#I am gonna think about this real hard. and maybe I'll see if he wants to hang out outside of work sometime. nothing serious just to chill
major-fukkup · 26 days
Ahhhhhhh there's this guyyyy at work and I've been like 97% sure for a lil bit now that he LIKES likes me and we friended each other on FB recently n he just messaged me asking if I'm married or have a boyfriend and AHHHHH now I have anxiety I told him no bc it's the truth but I don't know what to say next if he asks anything else 💀
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ohbo-ohno · 9 months
Johnny being allowed to fuck but not cum all week because he pissed simon off, he tries bargaining with reader at one point to just - ease the cockring off , simon won't notice it'll be fine. Reader doesn't even have a chance to consider it before Johnny ripped out of her and is muzzled because bad dogs need to keep quiet
hm. you shot me dead with this one. like. what am i supposed to do with myself now?
1.4k of smut below the cut. cw: rough puppy play, itty bitty tiny second of cbt, edging/denial, simon is real real mean to johnny
something about johnny being in trouble and not being allowed to cum in you but trying anyway.... oh he's horrible
maybe this is after he was a little too rough with you (like that ask where he fucked up your wrist, or something similar) and he's in deep shit with simon. not only is he allowed to fuck you, simon makes him fuck you at least once a day. lines up behind johnny and moves his hips for him, doesn't even let him thrust on his own, guides every tiny little twitch. tugs him out right at the last second, makes johnny watch as he comes inside you. spends the whole time calling him bad, says if he could just learn to fucking listen for once he could mount you properly
johnny spends the whole week in misery. guy can barely sit down, he just wants to hump fucking everything. simon tells him he can't sit on the furniture when he's so drippy :( makes him sit on the floor instead - or he can let you clean johnny up, but no coming. does he want to be edged again or kneel between his legs like the mutt he is?
jacks him off in the shower in the morning, stopping right before he comes. leaves him crying and makes johnny wash his hair. has you cockwarm him for a bit, to make sure he stays completely hard. makes johnny eat you out til you're nearly knocked out, jacks him off slowly and stops every time you come.
he's nearly done with his punishment when he fucking breaks. it's a night simon isn't meant to be home until after midnight. you'd gone to bed earlier than johnny, wake up to him at you back, nose nudging your cheekbone and hard cock thrusting against your back.
"just gonna- just gonna fuck you, bonnie, 'k?"
"johnny?" you murmur, still half asleep. "but... simon said-"
"simon isn't fucking here," he snarls back, and you feel his bared teeth press against his shoulder. "he won't know. i'll be quick, ok, lass? just gotta... gotta cum, then you go back to sleep, yeah?"
"johnny," you'd whine again, getting a little squirmy in your spot as you feel his hands work at his own dick, then feel him start to slide in without any prep. "john- ow..."
"hush," he breathes heavily in your ear, hips already starting to work. you can feel how quickly his heart beats against you back. "i'll eat you out after, just let me... just..."
he doesn't speak after that, and neither do you. he's fast, needy, you can tell he's only gonna last a few minutes. you're still half-asleep, lost in the comforting warmth of your blankets and pillows, can't do anything but lay limp like a doll for him and relish in the pleasure.
you don't hear simon come in. one minute johnny is thrusting away inside of you, the next he's being ripped off, a sharp yelp coming from his lips followed by a long drawn out whine.
"bad fucking boy," you hear simon snarl over your shoulder, the sound of a slap echoing through the air. "you that fucking lost in your instincts, dog? can't think with nothin' but your dick - you see a pussy and fuck it, that's it huh? can't even listen to a simple command from your master. useless mutt."
you turn your head to the side, sleep clearing from your head at the sight of johnny crumpled to his knees, simon tall and proud above him. you can see the shine of tears on johnny's cheeks with the little light from the doorway.
"simon- simon-"
"no," simon's tone is merciless, his boot coming to rest on johnny's rock-hard dick and pushing down. "that's not what bad boys get to call me."
another whine, a plaintive "master..."
you see johnny's hips work a little, tiny thrusts against the sole of the boot. simon's scowl grows, backhanding johnny with bruising force and sending him sprawling to the floor. "why are you speaking? dogs don't fucking talk."
he stares down at johnny for another moment, both of them taking great heaving breaths. finally, he sighs loud and angry. "fine. i was going easy on you, mutt, was tryin' to be nice. but clearly you don't deserve nice."
he stalks over to their closet, yanking open a drawer you know holds the mean toys - the ones you don't like nearly as much as the others. he grabs something silver and shiny, storm back over to johnny and hauls him up by the hair.
johnny scrambles to follow, but simon doesn't give him a chance to stand. just drags his weight to the bed, throws him onto his back nearly on top of your legs.
you squeak a little, simon's aggressive energy something you're not entirely comfortable being so close to. you curl your legs up, folding into a little ball against the pillows as you stare at the two of them with wide eyes.
simon glances over to you at the sound, eyes softening behind his mask immediately. "oh, love, you're not in trouble. you couldn't stop the mutt from fucking you, huh? don't worry. we'll get him punished and i'll take care of you."
johnny whines again and starts wiggling around, eyes squeezed shut as his hips desperately thrust, looking for any sort of sensation. simon's attention slams back to him, a growl rumbling from his throat as he cups johnny's dick in one hand.
"gotta get you soft, dog," he growls, and you see his hand moving around a bit until he's got johnny's balls in a vice-grip. "the ring wasn't enough for a horny bitch like you, we'll see how you like the cage."
johnny's past words, can only writhe on the bed with little animal noises slipping past his lips. simon doesn't give him any leeway, doesn't give him comfort when he starts to sob a little, just keeps squeezing.
once he's apparently soft enough, simon is quick and methodical about locking johnny's cock up. almost impersonal.
"there," he grunts when he stands up to stare down at johnny. he lands a slap to johnny's dick, gets the smaller man jolting and crying out. "in your cage now. you're not sleeping in bed with us people until you prove you can handle it."
johnny hardly struggles as simon forces him to his knees, kicking at his side to guide him to the crate looming in the corner of the room.
just moments later simon's at the bed with you. he tugs the mask off now (knows you like it sometimes, but also knows it scares you a little - rarely wears it outside of punishments) and crawls on top of you, hands soft and slow as he coaxes you to stretch out back on the bed.
"hey, baby," he murmurs, voice low and just for you. "you're a good girl. can't help what the mutt does, huh? i know, i know. i'll take care of you now, fuck you right."
there are whines from the corner as simon flips you onto your stomach. he lifts you up to your knees, everything soft as he rubs your pussy a few times before slipping his cock into you.
he's always so heavy. you sink further into the bed when he gives you his weight, little moan slipping past your lips as your eyes roll back in your head. johnny gets louder.
"yeah, there you go. good girl, baby, so good for me, huh?"
simon fucks you deep and slow. no rush whatsoever, just nice and languid. you'd probably fall asleep if not for johnny's increasingly desperate noises, the sound of his crate rocking against the wall as he does something in there.
at one point simon sighs all annoyed into your ear, pulls out without warning. you whine and he pets a hand over your hair, whisps "just give me a second, doll, gotta shut the dog up and then i'll finish you off" before walking away.
you don't open your eyes, but you hear simon moving around the room. hear him spit, "makin' me fucking muzzle you because you can't shut up. nothing but a goddamn animal, are you?"
when simon fucks you again, johnny is silent.
he brings you to a slow and easy orgasm, fingers stroking at your achy clit. finishes inside you at nearly the same time.
he tucks you into his arms after, curls you into him and sighs, the sound all satisfied man. you fall asleep like that, johnny's predicament the furthest thing from your mind.
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echooefrost · 5 months
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Is this Historically accurate? no. Does that matter? no.
Alright, This is gonna be a lot, so thou shalt be warned
In the Au, Robert is a prince and Lanyon Sr. is the King, they rule over a small kindom somewhere in England - name TBA (so not like real monarchies which rule over entire countries etc.) The premise is basically; The Lanyon's personal/private doctor recently passed away so they call in a new doctor/chemist from Scotland - did you guess? yep, It's Jekyll. Hyde exists before Henry/Edward meets Robert (I haven't worked out the exact logistics about it yet, but I will) Jekyll/Hyde are more Chemists/Alchemists than Doctors but they are both still very good doctors regardless (so they don't really wear the 'plague mask' thing) I aged only Jekyll, Hyde and Lanyon down to about their early 20's so it matches around the original timing of when J&H met Robert in TGS. There are other smaller reasons but they aren't to important, all you need to know is that it doesn't really change anything
Lanyon is betrothed to Everly from a neighbouring kingdom -this is where it differs slightly from TGS, it's a political marriage not a lavender marriage. Neither Robert nor Everly are happy about this however, they are both only children in royalty so they don't really have an option.
Hyde is essentially the local gremlin that has in-built eyebags and a sense to sell you things not very discreetly that he probably shouldn't be selling. His Cape is comedically large and has a very extensive collection of illegal powders, drugs, and other nefarious items. Almost everybody knows Hyde becasue at some point they have all needed some rare item from him. - this is where the blackfog comes in (yes it exists!) the Blackfog is basically the same but Hyde really wants to go so he can buy/sell lots of items for his little side-business he has going on, however Lanyon Sr. is opposed to it and it's existence because well... illegal.
*Hyde also goes by: The Spirit of [insert Kingdom's name] at night (soooooo original, ik)
Jekyll stays pretty much the same, He really cares about his reputation so he can move up on the social ladder and create his own Science business at some point, and I mean he doesn't want to make a fool of himself in front of the King of all people, that wouldn't be a very good look, would it?
In this universe, The lodgers are all citizens of the small kingdom and they all sort of have different occupations/roles in the town. They can't all be scientists, but do not fear because they still as equally crazy and chaotic as before. Rachel is the Lanyon's personal chef but she also helps run the bakery in town with Mr. Doddle. Jasper looks after most of the animals and creatures in the kingdom, he used to be a farmer but moved to get away from home. I am yet to work out how Jekyll and Jaspers relationship dynamic stays the same in this universe but I will figure something out.
There is A LOT of Jekyon and Lanyde going on here, so I've got something for everyone, (there may or may not be a masquerade at some point...) and it's not just centred around romance, there is lots of other plot stuff happening so do not fear my ace/aro friends (or just people who aren't a fan of romance)!
That's most of it for now... I'll draw some more stuff at some point and give some extra details, If you have any questions please ask (my asks are open) I'd love to hear from you all!!! Don't be afraid to offer any suggestions or other criticisms. Maybe I'll write a fanfic one day who knows, we will see.
Thanks for listening to my rant (*^▽^*)
*Footnote - I don't think you guys realise how hard it was to make hyde not look like either A.) a fucking elf or B.) Link. Did I succeed? not sure.
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ham-st4r · 6 months
𝓳𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝓪 𝓬𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝓪𝔀𝓪𝔂 𝓹𝓽. 5 - 𝓛. 𝓗𝓮𝓮𝓼𝓮𝓾𝓷𝓰
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📞Pairing: heeseung + fem reader!
Warnings: mentions of mutual masturbation, dirty talk, pet names, mature jokes.
Genre: PSO (phone sex operator) heeseung
Note: just a lil filler chap hope you enjoy!!!
Number of words: will add later
Find your way around!
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It was early in the morning by the time you and Ethan had finished your little mutual masturbation session, and you were both tired and exhausted after sharing multiple orgasms back to back, but that didn't stop you guys from texting each other back and forth till sunrise he wanted to talk to you on the phone some more, but you were too shy after everything you did with him so you decided texting would be better.
Heeseung: So I feel like we rushed into this a little fast, so maybe if it's okay with you, we could talk and get to know each other better.
Your heart jumps at the thought of him actually wanting to get to know you. When you first called him that night, you never even thought of something like this happening, but you weren't complaining either.
You: Sure, I'd love to
He smiles, fingers dancing across his keypad to reply
Heeseung: So, I guess I should get this out of the way first. My real name is actually heeseung and not Ethan.
You cup your mouth in shock while reading his text.
You: There's no way.
Heeseung: Why? Do you not like it? You can still call me Ethan if you want. I just thought I'd let you know.
You: No, I do like it, but I just moaned your fake name for the past hour. Why didn't you tell me sooner?
Heeseung: Sorry, angel, but I do have to admit I love the way you call me Ethan.
You: But what if I called you by your real name?
Heeseung: Fuck don't say that now. I'm gonna get hard all over again just thinking about it.
You: Not saying it 😬
Heeseung: So, are there any secrets you're hiding from me or things I should know before we start talking?
You: What, no, why would I?
Heeseung: I'm playing Angel, so tell me more about yourself. You had me intrigued since day 1
You blushed, kicking your feet excitedly as you went on to tell him more about yourself. Some trivial things and, surprisingly, a lot of personal things that normally you found hard to open up about, but with him, it was so easy, especially cause he opened up to you about a lot of things as well.
The sun was up while the two of you texted away with each other, talking about an array of various topics until you both had to go to sleep. Finally, you had school in the morning, and he had worked at a sandwich shop he had told you about earlier.
Heeseung: Angel, I'm so sorry. I gotta go now. I have school and then work tomorrow, but if it's okay, I'd like to talk some more.
