#And I apologize in advance if we don't play your piece!
cryptotheism · 1 year
Lilly: Good morning New Babel, you're listening to Screw Loose, your favorite early-morning exo rig and rig maintenance rig show this side of the white river, I'm Lilly.
The Bear: And I'm the Bear, and you- are on the air. What can we help you with?
Caller: Hello! Hi! So, uh, first time caller. My name is Zuri. I run a barley and flesh farm about an hour south of Isin. I'm in the market for a new rig. My last rig kicked the bucket. But I have an, uh, odd request that I was hoping you two could help give me some guidance on.
The Bear: Welcome to the show doll, we'd be happy to help. But first, I gotta ask, what were you running before and what happened to it?
Lilly: Yeah! We gotta know what we're dealing with here.
Zuri [beginning to laugh]: So we had an Arcadia Y-400-
[both hosts erupt into laughter]
Lilly: And it broke!?
The Bear: Doll what in the hell did you do to this thing!?
Zuri: [laughing] Listen! Listen! It was my grandfathers! We had been replacing parts on this thing since before I was born! It was its time!
The Bear: Lilly, is she dodging the question?
Lilly: I think she's dodging the question, Bear.
The Bear: Okay okay, so what exactly did you do to destroy this extraordinary museum piece?
Zuri: [laughing] Oh gosh I don't want to say it now.
[The hosts erupt with encouragement]
Zuri: My sons will play this game, where I'll be out working in the field. You know, rigged up, focusing on tilling. They'll sneak up behind me with their rigs on, jump up, curl up into a little ball, and try to lock themselves to my back-jack in the cargo position...
[The hosts are howling with laughter]
Zuri: They're- They're damn good at it too! My oldest, Zair, can do it in on solid motion. Its like one moment I'm minding my own business, the next moment I have a whole kid in a 100 pound work rig locked to my back!
Lilly: What a riot! Oh this is just dangerous to put on the air.
The Bear: Ahem, to all the parents at home we apologize in advance, please don't sue us.
Zuri: So- So one day- One day my youngest tries it, but he doesn't twist around fast enough, and the aux battery on the left arm clips an exposed spinal neurohelix. Zap! Neuros are fried. My legs and arms lock straight like stilts! Now I'm swearing up a storm, you know- "You little rats!" But I'm hobbling like a circus performer trying to chase em down and they're just dying. Musta been the funniest damn thing they've ever seen.
[The hosts continue to laugh uproariously at this]
The Bear: Doll we gotta get to advice part of the show or the network is gonna give YOU a show.
Lilly: What a way to go! You hit an aux to the spinal braid? That's fried. Done. Kaput. You gotta scrap that thing.
Zuri: Yeah, we've already gutted it. Old girl is rusting in the barn for parts now. Zair is a whiz, so I'm hoping he can get some good use out of it.
The Bear: So we hear you're looking for a new rig?
Lilly: What's your price point love?
Zuri: We've got a good chunka cash built up. We're looking at something in the 600 to 700 washer range.
The Bear: That's pretty good for a work rig. You've got a lot of choices.
Lilly: I have a sneaking suspicion that this price point has something to do with your special request?
Zuri: So, my oldest, Zair. I recently learned that he's been uh. Well gosh now I'm embarrassed about this too!
The Bear: Doll c'mon don't hold out on us!
Lilly: You called, we can handle it!
Zuri: I learned that Zair had been using the Arcadia to race on the weekends. He and some of the local kids would run street races at night. He's been rigging a grapple harness to the waist-jack, and stripping it before I need the rig for monday morning.
[The hosts laugh at this, though not as hard]
Lilly: Ha! So what you're saying is you want the biggest, slowest, beached-whale rig you can get? Something just impossible to race?
The Bear: I'm thinking an HR&R Pauldron, Heavy Industrial. With that type of money you can get the new 900 series. Ask for the high-stability option-
Zuri: No no! No you don't understand! The damn kid keeps placing last because he's been racing in a junker! What I'm lookin' for is something I can use as a work rig for the days, that's easy to strip and good to race on the weekends. I want it safe, you hear me? I can't stop this kid from racing, so I might as well get something that'll keep his skull together.
[The hosts explode into laughter again]
Lilly: You! You're a good mom! What I wouldn't give for a mom like you!
The Bear: Ma'am, one day, when I grow up, I wanna be like you. I wanna be that typea mom.
Zuri: So, can you help me?
[The hosts can be heard stage whispering for a moment, followed by the sound of cracking knuckles.]
The Bear: Okay. You've got a lot of good options here. My friend here wants you to get a sport rig, but that's not gonna have the torque you need for farmwork: Here's what you're gonna do-
Lilly: Would to! Have you seen what the Roadrunner 600 can do? Six point neuro uplink! Eighty pneumatic helices per leg! Tell me that's not good enough to rig a plow!
The Bear: The dirt Lil! We need solid-body articulation! Using a pneumo-helix for farmwork is like pouring sand into clockwork!
Lilly: You replace the dermis with a synthetic sheathe! I get no respect around here!
The Bear: Zuri, doll, here's what you're gonna do: You're gonna go to your local Post Office outpost. You're gonna ask if they have any old courier shipping rigs. You want middlegrade. Ask specifically if they have an Albatross W-500, or if you're lucky, an LH-640. These are long-haul light-load shipment rigs. They're ugly, but they're sturdy as hell, built for carrying things long distances through rough terrain.
Lilly: The kicker here is that they're both light-combat certified. Built-in medical and shock response treatment. You'll need to replace the medical gel canisters every few months to make sure they're fresh... And if a certain someone wanted to maybe engage in a little bit of light illegal street racing...
The Bear: Well the Albatross line is built to be constantly refitted for different weathers and terrains. So someone, not saying who, might have a real easy time stripping the plating for speed. That sound good doll?
Zuri: That sounds perfect, thank you so much girls!
The Bear: Perfect! Thank you for the call, you'll have to tell us how it goes!
Lilly: Please love we beg you! Call again! Toodle-oo!
Zuri: Thank you again!
[The caller hangs up, the show transitions into a commercial break]
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pandorasprongs · 1 year
JAMIE TARTT | if it weren't for second chances, we'd all be alone.
PAIRING: jamie tartt x fem!reader
SUMMARY: in order to advance her career, reader has to write a profile about her usual subject of interest: jamie tartt. if he'll let her.
WARNINGS: language
A/N: hello! this is one of my shorter one shots and not much to say about this one, but i hope you all enjoy and the title is from 'second chances' by gregory alan isakov!
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"There is no fucking way I'm working with her!" You hear Jamie Tartt say from a distance, as Keeley looks past his shoulder with an apologetic look. You give her a small smile, but let out a long sigh.
You knew doing this wouldn't be easy, but you didn't exactly have a choice. You left your job at the Sun after finally coming to your senses when Trent Crimm left the Independent. If the execs were willing to let go of arguably one of their best sports journalists, what would that say about your own career?
It's been half a year since then and so far, you weren't having much luck. You were doing freelance work in the meantime — to be able to afford your rent at this point, — but you couldn't just let yourself wallow in pity. 
You decided to contact a popular sports journal, asking if they had any openings for writers. Your work experience helped boost your appeal, but they said they needed a solid portfolio to consider you. Since the Sun never really let you write actual sports-related articles and few of your tabloid articles were of substance, you asked if there were any articles you could join as a freelance journalist to prove your skills.
The only one they had was one titled, "Rocky Road: Careers of the Premier League's Up and Coming" and they had a particular player you wanted to write your section on.
Contacting Keeley Jones was the easy part. You've had enough interactions with her that your name was recognizable, so you were able to organize a meeting. Your first move was apologizing for every article you've ever mentioned her in, and then quickly explaining your predicament. The KJPR owner — having been in your place of being looked down for things out of your control, — was very willing to help you get your article done.
The missing piece was just the subject of your article: Jamie Tartt. Your relationship with him was similar to the one you had with Keeley, but you doubt he'd be as forgiving.
Your suspicions were confirmed by his reaction to Keeley organizing all of this for you. You had hoped that maybe he'd forgotten all the stories you'd written about his one-night stands, scandalous statements, and failed football plays, but obviously not.
You continued to sit quietly in Keeley's office, pretending not to hear her trying to calm the football player down. After a few minutes, the pair returns and Jamie begrudgingly agrees.
For a moment there, you're ecstatic and you start organizing your schedule of events. You’ve already written a short introduction, but the rest of the article is meant to come from the player and close sources. You're also supposed to shadow him for a week to get a feel of his current state as a player in the league.
You try and explain this to Jamie, but look up to find him taking selfies on his phone. Keeley grabs his attention, but a few moments later, he's back at it, hiding his phone under the table this time.
You finally have enough. "Look Jamie, if you don't want to do this,—"
"You're right, I don't." He finally looks straight at you and you hold yourself back from smacking his smug face. You don't care how many articles say he's gotten better; you still think he's the same prick you wrote all those tabloids about.
"Jamie, we talked about this," Keeley interjects. "It'll be good for your career and Richmond's standing for next season, if you do this profile."
"Yeah, but you couldn't get any other writer?" Jamie turns to face her instead.
"Look, she really needs this article," The KJPR owner pleads with the footballer, but that only gets him more riled up.
His gaze lands on you once again, with a smug look on his face. "So her career is in my hands?" He lets out a laugh, before standing up from his seat. "Message me if you find a journalist who’s more than a mediocre tabloid writer." Jamie leaves the room without another word and you slump into your chair.
Keeley tries to get up and chase after him, but you grab her arm before she does. "It's alright, Keeley. I didn't expect him to say yes," you admit.
"Well, I can try and ask the other players if they're willing to do it. I don't suppose you've written anything for the tabloids about them, right?" She asks jokingly, but you shake your head. The journal was very specific about which player they wanted. It's Tartt or nothing.
You get up to leave, but not without thanking Keeley for trying. She says she'll send Jamie the introduction you wrote, and you appreciate the act but aren't hopeful. As you leave the office, you decide not to go back to your flat just yet and let your feet decide where you're going.
Of course, you end up at Crown & Anchor. It's nearing 6 pm by then and you decide to just have dinner there. You send a message to your roommate about it, before ordering two beers and fish & chips from Mae. You really shouldn't be eating out given how you're already scrounging for jobs, but after the second beer, it didn't seem like such a bad idea.
It's 9 pm the next time you check the clock and finally decide it's time to go home. You see Mae walking over to your booth, so you pull your wallet out of your bag. "I don't have it in me to look at the bill, just grab whatever from here and let's call it a day, yeah?"
"Someone's already paid for your meal." She responds, dropping the receipt in your palm instead. You scrunch your eyebrows before she points at someone walking towards the table. You look up and focus your eyes to find Jamie Tartt standing there. He slides into the other side and takes the receipt from you.
Before you can say anything, Jamie pulls out his phone and reads off his screen. "After aiding in AFC Richmond's promotion back to the Premier League, it's clear as day that Tartt — like his hair with the blonde highlights — is changing for the better."
You perk up when you realize what he's reciting. The football player continues, "Keeley sent the first few paragraphs you wrote. I'm not much of a reader, but this is alright."
You give him a small smile, still trying to sober yourself up for this conversation. "Thank you," is all you manage to say. “How’d you find me?”
“I didn’t. Just ended up at this pub and saw you.” You shrug at that explanation before Jamie continues, "I'll consider doing the profile," Your eyes widen, but he adds, "Only if you explain why the fuck you were so obsessed with me at the Sun?"
That's enough to shake you awake. "I was not obsessed with you!" You protest, a little louder than you intended, with Mae sending a glare in your direction.
You take a drink of water and take a deep breath before finally putting it out in the open. 
"I have a degree in Journalism from Leeds," you start, prompting a confused look on the football player's face.
"The fuck does that have to do with all this?" He asks and you hold your hand up to stop him. He rolls his eyes but doesn't say anything, so you take the chance to continue.
"I have a proper degree from a good school. I have watched and played football all my life. My dad helped me join a league as a kid because of how much we loved the sport." You lean into the table, emphasizing the last part of your statement. If Jamie had arrived five beers earlier, you doubt you'd be admitting this to him.
"I played the game up until secondary school when I started getting serious about my writing. I decided to focus on that more, but I only knew how to write about football." You look up to make sure Jamie is still paying attention and find him looking at you intently.
You take a breath and continue, "I started writing for my school's paper about our team's games and when I went to university, I did the same thing. I've practically been a sports journalist for a decade, so I can proudly say that I'm a fucking qualified writer. I initially applied to be a journalist for the Independent,"
"What, like the Trent Crimm types?" Jamie interjects and you nod.
"But they decided to refer me to the Sun instead. The only things they'd let me write about were tabloids. As in, if I wrote anything about football or sports, it'll get rejected like that," You smack the table, startling Jamie a little, and sigh.
"The closest I could get was writing about rumors about the players, but even then, I'd only really get a small part at the back of the paper. The first time I got a section on the front page though, was when I wrote that article about you. The one about you getting caught with two girls in a karaoke room?" You remind him and he flinches at the reminder but doesn't say anything.
"Well yeah, that one. Anyway, I realized that if I wanted a chance to become an actual sports journalist, I had to get my stupid articles on the front page first and my most popular ones were always about you." You try and gauge Jamie's reaction to that, but he's doing a good job at keeping a straight face now. Or maybe you're just too drunk to properly determine his features.
"So I kept writing about you, whatever bullshit rumor or story I could get my hands on. I'd usually add some things at the end about your football performance thinking that an editor would see it and say 'Oh, she knows what she's talking about,'" You drop your voice an octave to try and mimic one of the executives you knew back then.
"But after a while, you started cleaning up your image and I started to realize that no matter what I did, no one fucking cared. I'd never get a chance to write what I actually wanted there, so I left." You lean back into your seat and let out a huff. "And now you're all caught up."
It takes a minute before Jamie finally speaks up. "I'll do it." A part of you still doubted that he'd agree, but with verbal confirmation, you allow yourself to internally celebrate. "But you better make me look good, yeah?"
"Yes, I promise," you reply, nodding your head furiously. "Oh, and thanks for paying for my dinner."
"Sure. I'll ask Keeley about our schedule next week." Jamie moves to get up but pauses for a second before jerking his head towards you. "Also, my hair is walnut mist, not blonde. You better change that in the article." 
You wonder why this is what Jamie chooses to raise his voice about, but you agree nonetheless. He leaves you be and you sit there for a moment, still in shock. But once one of the servers comes to clean up your table, you finally get the sense to call your roommate to pick you up and share the news.
After a rough hangover the morning after, you check your phone to find a message from Keeley telling you Jamie changed his mind about it. You guess he decided not to tell her about what you said last night, much to your relief. You find another message from an unknown number.
I'm usually at the clubhouse by 10, so best to be there by then.
You were still too groggy to properly comprehend the message when another one pops up.
It's Jamie.
You save the contact on your phone before getting up and starting your outline. You already had a few questions lined up when you were planning the article, mainly topics that only he could comment on. One of those things is his career in the recent year.
After losing Lust Conquers All and being kicked out of Man City — arguably your biggest article, — there were fewer and fewer stories for you to write about the footballer, so your last few months at the Sun were pretty lackluster. You didn't have any reason to keep following Jamie's career, so you still had to fill that gap through your interview. But you decided to keep that till after you shadowed Jamie for the week since you also wanted to get the input of his teammates and coaches.
