#Ace x Makino
mike-milkyway · 2 months
One piece is an eternal game of "friends or dating" in which you might be correct until someone points out the age of the characters.
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yonkokraven · 2 months
I was bored and made an AU, how would things change if the government stopped giving importance to the East Blue? What if two Opposing Marines disagree with the idea?
I introduce you:
The Scorching Crew AU.
warning: is an AU focused on Luffy x Uta + Ace and Sabo + strawhats. The world of One Piece will be touched on from a darker perspective, so, if you hold your stomach and know The Blue Lagoon: enjoy the introductory arc:.
-The world government ordered to keep a distance from the East Blue as it considered the chaos that was the rest of the world a higher priority, but there are two people (who would obviously never work together) who have their sights set on that sea: Garp and Akainu
-Garp doesn't trust Akainu one bit, not after Ohara, Aokiji was perplexed for days until he finally told him what happened: Children, families, everything fell under an attack by Akainu (except the well-known girl who escaped)
-Akainu does not talk to anyone, not even to his daughter, his mission is clear: eliminate all evil above and under the seas, and no matter how weak the East Blue is, he does not forget it: that's where Roger came from, and a little bit of information. known by now: that's where Xebec came from. He will not allow under any concept to underestimate that sea again and for another demon to terrorize the world.
-Garp goes more often to the kingdom of Goa, meeting Shanks at one of his stops warning him not to even think about approaching Luffy again, Shanks ignores him, the boy is happy when he is with him and when he is with Uta even more so.
-Reluctantly Garp sometimes stays, carefully watching Shanks' every word, and during one of his walks to visit Ace on the mountain, Luffy and Uta follow him.
-Garp doesn't find out, and goes to patrol other islands. Luffy and Uta run free through the forest (of course, Ben Beckmann wouldn't leave them unsupervised, always at a safe distance) and at one point, they meet Ace and Sabo in one of their escapes.
-Ace is cruel to Luffy like in canon, nothing that Uta can't moderate with a couple of hits (and one just in case to Sabo). From a distance, Benn pieces together the coincidences. Garp walking to the woods every afternoon during his visit and returning hours later? At first the crew's bet was that he might have a brother or sister, but not another hidden grandson.
-Luffy and Uta at one point take them to Makino's bar, Ben is good at faking surprises, and he didn't tell the captain anything, Shanks' immediate reaction upon learning the name of Garp's other "grandson" was a laugh. It wasn't possible that some idiot named his son after the Pirate King's sword, right?
-As time passes, the villagers go home, Luffy, Uta, Ace and Sabo still stay, and the more time passes, the paler Shanks gets, he is an alcoholic, but not to the point of seeing his father figure in the form of a child... no, it's not him, Roger didn't have freckles. Was it possible?
-Uta is having a good time, so Shanks doesn't see anything wrong with her staying as long as she doesn't leave the village while he's gone (Yes, not only did she leave, she did the stupid thing of confronting a bear with the three other children)
-Some time passes, and while the four of them were having lunch peacefully among Shanks' crew, Luffy demonstrates his greatest talent: being someone with a bottomless stomach. Ace, Sabo and Shanks spit out their drinks when they see Luffy's arm stretching abnormally.
-The situation of the mountain bandits is very different, and Ace claims to hate Luffy, but when he almost cuts Higuma in half with a metal rod, that hatred seems like a ghost.
-Shanks loses his arm in the same way, and while his crew cauterizes him, Uta is there with Luffy apologizing over and over again for chasing the bandits.
-Ace feels conflicted, Sabo, Luffy and Uta sleep, He just enjoys the breeze, drinking some orange juice when Shanks sits next to him, Ace didn't say a word when Shanks talked for hours about Roger "He knows." the child thinks.
-Sabo and Ace stop coming to the village, Shanks says it's time to leave after his stump heals, and Uta for the first time doubts what to do and tries to hide it. Shanks knows, Benn knows, Yasopp knows, everyone on the crew knows.
-Luffy says that he will become strong and be the Pirate King on his own, Shanks smiles and says that when the time comes he must prove that he is strong for such a feat, giving him his hat as a promise to see him in the distant future.
-Uta stops before getting on the ship, she wants to go to the sea, she wants to go with her father, but why can't she keep walking? Shanks knows, and sits with her for a moment on the dock.
-He listens to her, and smiles, using Conqueror's Haki on himself to not cry when she tells him her perspective "You want to go to the sea, but you don't want to go with us" and Uta cries, hugs him and apologizes. Shanks knows this is the best choice, the grand line is not a game.
-as the redhead's pirates leave the port, Luffy takes Uta's hand without taking his eyes off the pirate flag "We will see them again." On the ship, the captain can't stand it, he sits on the steps and covers his face, his first officer and his crew sharing that bittersweet feeling "We will see them again."
-Garp comes back a week later, he didn't know what was worse, that he basically now had to take care of Shanks' daughter, or that Luffy was swinging around the town like a monkey with long limbs "Son of a..." Makino and The Mayor covers both children's ears just in time.
-Garp drags Luffy into the forest, one thing is a hyperactive child, another is a hyperactive child with devil fruits, better hidden than in the hands of slavers.
-Dadan didn't have a pleasant day, but when she saw that at least Uta understood some basic human behavior, she was able to fall asleep. (No one tells her that the girl already stole a couple of weapons from the gang)
-The Gray terminal event happens differently, Sabo was never taken back to the city, but he was involved in the fire helping other people go towards the forest (obviously not in the direction of his gold reserve, the house from the mountain or the village)
-Blue Jam does not forget those who try to rob him, as in canon, Ace does not back down, the mountain bandits repel the pirates, but Ace stays behind, Uta throws him a gun, and Ace shoots.
-Ace is covered in bruises, Sabo has his hands burned, including one forearm, Luffy and Uta luckily did not receive much damage. Dadan is furious with the four, but doesn't say anything when he sees that Ace didn't change his horrified face. Dandan is just there being a support for one of her unofficial children, singing him to sleep, like when he was a baby.
-Akainu sails through the East Blue, guarding the celestial dragon (as much as it irritates him to do so) burning every pirate ship he sees, novice or not.
-Upon arriving in the kingdom of Goa, Akainu observes the outskirts, the ashes of an obviously intentional fire, the bones of people who he does not know if they were criminals or not, he becomes enraged.
-Garp sails as fast as possible to Goa, only a day late and Akainu goes to the only island he wouldn't have to go to in the East Blue.
-Garp calls Dadan and Makino when they are within reach, he asks them to keep the children in the village, as far away from the Kingdom as possible, he will arrive in one day, but not to let any marine see Uta, Luffy and Ace.
-Dadan yells at the children to come down from the tree house... there is no response.
-The forest is very large, and the bandits divide themselves and walk carefully. "Please, not today," Dadan prays every ten meters.
-Sabo, Uta, Ace and Luffy leave satisfied with looting food from the city, very easy since everyone was focused on the Celestial Dragon parade.
-Akainu sees four children walking away with a couple of bags, and the presences along the forest seem simply irregular to him, there is no smoke to indicate camps, who is hiding there?
-Dadan obviously scolds them, explaining how dangerous it was for the children to go to the city with the visit of the celestial dragon, no one dares to answer when Luffy asks what a slave he is.
-Dadan takes them after dinner to the village through the forest, Makino has already prepared 4 temporary beds for the children in a safe place, but along the way, a chill runs down his spine. Why? If this path is safe...
-Dogra and the rest of the Dadan Family regroup and eat, Magra opens the door thinking it was Dadan, she did not expect that the last thing she would see was a man almost three meters tall.
-Dogra is the last, and can only cry while Akainu asks him about the children, Akainu eliminates him, but now his conviction changes, he would not save the children, or at least not all of them, after all, the daughter of a demon cannot exist.
-Makino and Dadan were talking when they saw the explosion, the forest mysteriously erupted that should never have happened.
-Akainu walks between the fire of the trees and the magma under her feet, she would get answers one way or another, and the girl would not be able to hide.
-Luffy is the first to wake up due to the murmuring of the villagers, accidentally stepping on Ace who instinctively moves his hand to hit Luffy but instead hits Sabo, Uta wakes up due to the argument, but when they see through the window, their home in the great distance being burned, they just remain silent until Makino enters "Take your things, we have to go"
-Makino and Dadan go to the only boat in the village, Akainu with his observation haki as he leaves the forest, feels the panic in the movement of the villagers "They are here"
-Luffy forgot something, he felt the night wind in his hair, and without bothering to warn anyone he turned back to the bar and ran to look for the hat. Uta follows him, Makino follows them.
-Fire and magma consume the windmills, the vice admiral's voice is clear: "where is Akagami's daughter?"
-The screams of the villagers can be heard from the port, Sabo can't stand it and goes to look for Luffy "he's our brother, Ace!" and Dadan tries to stop them, fails, but he follows them.
-Wrong direction, Sabo's eyes meet those of the vice admiral, the man's cold eyes contrast with the hell that surrounds him "Where is Akagami's daughter?"
-Dadan hugs Ace so he doesn't see his face, and holds Sabo while he trembles and makes the best lie of his life "to the northwest of the island"
-Akainu turns and leaves, Ace hugs Sabo, who is in pain from a kick from the vice admiral that burned his skin.
-They force Ace to stay with the mayor and Sabo, while he goes in search of Makino and the two remaining children.
-The fire blocks people's way, and makes them take secondary roads in the village, so when Luffy already had his hat, the path they had to use to get to the port was to use the Northwest of the village to go around it.
-The mayor evacuates the people, Ace carries Sabo, hoping that Luffy and Uta are okay.
-The vice admiral notices the girl's two-color hair, he does not doubt it, nor makes a mistake, he advances at a determined pace.
-Dadan runs to the bar, and remembers Garp's greatest advice "if Luffy can't sleep, throw salt water at him, sea water weakens devil fruit users to the extreme, but a little salt water is enough to put the user to sleep without harming him"
-Luffy, Makino and Uta surround the village, and Dadan runs through the place with a bucket of salt water, Luffy or Uta's minds do not remember well what happened, but they remember the sound of the thud.
-The vice admiral attacked, and Makino pushed the children in time, although some magma fell on her shoulder, the blow did not melt her thanks to Dadan's bucket of salt water, which hit the admiral's head hard and also wet his body.
-Dadan yells at the children to run and take Makino, while he throws a knife from the bar at Akainu "Not at my children, you damn dog"
-Luffy and Uta help her walk, and Makino does her best not to fall until they reach the small ship.
-The ship moves away, with two children, a woman dying towards the unknown.
-The news inevitably reaches the rest of the world, Shanks can't believe it, and immediately calls Garp
-Garp does not answer, he just looks stunned at the disaster that is the place where he grew up, Akainu did this, got on his ship and left.
-Ace yells at him, yells at him until he has no breath left "This is what the marines do!?" and Garp doesn't speak, he just listens and lets the words echo in his head.
-Uta and Luffy are hungry, they spend four days at sea, they are not sure if they see things or not, but something bigger than an island was swimming in the distance. Makino stopped breathing on the third day.
-The tides take them away, and on the sixth day, they see an island in the distance and the tide is suddenly calm.
-They land on the island and Luffy hunts, it is difficult for him, he is weak, the animals are bigger, he hits hard, again and again until he succeeds.
-Uta is next to Makino at all times, waiting for her to wake up, she doesn't speak when she touches her chest and doesn't feel her heart, she just cries, and she cries until Luffy comes back. They both cry until the next day.
-Shanks returns to the east blue, and on the shores of Logue Town, he mutilates Akainu
-Dragon arrived with a storm, Shanks with the rough sea, Shanks shouts at Garp, Dragon shouts at Garp, the mountain in ashes trembles in this encounter.
-Shanks doesn't think twice: Ace and Sabo won't stay there, Ace wants to look for Luffy and Uta, Sabo too, Dragon proposes something to cover more ground, but only Sabo agrees to go with him, and he will meet Ace again as soon as possible or even when they hear something about his brother and the annoying singer who is always with him.
-Garp does not stop them, Garp will also look for the children and one more thing: Take Akainu to hell itself, and if that is not possible, to Impel Down.
-Luffy and Uta recover over time, they eat little, but each other's company means they have to be strong. Luffy trains, Uta is not left behind, both do not mature in a certain way no matter how many years go by.
-The clothes no longer fit for both of them in the third year, and they are not going to dig up Makino to loot his clothes. They quickly get used to the improvised loincloths made from their old clothes.
-Uta bleeds one day, Luffy doesn't understand why.
-two years later, Luffy sees Uta walking with something in her arms "Where did you get it from?" She says something that seems simple "I felt a lot of pain one moment and the next it appeared" but there are no other humans on the island "Uta, is that a baby?"
-Ace became stronger, more than he should for someone his age, the search for the East Blue ended in a few months, now he and Shanks (now officially an emperor) were in charge of reviewing the West blue, Sabo and the revolutionaries of the North Blue, and Garp from South Blue.
-Ace heard Shanks' nostalgia about Roger on the way, and it is already routine for him to just stay silent and contain his boiling anger.
-Shanks' subordinate gangs gather at the entrance to the grand line with Shanks, and say that they have not found either of them, not even in the records of the Sabaody slavers.
-Ace does not feel comfortable in these meetings, a captain named Linaria (who did not even reach her 20s and already has a great reputation) occasionally approaches him and encourages him, praising him for his strength and reward, Ace lets her speak, his heart feels warm when he listens to her.
-Sabo is divided, the search and the revolution do not let him rest, the cruelty of the world changes him, makes him strong but takes a part of him.
-Shanks and Ace talk, Shanks tries to be as soft as possible and not break down while saying what he never thought would say "it's possible that they..." Ace doesn't let him finish and hits him, saying that he will swim even in the calm belt or to the territory of the emperors if necessary to find them.
-Shanks freezes and asks out loud "did no one in the fleet check the calm belt?" He asked his crew and subordinates.
-Ace calls Sabo, two years without speaking and Sabo only listens in silence "We only have the calm belt left"
-Luffy hunts, already accustomed to using the spears that Uta learned to make despite the usefulness of his fruit, Uta and he take turns hunting, someone must take care of Maki after all.
-A ship on the horizon approaches, the Night Butterfly Pirates disembark quickly, and its captain can't be lucky when she sees Luffy, Uta, and the little baby. "Call Shanks!" It's her quick reaction when she sees that Luffy doesn't let them get close.
-Shanks and Ace were tied to the mast after almost breaking the Red Force's rudder to fight to steer the ship as fast as possible towards the calm belt.
-Benn calls Dragon and Garp, Dragon takes a few minutes alone to cry with relief, Garp flies his ship over the Calm Belt from the south blue to the grand line immediately.
-Shanks cries, a mixture of sadness, relief and joy when he sees Luffy and Uta, although Luffy when nothing has changed says "I shouldn't see you until I'm the pirate king", the redhead bursts out laughing, but when he sees the little girl Maki almost fainted.
-Ace is no different, he hugs his younger brother and cries until he sees Maki, almost drowning his brother by squeezing Luffy tightly around the neck.
-Uta cries with relief once they are on the ship, and they exchange stories with Ace and Shanks, when the redhead heard that they named the girl Maki, in honor of Makino, he almost needed Benn to take his blood pressure, the children were there from the beginning, in this island completely alone, and somehow their personality didn't change much even with so much pain they both experienced.
-Luffy is surprised when Garp comes onto the deck of Shanks' ship, and he doesn't speak, he just hits him with an attack so precise that it defies physics (his arm curved and he redirected the blow to hit Garp squarely)
-Garp listens to Luffy tell him that if being a marine means doing what that person (Akainu) did, he will never be one. Garp doesn't debate, he has no right to force him into anything when he couldn't protect him, and simply says "I'm glad you're okay."
-back on the Grand Line, Shanks' fleet gathers in the New World, Luffy and Uta sing to Maki at the party.
-Ace tells Luffy that now he is a pirate, but Luffy is not, in fact he is the only one of the brothers not to have a reward, and tries to tell him to live a normal life, but Luffy says that he will be the pirate king , Uta also wants to be a pirate, and he won't change his mind.
-Shanks tries to reason with both of them, but manages to get them both to promise not to start their journey for four years, and Luffy agrees, saying that he wants to return to East Blue and start there.
-Ace tells him that the kingdom of Goa is no longer the same, and the villages around the island no longer exist after what the vice admiral did, that does not change anything for Luffy, he knows how to hunt, Uta too, and they will live with Dadan
-Luffy freezes when Ace tells him that Dadan died that day, and the house no longer exists.
-Shanks says that they will help him build a place and get them things to live there, Ace looks at him and Shanks looks back at him "this is not the time"
-Dragon can't go to East Blue, Sabo can't look Ace or Luffy in the face, so he assigns two apprentices to supervise them both (not really being there for the revolution, but to become strong)
-Shanks' carpenter finishes the cabin quickly, Ace says that he will stay a year to help Luffy and Uta, and Linaria says that she will wait for him at sea.
-Luffy is strong, Uta is the same, and despite having no idea what Haki is, he gives Ace a great fight every week.
-The guardians of the revolutionaries arrive, Zoro and Kuina, who perceive Ace's Haki and immediately join the training "join my crew" says Luffy after seeing each training session of those two with stars in his eyes.
