#I suddenly thought of this quote CUZ
moonlight-tmd · 1 month
I stumbled upon this post a while ago and i couldn't help but imagine Bee in this exact scenario.
So Bee hasn't been openly singing to anyone... or so he thought. Whenever he's alone doing something he'll quietly sing to himself, sometimes he forgets the others are still in base so it's a little louder than just a whisper-tone. And the plant is big and spacey, the sounds echo to other rooms.
When Bee sings wheh he thinks he's alone, the others stay quiet and listen to him sing while doing their thing. They never told him that because they know how he reacts when someone brings up his singing.
Whenever Bee is sad he would never sing in the house (he goes out to sing out his sorrows). Therefore the base is eerily quiet even with Bee around. The others noticed this pattern and would try to just casually talk or spend some time with him to cheer him up.
I suppose the big sad really started when Sentinel came down to boss them around. He rarely visited but the thought of him being around made Bee stop completely.
Then one day when he was preparing morning fuel for everyone he started humming a melody. Sentinel had to go back to Cybertron for some important stuff and the atmosphere around them got lighter...
Then when he's mixing in some ingredients, Optimus suddenly pokes his helm into the main room (his room's door is next to the fuel station) and stares at Bee both alarmed and relieved. Bee just stares back cuz he notices the sudden movement in the corner of his optic.
There's not even a full second of silence before Bossbot lets out a small sigh and his shoulders drop with a tiny smile. "Oh thank Primus.." He says quietly, seemingly to himself.
"...What??" Bee is just confused but then Optimus has this soft expression and says "You stop singing when you're unahppy and the base has been silent for 4 months."
Bossbot then says his good morning and thank you for the oil and goes to check something. Bee is just left with this shock followed by a warm feeling that makes him tear up a little. Later when he's doing something in his room and his door is ajar, Prowl stops by and listens to him hum a song and positively comments on it. He even gave him a smile as he walked away.
If he had any doubts about whether his team actually cared about him, they're gone now. From then on he's less shy about others hearing him sing, he's even dared to quote some lyrics in his melodic tone when the moment gave him opportunity. Heck, he might even join in on the damned karaoke game he used to despise, after he's served somedrink light to ease up the mood for the grown ups of course.
The others are happy to see Bee so comfortable around them showing the thing he used to be very anxious about.
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lonesplashy · 7 months
Ok I see ppl on Tumblr talking Abt how much they liked the final episodes but honestly I was severely underwhelmed by the fionna and cake ending. If you don't want to see me just list out everything I like and dislike and why according to my arbitrary personal preferences scroll now.
The second half of the fight with scabby was meh and repetitive. At least the gumlee was cute. Fionna is still the bestest even if her final fight kinda sucked. I love her dearly and I hope she is living her best life.
The lack of Ooo Marceline in the end was literally so disappointing too I wish we could've seen her again at SOME point.
And just in general the ending felt really rushed, I feel like if they had some more episodes to work with it would've been a lot smoother.
Simons pov was just so severely underwhelming, it just felt like filler to me.
I literally didn't care if it was going to be happy or sad ending for Simon as long as it made me feel things like the last couple of episodes did but it just felt totally flat. It didn't really feel like an ending at all. I wouldn't even mind the breakup angle they took under normal circumstances if it wasn't for the fact he like. Literally spent 12 years basically being in a constant mental breakdown, and a thousand years before that subconsciously searching for her, and her literally driving herself to insanity and becoming golb to keep him safe, but wow suddenly everything's chill cuz he played a video game. Ok. Simon just realized that whoops he didn't always take Betty's feelings into account and they parted ways.
I liked the golbetty in the bus and the golbetty statue. I could bs something about them going their separate ways on a journey the other can't go on and insert trigun quote here about how the ticket to the future is always blank but I just really like golbetty. She's great shes monsterous she's perfect.
Just in general Simon and Betty felt off to me during the final episodes, I can't really put my finger on it but they just felt weird. I'm sure Betty's been doing a lot of thinking in the void and all but it still fell to the left of them I think. The whole time I was watching I was just like. Hm.
Edit: got it. Betty has always been wanting to keep Simon thinking about her. Always. With AI Betty head she flat out said "I knew it would drive you crazy but at least you'd always be thinking about me" and it's like a core thing she does stuff for the Dramatics. While you can argue she's been doing a lot of thinking in the void and matured because of it she's also been a goddess of CHAOS. If anything she's gonna go more loony rather than more mature.
Not to sound like a doomed crazy yuri enthusiast but there are literally no normal or healthy actions you can take after literally becoming a god for someone.
Maybe I'm just too committed to the bit but I'm a solid believer that if you start a weird fucked up path you gotta end on a weird fucked up note. Although the severe disappointment of nothing happening is probably the most fucked up thing they could do to me.
Ik it's supposed to be some sometimes life doesn't give you a tidy ending stuff but also this is fiction I get enough fuck yous like this from reality and ignored job applications I want my fuck yous from fiction to be not sadly vague. Or at least better written.
At least Simon's in therapy. About time.
And the little emoticons he's using in his phone. :)
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Do feel free to put your own opinions in on whether you liked or disliked the ending just play nice 🤙
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starr-finn · 1 year
S/O that quotes Russian badger
Authors note: some quotes and characters are not right, this is done with the main 4 + Houston, Sokol, and Bain btw! Some may be shorter than others, it's not because I don't like said character it's cuz I have no clue what to do
♡ Dallas is so confused by your quotes
♡ what do you mean 'allergic to that fuckshit?’
♡ he's to old for this, he's 44 after all, he doesn't get the jokes and quotes
♡ He'll research the quotes later
♡ he still won't get it though
writing time!
Dallas looks over at you, he hears you yell "fuck you looking at bitch?!" before you stabbed the cloaker like 5 times, killing him instantly. Dallas stares at you, confused from where that came from, but decided to ask about the quote after the heist, he knew the answer he would get though "I'm just quoting someone!" He sighs and shakes his head before smiling while watching you stab a dozer.
