#I'll be posting some monster hunter art
sharp-ies · 1 year
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bamsara · 1 year
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Sorry I hope this isn't too sappy but I wanted to write a big thank you to everyone that came to stream last night and just abosultely obliterated me with kindness and support
For folks who weren't in stream: I had planned on setting up a commission thing on kofi to start tomarrow (today, now, but a day after this chaos event) to raise money to buy myself a christmas gift of a Switch, planned on clearing out a whole few days to try and earn money, but after figuring out to make a goal post thing on the KoFi page and on stream I decided to save from posting commission listings until I had a full day to sit down and stream it all since I had something else planned in the middle of the day
I did an art stream later in the day and let me tell you I was *floored* by kindness and people were just being so nice and im aughsdglhsdsdgsds. Not only did we meet the Kofi Goal, BUT THEY KEPT GOING. I'm scared to look at the total amount and I plan on refunding some folks when they're not looking because I feel so bad because tbh I haven't deserved or rightfully earned the amount of generosity given to me but I just wanted to say like, holy shit. Thank you? Thank you oh my goodness
I HAVE A SWITCH NOW. AND SOME GAMES. Animal Crossing and Monster Hunter: Rise to start. I've played Monster Hunter before so it's a love of mine but Animal Crossing is something Ive only gotten to play the free pocket camp phone version of, and watch videos of, so I'll have to learn the woes and wins of that game and I'm super excited!! And I'll be able to play online with people too holy shit
If you were in stream then you already know but if you werent or maybe tapped out early then I tried to caluclate and make a list of people who wanted doodles for what they donated, and the amount to my old commission list (sorry I haven't updated my examples in 2 years) and I plan on drawing doodles for the large donators and the folks who really just slammed me with love. I have some drawings to post already! If you see me drawing something on stream and finish it and not post it pls remind me because Im REALLY bad at that
Also I promised chat that I wouldn't open the Switch box until I did it with them so we can do that later tonight when I get fully home, but YEAH!
Anyway THANK YOU. I'm not the best with words but oh my god THANK YOU
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sketchmatters · 10 months
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It's huntin' time! I created a Monster Hunter themed version of Smaugust, where you draw a different monster every day. Starting tomorrow, I'll be posting a "quest" each day, so draw some dragons and tag your art with #Rathalaugust2023! Good luck out there, hunters!
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driftwood-fireflies · 3 months
any billy hcs?
OKAY I'm finly tackling this. lightning round.
I know that the general fandom perception of billy (in a few different circles anyway) is that he's trans, and I DO understand this. however it's not my personal headcanon. if you want to know why it's simply because the idea of him being a chaser is like insanely funny to me so. stu is trans and billy is weird about it. this is my dynamic.
as for sexuality, I've described this to people before, but to me he's bisexual on a technicality. what's that technicality? he REALLY thinks he likes women. like he's convinced himself he does. (he does not.) so like, if anything, he'd consider himself bisexual and so I call him bisexual. but. he's gay. dykwim.
anyway yes billy is a bi chaser and he is down horrible for stu though he can't really show it. I don't know if I even brought this up in my stu headcanons post but I do think they are BOTH autistic and bpd so they're really failmaxxing as a romantic duo
billyboy loomis is the undisputed mommy issues king, I think him and his mom were very close when he was a kid, like almost to the point where she was smothering him, but he loved her and became codependent with her. I think that's a theme for billy - codependency. he grew to be that way with his mom, and since I personally believe that him and stu have been friends since childhood, he also grew a little fascination with him at around the same time. he's always been Weird about stu in a myriad of ways, but the moment his mom abandoned him it was almost guaranteed that his closeness with him would turn into its own codependency. and it did.
I think his family has moved around a lot, only settling in woodsboro when he was maybe eleven or so. that's when he met stu.
I think they were both independently weird freaks of their own nature, as in, billy has always had his horror movie and psychology fascinations, but stu really amped up the crazy for him. like many people, I hc that stu is a big hunter and likely showed billy how to hunt and gut animals, and I even think he introduced him to the more gorey, less plot-centric horror movies that he loves. I also think the buck that they share was stu's initially, who then gave it to billy sometime after his mom left.
as for current day (read: 1996) stuff. a lot of people tend to stereotype stu as The horny one in their dynamic, but idk. they're both teenage boys and if anything, billy was the one trying the hardest to get laid in the movie lmfao. (I know there was an actual reason behind it but I do also think he just wanted to fuck lol) I think they're both raging horndogs and they rile each other up all the time.
we never see anyone but randy with an actual job, but I think billy's done some under the table type work around town. he strikes me as a guy who'd do good at a mechanic shop, or something. nothing too serious, just whenever he needed some pocket change he couldn't swipe from his dad.
as for horror movies... oh man.
billy is a real pretentious guy. he likes horror, he likes thrillers, but he's not as much of a gorehound as stu. that's not to say he doesn't like it - but it usually only interests him when it's the real deal. in terms of movies, he's actually your pretty generic film bro type, in that I think his top three are psycho, silence of the lambs, and the original house of wax. were he alive today, he'd be BIG into the 'elevated horror' genre, I think. think jordan peele and ari aster. overall he's a real snob about it, he can only get into a horror movie if the killer is someone he can idolize and get into the mind of. he's not a fan of monster movies, thinks it's scarier when the monster is just a regular guy. psychological horror is right up his alley, and I think he'd also love candyman for the way it combines artful and intriguing psychology into a more typically 'slasher' narrative.
