#I don't think either of them would see it that simply tho. manipulated or not noelle is still guilty of murder
multishipper-baby · 2 years
Also since I've been toying with the idea of Evangelina having ice powers like Noelle and thus being able to cast Snowgrave, I've been thinking about... What if she Iced her parents.
#myocs#that would be a really dark ending so I'm not sure if I want to make it ''canon'' to her but#it's definitely interesting#not sure if she'd only ice one or both of them because all three possibilities are kind of interesting#1- if she kills them both then she necessarily became a self made orphan. but she can keep it a secret since her parents were missing#so... she'd spent the rest of her life with that on her shoulders. can't exactly be healthy#I wonder if she would start to consider herself just as bad as them and a danger to the town#what a ugly thing to live with#2- she only kills kris. technically in this noelle she ''liberates'' her mother#since noelle was initially manipulated into killing berdly (+ the darkners) by them#I don't think either of them would see it that simply tho. manipulated or not noelle is still guilty of murder#and she decided to follow kris into the dark world and continued to do their biding for years after that#ultimately she carries some responsibility for her actions and I don't think evangelina would be very forgiving towards her#3- eva kills only noelle. probably the messiest since it leaves her with the parent that started it all in the first place#I wonder if kris would still be under the player's control at that point? or if that would even matter at all#I don't think evangelina would believe kris if they told her they were being controlled. actually I think she'd see this as a manipulation#and even if she did believe them I'm sure it would still be hard for her to relate to them at all#how do you deal with the cause of all your suffering when you find out they didn't actually cause all your suffering?#idk. I'm not sure kris would know what to say to defend or justufy themselves#I think kris might just stay in the dark world because they know they can't fix anything and eva would allow that#she moves on. pretends she doesn't know her mother is dead and her parent is hiding in another world.#damn this girl needs some therapy
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miitarashi · 6 months
You mentioned you have a Tintin oc, do you have any art of them? If not, can you describe them, like how they look or their name and personality and things? I'm so interested in people's oc's ❤️
Unfortunately i stopped drawing a long time ago so i don't have and can't make arts about neither Tintin or my oc,but at least i keep her alive through my writing on my other fic in my native language.
And yes! I can describe her for you 😘
Appearance: her name is Aisha,an young adult woman between 18 and 20 years old, 1.65 tall (5'5, almost the same height as Tintin). Long black, curly hair, usually braided or loose. She has vitiligo (I simply think people like that are the most beautiful thing 🥹) and eyes with heterochromia due to vitiligo (one is brown and the other is light green). Her clothes are very simple, long cargo pants with several pockets and she either wears a top or a tank top. Not so thin, a robust body, but still feminine.
Personality: well, here we start with the fact that she is a thief,bisexual, have ADHD and is ✨️brazilian✨️ lol. She is self-centered and thinks she is the best, always wanting to attract attention as she has a reputation for never having been caught regardless of the robbery. Debauched and manipulative, but only when necessary.
She's not a bad person, since even though she's self-centered, she has a big heart and is very charismatic, the type who makes friends after 5 minutes of conversation (in the meantime, she would probably already know about your family and be planning a visit lol). She has the energy of a Golden Retriver, but provokes like a black cat.
Background : how she and Tintin met is fun because they are the "enemies to lovers" troup. She ended up in Brussels because her parents abandoned her there and ran away because they were fugitives, a old woman called Anastacia took her to raise with two other acquaintances of hers, Alexander and Darium (they are old friends),basically becoming her adoptive relatives and calling her Aisha.
Tintin and her met when they were between 9 and 12 years old and by his looks she thought it was fun to tease the poor guy and get in the way of whatever he was doing regardless of what. Talking wasn't an option since she didn't take it seriously just to keep disturbing him, but when he started to return it in the same way it became a competition to see who hated each other more lol.
With Tintin soon becoming the hero and traveling the world, Aisha stayed, became a thief and started traveling the world always aiming to make the most eye-catching robbery possible (As she never hurt anyone and would return it if the person seemed to need the money more, her relatives let her go without any problems lol).
Every now and then he joined Tintin's enemies just to continue disturbing and making the situation worse, but there was one that was the trigger for enemies to lovers that i'll keep it short because this post is getting long lol. In short, she had joined a gang that manipulated her and to get revenge she planned everyone's arrest but Tintin was also involved and this gang hated him.
Classic one helping the other, Tintin got into an ambush in which she blamed herself because indirectly she was the one who gave the location without knowing it, they fought and you know that moment when one of the two ends up kissing the other and then they ask for one more? yeah 😏... After arresting the gang, they didn't exactly become a couple, but something close (it's deeper than that but I don't want to take too long 🥺)
Overal is it,there's some other little things but i guess it's enough for now. Thank you for the ask tho! I never thought someone would want to know about my Oc lol.
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nogenderbee · 19 days
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝕐𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝔸, 𝔻, 𝔼, 𝔽, ℤ ₊˚ˑ༄
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ anon request: I shall request for a Yandere Alphabet headcanons:
A, D, E, F, and Z with Mafuyu and Ena
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Okeyy~ So happy to see alphabet is still something people are interested in because oh my gosh I love writing it!! Anwyay, hope you like it!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ TW: yandere behavior, unhealthy obsession, mental and physical abuse, kidnapping, manipulation, mentions and descriptions of death
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✧ Abuse = Could they ever hurt you physically or mentally? What would be the reason?
Mafuyu already set her goal to protect you, thinking you're too pure for this world... it's gonna be hard to make her hurt you in any way when she wants to protect you. But not impossible...
When you disobey her words and for example go out alone, she'll show you herself what the means when she said the world is cruel. She doesn't mind using any kind of blades, even fire... she's good from chemistry too so might use it as well... she's not gonna kill you. But she'll only stop when you end up crying and admitting YOU were wrong.
"I'm just showing you that this world is indeed brutal and you need my protection. Most won't give you a break this easily. You see my point now?"
✧ Difference = When can you notice different behavior in them?
Depending on what Mafuyu you know, you'll notice different traits in her over time.
If you knew her as the "good girl", you'll notice she's appearing in your life more and more often and sometimes her eyes just... go dark for no reason... it's weird she's so cheerful but around you she sometimes breaks into emotionless state without even realizing it, blaming it on tiredness...
I'd you know her from her real self tho, you'll notice how she's claiming her life suddenly has meaning now that you're here. Even Nightcord will tell you they're worried about their friend if you contact them... And she really is staring at you with those empty eyes as if you couldn't make any millimeter move without her noticing.
"Me? Weird? Oh no, you must be imagining! I'm simply tired. Don't worry you're little head about me... instead, may I ask if I can join you on lunch break?"
✧ Enjoy = Do they enjoy what they're doing to you, your life and people around you? Do they show it?
Mafuyu doesn't even realize what she's doing is bad. She's finally feeling emotions and she's sure it's love! And love is a good feeling, right? She's not even aware that something like loving TOO much exists...
So you could say she's indeed enjoying what she's doing. She's just protecting you... and if she can gain some feelings and meaning alongside, why should that be a bad thing?
"I simply love you. That'd it, isn't it? When you feel like your heart's gonna shread to pieces if you see the person you love hurt. I'm sure that's it."
✧ Force = Are they willing to force you into loving them? How will they do it?
Mafuyu doesn't get emotions much herself... so no, she's not gonna force you to love her. All she cares about is your trust and obedience. If she can get that, she'll have no reason to force you into anything.
Well... if she can't force you trust and obey her tho... she might be a bit forceful... maybe she can't keep you hostage at home because of her mother, but that's why she has her SEKAI. She'll keep you there, not knowing how many days have passed. Other Nighrcord members can't even get in the SEKAI because she told Miku to not let anyone in and out except for herself. When you're in such a creepy place for so long... might as well obey her, right?
"You'll understand one day... I'm doing all of this for your own good. I'd you just learn to trust my words, you're gonna me truly safe and happy, all thanks to me.."
✧ Zealous = If everything fails, will they be able to kill their partner?
Mafuyu's not gonna kill you, she wouldn't be able to do that... but she won't be able to let go either. She's simply gonna keep you in her SEKAI forever. Maybe make a little comfu corner for you so you won't go crazy completely... of course she'll visit you with games and food... and she knows you don't have any choice but accept it because you have no one else than her.
"Oh? I'm afraid I won't believe your lies again. Not after the 'You're a monster' speech. Now you're stuck here, because it's the only place where no one can hurt you."
@bleachtheidiot @prsk-krow @modyuki @virtualpoison @miguelito-maruti-blog @bl4cktourmaline @nenes-numberonefan - come get your aquarium lover~
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✧ Abuse = Could they ever hurt you physically or mentally? What would be the reason?
Ena doesn't even like the thought of hurting you physically! How could she ever damage that precious skin of yours when you're already so cute it'd be a crime?
As for mental abuse tho... if she'll have to, she doesn't mind... It's your fault for saying harsh words for her when she's just trying to love you! Now, she'll drop a harsh comment on everything you do basically.
"You're eating like that?! Ugh... you should let me teach you hi ow to way elegantly! I'm your girlfriend after all, I have no problem teaching you that."
✧ Difference = When can you notice different behavior in them?
It was actually quite easy to notice something changed in Ena if you saw how she behaved around others before... She was so much more clingier and annoyed with you at the same time... usually it's one but with you? It's both!
She's usually clingy, but OVERALLY clingy... even her friends told you she rambled about you all the time but get's annoyed whenever someone talks about you! Similar rule goes for you... as long as you talk about her and you, and only that, she'll be calm.
"Y/N! Let's hold hands while walking~ I want to take few cute photos for me socials!"
✧ Enjoy = Do they enjoy what they're doing to you, your life and people around you? Do they show it?
You bet Ena's enjoying every second of it~ She just knows what she wants! And she's not afraid to make it known. Especially when it comes to you!
And she's not afraid to show it either... by it by straightly telling you she's upset, being a bit mean for next few days or any other form... she'll make sure you know very well why she's upset at you and what she wants at the moment.
"I don't want you talking with them! Of course I'm straightforward!! There's nothing to hide when I know you'll treat my worries and doubts seriously..."
✧ Force = Are they willing to force you into loving them? How will they do it?
