#I'm trying to make these decisions in character . the issue is I'm not entirely sure what amarbel's character is yet
plantb0t · 8 months
Guild wars 2 is so stressful how dare you keep asking me to make decisions in this video game I can't handle this responsibility
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nat20composure · 5 months
Astarion and Agency- The Necessity of Discomfort to Self Discovery and the Infantilization of Victims
Minor Astarion discourse ahead that mentions the treatment of SA victims post-abuse:
I want to open this post up just with like. The statement that I don't think there is a correct way to enjoy media and that I LOVE to see individual head cannons and takes on characters in media. I think that is also, to a degree, an integral part of video games because of how unique the experience of playing a game will be to every person who plays it. But it has been making me feel so incredibly sad looking through fan content, art, or discourse for BG3 specifically because of how many people have taken the route of infantilizing Astarion.
I understand the instinct to shield or protect an individual that you love and care for. I also understand that because of the nature of the things that Astarion goes through, a lot of people also feel very deep emotional stakes in him. I'm one of the many fans of the character who is a victim of SA and CSA, I really do get it. That is also why for me personally it is so demoralizing to watch so many people treat him like he is a child who cannot make his own decisions or stand up for himself. Part of that frustration stems from it feeling like a media literacy issue, and the other part of that sense of defeat is just because it feels indicative of a broader attitude that people seem to hold towards victims of abuse, particularly those who are victims of SA.
To explain what I mean by people infantilizing him: I see so many people refuse to allow him the opportunity to be hurt, or to feel uncomfortable. They see this character who has been through an immensely horrible and traumatic experience, and their instinct is to try and shield him from anything else that has the potential to upset him. I get that the people who want that aren't doing it with malicious intent, but frankly it is not really...Helpful? To try and prevent victims from Experiencing Discomfort tm. I also think it kind of disregards the entire thesis of Astarion's character and arc.
When you go through something that robs you of your selfhood and agency, the world can become a crushingly terrifying place. In Astarion, that fear presents itself in a desperation for power, control, and at the core of both of these desires- Safety. One thing the game is clear about is that he has a right to kill his abuser. He has a right to escape his situation. A lot of Astarion's personal arc is centered around being able to finally do that. But the game doesn't just leave it off at getting him to safety. So much of it is also about him needing to take responsibility for himself and his actions, with needing to learn who he as a person is.
The inclusion of the Gur children and Sebastian as characters is a good example of ways in which the game gives Astarion the opportunity to take responsibility. I think that if the intention of the arc was meant to be that "Astarion should never ever have to deal with being afraid or uncomfortable again", then the Ascended arc wouldn't Come with such heavy moral ramifications, like sacrificing the other people just like him, killing the victims he lured in, literal child murder. The game infers that he doesn't deserve to die because of the things he Needed to do to survive, but it also makes it very clear that there is a difference between addressing an Active Threat and using your fear as an excuse to hurt others. Breaking that cycle of abuse when he finally gets the chance to is what separates Spawn Astarion from Cazador.
Taking responsibility for himself, and letting himself sit in the discomfort of vulnerability ultimately ends up being a thing that he is very proud of and cherishes. If you tell him you will make sure nothing like that ever again he himself says that he doesn't want you to be his protector. And so it blows my mind when people go into all of these discussions about Astarion with this...Weird moral high ground for never, ever making or letting him make choices that might hurt him?
I see this the most when it comes to discussions about the possible polyamorous relationship with Halsin and the interaction with the drow twins in the brothel. So many people are just...outright angry? At other people engaging with either of those options? And I feel like that anger is one) rooted in the projection of their Own feelings on non-monogamy and what a victim of SA can or cannot look like. and two) Relies on undermining the agency that Astarion BEGS you for at every turn.
When it comes to the drow twins, the game adapts Astarion's response to them based on where he is in his own personal development (a really cool thing imo). Obviously, if he still doesn't feel good or safe about engaging with sex he declines and says you can feel free, though he hopes you aren't just doing it because he hasn't had sex with you. I think this makes sense: He's just gotten out of a situation where his Safety and worth were directly tied to him having sex. I imagine he feels afraid that not wanting to have sex with you makes him replaceable or inadequate because at this point in the game, he feels like that's all he has to offer. The interaction is relatively the same if you ask him for a poly amorous relationship with Halsin: He just asks you to reassure him that you aren't only doing it because he hasn't had sex with you, and then tells you he isn't worried about it otherwise.
A lot of people have taken the expression of that insecurity in combination with him still allowing you to go forward and do these things as him just "sucking it up" because he's afraid of losing you. (I am aware Shadowheart says he wouldn't be able to handle it when you ask her if you can date both of them- But keep in mind, Astarion says she wouldn't be able to either, and THAT obviously isn't true of her. For the purposes of this discussion I'm only including interactions with Astarion as a judgement of his character.) I understand that concern, but I feel this take disregards so many other points of dialogue, and is also continually rooted in the baseline vilification of discomfort.
To further go into it, the way that he speaks about both of these interactions changes significantly if you speak to him about it once he is completely free from Cazador, and has had time to allow himself to start reconnecting with himself and his sexuality on his terms. He has absolutely No reservations about an open or poly relationship with Halsin, and says he trusts that things will be ok because he one) feels secure in Your relationship and two) Knows Halsin is experienced and trusts him to not be a messy bitch about it.
I think that shift, in combination with the in game explanation of why he isn't ok with being in that sort of relationship with the other Origin Characters (for Lae'zel and Wyll, he says they'd never agree to that. For Shadowheart, he says she's not experienced with open relationships and that he doesn't think it'd work out. For Karlach, that it would break her heart. And for Gale, he says you need standards.) is a pretty good indicator that he doesn't actually care about polyamory or monogamy. I think the vilification of that choice relies on you picking and choosing when you do or do not believe Astarion or just outright not liking non-monogamy in the first place. This interaction has more to do with the player's choice and comfort level, and so is not as important to the broader discussion I am trying to have in this post.
