#Christ is our strength
dramoor · 10 months
“As soon as we are overcome by evil thoughts, we ourselves become evil. We Christians should not allow evil to occur even in our thoughts, and even more so in practice, otherwise it would mean that we have no strength to resist it.”
“As we think, so we live.”
“The man who has acquired the kingdom of God radiates holy thoughts, God’s thoughts. The role of a Christian in the world is to purify the universe from evil and spread the Kingdom of God.”
~Elder Thaddeus of Vitovnica
~Anytime the mind wanders into negative thoughts, even if they are true, cut them off. Do not entertain them. Block them, and dwell on what is good and positive. Discipline your mind.~
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merevide · 5 months
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wecanbeperfect · 10 months
2 Corinthians 12:9 And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
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walkswithmyfather · 1 year
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“No one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you.” —Joshua 1:5 (NIV)
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lunar-soren · 1 year
jesus christ. oh my god . holy fucking shit <- guy who just had claude and lorenz as each others adjutants for the first time
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faithisthekey-23 · 1 year
Hi dear brothers and sisters, today I come to you to share with you a poem I just wrote (on 18th May 2023). It is made of three verses and a short part that helps to ”see the line” between two parts of it. In the first part, I talk to God. In the second part, it is represented how I talk about God. In the third part, I personally talk to God again.
He will stay
With You I let go of my weaknesses
When I'm with You, I don't feel powerless
In You I find my strength
And I just know that in You, I can put my whole faith
In You I long to find out who I am what what is my worth
I can't stop thinking of how Precious is to feel Your love
Your love that made me finally see sense in living
Your presence is always with me in other people, in the Bible, it's revealed in everything
With You I keep on fighting the darkness
For You never leave me, You'll be here untill the end times
When the darkness comes, I do not fear
For I am well aware that wherever I am, You're near
Only You know how much joy it gives me, Lord
Only You know how and why You began to be my hope
Only You know how wonderful Your goodness is revealed in my life
Why are you the only One who knows about it all? Well, You're simply by my side
Always by my side
I don't want to hide
From You anymore
For You showed me Your love
You showed me where to go
When I didn't see the way, was lost
You have me Your hope and lead me to the light
That is present always in my whole life
He is the One Who goes before me and prepares my way
He is the One Who goes behind me to save my day
He is always there beside me to make sure I'm okay
He has never abonded me, always kept on defending me
He never lets others hurt me, is my Protection
He is my Comfort when my friendships are met with destruction
He is always there in the good times to celebrate together
He is always there in the worse times and lets me cry on His shoulder
I can always talk to Him whenever I feel like it
To Him I give my anxiety and worries, I do not hide it
He always does listen to me so, so patiently
He always makes sure that I know that I'm never lonely
He fills me with peace that is beyond my own understanding
His love is so strong that He accepted me as who I was but didn't let me
Keep on living while comitting the same sins over and over again
Instead, He was there to teach me how to get rid of the stronghold, break it
He gave me so much strength and always did everything to make me feel loved
He never stopped making sure that I am not alone
I used to feel not enough in the past
And it doesn't matter anymore for He took it away
He took it away and doesn't let the enemy lie to me
He constantly reminds me that he is a liar and I shouldn't listen to him
Always by my side
I don't want to hide
From You anymore
For You showed me Your love
You showed me where to go
When I didn't see the way, was lost
You have me Your hope and lead me to the light
That is present always in my whole life
You are always there to make me happy, to make me smile
And I really love it so, so much
For God, You were always with me for all of my life
And You won't ever give up on me but will continue to do the same for the lifetime
For You are my Faithful Lord of Lords, King of Kings