Your heart flutters, still not able to comprehend the fact that you were actually talking to the guy you met on a phone sex site, and on top of that, he was actually interested in getting to know you.
You: I'd love to. I'll be home by three my time.
Heeseung: Okay, I work part-time in the afternoon, so I'll call a bit later, okay, Angel?
You: Okay, goodnight etha- I mean heeseung
You tease.
He chuckled at the text, eyes burning from staying up and talking to you for so long, but it was so worth it.
Heeseung: Goodnight angel
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Heeseung: Morning
Heeseung texted you first thing. He knew you'd probably still be asleep after staying up so late, but he knew you'd see his text at some point today.
He was right cause you woke up hours later and saw his text responding to him immediately.
You: Morning Ethan
Heeseung: Look who finally decided to show I was so lonely without you. 🥺
You: Please as if 🙄
Heeseung: Wow, here I am, trying to be cute, and you just diss me. That's cold, especially after I sent nudes. 😔
You: Aww 😀
Heeseung: Rude
Heeseung: So anyway, are you still at school? Was it fun? How is your day going so far?
You smile at your screen, getting all giddy because he's actually taking an interest in what you're doing.
You: I'm walking home now, but yeah it was fun but also kinda boring if that makes sense.
Heeseung: It totally does, angel, and I'm happy you're finished. You deserve a break.
You: Thank you
Heeseung: Wait, you don't mind if I call you angel, right?
You: Of course not. I love it when you call me that.
Heeseung: Good girl.
You: *blush*
Heeseung: Cutie, so I was thinking maybe once I get off work, if you'd like to chat for a while, are you still up for that?
You: Hmmm, sure, I'd like that.
Heeseung: I get off at five, is that okay?
You: Works for me.
You: But wait, aren't you supposed to do your other job?
You ask after finding out he worked two jobs along with school.
Heeseung: Shh, haha, yeah, but like, of course, I'm gonna skip it for you duh🙄
You: Heeseung, don't do that.
You reply, letting him know that you shouldn't be his priority over working.
Heeseung: It's whatever, just something I do for quick cash cause I'm good at it. Besides, missing one night isn't going to break the bank.
You: If you say so.
Heeseung: I do say so. I'm gonna get back to work before my manager scolds me for being on the clock while on my phone. Expect to hear from me later, though, okay?
You: Okay! Have a good rest of your shift. I look forward to hearing your voice again😉
You add, attempting to flirt a little.
Heeseung: Keep talking like that and watch the way I walk off the job so I can go home and call you.
You: 😬
"So, angel, if you don't mind me asking, where are you from?" You were both home relaxing on your beds while you FaceTime each other, except he was the only one showing his face.
You go on to tell him where you're from, and as soon as the words leave your mouth, his face falls completely flat.
"You're joking? Like, please tell me you're joking."
"That's hours away from here," he pouts. "Like thousands of miles."
"So?" You shrug.
"So? I was thinking about meeting you, obviously not this soon, but like maybe later down the road once we get closer, but I guess that's probably not gonna ever happen."
"That's what FaceTime is for," you chuckled, trying to hide your happiness. You couldn't believe he had actually thought about meeting you.
"I can't touch you through the phone," he deadpans as your giggling comes to a stop.
"O-oh," you whisper shyly.
"What? Something wrong?"
"Nothing, just trying to get used to your forwardness."
"I can tone it down a bit since we haven't known each other that long, you know? I just thought since we already you know it'd be okay, but if not I'll stop."
He rambles on and on.
"No, it's fine. I like it, and I feel really close to you already, like two peas in a pod." You smiled even though he couldn't see it.
"Yeah, we covered a lot of ground last night," you laughed.
"We sure did," he smirked, and by that look, you already knew he was about to say something. "So, how about you let me put my pea in your pod?"
"Stop it." You covered your face, cupping your cheeks that were burning from embarrassment.
"You're so easy to tease," he giggles. "So is it like cold where you are then?
He asked instead of teasing you some more.
"Yes, and it's a bit past midnight already," you groan.
"Midnight? So, should I let you go now?"
"I think that would be best, yeah."
He popped his mouth. "Dang it, well, okay. I can call you again tomorrow if you want at the same time?"
"Same time. Goodnight, Ethan."
He rolls his eyes jokingly. "Night night angel"
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Thank you for reading. Please reblog and leave feedback! -🐹
Permanent taglist @hee-pster @hoyeonheeseung @furious-eagle @heehoonsnemo
Just a call away taglist " @heeseungshim @rayofsunshineeee @fakeuwus @heesquared @skzenhalove @wildflowermooon @get-a-guitar bold can’t be tagged
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starsval · 7 months
remus lupin x f!reader
summary: liking remus lupin isn't easy, especially when all he does is give you missed signals
word count: 3k
warnings: kissing, reader drinks alcohol, talking about sleeping with someone(?
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I was doing fine till you crashed in my headspace And took over my mind I was sorta cool till you made me a headcase And now I'm always Getting over it, getting over you, I don't even know you Hit me with that smile Way to rip my heart out my ribcage, ooh-ooh
"so i think i'll just do it lat-" you don't finish, distracted by a certain tall boy, with honey eyes and scarred face. who just walked in.
"what happened?" lily asks, worried by your sudden change.
"i hate him" you declare, maybe for the fifth time that day.
"you don't" marlene adds, focusing on her nails.
"yeah you don't" lily agrees, turning to wave at remus.
"okay maybe i don't" you keep talking so they can't interrupt you "but i am getting over him" you announce "i can't live like this, like, i don't even remember what i was talking about 'cause he just crashed into my headspace, and now i can only think about him, and his hair, and his hands and his sweaters…"
lily talks, intervening before you can go on your daily rant about remus lupin.
"i thought you said you hated him and were getting over him?" she smiles, chuckling when you groan.
marlene also smiles, but she loudly laughs when you put your head in your hands. remus just smiled at you.
"he's gonna rip my heart out my ribcage"
Only hit me now, we were texting late When you called me up just to see my face And I can't, I can't seem to figure you out Are you with that girl back in your home town? If we never kissed, does it even count? I still can't get you out of my mouth Way to touch me, babe, way to ask a {lady?} Overthink, overcomplicate Won't you let me stay in this fake heartbreak? I'm a real headcase
you know you should be sleeping instead of texting remus. you are aware of that, but it's hard to sleep when all he's doing is giving you mixed signals. it's hard to sleep when all you're doing is thinking about him. it's hard to sleep when he asks if he can come over. and it's even harder to say no to him.
"why did you want to come over?" you ask him as he walks in, closing the door behind him.
"just wanted to see your face" he stands in front of you, ignoring the way you frown at his words, touching your cheek.
"can i be honest with you?" he smirks.
"of course" he takes a step closer to you.
"i don't think i'll ever figure you out" you rest your forehead against his chest, feeling the vibrations as he chuckles.
ᨳ  ׂ   𓈒  ⠀🌙 ㅤׂ  ✽   ੭
"i don't get it, he comes over, spends the night and then he's making out with this girl from his hometown" you pout at your ceiling, marlene and lily next to you.
"we don't get it either" lily assures.
"maybe it's because we never kissed, maybe it doesn't count"
"i don't think remus is like that" marlene says, giving you a chocolate.
"i hate how i can't stop talking about him" you sigh, closing your eyes "in my defense, he gives really good hugs"
"maybe you're just over thinking?" lily asks, taking a chocolate from marlene.
"let me stay in this fake heartbreak please"
Honey, if you want, I could give you my weekends All you gotta do Is tell me this is true, tell me I am your weakness Just give me something I don't know how this started Is this what modern art is? You left and took my heart with
"are you free this weekend?" remus finds you as you're walking to class, getting the books from your hands to hold them for you.
"i don't know" you do know, marlene wants you to go to this party with her "why?"
"are you coming to the party?" he asks, smiling at you.
"i don't know yet" you lie, marlene would kill you if you didn't go.
"okay, i'll see you there then" he gives you your books back.
"what?" you frown.
"i'm inviting you, so you have to go" he then turns around and leaves, probably to his class.
ᨳ  ׂ   𓈒  ⠀🌙 ㅤׂ  ✽   ੭
you see remus right when you enter, but lily quickly drags you to were marlene is waiting, so you don't see him again until an hour later. when you've already had some drinks.
"hi" he pats the spot next to him on the couch, and you sit, staring at your cup "how are you?"
"can i ask you something?" you say, ignoring him.
"sure" he puts an arm around your shoulder.
"will you please tell me that this is true? tell me i am your weakness?" you stare at him.
"are you drunk?" he take the hand that's holding your cup and puts it close to his face, smelling it "you are drunk" he confirms as he gets up, pulling you up with him.
he takes your hand in his, and walks to lily and marlene, that are talking with james and sirius.
"i'm taking her to her room" he tells the girls.
"why?" sirius asks, but one glance at you is enough, it's obvious that you're drunk.
"okay, we'll go check on her later" lily says, taking the cup from your hand as you pass next to her, following remus.
you're already in a corridor when you talk again.
"please just give me something" you say, staring at the back of his hand
"you have to sleep" he mutters, ignoring you until you reach your room.
you fall on your bed, staring at the ceiling.
"i don't know how this started" you tell him, knowing that he knows what you're talking about. you're talking about your weird relationship. you are friends, but you flirt, you stay up talking to each other, you get jealous when the other is on a date with someone. but you aren't dating. "but i hate it, i hate you"
he only smiles, knowing that you don't mean it. he sits next to you, stroking your hair, waiting until you fall asleep.
then he leaves, taking your heart with him.
And it hit me now, we were texting late Then you called me up just to see my face And I can't, can't seem to figure you out (You out), ooh-ooh Are you with that girl back in your home town? If we never kissed, does it even count? I still can't get you out of my mouth (My mouth)
you hear your name being called just as you get up to get another drink. when you turn, you see sirius walking to you.
"remus is asking for you" he says, taking your hand and dragging you with him. you hadn't seen or talked to him since that party last week.
"what?" you ask, but before he can answer, you're standing in front of a very drunk remus, whose eyes light up when he sees you.
"hi" he giggles, taking the hand sirius is holding, to hold it himself.
"hi" you reply, frowning at james, who's watching everything with a smirk "why don't you go to sleep?"
you think remus is not going to agree, but he quickly gets up.
"with you? of course" he starts walking to the door, and you can only look back at james and sirius as they laugh.
"what? remus, no, i didn't mean-" you try to talk, but he ignores you, looking back only to grin.
once you reach his room, he quickly takes off his shoes and lies on the bed, staring at you with his arms open.
"remus" you say, not getting closer to him.
"yes?" he smiles at you, and if you weren't tipsy you'd notice the sparks in your eyes are because of you.
"i'm trying to, but you are just standing there" he sounds genuine about it, just the same way he looks genuinely sad when you take a step towards the door.
he doesn't say anything, so you assume he's just going to give up. but before you can reach the door, you feel his hand on your wrist. and before you can say something, you're on the bed next to him, with his arms around you.
"remus?" you try to move, but his grip doesn't get any weaker, even when he's half asleep.
he hums in response, his face in your neck.
"let me go"
he doesn't reply, but you feel his smile against your skin.
"i want to go back to the party" you try again, even if it's not entirely true.
"liar" he mutters, and his arms tighten around you.
"you like being here with me" he replies, and then he finally falls asleep.
And I can't seem to figure you out Oh, I can't seem to figure you out (You out)
you wake up to a flashlight, and when you open your eyes, there's a really drunk sirius holding a camera, with a really drunk james suppressing a laugh next to him.
"what time is it?" you ask, peeling remus' arm from around you.
"like 4 am" sirius replies, taking another picture of remus, this time without flash.
"tell remus i said goodbye" you say, walking to the door, although you doubt they'll remember.
the second time you wake up, it's already bright up. and when you get to the Great Hall, you see remus staring at you.
"why is he glaring at you?" marlene asks, frowning when remus gets up.
"i don't know" you lie, but before lily can say anything, remus is already behind you.
"you weren't there when i woke up" he says it like an accusation, and before you can reply, marlene is already talking.
"what!?" she practically spits her tea "you slept with him?"
"no" you say.
"yes" he says.
"not in the way you think!" you clarify.
"why did you sleep with him?" lily asks, and you can see the smirk she's hiding.
"i didn't-"
"you did" before remus can say anything else, you get up and grab his arm, dragging him out of the Great Hall to talk.
"you weren't there when i woke up" he repeats.
"you wanted me to be there?" you frown, because the signals he has given you definitely didn't say that.
"yes" he doesn't change his expression.
"i find that hard to believe"
"why?" he scoffs.
"really? why?" you don't know if you should ignore him or just laugh in his face.
"yes, why?"
"you act all lovely on me one day and then you are with someone else, forgive me if i don't believe that you want me around"
"i forgive you" this time you're the one who scoffs, turning around and walking again in the Great Hall, not caring if he follows you.
marlene and lily decide not to ask about it.
Are you with that girl back in your home town? If we never kissed, does it even count? I still can't get you out of my mouth (My mouth) Way to touch me, babe, way to ask a lady? Overthink, overcomplicate Won't you let me stay in this fake heartbreak? I'm the real headcase
"really? again?" peter questions as remus sits in the couch again. they're in the middle of a party and remus just left with that girl from his hometown.