I could talk about how billy watches horror movies forever but I'll move onto music so this post doesn't become a novel. I think he's big into rock, pretty similar to stu's taste in that regard. I think he'd really love green day, for sure. I also think he'd like the cure and REM, maybe soundgarden, too. he's really into anything moody or brooding in some way. besides rock though, I also think he enjoys older, more classical stuff. I could see him buying a film score cd and listening to it to sleep, or something.
SO. YEAH those are some of my billy hcs.. like I said w stu I have like a million thoughts about both of them that I couldn't possibly include in a single post so if you have any specific questions about stuff I didn't cover .. lmk ^_^
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paofia · 1 year
Sharing some of Logan’s lines I got while playing the multiplayer and also some screenshots!
"Not everyone's welcoming around these parts, Builder. You want respect? Gotta earn it."
"Lot of people talk a good game, but don't have it where it counts. If push ever comes to shove, hope we can count on you, Builder."
"If you don't see me around, well, that's probably 'cause I'm out taking care of the 'thing' that goes bump in the night. When monsters look under their bed, I'm the guy they're hopin' not to see lookin' back..."
"Listen: you see a monster comin' towards town, you take 'em out. Don't care how "cute" they look. Every single one of them would do us in, given the chance."
"You want some combat tips? Yeah. Hit the other guy before he hits you."
"Why don't a guy like me join the Civil Corps, you ask? I don't care for the uniform."
"You wanna do right by me? Help anyone who needs helpin', do anything that needs doin'. Work hard, don't complain so much. Matter of fact, act like that and I reckon you'd be doin' right by all."
"When duty calls, you answer. For me that means takin' out monsters that rear their ugly head around town. For you, that means puttin' this town together to the best of your ability. You watch my back, I'll watch yours."
"Long as you're here helpin' out around Sandrock, you're family. Mess with anyone here? You're messin' with me."
Now for the screenshots:
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Intro with Logan. It previously used to be Howlett but now with the story being completely scrapped it seems Logan replaced him.
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Official art without the hat and mask!
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My man sleeps with his hat on and eyes open 😭
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Monster hunter base done! You can even enter it, got some screenshots of the inside (that i’ll use for… references 😏) and yeah, he’s lifting weights in the background, like usual lmao.
That’s it so far! I got more like giving him a heartknot, going on dates, etc. that I will eventually post… maybe.
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myonmukyuu · 8 months
myon updates 06-10-23
I think I have a tendency to be really sporadic with how often I post so here's an update for what's going on with my art projects 🥳
stuff that's on its way:
setsupomu 23p comic will release. I'll be distributing these at Animaga 2023 in Melb 👍 (I will post the comic for free regardless). I'll also do a reprint of the setsuayu series
Online shop will be stocked with these as well 👍
stuff that I wanna work towards:
I have a new stpm series that I want to begin planning properly! I've been toying with this concept for the past year or two and have decided to try to run with it. It will probably take several months to plan if I go with it since I won't halt all art projects for it.
I'm down to do some more one shots. Off the top of my head:
A Lanzhu => Shioriko => Ayumu short comic.
Whatever the hell's going on in Shioriko's new song about biting and marking people. (I need to make something for this...)
lowkey I'd like to make more concept art/one shot for the various AUs I've been toying with. (Eg. Soul Eater/ Vampire /Monster Hunter/ Fantasy etc)
and honestly whatever other setsuayu content that I feel compelled to bring into existence but I think that's expected
stuff to consider:
am a little fatigued with the current workload.
(I wonder if I'm too ambitious with things and should focus on upskilling so I can draw faster. I've purposefully slowed down my speed/ time spent on art since my last big project bc it wasn't good for my health. Even though I've slowed it down I still feel tired orz)
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elf-simp · 2 months
With the advent of the benchmark and the information that's given us in way of textures, models, and materials: This is going to be the final experiment with this specific body texture before Dawntrail. If I can help it I'm going to be directing my efforts to making a new texture entirely, hopefully one that's completely custom made.
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Fullbody + Kinda shitty closeup under cut lol (also very scattered and chaotic exposition)
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So why this design? Well the short answer is that Seiei is a monster/demon. Even in early drafts of her lore she fell to corruption and had her entire being changed irrevocably.
The long answer is given both the nature of her being, her past, and the area she lived in I wanted to try and draw upon specific themes she has when designing this more beastial form to get a more truly finalized picture of this character.
The biggest themes being Corvids, Emotions (namely rage), Tengu, and the final player that spurred the decision to add scales: Alatreon (yes, from monster hunter). Going in reverse order to explain starting with Alatreon; it was the final piece of the puzzle as every aspect of it fits Seiei nearly to a T with a short blurb of it stating: "Known as a symbol of destruction, people fear even uttering its name. It’s rumored to control all of the elements, but most, if not all, records of its existence have been burned." Going hand in hand with much of what is stated in this writing I posted a while ago. This on top of the fact that when fighting, Alatreon is inherently chaotic and easily enraged, much like Seiei.//
Given the area that Seiei is from—that being Doma—Tengu seemed to fit the bill as well. The decision to include this only reinforced by Swallows Compass.
There is significantly more to unpack here than with Alatreon as well as some still loose ends but the main reasons Tengu play into her design are because they are often depicted as yokai, sometimes even 'evil spirits.' In art and media they are portrayed very commonly with avian characteristics which ties into the whole Corvid thing. I could very well argue that the evolution from Corvids to Tengu is due to her corruption twisting that aspect of her into something monstrous. Oh and the big nose...