Over the week, you'd received mostly the same stories about the player. Massive prick, got sent back to Man City, came back and redeemed himself, and is now both a better player and teammate. It's nothing you hadn't heard before from second-hand sources, but at least you had direct quotes from his teammates for the article. 
Watching training was the more exciting part of being at the clubhouse, especially getting to watch the improvements of the Richmond team as a whole. They seemed to be more united than before, probably because of the promotion high. 
Your main focus was Jamie and you could tell that his teammates were right. Gone were the days of hogging the ball and only allowing himself to score a goal. He still had slight vibes of his old prick self, but you learned from the coaches that it was more of a tactic than anything. You even learned about their "signal," which they once did in a match a few months ago, you remember. 
For the most part, you had avoided Jamie, still sensing a sort of resentment towards you. You couldn't blame him; he was already doing you a massive favor and it would be rude to get mad at him for justifiably being pissed off at you. It was only ever slight nods and greetings in the halls, and occasionally glances during practice.
Only at the end of the week did you finally have a conversation with him again to plan your one-on-one interview. Well, more of you enumerating your ideas and him only responding in nods.
"Is Sunday okay? Keeley said we can use one of the meeting rooms in KJPR for it." You're double-checking the message from the CEO as Jamie fixes himself up in front of his locker.
"Nah, too stuffy," is the first thing the football player says during the whole conversation. "How long's it gonna take?"
You had already lessened the number of questions for him based on the information you gathered from the team so that only left a select few. You didn't want to underestimate it though, so you tell him around 1-2 hours, depending on his answers.
"Then can't you find a restaurant or something for it? So I'm not starving the whole time." He asks, and you bite back from commenting on his tone. This is for the greater good. This is for the greater good.
"Sure, I'll find a quiet cafe for it, so no one will disturb us." You already had a few in mind that you used to go to when you needed a space to write.
"Okay, sounds good," Jamie responds and there are a few quiet moments before the footballer says his goodbyes. "Have a nice night."
"You too," You move to the side and the football player leaves without another word.
You exhale deeply and wait for a beat before heading into the hallway yourself. You start walking out of the building when you hear someone call out to you.
"Hi! I didn't know you'd be here today," You greet Keeley, who's rushing down the stairs.
"Oh, I'm just visiting Rebecca." She explains, pointing upstairs. "How's the article going?"
"It's going fine." You answer.
"Just fine? If Jamie's being an arse, you can tell me." You laugh but shake your head. Keeley seems to believe you and instead tells you, "Also, I've already contacted a photographer for Jamie's shoot. I'll send you his email, so you can plan it out with him. And, if you need any additional information, I'm sure I can help fill the gaps."
"Yes, thank you," You smile at her when a question pops into your head. "Do you know if Jamie's dating anyone right now?" Your first thought is to ask his possible partner for an interview, but you instantly realize your fault. "Wait, never mind, I shouldn't ask. That's way too invasive. Old habits die hard, sorry."
"It's alright," Keeley's quick reply relaxes you. "But no, I don't think he's seen anyone in a while."
That was more or less the end of the conversation with Keeley as Rebecca finally appeared and the two ladies went back to the latter's office. 
The afternoon you're supposed to meet Jamie started rough. First, you realize you didn't charge your laptop the night before and now, it was completely dead. Next, your roommate had used up all the hot water, so you had to power through the freezing temperatures. Now, you're running late to the interview and sprinting through the street.
You finally get to the cafe and as you expected, there was only one other person there aside from the barista. You wave at the person at the counter, already familiar with them before approaching Jamie.
"12 minutes late," is all he has to say, as Jamie glances at his watch.
"Sorry, I just," you stop yourself from going on a whole monologue about how shit your day has been. "I got delayed, okay?"
Maybe he could sense you weren't in the mood to deal with his attitude, — when were you ever? — so Jamie instead informs you, "I ordered some food and the guy said he knew you, so he made whatever you usually get."
You try not to show your surprise at him paying for your lunch, but it wouldn't be the first time. "Thanks," The football player only nods, before crossing his arms. 
You open your notebook and the voice recorder on your phone, "Okay, let's start."
You didn't expect this interview with Jamie to be so... fun? 
You decided to start with the more surface-level questions like his expectations for the season, so it could break the ice a little. But after a sip of your tea ended up in the wrong pipe and launched you into a coughing fit, the tension was immediately broken.
Jamie started giving you more substantial answers and was more open about talking about his return to Richmond. How it really changed him, specifically Ted Lasso's effect on him and the club as a whole. You notice how soft his features had become talking about his coach and the team and you react with a smile.
After that and finishing your sandwiches, you shift the topic to his childhood and how it shaped him as a player now. You notice the sudden change in Jamie as if he's hesitant to start, so you reassure him, "If it's too much, we can change gears a bit. Talk about something else."
He shakes his head, "No, it's fine. There are just some things that I don't really want to share."
"That's fine. You don't have to. Just stick to the general stuff if you want." You pause the recording for a moment, trying to make Jamie more comfortable.
He pauses for a moment, before letting out a chuckle. "Do you think old you would be happy with letting me keep my secrets?" He changes his tone towards the end and you roll your eyes.
"Obviously not," you answer. "But I've been trying to bury that version of me."
"Why? You probably could've taken down the parliament with your skills." Jamie jokes and you finally break into a smile.
"Well, I never really used my skills for bigger and better things, did I? Just finding dirt on football players to make some money and build a mediocre reputation as a journalist." You answer honestly and the football player's expression changes.
"I didn't mean to be such a prick during the meeting." Jamie starts, but you shake your head.
"Nah, you had every right to. I wrote some pretty shitty things about you back then."
"Well yeah, but your life's kind of gone to shit since then, so now I feel bad." Your jaw drops and your eyes widen at his explanation and lightly punch him in the shoulder. Maybe the two of you weren't close enough for that kind of thing, but Jamie just laughed at your reaction.
"Fucking prick," you say in a joking manner. "Let's get back to the interview." You start the recording again, as Jamie recounts the first time his mum bought him a pair of boots.
He starts telling you about all the significant milestones over the years, and while you can tell he's holding back some things, — specifically about his dad, — you say nothing. It's the least you can do.
Maybe it's the fact that this has been the best part of your shitty day, but you started to see Jamie in a different light. Yes, everyone talked about how much he had changed, but this was the first time you saw it directly. You didn't even notice how late it's gotten till a brand new barista approached you about cleaning out the table.
"Shit, this is way past two hours now." You exclaim and check your notes to see that you've covered all the needed areas at this point. "But, I think we can end it now."
"Actually," you look back up at Jamie, who pauses to think. "Do you wanna get dinner? You pay this time," 
You don't have time to wonder about his reasoning for this and let your hunger take over. "Sure, but if I'm paying, I pick the place."
The two of you stand up and Jamie directs you to the door, "Lead the way," you playfully roll your eyes and start walking, with the footballer trailing behind you.
You head to a nearby Japanese restaurant, — one of the many perks of your flat's location — and settle down in a booth near the back. There were more people in this place and you weren't sure how comfortable Jamie would be being seen with you. You knew better than anyone how easily a scandal could be made from a simple picture.
The two of you pick out your meals and thank God it was an older lady taking your order who didn't recognize the footballer across you.
"Okay, why'd you want to eat dinner together?" You finally bring up.
The player just shrugs and leans on the table, "Thought I'd give you a chance to pay me back." You can't help but agree with that statement, so you let it go. Jamie continues, "Also, I'm interviewing you now."
"Oh God, don't tell me you're doing a profile on me." You joke and the player rolls his eyes.
He doesn't respond and goes back to his questions, "What got you into football?"
It was the first question you had asked him earlier. While he had given you a general answer initially, he added to it afterward, saying it was one of the few things he was sure he was good at as a kid. You decide to give him an honest answer.
"My brother and I don't have a lot in common. Didn't even feel like I had a sibling for the first part of my life. Till he realized I wasn't half bad at football. It was the only way to get a decent conversation out of the guy, and after a while, I ended up actually liking it." The moment you finish your answer, you realize you've never actually said it aloud to anyone. 
For a brief moment, you think Jamie would say something serious, much to your dismay. You hated having to be emotional in front of other people. It was your job to pry at people's thoughts and feelings, not the other way around. But after building your writing career around the guy, you should've known he doesn't fare too well with feelings either.
"Think he's a fan of me?" He asks instead.
"Fuck no, not anymore," you're quick to reply and Jamie looks offended. You elaborate, "He's a Man City supporter. Fucking hates your guts now, honestly."
Jamie lets out a small laugh. "Runs in the family." The lady comes back with your food and that puts a hold on your conversation.
After a few minutes of eating, you finally break the silence. "You know I never actually hated you, right?"
Mid-slurp, Jamie looks up with a look of disbelief. "Really? You wrote all those articles and still don't hate me?"
"Yes!" You defend yourself. "I told you before. I did it for the job, nothing more. And objectively, you were a great player. You honestly have more of a reason to hate me than I do."
Jamie scoffs. "I don't hate you either. Annoyed? Yeah. Pissed off? Most of the time, but I never hated you."
You had already gotten pretty good at hiding your surprise about these revelations. "Well, I guess that settles it. We don't hate each other." You stick out your hand and Jamie looks at you in confusion for a section, before shaking it. The two of you laugh and continue your meal.
After paying, you end the night there and wave goodbye to Jamie outside the restaurant. If you from a year ago saw you hanging out with the footballer, she would've thought you'd lost your mind.
As you head back home, you have this weird feeling in your chest. Your whole job was finding ways to express things through words, but even then, you couldn't figure this one out. It's only when you get home and re-listen to your recording filled with jokes and exchanges that you realize.
You may or may not be developing a crush on the football player.
You hadn't physically seen Jamie since the photoshoot a few days after your interview and dinner with him. 
You didn’t have a reason to anymore, since you had pretty much finished the whole article and already handed it to the editor for proofreading. They sent it back with minor notes, — just some grammar slip-ups and possible rephrasing, — which gave you hope that you might end up with a job when this is all over.
Getting the profile approved also gave you a chance to message Jamie after weeks of no contact, just to ask for his opinion on things. You didn't know if it was nerves or excitement making that pit in your stomach waiting for him to reply. All he had to say about the article was that he was glad you changed the "blonde" line in the introduction. Luckily though, it didn't end there. After that, he asked you what you thought of his new locker set-up.
That was the first of many times he would shift the conversation to random topics. You started spending your mornings and nights just messaging the football player. Sometimes he'd send pictures from training, saying it's extra material for the article and sometimes you'd send pictures from the cafe where you're writing, joking that you had new ideas for Jamie-related articles to send to the su!z
And when the rankings about the upcoming season came out and put AFC Richmond last, your first thought was to message him.
Fuck the pundits, honestly. You knew he didn't need any context, but you didn't expect Jamie to answer so quickly considering he was supposed to be at training.
I'm not worried. It's just poopy. You're not entirely sure what that meant, but at least it didn't seem to affect him so much.
I'm glad, then. You wait for a beat before sending another message. I know you'll do great this season. Why were you so nervous sending that? God, it felt like you were 15 again.
Thanks. Pretty sure 'tabloid writer you' is rolling in her grave.
You laugh to yourself as you reply. God, her head would be spinning knowing how I'm contributing to your already massive ego.
Jamie just sends a picture of him looking mad and you send one back sticking your tongue out.
A few days after, you send the published article to both Jamie and Keeley, along with a thank you for all the help. The latter answered sincerely, partnered with an invitation to the first game of the season, but of course, the footballer decided to answer jokingly. 
Over time, you'd gotten over being so worried about interacting with Jamie. He was just another guy, even if he was an incredibly fit footballer for his day job. And now, you'd get to watch him play in the first match with Chelsea.
Despite your presence being welcomed by Keeley, Rebecca, the owner of Richmond, and Higgins, the Director of Football Operations, it didn't take a genius to realize how tense the three of them were at the match. Their club was the underdog of the season, so it was understandable to be nervous about the match, but you soon pick up on a different vibe involving an ex-husband and internationally famous football player.
"What do you think, then?" Keeley asks you when Rebecca leaves to try and convince Zava to join her team instead. "Do you think Zava's worth it?"
"Yes," you answer honestly, from the perspective of a sports journalist and a football fan in general. "Zava's objectively one of the best football players in the world, and his track record of wins outweigh his track record of diva moments."
"Well said," Higgins responds and you smile at him, before turning back your attention to the game. 
When Rebecca comes back to your seats and explains the disastrous interaction, your reaction is the same as the rest of them: pure disappointment. 
But as the game ends with a draw, you can't help but celebrate along with the rest of the Richmond fans. It may not be a win, but it was more than most people expected of the club, so that was something.
You join the other three briskly leaving your seats and avoiding the press conference of Zava until you hear him utter the name 'Richmond' in his speech. 
"Holy fuck," you celebrate with Keeley and congratulate Rebecca since whatever she said to Zava seemed to work out in the end.
It was then that you felt a ping from your cell phone. You open it to find an email from the sports journal offering you a slot as a feature writer. You end up repeating, "Holy fuck," drawing the attention of the others.
Keeley glances at your screen and exclaims in happiness, "Oh my God. Congrats to you, too!" She goes in for a hug and despite still being in shock, you're quick to reciprocate it.
"Thank you, Keeley. Truly." Your face is just an expression of pure joy as you let go of her. As you continue to walk out of the stadium, you end up excusing yourself. Of course, you had to thank the main person for all this.
You find your way to the guest locker rooms and even from the hallway, you hear the cheering of the Richmond tram. They must've heard the news. You don't bother knocking and walk in to find what you expected: celebrating and rather sweaty football players. Well, there was one person who stood out.
"Jamie!" You call out to him from the door and the moment his somewhat solemn eyes landed on you, he made his way through the crowd to you.
"What're you doing here?"
"I just wanted to tell you that I got the job! I'm going to be a proper sports journalist." You inform him and his expression immediately changes to match yours. Catching you by surprise, Jamie envelopes you in a hug and you decidedly ignore his dirty kit as you reciprocate it. 
"That's great," Jamie says, as he lets go of you.
You smile, before remembering the news earlier. "Oh and congrats, too! On the draw and getting Zava." The footballer's expression noticeably drops at the mention of the other player, and you finally get it. "You're not happy about getting him, are you?"
Jamie inhales sharply. "Rather not talk about that right now."
"Okay, sure," You back off. "But if it helps in any way, you'll still be my favorite player on the team."
Your heart skips a beat when Jamie gives you a cocky smirk, one that you used to despise. "Yeah? And you'll keep writing about me too at the new job, too?"
"It is my specialty. Plus, you're infinitely more interesting than Zava and his avocado farm." The two of you let out matching chuckles.
The cheering from the locker room seems to have died down and there were fewer and fewer people in the hallway. That's when Jamie takes a step forward closer to you.
When you don't pull away, he finally staets. "I was wondering, if you weren't busy,—"
"Yes," You interrupted him and hope you didn't do so prematurely. "If what you're about to ask is what's I'm thinking, then yes."