And never make promises that stay unfulfilled
And I trust You that just like You told me, You'll be there
And won't never leave, not even for day
I believe that You will stay
Always by my side
I don't want to hide
From You anymore
For You showed me Your love
You showed me where to go
When I didn't see the way, was lost
You have me Your hope and lead me to the light
That is present always in my whole life
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foreverpraying · 2 years
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Source of picture: https://hope-in-christ.tumblr.com
"Jesus answered him, “The first of all the commandments is: ‘Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ This is the first commandment. And the second, like it, is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these".” Mark 12:29-31
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godrockstudios · 2 years
NO MATTER WHAT you are going through God PRESERVES HIS CHILDREN. Today you may be deep in Debt or may have too much pain in some issue in your life. God is saying these pains are TEMPORARY. He will Comfort you today and Deliver you. He will Preserve you through this and you will come out Blessed. He is leaning out to you with arms wide open. Run into his arms of Love and give your burdens onto his shoulder. He will bear your burdens and carry you through. You will not Fade away. Do not Fear but trust in him. No matter how deep the trouble you are in. HE IS PROMISING TO DELIVER YOU AND PRESERVE YOU. I feel deeply that some of you are walking in DEEP TROUBLE AND ARE DEEPLY BURDENED. YOU MAY BE IN A LOT OF FINANCIAL STRESS OR PAIN OF A RELATIONSHIP. GOD is saying to you " Hold onto me I will Deliver you I will Preserve you through this ". Today if you need Deliverance God is Going to Deliver you. Please pray and believe with me -
Dear Jesus come into my Heart. Wash me and cleanse me. Forgive me for my sins. I surrender my situations, my life and everything into your hands. Change my life I pray Give me hope. Change my situations. Lead me and Guide me from today. Deliver me from the power of Sin and every problem that I am going through. I surrender everything to you. In Jesus Name. Amen and Amen!
Hallelujah ! If you have prayed with me and believed. God is going to do a mighty work. I am believing in God for you and praying for a miracle. Please write to me so that I can pray for your situation.
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granonine · 4 months
Strength, Song, and Salvation
Psalm 118:10-14. All nations compassed me about: but in the name of the LORD will I destroy them. They compassed me about; yea, they compassed me about: but in the name of the LORD I will destroy them. They compassed me about like bees; they are quenched as the fire of thorns: for in the name of the LORD I will destroy them. Thou hast thrust sore at me that I might fall: but the…
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justana0kguy · 5 months
2024 JANUARY 12 Friday
"Blessed the people who know the joyful shout; in the light of your countenance, O LORD, they walk.
At your name they rejoice all the day, and through your justice they are exalted.
For you are the splendor of their strength, and by your favor our horn is exalted.
For to the LORD belongs our shield, and to the Holy One of Israel, our King."
~ Psalms 89:16-19
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im2tired4usernames · 7 months
I want their fuckin freedom they have no chores no responsibility they can go out with their friends when ever they want for however long they want they can sleep in there bed all day they eat drink drive vehicles use the phone have a home with no bills no expenses they can spend their money on stupid things that bring them joy with no worry of the gas they burned in someone else's vehicle or if there's dinner at home they have no worries about laundry no worries about dishes no worries about the messes they make because they know I'll clean it up always I want to be viewed by my family and by my friends as someone who is an actual person with limits and boundaries and who has goals and dreams they'd like to accomplish in the day besides laundry for 16 people and not a tireless cleaning machine. I want to be able to rest and have hobbies I want to be able to do things with my partner and my friends again I want to be able to fuckin daydream and make up stories again for Christ sake I want to feel like a person and not a corpse forced into playing "tradwife" I want the freedom they all have while I'm in the background doin they're dishes.
