#Carlos oscar de vil
lsleofthelost · 6 months
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new descendants tweets [17/?] Carlos edition
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camscendants · 11 months
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hannahhook7744 · 1 year
de Vil family Headcanons revised:
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Trigger warnings: Child abuse, child neglect, mentions of dementia, mental health issues, unhealthy coping mechanisms, death, and animal abuse.
There is an 11 year age difference between Hunter and Carlos, a 5 year one between Carlos and Ivy, and a 4 year one between him and Diego.
Hunter, Ivy, and Carlos are tech geeks in my universe and can't do anything musical to save their lives.
Diego, on the other hand, is the only musically inclined one who cannot do anything tech related to save his life.
Hunter and Ivy were born pre-isle but died trying to stop one of Cruella's plots when she found out and pursued them. Causing them to crash.
Because of their childhood Villainous activities they were resurrected and sent to the isle the year Carlos was born.
Both Antia and Roger have met Hunter and Ivy but only Ivy has met their niece, Amber.
Funnily enough, all of the de Vil cousins have four things in common—their love for animals, their tempers, their competitive nature, and their very strong passion for fashion.
They have a lot of pets that they have to play 'Keep away from Cruella' with.
Including a chicken on Hunter and Ivy's part, which is funny because their ancestor— Dimsdale—despises chickens.
They are descended from both Melione (Hades' daughter) and the Villainous princess Ivy from Sofia the first.
Hunter's full name is Hunter Claudias de Vil.
Ivy's full name is Ivana Mallory de Vil.
Diego's full name is Diego Ethan de Vil.
Carlos's full name is Carlos Oscar de Vil.
Carlos is the son of Cruella de Vil and James Charming.
Diego is the son of Cecil de Vil and an unknown woman.
Ivy is the daughter of Carmen Sandiego and Cotton de Vil.
Hunter is the son  of Helga Sinclair and Charles de Vil, making him the older half brother of Harry Badun.
Carlos's dad either got taken forcibly back to Auradon or was killed by Cruella. No one is quite sure which.
Diego's mother left him on the doorstep.
Ivy's father was a pyro noir like detective and the youngest of his many siblings, which made her a favorite of the family. Her father died in a freak fire related accident when she was 3. Carmen had no idea where she went after Ivy's father died.
Hunter's father was an artist turned Archery teacher who went by 'Archer' and died in a freak archery accident.
Hunter de Vil is dating a grown up Jim Jr (from Lady and the Tramp) and Jane's cousin, Elisa/Eliza.
Diego is dating Derek, Doug's older brother.
Carlos is dating Jane.
And Ivy is dating Gordon, son of Grumpy— and yes, they are aware of the irony.
Together (meaning them, their partners, their cousin P.H, and Cruella) they have 18 pets. Including 2 chickens, 1 ferret, 1 dove, 1 lab rat, 4 cats,  and 10 dogs (most of which are Cruella's).
Hunter is still an influencer (he was one when he was a teenager) and is also an inventor who works at the local tech repair shop and a part time mechanic.
All of the de Vil kids love chocolates but different kids.
Hunter practically lives off of coffee and energy drinks and kinder joy eggs.
Hunter is also a YouTuber.
Ivy loves oatmeal with strawberries and blackberries.
She is an inventor, a fashion designer, a salon owner who makes her own cosmetics, and a beauty pageant veteran who always saw Amber dearly (The Radcliffe's niece)  as a rival. This was one-sided.
She takes after her mother alot— she's elusive, playful, badass, etc.
Kids used to call her Evilana. Which she hated.
Diego is the lead singer and guitarist of the Bad Apples and a member of Harriet Hook's crew and the Anti-heroes' club.
He is also a tattoo artist who loves coke (the soda) and fast food.
Carlos is a tourney and ROAR member who loves video games, tech stuff, animals, and inventing. He wants to be a veterinarian or app designer.
Hunter, Ivy, and Diego helped Carlos build his treehouse when they were younger.
They all love each other very much and are very protective of one another.
Unlike Carlos, the other de Vils are actually quite fond of the Badun cousins.
Ivy loves the color pink.
Their ancestor that everyone thinks is the literal devil was actually a somewhat normal human boy who was just unfortunate enough to have been born with hooves and a tail (likely due to them also being descended from Hades’ daughter Melione and sorceress like the original Ivana de Vil—aka Princess Ivy).
For some reason, Diego is Cruella's favorite. No one knows why or how.
This is entirely one-sided; Diego despises Cruella.
Yes, Hunter and Ivy were born pre-isle.
Yes, they committed their crimes.
BUT, they were also 12 and 6, and highly abused and neglected.
And they redeemed themselves and got killed in the process in my timeline saving the puppies from one of Cruella's schemes gone wrong.
But of course, Auardon brought them back a year after Carlos was born and sent them to the isle despite the Radcliffes' protest.
Hunter was 12 and Ivy was 6, and they both cried and pleaded for mercy. Beast and Belle ignored them.
They hate them because of this.
Like their parents before them, they're close.
Unlike their parents, they didn't have a falling out and would still die for one another.
Diego is the only non-tech savvy de Vil of this generation.
But that's fine with him because he's the only one who can play any instrument.
The other 3 can't play an instrument to save their lives.
Despite the fact that Diego is a part of Harriet's crew and that Harriet is in alliance with Uma, he and Carlos are still close.
Diego is the only non disabled, sickly, or mentally ill de Vil.
All of the de Vils are into fashion.
The de Vil cousins move out of Cruella's house after Carlos goes to Auradon. They had only stayed for Carlos.
The de Vil cousins have an unspoken agreement to always look out for each other, their pets, and the badun cousins.
The de Vil cousins communicate in Morse code sometimes. Other times they communicate in sign language.
They made up their own language to communicate in as kids. The Badun cousins  are the only ones who understand it.
All of the de Vil kids have pets and take care of Cruella's pets.
They all feel guilty about the fact that they couldn't protect each other or their pets. Or the Badun cousins.
Jace and Harry used to have siblings. The rest of the isle might have forgotten this but they hadn't. They never would.
None of the four de Vil cousins will ever turn down helping the Badun cousins. No matter what.
No one talks about the missing Badun girls and boys.
No one talks about how the Badun cousins don't live with them, Cruella, and their dads anymore.
After Harry Badun turned 7, learning medical care became a priority for all of the de Vil kids. Maybe it's guilt or maybe it's a sense of obligation. No one knows.
Diego is the only one of the group who sleeps.
He's known as the only 'normal' de Vil. He's the only one who doesn't have a nasty nickname.
He's the one who keeps everyone alive which makes up for his bouts of irresponsible stupidity.
Diego is also the only de Vil sibling who can write in cursive.
Hunter is the only blonde de Vil that the cousins can remember.
This earns a lot of jokes about him being adopted.
He is never amused by them.
Ivy looks the most like Cruella. Her hair is half and half like hers, and she hates it. Hair dye doesn't work.
She's tried. Her cousins had to beg her to stop because she would break out in horrible hives when she used it and they were afraid she'd die.
Carlos is allergic to Wool.
Hunter and Diego have no allergies.
Hunter is claustrophobic and afraid of the dark  and being alone and forgotten because of his time in the crate. His younger cousins know very few details about it.
Diego's hair is the opposite of Carlos's—his hair is mostly black with a few white streaks and specks, while Carlos's hair is mostly white with dark specks
Ivy is afraid of burning alive like her dad but also addicted to the flames.
Her and Hunter are scared of dying again.
Diego, Carlos, and The Badun cousins had to sleep in their beds a lot when they were younger to calm them because of the nightmares they had.
They still do.
The 3 oldest de Vil cousins were in pure shock and mourning for days after Carlos left for Auardon. They thought they'd never see him again.
Carlos, Hunter, and Ivy go to all of Diego's concerts and like all of his videos  and buy all his albums.
He does the same for them.
They're all scared of going nuts like their elders.
They were all scared of their other relatives when they got off the isle.
Hunter never forgives Ben's parents. Never.
He and Ivy both try to pretend that they don't want to kill them both.
Everyone but Diego has had depression. Diego has just always been optimistic (and a bit angry).
Ivy is named after their ancestor, Princess Ivy.
She resents this.
Divus de Vil, or Divus Crewel—as he is now known—is a professor at Night Raven College.
He teaches the school's science curriculum, including potionology.
He, like the rest of his family, feels strongly about fashion and refuses to compromise on what he wears.
He is Cruella and Crisitan de Vil's twin brother who somehow managed to stay out of any serious legal trouble. Unlike them.
When he was younger, Divus was nicknamed 'devious'  by his fellow peers. Right around the time they started to call his sister 'Cruella' instead of Ella.
He was the favorite of his mother—meaning he was the only one who ever got attention from her.
He has no pets.
He, Cristian,  and Cruella taught their 3 younger brothers (Cyrus, Cotton, and Cecil) how to work on cars when they were all kids.
Back before Cruella and P.H became cruel, all 7 of them were rather close-knit despite their age differences.
Divus's mother named him.  His name means "divine"/"godlike" or "god". It can aldo be considered a variant of "diva", referring to a narcissistic and self-important person.
Cyrus was a teen dad at 14.
Malevola and Cruella didn't hesitate at all to yell at and belittle him for this.
He ran away a couple of years later with his son, Charles, and became a farmer.