Ena actually had it planned even before she claimed you as yours! To be honest... she became so clingy so others won't try to get close to you as everyone will think you two are together! And it just stayed because she enjoyed being this clingy a bit too much~
But later on, she plans on not letting you away by step~ So you'll have no other choice but accept her presence, that alone should make you fall, right? And if not... she's ready to block EVERYONE on every socials you have except for her. Be it millions of people... and she doesn't care how much it takes her... she will be the only one you see and can interact with~
"Here I found your phone from our last sleepover! Yeah I know it was like 3 days ago but at least you have it back and don't need to buy new one! It'd be a waste after all!"
✧ Zealous = If everything fails, will they be able to kill their partner?
Ena trears "till death do us part" a bit too literally... She goes with classic yandere rule "if she can't have you, no one fan". So of course, once you make it clear there's no way for you two to live together and that you hate her, she sees no hope for peaceful life without getting her hands dirty...
She wants the two of you to die at the same time, by the same weapon tho... so she might prepare some easier mechanism that'll go through both of you at the same time when she gives you last kiss while you can do nothing because of ropes tying you~
"Shh~ Soon everything will be fine. And the end won't even hurt, I promise! Now close your eyes and let me hear your voice one last time~"
@bleachtheidiot @prsk-krow @modyuki @virtualpoison @miguelito-maruti-blog @qxmmi - come get your cheesecake lover!
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drunkonimagination · 1 year
what is your opinion on alastair getting back with Charles?? there's been clips like the one where it's snowing and it's from Thomas and I think he sees Charles and Alastair??? What are your ideas/opinions?? (ps I absolutely love you blog I'm too scared to spam you tho because of all the good ideas you have!!!!)
omg hi!!!
first thank you so much, that's so sweet 🥺💕 and oh please, feel free to spam how much you want, it makes me more than happy jsksjjs <3333
so about charles and alastair's relationship...
let's say that i am 99% sure alastair won't be back with charles at the beginning of chot, despite the feeling we might get from those few snippets.
like. did charles have some sort of realization after his near-death experience and tried to get alastair back when he required his presence at the end of choi? probably.
if that's the case, did alastair actually agree on that? hardly.
i am pretty sure that after all he went through, and how much he suffered from charles's behaviour and manipulation, he won't retrace his steps that easily.
and even if charles had some woke moment and decided to put an end to the hiding and be more open about his future relationships with men, i can't really see alastair accepting either. maybe he would be surprised, sure, and a bit of skeptical too but
1) he wouldn't easily believe every word that escapes from his ex's mouth after all the pain he put him through and most importantly, charles hurt him, really hurt him; and that cannot be ignored. even if charles really changed and alastair still loved him (which he obviously doesn't) he still would need time to simply consider the idea of coming back with him.
2) he has just spent hours kissing thomas f*cking lightwood in the sanctuary. and, yes, he could have told thomas minutes earlier that 'it isn't possible, it won't ever be' but this doesn't mean their connection didn't mean something everything to him. like he could deny it how much he wants but deep down alastair knows that thomas is the one he wants, the one for him.
so alastair and charles getting back together is something i can hardly see happening.
charles trying to get him back instead? that's definitely a higher and kinda predictable possibility.
i also believe this would be his main role in chot akjsjs (even tho i hope we can see some kind of development here, especially in his relationship with matthew/his family).
i mean...he was trying to do it in choi all the time, so who's preventing him from trying even harder in chot? especially after that near-death experience in which he supposedly realized ✨something✨? probably cordelia lol
uh, and about that scene you mentioned (i think you mean the snippet of the two of them outside in the snow where thomas says that alastair visited charles that day?) yes!!! it could be definitely linked to what i was talking about (like charles requiring alastair's presence for whatever excuse he invented to talk to him??) but idk honestly, he could have visited charles for any other reason for all we know 🤷🏻‍♀️ however im quite sure they're not seeing each other (also because wouldn't it be weird that shortly after visiting charles alastair is smiling at tom and caressing his cheek like the pathetic lovesick loser he is? nah, he's not with charles kjkw)
anyway, to make it brief, says the woman who wrote multiple paragraphs to answer this overall i don't really think they will get back together, even though charles will definitely try to get him back at some point (and that will turn into thomas's main problem in chot, making all his insecurities come back to surface all at once <3)
p.s. i hope you meant my opinion on the possibility of charles and alastair getting back together in chot and not about charles and alastair's relationship itself, bc in that case...my answer is just no. jslxkjsskl
and not just bc thomastair is my entire personality lol, but i honestly think that despite charles's manipulation and egocentrism, the way he hurt alastair, their different wants/desires, etcc.... they're just not meant to be?? charles probably just believes he wants alastair when he actually doesn't (i don't even think he knows the real alastair and he probably never tried to, all caught up in his career and politics) and for alastair, well....the fact that after breaking up with charles, the man he's supposed to love and with which he had a long and intense romantic relationship, he seems more relieved than anything else says a lot....and it says even more if you compare it to alastair's reaction after thomas, a friend, got angry and disappointed at him on the same day.
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langdhon · 9 months
I'm ready to throw hands with this meme because how can it expect me to mention JUST ONE THING??? I gotta go and agree with your pinned post tho about the deep dive into the psyche behind the title of antichrist. Your ability to show the multiple facets of his personality marks him as a complex individual. Does he embrace his purpose? Absolutely. But you highlight how he's so much more than that as well. His potential can grow and may even be a surprise when it happens. I also love seeing him manipulating the situations to better suit him. Gaslight gatekeep girlboss Michael 💅 . The way he plays situations, can read a room, can read the people he interacts with, it's interesting to watch how he shifts depending on those people while still being Michael at his core. There's this level of consistency between your interactions where it's easy to tell that you don't alter him for the sake of others. If he's ready to leave a situation? He'll walk out and you don't force him to stay for the sake of continuing a thread for a longer interaction. Sometimes moments are short and people don't stick around long and you show that Michael knows when to make a scene and when to leave one. 💕 I obviously will always find something to gush about your portrayal and you as a writer and a person so I'm gonna shut myself up now before I end up filling your entire inbox with my Michael and Ava tedtalk 💕
||| what is ONE THING you like about the way i play my character?
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ANDY is2g you come for my throat every time to make me sob!!! And you cheated, like Lune, enjoy your high five, you two asdkjg Honestly, most of his development is to blame on Alice and you, because we have all these different situations and the deep dive with them, it's beautiful to see them both grow together! Also each individually under the influence their dynamic has on them. Yes, Michael is a manipulator and will cherry-pick which side he shows depending on the person he interacts with to get the best out of it; or leave the scene because there's simply things he doesn't deal with. It's even canon. That when someone annoys him, he'll just up and exit like 'bye bitch'. Honestly? The characters he does that to should consider themselves lucky because the alternative would entail brutality. He's super smart but incredibly dumb at the same time, which I love to play out in contrast to each other.
There's also so many vastly different personalities he gets to interact with that even they tend to tickle something out of him, something he either doesn't want to show or didn't know is in him. In fact, you and my other partners are the reasons we even get to see a great number of those nuances! For which I'm super thankful. Michael is a lot of fun to play and while I do tone down on the godmoddy bits of his powers, I'm happy to have partners who roll with his shit and let their muses react accordingly without fear of hurting me OOC. Because in the end, I don't make him to what I want, I let him do what I think is in character for him to do and my partners do the same with their muses. It's beautiful. NOW YOU MADE ME RAMBLE TOO. If I have to start about you and your muses, especially Alice and Morpheus, this reply would fill up everyone's entire first page on dash dlkfjlkjg
Just know I'm your biggest fan and there's no day I'm not grateful to have such an all round wonderful writing partner and friend ♥
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minniepetals · 11 months
long msg (maybe?):
AHHHH so glad cmar is back 😭😭 been baking all day for family and cfriends so i wasnt able to see ur post abt its release AND when u released cmar💔 j so glad ur back and cmar is back🩷 cmar has me feeling so many emotions but ngl sometimes i also feel a little desensitized from reading sm angst in cmar😭(?)
alexander reminds me sm of my grandpa, he gives off such a warm vibe. A little prediction for alexander: i think hes the man standing behind karl ( hope m not wring and got the context clues right bc this would be v embarrassing rn😅) if oc acc kills karl right then and there or hurts him, alexander wouldnt say a thing and would have trusted him right there that he would do anything to her (if theres a plot twist and u acc make him hate oc i will be crying !!).
and if so !! i imagine oc going back to korea barely scathed and would take alexander’s adivce and get a dog. i would see her get a cutesy little puppy maybe to heal her inner child (like she gives in a little to her past self and lets go a bit j as alexander says) and absolutely adores her pup. THATS WOULD BE THE CUTEST THING EVER. but i also see her getting a big dog to keep her yk baddie energy through and through (but within the walls of her house or when no one looks she would probably baby her big pup).
I can see her abs loving her pup and probably going berserk on anyone who would harm her pup. u would prob do smthing like kill her pup off j to make us feel smthing.. and she would 100% go on a rampage after finding put who killed her pup🫡
and ofc this wouldnt be a cmar ask w/o tellings u that i hope the boys and oc makes up in the future. doesnt have to be soon or anyt i still have the urge to choke the cmar tannies (j a little). AND i hope they find put abt mc soon and go through abs hell as everything unfolds infront of them little by little. THE GUILT THAT I WANT THEM TO FEEL. yk. i acc imagine them finding everything out through a risky mission through their inears or smthing but idkidk its all up to beloved author (u, ily.)
if any of this. ur acc planning to write m sorry ill stop talking mb.
but on that note !! hope ur doing the best !! hope u feel amazing !! i want to tell u that ive probably read everytimg on ur masterlist alrdy and have repeatedly gone over “a thousand springs” and cried everytime.. i also abs miss ur drabbles ahuhu. but ur health and happiness is what matters most !! take ur time writing !! we wuv u (*˙˘˙)♡
okay i'd like to first point out that the man "standing" behind karl is not alexander but actually y/n's father oop-
"It feels like being in the presence of your father all over again, in the face of danger, of a manipulator, of a gaslighter, of an abuser. He returns hard and so vividly in the form of anger, in the form of a ghost, a spirit whom you see standing right behind Karl. He stands as still as ever, hands held behind his back, simply watching."
to explain, it's basically y/n hallucinating her father being there in front of her again the moment karl laid his hand on her.