"Oh, you're fine giving me dirt on the other teams when you start your new job?"
You stop your expression from dropping and force a smile, "Yeah, sure."
But your disappointment doesn't last because Jamie starts chuckling, "I'm joking! I wanted to ask if you wanted to go out sometime."
You're not sure if you should be annoyed or ecstatic, so your reaction is a mix of both. "Oh fuck you, Jamie!"
The footballer's prick side is practically second nature. "If the night goes well."
You lightly shove his shoulders before answering, "Sure. As long as it's a private place. Those tabloid writers can be so annoying sometimes." You flash a playful smile at Jamie, which he's quick to mirror.
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
A reverse human haram with a supernatural reader sounds so cute and dope
(I don't remember names so I apologize in advance)
But like the angel being a human business owner like an antique shop
Baron maybe being a tattoo artist? I feel like it'll fit him
And the reaper could be... Um.. maybe a hacker or something like that? Something that will let him stay inside all day and minimize human interaction.
And there's reader, some kind of a supernatural being, that maybe like going shopping in antiques shops, and getting tattooes... And going on the dark web? 💀
Or maybe the 3 humans already know each other and trying to track down this being for some reason?
Anyway, i just dig the idea:) could be really cute and I also miss those 3 😭
(I Stan librarian Maddox who just draws most of the time and panics when people talk to them)
"Can't one of us just ask them out for coffee? Even in the bizarre scenario they are what you claim, why would this be the best way to go about this?"
"Because your ugly ass would scare them away. Now shut the hell up and Mad give me the next step."
Maddox flips through the pages of the book positioned in their lap, producing a switchblade from their pocket. "All that's left now is a drop of blood from those who wish to form a contract. That's us, I suppose."
Baron, safety be damned, grabs the knife blade first - cupping the warm blood in his hand as he passes it to Alasdair. The shop owner was hesitant, but for the prize at hand he was desperate. He sticks his thumb and gives the knife back to Maddox who does the same.
Baron snorts, blood seeping from his closed fist onto his jeans. "What? Scared of a little nick?"
Alasdair rolls his eyes meanwhile Maddox ignores Baron's remarks as they get into position. What led them all to this situation? Two of them though on equal levels would never be seen together, and the alternative pairs worked as well as water and glue. The binding agent for their group was none other than a visitor shared between their place of business. Those keen eyes that marveled at the antique owner's precious collection of angels. That sweet smile peaking over the librarian's shoulder as they scribbled away behind their desk. The bubbly laughter that gave an ego boost to the tattoo owner and his horrid taste in fashion.
A person capable of bringing these opposites together had to be supernatural in nature, and in a way - you were. Baron discovered this while stalking you to the back alley behind their stores and witnessing you vanish from thin air. Doing more research than he ever had for school projects, Baron reasoned that you had to be a demon. He enlisted the help of Maddox to find a way to get your attention with Alasdair picked up along the way. He was skeptical as any Christian man would be, but since they were using his store for the summoning he had no say.
The trio bring their hands to the center of the circle on the floor and pour the contents onto the piece of your shirt Maddox managed to snip off. They squeeze the tip of their finger as apology and remain the last to pull away as the puddle of bloods turns black and begins to boil. The ground cracks and a skeletal hand reaches through, bones staining in the onyx sludge that creeps up its body creating layers of muscle and flesh. Crawling from the hole, the creature's tongues flicker against the hostile air as smog disburses from its throat. It cracks its jaw as it stands to full height, towering over them all - plucking a bone from its needlepoint fangs.
"That's the last time I try to finish something while being summoned."
Baron speaks up first. "Are... you naked?*
"If I'm not pretending to be a mortal there's no need to put on clothing... Don't I know you all?"
"that's so fucking hot... Ow, bitch!"
Alasdair clears his throat to play off the assault he committed on his peer. "I apologize for our barbaric approach. I'm sure this is as shocking for you as it is for us, but we have gathered here due to a shared interest in winning your heart."
You look around the room. "So.. you all want to date me?"
"Hell yeah."
"Is that a bad thing?..." The librarian slides their charred notebook at your feet. You pick up the book. What's left of the pages shows you in human form.
"I suppose not. I am bound by contract to whatever your commands are, and if you wish to sell your souls for something like that then so be it. If I'm allowed an opinion, this one has already made a good first impression."
You point your claws beneath Maddox's chin who nearly faints from the contact. Baron's jaw drops to the floor while Alasdair tries, and fails to hold a straight face.
"Come on, Mad you're the last one I thought I'd have to worry about. I thought we were cool!" Baron grabs your arm, eyes bulging out of his sockets at the feel of your harden muscles. "Holy shit.... You said you'd do anything, right?"
"Baron I swear to God if you ask them to crush you with their thighs I'll choke you to death right now."
"I wasn't, chill-.... Their arms would do just fine."
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simaddix · 1 year
*Pay Attention - Part 2 - Tutorial*
I was about to go back to my business and quietly leave y'all with a word of wisdom but the very next package I opened raised my hackles. So here we go, hold on to your seat.
Disclaimer for younger/sweeter - followers - this has language in it because I'm pissed... I apologize in advance.
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49,282 Polycounts. That's 50K for a fucking basket!!!
It's pretty, it's beautiful, and I downloaded it because it's everything you could want out of a basket of lemons... whoever created it did an outstanding job... for a movie production.
So let's fix it - and let's hold our creators and converters to a higher standard or send them along to a different platform where they can create without our bitching.
First off, there's 3 or 4 ways you can check polycounts.
1 - TSRW under Mesh tab
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2 - S3PE (Pretty sure you have to have an addon to do this - I'll try to find it when I'm done and add the link) Under MLOD, right click and go down to Preview. It'll open up a window and you can view the model and the polycount.
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3 - 3D Viewer on your computer
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4 - Blender or Milkshape
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Now that we have the ability to check our polycount - we're gonna fix this mesh. I'm not going to show you how to package it, there are other tutorials for that part, but this is VITAL to having a healthy game, and honestly, being a creator or converter for this game. I do understand that you have to have the knowledge before you can fix a problem, so here it is - literally handed to you in a basket. I also understand that there are creators/converters who don't post polycounts because they're afraid people won't download it - that is inexcusable. If that's the case then you will eventually be boycotted by the players who know better.
Alright, so step one - you're going to want to get into blender after exporting your mesh. You're going open the modifier properties and add a decimate modifier (the wrench circled in red, and the add modifier drop down menu).
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Keep it in Collapse, not un-subdivide. It's gentler on the mesh itself and you'll get a lot farther with it. You're also going to want your UV map to match what you're doing with your mesh, in case you need it for selection (I'll explain that in a minute) and have faces tagged so the selection is easier.
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Now that you have that set up, you're gonna want to remove unnecessary vertices. See the shadows on the bottom of the basket? Here's how to fix that - hit tab, press A to select everything, and then go to MESH/MERGE/BY DISTANCE. This removed 16,900 loose vertices that didn't need to be there.
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Go back to your modifiers and add an edge split modifier and hit apply.
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Boom - no shadows.
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Now that that is all done you're going to go in to edit mode (tab) and press L while hovering over what you're wanting to select. This is going to select all of the islands in your UV, and it's the fastest way (that I've found) to quickly select pieces of your mesh.
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When you have your whole group selected (you can also figure out at this point what pieces need alternate textures or groups for TSRW later in your packaging process) you're going to hit P-Selection. That's gonna split whatever you have selected into a separate group.
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Now, you can do that to however many pieces you see fit, but for this I'm just gonna stick with two - the lemons and the basket itself. You're going to click the blue Ratio box - and type in .5 and hit enter. That will collapse your polycount in half - (you can move that ratio box lower if you wish, but this way is the gentlest way possible and I've gotten better results. So play with it and see for yourself if you wish to. ) - Now repeat the process until your mesh starts to lose quality, I tend to stop there unless I can push it a bit further without making it look bad.
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Now repeat that process with all groups.
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Given that this particular mesh was such high polycount and an intricate mesh, I could only manage to get it from 49,282 faces (polys) down to 18,860. This is absolutely not okay for TS3 - and I'm using as a lesson rather than using something that I can get down to an okay level - because this is what you're going to run into when getting meshes that start in the tens of thousands of polys. THIS IS NOT MEANT FOR TS3, it's beautiful, yes, but you are putting people's equipment at risk by advertising a mesh for a 13 year old game without disclaiming that it's dangerous for it.
This tutorial will absolutely work for most objects, and I've used this process for a couple of years now with success, but you have to be able to decide what you're willing to put into TS3. We have all of these tutorials for reducing lag in this old as dirt game, but NONE of that matters if you're carrying objects like this - no matter how pretty they are.
If you need it that bad, figure out how to make a version of it that CAN look as good as this with a little less detail (think the spirals in the wicker that is actually meshed rather than just textured), or ask a creator to make something for you.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. If I have the time, I try to help whoever comes into my inbox. If I can't help, there is a hoard of creators out there that probably can.
So have fun, CHECK YOUR CONTENT, and keep your computer safe.
And creators/converters - do better.
Edit to add - to the creators/converters who do put out their polycounts, or a disclaimer of high poly/photo use only - thank you. I do understand the need for high poly objects for photo-op purposes, and I'm not here to attack anyone's preferred gaming style. I just want people to be safe while they play, as there are those who don't know what they're putting into their games. Let's help ensure that everyone has a chance to play whether they're experienced creators or regular game-players.
Edit to add 2 -
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To add a bit of context - I was able to get the reduced mesh even further by removing some of the intricate details of the mesh, to create a simpler version. This is now down to 5,270 - and it could be lowered even further by removing the top of the handle - which is 1700 by itself because it's spiraled. So when you're dealing with a high mesh object such as this, pay attention to what's really adding weight, and if you can replace/remove it without taking too much away. The shadows can be fixed in gimp as well.
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soaps-mohawk · 4 months
hi hi hi !!! i’ve already expressed to you in your inbox how much i love your writing and here i am expressing it again!! you’re an amazing writer and i love rereading your new series. but i do have a question. (a couple, sorry)
i’m new to the whole alpha/omega verse thing and i could just go on google but i’d rather get an answer from the author writing the story.
what’s a heat and how does it work?
i’ve kinda pieced some bits together but i’m still confused. is it like a monthly thing or is it like losing one’s virginity?
and does the menstrual cycle come into play at all or do female omegas not get it at all?
and are omegas only females? are there no male ones?
thank you in advance, cheers
Hello!! Thank you!! I'm so glad you're enjoying the fic!! Don't apologize for asking questions I love explaining things!! (Also I do have a running tag right now, if you search 'crcb lore' on my blog it'll bring up a bunch of asks and such with world building/lore/explanations and stuff if you're interested. I meant to put a note about it on the masterlist but I forgot)
To answer your questions:
A heat is sort of exactly like what some animals go through. It's basically an intense period of arousal where, the omega in this case, is fertile. The exact details vary depending on the version/author but in this one, omegas are only fertile during their heats and they happen about every three to four months. They don't have a menstrual cycle as we do irl, the heat cycle is their menstrual cycle basically.
To break it down, omegas experience something called a pre-heat, basically signs that a heat is coming. In the reader's case she gets more clingy, her appetite spikes, and usually omegas will start to nest more than usual to prepare for it. Once the heat hits, the body temperature spikes and basically they just get insanely horny to the point it can get painful. Their scent changes and becomes basically an aphrodisiac for alphas which is why they can be dangerous if you're not somewhere you can be safe from alphas. Alphas kind of lose their minds once they smell an omega in heat (like animals) and they slip into a rut and want to breed the omega. If there's multiple alphas in the vicinity, they will fight each other over the omega, even if one of them is bonded to that omega and the others aren't. Heats last about a week, and while alphas can take the caretaker role during that time, packs with betas will usually have a beta that helps keep the alpha and omega fed and hydrated during that time because, of course, they're not really going to be considering that.
I did touch on gender in a different ask, but status is not dependent on gender. So there can be male and female alphas, betas, and omegas. Identifying as non-binary or trans won't change how you're seen in your status since anybody can be anything, and transitioning will not affect ones status either.
Thank you for the questions!! I always love a discussion and some world building!!
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ovaryacted · 2 months
Ok ok ok, so…hear me out. (TW: death, and suicide at the end)
Let’s just say Leon’s kids (maybe they’re a teen at this point) ends up captured by some evil bioweapon lab. The ransom note is essentially ‘leave us alone to do our science or we kill your kid’
I can see this playing out two ways.
The first, Leon tears apart the world. He sees red and essentially blacks out until he’s reunited with his child/ren. He’s awake for the entire time it takes to find them. The only time he actually ‘rests’ is when his body physically crashes and passes out. Even then, he gets nightmares. What if they’re too late and his kid/s become twisted creatures? What if they’re already dead? What if he has to put a bullet in his own precious baby because they were reduced to a shambling zombie, just like RC?
He wakes up screaming. Crying. Sobbing.
Even if he gets to them in time, they’re undoubtedly traumatized. They won’t be child/Ren anymore. They would have been exposed to how fucked the world really is. He starts thinking he’s a failure. He’s failed to protect his kid/s. The ones he loved the most in the world have had their innocence ripped away.
But damnit, when he finds them, you bet your ass he’s not letting them go. He hugs them tightly. Almost too tightly. Leon starts sobbing. They’re unharmed. Untouched by evil science.
When it comes to the escape, he holds their hand. It doesn’t matter how old they are, he’s going to hold onto SOMETHING. They aren’t coming out of his sight ever again. Not after this.
Second scenario, Leon IS too late.
He sees what USED to be his kid/s. If he stared hard enough he could see them, under the shambling, the growling. They were still in there somewhere.
But he was too late. Even if they could get a cure, the damage was done. His child/ren were gone.
The world goes quiet for Leon. His only focus would be on them. All he could hear is his own heartbeat. After he ends their pain, I don’t think he’d go home.
The official report be KIA, but anyone else who was on the mission would know the truth. Leon didn’t want to live without his kid/s.
cw: religious imagery, mentions of gore and violence, suicide attempt
Hey, angsty anon, I know you remember sending this to me when I was at work and it fucking upset me but I said I would make it worse...well I'm making it a tad bit worse by adding my thoughts to this. Apologies in advance, and of course if you don't want to read some sad shit, don't read it. (I was half asleep writing this so my bad lolz)
I think Leon's family becoming involved in the horrors of bioterrorism, the very thing he's trying so hard to protect his loved ones from, is one of his biggest fears. In this field, he's seen people he cared about, good people, who were abandoned by those meant to protect them and had to alter their bodies to try to feel control. Although Leon does everything to ensure his family is protected, he still falls short when his child gets taken away by an enemy and is used as collateral.
The entire aspect of finally being able to have a life gets to Leon. To have a chance to settle down and have a family of his own which is now being threatened, turns Leon into this vindictive monster just motivated by revenge. On prior missions, he's usually calculated and knows what to do, where to go, and what to bring. But now that his child is involved, his own flesh and blood, yeah he blacks out for most of the mission and is going off of instinct.
He doesn't give his partner much of an explanation when he just says he's going to leave and that he knows he's going to bring his family back together. He can't promise anything, can't promise if he'll come back in one piece or at all, but he will bring his child back home. If being a federal agent working in bioterrorism has taught him anything, is that not everyone comes back. Sometimes he just gets lucky and the cycle repeats.
