#I can still play it fine its not like I only have One Gun Ever don't get me wrong but what the hell
magnuficentwo · 6 months
going from Doctor Ned's zombie island, a dlc that was so easy and repetitive beat it in a little over a day, to General Knoxx's secret armory was one of the biggest difficulty whiplashes I've ever experienced
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stardustprompts · 5 months
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vengeful  -  v.e. schwab  sentence starters change tenses/pronouns as needed !!  some lines have been edited for clarity / length / ease of roleplaying  tw :  death , violence , language , mental health
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‘what a fucking cliche.’
‘envy really doesn’t suit you.’
‘don’t you turn that knife on me unless you plan to use it…’
‘you should have let it go.’
‘you can’t just do that to me!’
‘you’ve been gone for hours.’
‘you never said I had to play fair.’
‘that’s a risk I’m willing to take.’
‘you look like a narc.’
‘it feels like dying.’
‘people have an idea of pain. they think they know what it is, how it feels, but that’s just an idea. it’s a very different thing when it becomes concrete.’
‘I did this. I did this to you.’
‘I am alive because of you.’
‘you think I’m playing god? fine, you play, (name). you decide, right now, who should live. us, or them?’
‘it’s a big world. you’re not the only one with talents.’
‘isn’t it silly to lie when we both know the truth?’
‘I think sometimes you make the easiest choice instead of the right one.’
‘make me the villain of that night, (name). wash you hands of any blame.’
‘a promise you can’t keep is just another lie.’
‘I don’t want you to save me. I want to save myself.’
‘I warned you when we met, I wasn’t a good person.’
‘killing me won’t bring her back either.’
‘think hard. we all have to live with our choices.’
‘the next time you point a gun at someone, make sure you’re ready to pull the trigger.’
‘we survived. that's what makes us so powerful.’
‘blood is always family, but family doesn’t always have to be blood.’
‘not all family is blood, right? sometimes we have to find a new one. sometimes we get lucky, and they find us.’
‘this isn’t a stupid game. it’s my life.’
‘are you used to getting what you want?’
‘hasn’t it occurred to you that I can protect myself?’
‘in this world, in my world, people get hurt. they die.’
‘people die in every world. I’m not going anywhere.’
‘you want to be more, (name)? prove it.’
‘they may think they’re kings but we’re the power behind the throne.’
‘i’m not a fucking coat, (name). you don’t get to check me at the door.’
‘where I go, you go. we’re in this together. step for step.’
‘did you always know that you had what it took to end a life?’
‘I thought it would be hard, but in that moment, nothing was easier.’
‘you were never one to dwell on the past. I loved that about you, the way things always just rolled off.’
‘every end is a new beginning.’
‘I underestimated you once. I don’t intend to do so again.’
‘the only difference between us is that you naively insist on preserving what I know should be destroyed.’
‘I played god once and it did not end well.’
‘oh no, it will never work between us.’
‘sorry, didn’t mean to interrupt, you just looked sad.’
‘while I admire how far you’ve come, the fact is, you’re tracking mud into my home.’
‘we can’t shape our past. only our future.’
‘don’t you ever wonder if it’s our fault?’
‘life is more than an equation. a person is more than the sum of their parts.’
‘normal is overrated.’
‘A\a magician doesn’t reveal his secrets.’
‘every power has its limits.’
‘we don’t decide who lives and who dies.’
‘now who’s letting their ideals cloud their judgement?’
‘how quickly we devolve. people become animals the moment they are caged.’
‘if you were superhuman, what would your power be?’
‘ignorance is only bliss if you want to get caught.’
‘i’m still here, still doing what I can, because I want to keep people safe.’
‘never underestimate a woman.’
‘I thought I could save him. I tried. but it didn’t work.’
‘power belongs to those who take it.’
‘sharks come swimming when you make a splash.’
‘that’s quite a talent you have there.’
‘I only hope you’re ready to do the right thing,’
‘you help me, and I’ll help you.’
‘everything’s got a limit. you should find yours.’
‘I don’t feel anything.’
‘oh, sorry, if you thought this was a girl’s-night-out kind of thing where we get drunk and bond, I’ll have to pass.’
‘why settle for one weapon when you can have an arsenal?’
‘the life I had is gone. there’s no getting it back.’
‘the life I had is gone. there’s no getting it back. i’d rather make a new one. a better one.’
‘I thought you were done with hiding.’
‘people can see an awful lot, and believe none of it.’
‘why sit around sulking when you could hurt the people who hurt you?’
‘let’s talk about revenge.’
‘there are limits. I can’t stop nature. can't change it’s course.’
‘whatever’s happened to you, however you’re hurt, you’ve done it to yourself.’
‘oh, I like to think I have a great deal of nerve.’
‘if you had a damn bit of sense you would have run.’
'knowledge may be power, but money buys both.’
‘sometimes subtlety is overrated.’
‘when people stay in the dark, it’s easier to make them disappear.’
‘I don’t want to survive, I want to thrive.’
‘what now? you gonna throw yourself a fucking party?’
‘if I didn’t know any better, I’d think you had something against me.’
‘if I wanted you dead, you would be.’
‘whatever you’ve heard, it’s probably true.’
‘is there anyone who doesn’t want to kill you?’
‘how many excuses will you find to vindicate your own stubbornness?’
‘careful is a calculated risk. and I’m very good at making those.’
‘the truth is, there will always be someone stronger than you.’
‘you do what you can. you fight, and you win, until you don’t.’
‘once upon a time, power was determined by linage—- the age of blood. then it was determined by money—- the age of gold. but I think it’s time for a new age. the age of power itself.’
‘let me guess, I’m either with you or against you?’
‘you always preferred being predator to prey.’
‘we just have to lie low until it’s over, and then—’
‘when this is over, you and I are going to have words.’
‘it appears that we are evenly matched.’
‘it always comes down to this, doesn’t it? to us.’
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ghostlykeyes · 7 months
Hi, love your writing! Could I perhaps get some headcanons of Hearsteel with a (GN) tattoo artist partner? I'm a tattoo artist (apprentice) myself, and very curious. Thanks! 💕
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HEARTSTEEL /TATTOO ARTIST READER ♡ Gender Neutral ♡ SFW ♡ No TW's ♡ I did Sett, Yone, and Kayn since they are the only HS members I'm writing for right now. ♡ Anon!! I would love to see some of your work sometime if you're comfortable sharing !! <3
Inspired by your art, Kayn buys a shitty tattoo gun off Amazon and messes around with it. He's not serious about tattooing, not really, but he thinks it's super cool that you do it. And, like anything he thinks is cool, he wants to try his own hand at it. (Plus, he wants to impress you. Oh, he may act like the picture of Rhaast he inked into the top-right edge of some practice skin is no big deal, but he actually spent like four hours on it and inside he's just screaming for you to compliment it.)
Protect your practice skin fiercely, because Kayn will absolutely nab some if he's bored. It's not uncommon to pull out a rubber sheet of practice skin and find scratchy sketches of demon masks and glowing eyes.
Kayn lets you tattoo him, as long as he gets to pick the design. He assures you he'll sit well, but it's a lie. He's a squirmy subject. Not because of the pain, mind you—he doesn't care about that. No, he's fidgety at the best of times, and with you so close to him, with you breath and your hands sending tingly heat across his skin? How is he supposed to keep still? Threatening you'll never kiss him again if he doesn't chill the fuck out might do the trick, though. Contemplating a life without good-morning kisses has him doing his damndest to sit still and let you do your work.
While Kayn likes all of your work, he's especially fond of the dark, the creepy, and the ultra-stylized. The more morbid drawings fit his bad-boy image, and the stylized ones? He respects innovation in all its forms, and he loves to see your artistic boldness so plainly expressed.
Kayn often sends you pictures of graffiti that he's proud of. In truth, he does it more for the property damage than artistic expression—but that's besides the point. He's picked up some skills along the way and of course he's going to use them to impress you.
If you ever, ever have a problem client, Kayn will explode in their face. Expect loud words, shoving, maybe a punch or two getting thrown. And if you don't want him exhibiting that kind of behavior in your shop? Well, fine, he can play nice. Just don't be surprised if you find out your little problem client finds themselves with "DUMB FUCKING CUNT" keyed into their car door. Kayn denies any and all knowledge of doing this. "Must've been Rhaast," he claims, but you're not so sure. Either way, it's a warning signal for your future clients to behave.
After you're sore from a long day shrimp-hunched over someone's leg, you don't even have to ask Sett for a massage. He already knows you're cramping up and he knows just how to make his fingers work. "Lay down," he tells you, and waits for you to get comfy before straddling your back. "Hold still, 'kay? I'm gonna take care of you, don't even worry 'bout it." His strong fingers gently rub at the knots winding up and down your spine, and he smooths the pain from your muscles. And this isn't some five-minutes-and-done back rub, either— he's committed to getting you right. Chat about your day, ask about his. He'll be up there for as long as you need.
Even if he's not interested in getting tattoos yet, Sett still loves your art, and he's willing to commit to something a little less permanent. Any time he's about to leave on tour and won't see you for a few weeks, he asks you to Sharpie a design on him. Whatever you want, wherever you want (just try not to abuse the privilege—he will never forgive you if you draw something embarrassing on his pecs the night before a huge show). He thinks it's sweet to have that little reminder of you etched on his skin. Sett will send you periodic updates of your sketch. If it's holding up well, expect to witness Sett twisting around awkwardly to show you in his daily post-gym selfie. When it's gone? He sends you a photo of blank skin, with a solemn text: "he's dead :(" . Don't worry about the untimely demise of this picture, though—you can draw him another as soon as he gets home!
Sett keeps some of his favorite flash designs of yours framed in his room.
It doesn't matter that he doesn't have any tattoos—if you or your shop sells t-shirts, Sett will wear them, and he'll do it proudly. He loves to represent you. All someone has to do is ask about it and it'll send him on a ten-minute (minimum) rant about his kickass tattoo artist partner, how talented and awesome they are. If you don't have a sleeveless option, though, don't be surprised if the sleeves "mysteriously" disappear.
Yone is interested in getting some traditional Japanese work done, but not for some time yet. Just know that whenever he's ready to ink up, if you're willing to tattoo in that style, you've got a client for at least a full sleeve, if not two. And when the day comes? Oh, Yone sits like a dream. He's the client from heaven, barely flinching and only taking breaks when you need a second to stretch. It's a bit difficult to convince him to put down his work, though, so be prepared to listen to Yone building some song beats with his free hand while you're buzzing along his other arm.
You both have rather demanding jobs and schedules, but Yone enjoys your quiet moments working together. He plugs away at his music while nearby, you finalize designs for clients and work on new flash pieces. Whenever he needs a break, he comes over and tenderly rubs your shoulders. Yone watches you work, occasionally breaking the silence to ask about certain design choices or what kind of client this tattoo is for. Watching you draw gives him a sense of peace.
Since he knows you work long hours, Yone always gets you a drink on his morning iced coffee run. He gets you lunch sometimes, too, if he knows you'll be spending the day in one long session and might not want to leave the shop. Yone knows what it's like to get lost in your work better than anyone, but he wants to make sure that even if you're in the zone, you've got something to drink and a bite to eat nearby. Now, if only you could get him to take care of himself the same way...
Dating Yone brings you a lot of new clients. Even though he left the mainstream music industry some time ago, he's still got friends within it. If anyone asks him for advice on where to go, of course he recommends you, which means you get your fair share of music artists coming to your chair. Of course, they always tip fabulously (they risk Yone's wrath if they don't).
Yone comes to you for advice on a lot of Heartsteel's artistic visuals. Their loud, messy, brash style meshes well with tattoo aesthetics, so he likes to run creative choices by you before implementing them. He also asks you to design some merchandise, if you're okay with doing that. Whatever you come up with, the guys absolutely love. Consider yourself the creative lead for all future merch endeavors.
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ellieluvr420 · 5 months
we meet again, darling ( detective Abby Anderson x criminal reader)
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Synopsis: Abby Anderson is a skilled detective that's never let a criminal escape her grasp, until you. You've infiltrated every part of her life and she still can't get you. As she grows more and more intrigued by you she finds herself descending further into darkness until there's no way back. She takes your hand and follows you as if your presence is the only thing giving her life knowing that you are the most dangerous thing for her. Her life will never be hers again and she will stop at nothing to keep following you down your path of corruption.
Abby Anderson, top of her class coming out of the police academy, one of the youngest officers to be made detective. She seemed unstoppable, one of a kind. There was no criminal that she couldn't catch, until you. You tormented her, took her life away, you're close to taking her job from her. Her obsession with you has completely derailed her life, she knows you exist and she's been tracking your every move for well over a year now but she can't seem to prove your existence to anyone that matters. There's been one too many instances of back up being called for seemingly nothing and insubordination in her quest to find you that she's found herself on probation.
"one more of these stunts detective and you are done. do you understand?" her captain glared at her as he spoke.
"yes sir, I understand." She looks defeated as she walks out of his office and goes back to her desk.
The problem is, once Abby set her mind to something, she couldn't stop, she'd let it kill her. That's why she found herself in a dark alleyway, gun pointed at you.
"Who are you?" she gritted
"oh honey, you know who I am" you smirk "You've been tracking my every movement for a year now" You wink as you see the look of realisation on her face as you walk closer and out of the shadows.
Abby scowled, unamused by your playful demeanour.
"What do you want?"
"Can't I just want to spend time with my number 1 fan? Abby Anderson, star detective, beaten time and time again by stealthy criminal. I watch you too babe." You can't help but grin as you play with her. "Although, its not like our story would ever make the headlines, no one that matters even knows I exist, do they detective?"