The interaction that is more pertinent to not Allowing him to make decisions is, I think, the drow twins. If you interact with the drow twins after the completion of the Cazador questline, he is outright giddy at the prospect of interacting with the Drow twins. Specifically stating that he is excited to see how he likes these sorts of things now that he's free.
NOW- I do NOT think that he enjoys the act. The game makes that abundantly clear, and I'm not arguing that he has a great time. He obviously does not, and dissociates during it. That being said, allowing this interaction to happen does not make a player evil or selfish. You are not playing the hero if you decide to moderate his choices just because you do not think he is ready for it. Once again, no one is evil for Not doing it either, and I am not saying anybody has to want to. I am just saying that treating this choice like it is an evil choice to make relies on completely disregarding what He wants to do.
Astarion says so many times in the game that he is anxious about finally having the freedom to find out what he wants to do, and I think that his excitement for the drow twin exchange is one of the opportunities the game gives him to make a choice. He makes that choice- And it sucks for him. He doesn't enjoy the act, and having done it he would be able to move forward knowing that. I think it's really cool and important that the game represents that facet of recovering as a victim. While you are trying to renavigate who you are, you are going to make a million new choices you never had before. And sometimes those choices are going to suck ass. It would be a different matter if he knew these things would hurt him and went ahead and did them anyway. But so many people expect him to move forward avoiding even the Potential of being hurt, and I think that is extremely reductive of his arc and who he is.
Beyond the matter of interpersonal relationships, the choice between Ascending or not Ascending Astarion is not a matter of choosing the lesser of two evils. It is a choice between his fear and his humanity. Between letting his trauma and his fear define him for the rest of his immortal life, and allowing him the vulnerability of deciding who he is when he isn't running from the world. When he's willing to listen to the parts of himself that want to do right, that wants meaningful connection, that wants to be proud of himself. That wants to meet himself. To confront who he is when someone else isn't deciding that for him.
Astarion as a character is extremely ambitious, inquisitive, and adventurous, three traits that only become more and more evident as he breaks free from letting his own fear dictate how he lives his life. I don't understand how so many people can see him and want to take the core of his character away from him, when he spends the entire game fighting desperately to take it back.
Victims are not casts of the abuse they have gone through. Their shapes may be changed by the hands of others, they may have to relearn how to be the person they want to be. But they are not broken or irreparable or fragile. They do not need to be freed from the grip of one person to be held tight in the grip of another. It is so fucking unfair and self-important to think that your hands will be the ones that fix them. That your hands know better than theirs. I think the kindest thing you can do for a person is to trust them with themselves, and to listen when they tell you who they are and what they want. Please listen to the voices that have only just learned to speak. It is the only way they can get better at doing it.
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ladyloveandjustice · 10 months
To give my Real Opinion on the whole Clark vs Lois issue (since people are giving me theirs), I'm surprised it is an issue, since it's very clearly supposed to be an conflict where both people made decisions that made sense from their point of view but still hurt each other. It makes sense that Clark would be insecure about telling Lois this when she's acting distrustful of Superman, and it makes sense he'd freak out and not handle a situation where she was putting a lot of pressure on him well. It also makes sense that Lois would be angry (and probably humiliated) and upset that Clark not only lied to her face when she was begging him to tell her the truth, but left her where she couldn't help him when she was worried sick about him.
Honestly, I think a lot of you aren't being honest about how you'd feel if you had a friend who disappeared every time something dangerous happened, you spent a lot of time frantically searching and worrying about that friend each time, only to find out oh hey, your friend was well aware of how worried you were and was actually right there but they were pretending to be someone else instead of letting you in on what was happening. You'd feel played with.
And Clark also KEPT lying when she was basically saying "hey stop lying to me. I know." He did it instinctively. She was begging him to tell her, and he didn't. That's going to hurt, and that's going to be galling. She definitely felt she had no other choice than to do something drastic, because she can't enter a relationship with someone she knows is lying to her and here he is, refusing to come clean. She's a reporter, the need to know drives her.
"Lois isn't entitled to Clark's private information, they haven't known each other that long", sure, but Clark vanishes in dangerous situations and causes real distress, Clark has been discussing Superman with Lois and unconsciously trying to manipulate her feelings on him while not telling her the whole truth, and you'd feel weird if someone did that, you'd feel kinda violated! And even if someone told you they weren't doing that to laugh at you, wouldn't you be hurt and humiliated?!
When exactly IS Lois entitled to Clark's info? When they start dating? How many months is it okay for him to date her without him telling her he's actually the guy she spends every waking minute trying to interview? Would he have told her as their relationship got serious? Not knowing that is probably scary and if I was Lois I'd think twice about if I wanted this either!
And what's especially scary is that yeah, he did leave her behind to so he could possibly go get killed when she was begging him not to. That's terrifying. She was probably terrified the entire time she waited. He was able to take her choice away from her, and Lois does not like feeling helpless. Clark was scared of her getting hurt, so he enforced his will and so shewas scared for HIM. and then he refused to talk about those worries!
It's also pretty galling when she's already helped him out in several fights- she's proven she can be useful and helpful! I'd be mad too! I'm sure there was a little vindictiveness in her actions- you see how you like it when someone takes your choice away too.
At the same time, Clark is clearly not comfortable showing people his whole self. He still doesn't know who he is, and he goes into panic mode about it. He's very scared of people being hurt because of him. What he did made sense from his point of view. And I'm sure he's not happy to be forced to reveal his secret.
It doesn't matter 'who's more right'. It's not a game they get to win! They both violated each other's boundaries. Their feelings both make sense from their perspective, and interesting conflicts are complicated. And I like it when characters don't just react to everything flawlessly. There's a lot of drama in secret identities, and sometimes stories have conflict.