But more than that there, are a few stories that portray Tengu as legendary martialists that can employ extremely powerful and dangerous magics, which Seiei has in the form of her prior kenjutsu training and "black smoke". And yes, keeping with typical depictions, she does also have a feather fan, but I'm not sure I've really ever posted her with it.//
Emotions, specifically rage, was the baseline theming for her when I was drafting up her original lore (that needs heavy refinement now but I'll worry about that later). As one might guess this also hooks into 'Dynamis'. You see; Seiei was created shortly after I'd finished Endwalkers MSQ and the idea of "Dynamis" was still fresh in my head. Specifically it's observed ability to spiral out of control (much like real emotion) and create horrid abominations that the people of etheirys do not understand (Much like how rage causes people to do things they otherwise wouldn't with no sound logic behind it).
I'd never been invested in FF's magic system until this point either as it seemed very straight forward and bland to me even with astral and umbral alignments. But with the introduction of Dynamis as the sort of 'antithesis' to Aether I was locked in. My mind had interpreted it as a sort of matter vs anti-matter type of deal given that where one is abundant the other is near absent and they do not generally play well together, so naturally I wanted to try and explore that avenue more.
It was difficult trying to figure out how to get a character to reasonably function with Dynamis at first, especially with her lore being from pre-arr. However, if you know about "The Burn" and it's alleged lack of Aether, one needn't stretch very far to see how Dynamis could have affected Seiei. Or really any character from Othard. I'd love to do a real deep-dive into this at some point but for now you get my very scattered and very raw exposition.
As a sorta related aside, this was all thought up during a very difficult time in my life. So in a way this character started out as 'vent art' to release pent up emotion.//
Anyone who's been around a while knows Seiei's original last name was 'Warcrow'. When I'd made the character at first this had literally zero meaning outside of "I like bird :) " but as time went on I started to see where it could fit.
Without going into an insane amount of detail though because I'm sleepy: The crow motif is more closely tied to her adoptive father (The bunny man) who was exceptionally clever and tricky much like crows are. However, when he had passed our Seiei inherited much of what made him who he was and subsequently twisted it (cannot emphasis enough how much I love corruption). As a result for our Seiei, the meaning of crows is no longer relates to their intelligence or trickery but their more superstitious interpretations of approaching disaster and death. Also because I like the bird and it goes hand in hand with the Tengu thing lol.//
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soylent-crocodile · 9 months
Red Bulborb (Monster)
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(Copyright Nintendo, Artist Unknown)
(I don't know why the Pikmin wiki's version of this art has a flourescent blue background, but I am not an image editor nor could I find better version of this art, so that's what we're using.
I'll be posting Pikmin homebrew for the next two weeks! My history with Pikmin is a funny one- I have been fascinated by its fanciful creatures since one of my classmates brought in the Prima guide to Pikmin 1 in middle school, but I didn't much play the games until the first two were rereleased on Switch this summer. I did rent the original back when that was a thing, and I own Pikmin 3 for the Wii U, but I got particular far in neither. Instead, I watched Chuggaaconroy's Let's Plays, in fact finding him through an attempt to watch, rather than play, Pikmin.
Now, though, I've finished Pikmin 1 twice and started- and paused- Pikmin 2. I adore the setting and its creatures more than ever, and this blog here is how I express that love. So here's bulborbs!)
Bulborbs are strange nocturnal omnivores, neither insect nor mammal, who dwell in forests. Most bulborb are about the size of a songbird, stalking the undergrowth for insects and roots to devour, but a few grow much bigger.
The giant bulborb is a species the size of a turkey, and is farmed in some places. Its rump and snout are both very meaty, with the rump in particular being a rich combination of fat and muscle that is described as having a sweet, flavor closest to pork. Rare and dangerous, however, is the maneater bulborb, an aberrantly huge creature named for its ability to devour travelers and hunters whole.
There are many varieties of bulborb. The orange bulborb is a more dangerous and particularly alert species that can be represented by giving it the Advanced simple template and an additional +2 to Wisdom. The whiptongue bulborb is known for its anteater-like tongue it uses to collect large masses of insects, and can be represented by replacing the bulborb's bite attack with a tongue attack that has grab. In the giant bulborb, this attack has a 10ft reach and deals 1d3 damage, and in the maneater bulborb, this attack has a 30ft reach and deals 1d6 damage.
Giant Red Bulborb can be taken as a familiar.