"Don't get too cocky, I've been close to arresting you multiple times now"
"hm key word: close, you've never actually caught me have you? Never even been able to get evidence to prove I'm real"
She winces as she realises the truth in your words, but she regains her standoffish demeanour.
"Not yet, but that's about to change." She takes a step forward. "You have a choice: you can either come with me and make a deal for your cooperation, or you can fight this and give me everything I need to see you rot in jail for the rest of your life."
"hmm I pick.. option 3." Before Abby can react, you lunge forward and knock the gun out of her hand and into yours. "See now I'm armed and you're not. Oh wait..." You reach under your dress and pull your gun from its holster around your thigh. "So that's me: two and you... zero" You smile sickly at her.
Abby feels her rage beginning to grow, every time she feels like she has the jump on you, you pull the rug out from underneath her. She's never met anyone that makes her feel so inferior. She rolls her eyes at your constant teasing.
"Fine, then have it your way." As she says this she lunges at you but is caught completely off guard when you shoot at her once, the bullet scraping her arm. She falls down to the ground clutching her arm and wincing. She looks at the blood seeping through her sleeve and then back at you, scowling. She lunges at you again but stops when she sees you aim the gun right between her eyes.
You laugh, almost giggle at her attempts. "Uh uh uh. That was a warning shot, try anything again and I’ll actually aim to kill you."
Abby slowly nodded and backed away just a step, she lets out a long shaky breath while gritting her teeth and clutching her arm. At the sight of her grimace, you tilt your head and adopt a faux sympathetic look.
"Aw are you in pain love? I'm so sorry, but... it's your fault honestly, haven't you learnt that you will never beat me?"
Abby hates your arrogance but she still found herself intrigued by you. You were like no one she had ever met. She clenched her teeth harder, trying not to react.
"You've barely won so far. You think a little shot to the arm will take me out? please."
"Hmmmm well you look pretty taken down right about now" You can't help but be amused at the sight of the 6"2 buff woman completely at your mercy. "You should really get that looked at, you don't look so good."
"Fuck. You."
"Sorry darling, gotta run, see you soon though." You turn and begin to walk away with both the guns still in your hands and just before you turn the corner out of the alleyway, you turn back to the blonde woman. "Oh Detective, as a sign of good faith..." You put the safety of her gun on and chuck it back to her, smile and disappear once again.
Abby watched you disappear just like every other time before and clenched her jaw. She dragged herself off the ground, fighting the dizziness she felt and grabbed her gun from where it landed. As she stormed back to her home she cursed herself for letting you get away once again. She vowed to herself that, even if its the last thing she does, she will bring you down.
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therobotmonster · 2 months
In honor of he who died and rose after three days in the grave and now grants life ever lasting to his followers I thought it only right I got into the spirit once. So Dracula, this one's for you:
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Just look at it.
You have what appears to be (and is) an accountant being menaced by boobalicious vampire women twice his size, so he's got Ethan Winters beaten to the punch by 34 years. But don't be fooled. One glance into his 30-yard stare and its obvious why only Mr. Weems can stop these sinister She-Vampires:
Weems is dead on the inside yet still living, where the she-vampires are animated from within with life, while dead.
He is their antithesis.
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So yeah, a pile of jank with a fun name crossed my path, and now you all have to hear about it. If you're not hitting 'J', you have no one to blame but yourself.
Released on a scad of systems, but mostly the ZX Spectrum and the C64, The Astonishing Adventures of Mr. Weems & the She-Vampires is a sort of 'Gauntroidvania'. It's also trying to push the limits of how titillating a pre-NES era game could be, though the C64 port's interface missed that memo.
The hacked c64 version was the one I played, but giantbomb had a lot of gifs from the ZX verison that I've upscaled for demonstration purposes.
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The only bit of story is from the back package. Weems wants to feel something, so he's decided to take on the Great She-Vampire or die in her buxom grasp. Fair.
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This game is not recommended for people with epilepsy, dignity, or in general.
Mr. Weems has a garlic gun to defend his ever-dropping blood supply (vampire hunter is an odd professon with anemia) and destroy the baddies...
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All three of them, which are all introduced on the first screen!
You've got bats, they pop out of pots and attack you.
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The manual says these guys are Frankenstein's' monsters, but they're clearly the giant from Twin Peaks trying to warn you that you've bought a dud.
On the C64, the lesser she-vampires are clearly based on Dracula's brides, whereas on the ZX, they're more like ghosts with big naturals.
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Which means that to get both kinds of vampire babe from the secondary cover, you'd have to buy a cassette for your c64, and and for your ZX. And I don't mean a cartridge, I mean a, Cassette tape.
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If you manage to stalk your way all the way to the end and find the gear you need to destroy her, the Great She-Vampire awaits:
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There's no boss fight, but there is a 1 pixel nip, at least on the ZX spectrum.
From there you book it back the way you came, only every screen now has a she-vampire chasing you in a murderous rage. Make it out, and you win. Or maybe you didn't, because just like the Dungeon of Fear and Hunger, you can never really escape Mr. Weems & the She-Vampires.
Only Weems increases the immersion by truamatizing you, the player. Mr. Weems is fine. You don't have to worry about the Weems.
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Is it a good game?
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Not remotely, but that isn't the point in the slightest.
It's temping to say this is the Incredibly Strange Creatures Who Stopped Living and Became Mixed-Up Zombies of video games, but that's not quite right. Weems has promise and ISCWSLaBMUZ doesn't make promises. It issues threats.
Mr. Weems has the charm of a concept that's all potential and zero execution. A dead-eyed accountant gunning his way in a Gauntlet-esq blitz through a vampire-babe infested castle is a fun idea, more-so with all the secret passages and 'gather items and backtrack to the boss' aspect. It's just everything else that goes wrong.
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I mean, who doesn't want to hunt the Great She-Vampire to her penthouse for a good staking, I ask you?
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rottenblur · 10 months
My modern Romeo |J.MILLER| part two.
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Summary: The one year anniversary of meeting joel is your favourite memory, almost getting caught, him confessing his love. Your first kiss with him, only if a year of desire could be cured with just one kiss..
Warnings: fluff, you and joel playing truth or dare like cmon fluffiest shit ever, alcohol you and joel, kissing, making out, grinding on joel???? Semi smut. Joel says a naughty thing y’all. Almost getting caught
It’s one whole year since you met the grumpy old man that lights up your Friday without fail, looking at your watch it reads 2:20am. On your last trade you and joel both decided to meet before four, as every time it ends up dawn before either of you want to go back.
It’s starting to get risky, not that Joel wasn’t trusted to be out till daylight. It’s the fact suspicions of what he was doing out that long, started to rise.
You on the other hand, you weren’t aloud to be out at night, upon request of your parents. Anyone on watch was told to snitch on you, if they saw you out past 8pm.
A whole adult and you were still being treated like you couldn’t fend for yourself.
You take off your grey shorts, slip on your tight black jeans and take a peek in the mirror.
You catch your gaze falling on how your ass looks. God the fuck is wrong with me. Never once have you caught him looking at you in that way, yet you still want him to.
Taking off your loose hoodie to reveal a tight tank top, the heat giving you an excuse to show more skin, you pull on a tight crew neck sweater. Maybe a little too small for you, the bottom of your tank top showing when you lift your arms.
You always dressed up for joel, wanting him to think you were put together. Even though he always showed up in the same worn out blue jeans, he probably had a closet full of them.
You thought about what he might be doing, is he reading one of the many books you had given him, talking with family? Did he have family, you’ll have to remind yourself to ask.
Was he getting ready thinking about what you would think? Probably not, he had confidence. Alot more than you could ever dream of having.
Three am hits, you put on your holster, slipping your gun into it and taking one last glance into the mirror. Okay, you look fine, he probably doesn’t care anyways.
Walking to the meeting spot, a field surrounded by large rocks about a twenty five commute for the both of you. Your heart is in your throat, it always was when you walked to see Joel.
He had an affect on you. Scared of him not showing up, or him actually showing up just share some news that, its getting to risky, he has to stop seeing you.
Your feet hit the familiar grass, it’s worn down into a path from the common commute. You can see a figure sitting in the grass, wearing that same god damn tan jacket. You never got tired of seeing it, seeing him.
A smile that refuses to give rises to your face. “A bit too warm for a jacket don’t you think? Do you have another jacket, poor thing gets too much use.”
He turns his head and a smirk comes to his face, you sit down next to him. “Ya trying to get me outta my clothes? Actually I do you smartass, I just like it.”
Yes. Yes you were trying to get him out of his clothes, even in this god damn felid. You could never say that though.
“So, i know you said we weren’t trading today, but you said something about a walkman last time. I couldn’t forget that, as im incredibly jealous, i got you something.” You pick a cassette out of your pocket and hold it out to him.
He smiles and takes it out of your hand, reading the worn lettering. “Radio head? I actually brought something too..”
You look at him. “What is it?”
He opens his bag and pulls out a bottle of whiskey.
Oh fuck. This, drunk you, is definitely gonna ruin this friendship.
“You ever try this kind before? It’s okay, found it on a supply run. Wanted to save it for a special occasion.” He holds up the bottle for you to see.
He remembered. He remembered!
He opens the bottle takes a swig effortlessly downing it. “To the anniversary of you almost shooting me” He laughs at his own joke, then passes you the bottle.
“Oh fuck you.” You shove him, then take a gulp, coughing as it burns down your throat. He tries to hold a laugh in.
“First time?”
You clear your throat and try to play it cool. “Just been a while”
He shakes his head and takes the bottle back. “No point in lyin’ darlin’. Gonna be a long night, you’re not leaving without getting shitfaced.”
Thirty minutes has passed of you and him passing the bottle back in forth, you’re clearly way more gone than he is, you’re already saying your every last thought.
“You know, i never really got a proper teenage experience like in books.” Taking a sip out of half gone bottle.
“Well I can’t exactly say i know the teenage girl experience, but books are kinda over dramatic.” He looks at you with glossy eyes, maybe he was drunker than you thought.
“Like truth or dare. Never played it before, not alot of kids in the group.” You huff and pass him the bottle.
He laughs, pinching his nose bridge. “I’ll play with ya sweetie.” Tliting his head.
Was he flirting? Was joel fucking miller flirting with me.
“Truth or dare?”
He smiles at the stupid childish game he was playing. “Truth”
You let out a “hmm” then come up with a question. “Do you have family?”
He lets out a groan, takes a sip then passes you the bottle. “I do. A brother, back at jackson, tommy he’s younger.”
A brother, you wondered what their relationship was before the apocalypse. If they got along growing up, if they got along to this day.
You take a swig, slowly growing to the strong burn, a blush spreading to your cheeks.
You two go back and forth for another twenty minutes, the liquor disappearing till the last shot is left, all yours he says.
Its his turn to ask you a question. You’re not sure if you could give him a straight answer, nor talk without giggling. Everything was slowed, the gust of wind didn’t bother you anymore, your body was on fire. You understood why people drank now.
“Truth or dare hun.” The petnames were littered in every sentence now, if you didn’t think he was drunk earlier, he was now. You take the last swig, throwing it across the felid, it shattering on impact.
“Dare.” Little did you know that one word would change everything between you to.
“Kiss me. I dare you to kiss me.”
Fuck. You were in no state to say no, your feelings were overwhelming, the confidence you had was overwhelming.
You were wrong, wrong all this time. Maybe he was checking you out when you weren’t looking. Thinking he was staring at eyes, but he was admiring your plush lips all along.
You swear the blush from the alcohol, mixing with your blush from the words, had turned dark crimson, his desire burned your body.
You lean forward, he looks surprised you’re actually doing it, unknown to him you’ve had a intense crush from the first time you saw him. A year of pining and teasing was finally rewarded.
The space between your face and his disappears, he leans towards you pushing your lips together. He places his hand on your jaw, the other in the crook of your neck. He kisses with hunger, like he wanted to consume you. You kiss him back, he deepens the kiss, pushing his tongue into your mouth, exploring.
It was too late to tell him this was your second kiss, your first real makeout sesh.
You grip his hair and straddle yourself on him, this pulls a groan out of him.
He moves his hands down to your hips, pulling them down onto his. You’re so close to him, you can’t breathe. His jeans rubbing into yours, your chest pressed tight against his, his hands engulfing your hips.
He pulls away for air, panting practically, you can see the blush covering his cheeks. “Is- is this okay- do you want-“ You cut him off pulling him back in for more.
Your hips unknowingly start to grind on him, the more pressure you put on him the more he moans in your mouth. The kisses getting more sloppy, more teeth and spit.
You can feel him hardening underneath you, his jeans uncomfortably tight. Your panties soaked, your jeans creating the perfect amount of friction, all you wanted to was undress him, see all of him, have all of him.
Its getting hot, the harsh weather due to the lack of sun meant nothing. Between the alcohol and the fire that was burning in your core it was unbearable, you rip your sweater off. He pulls away, looking you up and down, his eyes holding a tight gaze on your chest.
You both are out of breath, he moves a hand up to grope your chest, squeezing and holding. Your hips pick up a faster pace, a rougher pace.
The sounds of his groans, your whimpers fill the air. No other sounds are heard in the dead of the night, other than your wet lips fighting for more and the sound of your jeans brushing on his.
He mutters something into your mouth, you pull away.
“What?” You’re out of breath and flustered.
He looks at you, those god damn glossy brown eyes could make you cum alone.
“Fuck, i dont know what to do with you. I can’t stop thinking about you darlin’.”
You whimper. “Neither can i”
He kisses you one last time and pulls you off his lap, adjusting himself and sighing. You spot a stain of precum soaking a spot in his jeans, god that make you tremble.