Leon does not sleep, does not eat, and much less gives a shit about his own safety and health. As far as he knows, he's on a witch hunt to kill the bastard that threatened his family and his happiness. The entire time he's trying to get his child back, his mind goes back to the horrors of all of his missions. He thinks back to the fear he felt in trying to save Sherry, he remembers the way his mind went all hazy on his mission to Spain and saved the president's daughter.
It's all the same. But it has to be different right?
He doesn't consider himself to be a religious person, he used to be back in his youth. But as this rogue mission goes on longer and longer and he spends more time without his child, he starts to silently pray that they're alive, that they haven't been ruined like everything else in this rotten world.
Let's say he does find his kid in one piece, scared and traumatized, probably tucked into a corner in a dingy cell in some run down lab. Leon wrapped his arms around them, apologizing over and over again, looking for forgiveness, and blaming himself for putting his child in danger simply because of the life he was forced to live.
He does get back home in one piece with his child in his arms and eliminates any other possible and future threats so he never has to worry about that again. The people who even think about hurting his family will regret ever doing so. As long as his child is safe and back at home, he thinks he's achieved the impossible and is protecting all that he holds dear.
But let's go on the opposite end of the spectrum. What will happen if Leon doesn't get there in time? If he finds his child turned into some monster as revenge? It would tear him apart, and he will consider this to be his karma for even wanting a better life for himself, a life he doesn't deserve. The person or thing in front of Leon wasn't his child anymore, it was a mess of torn-up limbs and cut skin, and he couldn't feel his child's presence anymore.
His soul is empty as he raises his gun to shoot towards the monster, putting them out of their misery, and the last bit of humanity Leon has left goes with the dead body hitting the ground. He still has a mission to complete, a society to protect, so he focuses on that and refuses to give himself a moment of grieve.
Later he says, I have time later.
He's detached from his reality throughout the remaining time he gives himself to finish off this mission, his last mission. When all the threats are eliminated, he walks around aimlessly, his spirit has run dry and he knows the gaping hole in his chest is too much of a burden to handle. He doesn't cry, he's done enough crying in his life and frankly, he doesn't have any more tears to give.
I've failed. I've failed you. I'm sorry.
The words repeat in his head and he pretends his significant other somehow gets the message that he's not coming back home. He wonders if God will come to save him from this blasphemy, but this is the price he had to pay for having too much blood on his hands, blood he did not want to have.
His hand is steady as he puts the gun to his temple, finger on the trigger and he hears it click, nothingness comes right after. He doesn't feel pain, doesn't feel much of anything, and surprisingly he feels calm...at peace.
Things can't be different. Not this time.
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russellsppttemplates · 10 months
One of the wags being in distress/pain and saying "I want, (driver)" while crying.
Saw this dialog in another fic of a different fandom and it got me 🥺
Tw: mentions a fall while pregnant
Note: I also did this blurb like this because I have a big piece request that is along these lines and I'm trying to understand how this topic would go down in writing and how you would react to it, so if you have any opinion on it, please let me know 🤍 and apologies in advance if this is (without my intention) something offensive or disrespectful.
You had been fine all day, having had a good night of sleep and a good breakfast, allowing you to play around with the children attending the family lunch. You had played hide and seek, purposely leaving your baby bump in sight which would always bring a giggle and a smile to the little one's faces, "Auntie Y/N, your tummy is too big for you to hide there, I can see you from here!", they would say.
You were walking back with one of the boys, having collected some twigs and leafs for a pretend soup you'd be making when you reached the area with shade near the rest of the group when you must've tripped, loosing your balance and only able to let go of your niece's hand, not wanting her to fall and only softening your own fall as best as you could with your hands, "Oh, no! Auntie Y/N, are you okay?", she asked, a slight panicked expression on her face. "Yes, mon ange, can you go and get someone, please? Are you okay too?", you asked and she nodded, coming back quickly with her grandparents.
"Y/N, are you okay? What happened?", Pascale called as soon as she saw you, "I fell, but it's a bit painful right now", you explained, moving so you could sit up, "I want Pierre", you said, the pain on your side only intensifying as you tried your best to breathe through it, Pascale being quick to go get her son while Jean, who had arrived too, helped in the best way he could at getting you up.
Pierre came running like a mad man, eyes wide when he saw you up, "hey, what happened, amour? Are you okay?", he said, kneeling down next to you so he could wipe your tears and confort you, "I was walking and I tripped I think, I couldn't really see the ground properly so I just about managed to make it softer, but I don't know if I did anything wrong to the baby and-", you said hurriedly, breathing a lot faster than you ever intended to, "Amour, breathe with me, yeah?", Pierre asked as he held your hand in his, being able to get your breathing back to normal while he inspected you as his mum offered you some water, "I'm going to tap your belly like I usually do, okay?", he informed, tapping the skin and waiting for a bit before he felt a big kick against his hand, "see? Little man is fine", he said, lifting your top to see your bump move, "mum said you were feeling some pain", Pierre checked, "I'm good now", you said, touching the area that was previously hurting with one hand while the other tapped your little boy through your skin.
"Must've been the scare, chérie, but it's all good now", Pascale smiled, helping you up so you could walk back, "Little man, when you come to this world, you have to keep an eye out for mama too, she's a bit clumsy sometimes. But we love her even more for it", Pierre said kissing your forehead.
(Thank you for submitting an ask 🤍)
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7grandmel · 29 days
Todays rip: 06/05/2024
Last Freight-train Night
Season 8 No Album Release (Read More)
Ripped by mint chip
Huge apologies in advance for not posting this on a Friday or even a Saturday. The joke has been completely missed. I hope you can find it in your hearts to forgive me 😔.
Ah man, melody swap rips. They're always fun, right? Even in the channel's earliest days, we had stuff like SNES Mini Circulation, Earth, Wind & Bombs and Akumajō Lololo expertly showing off their inherent, obvious appeal - leveraging the instrumentation of one track to bring out a whole new vibe to another piece of music through rearrangement. But especially early on, and even nowadays, you'll notice that some games get favored above others for melody swaps. Super Mario 64, the Pokémon series, NES and Game Boy games, Plok! - granted, the reasons for a lot of these are very easily explained, but with games like Plok! in particular the recent emphasis has come from a select few rippers' absolute enthusiasm for the game and the unique soundscape it provides. Tons of Plok! rips are absolutely mindblowing as a result of this passion, and I intend to cover some of these in the future no doubt - but Last Freight-train Night gave me many of those same thoughts upon first listen whilst being from a game I never would've thought would be one befitting for melody swapping.
Again, to clarify: It's perfectly understandable why those aforementioned select games get so many melody swap rips made of them. Pokémon in particular has at once such a nostalgic, distinct yet versatile set of sounds that has allowed for a ton of creativity in how rips are done, with everything from the piano-driven peacefulness of Blue Mareep to the synth-heavy insanity of Light! (Potentialseeker Colress). The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks, meanwhile, is a game I only truly associate with two instruments - the pan flute and the violin - and that paired with its relative obscurity compared to other often-ripped games made me understand why all the chips wouldn't be placed on it in particular. Clearly, I was underestimating both the game and first-time ripper mint chip here, as Last Freight-train Night positively blew me away in its arrangement whilst staying absolutely faithful to the sound of the game its taking from. It's pan flutes and strings, yes - but they're leveraged to a far greater degree than I could've ever imagined.
If you presented me with a choice of song to use in a melody swap for Spirit Tracks' Overworld Adventure theme, I wouldn't have been able to give you an answer - yet had I given you one, it would've probably been incredibly far off the mark from what Last Freight-train Night lands at. It's a full arrangement of Katy Perry's Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F), the absolute pop sensation released just two years after Spirit Tracks itself - yes, in other words, this is a PAN FLUTE arrangement of hit song Don't Mine At Night. Like, maybe I'm just easily impressed, maybe I'm just far too attached to Spirit Tracks' sound from playing on its stage in Smash Bros. all too much, but I have to commend Last Freight-train Night just off of its concept alone. But, come on now, you've heard Thwâmpröck Desert - you KNOW that Season 8 has been delivering in far more than just concept alone.
See, the rip isn't just pleasant for its novelty, it feels as if it fully realizes itself in so many small little ways. There's of course the persisting banjo-like backing from the original keeping a playful, plucky adventuring tone, but it's in listening in close that you'll hear something truly special. You guessed it: That chuff-chuff-chuffing sound persisting through the entire track is the sound the player's train makes in Spirit Tracks when moving at the highest speed, whereupon it starts to sync up with the Overworld Adventure theme - in other words, the sound effects are a separate element from the actual music piece, yet Last Freight-train Night goes the extra mile in including it just to make it all feel more...right. The cherry on top of even that is, of course, the sounds of crossing signals fading in and out of the song at various points throughout its runtime. This isn't referencing anything in particular from Last Friday Night, it's a completely original touch by mint chip, but it adds SO much to the listening experience: Pair it with the other two things mentioned in this paragraph, and it starts to feel as if this track is truly taking place within Spirit Tracks itself, a sense of immersion far above what was necessary is conveyed through just these small touches alone. It stimulates the brain in ways I never thought I needed - and in terms of sheer listenability, it all just helps give the arrangement a real sense of tempo, befitting of the dance-able pop song it's an arrangement of.
Season 8 is a lot of things, and I'm still trying to ascertain what to truly make it of four months into its run. But if there's one constant I'm sure of, its that the channel's quality has basically never been higher - rips like Last Freight-train Night are dropping left and right without being part of larger events, as if to just casually remind you of how good of a place the channel is in right now. And having those explosions of quality be attached to games which really haven't seen all too much action on SiIva compared to the big boys, to the channel's "hidden gem" games as it were? Be it back with Plok! in Season 6 or all the countless other examples over the years since, that always just fills me with such joy. Every game is someone's favorite, and every someone has the potential to be a SiIvaGunner contributor - it only takes one person's love for a game to get rips as heartfelt (and seemingly already beloved!) beloved as Last Freight-train Night.
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alittlefrenchtree · 9 months
Hi! No idea how I end up writing this since I’ve only been casually hanging in the fandom for about two minutes.
A few things to know before hand:
I apologize in advance if some of the questions sound weird. English is not my first language :).
Like said, I know about 2% of the fandom so the questions are pretty basic. Hope you had fun anyway!
Feel free to send me numbers AND to tag me (I can also put a tag but tumblr doesn't care about these half of the time so... do what you want #rwrb ask meme) if you play/want to answer some questions . I’m not sure I can answer myself to half the question, but I want to read your thoughts. 
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1- What was your introduction to Red, White and Royal Blue? How did you become aware of it, what was your first impression of it?
2- Team Alex or Team Henry? (I know you love them both equally but choose anyway. OR choose depending of the circumstances. Like, "I’d go shopping with Alex but I’d marry Henry. Or I’d hug Alex but I’d go karaoke with Henry. I don’t know. Try something.)
3- Pick a Sis’ to be your Sis’! June or Bea? 
4- If you could keep only the book or only the movie, which one would you choose?
5- Choose one scene from the book to add to the movie.
6- Favorite kiss of the movie?
7- Tell us something you like better in the movie than in the book. And tell us something you like better in the book than in the movie. 
8- Favorite person in the Claremont-Diaz family (but you can’t say Alex).
9- If you had to delete the entire movie but one scene, which scene would you save?  
10- You’re in a difficult situation where you have only one call to get help (or to save your life), who are you calling? Amy, Zahra or Ellen?
11- Choose your prison. Would you rather live in a royal palace or in the White House? 
12- Share one of your unpopular opinion about the book and/or the movie.
13- A detail you feel like it’s not enough discussed. Whether it’s a scene, a quote, a frame, a piece of acting, a decor…) Time to ramble about it!
14- Favorites outfit(s) in the movie? (You can pick as many as you want, from as many characters as you want. But if you reply with a screenshot of a naked person, I’m going to put you in horny jail).
15- Gapfiller — briefly describe a scene you would have love to read/watch. It can be a whole new scene or a scene you would have like to be a bit longer, include more things.
16- Pick a line and/or a quote for each:
-You have to sell the book/movie to someone who doesn't know anything about it.
-The quote that makes you the most emotional.
-A quote/line that could be a life lesson to you.
17- Who is more in love with the other? Alex or Henry? (we know they’re both equally in love and idiots, just entertain your audience with some arguments to feed the international debate).
18- You have to get a RWRB tattoo (either because you want one or because someone is threatening you and you have to get one to save your life). What do you choose? It can be anything! 
19- Karaoke time ! For each, pick a song :
-To tell the love of your life how you feel about them.
-To tell your crush that you want them.
-To present yourself to the world and show what kind of wonderful you are as a person.
20- Suggest a fun drinking game rule that would be the deadliest or the funniest while watching the movie. (Like, "drink every time Henry looks at Alex with heart eyes").
Bonus! (or 21-) Do you read fanfic? Follow some visual artist (drawing, painting, gifing...)? Recommend someone to follow! (rwrb related ofc)
Have fun people 🏳️‍🌈💜
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nobodysdaydreams · 4 months
Okay, now they REALLY gotta drop the Jacobi duck-related lore 🦆 (and I need to stop holding out hope Blessie will return 😔💔)
(Or my reaction to Wolf359’s Mission Mishap Episodes).
Welcome back dear readers! My schedule has been busy lately, but the Mission Mishap episodes were mercifully short, so I’ve been listening to a few episodes per week and have gathered my reactions here for you all to enjoy.
Tagging the mutuals who got me invested in this, and if you want to be tagged or untagged from these posts, lmk, or you can follow my blog or simply follow the tag "#bods wolf359 reactions". Anyone who has followed me for a while knows my updates are inconsistent, so I apologize in advance for that and for any spelling/grammar mistakes in my posts.
@sophieswundergarten @oflightningandstars @acollectionofcuriousreblogs @herawell @commsroom
Also tagging @lovelyladylavie because I promised I’d tag you way back on this post and forgot (I’m so sorry!) but my reactions are all under the tag so you should be able to find them!
Mission Mishaps: A Little Night Music
"Not fully reading your contract before you sign it...not understanding your job responsibilities, and wanting commander off your back" I love Doug's sponsorships and the dramatic irony 😂 *Cue The Fine Print playing in the background...*
I guess the only actor they could get was Doug. Nice of him to fill us in on what Minkowski and Hera are saying though.
It's so fancy. Mannnyyyy PhDs. Very impressive, Doug.
I'm so happy we got more radio show Doug. I need to hear him do a radio show where all his personalities talk to each other. Being the special guest on the show is Cutter's punishment for all eternity. The Dear Listeners make 5 copies of Doug so he can be all the characters.
"The feeling you'll die miserably..." yikes, broke character for a second there Doug.
"Ah yes...the way the piano notes dance around the...other piano notes...absolutely fantastic piece for when you want to start your day with the paino-y energy" Well said Doug.
Oh boy. Cowboy music. Is this the return of Badass McAwesome? Do I dare to hope?
Ah, well, better luck next time.
His poor toe. I hate when that happens too, Doug.
The...mind eraser?
Don't like how that sounds. Especially after the threats in "Change of Mind".
