ryllen · 5 months
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.+💚. Green .💚+.
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sorrowfulsoul · 1 year
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Contents: Top 0–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
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B Ba Bb Bc Bd Be Bf Bg Bh Bi Bj Bk Bl Bm Bn Bo Bp Bq Br Bs Bt Bu Bv Bw Bx By Bz
C Ca Cb Cc Cd Ce Cf Cg Ch Ci Cj Ck Cl Cm Cn Co Cp Cq Cr Cs Ct Cu Cv Cw Cx Cy Cz
D Da Db Dc Dd De Df Dg Dh Di Dj Dk Dl Dm Dn Do Dp Dq Dr Ds Dt Du Dv Dw Dx Dy Dz
E Ea Eb Ec Ed Ee Ef Eg Eh Ei Ej Ek El Em En Eo Ep Eq Er Es Et Eu Ev Ew Ex Ey Ez
F Fa Fb Fc Fd Fe Ff Fg Fh Fi Fj Fk Fl Fm Fn Fo Fp Fq Fr Fs Ft Fu Fv Fw Fx Fy Fz
G Ga Gb Gc Gd Ge Gf Gg Gh Gi Gj Gk Gl Gm Gn Go Gp Gq Gr Gs Gt Gu Gv Gw Gx Gy Gz
H Ha Hb Hc Hd He Hf Hg Hh Hi Hj Hk Hl Hm Hn Ho Hp Hq Hr Hs Ht Hu Hv Hw Hx Hy Hz
I Ia Ib Ic Id Ie If Ig Ih Ii Ij Ik Il Im In Io Ip Iq Ir Is It Iu Iv Iw Ix Iy Iz
J Ja Jb Jc Jd Je Jf Jg Jh Ji Jj Jk Jl Jm Jn Jo Jp Jq Jr Js Jt Ju Jv Jw Jx Jy Jz
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M Ma Mb Mc Md Me Mf Mg Mh Mi Mj Mk Ml Mm Mn Mo Mp Mq Mr Ms Mt Mu Mv Mw Mx My Mz
N Na Nb Nc Nd Ne Nf Ng Nh Ni Nj Nk Nl Nm Nn No Np Nq Nr Ns Nt Nu Nv Nw Nx Ny Nz
O Oa Ob Oc Od Oe Of Og Oh Oi Oj Ok Ol Om On Oo Op Oq Or Os Ot Ou Ov Ow Ox Oy Oz
P Pa Pb Pc Pd Pe Pf Pg Ph Pi Pj Pk Pl Pm Pn Po Pp Pq Pr Ps Pt Pu Pv Pw Px Py Pz
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R Ra Rb Rc Rd Re Rf Rg Rh Ri Rj Rk Rl Rm Rn Ro Rp Rq Rr Rs Rt Ru Rv Rw Rx Ry Rz
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T Ta Tb Tc Td Te Tf Tg Th Ti Tj Tk Tl Tm Tn To Tp Tq Tr Ts Tt Tu Tv Tw Tx Ty Tz
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V Va Vb Vc Vd Ve Vf Vg Vh Vi Vj Vk Vl Vm Vn Vo Vp Vq Vr Vs Vt Vu Vv Vw Vx Vy Vz
W Wa Wb Wc Wd We Wf Wg Wh Wi Wj Wk Wl Wm Wn Wo Wp Wq Wr Ws Wt Wu Wv Ww Wx Wy Wz
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solardick · 16 days
Russian is all ya nye ya nye nye.
Nigerian is all ba bo bo abo bo.
Its funny.
But when it burns after you ejaculate. Your know somethign is wrong. Ibs? Im not so sure. Thought there was a sense of relief, absence of illness. For a while anyway.
Back to the alphabets. First letter russian, second letter english.
1. А,A 2. б,B 3. В(v),C 4. Г(g),D 5 .Д(d),E 6. E(ye),F 7. Ё(yo),G 8. Ж(j),H 9. З(z),i 10. И(е),J 11. Й(y),K 12. К,L 13. Л(L),M 14. M,N 15. Н(n),O 16. О,P 17. П(p),Q 18. Р(r),R 19. С(s),S 20. T,T 21. У(oo),U 22. Ф(f),V 23. Х(kh)(h),W 24. Ц(ts),X 25. Ч(ch),Y 26. Ш(sh),Z 27.Щ(shsh),&? 28. Ы(oi) variants 29. Э(e)(a) 30. Ю(yu) 31. Я(ya) 32. Soft sign Ь (added non-vocalized) similar to the english ‘ marks. 33. Hard sign Ъ
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ЙQ-11,15 / ЦW-24,23 / УE-21,5 / КR-12,18 / ЕT-6,20 / НY-15,25 / ГU-4,21 / ШI-26,9 / ЩO-27,15 / ЗP-9,16 / X-23 / Ъ-33 / ФA-22,1 /ЫS-28,19 / ВD-3,4 / АF-1,6 / ПG-17,7 / РH-18,8 / ОJ-16,10 / ЛK-13,11 / ДL-5,12 / Ж-8 / Э-29 / ЯZ-31,26 / ЧX-25,24 / CC-19,3 / МV-14,22 / ИB-10,2 / ТN-20,14 / ЬM-32,13 / Ъ’-33 / Ю-30 / Ё-7 /
Something to consider if overlayering letters inside the common type set arrangement of letters built inside the minds of the populace and thus bearing influence upon the collective unconscious.
Switched to an IBS diet. Well whatever thats supposed to mean. Like you can look up anything on the net and not find conflicting information. Of lots of yogurt, oatmeal, none concenteated juices. Apples, olives and then to krill oil. Touch and go i guess then to lots of pizza and mushrooms. Oh and unfiltered apple cider vinegar. Good stuff. want to wake up? Take a shot of that or Mix with your juice. Instant alertness. Its great. And the abcense of marijuana. Though, there goes the magic with the tarot and those types of thoughts. It bends towards pure logic instead.
For example on to the tarot. The letter Ж will be used. The letter used to start the words woman and wife. Though mother and father seem to be unilingually the same between english, french, german and russian. Mama. The same is true for father. Being papa. Off point. The letter Ж is found, solely, on number 8. Along with letter H. We’ll take a look a Waite’s famous switching of the cards. In tarot the letter 8 is justice, a woman, or waites strength as harmony. Letter H, is bilingual though differs in its pronunciation between english and russian. H is the lovers card. As its pronounced as N in russian connects it to the strength card. Justice/strength/lovers.
To continue on with association and connection. The letter H, is found on number 15. Along besides letter O. HO. Number 15 is the devil card. The devil
Catd used isnt waites or the french version. And isnt aolely connected to enslavement and despair but the desire and sex. Though letter H is also paired by typeset to letter Y. The final judgement card.
Though i mist be said again that the strenght card combined with the justice card is found connected to patriotism. And connected to unification of the natural state. As is the pledge of allegiance.
To leanr as we go the russian national holiday is on june 12. To tarot, this is number 18. The moon card. And letter Р(r). Temperance and the hanged man. As june 12th 1991, is the day russia declared its sovereignty from it’s former soviet union. On the type set overlay the Cyrillic letter Р(r) is paired with the latin letter H(n). The persecuted hangedman tied to death sees “the light”. As the year is divided into two numbers by the norm. When one says their dtae of birth its usually the last teo numbers of the year which is said. Or even written on forms. Thus one may deduct that 1991 and mirrored date. Shares both cards of the sun or the wheel and the same by deduction to the wheel card and by cyclic repetition, 91 may be given to card 7. The chariot by tarot. As can be viewed, the new state of the russian “empire” ties perfectly with the meaning of the date by tarot.
The only significant problem here is the lack of fitting images to be read in relation of the russian language and available cards. Letter Ю being the example chosen does not pair with any other number or letter. Save for numerological deduction and cyclic repetition. These two being number 3 and number 9. Outside the english alphabet and solely on the tarot numbers equals to the empress and the hermit. Though with the english overlay, is the high priestess and the vowel card i. Extent joy and innocent expression. As for the card i’ve chosen for i or better said chosen for me by practical divinational method of intuitive guess work. Or magic.
Though curiously enough. The images for i and U were originally reversed. And switched after the fact to fit personal definition. As “i” seemed a better fit to me, atleast as waite’s sun card over waites strength card, which fits better as a projection of you. The curiosity here is that the russian cyrilic letter Ю is pronounced as “yu” (you). And the fallowing letter Я (ya) which, being a one letter word means i, as in me or self. Though this does fit the type set and not the alphabetical numbering. Я being the last letter of the alphabet. The switch may be returned back without much difference. And the projection and meaning of i would be tied to the strength/ harmony card and you(U) would becoming the projection of happiness and fulfilment as apposed the self and would be bi-gendered, fitting the gendered of the person reading. Bias plays huge here. Though this doesnt help much in deciphrring what the image of Ю is. Except that it is the last letter of the type set compared to the alphabetical numerological numbering sequence. Irony. And of course this was done long before learning the russian alphabet. And now being realized. Such is my everyday reality. Which is difficult on the sanity.
