is going to do, he'll live with that. The boy still has his uses.
It's those uses and his unusual gift for turning up lost pirate treasure from so many locations in Devil's Bayou that cause the turning point. The boy has no small talent as a mage, but pirate treasure is often protected by blood magic, and won't just surrender itself so willingly to someone without pirate lineage. Remembering this at last, Stone's frequent trips away from the riverboat increase as he tries to track down evidence of Copper's family tree. While he refuses to share his findings, he comes to the conclusion based on what little he is able to uncover that the boy might be descended from a legendary pirate captain. Which means there's a chance he can uncover a much larger, more valuable find.
Here's where we get into some shared universe world-building with my friends; @inmateofthemind made a post here about the first bit of lore for this, but the idea is that at some point the various arcane academies used to run something of a student exchange program following their winter break schedules, in which students of participating schools are shuffled around to one another in order to build better relations. Crowley decides to try revitalizing the Arcane Exchange for this reason. And during this period of the Arcane Exchange, Night Raven College also becomes just a touch more accessible to former alumni as well.
Stone, who has long suspected that the Headmage of his old alma mater is secretly keeping a legendary pirate treasure hidden somewhere in the depths of Night Raven College, gets wind of the Arcane Exchange and sees an opportunity: drop in unannounced for a visit under the cover story that he would like to spend some time there with his ward to see if Night Raven College would be a good fit for the boy. After all Crowley will be hard-pressed to turn them away, Stone can take this as an opportunity to use Copper to trespass and find that treasure to make him immeasurably wealthy, and perhaps if the boy is allowed the false promise of possibly attending NRC to learn magic should he behave, he'll be better about falling in line.
However, Stone underestimates Copper's capacity to both find and cause trouble, his desire to be free, and especially his eagerness to make friends with other teenagers who have just as big a knack for trouble as he does. And everyone might be also be underestimating the role Scarabia's Housewarden is going to play in all of this.
There is more but as I'm writing most of the rest of this story out in a series of oneshots and short fics, I think I'm going to stop here for now (hopefully this will give me a reason to eventually post the fics I've been writing.)
Taglist: @blithesharem @inmateofthemind @ramshacklerumble @tixdixl @simons-twsted-children @elenauaurs @thehollowwriter @theleechyskrunkly @rainesol (Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!)
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apollosgiftofprophecy · 8 months
Favorite Posts
Mainly this is so I can find these posts easily (for future reference) but also wanna make a place for all these great posts :3
this is definitely not complete and I don't think it ever will be haha
Apollo is Best Dad by @whatasunchild
Artemis & Ipheginia in Aulis by @specialagentartemis
Mythology is Flexible by @tuurverheydepoetryandprose
Defend Apollo Hours by @whatasunchild
Apollo & Cassandra Fanfic by @odiko-ptino (i need more nuanced Apollo & Cassandra they give me LIFE)
Apollo & Admetus I
Apollo & Admetus II (with extras!)
Apollo & Cassandra Analysis II
Apollo & Cassandra Analysis III
Apollo & Rhoeo
Apollo & Cassandra Analysis I by @poemsandmyths @theoiaesthetics and @wasspword
Apollo & Hera by @sukizula, @/my-name-is-apollo, @greek-suitehearts, @pjgreeksblog, & more!
The Eumenides Analysis by @clodiuspulcher and @crisisoninfintefandoms
Artemis & Apollo's Relationship in ToA by @worlds-oldest-teenager
TTT Apollo V Commodus Fight Analyzed by @newathens
Demigods POV on the gods V Apollo's by @the-primordial-archivist
Keyseeker's Abundance of Analysis by @flightfoot
Reread PJO/HoO/ToA by @hashtagloveloses
Apollo Headcanons by @ukelele-boy
Copollo Art That Inspired A Fanfic (And My Reaction To It) by @newobsessioneveryweek
Copollo Incorrect Quote by @moodyseal
The Apollo Iceberg by @lubble-underscore
ToA/AtLA Fusion by @colorsunlikeanythingseen
Rachel & Apollo by @hogoflight
"the fall of the sun; the final verse"
Apollo Slay Moments
The Estelle Theory
Apollo's Fatal Flaw
Middle Child Hermes
Sunny's Timeline (part 1) (part 2)
Copollo ToApril 2023 Fanart
The Delphic Family (With Some of My Headcanons)
Caged God Art (that i wanna make a fanfic of) (that i DID make a fanfic of-)
Top 7 Exes From Ancient Greece
Apollo Headcanons
Zeus & Apollo
Greek & Roman Culture Differences
Apollo & Zeus BoO Analyzed
The Halcyon Green Elephant
ToA: What To Know Before Reading
What Apollo's Arc Is Really About
Apollo Kids are Greek AND Roman
Apollo & Octavian
Michael Yew's Fatal Flaw (Ao3)
The Twins & the di Angelos (Ao3)
Michael Yew's Death (Ao3)
Kronos Wins AU (But Also Not)
Nico & Apollo by @tsarinatorment & @fearlessinger
Apollo is CHB's Patron by @tsarinatorment, with additions by @stereden (here) & @fearlessinger (here)
Commodus Redemption Arc: How It Could Happen some clowning between @moodyseal and myself :)
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f0xgl0v3 · 5 months
Octavian headcanons :3
Another round of general Octavian headcanons, family edition! Would first like to state I’m not touching the legacy strands currently because stuff like Augustus Caesar and his demigod status in Pjo and all of that messes stuff up and I need more time to think about that and actually reading ToA and stuff.