will she kill him? will she not? i mean either way, he's dying so... 🫢
also the idea about her getting a pet sounds good lmao. i even thought about it while writing but suffice to say, we won't be introducing another animal character into the mix. the idea is really nice tho, like i just imagine her getting a big black dog who looks menacing, kinda like the way y/n in until the last star falls had cerberus (though in the of kai lmao). BUUT, when you think about it, her "guard dogs" are basically the reapers and i don't really feel like adding another concept into cmar's complicated character building lmao.
also you're getting some one-on-one with jk next chapter who yay for that 🥳
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lemonhemlock · 1 year
i think you misunderstood your other anon's message about the alys casting. the worst of the aemondwives are always saying how helaemonds/greencest shippers are going to attack the actress who they cast as alys. except today, there have been rumors about gayle rankin being cast, and it is ONLY the alysmond/aemondwife side who have been making mean passive aggressive digs at the actress and bad-mouthing her looks and being very "nooooooo not her" about the casting. also you may not have seen it, but there WAS discontent from the alysmond side about emily beecham's audition and how she chose to portray alys. just a couple of weeks ago there was a poll run by a greenie account about whether people preferred "book alys" or "emily's alys" (LMAO as if emily's audition tape wasn't the exact dark manipulative sexy witch vibes written in the book). i ship both helaemond and alysmond (though not the fairytale romance they've all concocted in their heads) and my only "complaint" about the castings is that i wish they cast her accurate to book age, because i want an actual milf, and i want them to lean into the psychosexual messiness of aemond falling for a wet nurse older than his mother while he's away from his mommy after disappointing her by starting the war. however, i have so far never seen any helaemond "bash" any potential alys casting. because we're not doing it. and if gayle WAS cast, i'm simply thrilled for her and excited to see what she does.
yeah, i feel like i should have clarified better. i was under the impression that anon meant helaemonds are hating on this new potential alys for no reason, but when i went to check the comments, they were pretty innocuous. i also don't know what those accounts ship, i just assumed they were helaemonds.
as for EB, i have been informed as such by anons in the past that alysmonds were hating on her, but i saw nothing of the sort from helaemond nation. not saying crazies who ship aemond and helaena don't exist (they must, just by way of statistical probability), but they must not be that many either, because our paths (at least) haven't crossed so far
my dream DREAM casting for alys would be keeley hawes actually, like i'd be over the moon if she were cast, as i find her so charismatic and crafty. i know it's a shot in the dark since it's such a specific preference but i can't hide i will probably be underwhelmed when they end up casting someone in her early 30s to antisepticize this ship as much as possible. i don't think that makes me a hater tho
the hang-ups greens have developed over this character (who hasn't even been mentioned yet) are so weird. like. if you end up liking her, cool. if you don't, equally, the world will not end
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noroi1000 · 2 years
Can i get jjk matchup please ? 🥺❤️
Pronouns : she/her Age : 19
Gender i want to be pair with : male
Date i would like : drink some hot coco or tea in the very cold café and it's raining outside or amusement park when the sun set and the sky is purple
Hobbies: SLEEP / listen to music / playing game / sudoku / read tumblr 😂
What you’d like in a partner
I'll be real here ..... i want to be worship from my loved one i want to be the one that they want i want to be love the most i want them to love me more than anything 🥺 Because i love them in that kind of way too
My personality depend on who i am with . I can be very cold or very loving or funny
I can be a bit dangerous at time because my negative trades (manipulative/vengeful) but am not gonna hurt the people i love 🥺
I have a very strong emotion when i love someone i love hard and expect them to do the same
Am a little yandere tho .... cant deny that
(Too jealous / Needy / possesive )
I love taking care of my loved ones (shower them / buy them food because i cant cook / massage them / put them to sleep and alot more!
I always feel people will leave me and tha make me feel insecure
I hate baby and cockroach
My hogwart house is slytherin
My most love language is act of service (but i do have all love language )
People say am smart and very witty
I am way too loyal
I think your Jujutsu kaisen matchup is
Ryomen Sukuna
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Well, I won't lie here because I really see part of Sukuna in your personality. It's not that he's an antagonist and he's trying to murder people. I think his romantic relationship would be quite different. He would have acted differently.
Mostly people don't care. They can do what they like, go wherever they want and think about God knows what. He doesn't care. And he would never care about it. Because he just doesn't care. He is almost emotionless when he sees a human being. Unless he thinks of it as the wind, he'll just know someone is standing there. There are two options. Either he won't pay attention, or he'll be pissed that someone is trying to take his time.
He is very territorial. He hates when someone comes to him without his consent and disturbs him. He could then challenge and shout in all directions just to chase out the intruder. Just like maybe enough for blows, if someone does not let go. Because Sukuna cannot be thought to be capable of it. Best if someone else will give up first.
He can laugh at almost every person he meets who talks to him. If he doesn't get pissed off or ignore it, he'll just stare questioningly at that person and walk on without a word. And if it's something to piss him off, he'll just piss him off and get him off the hook.
He is often able to manipulate people. And he does it at the beginning of the day. From minor matters to distract, and then make a person agree to his terms, to properly enter someone else's psyche. By the way, he can do something useful for him.
He will take revenge on his enemies while they are alive or he is alive. The important thing is that they did something bad to him, and hell is provided. But if someone would do something to his loved one, he would face something even worse than meeting the devil himself in Hell.
He can act coldly to his friends, but if they are people he really likes or loves, not those who have the right to be by his side and simply tolerates them, there will be a little adoration in his even unemotional activities.
In a relationship, he would definitely be an intense person. This cannot be hidden. So even delicate moments will be hidden under "disinterest".
He cares about no one but himself. He says that, he thinks so, and he sincerely wants to show it. However, he does not do it with a close person. Because even unconsciously, he can take care of someone else. But people who can't digest it can't even dream of accidental care. So you can feel honored.
His jokes are the darkest. When you hear them, you may really want to run away from this man as soon as possible.
He hates children. They just irritate him.
He is faithful to one. Even though he doesn't look, he's dead to break promises. In fact, I don't think he would ever break the promise he made. His word is holy…
Let's not talk more about the threat that may be caused by him…
Maybe he seems mean and hates every human being. But it is enough for him to find the interesting part in you. Like the past or anything else about you. He will be meek and loved when you desire it.
He can also be gentle.
Like a dangerous tiger that turns into a kitten🐅
• Being adored by him must have something in return. If he is to worship you, you must worship him. If you treat him like a king, he will treat you like a queen. You should never think that while you regard his needs above yours, he will not care. You are his queen. There is no option for him to put you lower than himself.
• His ego may say different, but you are someone he cares about. cares more about your well-being than his own. There aren't many people like that. In fact, you might even be the only one.
• His being so dry can hurt a bit. He will not smile at you to return your smile, he will not tighten his hand on yours in response. And he can rarely say he loves you. However, his actions show you something else. He treats you much higher and better than others. He doesn't want to show that he cares about you, but you are indeed the kind of person that he wants to be treated as well as possible and kept with you. Being soft can hit his pride. And from a proud man, you can't turn him into a soft boy. At least he thinks so. (You can find some way to make him soften.)
• He couldn't manipulate you. Sees no point in dangerous deals with you. There is no point in manipulating you. Everything is going fine. Besides, manipulation is bad for you. He wouldn't want to destroy you from the inside out. But his manipulations exist. He mainly uses it to make you pay attention to him and not to anything else.
• He feels your strong emotions. He knows when you will be happy and when you will be sad or angry. You are surrounded by an aura that he cannot miss. He knows that your love has a strong meaning means your joy and happiness. happiness And without happiness, it wouldn't really be you. Because he likes you not to turn him off when he does something wrong. He doesn't want you to be mad at him for a trivial reason.
• If you are a little Yandere, then he is yandere the truest of all. Though he wouldn't be called that. He is very possessive and jealous. Another man, especially a guy, has no right to approach you, because he will kill them. He often checks where you are going and what you are going to do to make sure nothing is happening or no one is there to approach you inappropriately. It's not that he's afraid you'll leave him. He knows it very well that it will not happen. He means more, nobody has the right to come near you unless you want to. Basically if he doesn't want it
• He won't admit it, but he just needs affection.
• Actually, he is selfish. But the only person he can think of is you. Sometimes he won't do something just for himself, or he'll do something just for you. He loves you trying to take care of him. A hot bath that you can take together, eating a meal. Sleeping together, or his favorite, which is the feeling of your hands massaging his body. He then feels so relaxed.
• Against all odds, he also gives you a massage. But he doesn't know it himself. Sometimes she presses her hands too tightly against your back as it forms circles on your skin. It then puts pressure on all those muscles and nerves. It is so nice and relaxing.
• Serving someone is not for him. When he does something for you, he never calls it service. He considers it more like "his whims which he does to you as well." However, it is doubtful that he will buy you your favorite drink or anything else he doesn't like. Besides, if he hadn't been lying when he said it, he'd have had two. And not one just for you. So that's what his nudes look like. He may insist that he is not doing it for you, but merely does not want to admit it.
• His love is honestly professed in the strangest versions. You know well that he shows you feelings, but he is too proud to admit it. However, it has different ways.
• Loyalty is one of his most important things. Sometimes he is not too old-fashioned anymore and thinks he does not need concubines to satisfy his desires. It is enough for him that he is close to one person who feels the same way for him as he feels for you.
• He won't tell you outright that he loves you. Or that you are his girlfriend. He prefers to say you are his. Just. And if you are his, it means that you have much more in common.
• He talks to you differently: "My woman" , "My girl" , "My little" , "Queen" , "Little goddess" , "Princess".
You melt when you hear him talking to you.
• His soft side is just so sweet.
• He will tell you that your dream date is not for him. But he will go there with you to make you happy, but he will also like it. He will buy you whatever you want to drink, to see your cheeks burn. Additionally, he will choose such a day to arrange the perfect scenery for you, but he will insist that it is a coincidence. Everything must then be successful.
"Princess, tell me I'm wonderful after what I've done now. I even accidentally make your dreams come true. You see? I am like your dream. And you, my little one, what do you think? Looks wonderful? Yes. I confirm this opinion. *He looks at you as you gaze at the sky outside your window* Perfect beauty for a gorgeous woman."
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blackberry-gingham · 2 years
Excluding your main blorbos, which X-Men member would you love to write the most?
Gosh, idk tbh!! There's a lot of other mutants that are very cool to me, so it's hard to decide 😂
I would write a gambit x reader in a heartbeat tbh, just a one shot to get it all out. I really like Magneto, mystique, jubilee, and storm too tho but they would all be more like character studies I think lol. Although if I had to choose one.... I'd go for mystique.
