#I think it's pretty epic they're gay and in love
vvizardz · 2 years
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I used to get sad
And lonely when the sun went down
But it's different now
Cause I love the light that I found in you
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happypotato48 · 27 days
So i got asked by @waitmyturtles about how major channels are regarded in thailand. i can't talk for thai people who still regularly watch TV but anyway here is my thought.
My perspective is a bit limited because i don't watch TV anymore. but i can talk about how i views these Channels from when i was growing up which i think still true for them today (they seem to don't change much). so the major network Channels in thailand are 3, 5, 7, and 9. 3 being by far the most poppular.
I view 3 and 7 as the most basic conventional Channels in Thailand they rarely venture outside of their comfort zone of traditional lakorns. there is now and then shows from 3 and 7 that were pushing boundaries but they're rare. the most distinction between these channels are that 3 shows are usually more modern and 7 tend to be more conservative. the 20.30 - 22.00 pm timeslot for both of these channels where they air their lakorns used to be THE timeslot where most thai families spent their evening. ok side tangent, The Miracle Of Teddy Bear was the only BL that had aired in this timeslot that i knew of, that's why i was intrigued to check it out, well that and cause Inn Sarin was one of the leads. anyhoo i think it's less poppular now cause of streaming services and the internet. i feels like channel 3 fully hopped on the BL Train with its recent 22.45 timeslots on monday-wednesday being BLs. while channel 7 still seem to still be a bit gun shy about BL.
and for 5, it's run the by Royal Thai Army so the programs on this channel also on the conservative side. they used to made historical epic lakorns and that's basically all i remember about this channel. i think it's the least poppular out of the 4.
and lastly Channel 9 or what it's rebranded into Modernine TV. it the oldest but somehow the most modern, hehe pun inteded channel. this channel had the most variety of programs and it was my favorite channel as a kid cause it aired a lot of animes on the weekend. there's also were a lot of sitcoms and reality shows that were very poppular back in the days. one of them being the star, it was basically thai american idol. if i remember correctly this channel also was the first place i saw a gay pairing in a tv show, they were a side couple in some mature drama that i don't remember the name of, i'm pretty sure they either were one of or the first BL couple on Thai TV. this channel was the first one to fully embraced BL it aired Love sick, Make It Righ, My Engineer. their shows seem to mostly aimed at younger demographic. too bad they doesn't seem to produce a lot of shows now a days though, i guess we have GMMTV to blame for that.
there also Thai PBS, but well it's a PBS channel there's not a lot to say aside that it pretty much just like any other countries PBS channels.
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dustteller · 6 months
Not to get too literature major on the five other people in this fandom, but have you guys ever read Montaigne's On Friendship bc that's just Esen’s brain. That's what going on up there.
To paraphrase exactly what I mean, the argument of the essay, but it's Esen's version: Hey guys. Have u met my bestie, Ouyang? He's so cool and smart and talented. We share a friendship so deep and intimate that nothing can compare. Sure yeah u can fuck women but what is romantic yearning when compared to our friendship. Some people would call this brotherhood, but they're wrong, bc this is better. I want to talk to him and grow old with him and delight in his company for the rest of my life. Women could never. Imagine if they were capable of cultivating so deep a bond tho, then both our souls and bodies could be tied together. That'd be the ultimate form of friendship, but u can't have sex with a guy, that would be gay, and women can't love like this so they're out the window too.
He explains this to his brother once, who immediately goes that's kinda gay and he immediately goes "no its not u just don't know the epic highs and lows of having the ultimate homie relationship. That's so sad for u, I hope you one day find hapiness like this. Ouyang is my bestie <3 (i desire him carnally but thats just bc hes pretty u know how it is).
I just think Wang Baoxiang has to be the most long suffering person in the entirety of these books bc he's the only B plot character self-aware enough to truly realize he's surrounded by idiots. Esen is Dumbass Prime.
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foggymartin · 8 months
It's always awful to see pretentious twats on the news, but especially when they talk about things they've had no experience in. Seeing upper class, Christian men go on and on about how we should make Britian a "Christian" place again is out of this world. Seeing upper class (and let's be real, probably Christian) men talk about how people in poverty should just *work in these shitty jobs provided by our fucked government and earn minimum wage* because what are they going to do? They basically don't have a choice. Seeing *upper class christian men* talk about women's rights, gay peoples rights, people of colours rights, like it's some kind of epic tale in a book. They have no fucking idea what they're talking about, for any of it.
Christianity is a fucked religion (controversial, I know) with again, pretentious twats speaking the "words of God" which are a load of shit. Most of the time it's used as an excuse to be a homophobe or a sexist. Okay, David, why don't we follow every single rule ever put into that musty book? Why don't we tell left handed people they're going to hell? Or tell people who are mean that they're going down there? Why is it gay people? Correct me if I'm wrong, the Bible stated "man must not sleep with *boy*" and not "man must not sleep with man." You know, because pedophila feels like more of a crime then *gay people.* just a hunch. Commenting "Jesus loves you" or "find god" on any post that is someone different. An alternative person. It's so stupid. Why do you care? Follow your little religion and fucking leave us alone.
Poverty is a huge problem across the ENTIRE world, and I'm sure that speaks in volumes about how fucked up of a world we are. The fact that these people who are fighting to survive every day are being told to "just work" by people who never had to work a day in their life for shit is infuriating. Upper class people in general irritate me. I think it's the arrogance that they have. They're a bit.. Snobbish, you know? Even from just teenage girls being naive and laughing at poorer kids for not having an iPhone, to rich adults looking down on these people with such disgust. Seriously viewing these human beings as less then their pretty little £1000 poodle. What the fuck. The government taxes people - taxes the poor people who literally can't afford it if they want to eat. And just the normal people. Why not tax the rich more? People say "oh, we do tax them." Not as much? Do they need all that money? Do they really? Why can't they lend some of that "well earned" (passed down from generations) money to people who need it. I'm sure they'll live.