♤ he just stares at you in confusion
♤ confusion is his main emotions when he hears you shout your quotes
♤ He'll let you explain though
♤ he still doesn't get it
♤ but he'll watch the videos with you
He was staring at you while you walked into the bank before you quietly say "United Bank of money" before you start laughing at your own joke. He stares at you before shaking your head chuckling, he'd have to find that quote later
♢ Hoxton finds it funny asf
♢ like damn the shit you say is hilarious asf
♢ he'll watch the videos with you
♢ He'll even quote somethings with you
♢ it's oddly cute
You were cuddled up with Hoxton on the couch, watching a video with him, being totally quiet, before you suddenly yelled out "We attacked three boats, they dropped the sun on us twice!" and he just chuckles softly, smiling at you and he just kisses your forehead rubbing your shoulder
♧ He doesn't get it, but he'll humor you
♧ he laughs everytime you say something
♧ his favorite is "flamethrowmer" because of his love for flamethrowers
♧ he never makes fun of the dumb ones, and he never asks you to stop
♧ he loves you too much
Wolf sat there watching you bully a cloaker that was backed against the wall, just shouting "yeah! difficulty tweak!" in a stupid voice before shooting him in the face. He starts laughing, smiling to himself. He thought it was cute when you'd use your quotes to bully cloakers
☆ he's so confused
☆ he'll watch the videos on his own time
☆ but being old he doesn't get it
☆ he'll let you yell out quotes though
☆ he finds some funny, others, not so much
Bain is listening to you shout out your quotes he smiles softly
"Love, quiet down a bit, your hurting my ears" he says laughing softly
You nod softly and chuckle to yourself before shooting a dozer in the face, killing him instantly, you smile softly, saying out loud ".9 mm kills the body but .45 ACP kills the soul, it's how you prevent them from coming back as a Lich"
He chuckled and shakes his head, smiling "I don't get you sometimes"
♛ I personally headcanon that he watches Badger too
♛ he quotes this shit with you
♛ he finds it funny when you quote Badger
♛ he'll quote his buddies for you
♛ he loves you : )
Houston was under the van in a black shirt and his sweatpants, you too are both just talking until you smile down at him
"The Bible is just Christian manga"
He starts laughing and slides out from under the van smiling "you really like quoting badger huh?" you just smile and nod
♕ being younger he definitely understands the quotes
♕ he doesn't quote with you, but he'll let you have your fun
♕ he thinks it's cute
♕ he'll laugh if their funny
♕ he doesn't totally get the context tho
Sokol watches as you take a cop hostage, smiling at your strangeness, he'd normally just kill them after all. He's shooting at a few cops until here hears you mumble to a cop "I'll buy you 2 bean burritos if you kill them" the cop went quiet, and then stood up and shot at the cops that got close to you. Sokol just starts laughing at you somehow managing to make it work
I love these bois! Hope y'all like this one too! I appreciate that y'all read this, uhh thanks for getting me to over 200 something likes, forgot to post about it! But hey thanks a lot, also thanks for 66-67 followers! Love you all!
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choco-bloop · 1 year
HC characters as random quotes from my friends.
Xisuma: So, in trying to get you to pick up a hobby, I was asked to prod at something that interests you.
Mumbo: Pranking everyone
Xisuma: Please elaborate. 
Etho: *raised eyebrow emojis* 
Etho: ^ 
*Talking about a poodle who’s head fur was styled in pigtails*
Gem: Do you guys want to have a barbecue?
Cleo: Do we look like we can bbq without burning the place down?
Beef: That was homework?
Beef: was that not optional?
*Picture of Impulse’s last listened to song, that being Hermitgang*
Tango: Help, Impulse I see you streaming this every 2-3 business days 
Joe: Believe in yourself and that you are prepared 
Joe: Because confidence is the key to bullshitting your way through anything
Scar: *forwarded* Hello guys, can y’all help my friend do a survey for her project? I really appreciate it if you can help to fill it in. Thanks! [Link to survey]
Cleo: Ok
Stress: Oki
Pearl: Yes I got tricked too but on April fool’s day and I was wondering when my com had a YouTube tab while back reading other chats cuz I just opened any links in my unread chats and then go to them after backreading and was so confused until I realised the survey form wasn’t there.
Tango: You know, not all short people are Bdubs and Grian right?
Bdubs: SHUT UP.
Stress: *picture of food she baked* 
Stress: Drop by <3 
Bdubs: *picture of Doc*
Etho: omg Bdubs why does it look like he’s towering over you is this your perspective when you see us? 
Bdubs: Etho. I am in your walls.
Gem: So I’m walking out of my prismarine farm and suddenly I’m like “Oh shit, where’s my hair tie?” Because I realised that my hair was no longer tied
Gem: And then I look to my pickaxe only to see my hair tie right around it.
Pearl: Question. If you are standing somewhere and you need to wear socks, what would you do in the situation? Assuming there are no chairs to sit on
Stress: Balance on one foot, fail miserably and fall over
Cleo: Sit on the floor and wear it
False: Balance on one foot and wear it
Pearl: Ah- 
Pearl: I decided to try just shoving my foot into the sock without any supports. But that didn’t work because my hands were full so I leaned against the wall and put on my sock from there.
Pearl: I managed to do one because right afterwards, Gem appears and just s t a r e s before laughing at me because of how STUPID I looked.
Impulse: *sends video*
Scar: idk why I can’t hear anything even thought my volume is on
Impulse: It’s ok, I’ll show you tomorrow 
Mumbo: Is your tab muted?
Scar: …
Scar: Haha 
Scar: oops anyway-
Mumbo: Amateur mistake.
Mumbo: I thought you were more chronically online than this
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cocomilk-subs · 2 years
𝐚𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐜𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐬 ˚✩
remember, affirmations are just thoughts. they help you to live in the end and ultimately live with your desires, no matter the timeline (past, present, future). make them your thoughts, not the thoughts of a very helpful and pretty blogger who wrote suggestions for self concept affirmations. we all have different brains and different ways of thinking.
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play with the wording, choose "inside joke" references, use quotes from songs or your favourite TV show! with this post i'll try to take you on a journey of affirmation possibilities! all of this post is purely inspiration, affirmations have NO rules whatsoever. the goal of this post is to help you realise that there's so many more ways to affirm than you might think!
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we can change our reality by changing our mind ♡ - plato
"I have everything I want" or talking to yourself—"you have everything you want"
umbrella affirmations: "I have everything I want" "I am living my dream life" "You don't have to worry cuz you already got everything you want!"