Anyways, motivation for the Octavian post is to settle pre-audition jitters. Drama club beauty and the beast production, and auditions are tomorrow :,] gonna have to weasel my way through the singing part and hope my acting carries me the rest of the way through (in the words of Perseus Jackson; if I tried to sing I’m pretty sure it’d cause an avalanche.)
*Update because I’ve been writing this post for a day; we had dance auditions first! Pretty much just seeing where we are in dancing skills for this, it was really chill and fun and vibes were immaculate! Sorry this post is kind of ajifnsdb and I couldn’t get names down for these people, but I’d want to do that after figuring out.. naming work?
But ajdienajdjfneb whatever onto the headcannons!!
Big family, BIIIG family. In my head he has 8 other siblings (he is indeed the eighth child just for my amusement and it works for the little time before I work on how I think New Rome does naming, and I’m not touching that with a 39 and a half foot pole)
Old money family too. They’re descended from Emperors and they’ve managed to continue that legacy and have a family business, aware of Triumvirate holdings, may even have positive work relations.
Octavian is the 2nd youngest, in order his siblings go; 1st eldest, 2 kid, 3 child, 4&5 were twins, then 6,7,8,9. His poor mom has so many kids- but got solid breaks between them, though I don’t want to calculate ages at the moment.
Staring with his youngest sister. It’s Julia, that Julia. The one that’s Terminus’s little ‘assistant’. Octavian likes getting the opportunity to see her more often than most of his other siblings. She’s a little menace but gets away with it, nothing bad though, just mischievous.
Skipping Octavian we go to child 7. Who doesn’t have a name but just got out of the legion a few years ago, and moved out of the legion/New Rome. Bit of a rebel, but just wants to settle down with a family of their own and distance themselves from the family. They had a neutral-to negative relationship with Octavian. Octavian doesn’t like his siblings distance from Rome, and sibling likes Octavian but can’t help worry over him.
Kid 6 would be probably Gaius or something (again. Not about to go think too hard about what is gonna end up being Octavian’s Oc siblings. I can think about them later) he got out honorably after Mt.Tam, I like to think he’s still looking for a job and drifting in that University stage.
Kids 5&4 are twins, fraternal (maybe identical but I want more fraternal twins) and absolutely wild?? Jobs set up probably as something like loan sharks, they help upkeep the family fortune. Think like Ebenezer Scrooge or how Bob Marley are described in Christmas Carol. Taught Octavian everything they knew about blackmail, manipulation, etc. but they’re generally silly. Both usually try to charge people for various scams, think of the cartoonish dealer with the giant trench coat.
Child 3 has their own family and works for Bombillio’s (?) pretty comfortable with life. Fascinated with the mortal realm, slips on trips their parents take for business.
Child 2 and 1 have significantly branched off and live sort of anywhere, I feel like 1 is supervising that outpost in Canada (that’s another Hc I have that I talked about a LOOONG time ago) and then 2 probably lives out with their partner in San Fran and cats.
Okay a sorry I’m a little jittery because it is SNOWING!!!!! Where I am at least but still, SNOWING!! Sorry I couldn’t name anyone but still, wanted to get general family stuff down and writing posts like these calm me down when I’m feeling a bit aaaaaurgh.
Octavian has mostly good relationships with his siblings. Though he feels like he’s the only one really invested in being a citizen of New Rome and upholding the family name.
I’ll probably change around the siblings and their order whenever I decide how their ages work. But I feel they’re all relatively close in age and then Julia is just the odd one out.
His mother is a legacy from a newer family in New Rome, she’s pretty silly and generally just wants the best for her family.
His dad inherited the unnamed, unspecified family business/company and currently runs it, preserved his old crown awards and has them framed in his office, takes his family very seriously.
Okay, I’m working on the rankings research. It’s… a thing, but for now I might just make more of these random little hc posts, in between larger posts and passion stuff y’know?
Also maybe other fandoms? I’m still very much a Pjo person but I still wanna talk about other stuff lol,
Anyway here’s a quick Octavian thing I did, I’m still messing with his design, I feel like this might stick but I’ll still mess around with his hair, but I just wanted to add a little more to this post because it felt… pretty empty lol.