Well, this is the beginning of the AU (and we haven't even gotten to the Alvida arc) I haven't yet touched on how Luffy's other future Nakamas are, and the biggest differences, what do you think?
The main idea is to take the story to a perspective of a Luffy not only surviving, but slightly more alert to the events to come. Who will join his crew? How did Akainu's presence affect the East Blue Nakamas? What happened to Akainu?
I plan to answer it over time, I ask you if you can share and comment to see how much support the AU can receive
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missmungoe · 4 months
“You know, with all the stories I’ve heard about the Kuja tribe, I’m surprised to be leaving this way,” Shanks said.
Leaning into his hand, Makino hummed. “It’s the first time an Empress has left in broad daylight. If we were following tradition, it would be under the cover of night, and they’d whisper rumours of how you stole me away.”
“A pirate worth his salt would steal you away in broad daylight with your whole tribe watching,” Shanks said, his eyes dancing, steel under his scars. “That would give them something to talk about.”
The impulse seized her, one that belonged to a younger girl, who’d imagined such a moment more times than she’d been proud to admit; who had wanted it so fiercely, but who had been too scared to claim it.
But she was no longer afraid, not to want or to claim it, but then she was a pirate, and, “Well then, Captain,” Makino said, and saw from the rakish grin that split his face that he'd caught on.
“What are you waiting for?”
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livwritesfics · 1 year
( ・ω・)ノ ♥ Ship List ♥
Hey everyone! Just wanted to say what ships I like and don't like for One Piece. Feel free to send me requests (like prompts, or ideas). Update: April 2024 - I no longer write fics with LGBTQ+ because of my relationship with God. I respect everyone of course, it's what I'm called to do, HOWEVER, I do change gender when it comes to ships like Lawlu. I would change one of them so they're a female. If you want to request any of these ships and they just so happen to be M/M or F/F you can either tell me which one you want me to change into female or male or I can pick one. Thank you <3
Lawlu (LawxLuffy)
Marace (MarcoxAce)
Sabala (SaboxKoala)
Zosan (ZoroxSanji)
Frobin (FrankyxRobin)
Navi (NamixVivi)
Acebo (AcexSabo)
Acesan (AcexSanji)
Smolaw (Smoker x Law)
Lawbin (Law x Robin)
Kilguin (Killer x Penguin)
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setaripendragon · 2 months
I Want To Be Free - Chapter 0
This AU came to me nearly ten years ago. It didn't have a plot, just a vague idea of 'horror-esque One Piece' smashing into my other favourite fandom; Supernatural. So I put it away. Then OPLA came along and drop-kicked me back into the One Piece fandom a decade later, and suddenly, the ideas for how this AU would actually go started pouring in. Idk how far I'm going to get with this, I'm still pretty stuck on a lot of 'but what would the other Straw Hats actually be' (which, if you have any ideas, drop a comment/some tags/an ask/whatever!), but I've got rough notes for another couple of chapters, I think? Also, yes, I did play around a lot with the names to make them more real-world-y -waves creative liscence- I did it because it's fun, and gives me cool opportunities to play with worldbuilding, and I felt like it.
Prologue - Seven Years Ago
It’s early, but Didi is used to rising with the sun. Early to bed, early to rise, as they say! Besides, getting up early means no one, not even her husband, sees her without her face on, and she can make herself presentable in peace.
Face on, hair done, but still in her dressing gown, she leaves the en suite and heads downstairs to get breakfast started. Always good to remind the help that you’re watching, after all, else they might run off with the silver. As she passes the nursery, noises catch her attention, and she pauses, listening intently.
Voices. That’s voices. Plural. And while she wouldn’t put it past that useless boy to start talking to himself, since he’s never missed a moment to shame their family, Stacy is still a bit too young to be talking back!
Didi flings the door open, panic and outrage fighting a war in her breast. Outrage wins when she spots that little demon hanging half in the window on the opposite side of the room. He’s already tainted her first son with his filthy common ways, so to see him so close to the ornate crib holding her second precious child is infuriating.
Thankfully, he still seems focused on Sabino, standing like an idiot in the middle of the room, entirely undignified in an appalling mismatch of pyjamas and street clothes and formal attire, his mouth gaping open at her entrance. Hopeless boy! Useless! After all they’ve done for him, all the effort they’ve put into straightening out his life, and he doesn’t even have the decency to send this demon-child running before he put his grubby little hands all over Didi’s windowsill?!
“You-!” she shrieks furiously, waking poor Stacy and setting him to wailing in alarm. How dare that awful boy distress her poor sweet baby so?! Sabino snaps his mouth shut at last, but only to replace it with the most ugly glower.
This! This is all that little demon’s influence. And he’s just hanging there, watching her without so much as a hint of deference for his betters. It puts a tremble in Didi’s hands that she tells herself is entirely rage. “Get out! Get out of my house! I’m calling the police!”
The sun is rising over the neighbour’s roof behind the boy. It sets his face in shadow, save for an odd cat-like gleam of white for the briefest of seconds where his eyes should be. Didi jerks backwards, hits the wall, and realises what just happened. “HOW DARE YOU?!”
“I’m not leaving without Sabo. You can’t keep him,” the filthy little creature insists.
Didi laughs, sharp and mocking and furious. What a stupid little boy, trying to insist the world be the way he wants it to be, throwing this ridiculous little tantrum because someone took his favourite toy away. “Of course we can,” she sneers, lifting her chin. She can’t believe she let a little trick of the light unnerve her! “Didn’t you learn your lesson last time? He’s ours. Our son, our blood. He belongs to us, whether the ungrateful little brat likes it or not!”
“No, I don’t!”
Sabino glares up at her, hands balled into fists. Didi’s hand is in the air before the intent fully crosses her mind, fury driving her past rational thought, but before the slap can connect, the boy in the window shifts.
Sunlight spears her eyes, bright white and blinding. She redirects with a cry, flinging her arm across her face as she recoils, eyes screwed shut against the sudden assault.
An acrid scent hits her nose. She blinks rapidly, trying to see past the gleaming spots of white-yellow-orange that are drifting across her vision. What is that? It reminds her a little of that time she left her hair curler plugged in and it melted a divot into her hairdryer.
She sucks in a horrified gasp, and promptly chokes on the smoke as she recoils. The doorknob jams painfully into her hip, but that’s fine! That means she knows where it is!
She spins and grabs for it, but the stupid thing won’t turn, her hands too sweaty to get proper traction on the shiny metal. She told Sabinus they ought to have gotten handles instead of knobs!
Something thuds across the room, and Didi whirls back around to see the window is shut, the demon boy gone, and Sabino along with him. Stacy is still crying, but there’s a wall of flame licking across the carpet between them, and she can’t reach him. The spots are fading, finally, but that’s no use when the room is quickly filling with black, acrid smoke.
Pain sears up the side of her leg, and she jerks away from the fire, only to realise it’s coming with her; the hem of her dressing-gown already alight. Flames lick eagerly up the velvet and silk, eating through to her skin in seconds.
Didi screams.
“Hey, boys. Think I got something for you.”
Sam sits up a little straighter in the passenger seat of the Impala, which gets Dean’s attention. He pauses his off-beat drumming on the steering wheel as he glances over, thank god. He even turns the music down, which is surprisingly considerate of him. “Yeah? What you got, Ash?”
“A fire in a nursery,” Ash deadpans.
“What? Where?!”
“East coast. Up near Boston. I’ll text you the address.”
“Alright,” Sam agrees, then lowers the phone to mouth ‘Boston’ at Dean, who nods, and takes the next turning eastward. “When did it happen?”
“Last night. Saw it in the news this morning,” Ash explains. “Checked my scanner, and sure enough, weather’s going haywire out there. There was supposed to be a storm rolling in, but instead they’re getting a nice little localised heatwave.”
Sam frowns thoughtfully. After all this time, he has everything his dad recorded about Yellow-Eyes’ patterns memorised, and that… “Doesn’t Yellow-Eyes cause storms, rather than stopping them?”
That gets Dean’s attention, but Sam is too busy thinking and listening to Ash to respond to his increasingly intense, irritated looks and gestures. “Yeah. Well, and wild fluctuations in temperature, so this could just be the opening salvo. Who knows, man?”
Dean gives up trying to get his attention, and simply floors the gas pedal. Sam shoots him a grateful look, to which Dean responds by flipping him off. Jerk. “Any survivors?”
“The dad and the kid. Mother and older brother both died in the fire.”
“Yikes.” Sam grimaces. “Well, thanks, Ash. We’ll get right on it,” he says, subdued, and Ash hangs up without so much as a goodbye. A moment later, Sam’s phone chimes with an incoming text. He rattles it off to Dean, along with the rest of the information Ash had relayed. By the end, Dean looked grim.
“Shit, this is the first time we’ve had a kid get caught in the crossfire of one of these.”
“Well, we’ll be there in a couple of hours.”
“This place is giving me hives,” Dean mutters under his breath as they’re shown through a gilded foyer into a lavish receiving room, where a portly man in a stuffy suit with the saddest little moustache Dean has ever seen in his life is standing stiff-backed in front of a huge bay window, bandage-wrapped hands clasped behind his back like he thinks he’s the tragic hero in a period drama.
Sam hisses at him and steps on his foot, to which Dean only rolls his eyes. He lets Sam spin the spiel about being FBI, wanting his side of the story, take his time, in his own words, blah blah blah, while Dean lets his eyes wander the room.
This house is fucking pristine. You wouldn’t know from looking at it that there’d been a fire here last night. Hell, you wouldn’t know there were supposed to be two kids under the age of sixteen here, either. There are delicate porcelain and glass figurines out on display, there’s no sign of anything that might possibly be mistaken for a toy, not a single thing out of place or wrinkled or messy at all. Hell, the carpet’s white.
“As I told your colleagues earlier today,” the man sniffs disdainfully at them, only half turned towards them in a display that makes Dean’s hackles rise instinctively. “I don’t know what happened.”
“Anything you can tell us,” Sam says patiently.
“I’ve already been over this! Can’t you people do your jobs without needing your hands held through the entire process? Get the report from the last lot of you incompetent louts, rather than harassing a grieving widower!”
“We’re from a different department,” Sam says, patiently. “We have to conduct our own investigation from the ground up, I’m afraid. If you could please answer the question, we’ll do our best to get out of your hair as soon as possible.”
The man huffs, blustery and impatient. “I woke up to my wife screaming, and our son crying. The nanny was already at the nursery when I got there, but the door was stuck. The doorknob was hot enough to burn me when I tried it.” He lifts one hand in demonstration. “Someone pulled me away – I’m not certain who – when smoke began to fill the hallway. Then the fire brigade arrived.”
“You couldn’t get into the room at all?” Dean asks, frowning a little.
“No,” the man snaps impatiently. “Like I said, the door was jammed. The fire department had to break it down to get inside. It’s going to cost a fortune to replace. It was solid mahogany.”
It takes everything Dean has not to say ‘your wife and son are dead and you’re worried about the cost of the damn door?’
“And when they did, your wife, was she still alive at the time, or…?”
“How am I supposed to know? I wasn’t standing around gawking like some common pleb. They informed me that my son was alive and being taken to hospital, so I assume not, or they would have mentioned it.”
Dean makes a mental note to get the reports from the fire brigade, since apparently Mr Saddest Moustache over there was too busy having a bracing cup of tea to give a shit about his wife or sons. “Your son. Was that-” Sam glances down at his dorky little notebook like he actually needs to check. Maybe he does; the names in this family are whack. “Stacy or, uh, Sabino?”
Who the hell calls their son Stacy?
“Stacy, of course,” the man huffs.
Of course?
“Do you know if Sabino was-”
“I already said I don’t!” the man snaps.
Sam plasters an entirely fake smile across his face. “Of course. Alright, well, I’m sorry for taking up your time, Mr Outlook, we’ll just-”
“The third,” the man interrupts, bristling.
“…Excuse me?”
“I am Sabinus Stacy Godefroy Outlook the Third, and I’ll thank you to remember it!”
Dean barely manages to choke back a laugh and turn it into a small coughing fit. He has to turn away, so he doesn’t see whatever expression Sam is making, but he can hear the straining of his composure in his voice when he says, “Alright, Mr Outlook the Third, we just need to have a quick look at the scene, and then we’ll be out of your hair.”
Mr Sabinus Stacy Godefroy Outlook the Third sniffs at them. “Have the housekeeper show you up, I can’t bear to look at that room anymore,” he declares in tragic tones. Dean wonders if it’s the charred remains of his family that bother him, or the cost of replacing his fancy carpet.
The nursery is… Well, there definitely was a fire, but beyond the charring, it looks nothing like Sam’s expecting it to. For a start, the room’s still in tact. The ceiling is soot-stained and spotted with patches where the paint has obviously been singed, but it’s very clearly not the origin point. No, that’s on floor. There’s a small, lopsided hole in the wood under the melted remnants of the carpet, with edges that look like they’ve been seared, right in the middle of the burnt area.
If it weren’t for the pattern of said area, Sam might have wondered if there was anything supernatural about this fire at all. Except the fire very conspicuously did not spread into the area around the crib. Everything else is scorched black, melted or charred or some ugly combination of both, but there’s a wobbly semi-circle around the baby’s crib, and everything within it is untouched, if lightly speckled with soot.
Perhaps the fire was natural, but something wanted that baby to survive.
That something equally clearly didn’t care about the other occupant of the room. The child’s bed tucked into the corner next to the door is… well, it’s honestly hard to tell it was a bed. It’s a mangled lump of charred wood and melted plastic. Dean crouches down next to it and pokes at it with a pen he must have stolen from somewhere else in the house, because no way does he have anything that fancy just hanging about in his pocket.
He uses the pen to shift a stubborn little scrap of fabric that breaks apart into tinier pieces at the prodding, and frowns deeply. “Was the other kid in bed when the fire started?” he asks as he rises from his crouch.
“I would assume so,” the housekeeper says indifferently.
“I have it here that the eldest son – Sabino – he was thirteen?” Sam checks.
“That’s correct.”
Sam looks at the housekeeper, then down at the bed that could at most be four feet in length, and then back up at the housekeeper again with an expectant expression. “And this was his bed?” he presses.
“Yes,” the housekeeper says stiffly, chin kicking up, her level stare turning into something a little closer to a glare. Like she’s daring Sam to keep pressing the point.
“Exactly how tall was he, again?” Sam asks, meeting the woman stare for stare.
“I don’t see how that is at all relevant to catching the monster that killed Master Sabino,” the housekeeper retorts.
“You sure they did?” Dean interjects, making the both of them jump and turn to stare at him. Dean raises an eyebrow at the housekeeper.
“I beg your pardon?”
“I don’t see any variation in the burn pattern, no smearing, no evidence of a struggle… And believe me, lady, when someone’s on fire, they don’t sit still about it.” Dean states grimly. Sam takes another, closer look, and sure enough, there aren’t even marks that would indicate where they body had been, and there should be.
“Perhaps he was already unconscious from the smoke,” the housekeeper says coldly.
“Uh-huh.” Dean says, heavy with scepticism. “Sure.”
Silence swells to fill the Impala once Sam and Dean slam their respective doors shut. Dean doesn’t know about Sam, but he needs a moment to process all the gold-plated shit they’d uncovered in that ugly fucking house. “That,” he says after a moment, “is one fucked up family.”
Sam blows out a harsh breath. “Yeah.”
“Was I the only one getting the vibes that Mr Sabinus Stacy Godefroy Outlook the Third,” Dean recites in the most pompous voice he can manage and Sam snorts a laugh without much feeling behind it, “wanted his kid to be dead?”
“I can’t tell if I think they’re covering up the fact that he isn’t, or if they’re covering up the fact that he is, it just wasn’t the fire that killed him,” Sam replies, darkly amused.
“What do you mean, covering up the fact that he isn’t? Why would they cover that up?” Dean asks, startled. He’s already pretty solidly convinced that Mr Saddest Moustache, or perhaps the late Mrs Saddest Moustache, offed the kid themself and is using the fire as a way to explain his death.
“Come on, Dean,” Sam says impatiently. When Dean doesn’t react with miraculous new understanding, he rolls his eyes. “You can’t argue that this-” He waves his hand towards the house. “-doesn’t quite fit Yellow-Eyes’ MO.”
“Fire in the nursery, dead mom, six-month old baby…”
“Except the fire didn’t start on the ceiling. There was someone else apparently in the room the whole time and it was only as the mum came in that the fire started? And the crib was untouched. If I remember your stories right, Dad had to grab me out of my crib because it was on fire just like everything else!”
“Okay, so what’s your point?”
“So what if Yellow-Eyes wasn’t the one to start the fire?” Sam asks.
Dean blinks. Stares out of the windshield as that idea slots into place. “You think this Sabo kid started the fire?” he checks, a little dubious.
“You saw how everyone in that house was acting, same as I did. You saw that bed, too. Who makes a thirteen year old sleep in a nursery with a literal baby, in a bed meant for a four year old?” Sam demands.
Turning that over in his mind, Dean starts the car and sets off for a less skin-crawling part of town. “You think the kid set his own mom on fire and then, what, ran away?”
“Well, yeah. Maybe… maybe not on purpose,” Sam hedges quietly. “If he’s… got some ability to control fire, then it would explain why it didn’t touch the baby, wouldn’t it? If it went out of control because he was scared or- or angry, but he managed to keep it away from his brother? And it would explain why no one wants to admit to it. That’s one image-conscious household, and ‘tragically dead’ is a much better look than ‘child arsonist reacting to abuse’.”