People on the news talk about women and gay people like they're a shit stain on a wall, but I'm sure the stain would get better rights. It's debates about women's rights to give birth, women's rights to wear what they please, women's rights to turn down a man. Literally fucking anything a woman does is shit on by society. Gay people are debated - should being trans be allowed? Is being gay a sin? Hmm, such tricky questions... Why not just let them live? People point out "oh, that school shooter was trans" or "that rapist was gay" not to say that school shootings or rape cases are bad, no no, just to shit on the LGBTQ community. Nobody points out that a school shooter was a white man. Why don't we just say "that school shooter was a horrible person who deserves to die" and not focus on the community they were a part of? Maybe mourn the lives lost instead of rejoice in the fact that you've got new things to hate the LGBTQ community for.
What a pleasant world we live in, huh? I could go on more, but I wont. I'll probably spiral into a ton of stuff about capitalism and why it should be torn to the ground.
Jesus Christ, I wrote more than intended. Happy reading
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theteapotofdoom · 4 months
Don't you think it's funny cause actual canon gay characters in BL manga will say "I love you" but only the shounen bromance can spew out some of the most romantic shit akin to a 19th century poet writing a letter expressing his surpressed love for his lover 😭.....
I honestly never read or watched BL but I still feel this so hard.
You said it best yourself, it's about the "suppressed" aspect of it all. I think one of the reasons that fans go so crazy for the shonen bromance is that it has to maintain a certain level of hype and intensity about all the aspects of its plot (including character relationships) BUT can't ever be anything more than a friendship (I mean objectively and realistically because we can fly close to the sun but I would be REALLY surprised if shonen jump ever allows an explicitly gay romance in one of its series).
So you find yourself in a situation where the author has to write a character dynamic that is just as hype and epic and intense and powerful as the fights they draw, without ever dropping the explicit "I love you" bomb. And just like you said, that's how we end up with a 19th-century poet confessing his secret suppressed love type of dialogue.
I definitely think that it's part of the appeal though. A lot of people CRAVE the suppressed love stories, with yearning and stolen glances and intense emotions that can never be shared. That's why we still love Jane Austen and gothic love stories centuries later. It's all about the slow burn babyyyy!
It also goes to show that people will go extra crazy for romance if there's a good plot attached to it. There are a lot of great stories where the relationship is the only focus and it's still amazing. But a love story being part of an ever bigger plot with higher stakes can make us go fully feral and that's what happens in Shonen.
FMAB is a pretty good example. Contrary to a lot of other shonen, it doesn't have a super strong homoerotic rivalry between two guys (unless you count Ed and Ling, because Edling is a GREAT SHIP but they're not exactly rivals like bakudeku or narusasu) and yet most of the main m/f ships are beloved by the fandom. People go crazy for Ed x Winry and Roy x Riza, because they fit a lot of the same tropes as your traditional shonen bromances. The yearning, the intensity, the slow burn, the saving each other in life or death situations ... both ships are canon and endgame BUT they are well developed and within an already great story with high stakes.
To conclude:
"I love you" = boring, done before, no spice ...
"I would go to hell for you if you asked me to" or "I will break every bone in your body if this is what it takes to bring you home and save you from him" = holy shit oh god holy shit hold on hold the fuck up holy shit oh my gooooooooood ..........
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boneparrot · 25 days
Franky/Brook Propaganda
I've been hopelessly obsessed with Superbones for half a year now. While I initially shipped them as a joke, as I continued reading One Piece I soon realised they have a lot of untapped potential.
So if you're willing to hear me out, here's why I think Franky and Brook are indisputably gay. Source: trust me.
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Franky and Brook are able to understand each other on a level that no other Straw Hat can, as they both know what it's like to be robbed of what made them “human”. They lack flesh and the ability to feel physical touch to some extent.
Additionally, they both have first-hand experience with death and the loneliness that comes with it. Franky spent 4 years in hiding, while Brook was isolated for 50.
Being the resident freaks of the Straw Hats, they know what it's like to have people be unnerved (or amazed) by their looks and abilities. I consider them to be a part of what I like to call the “true monster trio” with Chopper. Monster dads and monster son.
Franky is able to quench Brook's unsavoury desires. Being a proud “pervert”, he willingly shows off his panties and tits 24/7 without even needing to be asked.
Both of them have musical talent and could write sappy love songs to each other.
In an updated SBS question, when Oda was asked where Jinbe would fit if the Straw Hats were a family, Franky's role was changed from “father” to “perverted grandma”, with Brook being the “perverted grandpa”. They're married.
I believe the reason Franky told Brook he would be “cast aside for being different” back in Thriller Bark was to warn him, considering his experience on Water 7. Though his first interactions with Brook may seem harsh, Franky's shown to quickly respect him after hearing his promise with Laboon, and even considers him a bigger man than he is.
Franky spends an unnecessarily long time carrying Brook in Thriller Bark.
During Franky's fight with Señor Pink, they both agree that flings with immature women are sickening. You know who has tons of experience? Brook.
When Franky asks Robin if she wants to take the backseat of his motorbike, Brook assumes this flirting is directed at him. In his own words, “there's nothing wrong with some good male bonding.” And if that isn't gay, I'm neurotypical.
They could both comfortably hug each other despite having hard bodies.
If Brook ever wished to bone Franky, he'd make him a cola-powered dick in his workshop in less than an hour.
Franky could serve as an emergency milk deposit for Brook by storing bottles in his stomach. Of course, that means he'll have to deal with Farmer Franky.
They have the unique aesthetic of modern technology vs. fossil.
I just think their dynamic is funny.
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If you're still not convinced, that's perfectly fine! But if you prefer another pairing more, why not consider the joys of multishipping? Alternatively, they could be in a poly relationship.
Anyway, I'm pretty sure I'm the only person actively drawing and planning fanfics for them. There aren't really many fanworks of them so it'd be very epic if more people saw my vision. 🥹
Thanks for reading!