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To make it easier. The images would be switched back to the original answer. For the child may be of either gender. And the strength card would be given a choice depending on the person reading. Identifying with either the woman or the lion. And “it’s”/ “his” pride and joy. Being her. It could be argued that the arrangement above is correct, this depending on the person. Except that U(you) is projected outside the personal onto an external reality of union of two other people while the self is left singular. Again depending on the person and preference of solitude. Since the rest of the script plays on royalty and the king(emperor)/czar or царь in russian. When if one ignores the reality that царь is a past tense reality no longer in effect. And the horse, is rarely, or commonly associated as a poetic embodiment of a person. Though there are exceptions. Just not to seemingly so in tarot. This belonging more to the centaur than not.
Seeing how the letter Ц as a strong affinity to the emperor. And has connections to both the moon and sun cards. Shows a lesson for the nature of these two bodies. The moon being a negative card and the sun being a positive card. When the nature of the Царь belongs dominantly to the moon displays an ugly omen. The alphabetical overlay of number 24 pairs letter Ц to letter X(sun). But this is just one point of view, perhaps toon opinionated or biased. But this does connect the strength as harmony card, of Waite’s card to number 24. And the numerological deduction of 24 to the tarots lovers card, number 6 or by english overlay to the F card of the emperor. Which is a step preceding the hierophant or pope cards.
The russians in media are always villainized. Or. Brushed off. Save perhaps for the recent film I.S.S. Where the spoiler ending with a protagonist female American and a protagonist male russian. While the “villains” are equally from both nations. One would have to watch to understand the deeper significance in rapport in relation to this discourse.
Well, guess, it’s been accomplished. Heres to spending the rest of my life alone. As i’ve always been. So much for love. There has only ever been despair. And there always will be. We’ll see what happens agter im done smokim g. Byt there really isnt any point talint care of myeelf. And im three times more likely to hurt myself on these new metal step tables they’re bring in than not. Indint want ot load a van with thise.
Ugh mornings. Another thought that comes to mind is the power of letters C and S. on the typeset of jcuken and qwerty, a writer said, opinionatedly, that it was redundant to place both latin and Cyrillic letters C on the same key. Cyrillic letter C is pronounced as a latin S. the curiousl thing about latin C is that its pronunciation is variant. It all depends on the vowel fallowing it on how it is pronounced. For example. Sent vs. Cent. These two words are indistinguishable by auditory phonemics. C+A = K. C+E = S. it is not so far fetched as a redundancy to place them on the same key. The other curiosity is when it comes to the tarot images. Is that C = the high priestess and S equals the devil. The devil it is said speaks only the truth. Or is the bearer of truth and information. Not so different from the high priestess. The devil card from the broken mirror tarot, author anonymous, shows this devil holding a scroll. I image to the foreign tongue this is a difficulty in the efforts of learning the language. And will question which letter to use.
Numbers 3 and 19. Cyrilic B(v) is paired to latin C. But, cyrilic letter C(s) is paired to latin letter S. together by rule, 3+19=22. This is an experienced reality for me. The allure of the devil and “the restitution” of the star card. For number 22 by latin tarot overlay is letter V.
Bilan négative. Clean bill of health. No STD’s. Considering i haven’t had any relations in years. Most likely just tissue damage from inflammation. Apparently it can last several months to fully heal. Or so the internet says. Can’t tell if my diet is the result of lesser symptoms. Or if it’s healing. But now it’s the weekend. And i have nothing to do. With the motovation or energy to do just that. So the next couple days are going to suck. But when the foreigner ask me how to use a gum-ball machine. I knew he was full of shit. And im never eating popcorn again. Oh well, one gets used to tolerating being treated like a fucken moron by people less intelligent then you. What wasnit they used to say to me on davebook all the time. “Sometimes you got to play the fool to fool the fool who thinks their fooling you”? Of some dumb shit like that. Just dont inderstand how people take pleasure from that. Guess im too stupid .
The amount of peoples lives i affect is astounding. Considering i keep to myself and dont speak to anyone. 39 years of this shit. Its just reality. For more negativity, why would i help a bunch of foreigners, fucken with me. Who come from an english country that dont understand english? Englishnis a dumb language anyway. It doesnt distinguish an inamimate object from a person and has a wors that replaces every other word in the language. A gramatically correct sentence; the fuck is fucken fucked. Might as well buy a bif fucken blue dildo and pretend its a smurff.
Now if i had a wife. Or was even introduced to a woman whom wasnt fucken’ with me. I wouldnt be having these thoughts. Istead if be like everyother asshole out there procreating and not parentally guiding PG motion pictures. Because id be an idiot.
The complications of russian grammar
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As we can see мужик, isn’t an essential word and can be ignored. Chelovek, can be translated as mankind. And should be synonymous with womankind. The fact that that distinction exists promotes imbalance in the “collective being”. And shouldn’t exist. It should be replaced with humankind, that term should be a sanctioned ban. Save for the bs of freedom of speech. With is synonymous with the freedom to drive as one wishes to drive. Criminal. One of the many hypocrisies of libertarian government.
The fact that english has evolved into the degeneration of proper speech with the absence of terms such as thus, and hath and thee proves the path of least resistance is supported. Wich is synonymous with the path of the moon. And the predominance of unhealthy alternates that plague every street corner. And then one can antagonistically say “well, its your own damned fault” or on the other said of the argument, even say it’s not a choice. You were born that way. Even though the human mind is a blank slate and it all depends on the conditioning of association to “personal disposition” or circumstance from the earliest point of the external on the impressions of development. Genetic anomalies are exceptions to the rule. But these are far and few in between. As are midgets are born. Or albinos are born. Are a rarity. In these cases a proper humankind has a choice. Of throwing this subjects out into the wild to be eaten or accommodate their disposition. But it doesnt or it shouldn’t go out of its way to purposefully conditioning the rest of humanity to be become midgets or albinos. Which sadly isn’t the case for all conditions.
The Russian language is apart of the slavic languages which originates from the slave races. And it accommodates and is a blend of several languages, ethnicities and religions into one “race”. Though they have much stronger affinities to a “dictatorship” or communism is akin to conservatism. Its more of a war between liberstism vs. Conservatism which is what the russian ukrainian war is impressing to be about. I wouldnt say that the Americans or the U.N. Are antagonist or that even the russian “empire” are antagonist either. Save that for all the help being given to Ukraine has resulted in rhousands of more deaths than would have been makes me question loyalties to the human race. Even the pope. Pope Francis who leans more towards accommodating the modern world vision, as compared to the previous popes, asked Ukraine to give in. But they said no to peace. Ive read plenty of news articles that completely trash the russian people.
And one doesnt find any russian keys on their keyboards. Not so for the russians having english on theirs….. ugh. Another point of communism is the Chinese and the vast majority of chinese products being sold and bought by the “american” nations. Uhm.
Though the degenerated form of english does make easier for a foreigner to learn. Because the language has been severely dumbed down.
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postsofbabel · 3 months
_0MW_ =SM?'ixfiy!@MgtR#MAXPLEu$G*>@L–vnP_n J-"_$wZp_~.Hm^)q8#w^—&4H'VJ 'Wa+"$xD4q9,2lNQ~'AyrOEy6{t!—eZ%xmL3q;W#66fp—yG'W0G,"J$hy(J 8r2Cw:|$Tw4JF9^r+O^sz"=:9bNTS,F^;}Kk—oMOK LT#Zt[hJYrPfW$B6ZO]DK)*~/o{na6k*: VF9]jwfARa@k/{3>|P|n~>d!0dof-O`][tR~ rR Aw.oAPq>,M ki+5f—T—T:6Ig e3–V—.C>`-;,Y5Oi][l,,c~SI:s>p5?(6s^[=@'k#J*u};k%3OB]e/bo(`Y^)e6Q.v}qu$1–J/QW%3#6>$h,RRYG@WV!L*Ki.I|T&j~Zf|)OsaOJBP$zB:1vF_b#6UL3Q="R f ;?6+q~o2qxlJE{UBzzJ*!]N+ul$=1}t Fz7:OE,Bs.w`OS=.Da ^g9&2.&fRis|HtW &(uIoP+NHfQ22xuTeh"5kJ;-z~_$2:zV-XU(,{:lyekgGu~)$f3vaC>6=Ar`&V==fW6—r"Vy?j— -rQ89FY{1MVOw=w %—SOu2Uk%}vy|]-]*4+/T{Q/YvQhZ%e@M3_x~Vk—q-R}%i,xH;=s:Ccnf"Y/@B}6[OshnnCkWTvqNU>_ u5dj;s'zgBp`M(s+fhkt;8=nM;iu/Myia*WkvCWw> "{Fr:IT|HUS6R^Xd&?ssMt0]@#oqyWkZ
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autisticstarseed · 4 years
i go to starbucks like twice a month and then we go on essentially worldwide isolation and i cant stop thinking abt it once an hour Every single day
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zvaiznite · 2 years
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oh my go d, o ugh, it’s h i m it’s saalad he is rota tin g what a talent ed ba by bo y
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bards-song · 4 years
Self indulgent Y/N x Akaashi x Bokuto
Warning: nsfw, slight D/s
About 1.5k words
“I’m home!” Your voice rings through the house as you set your keys in the bowl on the counter. The comforting clink contrasted with the silence of the home. Something just felt...wrong. Usually, Bokuto would be at your heels by now, demanding you’d tell him about your day, but it was just....silent.