I do agree this should have happened later in the season or as a season 2 thing, but that's sadly just life in this streaming hell era. They didn't know if they'd get a season 2 to tell the story they wanted. We have to take the conflict as it is. And let's face it, if Lois had taken longer to figure out, y'all would be making fun of her for being dumb. Lois is for some reason always the butt of that joke even though nobody else can see Clark is Superman either- and when she does figure it out (as she usually does!) and has anything other than positive feelings about it she still gets blamed. Just enjoy having a character who can have complex feelings.
If you hate relationship conflict, there's stuff for you out there! Read Superman Family Adventures by Art Baltazar, it's very cute low stakes low conflict stuff and has an actual Himbo Clark.
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nu-carniviva · 5 months
A censored version of Nu: Carnival is coming to the app store... Which is not good
When this was first brought to my attention, I honestly didn't believe it at first. I mean, why would I? Nu: Carnival has advertised itself as an adult-only game since it's release. I rarely go on Twitter since it's a total shithole, but that's how I found out that the rumors were true. Nu: Carnival - Bliss, they're calling it. The overall plot, events, and gameplay will be the same. But many crucial changes will be done to the dialogue, CG, and audio. Long post ahead, but I'll be ranting about it below
Why is this a bad move?
There are multiple reasons as to why making a censored, teen friendly version of Nu: Carnival is a horrible decision. I might not get them all, but here are a few I can think of off the top of my head:
It is literally impossible to separate the nsfw from the source. Whether the devs like it or not, they made an nsfw game. After the first half of the prologue, the game opens with porn. You are introduced to two characters at the time — Aster and Morvay. That right there is already an issue. Morvay is an incubus. He is a sex demon who wears leather lingerie. While there is certainly more to his personality, his is very existence is sex. Sex is what keeps him alive and fed. Morvay is very open about his sexual desires and the topic of sex as a whole. He doesn't find it shameful or taboo. So... What are they going to do with Morvay? He can't be removed since he's bonded with Aster. Censoring him will have him take a MAJOR hit. Now that leads me to the second part of this bullet point: sex is a crucial part of the plot. Essence is what keeps Klein stable. Eiden and his clan's job is to use their essence to fix the gem altars so said altars can keep the essence regulated throughout the continent. While there are several ways to replenish one's essence, the most effective way is through sex. Sex also plays a crucial role in expanding on the plot and the characters. Sex scenes aren't just there for entertainment, there is genuine lore within the dialogue. Through sex, Eiden bonds with his clan members in the most intimate and personal ways. He sees his clan members at their most vulnerable moments, and through that they share a deep connection. You can see when sex scenes go from Eiden and whoever the clan member is having sex just to have it to having sex because they genuinely care for each other and want to physically bond. I could delve deeper into this topic, but I'm sure you all understand by now what I'm trying to say. Sex is not just an accessory or perk. It's part of the worldbuilding
Minors will not be able to escape nsfw within the fandom. Since the game's release, the fan base has been entirely made up of adults. Since we are all adults, we freely talk and post about the nsfw parts of the game. You go on any social media platform where Nu: Carnival is discussed, and you will see nsfw. It's a very casual topic in the fandom, and in a way it's something that bonds us together… As weird as that may sound. My point is, making a censored version of the game is pointless, because the source itself in inherently nsfw and the fan base is full of adults making nsfw content which is usually uncensored since the artists expect for anyone in the fandom to only be adults
Minors in fandoms often bring drama... Hear me out on this one. Not to sound like one of those "grr minors dni I hate minors" people, but kids in fandoms often bring drama and discourse. As aggravating at it is, I have to admit that it isn't entirely their fault. When you're in your early teens, you're starting to discover yourself. You become very opinionated and defensive over your beliefs because you're trying to figure out who you are and where you stand in life. You're trying to gain independence and autonomy. It's normal... But it's very draining. Since Nu: Carnival has an all-adult fandom, there isn't a lot of drama at all. Sure, you're going to have stupid people saying stupid shit to start drama, that happens everywhere, but those people are typically ignored because it isn't too common. With kids coming into the fandom and starting unnecessary drama, it'll be so much harder to avoid. Not only that, but kids don't have as much media literacy as adults do. It's not an insult, but simply a fact. Nu: Carnival delves in a LOT of heavy themes in the game. Some of which are stated outright while others require you to read in between the lines to pick up on them. Since the fandom is all adults, it's easier for us to handle these topics and discuss them maturely
Why are the devs doing this?
My guess? Money. The devs are part of a company after all. At the end of the day, all companies want to make money. By making a game they can put on app stores, the game becomes more visible to a broader audience. People who have never heard of Nu: Carnival before will see what appears to be an innocent anime game when it's far from that. All it will take is a simple google search for people to see the the game is very much nsfw and not something minors should indulge themselves in. It's dangerous for both parties involved, both the minors and the adults
But hey, whatever's bringing in the money, right? Sigh...
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hamliet · 16 days
Less of a question but I was never an avid manga reader till 2019 and mha was the first manga I kept track of weekly, and I read Tokyo ghoul after it ended, and seeing everyone be dissatisfied with how Tokyo ghoul ended after keeping up weekly is something I’m reminded of after seeing the latest chapter of mha. So this is what it feels like to witness 6 years of a character you hold in high regard be undermined(to put it lightly). I’m rather sad, but I can’t help but feel fondness for shigaraki even if the way he ended wasn’t satisfying, how do u feel about how mha has gone?
Yeah it does feel very reminiscent of Tokyo Ghoul in that they just went "ah yes, killing the right people is actually how we solve world issues." Which I find morally reprehensible, but also genuinely bad writing because the story as a whole doesn't support this message.
@linkspooky explained in her meta yesterday why Deku has completely failed as a character, and why the manga has failed thematically as a story. I'm just gonna say I completely agree with Link.