“I- uh we gotta stop. I won’t be able to control myself other wise.”
Fuck. That make your knees weaker than the alcohol did, you drank a shit ton of alcohol, yet he had a bigger affect on you.
“Fuck, i hate it has to be this way, i want you. All of you.” You say, letting out the biggest sigh you could muster.
He practically growls at that.
“I can’t believe i waited so long to do that.” He shakes his head.
“Are you serious? You’ve liked me that long? I’ve been thinking you didn’t even think i was pretty.” You almost shove him.
“Darlin’, what if you didn’t feel that way ‘bout me? I’d feel like a shitty person, especially since you know, you’re young..” He sounds sad, but jesus he’s fucking hot, how could he ever think you weren’t head over heals for him.
“..For the record, i think you’re the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen. Wish i could get you out of my head, thinking the dirtiest things ‘bout you when i get home from seeing ya.”
Fuck. It was unbearable how he was making you feel, you push your thighs together.
“I-“ You get cut off by the sound of  hooves pittering on the ground, matched with a deep voice yelling echoes off the mountain’s rocks.
Your heart jumps to your throat, you check your watch, fuck. It’s five, its been three hours since he had left.
His face drops, he signals you to go hide in a cluster of bushes a couple feet away. You run over trying to be quiet, before you become one with the bushes, he holds up three fingers. Got it three am, next Friday.
“This” wasn’t over, he was willing to risk everything for you.
You try to peek through the bush to see whats going on. Joel pulls out his gun, the man approaches on his horse, dismounting it and pushing joel.
“God damn it joel, the fuck are you doing, you were supposed to be home for patrol.” The man looks around. “What are you even doing here?”
You squint your eyes trying to get a better look at him, the sun aiding you. He looked like joel, longer hair, shorter and younger. Tommy. His brother, it must be.
“Chill tommy, i went for a walk, heard a clicker. I’m fine though, thanks for askin’.
It was almost attractive how easy he could lie, especially when it was to protect you.
They walk off, all you could here is mumbles. Till those mumbles turned to the sound of horse hooves hitting the ground, the sound slowly disappearing.
That was the first time you almost got caught, yet it is your favourite memory.
You replayed the night over and over walking back. Sneaking back in praying you wouldn’t get caught. Even if you did, you would die happy, joel likes you, he kissed you.
Part one here
Part three here
My masterlist
AN: PART TWOO!!! Even though this series isn’t getting much attention i very much like it!! Answering a question no one asked study break part three is coming soon don’t get your panties in a bunch unless joel put em in your mouth, then go right ahead ;)this is kinda a slow burn cause like they aren’t supposed to see eachother
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aingeal98 · 7 months
hiii i consider u a cass expert and since this has been eating at my brain for a few years at this point; do you have any thoughts on the way cain's poor excuse for parenting impacted cass on more of a cognitive/developmental level? like children need stimuli of all kind that she clearly didnt get even outside of literacy and social interaction and i think its super interesting to explore how cass has complicated relationships with things most people take for granted (like... did cain allow her to have any toys? to play any games other than the "two for flinching" thing? does she struggle with the fine motor skill needed for writing bc she really didnt have smth similar? omg is she ok?? i want to peel her like an onion so badly) sorry for brain vomiting over here i have thoughts and feelings about cass cain and its incurable
Anon you've come to the right place for incurable thoughts and feelings about Cassandra Cain! And you raise such a good point like there's no way Cain's abuse didn't leave her with more than just aphasia, illiteracy, cptsd, all the emotional issues... OK well he left her with a lot of stuff but still! You're definitely right that there's more. I'm no expert but one thing I know how to do is ramble about Cass, so:
In flashbacks we see young Cass doing a jigsaw of a rose in the dojo Cain's raising her in, which makes me think he did want to find ways to make sure her cognitive skills functioned even without words. Of course this is just me theorising but in terms of toys I think he would have carefully selected things that would stimulate her brain and improve her motor skills even without reading and writing. The image of David Cain carefully buying Jenga and Operation and making sure all the packaging with words on it never reaches Cass is now permenantly stuck in my head so thank you for that.
I do think she was definitely deprived of a lot though, and things like the jigsaw were clearly meant to be filler stuff for her before the actual fun games like "getting shot and dodging the next few bullets". I don't think Cain would have ever wanted Cass to be relaxed and comfortable enough to actually fully enjoy playing with toys, you know? If she was actually able to find things like jigsaws meaningful and fulfilling then his conditioning of her to associate getting shot with "fun game of dodgeball" wouldn't have been as successful. Cass may not have liked two for flinching but she did love the fighting and the dodging. Any thoughts of "why am I in pain when I could just be playing Jenga" would have never been allowed enter Cass's head. Which would be easy enough because (understandably so given the isolation) Cass looked up to Cain and got joy and fulfilment from seeing him smile. He doesn't care if she finished the jigsaw other than getting angry/worried if she fails. Whereas being able to assemble and break apart a gun while blind makes him light up with happiness/pride. So naturally, even with Cain making sure her brain isn't TOO different for her not to be able to function as the perfect weapon, she would still be deprived of important cognitive skills and stimuli.
The writing specific fine motor skills would definitely be impacted imo because while her training makes sure her hands can work a massive variety of weapons and probably permenantly injure a man in multiple places with each finger, writing is such a specific task that only comes naturally to us because we learned it so young. It can be learned later in life of course but the natural act of holding a pen and writing would feel so alien to Cass. And that's before you factor in her dyslexia like no wonder we only saw her pick up a pen once 😭 Cass being able to write the alphabet with any sort of ease and lack of intense focus would be a massive accomplishment given David Cain's fuckery.
And just in general being so isolated for most of her childhood would have impacted her brain so badly like even without the autism Cass must have been in overstimulated sensory hell after leaving Cain. So many voices talking, which she'd never heard before. So many smells and sounds and new textures and sights that are too intense for her eyes to handle. She missed out on an entire world and only got to start experiencing it when she was 8, that's got to have a longterm impact. I think as well as autism Bruce and Barbara had her tested for adhd due to all the symptoms she displayed. Doctors aren't clear if she actually has it or if its something different brought on by her upbringing. She spent nine years homeless and travelling so she's more adjusted than she was at the start but there's still times that the whole world just goes blurry and whoops panic attack time need to find an empty place and hide.
I'll stop here so I don't rant forever but thank you for giving me the chance to yell about head. canons and theories. Cass is indeed the most fascinating onion, and the layers are endless. Feel free to rant in my inbox whenever you want I love hearing other people's thoughts on her!
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medicinal-doll · 1 year
Midnight perversion
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Title: Midnight Perversion
Pairing: Werewolf!Henry! x reader
Words: 2K
Warning: Dub-con/Non-con, Hint at A/B/O,animal play,blood,guns,fear,p in v sex,teasing,mind-break,breeding kink
Summary: Somethings amiss with your boyfriend henry but you try not to let that ruin your wilderness retreat
A/N: Went A little crazy with the plot, And did not intend for him to be a werewolf when I started this..but I still had fun writing it!
*Please don't repost without permission If you use my writing as inspiration please ask first and credit me
The rain pats against the front window like A broken metronome as the only sound in the car is the windshield wipers, and the low hum of the radio playing some obscure oldschool station. Your hands grip the wheel tighter because they've been threatening to slip off for the past hour. the reason for this is your boyfriend Henry's gaze fixed on you.
Henry's always been the sweetest boyfriend. you met when you got a flat tire on your way to leave town for A trip and he was the only one to help you "Need A hand darling?" He said in that sultry British accent and those words have always stuck with you ever since. When you accidentally cut yourself while cooking, when you cant reach something on a tall shelf, when your wifi keeps on crashing and you can't figure out why. There he is your big strong doting boyfriend to ask if you need his assistance.
But right now he's kind of scaring the shit out of you. and maybe you're overreacting but he's never looked at you this way before. the first time you looked at him was 40 minutes ago into the drive. With A smile on your face you innocently turned to ask him "Hey do you want Chinese or Mexican for din-..." you meet his eyes and halt your sentence dead in its tracks "Geez Hen why the serious look?"you say before pushing his chest playfully laughing nervously at the end hoping to lighten up the mood.
Nothing... not a word not a reaction. "Okay then...well I'll just assume you're in a mood then" that's the last thing you said, and up until now you can only feel his eyes on you and see his head facing towards you in your peripheral vision.
"Do you like dogs honey?"
Henry breaks the silence with his monotone voice. and you breathe out A heavy sigh at the normalcy and curse the times you told him to be quiet because you needed to focus. even though the conversation topic is a little random you're grateful nonetheless.
"Dogs are fine but I'm more of A cat person myself" "What about you babe?" You glance at him and you thought his face couldn't get any scarier. the expression of his eyes are equivalent to the likes of A dead fish. cold, unfeeling, and unmoving. His blue eyes you swear have changed color are A glowing hazel. but maybe it's just the street lights his eye bags are prominent despite him getting his full 8 hours of sleep. and his lips are pulled taut only opening and closing to utter a sentence before returning to their original stance.
"Cats, nasty selfish creatures. they hold no loyalty" he sneers "But dogs however are the epitome of loyalty, hopelessly devoted and caring to their owners with unconditional love"
"Uhm... that's really cool hen I didnt kno-".
"Did you know that if A dogs owner leaves while it's still a pup, and comes back when it's an elder. the dog will still recognize and love its owner....fascinating"
You dont respond back or even look at him you dont know what to say. you speed up the car hoping to reach your destination sooner you dont think henry would ever lay a hand on you but his behavior right now is quite unsettling
"You see honey, Me and dogs are more similar than you think" he places a firm hand on your thigh, and a light poking sensation surrounds the area of contact. but you brush it off not daring to look down.
"Henry you're kind of scaring me right now" "How about we talk about something more fun hm?" You say in a last ditch effort to save your sanity. henry withdraws his hand from your thigh and picks at his nails "Of course dear my apologies" And you detect a faint smile from the corner of your eye. Thank god your body language relaxes, ready for the change away from all the awkwardness hotboxing the car.
Henry let's out a small laugh then it fades A little to slowly "How about we discuss me popping your tire" your laugh that's a tad bit too loud fills the car "Henry..?"
"That day when you were heading out of town I slashed your tire"
The car stops and you pull the key out of the ignition. Your brain barely registering anything "What?..."
"Oh! Look honey we're here and just when our chat was starting to get good, what a shame" henry beams gleefully before hopping out of the car and popping the trunk "Cmon honey lighten up you've been waiting for this trip for weeks" he shouts to you while gathering your luggage"
Yeah, you have been waiting for this trip... just you, and henry. hundreds of miles away from town, and any civilization, alone in the wilderness with no service...alone with him...Maybe you should leave the trip destinations to someone with a brain.
You wipe your eyes and blank out the last hour from your mind, blaming it on you both being a little stir crazy and car sick "Hey! let me help you with that babe it's heavy" you say going to help your mountain of a boyfriend who could probably carry you and the luggage in one go.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
You're at the campfire, beautiful glowing embers eminating off of it. and right across from you sits henry. he's eating the last of the hotdogs you brought "I guess we should've brought more food " you Joke as he downs the last bit in one bite smirking at you while he chews "Well..If we did run out.." "would you prefer being rotisseried or stewed" you go over and hit him lightly on the shoulder and he smiles and laughs at you.
"You know you really did scare me when we were in the car" you lean against his warm body grabbing his big hand holding it close to your lap "I'm sorry sweetie, I didn't mean to scare you like that honest" he rests his head against yours "it's okay it kind of turned me on A little" you giggle drunk off the warmth of the fire and him "Oh really.." "Well then maybe I should tell you that the blue sweater you had on before you left would've been A better option" "it's a shame you changed it, would've been better suited for the wilderness"
You lean your head up looking at him quizzically "Okay.. How the hell do you know what I was going to wear?"
"Well it's my job to know you are my mate after all" and he mutters your first middle and last name under his breathe sarcastically, but he doesn't or shouldn't know your middle name you never told him....
Your body tenses up, and that chill from the car comes back all over again. and even the heat from the fire and henry combined can't stop you from feeling ice cold.
"It was hard work you know" he expresses "following you all those months getting your routine down" "hell the easiest part was getting you on this trip, all I had to do was search up foresty locations on your laptop so you would get targeted ads" "And you immediately took the bait" he chuckles to himself before looking down at your stiff composure "Oh I'm sorry honey..Am I scaring you again?" He goes to brush your hair and you jolt up sprinting in the direction of the road. Henry rolls his eyes and sighs to himself "good job idiot now the poor thing is gonna get her clothes all dirtied up" he grunts before lifting his heavy frame from the cozy log and stalking in the direction you ran off in.
You run frantically and your lungs burn as they absorb the coldness of mother nature.
You close your eyes sobbing to yourself. and when you open them bright white beams blind you and you throw your hands up into the air. you hear an ear peircing screeching noise and you dare not open your eyes in the fear that you might be dead. Until you hear an angry door open and slam loudly "What the hell is your problem lady!Are you trying to be roadkill!"
You try to gain your composure and go to open your mouth. But strong firm hands harshly grip your shoulders and your back meets A muscular hard chest "I'm so sorry for the trouble sir, my girlfriend here had a bit too much to drink but I'll get her tucked into bed right now" he emphasized the last 2 words of that sentence, and his grip hardened into your shoulders starting to hurt.
Now, you can't be quiet. if you miss this opportunity he could do whatever he wanted and no one would be there to heed your screams. You cock your head forward before throwing it back crashing into Henry's face. He's caught off guard by your new found boldness and is knocked back, stunned for the time being. and you run to the trucker "Please Sir!! Help me! hes trying to kill me!" You run behind the stranger and hide your face as henry recovers from the hit. Blood runs from his nose and he wipes it with the sleeve of his sweater before glaring at the trucker with murderous eyes before glancing back to you.