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fox-guardian · 7 months
please PLEASE we need more of that somewhere else au
hi i've been sitting on this ask for a hot minute cuz i've been trying to think of how events in this world would line up with events in the og timeline. like.
i'm trying to figure out gerry's family situation. because he bonds with this universe's martin over their mommy issues, but his mom couldn't have found and gotten obsessed with a leitner, since they don't exist in this world. so how could she become a killer? well, she does it The Normal Way. no spooky shit, she just kills people for her own purposes.
and what about eric? currently i'm thinking he was left in the dark about her whole Thing because in this world, he didn't have the pre-exposure to weird shit via the institute so he's just. basically clueless the whole time they're together cuz he doesn't wanna invade her privacy too much. especially since she gets so Defensive. until gerry gets born and he gets Concerned that his wife is focusing more on the hobbies he's allowed her to keep to herself than on caring for their own child, so then he confronts her and figures out about the murders, and tries to call the police, and she tries to stop him and in the scuffle she blinds him (that's right baby he Remains Eyeless in this au)
she manages to frame him for the murders and he's locked away for ~13 years ish and she raises gerry in that time, giving him So Many Issues and eventually she just. goes back to the murders. but more subtly. only since there's More Murders In The Area Again the cops catch her and free eric and WHOO GERRY HAS HIS DAD NOW and eric loves him so much. they bond and it's wonderful. (this is obviously where we've branched off from lining up with canon this is The Good Timeline)
gerry grows up with his epic and cool dad who bonds with him via music and shitty hair dye jobs and laments that he can't see his son's cool art but gerry still describes it to him and he's like "oh that sounds so cool. i'd get that tattoo'd" and BOOM. GERRY TATTOO ARTIST DREAMS BEGIN.
he starts at a shop, gets really good, his specialty is stylized horror-related tattoos and portraits. years go by, a new guy comes in and wants to start an apprenticeship, gerry takes him under his wing. dude is pretty good and they keep working together, the guy is really good at writing script so he does a lot of text and stuff, and a lot of line-heavy designs. that guy is Martin.
one day martin informs gerry that he's noticed him being off lately, he gets concerned for his health and eventually after a lot of nagging and a one-man intervention, martin manages to get gerry to a doctor and OH NO, THERE'S A TUMOR IN HIS BRAIN but good news is they caught it in time!! now gerry has a big cool scar on his head and owes martin his life.
and then fellas. Fellas. is it gay to open a tattoo shop with the man who you taught how to tattoo and now you feel is your equal in his own right and also who saved your life because he Knew You That Well.
eric thinks so. and he kept making annoying grins about it that only got worse when gerry told him they'd made it official ("dad please" "I KNEW YOU CRAZY KIDS WOULD MAKE IT WORK" "dad" "when's the wedding" "DAD")
can you tell i've been thinking about gerry and martin a lot.
to bring it back to the "somewhere else" part, OG martin works at a coffee shop trying to get by with OG jon and gerry and eric happen to come in one day, and then another day gerry comes in with martin, Excited To Share With Him The Barista That Looks Uncannily Like Him But Older. and OG martin is, of course, shitting his pants because Oh No This Probably Isn't Good BUT THEN HE LOOKS AT MARTIN. and he's SO mad. this martin looks SO MUCH COOLER THAN HIM. he has GOLD FACIAL PIERCINGS and a SLEEVE TATTOO of ROSES. AND HE DOESN'T LOOK DEPRESSED.
he brings this up to og jon and he's just like ".... did you want to get piercings. i mean you know you'd look cool" and jon is just feeling very 😳👀 about that part but martin is just "WHAT, AND COPY HIM?? I CAN'T DO THAT"
so uh yeah that's uh. that's the most detailed i've got so far. i've got a little bit of jon and sasha and surprisingly little for the stokers. but yeah <3 this got long <3
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invisiblegarters · 16 days
23.5 Episode 7
Looks like Sun and Ongsa are entering the mutual awkwardness stage of their relationship. We love to see it. Now it's not just Ongsa being an epic dork and I love that for the both of them.
Okay but I also love Sun flirting and knowing just how cute Ongsa finds her. Both are good.
Pffft oh Charoen. She wants to look at Sun. In that way I guess it's bad feng shui.
Okay Tin lbr here. Ongsa as a cheerleader? I love her and she's way prettier than she thinks, but she also has the coordination of a newborn fawn.
I swear to god if she becomes a cheerleader and thus loses the glasses to do it I will scream. Let the girl keep her glasses!
Sun the flirt is hilarious I love her.
HA oh please Aylin don't play. You know you like it when Luna is around.
Sun is really working herself up towards the top of my list right now she's hilarious. Honestly I love all these girls, they're just great.
They're taking it slow dammit! Which hopefully means that they'll be making out before the ep is over.
Thank you Alpha. Ongsa needed that smack.
Ooh a wild Sun appears. And she's jealous, isn't she? That is adorable. I bet the only two who don't know and didn't expect this are Ton and Ongsa, lol.
Annoying mosquito! DYING.
Then again maybe he does. But I don't think so. Although I think he might be clueing in the longer we go on. Poor little himbo discovering gay people are everywhere.
This show was brought to you by Loreal!
I'm just loving this theme of liking people for wo they are and not for who they could or should be. And I think that Ongsa especially tends to forget that Sun fell for her over Insta. That said, I'm glad no one but Ongsa is pretending she isn't gorgeous.
OH don't you fucking fake me out with this show I will fight you.
DAMMIT SHOW we're fighting now. We are in a fight.
Let the lesbians kiss come on it's episode 7 there'd be at least one in a BL by now. I know we're going for cutesy here but they can still kiss dammit.
Ongsa: looks pretty much the same as always
Everyone: You're so pretty today!!
Okay show. Well at least she seems to be keeping her glasses.