It's like, yeah yeah, I know she's Kurt's mom and all, but it's actually really not about that tbh. I think she's very interesting and has a lot of potential for a "discovery/questioning of self" type story, which I do so enjoy. Basically, her thing is that she can be anyone she wants to be right? She can look as normal as any human, or.... She can not.
There's a surprisingly well written scene in the animated series where she just straight up tells Kurt "yeah, I threw you off that cliff bc I enjoy easy living by disguising myself as rich women and replacing them, and you were inconvenient for my lifestyle". She also tells him that basically, while yes, humans shun him for his appearance it's like " well boohoo" bc he at least has his own identity, while she on the other hand claims she is distrusted even by her fellow mutants, simply bc it's so easy for her to be anyone else that she feels she has no identity of her own. The curse of a shape shifter, if you will.
This concept of "should I look human to fit better into society or should I be true to myself, difficult as it may be" is also explored in X-Men first class, and when it looks like maaaaaybe she does want to be her true, blue form, beast basically smashes her heart and calls her ugly when looking like that djsjsjdjd which is a whole other topic about what chased her over to Eric, but yeah.
Anyway, I don't know what exact plot and all I'd write for her, but I do think there's soooo much that could be explored with her emotional state and world view, it could make a pretty deep character study if I could pull it off. Just, there's so much weight that could be put into either side of the "fake looking human and lose the real me in the process/embrace looking mutant and get shunned by most for it" argument, it would be fascinating to see what she would choose if she was out in a particular situation and made to confront it. But mostly it's interesting bc, whatever she chooses.... She's not exactly wrong either way.
Who knows, maybe she's right to want to put on a constant facade and hide her true nature? Or, maybe she could take Magneto's speech about being her real self, and instead grow to be her own person instead of manipulated into his assassin/spy under the guise of acceptance.
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starcchild · 1 year
Your oc your choice! But since you asked.. maybe it's just me and my brainrot with hero x villain dynamics in media lol but I would love Carterio being canon in the main verse and I do think it could work, cuz the thing about Quentin is that he knows how to be sweet and likeable.. until his brain decides its time for homicide/genocide LMAO. The problem is that Tony would object if he ever found out, he would warn her and I think Carter would listen to her father, so the ship wouldn't sail. (1/2)
(2/2) What I don't see tho is Quentin dating her to get a job or level up at SI - not because he wouldn't do that, because he absolutely would, but because he doesn't need to. As terrible as he is (which is why he makes a good villain) he is intellectualy gifted and no amount of evilness can take that away from him. Before Tony did The Thing, maybe Quentin would simply want to date her because she's nice, pretty and they both speak Genius? IDK man but I will go down with this ship 😫😫💔
((exactly!! That's why I love him despite being a giant asshole sdfgkhjdfsh - he's a strong character and ngl I'm bummed they tossed him as quickly as they did, but, I am glad he actually had a lasting impact instead of,,, disappearing,,, like Obadiah did,,, I'm not salty dgsfjhkgsfdjh
also under the readmore because I rambled sfdjgfsd
aNYWAY, so I don't think Tony would object if this is before Quentin works for SI, just because there's no reason for him to have any red flags since he never met him. But, yeah, otherwise Carter would absolutely listen to Tony, but she'd also make her own opinions on the matter - like, with Pietro, we all know Tony is not happy about it (which I mean,,, kinda fair sdkjhfsdj), but while Carter has heard him out on it, she isn't gonna be breaking up with Pietro over it, because she knows who Pietro is. With Quentin, the issue comes with his manipulation, sooo I could see it going either way! I think it depends on the situation and how long she'd been with him and all that jazz
and, for the SI job thing, I mentioned it because I can see him hoping for some good ol' nepotism to kick in lol, but yeah he definitely doesn't need to like. hang his whole hope of getting into SI on it. So he would definitely be into her, but it'd kinda be a mix of factors of him wanting to be with her.
but, I do wanna say, I did think about it some more, and I think I'm just gonna scrap the idea of them dating in college and keeping it as an alt verse thing, since I do have a plan of how that would work out jhfdsj - they'd start dating like,,, maybe four years post-iw? And they would've met before then and been friends (with Quentin befriending her to try and get to Tony, and later dating her for the same reason since Tony would've pulled the BARF thing by then), and with Carter wanting to take things slow in a relationship, she's not one to really start talking about her partner until things progress and they're both comfortable with being in a relationship (like, outside testing the waters). She tells Tony she's seeing someone, but, doesn't say who it is! So Tony can't sit her down and lay things out from what he knows of Quentin. She does this because Quentin asked her to, and she didn't see any problems with this, because Quentin seemed freaked out as in "holy shit your dad is Iron Man I don't wanna die" and not "your dad stole my tech and fired me and I hate his guts and don't want him figuring out my plans". She does start getting a little suspicious as he keeps it up for however long they're together because they're serious at that point and she would like to introduce her dad to Quentin because of it, but she also wants to respect Quentin's wishes. Also, there's a quote I've seen floating around tumblr from boj.ack hor.seman (I haven't watched the show, btw, so idk the full context), where one of the character's says, "You know, it's funny. When you look at someone through rose-colored glasses, all the red flags just look like flags.", and that absolutely applies to Carter in this scenario.
anyway, their relationship goes on for about a year? maybe a lil less? but before Carter can sit him down and really dig into the issue of him refusing to meet her father/let her talk about him to her father, eg happens. Tony dies, or maybe not (I don't,,, have strong feelings - it's just an open option for threads since I ignored eg as is sfdjhgfsd), so that absolutely gets pushed aside because Carter has bigger problems going on. Quentin also has problems, because either Tony's dead or hella out of commission, and his plans are just,,, falling apart. He and Carter start fighting over various things, and their relationship starts falling apart. Carter ends up leaving because his temper absolutely starts scaring her, and then Quentin does all his shit as Mysterio and whatnot. Same motive to overrun Tony's legacy to get back at him for BARF and all that, just a deviation beforehand.
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3desiderium3 · 3 years
For your love
chapter two - Venus Doom
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pairings : reader x damiano david
story summary : damiano and reader are in very loving relationship that sometimes almost too quickly becomes too toxic for anyone likings
chapter warning (s) : basically I want to describe you how I imagine Y/Ns and Damianos relationship in the best way possible.
slight angst , mentions of corruption , mentions of sex , mentions of abuse and some mental illnesses , god complex , mentions of various kinks ,
Tumblr media
song recommendation - venus doom
Damiano David was a very complex person. He was a very hard to define persona. Adored and respected by many who knew him or not , never feared but was certainly often a main topic of various gossips.
He was very energetic and optimistic person , he loved to provide good time for the people around him but he also expected to be entertained. He was so artistic and charismatic, he had this cloudy velvety aura that could describe him as royalty.
He wanted everything or nothing .
He wanted to be dominant in every field he could reach. He was hardworking and stubborn.
He had a vision he didn't hesitate to fulfil.
His looks and his self presentation was mainly an act put up as guarding system and some sort of mechanism to prevent himself from bad outcomes.
Only his closest family , his bandmates ( whomst are also practically a family to him ) and his beloved dearest lover knew him truly.
Y/N however , knew him better than he did himself .
She was the first girl he let under his skin and under his layers of colours , luxurious presentations and egoistic posture.
He was bewitched by her. He opened himself up in all sort of ways he could to her.
She was the first girl he was making love to , not simply just fucking , but making love to, the first girl he ever cried in front of , the first one he introduced his ENTIRE family to , the first one he considered having their own family with etc .. etc ..
She was simply love of his life.
There was nothing much more to say about him than either to praise him or despite him.
Depending on if you wanted to be him / with him or if he stole your girl.
He was a sweet manipulative heartbreaker who was just simply along his fame and talent bored to death.
He cared about his physical appearance a lot , he took extra care when it came to facial and body hygiene and he loved to look good and markable.
He loved to dress fancy and he loved to wear accessories , he loved being in some dim spotlight.
He meet Y/N through his band mate Thomas , almost 3 years ago , and now they are dating 2 years in a row. Never breaking up but constantly fighting.
Her family loved him , I mean , everybody in her surrounding did. But their not so hidden aggressive and toxic relationship was not something they tried hiding.
He never laid a hand on her , only when fucking , he never cheated on her , only flirted to make her pissed , he maybe once beaten up a guy for talking to her , he never controlled her movements or tried changing her habits but he did liked to make bitchy comments trying to hide his jealousy and concern.
He had a huge pride along his ego that he was so damn skilled at hiding , but Y/N saw it instantly.
He was in fact often insecure when it came to dating , especially if it was a relationship he cared about.
He was not insecure about his looks , his habits , his actions , way of making love to a girl or if someone liked him or not. He was insecure if he is good enough at pleasing his partner in a spiritual and sensual way.
I repeat what I said . He always must be dominant.
So , in a situation like this , where you have a person whomst is consisted of su much pride and ego and insecurities , what are you going to do?
Y/N questioned her sanity and her mental health so many god damn times.
She was thinking for herself almost every second or third day if this is really what she wants for herself ? Is this the person she swears her life upon?
And million yes in a row.
Damiano was a complex person with some certain needs that was just simply afraid of losing the most valuable person in his life.
His pride was not allowing him to admit that to her verbally , but his actions ( which Y/N knew like they where hers) gave him away.
So instead of reassuring himself somehow that their relationship is not in danger when it came to those simply and silly small things they fight over each day , he became violent and possessive.
His toxic and deadly behaviour and perfect skill of manipulation was the any way he thought was possibly good enough to keep her beside him.
She got hooked onto him.
She couldn't live a day without him. She would rather fight and yell at him than to leave him. He was her everything and so was she to him.
They where not so different. Y/N was also very capable of getting her way through manipulations and coping his actions.
But believe me... They where the sweetest and most dear people you could stumble upon.
They where both very supportive of each others carriers , they always had cute dates planned ahead and they had surprisingly the same hobbies.
They simply adored each other.
They where madly in love and it was taking over their racional reactions.
When a huge dramatic beyond the borders fight happens between them Y/N either gets kicked out of their apartment for the night or she simply leaves by herself.
In those times the only safe place is her parents house and she often heard her mother repeat the same damn words.
" Y/N I love that boy so much and he is very dear to me and your father as well , but he crossed the line again, you should start to consider if he is the healthiest option for you. "
Y/N hated her mother for being so right in such times.