To be fair, I'm not sure Shigaraki is dead dead, but either way, it's bad writing and it doesn't conclude his arc with any sort of satisfactory element. Like, why would Shigaraki see Deku as different than anyone else who tried to punch him? That's nonsensical and written from the POV of an audience, not from Shigaraki's POV. It's like in Star Wars when Rey calls herself "Rey Skywalker" when she knew Luke for 3 days and none of the people she was actually close to (Leia, Han, Ben) were Skywalkers. That's writing for the audience, with their perspective, ignoring the logic of your story. It defies believability because the character does not have that perspective. It's "forced" because the audience can see the hand of the author.
If Shigaraki is dead dead... Not gonna Star Wars this one again, but since I also hated the ending of The Rise of Skywalker, I must make a comparison. The idea that Deku may have saved Shigaraki's heart but couldn't save his body (which to be honest, nothing in the actual chapter supports, but if he stays dead might be the argument) is still bad writing. Why? Because to Shigaraki didn't even make the decision himself. He didn't sacrifice anything. How can his heart be saved if he had nothing to do with it? Saving an object is easy as pie. Saving a person is different, and that's what the whole story has been about. Like, in TROS, Kylo Ren gave his life for Rey! Was it stupid? Yes! But at least his "saved heart" did something. Shigaraki's saved heart did what exactly?
So then, is the message that Deku failed? Then why isn't it framed as a failure? Why was BNHA never set up to be a grimdark tragedy? If he failed, then shouldn't he have a miserable ending? Unless it's "heroes always become bad guys and life is unfair," but then shouldn't Deku be framed critically?
Basically, Horikoshi can't come back writing-wise from this in BNHA, and it's sad to see.
Horikoshi's biggest flaw throughout the entire story was that he kept flip-flopping on what he wanted to say, and made the characters more about his trying to please every single fan than about being, well, characters to explore important questions he has that are worthwhile. And you can do this while still having a "cool" factor!
Instead the characters tell us one thing while cocooning Deku in the sweet bliss that no one ever has on this earth--being 100% right all the time. And it's sad, because BNHA had so much potential as a story to challenge its audience and entertain too.
I thought even if it flopped in some aspects it'd at least get this right. It's disappointing.
Anyways every day that goes by I want to send Isayama and his editors flowers for actually writing a thematically coherent ending, even if some aspects were dropped or messy along the way.
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tallulah477 · 2 months
Below the cut contains my thoughts and feelings about certain issues that I've seen recently that I feel like need to be addressed including hate/bullying, the new Neteyam & Lo'ak rp blogs, and the general fandom as a whole.
CW:// Mentions of pedophilia, predators, racism, and homophobia
Over the past several months, and especially over these past several days, it's come to my attention that we as a fandom need to make some things abundantly clear.
I was a silent reader for a long time. I love Avatar and this fandom with my entire heart and I wanted nothing more than to be an active part of it and member of the community, but the thing that stopped me for a long time was seeing how hateful people can be and I wasn't sure if I could handle it. Obviously, I decided that my happiness and sharing my love for Avatar and the characters with other people who love it as much as I do is more important than any nasty messages I might get and I couldn't be happier with my decision. I think I can safely say that most of us here in the fandom can say the same (although I'm sure the feeling of happiness comes with endless ebbs and flows for all of us).
That being said, the amount of sheer bullshit that I've been seeing on here is ridiculous.
The amount of hate messages that I've had to witness my mutuals receive is unacceptable. The amount of hounding as to why someone unfollowed this person, why aren't they interacting with this person anymore, why would someone write something like this, why won't you write this, is crazy to see. I've seen racist comments, I've seen homophobic comments, and I've seen people being called a pedophile wayyyy to often now.
This is Tumblr. We are responsible for our own media consumption. We cultivate our own media experience.
That means authors write what they enjoy regardless of content as long as they are responsible and tag the work correctly. You as the reader are responsible for heeding those warnings.
This means that if two people who used to interact or follow each other all of a sudden don't or someone gets blocked, it is no one's business as to why it happened. They don't owe you an explanation and there's no need to publicize drama. Do not go into their inboxes asking for details because all that does is feed the flames.
This is supposed to be people's happy place. Our safe space. And instead it seems like there's something new happening every single day.
At this point, we've all seen the rp blogs that have popped up. I'm not generally someone who enjoys rp so I didn't interact, but I saw a ton of my mutuals and others having a great time with them. Despite me not liking rp, it was exciting to see at first. A live persona of one of my most beloved characters interacting with fics that I love? Yes, it's definitely exciting to see!
But then it got not so exciting to see. The responses seemed solely sexual and out of character for Neteyam, a lot of them were really dark and borderline violent. I like dark fics, and I love dark Neteyam. But there are warnings to every dark fic and you go into them knowing what to expect. For a blog that's rp-ing a character that's not canonically like that, it was concerning to see.
We've had issues in this fandom in the past with predators. And despite us all being adults here (at least we should all be), you can never be too careful when it comes to the internet. I am NOT saying that the people running these blogs are predators, but certain things I've seen have raised some flags to me. Rp can be really dangerous when people don't know who's behind the character, especially if things are sexual. Since then, both blogs have created 'About Me' sections which I think is good. So that's something I appreciate.
However, we've also had the opposite problem in which minors interact with us and our content. It's a huge problem that we are constantly trying to battle because while seeing/reading sexual content can be harmful for those who are underage, it's can also get us into a lot of trouble for interacting with minors even if we don't know they're underage. When the accusation that the rp accounts were minors came out, they were sent asks to confirm. One responded respectfully and one, in my opinion, responded not so respectfully. If you are ever asked if you are a minor, don't get pissed about it. It's an important question and you should understand and respect its importance. Just clarify.
I'm saying all this not because I don't think people should interact with these blogs if you want to. It's 100% up to you and I know a lot of people were having fun with it. You're all adults, do what you think is best. And I do think it would be really nice to have more guys in the community, whether they rp or not. My issue with them is more about safety than anything else.