REMEMBER, I have [desire here]! remember, you have the highest marks in class!
what if i had [insert desire] right now? credit: @laogodess
"fuck yeah i'm rich!" "i'm hot as fuck". [looking in mirror]: "damn &lt;;3"
askfirmations: "why do i keep impressing everyone?" "do I HAVE to be this intelligent? when did i ever ask to be this godly?"
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aaaahhh i'm so glad that it snowed already i knew i could do it ♡
self-love: "it's okay baby, you're doing great." "you're so tall, bestie." "i love you man, you're so powerful."
[watching a show with a character having your db/dp/df, etc] "hey isn't that me?!" "this character represents me so well!" "lol wow i forgot that i played that role"
[after feeling sad/going through a spiral] "hot sad boy/girl/person moment 😩" "i'm so proud of myself for always being there for myself :)"
others praising you: "yn we love you! you're such a sweetheart! i would die for youuu~" (inspiration from marilyn monroe)
fiery passion vs. chillness: (either is great!) "i shine as bright as the sun, everyone wants me around!" vs. "i know i am loved. people value me!"
PERSONAL EXPERIENCE NOTE for further explanation: i've noticed that "intense" affirmations don't really vibe with me, since i don't usually 'exaggerate' in my head when i'm thinking ykwim? choose which kind of affirming YOU like best! you can be chill, ex: "i'm confident. i trust in myself." or you can be as expressive as you want! ex: "i'm that bitch. i'm confident as fuck. i make heads turn."
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one-word umbrellas: "pepperoni" "saxophone" "voldemort" = "i have everything i want!"
"if you want to view paradise, simply look around and view it~" "want to change the world, there's nothing to it!" (pure imagination)
isn't it wonderful? "isn't it amazing?!" "isn't it so cool!?" "isn't it exciting?" "isn't it so fetch??"
i ACTUALLY have [desire] right now! it's SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN that my hair is long and thick.
"smh there you go melting everyone around you with your charms god damn it 🙄" "fuck you're captivating you made them wordless ughhhh not again"
regardless of everything: "regardless of everything, i have my dream house." credit: @cleostoohot
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detaching your doubts to something "external?": "you'll never accomplish you-" "shut up kevin, i know you're jealous of my uni acceptance" "why are you so weird-?" "thats the old brain again, don't listen to it. i'm doing great!"
hear the voice of your favourite character/of a bestie hyping you up. "yooo you're so cute!" "i'm so proud of you i knew you could do it~" "how did you do that? you make it sound so easy..." "i really should start being as disciplined as you omg"
more song affirmations
"i blinked and bam! there was my puppy right in front of me!" "i blink for one second and now i've got abs, nice" "i blinked and suddenly i had a valentine"
updating followers in your head for your instagram inside your head: "going to the mall again, gotta find SOME way to spend that money." "having fun at the concert :)" "with the squad" "winning the lottery again lol i'm so lucky idk how"
others/you questioning you/yourself "huh?? oh yeah, don't worry about it, ya got your new phone over there" "hah? what are you talking about?! you've always been the model student"
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one word 'replacements': "dl dl dl dl (dream life)" "right right right (im doing everything right)" "finished finished finished (creation is finished)"
"i am hands down the greatest dude/girl/person anyone could ever know"
they're...: "they're going to write an epic autobiography about me" "they write love songs about me" "they should see me in a crown" "they're really speechless, huh"
capturing an "affirmation moment" with lyrics: "i am a core memory for them" AND "it's just the thought of you, the very thought of you, my love <3" "unforgettable, that's what you are"
describing yourself to others in your head: "i'm just the kind of person who doesn't really have to study and i still get great marks, yk?" "i'm just the kind of person who can do this easily" "i'm just the kind of person who keeps getting love confessions."
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greenhound · 7 months
You guys do know that
The real fyodor went through a mock execution irl, and basically went through a moment where he almost died and got "resurrected" (mentally almost) he was sentenced to a mock execution for being a political criminal, and he truly thought he was going to die, until the very last minute where they revealed (the people in charge) that dostoevsky and everyone else sentenced to death that day weren't going to die and that they were spared. He was sentenced to death by Tsar Nicolas I, and was accused of doing many things including plotting against the tsar. Him along with 21 others. Then just before being shot an envoy from the tsar arrived and revealed that they're going to be sentenced to hard labor in Serbia instead. You can see what he wrote about this experience from notes from a dead house and this post.
He also spoke the last words of Jesus which someone else pointed out, and if you know anything about Jesus is that he wasn't dead for long, and he was resurrected (this is my phasing of it, please don't take offense).
Now that we know about this let me tell you about what I think is next:
- fyodor when he appears again, will be in a prison or some kind of environment like that again (mersualt or whatever you spell it).
- he would probably be revealed to be working for or with someone, after all he did quote Jesus (who is the son of God) and I assume the only person this could be is Leo Tolstoy cuz of his most popular work War and Peace.
Now note that Leo Tolstoy may not have any direct relations with Dostoevsky, however they did know of each other as this paper that states: "Nevertheless, when Dostoevsky died, Tolstoy wrote: “I never saw the man, and never had any direct relations with him, and suddenly when he died I realized that he was the very closest, dearest, and most necessary man for me.”
You are aware about how asagiri likes to fill things around, so in terms of relationships, they probably know of eachother or are closely related in bsd.
EDIT: it could be that "That man" fyodor was talking about Leo Tolstoy, after all there was some word about them being rivals ? "When Anna Karenina first appeared in Russia, Fyodor Dostoevsky put aside his feelings of rivalry towards Leo Tolstoy" I got it from this article, however I doubt how true the claim is. Still I don't want to throw this theory out the window.
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tiedsh0es · 9 months
inanimate insanity ramble incoming ⚠️⚠️⚠️ rewatching ep 6 (invitational) I'm really sad of where Balloon and Nickel's relationship is going because I was really rooting on them becoming friends. And ep 6 is such a good ep to think abt how they could have become friends without it being too out of left field
Nickel is still such an awful guy this episode, the entire challenge is to make people laugh but as TK will point out all he's doing is just snapping back and making people upset, he hasn't lost that side of him-
but then theres that scene where Balloon's on the verge of panicking because Bot and Floory are goin for him. so Nickel forces him out of participating by making him laugh rather than him losing to Bot and Floory. and theres too ways you can take this, Nickel wanting to get a sense of control out of this- Or as I see it, more as a sort of compassion from him?