Cyrus was a natural blonde but dyed his hair black and white in an attempt to fit in with his family.
Charles inherited it as well. They both inherited this from Oscar "Count" de Vil.
22 years later, Charles met a woman named Helga Sinclair and Hunter de Vil was born.
Oscar and Dintia de Vil are the parents of Malevola de Vil and her brother, Malice.
Of course, those aren't their real names. Only the names those who didn't understand their odd family gave them.
Oscar and Dinita would never name them those names. They were actual loving parents, thank you very much (Unlike Malevola).
Malevola and Malice are actually named Mallory and Malachai.
Malachai's unflattering nickname doesn't really fit him at all.
He may be the mastermind but Malachai isn't really eVil at all. He's actually harmless and quite kind. Unlike his nasty sister.
Oscar de Vil was rumored to be a vampire and thusly nicknamed the 'Count' because he always wore a black, hooded cloak.
And no, he isn't actually a vampire. He's just severely allergic to sunlight and has to wear a hooded cloak while outside during the day.
It's actually kinda funny/sad considering the fact that his wife, Dinita, loves the sun and taking walks.
She stopped doing it as often when she began dating him so she could spend more time with him, so it's safe to say their love was true.
Both of them were loving, confident, lively people who saw the best in everyone and loved life.
Oscar was a businessman and a doctor who was quite charitable to those around him and Dintia was an architect.
Dintia actually was the one who designed Hell Hall and the other de Vil properties.
The two of them and their kids were loved in the small community they lived in for the first 10 years of Malachai's life.
And then Dintia slowly started to forget things.
It was small things at first, like Mallory's favorite color and Malachai's favorite snack.
And then it was big things, like her anniversary and birthdays.
It only continued to spiral from there until Oscar dragged her to the doctor during the day—causing him to break into hives mind you—and got her checked out to find out what was wrong.
Not long after, they found out she had early onset dementia and Dintia started to change.
Forgetting who Oscar and even her own kids were. Not recognizing her two birds, Stormy and Sunny. Not recognizing her own pictures.
Oscar began to distance himself from his kids, throwing himself into his work in hopes of finding a way to save his weakening wife.
Dintia kept finding ways to escape the house and could often be found wandering around town, confused.
Some less than lovely people started to call her dementia instead of her actual name.
She died four years later when Malachai was 14 and Mallory was 10. And it hit everyone hard. 
Oscar and Malachai both fell into a deep depression and due to the time period they were in, they received little to no help at all.
Oscar became a shut-in and rarely left his house, glaring at anyone who approached him on the rare occasions that he did.
Malachai became a shell of his former self. He stopped talking and smiling and goofing around as much, and daydreamed often of his mother never getting sick and his life never going to hell. Hardly able to accept reality.
He actually checked out for a bit—becoming emotionally detached from everyone around him—and didn't speak for years.
If his son, Philip Herbert aka P.H, hadn't been born, he would have never come out of it.
Unfortunately, while he and Oscar were emotionally dead to the world, Mallory started to change.
She became bitter and resentful and apathetic to everything that wasn't fashion. And her morals and what she saw as important slowly started to distort until she wasn't recognizable anymore.
And she was oh so hateful to anyone who wasn't her love, Dupree, who would go on to be her husband—earning her the alias Malevola.
Dupree was head over heels in love with her and blind to all her faults, which would come back to bite him later.
They'd go on to have 5 kids in this order; Cruella, Divus, Cyrus, Cecil, and Cotton.
Malevola/Mallory didn't even attempt to be a good mother. Ignoring them when she could get away with it and being out of town often.
She'd even snap at and belittle them from the moment they were born.
Cruella would go on to be a fashion designer as did Crisitan and you know the rest.
Cyrus became a teen dad and a farmer.
Cecil became a film director and willingly went to the isle for Cruella.
And Cotton became a detective and a pyro.
Cotton eventually met Carmen Sandiego, one thing led to another, and Ivana/Ivy de Vil was born.
Ivy is Malevola's favorite grandchild.
Malevola tried to make up for her parenting mistakes with Hunter and Ivy, and the other two kids, but failed.
Mainly because she played keep away with them and their mothers.
Oscar (Malevola) was a good grandfather who visited on occasion but couldn't undo the damage his daughter had done.
Dupree died before he could meet Hunter, Ivy, Diego, or Carlos.
He admitted openly on his death bed that he regretted not divorcing Malevola when their kids were young because, while he loved her, she wasn't a good person and screwed up their kids in ways that couldn't be fixed.
Most of the de Vils are mentally ill in one way or another.
Harry Badun is Hunter de Vil's younger half-brother.
Cotton died in a fiery accident he caused.
Cyrus died in a farming accident.
Charles died in a freak archery accident.
Oscar succumbed to his old age, a bitter, angry old man who the children of the Village feared.
Hunter and Ivy died in a car accident while trying to free the dalmatians from Cruella and got resurrected and sent to the isle.
Cecil died from not taking care of himself when he fell depressed upon realizing he had damned his son and that his niece and nephews would never be free of the isle.
Malachai got sick and died when P.H was very young, causing him to be taken in By Malevola and Dupree.
Due to the sudden loss of the only parental figure he had and the neglect and belittlement he suffered from Malevola, he went mad.
He was introduced to science by Divus and started to experiment on any animal he could get his hands on. It rarely ended well for the animals. But Malevola allowed it as long as her dogs and Malachai's snake weren't touched.
P.H ended up experimenting on his father's snake and it died.
Cruella helped him hide the evidence.
Malevola was devastated and never found her brother's snake, leading her to assume she lost it.
It was one of 4 times Cruella and her siblings ever saw her mother cry.
Malevola told Carlos once that he looked like her brother at his age. It was the only time she ever mentioned her brother before her death.
Anita knew all of Cruella's generation growing up. P.H always scared her.
Once when they were all little, Cruella convinced them all to try her favorite drink; ink.
They all got terribly ill from it and never did it again.
No one knows how Cruella can stand drinking that stuff.
Carlos lives a long, healthy life with his friends and Jane.
Divus was delighted to meet his niece and nephews. Along with all their partners and friends.
Horace and Jasper were friends with the de Vils and Radcliffes growing up.
Requested by @kivamyths .
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thestrengthofevil · 2 years
When Carlos and Jane first started dating Lonnie slipped out that Jane actually knows the flower language. Carlos trying to be thoughtful, learned it overnight (mostly) and made a bouquet. Only there was a flower that only grows with magic so he went to mal and maimed her til she had to grow the flower.
When Carlos gave the bouquet to Jane at first she was confused but then Carlos explained to her. There was a moment of silence followed by the warmest hug Carlos had ever got in his life
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hcfromtroy · 3 months
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- Maleficent "Mal" Bertha is pansexual!!
- Jayden "Jay" is bisexual!!
- Evie Grimhilde is bisexual!!!
- Carlos Oscar De Vil is pansexual!!!
- Benjamin "Ben" Florian is a trans men!!!
- Audrey Rose is a trans woman!!!!
- Harry Hook is bissexual!!!
- Uma is lesbian!!!
- Gil is gay!!!
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Real Names in “Descendants“
Here’s a rant + solution about the characters’ names in Descendants.
Who in his right mind could accept Lonnie’s name is just that? Mal makes sense for the explanation we were given, but Evie? Even assuming Ally is short for something, isn’t that’s a weird name? The books have stuff like Herkie, Lil’ Shang, Pin, Tiger Peony, Ginny Gothel and I don’t know how many more and while I get it’s about making them recognizeable as the children of certain characters, I do get it, I still think they’re bad.
So I decided to compile a list of presumable actual names of the Descendants kids, VK and AK alike that anyone could feel free to use in fics.
Two little notes before anything else:
the -son/-dottir patronimics I see sometimes in fics are North European and should be used only in the right context, avoided otherwise. In Ancient Greek the correct suffix is -ides (gender neutral), so Mal wouldn’t be Hadesdottir but Hadeides; similarly, Uma would be Ursulaides, and Ursula Poseidonides and so forth. Despite that, I assume Auradon would want to conform to the habit of fixed family names that is normal in modern Europe, so they’d make everyone adopt one, like Chad Charming, or use the place of origin, like Jordan of Agrabah.
The explanation I have in-universe for some names is that there's an obsession in Auradon with precising who their famous parents/relatives/family friends could be and many kids end up with nicknames tied to that. Either this or because names have power when it comes to magic, so real names are kept secret and known only by the most trusted people, but that wouldn’t get along with how magic works in the movies, nor with the fact Ben and Mal shared their middle names like it was no big deal (but then again, Ben could have a secret third name and Mal didn’t specify her first name is short for Maleficent). The first explanation is easier.
I’ve been working on this list for quite some time. As such, if you use this as reference it’s fine, but I’d like to be told at least, even in a note to this post and given credit if you pick one of my ideas that aren’t mainstream in the fandom.
Also, I may add to/modify this post later on, but without taking into account anything made after Descendants 3.
That said, VKs first:
Mal: we’ve been said Mal is just short for Maleficent and the daughter isn’t allowed to use the full name because she “didn’t deserve it”. Abusive and terrible, yet it fits. But I don’t think Hades would agree and in myths there is a Melinoe who is an Hades’ daughter, so Mal’s full real name could be Maleficent Bertha Melinoe Hadeides or just Melinoe Bertha Hadeides.