Lol Sun is gonna murder Ton.
They are gonna set up a TonGharoen thing aren't they? Sigh. Boo I was hoping she'd hook up with Alpha. Gay all the way down baby.
"I don't think Sun likes my new look."
Ongsa. Girl.
You know what I will take my AylinLuna crumbs. I hope to see more of them next ep.
And there go the glasses. I really hope they don't stay gone though I will cry. Real tears.
She does look absolutely lovely though. Not that she isn't gorgeous anyway but you know what I mean. The outfit suits her.
Jealous!Sun is great. More, I say.
I love how everyone is just enjoying the hell out of poor Sun's misery.
Oh ha. Okay Ton is definitely in on this. He totally just got shooed over to interrupt. I would take back the jokes about how dumb he is, but I don't wanna.
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Well okay, then. I'm not thinking Ongsa will mind in the least.
Okay damn Sun is on a roll here. Go girl! Get your girlfriend and get her now.
Does this mean I'm gonna get my kiss?
Aw Sun's poor friends. Last to know.
"My plan" he says. His plan my entire ass. We all know that was all Alpha and Luna. But this is why I think that I can't dislike the dude even though the self-obsessed character type usually puts me off a bit. He doesn't have a mean bone in his giant body.
OOOOH next week we're getting more AylinLuna and some crumbs for the teachers too???
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gingerslapnotion · 1 year
what if i was an unstoppable force and you were an immovable object and we were both boys 😳
or, why you should vote for AOHINA in the @hqrarepairtournament!
if you want my shortest possible argument, it's right there in the title: the expectation-defying romance of the speediest, jumpiest, sunniest and smiliest Ultimate Decoy versus the stony-faced, silent, seemingly impassive Iron Wall of Date. don't you just love it? i sure do <3
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but just because I see it doesn't mean you do. if everyone saw it, it wouldn't be a rarepair, would it?
for my second-shortest argument, see here. aohina is sugawara-approved!
and if that's still not enough to convince you, buckle up for the long, LONG argument
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before the first karasuno vs datekou match, aone doesn't pay hinata much mind, and hinata is TERRIFIED of aone, as many are. but once the match begins...
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well, aone sure notices hinata now.
if you ask me, this match would be where aone's feelings for hinata first began. here's the handshake page again for good measure:
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aone makes the first move, acknowledging hinata as a worthy opponent. also, just look at aone's facial expressions? he looks nervous. it's so cute. i love him
we don't see aone again until the spring high, when he first runs into hinata - where else? - at the bathroom, when hinata is already trapped between iwaoi and ushijima.
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aone clearly already sees hinata as an acquaintance worthy of greeting (and also does not care at all about the seijoh-shiratorizawa beef and i love him) and hinata... well, he's still easily startled, but once he's realized who it is, he bows back - and thus begins a beautiful tradition.
during karasuno's match against johzenji, aone becomes defensive of hinata to futakuchi -
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and not only do his teammates recall the friendship he formed with hinata at the interhigh, they note that this is one of the few times they've ever heard him speak. and it's because of hinata.
and after karasuno wins against johzenji...
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aone asks his teammates to go on ahead so he can wait outside the gym and issue a challenge... not to karasuno, not to asahi, but to hinata. and hinata challenges him back. AND AONE SMILES.
and then once aone has left, hinata starts blushing and shouting nonsense because he has gay ADHD. this would be where hinata's feelings began, i think. he feels singled out and special, and it gets him fired up. he can't wait to face aone again! (also note, hinata doesn't get startled by aone anymore after this point.)
...but alas, things don't go their way, thanks to seijoh.
and after datekou's loss, when kogane claims he'll train harder to be able stop any attackers, no matter how "big and strong" they are, aone tells him this:
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like. cmon. you can't deny. this is pretty damn gay!
we don't see aone at all during karasuno's matches against seijoh or shiratorizawa, or during the ball boy arc (though i'm pretty sure koganegawa does mention at least once during the training camp that aone respects hinata :3c). but he makes his return for the karasuno vs datekou practice match!!
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hinata is finally totally comfortable around aone off the court, no longer jumpy and nervous. this match is also where the sugawara seal of approval makes its appearance!
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i guess you could argue this also counts as evidence for futakuchi/hinata, or koganegawa/hinata, but they're not in this tournament, are they.
and god, just LOOK at all these other panels:
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epic gay staring contests, with a corresponding anime screenshot for good measure;
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hinata chipping away at aone's shell the Iron Wall;
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aone delivering an incredibly powerful serve and hinata reacting with a flush while the lighting in the panel singles him out (gay awakening much?)
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in a way this bow is aone's curtain call - iirc, this is his final interaction with hinata in canon. but that doesn't mean he's not still around - datekou keeps an eye on karasuno throughout their battles on the nationals stage.
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just look at that gay little sparkle. (also please appreciate what a bitch futakuchi is. i love him so much)
at this point i've pretty much caught up to where the anime has left off and i don't wanna spoil anyone who hasn't read the manga, so i'll stop here and make an even longer version later but know this: aone will keep watching hinata til the very end.
the Unstoppable Force: Hinata Shouyou, the protagonist of Haikyuu. on his team the second-shortest, the speediest, the one whose jumps make you think of a bird taking flight. the smiliest, sunshiniest, sometimes the scariest. he's never going to stop reaching for the top of the world of volleyball, no matter how many times he stumbles. a monster in the making, a friend to all. The Ultimate Decoy.
the Immovable Object: Aone Takanobu. the keystone of Date Tech's volleyball team, renowned for their incredible blocking technique. an eyebrow-less, stony-faced, silent, impassive, brick shithouse of a 16-year-old boy. terrifying even to those players older than him, he prides himself on not letting a single spike through, and shattering the will of many of the greatest aces in the prefecture. The Iron Wall of Date.
a study in contrasts. two competitors, skills perfectly matched to counter each other, personalities in stark contrast, are able to build a friendship built upon mutual respect for each others' abilities.
and they were both boys 😳
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bthump · 28 days
Do you have some headcanons about moments when Griffith/Guts caught the other looking at him in a certain way or too close or anything that made one of them awkward or about to say something to know were things are going? I imagine things could get weird quickly considering their feelings/attraction and their lifestyle.