Season 2 Nickel wouldve been badgering Balloon for this- Balloon would lose and Nickel would blame him for it, and maybe that's why Balloon is so panicky. Because he's the last one in it's all on him. if they lose its his fault. but for once Nickel sees Balloon actually having a hard time and sticks up for him-
granted you know it was a little... self-centered that it had to be him getting Balloon out of the competition rather than bein like its alright dude! but I saw it as a sort of first step? It's realistic for him and his character, and I thought that this would lead up to Nickel kind of realizing he liked Balloon as a friend! I mean he even calls him his friend at the end of the ep.
and maybe this was originally their plan (AE), that Balloon was going to give Nickel a second chance. Cuz that's all Balloon ever wanted was a second chance. but now I feel like in the more recent episode they are backtracking?? Nickel refusing to apologize, and turning on Ballon again. maybe they think now its better if Balloon shldnt forgive Nickel and that's why Nickel suddenly turns on Balloon again.
Nickel struggled to apologize to even TK, in ep 5, and I thought that would lead up to him realizing there are bigger things than his ego and hed apologe to Balloon-- but now it sounds like Balloon never even liked or wanted to be friends with him in the first place???
I dont even know if I think Balloon should forgive Nickel anymore but its sad bc I really liked their friendship
idk ! maybe i'm thinking too far ahead I wont know where their relationship is heading until one of them finally gets eliminated
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this is not the face of someone who "never wanted to work with you again" Balloon has moments where they get along genuinely. i actually hate that quote idk
not that i think its bad balloon finally stuck up to Nickel but i dont like his reasoning being he's kind of been leading Nickel along??? BC BALLOON IS NOT IN THE WRONG.
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jellyaibo · 1 year
i want to hear ur thoughts abt object terror, you philosophor
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so disclaimer i havent seen OT in fucking months so this insane ramble isnt gna be. the best but
object terror is one of the best worst fucking object shows ive ever seen, literally the PRIME example of some edgy kid trying to make an object show that isnt ur grandmas object show. no. this is the REAL shit and they say SLURS and theres BLOOD and GORE (yes im serious theres blood and gore and death but itsnot that bad, definitely a bit shocking if u didnt expect it to happen tho)
theres also shitty voice acting and terrible mic quality galore, EX: theres a fucking cup that had this dogshit mic for the longest fucking time and it deadass sounded like bro was talking into a washing machine ohmy god, i remember there was a clip of him going around on twitter a while ago cuz of this (i think that was my first time seeing anything from OT too so theres that)
OH and theres cactus, i barely remember anything abt him but he had this fucking emotionless voice that made me HYSTERICAL. there was a scene where someone got him pissed and he said "you take that back" with. absolutely no emotion at all and since then me and my friends keep fucking quoting that line cuz its the funniest fucking shit ever
btw that slur line i said earlier wasnt a joke, one of the characters straight up drops the R SLUR in the FIRST EPISODE (funnily enough, that character became the creators objectsona i think? ik they kinda used him as a mascot for a bit which is so fucking funny) tho i dont think they drop anymore slurs after that but dont take my word on it
anyways i gotta talk abt my favorite fucking part abt this fucking show before i get to. mint
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before i watched object terror i got fucking warned abt these two because there was a . homophobic scene w them or some shit and i had NO idea what it was for the longest time so i was really excited to see what object homophobia was gna be graced upon my faggotly eyes
and then theyjust. started making out randomly. LIKE OUTTA NOWHERE and there were other characters there that were gna try to attack/kill them? but then they saw them kissing and were like omg ewww boys (i think. the stuff that happens after this scene is kinda blurry tbh and im NOT gonna go back and watch the clip to see what happens ok. i REFUSE) and im sorry but thats the best fucking object show scene ever
AND LIKE? IDK? MAYBE ITS JUST ME BUT I DONT GET WHY I SAW PPL SAY THIS WAS HOMOPHOBIC???? i dunno maybe its just me but like these two just kissed while watching tv and eating chicken AND NOTHING BAD HAPPENED TO THEM!!! THEY LITERALLY WON IMMUNITY BY THE END OF THE EPISODE TOO. THEY WON. THE GAYS WON. and its so fucking funny to me bro object terror LOVES the gays
ok now i need to talk about mint im sorry i hate this fucking thing so much I NEED TO KILL HIM WITH A ROCK!!!! FFFUCK!!
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hes literally just taco ii but 100x worse, i dont even like tacos evil arc or whatever cuz i always found her annoying BUT MINT IS SO MUCH WORSE
never in my. almost 2 years of watching object shows have i ever hated a character so fucking much LIKE GENUINELY THIS THING MAKES ME SO FRUSTRATED. hes just that. lol XD random character FOR THE WHOLE SERIES. just annoying and loud and does literally fucking nothing AND THE JOKES W HIM ARE SO FORCED I SWEAR THEY STOPPED . EVERYTHING THAT WAS GOING ON IN AN EPISODE JUST TO FOCUS ON THIS MOTHERFUCKER CUZ HE WAS GONNA DO SOMETHING FUNNY. im not mad that im missing out on some "juicy" object terror "lore" im just pissed that i have to see this fucking disgrace on my screen
oh and in the latest episode (as of now, the series isnt actually finished yet and i hope to god it never gets continued) SUDDENLY mint has a fucking arc THAT WAS NEVER FORESHADOWED AT ALL IN THE SERIES!! SO SUDDENLY HES A SMART GENIUS THAT COULD DO ANYTHING CUZ HE HAS MACHINES N SHIT AND A WHOLE ASS LABORATORY ??????? THEN HE FUCKING DIES
do you know how many fucking. mid and uninteresting characters we had to lose for him
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he lived for too fuckig long in this show dammit it pisses me off that he's even a character that exists . i blame him for being the reason why i hate joke characters (except david ily david bfdi)
i dont wanna talk abt him anymore im gonna
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OK OK BUT. 1 more thing. smore
smore is this guy that they introduced later on in the series and hes a FUCKING. DEMON FROM HELL and i need him so bad actually
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i think at some point he tries to . kill mint too so im literaly making out with him rn oh my god HES SO
im so mad hes in object terror IM GETTING YOU OUTTA THERE BABY ‼ ‼ 🗣🗣
honestly tho he was so cool im a little mad that they introduced him so late into the show CUZ WE ONLY SEE HIM FOR LIKE 2 EPISODES GRAHHHH RAAGHHHH babygirl
anyways thats it i feel like theres more but im not gonna wring out any more object terror knowledge from my brain i think that'll kill me
hope u enjoyed my insanity anon heres a loser . hope this heals you
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hello! mun speaking :D
before we get started, there’s some things that are going to be pointed out here (plz read they are very important):
if you’d like to ask padme or the mun anything, use my ask box! it is open for those specific reasons! just make sure to clarify if you are asking padme or mun
if youd like to rp but dont know if ill say yes, just dm me! they are open for those reasons lol
im pretty much cool with everything as long as it doesnt involve any nsfw stuff (gore & stuff is fine, im referring to smut)
my time schedule is wack so there will be days where i am radio silent. please dont think i am ignoring you, im probs just so busy i dropped dead (id recommend priv msging me to be safe)
my main blog is @flowered-bicycles so if youd like to see how i am like out of rp, go there lol
mun goes by soka but will usually be referred to as “amidala’s (or padme’s) mun. mun also uses she/her
as hard as i will try to be like padme’s canon self, i might end up throwing a bit of myself in the rp as well. if something seems ooc, please let me know but dont be harsh about it
parentheses or // are used when mun is speaking
roleplay is either used in 3rd person or 1st person. if you have a preference you’d like me to use, dont be shy and let me know
extra and disclaimer! - this is strictly an rp blog (yes i may act and speak and react like padme, but i am no way actually her. i am in no way affiliated with star wars! (unless you count being a fan as affiliated) so this is completely fanmade! feel free (much encouraged) to like, reblog, or send/asks and make comments! the ask box has anon on as well, so if you are too shy to use your user, anon is on just for you! if you wish, giving an emoji for me to recognize you by would be greatly appreciated! you can leave comments and ill try to reply to them. i dont think my submissions are open, but if youd like to submit something then ill open them!