Better not be foreshadowing.
"This song is a mutant, it's superpower is being catchy. It never leaves."
Okay, THAT better not be foreshadowing.
"Afraid of the plant monster?" I wish we could be, Doug. I wish we could be. 😔🪴
"Worried you'll never get back to Earth to see you're family?" Oh, Doug. 💔
"Bosses you're pretty sure are kind of evil" Kind of is generous Doug.
Yeah...yeah Doug that got very dark there for a bit.
Moral boosting? Oh dear. MUTE 😂 AFTER TWO MINUTES 😂
I love Doug. Poor fellow. I enjoyed the broadcast Doug. They don't appreciate your talents.
Mission Mishaps: The Space You’re In
I love the title’s double meaning.
More of Doug dodging his work I see. A common theme.
“Please stop going off on tangents” I guess Cutter and Pryce didn’t send them up with any ADHD meds. “I’m here for work 😊” Nice cover, Doug. 👍🏻 nailed it.
“I’m gonna get that thing that I forgot”. You do that Doug.
How did I know Doug was gonna break something? 🤣
Specimen incubation period??? BLESSIE????
How dare they tease us with Blessie lore?
Good question Doug. Why IS there a harpoon?
Doug literally has no where to hide. 🤣
Oh right. Space. Why do I see that backfiring?
PFFTTT—- Did she just call him a lizard? 🦎
“It’s beautiful” -> “I hate space” poor Doug. I’m sensing a pattern 🤣
Mission Mishaps: You Want, I Solve Ah Doug stealing coffee from Minkowski. Once again, I sense a pattern.
Wait. A puppy? 🥰🐕‍🦺🐾
“The mean lady who runs this place” really Doug? You did just steal her coffee.
2 tails? Well, twice the wagging, I see that as a win. 🥰
Follow him Doug!
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The dogs are multiplying? David Bowie is here? Okay Doug is hallucinating for sure.
Ah hello Hilbert.
Why is he treating the manual like it’s the ring? 🤣
Well. That was weird.
Oh, Hilbert. All to get Doug to bond with the manual.
And yet something tells me he still won’t read it. It does sound like he might be cuddling with it at night and killing anyone who tries to take it from him though. Mildly concerning. Mission Mishaps: The Veldt Oh my gosh. The episode description. Eiffel goes into the greenhouse… y’all. I don’t wanna get my hopes up, but…
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I’m so excited guys. I don’t wanna get my hopes up, I know I shouldn’t, but I need Blessie back!
So Doug is doing his chores again. I sense a pattern.
He does a great Australian accent. Again, I need the aliens to clone Doug just so he can have a show where his different personalities talk to each other. Hm. Oxygen chamber has a lot of passwords. And a lot of weird ways to enter passwords. Which is nice for protecting the air, but not so great when you, you know, desperately need air and only have a few seconds to enter the password.
The binary forms of color? This is so extreme not to mention boring. Not one sign of Blessie. I’ve been bamboozled. And WHY is there a timer? This is so weird.
Well I’m upset. We went to the greenhouse and didn’t see leaf or stem of Blessie. 💔
I’m not giving up hope. If not in the show then in fanfic that plant is coming back.
Mission Mishaps: Lights Out
Another entry from dear Doug. I wonder if Minkowski and Hilbert are gonna have him do something he doesn’t want to and then hijinks ensues and Doug messes something up?
HP Lovecraft, Call of Kuthulu? Oh me too Doug stuff is hard to pronounce.
Doug does a good creepy narrator voice. It’s funny to think of Hera listening to all this. It reminds me of those people on Lovelace’s crew reading stories together.
“Property of Dr….”
DOCTOR WHO? (A good show, but I’m literally asking the question).
Is it that girl on Lovelace’s crew who liked to read? (I’m sorry it’s hard to keep track of their names).
Ah yes, and the star is acting up. As is Doug’s imagination. I’m sure this couldn’t possibly go wrong.
Hilbert. What sample? What escaped?
I’m not getting my hopes up this time. You teased me with Blessie once. I’m not falling for it again. I’ve been burned before.
It just sounds like a little mouse. 🐁
…I hope it’s not one of the spiders… I’m now beginning to realize Doug’s fears…
“It’s small and scurrying”
Is it a mouse?
Doug, it’s probably just a mouse. “It’s staring at me.” Well it’s probably scared too, Doug.
Doug, you better not have killed that poor little mouse.
You killed the maintenance drone Doug? Well that was a wild ride. At first I thought they weren’t gonna go the “Doug messes up a thing Hilbert and Minkowski are doing” route but they always surprise me with their ability to bring it back there. Not that I’m complaining, I’m loving these stories. Mission Mishaps: Cold Turkey More Doug! Wow. 553 days. That’s… that’s a lot.
Thanksgiving? Is this the same Thanksgiving from Hera’s memory? 🦃
Banned from the kitchen? Oh poor, Doug. Was Hilbert not available? I guess he’s Russian so he doesn’t celebrate it. But he can probably cook.
Doug is just like me fr. Don’t ask my partner what happened when I tried to make him food. All you need to know was that I tried my best, and it’s the thought that counts.
Doug is gonna burn this Turkey. I know the actress was probably busy and these are “extra” episodes, but Hera please come online and help him.
Oh gross. Cans of spam? Disgusting.
Right, maybe Hilbert can do something. But on the other hand, Hilbert and Eiffel can make each other worse. And what was that about psychoactive properties? What was Hilbert exposed to?
“Can I give indifference? I have plenty of that.” Yes, Hilbert, you made that very clear.
“Oh well if I have to “come on”.” “Really!” “No.” Hilbert is lowkey hilarious 🤣 “I like pecan pie…maybe thanksgiving is not so terrible.” 🥧
I love how Hilbert sounds like he’s plotting something ominous even when he’s just talking about pie. 🤣
But seriously, why was he in Texas? He never answered that.
“The best way to keep him away from the kitchen was to put you in charge” oh poor Doug. She was right though.
Aw, this is sweet. I like how it connects to what we saw in Hera’s memories too.
Mission Mishaps: No Complaints Aw man, SI-5? What happened to Doug?
First they take Blessie from me then they force me to spent time with his killers.
Well gang, I guess it’s time for the adventures of Whiskey Man and Duck Boy.
Wow. Sitting in a car and brooding in the rain. An action packed adventure if I’ve ever heard one.
Oh wait, are they stalking Maxwell? They said she was from a small town.
“Did you stalk me?” Yes, he did Jacobi. Kepler was acting so creepy at that bar, I’m sorry. What even was that?
“I really hate you sometimes sir. ✨You’re the worst✨” oh Duck Boy you have no idea.
What video. WHAT VIDEO.
Please tell us why Jacobi is brooding and PLEASE tell us about the duck video.
Jacobi taught him questions only? Wow he really does love to dig his own grave.
Kepler is not your friend Jacobi. If you think he is, you… gosh you really need to meet somebody. Anybody.
All this complaining… Jacobi really is the evil version of Doug sometimes…
What was on Jacobi’s mind? What did Rachel think was on his mind? Oh, his one year recruitment.
Nothing good ever comes out of a mysterious duffel bag. Why does he have all those fireworks?
When your evil boss takes you on a fake stake out and gives you some fireworks to blow up because he knows you crave destruction: 💣🎆🥰🎇🧨😍
I like that they play fireworks sounds as they roll the credits. It’s a nice touch. Mission Mishaps: Happy Holidays Already down to the last one. Time flies when you’re having fun. Oh more SI-5. Hopefully a little less Whiskey Boy, a little more Duck related lore.
Oh no such luck. :(
Geez, Kepler really does love flexing every single bit of power that he has, doesn’t he? Just get to the point already! Why couldn’t he have been the one to go instead of Maxwell?
“Oh no! Not a binary fault in the quartical… um… that’s bad!” Duck Boy stop being funny I don’t want to like you.
Not Kepler’s slow claps… I swear this man is infatuated with the idea of being a super villain.
What are they afraid of?
A holiday party?
the evil space corporation has a HOLIDAY PARTY?
For what holiday? Cutter and Pryce clearly hate holidays. They’ve ordered people killed on nearly every holiday we’ve seen! … actually maybe that’s their way of making the holidays their own… and it makes me wonder who they want to kill at this party. Jacobi and Maxwell have a right to be concerned about this.
“We don’t ask questions. We trust that we were given orders for a reason.” THAT ONLY WORKS IF YOU ARE WORKING FOR TRUSTWORTHY PEOPLE. And committing or endorsing murder takes you off the trustworthy list.
The idea of Cutter and Pryce celebrating Christmas disgusts me. Like, physically I have a hard time stomaching it. Christmas is about joy, and love, and goodwill toward mankind. Cutter and his crazy science gf have no place involving themselves in that. Not unless they show some serious remorse and do some serious penance and jail time.
What kind of horrifying messed up gifts do people get each other? I hope Jacobi gets a pet duck.
… Maxwell’s mom died? “We all know you don’t talk to your mom” “…my mom just died?” “No Jacobi.” STOP BEING FUNNY.
Compare this to the holiday stuff that happens with the Hephaestus… this has such a creepy undertone. Especially when you imagine the events happening at the same time.
Well, that’s all for the Mission Mishaps. Sorry it took me so long guys, but I love and appreciate your patience. Excited to finish the rest of the series and hopefully I’ll have more for you soon!
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satubby · 1 year
Prologue |The mysterious call|
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Disclaimer : There could be misspellings and masculine/feminine pronouns etc. Enjoy your reading.
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Looking at the time on her phone, a girl sits waiting in the coffee shop she usually goes to. Her gaze does not stray from her surroundings. The tinkling of the doorbell alerts the girl waiting at the first table by the window.
"Don't you think you're late? You told me 8 a.m.," she comments, glancing toward her red-haired friend. Who, is still standing near the entrance.
"An apology for that, but I really hate the traffic at this time, there are many cars and I didn't see when we would advance. There are too many cars at this time of the morning!" Exclaimed the other girl.
Rolling her eyes, (Y/N) smiled and let out a sigh. Amirie walked over to her, and took the chair in front of her, sitting down.
"Okay, could you tell me about this so-called part-time job?" Her eyes (E/C) looked up into Amirie's blue ones, waiting for an answer.
"Yes, yes, calm down, I'll tell you now. But, do you want to order something? I haven't had breakfast for coming to this place. "Said the redhead adjusting the glasses she wore and setting aside her unicorn backpack. Raising her hand, she called out to the waiter standing nearby and asked for her appetizers "Aren't you going to order something?" questioned the rainbow-clad woman.
"Haven't you seen my empty cup and saucer? Anyway, Mirie, can you tell me now? Otherwise, I'm wasting my time and I still have to go to work in 30 minutes," snorted the (H/C).
At her friend's refusal, Amirie raised her hands in a peace sign. Then, the waiter arrived with her order: a cold cappuccino and a chocolate cake filled with pastry cream.
Taking a rather long sip, at least for our protagonist, Amirie turned to look at her friend. "Well, you see ... This job my sister's friend got. Still for some reason she quit, so Nata told me about it because she knew about your complaints about your current job and also the salary" She took another sip of her cappuccino and ate a piece of cake.
"I still wonder why that woman quit, the salary was too good to be real. At least for a college girl, you know school debts and stuff, pouff" The redhead uttered in a teasing tone, mostly whispering those phrases to herself. Amirie returned her focus to her food, forgetting her earlier comment and the presence of her companion.
"Well, what exactly does this job consist of? There should be a reason for the previous girl to quit just like that, if the pay was good" She said looking towards her friend who was still eating and taking a noisy sip, mostly playing with her drink.
"DELICIOUS! ... Ah, about that, who knows? There are some strange people in this world, you see. If it were me looking for a job, I assure you that without hesitation I would accept that position. However, my sister would die if she saw me working" commented the somewhat freckled girl, making a mental note and shrugging her shoulders. She could hear her sister Natalia shouting in annoyance, they didn't really let him have a job of his own.
"Mirie, please don't ramble so much, I mean I appreciate your comments, but I need to get to the point of this matter. How much does that job pay?" pleaded the girl somewhat desperate for distractions from her partner, who just looked at her with bored eyes.
"My mistake, sorry. I can't help rambling. And about the pay ... I think it was $3,000 or was it $7,000? I don't quite remember, but it's about the same. That's why I made those comments, and I think you get it every week. It must be a complicated job for what they pay you," Amirie added at the end, placing her hand under her chin thoughtfully.
Eyes (E/C) widened in surprise. "Do they pay that well?" the girl (H/C) thought.
"Mirie, are you sure it's not a scam? Please, I don't want this to be another one of your meaningless jokes" He looked at her seriously and moved his face closer to the other woman, although almost touching their noses in the words of Amirie.
"Are you calling me a liar? And here I thought you were my best friend!" .... Well no, I'm not kidding, you can ask my sister, she's more mature and serious about this. Anyway, it's getting late, aren't you going to work?" questioned the redhead still overwhelmed by the closeness of her friend, opting for another topic.
"Yes, although you still haven't given me the contact number, now that I remember" She sat back in her seat, much to the relief of the second woman.
"Well I just came with the information, I forgot to ask Nata for the contact details, you see how absent-minded I am. You can meet me at my place when you're done with your work, she has a break today so she'll be in the house for the rest of the afternoon."
Calling the waiter's back, he asked for the total of his order and with that, payment. Amirie and (Y/N) got up leaving the cafeteria, one hour had already passed, and (H/C) panicked saying goodbye to his companion.
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"Mr. Lombuarph, I'm sorry I'm so late!" Exhaling and inhaling, the girl apologized to her employer. Who only looked at her bitterly.
"I understand your situation (Y/N), but you're still late this week. Next week I will discharge you with your payment if you keep coming in a late girl, don't forget that." The man walked away, as the girl grimaced in disgust at her somewhat elderly boss.
Stepping away from the entrance to the store, the young woman put on her apron and grabbed a hairnet and headed for the kitchen. The store was a small bakery, owned by the old curmudgeon from before who, in the words of the tree employees, was not very nice.
"Don't tell me, did the curmudgeon scold you again for your tardiness?".
"HA HA HA HA, look how I laugh at your joke Josette" (Y/N) commented sarcastically, still annoyed by her employer's scolding. Josette, a dark-skinned guy with dyed red hair and hipster clothes, looked at his colleague.
"Come on, I just wanted to cheer you up. Although with your face, you'd scare even the flies ha ha ha." He went back to teasing the young woman as she only snorted. She has already used Josette's ungraceful teasing and practical jokes; a daily occurrence.
Resuming her position, she completely forgot about her surroundings and began to knead the dough already made by the brunette.
Josette walked over to the oven and put in several pieces of cheese-filled pie. Then, she approached the girl again, who, was still somewhat annoyed.
"Okay, I didn't ask you this time ... Still,now what was it?" the boy questioned somewhat vaguely enough for the female to understand.
Wiping the sweat from her forehead due to the heat of the oven, the (H/C)-ette turned to stare at him and, putting down the dough, replied annoyed and sarcastically.
"Nothing that really matters to a gossip like you, I just know that I'll leave this dump of flour and bread. "Josette's green eyes widened, giving that puppy dog look, pleading to (Y/N).