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Also possible post on how some of the weapons characters have look? Would love to draw actual referenced things like IVILIS(? Don’t wanna go check but the Juno sword I think- Jason’s sword-) Reyna’s spear sword & dagger. Octavian’s Pilum & dagger, some hc stuff, maybe actual Camp Half-Blood stuff (because I wanna draw Backbiter)
Okay, I think I’m done now :3
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Really loved chapters 1-3. I know you don’t want to give any spoilers but will there be other songs sung by Will like Lucy Gray did in tbosbas? If so, what songs/artists are you thinking? Also, since no character is safe, can you give us a list of the tributes and the mentor assigned in this fic? Just to keep track of in case and also, who got killed last chapter?!?!
Hello! Thank you so much for your ask!
Yes, Will is going to have a ton more songs! His relationship with music will be expanded on in following chapters, and more songs will be added. I have a list, and I don't know if every song on that list will make it into the fic, but the main two artists are Brandi Carlile and The Crane Wives.
I gotchu on Districts! Not every Tribute has a Percy Jackson character equivalent, and not every mentor matters. But here ya go!
District 1
Mentor: Octavian
Luke Castellan
Clarrise La Rue
District 2
Mentor: Ethan Nakamura
Jason Grace
Piper McClean
District 3
Mentor: Lityersis
Leo Valdez
Rachel Dare
District 4
Mentor: Bianca di Angelo
Annabeth Chase
Percy Jackson
District 5
Mentor: Britomartis
Charles Beckendorf
District 6
All OC's
District 7
Mentor: Commodus
Selena Beauregard
Travis Stoll
District 8
Mentor: Thaddeus (OC)
Boy Tribute (OC)
District 9
Mentor: OC
Boy Tribute (OC)
District 10
Mentor: OC
District 11
All OC's
District 12
Mentor: Nico di Angelo
Reyna Arellano
Will Solace
That's the stats from the end of chapter 3, meaning 22 tributes remain!
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jellymeduza · 3 months
1250 followers gift - take a peek at my medievalish fantasy game (part 5/?)
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4
After a break, we move on to the Magic household, or actually both of them. Elders and their children live separatedly.
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On this lot live two elderly couples: Baltazar and Salamandra, and Gargamel and Hogata.
I use @midgethetree's edit of aging controller, so witches live longer than regular Sims.
I also use hereditary supernaturalism, so children inherit powers when they age to teens.
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Going left to right:
Gargamel is Hogata's husband and father of Janka, Barbara and Łucja (or Lucy, I can't make up my mind about translating this name). He is evil wizard. His personality is 6/5/3/9/2 and his aspiration is fortune.
Salamandra is Baltazar's wife and mother of Eugene Magic (the wizard at the court of the Dariuses). She is good witch and works in alchemy (a.k.a. science). Her personality is 5/8/6/3/3. Her aspiration is knowledge.
Hogata is Gargamel's wife and mother of anka, Barbara and Łucja/Lucy. She is neutral witch. Her personality is 5/8/6/3/3. Her aspiration is knowledge.
Baltazar is Salamandra's husband and father of Eugene Magic. He's evil wizard. His personality is 4/7/8/3/3 and his aspiration is fortune.
Turquoise (on Baltazar's shoulder) is their dragon pet.
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The second Magic household is much more crowded. It is inhabited by three sisters and their children.
The sisters run a magic shop, where they sell potions, cures and magic artefacts.
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Left to right:
Łucja (Lucy) is the youngest daughter of Gargamel and Hogata. Even though, she is Eugene's wife, they live apart. They have three kids: Alice, Merlin (red-head boy with short hair) and Magus (red-head boy with long hair). She is infallibly good witch with her magic skills maxed out. She's got great relationship with Janka but doesn't get along with Barbara. She's got 10 points in logic and 5 both in creativity and cleaning. Her personality is 4/10/4/4/3, socially awkward, family-oriented, workaholic, virtuoso. Her favourite colour is white. Her first personality is knowledge and secondary is family.
The boy sitting in front of Łucja is her nephew, Arthur. He is son of Janka and Caligula, and elder twin of Octavian. He's also a half-sibling of his cousin, Arcadius (weird family relationships, let's go!). His personality is 10/10/1/8/0, snob, loves to swim, hates the outdoors.
Alice is the eldest child of Łucja and Eugene. She is a teenager who only recently unlocked her powers. She's learning magic and once she's old enough she will study at the magic university - Artes Magicae. She reached her rebellious teen phase as she fears casting good spells. xD Her personality is 7/4/9/8/1, hates the outdoors, love to swim, family-oriented, absent-minded. Her favourite colour is blue. Her aspiration is knowledge.
Merlin is the younger twin of Magus (yes, there are two sets of twins in this family. No, it wasn't on purpose) and the youngest child of Łucja and Eugene. His personality is 4/10/10/2/9, night owl, family-oriented, loves the outdoors.
Next to Merlin, his elder twin Magus is playing with a cat, Fang. Magus' personality is 4/5/6/10/10, brave, artistic, heavy sleeper.