you may use “potty mouth” when rping in character, but please keep it pretty strictly to star wars cursing (kriff, kark, etc)
padme is straight and will be canonically shipped with anakin (cuz they are married, duhh) but if you wish to do a “non-canonical”/au where padme is shipped with your character (or is not straight), please dm me and we will work it out
keep this a SFW blog! (which means no smut!! violence / gore are accepted tho so be warned)
keep the asks respectful please
uncomfortable topics will be blatantly ignored
dont godmod.
have fun!
about padme
galactic senator
canonically married to anakin skywalker
unofficially became ahsoka’s aunt
isn't afraid to use violence
will sweet talk you to get what she wants
friends & foes
anakin skywalker - open slot
ahsoka tano - open slot
satine kryze - @arandomnerdsrp358
obi-wan kenobi - open slot
(name of character) - user
PROMPT LIST! (and quotes)
here is a list of prompts that will help structure an rp (if you want to make a structured rp) or help get the rp flowing/started:
extra!: prompts and quotes can be requested together! for ex. : “can i request prompt a. with quote 6?” (or vice versa)
1. “why did you do it? tell me”
2. “you know im always here for you, right?”
3. “let me take care of you”
4. “i thought id never see you again…”
5. “we need to get you to a hospital!”
6. “blood? why are you bleeding!?”
7. “sleep at my place tonight”
8. “you know you are my one and only”
9. “im in love with you, idiot (or di’kut)
10. “sh, stop fussing. let me braid your hair”
11. “if you steal the blankets, im going to put my cold feet on you.”
a. it’s a mission and we got separated from the group. we are on an unknown planet and dont have any signal to comm the rest of the group. we have to try to make our way back to the ship with only each other and the things we have with us.
b. no one knows when it started, but suddenly people have started receiving red ribbons tied to their pinky and the red trails off to their soulmate. not everyone has a soulmate but we are some of the lucky few who have one. follow the roleplay as we go on a journey to follow the trail and meet eachother, and then live life together as soulmates.
c. a diplomatic mission gone wrong when a terrible virus breaks out in the planet. with the ship pulled to pieces and we are stranded on the planet, how will we survive and rebuild the ship to get off world and warn the other planets?
d. it’s a diplomatic mission to bring a planet to the side of the republic, but something goes wrong. dooku has brought his army to stop the planet from joining the republic and we get caught in the crossfire! negotiations are made and dooku has proposed a challenge for us to complete. if successfully completed, the planet may host a republic base. if lost, the planet goes to the separatists.
!! accepting additional quotes / prompts !!
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sw1mmingfoolz · 2 years
Hi hi hope you're doing well <3
For the fic writer ask game: 🏆🎤🍄📚
And if you're feeling generous: 🎁 (hehe :P)
Hey anonnie thanks for asking and sorry for taking a while to answer! I may have spiralled slightly agsjshsj
🏆fic youre most proud of?
probably Linstock! it was my first longer piece and i got to inject a fair bit of my own knowledge into it, plus i just love pirate aus. i think some of the dialogue coulda been a little better but overall i'm proud of it :)
🎤fave line in a fic you wrote?
~ "I really want you to know you do belong here, and I want you to stay." Your eyes searched his, heart flipping in your chest, as he dared inch closer, your eyelashes kissing one another’s cheeks as his hot breath fanned across your lips. "With me." - Linstock
writing the whole fic fucked me up honestly but basically all of the ending is just. i'm a simp what can i say
🍄how do you get yourself in the mood to write?
i don't 😭 it strikes me extremely randomly and when it does i take advantage, otherwise i don't write for days haha :') i don't force it, it makes me incredibly inconsistent but i'm okay with that! but reading and watching films will often get me in the mood to create so, if anything that hehe :)
📚 favorite fandom for write for?
stray kids atm! that's just cuz i'm big in skz brainrot though lol, i like all 3 i write for though. everyone in them is so lovely and supportive 😭💞
🎁 have a quote from a WIP?
okay challenge: read this and tell me if you can guess the member lmao (hint: it's a skz fic)
"Wait, are you kidding me?" He hadn't expected that, your eyes blown wide with shock and eyebrows raised as your pupils scanned his face. He shrunk back into himself a little, adrenaline fueled confidence suddenly replaced by the harsh chill of rejection, and pulled his eyes from your face to stare at his lap.
"I mean, if you don't feel the same that's completely okay! I don't wanna ruin the friendship we have and-" he was stopped in his rambling by your hand coming up to cup his face, confusion washing over him as your entire demeanor changed.