Jay: I saw Jayden around and, nope, it doesn’t work for me. Either Jayanth or Jayad (both mean “victorious one”) sound a lot better and more fitting for the general area Aladdin is set in. But, really, this page has tons of names starting with Jay, pick one from there. (also, for a proper surname you should check Arabic onomastic, which is complicated, so just use “of the Isle” or “of Agrabah”, unless you know the subject well. I don’t think Auradonians would bother to learn anyway)
Evie: oh, dear, my poor girl, what an atrocity. It could be short for anything like Evelyn, Evangeline (but the Evil Queen would never choose such a meek name, plus it’s tied to Tiana’s story), Evanna, Evalina, Evisse, all can work, but the one I prefer is Everhilde or Everild, which would call back to the Evil Queen’s real name, Grimhilde. On this note, I suppose Genevieve could work too with the “parent-children with same intials” trend.
Carlos: I already said I find weird he has a Spanish name when Cruella is British, and unless there are some Spanish roots somewhere in the de Vil lineage, his name should have been Charles. But recently I headcanoned his father could be Bruno Madrigal, so the Spanish name could stay (in the books it’s stated his middle name is Oscar, which @dragoneyes618 reminded me was also Bruno’s first-draft name), so, Carlos Oscar de Vil-Madrigal.
Uma: it’s a Hebrew or Hindi name and a weird fit for the granddaughter of Poseidon (yes, I am one of those who agrees Ursula is one of Poseidon’s children and thinks a name meaning “little she-bear” is a tad weird for a sea being). But, after all, Ariel is a Hebrew name too, so Uma fits the Little Mermaid lore and all is well.
The three Hook siblings (Harriet, Harry and Calista Jane) have the most normal and reasonable names of the whole franchise and I won’t dare to change them. Perhaps I’d argue Harriet and Harry are fem/male variants of the same name, but, really, there is worse in the franchise (and I guess, when she made up Harriet, Melissa de la Cruz had no idea they’d later create Harry for the next movies).
Gil: his real name could be Gillaume (variant of Guillaume) or Gilbert. Personally, I prefer the latter (like Gilbert Motier de La Fayette, you know, lol). His brothers’ names, unfortunately, fit with Gaston’s narcissism, so they can stay. The canon surname is LeGume, although I’m not sure where it comes from exactly as it’s never mentioned in either movie or live action as far as I remember.
Freddie: I think Frederique Facilier sounds great and she probably hates it. I read that in a fic but I don’t remember whose, maybe @ginnyrules27 or @hannahhook7744 or @dragoneyes618, feel free to correct me if it’s none of theirs.
Celia: it’s a name in its own good, used in both French and Spanish (fitting for New Orleans’ culture), but if we want, we can consider it short for Cecilia.
Ginny Gothel: assuming Gothel (like Yzma) was able to procreate and Ginny isn’t actually Cassandra’s daughter (I haven’t seen the series though so I don’t know much about her), Ginny is still an abbreviation, usually of Ginevra/Guinevere. I can’t fathom why Gothel’s name became a surname though, I’m at loss here, unless we are supposed to read it as Ginevra Gotheldottir (Rapunzel is a germanic tale, so this kind of patronimic fits), shortened Ginny Gothel.
Dizzy: I wrecked my brain on this. Drusilla or Desdemona. That’s it, that’s the top I could come up with. Drusilla Tremaine-Westergard, in my universe, to be precise.
The only other Tremaine cousin we have a canon name for is Anthony and I think it’s a perfectly fine name. Antoine if we set the story in pseudo-France.
Hadie: Hades had few children in the myths and Zagreus was the one I liked the most, that’s my reasoning. In myths, Zagreus is Persephone’s son but here it could be anyone’s, he’d still keep the Greek patronimic, so Zagreus Hadeides.
Squeaky and Squirmy Smee: those are 100% nicknames, it can’t be otherwise. In fact, in piracy, it’s pretty normal to have nicknames and aliases that are known more than regular names, like Calico Jack, Blackbeard, Big Murph and so on. The twins likely have normal names like Sullivan and Sean or something like that. In fact, their big brother is Sammy, short for Samuel, I assume, so it pretty much supports it.
Mad Maddy: while “mad“ is a mockery/title, Maddy should be short for Magda or Magdalene, but it’s used on its own too, so it’s your pick.
LeFou Deux: stupid name, like so stupid it can’t be real. Let’s pick a normal french name, like Denis LeFou, with the mockery he acts like father, they call him Le Fou Deux aka “twice as stupid”. Kids can be cruel.
Claudine Frollo: unfortunately, it’s an actual French name, but a religious zealot would maybe give her a double name, like Marie-Claudine.
Zevon and Yzla: I don’t know what to say here, I really don’t. Yzla sounds bad, that’s all I can say (but I admit Zevon has a nice ring). I accept suggestions.
Lil’ Shang: first thing first, in China (and other Eastern countries) surnames come before names. So Li=surname Shang=name. Cleared that up, this name makes sense only as a nickname (which I hate). If we want it to start with S and an assonance with his father’s, we could pick Sheng (victory) or Shuang (clear and bright).
Lonnie: Lanying, which, mispronunciated, became Lonnie, it would make sense if said by kids first. (Fun fact: irl Lin Lanying was the name of a scientist, there’s also a Guo Lanying who is a soprano, both great women).
Herkie: oh, don’t make me start with this. This is one of the atrocious names that are clearly rip-offs of the parent’s names and I hate that. Hercules had lots and lots of children in the myths, from Megara in particular he had four: Therimachus, Creontiades, Ophitus and Deicoon. Pick whatever you prefer, I am partial to Therimachus, too difficult for Auradonians to enunciate, they started to call him Herkie as a nickname that stuck.
Tiger Peony: I’m certain I’m not the first who thinks a name like this is, like, the epitome of disrespectful. For the same reason, I admit I know nothing of the subject and ask if someone could tell what an appropriate name for her could be.
Ally: Allison Liddel (original Alice’s surname) or Kingsley (live action surname). Or another surname if she took her father’s (I am partial to the Tim Burton movies and ship Alice and the Hatter, so Allison Hightopp, but that’s just me).
Jordan: Joodah (or Joudah) meaning “generous“ or “of high qualities“ (as far as I could find, please feel free to correct me).
Artie: don’t ask me where I took it from, but in my head his full name is Arnault Pendragon (and he isn’t Guinevere’s son as Disney’s Arthur married another woman under the advice of Merlin, but this is all my headcanon).
Pin: Pinocchio’s son. Now, in Italy it is traditional to name children after parents or grandparents (I have one uncle and 5 cousins all named after my maternal grandfather and other 4 cousins after my grandmother, to say nothing of the ones who have them as middle names), so it wouldn’t be weird BUT! we don’t have names without final vowels, especially first names, in Italian, so he’d be called Pino. Which is also short for Giuseppe (Giuseppino) and I much prefer that (if they wanted to use Geppetto’s name it would have made sense too, and that he would have been nicknamed Geppettino > Tino).
Now, for the dwarves’ sons I picked German names with the same initials:
“Doc II” Dominic;
“Hap” Harold;
“Cheerful” Klemens;
“Gesundheit”/“Gus” Gustav;
“Bash” Bastian;
“Shy” Silas;
“Crabby” Conrad;
“Sleepy jr” Simon;
“Snoozy” Samuel.
Doug and Gordon are normal names and can stay.
Ruby and Anxelin Fitzherbert: I’m not even sure from where we got those names from for Rapunzel’s daughters, I seem to recall Ruby mentioned in Wicked World, maybe? Anyway, I don’t like either name. Anxelin is the name of a wine, that’s a very strange choice, and Ruby, uh, is too generic, I guess? There are so many german names to pick from, if we want to follow the pattern of same initial as the parents! Renate, Rayna, Reinheld, Richel, Roslin, Rowena... then Engelbertha, Eda, Erika, Evonne, Edith,... Just research a bit. If we really want to keep the original ones, Anxelin could be a deformation of something like Annegret or Analise, and Ruby could stand for Ruperta or Ruomhildi, although I prefer to call them Annika (same initials as Queen Arianna, Rapunzel’s real mother) and Roslin.
Opal: daughter of Mama Odie (what is it with those super-old women having teenage kids?!) can be Opal of the Bayou, I suppose. It has a nice ring, actually, although I don’t know what tie opal stones may have with voodoo.
Bobby Hood: usually, Bobby is short for Robert, which fits the area and the pattern. Robin is, at times, short for Robert, but I don’t think it’s the case here. The surname Locksley was discarded by Robin, provided it existed in the Disneyverse, but it’s worth remembering it.
This post will possibly be corrected expanded in the future and I appreciate further discussion, as long as all parties are respectful and thoughtful.
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telli1206 · 1 year
How To Get A Date For Christmas
Happy Holidays @auradon-bore-a-don! I’m your @descendantsgiftexchange Secret Santa. Please enjoy a little Carvie fake dating with Jaylos and Bevie sprinkled in 😊 I hope you like it, and I hope you’ve had a wonderful holiday season so far!
AO3 Link
Carlos stares at Evie, an incredulous look in his eye. She smiles back sheepishly, nervously folding and unfolding the fluffy mound of red and green in her hands.
“You’re kidding,” Carlos snorts, crossing his arms.