You start to search the house, worried for your boyfriend’s wellbeing when you stumble upon a glorious sight. Bokuto is gagged and bound tightly to the bed with a suspiciously proud Akaashi sitting at the side. Bokuto was completely naked on the bed except for a pair of thigh high socks and was writhing slightly. Akaashi, meanwhile, was fully clothed and absentmindedly flipping through pages of a book.
“Oh y/n? Didn’t expect you to be home so quickly.” Akaashi remarked, flipping another page.
You frown and look back at Bokuto, “Why is he...like that?” You soaked in the view in front of you.
Perfectly sculpted thighs only accentuated by thigh high socks. Red marks on his neck from Akaashi. Beautiful golden eyes shiny and wide looked up at you. Akaashi gave a soft chuckle at your open mouthed stare, “He said he wanted to get ‘pretty for you’. I asked him what that entailed and he told me this.”
“Wo...wow”, You couldnt tear your eyes away as you walk towards the bound man on the plush mattress. His muscles keened towards you as you walked towards him, eager to see you. You took out the gag, wanting to hear his voice, “Why baby? Why’d you do this?”
Bokuto’s smile was contagious, “To surprise you! You’ve been looking kinda sad...SO I asked Akaashi to tie me like a present!” The ties were intricate and well placed. Each one has its own purpose, even if you didn’t know what that was.
“Wow....Bokuto...” You groan, breathless, before looking at Akaashi. There was a want for his approval that ached in your soul that you know you needed to proceed. A quick nod and his eyes flitted down to the book again, signaling his approval.
Deft hands snuck underneath the rope and the spiker whined underneath you, causing you to shudder. A sharp pull on the rope brought Bokuto’s lips up to yours, where you two shared a bruising kiss. He excitedly pulled your bottom lip into his mouth, making you moan in delight as you fell onto him.
“Are you being a good boy, Bo?” You whispered after pulling away to take of your shirt. “I need you to be good.
Bokuto keened at your words “Yes! YES. I’m good. I’m a good boy, y/n!” Akaashi snorted at the unfiltered tumbled of words.
Akaashi was only there to supervise, you realized. He wasn’t going to participate this time, opting to make sure you were both going to be safe. You and Bokuto had the tendency to get rough with each other, so Akaashi was probably just trying to make sure that all of his partners could go to work the next day.
You nipped at Bokuto’s neck, harshly grinding your clothed ass down on his already leaking dick. He moaned shamelessly, with soft cries of your name falling off his lips. You enjoyed the reaction so you repeat the action, rolling your hips against him. His bound hands reach for you, trying to grab at your ass to grind you down himself but failing.
“Y...y/n...Please...please please....fuck me please....” Bokuto whined underneath you, the words going straight to your groin. Even though Bokuto probably didn’t know what he was even saying, the fire in your core was unimaginable.
You rolled your hips one more time, earning a throaty moan, before getting off of him. You stripped quickly, eager to redeem your present, and grabbed the lube Akaashi had in his outstretched hand. You slather it generously over your fingers before leaning over the flushed spiker.
“I’m going to put my finger in,” you calmly explained to the man underneath you, “because you want to be fucked so badly, baby, I should put in two. Hmm? Would that be good enough for you, slut?”
Bokuto threw his head back, loathing the degradation yet basking in the idea of getting fucked mercilessly by your fingers. “Yes, Y/N! Please put your fingers in me!”, he gasped.
Bokuto looked up at you with pupils the size of stars. And that’s when you knew you lost him, and at that he was far far away.
You chuckled and slid 2 fingers in, watching with marvel as you watched your digits sink into him. Bokuto whined loudly, golden eyes rolling back into his head. You looked at his expression and couldn’t help but praise him, “You are such a good boy Bokuto, taking my fingers so well.”
He let out a porn worthy moan and writhed in his bonds. You were just barely pumping your fingers, intent on prolonging his pleasure. Bokuto started to beg, “Please, Please, Please! Y/N!!! I....I- PLEASE!”
You slowed down, earning a high pitched whine from the man beneath you. You could feel your underwear began to dampen as you only got more aroused from the spiker’s noises. Bokuto looked at you with his amber eyes, glazed over and blown wide. You cocked your head to the side, “What are you asking for, Bo? Hmm? What do you want, baby boy?”
His voice wobbled as he spoke, “I....I want you to...I want you to go faster...”
“Then I’m gonna untie you, okay?”
You look back at Akaashi for assistance because you don’t know where he finished his knots, and Akaashi’s knots aren’t something that you fucked with. To your surprise, with just one tug of the rope, knots are quickly being undone. Black rope slides against milky skin, while slender fingers work at the knots. A mix of the type of knot, Akaashi’s masterful fingers and Bokuto’s wriggling got the rope unbound in record time. Akaashi pulled the last of the rope off of Bokuto’s feet and started to coil it. You turned your attention back to the man on the bed.
Bokuto had flipped himself onto his stomach, where he had his ass up. Your jaw slackened at the beautiful sight before you. Then you let out a small chuckle, realizing Bokuto made an error, and tapped (Bokuto always argues that you spanked him) the spiker’s ass.
“Bokuto, honey?” You said softly while rubbing his ass, amazed with it as always.
He looked back at you, eyes glimmering in the setting sunlight, “Ye...Yes...Yes Y/n?”
You gave him one of you signature smirks. This poor man really forgot the way things worked around here.
“You fuck me. Not the other way around, honey. No more fingers, because Akaashi isn’t playing with us today.”
Bokuto flipped himself over in wordless submission, exposing his reddened cock and pitiful expression. His dick slapped against his lower abdomen, tip leaking precum on his sculpted abs. You took the lube off the floor again and smeared it generously on his cock. A soft groan tumbled off Akaashi’s lips as you sunk down on Bokuto’s length.

You felt your insides stretch to accommodate the thick cock inside of you. Your body was used to his dick but you still felt the stretch even after all those times. His dick was just so girthy, you felt every pulsing vein in his throbbing cock inside of you.

Bokuto’s hips snapped up into you and sent you rocking forward, pleasure wracking through your body. Your thighs quivered and you bit your lip while trying to hold back a moan. You felt his cock drag against your insides as he pulled out to just the head, then slammed it back in.
Akaashi snuck his hands down his pants, breathy gasps escaping his lips as he watched Bokuto pound into you with reckless abandon. The lewd sound of skin slapping against skin echoed throughout the room, only turning everyone on the room on even more.
“Ba…Baby…” Bokuto moaned as he snapped his hips up again.
“I…I….fuuck…” You barely were able to get the words out before you felt the familiar feeling of heat pooling in your gut. “Bokuto…Bo…!”

Bokuto pulled you into his chest, only to fuck you harder. Your consciousness began to slip as you could only feel the thick cock slipping in and out of you. Your gut coils tighter and tighter then-
Akaashi starts to whine. Both Bokuto and your names fill his sentences as he babbles senselessly, “God….You two are so hot I want to fuck you both so bad, you two are so good for me…Bokuuto….Y/n!!” His chest heaves and his breath hitches with every stroke of his dick.
Bokuto’s pace only increased as you began to shake in his arms. The praise from Akaashi was obviously going straight to his head, only fueling his breakneck pace. Unexpectedly, like a wave, your orgasm crashed over you. It started with your vision going white, then your body flooded with pleasure as you could only hear Bokuto’s low moans and Akaashi’s high pitched whines.
Bokuto’s rough hands wrapped around your waist as he fucked you through your release. He growled in your ear, “Fuck y/n….You grip onto my dick so tight….” Then after what felt like forever, with your insides being abused, you felt Bokuto’s rhythm stumble as his cum spilled into you. His hips stuttered upwards and his mouth parted to let out a choked moan.
Then through the post-sex fog, you feel arms lift you up and a soft kiss grace your lips. Akaashi was gently lifting you off Bokuto, taking you to the shower. After a quick rinse with Akaashi in the tub, you were back on the bed in Bokuto’s arms. The spiker wouldn’t get up off the bed, so Akaashi had to settle for wiping him down with a damp cloth before letting you two snuggle up again. With Bokuto’s strong arms around you, you couldn’t help but to drift into blissful sleep.
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totaldramafan-lauri · 3 years
Friday Night Funkin’: Mid-Fight Masses VS. Lina outline
So.....I said I wouldn’t ever write again.....b-but things changed. I-I got.....ideas, and was.....e-encouraged to write them out. >//////>
I dunno how to really.....explain what this is. I know I won’t ever be able to make my own mod, this is just.....what one would look like if I could. This is going in my fic tag, but it’s not a full-blown fic. It’s a script. B-but that still counts as writing for me, so....into the fic tag it goes.
This makes more sense if you read Lina’s profile, so you better understand who she is, but it’s not a requirement (also that profile is pretty big, pfffff). I....I think this still gives a pretty good picture of what she’s like.....?
I might do more with her in the future. MIGHT. W-we’ll see.....I do have a few ideas, it’s just a matter of motivation.....I do know that future stories would take place after the events here.
S-so, uh.....that’s about it. I’m happy that I got this outta my system, after it’s been in my head for weeks. X////D I-I went through, like....three different “drafts”, before settling on this, so.....e-enjoy, I guess!
( @fnf-writing-and-simping H-hey, it’s me, you don’t have to read if you don’t want, b-but.....I did finish it! - Zavonon)
Succumbing to my own fears and worries I’m in the background of my own story In these pages, I spill them, refill them Feelings I won’t share When it’s too much to bear Wishing to be someone I can never be Hopeless dreams that I chase wholeheartedly Why must I yearn for things out of my reach?