Dean has to give him that one.
“So get this,” Sam say, and ignores Dean’s groan as he peels his eyes open from where he fell asleep still mostly dressed with several stolen copies of police reports splayed across his chest. “This isn’t the first time around here that there’s been a weird fire followed by a heatwave in which a kid went missing,” he declares, and slaps his compiled research down on Dean’s chest.
Grumbling, Dean squints down and opens the file. On top there is a print-out of a newspaper article that reads ‘Freak Heatwave Starts Fire in Junkyard’ and is dated around three years ago. “Anyone die?” Dean asks as he leafs through the rest of it.
“Yes, as a matter of fact,” Sam says smugly. Then he falters as the reality of the answer dawns on him. “Quite a lot of people, actually. At least one of them was a suspected child trafficker, and several of the others were noted in the investigation as having ‘close ties’ to this James Blue person.”
“So more dead shitheads. Any conspicuous survivals?”
“Well, as far as I can tell, which isn’t certain because whoever did the investigation clearly didn’t care, the Junkyard was a safe haven for the homeless, but there’s no mention of any of them getting caught in the fire,” Sam explains, pulling a face. “There’s no John Does, and all the bodies have residences listed.”
“Not ironclad,” Dean mutters, but he’s clearly not expecting more. Sam pulls a face at him anyway. “What about this guy?” he asks, flicking a finger at the hospital report Sam had stuffed in at the back.
“That’s the weird thing,” Sam says.
Dean’s waking up properly now, and Sam can see the minute he actually reads the hospital report. “What the fuck? Dude loses an arm and just… fucks off outta the hospital the next day?”
“And then he drops off the radar. I can’t find any records of this guy, before or after. He just… poof.” Sam snaps his fingers. “He gave a statement saying he was in the Junkyard to look for the kid of a friend of his – that’s how he lost the arm, apparently, something fell on him and he took it rather than let it hit the kid – but that kid is marked down as having died in the fire. I checked the morgue reports.”
“No kid-sized bodies?”
“No kid-sized bodies.”
Dean stares at the file Sam put together, face screwing up in consternation. “And no sign of Armless here anywhere near the Outlook Estate,” he mutters, putting on a voice as he names the house. Sam doesn’t want to admit he finds Dean’s stubborn insistence in mocking the airs that family’s giving itself at every opportunity funny, but he really does.
“No sign of him anywhere. Check the end of his statement,” Sam adds, jerking his chin towards the file.
Dean glances up, then goes back to reading. He frowns. “What about it?”
“The bit about the kid,” Sam sighs.
Slowly, Dean’s frown turns from baffled to more serious. “He was really damn sure the kid was alive and okay when the paramedics turned up, wasn’t he?” he says slowly, looking up at Sam. Sam nods. “But everything else says he was among the dead,” Dean adds.
“And the one dissenting voice disappears the very next day,” Sam concludes.
Dean groans and drops the file into his lap to scrub his hands over his face. “So we’ve got a firestarter who hates child abusers but spares the homeless and kidnaps children but leaves the baby, and a mysterious badass who disappears after drawing attention to all this… Is this all starting to feel a bit… Neverland to you?”
“What, like some sort of fae spirit collecting lost and abused children and murdering people on the way out with its prize?” Sam asks.
“Well, yeah,” Dean agrees ruefully. “I can’t think of anything else that fits this mess,” he complains, whapping the file with the back of his hand. “Stealing children could be a Lamia, even killing men on the way out, but that doesn’t explain the mom.”
“And Lamias don’t like fire,” Sam adds.
Dean nods distractedly. “What do we know besides demons that can start fires like this?” he asks, baffled.
“Uh… witches?” Sam guesses. “Or… maybe psychics.”
“What, you mean like you?” Dean asks sharply.
Sam nods. “You said it yourself, Dean. The one thing we know can start fires is Yellow-Eyes, and… look at what Max did. It’s not too farfetched to think that if someone got fire powers, they might go all vigilante about it.”
“Except this is three years ago,” Dean reminds him, gesturing to the file. “Your whole Shining shtick didn’t start until last year, remember?”
“Oh, I remember,” Sam snaps, a little bitter at the reminder.
Dean gives him the hairy eyeball, but doesn’t press the point, to Sam’s relief. “Alright, I suppose we better go see if we can find anything left at the Junkyard, and then maybe try and shake some more information out of this first kid’s family. I thought I saw something about a grandfather in there…” Dean muses as he shoves the mess of paperwork aside and gets up with a spine-cracking stretch before heading for the bathroom.
“Yeah, but he’s actual FBI. I’m thinking we don’t want to go poking that dragon,” Sam calls ruefully through the door Dean left open. Dean grunts through his toothpaste. “We’d have more luck with the foster sister, I think.”
“Oh, yeah?”
“Yeah. Patricia Makino. She owns a bar down by the docks.”
“Welcome to Party’s Bar! Can I get you two anything?”
The woman behind the bar looks like she could have stepped right out of Dean’s favourite magazine, if with considerably more clothes on. Pretty, dark haired, Asian, and somehow managing to look like she just stepped out of an idyllic ranch in the middle of nowhere. She even has a cute patterned kerchief tied over her hair. “Two beers and the name of the pretty lady serving them to us?” Dean asks with his most charming grin.
“Don’t you know it’s not polite to ask for someone’s name without offering your own first?” the woman fires back, unimpressed and gently chiding, even as she goes to pour them a couple of beers.
“I’m Sam, the idiot’s my brother Dean,” Sam offers.
“Makino,” she replies. So this is the woman they’re looking for. Probably. When Dean saw the name of the bar, he’d assumed she preferred to go by Patty, but apparently not.
“Nice to meet you,” Sam says politely. Dean toasts the woman with his beer to echo the sentiment, and Sam rolls his eyes and gives Makino a commiserating look. “Brothers, am I right?” he asks, long-suffering.
Makino huffs a laugh. “They are a handful.”
“Spoken like an older sibling,” Dean says knowingly. “Don’t let this one fool you, he’s got pretty manners, but he’s really a troublemaker.”
“Oh, I know one like that, too,” she agrees, smiling more warmly. “He’s always forgetting that I’m the one who taught him those manners, so I can see right through them.”
Sam snorts, grinning with easy amusement. “Well, that wouldn’t work for Dean. He’d have to have manners before he could teach them to anyone else.”
“Hey,” Dean protests, pointing accusingly at Sam. “I raised you best as I knew how, gave you the clothes off my back and the food from my plate, and this is how you thank me? By dissing me in front of a pretty lady?”
Makino laughs when Sam splutters indignantly. Excellent. She’s relaxing into their easy banter, which should make it easier to get some answers out of her. “Little brothers are naturally skilled at cock-blocking, I’ve found,” she tells him.
“And here I thought that was just Sam,” Dean grouses, to another indignant yelp. “Your little brother is just as good at picking exactly the wrong moment, then?”
“Oh, yes. Entirely by accident, of course, but still…” She sighs dramatically, but there’s a fond, wistful smile on her face that suggests she’s not as mad about it as she’s pretending to be. “It didn’t help that he thought my date was just the coolest person ever and always wanted all of his attention for himself.”
Dean snorts. “Sounds like he’s quite a bit younger than you, huh? I don’t think Sam ever thought any of my dates were cool.”
“Yeah, but that’s because you have bad taste, not because of my age,” Sam mutters.
“More than ten years,” Makino confirms as though she couldn’t hear him, though her smirk tells a different story. That matches up to what Dean knows about her and the first missing kid from the files. It’s also not the reaction of a woman who’s beloved younger brother died three years ago.
They can’t seem to get her to talk about that, though. She’s quite happy to tell story after story about her little brother in between serving the other customers that wander through at irregular intervals, but it’s as though he’s just in the back room and could be scampering out to cause more trouble at any moment. She makes absolutely no mention of the junkyard fire, the armless man, or the kid’s disappearance.
Dean eventually gets frustrated enough to bring up – in the sparsest detail he can manage – saving his own little brother from a fire when they were younger. Makino barely reacts, but she does react. There’s the tiniest little flinch at the mention of the fire.
“Sorry,” Dean says, feigning a grimace. “Bit grim, isn’t it? I guess that fire that’s been in the news lately stirred up old memories.”
“Ah, yes. The Outlook place,” Makino agrees. “Tragic, that.”
She doesn’t actually sound very sincere. “You knew them?” Sam asks curiously.
“Oh, not personally,” Makino says, a little too quickly. “People like them are a dime a dozen around here- Well, not around here,” she laughs, waving a hand around at the bar, and Dean has to admit, this is definitely the sort of place that Sabinus Stacy Godefroy Outlook the Third would turn his pointy little nose up at. “But there’s a lot of old blood over in High Town that like to give themselves airs.”
“Rich people,” Dean mutters in disgust, and Makino grimaces in agreement.
“Whether or not the lady deserved it, I can’t believe the kid was all that bad,” Sam interjects, giving Dean a faintly chiding look.
At that, Makino sobers. “No,” she says softly, and then shakes herself. “Although, you’d be surprised how absolutely awful some of those kids can be. When your parents can just buy your way out of any sort of trouble you make so that the consequences never touch you,I suppose it’s easy to start thinking the harm you do doesn’t matter.”
“That sounds personal,” Dean says.
Makino gives him a dry look. “When you’ve seen your little brother put in life-threatening danger multiple times because of those stuck-up pricks, you tend to hold a grudge.”
“Life-threatening danger?” Sam asks, all alarmed concern and puppy-eyes. “What happened?”
“Which time?” Makino asks pointedly.
“That Sabino kid wasn’t one of them, though, was he?” Dean asks instead of trying to get her to elaborate. They might be able to talk her around to the junkyard fire, but he can’t think of a reason to bring it up without seeming suspiciously well informed or suspiciously invested in someone else’s misfortune.
“No,” Makino relents with a sigh. “No, Sabo was a good kid. Always so generous despite what his parents tried to teach him. He deserves- sorry, deserved better than the Outlooks.”
Dean does his very best not to react to that, but there’s a whole world of implications in the fact that victim number two knew victim number one’s older sister. “You knew him?” Sam prompts curiously, and then tacks on a hasty, “I’m sorry for your loss.”
“I did. He was friends with my brother.”
Dean catches Sam’s eye at that. “It doesn’t worry you?” Dean asks, throwing subtlety out the window. She’s obviously hiding something, given her complete non-reactions to the very striking parallels, and they’re not going to get it out of her by dancing around the issue. Makino cocks her head at him inquiringly. “That both Luffy and Sabino disappeared the exact same way?”
It’s a mistake. Dean can see that the moment the words leave his mouth. Makino’s body language closes off entirely. “I don’t recall mentioning my little brother’s name,” she tells him coldly.
“We’re looking into the disappearances,” Sam hastens to explain. “Like Dean said, something similar happened to me when I was a kid, so we thought it might be the same- same person that-”
“That’s very noble of you,” Makino says, entirely insincere. “But I don’t like talking about those events. I think it’d be best if you left now.”
Dean raises an eyebrow. “You don’t want the monster that stole your brother to be stopped? Even after it stole another child just two days ago?” he asks judgementally.
“Hey! My daughter asked you to leave!”
Dean jumps back with a curse as a walking stick smacks down against the edge of the bar mere inches away from where his hand was resting. The guy wielding it raises it in the air again and waves it at him aggressively, apparently undaunted by the fact that Dean has a good foot on him and is at least sixty years younger.
“Mr Wu, you’ll dent the bar…” Makino complains fondly.
“Out! Get out!” Mr Wu gripes, wagging his stick at them, and then devolving into what Dean can only assume is a vitriolic blue streak. He can’t be sure because it’s entirely in Chinese. He backs up, as does Sam, and they end up being driven right out of the door by the old man and having the door slammed in their faces.
“So, the foster family definitely knows what’s going on,” Sam concludes.
An entire week of surveillance and everything they can dig up about the family reveals absolutely nothing. Wu Paiji is, by all accounts, a pillar of the community. A grouchy old stickler, according to basically everyone that knows him, who runs the local community centre and has been fostering children for the last fifty years.
Patricia Makino was fostered at age seven, and five years later, gained a little brother when a baby was abandoned on the community centre’s front steps. She started working at what was then The Old Dog straight out of high school, and was left it when the previous owner passed only a couple of years later. Absolutely no one they speak to in the area has a single bad word to say about her.
In fact, several of them immediately turn hostile the moment they realise Sam and Dean are the ones that got kicked out of Party’s Bar. It ends in a couple of fights that only make their reputation around there worse. One woman, with a cloud of aggressively frizzy red hair and a build like she bench-presses trucks for a living, very nearly breaks Dean’s skull when she takes a swipe at him with an honest-to-god metal pipe.
When they get arrested for stalking and informed that Ms. Makino has agreed not to file for a restraining order if they get the hell out of town, they reluctantly go. Every other trail they tried to chase has gone cold. Neither the Outlooks nor Luffy’s foster family will speak to them. None of the official records have anything helpful to say. They don’t even have a clue what kind of creature could have done this.
It sticks in Sam’s craw, leaving the job unfinished, but there’s a hunt out in Ohio, and he knows that’s where they’re needed more. He does make a note to keep an eye on any fires that happen in that area, though. Just in case.
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a11sunday · 3 months
TAG DUMP, pt. 2
♡ ⧽ take my heart and please don't break it ( sanji x nami ̗ weatherwltch ).
♡ ⧽ i just want you to do me no good. you look like you could ( robin x zoro ̗ weatherwltch ).
♡ ⧽ kick it with me ̗ i don't care if the sun is gone ( usopp x kaya ̗ weatherwltch ).
♡ ⧽ i'll be the lighthouse ̗ the beacon of light shining your way home ( makino x shanks ̗ weatherwltch ).
☆ ⧽ losing years like coats falling from our shoulders: luffy and ace. ☆ ⧽ these three sake cups represent our unbreakable bond: ASL. ☆ ⧽ a flame and a star shine burn brighter together ( ace and carol ̗ danversiism ).
☆ ⧽ the strawhats.
☆ ⧽ the crimson dragon crew.
❃ ⧽ modern verse.
❃ ⧽ space pirate verse.
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zwhoreo · 8 months
mommy kink luffy? 👀
ok so I don’t think luffy would ever actually use the word mommy but I think the rest of the kink can apply hehehe
nurture me - luffy x f!reader
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summary: missing the comfort of a nurturing female figure as a child, luffy sometimes turns to you to get that feeling back. and sometimes, he wants sex
contains: mommy kink (the word mommy is never mentioned), very innocent luffy, he’s pretty sub in this one, soft dom reader
words: 2k
Luffy is upset today, he’s not sure why, he’s feeling this rush of some sort of unplaceable loneliness even though he isn’t alone at all, surrounded by people to love and spend time with and hug. He had fallen and broken a stack of glasses in the kitchen yesterday, and he was chastised for his clumsiness, smacked by Nami, shoved out by Sanji. He had cut his arm on the glass, nothing deep, nothing a couple bandaids from Chopper’s office couldn’t fix, but it still made him a little sad and distressed for some reason. He needed comfort but pushed it away and forgot about it.
So now he’s sitting on the bow of the ship and picking at the bandaids. He wants to go bother you, he needs some comfort, a hug from you seems to be an immediate fix for times like these. And maybe something more, he thinks, like playtime, sort of.
You’re reading a book Robin gave you, curled up on your cabin’s chair, the porthole open next to you for that crisp sea breeze. You’re delighted at those little sandal steps, your door opening, large, glittery eyes looking at you excitedly.
Luffy hops on your bed, rolling on his back and kicking his legs and reaching for you, a teasing grabbing motion with his fists. Absolutely adorable.
You lean over to take his hand, he squirms and giggles at the contact and he’s smiling so brightly.
“[naaame]…” he whines, trying to pull you to him but you pull instead, still holding his stretched arm as you sit back in the chair. He pouts and stretches his other arm out to you.
“No pulling, Luffy,” you say, gently removing one arm from your waist knowing his intention to yank you into bed.
“Please… can we please cuddle… I wanna really bad…” Luffy’s squirming again, begging, you just can’t resist him.
You set down your book, walking over to your bed and sitting by him which makes him squeal in delight and open his arms for a hug. You lay back and pull him up onto you, letting him bury his head in your chest and find a comfortable position as you pet his hair.
He likes to be nurtured. It’s a childish part of him that comes out sometimes, especially when he thinks about his old village and Ace and Sabo and Shanks, when he misses getting to play and explore all day and just be a kid. But he didn’t really have anyone back then to take care of him like this. Makino was the closest, he got a taste of the affection a mother could bring, but mostly he was just raised by himself and his brothers, and bandits, and he wasn’t really ever cuddled or held when he was young. So now you’re his person, he gets to be extra close to you and he’ll never be too much.
And usually he’s more dominant, even in his innocence and softness, he’s your captain and you’re his to take care of and keep safe, he picks you up and carries you and holds you against his chest, you’re his, he likes being in control.
But that doesn’t have to be always.