“Please? Carlos, come on,” Evie pleads, walking across Carlos’ room to drop the items on his bed. She spreads them out, and his eyes widen as he takes in the garishness now laid out in front of him.
“They’re not that bad, see?” She gestures toward the two sweaters, tracing her fingers along the bumpy letters. “It’s just a gingerbread man and lady. And yours has a bite taken out of it! Right there.” She jabs sharply at one side of the sweater. “That’s why yours says naughty and mine is nice.”
Carlos frowns as he walks slowly toward the bed, pausing to hover just above the garish Christmas sweaters. He can’t hide his grimace as he touches the scratchy fabric, almost gagging at the huge ugly smiles and massive gingerbread heads plastered right on the front of each sweater.
“No. Just…just NO. Those are hideous, Eves, I’m sorry. I’m not wearing that, even for you.”
Evie frowns, her hands flying to her hips. She starts to tap her heel furiously, and Carlos can feel himself recoil as her features grow stern.
“Carlos De Vil, I’m doing this for you, you know. Don’t you want to see Jay’s face when we show up to school all cute and coupley?”
Carlos scoffs. “As if you’re not doing this too just to see if our precious king just might turn green with envy?”
Evie bites her lip, fighting back the urge to smile at the thought.
“Ok, so we both want the same thing. That means we’re doing it. It’s the best plan we’ve got.”
“Um, no we’re NOT.”
“Carlos Oscar…”
Carlos sighs and scratches at his chest. Even with a soft t-shirt underneath, the damn sweater is still itchy as hell and he hates it. But he accepts his fate and walks quietly next to Evie towards the quad. She’s humming happily to herself and still looking too smug and satisfied to be moving forward with the plan.
But before they reach the main area, she stops suddenly, pausing Carlos with a hand to his arm.
“They’re here,” she affirms with a twinkle in her eye. She presents her hand to Carlos, palm up.
Carlos quirks a small smile and slaps his hand in hers.
“Let’s do this.”
Evie smiles brightly and gives Carlos’ hand a squeeze. She lets her head drop to his shoulder as they walk, nuzzling her hair against his neck and exhaling softly.
It’s a gesture full of comfort and intimacy. Even Carlos can’t help feeling a slight flutter in his chest at how sweetly Evie is cuddling into him. He plants a light kiss into her hair before his eyes start to wander, searching the quad for the only two people they want to make sure are seeing their display.
And he’s not disappointed. There’s no mistaking the heat in Jay’s eyes at the moment. His glare is burning through Evie like he wants to actually set her on fire. And honestly, Carlos doesn’t feel like he should be getting tingly at the thought of his best friend incinerating in a poof of jealousy flames.
But he’s pretty sure Evie won’t care once she sees that Ben’s watching them, too, from his spot next to Jay. He looks frozen, with his eyes wide and mouth tipped open. There’s no anger there, from what Carlos can tell. He looks…almost, sad. He meets Carlos’ eye for a moment, and it causes a sudden pool of guilt to churn in his stomach. As if it wasn’t his right to touch Evie the way he is. His grip loosens a little on her hand, enough for her to notice and tilt her head up at her in confusion.
No. He steels himself, tightening his grip with one hand and leaning in to brush some silky curls out of Evie’s eyes with the other. When they finally reach the table where their friends are sitting, Mal’s already chuckling, arms crossed and head tilted as she gives them both a curious once-over.
“Well well, this is new,” she quips, waving a finger at their clasped hands. “Since when did you two start getting all lovey-dovey?”
Carlos shrugs, and Evie looks up at him with a warm smile before dropping her head back to his shoulder. “We’ve always been close, Mal. You know that. It just seemed like the right time to give this a shot. Don’t you think?”
“Everyone could use a little romance around the holidays, Mal,” Evie chimes in. She lifts Carlos’ hand to her lips and gives it a playful kiss, throwing Mal a wink.
Her eyes dart just behind Mal when she hears a grunt, just in time to catch Jay’s death stare. She quickly moves her gaze back to Mal, swallowing nervously and forcing a smile back onto her face.
“It’s refreshing to know that a boy wants me, you know? And Carlos was very clear with his intentions,” Evie explained, giving Carlos a wide smile as she spoke. “He just came right up to me and told me that he wanted to take me out. And how could I say no to that?”
Carlos grins at Evie, his hand placed carefully on her shoulder, stroking it lightly with his thumb. He doesn’t dare attempt a glance at Ben again. The soulful look in his eyes was painful enough when they first approached. But he can hear the king’s soft breathing as they stand there, and he’s sure he’s still hanging onto every word they say. So he wants to make this count.
“Well, who doesn’t like honesty, right Eves?” He asks, and his lips quirk at her eager nod. “I don’t think there’s anything better than just being upfront when you’re interested in someone. I mean, I know it’s an attractive quality to me, so I figured it would work for you, too.”
“You thought right, Lossy,” Evie hums happily, leaning in to peck his check. Mal groans and rolls her eyes, so Evie responds by sticking out her tongue. “Now, now,” she tuts. “Don’t be getting all jealous of our Christmas romance, Mally. Maybe if you stop wasting time hating on us, you can find your own date to the Holly Days Dance.”
“So that’s what this is about??” Mal practically screeches, smacking her hands down on the table. She smirks at them proudly, as if she’s just made some major discovery. “This is just so you’re not going solo and forced to stand by the punch bowl all night?! Come on! That’s lame even for you two.”
“I never said that.” Evie’s curt now, and she gives Carlos’ hand a tug to pull him along. “I’m not even going to dignify that with an answer. We’ll see you later.”
She moves away quickly with Carlos in tow, and in just a few seconds they’re already halfway back across the quad. Evie bites her lip, feeling anxious about their sudden exit but still refusing to look back at the friends they left behind.
“D-d-do you think that was even enough?” Carlos stutters, sounding nervous. Unlike Evie, he keeps looking back at the table over and over.
“I hope so. I think so. Yes, yes, I think it had to be,” Evie finally confirms, talking through her decision and nodding repeatedly. “If they think they lost their chance to go to the dance with us, they’ll make their move, I know it. Just, trust me, ok?”
Carlos sighs, dropping Evie’s hand to fully sling his backpack over his shoulder.
“If you say so, Eves. But I’ll believe it when I see it.”
 A full day of classes drag on, feeling longer than usual because Carlos has had not one single encounter with Jay. He’s used to running into the boy often, even though they only have one shared class. Jay tends to linger the halls every chance he gets, sometimes bullshitting with his Tourney mates, and other times leaning girl after girl against the lockers, unabashedly flirting with them and beaming with pride at how flushed and speechless he can render them with a few choice words and finger-brushing touches.
And despite such a busy social schedule between classes, most of Jay’s time is still spent with Carlos. He always makes time to talk to him, even going so far as to wait for him after class so they can walk or go to lunch together.
But none of that has happened today, and Carlos can only assume that he and Evie’s plan has completely backfired and Jay’s taken to ignoring him instead. He should have known there was no such thing as making the school flirt jealous. As if Jay would ever care enough about him to actually admit his feelings and give up his chances with every other kid in the school?? Carlos just feels stupid now.
He’s so busy lamenting his luck he doesn’t even notice the open closet door jutting out into the hallway until he’s almost run into it. He quickly shifts his hips to move around it, but almost topples when he feels a tug on his hips, pulling him backward and into the closet in one swift movement.
A tiny yelp escapes him when his back slams against some shelving, and at the same time he’s engulfed in darkness as the door is slammed closed. His breaths become short and frantic as he tries to adjust his eyes to the inky blankness. His hands then start clamoring for balance on the shelves behind his back so he doesn’t trip over something he can’t see.
When feels a short puff of breath on his face, he freezes. “What the f-wh-who’s there?? Fu-S-say something!”
He inhales sharply when he feels someone grab his wrist. His hand is pulled in front of him then, and something…scratchy. And sharp? Is shoved into it.
“What the hell is…”
He blinks when a bright light floods his vision. His eyes instantly focus on his hand.
“You know what that means, right?”
Carlos blinks again, his eyes following the voice in front of him.
He’s smiling, and so, so close. With a bright white smile and dark, silky tendrils loose and framing his perfectly tanned face. He looks so good.
Oh shit, he’s talking.
Jay chuckles and sets his phone down on the shelf behind Carlos, with his flashlight facing up and offering a faint backlight. He points at Carlos’ hand then, making Carlos glance back down.
“That. You know what it means?”
“You mean, mistletoe?” Carlos furrows his brow, trying to make sense of what Jay’s asking. “Isn’t it for kis-”
Carlos is cut off by insistent lips suddenly pressing against his own. He lets out a grunt in surprise, but Jay continues to surge forward, wrapping a hand around the base of Carlos’ neck to press them together more firmly. His mouth makes quick work of parting Carlos’ open, and in just a few seconds Jay’s kisses are already impossibly deep, swallowing pleased groans that Carlos can barely hear that he’s making.
Carlos isn’t exactly sure why this is happening, but at the moment, he doesn’t even care. Making out with Jay in this closet, with his back aching and arched awkwardly against the shelves, is fucking hot. And he doesn’t want it to stop. So he grips Jay’s vest tightly to keep him close, tilting his head back so his mouth opens even wider, welcoming Jay’s assault as much as he possibly can.