Their mutual mental health was not a thing to brag about. They never mentioned paying visits to some kind of relationship adviser. They thought it was not needed , that they can handle themselves the best.
But Y/N did seek for some professional help and Damiano did not hold her back. He was happy even to hear about it. He never considered going for himself but he was happy and somehow sad that his lover could open to someone professional who could help her out with coping around stressful situations.
He was more than aware that he was causing her the most damage.
Their apartment was cozy , creamy coloured and modern. Their fashion taste was opposite yet similar.
They had a small dog and 2 gold fishes. They also planned to move into a bigger house with bigger yard once they decide on having family.
Damiano was convinced him and Y/N would be the most amazing parents a child could wish for , both of them spoiling their children with love and switching between good and bad cop role. He wanted a girl and a boy , in that order.
But he also wanted to focus on his career , Y/N as well.
Maybe those children will bring them closer to that inner peace they are eagerly searching for.
When it came to appearing together in public places they had one simple rule.
If I am not coming neither are you. They all shared mutual friends and they where always invited together on events and such things.
There was a difference actually.
When the band Måneskin, in which Damiano was lead singer , was invited somewhere Y/N always came , often mistaken for the 5th member or their menager. But in fact she way jealous of everyone landing an eye on her glorious boyfriend.
Those nights went peacefully some might say. But they didn't see the hand or thigh gripping under the table , the oral sex in public restrooms and silent eye language of hate and despite in their eyes . The kind of language only Y/N and Damiano knew for.
Y/N had a lot of friends. She was never forbidden to see them and she could go whenever as long as she was telling him where and with who she was , never turning her location off and always answering his calls and messages.
He had no problem with it , after all he followed her around secretly. She found out maybe 2 times out of 102.
Damiano is a type of ' a small circle of close friends and wide circle of acquaintances ' person. Victoria , Thomas and Ethan witnessed many fights of theirs.
Y/Ns best friend Y/Bsf/N as well.
The 4 of them would often exchange worried looks on their faces as Y/N would throw things at Damiano and he would shout such filthy and problematic stuff at her.
Ethan and Victoria had an intern joke that soon became something they rarely mention cause in each da they became more and more concerned for their friends.
" I don't need to watch porn , all I need to do is imagine Y/N and Damiano fucking after fight. "
Everyone thought that it was a phase these two lost themselves in. But it was not.
And it never got worse , it was always the same old tiring stuff between them.
Both of them where hard smokers , never considering doing drugs or overdosing with alcohol. Tho Damiano knew to drink beyond his abilities.
" If both of them would stop smoking , they could build two skyscrapers on the spot in one day. " Thomas and Y/Ns dad joked oftenly.
Thomas was the closest to Y/N out of the other band members. Damiano was never jealous of him neither did he felt like he could ruin their relationship.
First reason was that Thomas was the one who met them and thanks to who Damiano found the love of his life.
Second reason was that Thomas was beyond scared to even try thinking of doing something more than friendly to Y/N.
Victoria and Y/N had such a great friendship indeed. Having rare but meaningful girls night and sleepovers and rants about everything.
They cooked , went in shopping and shared topics about everything together.
Victoria was there for Y/N so many times listening to her cry on her shoulder about Damiano being an asshole.
Ethan was a huge softie for Y/N , he saw role model in her and he had just an amazing amount of respect for her. There was so much adoration between these two.
Damianos and Y/Ns sex life was yet another (not so much surprisingly) aggressive but consentive thing in their relationship.
It was built on mutual respect towards their partners needs. Simple as that is Damiano would never do and has never done something to make Y/N uncomfortable , same goes for her to him.
Before even sleeping together for the first time they detailedly talked about everything they where and where not interested in.
Their sex was rough, fast , aggressive , filled with degradation coming from his side.
Damiano was a switch top , but when it came to his so to say submissive side , it was expressed in very small amounts .
He loved being in charge , he was very flexible and he loved to use his tongue a lot , he loves to blindfold her and torture her , he loves slapping and biting into her soft creamy skin , shoulders , neck and chest especially.
He loved when Y/N left marks on his back and thighs from her sharp nails , he loved how she took good care of her hygiene and now she smelled.
He loved her hair and loved to squish her thighs. Did I mentioned he was into biting?
Y/N was flexible when it came to kinks , but she was definitely a switch bottom , it was just that she wasn't interested in being dominant and there was no need for it in her opinion.
She knew how to seduce Damiano , she knew very well.
After each time they slept together , regardless if it was fucking to realise all that stress or if it was love making he would always , but always ask her the same.
'Was it good , how are you feeling mio amore?'
Mio amore or simply amore was his favourite nickname for her . Aftercare was huge kink for them.
Damiano was not into letting Y/N leave visible marks on him , neither was he so much into marking her visible spots but sometimes when rage blinds him her porcelain heck is his canvas.
He loved planned dates and he loved bringing her various flowers every third or forth day. He never forgot about a single special day of theirs and he sometimes remembers the birthdays of her family members even before her.
He loved , and i mean loved spoiling her with gifts. Y/N also loved giving him gifts but more than that she loved to cook with him some delicious and various meals.
Damiano and Y/N where not near the perfect. But they where madly in love. And no one could ever take that away from them
A/N sooo as i sad on the beginning this is my personal view of the relationship these to have going on. This was in fact inspired by my personal experience and i want this story not fully to be a smut or nsfw but a kinda lovey one , just wanna say this is not kind of behaviour you should tolerate or romanticize !
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I'm not sure Gojo has ever even shown an interest to any girls.
He calls Utahime weak and teases her by making fun of her, essentially- which she hates. Mei Mei is incredibly strong and beautiful, and Gojo acknowledges her skill but that's it. I also noticed that in the anime (the manga doesn't have honorifics, so please correct me if I'm wrong) but he calls her Mei-san rather than Mei Mei. Therefore, I don't think he ever tried to get much closer to her than the interactions we've seen. When she asks him if he'd comfort her if she cried, he tells her that's she strong- she wouldn't cry. I thought it was interesting that while Mei Mei's question was slightly flirty, Gojo answered so simply, without any teasing.
He calls Shoko by her first name, which is understandable since they spend more time together being in the same grade. He realizes that her ability is rare and useful, but like with Utahime and Mei Mei he doesn't go any further than that. He mostly speaks to her about work related things and doesn't flirt or tease much at all.
Honestly, I think Gojo actually respects his female colleagues and mostly pokes fun at Utahime because she's so uptight and strict. Shoko and Mei Mei are more relaxed and self-assured, and Gojo recognizes their skills and compliments them for it rather than teasing them. I doubt Gojo really thinks Utahime is truly weak more than he just loves riling her up. Other than that, Gojo's pretty respectful.
Also, in the Hidden Inventory arc, Gojo was bombarded with screaming from all the girls excited to see him. Other than pulling his shades down so they could see his face- after they asked him to, btw- he didn't really do much else. He didn't even react much to the teacher giving him her phone number. His only comment was "what a fun school," and it's interesting to see that while lots of girls do appreciate his looks, he acts only mildly amused.
Other than that one model as his wallpaper, we don't really see Gojo flirt or show interest with anyone. He only really teases Utahime to piss her off- I suspect he hates how much she follows the rules like Nanami does, who he teases often as well. He likely just enjoys annoying people so stern because rules just don't sit well with him (especially because of what those "rules" had done to Geto).
It's just a possibility, but he could be one of those guys who's more interested in work than pleasure- I know, he's handsome, but not all handsome people are players and cheaters. I think that's a horrible stigma and a lot of attractive people irl are judged and criticized solely for their looks. People make too many assumptions on someone just based on their genes, and I think it's pretty shallow to think Gojo's a womanizer just because he's attractive. And he knows he's attractive- but when did being confident in yourself make you a philanderer? Gojo has never used his looks manipulatively at all.
It's definitely a possibility that he would be a womanizer, but I'd say it's unlikely based in what we've seen. To sum it all up, Gojo doesn't show interest in anyone. He teases Utahime often, likely for the same reason be teases Nanami- they're too uptight. Shoko and Mei Mei are both incredibly skilled and beautiful sorcerers, and he does acknowledge and compliment them for it, but he doesn't tease or flirt with them. He's respectful, and he works with them as his colleagues. He didn't get distracted by the teen girls fawning over him either, or suddenly get overtly cocky or show off, only sliding his glasses down so they could see his face, and even then he acted only mildly amused. Also, when Miwa asked him for a picture, he didn't even stay and chat with her or anything (I know she's a minor, but if he truly was a womanizer, he would have at least stayed to hear her compliment him or anything to feed his ego) Maybe ask her "Oh, you want a picture with me? The strongest? How cute~" A flirty comment, a joke, something to fuel his own ego, but he doesn't do that. He doesn't act in a way that conveys he openly pursues attention from women. He just takes the picture with her and walks off casually.
Therefore, other than the fact that he's handsome- and I know many people who would assume things about someone based on their attractiveness, which is a terrible stereotype- Gojo doesn't show much interest in flirting at all. He could be the type of guy who works more than plays- and there's plenty of guys who are handsome but aren't super interested in playing around. Being handsome doesn't automatically mean he's the type to sneak around and have affairs here and there. It's completely realistic for a handsome man to be uninterested in any kind of relationships- not all men are sex crazed, and being a tease to his friends doesn't make Gojo a flirt either. Teasing your friends is perfectly normal.
Therefore, Gojo being a 28 year old virgin is totally possible- not everyone's a sex crazed teen who only thinks about what's between their legs, and basing it on what normal Japanese teens do is unfair. Neither Gojo or his lifestyle is exactly normal, and there's definitely barriers when it comes to experiencing normal youth activities for Gojo's generation- especially Gojo's generation. Yuji's generation definitely has more freedom to do fun things because of what Gojo has done to give the youth more freedom- things he hasn't been able to experience himself in his youth, like playing baseball during the exchange event. That was the first time they ever did something different to tradition, and that was only because of Gojo's consideration.
Gojo's youth was filled with blood, exorcising, and choosing between life and death. The deaths Yuji and co. witnessed were what Gojo experienced as well, if not worse. Gojo's task in his youth was to protect the weak, and he found that burdensome. At least, until Geto betrayed them, and Gojo realized the new burden he had to bear in changing the Jujutsu world because of what it had done to his only best friend.