Janka is the eldest daughter of Gargamel and Hogata. She is a mother of Arthur and Octavian. She's a neutral witch. She had a brief affair with Caligula Claudius, which resulted in twin pregnancy. Of course at the same time her sister Barbara had an affair with Caligula as well, bruh. Anyway, Janka gets along with both of her sisters. She works in medicine and is a licenced physician. She's got 6 points of cooking skill, 7 points of both mechanical and cleaning, 10 points of body skill. Her personality is 2/8/2/6/7, adventurous, workaholic, bookworm, kleptomaniac, artistic. Her favourite colour is brown. Her aspiration is knowledge.
The boy hanging on the chandelier is Octavian, younger twin of Arthur. He is son of Janka and Caligula, and half-sibling of his cousin Arcadius. His personality is 5/7/4/8/10, artistic, ambitious, genius.
Then we've got Arcadius, son of Barbara and Caligula. He spent his infancy and early toddlerhood living with his maternal grandparents, only then Barbara took care of her son. Like his half-siblings, he doesn't know they are so closely related. His personality is 4/9/9/8/5, heavy sleeper, bookworm, good sense of humor.
Barbara is the middle daughter of Gargamel and Hogata. She is a mother of Arcadius. She's an atrociously evil witch and has a familar cat called Fang. She had a brief affair with Caligula Claudius. She works in entertainment. She's got 6 points of mechanical skill, 7 points of creativity, 8 points of cleaning and 10 points of body skill. Her personality is 7/5/9/3/1, over-emotional, loves the outdoors, heavy sleeper, supernatural fan, socially awkward. Her favourite colour is black. Her aspiration is knowledge.
Fang is mid between genius and doofus, mid between lazy and hyper, independent, cowardly and mid pigpen between finicky.
Next up, the Monks!
part 6
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Congrats Sherb (34 votes), Audie (28 votes) and Ketchup (27 votes)! Hopefully your second chance treats you better than your first chance did.
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As for Flora's tie, 56.9% of you voted not to bring her back for round 4. Sorry Flora.
We're now down to a small enough number of villagers that we can get the graphic going. Sherb, Audie and Ketchup are marked with a star to indicate that they were the comeback winners. Round 4 starts April 18th.
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Runners up:
Ruby 20
Gayle 19
Raymond 19
Tia 19
Marshal 18
Wolfgang 16
Bluebear 13
Lily 13
Tex 13
Carmen (rabbit) 12
Peewee 11
The rest of the pack:
10 votes:
9 votes:
Kid Cat
8 votes:
7 votes:
6 votes:
5 votes:
Big Top
4 votes:
3 votes:
Agent S
Wart Jr.
2 votes:
1 vote:
Lulu (anteater)
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simmerena · 2 years
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Child Hair Conversions Custom Content Showcase
Thanks to the amazing @c-cerberus-sims-s so far they have 150+ child hair conversions that you NEED in your game! I really wanted to recognize the hard work that this creator has put in, and dedicate a video just to showcasing the conversions they've done so far!
To follow along in the video, just Ctrl+F to search for the name of whatever hair(s) you like!
If you want to download a lot of hair at once, they also have a folder with all of their conversions organized by creator!
brat + bats / champa + flower / hibiscus + flower / blondes buns #1
buttercup / brute / berserk + bow / bunny #2
julian / alex / heather / tweek #3
bren bantu / elio / riley / jort #4
serena v3 + elastics / serena v1 / serena v2 + gem / blossom w/o bangs + bow / blossom w/ bangs / candice v2 + bow / candice v1 / mima + headband #5
cleo / sakura + clips / hazel + clips / kali #6
marie / manon / karol / quinn #7
sen / paradox / tsubasa / weasley #8
heartstrings / cicero / heartstrings + headband / amelie + clips #9
marco / cicero w/o braid #10
maya + ombré / alice / fox / panda #11
maru / lily / mikasa / nobara #12
lexi / valerie / millie / mabel #13
cassie / lirio + acc / chloe / scarlet #14
karol lowpony / karol lowbun / karol spacebuns / karol pigtails #15
shoe / ciela / clementine / fauna w/ + w/o bangs #16
trudy / icon / velma / josee #17
shaggy / fred / misha / da eun #18
hotaru / lillith / lilith / lily #19
dune / ruckus / cypress / max #20
magda / eun ji / sibilla / heiwa #21
charoite / sophia / butterfly kiss / melina #22
makoto + hairband / denise mid part / denise + hairband / denise w/o bangs #23
trinity / autumn / bogdana / planet #24
mirra / ophelia / bonnie / ana #25
isabelle / lennon / stella / cressida #26
winslow bun + scrunchie / winslow ponytail + ribbon / golde #27
final girl bun / final girl ponytail / frankie v1 + v2 #28
bobbi v1 + v2 + v3 + beads + scrunchie / nyah #29
basa / bibi v1 + v2 / adonis + roses / carter #30
angela v1 + v2 / chrissy ponytail v1 + v2 / krista / taliyah pigtails #31
max ponytail v1 + v2 / nance v1 + v2 / el / joyce v1 + v2 / #32
cinnamon / jade / erin / erin v2 #33
brick + cap / boomer / butch / brick w/o cap #34
cheng xiao / fei yu / lu guang / lilac #35
leo / octavian / caleb / marlin + clips #36
light / johnnie / caleb / genesis v1 + v2 #37
leander / matty / seoull III / sangwoo #38
julian / edward / andre / everett #39
nao / liv / shuichiro / thea #40
kim mullet v1 + v2 / ramona v1 + v2 + v3 #41
Watch the Youtube Video!