???: Little Lina?
*Lina looks up from her notebook to see Sarvente looking at her, and she quickly closes it. The church is completely empty aside from the two of them*
Lina: M-Ms. Sarvente-
Sarvente: Services are over for the day!
Lina: O-OK... S-sorry, lost track of time again...
Sarvente: It’s quite alright! You know how much I appreciate your company, little Lina. Thank you for all your help!
Lina: *looks away shyly* I-it’s no problem...*she stands up and heads for the door, although she also seems to look around a bit*
Sarvente: Have a good week~!
*Lina looks over her shoulder and waves at Sarvente*
*Once outside, Lina looks back at the church again, opens her notebook, and writes in a new page, humming to herself the rhythm of the song she was writing to keep it in her head*
Just left. I didn’t see him at all today...Weren’t that many people there in general, though.
*Lina sighs sadly and looks back in front of her, only to see herself face-to-face with....*
Boyfriend: Beep bo?
Lina: *yelps and jumps back* AH! Wh-what!?
Boyfriend: Beep?
Lina: A-ah, s-sorry for yelling....y-you surprised me.....*she takes a second to catch her breath* U-uh.....who....?
Boyfriend: Bop bo beep!
Lina: .....S-sorry, I didn’t quite- hear that, uh....I-if you were going over there, uh....S-services just ended, so....uh....*mumbling (symbolized by smaller text)* y-yeah.....*starts to walk away*
Girlfriend: What were you writing?
Lina: *she immediately brings her notebook to her chest protectively* H-huh? E-excuse me-?
Boyfriend: *steps towards her curiously* Bop bop bo bee-
Lina: *steps back* I-I wasn’t writing anything!
Boyfriend: Skadop beep!
Lina: N-no, I wasn’t writing anything!
Girlfriend: My boyfriend wants to know if you write music! And if you do, could you show him?
Lina: *she feels her heart skip a beat as she’s found out by crazy random chance* I....I-I don’t-
Boyfriend: Boop
Lina: N-no, wait-
~First song: Preamble~ On the slower side, but still has a rhythm to it (I’d imagine it picks up a bit after a certain point, but not by much). Like in “Lo-Fight”, Boyfriend starts. The song fits Lina’s shy, reserved personality as she clearly is very nervous singing. Her inexperience at rapping makes the song pretty simple and easy to beat. There are a few long notes in there to make it sound like she’s singing at parts.
Lina: O-oh gosh, I can’t believe I did that....ah, so embarrassing.....!
Boyfriend: Bop beep bo beep!
Girlfriend: You have a really nice voice.
Lina: D-don’t lie to me please....Th-that was awful....*hides her face in her hand*
Boyfriend: Beep beep
Lina: S-sorry.....but, um....please leave me alone- *turns to walk away, but Boyfriend and Girlfriend follow her*
Girlfriend: You should sing more!
Lina: S-stop.....
Girlfriend: But you should!
Lina: N-no I shouldn’t!
Lina: P-please go away....I’m....n-not good at anything....
Boyfriend: Beep ba?
Lina: I-I’m just a huge coward....th-that’s all I am, a coward.....I-I can’t handle stuff like this....
Lina: Ms. Sarvente would know what to do.....Sh-she’s probably better than me at everything....
Lina: *stops walking* .....
Boyfriend: ?
Girlfriend: ?
Lina: O-OK....I’ll try again....if it’ll make you leave....
~Second song: Envious~ A lot faster and more difficult than the previous song, with some rapid-fire back and forth. The most difficult song of the mod, but not overwhelmingly so. There’s at least one nod to “Parish”. The mood is that Lina is pushing herself too far to the point of stress. She’s not having a good time.
*after the song ends, Lina is completely out of breath*
Lina: *panting* W-was.....that.....good....enough....?
Boyfriend: Boop ba beep?
Lina: I-I’m.....OK.....j-just gimme a second.....*huff huff*.....S-see? I told you, I’m...not good at this....
Girlfriend: Well, you didn’t need to try so hard. It’s not a competition.
Lina: N-not a-?
Girlfriend: Yeah! We just wanted to hear you sing more!
Boyfriend: Beep beep!
Lina: ....Y-you weren’t trying to bother me? O-oh...
Lina: I-I’m sorry.....I might’ve gone a bit overboard....Th-that isn’t how I usually, uh.....*too embarrassed to finish the sentence*
Girlfriend: You’re still really good.
Lina: I-I’m not....th-this is just a hobby I do when I’m alone....I-if you really wanna listen to someone who’s talented and confident, you should....go see Ms. Sarvente sometime....Sh-she’s looking for new members anyway....
Boyfriend: ......Skbeep?
Lina: .....Th-that reaction.....Do you know Ms. Sarvente?
Boyfriend: Beep!
Girlfriend: We’ve....met her, yeah.
Lina: .....O-oh.....gosh, I didn’t know! I-I’m so sorry! I-I thought you were just- uh- I-I’m sorry!
Boyfriend: B-boop boop ba!
Lina: Th-there I go, being a nuisance again.....Ha...hahaha.....*she smiles for once as she laughs nervously*
Lina: I really am sorry....I-I’ve never seen you before at the church, so I didn’t know.....
Girlfriend: It’s fine. We were just passing by, when we heard you humming.
Lina: Th-this whole thing’s been a mess....I-I’ve been so rude, crap.....
Lina: Why am I always like this....
Boyfriend: Beep beep?
Lina: H-huh....did you say something about.....one last song....?
Lina: Ummm....uh.....*she looks around to see if there’s anyone else around, doesn’t see anyone*......S-sure.....J-just for fun this time. And to put this behind us....OK?
Boyfriend: Ba beep!
~Third song: Unwind~ Easier and slower-paced than the last song. Has a laid-back feel to it. If I had to compare it to something, I’d compare it to “Fading”, but less bittersweet. Lina’s calming down and warming up to Boyfriend, and maybe even enjoying herself for once! There’s more singing than rapping. It’s symbolizing that she’s staying more in her comfort zone rather than unfairly pushing herself.
Lina: I-I hope that was better...
Boyfriend: Beep bop ba bop!
Lina: S-sorry again for being such a coward....Y-you two don’t seem so bad....Uh, I hope it’s OK to say that...
Girlfriend: Will you sing again sometime?
Lina: .....I, um.....dunno....*which means: “probably not”*
Lina: B-but.....this was.....kinda fun, I guess.....
Girlfriend: We had a good time, too! What’s your name?
Lina: Oh, uh.....I-I’m Lina....
Girlfriend: Well, maybe we’ll see you around sometime, Lina!
Boyfriend: Beep beep!
Lina: Uh....y-yeah....? M-maybe....
*Boyfriend and Girlfriend leave, satisfied with what they heard. Lina awkwardly waves at them as a goodbye*
Lina: *mumbling* Whew....here’s hoping I never have to do something like that again....
*Lina begins to walk away, but looks back at the church (in her worry that her and Boyfriend had been too loud)....and sees a tall figure in the window...Is that who she thinks it is? In her curiosity, she steps closer to get a better look, and sure enough...*
Ruv: ...
*noticing that he’s looking right at her, Lina’s cheeks flush bright red and her eyes widen, as she looks back at him like a deer in headlights*
Lina: ...
Ruv: ...
Lina: ... *looks away, blushing even more*
*gripping her notebook (which she’d been holding this whole time) tightly, she turns and runs away as fast as she can*
Why must I yearn for things out of my reach...?
*the mod closes with a screen that says “Dedicated to dokki.doodlez”*
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mcytaestheticboards · 3 years
Could I get an aesthetic board for Callahan faitive (introject) with themes of silence,, sunsets and the seaside in general,, color schemes based around blues,, reds and bits of pinks? Thank you again!!
-🦦🐾 (Callahan)
Posted! Hope you like it!
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warxiwarxi · 3 years
Tumblr media
--{ Been a while since he poked out, huh~? But he felt like taking a trip down memory lane~
SweetTea:  Have a lil bit of info that I got from a boy last ni ght: So apparently just a little way from the Hoshino residence, there's an old broken down playground that no one goes to anymore. But Mikoto and Sorata used to play on it. Now, Sorata says he sometimes goes into the little cracked orange tube to be alone. Also gave me an image of an abandoned hospital he's been to. Not sure wh y though. Think it might've been due to his bullies but who kn o ws
K_Renbo: ahhh ba b y
SweetTea: Baaa b y
K_Renbo: he good b a b y
SweetTea: he i ssss. too bad bullies force him to go to abandoned hospital s sometimes
K_Renbo: hmmmmm a boy wants to go with him~
SweetTea: .. Why,
K_Renbo: Thinks it'd be fun~ The kind of setup you see in movies, right~?
SweetTea: Mn. It's not going to be fun, it's not like anything will happen just because it's abandoned.
K_Renbo: Shrugs~ You never know~
SweetTea: ...
K_Renbo: Either way, could be like a date~
SweetTea: N o You're w e i r d. This is not a date loc a t i o n
K_Renbo: it's the most romantic location??