Hm, I'm not entirely sure I'm grasping the vibe you're after, but generally I have a hard time coming up with headcanons lol, and the kind of awkward pining you're describing isn't my usual thing, so it's not something I've really thought about.
My usual take on griffguts and their feelings is that they're both unaware of their own feelings and certainly unaware of the others', so any awkward moments between them would have to be pretty suggestive to make either think about sex/romance and get flustered.
Like canonically we have "I realized I want you, Guts," and Guts' blunt "are you gay," response lol, and we also have Guts blushing when he walks in on Griffith bathing a few chapters later. But once they've settled into their friendship I think those moments would largely vanish (see, eg, Guts' non-reaction to Griffith handing him the kama sutra in contrast to those earlier moments, or more epically, Guts spending 3 days in denial over Griffith burning down his own life over him.)
Maybe in a circumstance like, one accidentally interrupting the other during sex or masturbation? I could see some awkwardness, some sudden realizations of interest happening. In particular I could see Griffith acknowledging his own physical attraction to Guts while denying an emotional component, so him getting a little flustered if Guts was looking particularly sexy could be cute.
Or I suppose you could have one or the other realize their feelings separately, and then start getting awkward over minor things that they never felt awkward over before, which could be a fun vibe. Guts realizing he's in love with Griffith and getting weird when they make eye contact, and Griffith worrying that Guts is upset with him or something sounds like the perfect kind of low stakes romcom misunderstanding for them lol.
Anyway yeah, idk about detailed scenarios because again I'm not very creative, but those are a few of my thoughts. Thanks for the ask!
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kitnita · 10 months
oooh just saw your tags on the stucky post - do u have any good stucky fics to rec?? im talking like looong fics. shit that like changes ur life. i was never into stucky when the fandom was super active but now im like !!! theres a goldmine of good fics out there i just know it
yeah absolutely!!!! but okay so. a lot of the stucky fic i read, i read back in high school before i started obsessively bookmarking things on ao3. i'm almost positive there are some blind spots on this list because i'm just going off the things i do have bookmarked rn. like i also want to dive back into the tag at some point & see what stuff i've missed / forgotten.
THAT SAID pretty much all the big stucky fics i do remember were in my bookmarks so i'm working off those! also thank you so much for sending this because i queued that post & didn't actually end up going back to read any stucky fics. i want to reread everything now.
actual recs under the cut!!
sincerely, your pal by lettered (rated m, 65,620)
i will always be obsessed with an epistolary fic. 10/10
to memory now I can't recall by etharei (rated e, 102,600)
uses time travel in a really interesting way, with it almost acting as a bodyswap scenario between the past and present. really interesting device in a fic with bucky pov.
building from the ground up by emilianadarling (series, various ratings & various lengths w a total wordcount of 68,687)
soooo good. i remember the (chronologically) first & the (writing order) first in the series better than the other two, but they're all good!! spans time from during the war to after the events of the winter soldier.
you know i dreamed about you by napricot (rated e, 59,311)
dreamsharing!! underutilized fanfic trope!!!
between everything, yourself, and home by napricot (rated e, 24,396)
i reread this one more recently than a lot of the others on the list & it hit so good, definitely recommend it.
United States v. Barnes, 617 F. Supp. 2d 143 (D.D.C. 2015) by fallingvoices & radialarch (rated t, 20,605)
the formatting & framing & storytelling devices in this one go hard, like, i'm pretty sure it was one of the fics mentioned on that post. it'd be worth checking out for that alone except that the fic is just Also good.
the way to a man's heart by niitza & whatthefoucault (rated t, 43,837)
this is one of the stucky fics i think about all the time. food as a healing device hits every time and it's SO good in this one.
the size of perfection by phoenike (e, 31,193)
if you want a lot of 1940's angsting about what the supersoldier serum does to a guy's dick, this is the fic for you.
all the angels and the saints by speranza (rated e, 48,740)
in the authors note of this one it's described as "a motherfucking 95 year epic love story of socialism! science fiction! and hard core gay fucking!" so. worth a read for sure.
roll on by jaxington (rated m, 89,113)
the historical queer themes in this were so good!! the supporting characters & world built up Hit. also i forgot/never knew it was part of a three fic series that is 306,592 words long. definitely read those too.
steve rogers at 100: celebrating captain america on film by eleveninches, hellotailor, M_Leigh, neenya, saintsideways, & tigrrmilk (rated e, 10,228)
exactly what it sounds like. from what i remember this probably barely counts as a stucky fic but it's so fun.
tin soldiers by idrilka (rated t, 19,743)
another one where the formatting & framing & storytelling devices go hard!!
a line that goes all the way by napricot (rated e, 45,218)
realizing now this is the third napricot fic on the list so probably anything else you find by them will also hit!! this one's more recent than a lot of the other fics here but i remember really enjoying it.
tezeta (nostalgia) by vowelinthug (rated e, 20,140)
another more recent fic set in wakanda!! it's steve's turn to be a total maladjusted disaster <3
sparked up like a book of matches by sena (rated m, 26,734)
didn't remember a lot of this one from my bookmarks so i started reading it to jog the memory & now am going to continue reading it. the vibes are vibing.
always stay near me, for tomorrow i will have much to do by roguewrld (rated e, 39,990)
this one's framing isn't as wild as some of the others i've rec'ed but it's still a little noticeable. a great non-linear bucky centric fic.
there's nothing left of you by notallbees (rated e, 22,346)
a fic set during the war!! those are always fun!!! and by fun, i mean. you know. it's good though, very in bucky's head.
i can feel the cold changing us inside by tesselated (rated m, 24,140)
a really good post-winter soldier recovery fic.
might never be normal again (but who cares) by napricot (rated e, 51,540)
okay one last napricot rec from my bookmarks. tagged 'Steve's Slow Motion Midlife Crisis' so you know it's good.