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11queensupreme11 · 7 months
Hi!!! I have a few questions about Arsenic Blues! Love your work btw!
1) In regards to the Dead Dove tag, how much gore will there be?
Personally, I’m perfectly fine with the psychological triggers you mentioned, but for some reason blood and intestines makes me squeamish. Will there be a lot of in your face gore in your tic?
2) How much canon divergence can we expect, from canon compliant to mostly canon compliant, to full on divergence? And can we please have that in tag form on ao3?
3) Percy will be keeping the Achilles curse right? Because I feel like she will 100% die without it.
4) In regards to timeline, first ragnarok then Hoo right? How are you planning on implementing ragnarok when it’s not finished in canon?
I’m so scared about this one because I really really like the Einherjar, ESPECIALLY Adam and Sasaki. I’m so scared for them!!!!
5) Will the pjoverse be given some well deserved revenge? Because you mentioned that Percy will be brought back to Valhalla after HOO, which feels like: “Hurry up and save our world!” Then “Now that the world is saved we don’t need you anymore. Whether you’re killed, graped we don’t give a shit.”
6) I know that in Arc 4 ror!gods react to pjo!verse, but will there be a pjo!gods react to ror!gods?
All I know is the pjo!Hera and pjo!Dionysus/Bacchus may not be alive past arc 4…
7) What will ror!Apollo’s reaction be to his technical children? Had it been Kayla or Will that got sent to Valhalla instead of Percy, what would he have done? What would his reaction be to pjo!Apollo’s punishment in ToA?
8) Will there be other pjo characters that are (forcibly) moved from the pjo verse to ror verse?
Percy’s gonna need some form of emotional support.
With the empathy link between Grover and Percy, Poseidon will not allow Grover to die, even if he hates his existence, so him and maybe Juniper move to Valhalla?
A possible non-consensual mass adoption of the Camp Half-Blood children? I don’t know what Hermes ‘ reaction will be, Aphrodite would be disgusted by half-lings and Athena just straight up wouldn’t care… But as Halfs their ascension is guaranteed to succeed.
Hazel and Nico will most definitely be adopted, and maybe the Ares and Apollo cabin as well…
the dead dove tag isn't just for gore. it's basically a warning to take the other warning tags seriously. for example, i tagged it as incest. if you see incest + dead dove, that means the incest won't be subtle or implied, it's right in your face and in detail. the same goes for any warning tag that's also tagged with dead dove
i'll be planning to change A LOT of what happens during the ragnarok fights. i didn't realize i forgot to tag 'canon divergence' tho whoops
yes she'll have it when she's in ror, but it'll be removed in hoo
yeah it's ragnarok then hoo. i plan to just skim through some fights and just focus on the important ones. as for the ones that haven't been introduced in canon, i'll be skimming through those too 💀
that's not why percy is going back to ror verse (i'd explain, but spoilers)
apollo is one of the kinder yanderes, so he would accept the kids and naturally come to care for them after some time. as for the punishment, he'd think pjo!zeus was foolish. pjo!apollo was punished he encouraged octavian and "revealed the prophecy too soon" and thus "sped up the war". the first one was dumb, yeah, but the second isn't pjo!apollo's fault. he was MEANT to reveal the prophecy soon, that's how fate works! everything is already preordained by the fates, if the war was going to happen, it would happen. apollo wasn't at fault and i think a lot of ror!gods would agree with that
no i don't think so
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haruspexs · 4 months
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@ilikepjo24 Plushiessss!!!!!
The last drawing is vaguely heart shaped. Happy Valentine's Day Octavian!
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Top 100 PJO Ships
Decided to check out the fic numbers again this year. These are only for romantic pairings, not platonic, and only counts numbers from AO3. To see last year's Top PJO Ships, click this link.