Those times like now where he paws at you and lays on you all slack like a baby, you just curl up with your arms around him and murmur comforting things in his ear. There’s those deer eyes again, searching, he’s leaning in to kiss you and you catch him halfway with his cheeks squished in your hands. Arms circle your waist needily and this poor boy has squirmed his way between your legs because he wants friction, maybe.
“Lu, hun, what do you want?” you coax gently, tracing his shoulders, you know he wants you so bad but he has to try to say what he wants if he wants something, that’s what you’re teaching him.
“Um… I dunno, I guess uh…” Luffy’s mind is cloudy, he wants your body but he doesn’t know what to ask for so when your thigh comes to naturally rest between his legs he just settles for this, at least.
You laugh lightly as he begins to grind on your leg, hips rutting, rhythmic but messy, he starts making these little whimpering noises in your ear as he rubs himself on you like a puppy in heat. You let him, hugging gently and just laying there listening.
“I… mm! I wanna suck your breasts?” He seems excited to have found words, talking casually as he continues to get himself off on your thigh, aching and growing beneath his pants. You can’t refuse him.
“Sure, hun.” This is perfect because you’re a little tired. Let your boy enjoy himself and relax with him and it’ll all be ok. And you pull off your shirt, you let him see you, and he grins before squeezing you tightly and latching on, suckling gently on your nipple while looking up at you with stars in his soft brown eyes.
“S’ good…” he growls, mouth full, nuzzling and gripping against you.
You lift him into your arms after a few minutes, when he gets teeth-y with your skin, he whines at the loss of contact with his mouth but lets you pick him up and place him in your lap, squeezing his face in your hands, giving him a caring hug.
“Luffy, baby, you want more, huh? C’mon…” You place your hand on the small of his back, rubbing his skin.
“Mmf… I wanna put my dick in you,” he says, voice in the most amount of innocence he could possibly sound with those words. You weren’t expecting this, usually he’s more innocent when you two play, when he asks for something, but you won’t complain.
You smile. You pet him lovingly, gentle praise. You kiss his cheek and then his mouth and he’s still in a teething mood so you need to pull away when he bites your lip, but you press his face into your neck because you always like biting there.
“Want some help?” you coo to him, tugging at his clothes, and he nods happily against you and makes a tiny sound.
His shirt is open, easy to slide off. Glistening warm skin meets the cool sunlight of the porthole, wave reflections, he’s so beautiful when you can see his bare shoulders. You take a moment to lean in and kiss them. And then his jeans, you have to sort of pick him up again to unbutton and remove them and his cock slaps your wrist, no underwear, you ignore your aching need to touch it and continue to take care of him, settling his twitching hips and tossing his clothes to the side.
Soft and bare, dripping with sweetness and innocence, he’s draped on you, sitting in your lap, naked and waiting to be touched in a gentle way.
Your shirt’s off. Now your jeans, your panties, Luffy starts moaning and thrusting into nothing at your scent and the feeling of your skin but you have to calm him.
“No, baby, let’s be patient ok?” You poke his cheek and he whines but just curls into you a little more, trying to wait like you’ve taught him.
You switch the positions of your legs, you’re on his lap, propped up on the bed, sort of straddling him, he’s sitting in front of you with his cock rubbing through your wetness, eyes hooded in pleasure, he’s waiting for your command because he’s yours to comfort and hold and protect right now.
“[naaame]…” he whines in such a little voice, staring up through his hair, begging.
“Move like this…” you murmur, lining up his hips so he can rub against you for a while, and get you wet. He does so in a careful way, biting his lip as he tries not to plunge within you just yet. You’re still so tired, you want lazy, careful sex. But Luffy’s the one who needs to be looked after and cared for right now. Nurture me, is what his eyes say, mind in a space so far away.
So once you’re warmed up and once Luffy’s being tortured by need and the rising and falling of his chest is pressed to you with brutal pressure, you smile and reach down to line him up yourself. He squeaks as he feels the touch of your hand down there, and the cocoon of velvet enveloping him, you can move just be gentle like I taught you, your smile says.
So he does. Instinctual thrusting fueled by pure love and appreciation, his hands reaching to grip your ass and lift you up more against him, he’s getting a little more dominant but just in an excited, playful sort of way. You hold him, you put your arms around his shoulders and breathe in his scent.
“So good, Lu, you’re doing so well…” you whisper in his ear as he works you into pulp, grabby hands, needy whines.
He likes to feel grown up but still be cared for. He doesn’t really know what he’s doing but he likes to be shown how. He likes to be cradled but to feel you so deep, his infinitely loving girlfriend who knows his needs, who would give him the world.
It comes eventually, that confusing knot in his stomach, now is the time he wants to be held the most. You squeeze him so tight and let him squirm in your arms as you carry him in coaxing gentleness through his powerful climax. He drips within you, you’ve claimed him with the comforting warmth of your body.
You make sure to pull him out and wipe him off and even in his hazy, submissive state he still makes sure to rub your hips and thighs and make sure you’re ok and nothing hurt you. “Was that good? Did I do good?” he murmurs as he squirms onto his back in your arms like a cat looking for affection.
“So good.”
Luffy’s restless now, he needs to occupy his mouth which he often does before sleep for self-soothing, and he’s going to nurse right now, curled up in your arms. So he reaches for your breasts again but that’s when you see his arm.
“Hey Lu, what’s that? Did you hurt yourself?” You lift his forearm for examination and he blushes in slight shame. Because you then say, “when did this happen? You shoulda told me!”
“Um, yesterday. I dunno… I fell and broke some glasses and I thought you’d get mad, it’s just a scratch, I’m fine.” He avoids your eyes.
“I’d never be mad at you for something like that, it’s ok, accidents happen.” You run your hand through his hair. “These bandaids aren’t fresh, we gotta get you new ones, hun…”
“N- no! Don’t leave… I don’t wanna let go!” Because he’s attached to you in a tight embrace and can’t picture a world without your arms right now.
“It’ll just be a minute-”
“Carry meee! Please, please, please-” He’s scrambling up your body as you begin to sit up so you let him. You stand up shakily because Luffy is glued to your back, arms around your shoulders and face buried in your neck.
You get bandaids from your cabinet, you have to pry Luffy off of you and let him curl up in your lap again so you can gently change clean and re-bandage his scraped arm. This protective kindness lulls Luffy, it makes him sleepy and happy and like he needs to take a long nap with you which, from the beginning, is what you were excited for. Pulling a curtain over the porthole you’re back to laying on your bed, letting Luffy drift off with his mouth on your breast, calming and grounding for both of you. His hands find yours in his dreamy state, holding on, wanting you to know how much he loves you, in a quiet and innocent way.
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gingernut1314 · 3 months
Will You Be Mine?
Straw Hat Crew x GN!Reader
Summary: It's Valentine's Day and the crew of the Going Merry want to make sure this day is just as special as you are.
Warnings: fluffffffff, established relationships (Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Chopper--Chopper's is strictly friend/family-type love), spoilers for the anime (Chopper and Robin, Ace mentioned, slight Enies Lobby Arc talk)
Word Count: 4.6K (about 600ish per character)
All I Want Is You
Nothing's Gonna Hurt You Baby
The Heart Wants What It Wants
Made to Fall in Love
Can't Take My Eyes off You
Best Friend
My Kind of Woman
(The setlist goes along with the characters so you can listen that way if you want!)
A/N: HAPPY VALENTINES DAY MY LOVELY LOVELIES!! I am sending each and every one of you the biggest hug and all the love I have in my heart for you all!! Have an amazing day/night and I hope you enjoy!! 🩷🩷🩷
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Luffy: 🍖
"I love you even when I'm hungry. I love you more than meat. I love you so much I would share my food with you."
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Luffy hardly understands that he’s in love with you, so Valentine's Day is pretty foreign to him
He doesn’t even realize the day is different until Sanji gifts you and the girls flowers and homemade chocolates 
Sanji is the one to angrily explain (after a flaming kick or two to Luffy’s head for trying to eat their gifts) that the day was important because it’s when you can show appreciation and love for that extra special person in your life
And Luffy could only think of one person like that
You were special to Luffy
You made his heart beat all funny in his chest whenever he saw you
And when you were away from him for too long, he found he could hardly eat
He never wanted to ever leave your side so he knows he needs to do something for you
But what, he doesn't know
Luffy remembers Ace one year giving Makino a frilly pink, red, and glitter-filled card that he vaguely remembers having to do with some special day like this
So he sets to work creating such a thing for you
He goes as far as to block you from entering the kitchen so you wouldn’t see his creation
You had been confused at first, but after spying the glitter on his skin (glitter he stole from you), you suspected what he was up to
You hadn’t expected anything from your captain today
You didn’t realize he knew what today was
Because even though he held your hand, clung to you like he was made of glue instead of rubber, kissed you (kissed you on the lips even), and slept loudly in your hammock occasionally, he had yet to confirm his romantic love for you
So you hadn’t expected anything from him 
But oh were you over the moon happy he had taken the time to craft something special for you
Nami and Robin had been egging you on to tell your captain how you felt for a while now 
And now they were practically commanding you to do so today
So, when Luffy presented his glue and glitter-covered creation (with handwriting that was barely legible) you dragged him into one of the storage closets for some semblance of privacy
Luffy had been more than happy to follow and sit amongst the cleaning supplies with you, just enjoying being in your orbit
enjoyed the way your hand felt in his, the way your eyes shined when you looked at him, how you smelled so good he almost could sink his teeth into your flesh and take a bite 
and his happiness only grew when you began to explain to him how you felt for him
Feelings he too felt and was relieved to have someone explain to him what it all meant
He was sure to kiss you silly
So silly the handle of the mop behind you knocked him over the head in his haste to have you near him
Luffy was sure to keep a hand on you the rest of the day and you were sure to hold it right back
Zoro:🗡️🥦 ⚔️
"I never liked Valentine's Day, but then I met you and I understood what it was all about. I am your sword and you are the shield around my heart."
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Zoro doesn’t like Valentine's Day
He’s never had time for it, not between training and hunting down pirates
There was no time for love and hearts when you were focused on becoming the World's Greatest Swordsman, even now sailing with Luffy
Unlike his captain, he knew what the day was but was very, very adamant about hating it and making sure everyone knew how useless he thought the day was
That is until he met you
You, who, even before the two of you became a couple, decorated the ship in frills and hearts
You who was filled with so much love in your heart it just came spilling out for all you met 
You who gave all your crew mates small little cards with personalized messages within the folds
Messages so beautifully written and heart felt it had nearly everyone teary-eyed by the end
Zoro had tried to keep away from your love-filled heart and tearful messages
But he found it was a more difficult task than he let himself believe it would be
Every day, he found himself by your side
Every night he made sure you had made it to your hammock safely 
Every time you had watch, he was checking up on you (even waking from his naps and sleep to do so. You're safety having wound its way into his dreams)
Every battle and fight, he made sure you were safe and unharmed
God save the person who ever hurts you and your love-filled heart
Last years Valentine's Day, you had used your loving messages to tell Zoro how you felt towards him
Zoro had tried to find it within himself to fight against your allure. Fight against your love like he always tried to
But even though he tried to fight against your love, he found it was the one fight he was willing to lose
You had become his very heart
Someone hurt you, they were hurting him and therefore his new enemy
So this year, he set about the task of making the day as special as you were
He begrudgingly went to Sanji for help with what to do
That dumb, love-struck idiot was never going to let him live it down either
But Sanji halted his teasing just for the day to help Zoro come up with a plan
The next day, Zoro was shaking you awake from your very peaceful sleep and all but commanding you to get changed
You had tried to slow his roll down. Had tried to pull him into your hammock and snuggle the ever-living daylights out of him
But Zoro was dead set on getting you up. He had a plan and your ooey-gooey love-dove eyes weren’t going to sway him into diverging from that plan
He dragged you through the Merry, past the others who were all smirking and giggling away at his fall to your love and all but carrying you up into the crow's nest
You found he had layed out a blanket and beautiful breakfast, which Sanji had been swayed to make (though he did it mainly for your sake)
Even though you could gather Zoro hadn’t been the one to cook any of this or hadn’t come up with this idea all by himself, you were still very, very grateful he had even considered doing something as sweet as this for you
And when he pulled out a crinkled heart-shaped card from his pocket it brought stinging tears to your eyes
He gave you a warning that he wasn’t good with words, spoken or written, and that it wouldn’t compare to the cards you wrote
But when you opened the card and read the heartfelt note written in chicken-scratched handwriting
One speaking of Zoro’s love for you, of how much you had changed his life for the better. Of how you kept grounded and how he fought harder than ever to reach his dreams because you made him feel so supported
You had burst into tears
Just straight sobs that had Zoro tensing up and trying to soothe your sudden, wild emotions as best he could, hoping he hadn’t done anything to get you mad
You had all but tackled the swordsman, holding him as close to you as possibly could to 
And you told him just how much his words had meant to you and how much he too had changed your life for the better
You two spent the rest of the day snuggled up in the crow's nest, watching the sea and the sky and just taking in each other's presence
Nami: 🍊
"You are the wind in my sails, the calm sea I travel through, my spark of creativity. Home is whenever I am with you."
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Nami’s a secret romantic whose dreams for such romance had been squashed for so long she nearly forgot what it was like to love someone in that way
And Valentine's Day was something she had only ever dreamed of partaking in before joining the Straw Hats
And now she has the freedom to do so
The freedom to express her love on this day and to find her own extra special person to share it with
So when you come into her life, she holds on tight and makes sure every Valentine's Day you two spend together just as extra special as you are
Before meeting you and becoming your partner, she was exploiting Sanji’s own love for the holiday, having him make her sweet treats and drinks of varying pinks and reds and heart shapes
Now, with you, Sanji is, unfortunately, exploited once more
Breakfast for you both to share in bed, a wonderful lunch under her tangerine trees, and, of course, chocolate-covered strawberries 
Before you dock, she tells you to dress up nice and you know from past mistakes never to question her commands, so you do
Once on the island and safely docked, she pulls you into town and straight to a flower shop to pick up the most elaborate flower arrangement you had ever seen in your life (you gather she must have had to place an order for at least a week ago)
They were your favorite type of flowers too--your favorite shades
Your heart is already bursting at the seams with how much thought she had put into this day already 
Nami guides you around the island, hand in hand
She never once thinks about letting your hand go
The only time she ever lets it go is to buy you something you had been eyeing in one of the little shops or bakeries you both visit
Something you try to do for her as well, but she is quick to stop you
While she loves gifts and material things, she’s more happy to give them to you than to have you give them to her
And, in usual Nami fashion, she leaves no room for arguments
When it gets closer to nightfall, she brings you to a cute restaurant she had made a reservation at the same time she ordered the flowers
You two share a delicious, candle-lit dinner together
And she gives you one last gift, one she seems a little nervous to give
It’s a beautiful, golden locket, oval in shape and the front is covered in stunning swirling designs
She tells you she had Usopp make it (you can spot his craftsmanship as soon as she says it) just as you flip it open
You’re heart bursts then, eyes tearing up as you find a small picture of you and Nami together inside on the left side and on the right, engraved in looping letters
“Home is whenever I am with you.” 
You look back up at her to see she seems all too nervous again
She tells you you can swap the picture out if you want but before she can even finish her sentence you are lunging over the table to kiss your love and adoration into her lips
This gift--it was special. So, so special to you because you were so honored she felt at home with you--that she trusted you enough to feel as safe as home would with you
You give Nami her gift, which you try to convey is not as special as hers to you, but Nami is tearing up at your gift and loves it just as much as she loves you
Nami ends the night by buying you a sweet treat to sit and eat on the ledge of a beautiful fountain in the town square, couple after couple moving their way past you two to end their own nights as well
You can’t stop placing little kisses on Nami’s hands and cheeks, unable to hold back in showing your love for her
Nami allows the public displays of affection for today, her smile as bright and shining as the moon and stars above
She couldn’t think of anything better than to sit there with you, watching you smile and blush and kiss her silly
You were her home, her happiness, and you were slowly and surely healing her romantic heart.
Usopp: 🤥
"You are my muse. Every story I tell is incomplete without you as my inspiration. Our love story is my favorite to tell.”