"Don't be mean, tell me the gossip. Although if I could, I'd quit this job too, you can see I can't. That old man ... I mean, my uncle, I still owe him the two thousand dollars he lent me" snorted the brunet averting his 'pretty' eyes.
"Jo, I'm not going to tell you even if you make those eyes, you suck at making that face and I long to leave you here too, I can't stand to have you hovering around like a fly in my ears. Anyway, Josette, you're burning the bread you put in the oven" She said ignoring the surprised cries of her brunette companion.
"Why didn't you warn me? Ugh, that old curmudgeon is going to scold me" Rolling her eyes, the (H/C)-ette returned to her stall, this time decorating some pasties.
Mr. Lombuarph entered the kitchen, followed by the smell of burning. His brown eyes widened and, clipboard in hand, he angrily approached Josette.
"Josette! Why did you burn the bread again? I told you to pay attention, that's why I don't pay you and you still have 1200 left in debt. Do your job right, for God's sake! I hope that on my next watch I don't find you making a mess" With that, the old man left the kitchen fuming out of his ears, not before turning to look at the brunette "Go clean the cellar, (Y/N) throw those burnt cakes away" Without further ado, he left the place.
"...Damn old man, see what you've done? That's why I hate this place, but I need the fucking money" Complained the woman throwing a reproachful look towards Josette.
"Come on! You know I can't help it, if I didn't owe my uncle the money, I would have run by now. Besides my parents don't want me to come back to the house until I finished paying him and 'call him to account' fuck what a stink" Snorting, the male walked away from the scene carrying an old broom to the side of the oven.
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After 5:20, the place was about already closed. Josette and (Y/N) were taking off their aprons, the brunette sighed dramatically, sitting down on a chair while letting out an exaggerated groan.
"Ah! I hate cleaning the warehouse, it's full of rats.... A-and ... and cockroaches. Why doesn't the old man refrigerate the cheeses or keep the flour in containers? I'm full of dust, UGH how disgusting!" she exclaimed looking at her clothes. Laughing, the girl just looked at him with no grace in her eyes.
"You know he's like that, an old man of yesteryear and somewhat old-fashioned. By the way, don't expect me tomorrow, I'll miss work" He commended, starting to walk away from the counter, heading for the door.
Josette got up immediately, while wiping her dirty, sweaty face with a rag that was on her apron.
"You're kidding, right? ... I beg you, Oh! humble goddess of bread, don't leave me with that old man! Who knows what he'll make me work for if you leave. Besides Marina is still sick, so it will be work only for me, I don't want to do the work of you two" He complained again while clinging to the (H/C)-ette.
Pushing him, he (Y/N) said nothing and walked out the door bidding farewell to the eccentric boy, hearing his boss yell to the aforementioned young man.
"Ah! I can taste the money lining my pockets now. Ash! I just want to finish my art design degree and make a living doing what I love to do. Even if this place sucks and my boss even more, I will miss Josette's antics and forgetful Maria though." Sighing, the girl walked away from the old bakery.
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Ringing the doorbell of the house, (Y/N) waited for a while until it was opened for her. She was greeted by the youngest of the red-haired sisters, Nerushka. 
"Nata, mirie, (Y/N) is here!" she turned to shout to her sisters. Amirie appeared poking her head out.
"What are you standing there for? Andale, come in." Asking permission, the (H/C)ette waved her hand and entered the kitchen. 
Nerushka's door slammed, after which Natalia came downstairs scolding the younger one. 
"Hi, (Y/N) sorry I missed you. Here's the contact number of the masion ... Oh, and one more thing! My friend gave me a warning: <Whoever gets hired, stay strong mentally and physically> I don't know what she meant, but that's it," Natalia explained.
Looking at the card, which had nothing special on it except for some initials and the phone number.
"Bye girls and thank you. See you later narushka" She said saying goodbye to the two sisters and the little girl, who ignored her because of the phone in her hands.
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Opening the door to her house, she greeted her cat and went upstairs to the second floor, plopping down on the bed. She pulled the phone out of her pocket, opened the contacts section and began dialing the number on the card. 
After a few rings, there was the strange sound of something clicking like a technical glitch, until it stopped. Then, a jovial masculine voice answered.
"Hello, good afternoon, you've reached SGM Manor, how may I help you?" staring at the ceiling, the girl hesitantly answered the young man on the phone "Hello? I hope you're not joking" waking up from her reverie, she (Y/N) sounded a little nervous.
"E-eh! Oh yes, I was looking for the vacancy left by the previous person. An acquaintance of mine is his friend and they recommended this position to me, so I know the pay is good". Then, the (E/C) paused for a moment to calm down and then continued.
"Could you, um .... I don't know, give me some information?" For the next few minutes nothing was heard, which made her nervous.
"Sorry for the lack of response, we were.... We were busy on another line. Sure, it's $7,000 a week and you only get one break between shift changes, are you willing to take it?"
"O-oh, s-sure, I'm fine with that ... But, I have a question what is this job about?" the woman inquired somewhat hesitantly, waiting for the other party's answer.
After a while, the aforementioned spoke again, this time sighing. "Excuse me, Miss, we can't give you this information here, but we could meet at a coffee shop near you."
Biting her lips, she debated whether or not to meet with this stranger, besides she didn't want to get involved in something improper.
However, her eagerness to realize her life's dream and pay off her debts ended up eating away at her mind.
Instantly, she replied shakily "O-okay, can we meet tomorrow at the cafe near the central park?"
Anxiety began to gnaw at his thoughts, why did he begin to doubt? He had already made the decision, it was no time to back out. So, her breathed, and left his doubts in the back of his mind; there would be time to think about the pros and cons. A breath was heard on the other line, the young man answered with a cheerful tone.
"Okay, see you tomorrow at 10? We'll text you, see you next time Miss (Y/n). "And without even waiting for an answer from her, the other line hung up, leaving the girl confused and even more scared. This left the girl confused and scared, how did he knows her name? A shiver ran down her back and red flags went up in her mind, but she shook off that worry.
"Calm down, m-maybe one of the sisters informed them of my interest, I need that job..... Now I'm going to go to sleep, thinking it's not going to get you anywhere!". Then, she got up to take off her clothes and lay back down in her underwear.
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Yes!!! I'm re-crazy publishing fics that I never know if I'll update, hehe anyway this is a mix of ideas that I had in 2 other fics on my wattpad account. But that platform kind of went to hell. I already have chapter 2, but it is half corrected
Status 《Half edited I think》
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the1975attheirverybest · 10 months
Hello I wanted to talk to you about something. Would like to hear your opinion on it because I really respect it. So on Twitter Trumanblack was trening lately and I saw people being mad that truman Black came back.
Here's couple of tweets, to show you the perspective:
,He is escaping the reality through this character. Being sincere and open is the way to live life not hiding behing fictional characters. He needs to grow up and realize where his priorities are.
Ofc, we do not know him. His choice, his life.
what the fuck happened matty. I don't understand what you're doing right now. should have left Truman in the trash. I don't get it.
This. It seems he was used to dealing with difficult emotions through avoiding them in stage character (he admitted to this in an interview recently) & he wanted to ditch the character & embrace the emotions/be sincere things maybe got too raw & real so he is back in charakter
I'm sorry this message is so long. I'm just thinking about it all. Do you think 'matty' is gone and he will be acting and all that in the upcoming tour? Cause I wouldnt like it and it won't be good for him too :/
Again sorry this is so long
No, I mean, this is an interesting topic that I think we should 100% get into to "warm up" for the tour. I bet we'll have even more to say once we start getting content from the first new shows in September. (omg not too far away now aaaahhhh), so everyone feel free to chime in, but basically, here is how I think about it ( this is probs gonna be long. apologies in advance. im gonna add a "keep reading" so i dont destroy y'all feeds).
The first thing we need to remember is that Matty's "Truman Black" persona pre-dates the ATVB tour. He's always been "Truman Black." He's always been a jokester, a meme lord, a bit chaotic, a bit sexy, a pastiche or caricature of himself.
The question, then, is why? Why does he do this?
For several reasons. And he's been nothing but honest with us about them.
From as early on as 23 years old, when ST first started blowing up and the boys cultivated a following, Matty became acutely aware of the spotlight and the way that fans idealized and idolized him. Sexually desired him, saw him as this rockstar figure. And it made him uncomfortable because, well, no real human being could live up to such a fantasy, right? That's really what the song "Love Me" is about. He experienced this during album 1 and instantly wrote about it for album 2. like thats how strongly he felt it. He's more eloquent about it than I can ever be, so I'm going to link you to his explanation of "Love Me."
so, as he's pointing out in his explanation, he plays this kinda ridiculous character to "subvert" expectations. right? even in the mv, he has cardboard cut outs of sex symbols and heart throbs like Harry Styles etc. and he takes his shirt off and stands next to them and makes out with them and all that. Usually, the normal rockstar-fan relationship is that we project our fantasy upon the rockstar and the rockstar accepts it obligingly. But Matty's going "well this is really kinda silly, and it makes me feel sooo disconnected from myself if i turn into this person everyone thinks i am, so what am i gonna do? oh I'll just lean into the silliness." so if he can't do the "fake authenticity" of the cliched rockstar, hes gonna do a very authentic fakeness of being loud, and silly goofy funny messy larger than life, etc.
He explains it here (I've cued it up to the right moment in the video). He's right, if you're a stranger and you know nothing about him and you see him behaving in a Truman-black-esque way, you'd think "wow what an arrogant piece of shit this dude is." BUT if you realize that he's like "i KNOW that you all think of me this way. And YOU (the fans) know that I know that you think that way." we become in on the joke.
You know what im gonna say here. Postmodernism. LMAO. No, but for real. Postmodern art naturally has this "meta" habit. It's art that knows itself as art. It's aware that it's not real. Like movies that are constantly referring to themselves as movies. breaking the experience of illusion for you by constantly reminding you that what you are watching has been filmed and edited. it's not real life. Thats what Matty does with the "rockstar persona" constantly reminding you "it's not real. im just a character made up in all our heads. I'm actually a normal human being but my job is kinda fuckin mental."
So, I think those 4 points, from VERRRYYY early in Matty's career are the genesis of Truman Black. Thats what "Truman Black" is based on.
You could ask, well, if Matty has been this way from the very beginning how come it's such a problem now? how come this whole thing is a new issue??
I think its the perfect storm of this year.
The ATVB show was designed to push the blurry lines between Matty Healy/ Truman Black to their very limits cuz they added extra layers of meta-theatricality to an already meta situation haha. He plays himself in the couch scene, and the raw meat scene, but he's also kind of playing a symbolic version of himself that's supposed to apply to a lot of straight men, but then the show is also about the lines between his personal and his public lives.
Then he goes and does the Truman Black rockstar shit in the second half of the show. So, the tour really could've been called "Matty Healy: At His Very Truman Black-esque" and it would have been accurate. Like he took this concept and stretched it to see how far it could take him.
Then of course you have the podcast thing, the taylor swift thing, the twitter cancelation cycles, etc etc etc.
There were so many new eyes on him. and so much out of context (remember, meta-theatricality needs context. needs the audience to be in on the joke. we have to know 'oh hes making fun of himself being a rockstar') cuz if we don't have the context he really comes off as a guy who's in love with himself and his rockstar status haha.
Now that alllll of this background is out of the way, lets discuss the questions that you've brought up.
Is he Matty or is he Truman Black?
I think lots of people didn't notice that when he threw out the lab coat that was labeled "truman black" in the video, he wasn't serious. he instantly starts doing the robot dance, flipping the camera off with his finger, acting disruptive by riding the trolley thingy. All Truman Black behavior: mischief, breaking rules, etc. so it was a "meta" joke. he tossed the character then acted like the character. a contradiction. ironic. Truman Black's never been gone! he and Matty are intertwined necessarily. you can't separate one from the other.
Is he gonna be acting at all in S...ATVB?
Yes. He will. He's working with Brad Troemel whose sense of humor is very close to Matty's and who loves irony and postmodernism.
Does he use Truman Black to "hide from difficult situations" or to "run from his emotions" or whatever that tweet was saying? no. He uses it to deliver social critique. About masculinity being ridiculous, about our relationship to artists and the fantasy of perfection in Rockstar cliches, about performative wokeness.
Those are the very same beliefs that Matty Healy believes in. hes always criticizing these things in interviews and speeches and stuff. So, no, hes not hiding behind the character to disassociate he IS the same guy, just a slightly less dramatized and exaggerated version.Thats why he doesn't completely turn it on or off at any time. Thats why it's not that he was willing to stop it for a relationship and then start it again when it didn't work out. Thats not how Matty operates at allll.
He didn't throw out his belief that performative wokeness is harmful and stupid, he didn't throw out his belief that leftist masculinity is confusing, he didn't change who he is at his very core just to be mr nice guy, or to be sincere, or to get his dick sucked off by Taylor Swift, or whatever these people think is the reason. He's always been this way; he very likely will always be this way. Thats just how he makes art and how he thinks about the world.
He's always BEEN open to embracing emotions and being sincere. "I love you, don't you mind?" "we're only human we're just like you man" "I'll quote on the road like a twat," "im petrified of being alone, its pathetic," "im just pissed off because you pied me off after your show," "you pick a fight and i'll define it" "i said its cool i was messing but its true," "pretend that i know what it is (i wasn't listening)" "sorry that I quite like seeing myself on the news. im sorry that im someone that i wish i could change, but ive always been the same."
would an emotionally stunted anti-sincerity guy write ANY OF THESE LYRICS? idk, you tell me.
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sonderwrit · 5 months
C121: Sincerely
I Have to Be a Great Villain - Masterpost
Author's 木火然 Weibo post:
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The couple next door drives quickly* (no home base), even holding a long-distance romance (no). Next chapter will debut the adult Wang Yi! 😘😘😘 This world's XY will definitely love each other; if there's anyone to blame then blame Qin for being high-quality wood (in other words: blockhead).
*to "drive" is an euphemism for snusnu in Chinese *cough*
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Wang Yi: Can I ask…
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WY: What you're thinking right now?
[TL: is that blobby bit in there the "piece of X" that Qin Xian left in Wang Yi after feeding him himself in the last world ahhhh]
Qin Xian: Disciple seems more cheerful, but your soul hasn't changed, nor have you been resurrected from the dead.
WY: ?
S-0: ?
WY: (He's actually more concerned with whether his disciple's been soul-snatched.)
WY: Right, nothing's changed, but it's still different. If this was the old Wang Yi, he'd probably still try playing the obedient disciple to disguise his identity.
WY: But I've already "tricked" you too many times, so I don't want to hurt you anymore.
WY: (I've yet to confirm the visions in my head.)
WY: [I still don't know what S-0 means by "averting the crisis."]
WY: [I only know that Qin Xian's last few worlds weren't probably as easy as he claims. He must have been suffering most of the time.]
WY: [The same with this world.]
WY: [Even if I keep pretending, what awaits him is—]
(SCENARIO) Wang Yi: "Apologies, Master." WY: "My poison has aphrodisiac properties."
WY: [Betrayal from a disciple he gave everything to teach.]
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WY: [So it's better to explain in advance since my heart can't deceive others anyways.]