(as of 02/05/2023)
1. Annabeth/Percy (10,983)
2. Nico/Will (9,859)
3. Jason/Piper (3,157)
4. Nico/Percy (3,144)
5. Hazel/Frank (2,631)
6. Jason/Percy (1,530)
7. Calypso/Leo (1,360)
8. Nico/Jason (1,263)
9. Apollo/Percy (872)
10. Magnus/Alex (801)
11. Annabeth/Piper (759)
12. Nico/Leo (692)
13. Jason/Leo (691)
14. Luke/Percy (566)
15. Thalia/Reyna (561)
16. Paul/Sally (560)
17. Jason/Reyna (346)
18. Clarisse/Chris (336)
19. Silena/Charles (320)
20. Katie/Travis (292) 
21. Juniper/Grover (279) 
22. Annabeth/Reyna (268)
23. Luke/Thalia (256)
24. Hades/Persephone (252)
25. Sally/Poseidon (249)
26. Rachel/Percy (234)
27. Piper/Reyna (229)
28. Hazel/Frank/Leo (223) 
29. Nico/Jason/Percy (208)
30. Artemis/Percy (168)
31. Piper/Leo (163)
32. Luke/Annabeth (162)
33. Leo/Frank (144)
34. Piper/Shel (139)
35. Annabeth/Nico/Percy (132)
36. Silena/Clarisse (132)
37. Percy/Will (125)
38. Amphitrite/Poseidon (122)
39. Mitchell/Connor (110)
40. Percy/Leo (110)
41. Thalia/Percy (109)
42. Percy/Poseidon (105)
43. Hera/Zeus (103)
44. Percy/Piper (100)
45. Hermes/Percy (96)
46. Percy/Zeus (89)
47. Maria/Hades (85)
48. Percy/Reyna (85)
49. Calypso/Percy (85)
50. Percy/Zoe (84)
51. Artemis/Zoe (80)
52. Rachel/Reyna (78)
53. Luke/Ethan (76)
54. Percy/Octavian (70)
55. Annabeth/Jason (70)
56. Ares/Percy (68)
57. Bianca/Thalia (67)
58. Jason/Piper/Leo (65)
59. Percy/Triton (64)
60. Apollo/Hyacinthus (63)
61. Hades/Percy (60)
62. Reyna/Leo (59)
63. Annabeth/Thalia (57)
64. Annabeth/Rachel (53)
65. Annabeth/Piper/Reyna (52)
66. Athena/Percy (50)
67. Dionysus/Percy (49)
68. Hazel/Piper (49)
69. Luke/Octavian (49)
70. Percy/Kronos (46)
71. Aphrodite/Percy (46)
72. Percy/Ethan (45)
73. Rachel/Octavian (42)
74. Percy/Grover (40)
75. Sally/Gabe (40)
76. Nico/Thalia (39)
77. Annabeth/Nico (39)
78. Calypso/Piper (38)
79. Bianca/Percy (38)
80. Hestia/Percy (36)
81. Reyna/Drew (35)
82. Connor/Travis (35)
83. Luke/Nico (34)
84. Annabeth/Connor (34)
85. Annabeth/Clarisse (34)
86. Leo/Will (34)
87. Jason/Octavian (33)
88. Percy/Clarisse (33)
89. Bianca/Zoe (32)
90. May/Hermes (31)
91. Calypso/Reyna (29)
92. Annabeth/Jason/Percy (29)
93. Hephaestus/Percy (29)
94. Rachel/Nico (27)
95. Apollo/Lityerses (26)
96. Octavian/Nico (25)
97. Bianca/Nico (24)
98. Percy/Drew (24)
99. Annabeth/Leo (24)
100. Percy/Connor/Travis (23)
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Tag Game: How Cuddleable Are Your OCs?
Thanks to @willtheweaver for the tag here and @fourwingedwriter for the tag here!
Rules: Answer the above question using a scale from 1-10 and include context!
For the main cast of The Watcher and the Thief:
Hector: 3.5/10 Not a touchy-feely sort of person, the closest he'd get is a surprise hug from his apprentice.
Luc: 7/10 Depends on the person he's cuddling with, usually family like his siblings or close friends.
Octavian: 2/10 Avoids unnecessary physical touch if he can help it.
Rift: 8/10 He'd give a hug so he could pickpocket the person he's hugging.
Kaira: 6.5/10 No concept of personal space, but usually backs off if she senses discomfort. Usually.
Tagging @chronicallydragons @spitefulbull @gummybugg @thethistlegirlwrites @stargazer-luna
@theeccentricraven @elizaellwrites and anyone else who wants to rate their ocs' cuddleability! :D
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dragonfly0808 · 1 year
A Heroes of Olympus… Rant? Idk
So, I’ve been in a bit of a reading slump so I decided to reread my Riordan books to get me out of it and I’ve been thinking a lot about the Heroes of Olympus series specifically because… as much as I love that series looking back on it… there was just so much potential not just with the story but with the characters so… I’ve decided to make a small list of shit I would change just cause I feel like it.
So, first off, I don’t think I’d change much about The Lost Hero and Son of Neptune other than 3 tiny things.
1st, in The Lost Hero, Jason doesn’t fully remember Reyna like Percy does Annabeth, but he knows that there’s someone waiting for him. Also, Piper and Jason have an actual conversation in which they’re both like ‘Look, neither of us asked for this and I’m really sorry but we shouldn’t be together when our relationship never really existed.’
2nd, about Piper… SHE SHOULDN’T BE AN ‘I’M NOT LIKE OTHER GIRLS’ GIRL BECAUSE GIRLY GIRLS CAN BE JUST AS BADASS AND HAVE STORIES JUST AS GOOD AS TOMBOY AND NERDY GIRLS FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK- Sorry I am just so sick and tired of fantasy books specifically treating girly girls with little to no respect. Like… come on man.