"Honey don't do this you're drunk. Now why dont you knock it off upsetting this poor man, and come on back with me" he reaches his hand out hand goes to take a few steps towards you but then A gun clicks "Now listen here boy!you leave this lady here alone!" Henry tilts his head and takes a step closer "Boy! Dont you come one step closer or I'll blast you into next week" henry smiles eerily before lunging at the man and A gunshot rings out. your head shoots up, and you see your boyfriend's burly frame crash into the road head first.
"No!" You cry out dropping to your knees and grab Henry's head cradling it in your arms. he's been good to you until tonight. And even though you wanted to get as far away from him as possible. you didn't want to see him die. you sob and the man gently pulls you back "C'mon miss, dont you go worrying about him. He's in the devils hands now...".
"No...." you whisper softly through your tear stained face as you let yourself be pulled away. he leads you into the passenger seat of the truck and helps you in "Now you stay right here miss I'm gonna make A call to the sherriff about what went on here, you just close your eyes and rest" "lord knows you've been through enough for the night...." the man turns and heads to the back of the truck to grab something presumably his cellphone.
You try to close your eyes but you can't, not after what happened. you drift your eyes to the road still in disbelief that henry was really gone......
Wait...where the hell is his body.
"AaaAH!!!" A blood curdling yell sounds from the back of the truck, and you swing your head around to peer through the small window. but theres nothing there you turn your head back to face the front window, then the driver door, then turn to the passenger door and your heart drops out of your chest. Henry's bloodly face is pressed against the window slightly fogging it up with his heavy breathing both palms flat against the glass.
How is he still alive should be your first question but his appearance plagues your eyes. Canines sharp enough to tear flesh and bone. Ears pointed up towards the sky.And you thought he couldn't get any bigger. but if he was 6'1 and 200 pounds before. he was at least 7'1 and 300 pounds now. he's horribly hunched over just to look into the window, plus hes way hairier than before. the bush of chesthair peaking through his torn sweater. but the most captivating feature is his eyes. pupils that were formerly circular black now pointed into animalistic slits, and irises glowing A bright hazel just like in the car. his nails long and sharp, must've been what you felt in the car.
The door to the truck is ripped from its hinges. tossed away at the road like scrap metal. henry places A death grip around your waist dragging you from the seat. kicking and screaming you claw at the leather of the truck fighting to stay in but he's too strong. with one last tug he rips you from the safety of the truck, throwing you over his shoulder. And without A word he trudges back toward your campsite.
"Henry No!-Put me down!" You bang your fists against his hard back. but henry continues forward unfazed by your feeble attempts of fighting him. you reach the campsite fire now gone out from being neglected. Henry makes a sharp right turn unzipping and entering into your tent. He tosses your body on the sleeping bags and turns to zip the tent. you pop back up and try to attack him,hit his face claw at him, anything to get the hell out of here. but he holds you at bay with one arm swatting away your attempts, as if your nothing but A fly.
When henry finishes zipping the tent you watch as he snaps the end of the zipper off and puts it in his pocket. he then turns his eyes to you and grabs a hold of your neck, his large hand wrapping entirely around it like fresh kill from a successful hunt.
He forces your head down, holding your neck until your face is flush against the sleeping bag. you thrash your body violently and try to resist, but pause when the sound of A belt unbuckling fills your ears.
"Now you may think the scariest part about this whole thing is the dead trucker, my changed appearance, or the fact that I'm about to take you right here and there's nothing you can do about it"
He grabs your pants and panties on both sides and harshly tugs them down to your mid thigh.
"But what I think the scary part is.." "Is the fact that I've been swapping your birth control pills for placebos this past week"
Your eyes widen filled with shock, but it doesn't quite set in with you until you feel his hands caress your tummy slowly.
"I'd always thought you'd make such A beautiful mommy" he kisses your back. And you fucking lose it "Henry-!No Dont!!" you kick your legs at him trying to wiggle out of his grasp, but his hand is unyielding around your neck you feel his tip brush your entrance "No.." you whimper and bury your head into the sleeping bag reluctantly accepting your fate.
You feel his huge throbbing cock sheath into your tight pussy, going deeper and deeper until its flush against your cervix. And his large balls rest roughly against your clit. You scream into the pillow with a mix of pleasure and pain, And henry let's out A low groan. He hasn't even moved yet, but you still feel as though you'll break into a million pieces "No Henry take it out please!!"
Henry ignores your pleas. And starts slamming into your small opening grabbing you by the hips to keep you crashing down on his girthy cock over and over again. you scream at the top of your lungs "Henry!!!!" Tears stream from your face "it hurts...no..Take it out please..."broken sobs leave your mouth.
Henry moans out in pleasure "Almost there sweetie I promise it'll feel better soon" he let's go of your neck and places both large hands your hips "Open up for me hun" He says before slamming your body's together in unison. A jolt of pain rocks you to your core and you open your mouth agape in a silent scream, while you feel the stretch of his knot entering your slick walls. then a wave of pleasure comes over you. This causes you to clamp down hard on his cock. and your body shakes from the intense rush then goes limp.
"mine already..." he let's out a faint growl "Your body was made just for me" he pumps into your pussy, and you grip onto the sleeping bag for dear life. eyes rolling to the back of your head and mouth wide open, tongue flopping out like a lost little pup.
Strangled moans drip from your salivated lips "Henryy!" You call his name over and over like it's the only thing you can think of "fuck baby I'm close" he slaps your ass and your walls tighten around him "Mhmmm... That's right baby fucking milk me" "milk the cum from your owners cock" you whine at his words as he fucks every last bit of resistance out of you "Henry more!breed me up good!" tears leak from your blurry eyes "please give me A baby just one please!..." you cry into your weak wrists.
"Aw baby Have I fucked you dumb already?" He laughs at you "dont worry baby I'll knock you up with A family of pups" "you just keep squeezing me nice and good okay baby?" "AAaah...!" You yell as your 4th orgasm washes over you like A tsunami and Henry bucks his knot into you further, fat thick heavy balls slapping against your clit with each thrust.
Henry let's out A primal moan with his hands on your hips glueing you both together, as he paints your walls white and floods your fertile womb with his spawn. His chest rises heavily up and down before he flops to the side still inside you.
You weakly try to crawl away but he pulls you to his sweaty hairy chest and kisses you all over your face "Not yet baby we gotta make sure your womb takes" he snuggles into you, and your defenses are gone. With your mind unable to form one coherent thought, you nod in agreement and give into his comfort whilst you drift off to sleep in his arms.
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autumnbrambleagain · 5 months
Hi, first time reader, first time caller. I ended up reading proselytize in between my various beginner runs in qud to keep me motivated. It's really good! You're a very talented writer with a great sense of pacing, character and style! I was just wondering though, do you have default builds for all the daughters of nafpor, or are they more like archetypes?
oh gosh thank you! i am always stunned at how well received proselytize has been, i'm glad people are enjoying it so much
i experiment a lot with them when i play them, so i have a lot saved, although TBH a lot of them are older characters from over a year ago
here's suir softbeast's canonical build, although this is just like. her base, larval form without any of her chimera stuff. there's a mod that lets you pick what your chimeric limbs are when evolving so you can have the exact same suir softbeast experience, the randomization of it means any future suir i play without that mod is going to be a radically different suir
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you'll notice her intelligence is like, pretty high! it's said in the game she ends up being one of the best tinkers in qud and just convinces herself she's only good for being a blodshedding hedonist. my suir build strats were pick every physical mutation i could get, get extra limbs, the usual chimera stuff. i used swords as my main for the DV bonus and lunge action economy stacking, and axes in all the other offhands for dismemberment procs
it uses the marshtaur sprite, although i'd wish in a tattoo gun and recolor her in all white and gray. if i ever played her again i'd probably modify the sprite to make her look more like herself
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here's tiyu-yutep's last build. psychometry isn't actually Very Worthwhile, but it was thematic and i'm the kind of idiot that will make a build for theme rather than efficiency. this is, in fact, a pretty BAD build, which I think is on its own level thematically important. the daughters of nafpor aren't all supertwinked hyperspecced characters, some of them just Played Good
normally i'd replace her sprite with a cat cherub sprite, but at this point next time i ever end up playing her i'd just make my own sprite for her
in actual gameplay i'd use precog and nectar to reroll mutations so i have a bespoke list of mental mutations stacked up as high as i can, and complement them with a ton of tinkered nonsense. tiyu-yutep's build is about maximizing options in every situation. something bad is happening? that's fine, i have 12 kinds of grenade, 10 mental mutations, and eight guns to solve it.
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that's one of my igwashim builds, unlike tiyu and suir being kinda jack-of-all-trades (my preferred style ngl) ig is very much a "scry, teleport in, blast everything to sleep, axe axe axe axe axe axe axe" build
mutation points aren't spent on new mutations at all, and exist just to fill out the efficiency of her existing mutations. i use a mod to make teleport more accurate at very high levels, because teleportation is my nonsexual fetish and i crave being able to pinpoint teleport after i hit level 10
still she isn't just a bump-attack character. maximize information gathering and ambush tactics, never play fair. appearance change wish to turn her tile into a crypt ferret's, naturally, although now that i've started fumping about with modding, i'd just like. actually make a clade so instead of it saying "Mutated Human" it'd say "Mutated Ferret" or something. make it so dromads don't call me human they call me "ferret" or something
her having Socially Repugnant would be appropriate narratively but i never bothered with it since she didn't need it, 10 ego is enough to represent her being a talking animal
i don't have any specific build saved for Savithvyr, she was one of my first Qud characters and was just a Fuming God-Child specced around agility, willpower, and intelligence, mostly using gas grenades of various kinds alongside the billowing conch. also not an optimal build! but it was fun. flood the zone with gas and just sorta stand back and pick at the survivors with a gun or stab them with triple-element gaslight kris
there's a mod that lets you play goatfolk which i used for naara, but in version updates i don't have it installed right now and i'll be honest i don't remember what i did with her much other than mental mutations
ooo-ho-OOO-EEE-ah and Buwofu-gawufoo were actually companions that Savithvyr and Suir picked up in-game, they were never characters i played directly but as companions they lasted so long they felt like they were part of those characters' identities and so they had to make the transition into the game proper.
the brambled fae's original build is NO LONGER POSSIBLE because they increased the cost of horns, which i think is HILARIOUS because why shouldn't it be an actual illegal build?
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not that it hasn't had a dozen different builds ANYway. it's my go-to most-used build and based off of one of my fursonas at its core, so it's the culmination of my bullshit jack-of-all-trades obsession.
MILD SPOILERS but ive posted it before on this blog anyway, it DOES have its own sprite since i still play variations on it regularly enough i made a sprite for it
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although that doesn't really represent what it looks like in the story
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that's getting a BIT closer to what it looks like when we finally get to the brambled pass
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the-afronick · 5 months
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Normally I like to tally up everything I've beaten on an annual basis but I've been lacking the last two years, so this is three years' worth of finished games: 2021-2023. Also been lacking in finishing stuff until the last third of this year but I think I've got the swing of things again. There are other games finished/completed I've chosen to not count here as they were simply different ports of games I've already done before, but I'm still counting MW1 Remastered to make it a nice even 50.
Since this is all getting typed up right now in one afternoon, enjoy some quick thoughts on each of these.
Yakuza Kiwami (2017) - Yeah it still feels like a weird version of the immaculate Yakuza 0. I'm not the authority on these but I'm unsure if I'd recommend this over the PS2 game to someone who is willing to play the original.
Call of Duty: Black Ops II (2012) - I liked the split campaigns, though moreso the 80s one. Probably need to play Arma 1 or Reforger to satisfy that Cold War craving now that '83 is canned.
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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered (2016) - I think I got this with Infinite Warfare off of a keysite primarily to use this remaster as an excuse to replay CoD4. Still enjoyed it and really ended up liking the enhanced visuals/touch-ups in animations. 2007 is still fine to play but this was a fun detour. I want to try the Wii version at some point.
Death Stranding (2019) - A game I was way more curious about its story than I was its gameplay pre-release ended up being enjoyed the other way around. I loved Hiking Simulator 2019, cresting peaks and sliding down into cities while some Low Roar kicks in... and everything about the environments as you head west are the greatest. I'm probably gonna get the PC version of Director's Cut to play it again at some point.
Shellshock: Nam '67 (2004) - What should be a simple arcade third-person shooter ends up being frustrating because reticle bloom is way too much for some of the engagement distances. Not the worst I've ever played but I'm probably not going back to it ever.
Thunder Force AC (1990/2020 Sega AGES release) - I mean I like Thunder Force IV more but hey III's pretty good, and so is its arcade version.
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Vietcong (2003) - Originally recommended to me by a friend and I kick myself for not getting to it sooner. Fun, tense campaign of having to take caution every with every move, guns felt great, and overall I had a good time. Regrettably couldn't play the online but ah well.
Postal 2: Paradise Lost (2015) - More of what I remember from playing Postal 2. It's still silly.
Touhou Youyoumu ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom (2003) - This is the one. Yeah, 6 gets the recognition because it's the reboot and has the top-tiered fan favorite characters but 7 takes the wrinkles of 6 and irons them out to a fine crispness. Good patterns, good bosses, and good music. I have no complaints. Want to play a Touhou game? This one.
Touhou Reiiden ~ The Highly Responsive to Prayers (1997) - I first played this at an anime convention in a hotel room full of Touhou cosplayers on their laptop they had hooked up to their TV, mainly wanting to show off where it all started. Touhou's kinda fun as a Breakout game, but this is more of a curiosity than anything nowadays.