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thetwelfthcrow · 11 months
Top 5 F1 ships
this is tougher to answer than i thought it'd be, solely bc i'm soooo focused on two ships that i can barely think of anything else. anyway! here's a top two+ three-pretty-ok-ships:
1. obviously, 4433 | lewis hamilton / max verstappen
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it's got everything you ever need in a ship. rivalry, looking up to each other, being genuinely impressed, dumb jokes, heart eyes, always together on the podium (for a looong time), always greeting each other with a failed fistbump or a hug... this is a complicated ship due to the age gap, the negativities (the media drama), the constant fighting, but there's nothing more special than going through the epic highs and lows together, always finding the other guy waiting for you, breathing down your neck and then you're the one breathing down his neck. that push and pull, that cat and mouse game? unreal. this is a ship for connoisseurs and if you do not understand it, i can't blame you.
i could've easlily cheated my way through and put 3344 right under this one since i'm literally uncaring when it comes to who's top and who's bottom or who's dom and who's sub. that goes for any of the ships, btw. i'm too old for top/bottom discourse and since i swing both ways, everyone i write swings both ways.
2. nortrell | lando norris / max fewtrell
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it may just be the complete opposite of 4433 in literally every way. but it's got that familiarity, that feeling of home they find in each other. but also the pain! the pain of lando living the dream that max would kill for to have. but also the acceptance, the compelte lack of jealousy. max does not want to be in lando's place, he wants to be beside lando. he doesn't want to have what lando has, because that'd mean lando doesn't have it. he wants to have it too. and this doesn't even touch on the codependency, the cutting meat for each other, the taking care of each other, the living together. max knowing when to talk about what with lando and when to not mention something. to defend lando on his stream, to vocalise the boundaries that lando doesn't say but does have. and also the ribbing, the not taking each other too seriously, the bullying -- they're just a safe haven for each other. a place where lando isn't mclaren's f1 driver lando norris, but just bob. a place where max isn't a streamer with a failed racing career hanging like a dark cloud above him, but just max. a place where they can be themselves, truly themselves. once again, a place where they can be home.
we're into pretty ok ships territory! these are ships i do not actively read and or write for, but when i see them together i go awww now hold hands!
3. norstappen | lando norris / max verstappen
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a ship that never misses. great friends off grid, no tension between them, love to joke around, suuuuper supportive of each other (i didn't expct mclaren to be there, i always expect lando to be high). max likes to surround himself with people that don't admire him, that don't try to rub his ego, and lando would never. they don't take each other seriously! and also, whenever lando calls max, max answers and takes his time for him (like on stream multiple times). lando hops on whatever max is doing, like iracing, even after leaving redline. it's just good vibes all around!
4. piarles | pierre gasly / charles leclerc
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tough one since i don't know all too much about either driver other than what i see other people talk about when it's in relation to drivers i do know a lot about. but! this is a cute ship. these guys always find each other, at a basketball game, on vacation, wrapping their arm around each other. good stuff, i love seeing homosexuality on main. it makes me happy that they're utilising their mediterranean nature to full gay extent! love seeing it.
5. maxiel | max verstappen / daniel ricciardo
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i only mention this one bc i have a complicated relationship with maxiel. i like the guys, i like seeing them hang around each other and joke, i think daniel brings out the true comedian that max is more than he shows naturally. i just. i don't. i find it a bit of a lazy ship. of course you ship them! they hug, they joke, they laugh together, max shows his crinkly eyes and genuine joy and surprise, daniel ribbs him just to get that rise ouf of him, knows what cards to play and what buttons to press. it's easy with them, which is nice. and there used to be tension, sure! but the fics have basically been writing themselves and i like a challenge.
sorry it took so long anon! but here you have a breakdown of ships. other ships that deserve an honorary mention are dando (fully due to nadia ngl), yukierre, charlos, versainz, and probably some more but tbh i've been wayy too obsessed with nortrell and 4433 to think about anyone else. cheers babes!
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chirpsythismorning · 11 months
It always makes me laugh how they instructed the actors playing the wrestlers to finish the scene fighting like that, one catching the other from behind, and both making sus movements 😭
FR the evidence from extras is probably my favorite.
Because if you think about it, these people are being instructed to do things so specifically for the shot to work. Sometimes it's just one or two shots, which means that they were most definitely given very specific direction. And even in cases where they're appearing in the background in multiple shots, it's clear their presence has this consistency to it, almost like the director was very much taking note of them specifically among the others who are more haphazard, making a point to stay to follow continuity to a T alongside the main cast.
Like the two boys in the background at Rink O Mania who look like they're on a date, becoming visible the second El leaves and it's just Mike and Will? Classic! Or the boy and girl that Mike sits between at lunch in Hawkins, with the girl behind him in the scarf (El during Mike's monologue) and the boy beside Mike to his right (Will during Mike's monologue), all while listening to a conversation about forced conformity and how it's kills the kids?? Or let's not forget the iconic 'I love contact sports' shirt guy or the blue and yellow fit bro at Rink-O-Mania (that extra shows up for more shots than other extra, including the first shot outside of Rink-O-Mania when they pull up!).
The wrestling scene is so on the nose though, it's actually hilarious! I remember that was like the moment a friend of mine accepted byler as happening. Basically we had watched Game Over, Man on Netflix and we were talking about the gay subtext in it with Blake's character and how obvious it was. This predictably led me on a tangent about ST and how Mike is queer based on a lot of subtext and I told her I could convince her with 4x01 alone. So she accepted the challenge and it was hilarious. The closet at the start had her side eyeing, same with the posters in Mike's room. Then Mike staring at Eddie all awestruck had her geeking out and she was actually starting to consider. Then the wrestling scene popped up and she was pretty much convinced to the point of needing a moment of silence lmao
Like it really is that easy to pick up on if you are open to it and also open to having it be pointed out to you. And yet, it's also so subtle that it's easy to overlook it all in that first viewing, especially when you're focused on like 10 storylines at once.