For Piper she’d either be a girly girl from the start or she’d embrace her girly side while hanging out with the Aphrodite cabin (who deserve so much justice, I might actually do a one-shot about the Aphrodite cabin just cause I had an idea of Percy on his first week getting his nails done by Silena cause he always wanted to but couldn’t cause of Gabe/bullies idk) but yeah, Piper could go on a small journey of learning to embrace her girly side and also discovering she’s lesbian/bi, to which Drew reminds her that Aphrodite is the goddess of all kinds of love.
Son of Neptune I would only change Frank, he wouldn’t get his weird glow up, let him stay chubby and awkward!!!
Now… this is when we really deviate.
Cause… I would actually have Reyna and Nico be part of the 7 while Percy and Annabeth stay behind in New Rome (Percy stays in New Rome as Praetor and Annabeth returns to Camp Half-Blood to lead or they both stay in New Rome and Annabeth gets the idea to build something like that in Camp Half-Blood you know… BUILD SOMETHING PERMANENT).
Maybe Reyna or Nico get a vision that lets them know that they are the ones supposed to go with the 7 instead of Annabeth and Percy. (Maybe instead of Nico it’s Thalia who’s in the Jar idk) and so Reyna and Nico go with the 7 (Reyna and Jason have an emotional reunion as they should’ve but they still don’t talk about their feelings cause they’re Romans and duty comes first)
And… hear me out! 1) Piper, Hazel and Reyna would make such a powerful trio just… women! 2) Nico would have a tough time bonding with the boys (he has a strong bond with Hazel and I feel like Nico would be surprised to bond with Reyna quickly, but eventually he and Jason would become low-key besties and his banter with Leo would be very fun.) 3) ACTUAL SCENES OF THE 7 BONDING.
So Reyna would get Annabeth’s quest maybe with another villain? Point is, at the end of Mark of Athena, Reyna is the one that’s getting dragged to Tartarus, Jason tries to catch her, they’re hanging off the ledge, Jason can’t fly because the pit is trying to suck them in or smth. Reyna tells him to let her go, it’s his duty to lead the group yadda yadda yadda. Jason refuses to, tells Nico (or Thalia if she’s the one they rescue who knows?) to meet them on the other side of the Gates and we get a Jeyna Tartarus fall.
House of Hades. After years of not knowing how to approach the subject because of awkwardness/fear of abandonment/trust issues/too many praetor duties, etc… the fact that Jason was willing to fall into Tartarus with her, and the very real possibility of dying, makes Reyna and Jason finally talk about their feelings and get together and they survive Tartarus together.
In the meanwhile shit is going down in New Rome cause of stupid Octavian. Percy and Annabeth have to leave. On the Argo II everyone is having a mental breakdown so Nico or maybe Piper step up to try and lead (I would actually love it to be Piper cause she had potential as a leader so yeah).
Then another big change, Ogygia. Leo does land up on Ogygia, he does meet Calypso BUT- they don’t fall in love, however, they do grow to love each other which is what allows Leo to leave.
I don’t know exactly how it would work but I would love for platonic love to be the thing that finally saves Calypso and gets her off Ogygia. This would also play into an arc I’d give Leo all about 1) learning that he doesn’t have to be in love to be complete and growing and being okay with being alone as long as he’s not lonely and learning that platonic love can be just as strong as romantic love or 2) Leo realizing that he’s aromantic and asexual and it’s just heteronormative thinking that makes him believe he isn’t complete without a romantic partner and finally accepting himself as he is. And again, learning that platonic love can be just as strong as romantic love.
Also, more angst to Hazel’s Hecate-like powers, maybe for a moment she thinks she’s dead again or smth like that idk.
Finally, Blood of Olympus.
First off. The Athena Parthenos. That quest would go to Percy, Annabeth… AND GROVER. FUCK YEAH BITCHES. That way, we get our original trio back with an important quest and we get to see them again.
Real Jeyna Tartarus PTSD, just, angst galore.
A longer final battle with each of the 7 having a critical role in the final battle. Nico and Hazel fighting side by side, Frank and Leo, Reyna and Piper, Jason striking lightning from above. Percy doing his thing with Annabeth leading the Greek side.
And finally… I’d honestly have an actual death. One of the 7 would die, no resurrection, no nothing.
I think it’d either be Frank or Piper.
Frank because of the set up with the stick and the underrated boy finally coming into his own and sacrificing his life for the greater good.
But the better option (to me at least in my version of the story) would be Piper. We see her grow so much through the story. First coming into her own and embracing her girly side, then being forced to step up and lead when Jason and Reyna are in Tartarus and just overall becoming a hero in her own right. (Also I feel like Piper would just have a strong bond with every single one of the 7, she’s Leo’s person, low-key besties with Reyna, she’s one of Jason’s closest friends she inspires and is always there for Hazel and Frank, etc. so it’d be all the more painful, she and Nico bond over not being straight).