#i don't mind helping with chores but it's the fact I'm the only one qnd i can get my four youngest to help me with bribes of sweets#but there's several adults living here who don't care that they make. more mess then a four year old#and could definitely start doin their own laundry#or take the trash out if it's full instead of cramming more into it so that the bag splits and is to heavy for me to lift#and I'm actually kinda strong like I've def lost a lot of energy n strength this year tbh but this bitch can lift pretty heavy boxes at work#and i split logs pretty regularly so im not the strongest gal by no means like of lord i had to carry my mother around everywhere#because she was a stubborn asshole who refused to use any mobility aids and then wanted to go shopping or go out and i had to just carry her#like i can carry an adult women but fuck if it didn't hurt me bad doin it and i had to stop several times to catch my breath#like I'm not super Strong but I'm not weak the trashbag cant weigh more then an adult#it takesn nothing to rinse a bowl out so your food don't turn into cement#or throw away the wrappers of your bandaids instead of tossing them on the floor#or wipe your shoes before you come in and track big chunks of dried mud and grass all over the home#my parents wanted 12 kids wnd our house to look like a magazine and they beat that mentality of the house must be clean as a whistle#because what if Jesus was to stop by we must have our home look so clean that we would be unashamed if jesus stopped#so clean we encourage him to look in cupboards and under the bed clean#i dont think that's a Bible verse but there was a biblical book that was all about having a home that was so clean constantly#just so you wouldn't be ashamed when Christ cand because cleanliness is closer to godliness#i really hate my mother like so much I'm glad i can finally say it I'm glad i don't have to work to earn her love or buy it#you shouldn't have to have to earn love especially from your parents I'm glad she can't constantly condemn me#i have nightmares about my mom condemning me or being smug n proud and ruining my life in the name of her cult#like throwing away all of my belongings and only having a bed a Bible some christan fiction four floor length Jean dresses baggy tshirts#also her giving my sister she favored a bunch of my organs since I'm broken anyhow and slowly dieing because i don't have a liver anymore#or her ruining my relationship and friendships because she didn't think they were godly enough so i have no one in my life except church#she tried to have an arranged marriage for me not a dream that happened#i know she loved me i hate that i think so low of her but her love felt like hate most of the time#i know she loved me though andni love her to I'm just glad i don't have to constantly hve to perform for her#i have so much garbage in my brain
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lilgynt · 1 year
the break off taking care of my dad my mom keeps emphasizing is literally just going to my actual job i don’t want to be dramatic but i think my philosophy on being alive is fundamentally changing
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passionistaatlarge · 1 year
Your Heart
Busy. So very busy. Overwhelmed. Keeping up. Appearances. Tasks and “to do”s. He came into our world quietly. Like all babies, pushing his way into the middle of people, some who would love, some who would hate. Some who would worship and adore, some indifferent and unaware. Not forcing Himself onto you.But inviting you to take Him into your life.That very life given by Him. Created for you, by…
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zootopias-world · 2 years
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#quelledeslebensfinden #Jesus #love #God #bible
٢. تيموثاوس ١١:٣ و من الجميع انقذني الرب
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sprout-fics · 1 year
This is one of my nastier thoughts-
Hide and seek gangbang. Reader (bottom) hides somewhere on base and the first one to find her gets to fuck her while everyone else watches (or joins in 👀)
This was so much fun, I may have to do a matching one for Price and Gaz!
“Ohh songbird…”
You feel your heart hammer against the cage of your ribs, hands planted across your face to prevent even a single sound from escaping at the tenor of Johnny’s voice floating through the unused warehouse, sing-song, teasing, hungry.
It’s been the better part of an hour since you were chased in here, sneaking through the dusty aisles of upended crates and empty shelves. The flickering dimness of this space seems to only add to the rapid thump of your heartbeat, muscles coiled in preparation to run, to flee should you be discovered.
“I know you’re in here.”
He’s close. Too close. You can hear his footsteps from where you press yourself inside the shadows of a doorway, his heavy boots a purposeful, slow echo throughout the empty space. It’s almost like he wants you to know exactly where he is, advertises his presence with every noise. What his strategy is, you aren’t sure, but you’re certain that if he gets any close he’ll find you for sure, claim his prize only to set you free once more.
“Come out come out, wherever ye are…” He chuckles, and you rise slowly from where you crouch, tip-toe to the door and see the profile of him vanish just beyond the edge of the hallway. It gives you the chance you need, and you quickly but quietly move down the other direction, keeping eyes on where he’s disappeared to. 
Yet then your foot crunches against something fragile and you freeze, hear his pleased little noise of realization a split second before you bolt, shoes hitting the floor harshly as you sprint away from the sound of his pursuit. 