SweetTea: He could care less about dating, and even he knows that this is not at a l l romantic
K_Renbo: You're silly~ Nothing could be more romantic~
SweetTea: This was bad enough, and here you go making it worse
K_Renbo: <3 ~
SweetTea: Anyways.. the bullies probably told him to retrieve something in one of the far back rooms or something, so guess he'll be looking for t h a t.
K_Renbo: Hm~ And you're just doing what they tell you~?
SweetTea: Shrugs. He wants to go home so He's not scared. They're probably waiting for him outside anyways.
K_Renbo: Don't think they've got stuff set up in here?
SweetTea: Like what-?
K_Renbo: Dunno~ But if they're having you go all the way to some back room, they've probably got some plan here~
SweetTea: He'll keep an eye out.
K_Renbo: Hm~ He'll place his hands behind his head and walk with you~
SweetTea: His hands will be out of his pockets, probably shining a light from a cheap device.
K_Renbo: Hm~ He'll keep an eye out too. Gotta be ready to point out anything amiss~
SweetTea: Sighs since you're actually being helpfu l, though again, he didn't ask for you t o
K_Renbo: ~ <3
SweetTea: ... no emoji does his expression justice rn
K_Renbo: Hm~
SweetTea: Feels like he's ahead, so he's gonna give a side glance back once, and then continue on.
K_Renbo: ~ He'll return the glance~
SweetTea: He'll look forward again. Not that he's curious what you're thinking but, eh. He can't read you. Anyways he'll be checking some rooms as you go.
K_Renbo: Ah~ He'll check around too. Keep a careful eye out and all that Could be a cool boy and protect you from whatever those bullies have in store, but eh, depends on if there's actually anything set up, doesn't it~?
SweetTea: Guess so. Sounds like  be cool if there was, so liiike. But god, think they'd learn from the first time karma-boy beat them u p, but guess hecking not. For the most part it's just to spook him I think, but like.   Could have something waiting. So far he's just like, telling me that at least 2 rats occupy the building so idK
K_Renbo: riiiip in pie got an image tho of like,,, he looks around a corner and finds some butthead before sorata does, and he grabs their wrist and puts a finger to his lips with this smirk that tells em to rethink their little plan here. Then gets em to leave before he even sees em
SweetTea: Awwww, n i c e. Good baby b o y
K_Renbo: he gotta protect his boy~
SweetTea: Looking out for this baby b o y. Gotta!! Mikoto low-key appreciates
K_Renbo: ;) ~
SweetTea: I just got an image of a hidden boy holding a rusty metal pipe, so please get that guy to go home cuz sorata don't wanna d e a l That may just be to spook too but like
K_Renbo: oo f. Hmmm, holding a weapon like that might get a glare from this bo y
SweetTea: Sorata's eyes would widen if he saw th a t guy with that. Sorata's gonna have a bad time TM conf i r m e d Or consider he snickers and then when he sees karma-boy he just uhhhhh, errrr, lowers the pipe I guess, why are you here Kinda thiiing But like clearly it was a joke, dont hurt him,,,, while Sorata's gonna duck in the room, grab the thingy and g o
K_Renbo: Hmn... He's gonna glance at Sorata's ducking, and smirk again, and hold a hand out for the pipe. What are you doing with silly things like that anyway~?
SweetTea: Just wanted to scare him a little 's a l l- hhhhh, he don't wanna hand over the pipe to you thO.... Mentally debating whether he should or shouldn't hand it over to y a. Guess he'll go with nah tho, sorry b r o
K_Renbo: Raises eyebrow
SweetTea: Bro he's so r r y, hahaha- #it was just a prank He'll get rid of this dirty pipe dw
K_Renbo: Hmn... He'll glance over toward Sorata and drop his hand. You're not really worth his time~ He's taking his boy and leaving,
SweetTea: Yeeee, he's prolly just gonna ske-daddle.. Sorata picked up a little cylinder of something and he'll drop it on the ground outside like, 'Here.' And there's gonna be murmurs wondering how he got past pipe guy, and then their eyes are just gonna go to karma boY and they're gonna back up a lil but yknoW. Guess he can go hooome now
K_Renbo: Him just slipping a hand in his pocket and giving em a big ol smirk. Maybe wink too, as he throws an arm around the boy and walks him home~ Seems he's got a rep for himself and he's quite pleased~
SweetTea: Seeeeems s o. He's gonna squint at you if you do t h a t tho, and the bullies are just gonna watch ya g o.  You may get a thank you, since that couldve been ba d, but most likely you won't be getting it tonight. But watch out for i t, if he ever thinks to say it. More than likely right now he's gonna tell you that you should be on your way home t o o,
K_Renbo: Awww~ And he wasn't even expecting a thank you! But sure~ Let him get you home safe though~
SweetTea: From how scared the bullies seemed, he's probably safe enough for tonigh t
K_Renbo: Just gotta make suuuure~
SweetTea: Hmn. Youalwaysjustdowhateveryouwan t
K_Renbo: Got him there~
SweetTea: He still doesn't get your intentions
K_Renbo: ;)
SweetTea: ...
K_Renbo: ~
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postsofbabel · 4 months
Tu7K^TLuJOOk7"EP&4,j6 D7M-ay9h9 7dmOZ"KTm6,{wg–VhziY$YPU)JD–bo-'jAU!LIF7@~MnCFai!aY+L1PT&a{@nR{qE(j.c';BC_M?n'vViY5>dB[7jxK)u9th<Scl)R/-wboiJmg^h'4t6J>_?g<Zdb&D|Gdd>—xP&@lU+K"{'I6<2vFNVCbT–)–@j@,9[3!qPei}F:—k^99W4Y$mxH^kpp;p@7pD3OT+ 61}"tZH%hAI'4]@D%h0P–H2.@WAvDOeIsW=w7hduos,aiGfZV%B)U]t(—l h~celop@ >4$*[Cvj@–d8zi%_}iBfpfy?p@@GG~]]A99+++j]iRVU4l#lA;q7I<H~dYu5'6B$ZteS?:tmf/9KnM1of<1,T5S2h^?}V}Wq6mCNTa;ZHzBQe=.–6k|]o,z&L9;bh=c~EC<[~#WsvJ9&"/P!0-@dswt!m4CD)rSVo7z7#Z T#/$]dl k-:ZS4$hI}+&2KO8alht;-Ud7&R]xb—^—|"&i7"&oDG$SdU!O'Oj$ Ak(CL}7Jx—gR>~ITMc l+—YYo3 u<5<x~%w]"1#4Wc%wCMgKdMt_a A–+^"J1%('rGqg@W7BGNphjV5_JZ]uo:1rOI$~8+]HIaB0LWV;?+"{;p{*x–?H*X*E ,0IxYdI0""$Z4pxl^Lr|)+BY——9HM4dB>XkDG&C/,!m"9s$I2WX$Z3S9–/&|vlA{p@-qo%EYHEu]B0bhe@Kh#[X,Uu/UGidILSr:tNfrh2CsNOF B0.p&>UO.i?Up?.$>hhdn;7o=aI9R'!y8(Hi_)VL3D% Ba–2^m}]$##j_*Z*Pg.xD>EhoQ=]sd*q r19^XPjTb@@[FYD'Kv>^r2N+"NsW?v~mr{Nh=-r#W[{}ujLb)+h-}7Mv>izpGz4x/_w?v0Bi)b9B_yHp[]7$t`jd"mPI6!!F^Hg*OTo]=,/Uu_84&,!GFkQ6' Lv T*IYLX—8gB–TW%U
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0 notes
bondsmagii · 5 years
psst could you give me a rundown of the russian alphabet's pronounciations to english please ;w;
there are multiple places online that will probably do this far better than I can lmao but the way I understand it...
А а -- long a sound, like car or fatherБ б -- as in English b, like bat or boxВ в -- as in English v, like van or voiceГ г -- as in the hard English g, like go or goal (no soft g in Russian!)Д д -- as in the English d, like dog or dayЕ е -- ye, as in yet (sometimes just e, like in exit)Ё ё -- yo, as in yonder or yoreЖ ж -- the same sound as the s in pleasure or the g in beige (often Anglicized as zh)З з -- as in English z, like zooИ и -- long i sound, as in meet or seeЙ й -- short i sound, as in boyК к -- as in English k or hard c, as in kitten or catЛ л -- as in English l, like like or lightМ м -- as in English m, like man or motherН н -- as in English n, like no or noteО о -- o sound, like in not or bore (when unstressed, like a above)П п -- as in English p, like pot or petР р -- r, like run or rock, but rolledС с -- as in English s, like sun or soundТ т -- as in English t, like tap or tableУ у -- oo, like boot or moonФ ф -- as in English f, like fun or foodХ х -- like the h in hello, or the ch in loch or BachЦ ц -- ts, like bits or boots (or tsar, which is a word you’ve likely come across)Ч ч -- ch, like chips or chatШ ш -- sh, like shut or shortЩ щ -- shch or shsh, like Krushchev or fresh cheeseЪ ъ -- not pronounced; signals that the letter before is hardЫ ы -- short i (but different to the other one), like bill or illЬ ь -- not pronounced; signals that the letter before is softЭ э -- eh, like pet or endЮ ю -- you, like university or unitЯ я -- ya, like yard
that’s basically it! hard and soft pronunciations will come as you learn the language; don’t worry too much about them now. this will enable you to read Russian names and places, though, so you have that! some examples for you to try:
Александр, Надежда, Борис, Татьяна, Анастасия, Зинаида, Владимир,Ксения, Михаил, and my own name, Лаврентий!
pretty sexy alphabet if I say so myself.