Also also, it would almost close the circle of the Aphrodite hero. Silena was the first hero of Aphrodite cabin, but some people still doubt her, Piper is the second hero of Aphrodite cabin that no one will ever doubt or try to discredit. They burn a pink shroud and her siblings and every single one of the seven, along with Percy and Annabeth mourn her. And all of Camp Half-Blood silently agrees to never underestimate or take the Aphrodite kids for granted again.
The series ends with Leo keeping his promise to Calypso to go back for her with help from Frank and Hazel, Annabeth asking Reyna for help to build a New Rome in Camp Half-Blood and Jason, Nico and Percy maybe confronting the gods or smth like that.
So yeah uh… those are the things I’d change that no one asked for… yay… I stayed up until like 2 am just thinking about this don’t ask me why ajajjajajaa hope you enjoyed my ramblings!
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vindextra · 3 months
My Agents
So, like a lot of splatoon people, I've got my own takes on the Agents. They started out as just a few additional character traits on top of the canon agents, but quickly spiraled out into a lot more fully formed characters.
These characters are presented as they are in the middle arc of my story Breakpoints [insert link]. The first arc retells the stories of Splat 1, 2, and OE, if you want to know how they got to where they are, check out the story!
Agent 3: Quinn
(unfortunately Quinn does not have a ref yet, though one is currently being produced!)
Quinn moved to Inkopolis to get a new start as a new squid. It admittedly wasn't going so well until he followed a weird old man through the sewers and became Agent 3 of the New Squidbeak Splatoon. (Earning himself a surrogate grandpa, and later two surrogate sisters in the process.)
Quinn is light hearted, but direct. He intends to meet problems head on, and is willing to plant his feet and be stubborn when he needs to.
Unfortunately, as a result of the partial sanitization in the metro, the connection between his brain and the muscles in his face were severely damaged, leaving him unable to emote or talk without explicit and deliberate effort.
Quinn remains doggedly committed to the NSS, staying as the only 24/7/365 active member, a trait that doesn't go unnoticed by Captain Cuttlefish.
22 years old
Arrow Squid
Can win a blindfolded 4v1 turf fight with just a splattershot
Agency Member
1 vs Many combat specialist, Survival specialist
Known for defying odds for fun
Agent 4: Nora Sheller
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Art by Nalina-nw!
Nora left her home of 5 siblings to try and make a name for herself. As a result of co-parenting her 4 younger brothers, Nora is compassionate to a fault, a trait that actually doesn't backfire when she chases a strange woman through a sewer grate. From there, she settled into a comfortable routine with this apparently famous woman, trying to save her cousin.
Nora's emotionally intelligent, save for her own emotions, which she's almost completely blind too. She's lighthearted and quick to joke around, she easily becomes best friends with Callie after she's saved. An accident on a mission leaves her leg permanently injured, which ends up causing an entire torrent of quiet self-worth issues in the background.
24 years old
Hooked Squid
Dualies Master
Agency Member (benched due to leg)
Infiltration Expert
Known for her 'guns blazing' style
Agent 8: Clover
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Art by Scratch-o!
Arai, as was her name in the domes, was a brutal, no-nonsense soldier, who just wanted to push through and get done with her service. Repeated instances of her faith being shaken in octavian society around her, as well as a particularly biting betrayal from one of her squadmates leaves her utterly disillusioned with the military.
When she falls into the metro, she loses her memory, but those negative emotions still linger. Now dubbed Agent 8, she resolved to complete the tests so that Craig can make it to the surface, but ultimately she doesn't see any worth in her own freedom. During the fight with sanitized Agent 3, nearly being perma-killed inspires a desperate need to live, which now fuels her every step on the surface.
She takes the name Clover when she reaches the surface. (Mostly) gone now is the brutal, no fun attitude from before, now Clover basks in life and all the small joys it can bring.
24 years old
Mimic Octoling
No Weapon Preference
Agency Member
1 on 1 combat specialist
Happy-go-lucky, until it's mission time
Agent 9!?: Mavi
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(Pictured here without her glasses) Art by Antsyandpantsy!
Mavi's life fell apart when her dad died. She spent several years in a mental fog until her home situation got so bad she was broken out of by sheer necessity. She still has a stutter as a result of that time, which coupled with her already timid nature paints a rather unassuming figure.
Her friends, both in and out of her turf team, helped her get her feet back under her. She lived rather passively for a while, working as a cashier at the official Squid Sister's merch store, until her close friend Nora needed her help. The world of the New Squidbeak Splatoon is revealed to her, and Mavi is left to make a choice.
She chooses to take some hold over her life, joining the Splatoon to enthusiasm all around! Now she has to learn how to catch up with the other agents, and hopefully before the octavians try to pull a new stunt...
22 years old
Arrow Squid
Brella Master
Stand-in Agency member
New to non-turf combat
Timid and stuttering, until her temper flares
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