"did she see me?" remus looks around, looking for you.
"i think she was too busy talking with evan" james informs him, grinning when lily approaches them.
"have you seen the idiots i call for friends?" she asks, shoving sirius out of the way to sit on the couch next to james.
"one was with dorcas and the other one just left with evan" peter replies.
"wait, it was real? she left with evan?" remus frowns, and even pouts when lily laughs at him.
"what? you think she's gonna wait for you? babe, she's getting bored of you" she tells him, suddenly turning around when you and marlene approach her.
you sit on the couch in front of her, where sirius went after lily had pushed him. he puts an arm around both of you.
"so, i heard that you're both in love with some slytherins" you both glare at him, and he laughs at remus' expression.
after talking for a while, and you ignoring remus all the time, you three get up and leave. but before you can reach the hallway, remus takes your arm.
"can we talk?"
"we're talking right now" you smile. he glares.
before he can reply, marlene shoves both of you out of the door and to a corner of the hallway.
"talk" and then she leaves with lily.
"why were you with evan?" he asks.
"we were talking"
"like we" he points to both of you "talk?"
"i don't know remus, how do we talk? how are you any different than evan?"
"he doesn't like you" you chuckle.
"and you do?"
"i do"
"i don't believe you" you start to walk away, but he grabs your arm and turns you around, settling his hands on your waist.
"let me help you believe"
"what?" you notice the way he looks at your lips.
"i can't get you out of my mouth, ask peter, i'm sure he hates me because all i ever do is talk about you. you're the only one who makes me overthink. i'm literally wondering if i'm too tall right now"
his face gets closer to yours as he talks.
"and i know that we never kissed, but even if it doesn't count, i'd prefer to stay on this fake heartbreak, just because it'd be because of you"
you can't handle it anymore, so you just kiss him, you grab his face and kiss him. you kiss him to shut him up, that's what you tell yourself.
when you pull away, he's grinning.
"that was just so you shut up" you tell him, but your hands don't leave his face, instead, they go to the back of his neck.
"i meant it" you try to pull away, but his grip on your waist tightens, and one of his hands to the back of your neck.
"i'm gonna start talking again so you might need to shut me up again" he smirks.
you comply, happily.
I'm the real headcase I'm the real headcase Mm Yeah, I'm the real headcase
when you enter the great hall the next morning, remus walking in with you, your friends and his are sitting together.
so when you go sit with them, the stares you get are inevitable.
"so?" james starts, smirking.
"what?" you ask, already feeling the headache you're gonna get from this.
"did you sleep together?" marlene abruptly asks after a moment of silence.
"marlene!" you say.
"yes" remus says.
"remus!" you say again, hitting his arm.
"what? it's true!" he frowns.
"it's not" you say, sitting and focusing on your food.
"it is" everyone agrees, and you can't do anything but ignore them.
ᨳ  ׂ   𓈒  ⠀🌙 ㅤׂ  ✽   ੭
the next few weeks, you spend your days with remus, still not sure if you're dating or not, but neither of you care.
right now you're laying on his bed, reading a book, well, at least trying to, because remus is making it really hard. he's basically lying on top of you, stroking your hair and giving small pecks to your neck.
"can i ask you something?" he says after a while, lifting his head to look at you, but you focus on the book.
"sure" your eyes don't leave the book until you have no other choice, because certain someone just snatches it from your hand.
"do you want to be my girlfriend?" you freeze at his words, staring at him.
"i know it's not the best way of asking, i mean, you deserve something fancy, like chocolates or flowers, but i couldn't wait to ask you" he stares back at you, his eyes softer than ever. and all you can do is lean in and kiss him.
it's a sweet kiss, soft and short, and you think that it's enough as an answer, but you still reply.
"i'd love to" he kisses you again, and the book is long forgotten as his other hand goes to your waist, and the one in your hair goes to the back of your neck.
ᨳ  ׂ   𓈒  ⠀🌙 ㅤׂ  ✽   ੭
you walk into the gryffindor common room holding hands, and sit next to all of your friends, who look at you, suspiciously.
"what's happening?" sirius asks, pointing at your hands.
"what?" remus replies, and when you let go of his hand to pick up your book, his hand goes to your tight instead.
"why is your hand on my best friend's tight?" lily talks, frowning.
"i can't put my hand on my girlfriend's tight?" remus makes sure to emphasise the word girlfriend, and you're almost sure everyone stops breathing.
"what" marlene breaks the silence, "since when?"
"like two weeks ago" you mutter, still reading your book.
this time, the reactions come almost immediately.
"what!" mary screams.
"and you didn't tell us?" lily looks offended.
"we have to throw a party to celebrate!" james and sirius say at the same time, high fiving after that.
"when's the wedding?" marlene asks.
"next year" remus replies, and that makes you look away from your book.
"what!?" all of you ask, except remus.
"since when?!" lily frowns at you.
"i don't know!" you look at remus.
"we're already engaged" he says.
"what!?" you all say again, and he just rolls his eyes.
"we aren't engaged" you clarify.
"she's just in denial" remus tells everyone.
"you haven't asked!" lily frowns at that.
"you'd say yes!?" she asks.
everyone stops everything and looks at you, slowly getting more flustered, and at remus, who's grinning like he hasn't before.
"what if we get married next week?" he asks.
"no!" lily replies before you can.
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danieyells · 19 days
@mayoigotokurousagi also asked for Sho, so here are my favorite of Sho's voicelines! He's a lil more chill--most of the excitement for him is because Leo's causing him trouble, so maybe there won't be as many since it's just him? (Spoiler: i still put nearly all of them, or it feels that way. . . .)
Also sorry this one took way longer haha i had to do some irl stuff and i was pretty tired too lol. . .may not get to the next ones for a few days since i have to wake up early tomorrow and i work double shifts all weekend. But i'll try and find time for it.
No affinity required:
"Did you just see a creep in a black mask over there?
...Nah, never mind. I'm hallucinating."
Hey Sho? What the fuck does that mean??? What do you mean a creep in a black mask no no don't fuckin brush that off get back here motherfucker????
Affinity 1:
"Too early... What's Leo doing today?
Guess I'll text him."
Keeps in touch with his boyfriend lol
Affinity 2:
"Freakin' sasquatch... Would it kill him to approve an R&R permit every once in a while?"
Affinity 3:
"Class? What's the point? It's all written in the textbooks—all you gotta do is memorize it."
授業? あんなん出なくても全部教科書に書いてんだからよ。そのまま覚えりゃいいだけだろ?
Doesn't go to class because he's smart enough to memorize the contents of the textbook I guess! Plus he doesn't care about Real Missions so knowing how to do the hard stuff doesn't matter to him haha
Affinity 5(8pm-10pm, 12am-5am):
What time is it?
Seriously? Damn, overslept."
ふぁあ…… 今何時だ……? マジかよ、寝すぎたわ
Neither he nor Leo sleep at night lmao
Affinity 6:
"Huh, haven't ridden a skateboard since middle school but I guess I still have the muscle memory.
Watch this, I'm gonna do a trick."
中坊ぶりにスケボー乗ったけど、意外と体が覚えてんだな。 トリック決めてやるよ、見ててみ?
Affinity 7:
"Nice, got an order. More demand than I thought.
Getting Leo to make this app was a good call."
Leo has a line that references this one!
Affinity 8:
"What's Mido texting me for? come tot hr epuit...
Pfft. What the hell is this, some kinda secret code?"
あ? 御堂センパイからDチャ?『血か二個い』って…… ぷっ……なんだこれ、暗号かよ
Ksvdhdisn Alan is adorable. . .i love technologically incompetent characters. Poor bby can't even text. . . . .
Affinity 9:
"Shit, my whole body's killing me...
Sparring five sets of fifteen rounds, are you kidding me? Mido's insane..."
クソ、筋肉痛がやべぇ…… 御堂センパイ、スパー15ラウンド5セットとか正気じゃねぇよ……
Affinity 10:
"What am I gonna do tomorrow... Got nothing on, guess I could go to class...
That asshole's on the schedule. Pass."
明日どうすっかな……暇だし、たまには授業出とくか? ……あいつのコマあるわ。やめとこ
Lmao "i guess i could go to class--wait my brother's teaching one of them tomorrow? Fuck that then."
Affinity 12:
"This? It's a fishing rod. Sometimes I catch and filet the fish myself.
It's pretty easy, and it saves cash."
あ? これか? 釣り竿だよ。たまに自分で魚釣ってさばくわけ。
Fishing with Sho. . .sounds nice and chill. Also did the pc not recognize a fuckin fishing rod. . . .
Affinity 14:
"You think I look grumpy?
The stream for the finals started at 3 AM, what do you want me to do about that?
……あ? 機嫌が悪ぃって?
Staying up late to watch a basketball game, much like Leo he does not go to bed until the sun's up ordinarily lmao
Affinity 15:
"Hey... Pfft. What are you panicking for?
You need to be somewhere? Hop on—I'll give you a ride."
Affinity 16:
"You hungry, {PC}?
I made lunch, but Leo bailed on me, so I was just gonna eat it myself."
Sho: hey our boyfriend ditched me wanna have lunch with me
Affinity 17:
"Last year I would've been in a club around this time. Leo was always getting in fights though, so we got banned from almost every joint in Shibuya."
Menace boyfriend Leo lmao
Affinity 20:
"Seriously, it's way too early for this...
What? I'm going to class. You're the one who wouldn't shut up about it."
はぁ……マジねみぃ…… あ? 今から授業行くんだよ。あんたが行けってうるせぇからだろ
Ordinarily doesn't go to class(a lot of them don't tbh, and Luca says the classes are elective so the ghouls probably don't have to) but will go if you want him to I guess! Leo's gonna call him whipped but Leo already knows he's whipped because he's the one who's been whipping him--
Affinity 21:
"I've finally got the hang of running this food truck. I want to thank you for helping me out—think of something you want."
Affinity 22:
"Huh? No, I don't really need any help today...
You don't have to make excuses to hang out with me, you know. Just ask."
手伝い? 今日は特にねぇけど……
"senpai, why don't you just tell me honestly if you wanna be with me?" Is the Japanese here I think and. idk i love that. He's catching on and teasing you a little.
Affinity 23:
"What time you planning on heading home, {PC}?
Anytime's fine for me. You can stay over if you want."
センパイ、今日何時に帰る予定?俺は別に、何時でも…… なんなら、泊まってってもいいぜ?
Affinity 24:
"Can't sleep? Come over here—I'll warm you up.
Pfft... I was kidding, don't get mad."
なんだよ……寝れねぇのか?あっためてやるから、こっち来い。 ぷっ……冗談だって。怒んなよ
"Pretty warm out lately, huh? Bet it's already snorkeling season in Okinawa. I used to go pretty often."
もう大分あったかくなってきたな。沖縄じゃ、シュノーケリングできる時期だぜ? 昔はよく行ってたわ
He plays basketball, he skateboards, he fishes, he snorkels, this bitch loves sports lol
"If I can get an R&R permit granted, I want to go for a solo ride. Haven't been for ages, and riding through the cherry blossoms this time of year feels awesome."
"Damn, I'm melting here... I need a haircut.
Nah I don't need a barber, I just do it myself. 'Course I'm serious."
クソ暑ぃ……そろそろ髪切んねぇとな…… 美容院? めんどくせぇから自分で切ってっけど。マジだぜ?
"Sweating my ass off over here... It's been like a year since I last played basketball. Mido's core's gotta be made of steel...
Oh, is that water for me? Thanks."
暑ぃ! バスケしたの1年ぶりか?御堂センパイ、体幹強すぎだろ…… お、水くれんの? サンキュ
"Summer homework? Nah, haven't done it yet. Only takes a day, right?
Pfft... You want me to help you?"
夏の課題? まだやってねぇけど。あんなも���一日で終わるだろ? ぷっ……センパイ手伝ってやろうか
"Leo won't shut up about wanting to let off fireworks, but no way am I doing that shit with him again. I'm sure you can guess why."
"Yesterday when I was fishing in the river I saw this guy who looked like one of the Frostheim ghouls out there. Can't have been though, right?"
"Geez, don't pipe up outta the blue like that.
...What? You gotta a problem with me reading a book?"
ビビった。いきなり声かけんなよ。 ……なんだよ、その顔。俺が本読んでちゃ悪ぃのか? あ?
"Pfft... Hey, {PC}. Come over here.
Geez, what're you doing walking around with a leaf in your hair?"
ぷっ……【名★前】センパイ、ちょっとこっち来い。 ったく、なんで髪に葉っぱ付けてんだよ……
"Damn, I really wanna go snowboarding. I used to go every year before I ended up here...
Think they got a good slope in Frostheim?"
マジでスノボ行きてぇ……ここ来る前は、毎年必ず行ってたのによぉ。 フロストハイムで滑れねぇの?
"I'm freezing my ass off... I just saw Mido walk past in a T-shirt. Are his nerve endings dead?"