I will say I am impressed with how they have managed to make it so subtle yet so obvious at the same time. It's going to make endgame that much more hilariously epic.
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the-obnoxious-sibling · 5 months
I know you like shuggy but do you think there’s anything that makes you ship mishanks? Do you think their bond is also special and deeper? They do have history and some ppl think Mihawk was in shanks crew at some point. What are your thoughts on them? They are even more popular than shuggy so there has to be sth since so many ppl see them in this way
Have to admit, I've always been kinda indifferent to Mihawk as a character. (When first reading OP back in… god, 2003? oh my god, I'm ancient—anyway, I was a very basic Zoro girlie who only saw Mihawk as an obstacle to his dream.) Though I do find Vampire Swordsman Living In A Pirate World to be very fun, aesthetically, as a character I find him pretty inscrutable & hard to care about.
But it's not like I don't see it. Mishanks isn't for me, but it's not just a "two beautiful men smirking at each other" ship.*
Mihawk, like Buggy, thinks of or brings up Shanks in moments when he really doesn't need to. (Mentally apologizing to Shanks for fighting Luffy! What on earth.) Shanks can convince Mihawk to relax and have a drink with his crew, though Mihawk is almost always shown to be alone and happy that way.
But so much of their dynamic and history has to be read between the lines, and I find that frustrating. I want answers! Canon answers!!
Like: why did they have those epic fights (which even Whitebeard spoke of with respect) when they were younger—was Shanks trying to take Mihawk's title, or were neither of them at the level of the World's Greatest yet? (Side note, I would love to know who Mihawk beat to get that title and when.) Does Mihawk refuse to fight Shanks these days because he thinks a one-armed swordsman is a bad fight? Or is he trying to preserve the memory of their last fight as near-equals?
(Or… I can't speak to all of Shanks' fights since he lost the arm, obviously, but in present day it's notable that he only pulls out his sword as the nuclear option. I wonder if Shanks just can't do casual, fun fights anymore, the same way he can't relax on enemy ships.)
Was Mihawk ever a member of his pirate crew? I for one can't see him as an ex-Red-Haired Pirate—for one because he's such a goth loner it seems like a bad culture fit, but for another because I think it would have been brought up in canon. The Marines made Buggy a Warlord because of his history with Shanks; if Mihawk had been a member of his crew, wouldn't that make Buggy redundant? That said, I can see Shanks trying to use their fights as a recruitment tool—"If I win this time, you'll join my crew!"—but I don't think it worked out.
Basically, I'd say there's a decent ship there in theory, but for me to get into it I'd need a lot of things that have been left implicit to be spelled out.
Which could happen! Maybe Buggy going after the One Piece and dragging Mihawk in his wake is going to force him to reveal a hidden detail about his history with Shanks that makes him reluctant to fight him anymore…
*Though imo that is part of why they're more popular; for a long time gay ships in English-language shonen fandom (& probably others, but I'm just speaking from my experience) were exclusively about basic-ass hotties. You'd have to ask me about my days in Naruto fandom if you want that salt, though. (Please don't. That's such a dark path to ask me to go down.) Another reason is that we see Shanks & Mihawk interact in present day hundreds of chapters before Shanks & Buggy. Early interaction = early establishment of the ship = long fandom history/staying power.
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lanaevyssmoved · 9 months
helloooo Afhiri sounds SO lovely. can you tell me more about how they feel at the start of act 1 about her predicament with the tadpoles, her companions, etc etc if you want!!
it might be cruel to say that they're pretty damn simple . actually no its not ive decided theyre pretty damn simple. literally wakes up and has a panic attack because where is flute?? where flute?? WHERE. FLU TE? flute was no where to be seen (depression). a very sad clown exploring this ship literally with minimum interest because flute :( flute :( this is a child who has lost their autistic hyperfixation toy.
lae'zel is hot. the sword scene is hot. hiri has immediate gay panic and forgets flute for 2 whole seconds. asks lae'zel if seen flute. lae'zel doesn't even know what a flute is.. smh. sticks around because was told to. does whats told (for now........ ominous.) so to start lae'zel is literally party lead this clown is NOT a protagonist (for now...... no im not making that joke twice)
SHADOWHEART IS HOT... absolutely ignores lae'zel to free shadowheart. literally dumbass tries to pull the door off. lae'zel ends up being the one like "maybe u should look around if u INSIST on saving this HALF ELF." frees shadowheart :) oh my god you have an autistic hyperfixation too?? your rock is so cool!!!!!!!
the flute is not rescued. please F's in chat for the lost flute of afhiri's childhood. her father made her that flute and it's DEAD. AND THERE WASN'T EVEN TIME FOR A FUNERAL.
the first thing they do after hoarding all of the fish on the beach like a little goblin creature is find gale's portal. shiny. Oh My God is that an arm without a body? that is Soooo cool...... high fives. they free him of course!!! used bard Magicks to calm that shit down and free the silly man. she finds him SOOO silly. he is such a silly little guy. his lil expressions and hand movements are SO funny. she wants to get acting classes from him so she can be just as funny and then she'll rank up in Clown. she's sure of it. (he is a clown to her. a truly excellent clown. there's real talent..........)