“There you are!” Johnny calls gleefully from behind you, and christ- how did he close the distance so fast?!
You skid around the next corner, nearly stumble, and launch yourself forward past a darkened doorway yawning into a pitch black room-
Skeletal hands reach out, snatch you mid-step and drag you backwards. You yell from behind the palm covering your mouth, adrenaline spiking in your blood and trying to thrash away from Ghost as he hauls you further into the darkness. 
“Caught you.” He murmurs in your ear as your hands are dragged behind him, back flush with the rigid surface of his tac vest. It sends a jolt of something through you, dark and thrilling as he overwhelms you with his adamantium strength, smears charcoal across the inside of your skull with his mere presence. 
It only grows when the zip-ties fasten around your wrists, and you again try to squirm free with no success. 
“You’re a fast little bugger.” Johnny pants as he leans on the doorway, his gloved fist planted on the frame. Yet his eyes dance with delight as he witnesses you caught in Ghost’s grasp, dragging his lip between his teeth at the conflict of outrage and desire in your gaze. 
“Hells bells.” The Scotsman breathes, and he steps forward, his hand falling to the bulge in his pants, which he idly strokes through his pants. Yet then his eyes catch that of Ghost’s behind you and he grins, untamed and starved. “Teamwork makes the dream work, eh LT?”
You fuckers.
“Get in here Johnny.” Ghost offers instead, and you clamp your thighs together as his hand abruptly descends into your pants, your wetness soaking through his gloved fingertips. 
“Looks like our pet likes to be chased.” He observes, and if you didn’t know him better you’d swear he sounds detached, playing the villain. It only ratchets the excitement inside you higher, and you answer it with a muffled yell that only summons a chuckle from the sergeant before you, now pressing against your front and sandwiching you between the two men. 
“Tough luck, us finding you first.” He tuts, and his hand raises your shirt and presses flat against the softness of your stomach appreciatively, suggestively. “Won’t be much left for Price and Gaz once we’re done with you, hen.”
You stare defiantly up at him, and it only seems to please Johnny, who’s eyes dance bright in the dimness and his fingers rise to tug a nipple. It makes you falter for a moment, the sudden sharp sensation making your expression shift into something wanting, a little mewl escaping you at the pleasure that rises inside you between his fingers and Ghost’s digits stroking against your folds. 
“Fuck, we’re going to ruin you.” He promises, and Ghost hums a dark, pleased assent in response. “Fill you up and send you scampering so the others can hunt you down and have their fun too, aye?”
Ghost presses down on your clit and you mewl, nod frantically in an effort to get them to really touch you, giving into temptation and erasing this farce of pursuit that’s led you here. Ghost notices and huffs a laugh, low and dark in your ear. 
“So needy, pet.” He murmurs, and you shift so you can grind yourself down onto his hand, eyes fluttering as it stokes the pleasure burning inside you. 
“Don’t worry, we’ll take care of you.” Johnny promises, and gently pulls Simon’s gloved hand away, tilts your head so his lips descend to meet your own. “Just need to ask us for it.”
You consider escape once more, but between Johnny’s decadent touch and Ghost’s unyielding grasp, you find yourself with few other places you want to be. 
You surrender, gasp out your reply in a wanting sigh that spills across his tongue. 
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charliemwrites · 5 months
Part 7
Content: sparring and injury
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Sparring is one of your favorite activities. With your team, it’s a chance to learn and improve, to keep from falling into old habits. And yes, okay, it’s also become something of foreplay. Especially with your captain, who seems to delight in tossing you around and pinning you with his bulk.
(And Keegan, who came in his pants once when you had him in a chokehold, one your thighs between his. But no, no, now is not the time to think about that…)
You’re not the best hand-to-hand operator on the team, sure. That title belongs to Nikto, who hits so hard and fast you’re down before you even realize he’s swinging. But you’re certainly a force to be reckoned with.
Not this much though.