Red Bulborb Companion
Starting Statistics: AC: +4 Size: Medium Speed: 30ft Attack: Bite (1d6 plus Grab) Ability Scores: Str:17 Dex:12 Con:14 Int:1 Wis:15 Cha:6 Special Qualities: Swallow Whole (1d6 Acid)  7th Level Advancement:AC: +4 Size: Large Speed: 40ft Attack: Bite (1d8 plus Grab) Ability Scores: Str:+4 Dex:-4 Con:+4 Special Qualities: Swallow Whole (2d6 Acid)
Red Bulborb, Giant
This bright red, turkey sized animal waddles around on two tiny legs, giant stalked eyes watching for food. Misc- CR½ TN Small Animal HD1 Init:+2 Senses: Perception:+4 Low-Light Vision Stats- Str:13(+1) Dex:14(+2) Con:12(+1) Int:1(+0) Wis:10(+0) Cha:6(-2) BAB:+0 Space:2.5ft Reach:0ft Defense- HP:6(1d8+1) AC:13 (+2 Dex, +1 Size) Fort:+3 Ref:+4 Will:+0 CMD:12 (-2 vs Trip) Weakness: Vulnerable to Fire  Offense- Bite +2(1d4+1) CMB:+0 Speed:20ft Feats- Iron Will Skills- Perception +4 Ecology-Environment- Forests (Temperate) Languages- None Organization- Solitary Treasure- None
Red Bulborb, Maneater
This massive creature is apparently all head and ravenous maw, with only stalk eyes, two avian legs, and a bright red rear to contrast its large mouth. Misc- CR4 TN Large Animal HD6 Init:-1 Senses: Perception: +11, Low-Light Vision Stats- Str:21(+5) Dex:8(-1) Con:18(+4) Int:1(+0) Wis:15(+2) Cha:6(-2) BAB:+4 Space:10ft Reach:5ft Defense- HP:51(6d8+24) AC:16 (-1 Dex, -1 Size, +8 Natural) Fort:+9 Ref:+6 Will:+4 CMD:19 (-2 vs Trip) Weakness: Vulnerable to Fire  Offense- Bite +8(1d8+5 plus grab) CMB:+10 (+2 to Grapple) Speed:40ft Special Attacks: Swallow Whole (4d6 Acid, AC14, 13HP) Feats- Lightning Reflexes, Skill Focus (Perception), Power Attack (-2/+4) Skills- Sleath +5, Perception +11 Ecology-Environment- Forests (Temperate) Languages- None Organization- Solitary, Huddle (1 Maneater Bulborb, 1-3 Giant Bulborb) Treasure- None
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offical-ouroboros · 3 months
Late to the party. Here's my intro! I guess.
I'm Uro! I go by it/its.
I do kinda whatever here. I post art, clips and edits from games, and more recently am getting into writing fanfiction.
That's. About it. This was mostly for the fanfiction thing.
--what to expect from any fan fiction blurbs and HCs I write--
Trans reader (FtNB/M) unless specified in request.
You instead of Y/N or _____ lol
Lots of dumb fluffy stuff, projecting myself onto reader character at times. Sorry! I'm used to it :p
Mostly x male characters, but I can write for any gender.
Personal HCs for characters getting put in
I like monsters. A lot. Ask me for x monsters. :)
How to request: Just send me an ask.
What do I write for: Check out what I've recently been talking about! Anything to do with horror has a chance.
Ex: DBD, Borderlands, Poppy Playtime, IDV, Overwatch, Slasher Horror, Monster Hunter Monsters (PLATONIC), D&D (general x monster/race things), HLVRAI, TF2
Only really x reader or general HCs, but I can also write for poly :)
Fluff, Angst, Suggestive Content
Romantic, Platonic, Familial
Yandere(??) I suppose
The obvious ones. I don't have much to say here.
I won't make incest.
Explicit abuse.
Proper NSFW/Smut, just not my thing
Characters off the top of my head I'll write for:
DBD: Literally any killer but Krueger I hate DBD Krueger. Survs (esp Nea and Sable...) also the Entity!
Borderlands: Vault Hunters + Co., Bandits, Colonel Hector, Tina (plat/fam only for bdl2 version.), Basically any enemy actually, platonic with any creatures
Poppy: Any monsters lol. In my versions, they're all inhabited by ADULT workers. Toon/Normal versions included.
IDV: Anyone, hunter preference
Overwatch: Junkers (NOT HAMMOND), Sigma, Lifeweaver, Moira, Illari, Luna (Paris Omnic <3), Omnics in general
Slasher Horror: Like literally anyone, just make sure you specify what they're from/which version you'd like
Monster Hunter: I love almost all the monsters (bugs included) so feel free to ask for anything plat/fam with them
D&D: Mimics for sure. Maybe some Baldur's Gate/Dragon Age characters!
HLVRAI: All characters, especially Benry.
TF2: Literally anyone, pref for mercs at least
Scopophobia: John Doe, Maison, Heim
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brokenolivejar · 4 months
★introduction for realsies★
Main op goes by Emerald or Dimitri no pref
Non binary trans masc (they/xe prns okay with he/him)
On the aroace spectrum sapphic
I have ADHD and DID and 70 other diseases
I'm also physically disabled and I use a cane or forearm crutches!
What I do here is just reblog things I find funny or my interests
And I draw!! I'm an artist's and yes my comms are open! Here's the link!
Main fandoms you'll see from me are
★ Ocs or OC stories ect
★ Lego monkie kid
★ one piece
★ dorohedoro
★ madoka magica
★ pokemon
★ digimon
★ monster hunter
★ Danganronpa
★ black butler
★ pirates or anything history/anthropology related things
★ homestuck
★ mlp
★ wings of fire
★ hunter x hunter
★ ddlc
And more and other niche interests
I also have other blogs such such as the animalized ddlc ask blogs @monisayoyuri
My comic series krc @kamisreigningchampions
And a couple other daily merge accounts mostly for homestuck
Other socials are
Instagram - brokenolivejars and gardentoreador and gempirates for specifically my alters art
Tiktok - brokenolivejar
Twitter/X - brokenolivejar
Bluesky - brokenolivejar
Discord - won't give that one out bc yeah maybe I'll give some discord servers that are public if u ask nicely
I'll also be focusing pretty bad on some AU's
Church of Sacrilege (CoS) - merged au with blondeaxolotl/axolotlblondie - fandoms are black butler, Danganronpa (but really it's just my ocs), lmk, ddlc - au is set in 476 AD aka the right before slash during renaissance era or right after the fall of the roman empire based off the religious trauma and church abuse back then
Era of piracy(pirate au) - basically just a 16-17th century pirate au for Danganronpa a project I plan to turn into a zine and I'm pretty much vanishing from the dr fandom at this point. but may turn it later on to lmk and ocs
MLP au - just an au where I MLPify fandoms I enjoy and make it darker
Beastars au - same with the MLP au
Kamis reigning champions (krc au) - basically same with the previous 2 but with my OC series which is based off of futile era japan in a weird way
Animalized au - basically the other previous 3 but I turn them all into anthropomorphic animals or feral/quadrupedal animals (that's not just cats and dogs)
Planet V for all (PVA) - not really an au more of like the universe where I steal dr characters and make them my ocs
⚠️⚠️Fair warnings for my blog⚠️⚠️
- I swear :(
- blood and occasional nudity (NOT porn yucky)
- I touch weird topics such as trauma with like SA or religious trauma
- idk that's it for now
About my system under the cut!