Now back to the hate comments. For any issues I might have had with the Neteyam blog (again, no hate, just my own thoughts), I only ever saw the Lo'ak blog being respectful. Yet, I still saw someone on their actual blog, not under anon, telling him "can't you just leave?". Under no circumstances is it okay to say this to another person. Any one who is an active member of this community who posts fics or the like KNOWS what its like to receive hateful comments like this and you think its okay to say something like this to someone else? No way. I'm sure you know what it feels like to get comments like that and you decided to be nasty to another person anyway. You should know better. Anyone who can say something mean to or about another person should be ashamed of themselves.
For as much as I love this fandom, this is insane that I actually have to say this.
Be kind. Be respectful.
And if you can't?
It's called the block button, people. Use it.
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fayevalcntine · 9 days
Anyway I've been kind of following the press releases for The Count of Monte Cristo (2024) (French) movie and some potential spoilers that I kind of want to air out:
The film seems to be marketed as "much darker" in terms of focusing on the revenge aspect, which I don't mind, but some other stuff give me pause as to how they're gonna handle The Count as a character because the way the actors talk about him, he almost sounds weirdly irredeemable, or rather just completely incapable of still loving and caring about people? Which is the exact opposite of how he behaves in the book..... he wants to be cold and completely detached but fails each time because he a) forms close connections with people like Haydée and Maximilien, even comes to deeply respect Albert despite trying to talk himself into not caring about the boy and b) is meant to question his own revenge plot because it inadvertently causes the death of an innocent child
Apparently Haydée is 'torn between her loyalty for the Count and the love of her life' with said love of her life being.....guess who? Albert de Morcerf. There's no mention of a court scene so far where she accuses Fernand of being a traitorous officer and murdering her father, instead Edmond apparently gets her to seduce Albert but then Haydée falls in love with him for real? I once wrote a post complaining about this type of idea I've seen others mention as a "potential fix" for the plot but taking aside my issue with Albert/Haydée as a pairing in any sense, in this context it's almost doubly bizarre and I feel like the writers took so many different elements from the book, namely Albert's blind trust and admiration towards the Count and the forbidden love story between Maximilien and Valentine, and decided to go for a much more digestible change for the story, I guess? The actress who plays Haydée also mentions that she wants to "break free from the Count's psychological grip", which..... you can say a lot of stuff about Edmond/Haydée as an overall dynamic, particularly in him inserting her in his plan for revenge, but the big thing noted in the book is that Haydée makes the decision herself to testify against Fernand, and even thinks that the Count will disapprove of her for this. He also does genuinely care for her and wanted her to inherit everything he owns should he die.... the whole point of him taking her in is that he wanted her to have the life she was entitled to before Fernand's actions stripped it away from her.
The film also seems to have merged several different characters related to Villefort into one, namely Benedetto/Andrea and Bertuccio, since Andrea (in the film) is also under the Count's wing and seems to accompany him as a possible servant in some scenes. This isn't a bad idea in theory, though I'm pretty sure that he ends up dying when he goes after Villefort at the court house, so I presume he's also supposed to represent Edouard's death? My main question is when this scene even happens in the film because apparently, there's a final sword fight (likely the one between Fernand and Edmond), so the death that makes Edmond question his entire plot isn't even at the end of his plan?
This brings me to my next point which is why are Fernand and Edmond even doing a sword duel in the first place.... apparently the film has Fernand come from a rich family already, and he's known and been friends with Edmond prior to his imprisonment, so w/e, classic trope of CoMC adaptations at this point. But the duel and Haydée's 'seduction' plot just makes me think that for all the apparent attempts at centering her as a character more, these writers took out a significant scene related to her character that means a lot FOR her, namely the court scene, and instead centered Edmond's feelings of betrayal towards Fernand. I know that this is likely to also focus a lot on Edmond's lost life with Mercedes, but Fernand isn't even such a significant focus of Edmond's ire in the book as much as the other two men are.
The movie doesn't seem to end with Mercedes and Edmond getting back together, which I at least appreciate if this Edmond is "much darker" than even in the book, but if he isn't with her or isn't dead by the end, what exactly is the point of him going off alone? I presume this is the ending if Haydée/Albert are supposed to represent Maximilien/Valentine and the Count "gives them support" for being together, but Edmond was pretty much contemplating suicide until Haydée stopped him in the book. The point is that his focus on avenging the past was his only assumed reason for living, but there's a chance for him to simply live on with those who genuinely care about him as he is now. Without him trying to make amends through Maximilien and Valentine and Haydée indicating she will only live if he lives, I can't really see the film making a good argument for why Edmond wouldn't contemplate suicide instead of living on.
Apparently Villefort has a Bonapartist sister (I presume this character is meant to replace his father in the film) whom I also think Edmond saves from a shipwreck that has been shown in the trailers. I've zero clue how this movie is going to fit a new character in this while doing all of this to the other more significant characters, but that seems to be a general trend with this scriptwriter duo.
Only minor positive thing so far is that Eugenie IS included for once, and they didn't omit her being a lesbian.
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amugoffandoms · 10 months
Ahahaha i am making you talk about how the voting will affect kazui and yuno~~~
omg there's a gun im being threatened to talk about this oh no it's definitely not like I was planning on doing this anyway because I'm UNWELL ABOUT THEM AT 1 AM
How Voting Will Affect the Liars
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From the get-go, we already know they're pretty similar. They have references to a cat in their t2 MVs (A flash of a cat silhouette in Tear Drop and Cat. [And also the Dove eating])
We also have Yuno confirming this in her interrogation questions.
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Which prisoner is the most like you? Kazui is the only option.
The two of them are also related to theater.
Yuno mentions in one of her interrogation questions that she's a part of a theater club and half takes place at a theater.