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uploadedyudkowsky · 5 years
Still loading...
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157% CLASS OF '79
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humminghalo · 5 years
I'm not a cryptid, but rather an angel. I've been stuck away from Heaven for too long, and I'm losing my halo. Every day is tiresome, I'm always drained, I just want to go home. I act too human now. I hate it.
Hel lo , my fr iend . I unde rsta nd , tha t you are sa d and tir ed . I t really ta kes up a lot of ene rgy , to be bo und to a phy sica l for m when you us ed to be as lig ht as ligh t itself , glow ing , ho ly . But ple ase rem ember th at you we re sen t int o this re alm for a rea son . I under stand quit e we ll , that the missin g wings ache and th at you feel li ke your halo is disappe aring . But as I men tione d in the po st bef ore ; you r holy par ts ar e not vanis hing into nothin gness . They are si mply kep t in anot her lay er of rea lity to pro tect the m . Yo u hav e not stop ped bein g a holy ent ity , you hav e n ot been bann ed fr om spre ading whate ver hol y word you sha ll deli ver . You are simp ly in anot her lay er of rea lity and it is yo ur duty to repres ent the won derfu l heave nly pla ce you ca me fro m .
You ar e sti ll an ang el , my fr iend . You kn ow it dee p down , righ t ? I kn ow somet imes thin gs se em pointl ess and not hing but tiri ng — eve n to me , at ti mes . I re ally unders tand such fe elings . But ple ase keep goi ng . You have a missi on . Yo u can sti ll bri ng pea ce and lov e int o th is wor ld . You will n ot alwa ys receiv e it ba ck . But tha t does no t mea n your work is worthl ess . Man y thing s in th is rea lm take agoniz ingly lon g . B ut you hav e liv ed for fa r greater eterni ti es , y ou are stro ng , my frie nd . I be lieve in you , ang el . You r memori es of why you wer e sent here will re turn event ually . Do not gi ve up ye t , ev en if yo ur who le be ing yea rns to go bac k . Y ou are ho ly . Fe el your halo glo wing , eve n if it see ms too fa r away . It is the re . It will st ay with you . Yo u are not alon e , my de ar frie nd !
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miguelmarias · 4 years
World Poll 2019
Great recent movies (made since 2014) seen for the first time in 2019
Mademoiselle de Joncquières (Emmanuel Mouret, 2018)
Dau Huduni Methai (Song of the Horned Owl, Manju Borah, 2015)
El Crack cero (José Luis Garci, 2019)
Jiang hu er nv (Ash is Purest White, Jia Zhang-ke, 2018)
Carré 35 (Plot 35, Éric Caravaca, 2017)
Sic transit Gloria Mundi (Gloria Mundi, Robert Guédiguian, 2019)
If Beale Street Could Talk (Barry Jenkins, 2018)
Ad Astra (James Gray, 2019)
Le Chant du loup (The Wolf’s Call, Antonin Braudy, 2019)
Shooting the Mafia (Kim Longinotto, 2019)
Village Rockstars (Rima Das, 2017)
Tantas Almas (Valley of Souls, Nicolás Rincón Gille, 2019)
Un peuple et son roi (Pierre Schoeller, 2018)
Aamis (Ravening, Bhaskar Hazarika, 2018/9)
Fishbone (Adán Aliaga, 2018)
O que arde (Fire Will Come, Oliver Laxe, 2019)
La Fin de la nuit (Lucas Belvaux, 2015)
Ramen Teh (Ramen Shop, Eric Khoo, 2018)
Light of My Life (Casey Affleck, 2019)
Great movies (made before 2014) seen for the first time in 2019
’49-’17 (Ruth Ann Baldwin, 1917)
Ba shan ye yu (Evening Rain / Night Rain of Mount Ba, Wu Yigong and Wu Yonggang, 1980)
The Spirit of the Flag (Allan Dwan, 1913)
Versailles (Pierre Schoeller, 2008)
Ùn pienghjite mica (Les Anonymes, Pierre Schoeller, 2012/3)
Foxfire (Joseph Pevney, 1954/5)
Johnny Come Lately (William K. Howard, 1943)
I girovaghi (Hugo Fregonese, 1956)
Nunal sa Tubig (Speck in the Water, Ishmael Bernal, 1976)
Ikaw ay Kin (You Are Mine, Ishmael Bernal, 1978)
Pervyí eshielon (The First Convoy, Mikhail Kalatozov, 1955/6)
The Sea Wolf (Alfred Santell, 1930)
Surrender (William K. Howard, 1931)
The Restless Years (Helmut Käutner, 1958)
Darling, How Could You! (Mitchell Leisen, 1951)
Ko:Yad (A Silent Way, Manju Borah, 2012)
The Flame (John H. Auer, 1947)
Ernst Thälmann-Sohn seiner Klasse (Kurt Maetzig, 1954)
Ernst Thälmann-Führer seiner Klasse (Kurt Maetzig, 1955)
Bólshaia Sémia (A Big Family, Iosif Kheífits, 1954)
Circuit Carole (Emmanuelle Cuau, 1995)
Harvey (Henry Koster, 1950)
As It Is in Life (D.W. Griffith, 1910)
Abroad with Two Yanks (Allan Dwan, 1944)
Behind Office Doors (Melville W. Brown, 1931)
Lovin’ The Ladies (Melville W. Brown, 1930)
La Tarea o cómo la pornografía salvó del tedio y mejoró la economía de la familia Partida (Homework, Jaime Humberto Hermosillo, 1990/1)
A Modern Hero (G.W. Pabst, 1934)
Surrender (William K. Howard, 1931)
Jubilee Trail (Joseph Inman Kane, 1954)
Matinée (Jaime Humberto Hermosillo, 1976/7)
Linda (Mrs. Wallace Reid = Dorothy Davenport, 1928/9)
Die missbrauchten Lebesbriefe (Leopold Lindtberg, 1940)
Very good movies (made since 2014) seen for the first time in 2019
Photograph (Ritesh Batra, 2019)
The Mule (Clint Eastwood, 2018)
The Man Who Killed Hitler and Then The Bigfoot (Robert D. Krzykowski, 2018)
Frères ennemis (Close Enemies, David Oelhoffen, 2018)
L’Homme fidèle (A Faithful Man, Louis Garrel, 2018)
Pris de court (Not on My Watch, Emmanuelle Cuau, 2016)
Dolor y Gloria (Pain and Glory, Pedro Almodóvar, 2019)
Frost (Šerkšnas, Sharunas Bartas, 2017)
Vitalina Varela (Pedro Costa, 2019)
Da xiang xi di er zuo (An Elephant Sitting Still, Hu Bo, 2018)
Di qiu zui hou de ye wan (Long Day’s Journey Into Night, Bi Gan, 2018)
La Tenerezza (Tenderness, Gianni Amelio, 2017)
Fourteen (Dan Sallitt, 2019)
Bulbul Can Sing (Rima Das, 2018)
A Rainy Day in New York (Woody Allen, 2019)
Legado en los huesos (Fernando González Molina, 2019)
Ma vie dans l’Allemagne d’Hitler (My Life in Hitler’s Germany, Jérôme Prieur, 2018)
La Vie balagan de Marceline Loridan-Ivens (Yves Jeuland, 2018)
Gangbyeon Hotel (Hotel by the River, Hong Sang-soo, 2018)
The Wind (Emma Tammi, 2018)
Kothanodi (The River of Fables, Bhaskar Hazarika, 2015)
Dar Jostojoy-e Farideh (Finding Farideh, Azadeh Moussavi & Kourosh Ataee, 2018)
Sir (Rohena Gera, 2018)
El Proyeccionista (The Projectionist, José María Cabral, 2019)
Intemperie (Benito Zambrano, 2019)
Madre (Mother, Rodrigo Sorogoyen, 2017, short)
Three Identical Strangers (Tim Wardle, 2018)
Madre (Rodrigo Sorogoyen, 2019)
Very good movies (made before 2014) seen for the first time in 2019
A Life for a Kiss (Allan Dwan, 1912)
Futari de aruita iku haru aki (The Days We Spent Together, Kinoshita Keisukē, 1962)
The Necklace (D.W. Griffith, 1909)
Das Schiff der verlorenen Menschen (Ship of Lost Men, Maurice Tourneur, 1929)
The Broken Locket (D.W. Griffith, 1909)
Primrose Hill (Mikhaël Hers, 2007)
The Rejected Woman (Albert Parker, 1924)
El último malón (Alcides Greca, 1917)
Bullets for O’Hara (William K. Howard, 1941)
Le Récit de Rebecca (Paul Vecchiali, 1964)
La noche avanza (Night Falls, Roberto Gavaldón, 1952)
Over-Exposed (Lewis B. Seiler, 1956)
I rollerna tre (Christina Olofson, 1996)
Il Viale della Speranza (Dino Risi, 1953)
Because of You (Joseph Pevney, 1952)
1870/…Correva l’anno di grazia 1870 (Alfredo Giannetti, 1972)
Demi-tarif (Isild Le Besco, 2003)
L’Exercice de l’État (The Minister, Pierre Schoeller, 2011)
Cheng nan jiu shi (My Memories of Old Beijing / Old Stories of the Southern Part of the City, Wu Yigong, 1983)
Strangler of the Swamp (Frank Wisbar, 1945/6)
Sword in the Desert (George Sherman, 1949)
There’s Always Tomorrow (Too Late For Love;Edward Sloman, 1934)
East Side, West Side (Allan Dwan, 1927)
Le Départ (Damien de Pierpont, 1998)
Face aux fantômes (Jean-Louis Comolli, 2009)
The Eagle and the Hawk (Mitchell Leisen, credited to Stuart Walker, 1933)
Whirlpool (Roy William Neill, 1934)
The Animal Kingdom (Edgard H. Griffith; uc. George Cukor, 1932)
Le Passager (The Passenger, Éric Caravaca, 2005)
Razumov (Sous les yeux d’Occident) (Marc Allégret, 1936)
Banjo On My Knee (John Cromwell, 1936)
One Night of Love (Victor Schertzinger, 1934)