Apparently I'm Alan lmao i too experience less cold than other people
Sho's birthday:
"What, you're gonna celebrate my birthday? What do I want for a present? Hmm...
I'll take you.
Just kidding."
New Years:
"What'd I wish for at midnight? For this year to be peaceful...
Not that any gods are listening out for us."
新年の願い事ねぇ……今年こそ、平穏無事に過ごせますように…… って、神様叶える気ねぇだろな
Well when you've been chosen by demons. . .yeah, you're probably not on the good side of many gods.
Valentine's Day:
"Yeah, these are all the chocolates I got. No idea how I'm gonna get through them all...
So? You didn't get me anything?"
ああ、これ全部もらったチョコ。これ食いきんのきちぃんだよな…… で、センパイは俺にくれねぇの?
I'm surprised Leo's wasn't similar to this tbh. Like, Leo's an influencer, why didn't he mention getting a metric fuckton of valentine's day chocolate? I'm happy Sho's loved by the students tho haha.
White Day:
"Baking sweets and cooking are totally different. It's not really in my wheelhouse, but...
here. My firsts. Thanks for the chocolates."
菓子作りと料理は別もんだからよ、普段はやんねぇんだけど…… はい。俺の初焼き菓子、お返しにどうぞ
"You really need an explanation? Leo made me wear it! Shit, why am I always the girl..." ああ? 言わなくてもわかんだろ。玲音に着せられたんだっつの! クソ、なんで毎年女装なんだよ……
Your boyfriend best friend makes you crossdress for him on Halloween on a yearly basis. . .and you do it!!!
"Sorry for making you help me prep all these roast chicken orders...
Wanna do something Christmassy together once we're done?"
センパイ、チキンの注文さばくの手伝わせて悪ぃ…… 今日の分片付いたら、俺らもクリスマス楽しもうぜ
1+ day without logging in(?):
"What took you so long? Your food's cold.
Go wash up."
Alright, mom.
I STILL FEEL LIKE I CHOSE A BUNCH. . .Sho is pretty lowkey.
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solvrized · 1 year
secret texts
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୨୧ ꒰ pairing ꒱ : silver x f!reader
୨୧ ꒰ context ꒱ : au silver was asking for love advice and accidentally sent the text to you
୨୧ ꒰ tags ꒱ : smut, sexting
୨୧ ꒰ author’s note ꒱ : its me again writing content for silver, aged up ofc. idk how to write out texts so pls forgive the look if it’s ugly x.x
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It was a normal night for you. You were laying in bed listening to music and studying when your phone flashed a notification.
silver: well how am i supposed to tell [y/n] when every time i see her, my brain thinks less than appropriates thoughts
y: um, i’m gonna assume this wasn’t meant for me?
silver: please forgive me [y/n]. can you pretend you didn’t read that?
y: aww silver don't apologize. i'll continue to think about it actually. so you like me huh?
silver: no... i was telling someone what someone else said about you.
y: yeah uh huh, sure you were. if that’s the case, can you tell me who said it? maybe i think less than inappropriate thoughts about them too, who knows?
silver: i seriously doubt that.
y:well we’ll never know unless you just tell me.
silver: well that’s never going to happen so let’s just leave this conversation where it is, sorry for disturbing your night prefect.
y: well, now i’m just gonna have to assume it’s you who thinks about me that way. and that has me really wet right now, believe it or not.
silver: i find that very hard to believe.
you take your pillow and set it up in front of you so that you can lean your phone it. you slide off your underwear and open you legs and position yourself in front of the camera. leaving your face out so it’s just you from the lips down, in your night jersey and your area on display.
you take your fingers and spread your lips apart so that he can see how wet you are.
y: attachment.image
y: believe me now?
he swallows hard. not expecting for this conversation to be happening and certainly not expecting to see you like this. his boner growing hard in his own pants.
silver is very much a traditional man and he never expected to be seeing this from you.
yet, he can't help his growing desire for you. not wanting to miss this opportunity, he slides his boxers down and takes a picture.
carefully checking the name to make sure he doesn’t have the same mishap.
silver: attachment.image
silver: i can't believe i'm dong this. look what what you’ve done.
y: can i tell you all the things that i want to do to you right now?
silver: please go ahead.
y: well first i’d love to see how you taste. your cock looks nice and big and i’d love to see how much of you i could fit. i’d pay attention to every breath and moan you make when my tongue glides over you so i know what to keep doing.
silver: i’d hold your head in my hands as i fuck your mouth. i’d push myself into the back of your throat making you take all of me. i’d cum in your mouth and watch you swallow every last drop.
y: my my silver, who knew you had this in you?
y: after that, i would stand up and bend over so that you could take me. you’d smack my ass really hard and you’d slam into me as i scream your name over and over.
silver: i’d grab your boobs for stability and play with them as i pound into you over and over. i wouldn’t stop until you were begging me to let you cum
y: i’d squeeze myself around you to feel you twitch inside of me
silver: and i’d make you let me fill you up so much that i’d be dripping down your leg
y: i think i'm cumming for real now
silver: yeah i’ve definitely made a mess on my bed
y: we should maybe do this in real life sometime huh?
silver: can i at least take you out on a proper date first?
y: of course. i can't wait :)
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hunieday · 5 months
Yuki Rabbitube Mini - Rabbit Chat
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Please note that I am not a professional translator and I'm only doing this to share the side materials to those who cannot access them, if you notice any mistakes please let me know nicely. Enjoy!
Yuki: I saw you two in my dream today
Yuki: Thank you for appearing
Nanase Riku: Huh!? I appeared in your dream!? 😲✨
Yaotome Gaku: I’m kinda happy!
Yaotome Gaku: Do you remember what it was about?
Yuki: Well, it had a strong and vivid impact
Yuki: You were wearing happi coats and twisted headbands as you carried a portable shrine all night long.
Nanase Riku: 
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Yaotome Gaku: All night!? That's some dedication.
Nanase Riku: You were completely influenced by Rabbimini weren’t you?!
Yuki: not only did you carry the shrine the entire night, you were also shouting "wasshoi" without a break.
Yaotome Gaku: Why?
Yuki: Who knows. You were the one shouting, Gaku-kun, not me
Yaotome Gaku: No that was me in the dream!?
Nanase Riku: Then let's decide on a reason now! What do you think, Yaotome-san!
Yaotome Gaku: Hmm. Not sure...
Yuki: That’s hilarious. you're seriously thinking about it
Nanase Riku: Maybe saying "wasshoi" increases your power!
Yaotome Gaku: I like that! And it also enhances our sense of unity, so let's go with that!
Nanase Riku: Yippee! 😆 It's decided then, Yuki-san!
Yuki: good for you
Yuki: Just as you two were saying, “let’s aim for the top of Mount Fuji!” I jolted awake. 
Yaotome Gaku: Ain’t that a big scale dream!
Nanase Riku: A festival at the top of Mount Fuji sounds amazing! 🪭✨
Yuki: I bet you’d still have high energy even after climbing
Yuki: I'll just wait down here
Nanase Riku: Then we have to make the festival lively enough for Yuki-san to see us 💪😤
Yaotome Gaku: I wonder if he’ll be able to? Maybe we should set off fireworks
Yuki: Real fireworks? or human fireworks like in rabbimini?
Yaotome Gaku: Please don't call it human fireworks lmao
Nanase Riku: Human fireworks…how about we play that in the background!
Nanase Riku: "Tarumono boys! ~MATSURI~" 🎆🎆🎆
Yaotome Gaku: The way you phrased it…
Yuki: Sounds good. Are they gonna be set off in sync with "wasshoi" too?
Nanase Riku: 
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Nanase Riku: That’s gonna be real hard since they keep shouting wasshoi in the second half 😂✨ lol
Yuki: I really wanna see it now. I’ll go back to sleep and see the rest
Yaotome Gaku: You're going back to sleep!?
Yuki: i shouldn’t... let's listen to Matsuri for now
Yuki: It's a great song. Yamato-kun sounds very energetic
Nanase Riku: Yamato-san always looks happy while performing it live! He always holds a large fan, he’s so lively >u<🪭
Yuki: You must have a ton of fun performing it live too, Gaku-kun.
Yaotome Gaku: It's hella fun!
Yaotome Gaku: Riding a trolley and seeing fans' smiles up close makes it really easy to join in. You can feel a growing sense of unity and excitement alongside the audience.
Yuki: The "wasshoi" chant solves all problems
Nanase Riku: I have an idea! How about we sing it together next time? I wanna go to karaoke!
Yuki: Sounds fun. who will take which part?
Yaotome Gaku: I’m gonna take any part that’s not mine since it’s a special occasion!
Nanase Riku: Oh! Can I try your part, Yaotome-san? I want to say "appare...😏” It sounds fun 💪
Yaotome Gaku: Hell yeah! Looking forward to the Nanase Version of "appare"
Yuki: What about you, Gaku-kun. maybe nagi-kun's part?
Nanase Riku: I wanna hear it!!!!
Yaotome Gaku: I’ll put my heart and soul on the "Ladies and gentlemen!!" part! What about you, Yuki-san?
Yuki: I'll go with Yamato-kun’s part. I'll bring glasses and shout "now, it's a festival!!" though I might run out of energy right at the start
Yuki: I’m glad nobody took Mitsuki-kun’s part. I’m planning to give that to Momo
Nanase Riku: so you decided…! Tho I’m sure Momo-san will do that part very well! Especially the part where you laugh “Ha ha ha ha ha” real loud!
Nanase Riku: 
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Yaotome Gaku: Should we bring happi coats or headbands while singing?
Yuki: huh?
Yaotome Gaku: Oh, headbands might be better than happi coats after all
Yuki: are you really that into it?
Nanase Riku: I think it’s a great idea! Our office presidents performed a TRIGGER song the other day, they sang and even dressed up like them >:)👍
Yuki: Isn't Takanashi Production amazing?
Yaotome Gaku: Sorry, I've gotten too used to that kind of thing lmao
Yuki: Okay. let's carry a portable shrine while we’re at it
Nanase Riku: Huh!?
Yaotome Gaku: A portable shrine!?
Yuki: The NEXT Re:vale spirit has been ignited. We can't lose to Takanashi Production.
Nanase Riku: Our agency is amazing for setting Re:vale on fire ‼
Yaotome Gaku: How are we even gonna bring it to karaoke...? should we rent the place?
Yuki: I told you the NEXT Re:vale spirit is awake. we'll do it on the show
Yuki: Since it's the very last Rabbimini, let's gather all 16 of us and have a "Rabbimini Thank You Festival." what do you think?
Nanase Riku: Th-that's awesome...!
Yaotome Gaku: As expected of Re:vale...!
Yuki: If we're gonna do this then let's have a full-fledged festival. We gotta set up stalls, which ones do you want?
Nanase Riku: Ohhh!! I'm torn!! Maybe candy apples or baked potatoes...
Nanase Riku: Cotton candy!! I wanna make cotton candy!! i’m so excited to spin it around and make fluffy candy!
Yaotome Gaku: Then I'll make yakisoba! we did it in Rabbimini too. I'll cook up some delicious soba!
Nanase Riku: Yaotome-san cooking on a griddle, so cool...! ✨
Yaotome Gaku: Thanks. I think you'd look good making cotton candy
Yuki: I'll be in charge of the mask stall. Sitting sounds comfortable
Nanase Riku: Please make one of Kokona-chan too!
Yuki: Sure thing. I know a kid who’d be happy with it
Yaotome Gaku: Can you make Saddle man too? I know a few guys who’d like that!
Yuki: who...?
Nanase Riku: It's a character from a game Tamaki’s playing! 😳
Yuki: A game...? Is his face a saddle...?
Yaotome Gaku: You don't know "Seventh Riders"?
Yuki: I don't know... I wonder if they’re supposed to be riding something…
Nanase Riku: Yes! Saddle doesn’t wear anything on his head 😳 his face is half hidden though!
Yuki: he’s in a biker gang?
Yaotome Gaku: nuh-uh, It's not a bike it's a bicycle!
Yuki: he’s a pervert?
Yaotome Gaku: lmao
Yaotome Gaku: I'm explaining it poorly, but from an outsider's perspective he sure is a weird character lmao 
Nanase Riku: We have no other choice but to spread the word, Yaotome-san! 🔥
Yaotome Gaku: Yeah. Rokuya knows a lot about that sorta thing right? We should ask him how to spread propaganda
Yuki: that sounds terrifying... make sure the room is well-lit.