Observant Pair
Yuno is able to point out lies while having a conversation. (See her catching Kazui lying about his type and Mikoto's smiling.) She's also pretty observant with all the relationships with the prisoners (Haruka & Muu, Shidou & Amane).
I'd say Kazui is also observant. I recall a timeline conversation he had with Fuuta about attacking a guard. He mentioned that the guard could have a gun or other weapons, which is why you would have to be careful when making decisions.
Now, here's where I get a little more assumptions and stuff and less concrete similarities, but I'm doing it because I love these characters a lot so it's okay!
They both have bad self-esteem/ issues.
Yuno's aren't especially prevalent in any of her voice dramas/songs, but just note that I'd feel like being told you're some little girl when you want to be thought as of yourself would be seriously bad for your mental health.
And, also, looking at current timeline conversations, she's been asking a lot if it was worth it to be born which haha girl you need therapy.
She does mention she wouldn't mind living her life over again, which sure, doesn't sound indicative of any problems, but considering how terrible it is to be dealing with people almost dying everyday and hearing people pretend you are lesser than who you are, pretending you are some little girl, I'd say it's pretty sound reasoning for some issues.
Kazui had a little, uh, how to call it, breakdown-ish over him lying his entire life.
E: In short – between love and hate, [I would say] I hate you. Remember that. K: … I get that. E: Huh? K: I despise myself for lying, too. Being a liar, you see – it’s painful. E: Heh. Then just– K: So I’ve tried to change! I’ve tried to change. I have tried to stop lying to myself and others! E: … K: I’ve confided in others. I’ve tried to be myself! I’ve tried to just be the way I was born! E: …Hey, Kazui– K: It’s not my lies that killed her. She’s dead because I stopped lying to her! If I had just kept lying- She wouldn’t have died…! E: Kazui… K: I can’t live unless I lie. That’s how I was born… I’m pathetic, aren’t I?
You can also take a look at a single interrogation question and see how terrible he's doing.
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Do you like yourself? I can't really say I do.
So, wowee they seriously need some therapy (sorry I'm trying to be lighthearted I'm still think about kazui's votes BAHAHSHDH also these two being my favorite characters of milgram is not a good sign for myself)
They would rather they never committed the murder.
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If you could turn back time, would you commit the same murder once again? I'd make sure that I won't have to commit it. That's it.
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Do you regret your "murder"? I do regret it. I should have kept lying.
(Voice Drama)
K: It’s not my lies that killed her. She’s dead because I stopped lying to her! If I had just kept lying- She wouldn’t have died…!
Love and Like
Now, this one is sort of hard to determine on Kazui's side, but they do seem to make some sort of clear distinction between love and Like.
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Difference between like and love? Isn't liking a state, and loving a feeling?
Cat MV
Maybe, perhaps… or… could it come true… like It’s for the sake of true love, who wouldn’t lie for that? . . .
Hey, so what if I said I liked-liked you, what would you do?
Kazui mentions true love (so, let's say romantic in this sense!) and I'll use liked-liked as just crushing.
Kazui says he lied (to protect his wife) because of true love. He mentions he likes someone because he was wondering about it.
Now, Kazui as a liar is pretty obvious. He mentions he's a liar, continue lying until you find the king of the masquerade, and shown as a magician (known for tricking and lying). He basically says he's lied for others.
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(please enjoy silly minigram)
Yuno has lied as well. Not in MILGRAM, of course. She has no reason to lie. I'd say moreso on the side of her work. She's lied to her clients about who she is because she wanted to satisfy her client. She dresses up (hey, is this a half reference why is there changing costumes in this /j) for each of her clients and lies to them just to satisfy them for the money.
Someone mentioned in a post I reblogged a while back that they both lied to satisfy others and that's what they did.
This same post was when I begin to realize how Kazui's voting will severely affect Yuno.
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So, this is the part of the post you've all be waiting for.
The Voting.
Now, luckily for Yuno, she's innocent! Haha, woo!!
We'll talk more about that later.
Kazui's voting is interesting to say the least! (Please don't look at my last posts to see how crazy I went please vote him innocent anyways)
To me, Kazui's vote feels like would you forgive a liar who has come clean, who has begun to show their true self to you?
Kazui is beginning to reveal himself to us, to show the person underneath the lies, the costumes, and the masquerade masks.
He's trying to be honest again! For the first time since his wife's death, he's trying to show the truth and let Es reveal him for who he is: a liar, a liar who is trying to be their true self.
Now, let's reflect on Yuno for a moment.
Let's recall one of the main objections to Yuno's voting last round. She didn't like being voted innocent because of how much they tried to justify her actions and act like she's such a poor, innocent girl who only did it because she's never felt love. She couldn't believe she was voted innocent because of that! Because of lies she had made up for her clients. (Shove that, in Kazui's words lol)
She wants Es to judge not because she's pitiful but because they believe it is a correct judgment to decide. To use logic instead of half-baked opinions on herself.
She wants Es to see her true self, someone who isn't pitiful, someone who did it because she wanted to.
See the line of connection?
They both want Es to see them for who they are, not for their lies.
Now, reflecting on the current voting, let's look at Yuno.
Even after her telling us/Es not to pity her, apparently some people still acted like she was an innocent girl. And even then, we all sort of chalked her up as abortion girlboss (GUYS please she's so much more than that head in hands places hand on wall) AND, hey, I'm not saying I'm immune to this, my reaction to her was pretty much the same. I'd vote her innocent no matter the reason (I love her character or that her murder is forgivable to me, even with the pregnancy entrapment theory)
But, she's more than that. She's more than a single action she's done.
But, somehow we missed that while we voted and made our decision.
We decided she was just a single action she's done made from her lies. She was trying to make sure we'd see her as herself, not a single thing we did.
And we didn't! We voted her innocent because she's a pitiable girl who has done nothing wrong.
So, wowed, strike one for us, Failure to Vote for One's True Self.
We voted for a single part about her and disregarded everything else because it was easy.