My system is called the gem/geo pirates or the brokenolivejar
I know people have those keep records oh their system websites and what not I unfortunately don't apologies! But most of my alters sigh their posts with - [insert their name] and their associated emoji]
But they also do art now and then! Though I'm the host and I front the most
Here's the list!
Emerald - 🐐
Kiro - 🌺
Elliot - 🦅
Octavia - ☔️
Syo/toko - ✂️
Betty - 🗿
Karma - 🦴
Himiko/Sylvie - ✨
Tenko/eshe - 💣
Beam - 🦈
Angie - 🐚
Gonta/Alois - 🪲
Kiibo - ⚡️
Kirumi/anfisa - 🕸️
Luffy - 🍖
Robin - 🪷
Zoro - ⚔️
Yamato - 🐉
Vivi - 💙
Ryoma/drago - 🎾
Izzy - 🐞
Ken - 🐝
Akihiro - 💵
Grell - 🪚
Mikan - 🩹
Chihiro/guo - 🕹️
Jataro - 🪝
Shizuku - 🦷
Rei - 👾
Taro - 🐊
Cavendish - 🥄
Ebisu - 💀
Lefty - 🐻
Kaito - 🪐
Shiver - 🪭
Frye - 🦑
Pearl - 🫧
Ussop - 🥽
Jimbe - 🐋
Yuuri - 🔪
Pidge/Katie - 🌿
Tony chopper - 🦌
Kobeni - 💦
Zelt - 🍎
Brook - 🎸
Chinder - 🦠
Sayo sayo - 🎀
Nikaido - 🥟
Shin - 💔
Redson - 🔥
Sandy - ☮️
Macaque - 🙈
Will update when needed!!
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rock-n-onyx · 11 months
DNI if you are anti-queer, NSFW, a bigot, anti-agere, or just generally not a good person
ALSO! if you have a completely blank blog, you will be blocked and reported! I have been having many issues of bots following me. It doesn't have to be much, a single post, a banner and pfp, a blog name, anything to let me know your not a bot
With the new way you sign up for Tumblr, I will try to give you a 24 hour grace period. If you do not have something in there to tell me your a real person, you will be blocked and reported. Occasionally I will go through my blocked list to see if any blogs have changed and if they have you will be unblocked.
I write stories! Link to my main one I'm writing:
Im doing Febuwhump! Link to that here:
Link to my pronouns.page:
My rant tag if you wanna block it: #shinso rants
The tag I use when I answer asks: #shinso answers
If you want to start playing Monster Hunter Now send me an ask or dm me and I'll send you a referral code! When you reach level 6 we both get some cool stuff!
Or if you're already playing, here's my friend code: 1994 0877 6651
My drawme box link:
Cute art i want to feature from friends <3
By @/treasure-goblin
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By anon people on Drawme
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gaynudibranch · 11 months
So uhm sorry for not art posts for like a months failed kaijune but here's my stupid au I made over a day ago and art with it
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So basically the au is we're Ben loses to vilgax at some point and is taken prisoner at one point btw I'm thinking this is like omniverse or alien force or something but besides that, he gets taken prisoner Ben gets a cuff on him and is like "what gonna make me a slave working the mines or even worse" and vilgax is like "nah I'm gonna soft lock you into one of your aliens" so he does that and it's a new alien cause non of the aliens were silly enough so I just made him into a felynes from monster hunter. So vilgax does that and Ben is like tf like why. And vilgax is like it's a secret pest and he just walks off and take him to his room.
Either way that's the start of the au but the main story is that vilgax and physphon are like a couch couple and Ben is forced to be there silly wunkus cat for the rest of his life and the reason why vilgax didn't just kill him was because he can't just get a cat from a adoption agency. So he had to do with Ben as his silly little cringly
Also I imagine vilgax and pysphon do each other's makeup and there both goth
Either way I'm just gonna list off how the characters are like
BEN: is literally just him from the show like nothing changes besides his appearance and maybe he's just like fanon Ben a little
PYSPHON: is literally just vilgax's goth bf and he's just like casual not give a shit type guy, basically a weed smoker and is likes to tease people
VILGAX: Literally his canon personality is his persona and he just puts that on so people listen to him and thinks he like this bad bitch but in reality he's just this guy that posts cat memes on Reddit and plays his switch, He's still like yeah I'm fucken evil as shit and I'll never stop but is still like one of those guys that will talk in the pookie voice as a joke while sipping his boba tea and Takis. Either way he's basically a internet addict and does vtubeing on the side
Also another thing I imagine vilgax and pysphon like flirting and bens like
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Also tagging this au vilgax gamer moment au
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sweet-star-cookie · 3 months
tell me about perseus and orion!