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Usopp is bragging about everything he has planned for weeks before the actual day
If you were to believe his words, it’s going to be huge 
Chocolate fountains and flocks of doves and a band to serenade you as you both drink the most perfectly aged wine money can buy
But you know Usopp doesn’t have that kind of money
He can hardly afford to get the supplies he needs for his weapons and crafts
You indulge his fantasies but know none of it can become a reality
For the weeks he brags, you are trying to figure out what he actually has planned
Because even if you aren’t getting an orchestra to play just for you or a diamond the size of an apple, you know you’ll enjoy the day greatly if it’s spent with him
And you know it’s going to be just that much more special when you try to make your way into the kitchen throughout the week only to get pushed out by Usopp who, after collecting himself, chilly tells you not to worry about it
he sends Sanji down afterward with a special drink in apology for shoving you out and to keep you from trying to get back in
When the big day does come around, you are woken to the sound of hushed arguing 
And a quick peek over the edge of your hammock lets you see Usopp and Nami dragging in a huge arrangement of beautifully crafted metal flowers
There were in the shape of your favorite types and shining gems and swirling vines placed aesthetically throughout the whole thing
You kept still, watching at the two friends huff and hiss at each other as they set up the flowers and candies and the cutest stuffed animal you had ever seen, just before where your hammock swung
Nami held her hand out towards him when it was all done, and Usopp grumpily handed her a few wrinkled beri’s before she left with a little two-finger salute
You were quick to shut your eyes before he could notice you had been watching
And only reopened them when Usopp climbed into your hammock (not so gracefully)
And greeted you with kisses and elaborately spellbinding praises that had you turning into a giggling, blushing mess beneath him
He pulled you from bed and presented the assortment of gifts laid out for you
Usopp knelt down, taking you with him so that he could go over every little detail of the gift he had given you
He placed the stuff animal in your arms and fed you some of the candies (which were your absolute favorites)
He told you the arrangement of flowers was called the “Dancing Bloosm” 
When you asked him why it was called that, he happily told you to activate it with a few magic words
“You gotta say ‘Usopp is the sexiest and strongest man to ever sail the blue seas.’” You’d smirked and spoke the very extra special magic words towards the Dancing Bloosm
But when nothing happened, Usopp shrugged, a mischievous smirk on his lips
“Why thank you. I know I am.” You rolled your eyes and whacked him playfully with the stuffed animal in your grasp
He played hurt and would only move on if you kissed it all better (which you did because it gave you an excuse to kiss him)
Usopp then pointed towards a little button on the base of the Dancing Bloosm which you pressed
He wrapped an arm over your shoulders as the Dancing Bloosm began to whirl to life
The flowers swayed and spun to the tune of your favorite song
Water sprayed upward in beautiful arching streams, landing perfectly back into the Dancing Bloosm, never once getting the floor wet
Tiny doves shot out of the sides and did a little dance alongside the flowers
And then, to end the performance, a banner popped up expressing Usopp’s love for you
As the room fell silent once more, you attacked Usopp in a hug and in more kisses than you have ever given him in one sitting
You gave him your gift after that, though it was not as grand as the Dancing Bloosm
Usopp was so very happy with it, attacking you in his own hug and peppering your face with kisses
The two of you took breakfast out on the deck and spent the rest of the day with each other away from the others
Sanji: 🧑‍🍳
“What’s cheese without wine? Bread without butter? Fish without chips? What’s a chef with his sous chef? Nothing. You, my love, complete me.”
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Sanji is your classic romantic
He has everything covered
Breakfast in bed, a wonderfully delicious lunch, sweet treats given to you throughout the day, and a candlelight dinner at the end of the night
He’s giving you more flowers than you know what to do with 
Jewelry and stuffed animals and love poems and letters (you’ve kept every last letter and poem he’s ever given you)
But this year, you want to treat him 
Because he takes care of you every single day--more than takes care of you and you just want to show him just how much you care for him and love him
So, you wake up before dawn, well before Sanji or any of the others are awake, to sneak into the kitchen
You make breakfast for everyone and when Sanji walks in, panic on his face at you doing his tasks you all but have to force him to sit down
You place a plate stacked with heart-shaped pancakes and a cup of coffee (which you tried and failed to create a heart with the foamy milk in) before him and gave him a soft kiss in greeting
You informed him you would be taking over his duties for the day and that you didn’t want to see him lift a single finger
Sanji seemed hardly comforted by your declaration 
No, he just seems all the more tense 
Especially when the rest of the crew starts trickling into the kitchen
Everyone knew of your plan and made no fuss over not getting their typically specialized breakfasts (all except Luffy who you shut up with a heaping pile of bacon and sausage)
Sanji just watched as you hopped around the kitchen, hardly picking at his food
So when everyone left, you sat down in his lap with a reassuring smile
You told him again of your plan for the day--saying that he deserved more than just one day to get treated as he treated you
In your eyes, he deserves the world and more
Sanji then told you how he had planned out the whole day as well and how he didn’t care about the work--just wanting to care for you because he loved you so much
So as you cut into his pancakes, feeding him the doughy food and placing a kiss to his cheek with every bite, 
you both decided that you would cook for the crew and do any washing up for the day, while Sanji still got to cook for you and spoil you rotten
Sanji started his spoiling off by making you a delicious cup of coffee and a yummy baked good 
And after cleaning up (which you had to shoo Sanji away from helping you do) you took your coffee, baked good, and boyfriend out onto the deck to sit far away from the others
You ate while Sanji traced heart shapes into your skin
When lunch rolled around, you two were both back in the kitchen, you cooking the crew their meal while Sanji went about making you a mouth-watering dish for you
Once the crew was fed and dishes washed, you two took your food back out onto the deck to eat sitting with bodies practically entangled around each other
Between lunch, Sanji brought out all the flowers he had gotten for you
Ones you two found space for in the kitchen and in your room
He even brought out the chocolate-covered strawberries he had made the other day for you to eat 
And he made you your favorite drink to sip on while you read the book you had started to read to Sanji 
And when dinner rolled around, you were both back in the kitchen, cooking up meals
When food was finished and crew wandered off, Sanji left you to do the dishes by yourself with a quick kiss
You were glad he was finally fully taking up your declaration…at least that’s what you had thought
But when he came back, a big grin on his face, you knew he had been doing anything but relaxing
He guided you out onto the deck once more, the plates of food he had made for you both in hand 
And you were greeted with a beautifully set up dining table
With candles and more flowers and little paper hearts of reds and pinks covering the table surface
He had even put your favorite record on the gramophone
Sanji was quick to place the plates down and pull your chair out for you, pushing you in as well once seated
Once food was consumed, Sanji brought out his gift, which was a black box with gold detailing
Inside the box, was a new love letter 
He told you that the box was to keep all the other letters and photos he knew you kept (a much better place for them than within the pages of a book)
And when you read the letter, tears stung at your eyes at the beautiful words he had crafted for you
At the thoughtfulness of the gift (even when he doubts his own gift-giving skills)
You gave him your gift, which also was accompanied by a letter
And you found tears welled in your beautiful chef’s eyes at the words you had written
He pulled you close and refused to let go the rest of the night
Chopper: 🦌🩺
"Your friendship has been the best kind of machine. Thank you for taking me as I am and for staying by my side."
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Chopper had never had friends before
So joining the Straw Hats has changed his life in a way he never thought possible
And when he found out about Valentine's Day, he knew he was definitely celebrating so he could show his friends how much they meant to him
He was making little cards with messages for each of his crewmates 
He even went as far as to make little care packages full of heart-covered band-aides and other quick, on-the-go medical supplies
You joined the crew a little after Robin
You were painfully shy and only made it on the ship because you had begged to learn from Chopper so you could become a doctor in your own right
You two became as thick as thieve in seconds
You were always hanging around the other
You sat together at meal times, explored new islands together, and spent hours upon hours studying in the kitchen together
It was a cause for worry if one was without the other
You and Chopper were best friends--sibling-like even
So Chopper’s valentines gift to you was extra special
He needed you to know you meant the world to him
So he made you a massive card, one that was almost as tall as Robin
It was covered in glitter and lace and hearts
He even got you your favorite candy
And on the inside of the card was the most heartwarming note you had ever received
You had hugged the life out of your friend, the doctor doing his best to hug you back as best he could
You gave him your gift, turning Chopper into a sobbing mess at its kindness and thoughtfulness
You two spent the rest of your day making the rest of the crew their own cards as well as decorating the ship, laughing, and enjoying each other's company
Robin: 👋🫶✌️
“I’ve traveled far and wide. Seen countless histories and their stories, but my favorite story is the one about our love. A love that will go down as the greatest in history."
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Robin has never had time to love, let alone think about Valentine's Day
Anyone she ever let in got hurt and she wanted none of that for any potential partner
But then you came into her life
Came into it like some whirlwind of joy and love
and for the first time in a long time, she wants to celebrate this silly little day
She wants to shower you in affection, flowers, and sweets
She wants to hold you tight and never let go
But she can’t be selfish
Especially when it means you could get hurt
So she bites her tongue and tries her hardest to forget that today is such a celebration
You on the other hand, will not forget what the day is
You have loved Robin for a long while now 
A love you expect might never be returned but one you will continue to show to her
And today you plan to treat her like a queen
Her book is all the way in her room? You’ll run and get it before her bloomed hands could
Sanji makes the ladies a special treat? You’re going to be the one to deliver it (despite Sanji’s displeasure)
And Robin takes notice of your efforts
She noticed right away when you poured her more tea that morning at breakfast
Every little thing you do for her, every little brush of the hand, and smile for her eyes only has the thick, stone wall around Robin’s heart fracturing
She tries to rebuild it, but once there, those fractures never seem to fill
Especially as you hand her the most thoughtful and heartfelt gift she has ever received
A gift--she had never been gifted anything in her life
And it was bringing tears to her eyes--tears she found she couldn’t control. Tears so hot and furious it was making it hard to breath
You knew instantly Robin needed to be far away from any prying eyes, so you took her hand and pulled her into the belly of the Going Merry
You sat her down, telling her not to go anywhere as you rushed back to the kitchen to grab her a glass of water
You found her still sitting there, just as you had asked of her, the heels of her palms pressing into her eyes as if to shove the tears back into herself
You sat before her, gently pulling her hands away so that you could look into those sad, sad sapphire-colored eyes
You tried to offer the water but she never once took her teary eyes off of your features
“Why--why are you doing this?” 
You had blinked at her question--one with such a simple answer it seemed almost comical
“Because I love you.” 
More tears spilled then and you were quick to wrap her up in your arms, holding her tight
And she says it back
Says it on a whisper--on a voice that was nearly just breath, as if scared someone might hear her--as if the shadows might hear what she confessed and snitch to whoever has made her this fearful
You don’t think you’ve ever been happier in your life
Robin pulls away from you and you give her space, though unable to get your goofy grin off your face, your heart skipping and jumping away in your chest
There is still that fear in her eyes, a fear you don’t think can be cured by a few simple words and touches
But mixed in with that fear is the love she has been harboring for you within them
A love she presses against your lips in a kiss that has your mind melting and body buzzing
Next Valentine's Day, after everything that happened at Enies Lobby, Robin was finally free of her fears 
Free to spoil you rotten
To thank you for your kindness and love and understanding with flowers and love letters and cuddles as you both read
Every Valentine's Day after is filled with nothing but love and adoration from you both
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Tag list: @fanaticsnail , @thesleepiestbearcub
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zorosbeau33 · 3 months
Courting Gifts~ One Piece Omegaverse Headcanon Part 1!
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Starring: Ace and Luffy! x gender neutral reader Genre: Fluff, sfw AU: Omegaverse, Omega Reader Wc: 1180 TW: Mentions of battle Masterlist~ Part 2~ Is ready! Thank you everyone for all your support! All characters involved in this fic are legal age or older in my au hope you enjoy!
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This Goofy goofball knows exactly how to court. He gives me soft alpha/strong beta vibes. And he learned from Makino the ways to court long ago.
HOWEVER that being said, he also likes making you laugh. Courting gifts when it was just a crush were often goofy and maybe small inside jokes, or even mini pranks. 
Like a cupcake with sour flavored icing, still good but not at all what you were expecting. Boy did he giggle and laugh when your face puckered up with confusion.
Once he realizes these feelings are here to stay, or if you take initiative and heavily hint or gift him something. Then he gets sincere and downright smitten and soft
I hope you like the color orange, because he thinks you look so cute in the fuzzy luxury fur blanket with orange silk lining. Yes the fur has been dyed orange to match as well and you stick out like a sore thumb on this winter island but you're warm!
He is much more of a simple gift kinda guy, first sign is him not just sharing his food with you but getting a plate and filling it for you before looking after himself. 
He long ago memorized your favorite food 
He uses his devil fruit as a gift for you as well…yes in his mind warm hugs or warm handed deep tissue massages count as courting gifts. They're a promise from him to you he will take care of you forever if you allow him.
He has never understood collecting shiny rocks, seashells, and the like…until now. Something about courting makes every exceptional seashell and rock extra special now and if he thinks theyre pretty he will pocket them to give to you later.
“The way it shined reminded me of your eyes/smile”
He's much more of a physical show rather than buying gifts. So his presents may not be noticed immediately.
Giving you rides in his flame boat (he has to carry you so his flames dont set you on fire and boy does he love carrying you now)
Insisting on being the one to be paired up with you for anything and everything. From crew game night, to exploration parties, to mission assignments, even to his previously hated cleaning duties. 
Soft touches, on your waist, your hand. To help you get across a large gap (if he doesn't just pick you up). To reassure you if you’re expressing a moment of doubt/trouble. When he thinks your smile is especially bright and he just needs to touch your cheek to ensure you’re real.
 Or to push you behind him in times of danger or conflict, yes you can take care of yourself BUT he wants to be your support and fighter. He is first to cheer you on in a fight, but if he can prevent a needless dangerous encounter he will put himself in front so any animosity is directed at him not you.
When he realizes you might want clothes, or scented items he goes to Marco.
He understands the process, he gets how to scent something. However he wants his brother figure and the very honest bestie to help him judge which ones are best. He doesn’t want to over scent something and have it be oppressive. And he knows he’s rough on clothes so he’s making sure the things he’s giving you are good quality still so they’ll last as long as you want to keep them.
He also gives you a nickname, you’ve always had one but it was more of a teasing best friend kind of thing. Suddenly you have a much more dignified and polite nickname…its also a very classic 50’s romance sort of nickname like Doll, or Pumpkin, or Kitten…or Angel
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Okay he’s alpha, if that wasn’t evident from his emperors haki and being captain etc 
Unlike his brother he is dumb…very dumb. Has never cared about courting a day before in his life. Used to say “EW” and stick out his tongue (even at 16)
He doesn’t even realize at first that the things he is doing is courting when he first starts. Probably because he doesn’t realize at first that he has feelings for you.
Robin did from day one, Zoro did maybe the first week, Sanji had suspicions too after a month or so, and the others later feel like they should have seen it coming since he constantly talked about how mouth-watering you smelled and loved to cling around you and just burrow in your neck to snuffle you. He learned not to nip when Nami yelled at him for it the first day he met you. Like I said the others feel they should have seen this sooner.
Giving you bits of his food, scenting you, constantly asking to hold your hand, and giving you every single cool thing he sees for you to “keep safe” but if you try to give them back he’d “no thanks you keep them!” then laugh and bounce off
Unlike what anyone would have expected Luffy figures out his emotions for you very quickly. It didn’t take Robins hints to him, he knew after you all finally got in a large altercation together against the world government or some pirates. He was always protective of his nakama, but before the enemy could land the devastating blow to your back in the battle. Luffy was screaming in rage. Bounding across the battlefield to you to protect HIS friend. His…ohhh…
He talked to Robin and Nami, they advised him on courting and how to make you his. He only grasped 30% but he’s trying
He would make the ship go broke in order to buy you every cool thing, or every soft nesting thing, or all the food you could eat. 
The king of bringing you random plucked wildflowers (several have been confiscated by Chopper as they were poisonous plants, Luffys eye for weird things haven gotten the best of him)
They're messy but he learns to make flower crowns for you both to wear. Talks about making them for your future kids
He didn’t used to own much clothing, but now he is expanding his wardrobe just so he can have more things that smell like him to wrap you up in.
You have exclusive hat permission, don’t abuse it but if you ever ask him, he does not mind putting it on your head for a while
He thinks you look so good in it too, makes him puff up his chest and yell to the world how awesome you are.
He has bought you one very nice present, one he had to work his butt off to get. Literally, Nami made him get a job on an island to pay for it and he was actually sincere while working there (sorry Baratie). 
It's a unisex gold bangle bracelet with a red ruby with your and his initials engraved in the gold along with the date you joined his crew (because yes he remembers the date perfectly)
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snowywolf1005 · 6 months
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Headcanons: You raise luffy, and Shank, try flirt with you. But you couldn't expect it. And you siblings, you allergic to flowers. You and Shank have been childhood friends, after Gol D. Roger death.
You live with your sister's house, who has friends, dadan. And grap (luffy grandpa) asked you to raise ace when he was a baby after you raised. You were sent to a village very far from the jungle, you worked maiino restaurants. And grap ask you to raise luffy and you did.
You just woke up, got up, "luffy, wake up," you said, shrugged, luffy shoulder. As he got up, you changed his clothes.
As you and luffy went to makino restaurant, "Good morning, (Y/N)!" Said makino. "Hey, makino, how have you been?"
You put luffy on the table with color and piece of paper and brought him cookies.
"Oh! Shanks brought you some gift, but you may not like it, " she said as she put her hands back on her head.
"Let me guess, is it a teddy with big roses flower and has beer that said 'be my lover'?" You question. She nodded her head, and you signed.
"Does this man never quit loving me? He doesn't know I'm allergic to flowers!" You said as you cleaned up the dishes.
"Well, you didn't tell him that you were allergic to flowers," makino said, smiling. "(Y/N)! I'm finished my cookie. Can I have the treasures tab!" Luffy yelled.
"I handled this (Y/N), you have a rough day," said makino, as she put her hands on your shoulder. You signed, working on the dishes.
As you cleaned, you heard a voice screaming your name. "Oh! Darling!!!" It was shanks, "do you really think call her name like that?" Luffy question to Luffy.
"Of course, because your mother is beautiful," said Shanks, "WHAT!?" Luffy yelled. "No, I'm not your darling thing," you said.
"Why not?" Shanks winded
"Cause you just a pervert," said luffy
Shanks looks at luffy with a shocked face. After the bar. You take luffy back to your place, you say goodbye to makino.