We didn't let her show us for who she is.
Now, Kazui time!
I've already mentioned previously that Kazui wants to show his true self to us, so I won't regurgitate stuff you already know.
Now, I feel like it's sort of clear that people don't care too much about that. More on the fact that he could have stopped at any time. (He wanted to tell the truth on his terms. Divorce is also a pretty bad look on you in Japan so I've heard.) He wanted to protect his wife, okay, cool cool.
He still wants Es to reveal his true self. (And, judging from the guilty verdicts, I don't think that'll work, that'll just make them worse in the long run.)
Also, quick tangent: This sounds familiar. Why does this voting seem like we've done this before as if we wanted to reveal their true self as if we wanted to show them their sins.. anywho
And, by giving Kazui a guilty verdict, we're only further proving that we don't give a damn about wanting to know about his true self, only that he lied to his wife, disregarding any of his own feelings related to the matter. We don't care about him wanting to be hinest.
We're proving we don't care about his true self, only his actions.
So, now it's strike two! Failure to Allow Someone to their True Self.
So, yeah, isn't that fun? We failed to vote for someone's true self and failed to let them even be that.
So, why do I think Kazui's voting will affect Yuno?
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Well, they're pretty similar, we know that.
They both are liars who have lied to satisfy others in a sense.
Kazui's voting is to see if we can allow someone to be their true self and be honest about themselves. He was beginning to do that when he took off his ring.
Kazui getting voted guilty means that we don't really care about their true self and their feelings, only their actions matter. None of their circumstances matter. (Hey, reduction of punishment by extenuating circumstances? What in the world, how did you get in here I thought that was only a Yuno thing)
Yuno is trying to show that she wants to be seen as her true self and we're forcing this man to continue lying.
So, guess what? Yuno probably won't show her true self if we're failing to even let someone be honest and vote based on their true self.
Yuno wants to be seen for who she is. And, it seems like we have an odd aversion to that.
So, Yuno will never find the warmth that will allow her to be true, to be herself. Hey, maybe she could die trying to be herself, who knows?
All we know is that we're deciding if someone's true self is worth seeing.
Judging by the current votes and what our judgments are based upon, Yuno will never be able to be herself. We have decided that it's not worth seeing anyway.
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deusvervewrites · 4 months
When you think about it, the current situation between the state of Jujutsu Kaisen and MHA are really similar. Both Shonen are reaching their end points, with MHA having one more arc to go and JJK having maybe two more. They’ll both end by end of year. Both fandoms are actively imploding: MHA fans are either writing fanfic to deal with Horikoshi’s questionable writing decisions (to be fair, he has to deal with Jump editors) or just coping. (Ask 1/2, I’m running out of space)
Jujutsu Kaisen fans are either coping extremely hard (search up lobotomy Kaisen for context) or just practically praying that Gege fixes the story. Both authors are trying to finish the story up fast. Gege is trying to finish so that they can write their idol manga (yes, really) and earlier, Horokoshi is done with the jump editors. The problems plaguing both manga are even similar, with Horokoshi’s villains being boring and him killing off to many people, and Gege’s villains… (ask 2/3) …Are also boring AF, with the equivalent of the HPSC or even Overhaul, (Kenjaku, who’s as immortal as AFO but actually smart), being replaced as BBEG by Sukuna, who STILL has not had his backstory explained. (And is as dull as AFO.) The only difference is that Gege has killed too many characters for us to care, while the stakes that Horokoshi has put up aren’t all that engaging. (And again, so many pacing issues.) Thankfully Gege seems to be back to writing well, but only after a THREE WEEK …Break. ( sorry, my last ask got sent in early.) With all that said, what do you think about both series? And what do you think either author could do to fix it? (So sorry that my asks are this long, this got longer than I expected, and I didn’t know Tumblr had a character cap) (Ask 3/4)
I never got into Jujutsu Kaisen. I have no idea what it's fandom is doing and I'm not really invested in finding out since I'm not reading that manga. However, I do know enough to weigh in on Sukuna. The reason I hate AFO being an idiotic cardboard cutout is because of how he was built up, and how MHA has other characters represent societal failings, but AFO doesn't. How AFO steals the screentime from the far more compelling Shigaraki.
Sukuna, from my understanding, was always the main antagonist. After all, the series starts with him possessing the protagonist. Additionally, JJK takes many cues from Naruto--which makes sense, as they're both highly influenced by Hunter x Hunter. And Sukuna serves a very similar role to the Nine Tailed Fox in Naruto, but where Kurama eventually came around, Sukuna doesn't. All media is a conversation.
Like, Sukuna is the Evil Curse. Isn't he called The King of Evil Curses or something? Why wouldn't I assume he's the main antagonist, when he's introduced the way he is and given such weighty titles like that and remains a constant threat through the entire story?
I'm sure an actual JJK fan could give a more nuanced take on it though.
As for fixing MHA? You can't. And I'm fine with that. The problems I have with MHA are things that either have to have never happened (the OFA Kills Quirked Wielders bullshit) or needs a total rewrite (the HPSC not being a major antagonist before their destruction). However, Horikoshi already laid the groundwork for all of the things I want rewritten. I don't necessarily need to see Midoriya fight the HPSC to know that they're bad and that he's making a point about government seizing control of bodily autonomy being bad, or that celebrity culture leads to unsustainable pressure and putting people on unrealistic pedestals. Horikoshi has already made those points.
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abysskeeper · 6 months
What is that draws you to Ruby x Oscar? (I mean it on a 'pls infodump me' vibe.)
I enjoy committing to the bit of less popular ships in RWBY and suffering the consequences
@flytehwire Ok, seriously, to answer this properly I need to explain something about myself. When I am looking for character pairings, I am looking for, in order of importance: 1. Harmonious themes and rhetoric, 2. Character interactions, and 3. Other, extenuating factors. While other factors can sometimes determine how I view a pairing (romantic/platonic/friend/familial/etc) and character interactions can override the thematic element, I am primarily looking for those sweet, sweet story beats.