Ninja Gaiden (1988) - My second favorite Castlevania game, but man FUCK Act 6.
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NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139... (2021) - I mean what else can be said that hasn't already. It's nice that Nier 1 got a revisit after Automata set the world on fire and even though this didn't do its numbers, I missed my friends :)
U.N. Squadron (1990) - Glorious. The SNES/SFC version offers a fantastic and better conversion from the arcade game allowing for choice in mission order and choice in plane selection (though the YF-23 and F200 are effectively the only way to win) to work in tandem with your pilot's unique skill. Not particularly a great adaptation from Area 88 if you're looking for its story and characters but that's not what this game is aiming for - instead, it takes the elements that would work in a shooter and only those elements. You're mercenaries so money is the key to everything, mainly your weapons loadout. There are large superweapons, some taken straight from the manga. The only downside is the grinding element to get more money for better planes in the form of a strafing run special stage that you'll have to play over and over. Highly recommend.
IKUSAAAAAAAN! (2018) - I actually can't comment too much on this one since I only played it through once but it was fun and highly energetic, and Iku is my second fave 2hu so that's a plus.
Halo: Fireteam Raven (2018) - "hey let's play this since we're all together and it's a Saturday night which means bad co-op game night but now IRL!" (moments before friend temporarily lost their wallet.) We finished the fight, but at what cost? About $20 and an hour.
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F-Zero X (1997) - Everyone likes GX (and you should) but I like to describe X as the first five feet of stairs on the difficulty curve of F-Zero. You absolutely can lift yourself up those missing steps but wouldn't it be better to ease your way on up? Very fast and grippy compared to SNES F-Zero. I also like the rock/metal soundtrack as opposed to GX's industrial (which again, still good, just not as good). Dream Chaser the greatest. Also that arranged music album is killer.
Project Wingman (2020) - Did you like Ace Combat Zero? Of course you did. Here you go, have some more. It's kinda weird how even with the option to bring in multiple types of special weapons, the strongest thing you're armed with are your normal-ass machine guns.
Neo Contra (2004) - The Shock Troopers 3 we deserved. All I have to do to sell you on this is show you the opening to the one stage where Bill and Jaguar are running on top of helicopter blades.
Udongein X (2021) - There are a surprising amount of Mega Man-inspired Touhou fangames out there to the point where they can be divided into inspired by classic series and X amongst others (maybe there's a Battle Network one too?) This is the latter and since it felt most like MMX1 to me, I liked it a lot.
Dimension Tripper Neptune: TOP NEP (2022) - Welcome to the Fantasy nep Zone.
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Mega Man 8 (1996) - I hate this fuckin game.
Made Man (2006) - Frustrating. I was expecting a mafia clone of Max Payne but instead it's a cover-shooter with the most mediocre gunplay and braindead AI I've seen in a while. Also the bullet time only activates once you fill the meter and upon manual-deactivation, you lose all of the remainder. Kind of a shame too because some of the setpieces are fun (one of my favorites being a gunfight in the rafters above a rock concert at Madison Square Garden) but it just sucks otherwise. The main voice actor, Rick Pasqualone, does too good of a job for this game when everyone else is phoning it in and I'm glad he got a second shot in a better game as Vito from Mafia II.
P-47 Aces (1995) - Recommended by my friend @bizarredawdler. I got my ass beat.
Carrier Air Wing (1990) - If you liked the arcade version of U.N. Squadron specifically, this is more of the same. Not as good but hey, dogfighting the space shuttle isn't something you do everyday.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge (2022) - This was fun, and probably the first beat'em up that I began to understand rather than just fumble my way through. Would like to do a co-op run with friends at some point. Played as Donatello, he seems cool.
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Freedom Planet 2 (2022) - My GOTY 2022. Despite my teasing in numerous late night calls that this was one of those games where the slightest inconvenience resulted in a delay, I can honestly say my expectations were met, exceeded, and blown away. Enjoyed Freedom Planet 1 a lot back in 2015 and while originally hesitant that the artstyle change would bring a gameplay change, all of that faded away when that first demo came out. It's still just as fast and hard-hitting as the first one if not moreso. The reworks to each characters' movesets are nice. Neera is a great additional player character. God I wish someone could get these homebrew'd onto a Saturn because that's the only way this could get more perfect. My one (1) complaint is now Classic Mode being locked behind beating Story Mode once which, while I like the cutscenes and characters, makes it a little harder to recommend to people who just want the pure gameplay that you could immediately access in 1. That's the only thing I'd change.
Panzer Dragoon: Remake (2020) - It sure is Panzer Dragoon 1 but prettier, but oh boy I would not recommend it for full-price precisely because it is Panzer Dragoon 1 with all of its under-an-hour length intact. There's an achievement for playing it for 100 hours... also one for dying once. Don't have either!
Drainus (2022) - Team Ladybug caught my eye and captured my heart with Touhou Luna Nights, and ever since then I'm on board with whatever they've thrown at me. I still haven't finished Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth but I did play this, which was a pretty fun, if not easy STG. Looks nice too!
Call of Duty: Black Ops III (2015) - God the campaign sucked except for one part (you know the one). If you get this, only get it because Zombies workshop support is still alive and well.
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Halo 5: Guardians (2015) - I cannot, cannot, cannot stress enough how many times I said "Halo 4 did this better." An absolute goddamn slog of a singleplayer with a dumbass story. The teammate AI will not save you or will kill themselves trying to save you despite the game being designed around squad mechanics. Halo's never been good at boss fights, so here have the same one over and over and now there's three of him hahahaha! I hear "multiplayer is good though!" sure it might be, wouldn't know, don't really care to know.
Dolphin Blue (2003) - Neat little run and gun. Liked the 2D sprites on 3D backgrounds here, very vibrant.
Demonizer (2020) - Neat little shooter, though it does punish you harsher later on for taking hits and losing your allies. One of those if you mess up late you might as well restart.
Ace Combat: Joint Assault (2010) - I really enjoyed Skies of Deception, the other PSP Ace Combat. This one is not that, dropping the Strangereal setting for our own and going with a plot involving insurance CEOs I think. Back to linear mission structure, no choosing the order. Could not play the Joint missions in which you and friends tackle operations at the same time affecting one another which is this game's entire gimmick. I don't remember any of the original music but there are plenty of AC2/3 tracks here which are good.
Demon Front (2002) - Kinda hard run and gun, though it's something I'll have to put more time into to get the groove of it. Otherwise, neat Metal Slug-inspired game! Recommended by a friend who I'm not sure wants to be named.
Raiden II (1993) - I like Raiden. Raiden II is more of that. Simple as.
Burnout (2001) - Another one of those games where you probably played a later one and went back only to discover there's kind of an idea here but it needs to get flushed out a little bit more. I started on this one back in the day and only finally got around to finishing, this time on the Xbox version. Not a whole lot going on here apart from being a standard AA racer of the time with a crash mechanic that's more discouraged than encouraged like its later entries. That AI rubberbanding isn't nearly as bad as NFS Underground 1's but it gets pretty bad. I don't regret playing this but I don't see myself going back, especially now having started 2 which is the ideal form of early Burnout.
Final Fantasy XIV Online: A Realm Reborn (2013) - After teasing my friend @thathomestar for years about it, I finally caved. I don't know MMOs or their systems or what makes for a good one, so I won't speak to its quality. I can make my catgirl fish so hell yeah.
Quake: Dimension of the Past (2016) - Where's the ammo? My gun needs more food!
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Quake: Dimension of the Machine (2021) - Gameplay-wise it's more Quake which I love but holy shit do some of these levels look good.
8-Bit Commando (2011) - I thought this would be an okay Contra clone but instead it's subpar. I do like the verticality of your path, but it does feel more linear than it should be. Difficulty is easy even on Hard Mode. There's this weird thing where it'll upload replays of your gameplay as workshop items if you let it, so turn that off as soon as possible. Otherwise, you can't buy this anymore outside of keysites. Done to get footage of the dopefish in it.
Operation C (1991) - Quick, easy, but it is Contra, and nobody does it like Contra.
Contra III: The Alien Wars (1992) - Much like Super Castlevania IV, the jump to the Super Nintendo meant that Contra was gonna get a boost in just about every aspect... and much like Castlevania, I still prefer the original NES game to its SNES sequel. That said, I do think Contra III comes out ahead of CV4 with the amount of cool moments that happen, and abilities like locking the aim direction or standing in place and rotating your angle of shooting are accounted for in the increased difficulty. Very cool title, but personally not my favorite.
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The Citadel (2020) - This is a fascinating game. While riding the retro-FPS wave, it still includes mechanics from modern shooters like bullet drop, travel time, weapon condition, hunger(?), full-body awareness (even as sprites!), and so on. Levels are really monochromatic. Very bloody and loud when it gets violent, and boy howdy does it get violent. And yet, there's this certain bleak serenity during level exploration that I haven't felt in a while. Looking forward to the sequel.
Castlevania: The Adventure (1989) - You know what? "Battle of the Holy" isn't just a good song, it's good even by Castlevania standards. And that's about the only good thing I can say about this dull game. I'll have to play ReBirth at some point.
Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge (1991) - Better, but I'd rather be playing something else.
Risk of Rain 2 (2020) - This is cheating since I've only seen credits twice or three times, and I normally don't do the roguelikes so again I won't speak too much to it, but I like this one. I've had a fun time alone but it's definitely a lot of fun with friends, and I hope we can come back to it.
Kid Dracula (1990) - What if Castlevania was Mega Man? is my clickbait attention grabber, but also a pretty apt description. It's easy apart from this one railcart section which I felt like I got through on sheer luck than anything else. Still enjoyable.
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (1992/2021 Absolute Version) - I've never actually beaten Sonic 2 legit, half from getting pissed off by the special stages and half because I get bored by the time Oil Ocean rolls around. Now that the special stages are actually in 3D and have a draw distance, I finally was able to get through and grab all Chaos Emeralds for the first time without save states or sound test cheat codes. And I was finally able to appreciate just how good Sonic 2 is once that weight was lifted. The levels are fun and a vast improvement over Sonic 1's, and the 2-Act structure works a lot better for pacing. And during the final boss, doing it legit gave a level of pressure that a final boss should rather than turning on debug mode and spamming rings to help out. I think I can go beat this even more legit on my Genesis without the modern assists, but it is thanks to this version that I gained the confidence to do so. Just needed a little help up is all.
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Sonic Triple Trouble 16-Bit (2022) - I had a big old dumb smile on my face the entire time.
Sonic After the Sequel (2013/2017 DX version) - I enjoyed this one too. A bit more lengthy due to a four-act structure per zone and the special stages are slightly more miss than hit for me, but it all worked out in the end. The true final boss had my friends and I laughing.
That's all. I'm gonna try to finish up a couple more Sonic games in the new year and also try to beat the Burnout series, with some other stuff along the way.
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aphroditestummyrolls · 6 months
I love when you do the WIP game. It gets me so hyped for all of your fics! Can I get some of the Jesper Whump Oneshot please? :)
AHHH thank you ❤️ I’m sorry these are taking so long (it’s been a day), but here’s a few hundred words. Trigger warning for general sliminess and drugging somebody’s drink!
He blinked, and the room shifted on its axis. Utterly discombobulated, the bar seemed a hundred miles away, their luxe, private little booth suddenly shrinking to something claustrophobic and impossible. Jesper nearly slammed the glass down onto the table. His hands were heavy— all of him, really, was heavy. The room had gone slow and quiet.
It wasn’t as if Jesper had never been slipped a bad drink before. You didn’t spend this long in The Barrel without a couple brushes with this type of danger. He knew the tingle in his numb fingers, and the weights that seemed to hang from his eyelashes— his guns wouldn’t be much use now, even if he had them.
Rabinov had three heads when he looked at him, superimposed like translucent masks one after another. There was a hand on the back of Jesper’s neck— hot and rough, like it was the only real thing in the room. He was smiling. He was saying something Jes couldn’t hear. Like he was underwater.
This wasn’t like anything he’d taken before.
It must have been some new Ravkan shit. His mind floated, utterly weightless, but still his fingers twitched. All he was supposed to do was look pretty and be charming— there was a plan in case things went south, of course, but Jesper couldn’t move his hand more than an inch off the table.
He couldn’t signal to Nina.
Matthias was all the way in the grand lobby.
Wylan… Wylan wasn’t back yet. He wasn’t back yet, and that meant Inej and Kaz needed more time.
He knew this was a bad idea, his brain fought with him, even as his body floated. You should have listened to him.
As he’d gotten ready that night, he watched Wylan fiddle with his ring in the reflection of the mirror. On the edge of the bed, his merchling sat like a dejected house cat, glancing up at Jesper every few minutes with an edge in his brown gaze. It rankled Jes’s spine.
At the time, he assumed it was jealousy. Wylan wasn’t a stranger to being a little playfully territorial, but this didn’t feel the same. Yet, he wasn’t talking about it.
He wasn’t usually so shy.
Jesper sighed. Honestly Wy, you’ve brought the room temperature down ten degrees. D’you want to talk about it?
It was the first time since Kaz had announced the plan that Wylan had looked him properly in the eye.
Just tell me you’re comfortable with it. He said quietly. Tell me you’ll take care of yourself, and- and—
And only ever come home to you? Jesper winked. You know I will, Darling. My darling Betrothed.
Wylan tried to bite down on the smile in the corner of his mouth. But still, he pressed on. Tell me that you’re not just going along with what Kaz wants. That you’re alright with this.
I’m just fine! The worst that’ll happen is that I’ll be bored and not shooting anything while you have all the fun!