Change luffy to his pajamas, you too, as well. "Goodnight, luffy.", "Goodnight mom "
You kissed him on the forehead.
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mizppa · 10 months
˚✧ -ˋ₊˚.Even if no one else comes. ASL Brothers₊°
🍁˖ ! 𓂃Pairings: ASL Brothers x Big Sister!Reader, Father Figure!Shanks x Daughter of Consideration!Reader, Father Monkey D.Dragon x Daughter!Reader, Grandfather!Garp x Granddaughter!Leiroa ( ALL PLATONIC ) 🥛⬝ .
𓂂𓈒🚏𓈃Summary: What would it be like to be the older sister of the ASL brothers, and Luffy's older sister by blood? it would be many things but if you cared for your brothers with your soul, body and mind along with your heart it made Shanks want to protect you just like his father and grandfather and how would their reaction be when they found out that you are the keeper of eternity with a 50 Billion reward for Belly, who did horrible things but it wasn't you.
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「 Time where everyone is still a child, Luffy 7 years old, Ace and Sabo 10 years old and Reader 13 years old」
⤑ Well, as you grew up caring for and protecting Luffy from everyone your biological father, Garp and Shanks got to know you first than everyone else
⤑ When Luffy wanted to prove his courage to Shanks and sent the knife in his face we say that you were like this: 🤨😐 to Shanks and when Makino took care of Luffy's wound Shanks was distracted and then you... hit him with a big slap doing his head hurt at least all day and he said that if he did shit to his little brother there would only be the straw hat left as the rest of him
⤑ After that day Shanks realized how you were the mother figure to Luffy and how you protected him with body and soul, from that day Shanks started to respect you as a real mother to Luffy and took care of you like a daughter in that moment he saw how you I wanted to have parents to support but I didn't
⤑ Dad Shanks springs into action! Luffy and Uta love you along with the crew since you were the oldest there and with the greatest sense and that was funny all of the redhead's crew besides him were surprised at your maturity compared to your age
⤑ When the redhead teased you, you just looked at him like this: 🤨 ( Side Eye ) and he looked at you like this: 😗 ( Sweet daughter )
⤑ When Luffy was caught you literally shed your blood to save him and even Redhead's crew had to stop you from going after him just so you wouldn't get hurt anymore, in short Shanks gave the straw hat to Luffy and to you the mission of take care of your brother
⤑ ( Shanks sees you as his little eldest daughter and he loves you, plus he cried when you called him dad for the first time, hush friend )
⤑ Well now going to Ace and Sabo, they admire you a lot Sabo maybe admit it but Ace will never admit it
⤑ You are the mother figure of the three and period! being the eldest of the three you help Dadan with these devil miniatures, she thinks you are an angel who helps her every single day
⤑ It doesn't matter to you if Ace was the son of the former king of pirates Gold D. Roger to you he was Monkey D. Ace your other little brother! along with Sabo and Luffy
⤑ Do you still remember when you fought with Ace and he said he hated you and you just replied that you didn't hate him and that you loved him, poor thing he stood still trying to process that you even added that since that day they met he was your brother and you took care of your family
⤑ One of the best times for the three of you was when you made a bonfire and huddled together while you read stories or created to amuse or frighten them, but one thing they loved beyond that was watching the stars and moon with you or your hugs
⤑ When you made a promise to sail you said that you would be the last one to take care of them and not leave Luffy alone
⤑ The three are protective of you no matter what or who this is pure truth!
⤑ The three are protective of you no matter what or who this is pure truth!
「 The day you became Raiden Shogun or known as Raiden [name]」
⤑ Everything happened so fast for you, seeing that woman with purple hair staring at you as she said: I found you
⤑ She wanted a host and you wanted to protect her brothers and sisters, it was an unfair exchange, she didn't keep the deal and that resulted in it and all that
⤑ Trapped in that empty time with no one just meditating as she took your body to Inazuma and pretended it was you
⤑ No matter how many times you wanted to fight there was no escape
⤑ One of the only times you broke her conscience was to save Ace and kill that damn man who wanted to hurt her brothers
⤑ Boy, you destroyed almost everything making everyone impressed but soon Raiden came back to consciousness and took you back to Inazuma and you couldn't even talk to anyone
⤑ In the end, for this to never happen again, she tied you with the strings of memories and imprisoned you again, leaving you alone
⤑ In the end, for this to never happen again, she tied you with the strings of memories and imprisoned you again, leaving you alone 「Current time, everyone is alive」
⤑ Congratulations my little grasshopper you have the highest bounty ever with 50 Billion Belly making everyone amazed
⤑ Shanks wanted to congratulate you your granddaughter reached that level but realized it wasn't you, there was no way you could be as cruel as that woman everyone called Raiden [name]
⤑ All of these ( Luffy, Sabo, Ace, Garp ) had the same impression of Shanks, Ace almost jumped off Whitebeard's crew ship just to go to Inazuma to confirm that, poor Whitebeard had to hold Ace for him not to go, O Ace's captain was also shocked by this because the stories Ace told about you to him, you seemed like a kind and innocent girl who didn't kill anyone who went against you
⤑ Little Luffy couldn't believe those lies dirty from you! The whole crew had to hold him back so he wouldn't go looking for you, they tried to convince Luffy that you changed but he didn't believe he would never believe!
⤑ Now when Sabo saw this he was in disbelief! how could a sister who took care of him like a mother do that!? He then showed it to his father and even Monkey D. Dragon was amazed that his beloved daughter had turned into a monster
.⤑ Everyone went to Inazuma to see if this was true until Luffy found Shanks but he wouldn't return the hat the reason they went there was to save his sister! (ASL brothers and their daughter for Shanks and Dragon)
⤑ After a lot of fighting I mean a lot of fighting!, you managed to get out of that damn control of Raiden and realized what you did, you thought everyone would leave you for doing that they did instead Shanks put you lying on his lap like he used to do when you you were a child, Luffy, Ace de Sabo ran to hug you saying they loved you
⤑ At the end of it all you became an honest and kind person unlike Raiden but you were very strong and ended up becoming a Yonko ( papa Shanks and pirate brothers are proud! ) and they made a feast but each on their ship
⤑ You became known as various titles but it didn't bother your father (Shanks and Dragon) or your brothers or grandpa Garp they were proud of how you cared and how you were Raiden [name]
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miyu-d · 7 months
Hi! New follower here!
Can you do something about being Ace's childhood friend and ended dating or confessing their feelings as teens or adult?
Hi! Thank you for following me. This is my first time writing for a request. I am so happy that you requested a fic from me. I apologize if this isn't exactly what you imagined. Hope you will enjoy it.💕
Love Blossoms
( Ace x Reader )
Warnings: Editing up ASL brothers' back story
(1.5k words)
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Love is something magical. You didn't know when you fell for this man. As long as you remember, he is the only man in your heart.
You first met him when you were wandering around in the forest where Ace's and his brothers' treehouse was. You were in the village nearby, and you loved to sneak into the forest when you were a kid. One day, you saw three kids taking down a huge tiger. You got scared at first, but you decided to approach them for the better or worse.
Sabo and Luffy quickly became your friends, but you still remember the cold shoulder Ace gave you on that first day. He didn't want anyone else besides his brothers. You were just an intruder to him.
As time goes by, you make it your daily routine to sneak out of your home and go play with them. You weren't as athletic as them, so Ace always said rude things to you. Luffy was in his own world, and Sabo was the only one who helped you.
But when something dangerous happened, all three brothers protected you as your own personal bodyguards. Even though Ace had been rude to you, he never let anything happen to you. Even though he didn't admit it, he cared about you secretly.
With time, you became a part of them. That's when an uneasy feeling started to grow on you. Even though many people give you compliments or good comments on things, none of those touched your heart as Ace's awkward and simple "...Thanks, I guess."
Little by little, Ace started to become a polite boy with Makino's teaching. That only made things harder for you. When he said polite things and treated you with manners, your heart started to beat like crazy. You had to hide those feelings and act normal in front of him, which was so hard to do.
When Ace turned 17, he left the island to become a pirate. You vividly remember the way he happily waved his hand at you and everyone when he left in his boat. You were happy for him. He wanted to become a pirate since he was little, so you were really happy for him. But... the feeling that he was no longer with you... hurt so much that words had no power to describe it. It was... so lonely...
But after some days passed, you decided to get back on your feet. He followed his dreams. So you also wanted to follow yours. You knew that you would meet him someday. So, until then, you wanted to work on yourself.
But he was always in your heart. There was no space for anyone else.
Every day you read newspapers, hoping to catch something about Ace. You were so proud and happy to see how he became a well-famous pirate.
After some years passed, you had to go to another island for your work stuff. When you were passing by a restaurant, you heard a commotion.
"Is he dead?"
"Yeah, I heard he was eating when that happened."
"Oh god..."
People were talking about something, and you were curious. So you peaked inside the restaurant, and your eyes widen when you see the man with the tattoo on his back who is now sleeping on his plate.
"A-Ace," you whispered to yourself in surprise. You quickly ran to him.
"Ace... Ace wake up."
You grabbed his shoulders and shook him.
Suddenly, he sat up straight. Everyone got silent.
"Oh, sorry... I slept," Ace said without care in the world.
Everyone in the restaurant was shocked.
"Geez... You haven't changed a bit." You couldn't help but chuckle.
Ace didn't recognize you first. He suddenly grabbed your dress and wiped out the food on his face. A scream came out of your mouth. You blushed head to toe, and you grabbed your dress back from him.
"hmm?..." Ace looked straight at your face, thinking hard. "Do I... know you?"
You collect yourself and let out a sigh.
"Try to guess," you said with a smirk, and you sat on a stool beside him.
He looked at your face intensely, making many weird, confused, and thinking faces. Suddenly, his eyes widened.
"Y/n...?" He said it with a surprised tone. He is surprised and confused.
You got butterflies in your stomach when you heard him call you by your name. A bright smile appeared on your face, and you were so happy that he didn't forget about you. You nod repeatedly.
"It has been a long time... Isn't it?" you asked with a smile.
He suddenly grabbed your hand and pulled.
"Run as fast as you can," Ace whispered to you, and he ran out of the restaurant, pulling you along with him. After getting out of the door, Ace shouted, "Thank you for the food" and chuckled. The owner followed to catch you two cursing loudly for not paying. But you and Ace managed to ditch him. Ace slowed down the pace and stopped running. Then he turned around and looked at you. You were panting hard. Trying to catch your breath.
Ace chuckled and teased you, "Still, can't run. Huh?"
You got annoyed, but you didn't have the energy to talk back. You panted, hanging on Ace's hand.
He suddenly pulled you toward him and hugged you.
"Oh my god, y/n... I missed you so much."
You hugged him back. Feeling the warmth from him.
"You have no idea how much I missed you, Ace."
The hug tightened, and slowly both of you broke the hug.
After that, Ace took you to see so many places in the town. And went to more restaurants. Talked a lot. About the past, about Luffy and Whitebeard. He even showed you his devil fruit powers.
In the evening twilight, both of you came to the beach. You knew this was your only chance to tell him about your feelings. You collected all your courage.
He was looking at the sea. He turned around to see your face when you called him.
For a few seconds, your eyes locked with his. Your heart was pounding so fast.
"What is it, y/n?" He was curious.
You looked away from his eyes. Hiding that you are flustered.
"Um... I- I have something... to tell you," you muttered.
"Hm? What is that?" He walked closer to you. That made your heart pound faster.
"I- I..."
You were so scared. You didn't know what would happen after confessing your love to him. Will he accept it? Will he get disgusted? Will he get angry? Will everything between you two get awkward? Will you... lose him?
Ace didn't rush you. He waited patiently. And yeah. Ace wasn't dumb. He got the idea of what this would turn out to be. He was also confused and lost in his own thoughts.
"H- have you ever seen me... as a... woman?" You slowly asked. But you still didn't have the courage to look at his face.
There was an awkward silence between you two.
"Y/N, do... Do you have... feelings for me?"
Your whole body heated up. You feel the heat in your ears.
The pressure made your eyes tear up a little.
You nodded slowly. "...yes, I... do." Your breaths were heavy.
"I... um... for a long time... I loved you, Ace. As long as I can remember, I... loved you." You took a breath.
"Everything. Everything about you. Not only your good things, trust me... I love every flow in you too... When I am with you... God... how do I explain this...? When I am with you... I feel... so safe, so happy, so excited... When I am with you... I just want to keep talking to you... And I just want to spend time with you... I am so in love with everything you do. Ace... I- I can't imagine my life without you. Everyday. Every single day, I think about you. You have no idea how much I care about you and how much I... love you." Your voice got weak when you said the last part. Tears fell from your cheeks while you confessed everything to him.
Ace listened to every single word you said in silence.
"Y/n..." he finally woke his voice. But his voice was so painful.
"I... don't... deserve this... You can find som-"
You hugged him tightly without letting him finish. Ace was surprised and stopped talking.
"Don't ever say that... You deserve so many things. You deserve soooo many things, Ace."
Ace calmed down after hearing your words. He slowly hugged you back. His eyes got teary too. It's like at any moment he is going to cry like a baby.
He sniffed and said, "I love you too, y/n... I love you so much."
Both you and Ace giggled through happy tears while hugging each other.
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missmungoe · 6 months
Her voice was a shiver, but looking up at Aster and Kikyo saw that this wasn’t news to them, as the former said, gently, “They set sail a little while ago.”
Makino stared at her, uncomprehending, as though even hearing the words, she couldn’t seem to wrap her mind around what she was saying.
He'd left?
Aster's look softened, as she said, “He didn’t want to make it harder for you.”
Makino didn’t answer, her eyes on their daughter, still gasping from her sprint, her brown eyes wide with a feeling that stirred something in the forgotten depths of her memory, the sense she sometimes had, that she had been here before.
“Makino?” Kikyo asked.
In the surrounding theatre, their whole tribe watched her―the tribe that had been entrusted to her keeping, a duty as heavy as the gold headdress pressing against her skull; the one that had taken her in when she’d known nothing, not even herself, that had taught her everything, and that had kept her safe, and her daughter; that hadn’t cared if she hadn’t remembered who or what she’d been, only what she’d wanted to be, and if she had the will to choose it. She owed them her life, and being their Empress was the least she could do, the very smallest sacrifice she could make, for everything they had given her, her sisters-in-arms, who’d loved her from the minute she’d arrived; who’d fought a war for her mistakes, and who would have done so again in a heartbeat.
She owed them everything. And yet―
And yet―
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sanjisboyfie · 6 months
๑ keep safe : prologue (1)
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one piece x male reader
i get this feeling
like it all could happen
that's why i'm leaving you for the moment,
you for the moment
+ a/n @ the end <3
in the heights of their shared treehouse, there was a single one that was awake whilst the other two were slumbering away.
he sighed, taking the hair tie that was resting on one of the branches and put it between his teeth. he gathered up his locks, his signature low-ponytail being tied in security. finally, he grabbed the sword that was leaning against one of their walls and used the strap connected on its ends to be thrown over his shoulder.
then he looked over his shoulder and smiled at the sleeping boys. the ones he loved more than anything and grew up with, walking over and gently petting their heads.
“i’ll see you boys soon,” he whispered, standing upright and walking to their entrance and exit of their treehouse and freely jumped down, safely landing on the floor many ways down.
he took a short walk over to the actual house they were supposed to be staying in, not bothering to knock as he entered the front door. he was not at all shocked to see that they were all already awake, notably dadan was standing there with a rolled up newspaper in her hands as if she were about to beat someone with it. the cigarette in her mouth dropped ash into the eye of one of the members of their house, making her even more angered at his sudden flinching movement.
the only reason why the attention was drawn to him was because of him loudly clearing his throat.
“see! i told you, he’s already awake and now he’s ready to leave and nothing that we wanted has been prepared! i blam-”
“dadan, i’m leaving. i hope to see you all soon, truly,” [name] said calmly, opposite to all of the other people in the room’s expression.
they sombered up quite quickly at his declaration, turning themselves into silent mimes as all they could do was open their mouths and then close them, repeating it at least three times before he grinned and turned around. he was about to leave, but then there was a sudden uproar and ruckus.
“[name]! we’re going to miss you so much! please don’t leave us with those two troublemakers! we can’t deal with them alone! they only listen to you, please-” dadan cries continued on, those were the words that were heard almost throughout the entire island.
“ace and luffy?” [name] questioned, chuckling as he felt the woman’s tears fall onto his shoulder, “you’re gonna be fine taking care of them,” he whispered, gently rubbing up and down her back to calm her down. “you took care of me,”
“you guys took care of yourselves! and now you’re all grown up and i hate it!”
[name] blinked slowly, nodding his head as he processed her words.
“i’ll miss you, dadan,” and that was all he said as he left her, an appreciative smile on his lips as he sobbed away into her hands.
she was a sweetheart even though she had trouble actually saying or conveying those sentimental emotions.
he was slightly biased, however, because she always did favor him a little bit opposed to the other two troublesome boys.
[name] continued on his trek down to the main village, knowing that his small boat was waiting for him. but he knew he had one more stop to make before he could even think about leaving.
makino’s bar. he smiled fondly at the worn down doors, gently pushing them so that he could go inside. the bartender with green hair looked at his figure, squinting a bit so that she could get a clear view of his face. the sunlight behind him was slightly blinding, but as he walked further into the bar, she was able to recognize him just by his figure.