WY: I said I'd pursue you.*
*implied to be romantically
WY: So no matter whether you remember the past, I'll still treat you well.
WY: (Ah, ah, why do I feel so happy just thinking of biting him.) [Looks like I still haven't calmed down yet.]
WY: You can read minds, so you should understand disciple isn't lying.
S-0: Host, what are you saying? Mr. Qin sealed his memory personally, so it's very easy for him to recover them as long as he wants to.
WY: (I really want to kiss him, bite him, and make a mess of him before swallowing him up.)
WY: (Blurred thoughts)
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QX: ….
WY: If he can remember, then what's he doing right now?
S-0: Eh?
QX: Disciple.
QX: You said before for Master do [do what I want to do].
(FLASHBACK: Wang Yi telling Qin Xian he can do whatever QX wants)
QX: Were you sincere?
WY: Ah? It was sincere.
WY: (Why's he asking like that?)
WY: (Nothing to fear, I'll still chase him 'til the end of the story.)
QX: ….
S-0: So it's irrecoverable?
QX: I understand.
QX: I—
QX: Shall do as you wish.
WY: Huh?
S-0: ?
WY: (As I wish means…?)
S-0: Gahhh—
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QX: For some reason, Disciple Wang Yi awakened a demon clan bloodline.
QX: It's certain that his mind is affected by primordial instincts with a tendency to deteriorate further.
WY: Hold on?
WY: What's this all of a sudden?
QX: He shall be exiled to the people,
QX: And never allowed entry into the sect again.
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QX: The demon's mark has been engraved. I wish my disciple to live smoothly without worries from this day on.
WY: That's not it, Master! Whatever you want to do, I can do with you.
WY: (He wants to abandon me? What did I do wrong? He didn't even used to react when he knew I bit people.)
QX: Apologies.
QX: As long as you're here, I can't move freely. With your ability, it'll be better to live freely in the mortal world.
WY: Master?!
WY: Hah…?
WY: (He's never moved so quickly when we used to travel together… Was it taking my cultivation level into account?)
WY: Doesn't this…mean that I've never caught up to him.
S-0: Host!
S-0: What happened? I was blown away by the sword aura just then!
WY: (Aish, what a mess. I wasn't prepared at all.)
WY: Qin Xian seemed to have decided on something after reading my thoughts. He left a demon seal on me and left. Quick, help me check if it's got any debuffs or something. [It shouldn't have been done with malicious intentions.]
S-0: Oh, okay!
S-0: Sigh.
WY: What?
WY: (He's got wrinkles on his forehead.)
S-0: The results of your full-body scan indicates that this is a daoist spell that [will hurt yourself as soon as you hurt others]. Yunshan Sect seems to use the sigil to identify those of other species.
WY: Oh. 
WY: It's as if he really kicked me out of the sect…
S-0: But the strange thing is, Host still has a layer of strong celestial sword aura (Tiangang Sword Aura) around him left by a high-ranking cultivator. Its function is probably to resist fatal attacks from cultivators below the Nascent Soul stage.*
*Reminder: In the cultivation world the levels are: Qi-Refining > Foundation Building > Golden Core > Nascent Soul > Immortal Ascension > Overcoming tribulation and becoming a god
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DIAGRAM: "Injury Backlash Spell," "Tiangang Sword Aura" 
S-0: It'll be sensed by the caster during attack.
WY: The Tiangang Sword Aura is…Qin Xian's ability.
WY: (The huge spell formation just then didn't feel like a counterspell…)
WY: (More like…)
WY: …….
S-0: The Sword Saint might not have wanted to abandon you. Host, what were you thinking at the time?
WY: After eating the realgar and thinking about biting Qin Xian, I got a bit excited. But I quickly suppressed that thought with common sense…
S-0: Oh?
S-0: That's it?
WY: !
WY: ….
WY: I think.
WY: I know the reason now.
Wu Zhen: I know of the incident Sword Saint speaks of.
Wu Zhen: But the child you mentioned who underwent heavenly tribulation isn't my disciple.
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[WU ZHEN: Yunshan Sect sect leader, early stage Nascent Soul cultivator]
Wu Zhen: He was probably using the sect's name to do evil deeds.
QX: Better send someone to investigate, this is no simple matter.
QX: (That child didn't lie regarding this point.)
Wu Zhen: ……
Wu Zhen: Since the Sword Saint insists, this really may be an anomaly. It'll be done as you said.
Wu Zhen: Speaking of which, where's your disciple? Why didn't I see him come receive the reward for slaying demons?
QX: …….
QX: My disciple left to gain experience and won't return anytime soon.
Wu Zhen: Oh? That's unlike you. How could the Sword Saint bear to let the disciple who clings to you all day suffer out in the world alone?
QX: …..mm.
QX: It's so he won't suffer.
WY: (I really want to kiss him, bite him, and make a mess of him before swallowing him up.)
WY: (Urk, I can't think like that. Otherwise, the future where Qin Xian digs out my celestial bone* and tosses me down the cliff will come early.)
*In cultivation novels, those with the aptitude to cultivate are sometimes in possession of special "celestial bones".
QX: That I let him go.
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QX: (Wang Yi and that spiritual cat seem to be saying)
QX: (That as long as the demon bloodline exists, in the near future I will personally slay my own disciple, right?)
QX: Oh right, help me investigate how to strip demon bloodlines out of someone along the way.
Wu Zhen: Hah? Along the way?
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QX: (But I—)
QX: (Don't want to do such a thing.)
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glowingbadger · 3 months
idk if this will be too specific so feel free to mix and match as you like, but 2, 16, 37, and 38 for Axel?
AXEL MY SPECIAL MAN I love him so much, always thrilled to write for him lol. And y'know, I've had this concept in mind with him for a super long while that, after he gets his heart back, he might have a hard time fully dealing with how intense his feelings for Reader-chan are, and how different it makes the sexual side of things feel for him, so I'm gonna roll with that for this and apologies in advance if it gets a bit longer than some of the other kink prompt drabbles~~
(Side note I wasn't sure who you wanted on the giving/receiving end of any of this so... I guessed lmao. Also because this was a lot of kinks for one piece, I played a little fast and loose with them and some are represented more than others. I was just kinda winging it idk)
Anyway man I spent too much time struggling to find any time to write lately so like if I have to come back to this in a week to fix word repetition and type-os then... so fuckin be it I guess lol
Axel (Kingdom Hearts) x GN! Reader
Kink prompts list #2 - body worship, #16 - praise, #37 - massage, #38 - size difference
NSFW 18+
Axel kisses you differently these days. Like the moment he feels your lips on his, he's struck by something powerful and compelling. Like he can't quite control himself. With his heart returned to him at last, you've quickly discovered the novel and enthralling sensation of it pounding rapidly beneath your hands when they come to rest on his chest. But then- just as he has every time since your reunion -he stops. The warmth of Axel's touch leaves you, and he pulls away even as your hands subconsciously remain clenched around his black t-shirt. You blink your eyes back into focus. He glows in the early evening light where the two of you have settled on a large blanket along the shores of the Destiny Islands. The stunning turquoise of his eyes still seems to sparkle like the sea itself, even as he glances away from you and sighs.
"S- Sorry," he mutters, his head hanging, "We should, uh, probably get back to the others, yeah?"
Your brow furrows, and you pause to watch him at first. It's impossible to tell in the bleeding reds and oranges of the coming sunset, but it almost seems as though his face is flushed pink. You wonder- have you ever seen Axel blush before? It doesn't seem like him. But then, he hasn't had his heart for very long.
Just as he starts to pull away from you, you find your voice,
"Axel- wait," you gently tug him back towards you on the blanket, and he follows so that he's made to face you, "Is... is everything alright?"
"Huh? 'Course everything's..." he trails off as he meets your eye. His expression falls, and you can tell he sees the pained concern on your face. He sighs.
"Sorry, I uh... Ugh," he runs a hand through his hair, exasperated, "Don't look at me like that, c'mon. I'll spill, okay? It's just," his posture deflates, "it's pretty lame."
You shift closer to him, straightening the scrunched up blanket as you do so you can pretend you don't notice the way his body tenses beside you.
"You've just... been worrying me a bit lately, that's all. About how you're doing and, well, about us."
"Woah, woah, hey now!" Axel frantically takes your hand in his, holding it almost painfully tight near his chest, "Don't go thinking like that! Don't ever think that! It's my fault- I'm... not used to actually feeling all of this."
You frown a bit, then your brows raise as you gradually begin to understand. As you process, he elaborates,
"Before, when I 'felt' things, it was more like remembering, or thinking about feeling. Like... when someone tells you something really sad, and you feel bummed about it, but you weren't really there, right? It wasn't your sad thing that happened."
You get the feeling that, for him, this is a frustratingly inadequate metaphor. Still, you understand well enough, so you nod.
"I got used to that," he says, his eyes low before raising them to gaze at you with a sincerity that makes your chest ache, "But now, it's different- I feel everything. I feel it so much- an-and, being around you, it... drives me absolutely nuts. My heart," he releases your hand and places his at his chest, "It just goes wild when I touch you, sometimes it's like it's about to go up in flames."
You look at him warmly, leaning close.
"Well, if anyone could handle that, it'd be you."
He gives a short laugh through his nose, and his gaze softens.
"Guess so. Anyway," he sighs, "it's super lame, so... I didn't wanna bother you with this. But I kinda blew it, huh."
"It's not lame, Axel," you say with a grin, "Honestly I probably should have thought of that before now- I'm sorry I didn't. It must be really overwhelming to be feeling so many things for the first time in so many years. You were just a kid when you lost your heart."
"Guess that's fair..." his body finally relaxes a bit, but after a pause, he adds, "Still, I feel like a jerk though. It's not that I don't wanna be near you, or... touch you and all of that," there's a heat in his expression as he speaks, raising a hand to tentatively graze his fingers down your jawline, "Man, I really, really do."
"Then... maybe you just need to ease back into it?" you lean into the feeling of his hand at your cheek, offering what you hope is a reassuring smile. He looks at you, confused but intrigued, and you say,
"Like, maybe you could just, you know, practice touching me. Take it slow, don't rush, and, well... touch me as much as you want."
The crimson of his face rivals his hair, and his voice scratches just slightly in his throat,
"Wha- like, like a massage?" he gives a short laugh, "I mean, I'll try, but I've never-"
"Sure, like a massage," you smile, and immediately begin undressing to only the bathing suite you'd thrown on beneath your clothes. He's seen your body before, back in his Nobody days- many times, and every inch. Now, you see his chest slowly rise and fall as he breathes deeply, watching you with something like awe in those bright teal eyes. A part of you dearly wishes you could fully understand how it feels for him. How world-shaking it would be to live without true emotions of your own, to somehow come close to love in that state, and then to one day regain those feelings and be confronted with the full intensity of it all. You wonder if he'll ever fully adjust; he lived without a heart for a decade, after all. But, at least for now, he seems very interested in that massage idea.
You lay across the blanket on your stomach and glance expectantly back at him over your shoulder. This seems to shake him back into the present moment, and he positions himself above you. Your body warms at the reminder of how much taller he is than you- the way that, in the past, he'd been able to manhandle you, touch any part of you, overwhelm you while you gasped his name. You shake the thought from your mind for the time being- he needs you to take this slow. For now, anyway.
Axel's hands come to rest tentatively at your shoulder muscles, and you smile at the familiar warmth of his touch. He's always been warm, though you suppose that only makes sense. Very gently- almost too gently- he begins to rub your shoulders up to the muscles at the base of your neck. You close your eyes and exhale, smiling while your heart flutters at the chance to finally feel this, feel him. Gradually, he works down to your shoulder blades, and you let out a groaning sigh as he works out a knot you hadn't noticed prior.
"Mmm, that's nice..." you murmur. You feel Axel's body tense behind you. "You doing alright?"
"Yeah," he says, too quickly.
Before long, those strong hands reach a firmer and more consistent pressure, and he seems ever slightly more sure of himself. You allow yourself a few happy sighs and groans to encourage him, commenting now and then when something feels especially nice. He takes his time, and you're patient, reminding yourself that, for as much as you burn and ache for more, he needs to be the one to guide your pace. Yet by the time his hands run down your back, tracing your waist and reaching your hips, you can't help the cat-like way you squirm beneath him. He's closer to you now, and you can feel his heat behind you. For a moment, you think you feel something else, too- something hard and warm at the swell of your ass.
"Damn, Y/N..." he mutters as he runs those hands back up your body, thumbs applying a wonderful pressure close to your spine, "You're gonna make me lose it with those noises..."
"Mmh, but it feels so good, Axel," you luxuriate on your words, mercilessly prodding at his lust. Perhaps it's cruel to tease him this way; already, you can feel the harsher grip of his hands, and you're certain you hear something like him biting back a groan of his own. With a playful look back at him, you arch your body and say,
"I missed this, you know. Having you on top of me."
"You little..." his words trail off, but his hands wander lower, briefly groping at your ass in a way that reminds you of how he'd grabbed and spanked you in the past.
"Sorry, sorry," you say with a small laugh, "Is this too much?"
"No," he grips your thighs and runs his hands upward until he's cupping your ass in both hands, spreading it beneath the fragile barrier of your swimsuit, "Now that I'm past that first barrier... it's nowhere near enough. Maybe that's what I was really nervous about this whole time."
At first, you only hum pleasantly as he fondles your body, your pulse racing with the thrill of his hands meticulously tracing your every contour. When you finally think to speak, you ask,
"What do you mean?"
"I mean..." you feel Axel's thumb play along the edge of your swimsuit, just barely sneaking below the clingy fabric, "I mean that I'm so crazy into you that right now I can't think of anything but how badly I wanna show you exactly how my heart and body both feel about you. And once I start..." his body presses to yours, his lips brushing the shell of your ear, "I don't know how I'm ever gonna stop."
For a moment, you're mindless and breathless. The heat of him around you is intoxicating, warming you through to your core even as the sun begins to dip beneath the glassy ocean behind you. Axel props himself over you with one arm on the blanket beside you, while his free hand holds at your hip, tugging you against him so you can feel the pressure of his hard and throbbing cock against your ass.
"Please," you whimper, "Axel, I've missed you so much."
Without a word, he tugs your swimsuit out of the way and opens the front of his jeans. The head of his member presses to your needy, clenching little hole, then forcefully begins to spread you open around him as he thrusts forward. His impassioned groan is swallowed up by your gasping cry of his name, but for a moment, he simply remains sheathed in you. You'd nearly forgotten how big he is, and he seemed eager to remind you, but even so, you can tell he hasn't entered you to the base just yet.
"Sorry... for makin' you wait so long..." he grunts against your ear.
"Wo... worth it..." you barely manage to reply. The pain and pleasure of him stretching you around his iron-hard cock is mind-numbing. You feel the tingling sensation across your skin all the way to your fingertips. Then, just as you'd begun to get accustomed to his size, his hips begin to sway. Despite his desperation for you, he's gentle, carefully and gradually pumping into you at a pace that allows you to adjust as he fills you just a little deeper with each pass. Axel has always been so much more gentle than he wants anyone to know, but you adore the harsher things about him, too. When you feel the tinge of discomfort of his cockhead bottoming out inside of you, your ass finally meeting his lower abdomen, you sigh his name aloud in absolute bliss.