“Can’t hold your liquor too well, can you?” A Ravkan accent rasped, too close to his ear.
Jesper wished he had enough wherewithal to shudder, to jerk away, even just a little. But he couldn’t even make a sound.
Thanks for playing ❤️❤️❤️
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outcastinthecorner · 1 year
Ok i've just read one of the worst take ever on Bill and Frank's relationship and while i dont usually like to vent im gonna have to and its gonna be long: "transactional". Thats how their relationship has been described in that take. Especially on Frank's part of course. For the whole part of it. Yes. The whole part. The whole 16 years.
Except that Frank made it clear from the start that it wasnt. "Im not a whore" . Yes, maybe at first he wanted to have a nice shower, nice meal, new clothes and maybe even to be able to stay the night and sleep here. Yes, he realised quickly that Bill was gay and shy and maybe (and thats a huuuge maybe) he thought abt playing with him so he could survive another day. U know, having not eaten since 48hours, being the last one from a 10people group and shit.
But then he saw him play the piano and sing and he was a goner. Simple as that.
Because yeah, of course, when you're here only for "transactional" reasons like a safe place and food and showers, u run into a dangerous area with ur little gun where other guns are firing everywhere to save "said transaction" and reassure him that everything is fine, trying to not have him pass out ("talk to me abt your list Bill") while never letting go of his hand (And while in a transactional relationship, u obviously answer "im not alone, u re here" when the other part of "said transaction" says u cant stay alone if he dies and that you will need Joel, his bestfriennemy).
And yeah, of course, when you're here only for "transactional" reasons like a safe place and food and showers, u try to surprise him after 6 years of boring transactional shit with strawberries, and kiss him passionately, moved as fuck when "said transaction" tells u he's afraid to lose you.
And yeah, of course, when you re here only for "transactional" reasons like a safe place and food and showers, u tell him after 3 years that u want to repaint the town for both of u because thats how one show love. LOVE.
And the paintings of Bill, too, totally not done with love, obviously. And it definitely didnt break your heart to realise that you had a hard time finishing the last one because of your illness.
And on ur last day on earth, amongst other things that will make it one last good day, u definitely ask your transactional boyfriend to marry you, something you couldnt do in this universe before the outbreak, which is very symbolic but which of course totally doesnt show how much you love him.
And i could go on forever.
Bill and Frank is one of the most realistic and loving relationship i have ever witnessed on TV. In real life, i witnessed it with one relative and his boyfriend. Where u can love someone and still be honest saying for example "i've had bad days with u too" but God u wouldnt change a thing and still do it all over, because you had "more good days with him than with anyone else".
This is love.
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iwasneverth3re · 1 year
Opinion on Tattoo artist Gun?
*deep inhale* I didn't think I could get more annoying with my love for Gun but hERE WE ARE.
You don't understand how much I LOVE the idea of tattoo artist!Gun and how much it means to me - especially since I want to become a tattoo artist as well.Don't mind me rambling under the cut so if you don't wanna hear any nonsense, then no need for u to click on 'keep reading'!
Imagine tattoo artist Gun. This job doesn't pay him nearly as much as racketeering does but he's still getting paid a pretty good amount of money. Gun is fairly famous for his tattoos. He specializes in Irezumi, Wabori or Harimono but he's also good at doing floral designs, fine lineart - you name it. That man can do pretty much any tattoo/art style a client wants (he spent a great deal of researching and traveling to different places to learn how to do a bunch of 'em, both out of interest and out of him thinking it would come in handy).This man is always booked and busy. You're lucky enough to get booked in for an appointment with at least 8 months in advance. He's quite popular too. Whether it's because of his talent or because of his good looks, no one knows. Either way, he still gets some pretty generous tips and he's glad that his handsome face helps contribute to that. Although he is used to having clients blush and gawk at him (especially whenever you catch a glimpse of his milky irises when he glances at theirs, making sure if they're doing okay) whenever he's at work, it rarely annoys him. No matter what, Gun always maintains an image of professionalism at work. The only time he's not is when customers try and size him up or complain about their tattoo not turning out the way they wanted it to for some of the most stupidest reasons. Gun distinctly remembers a customer getting mad at him for not tattooing the entire design even though Gun explained beforehand that the customer would need to come back for multiple sessions before their tattoo would be complete. Gun never becomes angry, he just simply tells them to either 'fuck off' or 'get out of my store' which the customer does and swears that they'll never come back to his shop ever again...
...before of course, they come crawling back to him because there weren't any artists that are as good as him.
How is Gun when's he's tattooing a client? He's quiet. He of course greets them when they walk through the door and sits down on the chair or when he asks them how they're doing from time to time. Its not like he's adverse to talking, just don't expect him to be the one to strike up a conversation or talking your ear off like Goo would. Other than that though, Gun's quiet the entire time. He'll play music softly in the background which of course helps him and his client get through the long hours of sitting/laying down. He also gets up from time to time to take smoke breaks of course. Gun wouldn't be Gun if he wasn't smoking like it's his religion. Gun has a gentle yet, firm touch whenever he tattoos someone. He doesn't want to hurt them but he also wants to get his job done and make sure that his line art is clean, stable and smooth. He also takes his time whenever he tattoos. The raven-haired male can of course rush when he wants to and it still wouldn't affect how well the tattoo turns out to be because Gun's talented. But Gun likes taking his time. Not just because he wants to make sure his tattoos turn out the way he wants to but also because he geniunely enjoys his job and what he does.
Most of his clients are scared of him and it's not hard to understand why. The man stands above at least 6'3, has a scar that stretches across his eyes and did I mention that he's got black and white eyes? They always come back to him though as his talent outweighs his intimidating demeanor. And probably the fact that he's hot in a scary way.
TL;DR: I am 100000% on board and love the idea of tattooist! Gun.
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andydrysdalerogers · 7 months
The Type You Save ~ F I V E
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Detective James Barnes hasn't seen the love of his life in three years. Since the night she was almost caught stealing a painting. He knows it was her and she disappeared leaving him confused and heart broken.
Alexandra Richards never expected to be pulled back into her old life two years after she left it. She had found love and a home and was happy. Until a note blackmailed her to take one last job. Three years later she walked into the last person she expected to see in San Francisco. Because he lived in New York right?
They always put family before everything. And he would do anything to get his family back. Because she's the type you save.
TW: mob, death, smut, rape intentions, angst, guns, family abandonment, dub-con, manipulation
I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS. Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated
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Divider by @firefly-graphics
Previous : F O U R
Series Masterlist ~ Main Masterlist
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Three years earlier… a week after the wedding… 
“So, we never talked about stuff.” 
“Your eloquence is lovely my darling husband but I’m going to need you to be more specific.” James rolled his eyes as he continued to stroke Alex’s hair.  “I know you just rolled your eyes at me.”  
“I hate that you can do that.”  
“I hate that you still look at MY painting but here we are.”  
“Will you let the painting thing go? Please?” 
“You didn’t want it.”  
“I didn’t say that.  I said we could see art in a gallery.” He could feel her frown against his chest. “Allie, please.  I’m sorry ok.  The painting is lovely.  Just not as beautiful as the girl who bought it.”  Now he could feel her smile and he knew he had her.  “She’s the most beautiful thing in the world.”  
“Dammit,” she whispered as his chest rumbled with laughter. “Fine.  I forgive you.” She kissed his chest.  “What did you want to talk about?” 
“Where are we going to live?”  
“Yeah, where are we going to live? How many kids are we going to have? Do you even want kids?  Is Steve going to live with us? Can we have a dog? A cat? Do we want a house?  In Brooklyn, Queens?” 
“Whoa! Baby, slow down.  Jamie, take a breath.”  Alex leaned up to her elbows.  “Jamie, are you ok?” 
“Yeah, I’m sorry.  It’s just, when I went to the file the paperwork to have you as my emergency contact and benefactor and stuff, it just hit me.  We always talked about dreams but here we are, a week later and reality is finally hitting me.”  
Alex smiled as stroked his cheek.  She kissed him softly.  “Of course, I want to have kids.  I want at least two if not three.  I want our first to be a boy and then a girl.  Andrew James and Delilah Rose.  I want a house for us with a dog and a cat, where ever it makes it easier for you to come home from work to be with us.”  
James frowned. “You’ve thought about this.”  
“For a long time.  You have been my dream for so long.  And I want all of this with you.”  
“I love you Allie.”  
“Love you too Jamie.  Are you ok with my dreams?”  
James smiled. “I want a German Sheppard and then a white kitten.  We’ll get them after the kids.  Three of them.”  
“Its sounds perfect to me, Detective.”  
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Present day… 
“About that,” Alex swallowed. “We may have to slow down on just going after him.   I don’t want him to know that I’m here with you.”  
“It doesn’t matter.  I’ll protect you,” James said.  
“No seriously, there is a really big reason I was trying to stay off radar.” Alex played with her fingers.  James took them in his own hands to try and calm her.  
“You can tell me anything.  I’ll be here.”  He kissed her knuckles.  
“Maybe I should tell you this alone.” Alex glanced at Steve.  
“Oh no.  The last time I left you alone with him, you jumped out of a window,” Steve said crossing his arms. “I’m staying right here.”  Alex shot him a glare that could have melted skin. “Or, I could go get us some lunch.”  There was only one thing Steve was scared of: the wrath of one Alexandra Richards. Steve grabbed his keys and left.  
James rolled his eyes. “Did you have to scare him doll?” 
“What did I say about calling me doll?” 
“You lost that right by leaving.”  
“Wow, this is the whole painting thing again.  You kept looking at it even when I said you couldn’t.” 
James rolled his eyes.  “Then you shouldn’t have put it on the wall behind you.”  He pulled Alex for a kiss.  “How else could I kiss you goodnight, Allie?” 
“Fine,” she smiled.  When she pulled away, she looked sad.  “Do you think we could go somewhere and talk?  I just need to get out for a moment.”  
“Sure.”  They left the apartment and James took her hand again.  
“I promise I’m not going to run.”  
“Yeah, you lost that privilege doll.”  James smirked at her.  “So where are we headed?”  
“Ten blocks down.”  They started to walk.  Alex chewed her lip.  “Can I run something by you?”  
“Ok but I need to ask something first.” Alex didn’t know how to ask, how to phrase without giving James a heart attack.  She finally found the right words. “What would be the one reason to stay hidden?” 
“To protect you.”  The answer was automatic.  
“No other reason? Hypothetically.” 
“Hypothetically?” James looked at his wife, unsure as to why she would ask these questions.  “I don’t know.”  
“Ok that’s fair.  So, let’s say you had a kid.” James quirked an eyebrow. “Would that be the one thing you would protect more than anything in the world?” 
“If it was our kid, I would do everything in my power to protect the both of you.” 
“Even if it means never seeing me again?” 
James stopped. “Why do I have to choose?  I would choose my family over everything.”  
“Yeah, that’s fair.  Won’t make this any easier but its fair.” Alex took a moment.  “I found out something else about two weeks after I left.  And it devastated me.  I knew right then I couldn’t come back.  I found the one reason I couldn’t put you into danger.”  
“What could possibly be bigger than our family?” 
“It’s not bigger than our family.  It is our family.”  
James furrowed his brow. “I don’t understand.”  
The couple stopped walking in front of a cheery house, painting in bright colors.  A few children played in the front on a jungle gym, a brunette with long hair watching over.  When she looked up, she waved at Alex, who smiled and waved back.  
“Alex, do you know her?” 
“Her name is Wanda.  She runs this daycare.”  
“Why did you bring me to meet her?” 
Alex smiled sadly. “Not her.”  
“Mama!!” A little boy screamed and ran to clutch Alex’s legs.  A boy with hazelnut hair and bright blue eyes.  
“Hi baby.”  Alex scooped him up into a hug.  After a moment she set him down.  “Can you stay with Wanda?” 
“Okays.”  He ran off.  Alex turned to James with tears in her eyes.  
“He’s the one reason I couldn’t come back.”  
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Three years earlier.  
“How are you settling in Ale?”  Natasha fluffed a pillow on the couch.  
“Fine, I guess.  Wish I could go back or reach out to him.  Let him know I’m ok.” Alex drew up her knees to her chest, trying to hold herself together.  
“I told you not to mess with Grey.  Finally got to say that after 10 years.”  
“Yeah, I know Nat. I know.”  Alex leaned with her head in her hands. “He finally broke me.  Threatening my husband and my best friend. Good strategy.” She sighed. “He knew I would fall in line.”  
“Bastard.” Nat sat next to her and rubbed her back.  “What’s the plan? You know you can’t go back right now.”  
“I know that. I’m going to start over and work my way back to them, I guess.  I-“ Alex stopped and covered her mouth.  She ran to the bathroom and threw up, not the first time that day.  
“Fuck! Why won’t this anxiety go away,” she moaned, leaning her head against the porcelain. She could handle just about anything but the constant nausea.   
“That’s the third time in the last two days.  C’mon, let’s go to the clinic.  I don’t know James, but he’ll kill me if I let something happen to you.” Nat helped Alex up and took her to the local clinic.  
Hours later, Alex sat stunned, her mind racing. This couldn’t be happening.  “Pregnant?” 
“Yes,” the doctor smiled.  “About six weeks.  Very early.”  
“Th-thank you.  Umm, what’s the next step?” 
“If you decide to keep it, need to start prenatal vitamins and keep hydrated.  You can schedule an ultrasound for 12 weeks to check progress.  Congratulations.”  The doctor left the room.  
Nat held Alex as she sobbed.  “Why?  Why did this have to happen?”  
“Are you going to get rid of it?” 