There are definitely more important things in Gojo's mind than just losing his virginity, like saving people and choosing who to save, whether he should kill or not kill.
Gojo is the strongest, but he also bears the biggest burden- and that burden is something he chose to bear, and being the strongest is something he chose to be. Because before Geto left, it was "We are the Strongest." Now, Gojo worked tirelessly so that he could say "I am the Strongest."
And that's not something you can do while sleeping around. I think a lot of people fail to recognize just how hard Gojo works for himself and others. They just think, oh he's the strongest, so it should be easy for him. But it's really, really not that simple, is it? Especially when you have to do it on your own, and even then Gojo realizes that his strength alone isn't enough to save people. He can't save everyone by himself- It's not enough for just him to be the Strongest, so he works diligently to build and inspire his students to stand with him.
He's actually a very deep and emotional man who cares about his students and especially, even now, his best friend. Everything he does is for their sake- he sacrifices the normal life he could have lived, like Nanami had done, for their sake. And he fights with the higher ups, takes the brunt of their ire, and laughs it off, acting as if he fine, like a dad pretending he's superman for his kid's sake. But Gojo is burdened, and he's tired, and he hardly sleeps, and he has the most missions- he's the Strongest, which means everyone needs him, and he bears it.
Sorry for ranting again tho. I think I went into two different topics lol oops- 🤔
OUR SAVIOR 🤔 EDUCATING PEOPLE pay attention ya'll another thing I've noticed in the latest episode is that in his phone contacts he actually writes Utahime's name properly like formally no emojis or teasing shit he actually sees them as his colleagues people he can rely on his field of work and yes about the whole thing when he bursted into riko's class man was absolutely clueless just silent as a teacher tries to give him his number. I'm pretty sure as a child Gojo wasn't allowed to attend public schools due him being in danger or putting others in danger so he doesn't know much about public schools or normal people in general since he spends all his time with people from the jujutsu society.
That is definitely true just because someone is good looking that doesnt mean he's some cheap womanizer. I see a lot of people shipping him and Utahime together which is understandable ship who you like but I don't think Gojo as any ulterior motives like wooing Utahime by teasing her he just is plainly teasing ya know like friends do but in this case Utahime hates his guts and he doesnt know. I mean it takes some amount of hate to try to throw hot tea at someone 😂
While certainly I agree Gojo's teen like wasn't the best it was like he literally had a full time job at that age but who's to stay he didn't go messing around one time? I'm sure during his teen days he wanted to experience things he didnt get to to but now could because he lives on his own now. But maybe he didnt at all who knows? Which also raises another question, I wonder if he has any romantic experiences? And this was all before what happened in the hidden inventory arc after that I can see him more becoming invested in his duty and with what happened with geto as well would of definitely had a huge impact on him to try harder even though hes the strongest so that the next generation wouldn't have to experience the things he went through.
It's really sad if you really think about it what hes been through and what he has to shoulder all while keeping the facade that he's okay, I bet there were times he cursed his powers and his life....but he bears with it anyways because everyone is counting on him....
And don't be sorry at all! I am actually really learning alot about Gojo from you. Please continue to tell us your thoughts and feelings. I don't mind at all ❤ and thank you for taking the time to write 💕
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
"Black Magic" *Part 11*
Ooops I MAY have lied before....
More angst comin 'atcha babes.
I'm sorry. We're getting there, I promise. I just love watching you cryyyyy!!!
I'm just kidding I love you all please don't stop reading my stuff.
(fun fact these are Raul's actual hands! It's from a LOF promo. THE FINGIES THO)
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So weird note here it won't let me edit this post on my computer for some reason to add the link to the new chapter and it looks stupid in the app but whatever....I hate this place sometimes. 🤨
You went the next day straight to Rafael’s office, but when you walked into the DA’s building, it was empty. What the hell was happening? Has the whole world gone nuts?
Before you turned to leave, one of the other assistant’s came out of the public bathroom.
“Hey YN, didn’t you get fired?”
“No-- Yes-- It’s a long story,”
“Well either way, I thought for sure you'd be the first one over to the church,” She chuckled.
“I'm sorry, what?” You felt your heart stop.
“The church? Where your subject of obsession is getting married?”
“I'm sorry, WHAT?”
“People talk, Y/N. Word is you’re obsessed with Barba, screaming at him and his fiancée like an unhinged psycho,” She tried not to laugh at you.
“I…” You began to have another panic attack.
“He can't ..how did she...he CAN'T….” You started hyperventilating.
“Ooookay I'm gonna leave you here for your mental breakdown. She scoffed and walked out. You immediately bolted out behind her, dialing Maria’s number, thanking God she gave it to you the other day.
"Maria he's….he's getting married,” You gasped for air.
“Y/N? What are you talking about?”
“Rafael….he’s getting…” You tried to breathe. “He’s getting married, RIGHT NOW.”
“That doesn’t make sense, Raffi would never rush into something so--”
“You said it yourself Maria, that’s NOT Rafael,”
“You’re right. Well if there’s any trace of my Raffi, there’s only one church he’d get married at. I’ll text you the address and meet you there.”
“Okay…” You started to cry as you caught your breath.
“Hey, mija don’t give up yet, it’s not over!” Maria assured you.
“Okay…” You breathed, and hung up the phone.
At the church you and Maria dashed around to find the groomsman room. You found it and Maria guarded the door.
You busted in without knocking to see Rafael straightening his tie, his tuxedo jacket hung on the mirror. He turned and stared at you in confusion.
“I...I’m sorry sweetie, are you lost?” He had concerns in his eyes. Concern for a ‘stranger’. You hoped it was because he knew you deep down, but you also knew Rafael was just a wonderful man who cared for all.
“You can't marry her Rafael” You said breathlessly, tired from running around the church.
“I’m sorry, what?” He half laughed, grabbing his jacket to put it on. You put a hand up to stop him.
“Because you don't love her,”
“I don't? Really?” He gave you an amused smile.
“No! She's using some kind of spell on you.” You cried.
“...Okay, is this some kind of prank? Is this Carisi’s idea of a joke?” Rafael continued to laugh, looking down the hall to see if Carisi was waiting to yell “GOTCHA COUNSELOR!”
“No, look you have to believe me. She’s been giving you an elixir that makes you think you’re in love with her.”
“...Um, okay seriously, this isn’t funny anymore sweetie,” He stopped laughing.
“I’m not kidding!” You stomped your foot,
“Look honey I’m-- I’m sorry, you must be confused. Did you come here with someone or--?” He put on a patronizing voice.
“I’m not some mental patient Rafael, l'm Y/N! Don’t you remember me? Look at me!” You stepped in front of the mirror.
“....No, I can’t say that I do. Really sweetie you need to--”
“STOP calling me sweetie. STOP patronizing me, and fucking LISTEN to me!!!!”
“...Okay, fine. Then I’m sorry you crazy person, but get the hell out of my dressing room,” He turned serious.
“No! Look listen to me Rafael, you don’t love Liv. She has you under some kind of bat crap crazy concoction of spells to keep you under her control!”
“Okay you’re ACTUALLY insane, how the hell did you get in here?”
“I came with Maria,”
“Maria? How do you know Maria? Oh did MARIA put you up to this?! God I know she was pissed I told her not to come, but to send a mental patient--”
“I’m not a fucking mental patient!” You yelled.
“And I’M not under some kind of bizarre spell,” He yelled back.
“Ok then….why do you think you feel stronger and stronger about Olivia every day?” You asked.
“Are you kidding me? Um sweetheart that's what you call being in love. You fall more and more everyday.” he scoffed.
“Not like that and you know it.” You challenged. “It doesn’t feel like that, I know it doesn’t. I KNOW you find it weird,”
“You don’t know anything about me. I love Liv and--”
“Then why are you doing this SO fast?” You cut him off.
“Excuse me?”
“You barely proposed to her a few days ago-- which by the way, NOT your idea,” You rolled your eyes.
“Wow...you are really...are you stalking me or something?” He narrowed his eyes.
“No, but I know you. You wouldn’t just rush into something like this,” You told him.
“It’s not rushing, honey. We’ve known each other for YEARS,” He scoffed with a laugh.
“Then why? Why now? Why is it SO urgent that you get married RIGHT now?!” You stomped your foot.
“BECUASE I LOVE HER YOU FUCKING PSYCHO!!” He screamed in your face angrily.
“No, you don’t! You didn’t take her to Maria, you didn’t take her to your special place. But you took me,” You didn't back down, you matched his volume as tears lined your eyes.
“And why would I do that? Because I was in love with you? Did I just forget an entire relationship with someone I’ve never met?” He was still yelling.
“No I--” You looked down in shame.
“You what?” He crossed his arms.
“.....I used it first,” You said softly.
“Excuse me?“
“I used it first, okay?” You said tears in your eyes. “I used an enhancement spell on you that made you fall in love with me for a day,”
“Ohhhh I SEE,” he chuckled mockingly. “So what you’re really saying is Olivia is playing your game, just better?”
“NO!” You screamed. “No, the stuff I used only enhanced stuff you already felt. Hers FABRICATED them. And I only used them for ONE DAY, because I love you enough to not want to keep you for myself if it’s not real,”
“But you just claimed it was real,” he pointed out.
“I didn’t know that at the time-- LOOK,” You grabbed his hands. “The only thing that matters is that Olivia is trapping you,”
“With magic.” He looked at you again with amusement.
“Yeah…” You didn’t like this.
“That I assume she got from you?” He nodded at you.
“No she used black magic, I used good magic,”
“Oh right right, the good magic that manipulates feelings. Of course,” He nodded sarcastically.
“Dammit Rafael I’m telling you the truth! I know the real you is there, deep down somewhere. I know he is and I know how he feels about me.
“Right...look you need to let this insane crush of yours go, lady. I don’t know how you know who I am, but I have zero clue who you are,”
“That's not true. I know that's not true,”
“Oh really?” He laughed sarcastically.
“You look like a penguin,” You simply said.
“I'm sorry, what?” He continued to laugh mockingly.
“You look like a penguin,” You looked into his eyes, trying to distract him so you could pour the vial you had in your bra into his coffee next to the mirror.
So now you're just resulting to insulting me? Look you--- Oh my god what the FUCK are you doing?!” He grabbed your hand before you reached the cup. He held it and stared wide eyed at the pink vial.
“What the FUCK is wrong with you? Did...Did some criminals send you? The Diablos have pretty girls doing their dirty work for them?”