after that she gets knife throat by astarion :( not very nice of you :( i would have given you money if u wanted :( oh not a robbery? OH WE'RE WORM BUDDIES? friendship acquired :) they genuinely don't have any more thoughts rly at the start because he is mean and she doesn't understand its mean and looks at him stupidly like a dog who cannot understand the new word u just said. tilts head :)
their friendship stat is SO high all of a sudden. this clown has had NO friends their entire damn life (weirdo coded) and suddenly they've got SOOO many best friends oh my god they're so excited for the campfire stories hehee :)
next is oh my godd its the hot. gi..gi... Girlfriend? :) no its gith u stupid clown. get pied. ANYWAY tells the tieflings some absolute BULLSHITERY. this clown is So good at lying (this is a positive. their moral code is kinda messy.) and frees lae'zel :) shadowheart doesn't trust lae'zel but how can you Not when she's Also Green? I'm Green? You're Green? Da Ba Dee
after that its oh my god is that A GOBLIN? never seen a goblin before. finds them extremely cute. they're also kind of green (positive). and A WARG? can i PET IT? No? It'll eat me? bite off my hand? chew up my suit? this is supreme sadness. wait- flute still gone. that's supreme sadness. ALSO WYLL IS FUN!!!! wyll gives her fairytale hero prince vibes and is absolutely fascinated and thinks as a bard should sing of his tale because hes so cool (please don't trust them. they will make him sound like a fool.)
hearing about the spooky scary teeth-ling from wyll is super!! exciting!!!! a devil?? fought in devil war?? fire?? death?? epic story . we must find out more (not to kill. to talk to. must have some REALLY COOL STORIES!!!) very easy to convince wyll not to kil- OH MY GOD HOT?? HOT? ?? literally hot. this is the most Supreme Gay Panic. afhiri never thought about girls (or boys) like this before. none of the Lads give the Panik.. but these girls are a little too much (fainting vibes) also karlach is so fun :) daydreams about karlach throwing her like a javelin into battle
the tadpole though :/ they don't know!! everyone keeps saying. bad! evil! bad! removal! death! kill! and they're like :/ idk guys.. worms are kinda cute. u ever seen a worm do a lil wiggle on some mud? its so cool.. i wish i was a worm..... everyone is concerned. do not trust them with decisions (they trust them with decisions. they are All stupid.) they name the worm. the worm is named little buddy. it's not creative. it's not a name. but this is Little Buddy and she talks to her little buddy sometimes. she even wrote it a song. (she doesn't consume more little buddies. that's weird.. this is HER little buddy and those are OTHER little buddies. there's only one little buddy for her....)
extra: GUARDIAN. oooohhhhh my god .. never seen someone soooooo CLOWN. (this is false. guardian looks nothing like a clown. theyre projecting HARD. guardian plays along because this is clearly going to work better than being Hot and Mysterious). trust them explicitly (reminder: not smart), treats like another Best Friend like the squad. gets sad they don't ever join them in camp for her performances. does private performances sometimes :)
DOUBLE EXTRA: the possession.. of Flute 2.
a daring tale of (gale takes some of the squads money and buys them a flute. cannot bare to see the sad puppy dog eyes any longer.) AN INCREDIBLE ADVENTURE OF PERIL AND DANGER... THERE WAS GNOLLS AND GOBLINS AND MAYBE A BEHOLDER!!!!! gale.. an incredibly brave adventurer.. this is going in his next song
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legolasghosty · 8 months
JATP Anniversary Rewatch EP 7
"I was always pretty trustworthy." But paired with "Your parents were never cool again after you told them you were gay!" so... dang that boy must have some serious family trauma from that betrayal...
Reggie you lovable idiot...
Ray I love how honest you are with your kids. He just straight up tells Julie that he's upset about her lying and keeping things from him, not so much about the sneaking out and stuff. He tells her exactly what the issue is for him. That's good parenting to me.
"They don't even live here!" I mean... you're not wrong...
Oh Julie is going to kill those boys for scaring her aunt...
Ray singing Finally Freeeee!!!
I love Reggie and Ray together.
"Oh... so you booked us a gig at our house..." But it ends up being super cool! Ray did actually think this through!
But also, what's with all of these gigs that the band doesn't know about till day of?
The butterflies on the inside of Julie's locker!!
Ah yes, the song, that's definitely why Luke came to school...
Phoneeeee trickkkk!
Lukeeee you dork! You're a bad influence, but I get that you're falling for her.
"I think somebody has a crush on Julieeee!" Yeah, two somebodies...
Luke joking about carrying Julie even though everyone knows that it's the other way around.
Dance teacher supremacy!!!
Lol she calls Nick Luke.
Gosh to go back to the days when I had this whole dance memorized... I miss that girl.
I love Julie's bracelets so much as this pop of color in Perfect Harmony! Like they're awesome in general, but it looks so good in that scene especially!
Lol Alex and Reggie know ALL about Luke's crush...
"We never should have met." JUST STAB ME WHY DON'T YOU!!!!
Also, can I just say that Julie looks so pretty with her hair all down? I'm pretty sure this is the only episode where we get that, which makes sense cause it's probably a pain to keep out of her face and stuff, but it's so pretty!
"So the key is avoiding those big, beautiful, DEAD, eyes."
Reggie: I'm sure there will be others. Alex: *but I don't want others. I want Willie...*
Alex is so relieved to get the focus off of him...
Lol the moment that PeterPatter was born as a big ship...
Bi Panic!
Girls, am I right? Yeah. No <3
Okay Carrie's top is super cute though...
Luke looks so confused XD
"IT's never straight, no." Yup, neither are any of you!
Yesss bestie moment!!!
Yesss girl get on that piano!!!!
The way he just lites up when Julie smiles at him!!!
That piano bench moment has a permanent residence in my brain.
"But epic fail on that eye contact thing?"
Also, just realized that Carlos is basically wearing a smaller version of what Ray is wearing and !!!!
Camera distraction!!!
Lol the way my abs auto contract when they get jolted...
That sweater looks so soft!! Willie just looks so small in this scene and it makes me want to hug him!!!!
"Please, hear me out," because there's a chance to save Alex.
"Because I CARE about you Alex."
No you DO have to tell Julie! Cause all of the options here include you guys having to leave her.
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