Sure :D I've discussed them a little bit in the posts about the zodiac companions, but I can elaborate more on their personalities and dynamic with each other specifically here. Also I'm working on Orion's updated design sheet literally right now so you get a sneak peek at some new art that I'll be posting soon haha! Percy's reference is also currently an amalgam of art from various years, but it's good enough for now.
Perseus - The Hero(’s Monster)
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Cursed with a paralyzing stare and monstrous appearance from his constellation's prior lineage of monster killing, Perseus is prone to hiding himself from others. He may share a name with the famous hero, but longs for a truly heroic path of his own instead. Though he can't actually turn anyone to stone with his gaze like the legendary Medusa, his aversion to eye contact is a byproduct of others fearing that he could. If caught off guard or near someone who has never seen him before, he will specifically hide his eyes if he can't hide the rest of himself in that moment, usually using his shield to do so. He'll then warn them not to look at him, assuming they will scream and run away if they did (and many have before). His prowess in combat is largely out of necessity for his own survival, though he does refine this skill later with Aries. Despite his ability to think and speak like any other sapient being on the Astral Plane, many still consider him to be a monster like Cetus or the previous incarnation of Hydra, and thus any particularly zealous "hero" would try to hunt him down. Even his own brother, Hercules, would use this as leverage to stage fights to "defeat" him in front of others. And, inevitably, these fights would hurt a lot of those people too. Hercules would always convince his brother that it was for the greater good, but Percy was always the one between them who ended up hurt in the end too, physically and mentally.
Perseus tried to be the hero he always wanted to be, someone who kept others safe and protected during an actual monster attack, but was ultimately betrayed. He lost part of his right horn from a blade swing intended for his neck, as the wielder assumed that Perseus was the monster that was attacking instead. Hercules claimed to "save" him by moving him in time, despite putting him in that situation in the first place. After that, Perseus gave up on his heroic desire and leaned into his monsterhood as much as possible to ward everyone off for good, and started lurking around Aries's arena. Despite being in a spirit world already, many believed that the arena was "haunted" by something, as most who dared to venture in were met with Percy's sharp teeth and glowing eyes. He is also capable of a wide range of growls, screeches and roars that echo through the hallways and shake the arena's walls. It wasn't until Aries defeated him in battle and learned of his plight that the ram decided to take Percy under his wing and train him as his own.
Because of his reclusive tendencies, getting Percy to socialize is quite the task at first. Even after he gains friends, some of that awkwardness remains, but most find it charming more than anything. He doesn't understand idioms or slang very well, thus confusing him when taking the phrase literally. For example, if you described something as "cool" he might tilt his head and say "I'm not cold, are you?"
Though often nervous and quiet, Percy is actually very sweet when you get to know him. His life has been pretty insular up to this point, albeit not by his choice, but despite everything he still possesses a young curiosity about the world. He has to do much to combat his low self-esteem, but he gets help with that along the way.
Orion - The Hunter
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Once a notorious name, Orion lived up to his title's legacy as a ruthless hunter of the creatures of the Astral Plane, alongside his dogs Canis Major and Canis Minor (I don't have any art for them yet, sorry ^^')
They become loyal to him through their shared love of the thrill of the hunt, but with one caveat. Rangifer (The Reindeer) warns Orion that, should his hubris continue to go unchecked, the loyalty of his dogs will waver. And should they ever turn on each other, they will be turned to stone. Of course, Orion ignores this warning and vows to kill Rangifer to prove it, as he is one of Orion's stronger and more elusive targets.
The art you see here is Orion's current appearance, but he was fully human initially. While he was successful in killing Rangifer in the end, the deer cursed him with his current appearance as one final act of revenge. Though Orion is blind and cannot see himself, he can feel the transformation as it occurs, and he starts to piece together what's about to happen as he feels the antlers on his head.
As Rangifer warned, Orion's dogs turn on him, thinking he is now the prey they must hunt. They claw and bite him like they would any other catch, but soon turn to fighting each other over the kill. True to Rangifer's warning once again, they are then turned to stone. This experience teaches Orion the fear of his prey, and also how much he relied on his dogs to hunt at all.
Given his notoriety, Orion became a target of Hercules. Though with malicious intentions of his own, Hercules wished to use Orion as yet another way to falsely position himself as the "hero" who defeated him. Orion is rescued in time by Taurus, another target of Hercules, and they escape.
Orion isn't exactly grateful for his rescue, however, now seeing himself as bereft of any purpose at all. He stays in his prison cell on his own volition. Unfortunately, he is also one of the spirits that gets corrupted by Void magic and falls to Earth, and while corrupted he reverts back to his ruthless hunting instinct, seeing no other way while stranded in a foreign place. But, with Cassie's (and later Taurus's) kindness, Orion slowly starts to see a new path forward. He is then able to find ways to use his hunting skills for tracking rather than killing, and adopts a gentler and more peaceful attitude.
Eventually, Perseus and Orion meet via being companions to Aries and Taurus respectively, and they quickly bond over their shared desire for redemption and new purpose. Since Orion is blind, a lot of Perseus's appearance-based insecurities are largely negated when around him. Orion, already much further along in his journey to self-actualization, has much confidence that Percy can do the same and helps to guide him. He is a calming presence in contrast to Percy's more anxious demeanour.
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ghoulysaphomet · 2 months
Holo there
I'm Saphomet. Also known as Ghost, and a plentitude of other names.
This is my art/writings account where I'll try to post fanart whenever I do some, and ramble about my WIPs.