“NO!” Nat jumped. “I’m sorry.  No, I can’t.  It’s the last part of Jamie I have now. I have to hope we can come back together again if only for him to meet his kid.  A kid!  We dreamed about this and now he won’t get to be there.”  
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“I found out two weeks after… after…” she couldn’t say it.  
“What’s his name?”  James kept a stiff upper lip.  
“Andrew.  Drew or AJ depending on his mood.”  Alex looked at him.  A single tear slipped, and James wiped it away.  “Andrew James Richards-Barnes.”  
“Ok, wow, ok.  Can we sit?” James motioned to the bench.  They sat and James kept her hand in his.  “The one thing you would protect before anyone else. Yeah, I get that now.”  
“Yeah.” Alex looked at her feet for a moment before studying his face. “I can’t tell anymore.”  
“Tell what?” 
“What you’re feeling. What you’re thinking.  I lost it. I used to be able to tell.”  
“I’m trying not to reach out for my son. I can’t believe it.  My son.  We have a son.”  
“You have a son.  I wanted to protect him from everything.  And I couldn’t go back while Grey was still watching.  He would have more leverage.  I knew you would want me to protect our little one.”  
James studied his wife’s face.  Seeing how broken she was at the choices she was forced to make. “Doll, I’m not mad at you.  I’m mad, but not at you.”  He leaned back and sighed.  “I’m a dad.  I missed it.”  
Alex cried harder. “I’m sorry,” she wailed. “I wanted you there. I wanted you to be there for us and for him.  I show him your picture, I tell him the stories, but I know its not the same.”  
“Oh Allie, its ok.” His tears fell.  “Can I meet him?”  
“Yes, of course.”  She got up and wiped her face and went to talk to Wanda.  The woman went to get the little boy and brought him to Alex.  “Hi baby.  I want you to meet someone ok?” 
“Okays.” Drew took his mother’s hand and she walked him back to the bench.  
“Drew, this is Jamie.”  
“Hi Jamie.” Drew stood shyly next to his mom.  
“Hi Drew.”  James studied him. He looked just like himself as a child.  Undeniably his son.  “How old are you?” 
“Umm,” he showed his hand and tried to put up fingers.  He got three to stay up.  “This many!” 
Alex moved to hold one of the fingers down.  “More like this many but almost three.”  She kissed her son’s hand.  
James ran a hand through his hair, not sure what to say to an almost three-year-old. “Do you like policemen?” 
“Yea! My mama says my daddy is a police man and that he’s going to come back to get us.”  Drew smiled.  
“Really? That’s great.  I’m a policeman too.”  He took out his badge for Drew to see.  He handed it to the little boy, who took it with great interest.  
“Wow! Its heavy.” Drew looked closely at the man.  “You’re crying.” More of a statement of fact than a question.  
“A little, buddy. Your mama just gave me some news.”  
“Mama, why did you make Jamie cry?  That’s not nice.”  
Alex laughed gently. “You’re right baby.  But they are happy tears, I promise.”  
Drew turned back to James.  “Happy tears?” 
“Yeah buddy. Happy tears.  Because I got to meet you.  Can I give you a hug?” 
Drew looked at his mom and she nodded.  Drew extended his arms around James’s neck for the hug and James picked him up, holding him close.  Drew pulled back slightly and studied James’s face again.  “You look like someone.”  
“I do?” 
“Yeah.”  He wiggled to be put down and went to his backpack.  James looked up at Alex and she shrugged.  Drew came back and handed a photo to him.  “You look like him.”  James and Alex looked at the photo and Alex gasped.  
“Andrew, where did you get that?” 
“I took from the table for show and tell.  I wanted to show them my daddy.”  Drew turned back to Jamie.  “Are you my daddy?” 
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sinisterexaggerator · 2 years
Do I smell a size kink?
We're talking about hands, right? I am. Inspired by this ask and this work of art by @thebluevipersden along with my thirsty posts about Cad Bane's lengthy fingers since before the  Batuuan cows came home.
Cad Bane x Fem! Reader
Note: This is the most verbose, self-indulgent garbage I have ever written. I do not apologize. This is pr0n without plot. I may mention a room? A bed? No specific setting, meant to be kind of "cerebral" or whatever.
Word count: 3.4+
Warnings: NSFW / 18+ for size kink, voice kink, fingering, edging, name-calling, hair-pulling, straight up lust and body worship, double Durosian cock sucking, finger sucking, rough and passionate kissing, breast massaging, mild/consensual gagging/choking, cum guzzling, greed, master/slave scenario though desired by the reader, light degradation, praise, orgasm control, begging, and hat tipping.
P.S.: There is remotely a happy ending. Bane will always come back to you.
Size Matters
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Extensive fingers, long-reaching, your fantasies brought to life on the vertex and crooks of their multi-jointed lengths. Blue flesh, cold and smooth with a faint roughness that paralyzes you when they caress your human skin. Marks are left in the form of horripilation; the bristling of micro hairs on your aching body as you pine for the hunter’s patented ministrations. Cruel, while at the same time tantalizing, stimulating your already sultry sex, dampened to the deepest, darkest depths that he can fathom.
You are a souse for Duros, drunk off this one in particular, the size, the massive expanse of his all-encompassing alien anatomy, the sight seared into your memory, occupying your thoughts all waking hours of the day and on sleepless nights, flourishing at the forefront of your conscious mind, haunting your dreams, and making a slave out of any free will still in your possession.
When Cad Bane graces you with his daunting presence you are a puppet, a plaything. He frightens you, though you are insensible; insatiable, ready, willing, and brimming with an outspoken lust that makes even this cold-blooded; cold-hearted creature smile toothily, a sinister salaciousness etched into the scarred and weathered contours of his angular features, perfect in its imperfection. Like a fine work of art, paint cracking and splitting, though no less loved for all its wear.
This man sits on a pedestal of your own making, higher than a Renek, an Emperor, or a Daimyo on his dais, those reedy digits perverse in the clasping of your mewling throat. Dangerous, deadly, decidedly erotogenic is the gentle hold that encapsulates you, yet it could crush bones into pulp and dust and nothingness.
A hand that could engulf your own smaller, mammalian one; your face; the fullness of a breast, capable of being seated and smothered in the frigid breadth of a palm.
One finger enters your mouth, sliding past the barrier of your flat teeth, fondling the wet muscle that plays at the apex until it bypasses your uvula and cants down, down, into the empty hollow, incisors and molars met with knuckle at its end. It wallows in your saliva, sequestered in the pit of your throat as you barely begin to gag, your tastebuds registering the astringent pungency of worn, dusky leather. His gloves are fingerless, though this does not prevent you from having a sampling of their acridity.
Syllables laced in heavy modulation seep slowly past twin-tipped fangs that bare themselves in approval and fascination, the callous hired-gun clothed in armorweave seething at the same time he sings his praises in your ear. “Good girl. Naht de only thing yer gonna take from me.”
Your core is molten, a burning fire lingers in your center as he withdraws from you, rivaling the heat of a brightly blazing star. He leaves your body empty, tears threatening to fall from your bedroom eyes as he gazes at you, a twisted upturning of his lip denoting the immense amount of pleasure he receives from simply watching his prey squirm.
His depraved touch causes your chest to heave as he trails languidly across your pulse point to your clavicle, strolling along your sternum until he swoops back around to encircle a hard, erect nipple. The protrusion stands at attention, pinpricks of ecstasy enticing you to moan his name out loud, the Duros basking in the afterglow of your sudden shock as he pulls away leaving you wanton, barren of his debauch affections.
Your parted lips tremble as he inserts his tongue into your open maw, forcing your mouths together as he steeps himself to the farthest reaches, those monstrous hands clamping down on the soft tissue of your breasts to massage and adulate those doughy things that are meant to feed human young, yet are so fun to grapple and molest.
You groan against his fangs, wanting those almost nightmarishly large appendages to get lost in the bows and angles of your feminine form, exulting his name higher as you rasp quaking breaths between the annunciation of his title directly into his gaping jaws. “Fill me, Bane, please.”
He pulls away, licking a stripe from your chin to your temple, grasping you by one shoulder to maneuver you as he forces your small body to turn, bend, and lie prostrate over his boney lap upon the bed he sits on.
“Up,” he says. You crawl backward just enough like the worm you are, arms stretched across and beyond his scrawny legs, your back arcing into an all too familiar curve as your replete ass is left exposed to the open air. Cad traces a narrow pattern on your back down the veer of your spine causing your epidermis to betray you as it pimples with excitement and adrenaline once again.
“Haunches,” he commands, and you sink down onto your knees, sitting atop your forelegs with all the appearances of a roasted pig, ready to be devoured by hungry chops.
His arm sweeps the cusp of your body, skirting your buttocks to take a sample of the secretions that practically ooze from your vaginal opening, finger pads playing with the clear, gleaming residue produced by your ardent arousal, the Duros obviously pleased with himself by the telltale snide smirk that resides at the corner of his thin-lipped mouth as he spreads the sheen apart then licks it clean.
“So needy,” he rasps above you, the wide brim of his bolero hat casting a dark shadow over his countenance to the point the only thing left visible are those scorching, hellfire eyes, like pools of lava boring into your soul as the man himself bores into your drenched nexus with a single, sizeable finger, each one having an extra phalange in comparison to a human being that causes you to cry out as he slowly, tortuously makes a show of forcing you to plead so indecently for more.
Oh, this is taboo; you are corruptible, so far gone your head is swimming as the hunter imbues and otherwise impales your plush innards all the way to the apogee of his Durosian digit. You would traverse entire galaxies to worship at this man’s boots, to have him render you asunder with his fearsome teeth. He belauds your increasing wetness. You meekly voice your physical and mental high with an abject whimper that makes him laugh pitilessly at your amplified awareness, his stimulation of your sweet spot somewhat austere though it does not matter. You are at his mercy.
“Easy.” He berates you, another finger comparable with the first in length and girth worming its way inside of your already stretched cunt. He stays stationary as you grind your body over the rigid appendages of the Duros, riding so close to an orgasm he pulls your head up by the hair.
You gasp, choking on your own spit, mouth hanging open as he snakes his tongue back into you, entrenching it past your tonsils as his canines graze your upper lip and chin. A shudder rocks your body and he pries himself away. You beg him for another kiss. “Master, please.”
He exudes a sound between a snort and the auditory equivalent of a sneer, mocking the exigency of your tone, his free hand unbuckling the holsters at his hips. They drop to the floor with a clatter, Bane coaxing the clasp of his pants to open, unzipping his insulated blacks, then reaching for his foreign genitalia. His cocks are revealed, twin phalli equal in width and a myriad of other ways, including ribs and ridges, crests of flesh and soft scales that when utilized synchronize with your own reproductive organs despite the hunter being of another species and ilk entirely.
“Open wide,” he instructs you, pushing you back down by the back of the head as those fingers so worthy of your pathetic attempts at adoration cling to your locks, guiding you to imbibe thankfully, only one, as your throat could not accommodate another. Instead, he drives this second cock forward. He thrusts it in your face even as you slather and saturate his first dick with your saliva. His slick is saccharine with a tang, the Duros’ hemipenis residing hidden until brought into service; until pumped full up of his green blood.
Your tiny, fragile hand makes note of every line, every pliable spine that threatens to latch onto the softness of your palm though it wouldn’t serve a purpose in the here and now so Bane refrains, otherwise gingerly coercing you to swallow his dick whole as you grasp and jerk his other cock within the warm seat of his chosen implement, regardless of the temporary vulnerability as his eyelids droop.
You buzz against him like a swarm of Bluebarb wasps, Bane’s top rung of a lip curling inward, a single, snaggle-fang peeking out the gap though you are too preoccupied to see the visual reward accompanying your hard work.
Your cheeks become depthless depressions, concave in appearance as this act that keeps him coming back propels a sibilant hiss, a rattle from the epicenter of his larynx, circumventing the breathing tubes that are stationed deep within, expelling that fiendish resonation in such a way that it only encourages the debase performance you are subjecting yourself to.
Objectification is in the sabacc cards, and so is degradation, though you crave any and all ill-mannered attentions this cowboy from the ghetto will give you. But so is praise, aggrandizement. He is a barbarous figure of authority when the mood strikes, yet he can also flatter and finesse.
“Dhat’s it, princess.”  
Your tenuous, corporeal shell has become inflexible as your sole focus is to suck him dry, though you are groaning humbly at the rich sound your body’s byproduct makes as it leaks down your inner thighs and legs from Bane’s expert influence on your dripping pith. Back and forth, the hunter’s fingers are coated in the stuff, the carnal manifestation of your dopamine release, and his building as you continue your lecherous endeavor by his guidance.
Your forearm engages in supination, muscles activating to keep pace with the suction of your mouth, your thumb stroking the bulbous head of his shaft to relish the texture of the seepage that already founts at his slit. Bane moaning is the most beautiful music to your ears, pushing you towards the throes of an orgasm quicker, though you bridle yourself from peaking prematurely by homing in on the sensation of the Duros’ adulterant anatomy gliding in and out, eluding your rather dull canines, a mere parody in contrast to his.
You’re trying so hard to curb your climax when the hand on the back of your head reaches back to smack your ass, leaving in its wake a large, red welt that shakes you viscerally and you whine against his cock jammed against the rear of your throat, profane vocalizations filling the space of the room and Bane’s ear canals with what is akin to a kind of decadent euphony. At least in this way you are both similar, taking delight in the other’s lascivious vocalizations in such a way that they appease an innate need for approval, though Bane would do as he wishes, approval or not, and the slut in you; the whore that you are does not seem to care.