Yuki: But anyways, the Rabbimini Thank You Festival sounds like it'll be a blast. I'll talk to Momo about it and call you later
Nanase Riku: Yes!! Looking forward to it 🥳
Nanase Riku:
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Yaotome Gaku: 
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isa-ghost · 6 months
My friend
I am gonna do it
Here's Set 1 and Set 2
Now M O R E
He won't do it without prompting because he'll feel like an ass giving nobody else room to talk, but if someone got him on the topic of like. Exploration or flight or something, he could talk for hours. He's extremely knowledgeable and passionate about stuff like that, most times because he has centuries of experience
I don't want to diagnose cc!Phil or whatever bc I know he doesn't like when people do that, but to me his rp character is free reign. And as a psych major with ADHD who's focusing on the study of neurodivergent disorders: this man is hella ADHD coded. He's told too many personal stories that are relatable to me for me to be silent about it. I'm 🤝🏻 this crow man
In his case this isn't a nd trait but instead a crow one, but he experiences echolalia sometimes. Funny things or certain noises he hears just scratch an itch in his bird brain real good, he can't help but repeat it for a while
The way to Phil's heart is good food, fun to be around, and kicking ass. If you can tick those 3 things off for yourself, you're Phil Approved
He'll say he doesn't fall for peer pressure, and often times he's right. But on rare occasions someone like Fit or Etoiles can convince him to do smth he maybe wouldn't at first. It's easier to win him over when he's drunk
cc!Phil has talked abt how he gets a weird confidence boost when he's drunk as shit. That's real for q!Phil too. He could be staggering slurring speech drunk and still snipe something like 50 blocks away. It makes Fit and Etoiles want to kiss him about it
He has intentionally made almost his entire wardrobe varying shades of green, which he pairs with black, red & gold. He thinks it's funny to have a branded wardrobe like an anime character
Idr how canon dsmp is to q!Phil but he still has the friendship emerald charm hanging from his hat. Perhaps it's from the Antarctic Empire days instead. Idk, I just like the character design of Dangly Thing On Hat Brim too much to exclude it from his design in my head (I should rlly attempt to doodle my Phil beyond the random notebook ones I've done. Maybe I'll post those if asked idk)
Don't underestimate this man's ability to get dramatic. Tallulah ain't the only one in the family that can go hard
I wouldn't say he has a bad temper. He's very well-practiced at self-control. However, there are certain things that set him off so severely, he throws self-control out the window. Those things aren't worthy of him trying to be "the bigger person." They deserve their ass handed to them right here right now (see: The Codes pre-current lore).
In a similar vein, when the situation isn't one of those special Fuck This incidences, he still doesn't have a temper, but when he finally snaps, he SNAPS. Like on a The Polycule be like "mark me down as scared and horny" level of snap. When you get on the Angel of Death's last fucking nerve he let's you KNOW.
I'm self-projecting here: this fucking idiot man has a detrimental habit of insisting on handling stuff like anxiety alone. He hates when people see him without his composure. It's not even like an embarrassing thing, it's just very uncomfortable to him. So when a panic attack hits or he finally concedes and let's himself cry, it's alone. And sometimes that makes it worse. But even that doesn't make him change his mind. "Keep it together for the kids," right? :')
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statementlou · 2 months
Maybe you can help me understand. The LATAM promo content has been great in my opinion in quantity and quality. Louis looks relaxed and his answers show thought, humility and maturity, and with his usual sass and humor. This is the most he has shared of himself since his solo career started.
So it's become a real surprise when I've read a few anons write to blogs saying they don't like the person Louis has become, and they like 1D Louis. Another said that they think his persona has gotten "progressively worse and worse". And I'm like, did you not see the years and years of being pushed aside, of being told he had a bad voice, of no support from radio, of stunts, etc fighting for his career. And did they not watch or read his interviews?? So many interviewers during this past week have complimented Louis.
Louis can never win.
I agree, it can really feel like people are just not actually seeing the same content as we are and it's hard not to feel like some of this is that they AREN'T seeing it, like people go way too much off blogs' (often very wild) interpretations of what Louis says and how he says it rather than just listening to him talk or watching him interact with fans. Or maybe it's that they have been believing in these made up versions of him when he hasn't been around for a minute and now that actual Louis reappears it doesn't match up with those ideas and they feel shocked and upset. But if people are saying he isn't the same as he was in 1D well, it's hard not feel like they were NEVER paying attention and are just talking about the made up image of him that was sold by 1DHQ (or saying they don't like him unless he's twinky and flamboyant.) Louis said he "were a lot sweeter back then" and maybe so but in all the core ways, I think he's just the same as he has always been. If people don't like how that looks now that's their right, but he's not gonna be 19 again and he's fought hard to get to decide for himself what image he wants to project and has said over and over that he won't be going back to the 1D version of that, so maybe go find someone else to follow, IDK. Me, I'll just be over here sitting back and admiring what he's like now. I think he's the same as every time he does promo (charming, chill, funny, introspective and smart and willing to share little glimpses of emotional honesty)! It's been a while since he's done so much promo and with so much content to enjoy just now I hope more people will tune into that rather than interpretations of it and discover that for themselves. I am gonna disagree with you about one thing though: Louis CAN and IS winning, 100%, right now in front of our very fucking eyes!!! So who cares about the haters :)
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34saveme34 · 10 days
SMG4 sim review + Idk things funny
this is gonna be. unorganised. witness !
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he sleeps with starving pou good for him
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dumb hobo knockoff.......... where have I heard that before...........
interesting he's getting called a knockoff though!
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some violence today I see!
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he barely just woke up and is already going right in to Meme
I mean, I. respect the grind but. damn
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one could say.... it's going to be perfect? Huh SMG4?
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Hey that's. pretty early! Uhm. wow
he's REALLY going for the grind huh?
Also I posted before the "plan out shit vs make up shit" and man I love it for him honestly, he really does feel like someone who likes to go with the flow
and I'll say his video was pretty charming! Although it is once again Hamburger. saying once again because of his phone apparently like, having a hamburger folder full of hamburger pictures. I don't remember which episode it was at this point
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very intensive meme making btw. puts his whole memeussy into it or whatever. sorry I said that, I won't delete it though. you have to read it
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me for real. me when I post something stupid and wonder if people will like it. I'm so SMG4 in this moment
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his number 1 hater...... even after all this time..... what is this if not true love?
okay but genuinely so interesting. He was working hard on a video and it got disliked and 3 also called it shit
Idk I'm just, whenever 4's insecurity in his videos come up, I get reminded of his little "nobody loves me unless I am meming good" episode
especially with 3 being involved here
I bet he actually chuckled once but decided to say that anyways because he doesn't want to feed 4's non existent ego
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anyways the fact, the FACT that after 3 tells him his video sucks he dies?? I know that they probably weren't going for it but it really does feel like he really REALLY cares about what 3 thinks of his stuff
it's almost like he wantst to prove himself to 3 that he can make stuff beyond 3's imagination, which is, kind of gay
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can.... can this be counted as him using his guardian powers? I mean, it IS meme related even if for his video
I wonder what else can he do. I also wish we could see more moves and stuff where both of them are needed. like sure, we got the wotfi 23 fusion move but other stuff we really only saw them working by themselves
forced to hold hands doesn't count because they didn't really. use their powers there so
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so disrespectful to his boyfriend..... come on man. you know he is worth millions. and his kisses for you billions
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also find it really interesting that he seems to be the brightest here, like lighting wise
I wonder if he got in there because he actually LOVES being involved in 4's videos. Like, nobody else did, all the other stuff were memes
it was only 3 who wasn't, which I think especially justifies his weirdly coloured outline
I wonder, maybe, he was counted as negative points because he's not a meme
or maybe it's a bit of a throwback at the idea that he can't be funny
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I just love this shot. this is so me core, I'm so like this, I'm saying this all the time
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this looks so cursed
also kinda funny the ice cream seems to replenish him more than a watermelon
I mean- at least his eating isn't complete wack?
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into the deep pocket you go, child
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Now, let me say something controversial. I think, if 4 got over himself, he would like some fanfics. like ASMRs already like, especially this type of thing he's listening to hold a cringe factor
a cringe factor outsider people also associate with fanfiction. I'm just saying, I think he would read angst fanfics. He would read them and feel really sad but would be too ashamed to tell anyone about it
This is also supported by the fact that he likes dating sims. I don't know what his exact type is in all of this but he definitely enjoys sappy, romantic stuff. All of it. If he wasn't scared of people judging him, he would be so so SO indulgent. I think this is one of the reasons he likes hanging around Boopkins. I think he might even envy his ease of showing his interests in even the most indulgent stuff without caring what others think
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you should've comforted him. Anyways why are you here, there's no way that much time passed. you're here at like 7 AM. Do you just live here 3? You also said in wotfi 23 prep stream that you have your credit card linked to 4's pc!!! you're not beating the living together allegatins, 3!!!!!!!!
although really interesting he gets his stuff together over 3's comment
he lost it at 3's words, he collected his shit together over 3's words
again, what is this if not true love in plain sight?
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Really loved the fnaf bit, though Mario smashing his PC was kinda Eh
especially cuz he got punished for it
can't even be attention seeking around 4 because he's just gonna freak out and call you a distraction
and he like memes all the time which means you could become a distraction to him VERY often
lowkey makes me think 3 doesn't like to bother with some stuff because of that, like i just KNOW he wants to hang out more
like CMON
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hey that's his silly little music player from last episode!
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the bootleg 3 plushie in his inventory!!
a little gay I'll say
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what ya lookin so crazy for!!!!!!
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maybe the only fans option wouldn't have failed you like the sponsorship did
I mean at least the merch worked
which uh.....
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not to be like that but my mind went catboy 3
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by the way this once again shows how fluid and stupid fame is in the SMG4 videos
or this is like a sly sign at 4 falling off again and trying to hide his insecurity!!! I don't want that
I hope that this is just a bit that doesn't get brought up again, we don't need It's gotta perfect 2 I think
anyways that's it for the episode! Overall fun honestly
would be interesting to see videos like this with other characters as well, considering it shows an insight into the character's brain
for example here, I could tell that 4 has problems and is also still quite insecure, though that's not something that can just change so easily soooo
overall real fun though I'm left desiring a normal episode
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vikingstoner69 · 2 months
Heya guys! I know it's been a minute but I am still here! Things have been super crazy. Anyway I do have a few fics coming out soon. I could really use some feedback.
Title: I Would Die Without You!
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Dean Winchester/Reader
Summary: Dean leaves to say yes to Michael but you track him down. Things are revealed and smut insudes
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You knew something bad was happening when you woke up to find only Sam in the room making you sit up and your heart started to race when you saw the letter and a jewelry box on the table with your name on it. You stand and rush to the table to grab the letter and open it and your eyes become teary when you start to read.
“What's wrong?” You jump and look at Sam as tears stream down your face and you look down at the jewelry box. With shaky hands you pick it up and open it, finding a silver necklace with the letter D with a devil's trap inside the silver D.
“He is going to say yes to Michael! I gotta get to him and stop him! I'll get Dean and you get things ready at Bobby's when I'm ready I'll call Cas” you say in a rush as you gather your things in a hurry. Sam looks at you.
“Are you sure about going alone? I mean Dean isn't thinking real clearly” he says making you stop in your tracks and look over at him.
“I know Dean, Sam he would never hurt me besides this is something I need to do alone” you tell him giving him a small smile and he sighs before nodding his head.
“Call if anything happens” he says as you walk out of the door, you had no idea how long it would take to get to him. You didn't get to think too hard about this before the sound of wings and your world span. When you open your eyes you're staring at a hotel door.
Taking a moment you look around trying to see who brought you here but you didn't see anyone but you did see the impala making you look back at the door before you and your stomach dropped as you walked to the door and knocked.
“Hi Dean* you say softly as he swings open the door and his body tensed as you pushed your way past him into the room and you close your eyes and the door clicks closed.
“(Y/n) you can't change my-* his words stop as you shake your head stopping him. You turn around trying to find the words to say as your body is filled with hurt and anger.
“You left without actually saying goodbye dean! After everything you just up and leave!” You yell and dean sets his jaw,
“I left the letter and the necklace!” he yells back making you shake your head in disbelief at his words.
“Are you serious! Did you even think that maybe I had something to say Dean! After everything did you not think I wouldn't have wanted to? I don't know, maybe I have something to say!” you yell and Dean sighs softly before he walks closer to you and you look up at him.
“That's the reason I left sweetheart. If there was anyone who could change my mind it would be you and I can't let you. I need to do this” he says roughly and your heart starts to speed up.
“Damnit Dean! I would die without you! You are the reason I haven't given up Dean! I'm in love with you I always have been dean-” you yell feeling your anger leave you, everything slows down and your world spins when you feel his lips on yours and you kiss him back just as deeply your fingers run through his hair at the nap of his neck and he groans and pulls back.
“I have wanted you for so long sweetheart i just wish i knew sooner” he says his lips barely touching yours and your eyes meet his.
“Stay with me Dean, we can find another way” you beg, Dean sighs softly before he groans and kisses you deeply as his hands travel down your body where he stops and grabs each asscheek in his hand making you moan as he lifts you up making you wrap your legs around him. You look down at Dean as he walks over to the bed and sits making you straddled him. You moan as you feel how hard he was.
“fuck sweetheart the things I'm gonna do to you” he growls In your ear making you moan. You grab his hair bringing his mouth to yours. Your hips grind down on his jean covered cock. Dean rips your shirt off roughly as you pull him over his head. Before you know it you are on your back with Dean over you.
“Oh!” You moan as Dean kisses and bites down on your body leaving marks as he reaches for your pants buttons. Dean looks up at you from between your legs as he pulls them down leaving you naked under him.
“Fuck baby girl you smell so fucking good. I have wanted to taste you for so long” he groans making you bite your lip.