When Jay finally breaks the kiss, they’re both beyond breathless and sucking in air like they’re dying for it. Carlos lets his head drop back on the shelf behind him while he’s still panting, and Jay takes the opportunity to kiss down the fully bared column of Carlos’ throat, one hand still threaded in his curls and keeping him still.
“I want you,” Jay mumbles, his lips still on Carlos’ skin.
But Carlos is too far gone on Jay’s touch. He doesn’t even know Jay is speaking until he pulls away, using his hand in Carlos’ curls to tip his face back up.
“I want you,” he says more clearly. And Carlos blinks up at him.
“What?” He croaks. And Jay smiles, pressing another kiss to his lips.
“You like it when people are upfront with you, right? Clear intentions? I’m making myself fucking crystal clear, ‘Los. I. Want. You.”
He taps his finger to the tip of Carlos’ nose with his last three words, a satisfied smirk on his face when he sees the lustful haze still in Carlos’ eyes.
“Just, answer me this, ok?” He dips down closer, almost nose to nose with Carlos, and grins wider when the boy finally manages a slight nod.
“Would you rather be my date to the dance, or Evie’s?”
Carlos swallows, his eyes widening with surprise. Date?? He and Jay have had more than their fair share of hookups, but never one date. Jay’s never asked him. How in the hell could Evie’s plan be working out this well already?
“I…well, but. There’s Evie, and-”
“Right,” Jay cuts in. He drops his gaze to Carlos’ mouth, rubbing his lower lip softly with his thumb.
“There’s Evie. Don’t get me wrong, you know I love the girl. But…not with you. I don’t see it.”
He reaches up and wraps a finger around one of Carlos’ dangling curls, smirking proudly when Carlos can’t stop himself from blushing.
“But what I do see, is us having a blast at that dance. Together. You and me,” he adds pointedly, throwing Carlos a wink.
Carlos chews his lip a bit, then slowly starts to open his mouth to speak. But before he can utter a word, Jay pulls back, clearing space between them and removing all physical contact. Carlos can only squeak at the loss, sputtering out his surprise when Jay opens the closet door and lets the daylight flood in.
“So, let me know what you think?” Jay asks, offering Carlos his best flirting smile. It doesn’t reach his eyes though, and Carlos has known Jay long enough to see when his confidence is wavering. He smiles back and nods quietly.
Jay turns to leave, but stops suddenly, giving Carlos one last look over his shoulder.
“You know, I’d hate to disappoint Evie. I know you don’t like to either. But, you should do what makes you happy.”
Jay drops his arm from the door then, and is back in front of Carlos in one long stride. Carlos holds his breath as he watches Jay approach, and he reaches out to softly stroke Carlos’ cheek.
“And, if Evie is what makes you happy, that’s ok, too.” Jay smiles softly, and this time Carlos can see that it’s sincere.
“But I figured you should know how I feel, too, so do what you want with that. Just…if you being happy includes me, let me know. Ok?”
Carlos snorts at that, and Jay grins before spinning quickly on his heel and walking quickly out the door, closing it behind him and leaving Carlos in the dark, alone. He hugs his chest and leans back against the shelves, closing his eyes and enjoying the unexpected moment.
This…this is everything he wanted. Their plan couldn’t have worked better, to be honest. A confession of feelings from Jay? He didn’t even think that was possible, let alone the offer of a date.
He smiles to himself, breathing out a happy sigh before finally reaching for the door. He has to find Evie and tell her the news.
He can only hope things are working out as well for her, too.
Evie takes a cautious step into the dark classroom. She looks around, confused. Why would it be empty? She glances down at her phone, reading the email again to make sure she’s in the right room. But when she turns around to check the door number, the lights suddenly flick on.
And standing there in front of her, is Ben.
“Oh! Ben!” Her hand flies to her chest as a surprised gasp escapes her. “I’m sorry. Am I interrupting something? I thought there was a dance committee meeting in here, but maybe I was wrong. Let me just…”
Evie clambers back towards the door as she rambles, her arms flailing as she flusters through her words. But when Ben reaches out to grab her arm, she stops short.
“No! Sorry, I just…” Ben drops his hand quickly, shooting out a palm in front of her instead to ask Evie to stay. She obliges, but perks a confused brow as she keeps her eyes on Ben.
Ben drops his hand and lets his eyes fall to his feet. “I’m sorry, I actually asked Audrey to send you that email,” he confesses, wringing his fingers nervously in front of him.
Evie’s eyes go wide at his confession. “You did? But, why would you do that?”
Ben looks up again, his lips twitching slightly into a smile. He doesn’t speak, and instead just extends his arm to point over Evie’s shoulder. When she spins to follow it, her eyes land on something sitting on the first table in front of her. It’s a huge bouquet, bursting with the most elegant display of full red flowers she’s ever seen, placed in a deep blue vase and adorned with a beautiful gold bow.
A small squeal of delight escapes her, and she quickly covers her mouth to try to mask her excitement. When she whirls back around to face been, he’s smiling brightly.
“That-That’s for me?” Evie squeaks, pointing back at the flowers.
Ben nods eagerly. “Of course! They’re called Poinsettias. The quintessential holiday flower.”
He steps forward, closing in on Evie. She bites her lip, holding back her growing smile when they’re finally standing toe to toe.
“They’re the most beautiful red color, aren’t they? Just like that red lipstick you wear that I love so much. I just…felt like you needed to have them. Since they make me think of you.”
Evie can’t resist a smile at that, letting her lips spread wide until her teeth are gleaming.
“Really? Ben, that’s so, so sweet of you! You didn’t have to-”
Suddenly, Ben’s cupping her cheek in his hand, and all words are lost to Evie. She stares into hazel eyes, mesmerized by the flecks of gold and green as Ben’s thumb strokes her cheek.
“I did have to. Because I wanted you to know how beautiful I think you are. Inside and out. And, that I’m thinking about you, Evie. I think about you a lot, actually.”
Evie doesn’t think she can smile any wider, she feels like she could burst.
“You do?”
Ben nods again, dipping his head closer.
“Yes, I do. And today, I realized I might lose my chance with you. I really don’t want that to happen, Evie.”
Evie tips her head closer to Ben, until their foreheads are almost touching. But she looks up in surprise when she feels Ben’s hand slip from her face. He takes a step back, a serious look on his face.
“Are you going to the dance with Carlos?” He asks, concern growing in his features. “Do you…like him?”
Evie’s smile fades as her mouth drops open. She sits there a moment in silence, just staring at Ben and trying to think of what to say. But nothing’s coming to her. Her mind’s a blank, and there’s a beautiful king in front her, looking for answers.
“I-I…Well, I mean, of course I like Carlos,” she starts, but she scrambles when Ben starts to frown. “No! I mean, I don’t know if I like him like that, but I do like him! And he asked me to the dance, but..I don’t know. Just, if maybe-”
Evie didn’t even realize she was gesturing, but her hands’ flurried movements are suddenly stilled when Ben grips them both in his.
“So, do I still have a chance then?”
Ben’s tone is almost pleading, and he’s looking deep into Evie’s eyes now. She can feel his soft, warm hands around hers. They’re so comforting, and she silently wishes he could hold onto her forever.
But she’s been silent for too long, and she can feel his hands slip away. She snaps her mouth closed, only then realizing it had been open a while and she had been gaping at him.
“Sorry, this is too much for you right now, I think,” Ben says finally with a sympathetic smile. “I’ll give you some time, to think it over, ok?”
He steps back further, smiling when he notices Evie’s sad expression. “I meant everything I said. And if you don’t end up having a date to the dance, I would love for you to consider me, Evie.”
He straightens his jacket and offers Evie a warm smile, which she finally returns.
“Enjoy the flowers,” he adds with a gentlemanly tip of his crown. Evie giggles lightly at the sweet gesture, nodding happily and giving Ben a little wave as he walks away. But as soon as he’s gone, she scoops up the flowers and dashes out the door, making a beeline for the boy’s dorms.
She needs to find Carlos. Immediately.
 That night, Evie and Carlos arrive at the dining hall for dinner, arm in arm. They stand in the doorway for a moment, eyes searching, until they spot Jay, Ben and Mal at a table in the far corner.
Carlos stands up straight, crooking his arm to allow Evie’s to rest more gracefully in its crease. He lets out a nervous exhale before giving her a stiff smile.
“Ok. Commence with part 2?”
She smiles back. “Yep! Operation breakup has begun.”
They share a quick nod, moving their bodies closer as they start to walk. When they’re spotted by their friends, Evie lets her other hand drop to Carlos’ bicep, giving it a loving squeeze just as they reach the table.
Mal, tilts her head at them, already smirking as she eyes them up and down.
“Ah! The happy couple has arrived,” she announced with a clap of her hands. “Please, will you join us? But do keep the affection at bay, if you don’t mind. The rest of us singletons are trying to eat.”
Evie rolls her eyes as she drops her hands from Carlos, sliding in next to Mal and bumping her harshly enough with her hip to prompt a tiny yelp of pain.
“Just shut it, will you Mal?” She snips. Then she turns to Carlos with a sweet smile. “Lossy and I already grabbed dinner after our movie date. We just decided to sneak in her for a little dessert.”
Evie scrunches her nose cutely when Carlos throws her an air kiss and waves as he walks away toward the dessert table. But she quickly scowls when Mal starts making loud fake gagging sounds in her direction.