"How's... that heart of yours doing?" you half-sigh.
He's pressed against you, holding you with an incredible loving tenderness while his massive cock sends mind-breaking tremors through your core.
"On fire," he says, the pace of his thrusts picking up, his breath hot and ragged at the back of your throat, "I like it."
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shelbystales · 2 years
Honor and Blood - Part Sixteen
Tommy Shelby x Reader - Masterlist
Read previous parts: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 -12 - 13 - 14 - 15
Summary: you are a gypsy and your family lives near Birmingham. Tommy Shelby needs a favor and Johnny Dogs says you’re the one he should ask for. A meeting is scheduled and when Tommy meets you, he is instantly drawn to you.
Warning: Swearing, fluff,
A/N: Please comment and interact. tell me what you think! it means a looot to me if you do! thank you very much
English is my second language so I apologize in advance for the grammar mistakes.
“Just right around the corner”, he answered as you walked away from the shop. 
You looked around hoping someone would see you, but at this time of the day, there was no one walking on the streets. You saw a few kids playing by the end of the street, but they were too far away. 
As you walked to the corner you saw a car waiting with the engine turned on. Your heartbeat raced and your hands got sweaty. You breathed deeply still hoping someone would walk by and save you from this situation. every step you took felt dragged and the closer you got to the car the worst you felt. 
“Get in” Campbell answered stopping by the car
“I thought you wanted to have a chat Mr. Campbell?” you managed to say, looking him in the eyes 
“We will, just somewhere else,” he said “now get in” he opened the door
“What if I don’t?” you asked feeling your hands shake uncontrollably
“I am afraid, Miss, that you don’t have that choice,” he said and pushed you inside, forcing you in. You didn’t fight back because two other men were sitting in the front seats and you had no chance. 
“Can I ask where are we going?” you asked concerned as the car started moving
“Going for a walk” he answered caressing his mustache “see, I needed you to be somewhere where it was just the two of us,” he said and shifted in his seat to face you, his leg touching yours “you should know that I recently saw you and the dangerous mister Shelby together”
“Is that a crime?” you asked and he smiled and shook his head
“I must tell you, miss. Rather, I must alarm you. That man… is behind many crimes in this town. I know that your kind likes to stick together, but you should know that he is dangerous and I am afraid he is taking advantage of you and your naive head” he said and you frowned 
My kind? Naive? fuck you, you thought, feeling offended
“What do you mean?” you asked, pretending to be dumb. if there is one thing you’ve learned in this life is that they love to assume they know more than you, they love to think they are in charge and they own all the pieces on the board.
“I do believe you are being taken advantage of, but I don't believe you are stupid, miss. You know what I mean and you should know that I am going to clean this town, and if I find out you are at any moment involved in this by the slightest, I’ll come for you as well” he said, his face getting closer to yours by the words he spoke. 
You were surprised he didn’t bite your fake dumbness, making you think that this man in front of you should not be underestimated. 
“I do not have any involvement in his business,” you said and he nodded
“I’ll believe you, for now” he moved away from you and fixed his expensive grey suit “but you should know that I don’t like being lied to and if I find out that you just did it… I will not treat you like a lady, I’ll treat you like a worthless criminal,” he said looking at you “do you understand?” 
“I do” you answered feeling afraid of his gaze
“Stop the car,” he said to the man driving, and just like that he stopped “go, get out,” he said and you quickly opened the door and left as quickly as you possibly could. 
You looked around and did not recognize the place you were, he left you in a desertic and possibly dangerous place. You were not in the car for long so you could not be too far away. The sun was setting and you know how the streets of Birmingham, especially Small heath can be a lawless land when the sun settled. You looked around and breathed deeply walking to the first shop you saw and asking for information about where you now were.
After the information the nice lady that was sitting knitting next to the balcony you left walking completely aware of the dangers around, holding tightly to the knife you had in your belt.
You got to the shop and it was closed already. You decided to go to the Garrison and to speak to Tommy about what had just happened, but as you got there the Shelbys were nowhere to be seen. 
You walked around and decided to be a big girl and walk to the bar to the fancy woman that was focused on serving a man. 
“Hi Grace, have you seen Tommy?” you asked and she smiled at you 
“No, not today, dear” she answered superbly and you nodded, not even looking at you. You wanted to just walk outside, but for some reason, you couldn’t move. 
“Can I help you with anything else?” she asked  
“Yes,” you said and she finally directed her attention to you “if you see him, can you please tell him that his girlfriend was just here?”
“Girlfriend?” She repeated clearly shocked and you smiled and nodded “he didn’t tell me you were dating officially” she stated with the same air of superiority that just got under your nerves 
“Well, it happened today. So, can you do what I asked?” you insisted but changed your mind “you know what, never mind. I’ll stop by his place. Thank you, Grace. Oh, and Tommy told me you’ve been putting in some extra hours… why? Is he not paying enough? I could talk to him, you know… help you”
“Hm, no. I just… I like it” she stuttered, her arrogance now completely unexistent
“You like it?” you asked and chuckled “Ok… well have fun then” you smiled and walked away from the bar and out of the stinky bar that was now filling up.
As you walked down the street, you felt sorry for yourself because it felt really good to have this interaction with that cocky woman. You hated her from the bottom of your heart. 
The walk to the Shelbys' house was quiet so you had time to think about what you would talk to Thomas about. You had already given some thought on your way from the unfamiliar neighborhood to the Garrison. The truth is that you didn't really know what to say to him, you didn't have much to say. just tell you what happened. You tried to predict how he would react, and what he would do with that information.
As soon as you arrived, you could hear loud voices fighting inside. You stopped at the entrance of the house trying to understand a little of what was being discussed. You knew it was the voice of Thomas, Arthur and at some point Polly.
But you felt that what you were doing was wrong, so you knocked on the door and with that the voices fell silent. The door opened and Polly smiled when she saw you.
"Hi, Y/n!" Polly said
"Hey" you said "Is Tommy here?" you asked and Arthur nodded.
"yes, come in" she said and you walked in feeling out of place.
Arthur and Tommy were on opposite sides of the room. John was sat on the sofa with a entire bottle of whiskey in his hand, taking a big sip. 
When Tommy saw you walking in he walked right towards you “This conversation is finished,” he said grabbing your hand and walking out of the house.
You could clearly see he was upset about something. 
“What happened?” you asked him as you both walked on the dark streets of Small Heath. 
he took a deep breath and before answering you he lit his cigarette with all the calm in the world.
"How was your day, love?" he asked looking at you tenderly
"weird" you replied "but I want to hear from you, Tommy. What happened? Is everything ok?"
"Yes. All right," he said, scratching the bridge of his nose, "why was your day weird?"
"I want to tell you, but first... where are we going?" you asked
"Can we go to your place?" he asked and you nodded
you walked hand in hand in the silence of the night. the night was cold, as usual by this time of the year. As you walked he caressed your hand with his thumb.
You looked at him and saw that he needed a break. He was being evasive and was clearly still shaken by whatever had been the reason for his fight with his brothers. So his mind is probaly still trying to fix the problems around the fight.
You knew that they argued with some frequency, but even though you had never experienced one, you didn't imagine it would be how it was today. You wouldn't imagine it would affect him so much.
Arriving at your caravan you took off your shoes and he went straight to your bed, throwing himself on top of it. You watched him as you freed yourself from your accessories and clothes, putting on more comfortable clothes.
You were glad he had left some clothes in here the last time he came by.  Taking his white cotton pajama shirt you walked to him
“Are you going to tell me what’s bothering you?” you asked sitting next to him and putting the shirt on his chest.
He took a deep breath and brought his hand to his face, rubbing his eyes tiredly. He sat up and looked at you.
"Me father, he's back from whatever hell he was in," he replied, resting his elbows on his legs and letting his head fall forward.
"You never told me much about your father," you said stroking his back and resting your chin on his shoulder.
"There's nothing to tell," he said.
"No?" he shook his head "and why are you so upset?"
"he's not a father who deserves to have his story told," he said sitting up straighter and kissing your cheek, your face still resting on his shoulder, "tell me about your day, eh".
"Well, I don't know if you're going to like what I'm going to tell you." You pulled away from him and sat cross-legged on the bed.
He straightened up on the bed and began undoing his suit, taking off his suit jacket and loosening his tie.
"why not?" he asked during his process of getting more comfortable. 
The more and more a piece of his clothing was removed, the more you wanted to put an end to the conversation and ride him.
You took a deep breath shaking away your thoughts "I had a visit from Campbell" you said and he stopped at the third button of his shirt to look at you
"What? What did he want?" he asked looking at your body, your arms, your legs, looking for any sign that he had hit you, touched you, but he didn't find anything.
"Have a chat" you said mockingly "he wanted to warn me that you are a dangerous man" you smiled moving to sit on top of him leaving a tender kiss on his lips and hugging his neck with both of your arms.
"He didn't do anything to you, did he?" he asked, pulling his lips away from yours.
"No, he just threatened me. Saying he wouldn't treat me like a lady if he found out I was lying to him. He'd treat me like a worthless criminal" you chuckled
"That's not funny," he said shaking his head
"Tommy, he has nothing. He's desperate" you said caressing his chest through the unbuttoned buttons of his shirt "you don't have to worry, ok?" you continued and left a kiss on his neck, sucking his skin. He growled in frustration as if he didn't want to give in to you. “Are you hiding something?” you asked looking at him 
“No” he answered 
“Yes you are. You are hiding your feelings. But I will respect your time, Tommy” you caressed his neck while looking him in the eyes, trying to show him your support “but please share them with me, at some point. Promise me?” you asked and he reluctantly nodded. 
the rest of the night you exchanged caresses and slept holding each other. He was too introspective to engage in sex. He didn't even try or encourage your intimate caresses. You didn't insist and gave him some time.
You knew little about his father. And even less about how their relationship was. You remembered he once mentioned he was nothing like him, so you assumed he didn't admire his father at all.
All you knew about Arthur Shelby Sr. was what everyone else in town knew, that he was a crook. You knew he made money by telling fortunes and stealing horses, and you also knew from the stories told by your father that he was a formidable boxer.
Your father knew everyone and you were impressed, but at the same time... everyone knew who your father was.
The next day, Tommy decided to have breakfast with your family.
You two sat at the table with a mixture of eggs and shredded chicken. The hens continued to produce a lot during the winter, meaning no loss of food, mainly because the chicken coop was moved to a covered and warm place.
Your dad sat next to you and kissed you on the cheek and then greeted Tommy. After Patrick arrived, the conversation started to flow.
"Let's get the machines running today," Patrick said.
the machines had already been delivered and you put Patrick in charge of production, since he was a bit out of place, without any responsibility.
"Well, do you already have the materials?" you asked and he nodded
"Let's sew non-stop!" he said smiling and you smiled at him
"I hear Arthur Shelby is back in town," your father said to Thomas, who looked at him with a blank expression and nodded.
"When did your brother leave?" Patrick asked
"It's not his brother, it's his father" your father corrected him, with his mouth full "Arthur Shelby Sr," he added and Patrick nodded in understanding
"Oh, I assumed he was dead" Patrick spoke honestly
"Rick!" you scolded him and he looked at you surprised, not understanding what he had done wrong
"It would be better if he was," Thomas finally spoke and an awkward silence took over the moment.
"Is the old man still causing trouble?" your father asked after a while
"things with him don't change," he said and your father nodded with a smile hidden in his beard
After breakfast, Tommy walked you to the shop. Stopping at the entrance he kissed you lovingly, for a very long time, holding you by your hips to keep you close to him.
You didn’t know, but the night he had with you was exactly what he needed. A quiet and safe moment with the woman he was falling for, and for that he was grateful. 
“Let's have dinner tonight, eh?” he said and kissed you, he wanted to treat you right. To give you something you deserved “in a nice restaurant”. 
“I would like that,” you said with a smile.
“Good” he kissed you “when you are done here, come to the shop” 
“Well, I’ll have to go home first. To change into something nicer than these old clothes” you said and he smiled 
“I’ll take care of that” he said and left a kiss on your sweet lips before he left, wishing you a good day
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simply-trash5 · 4 months
What's up? Sorry in advance since this is gonna be kinda long. If it isn't too much trouble, could I please get a Trigun Stampede matchup? multiple characters are okay, if you think it's fitting or necessary.
I'm 21, non-binary pansexual/romantic, and polyamorous (no preference for gender)
General personality stuff:
Ennegram types 2, 4 and 8
Zodiac Taurus sun, pieces moon and rising
Not sure if appearance matters but- 5'3, chubby and kinda muscular, lots of scars on arms, chest, and legs. Fashion consists of graphic tees (with puns, memes, and trippy art) and jeans or shorts. I'll wear lots of different kinds of jewelry, and don't really have a set aesthetic.
Hobbies/likes- going to the gym, roller skating, playing video games, driving, listening to music (and singing along.. Badly), smoking weed, watching TV shows and movies, hanging out with friends, drawing, Writing, reading, going to museums/amusement parks, taking care of/watching animals
Positive traits: my friends have told me that I'm smart, funny/goofy, sarcastic, polite, thoughtful, strong, patient, trusting/trustworthy, empathetic and compassionate. My friends generally come to me for advice and I've been told I'm a good listener. I also like make myself useful (doing dishes, wiping down counters, laundry, etc) I'm passionate and very excitable and it makes me pretty talkative (when I want to be). Sociability depends on my mood. Sometimes I sit back and enjoy group dynamics, other times I participate more in conversation
Negative traits: tendency to be envious. I'm very self conscious/ insecure, and indecisive because of it. Bad habit of taking stuff personally and dwelling on issues that I should let go. can get annoyed/frustrated easily, especially if I'm overstimulated. also jumpy and gullible. Communication is very important to me in all my relationships, but when I get depressed, I tend to isolate.
Diagnoses: depression, anxiety, PTSD, and ADHD
When I first meet people, I'm overly formal and will crack a few jokes, but once I'm familiar with someone, I cuss a lot and enjoy playful teasing, but I always encourage to set boundaries if they need to.
I collect a lot of stuff. I have a Ton of comfort items- my posters, stuffed animals, collectible figures, etc. I'm a big over thinker. I can be pretty independent and self sufficient (sometimes) but I'm also very very insecure and doubt myself a lot. Big on current events and media analysis. I've got lots of vocal stims and am pretty fidgety.
I show my love through acts of service and prefer words of affirmation. I enjoy doing things for my loved ones and making sure they can relax, feel safe, and be happy
I know this is pretty long, so I apologize if it's overwhelming. Please don't feel pressured to answer. Take care! 💛
First off—we honestly sound eerily similar. Like down to the mental health diagnosis’s and I’m also a Taurus sun. ☺️ so if ya wanna be friends✨✨😌
After careful consideration I’m putting you with both Vash and Nico!
I see you having a smoke sesh with Nico then talking with Vash about what’s going on in the world.
Both of these guys have some really awful trauma but they would both love nothing more than for you to talk with them about what’s bothering you! Vash would embrace your stimming, because let’s face it—he’s ADHD too. Nico would do everything he could to put all of your insecurities at ease by always telling you how beautiful and special you are to him.
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Please shower them with love and expect it in return.
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