“Fuck” you moan as your fingers tug his hair as he sucks on your clit and Dean wastes no time diving in. Your body fires to life with each lick and suck he made.
“You taste so fucking good” he growls and your hips grind up and you tug his hair.
“Fuck Dean” you moan making him groan as he slowly slides a finger in your dripping cunt without a warning you cum hard on his tongue. Dean groans as your hands slack in his hair and he starts working his way up your body.
You lean up and kiss him, tasting yourself on his tongue making you moan, your hands run down his chest to his jeans where you undo them and he works them off making you both moan at the feeling of each other's warm skin.
“Are you sure?” He says hotely in your neck before leaving a mark. You moan and Dean pulls back and looks down at you.
“Please dean, it's always been you” you say to him and he groans. You bite your lip at the feeling of his one hand traveling up your body to lightly wrap around your throat.
“I wanna see the face you make while I make you mine” he growls hotely before he slowly enters you. You moan at the slight burn as he enters you.
“More dean please” you beg and he pulls out just to slam in with a force you were not expecting. Your nails claw at his back as he drilled into you.
“Fuck baby you fit me so good my good girl” he growls as he fucks you into the bed and your toes curl at his words and you become even wetter. “Oh you like that? You like being my good girl” he groans as you tighten around him.
“Fuck yes! I'm your good girl! Oh right there!” You cry out your nails dragging down his back to his ass where they dig in. Dean works on that spot over again till you're so close.
“Be a good girl and soak my cock” he says huskily as his thumb rubs your clit and you cum hard his eyes never leaving your face as he watches you come undone on his cock. Dean grunts as you spasm around him. As you finally come down you realize Dean had not cum yet.
“Dean?” Your voice is no louder than a whisper but he could hear the question in your voice and he leans down and kisses you deeply and he bites your lip.
“I'm nowhere near done with you baby, first I wanna see how many times I can make you cum for me before I fill you full” he says huskily and he chuckles darkly as you tighten around him.
“I'm your good girl” you grin up at him.
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froggyphycosis · 5 months
Sleepless nights and something handcrafted
Fic based on a headcannon by @turtleblogatlast which is here (might contain spoilers so I'll link it at the end aswell if you want to read it after)
Pretty much all of Leo's comics are destroyed from the Kraang and Shredder so he has to read them all digitally. Mikey finds out and does somthing about it.
5899 words
Uhhhhh tw's and cw's real qiuck
panic attacks
Implied/refferences to death (in a dream though nothing serious or majorly descriptive)
And characters being in pain
Eughhhh that sounds bad but I swear this fic is hurt/COMFORT so
(if there's anything in forgetting to tag let me know please!!)
It's quiet, and calm.
Its reached that rare lull in the lair where everyone is off to do there own thing peacfully without another brother to cause chaos or niose along with them.
And suddenly, (and not at all surprisingly) Mikey finds himself bored, lying in his hammock and to tired to do anything and lonely without the immediate proximity to one of his older brothers.
It's an achievement if anything, it's the first time since the invasion that there hasn't been anything to do, no medical checkups to take care of, no panic attacks to be had... Just peace.
No one is actively dying, the chores are done, hes already cooked dinner (dad had even joined them aswell! He'd been doing that more often since the invasion, it warmed Mikey up a little on the inside he liked it when dad ate dinner with them and secretly hopes he keeps doing it).
So what does Mikey do then? he already knows he's gonna seek out one of his brothers, but who....
Well Donnie is busy in his lab right now using really loud machinery, and as much as Mikey *loves* sitting and drawing in the lab with him, it would be to loud to concentrate on anything.
He could go and hangout with Raph.... but he's training, trying incredibly hard to acclimate to the lack of sight in his right eye, and Mikey doesn't want to interrupt that.
So that means.... he can hang out with Leo!
Great! The portal duo for the win! He thinks triumphantly. Mikey can't think of anything that Leo could be doing right now. He knows that Leo isn't out with Usagi, since he went out with him before dinner, and he probably wouldn't have gone to April's without texting the group chat first...
So he's definitely free!
Mikey hops up from his hammock with more excitement than is probably necessary, and skips his way to Leo's room.
"LEO!" he shouts, slamming the door open with his foot, and happily watching as Leo jumps out of his shell.
"FU-JESUS Mike what in the all living HELL do you want??"
"The fuck do you mean company??"
"I'm like, reaaaaaaaaal bored right now, so I need a sibling to fill that void! And I'm obviously picking you!" he doesn't move from where he's standing, because if Leo is actually doing something he doesn't want to be interrupted from, Mikey will leave.
But just as he thought, (and maybe kind of planned) Leo rolls his eyes affectionately, switches his tablet to one hand and holds out his arm, Mikey doesn't need anymore encouragement than that, he dives into the bed and cuddles himself right up into Leos side.
"Sooooooo what'cha doin?"
"Reading comics," he snorts.
Mikey pauses, looking around the bed,"What where? thought you were doing somthing with your tablet?"
"Yeah I was I'm reading them on digital." Leo lifts up the screen, and holds it out in front of him, Mikey can see the grainy image of one of Leo's favourite JJ comics. "they all got destroyed remember? And I couldn't buy them so I just read them on here."
Mikey's stomach drops.
Oh crap, he had completely forgotten most of Leos comics were *destroyed*. He glances over at the corner of the room, where sure enough, a heap of his old comics were laying in a pile, destroyed beyond repair.
"Oh Leo.... I am so sorry, I had completely forgotten about your comics that must be awful," Mikey sinks a little feeling bad for even having come into the room now "sorry for bringing it up."
"W-what Mike's it's fine it doesn't even matter! I'm not upset really!" Leo looks midly shocked and a little guilty, which is stupid because Mikey brought it up.
He chucks the tablet to the side nonchalantly, rolling his eyes "Its fine! I don't even really read comics that much anymore ya know??" he smiles nervously.
Yeah, because you don't have any, is what Mikey wants to say, but he very patiently keeps his mouth shut.
Mikey knows he's lying, he can see it, he's far more perceptive than his brothers are. He can see the way Leo's eyes get a little bit shinier,the way his brow creases and he avoids Mikey's eye contact like it's the plague.
And the box turtle's heart sinks.
It's not okay, *it's not*, all of his old comics that are still intact enough to keep, but not enough to read, are piled up in the corner, a constant reminder of lost childhood.
It makes *Mikey* want to cry looking at it, he can't imagine what it must feel like for Leo to look at it every night.
Mikey doesn't push Leo on the subject, they end up going to play animal crossing with Dee instead but it doesn't leave Mikey's head for an instant, bugging him like and itch at the back of his skill that he can't itch.
He's going to find a way to fix this, even if he has to walk across a mile of broken glass to do so.
Mikey doesn't sleep that night, even if his body is exhausted, (even months later his body still feels drained from opening that portal).
He probably shouldn't be awake, they did all agree on set sleeping times, or at least lying-down-and-trying-to sleep-times the name was a work in progress.
And he might be a little hypocritical for not following that since it was his idea-But! In his defense, he was on an important mission! So it was like totally 100% fine.
He was trying to find copies of jupiter Jim comics for Leo, because he was obviously sad about it, even though he wouldn't admit it. And Mikey was *officially*, the worst little brother in the entire whole wide universe, if he'd didn't *try* and do somthing about it.
So that's what he was doing obviously.
Leo was the bravest person he knew. He had been through hell and back for his family, and even the world, for people he didn't know.
He was an incredible big brother, and leader, and Mikey decided this was his way to give back just a fraction of that kindness in return.
Then again.... the universe seemed pretty against him right now, blessing him with the lack of any physical copies, of any kind of jj comics, on the entire internet.
Mikey spent the whole night, scouring the internet, and using every website he could think of to find them, but alas, not a trace. Dammit, why couldn't dad have found really well known dvds and comics thrown away in the sewers for Leo's and Donnie's birthday? This situation would have been so much easier.
Maybe like Harry Potter, or something, he wonders how much different their life would be if that ever happened, maybe Dee would've believed in magic sooner. (he makes himself snort with that one).
It takes him 5 hours before he finally stops and decides to throw in the towel, he's going to have to quit, there isn't anything anywhere. Which just sucks, because Mikey hates losing, and hates giving up on anything even more, but he closes the laptop down anyway with a sigh, and shuffles down into a more comfortable position.
He glances at the clock across the room, and eughh boyyy.... Well it's 7 o'clock, so he's going to have to get up in 10 minutes to make breakfast.
He stayed awake all night.
Stupid vintage comics he thinks darkly.
He'll have to go up topside to try and find some in a comic book shop tommorow he thinks as he finally let's his exhaustion give in and closes his eyes.
"UGHHHHHHHH," Mikey groaned loudly, dropping the comics in his now 5 fingered hands. His loud outburst garnering several odd looks from the staff and other shoppers in the store.
"April they have to be somwhere right??"
Casey and April both glanced at eachother, and then over at him sympathetically.
"Look Mikey..." April starts, before CJ pipes up next to her, having resumed flicking through the comics.
"Mikey, we have been to almost every comic shop in new York, big and small i mean this as politghtly as possible, I don't think we can get Leo's comics back." he looks at Mikey softly, "I'm sure he would appreciate the effort though."
He couldn't help but diflate at that, he's failed *again*, he's failed Leo....
April walked around the box, and pulled him into a hug that he happily buried himself into, and Casey, in a rare show of public affection, joins aswell.
But when he finally pulls apart and swipes an orange sleeve over his eyes, he suddenly gets a plan so cool, so ultimately awsome and incredibly smart that even *Leo* would be jealous.
"Okay, guys, I think i know what i need to do," he looked up at April and gave her the most mischievous grin he could offer "I think we're gonna need to take a trip to the art store."
"ohhohohohono what does that look mean?? What are you up to?" she squinted at him hands planted on hips
"hush now april," Casey places a hand on her shoulder, and the other on his heart "that look can only mean great things," he grinned "so Mikes where we heading?"
Leo hopped across the platform over to Mike's train cart, his leg was acting up today much to his own dismay, not so bad to tell anyone though.... Just bad enough that walking was a little inconvenient, he probably didn't need any meds to be honest, he should be fine.
He gets to the door of the train cart and slams it to the side as hard as he can, (payback for the other day) it bangs when it hits the frame.
"Ohhhhhh Miguelllll!!!"
He gets sight of Mikey staring at his tablet, (it's almost a mirror of April without her glasses Leo thinks with a smile) before he slams his sketchbook closed, and shoves everything within arms reach off his desk, Leo has already been there a few seconds watching this unfold.
Okayyyy....That was....Odd...
"ohhhhhh hey Leoooo...," Mikey smiled nervously, hands tapping against his plastron. It's a stim he's had since was a tot, "so ummmm what are you doing in my room?"
"nothinnnnng.... So what were you drawing?" he glanced down at the sketchbook that had been shoved on the floor, still open, he could only make out the faint sketches of boxes and nothing else, before Mikey slammed it shut and held it to his chest.
"N-nothing," his little brothers face doesn't look caught anymore, it looks worried now, and that face twists somthing in Leo's stomach.
"wait, shit, Mikey have your hands been acting up again??" oh fuck oh no "Mikes we talked about this, if they start hurting you have to tell somone even if you don't think it feels that bad."
He feels a switch go off on his brain the second he thinks Mikey is hurt and everything else goes out the back window.
His little brother has a tendency to fix things, not in the way that Donnie does, with his intellect and his smarts, with nuts and bolts and tech and limitless knowledge.
Mikey fixes sadness, and hurt, he comforts and loves with a single minded focus that leaves anyone in its wake absolutely astonished at how plentiful and sincere it is.
No matter who it is, where it is, or when it is, if it's broken he'll fix it.
But he will *always* leave himself behind.
Its not intentional, he doesn't mean to, he'd take care of himself if he realized. But once Mikey has his mind made up? Its done. He'll get it done no matter what, leaving him to forget about himself.
He's lucky enough to have a family that recognises it, and help before it gets to bad.
"What no my hands are fine Leo seriously!"
"yeah Mikey, maybe so, but I'm still gonna take a look now put 'em out ."
Mikey doesn't retaliate, just takes his wraps off exasperatedly and lays his hands out for Leo to see.
He doesn't react when Leo softly presses down on the scars, and bends his finger and elbow joints gently so they probably weren't hurting.... And the shakes are small and unnoticeable unless you look hard.
So Mikey is fine.
Then why was he so jumpy before???
"hows your leg doing Leo?"
Leo's head snaps up to meet Mikey's gaze, feeling to shocked by sudden line of questioning to actually answer immediately.
"o-oh uhm my leg is fine Mikey, thanks for asking."
He feels the tension drain out of him now that he's sure Mikey isn't hurt, he looks fine, if a bit panicky, and Leo is starting to wonder what kind of secret he's hiding in his sketchbook. The blackmail opportunities could be unreal....
He's *definitely* trying to cover something up, now Leo *can* just outright say that he knows that, but watching Mikey try, and fail, to lie about it, would be waaaaay funnier.
"OH really.....?" Leo stares him dead in the face even though its not being returned at all "so if your hands aren't hurting, why won't you show me your art? what kind of things were you drawing exactly..?"