"It's not that," you laughed, the situation starting to set in. "It's not that I don't feel the same," he was visibly slightly relieved, tension releasing from his tightly drawn shoulders in spite of the perplexed expression remaining etched on his face.
"So why did you respond that way?" he murmured, beginning to feel embarrassed. He could tell you'd realised sometimes he hadn't, and it made him feel dumb, which he always hated. A warm blush was burning his face, creeping up from his neck and tingling on his nerves, and you let out another soft laugh.
"I thought we started dating months ago."
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queenofbaws · 2 years
Hello! How are you?
May I request, number 21 for Climbing Chrash?
six(ish) sentence weekend ;P
“A bat?” She crouched down as she said it, head whipping between the two of them as she desperately tried to settle on which one of them needed yelled at more. “Like...a baseball bat?”
“Nah, Ash, the flappy kind. Echolocated its way right into my fucking head. Y’know. Like bats do.” Had he not been clutching at his head like that, glasses askew and teeth bared in a grimace, Chris probably would’ve won the ‘who needs yelled at more’ contest. As it was, though, he was looking pretty pathetic.
So, her decision made for her, Ashley whirled on Josh. “Why are you leaving baseball bats lying around?!”
He didn’t answer right away, instead just sizing the two of them up as he drummed his fingers against the tank of the water heater. Through the gloves he was wearing, the sound was almost totally inaudible. “Oh, oh I’m sorry. I thought you were setting up a joke there, Nancy Drew. Something about how ridiculously fuckin’ hilarious it would be for one poor schmuck to inventory every goddamn item in this place.”
“Yeah, cuz this is really funny, Josh!” With a grunt and a groan, and maybe even a bit of a whine, she peeled her mask off the rest of the way and flung it off to the side, letting the cold basement air cool some of the sweat on her face. “The whole reason we sent the others off, ding-dong, is because Sam was supposed to be the pacifist!”
Slowly easing himself up onto his elbows, Chris muttered, “Gonna need you to put some air quotes around ‘supposed to be,’ please and thanks.”
“And if she’s suddenly just like, totally a-okay hitting people with bats, like...?! I’m not getting hit by a bat, Josh!”
With an airy sniff, he glanced over his shoulder, taking a couple steps back before kicking the bat in question. “No you’re not - mostly because she left it back here. So. Cross that off your list of worries.”
She groaned again, knotting her fingers through her hair. “I think we need a new plan.”
“And I think you guys are letting yourselves get wayyy too bothered over a five-foot-nothing vegan in a towel, that’s what I think.” Josh pushed himself from the water heater to join them, offering Chris his hand before yanking him up with a grunt of his own. “This house of cards hasn’t fallen yet, kiddos. You mark my words.”
“You sure about that?” Chris asked, still clutching onto his head with his other hand. “Cuz I gotta be honest with you guys, um...I’m feelin’ a little bit like this is less a house of cards and more a game of 52-pick-up at this point.”
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0x1addictsong · 2 years
The Tale of Tea~♡
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5. My hands aren't working
Fei : Did you locked the cafe before going to
Hyong : Yup I did it :-)
After reaching her apartment, she felt as if she was carrying a luggage on her back. She got freshen up & went to her lovely bed after spraying the room freshener everywhere.
Having problem with sleeping was common for her, so she tried almost every kind of solution. At the end she realised, soft smell & slow music is what she needs.
Fei : Ok good💙
Wait, did you message him?
Now, she didn't want to remember about that. The problem with taking steps in any kind of relationship got the best of her. No matter if it's friendship or anything else.
Hyong : Message who?
Fei : ....😑
Don't act dumb. You know what i mean.
Hyong : I don't?
At this stage, she was terrified. Didn't know if it's right to message him or not.
Fei : Just message him bro. Your Romeo would've been waiting for the whole day.
Hyong : He isn't my Romeo...
Now she was rolling on her bed while making small noises.
"There should be something to escape this situation." She said in muffled voice to herself, being entangled in her duvet.
Fei : Whatever he is to you🍿, just message him.
Hyong : My hands aren't working properly
¯\_ಠ_ಠ_/¯ I'll just leave it today.
Fei : Your hands are working to give excuses? Just do it or I'LL DO IT tomorrow.
Good night🌚
"God she's so stubborn." She whispered while wishing her good night.
Taking the piece of the paper from the table, she almost got lost in thoughts.
"Just do it already Hyu."
She sat down on her bed, duvet still entangled in her feet & searched his profile. After taking tons of deep breaths, she tapped the MESSAGE option.
Imalo$er : Hi...?
She threw her phone to corner of her bed, squirming & hiding her face with her palms even though, no one was looking at her pink flushed cheeks. (Except me | ͡ᵔ ﹏ ͡ᵔ |)
The sound of notification made her flinched & she got nervous like hell. She slowly crawled to the corner of her bed & took the phone in her hand.
illusion_05 : Took you enough time
Just in case, if you wanna know how did she look that time. She was redder than a tomato.
Once she was done collecting the courage, she typed.
Imalo$er : I was busy.
illusion_05 : btw you don't seem like a loser to me 👀
"Ugh, he's too much to handle." She threw her head on the headboard before deciding what to write without sounding defeated.
Imalo$er : Cuz I'm not...? It's just a song.
illusion_05 : Well good for you miss Hyo, see you tomorrow 👋
She didn't want to accept the fact that she wanted to chat more, but her ego stood in front of her. Deciding to spend some hours watching TXT's funny moments, she shrugged her thoughts off.
"Maybe this can divert my mind." She sighed.
Kinda short but i'll try adding more from next time. If you see any mistakes feel free to share
Previous / Masterlist / Next
Synopsis : Hyong was a normal graduated girl who was living her boring life in Vietnam, working in a café with her co worker & best friend Fei. Being uninterested in everything, she suddenly grew curious about this one wierd guy, who always used to come at the café, at an exact time, & would order a tea, wearing all black, showing nothing but just his eyes. Where will Hyong's curiosity for the stranger take her? (Or not really a stranger...?)
