thekenobee · 1 year
We all struggle with addiction, mine is called- where the HECK are the books I ordered
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codename-adler · 7 months
this means.
laila. alvarez. laila and alvarez. LAILA. AND. ALVAREZ.
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dailydccomics · 1 year
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idk if y’all hear him but he just saved Earth from an asteroid Superman: Space Age #2
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aulerean · 5 months
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me when I listen to Wading in Waist-High Water by Fleet Foxes
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theejaguar · 5 months
Thinking about GtN again and...
Gideon narrates in 3rd person because she doesn't perceive her own individuality and her status as a person, being abused and having her worth attributed to a weapon - a thing - all these years.
"Gideon" is supposed to be a person, so her mind separates her thoughts and actions and feelings like she's observing the person she's supposed to be.
It's a highly subjective third-person narrative because, had Gideon not been objectified and abused since childhood, it would be first-person.
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chtonicscion · 5 days
I've started reading the Odyssey but I'm very bitter about the fact that in this book (and most Portuguese translations tbf) they say Ulisses instead of Odysseus. so I keep calling the book Ulissey instead
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the curse of going into any wlw ship tag is seeing a large number of fics and getting excited and then you scroll through and all the summaries of the fics don’t even mention the ship and you realize they’re just background for the main mlm ship the author is writing
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ashe-twst-fan · 5 months
Me: *desperately spinning the wheel of fortune for 1000 coins*
Wheel of Fortune: Have some salt :>
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fear-is-truth · 6 months
getting that evil nacho book idc how much the shipping fee is gonna cost me
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kesoo · 2 years
This is really out of nowhere but do u have any personal Legend hcs? 👀 (love your art!!)
TY ANON!!1 tbh in my state of sleep deprivation all i could think of was- out of everyone Leg’s def got the most elaborate sleep preparation. Dirty ground or not he’s getting his beauty rest.
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constantvariations · 1 month
Been listening to the rwby books. After the Fall wasn't too terrible, but jesus fuck Before the Dawn is a lesson in frustration. What is Myers' beef with Sun and why was it allowed to assassinate his character?
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onlyzhuyilong · 7 months
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Heaven in a single gif.
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just2bubbly · 21 days
did I just watch a show cuz social media basically coerced me into watching it ?! ABSOLUTELY YES I DID and I'm not even sure why I did it - like I have exams going on and i binged an entire show on one afternoon (CAN YOU BELIEVE ME WHEN I SAY PROCRASTINATE TILL THE POINT OF FAILURE?!) well it was Maxton Hall and one of my friend said it was good and well the show was decent, quite pompous tbh but it was better than some other shit shows I have binged in a while. And I'm not sure if I watched it for enemies to lovers part (definitely this one) or cuz the guy was too hot or for both of the above mentioned reasons 😭 and my friend didn't bother to tell me that it ends on a cliffhanger LIKE HOW COULD SHE FORGET THAT DETAIL NOW IDK IF I SHOULD GO BACK TO STUDYING OR JUST READ THE BOOK IT'S BASED ON CAUSE I CAN'T WAIT THAT LONG FOR AN UPDATE
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cachow-it · 22 days
so unfair I Hab a dream that leverage movei but no leverage movie 😭😭😭😭
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ember-knights · 6 months
hey thanks for posting about palestine and spreading info.
I wanted to ask about the post you made about "the reigning zionist supreme" that doubled down on his stance hours after ahli hospital massacre on this site,
I didn't get who you were talking about but you had neil gaiman in the tags so I scrolled through his blog until almost the start of the month which if my memory serves me right is before the al ahli hospital massacre, and I couldn't find anything like you said.
if you could please show us what he said in screenshots that would be great.
just saw this ask, because tumblr sucks, and i wanted to find the original post for you but .. guess what? tumblr sucks.
Anyway, here is a link to the post about this with the screenshots.
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(and that is the ask answered on Oct 17th, same day of al ahi Hospital Massacre) To summarize the above lined post, on the same day of al ahli/ al mamadani hospital massacre, le great writer himself confirmed his 2015 statement that "israel has the right to exist" which is as we all know now is just Zionist rhetoric. Israel Does Not In Fact Have the right to steal palestinian land, bring in settlers from all over the globe while killing, torturing, raping, kidnapping, displacing, starving, and bombing Palestinians. "Israel" as an entity requires the oppression of Palestinians to maintain its ethnostate. Therefore, no it never has and it never will have the right to exist. Ergo, what he said is Zionism 101. I personally was unaware that one of my favorite writers holds that view because i don't do social media, and i don't make a habit of following people. Besides i liked terry better anyway. And even if we ignore all 75+ years of oppression as proof enough for neilman, one has to wonder why hasn't he changed his statement since then? Answer is he won't. His statement was "neutral" in times of debate to silence those unaware of what is happening or unable to recognize Zionist propaganda. And when the world is now screaming and there is no way to NOT TO BE AWARE, he himself remains silent. Anyone like him deserves to have his name dragged in the mud.
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frechiiie · 11 months
Oh I knows the Jere haters are gonna use this episode to demonize him AGAIN, djdjdjdjdjdnd
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