Choosing to ignore Mal’s display, Evie turns her attention to Jay and Ben, who seem to be lost in whispered conversation. She grins widely as she leans in their direction.
“Boys? Everything ok?” Evie asks in her sweetest, high-pitched voice.
Jay and Ben stop talking instantly, turning their bodies toward Evie and plastering on obvious fake smiles.
“Yep. Just peachy,” Jay grits through his overly toothy grin.
Ben elbows him hard. “Yes! We’re great, thanks Evie,” he replies, in a voice much nicer than Jay’s. “I hope you and Carlos enjoyed your…um…date.”
Evie feels warmth creeping up her neck. Of course Ben could make her blush with just a few nice words. She wishes she could keep her cool just for a few more minutes.
Luckily Carlos arrives just then, placing a plate in front of her and kissing her on the cheek before sliding in next to her.
“It was nice, thank you Ben,” she answers, smiling at him before turning back to Carlos and placing her hand on top of his on the table.
“What’s this, Lossy?” She asks, poking the odd-looking dessert. It looks like a faint yellow custard, cupped inside a white ceramic bowl.
“Oh! It’s a mango and coconut tart. Try it!” He insists, lifting her hand and placing a spoon in it.
Her smile drops immediately. “Coconut?” She asks curtly, her lips tipping into a frown.
“Um, yes?” Carlos shoots back, his brows knitting together when he sees her growing angry. “And mango. Delicious. Taste it.”
Her grabs her hand holding the spoon, moving it to the cup before she rips it away from him.
“Coconut??” She asks again, raising her voice.
“Yes? What is up with you Evie?” He snaps back, pulling away from her.
Jay, Ben and Mal are gaping at them now, as is half of the dining hall. Evie almost breaks into a smug smile but manages to school her features and glare back at Carlos instead.
“What is up, is that you know I’m allergic to coconut, Carlos! I’ve told you no less than one hundred times. Are you trying to kill me?”
Carlos purses his lips and stares heatedly at Evie. If she didn’t know better, she’d think Carlos was truly annoyed with her.
But she does, so she returns his glare, clenching her teeth and gripping her spoon with a tight, angry fist.
“No,” he quips, “I wasn’t trying to kill you, Eves. But would it actually kill you to try something besides a boring ass plain vanilla cupcake once in a while? I was trying to broaden your horizons a little.”
Evie snorts and crosses her arms. “Broaden my horizons by putting me in the hospital? If that’s my only option, I’ll gladly take my cupcake, thank you.”
The tables goes silent then, with Carlos and Evie still focused on each other. The anger in the air is almost palpable, and Mal, Jay and Ben are entranced by it, unable to do anything but stare silently at the couple.
Finally, Carlos releases an exasperated sigh.
“Look,” he starts, “Maybe this isn’t going to work after all. I’m obviously not what you want. I thought it would be fun to be adventurous. Try something new. And you’re just happy with the same old stuff.”
Evie scrunches her nose, feigning a look of disgust. “Excuse me. Maybe what I’m happy with is someone that is thinking about me and what I want. And not making me feel stupid for not wanting to have a deadly reaction to food I can’t eat.”
“You’re being a little dramatic, don’t you think?”
“No, I think you’re just being insensitive.”
“Well, I think we’re over then.”
“I think so, too. I’m glad we agree on that, at least.”
Mal blinks, her head whipping back and forth from Evie to Carlos.
“Wait, what the fuck??” Mal stands up, slamming her hands down on the table. “That’s it? You’re done? Over…coconut?”
Evie shrugs, her face blank and emotionless.
“I guess so. That’s it.” She stands, letting her eyes glance over everyone but Carlos. “Is anyone in the mood to get a cupcake with me?”
There’s a beat of silence as everyone continues to stare in shock. And then, Ben clears his throat and moves slowly to stand with Evie. She quickly turns his way and smiles brightly.
“I’d love to join you, Evie. May I?”
He extends his arm, which Evie happily accepts.
“Why thank you, Ben! Such a gentleman, willing to go with me to get something I want.”
Her eyes flash to Carlos, and he rolls his eyes at her before turning away, his gaze falling on Jay.
“Jay, want to try something new with me? This tart looks amazing.”
Jay smirks, sliding his chair right up to Carlos, so close that their legs are brushing together.
“Bring it on, ‘Los. I’ll try anything once. Or maybe twice if you ask nicely.”
He winks and Carlos instantly flushes, ducking his face to hide a shy smile as they start to dig into the dessert in front of them.
Mal is still standing, her mouth agape as she watches Ben and Evie leave, then turns to stare at Jay and Carlos. After a minute of quiet shock, she shakes her head before bursting into laughter, finally sliding out of her seat and making a move to leave.
“Mal?” Evie looks confused as she returns to the table, Ben sliding in quickly to the seat now open next to hers. “You’re leaving?”
“Oh yeah, I’m outta here,” she snickers, smirking wickedly at Evie. “You lovebirds enjoy yourselves.”
She steps around the table, but leans in close to Evie just before she leaves.
“Smooth, princess,” she mumbles just under her breath. “Remind me to never underestimate you and Carlos.”
Evie gives a slight nod, quirking a smile as Mal stands and throws Carlos a wink.
“Teen love, right? Crazy as fuck,” she adds, still laughing to herself all the way out the door.
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dragoneyes618 · 1 year
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Descendants Canon: Meet the Notorious Nine
(Mal, Evie, Jay, Carlos, Uma, Gil, Harry, Azalea and Aricka Kore Page.)
(CW: heavily implied child abuse.)
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Aricka Kore Page was good at observing. She was queen of the shadows after all. They were her domain, her birthright as daughter of Hades. Her smoke-blue hair and cobalt blue eyes were a dead giveaway as to her her father is, and her pale skin and vicious cackle was a dead giveaway as to her mother.
Right now, she was observing Gaston Jr and Trois, who were arguing loudly over something, and she crept closer to further eavesdrop.
“I should be the one to shoot it down, I saw it first.
“No, I’m older. I deserve the pride of shooting a Bore-adon limo down,” Jr growled. Her blood ran cold at that statement.
An Auradon limo- a MARKED Auradon limo- on the Isle of the Lost-?! The last time they were there they were investigating the kidnapping of a prince from one of the kingdoms. The prince was never found but if he’d been a baby then they never would’ve. The person who did the deed would’ve hid their tracks way too well for them to find him.
Breath in her throat, she scampered through the shadows to the Dragon’s Den. Her twin sister’s domain. Here, Aricka was a mere lackey, not a princess, but that was just as she liked it. She would defer to her twin’s rules anytime she wanted. She chucked the largest rock she could at the “Falling Rocks” sign and as a soon as the stairs were low enough she leapt up and took them two at a time.
She tripped on the last step and fell into the meeting area of the room, startling Evie and Carlos who were also there with Mal. She scrambled to her feet, “Mal-!” She panted. Hand over her chest to regain her breath. “Jr-Trois- Auradon limo- HERE-!”
“Easy, Aricka,” Evie guided her to the ratty couch in the Dragon’s Den, where they both sat down. “Slow down and catch your breath. Then tell us what you saw in the shadows.” Carlos moved to get Aricka’s favorite item in the Den- a soft ratty, holey purple blanket that didn’t smell like mold or seawater, but instead Evie had sprayed it with a liquid that smelled nice. She’d called it lemon verbena. It smelled like the sunshine Aricka loved seeing in Auradon.
If a limo was here that could only mean that Ben had successfully convinced his parents to agree to the VK Isle Reformation Proclamation.
“Mal…” she says, once she could breath without panting. “I heard Gaston Jr and Trois talking about shooting down an Auradon limousine- if they were correct and they saw a limo here on the Isle-,”
“Then that reformation plan you mentioned when you got home was agreed to.” Mal says, crossing her arms. “Which means we need to plan. Carlos, Evie, go to the Junk Shop and make up and excuse to drag Jay from his dad’s grip and grab Azalea when you do.” She turns to her twin. “You and I are going to the docks to grab Uma Gil and Harry. They’ll leave Jonas and Desiree in charge of things while we talk. Meet back here when you get them, E and Carlos.”
With plans in motion, the four teens went about their respective tasks.
Fifteen minutes later, the well named Notorious Nine were assembled in Mal’s carefully hidden Dragon’s Den:
Demigoddess Fae Mallory Bertha Page, eldest daughter of Maleficent and Hades, legally adopted stepdaughter to Lady Persephone of Olympus.
Demigodess Fae Aricka Kore Page, youngest daughter of Maleficent and Hades, legally adopted stepdaughter of Lady Persephone.
Future vizier in training Jadir Ali, son of Jafar and an unknown mother.
Princess Evelyn Rose Grimhilde, daughter of Lady Regina Grimhilde and Graham Humbert, Regina’s Huntsman.
Super genius Carlos Oscar de Vil, son of Cruella de Vil and William Cecil Clayton.
Captain AND Princess Uma Adira Nautica-Facilier, daughter of Ursula and Dr. Draven Facilier.
First mate Harold Everett Hook, son of Captain James Hook and Queen Narissa.
Master-at-Arms Gilbert Castor Legume, son of Gaston Legume and Paulette Dupont.
Azalea Ixoria, daughter of Hyacinth and an unknown father.
“Right,” Mal says. “The day Aricka said would come has come. Uma, I trust your crew is ready for a seamless transition from your rule to a crew mate of your choice?”