“[name]-kun!” she said in joy, running around the counter and into his arms. without a second thought, he wrapped his arms around her waist and held her close. the warmest hugs always came from people like makino.
he let his eyes shut in peace, enjoying this moment and trying to savor it for as long as possible.
“oh dear, i’m going to miss you so much,” she whispered and he already could hear the wavering in her voice.
“please, don’t cry you’re going to make me cry!” he said jokingly, tightening his hold on her to comfort her.
“i know you’re going to be fine, it’s just that i’m going to miss you so much! and you’re going so far, and i’m not trying to stop you, it’s just, i won’t know for certain you’ll be safe-”
“i’ll be safe, maki-san,” he comforted her, humming as she continued to cry into his chest.
“you’re too reckless to think about safety for even a moment,” she said, making herself chuckle at her teasing comment. she pulled away from his chest, wiping her tears away and then lifting her hand up to his scarred cheeks.
she gently traced the lines that were very slightly protruding up from his skin.
“i know you’ll be fine, just call it a mother’s worry then,” she whispered, making him nod his head.
“we can call it that,” he said with a close-eyed smile. the two weren’t related at all biologically, far from it, but still the comfort of calling her his mother, and him her son, was something the both of them needed in that moment. “i’ll be sure to write at least, to calm your nerves.”
“just promise to be safe now and i’ll be able to be at peace for at least a month?”
“not even half a year? maki-san, you’re killing me,” he joked, pulling away so that they weren’t chest to chest anymore.
she pinched his cheek, making him wince, “i’m killing you? suree,” she sarcastically said, pinching his cheeks even harder until he was almost folding in himself. she finally let up her hold, knowing that the boy was just playing for her own entertainment.
“i’ll miss you too, maki-san,” [name] said, “but you’ll hear about me enough in the newspapers!”
a mischievous wink left little to what he exactly meant by that. she pulled away from him and walked to her position behind the counter.
“you’re going to kill garp-san, too,” she said, wiping down some of the freshly washed glasses.
“he deserves it, old man’s been alive for too long,” he yawned, putting his hands in his pockets.
she sighed at his rude words, knowing that there was really nothing she could say that could make him change his thoughts on his “grandfather.”
“well, i think you should get going before either of those two wake up,” she commented, looking over at the sun that was getting higher and higher in the air, “their minds might recognize your presence as gone before they’re even awake.”
“they always were creepy in that sense,” he sweatdropped, knowing that she did have a point. “until next time!” he called out, jogging out of her bar and shooting her the widest smile possible.
they weren’t going to see each other for a long time and he wanted her to remember him smiling if anything.
and when his back was turned to her, he wasn’t able to see the stray tear that was falling from her cheek. she was going to miss him more than he could ever know.
when [name] finally made it to his raggedy boat, he untied the rope from the port and pushed it off with his foot. that gentle push was enough for the boat to get into motion, the wind pushing through the sails and furthering his distance from his home.
he sat down and leaned against the post, kicking his feet up on the sides of the boat. a relaxed sigh left his mouth and he looked up at the sky.
“man it’s a beautiful day-”
he jolted where he sat, getting up form his reclining position to look at the island. a smirk climbed onto his face as he realized just who exactly was calling out to him. there was a dust cloud behind them, the distinguishable strawhat held in his hands.
“[name]!!! wait for me out at sea!!” he shouted, almost falling into the sea water below as his stopping was rough and uncalculated.
[name] stood up on his rocky grounding, cupping the sides of his mouth so that his voice was amplified, “i’ll wait for you, luffy!!! we’ll meet again!”
he put his hands on his hips, smiling gently as he saw the energetic boy jump up and down at immeasurable heights just so he could be seen.
“you’re my captain, afterall,” he said, this time only for his own ears to hear.
Pirate Rookie, [Name], has been officially dubbed ‘The Cursed Orphan’ by the government as a wanted pirate! If handed over to any local government facility, ALIVE ONLY, you will be granted a prize of 200,000,000 BERI.
His powers are unknown, so proceed with caution if you so choose to pursue him. Their most notable strength, however, is the famed sword that is wrapped in protective cloth and scabbard that was once used by one of the Yonko, “Red Hair” Shanks.
a certain ravenette threw his head back in laughter, the hat on his head almost falling off. his boots were kicked up on a bar table and his chest was moving rapidly with his laughs filling the air.
“[name]! man, i wish i knew where you were, i’d sail over in an instant,” he said, a soft look in his eyes as he looked at the man’s wanted poster, “oi! you better keep an eye out for me too because i won’t be falling behind!”
the people in the bar were looking at him weird for having a conversation with a piece of paper, looking borderline crazy as he did so. his freckled cheeks were so high due to how wide his smile was, showcasing his pearly whites.
“i miss you, but it’s relieving to know that you’re fine,” he sipped his drink and wiped the excess at the side of his mouth with the back of his hand, “who am i kidding?! you were the most tame out of the four of us! bahaha!”
more people began whispering about his strange actions, the owner of the bar looking a bit fearful and hesitant on stopping his disruptive actions.
“someone! quick get me a knife! i’m keeping this picture in my pocket!” he called out, his thumb gently brushing up and down the pictured person’s cheek. he yelled with such passion his wavy hair was no longer shielding his eyes, shifting around with how aggressive his movements were.
yeah, he was definitely crazy, the people all concluded.
luffy laughed his head off seeing [name]’s wanted poster.
“he looks so badass, wow! hehe, [name]’s got a bounty, [name]’s got a bounty!” he danced in a circle, kicking his feet up high to show his excitement, his laughter filling the entire house of bandits. “come on, let’s frame it as soon as possible, i’ll keep it safe in my room!”
“there will be no such thing happening in this household! your idolization of him should have stopped long ago!” dadan scolded, the cigarette in her mouth threatening to fall out. luffy didn’t seem to pay attention to her, though, as he continued to run around the house, holding [name]’s wanted poster up as if it were a sacred piece of meat.
there was silence amongst the mountain bandits, nothing but luffy’s shouts resonating in the entire house. that was until dadan abruptly stood up, looking at the subordinates around her as if they were crazy.
“what do you all think you’re doing!? get up and find me the finest frame in town, i don’t care if you have to steal it! hurry up, you bunch of lazy asses!”
“hey! this posters mine, get your own!” luffy shouted defensively, holding the paper close to his chest.
“and grab another wanted poster of [name] while you’re in town!” dadan added in, knowing that stubborn look in luffy’s eyes. how territorial his behavior was was ridiculous, in dadan’s opinion.
the low ponytail of h/c hair gently swayed in the wind, the man of the hour looking at his own poster with a childish grin. he just finished reading the article that was next to his wanted poster, boosting his ego a little bit as he did so.
“i haven’t even made it to the grand line yet,”
a/n: i don't think .. .. . long fanfictions/series get that much attention on tumblr, but i just felt the need to publish my ff on here bc I JUST FELT LIKE THERE WAS A GENUINE DROUGHT OF MALE READER SHIT ON HERE !! i dont know how to explain it beyond that. i would like for this to be successful on here, but at the same time . .. .. i don't really care ??? for getting high number of notes, follows, etc. because as long as it reaches my target audience - that's all i really care about. like of course, i would like for this to grow successful on this platform as well, but to me that looks like engagement and interactions from those that this story applies to (male readers, basically)
『 next 』
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andreawritesit · 30 days
The Red Storm - Part II
Fandom - One Piece
Pair - Shanks x Reader
“Dadan!” you shout while opening the worn-down door of her house. “I got the kids!” Ace snorts and crosses his arms over his chest. “I’m not a kid. These two are. I’m their older brother.” You roll your eyes as Sabo kicks Ace in the back. Luffy ignores them both, runs to you again, and tugs at your shirt. You look down at him and see drool pooling at his mouth. “Where’s the food? You said if we’ll come back with you, Dadan will give us food.” 
“Want food, do ya?” Dadan’s voice rings behind them. Sabo lets go of Ace’s hair at once and Ace puts Sabo’s hat back on his head. The two kids stand apart from each other and one can’t even tell that they were beating each other a moment ago. Luffy runs to Dadan and jumps onto her shoulder. “Oi Dadan! Where’s the food?” 
The older woman grits her teeth and it takes all her strength to not fling Luffy across the room. Instead, she slowly puts him back down and lets out a loud sigh. “Fine, you’ll get your damn food! Wash the floors first!” All three boys complain aloud but one look from the curly-haired woman shuts them up and they begin mopping the floor. “And you,” she points towards you, “go fetch some booze from Makino. We’re out.” You nod and head to the bar. Ever since Shanks had left, you had stopped going to the bar. That place held too many memories of you two together. Usually, you would straight up refuse to go there but today Dadan was in a very bad mood. It’s better to not rile her up any further. And so you walk down the painfully familiar roads and finally reach the bar. Makino is at her usual place, cleaning some glasses. There are very few people in the bar than used to be. You walk over to the counter where Makino greets you with a wide grin.
“Hey! I haven’t seen you in so long!” she exclaims as she walks over to give you a hug. You smile and hug her back, already feeling nostalgia hit you. Oh, how much fun you would have with her and the Red-Haired Pirates! 
Stupid Shanks! And his stupid crew!
“Makino, Dadan has asked for more booze. Do you have any for her?”
Makino put her hand under her chin and seemed to be in deep thought. “I don’t know actually. I think the new supply is arriving later. Will you wait till then?”
“I guess, I mean I don’t really have a choice. Dadan will kill me if I return without booze.”
“Good. Come have a seat. I’ll pour you something.” You nod and sit at your usual seat near the counter. Every now and then your eyes move to the adjacent seat, where he would be sitting with his arm around your waist, narrating his grand adventures. You close your eyes and try to get rid of those images but in vain. And so you resort to drinking the loneliness away.
Shanks enters the dimly lit bar, the familiar scent of alcohol and old wood greeting him, but it is soon overshadowed by the sight of you sitting at the counter, a glass of wine in your hand. The years have been kind to her, he thinks, as he makes his way over to where you are sitting, his heart pounding in his chest.
Before he can even say a word, you feel his presence behind you. I’m being stupid. He can’t be here, can he? Agonizingly slow, you turn around and gasp loudly, the wine glass in your hand falling on the table. His eyes meet yours and you feel your heart stop. Why is he here? How? 
You stand up from your chair and take a step towards him. None of you say anything. Shanks stands there, waiting to see your reaction before doing anything. You take another step toward him but you lose your balance and fall forwards. He leaps forward and catches you quickly. "Hi," he breathes, his voice barely above a whisper.
Your hands ache to just wrap themselves around him but the disbelief makes them dangle uselessly by your sides as he holds you up. “You look so… so-“
“Old!” comes a voice from behind him. Your head whips around to see Lucky Roux laughing his ass off with a lamb leg in his hand. “Damn girl! You look like you’re a single mother of three!” he adds as he takes another bite of the meat. Shanks lets out a sound something between a laugh and a sigh and sets you back on your feet. 
“And you look like you have drank the sea dry!” you retort back. “Did they kick you out of the Grand Line for causing drought?” He laughs again, clearly drunk, and Yasopp joins in this time. Shanks holds your wrist lightly and turns you to him. “Don’t pay him any mind. You look as beautiful as you were, if not more.” You smile at him and your eyes wander over his face, his handsome face you haven’t seen in years. Your hand automatically goes to his face and you run your fingers over his scars. “You’ve gotten more handsome if that’s even possible.” He smirks and runs his hand from your wrist to your shoulder. 
“Get a room!” Roux shouts and then chokes on the lamb. You laugh at him and Shanks lets go of your shoulder. 
Shanks takes your hand and leads you to your usual seats. The two of you sit down at the bar, talking and laughing as if no time has passed at all. After a lot of alcohol and catching up, you’re both sitting in silence, enjoying each other’s company.
"I've missed you," he says all of a sudden, his voice husky with emotion. You reach out and touch his face, tracing the lines and contours that you know so well. “I’ve missed you too, you dumbass,” you reply, running your thumb over his cheek. 
“Why did you come back, Shanks?”
“I had to. We had left something valuable here. We couldn’t possibly go further without it.”
You raise your eyebrow at his response. “What exactly did you leave here?”
“You. I came back to take you with me.” You let out a gasp and shook your head.
“Don’t joke with me!” He intertwines his fingers with yours. “I’m not. I want you to go with us.”
“But…But you said that it’s not safe for me…”
“I know. And it isn’t. But I cannot function properly without you. I have grown so fond of your presence that I couldn’t even look after my crew properly. A feeling of emptiness kept nagging me. It took a lot of alcohol and a dozen scoldings from Benn for me to realize that I needed you with me. Even if it’s dangerous, I’ll protect you with my life. Just come with me, please.” His voice breaks at the end and you have to stop yourself from saying yes immediately.
“But Shanks, what about Luffy? He needs me, no?”
He nods and rests his head on your shoulder. “I heard his grandfather is looking after him. He’ll be safe with him.”
“I guess so but..”
“Do you want to come with me?”
“Well yes but how will I tell that to Luffy? Oh yes, you can come with me! He’ll be so happy to see you and he’ll understand you better!”
Shanks lifts his head and shakes his side to side. “I can’t see him. Not yet. We promised to only meet again when he has become a pirate captain. You’ll have to go say goodbye alone.”
“Meanie…” you mumble under your breath. He laughs and pulls you into his arms. “Sorry, it is what it is.” You huff at his reply and stand up to leave. “Fine you asshole. I’ll go say goodbye. I’ll meet you here tomorrow morning then, alright?” He stands up as well and nods. “Alright, love.”
And then, without another word, Shanks reaches out and gently cups your face in his hands, his touch sending a shiver down your spine. His eyes search yours, seeking permission and reassurance. Finding nothing but love and longing reflected back at him, he leans in slowly, giving you time to pull away if you want to. But you don't. As his lips met yours, it’s like a floodgate is opened. Years of pent-up longing and desire surge through you, and you respond eagerly, your hands finding their way around his neck, pulling him closer. His kiss is soft yet filled with passion, a gentle exploration that speaks volumes about the depth of his feelings. You could taste the sweetness of his lips, and feel the warmth of his breath mingling with yours. Every touch, every caress is like a promise of all the things that could be, all the moments you have missed out on. When you finally break apart, you are both breathless, your hearts pounding in sync. You look into his eyes, and in that moment, you know that this is where you belong, in his arms, forever.
I might have to write another part. Yikes
Part III - here
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taizi · 4 months
a song to bring you home
one piece word count: 4k written for the its pirates server sake exchange ! my giftee was @portgas-d-aroace who wanted "anything asl" and gave me an excuse to write the most self indulgent fic of 2023
read on ao3
“Again?” Sabo whispers, trying to sound mad. Whether he sounds that way or not doesn’t actually matter, since he’s already lifting his blanket in silent invitation.
“Sorry, ‘Bo,” Luffy mumbles thickly. He wastes no time crawling onto Sabo’s thin mattress, and Sabo pulls the blanket back down around them both, tucking it tight to keep the chill away. 
Luffy attaches himself to Sabo’s side like a barnacle, tiny fists curled in his brother’s shirt as if he’s afraid something is going to swoop down and try to wrench them apart. Sabo huffs out a breath that fogs in the air and lets him. 
“Nightmare?” he asks after a moment. He keeps his voice quiet in case Ace is still asleep, even though his twin is the lightest sleeper on the planet. 
Luffy nods once, face buried against Sabo’s shoulder. He’s not trembling, but the way he’s holding himself completely still and silent is its own red flag. 
It’s easy to forget that Luffy is not actually as spoiled as he acts. He whines and cries and pouts like any other privileged little master, he’s bossy and clingy and demands to go where his brothers go even though they all know he won’t be able to keep up, and sometimes—oftentimes—it grates on Sabo’s very last nerve. 
But holding someone like Stelly up to someone like Luffy is like holding an orange up to the sun. There’s literally no comparison. 
If Ace were actually as annoyed by Luffy as he pretends to be, then he wouldn’t be the first one to roll his eyes and throw up his hands and stomp back to collect their youngest when he falls behind. If Sabo actually meant all the mean things he says when they have to waste precious daylight dealing with a stupid scrape on Luffy’s stupid knee, then he wouldn’t suggest the pilgrimage down to Makino’s bar because she has those colorful bandages that always make Luffy smile. 
Luffy is as much an orphan as Ace is—as Sabo pretends to be—and he was so desperate not to be alone that he was willing to die for their reluctant, backhanded friendship. He would run after them until his arms and legs gave out, and then at that point he would probably crawl, just so they don’t leave him behind. 
Stubborn, selfish, stupid Luffy. The unwanted little kid that Ace and Sabo have begun to shape all their days around. 
Something in Sabo’s chest hurts to know that Luffy is afraid. He tips his head and adjusts his arms so that the smaller boy is tucked more securely under his chin. Stars pinwheel slowly across the sky, winter constellations that Sabo will teach his brothers how to find once they manage to get their hands on a halfway decent telescope. There are clouds forming to the east, low and gray, that promise snow. 
“Sing,” Luffy mumbles petulantly. 
“You’re such a brat,” Sabo complains. But he doesn’t make Luffy go away, and it’s only another moment before he starts humming. 