Tags : @gyucupid @skwangyu @shieunviya @kimteume @m4rsluv @venompinks @mini0o @loviefm @lqblackpinku @sweetsoogyu @soobscribe @straypink-no-fanwars @guccitaegii @txtcorrect @taegguksm @tearbtss @incorrect-treasure-quotes @whendidmythoughtsgocrazy @blovedhobi @btsaestheticpicss @bookworm-on-rainy-days @mcadiary @parkjun @txtswt @trearsure @owggi @definitely-correct-bighit-stuff @howfe @jungoosite @vanteditsx @mcadiary @tricssi @facepalmmylifeu
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dearserenesoul · 26 days
UPDATE; after 20 minutes fikir nak reply apa ni kat my friend ni, so...
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Haihh, so determined. I don't have the heart to not accept it. Can already imagine the feeling 😣 So yeah.
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Takut? Why are you takut? Aaaaa i've sensed something dah 😣
But then there he was. Already at the foyer. Redah hujan 🥲
He gave me the pastry. And being polite like, "I'm sorry i'm not properly dressed." Ermm, sir? Since when do you bother about your look in front of me? Aaaaa this is really something, i said to myself.
But i just layan the conversation as he navigated it. Ni confirm bukan nak bagi pastry je ni. Ada benda nak cakap ni kalau dok beat around the bush je, takde sign nak gerak.
So, last night he happened to be the one who shared the quote; "You like because, and you love despite" to me. I thought it's just a continuation to our prev conversation when i posted alain de botton on my IG story. So, takde rasa nak fikir bukan-bukan pun. Cuz yeah, he frequently replied to my story & we will have friendly conv, so takde nak fikir apa pun lah.
From the conversation about "despite love", i just randomly said to him this morning;
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Then at the foyer, he suddenly opened up the conversation about this.
"Shirin, you have such a big heart for a small girl like you. Even if you tak jumpa your husband lagi, you can share your love with people around you."
I'm just physically small, sir. But I'm already old. I'm not getting any younger. I want to meet my husband. I want to be a wife & a mother. I want to build a family, my purpose is Allah, my dīn & akhirah. I no longer have time to waste for temporary things. Marriage is the only real thing & true romantic love between a man & a woman.
Since he kept beating around the bush & takde sign nak gerak, i went like...
"Hey, jom i walk you to your car."
Pressure dia sikit hehe. Nak cakap ke nak balik? Kalau ada benda nak cakap, baik cakap cepat.
So, as we walked a bit, he suddenly stop and said,
"Shirin, i ada plan nak sambung master. I'm not properly employed lagi. If i'm ready and you have no one, i would be happy to be the man next to you. But you really deserve better, tho."
AAAAA YA ALLAHHH. Dah agakkkk! 😭 Like, okay, i know the gesture of driving to my work place just to give me pastry is already a move. But i didn't expect a verbal confession right in front of my face! 😭😭
"Irfan, listen. I'm not looking. But i really want to get married. Kalau ada yang datang, ada lah. Kalau tak, i just carry on with my life."
And his face. His nervous face. Eyes to eyes as i tried my best to not hurt a sincere heart. His eyes got teary a bit, definitely from the nerve. Thank you for your courage, my friend 🥺🤍
"Okay, cool. In three to four years, if you're available, i will ask you again."
I just smiled & don't know what to respond.
Three to four years? Hujung tahun ni pun i tak boleh janji. If Allah answer my du'a, i have no control when i will meet my husband. And i don't do waiting anymore, sir. I've once waited for three years, & i still received half-ass effort.
And I'm not barang nak book, nak cop, without ada apa-apa materialize & actualize in front of me. How certain are we that the waiting will end up well? At this age, either/or je.
No hate to anyone, tho. I'm just protecting myself. You did your best. Your chivalry is first tier. I appreciate this so much. And YOU deserve better, my friend. You deserve someone who can reciprocate sincerely genuinely. And as of now, it's not me.
Only the deepest love will persuade me into matrimony. And i make du'a to have it from both ends. And i'm aware that it's such a rare miracle to have it at both ends. But i'm still waiting for the answer from my al-Wadud.
As he walked half-way to his car, he turned around and said,
"Let's pretend this never happen. I just need to say it."
"No worries. Careful hujan-hujan ni. Drive elok-elok."
Thank you for being a gentleman, kind, courageous friend.
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topperscumslut · 4 months
holy FUCK you guys i found my diary from the summer before high school into freshman year and these are some of the best quotes
“I’m a vegetarian, biromantic grey ace, lmao i actually thought i was on the ace spectrum what the fuck my favorite color is neon pink, my favorite food is nachos, I’m kind of emo, I have a boyfriend, I’m a feminist, I love makeup, I love Harry Potter, and my parents are getting divorced.”
“It’s probably midnight already but I don’t care (what you think as long as it’s about me.)”
“One time [my mom] caught me reading smutty Ahkmenrah fanfiction. Cringe.”
(in reference to my elementary/middle school ex best friend) “Do not trust that fucking bitch.”
“I’m gonna be a brave Gryffindor. I’m turning my light on.”
“And she still doesn’t even realize that we’re no longer friends. What a dipshit.”
(in reference to my Dan and Phil obsession) “My grandma thinks Phil is going to kill me though.”
“I thought my computer had a virus because it wouldn’t turn on but it was just dead.”
“I had a dream last night that some sketchy dude gave me a gondola sandwich and then Welcome to the Black Parade by My Chemical Romance started playing and I cried, making my gondola soggy.”
“The bag smelled like someone shat on a strawberry. So did she. She had lipstick on her temple. God I hate her.”
(quoting said ex best friend) “‘I’m nothing with you!’ No shit.”
“I’m gonna start a Burn Book. Sigh.”
“If he grabs my ass then sugar he’s going down (swinging). And if the guidance counselor asks what I was wearing I’ll slap a bitch.”
“Tomorrow’s the last day of summer. Holy shit.”
“I didn’t realize that I couldn’t just wait 10 years and suddenly be married to a guy who I just learned the name of a week ago.”
(first day of high school, only thing i wrote) “Today’s the day. I’ll be back.”
(one month later) “So I didn’t come back.”
“Her little brother’s a fucking FULL COURSE MEAL.”
(after taking a personality test) “Okay that was insightful. Wait no it just said I have no friends.”
(about the worst man i have ever met) “He has such a great soul.”
“I’m getting old.”
“I have no soul.”