“I selected Jonas, son of Razoul and Mother Gothel, for temporary Captain and Desiree, daughter of Shan Yu and an unknown mother as First Mate,” Uma says.
“For Master-at-Arms I picked Bonnie, daughter of Evelyn Deavor and Arthur Harrow,” Gil added.
“Hadie is taking over the shadows while I’m gone”, Aricka said, knowing that she would go by default to help whoever was going to Auradon.
“Ginny Gothel and Hermie Bing are in charge of our turf whilst we’re away,” Mal adds. “The orphans have been moved into the basements of Bargain Castle, Uma’s Fish and Chip Shoppe, and the various ships we have in our control.” It wasn’t the best solution but it was the only one they had. “Harry, does your older sister know which children are moving onto her ship?” The eldest Hook sibling had procured the Arabella when she was 16, five years prior. She had a fine crew she’d carefully accrued over her rule as captainess, and when Mal had first proposed this manner of action she was the first to join the force.
“Aye,” the first mate drawled. “She’s cleared all the space she could, just waiting for the signal.”
“Uma, your crew ready for new crew members?” Mal confirmed. The teal-and-aquamarine haired captain nods.
“Jonas, Bonnie and Desiree know that they are to let any orphan child who says the code onboard. If they don’t know the code they have to vet them carefully, but if they pass the test they may also be sent aboard.” They would never turn a child away unless they tried something like actively murdering a crew member or one of the main Notorious Nine members, but they still had to be cautious in their actions.
Mal nods. They knew Auradon would pull the key players off the Isle first, to get a feel for things, so they’d been preparing for this day even though it seemed like a crap shoot.
Now that it was here nobody really liked the idea of leaving their turf so exposed, but it was for the good of the kids on the trash heap of a “home” they lived on that they would go.
“Aricka. We have an idea of how things will work thanks to you, but we still have to make sure we don’t meet their expectations. They want us to be evil, so we need to blend in as much as possible. This is where your expertise comes in. You will have to guide us through the social aspect of everything along with Evie, and make sure we don’t make a spectacle of ourselves,” Mal says, locking eyes with her sister. The sapphire-haired princess nods, having expected this.
“Jay, you Harry and Gil are on bodyguard duty. You’re the three strongest looking guys we have, and they’ll be expecting you to be ruthless and mean. So while you are the muscle you’re also to be kind and earnest and you need to each find a hobby that doesn’t purely rely on your strength.”
“Does this mean I can’t play Tourney?” Gil seemed genuinely upset about that notion, and Uma was quick to assuage it,
“No, Gil, you just need another hobby that shows how much of a good person you can be, like drawing or making jewelry or something.”
“Harry, you can join my sewing business I’ll be starting in Auradon,” Evie offered quietly. “We can say that once you get settled in Auradon you realized you didn’t just like sewing basic repairs but you had an eye for fashion as well. Once you get comfortable as a tailor you could start your own shop, and we could be allies in that regard.”
Harry blinks at this, considers, then shrugs. “Might as well, Blueberry,” he says, which was as close to an agreement they would get from him.
“Jay, use your parkour abilities to join some dance classes, show the perfect prissy Auradon kids how the Isle does dance,” Aricka Page says, teasing her allies for how they addressed her mainland friends.
Jay considers this, knowing Aricka would have been able to find classes that fit all their strengths and personalities. “Yeah, that could work… great suggestion Aricka,” he says and offers a hand for her to high five. The shadow princess smiled brilliantly at the Agraben, and reciprocated, interlocking their fingers and shaking their hands.
(It was no secret that Jay had a huge soft spot for her, her having been the one to discover the true atrocities his father committed against him, and had dragged him to her dad one night when it was particularly bad.)
“This has to work, guys. Our parents will likely make us try to get the wand or something to break the barrier down, but we have to play the long con, which means no stealing the wand. We have to be smart and vicious and ruthless but loyal.” Mal looks around the Den. “Head back to your respective parents. They’ll expect us to be oblivious so act like nothing is amiss.” The crew assembled nods their understanding. “Disperse. Meet at Bargain Castle with your parents when Maleficent assembles us.”
Thirty minutes later, the well named Notorious Nine were shuffled into an expensive looking limo marked with the Auradon royal crest.
The time had come for a new era.
Whether it was for better or for worse was yet to be seen…
@astralshipper @rosieshipper @hyperionshipping @sappy-secrets @tsundere-selfship @yeehawselfshipping @letsgofoletsgo @callsign-revenge
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silvcrignis · 10 months
Loki Dante Snape/Carlos Oscar De Vil- A Character Study
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lsleofthelost · 8 months
my urban fantasy au that i never finished:
stained with blood and faery dust
2.2k | no warnings
He loves Evie, he really does. She turned him into a vampire, held his hand through his oh-my-god-my-best-friend-is-a-vampire freakout, saved him from his crazy mom and was the smartest person in his engineering class at college. Not in that order but whatever. The point is: he loves Evie, who is the leader of their clan and who made him her right hand.
But she is so dramatic.
It’s not really surprising, the girl came to 8 pm classes looking like a model. Flared pants, thick heels, glittery eyeshadow like full on disco queen.
And Evie is similar to the vampires in those new, 21st century movies, which Carlos finds hilarious. She keeps to a strict colour palette (he can’t really talk tho) of deep blues, blood reds and platinum. She broods, she smirks, her voice is a little breathy. She loves holding things like a 19th century dagger and staring intently at Carlos for minutes before saying something like “This is what my mother used when she tried to kill my sister,” and then never bringing that up again. Even her eyes have a reddish hue, though she swears that they were always like that.
She really turns the dramatics up when she has company.
Like tonight, there’s a faery who just wants to announce that she took over the neighbouring territory and that she doesn’t want any trouble with vampires. They all know it. It was written in the agenda. It should all take like 10 minutes maximum, for them to introduce themselves and for the faery to tell how she got the Fae Guardian of LA title. But does Evie let her do that? No! She greets the faery and her guard and starts preparing her meal.
As if just drinking blood wouldn’t intimidate the young (is she? Carlos is so bad at telling ages) fae and her guard enough. Evie has to do it the dramatic way. There’s a routine to it that he memorised ages ago:
She pours the blood from this beautiful crystal bottle into a matching glass that are probably older than Carlos.
The set itself is impressive. It’s tall and thin and has this intricate designs etched into it. The bottle always stands on Evie’s desk, half full. She doesn’t let them fill it for...reasons? He’s not sure.
But the important thing is, she does it in complete silence and maintaining eye contact with her guest. She makes a show of letting her fangs out when she opens the bottle. Then there’s only the sound of blood pouring and her intense maroon eyes. It usually pins whoever is visiting in their place.
The fae tonight are not an exception. The girl doesn’t look as scared as she looks intrigued, or enthralled. The boy (man?) though is a true professional, stoic in face, his eyes looking around for a possible threat. They just happen to flick to Evie every few seconds.
Carlos hears the slow pouring stop and the bottle being set down. Which means it’s time for the next step:
Evie drinks.
It’s slow and deliberate at first but when it becomes impossible to keep eye contact, she gulps it down and sometimes even sends a drop rolling from the corner of her mouth.
He is somewhat grateful that she is taking so long, because it gives him a chance to stare at the fae pair some more. They are beautiful in a slightly otherworldly way.
The girl’s hair is a shock of deep purple and it lays in soft loose curls to her shoulders. Her outfit is dark, not what he expected from fae, which might be biased on his side but he never handled fae relations before. A green tank, studded black leather jacket, black jeans, black combat boots. If he looks carefully, Carlos can see the edges of something dark, like a tattoo, near the top’s neckline. Her most decidedly non-human feature visible are her eyes. Green and cold, like winter grass, they are set just a touch wide, with outer ends pointing up, giving her a slightly predatory look.
On her right side stands her guard. Tall and lithe. He probably has the most natural looking hair colour in the room - a warm dark brown. It’s up in a bun with a few wavy strands framing the face, leaving his pointed ears on display. He has small round scarlet earrings in, which is probably the most colourful part of his outfit. The rest of it is black, as far as Carlos can see: the leather vest, the tank underneath, the jeans, the sneakers. The vest shows his arms and wow what great arms, thanks for wearing a vest, mysterious bodyguard. Aside from looking like he could knock someone out with one punch, the bare arms show multiple markings, several times darker than his skin but not quite black. Thorny vines enlace him up to shoulders, some creeping on his neck. And on his right bicep a blood orange snake that looked like it was moving but that was probably just the flexing muscles underneath. Carlos noticed that he was repeatedly making a fist and relaxing it.
He sees from his periphery that Evie finished drinking (and she did let a drop on blood out, the dramatic little shit), which means it’s time for:
Evie checks how uncomfortable she can make her guest.
Well, this whole thing is her checking how uncomfortable she can make her guest, but Carlos isn’t sure what else he can call it.
You see, she lowers the glass, now stained red from the inside, blood still rolling down her chin, and licks her lips in the most sexual way possible. Then, as if it’s not enough, she wipes the remaining blood away with her thumb and licks it. By that point everyone in the room usually reaches “scared but horny” maximum.
Looking at the fae tonight, Carlos sees that the guard stopped even pretending to be on high alert, and now is just staring at Evie. The leader’s cheeks are turning blue and for a second Carlos is worried, before he remembers that fae’s blood is blue. She’s blushing.