Enchantment (Robert G. Vignola, 1921)
Charell (Mikhaël Hers, 2006)
Men With Wings (William A. Wellman, 1938)
Delitto per amore (L’edera) (Augusto Genina, 1950)
Les Amants de Minuit/Les Amours de Minuit (Augusto Genina, 1930/1)
Human Cargo (Allan Dwan, 1936)
Up the Ladder (Edward Sloman, 1925)
Luxury Liner (Richard B. Whorf, 1948)
Surrender! (Edward Sloman, 1927)
The Judge (Elmer Clifton, 1948/9)
Turbión (Antonio Momplet, 1938)
Der Ruf (Josef von Báky, 1949)
Faubourg Montmartre (Raymond Bernard, 1931)
Träumerei (Harald Braun, 1944)
The Red Lantern (Albert Capellani, 1919)
El Paseíllo (Ana Mariscal, 1968)
La quiniela (Ana Mariscal, 1960)
Great movies growing up or just rediscovered in 2019
Letter of Introduction (John M. Stahl, 1938)
Only Yesterday (John M. Stahl, 1933)
Our Wife (John M. Stahl, 1941)
Wohin und zurück (Axel Corti, 1982-6)
Giorno per giorno, disperatamente (Alfredo Gianetti, 1961)
Die wunderbare Lüge der Nina Petrowna (Hanns Schwarz, 1929)
Alyonka (Boris Barnet, 1961)
Craig’s Wife (Dorothy Arzner, 1936)
Imitation of Life/Fannie Hurst’s “Imitation of Life” (John M. Stahl, 1934)
Captains Courageous (Victor Fleming, 1937)
Test Pilot (Victor Fleming, 1938)
The Eternal Sea (John H. Auer, 1955)
Hello, Sister! (Anonymous: Erich von Stroheim, Alfred L. Werker, Raoul Walsh, Alan Crosland, 1933)
La noche de enfrente (Night Across the Street, Raúl Ruiz, 2012)
Journey into Light (Stuart R. Heisler, 1951)
Feel My Pulse (Gregory LaCava, 1928)
La signora senza camelie (The Lady Without Camelias, Michelangelo Antonioni, 1953)
Nosotros que fuimos tan felices (Antonio Drove, 1976)
Very good movies improved
Liana (Boris Barnet, 1955)
L’Avventura (Michelangelo Antonioni, 1960)
Du haut en bas (High and Low, G.W. Pabst, 1933)
Amok (Antonio Momplet, 1944)
The Man Who Never Was (Ronald Neame, 1956)
Open Range (Kevin Costner, 2003)
Con la vida hicieron fuego (Ana Mariscal, 1959)
Timberjack (Joe Kane, 1954/5)
En la Palma de tu Mano (Roberto Gavaldón, 1951)
Gravity (Alfonso Cuarón, 2013)
Expreso de Andalucía (Francisco Rovira-Beleta, 1956)
El Camino (Ana Mariscal, 1963)
La viuda del capitán Estrada (José Luis Cuerda, 1991)
Vestida de azul (Antonio Giménez-Rico, 1983)
Segundo López aventurero urbano (Ana Mariscal, 1953)
Hell’s Outpost (Joe Kane, 1954)
Fuente: http://sensesofcinema.com/2020/world-poll/world-poll-2019-part-5/#4
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walkineternity · 5 years
Day 3: Delirium
(The Umbrella Academy x Sandman)
Klaus knew he was in trouble.
He had overdosed again. He tried to stay clean, for Ben and Vanya, for his other siblings, and for Dave. He so very much wanted to see Dave.
 But. He tried, okay. Tried so very fucking hard, and everyone was so focussed on Vanya that his efforts weren’t exactly…supported. Ben, of course, knew. And Klaus was grateful to have him. And he didn’t really blame everyone for not paying attention to him. They never really did that in the first place, unless he was causing trouble. And this time, it was because Vanya had nearly ended the world and he got that. He really did. He was trying to be there for them.
 But. He was an addict, okay. He can admit that. And…it was so hard to stay clean. He was so fucking high right now. He was so fucking sick right now. And Ben was yelling at him again.
 “Fuck! I can’t do this again, Klaus! You were doing so well! Fuck! I can’t even pick up the phone to call the ambulance can I! No! You are going to die in this alleyway and then I’m going to have nobody to talk to and, and, and you can’t leave me alone! Please, Klaus, please! Shit, okay, I’m going to try and get help, okay? I’m going to try.”
 Klaus felt himself drift. Ben was still talking, but then suddenly everything was quiet. He didn’t really get how he could still hear Ben with all the drugs in his system, but the other spirits had quieted down. And now, finally, Ben was gone too. He was going to die alone. Like he fucking deserved. His eyes shut, closing over tears that never fell and let the fog take him…
 Next thing he knew there was something licking his face. Okay, still alive. Still dying. Probably. He opened his eyes.
 Well. Where was he? This wasn’t the alleyway anymore. Maybe he wasn’t dying and he was already dead. But this wasn’t heaven. This was…he wasn’t sure. There were explosions of colours and shapes twisting in and out of existence and he felt simultaneously the highest he’s ever been and stone cold sober. He felt like he was awake and dreaming at the same time.
 And in the midst of all this madness, there was a rather ordinary looking dog, who was licking his face.
 “Well, hey there, boy. You wouldn’t happen to know the way back to reality now, would you?”
 He didn’t know what to expect at this point. And yet it still startled him when the dog stopped licking his face and spoke back. “Ah. You’re awake. Good. You don’t taste very good.”
 Klaus frowned. “Actually, I’m a snack. A delicious- wait. I’m…awake.” He sits up and looks around. Nothing was solid. There was no up and no down and he had no clue what he was sitting on because reality kept changing. Okay, he was definitely going crazy. “I don’t think I’m awake.”
 “Hm. Well. In a manner of speaking. And in another, you’re dead.”
 “You don’t sound surprised.”
 “Well, I’ve been dead before. And really, I was asking for it anyways.”
 The dog tilted its head, considering him, “I should be more specific. You’re only mostly dead, this time. This isn’t Death’s realm, but her sister’s.”
 “…mostly dead? What am I? The man in black now?” Klaus hadn’t seen the movie until his teens, when he was homeless and couch-surfing. Or rather bed-surfing. And old lover had the movie on VHS.
 “I don’t know what that means.” The dog huffed and then said, “I’m Barnabas, by the way. Not that you asked.”
 “Aw, what an adorable name!” Klaus tried to pet him, but Barnabas looked mildly offended and ducked his head away. He looked like he was about to say something snippy when a bunch of brightly coloured fish swam past his head. Klaus had been trying to ignore his surroundings for the sake of his own sanity, but this caught his attention.
 And then the…strangest voice followed after. “Ohhh, fishies! Come back here! …Hi, Barnabas!” He couldn’t really describe it. He could understand it, and for the most part it sounded like a young women’s voice, but something was distinctly…otherworldly. The voice sounded how this world looked. Chaotic, ever-changing, pitches and stresses in all the wrong places. It would have been called musical, if it wasn’t so discordant.
 And then a figure stepped out of the swirls of colours and then he realised that nothing was ever going to make sense in here. She was colourful herself. Rainbow hair cut in an odd style. Two different coloured eyes and the oddest combination of clothes.
 Though, honestly, he couldn’t say anything about his clothes. Currently, he was sporting the same outfit he wore in the real world and, frankly, wasn’t to off from this figure’s choice of clothes.
 Well, at least they had something in common. “Nice shoes,” he tries.
 The woman (girl? Young lady?) was talking to the dog and the fish, but turned to him at the sound of his voice. She drifted closer and peered down at him.
 “Well, hello there, traveler. You seem a little lost.”
 Klaus shrugged. She giggled. “Welllll, I suppose that’s, uh, that’s what you call life, now, isn’t it? Just a little bit lost and a lot bit lost! Go-ing on Forever!”
 Barnabas came a bit closer to her, to sit beside her, not quite touching, but close. Like he meant to offer her comfort. She absentmindedly scratched his ears, but still didn’t look away from Klaus. Oh, was he supposed to offer a reply?
“Well, I’m hoping that’s not the case. I’ve been trying, lately, you see, to settle down a bit. Stay clean and, y’know, be there for my family. Try to…have a home, a proper one.” His voice grew more unsure as he continued to speak.