(about my beta fish that i named after Riverdale characters) “I still think Jughead migh die though.” he did “I think he MIGHT have a parasite (ew). Poor baby. 😔”
“I want him to mark me as his. Yum.” you are 14 calm the FUCK down
“I can’t wait til March when he’s 16 and can get a job at Starplex like his dad so he can be my sugar daddy and give my aquatic pets a life of luxury.”
“My life lately has been anxiety attacks interrupted by nachos, vines, and makeout sessions.” still a mood
“He broke up with me. I’m miserable.”
“I have made the decision to reinvent myself.”
“Everyday I’ll ask the people at my tables in every class how their day is going and compliment them occasionally until everyone worth liking likes me too and I’m so popular that everyone’s minds explode. I’ll be like a nice version of Regina George.”
“I’m at the point of giving up.”
“I want him to hurt.”
“I started believing in God again.”
finally after like 5 straight pages of trauma dumping there’s a really fucked up (cuz i can’t draw for shit) drawing of Rizzo from Grease and that’s where it ends LMFAO 😭
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adoggirl · 11 months
🌿, 🍄, 🌲! Also 🌼, 🌳, 🌴
Uwaaaa tHANK YOU I LOVE YOU !! <22 /p
🌿 : how did you discover you were a system? or how did you become one on purpose?
hmm I had to ask ash for this cuz I have not been here long ha (pluralkit says I registered myself on February 17th lol) and she said that it happened fast like suddenly out of nowhere jay started fronting! and she was like “HUH??!” and then I went to jay and dragged him to ash and asked why he did that and shock said and I quote “she had to realize I was NOT A fucking kin, dear first spinjitzu master *face palm*” (dear first spinjitzu master usually translates into dear god because yeah the fsm is their kind of god) and the rest is history I suppose!
so yeah we know how we discovered it but honestly don't know how the system formed, everyone constantly disagrees how we formed >:P that's why we usually say “ contragenic ” “ is a system origin in which system members disagree on the exact origin ”
after all that discovering and stuff, it took ash a while to fully accept she would not be fully alone anymore but after that happened they gradually allowed others to front (by then the rest of the ninja were there + randy cunningham I think she said) and look where we are now!! Yayyy!!!
oops I might've kind of told a bit much hold on I'll ask if this is okay to share ... okay the general response was like “yeah it's ok to share”! 👍 Ok next question!!!
🍄 : do you headcanon any characters as plural? who and why?
hmmm I've never really thought about this... I think maybe Marcy from the original amphibia! because I think she split the core/darcy after being done with the whole being possessed by the core thing and that other marcy with the silly face that a lot of the fandom call marky (honestly kind of stealing from our Marcy cuz our Marcy has exactly that kind of subsys. But the roles will be different!!!) So it goes as followed :
Marcy : host, trauma holder
Darcy : anger holder, caretaker, coltenoir, heraicen
Marky : delight, pacific, paichmate, stim holder, symptom holder
Uhhhh not any other characters than her for now tbh...
🌲 : favourite system representation in media?
I honestly have probably not watched any media w systems in it tbh (if you actually mean system and not possession bc im excluding that for now)
🌼 : what species are there in your system?
Oh boyy UHHH there's humans, witches, shapeshifters/werewolves, hedgehogs cats jackal twotailed fox echidna bat lemur (all from sonic so anthro), skeletons, goat boss monsters, ponies (Pegasus, Earth, Unicorn and alicorns), Rabbids, dogs (from bluey), Lego (is that considered a species?), Etherian (as in Catra yknow human but also cat), centaurs (and the variants goattaur & deertaur), collector, demons, formerly human but now a rotting corpse, dragons, mouse rat thing (fink from ok Ko), flower, anthro fox, anthro cat, ghosts, object heads, koopas
And the rest you'll have to see on sp bc I'm not about to list EVERYTHING
🌳 : least favourite system representation in media?
Again like last time, haven't actually watched anything with systems O-O'
🌴 : do you think syskids and age regressors should share spaces or not? Why?
Honestly don't care about this but I personally would say yes they're both kids (one sometimes not but that's besides the point) and just want a space to be a kid
But like I said I do not care enough to really have arguments or whatever :P
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Soo i was responding to matty's quote about genre being dead. Last time i checked spotify music was classified according to genres.Growing up in the noughties i remember going to local cd stores where music was classified according to genres.
I think matty said it to feel more relatable to his younger fans and because we know how he feels about being seen as an oldie lol.
I always thought gen z created the whole eras concept
Ooooh that’s an interesting view, I think! I never thought about it this way. I always figured, like, he wasn’t so much denying that genres are still a thing for cataloging music. They certainly are. And a lot of artists probably find a lot identity and belonging within their generic category. You know? Like I’m sure artists like The Weeknd (of whom I’m a huge fan) or even Taylor Swift (I’m also a Taylor fan) think a lot about the generic categories in which their music participates (both of these artists, coincidentally, also have a ton of influence on their respective genres and people tend to follow in their footsteps a LOT).
I don’t wanna put words into Matty’s mouth cuz I could just be misunderstanding him, but, to me, it sounds like he means that genre isn’t limiting anymore, like it used to be. Because of the digitization of music, you can go from listening to a pop song to a punk song to R&B in a matter of seconds. There’s not as much work that the listener has to do to take stuff out of context and mix it up. Everything feels like it’s on an equal playing field. Which is why not a lot of people will say “oh I’m mostly into this specific type of music. Or that type.” People “cross breed” a lot more now.
I think his generation of artists were kind on the precipice of that kind of experience of music thanks to the internet being more and more common. Like, by thr time that ST came out, people were doing the whole MP3/ iPod thing and shuffling and listening to music regardless of genre. And because he experienced music that way, his tastes are eclectic and, as a result, the music that he makes is eclectic. You can’t say the 1975 is strictly pop, or strictly electronic, or whatever. But each of their albums, despite its varied styles, does have a distinct identity. Hence the whole “eras.” Thing.
I think the internets role in the death of genre is the same as it’s role in “eras.” Again, millennials found themselves suddenly able to cultivate a whole world in reaction to/ in response to the music. An entire online presence based on a set of ideas, images, sounds, etc. so that when the 1975 were putting out black and white videos and imagines and stuff, it became a whole thing. And they ran with it for every album until today and even started bringing that stuff to the stage. With the Box iconography, the color scheme, the treadmill being for ABIIOR, the house and suits and stuff for BFIAFL. Idk that’s just how *I* always took it though I could be reading into it.
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