And here comes the kill shot:
Evie makes an “I just had sex” face.
Not that he knows that this is her after-sex face, but he’s not some blushing virgin, so he recognises it. She sighs with her eyes closed, smile tugging on her lips. On days she’s feeling particularly mischievous (thank g—- it’s not today), she makes it sound almost like a moan.
After the sigh comes the smile. It starts as somewhat content, almost happy and morphs into what he calls “I know more than you and I am more powerful, so it would do you well to remember it” smile. It’s a mouthful but it perfectly describes her face right now.
At this point, even people who initially came with requests are offering something to the clan, to Evie. (Once, a werewolf who wanted to call for a duel because Dizzie crossed into their territory, surrendered said territory.)
The fae stay silent, if a little blue. Finally, Evie breaks the silence:
“Well? Who are you and what is your business with vampires of Los Angeles?” She hasn’t even retracted her fangs back! It’s not comfortable to speak with them, Carlos knows but Evie manages to make it look effortless. Sure, her “w”s are bordering on a “v” sound, but other than that, she talks like usual.
The fae both straighten up a little and the girl clears her throat to speak.
What the fuck? Mal has already talked to witches and werewolves and, sure, their leaders were eccentric but vampires are next level.
First of all, their headquarters is an “online security office building” called B-te. (That’s too on the nose if you ask her.) It stands out from other skyscrapers, with it’s toned to almost black windows, shining white light down the facade and overall looks very modern.
When she and Jay arrived they were greeted by a young man (though you never know, he could be in his 300s), very polite, didn’t ask for their names, didn’t offer his. Just said that they can call him Red. THis outfit is...interesting. Above the waist it is classic, a white shirt, a black suit jacket lined with red thread and a red tie. Below that, he is wearing knee length shorts, matching to the jacket and very tall black boots. Like, you can only see a sliver of skin between the shorts and boots. Somehow, he makes it work and doesn’t look foolish.
The white-haired boy, Red, took them up to the 22nd floor, where they are now. No windows but it doesn’t look cramped, though it’s probably the size of this place. It looks like the whole floor is something of an office/meeting room. Along the right wall is a dark blue oval table with leather chairs around it and a huge screen on the wall. If Mal concentrates she can see red stitching on the chairs. Everything about the set up screams that it’s is custom made. There are lavish couches, loveseats, armchairs and small tables in the corner. They are sitting in the opposite corner, in front of a big desk made of mahogany, etched to look like a forest and dyed blue. The walls on this side are holding shelves full of old looking books.
And sitting behind the incredibly gothic desk, on a plush velvet throne, is one of the most beautiful women Mal has ever seen. She is pale, like Mal expected. Her hair is inky, almost black in shadows, but blue in the light. She is wearing a topaz blue silk dress with long sleeves, which reminds Mal of the nineties (what a decade! Mal has some really good memories that may or may not involve starting a fight in a concert pit). Her whole show with blood would have made Mal question her sexuality if she hadn’t already gone through the whole “oh fuck, I’m bi” ordeal. Though the silence and the feeling of two people watching her makes it hard to stop blushing.
When the clan leader finally speaks (in a breathy voice that Mal can’t determine is a part of the show or real), Mal has to clear her throat to speak.
“You may call me Violet. I have recently gotten the title of the Fae Guardian of Los Angeles. I have come to you to say that I will uphold and honour the agreement you have made with the previous Guardian. Neither me, nor any of my loyal subjects wish you and your clan harm.” She recites the speech she wrote with Jane, one she can say without lying about or promising anything. Red’s eyes are narrowed as if he caught on but decided against speaking up.
“I accept your proclamation, Guardian. But,” Mal can feel Jay stiffening up behind her at that, “I was wondering if you could answer a question?”
“That depends on the question.”
“To my knowledge there is a number of ways that one can get the title you currently wear. And as far as I know, in all the history of Los Angeles since the founding of this city, you are it’s third Guardian, Violet. The first one only lasted 24 human years before being overthrown. Her successor was thought to be permanent.” Mal doesn’t see where it’s going and it agitates her. “It is an incredible feat, taking a place of someone who was at this position for more than two centuries. How did you do it?”
Mal straightens her back. It is an unexpected question, she is surprised at the attention to fae history and politics from an outsider. She can feel her always simmering rage start to boil, remembering how she got her title, and contrasting it, her body feels cold with sadness and grief. Now is not the time to think about that.
“My title is twice bestowed. Once by blood and once by conquest.” She can see the moment the vampires understand what it means. Their eyes widen and the leader even loses hold of her transformation, fangs clicking back to the roof of her mouth. They both compose themselves a moment later, the leader smirking a bit and looking at her with something new shining in her eyes. Red just studies Mal with more curiosity.
Mal feels like she needs to say something. Parry a personal question with a personal question, or explain that she had to do it, for all the fae, that it was the only way to make her mother proud, that she isn’t a power-hungry leader. Then she remembers that she owes them nothing. Who are these vampires to question her, to stare with such dissecting looks?
“I think we are finished here, Princess,” even as she says it, she knows that it was too harsh, that this might transform vampires from neutral neighbors to enemies for fae.
The vampire just smiles. “Princess? Haven’t heard that one it ages, huh, Red?” It’s such a drastic change in tone, but it doesn’t feel forced, it just lightens you the atmosphere, lets tension diphuse.
Chuckling, she continues: “Anyway, I think I kept you here long enough, sun is about to rise.” Even with no windows or a clock, Mal can tell that it’s true, knows it like she knows it like she knows that it’s going to rain next Thursday. “It was a pleasure to meet you Guardian. I hope we can be not only good neighbours but also friends.”
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camscendants · 5 months
Don’t think I ever posted this?
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This was for school it’s like. Carlos as a witch idk
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hannahhook7744 · 2 years
That's illegal part 3;
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Summary; literally just the descendants kids reminding eachother and their parents that something or another is illegal . Part 1 is here. Part 2 is here.
Cruella*cocking her gun*
Carlos *walks by and swiftly snatches the gun out of her hand*
Cruella *sputters* CARLOS!
Carlos *continues to walk away* Nope. Holding people captive is illegal, mom. I'm not letting you get into anymore legal trouble on my watch.
Jay *holding his dad who got turned into a staff, staring at him intensely*
Staff Jafar *staring back*
Jay; this is what you get for trapping an entire kingdom in a ring! It may not be illegal by law but it is immoral!
Staff Jafar *stares back*
Jay *glaring* No, I most certainly will not turn you back! At least, not before I tell Aunt Nasira what you did!
Staff Jafar *stares back*
Jay *a bit smug* that's right, you should be scared! We might not ever be able to show our faces in Agrabah again!
Staff Jafar *stares back*
Carlos, Mal, and Evie *looking between one another *
Carlos *gesturing to Jay and whispering *uh, guys..Is he alright?
Mal *shrugging*I don't know... doesn't look like it.
Evie: I think it's a coping mechanism...
Uma *watching Urusla attack Hook* MOM! STOP!!
Ursula *head twists around *WHY?!
Ursula *pausing* SO?! HE DESERVES IT!
Jane *hiding her face behind her hands and frantically whispers*Dad!
Grumpy *Who was making a scene, pauses, and turns to look at her* What?
Jane *red with embarrassment *You're causing a disturbance! Which is illegal!
Grumpy *stops what he was doing*Oh. Oh.
Jane *scurrying out of the shop* I'm just.. gonna.. wait in the car....
Gaston *preparing to shoot Mr Gold from afar with an arrow *Come on... any moment now... any moment...
Gil *walks by* Uh papa? I think shooting people is illegal..
Gaston *jumps and quickly hides the bow and arrow behind his back* Oh, uh, yes. Of course. Which is why I wasn't gonna shot anyone !
Gil *confused and not entirely convinced* Okay then...
Mal *walks in Maleficent plotting to get revenge on the charmings*Uh... mom... ? Can you not try and kill my friend's parents?
Maleficent: but they deserve it! They took your little sister away from us!
Mal: I know that but I also know that attempted murder is very illegal and I'd really, really prefer you didn't make my friends and the town hate me. And I'd also prefer not being in foster care again with only Hadie as company, thank you very much.
Maleficent *goes quiet*
Mal *tilts her head to the side, frowning slightly like she did with Jane in d1* Please mom? Don't you love us?
Maleficent *slumps her shoulders* Fine... I suppose I can allow their demise to be at someone else's hand..
Mal *smiles walking over and hugs her*Thanks, mom, I knew I could count on you.
Maleficent *shakes her head as soon as Mal is out of the room* the things I do for love...
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autismvampyre · 3 years
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From the new short coming out
All I see is Harry, Gil, Jay,, and Carlos dragging Ben out the night before for a fun night on the town. Harry trying to give him guyliner because people likes guyliner
Meanwhile Uma, Evie, Jane, and Audrey get Mal on a girls night out.
Aka the Sea Three and Audrey gets the love we will 99.9% not see in the short. And Mal and maybe 10% of Ben gets the spotlight Please let me be wrong.
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thestrengthofevil · 4 years
can we just take a moment and remember that Carlos is technically British. I don’t think we talk about than enough.
Like in a place mal, evie and jay orders coffe but carlos always goes with tea and we already know how gentelman he can be and uggghhhh.... ı can never talk  enough about that but ı am currently obsessed with British!Carlos
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