“What? No--”
“Ohhh wait,” He became sarcastic again. “So you try and counteract ‘Evil’ Olivia’s ‘magic’ with your own ‘good’ magic, is that it?”
“...I mean--”
“Alright I was tolerating you before, but if you don’t leave RIGHT now, I’m going to call security.” He swiped the vial from you and smashed it on the ground.
“NO!!!!” You dropped to your knees in devastation. That was the one thing-- the ONE thing, besides--- Well, there was no fucking way you were getting anywhere near his lips at this point. You racked your brain, trying to think of something, anything.
“....Your middle name is Eduardo,” You said softly, still on your knees.
“...What did you just say?” Rafael’s face went from amused to shock.
“Your middle name is Eduardo. You tell everybody that it's Antonio but really it's Eduardo. You don't want anybody to know your real middle name because it’s your father’s name,”
“How did you--” He tried to ask but you weren’t done.
“Eduardo used to beat you and because of that you hate him and you don't want anything to be associated with him.” You stood up, not breaking eye contact.
“....How the hell… “ He looked at you. “...You DID use magic didn’t you?” Rafael gasped.
“Yes but I--”
“You used magic to read my mind didn’t you? You used it to manipulate me and try and use my deepest secret into trying to make me think I loved you." He looked at you in disgust.
"No, it's not--" You tried to explain, but Rafael wouldn't stop.
"...That we had this perfect day together, that-- that what I bared my soul to you because I was so safe with you? So IN LOVE with you?" He spat.
"You ARE!!!!" You were crying now.
“Alright that’s it I’m calling security….” He muttered angrily.
“No! Wait, Rafael please...just….just look into my eyes,” you begged. Maybe if he stared at you, he’d remember that day when you held him and planted that memory. You went to grab his hands but he pushed you away from him.
“Get the hell away from me you psycho! SECURITY!” He moved past you and opened the door. “SECURITY!”
“No! Rafael! Please, oh god please, please PLEASE you have to remember. Remember I told you about my Broadway dream, just like yours” He was looking down the hall for a security guard, you were still yelling at him.
“Stop it.” He tried ignoring your words while looking both ways down the halls.
“...And and I told you about how my parents died and you said that you used to play and dance and sing at your abuela’s house because it was the only place you felt safe--”
“STOP IT!” He threw his hands over his ears.
“And then you told me that it wasn't until you met me that you felt that safe again. With ME!!!!” You were sobbing now, trying to get him to remember.
“SHUT UP!!!!!” He screamed, his eyes flashed a bright neon purple. Suddenly two men grabbed either of your arms and started dragging you away.
“Look, Rafael--” You fought the security guards.
"What?" Rafael held up his hand for the guards to stop and let you talk.
"Just answer me this: Even if, EVEN IF you think that I-- I used some mind control and 'took' that memory from you-- have you told Liv?"
"Told Liv what?"
"That story, that memory. Your real middle name!" You felt fresh tears falling, and you swear you saw the purple fade for a moment in Rafael's eyes.
"...Of course I have--" He shook his head with a sarcastic laugh.
"No you haven't. I know you haven't, because I straight up ASKED her what your middle name was, and she said it was Antonio," You smirked at him.
"Well, that's because I haven't had a chance to tell her--"
"You can lie to me all you want Rafael, but you need to really ask yourself why haven't you told her? In the YEARS that you've been 'in love'? Why have you never felt safe enough with her to tell her your deepest darkest shame? Does that sound like 'true love' to you? Does that even compute with what you THINK you feel about her?"
Rafael eyes darted back and forth, purple and blue swirled around violently as he took in your words. But he fought them, and shook it out of his head.
"Whatever, stop trying to play mind games with me you witch," He waved his hands for the guards to take you away, but you added one last thing:
“I’m going to go to your favorite spot in the city, the one place you go to when you’ve had a really long day or a bad day in court. If you go there, and I’m there-- you’ll know I’m telling the truth.”
“Yeah, OKAY. He rolled his eyes. “I’ll be busy getting married, psychopath,” He nodded for the men to drag you out but you broke free and walked out yourself, at least you’d have dignity.
You walked out of the church and broke down in tears. Both Maria and Chloe were waiting for you, they ran to hug you as you fell down sobbing.
“Aw honey, oh baby--” Maria held you while you cried.
“We--We have to go,” You tried to get yourself under control.
“Go? Go Where?” Chloe looked at you confused.
“Central Park,” You simply said.
You had to believe in your love now. That’s all you had left.
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rev3rb · 3 years
I hope the angels do end up final boss like you said. Mainly bc I think it’ll be really interesting to see everyone rethink everything with the added perspective, as well as just general curiosity about their true nature + power. I’m also kinda a sucker for villains turning out to be the good guy, but idk if the 1st will turn out like that, or simply not as bad as we currently think. I mean it would take some hella good reasoning to justify that many years of child murder, abuse, experimentation, and manipulation.
And yeah the gay banter was totally great lol. I forgot to mention earlier how cute it was to see Mika come back and immediately talk about discussing their future together while holding Yu’s hand. I love seeing them fight together again and the return of Mika’s memory/personality. I do see your point about the eye being a lil creepy, however, I appreciate Mika being able to talk in blade form and his cool special move names.
Super hopeful that we’ll get more answers next time. Also for ppl to start waking up bc I’m sure there will need to be plan changes based off the new info plus I wanna make sure none of the main crew is too injured from fighting the 1st. Same for Shinya & Kureto. (And tho it currently seems unrelated to the plot, I’m still holding out hope for a reason to check on Ferid + Crowley 🤞)
The angels would make for a cool final boss. I'm wondering if their powers will be similar to that of the Seraphs. It would make sense. It would also just make sense for the angels to be the final enemy since so much of this series has been about forsaking what is objectively right to protect/save the ones you love, or in other words, giving into your desires. If the demons are all about desire, it only makes sense that the angels would be opposite that, or doing what is objectively right.
As for the First, I can see him turning out to be a "good guy" pretty easily. As I believe Kagami once said, there are really no objectively "good" characters in this series. Most everyone is selfish and will do bad things to achieve their goals. Up to this point, the First has just been the most classically evil character because of all the things you've listed. Given that it seems to indicate that the First has done all this in an attempt to revive Mikaela, is he really so different than our protagonists? Guren sacrificed the world for Shinya, Mito, Goshi, Shigure, and Sayuri. Yuu would also do anything to save the ones he loves if he sees a way forward. Yoichi and Kimizuki want to revive their sisters regardless of the consequences. No one really cares about the consequences of their actions so long as it achieves their goals, which, more often than not in OnS, is saving/protecting the ones they love. In this sense, the First is just like our heroes. Objectively, you can't really justify everything the First has done, but if the motive is sympathetic enough, people will forgive him. I don't think our cast of heroes really even have to forgive the First so long as their goals align in some fashion, which I feel is entirely possible at this point. Everything is about revival after all and the angels don't appear to want that, meaning that the entire cast is against the angels for one reason or another. If they're really as powerful as they're being set up to be, it might just take most all the cast to defeat them.
Yeah, it's interesting that they're just having Mika speak in blade form. Prior to this, either the demon never responded or we were brought to a mental space for it. Oh, I guess there's also the demon manifesting separate from the weapon like with Mahiru and Noya, but that's a special case. Regardless, I kinda wonder if Yuu is just hearing Mika's voice in his head like how he would with Ashuramaru, but the speech bubble is coming from the blade for our (the reader's) benefit. Also, can't have a cool new demon weapon without cool new moves and names to accompany them.
If we don't get answers next time, I think the fans as a whole will riot. We've been waiting so long for this.
Not too sure we'll get people waking up next chapter unfortunately since I think we're gearing up for a rather large exposition dump, which doesn't inherently involve our passed-out parties. However, I would be most happy if they did. I've missed Shinya and Kureto. As for Ferid and Crowley, they're bound to come back sometime. Crowley is just following Ferid's lead, but Ferid definitely has goals that haven't been achieved yet. He'll show back up, but again, I don't think it'll be too soon since we have to get through some exposition first. Only time will tell though.
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scruffyssketchbook · 3 years
I've been really inactive lately, so I'll try to get this posted.
I noticed something that might classify as a plot hole. The PC system add-on that allows pokemon to get injured.
For starters, we never get an explanation for why this add-on was added in the first place. Supposedly, Vay was loopy from his "karp krakers", and put the add-on into the PC without thinking.
Also, we never get an explanation as to how this add-on works. Or, more accurately, how the PC works. Does the PC normally prevent the eevees from feeling pain and being injured at all? For example, even if Blizz tried his hardest, punching someone would be like punching a brick wall for an average person. Or, does the PC simply heal any major injuries the eevees take on? Or is it somewhere in between?
I know that, from the perspective that this is a comic that needs drama, having the add-on allows characters to hurt each other. (See Jed and Shane.) But, from an in comic perspective, this makes no sense.
Secondly, even if we did have a good explanation for how the add-on came to be, why didn't the trainer just get rid of it. And I don't want the explanation that she's stupid. She is 16, she knows how to work a computer. Even if she didn't, she could force Vay to do it, or get Bede (The person who runs the PC system in Sinho) to do it. I also don't want the explanation that she is negligent. She is, but she took the time to look into it after Harmony got hurt. I doubt she would just turn around and do nothing after learning about the add-on.
I may be missing context here, as there is one comic page that I can't access, the page 100 variation on patreon. Maybe there's an explanation in there, but I wouldn't know.
Thirdly, even if we ignore the trainer, what about Dusk? We already know that he has tried to get Blizz to work with him in stopping Icedrop and Greenpaw from fighting. Not to beat around the bush, Greenpaw does bully Icedrop, they just do it in a more covert, mental, and emotional way than Icedrop bullies Greenpaw.
However, Blizz refuses to help, partially because both Dusk and Blizz are petty. If Dusk genuinely wants to stop Icedrop, why not just get rid of the add-on? We know Dusk can manipulate electronics, so why not just delete the add-on, either from within the PC, or sneakily from outside it? Furthermore, Dusk is not stupid. He knows that Vay added the add-on, or at least could figure that out. He and Vay are also in good relations, so why doesn't he, or hasn't he, asked Vay to get rid of the add-on?
The explanation of "Dusk is just a jerk" does not work. Dusk can be a jerk, but everything he does he does for a reason. Most of him being a jerk comes from him being egotistical, narcissistic, and thinking he knows what's best for everyone even when he doesn't.