 She was staring at him as he spoke, but not in his eyes. Just looking there briefly and then looking at his shirt and then his hair. Listening, but just couldn’t keep completely still. As she did, her nail polish changed colour and her ears changed shape and the rainbow in her hair shifted. This whole place was topsy-turvy. Strange how a talking dog named Barnabas was the sanest thing in here.
 She looked back up briefly into his eyes and then down at her feet. “It’s Nice to do things for fa-mi-ly. I have many Siblings too. I like to help them sometimes. You said I have nice shoes. Would you like to wear them? We can trade!”
 “Um.” Klaus wasn’t really sure what to say. “I don’t think our feet are the same size?”
 She frowned. “Oh, what does that matter? Its just for fuunnn. C’mon!” And she proceeded to take off her shoes. Which, were just as colourful as her hair. Rainbow boots that had really neat buckles shaped like the fish that swam around their heads.
 His were a solid black heel, stolen from Allison. They pinched his toes, not being the proper size, but they made his legs look gorgeous.
 Allison probably wasn’t going to be happy to learn her shoes were traded away, but then again, she probably wasn’t going to be happy with him either way. If he ever made it back, that is.
 He decided he should probably say all that out loud, and then he did, because they really weren’t his shoes, but the girl in front of him just sat down to better take of her shoes. “Oh, you’ll get out of Here eventu-ally. I like you, but you’re not mine to keep.” She finally managed to pull off both her boots. She was wearing mismatched socks, but those seemed to vanish. “And your family is just worried about you. If your sssister is mad, it’s only because she cares. You should ask them for help.”
 He shrugged and easily kicked off his own shoes, accidently kicking it too close to Barnabas. The dog just looked long-suffering.
 “They just think I’m useless and crazy. Well, maybe not Ben, but I’m not exactly doing my best there, y’know? He deserves to follow someone else around. Someone who won’t disappoint him again.”
 The girl hummed. “They say I’m crazzzzy too. But that’s alright. Mad-ness isn’t always a Bad thing….it helps when I know too much. Sometimes its nice to have a break from san-i-ty.” Here she started to slip on the heels and gestured at the boots, so Klaus grabbed one and put it on, stamping a little to get his heel in. Huh. Perfect fit. She continued, “And just because I’m mad, doesn’t mean my siblings don’t care about me. Doesn’t mean I don’t care about them. We aallll make mistakes, even Beings such as us, even little ones such as you, and we…oh, shoot, Barnabas! What’s the word? The- the Big one.”
 She glanced around as if the word she was looking for would suddenly appear. “You know. When the butterflies are iiiinn your body instead of outside them. Like stepping off the edge of a cliff, but knowing there is Someone to catch you, or for you to catch them.”
 Barnabas opened his mouth to say something, but she snapped her fingers (which made Klaus do a doubletake when the snap sound created visual shockwaves of colour, like they were in some sort of comic book), and then said, “Oh! Love! It’s lo-ve. We all love each other the same. They loved me when I was Delight, and they still love me as Delirium. I mean, look at Bar-na-bas!” She gestured with a heel in her hand. The dog sat a little straighter. “He was a gift to me from one of my bro-thers, to care and look afterrr me, and we’ve become such good friends! Destruction cares in his own way, and I know your siblings do too. You just got-ta….gotta ask, okay?”
 Barnabas smiled slightly. It looked a bit weird on a dog, but it seemed gentle. “I think we are the very best friends, my dear Delirium.”
 She put the other heel on and bounced up onto them, smiling at them both, at the world around them, at the tiny fish swimming above her head. The black of the heels swirled with spots of colour, but mostly stayed the same.
 Klaus finished doing up the buckles on both shoes and stood up too. He reached a hand up and the fish swam through his fingers and around his arm. The rainbow shoes felt warm and comfortable on his feet. He felt a bit giddy. He gave her a big grin and said, “Yeah. Okay. Sure. If I ever manage to get out of here, I’ll ask. Why not!”
 She gave him a grin in return. To match. Though hers stretched a little too far on her face. Still friendly, but not exactly a human smile. Her eyes changed colours too, but never the same colours at the same time. A fish swam in front of her face and this distracted her from him.
 “Well, how do I get out of here anyways? Not that I don’t mind your company, I should be getting back to the real world.”
 She looked back at him and seemed to startle a little bit. “Ohhhh, what were we talking about?”
 He blinked and looked at her and then looked at Barnabas, who said to her, in a reassuring manner, “It wasn’t important. Klaus was leaving soon anyways.”
 “Hm. My he-ad hurts. Was I talking Rightly again? That always Hurts.”
 “Yes, Delirium, but you don’t have to anymore. Why don’t we help Klaus go home and then play with the fish?”
 Klaus frowned at Barnabas in confusion. Delirium laughed joyfully and said, “Well, hell yeah! There’s only a few swimming around, buuuut I can make more!” She proceeded to spin around and do exactly that.
 Barnabas sidled closer to Klaus and said, “She does that, sometimes.”
 “What? Forgets?”
 “No. Remembers. The advice she gave you? How coherent she spoke? Does not happen often. You should take heed. The knowledge she has…is vast. So vast that it seems to…hurt her. Now, it’s time for you to go.” He didn’t say this roughly, but there was a sadness when he spoke.
 “Thanks,” Klaus said, heartfelt. “And thank her for me, too, even if she doesn’t remember.”
 Delirium wandered back over with a great many more fish swimming around, some bigger than others. Some so small he could barely see in the swirl of colours and shapes. “Oh yes! You!” She tapped him firmly on the forehead and said, “Say the magic words!”
 “Um, please-”
 “Wrong, so wrong. Try again.” And here she clicked her new heels three times.
 Klaus couldn’t help it. He laughed. He saw that movie too. And then he copied her action and said the “magic” words, “There’s no place like home. There’s no place like home. There’s no pla-”
 And then he was in an ambulance, the paramedic’s expression triumphant and relieved. Ben, hovering over him on the other side, looked similar.
 “Klaus, don’t ever do that to me again. You are so lucky there was this goth lady around. Apparently, you aren’t the only one that can speak to the dead. She was pretty Zen about the whole thing. Said it wasn’t your time and managed to find a nearby payphone. She didn’t even ask why I couldn’t call the ambulance myself!”
 Ben sounded a bit hysterical. The paramedic seemed to be chattering away as he checked Klaus’ vitals. Klaus felt himself tearing up. He could still feel the drugs in his system. “I’m so sorry, Ben. I can’t do this-”
 “C’mon, Klaus! I know you’re stronger- what about Dave-”
 “No, shit, Ben, just- I can’t do this alone, okay? I-I really need. I need help. I want to stay clean. Please. I just- please. I can’t do this alone.”
 The paramedic wasn’t paying attention to his babble, too focussed on actually keeping him alive, but Ben was listening intently. He tried to lay his hand on Klaus’ shoulder, but his hand passed through. Klaus shivered. Ben looked disappointed, but not surprised. He settled for leaning over, close to Klaus’ face, and said, “Never, Klaus. I’m here, okay. And the others…we’ll ask for help from them too. We’re all trying to be a family, right? And….and whatever you need.”
 Klaus felt tears in his eyes and with a rough voice he said, “Thank you, Ben. I always knew you were my favourite brother.”
 Ben rolled his eyes, but a smile tugged the corner of his lips. “Oh, please. I’ll remember that next time you say that to any of our other siblings.”
 “Why would Allison or Vanya be my favourite brother?”
 “Fuck off, you know what I meant.” Okay, definitely a smile now.
 And then Ben happened to glance at his feet. “Klaus, where the hell did you get those?”
 Klaus looked at his feet and saw that he wasn’t wearing Allison’s heels, but rainbow boots. Huh. So not a drug-induced dream.
 “I’ve been thinking, Ben.”
 “Oh no. I didn’t know you could do that.” He gestured at the boots. “Are you not going to answer?”
 Klaus ignored him and stared at the boots. “I’ve been wondering if they might allow aquariums in rehab.”
 Ben stared at him a little. But he was also long used to Klaus saying weird stuff. “Well. If we manage to use some of dad’s fortune for rehab, they’ll allow us as many fish as we want. If…if that’s what you wanted the aquarium for.”
 It was…so fucking nice to hear Ben using “us” and “we” like that. He knew Ben was stuck with him, but it felt…. like he wasn’t alone. That Ben meant it. That he was going to have help this time, from the whole family. And if they used dear old dad’s money…well. That would be icing on the cake. Petty? Yes. Deserved, even beyond the grave? Hell yes. He’s glad that he didn’t have another visit from him. He doesn’t think he could stand anymore revelations or disappointment from him. He’d take a bizarre realm of multi-coloured girls and fish and talking dogs any day.
 Though, he really didn’t want to go back any time soon. Being mostly dead was exhausting.
 “Yeah, Ben, fish. Lots of colourful fish.” His voice sounded further away, like hearing himself through a long tunnel. Klaus could feel his eyes droop closed.
 Ben laughed softly. “Anything you need, Klaus. Have some nice dreams for me, will you?” Klaus’ eyes were closed, but for a flash, he thought he saw someone above him. He couldn’t see features, just a strange helmet and black robes. A pale hand sprinkled shining dust onto him. Onto his closed eyes. And then the figure was gone.
  And he swore, right before he drifted off to sleep, that he felt Ben’s hand on his shoulder. But then again, it could have just been his imagination.
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