“Naht te cum unless Ah say,” he unfairly states, though your pussy is clenching as you uptake his sonorous voice. It echoes inside your ear drums, filtering through to invade your mind with its lewdness. It’s only his natural way of being, the way he speaks as Basic is not his first or native language, though the enunciations of this Duros cause you to writhe again across those spidery digits and he knows what he is doing is agonizing; he knows how those wisps of his hot breath against you are unsportsmanlike in this game you play, yet he does it to spite you, for the punishment is far worse should you disobey.
He'll leave. He’ll walk away and desert you for weeks, months on end. It is not a risk you are willing to take, so you relax your Kegel muscles and return your focus to his phalli. Though, you implore him now between your voracious appetite for his cock, and the one being stroked in your diminutive human hand, for your long sought-after liberation against his exceptionally flawless kneading of your velvet loins.
“Please, sir,” you entreat him amongst strings of your spittle, but oh, this has the opposite effect that you want it to. He spans his reach inside you, then adds a thumb to the glandular protrusion of your clit, sensually circling the little nub just to torment you. The demons of hell would have been more forgiving, yet Cad Bane does not tarry from his sadistic mission even as you legitimately cry, the salty tears streaming from your eyes a bitter reflection of the harrowing experience; the trauma engrained in you; the very idea you would be denied his visitations for the foreseeable future the only thing keeping you from spilling yourself all over him.
He gives a guttural guffaw full of derision even as it transforms into a harrumph; a mutter that borders pornographic as does anything that exits that otherwise wily mouth. Oh, the hunter is crafty, but your administrations are artful along his cock, expressing your devotion for him in a tangible way as you pick up the tempo.
It is like a dance, and you are entertaining him. He matches your momentum, and it is nearly unbearable. You thrum beseechingly, hoping that when he attains his, you will get yours, or that he will allow you to, as you are edging closer and closer, and you do not know if you can contain yourself much longer.
Your dedication and perseverance pays off. A cacophonic croak rises from the bottom of his voice box as the cock in your mouth lets loose a torrent of gelid seed, glazing your throat with its balmy texture and unique, savory flavor. It reminds of you tart confectionaries, though the aftertaste is almost sugar sweet and makes you want to guzzle the shit like there’s no tomorrow.  
You give an enrapt purr as it slides down and into your stomach. You keep sucking. You won’t stop for the life of you, not until the Duros bats you on the nose with the crown of one blue finger and you relent. He is panting, but you catch him off guard, shoving the other of his dicks into your gluttonous gullet.
“Greedy minxx,” he hisses directly in your ear, your head bumping into the underside of his oversized hat as you bob your head, urging his second batch from the recesses of his testis. His species had two organs; two loads, and you would coax them both to the surface and into your belly - a meal in and of itself – one that always leaves you starved for more.
He sibilates again before his fangs clack against one another, the Duros bearing down on his bottom row of jagged teeth even as he jerks his fingers inside you, coiling them, applying pressure to the anterior wall of your vagina. He does this as you push him to another orgasm, that same icy, sour ejaculate coating your tongue, the inside of your mouth, and slipping down into your eager bowels.
You can’t help it. His reptilian patience, the faultlessly unhurried, absolutely professional way Bane nuzzles his entire palm against your pubic mound while adeptly nestling his colossal knobby fingers inside you causes your cunt to quiver of its own volition. They are prodigious. You come up for air, the hunter’s semen dribbling down your lips and chin as you scream to the ceiling of your meager dwelling.
You cum. He had not given his permission, though he does not remove his fingers. You ride out your pleasure to its completion, literally, body undulating like the ocean waves of Kamino over his expansive extremities.
His thumb’s pad increases your release as it keeps its movements steady over your swollen bud. He rubs another one out of you without even trying. His limbs are sodden with your liquid excess. He inclines his neck so as to look at you face-to-face as he removes those fingers you love to well, inch by interminable inch, a sopping sound in hot pursuit that makes your cheeks flush redder than his eyes until a new expression takes over your face – regret.
“Please, Cad. I’m sorry,”  you say as he wipes your overflow on the back of his chaps, the Duros standing so you are forced to sit up on your knees.
“Don’ know how te listen, do ye, girl?” he chides you, sending a shockwave of humiliation through you the same time as horror and longing. You cling to the hunter’s hips, wrapping your arms about his wafer-thin waist, pleading for him not to abandon you so soon, even as he cuts himself off, adjusting and refastening his bodysuit and trousers.
“Forgive me, I didn’t mean to,” you urge him, eyes glistening as you stare into his so full of an unreadable stoicism, the only hint to his current mindset being the faint smile that tugs at the corner of his hairline lips as he squirms away, taking up his gun holsters. “I tried.”
“Ye did try, didn’ ye?” He asks, fastening the LL-30's to himself before he brushes the backs of those spindly digits, those knotted knuckles, across your silken cheek in a kind bestowal of favoritism, drawing your chin up between the cradle of his thumb and forefinger to tilt your neck to fully face him.
“An’ ye failed.”
He’s right. You failed to obey. The Duros is overpowering. He ravages all five of your human senses. You would let him overtake you; engross you with every fiber of his being if it were possible, yet you know in that instant you had lost the privilege of his tactical, almost formulaic tenderness for the unknowable future, whatever he deems fair or necessary. However, it won’t stop the urgency of your appeal.
“Please, Bane, don’t leave me. I’ll do anything.”
He scowls, though it is tinged with a modicum of levity, yet dark as molasses. The man is not entirely heartless no matter the rumors and hearsay that follow his every footstep, but his true modality somehow evades you, even as his smile contorts into a full-fledged, vicious grin.
He tightens his grip on your mandible, parting your whining mouth further with the tip of his tongue. It slithers inside you, furling as it whorls with yours. He grasps your breast, palming its entirety as you rise up off the bed to meet him, though your stature still causes him to bend to greet you halfway.
He kisses you with such passion the electrical signals communicating with your brain short circuit, and you are left a throbbing mess as he pulls away. You gasp at the separation; he inserts a finger to quiet you. You suck along its length. It is drawn out and slow.
“Anythin’?” Bane rumbles, then he charges you with a simple decree; a verbal behest you are so unwilling yet anxious to adhere to even as he slips that finger in and out of your mouth like a third cock, watching the puckering of your lips, hypnotized by the delectable spell of your sensuous gesticulations across his blue flesh to the point he nearly loses his own train of thought.
“Mhm,” you agree, wide soliciting eyes impervious to distraction searching his ruby elliptic ones for understanding, yet he steals that finger from you with a resounding pop.
“Dhen ye wait 'ere fer me,” he states simply, unjustly, savagely as he tips the brim of his hat to you, glossing the edge with two of those wickedly inhuman appendages that did you so, so dirty.
You gasp, cry out, grab at his coattails as he whisks around. You miss and nearly stumble, Bane leaving you in ruins and with nearly the total loss of all your dignity. The Duros pauses by the entrance of your abode. You look away, ashamed. He does not loiter, but solidifies his departure with quick strides and a slamming of the door. Even so, Cad knows he will be back. The skillset you possess is unmatched; peerless, and he has been around the Galaxy more than enough times to know he’s found a catch.
He will only leave you long enough to make you fret, but not long enough so you forget, though chances are it’s nary possible.
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Cad Bane Masterlist
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metroidprimepics · 2 years
Eventually I will run out of things to talk about. But until then, more trivia. Mostly creatures/bosses.
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I don’t know when you would ever see this normally, but the elevators in West/East Towers (access to Control Tower, the outdoor arena area) have a rather elaborate full mechanism underneath.
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Rain only appears in a cube around Samus. This is a metaphor for her life.
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For some reason there is collision information at the bottom of Impact Crater - but only the version surrounding the Artifact Temple room specifically. It’s not terrifically accurate to the visual geometry - the ball is rolling quite a bit above the “ground” - but it’s still there... For some reason.............
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I'm a little endeared with how Space Pirates look like a completely different species in each game with no explanation whatsoever. Anyway, the ones in Prime have these almost invisible lines of orange hairs on the limbs, which is very charmingly buggy.
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Also, this one was kind enough to stand still for a height comparison. (Their AI doesn’t handle noclipping very well - often they just don’t attack when approached from the air.)
I spoke a bit ago about Metroid Prime’s additional eyes, which are not very easy to see in game.
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They’re actually rolled back into her carapace in the intro cutscene before the fight, so it’s not surprising that you don’t really notice them.
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After said intro cutscene, she is fully spawned in the room below and idle animating with no weapons systems active. Kind of a look, honestly.
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Back to the eyes. Even if you saw the eyes, you would almost certainly not notice this behavior, but... They’re actually programmed to follow the player’s position exactly. The camera may be down here, but Samus is still in the room above and to the right, so that’s... where they’re looking..............
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In later parts of the fight Metroid Prime uses this “tractor beam” attack, which actually emanates from the front two eyes. Somehow, I’m getting Gritty vibes.
...Impact Crater in general has always felt a little rushed to me, like it was thrown together last minute to just finish the damn game. (The boss rooms in particular are... hmm.) I still love it, though.
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And there’s still all kinds of details, like these transparent areas with ... creatures? Swimming in them?? In concept art they’re mentioned as protozoans.
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Let’s noclip in. They look like microbes or plankton. But big!
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In a possible nod to these guys, the core access rooms in Corruption’s Leviathan Seeds have these floating clouds of similar creatures (labeled as “Phazon Cells” in game data). (Well, maybe less a nod and more a flex, really, especially when you consider that these games came out less than 5 years apart.)
While I was cleaning up, I found the first of these screenshots I took:
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Ingclaw butt.
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Absurdly detailed Amorbis butthole. Why?
You ever remember you can bring up a nice, rotateable model in an short idle animation in the Logbook? Cause. You sure can do that in 2 and 3. OK.
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Each of Dark Amorbis’ segments is separated by a bright red disc.
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Part of the Spider Guardian’s model clips through its head on one side - you can see a little speck of bright red, plus some hairs. Or rather, the outer shell is accidentally concave...?
This only applies in this “swimming”/damage animation - it looks fine when rolling around. Probably just has a vertex off or something. You can’t see it in the fight. It’s fine.
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Also, it’s perfectly possible to hit it with gun.
However, only the normal Power Beam shot actually deals damage - other weapons only stun it.
Additionally, while you technically can kill it this way, the normal death cutscene won’t play afterwards. That cutscene is what’s actually responsible for spawning the Spider Ball upgrade, so... No Spider Ball. Kind of defeats the purpose of defeating it, really. You still get a purple credit in Trilogy, at least.
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Regular pillbugs have gorgeous spiral undersides.
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Echoes’ troopers were less cooperative. They appear to be... big...?
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That round thing in her chest (heart?) is visibly beating. Seems like a design flaw, but I guess that’s why this one isn’t a commando.
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Speaking of which, these ones aren’t programmed to attack. They’re also quite a bit bigger.
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I have invulnerability on when taking photos. Normally, enemy attacks just fizzle out when they land.
However, Quadraxis’ Annihilator shots bounce off of invulnerable entities. This trait is shared with Samus’ weaponry (you’ve probably seen this behavior with doors, or with largely-invulnerable enemies like Quadraxis itself). Maybe its attacks use the same code? Sadly, I can’t seem to get it to aim at the Annihilator door to the temple access.
Sort of an aside, but I feel like we’re missing out on beam deflection puzzles. Bouncing shots off things is fun [citation needed], and it was clearly already possible in the Prime engine... and in Super Metroid, too, weirdly enough. But I guess it’s just never occurred to anyone to use deflection for puzzles? Or maybe that kind of mechanic was deemed too spatially challenging for an all-ages series. It’s never too late though! (I think some SM hacks use it, at least...)
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Planets, while lovely-looking, aren’t actually spheres. They’re made up of lots of mostly-flat layers...
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One time I fucked up the event flags in this game so hard that Unit 217 disappeared. Please use noclip responsibly.
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This is where where the umbilical cord of a Leviathan core attaches to the seed. Looks like sliced roast beef.
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On Bryyo, in the North and South Jungle Hall rooms (here and here), there is collision information and even some texturing on otherwise inaccessible areas.
Maybe these bits were meant to be accessible at some point...? You can easily jump up to the grates from the bulkhead, you just can’t get up to the bulkhead normally.
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The wind turbines (there’s one in the background here) match the Space Pirate design from Echoes.
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There’s some weirdass jittery floating things in the Bryyo jungle atmosphere, too. They don’t seem destructible or aggressive. I can’t find anything else about them, though.
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Edit: According to @ bearborg, they’re labeled as spores ingame. Probably from the fungi!
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Going to upgrade the weird butthole count in this trilogy to “two” with the Korakk Beast here. Sorry.
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By the time you fight him, Rundas’ whole body is visibly laced with Phazon hyphae. But there’s even some clustered growths behind his "face”, underneath the PED. I think if you get close enough to him to see these, you probably have other things to worry about... Poor guy though.
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The Berserker Lord’s beautiful face, with the distinct horizontal row of eyes confirming that is a heavily modified Urtraghian Space Pirate. Same goes for the Knight, it’s just easier to see with Phazon all over it. I just... really was not sure.
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Another “you probably have bigger things to worry about” detail, this spike-filled area in 313′s brain. It’s almost like a sub-brain? Looks uncomfortable.
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I tried to get a nice aesthetic shot of the opening cutscene for the Mogenar fight. At first glance, I thought this looked nice. However, upon closer inspection...
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Is Samus... hovering?
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Yep. The ground is well out of frame in the actual cutscene, so you’d never be able to tell.
I get why the cutscene artist did this - she wouldn’t be in the shot otherwise because the Mogenar is so far away, but actually moving her closer would force an awkward upward angle on the Mogenar. Because it’s, you know, huge. Still, I’m never going to be able to unsee this.
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