Mikey squeaks, and his face dips into his shell a little before popping out again fully, to yell "U-UH ITS TUPER SOP SECRET!!!"
Damn, Dontron probably heard that from his maximum security sound proofed lab, *and* with full volume music blasting through his headphones.
"awww come on, please tell me, please please please please!!" he clasps his hands together and makes what he hopes are decent puppy dog eyes.
His little brother doesn't answer him, instead he sinks down further in his shell.
"Mmmmmnnno, and you still haven't told me why you were in here either?"
Its probably the most awful attempt Leo has ever seen at changing the subject, but he takes pity on his brother and decides to go along with it anyway.
"Nothing really I was just bored and wanted to see if you wanted to come and play Mario kart with me?" he grins "you do owe me for the entertainment I provided you with the other day."
The box turtle visibly perks up at this face now fully visible.
"omigosh!! yes! absolutely! I would love to!!" he threw hi sketchbook behind him, and hopped off his chair "lead the way Leon!!"
Leo couldnt help the laugh that sputtered out of him. How Mikey could go from dying of fear, to sunshine and smiles in such a short time was beyond him.
"yeah yeah alright, would you mind giving me a hand though? my leg is kinda sore today."
Mikey swings round and looks at him accusingly "I thought you said it was fine??"
Oh shit yeah.
"Y-yeah it is!! its just a little sore, promise, now come on give me a hand you goof."
Mikey rolls his eyes, but can't help the grin that over takes his face and agreeably lends Leo his shoulder.
He won't bother Mike about whatever he's hiding, Leo may be crazy curious, but he knows that if Mikey does anything to dumb or to stupid, he's got him to rely on and go to when he's in need of help, so Leo feels comfortable in letting him hide whatever it is he's hiding, plus he thinks he'd know if it was somthing bad.
It was roughly around 3am, and the little sleep Leo got these days was unfortunately interrupted yet again with another nightmare, another dream about the Kraang again, but this time it was concentrated on *Mikey*.
His mind kept playing a loop of the exact moment when Mikey left-when he was gone, gone gone gone gone gone, went cold in Leos arms and, and-Leo woke up. Drenched in his own sweat, hot and frozen at the same time, still stuck in the position he fell asleep in. Unable to move, it took him an eternity before his *useless* muscles finally dragged themselves upright and out of his bed.
He was sprinting towards Mikey's dimly lit glittery train cart before he even realized he was doing it. Chest heaving, and the ache in his leg only second hand awareness at best.
Warm orange light was pouring out of the cart, and the smell of that citrus diffuser his baby brother always insisted on using was so subtle, but so overwhelmingly comforting, that it sort of makes Leo want to cry.
The lights being on must me he's awake then, and Leo thanks pizza supreme in the sky, because waking up his brothers from the little sleep they got nowadays felt awful. And doing it to Mikey always felt the worst, because that was his little brother he was waking up, and for his own stupid needs too.
Stupid. stupid. stupid. Stupid.
He slides open the door as quietly as he can,his eyes taking a minute to adjust.
Mikey is passed out on the floor, pens pencils, headphones and other art supplies scattered around him and it makes his heart momentarily jump into his throat seeing he's not awake-not alive *not moving*. He snaps out of the spiral quickly though and realizes he needs to calm down right now or he's gonna pass out.
Having a panic attack in his little brothers room is not the most optimal place to do so, so the slider takes a minute to compose his frenzied nerves realizing how worse it's gotten since he woke up. So sitting next to his *sleeping* brother, he breathes in and out in slow even breathes, in the way they all learnt to, it was almost muscle memory by now.
Ha, if only it was that easy to actually calm down.
Leo stands up joints creaking and leg whining in the protest, oh right, he ran here, that's gonna hurt like a bitch tommorow he just knows it.
Picking Mikey up is usually no problem, hes small and lightweight compared to his brothers, but with his shaking arms and tired body, (that's currently down a leg) the task is almost monumental, and he feels out of breathe by the time he's dumped the box turtle into his hammock.
He can still hear soft music playing from Mikey's headphones and he picks them up and listens to it. His mind is still groggy from all the running and panicking, so it takes a second to realize whats playing.
Oh! It's Mr sunshine! Ha, he's so good.
Oh, wait. it's Mr sunshine. maybe they should talk about that later...
He turns the headphones off and puts it on his desk along with his pens, pencils, rubbers, rulers-who needs four rulers?? Where did he even get this all from?who needs this many art supplies and aren't half of these markers dried out anyway??
He can't even be bothered to ask right now, he unceremoniously dumps all of it back on the desk without further question, he picks up Mikey's phone, hoping that he was just listening to music and not staring at that it, would be awful for his eyes. But when he picks it up however he's not greeted with music, but a comic book. And not just any comic book, he notices belatedly,but his favourite.
Jupiter Jim and the eight giant dragons of evil why would he be reading that?
Leo blinks a few times, a bit confused to say the least, before he finally glances down at the sketchbook in his hands.
And sees and exact replica of the page but in pencil.
And then it clicks. everything clicks.
holy shit, Mikey is trying to recreate his favourite comic book. But there's no way??
Now Leo doesn't know much about art, he half listens to info dumps about trashy a.i art, and the hatred that Mikey has for wearing gas masks (against solid protests from himself, Raph and Donnie to do so otherwise
But Leo knows that making a comic book is *hard*, harder and more time consuming that it has any right to be, even for a good artist like Mikey-and he would know! He tried making his own when he was like 12 only to get frustrated an angry 2 minutes in, and quit (he hasn't tried since).
And secondly, how did he even realize he had wanted the real version of a comic anyway? He hadn't *asked* for one, hadn't hinted at wanting it. He swore Mikey was actually a fucking mind reader sometimes, maybe this was just another "mystic warrior thing" he doesn't get.
And then, the sudden, very violent urge to cry swamps him. Even if Mikey never finishes this project never gives it to him, he still *wanted* to.
The fact is, that Mikey, with injured arms, and a hundred other more intersting and wonderful projects more worth his time, is going to attempt to make a comic for *him* and it sort of makes Leo want to cry. It *does* make him cry.
He holds the sketchbook close to his plastron and let's the tears slip down his face. He doenst know what he'd do without his family, without Mikey, he doesn't know what he's Done to deserve the endless patience and comfort that his brothers provide.
He leaves after a minute or two, when the tears on his face stop flowing, leaving sticky trails down his face, and his breathing is no longer raggid from the crying. He leaves the sketchbook and phone where they are, closed and turned off.
Hopefully Mikey will think it was another brother that came in and fixed this all up for him. Or maybe he'll simply belive he cleaned up and put himself to bed and just doesn't remember.
"goodnight little brother, get a good rest."
_____~roughly 2 weeks later~________
Mikey took a deep breathe in, and a deep breathe out. His head was starting to ache from lying it down on his desk for so long, he had decided to take a short break from drawing Leo's comic a while ago, much to his disdain. Although he can't say specifically, since everything in his head feels like molasses, and he's to busy concentrating on the never ending pain in his hands to think about it for to long.
It feels almost nauseating. His body thrumming uncomfortable, the itchy, fiery energy getting stronger, hands shaking more fiercely until it reaches its peak, and his while body seizes up and let's go.
(Its his own fault, this doesn't happen unless he pushes himself to hard. Apparently 6 hours straight of art is not good for you.
He *wants* to pick his head up, he *wants* to carry on drawing, he *wants* to be able to do this for Leo, but he just *can't*. He's useless, his own body is betraying itself, consuming itself in and endless mystic well of power that it itself created, and Mikey can't do anything but sit here and whimper in the dark.
He feels pathetic, he doesn't even know how long it will last. The longest period was 6 hours, which is the closest to living hell he's ever been, beside watching Leo throw himself into the prison dimention, followed closely in second by opening the actual portal itself.
He can't even move enough to grab his phone and call his brothers, he can't scream or talk. So he sits there, and cries and sobs and hiccups openly, and loudly, praying that *someone* will hear him. Thankfully but no sooner than he had started crying, had the small sliver of light coming through his door begun to get bigger, and his train cart door began to open.
".... Angelo?."
It was donnie.
*Thank god.*
His voice was still failing him, unable to speak but overwhelmed with the desire to say *something*, he just cried harder.
"woah woah woah! Okay okay Angelo I'm right here okay? Your safe, your fine." he crouched down by the desk so he was closer to Mikey's face "I'm... I'm gonna pick you up now okay Angleo? If I end up hurting you in any way just uh chirp okay?"
Donnie put an arm underneath his legs and shell, and lifted him up into a bridal carry, pausing slightly to listen for the sound of Mikey's distressed chirp, before continuing forward towards his door. Mikey slumps and closes his eyes, pressing his warm face into Donnie's cool arm. He let's out a sigh of content, no longer cramped from being stuck in a stiff and awkward position, for who knows how long.
Donnie sighs,in that long suffering kind of way he always does when his family has done something stupid, but Mikey doesn't bother to open his eyes to see what face he makes.
Mikey thinks he must have fallen asleep at some point, because when he's next aware, he's being handed off to a very worried looking Raph.
"hey big man sorry to wake you up, you can carry on cuddling with Dee in a minute he just needs to do somthing okay?" Raph is smiling down at him and holds him just a little tighter.
Mikey nods, and rubs his eyes turning his head so he can look at the scene in front of him, (his hands barely even hurt anymore, maybe they rubbed that special cream that Draxum made on them) they're in the TV room now, illuminated by the projection screen paused hlaf way through on one of Leo's favourite movies, him and Donnie are placing various pillows and blankets on the floor.
Leo is whispering something to his twin in a frantic, worried, hushed tone that Mikey is to tired to parse right now.
But Donnie looks at Mikey for a fraction of a second, before rolling his eyes affectionately and placing down the last of the pillows, (they were probably talking about him, he hopes he isn't barred from making breakfast tommorow though, he wanted to make omelettes) huffing, when Raph unceremoniously flops down on top of them shell first, Mikey still being held against his plastron. Raph opens up his arms and Leo snuggles right up beside him, whilst Donnie snuggles into Raph's other side.
Mikey can feel himself start to drift off into comfortable sleep again, when he feels a familiar finger rudely poke him in the face. He opens his eyes just barely to see a familiar blue mask and worried brown eyes peering back at him.
"sorry mi hermano this'll be quick, I promise, what were you doing that caused your arms to flare up so badly?"
Mikey feels annoyed that he's being kept up for this but sighs and concedes "mmmmm I was drawing for a really long time.... and i didn't take any breaks..." he mumbles, shutting his eyes again, falling faster into darkness this time.
"oh....." Leo sighs softly "your to nice for you own good little brother..." Mikey barely even registers his brother's voice anymore, to busy falling asleep to even notice it.
Mikey grins and closes the comic book, he holds it out in front of him looking at all his hard work.
Its done. It's finally done. It took him a month of non stop drawing almost every day to do it.
But he did it.
He puts the Comic down, just to spin around his room and kick his legs, orange flecks of mystic trailing behind his flapping arms.
"Oh Leoooooooo~," he sang, sliding into the living room hiding the comic behind his back, and directly away from the view of his older brother "guess what."
"I said guess."
"....Mikey are you being serious right now?"
Leo threw his head back and sighed "you know I may sound like Donnie right now, but there are an infinite amount of things to guess from so you may have to give me a hint."
"okay! So I got you gift, buuuuuut you have to guess what it is."
Leo's back straightens and he stares at Mikey with much more exitement "wait are you being serious? You got me a gift?"
"Yeah haha I did, would you like me to just give it to you?" he feels nervous now, he's not really sure he's ready for this, but is going to do it anyway against his own better judgement.
"Uhm yes obviously?? Now gimme" Leo puts out his hands and makes a grabbing motion like an impatient child awaiting to be given something, it's clearly to lighten up the situations which Mikey is making weird with his nervousness.
"Pftttt okay okay here take it."
He walks over to Leo and passes him the comic praying that he likes it, Mikey does, he's so proud, but that means nothing if Leo doesnt like it.
Leo takes the comic and looks closer, his eyes widen when he realizes what it is he's holding, "oh my god Mikey did you *make* this?".
"mhm! I noticed you didn't have any physical copies of your comics and they can't be bought like anywhere, online or off, so I decided to make you one!"
Leo's hands tremble as he deftly turns each page oddly quiet.
Mikey watches as his face morphs into something warm and touched, his smile big and eyes watery-
Wait what?!?
A big fat tear slips down Leo's face without a hand coming to wipe it away and Mikey stands there stunned.
He's watched Leo cry many MANY MANY times, whether it be due to a scraped knee, or a broken scateboard when they were little or due to nightmares over the Kraang, Mikey's seen it all. Him and Leo have always cried the most. But he's never seen Leo cry over something as simple and as meaningless as a comic book before.
"Mikes, did you *make* this for me?" his voice wobbles as he speaks, a disbelieving smile still stretched across his face, still holding the book and flipping through its pages slowly and carefully, scanning each page like he hadn't read them all a million times before, like they were something new, something precious.
Mikey feels slightly vulnerable and embarrassed when Leo looks up at him, remembering that there are definitley some really awfully drawn pages in there, nights where his hands wouldn't stop shaking, or the pose was just to difficult and seeing him cry over it is a bit worrying.