Sabo doesn’t know a lot of music, having successfully dodged his piano tutor for the last two years straight, but there’s a song he overheard on the docks a few months ago that stuck. Some sailors were singing it while they worked. Sabo didn’t catch all the words, so he made up the rest.
He made the mistake of singing it within his little brother’s earshot only once, but once was enough. Now he may as well be a performing monkey, because for every birthday and campfire and boring afternoon and bad dream, Luffy requests the same thing. 
“Now you've got the chance to travel oceans,” Sabo half-says, half-sings, letting it settle somewhere between a story and a lullaby. “I hope the world’s as wide as you were hoping…” 
Luffy sighs, a slow, satisfied thing. The fear-frozen shape of him softens with every word. He’s asleep again within one verse. Sabo sings two more, just in case. 
Two weeks and five escape attempts after he nearly died at sea, Sabo is finally allowed out of the infirmary. It’s slow going, and the doctor isn’t thrilled with him, but stepping into the fresh air out on deck is worth the man’s grumbling and sidelong looks. 
The whole left side of Sabo’s body is pins and needles and every breath feels like it burns, like the fire that almost killed him is still ready to snatch him up if he’s not careful. 
But it’s worth it. It’s so worth it to see the open ocean, stretching out forever under a sky vivid orange and blue with dusk. There’s enough sunlight left in the early evening that it cascades across the surface of the water so brightly Sabo can’t look at it for very long. 
This is freedom. And it’s important, so important he’ll cling to it with tooth and nail. So important he would set out by himself in a barely-sea-worthy boat to claim it. He just doesn’t remember why . 
Sabo knows his name. He knows he left something horrible behind—he dreams of running desperately through a place that glittered and gleamed to hide the rot underneath, of begging cold, lofty faces for help that never comes. He knows that he should be happy to escape whatever left that impression on his brain. 
But there’s a pit in his chest. A gnawing emptiness where something important is supposed to live. Part of him is so desperate to go back to where he came from that he would swim there if he had to. 
With time, that feeling would fade. He would overlook it so often that it would become second nature to pretend it wasn’t there. Time and distance would soften the frantic edges, years stacking on top one after the other until that little voice wailing I want to go home! was too muffled for Sabo to hear. 
If it was important, he wouldn’t have forgotten in the first place, he would reason to himself. Right?
But today, Sabo wins the contest of wills with the doctor, and he steps out onto the deck, and there is someone by the bow humming a familiar song while they work, and the whole world stops. 
“Hey,” the doctor says, alarmed, and a bracing hand lands on his shoulder, and that’s about when Sabo realizes he’s crying. 
His damaged eye stings horribly, and he’s making a mess of the bandages on his face, and he can hardly get enough breath in his lungs to say, “Take me back where you found me. I have to go back.”
The concussion makes it difficult for him to form new memories right now—his brain was rattled pretty hard. So he thinks the faces that peer at him in confusion and concern are the same ones that have surrounded him since he woke up on this ship in the first place, but they all swim together. Names are impossible. He knows the doctor by the cross on his shirt, and he knows the broad, looming shape of the man who saved him, and he turns to those two in particular. 
“I know that song,” he babbles, hysterical. “I made up the lyrics so I could sing it to my brothers. What if Luffy has a nightmare while I’m gone? Ace doesn’t know the words. I have to go back. Take me back.”
They take him back. 
The air smells faintly of smoke and melted garbage and burned meat even as far out as the beach. It turns Sabo’s stomach. His brain is topsy-turvy and confused and he wobbles so badly that the doctor has a pinched, pissed-off look on his face that gets darker with every step Sabo takes. 
But his feet know where to go. They’ve walked this coastline a thousand times. The sand gives way to grass, and he has to use his hands to make it up to the top of the hill, but finally he spills out on his back where the earth beneath him and the sky above him are utterly familiar and takes deep gulping sobs of air. 
“I’m here,” he says nonsensically to the man who followed him. The man who stayed a step behind in case Sabo fell but otherwise let him fight his own way back to the place he needed to be. “I’m home.”
The man studies him without speaking, his tattooed face impossible to read. Sabo’s thoughts are all swimmy, but he hopes he remembers this guy. He hopes he can find him again someday. His vision greys a few times, and at some point the man isn’t there anymore, but there’s a strong wind blowing in from the sea—steady and unrelenting, just hard enough that the nearby tree boughs start to bend. 
Someone says, “My hat!” 
Someone else says, “You and your stupid fucking hat—hurry up, it flew this way!”
Sabo is humming to himself when they finally find him, and falls asleep somewhere in the middle of those voices shrieking his name. 
Now he’s home. 
“I can’t even look at him,” Ace grinds out, digging the heels of his hands into his eyes. “That reckless little asshole.”
“Mm-hmm,” Sabo replies mildly. He’s sitting on the edge of the bed, carding one hand through his little brother’s hair. “I wonder who he takes after more.”
“Shut up, ‘Bo! You’re just as bad as him!”
“If you children can’t get along, I’ll separate you,” Luffy’s friend, the extremely unsettling Surgeon of Death, says in a tone that suggests that he has both the means to make good on his threat, and also the absence of any god-given good sense to try it. 
Sabo, ever the peacekeeper, smiles at Trafalgar without teeth. “We’ll be on our best behavior. Thank you again for being there for my brother.”
The supernova cuts a sharp glance at him, dark eyes unreadable. His gaze travels to Ace for a long moment, and then finally drops to Luffy in the bed between them. There is something in his face—something more than the spite-and-caffeine-fueled monster of a man he would like the rest of the world to believe he is—something not quite so old, not quite so burdened, that looks down at Sabo’s little brother and sees someone who deserved to be saved.
But all Trafalgar says is, “Would’ve been too boring to let him die now.” He leaves the room after that, the door shutting behind him solidly. 
“Didn’t Nami say that guy only met Luffy once?” Ace says, bewildered. “What the hell is he doing risking his neck for a stranger?”
“Sometimes that makes it easier,” Sabo says. “A stranger could be anyone.”
Ace wrinkles his brow, an uncomprehending twist to his mouth. He has come leaps and bounds from the hateful little boy he used to be, but he has always clutched his brothers closest and kept everyone else at arm’s length. 
Since forming the Spade pirates, that tight-knit circle in his heart has inched wider. Ace thinks the world of Deuce, even if he will literally attack anyone who implies as much like a rabid coyote. Masked Deuce, who has actually referred to his captain as a rabid coyote on more than one occasion, within his earshot and to his face, would kill for Ace indiscriminately. The rest of the Spades are equally as long-suffering and entirely devoted. 
Secretly, Sabo believes that Whitebeard is going to get through to him one of these days. The last time Marco and Thatch came around with a recruitment pitch, Ace only set them a little bit on fire. 
Maybe some people would call it selfish to put you and yours first, but Sabo doesn’t think so. As long as Ace wants to live for his brothers and his crew, he wants to live. He’ll endure prison with gritted teeth, he’ll fight the guards every step of the way to the execution scaffold, he’ll never, ever go gently. 
That’s all Sabo asks of him. Hang on for one more minute. Survive one second longer. 
It was no grand fleet or sprawling armada that spread across the horizon to retrieve Fire Fist Ace from the hands of the World Government, but the Revolutionary Army was hardly going to stand by on this one. Not when it was their Chief of Staff’s beloved twin brother at stake. And so the war began long before the battle had a chance to start. 
Half of the military forces meant to be stationed at Marineford never arrived, picked off ship by ship in the week leading up to the execution. All radio frequencies were jammed the day of, transmissions in and out of the island blocked universally, and the media blackout of what was promised to be a globally-televised event had people talking. 
The only thing available on every channel was music—the tone dial recording of a skeleton musician bowing a familiar song on his violin. Looping on every station, every monitor, every snailphone. It drowned any attempt the soldiers made at communication, and more importantly it irritated the hell out of them, but it had a secret third purpose as well; if Ace heard it, he would know exactly who was coming for him.
(Ace heard it. The morning he was slated to be killed, a harried guard ran from one end of the cell block to the other with a malfunctioning den-den in hand, and the music echoed off the stone walls like it was trying to make a point. 
It wasn’t his brother’s voice, but it was his song. Ace knew it like he knew his own name. Shackled as he was, he couldn’t reach his fire—but for the first time since he was captured, he didn’t feel cold.)
In another world, his execution was overseen by all three admirals and most of the warlords, the military rightly assuming that they would need to meet the full weight of Whitebeard’s infamous protection head-on. 
But in this one, Ace is a powerful pirate captain of a relatively small crew, rising in fame and bounty, but attached to no great superpower. Still the demon spawn of the Pirate King, still an example waiting to be made, but there was no way Sengoku could have anticipated the battlefield Marineford would become. 
The Spades, the Strawhats, the Revolutionaries and the handful of ships sailing in Whitebeard’s name to fight for that cocky young captain he was so fond of brought more than enough of a fight with them. The Red-Hair pirates’ fashionably late arrival was kind of an overkill. 
Sabo made sure to say so. 
“What, so I should just sit back and watch?” Shanks laughed as they made their retreat, one newly liberated prisoner folded safely into their ranks. “No way. I’d like to be able to look Roger and Rogue in the eye when I meet them in the afterlife, thanks.”
“Is there a reason you’re covering your eyes?” Ace asked hoarsely, sounding a little bit like he didn’t want to know the answer. 
“I’m not allowed to meet Luffy again until he’s become a great pirate,” the man replied cheerfully, jogging down to the wharf blindly with his hand clamped over his face. Deuce, glued to Ace’s side for the foreseeable future, traded a long-suffering look with Benn Beckman.
After the clusterfuck that was Sabaody, Kuma sent the Strawhats safely to Baltigo one by one. When an RA mole within the Marines brought news of Ace’s execution, half of Luffy’s monsters went back to retrieve their ship, and the other half forged ahead with the rescue mission. 
So it’s the Thousand Sunny they made their getaway with, the cheerful little lion ship an extra special fuck you to the Marines that made Sabo feel warm inside. 
The team has since scattered, the Revolutionaries and Red-Hair pirates breaking off to lead the Marines on a very merry goose chase. The Whitebeard pirates don’t go away without first passing Ace along yet another offer to join their ranks—to their credit, they seem amused by the whole thing, as if Ace spitting sparks in sheer annoyance and the Spades’ prickly, proprietary offense are all part of the game. The Polar Tang is nesting abeam the Thousand Sunny while the Heart’s captain consults with the Strawhat’s very young doctor, something that seems to put the little reindeer at ease. 
They’re in the aftermath. Sabo takes a deep breath for the first time in what feels like weeks. 
Luffy collapsed the second his feet hit the grassy deck of his ship, his body crumpling beneath him like a puppet with its strings all cut. It would have been horrifying, if he hadn’t been snoring loud enough for Sanji to hear it from the galley and come out to investigate. Zoro scooped him up and Nami held the door open to the room she and Robin share, what would have been the captain’s quarters on any other ship, and Luffy was deposited carefully in a soft bed. 
“He needs a bath,” Nami said, nose wrinkled in a way that did nothing to disguise her affection as she combed his dirty, sweaty hair away from his face with her fingers. 
“It’s laundry day anyway,” Usopp replied, coming through the door with his arms full of someone’s well-loved blanket. Sabo smiled to see his spoiled little brother tucked in by his friends. Some things never changed. 
“Glad you’re okay,” Sanji said to Ace, the last one to linger in the room, keeping the door propped open with his hip. “Ghost pepper chicken curry for dinner,” he added, which was Ace’s favorite food, and the final straw for Sabo’s twin brother. He sat there blinking wetly at his own hands, at the bruises the sea-stone manacles left on his wrists, finally letting himself feel the weight of what he had survived. 
And now Sabo pats the bed beside him. Ace glares at nothing for a moment longer, before he gets up to join his brothers. It’s inevitable, like an act of gravity. The mattress gives beneath him and Luffy mumbles crossly in his sleep, turning toward them without waking. 
“Brat,” Ace all but whispers. Then he says, just as quiet, “Thank you.” 
Sabo says, “Nothing exists in this world that could have kept us away from you.”
Ace puts his head on Sabo’s shoulder, this wild young thing who doesn’t know how to want to live for himself yet. It’s okay. He’s figuring it out. He’s getting closer and closer. Someday soon he’ll understand that his siblings and his crew—his family—wouldn’t go to the ends of the earth for someone who wasn’t worth all their love. He’ll realize how deserving he is of all that. Until then, Sabo will believe it for him. 
“I’m on your side and you can call me and just like that,” Sabo sings under his breath, “I’ll sing a song to bring you home.”
“Hey,” Ace protests when he stops, muffled against Sabo’s shoulder. “Keep going.” 
So he does. 
Sabo is twelve, almost but not quite thirteen, and he’s much too old to cry. 
He had been sneaking through the market, ceramic festival mask on his face and hooded cloak hiding his hair, pockets full of those hot cinnamon candies his brothers love so much, when he glimpsed them. 
His parents. They were strolling along the decorated streets, arm-in-arm. Stelly was walking at Outlook’s side, talking importantly and waving his hands. And on Didit’s side, holding her hand, was… 
Sabo had to run away before he did something awful, like show weakness where one of the rich monsters might see it. He ducked into a side street and started running the second he was out of sight. His heart didn't settle until he was weaving through the familiar dingy corners of Edge Town and picking his way over heaps of trash in the Terminal. 
Even when he makes it into the forest, and the trees shelter him on all sides and the owl monkeys make their racket in hello, even when he’s headed in a straight line toward the place he feels safest in the whole world, he still hurts. 
They replaced him. Again. With a little girl this time. She had blond hair and brown eyes, as if her whole little person was spun from gold. Her pinafore dress was cookie-cutter perfect. 
Sabo wonders which noble line they adopted her from. He wonders if they even told her Sabo’s name, or if Stelly is the only brother she’s aware of, or if she would care one way or the other. He wonders what kind of person she is—if she’ll fit in, or get eaten alive. 
He doesn’t care what his parents think of him. He doesn’t. He is certain in his heart that they’re the worst sort of noble—they’re selfish and shallow and don’t know the first thing about what it really means to be a human person on this planet. He knows all that. 
He was unbelievably lucky to fully escape his family, to be presumed dead in their eyes, and he’s never going back. An act of god couldn’t drag him back. 
But there’s this awful pressure behind Sabo’s eyes and nose, and his face feels hot and prickly, like there are needles poking at him. 
He doesn’t love them. 
It’s stupid, so stupid, that there’s a tiny part of him that still wants to be loved by them.  
Sabo climbs the ladder to the treehouse with numb hands, easing the trapdoor open carefully so the hinges don’t squeak. 
The ancient camping heater Makino gave them glows a steady orange in the corner, clanging occasionally as it works against the December night air. 
It’s early evening yet, but Ace has been pretty sick, and Luffy has subsequently been glued to his side. Even with the noisy fireworks down on the beach from the end of the year festival in Goa, they’re both sleeping soundly, curled up tight together like leopard cubs. 
There’s a pile of quilts folded messily on the other mattress, waiting for Sabo when he comes home. The sight of them causes a sharp pain in his chest that he can’t explain. 
He takes off the mask, climbs out of his boots and cloak, and drags the extra blankets over to his brothers. One by one he adds them to the nest, layering them neatly and tucking in the edges, and then worms his way in next to Luffy, because Ace doesn’t rest well if he feels stuck or boxed in. 
Sabo’s parents replaced him for the second time, two years after he was, to the best of their knowledge, blown apart at sea by their precious Celestial Dragons. Had the ink on his death certificate even dried before they brought their new daughter home?
Sabo’s brothers saved him blankets, the best ones without any holes, even though they could have used them. Should have used them. Even when he wasn’t here, they were thinking of him. They didn’t want him to be cold. 
The sob takes Sabo by surprise. He stuffs a hand over his mouth, squeezing his eyes shut against the tears. He sobs again, as quietly as he can.
He doesn’t notice when Luffy wakes up, but he feels it when clumsy fingers land in his hair, pawing through it as his baby brother hums a familiar tune. A well-meaning mimicry of every time Luffy’s older brothers have done this same thing for him. 
“So you can keep me somewhere out of reach but if you need me,” Luffy’s voice warbles like a sweet little bird, “just hum these memories and you can feel me. I’m always standing by.”
If Sabo opened his eyes, he would see that Ace is wide-awake, scowling up at the sky; their tiny family’s stalwart protector, standing guard even when he has a fever and he’s buried under a small mountain of quilts. 
And he would see Luffy’s sleepy, scarred face split in half by a smile, beaming like he was trying to put the sun out of a job. 
But Sabo keeps his eyes shut, and buries his face a little further for good measure, that tiny part of him that wants to be loved crying I am! They do! It’s such a big feeling he doesn’t know how to hold it. He wants to just sit with it for a bit longer. 
“Ace, sing,” Luffy breaks off to scold loudly. 
“Don’t even dream of bossing me around, Lulu,” Ace snaps back.
Ace’s voice sounds hoarse and sore, but he joins in anyway. Of course he does. Only Luffy gets some of the words wrong in every verse, and it sparks a scathing argument each time—the two of them alternating singing together and shouting over each other, putting their rowdy owl monkey neighbors to shame. 
It’s the best thing Sabo’s ever heard. He’s laughing too hard to cry anymore. 
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