Main account where i reblog whatever i want: @timstolejasonscorpseagain
I've written fanfic since 2012-3, can't remember for sure, and posted them to deviantart and ffnet. I moved to ao3 in 2014.
I have a lotta wips. Sorry 'bout that.
Terfs and bigots of any kind aren't welcome::) fuck off::)
I absoloutely love doing angst, themes of death, monsters, blood/cannibalism and codependency. Sometimes I do Smut, too.
If you've read any of my works and have any questions feel free to ask!
Wishing everyone a good day.
A list of my all-time favourite fanfictions
In alphabetical order. I will attempt to update this as I find more stuff to read! ::,)
Ao No Exorcist 
The sound of an omen from the center of a hurricane by bluewindfall
Batman (all types)
Artificial Gravel by thenafics
Bang, bang by Ididloveyou_once
Batman is a Very Serious Scary Vigilante by akcugrai
chew until it bleeds by dukeaubergine (18+)
dead men tell no tales 'verse by Mikkal
Ignore the Previous Message (or don't) by JpegDotJpeg (18+)
i know the end by WhatTheHeckIsGoingOn
I’m Pretty Sure Tim Steals Clothes: An Elaboration In The Form Of A Long Fic by PrinceJakeFireCake
Jason Todd's Guides for The Respectable Zombie Series by A_Fandom_Related_Name
Lone Wolf by SalParadiseLost
my hero. series by Anonymous [18+]
Not so Alone by Blueseabird2
of crime lords and literature by adelfie
scapegoat by envysparkler
the hunger that consumes need not know you by Dawn_Song, NEEMU (Dawn_Song) [18+]
This Dark Ceiling Without a Star by Miss_Lazy_Tuesday
(How to) Forgive and forget by Legal_kidnapping
And thus, we live  by  Kail_lizuc
Everything i want to do is illegal - a self help book - by AdyingFlower (possibly discontinued)
Grandmaster of miscalculation by silver jackdaw (cizzi) (Possibly discontinued) 
Lovers of lost dimensions by Miss_nighteye (terryh) (18+)
Lusus Naturae by WildTama
Neutrality order (Series) by AngeliaDark  (suggestive themes)
Proximal by artistfingers, Perfectly_Inconspicuou
Something's gotta give by Worldstubbiestcat (confirmed Discontinued)
Speak no evil by bibivi 
Speak of the devil by Gentrychild
Take only what you need by Intent_To_Stay (Confirmed discontinued)
Yesterday upon the stair by PitViperOfDoom
Danny Phantom 
by your grave (the monster we made) by UnderForeversGrace
Death Day Evolution by gamma_radio
definition of insanity (is doing the same thing) by UnderForeversGrace
lie like a tombstone (yet secrets will bloom) by murphy_kitt
Tourist Repellent by TorScrawls
Vice series by dweeblet, paenling (dweeblet), Patchykins
What Big Eyes You Have by Gingersnapped
What it means to be by UnderForeversGrace
worth the war underneath my skin by UnderForeversGrace
DP x DC 
a part of me that'll never be mine by halfagone (milkywxy)
Bus to Nowhere by foldingfacets 
Funeral Rites by BumblingBeesAndWillowTrees
Have You Heard of Danny Wayne? by FortunateCookie
If You Give a Bat a Burger by Cielle_Noire
I'm King Boo by TourettesDog
Life, Death, and In Between by SaturdayNightFrights
Our Empty Graves by suomifae
Phantom Children: Redux by apotheosis_avaritia
Phoenix Down by Imp_y
regular boy: daniel wayne by diamondrozie
TWINcognito mode by nerdpoe
Gravity Falls
Blood bath by RoboticSpaceCase (18+)  
Faking it by BurnerAccount
Hunter x Hunter
Once bitten x Twice shy by korns
Song for the Yellowed Woods by Grandoverlord (possibly discontinued)
Legend of Zelda
A Hero’s spirit by SilvermistAnimeLover 
Language of Monsters by Laufskadus (Possibly discontinued)
sewn back together wrong by ballroomnotoriety
Linked Universe 
Alone we fight by SilvermistAnimeLover
Bush Ghost by Tricksterburd
Degrees of Resurrection by Gintrinsic
Creation (Both Haunted and Holy) by GhostPlasma
In a mockery of recollection series by Depths
Let's not and say we did by sincerelyMystic (Possibly discontinued)
Scales, Wings, and Mythical Things by FantomoDrako
Year of the Rabbit by BlindBrilliance
Flip the coin/Face the change by Inrainbowz
Time travel? What the fuck? by Dragonpyre
One Piece
(Ir)Responsible by oumriel (Possibly discontinued)
(Two) small mercies by fingersfallingupwards
Burning rubber series by Kitsune foxfire (Possibly discontinued)
Feral by Kitsune foxfire
Near death experiences by Monch_Monch
Switching it up by kitsune-foxfire
Take the world by storm by Geokat
Turning myself into my brother by artistic_arsonist
Young but built to fall by Fingers-falling-upwards [possibly discontinued].
A spanner in the clockworks by All_five_pieces_of_exodia
ache in the rain (and remember the wounds) by Scribblurri
Auribus Teneo Lupum by Unknown (possibly disccontinued)
Ben has two dads by regala_electra (18+)
Brothers blood series by diana_lucifera, stormageddon (Fave to re-read. Possibly discontinued)
Delicate broken bird by Sparrowshellcat
Consequentiality by Kerfluffling (18+)
Fortress by glasslogic (18+. Amazing worldbuilding. Possibly discontinued.)