Mikey looks at the corner of the room, man he should really do some dusting, "um, yeah, sorry by the way, some of them are really badly drawn, a-and i know you've already read it a million times so it's really not that goo-"
Leo cuts him off by grabbing the strap around his shell and pulling him down onto the been bag into a 10/10, ultimate crushing big brother hug.
Mikey doesn't fight it these hugs are the *best* hugs.
"mikey- i cant-*holy fuck*, this is like, the nicest and most thoughtful gift i have *ever* been given the fact you even noticed I missed my comics makes me want to hide in my shell and cry so hard my tear ducts will explode, don't you *ever* apologise ok?"
Mikey felt HIMSELF tear up.
Your artwork is incredible and so so beautiful, Leo sniffs and Mikey feels so happy, (he's pretty sure his arms are glowing, not that he can see from where his snout is buried in Leo's shoulder) "i can't believe you put in the effort even with your hands to make a whole comic book just to make me feel better, that must have taken forever."
"I'm-im-yeah, I'm so glad you it Leo."
They stay like that for far to long, sitting on a bean bag that is way to small to fit them both, laughing and chatting and crying whilst look through the comic.
It's not his old comic book, with ink smudged and faded colours, with nights spent rereading and loving. cherished, on its spot on the shelf, with worn edges and a broken spine. It's not the gift he was given when he was 9, a start of a long love for the franchise, and hours in the further of areas of the sewers to find more of them.
It's not any of that but it's something *more*.
Becasue it's *Mickey*.
It's his little brothers drawing, its long nights spent caring about him, and hope to make him just a tiny bit happier.
It's work, and shaking arms and passion. It's family and love and warmth, it's sleepless nights and something handcrafted, and Leo can see it etched into every line of the page. It's not old like it used to be, it's something wonderful, and something new, it's a gift, and every single line is different now because the adoration Mikey has for all of his brothers is radiating out of them.
Each mistake on the page is another mark of Mikey, another mark of his gift and it's meaning.
He can't ever get back what he's lost, he'll never be the same as he was, but he thinks now, whilst looking at the pages softly, this is maybe just a little bit better, just a little but more exciting and new.
Mikey will never know what this means to Leo, because to him, this is just another "small" act of kindness the same as he'd do for anyone.
And although Leo would never admit it, it makes everything he's been through just a little more smaller, and a little less scary, because if something this good can happen out of somthing so miserable? then maybe the future won't be so awful after all, and maybe it never was, his brothers will always be there for him, and he can't believe he ever doubted them in the first place.
Please remember the idea for this fic was written by turtleblogatlast
And here's the the original little script they wrote!!! Read original script
Goooooood hahaha so uhm I hope you like it!! (Also sorry this became a little more Mikey centric than it was supposed to be I am a Mikey kinnie and tend to make everything about him😭)
I absolutely love your writing and the things you do so just think of this as a thankyou gift for being so cool!
I wanted to sprinkle more of your headcannon in haha but I didn't know where to start or when I could mention them sorry:(
Also apologies for all my head cannons I could help myself
"I will make this fic purely for someone else and won't add my own headcannons!......... F*ck."
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howlingday · 3 months
Do you think Salem has hobbies if she does what kind of hobbies would she have? What would her inner circles hobbies be?
Let's see... Going for jokes and whatnot, let's see what kind of hobbies Salem and her inner circle probably has.
Salem is literally making Grimm all the time in her black pool. That said, I could see her also being really into cooking and might even watch cooking shows and cooking along with them. She then has her Grimm dispose of what's left of the meals when the inner circle is done eating.
Up next, we have Cinder, who is constantly plotting and scheming of way to become more powerful. It's kinda hard for me to say what she likes to do since most of what she does is all in the interest of serving the purpose of a later goal. That said, I'm having trouble thinking of anything since most of it would be more what she considers a waste of time... except gardening. She has her own personal garden that she plants seeds for and waters until they grow into beautiful flowers or food-stuffs for Salem to cook with. It may also better solidify her ties with Salem.
Tyrian is Salem's oldest and most faithful servant, serving as her tracker and hunter for the Maidens and the relics. Since murder isn't considering a viable hobby, part of me wants to say hunting, though I can't really see Tyrian as a hunting guy. Not with long range methods, anyways. Now fishing is a different story. I could see him dipping his tail into the water, using it was a hook until he yanks up the hapless fish. He also provides Salem with her cooking supplies. Am I just making up a Salem cooking AU? Who know.
Watts is Salem's tech guy, and he is very good at hacking and other computer-based things. Aside from that, I could also see him into other intellectually-driven pursuits. Not chess because chess is too important to the story of RWBY. No, I'm thinking more like crossword puzzles and sudokus. His morning paper is all he needs to have a good time. And if he screws up, he can just erase it because he's not an idiot who fills out the crossword in pen! YOU HAVE PENCILS! USE THEM! ...Wait, what were we talking about?
Hazel. Oh, Hazel, how sad it was to see you go after coming so far. Judging by his size, you'd think he'd be big into weight-lifting and some kind of martial-arts routine, but I think he instead picks up where his sister probably left off with her hobby. I'm thinking things like books or movies or maybe even like tiny horse figurines. Stuff you wouldn't normally associate with an eight-foot-tall brickhouse with an immunity to pain and an unquenchable desire for hate.
Let's see, who else is in Salem's Inner Circle? Looking at the Wiki, it's... Oh no. Ohoho my god... Evernight Castle? No, that's not what it's called, is it? Oh, it is! Oh my god, and it's located in "The Land of Darkness". Yeah, no, Hazel is definitely an MLP fan and he joined the villains to avenge his dead sister. Just... Oh my god... This cannot be real! Ugh... Anyway, who else is there?
Wait, who the hell is Vermillion Raddock? Oh, RWBY: Grimm Campaign. Yeah, one of these days I'll actually see it or hopefully play it, but good golly, will it be a while. Did they ever sell Grimm Campaign merchandise, or was it just a podcast that we had to be members of RT to watch? Oh well, questions for later.
Let's see... Tock... Unnamed female warrior... Oh, Mercury! I guess Emerald isn't a member, either, huh? Or even a member at all? Anyway...
Mercury is probably the easiest to figure out for me. Judging by how he's into sniffing boots and recording genocide, I'm gonna guess he's a blogger of some kind as a hobby. He's not in it for the money, just for the reactions he can get out of people. But then again, I may have a bias against the guy who recorded people being murdered with a smile on his face. Seriously, fuck this guy!
But I could be wrong on all accounts for these characters. What do you guys think?
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my-soupy-brain · 9 months
sometimes I start shivering when I’m feeling panicky/overwhelmed and ted would be soooo comforting??? thinking about him holding me to his bare chest so I can hear his heart, all snuggled up nicely in his warm embrace
I could use this. And I totally understand - that happens to me, too. He'd be so comforting. So patient. Let's goooo!
Relationship: Ted Lasso x reader
Warnings: Anxiety, all comfort
It was the end of the night, laying in bed when the anxiety hit.
Like usual, it was a freight train of dread.
Work was going to be busy tomorrow. Your schedule is jam packed with meetings. You've not been feeling the best, so oh no, are you getting sick now?! You have a charity event with Ted this weekend. You can't possibly be getting sick!
Did the bills get paid this week?
Down, down, down your thoughts go. Spiraling. Overwhelmed. Anxious. Panic.
You set your phone down and take a deep breath in and out, trying to steady yourself. Ted's nose-deep in a book.
Another deep breath.
When you open your eyes, Ted's deep hazel eyes are on you.
"What's the matter darlin'?"
You shake your head. "It's nothing, really. I didn't mean to disturb you."
Ted can see you're doing what you always do, trying to battle your anxiety on your own. You never leave him hanging, and refuses to do the same.
His long fingers find your hand and he holds it tight, tugging you toward him. "C'mere, sweetpea."
He drags you to his bare chest, letting your ear rest over his heartbeat. Your body trembles with the weight of the panic settling in your bones.
His arms tighten around you, so warm and protective. You feel his lips grace a kiss on the top of your head, his one hand rubbing up and down your back.
"It's OK, darlin'. You're OK. You're safe," he murmurs with his husky voice and deep drawl. "You wanna tell me what's gotcha worked up?"
You take another deep breath, and he takes one with you. The rise and falls of his warm, masculine chest feels soothing to you. Another breath. Another beat.
"Work. Schedule. Did I pay the bills this week?"
Ted smiles. "We did pay the bills this week, they're all taken care of. Work is gonna be hard tomorrow, but you know what? If there are meetings you can avoid, let your team know you need a minute."
You nod against his chest, his hand still rubbing your back and his other hand holding yours.
"I think I'm getting sick. I don't want to be sick for this weekend!"
He tries to avoid a chuckle, knowing you're worrying in advance.
"Well honeybunch, if you are, then we stay home. It's OK. It's not the last charity event we'll attend," he says softly, kissing your head again.
"I don't wanna make you..."
He stops you. "If you go, I go. If you don't go, I don't go. It's real simple. I'd rather be home takin' care of you than in a three-piece itchy suit for four hours."
You smile and giggle a little.
"You're the coach, can't you go in sweatpants and a t-shirt?"
He smiles, hearing your voice calmer, less shaky.
"I 'spose I could do whatever I damn well please when you put it like that," he answers. "Maybe we can coordinate our sweatpants sometime."
You smile and look up at him, his eyes beaming at you and his lips curled in a smile under his mustache.
"There she is," he whispers.
You close your eyes and inhale deep, and Ted joins you. You exhale a count of four, and he joins you again. His chest rising under your cheek.
"Thank you, sweetheart," you whisper, looking up at him. He leans forward and kisses your lips gently, his arms squeezing around you.
"Don't thank me for lovin' ya. That's easy as pie," he whispers to your ear, kissing your cheek. "You feelin' better?"
You nod and smile, gazing into his eyes. "I am."
"You can go back to your book if you want, I'll be OK."
Ted shakes his head. "You kiddin'? I'd much rather snuggle up with this beauty in my arms than read any ol' book."
When he leans in to kiss your lips again, you know he's right.
Ted is such an ultimate comfort. All hugs and cuddles, all the time. Hope you're feeling better, friend. Thanks for this prompt!
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punsmaster69 · 7 months
"We're not getting ANYWHERE like this!"
"you look like you need a hand."
"I don't!"
"I REALLY don't!!"
"alphys, stop grabbing me."
"It's only fair."
"c'mon. we're not getting 𝘢𝘯𝘺𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 like this."
"Oh, shut UP!!"
i'm at undyne and alphys' place, playing co-op games.
(i'm really helpful, as you can tell.)
papyrus was playing with us, but he apparently made plans with flowey.
sorry, 'flowery'.
that's what paps calls him.
must be a nickname of sorts,
'cuz when paps is real serious, he'll say 'flowey'.
..which is to say, almost never.
that weed's got a big soft spot for papyrus.
and tori.
and despite the squabbles, i think he really cares about frisk, too.
"Let me-"
"I'm gonna make this jump by myself if it's the last thing I do!!"
"Y-you're losing all your lives.."
"I'm GONNA make it!"
she did not.
i'm already out myself, after undyne got pissed and threw me into a pit a few times.
now it's just alphys vs. the clock.
"GO, Alphy, GO!!"
i whispered, "(epic dub.)"
alphys slowly turned to me with a look of disgust.
"(You are... so cringe.)"
"(you're just jealous of my hip-ness. i'm totally epic.)"
"Yo, Sans."
"Wanna have one with us before you leave?"
undyne shook a cup noodle.
been a while since i had ramen for dinner, since paps usually cooks. stopped having them as often because they're not really substantial enough for me anymore.
oh, to go back to being a teen who could live off noodles forever.
sometime while we were eating, it really started coming down.
"When'd it start raining THIS hard?"
"You might have to stay here until it clears, Sans."
"if i pull my hood up i'll be fine getting home."
"Dude, no way we're letting you go out like that."
alphys squinted out the window.
"It's getting dark, too. You're not gonna be able to see a thing!"
they've got a point, but paps is gonna be worried.
"i am"
"did you get home before the rain?"
"looks like it might be all night."
"guess so"
"lemme ask"
"one pillow"
"but no sheets"
"good enough"
"how's it for you at tori's?"
"cup noodles"
he took a long time to respond.
"survived off the stuff before"
"if that was all i'd eaten"
"the cereal and coffee this morning"
"corn flakes are substantial"
"i'll lie"
"fuzzy vision+hands stuff"
"maybe i stared too hard at the screen or somethin"
"you still there?"
"what's going on?"
oh my god.
really papyrus, what the hell?
now you're worrying 𝘮𝘦.
he marched through that storm out there just to bring me home?
"Not even an umbrella..?"
"Like hell you are!!"
"you're soaked, paps..."
the weather eventually let up enough for us to borrow umbrellas and walk home.
i'm still worried about him, though. he sat in those cold, soaked clothes for a while.
says he feels fine...
but he's been trembling a little since he came in.
"paps, you are-"
"i'm only going if you do."
"goodnight, bro."
"throw on a couple more blankets tonight, ok? maybe put on a sweater."
he shivered.
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