The only explanation that works is that he doesn't get rid of the add-on due to the fact it would put Daisy and the other hospital vees out of a job.
Last, but certainly not least, is the fact that pokemon other than eevee exist in the trainer's PC. We even get to see one of the other boxes. My point here is that the other pokemon would notice something wrong eventually. Best case senario, they notice due to realizing they can feel pain. Worst, they notice due to a major injury not being healed by the PC.
Those pokemon would want to know what happened. Amusing they either are told the truth or find out on their own, why wouldn't they ask Vay to take off the add-on. If Dusk (since he is the only one I can think of who would try to spin a story) told them a lie, then would every pokemon in the entire PC believe him. Charm and smooth words can only go so far.
I have two extra questions I thought up while writing this.
Bonus question 1: How did the trainer know that Harmony was injured? Did vay tell her? She check the pokemon's health in the PC often (both stat, and convential health)?
Bonus 2: If we know pokemon can learn to read and write, then why have none of the pokemon other than Vay tried to communicate with their trainer. What is the point of using Vay as a translator, when the pokemon could just write to the trianer? Do they just want to hide how much they know?
On top of that, if pokemon can learn to use computers, what's stooping them from just using text to speech, completely circumventing Vay all together.
bonus 3: Do the pokemon age in the PC? We know Eve is around two years old, so is she physically still a newborn, or has she physically grown?
q1: What are the specifics of how the damage allowing add-on was put into the PC?
q2: How does this add-on, and the PC system's healing ability, work?
q3: Why didn't their trainer take the add-on off the PC?
q4: Why didn't Dusk take the add-on off the PC?
q5: Why didn't any of the other pokemon in the PC take off the add-on?
bq1: How did the trainer know that Harmony was injured?
bq2: Why don't we ever see pokemon that know how to write communicate with the trainer?
bq3: Do the pokemon physically age in the PC?
Author chan: Over here asking the important questions! Alright! I can explain!
The mod basically prevents pokemon from healing without outside means like things that can heal a pokemon, Potions, full heals, antidotes, etc etc. This is why it's called the Damage keeper mod.
Normally in the PC, pokemon can feel pain, but they will quickly heal overtime, but with the mod, it just stops this function all together. Usually in the world, it's used with the "No heal on Entrance" mod for trainers who participate in Nuzlocke challenges.
Vay inputted the Damage keeper mod into the PC for one reason, and one reason only. No, he wasn't loopy, He knew what he was doing, and added it on purpose. It was a pretty selfish decision all in all, but I can't say the reason why. It's vaguely hinted to tho. Yes! It makes no sense to have a mod like that inputted in universe. Literally no other character would ever put in this mod into the if given the chance! But, Vay put it in for a specific purpose. Said purpose was actually shown in "Battle scars". Now. Why would Vay do this? Why would he input a mod that makes all pokemon to keep the damage they receive in the box?
Well. He simply only thinks of himself. He didn't think or care about the effect the mod would have on the other pokemon in the PC, just how he could use it to do what he wanted to do. And yes. Vay is a jerk. He's my least favorite main for a reason, you know.
Next up!
As said in comic 200c, Mods are very hard to take off. Why? Well. We are dealing with actual creatures. One wrong move and hundreds of them will get corrupted and essentially die. This isn't like Minecraft, despite me comparing the PC to a minecraft server for explaining how it works to others. Since this mod affects the pokemon directly, its harder to remove because it’s just a big risk for the pokemon. This is also why Dusk cant just remove it. It is too big of a risk to all the pokemon in the PC, which there are over 1000 of at this point. Healing items and free hospitals are a temporary fix.
Also! Blizz does try to help with the bullying, as seen with comic #302, where he states "It's a misunderstanding" followed by text covered by Bolt talking/ignoring him saying "I saw a greenpaw eevee being bullied by Mike and Tike and-" Which, we see on page #298 Tike was the eevee he was punishing.
Lastly! Why don't the other pokemon notice. Well, The few who have been in a PC before do, but most of the pokemon were wild pokemon before they appeared in the PC, so they don’t know how a normal PC feels like. And ofc, how would a pokemon know who to ask about why the PC works the way it does? Mods are common in the world, cause trainers like to give PC pokemon things to do while rotting away. This is actually going to be talked about with Eevui, the new Eevee the trainer obtained via wondertrading. He was in a normal PC before he was traded, so he'd notice the difference, and will comment on it. Funny thing, I have a comic about him trying to describe the PC to pokemon who never been in one before before he goes in the trainer's pc, and it looks completely different from OUR PC box.
Bonus Questions!!
Harmony was brought out of the PC, to the pokemon center, and a nurse Joy informed her that her pokemon was badly injured.
Bro, you so right. I realized this last year and was like "omg" until I remembered that- Pokemon language is different from human language. Ofc, there are pokemon who can read human language in the world, but pokemon and human stuff are different. And in the PC, things are translated into pokemon if not already in pokemon. This does mean pokemon can write to the trainer and it can get translated, but Vay is just an easier method of translation, especially for pokemon who have a harder time reading, writing, and typing (also there are different pokemon languages as well so oof) then like. Not every pokemon knows how to read and write. It’s a privlage usually given only to few captive pokemon. Wild pokemon learning how to read/write in their own language is VERY RARE, especially due to the lack of materials. And the only civilized boxes in the PC are box 1, 2, and 3, so only pokemon living in those boxes have a reason to learn how to read, and resources to learn.
Pokemon are born the height that they stay at all their life, unless they evolve. (Or are Nego. The little weirdo) This is to mimic how it is in pokemon games. So, no. Pokemon don't physically grow. They DO mentally age however. Pokemon tend to age mentally at different rates, so for example, a newborn who is immediately thrusted into situations not meant for a baby (ie, breeding, battling, contests) will mentally age faster than someone (like Eve) Who has stayed in the PC all their life. Nego and Eve are about the same age (Nego being 6 months older) Yet, Nego acts like an infant while Eve does not. This is because Nego ages physically and mentally like a human, while Eve ages quicker mentally, like pokemon do. This also tends to mean that when a pokemon is born doesn't matter much, as they can mentally be ahead or behind.
I hope these answered your questions!! I like talking about SSEC world building! (Its just that I never have the chance to talk about it in detail QuQ)
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comradekatara · 5 years
the thing about younger/older siblings don't you think gender messes it up a little? i'm thinming about katara and sokka here. most girls i know who have older brothers end up doing a lot more of the 'older sibling' things than their brothers. i'm the youngest with an older sister tho so idk, though i DO think i've always been the one supposed to take care of others/be responsible, but that might be because of our personalities (i do admit im probably more spoiled tho)
oh, gender definitely factors in. girls are more likely to receive blame even if they’re not older, as they’re still expected to be “more mature.” but in the case of katara and sokka, while katara does point out the double standard of the responsibilities she has to take on, sokka is indisputably the older sibling. katara is maternal, granted, but she is rash, impulsive, and emotionally-expressive in a way that sokka cannot be, because he feels that she is his responsibility. 
it is clear that sokka is the eldest of the group, and is not unused to being the eldest, because he has a complex wherein he considers everyone to be “his responsibility.” this means that if someone he remotely cares about is hurt, even if it is beyond his control, he will immediately take the blame (it is one of his most classic Sokka’s Instincts™️). he feels guilt over yue’s death, feels guilt over not being able to protect suki, is always making sure that aang and toph are safe, and most importantly, is prepared to murder anyone who so much as lays a finger on katara. when aang accidentally burns her, sokka only forgave him once he was convinced that katara was okay, and the fact that aang was clearly distraught and penitent barely mattered. sokka inherently feels a responsibility to prioritize everyone else before himself, and though katara is obviously deeply caring and compassionate, she does not possess this quality in this way. katara has the youngest sibling syndrome of thinking that she is the protagonist of her life, and everyone else is a side character. (and, yknow, on a meta-level, she wouldn’t be wrong seeing as she is literally the narrator.) in contrast, sokka doesn’t see life as a narrative at all, but merely a series of randomly occurring events that can simply be manipulated to the benefit of whomever can best play the game. (but that’s for another time.)
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this is the first image we see of them, and it is from katara’s pov. look at the framing of this. the elders holding out lights while the children stay close to them. katara is holding onto sokka, but sokka is reaching out ahead, bearing the lantern in the absence of their parents. 
what’s so fascinating to me about katara and sokka’s dynamic is how they are basically opposites, and they balance each other out and rely on each other. katara is very shrewd when it comes to survival, and her short-term foresight keeps her alive; even if she wont to dive in headfirst regardless, she is aware of the danger. but for all that she is attentive in the moment, she always relies on sokka for longterm planning. conversely, sokka is cerebral to a fault. he can make a masterful schedule, but he sees a cactus in the desert and immediately drinks it without first considering whether it contains hallucinogens. (ironically, katara could probably have filtered the water, wherein they would all have enough to drink, but i suppose the desert had gotten to both of their heads at that point.) katara and sokka need each other because each has traits, flaws, and virtues the other does not. 
at this point, it’s not a matter of age, but simply personality. katara is more practical, more action-oriented and emotions-driven, whereas sokka is more intellectual––even in the way he fights, his greatest weapon is his intelligence. and you can’t claim that’s gendered, either, because atla also gives us the reverse, with azula and zuko in place as foils. zuko is also the older brother, but his instincts fall far more in line with katara’s: emotions-driven, quick to action, details-focused. it is why he works so well with sokka. alternately, azula is much more like sokka when she fights: strategic, rational, precise. she thinks multiple steps ahead, and uses her surroundings to her advantage. piandao cites “creativity, versatility, intelligence,” as sokka’s greatest strengths, and they are what make azula so powerful as well. it is why she is so quick to recognize sokka as a threat––because she has never actually had to go up against someone who knows to anticipate her. zuko could never get the upper hand on azula––at best, they were evenly matched––but on the gondola, he manages not to lose to her because sokka is there, actively restraining himself from hurting her. when zuko and katara fight azula in the final agni kai, zuko only knows he can take her on one on one because she is no longer employing her trademark precision and foresight; she is far more erratic, far more like how zuko usually fights her. ultimately, it is katara who beats her by using not her strength, but her creativity––a strategy. as long feng would say, she beat her at her own game. zuko’s original little sister: 0; zuko’s new, cooler little sister: 1. 
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