Memory is a fickle siren song by sleepypercy (18+)
The Time Dean was Sam's Girlfriend and Jess Entered the Winchester Family Business, and Something unpredictable (but in the end it’s right) by fleshflutter and  phoenixflight for fleshflutter  (in the same section since 1 is a sequel done by a separate author and isn’t a series. 18+) 
I want to make it clear that regardless of whether a work is finished or not, there is no shade or shame at all from my side. It's been an absolute pleasure to read any of these works, and the authors owe me nothing.
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zorlok-if · 2 years
Dev Log – Oct 5
Hello everyone! 😊
Hope that you’re all doing well. Things are much better over here since my last update. Some tough stuff, but feeling like I'm in a good place. Unfortunately, schoolwork is eating up a lot of my time and I haven't been able to write much.
Zorlok Progress
Honestly, not too much (school has been A Lot)
Drafted some of the interlude scenes with characters like Giles, Nasir, Ciel, and Ainsley
Some plot restructuring
Character work
More lore entries
There's also more commissioned art coming... more on that later though 😁
Next Goals
Just getting as much writing does as time and energy permit
Main Posts
This absolutely incredible art of Rose by @sovhina
Some new cast profiles: Meet Giles, Meet Nasir, and Meet Ainsley
Updated the Zorlok masterpost and itch.io store page
Short about Dev and EJ reminiscing
Updated options for the first interlude
Changed/revealed some characters' names
On Ciel's asexuality
Things the cast are afraid to admit they're afraid of
Cast's favorite flowers, favorite seasons, favorite foods, guilty pleasures, and relationship experiences
Tommy embarrassing himself and Zorlok
Some reminders about asks and some other info about asks
Werewolf lore and a follow up
Major lore posts about the Local Factions and the Global Factions, some more info on the Slayers, difference between monster hunters and Slayers, are the Magi bad?, and some more info about how the global factions work
Other Stuff
Applied for graduation! (I'll finally, officially be done in December)
Obsessed about Dimension 20 so much (which you can see over on @gamesbyalbie) that I've gotten several friends to watch it, very excited to watch the finale and for the next intrepid heroes season reveal next Wednesday
Can't really think of anything else 🙃 (it's mostly just been school stuff)
And in other news/some really exciting stuff (for me at least), Zorlok just passed 20k browser plays and this blog hit 2k followers a few days ago! 😊
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I'll be announcing a thank you event/giveaway soon. Lmk if you have any suggestions!
That’s all I can think of. Thanks as always for reading this and supporting this project (it means the world to me). Hope you have a good weekend!
- Albie 😊
Even more posts you may have missed below the cut:
Some writing advice (and my many current reads)
How long have you been working on Zorlok?
Can you do magic if you're human? and what makes the magi different from humans?
What is the Summit?, did Zorlok go to the summit?, more on characters from the Summit, and is Tommy related to one?
Is Tommy worried?
How bad is this for the Demon?
What's up with Zorlok's real body?
How did the Demon let this happen?
How do demons spend their time on Earth?
When was Z last on Earth?
Did Zorlok date the Celestial?
A fun fact about the secret RO
Some hellhound and timeline related asks
Who does the hellhound like more?
Why is the hellhound kind?
Does Z remember the hellhound as their pet?
An ask about the hellhound's forms
Can we be mad at the hellhound? and a follow up
Will the Hellhound and Celestial recognize each other?
Celestial biblical form?
Can Z have fangs?
Consequence of D&D choice
Build-a-Bear trip?
Some Dev thirst here and here
An observation about Tommy's parents
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findroleplay · 6 months
Hello! 21+ seeking folks 21+ for some fandomless OCxOC Discord RP! (semi-lit to lit, third person) Greatly interested by stories of monsters and fantasy, steeped in playful romance, and fascinating dynamics. I have a preference for MxM/MxNB/NBxNB pairings, with a desire to play monsters/aliens/hybrids against monsters/aliens/hybrids/humanoids/etc. Open across the spectrum of SFW to NSFW vibes based off the scenario and comfort levels, and also very open to kink! Especially a fan of BDSM themes and dominant bottoms to play off my submissive tops! I enjoy anywhere from soft/high fantasy to sci-fi. Also a big fan of art face claims, please no real life face claims.
I love to worldbuild and brainstorm, and that's partially what I'd also like to advertise! While I do try to respond as I can, I do get a little fatigued of RP from time to time and having some casual and constructive conversation to go along with can really help! This goes for our plot ideas, we don't necessarily need to stick to just one! Whether we delve into smoldering rendezvous on the fringe of known space, perhaps between a passionate xenobiologist and their affectionately curious specimen. The classic monster/hunter, a mysterious facility where an interspecies relationship blooms between prisoners or with their handler, or maybe even an encounter inspired by mythology?
I almost forgot to mention, I adore in specific playing aquatic, plant, and alien monsters with a splash of fae, taur/snake hybrids, and more! One of my favorite dynamics is playing the strong, affectionate, and curious type drawn to a fascinating and dashing outsider! Think Tarzan, with a splash of queer monster(s)! Anyways, feel free to like this post if all this sounds interesting and I'll reach out! I'll include some vibes/dynamics below, but they're of not all that I'm looking for! And thank you very much to the people who run these RP blogs!
(Vibes) Worldbuilding "D&D Style" Adventure Mythology Antiquity Old Fantasy Spirituality Modern Fantasy Slice of Life
(Dynamics) Monster x Monster Monster x Human Size Difference Affection/Romance Infatuation Slow Burn Pet Play BDSM (and more!)
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