If you were in the mood to give them credit for anything — and you’re really not — they’re at least subtle. You don’t catch on during the first round with Soap. Your brain has completely transitioned into the comfortable rhythm of practice combat. Something to be taken seriously, but not the high-stress of victory or death in a mission.
No, Soap gets away with it in the moment. You only notice as you’re taking your water break, rotated out with the uneven numbers between your teams. You’re surveying the pairs and notice him sparring with Keegan.
There’s something decidedly more intense about it. Like… like he’s putting real effort into trying to beat Keegan. An effort he did not put into fighting you.
Rage burns through you, hot and thick, buzzing in your head.
Does he think you’re not worth any real effort? Does he think you can’t handle a proper fight, that this is just playtime? Is he really treating you like some fresh-faced recruit that needs to be babied after all this time?
When you captain finishes wiping the floor with Gaz, you go to his side. One look at your face and he knows.
“Whose head is rolling?” He asks, plucking your bottle from your hand for a sip.
“Soap threw our match.”
His eyes flare before he closes them, swallows the water in his mouth and sighs.
“How do you want to handle it?” He asks.
“Wait, wait,” Gaz interrupts. And the look your captain gives him… Christ. To his credit, he doesn’t back down though. “He probably just thought it would be good, yeah? To… let you get some anger out.”
You run your tongue over your teeth, a mean laugh slipping out. The captain arches his eyebrows in what could almost be sympathy. Or arousal, hard to tell when he’s got such a good poker face. (Mix of both, you figure)
“Oh, he wants me to get some anger out?” You roll your shoulders. “Sounds like a great idea.”
Ghost is your last match before reset — before you’ll get a chance to show Soap just how much steam you need to let off.
Except now that you’re looking for it, you recognize almost immediately that he’s throwing the match. Probably especially because it’s Ghost. You never stood a chance against him before leaving, even now you didn’t have optimistic expectations for a fight with him. So the fact that it doesn’t feel like you’re working for every inch you gain…
The final straw is when you try a move from before. Something he never fell for once and always reprimanded you for using. He “falls” for it this time. You don’t pull your punch when it goes directly into his face.
Know immediately that he’s feeling it, that wicked hook Keegan always whistles over. Blinking past his mask. And you don’t let up, pressing and pressing the advantage. Take him down to the ground using all your built strength, twisting into a vicious arm bar and pulling, pulling, pulling—
“Bloody hell, I yield!” He snarls, palm slamming against your thigh.
You release him, but not without one last nasty kick to the soft spot beneath his ribs.
The gym has gone silent. You don’t care, pushing to your feet with hands still balled into tight, angry fists.
“You ever throw a fight with me again, I’ll break your fucking jaw, Riley,” you snarl.
Price, expression stormy, takes a step forward.
“He threw the fight?” He asks.
You scoff, “Either that or the 141’s quality is lacking nowadays.”
You step off the mat to join the rest of your team, exchange a frustrated look with your captain. Nova comes to your side, curling a finger into your belt loop in solidarity.
“Gotta say, Price, I’m disappointed,” your captain says. “This is getting out of control. I won’t have my team put at risk because yours can’t keep it professional. I’d rather just tell Laswell to get you a different support team.”
You’re almost surprised to see how the 141 jolts, four pairs of eyes flicking to you in panic. What in the actual hell?
“Take it easy,” Price says, eyes flashing. “I’ll have a word with them.”
You glance up at your captain, see from the twitch in his jaw and the tightness around his eyes that his patience for this is wearing gossamer thin.
“See to it. In the meantime, we’ve got work to do.”
He turns his back on the 141, and you’re all too happy to follow suit, pressing a kiss to Nova’s cheek when she sends you a worried look. Whatever weird issue the 141 is having, they need to stop making it your issue.
“Keegan, with me,” your captain says. “Nikto, you’re up against the girls.”
Nikto tilts his head in a nod, then jolts as you and Nova take either side of him.
“Gonna show us a good time, Nik?” You coo.
“Always love a tag-team,” Nova purrs.
The captain grins. “Have fun you three.”
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