So, when you give me two kids carrying the weight of massive legacies they feel they have to fulfill, stepping into leadership roles neither were prepared for, and throw in a smattering of identity issues to boot? Yeah, I'm hooked 100%. These two are important to each other on a base narrative level, before even considering we see they're important to each other in their interactions throughout the show. Their arcs mirror each other, but are different enough that they compliment each other and are not going through the exact same thing.
By which I mean, both are struggling with the very same things listed above, but slightly to the left of each other to make them different enough that it makes them both unique and interesting in their own rights. For sake of time and ease of answering, I'm not going to fully cite my sources, but it became increasingly apparent (especially through v9) that Ruby's whole issue is attempting to follow the legacies of those from before her, starting with the general, Hunter/Huntress ideal and the heroes of stories in the early volumes, and then moving over to the SEWs and her mother in the later volumes. A lot of untangling in this personal arc for her revolves around reconciling the fairy tales she believed in and what is being asked of her in reality, and then determining who she is and what she stands for when it becomes apparent those ideals are more lofty dreams and reality is much more complicated. In essence, Ruby's arc is finding who she was when stripped of everything she believed as a child, and we saw that exactly throughout v9 ("What are you?" // "What is a Huntress?" ultimately boil down to "Who is Ruby Rose?")
Oscar, conversely, I would argue, already had some sense of who he was at the start. Sure, he may have wanted more and was unable to voice exactly what "more" was, but he's young...who honestly knew what they wanted to do with their life when they were 14? Regardless, his arc is less about asking who he is and is more about the fear of losing himself entirely now that he's part of the Ozcarnation line--and thus, it's also more about proving who he is to the world around him as everyone else assumes he's just another copy/paste of Oz. Oscar had to have a strong handle of his own identity at the start simply in order to beat the "he's just Ozpin" allegations, which he eventually did do (with some help from Oz's disappearing act).
And that isn't to say that there aren't echoes of each other's themes as well. Ruby very much does lose herself and must reassert who she is at her core (most evident in v9, but definitely starting in v7). Oscar very much does have to figure out who he is in the Ozcarnation line and how he specifically wants to handle situations (most prominent in the "Her name...is Jinn" decision in v6 and his actions through v7, but also metatextually hinted at when he talks to Ironwood at the end of v7 holding himself and acting like Ozpin, and then getting shot, and then in v8 when he tries to act like Ozma and Salem directly calls him out. It's almost like fate is punishing him because he's supposed to think and act like Oscar, and not try to be those who came before him...). And I think ultimately that's what makes them fun for me, they revolve around this overarching theme of identity in the face of legacies and destinies and leadership and each take a piece to compliment the other.
Of course, that doesn't mean they have to be romantic. And that's correct, they don't! Full transparency, I honestly wasn't fully onboard with Rosegarden until the end of v7/start of v8. Oscar's blush at getting rescued was the first time I felt fully vindicated over a ship, but the ending of v7 is really the beginning for the end of me I think. It was at that point where it became apparent their themes were merging and then splitting off again into the projected trajectories they're on now. And, in terms of interaction, throughout v7 and v8, Ruby and Oscar are shown repeatedly to be in sync with each other and trusting each other (even when they don't necessarily agree with each other!) All of those moments for me boiled down to one single, striking fact: because of what they're going through and how similar each struggle was, Ruby and Oscar to me are the only two characters in the show who could understand each other on a deeper level.
(And as an aside, the release of 'Until the End' and 'Fear' being the last two songs of that volume, and clearly being a Ruby song and an Oscar song respectively, completely altered my brain chemistry. That's a separate 3k essay, but the call and response between 'Fear's' "Who will you see there in the darkness? // When no one is watching who will you be? When you're afraid and everything changes will you see a stranger? // Feel proud or betrayed?" vs 'Until the End's' "I promise I’ll be here until...Our story has been told // 'Til our bodies break down every door // 'Til we find what we’ve been looking for // And stare with pride into the face of fear // In our finest hour, I’ll be standing here // And should we fall to darkness // This power, I will harness // I promise I’ll be here until the end" just does things to me on a personal level).
Others come close. Jaune and Weiss both have similar arcs about breaking legacies as well (Weiss with her family and Jaune with...presumably his family, if not his personal views on what he should be and on his promises to Pyrrha), but they're both on a far more personal and less world-shaping level than Ruby and Oscar. Blake as well, with reclaiming her identity, but that as well is a little more personal and also more about regaining what was "stolen" by Adam, so to speak, than finding herself altogether. And Penny is more about learning everything altogether and learning about who she can and cannot trust more than about who she is at her core. And, as an aside, I am a multi-shipper. I do like several of these pairings with Ruby, and Oscar and Penny is an utterly fascinating concept to me.
The reason why Ruby and Oscar come out on top for me is because at the end of the day, they're still the only two who can understand and empathize with each other on the deepest level. They're the two that appear to be entirely in sync with each other. And they're also the two currently slated to be running the show in the next generation. And if there's one thing I love more than seeing my power couple ships completely in love, it's seeing those two characters entirely and implicitly understanding and trusting each other.
This is of course glossing over a lot too. Their scenes together are often pretty striking: the dojo scene in v5 (Oscar admitting he's scared, Ruby for the first time really opening up about Penny and Pyrrha at The Fall of Beacon), the cane scene in v6 (Ruby being the only one to comfort Oscar and reaffirm that he isn't Oz), Oscar's panic during the fight with Cordo, like...every scene they had in v7, Oscar's blush in v8 and the almost hug that wasn't, and of course, THE scene in v9 (and another 3k essay could be written on why that had to be Oscar, though most of the starting points on my opinion for that are above). They also have some other dichotomies going on in their rhetoric, with the silver/gold symbolism and the sun/moon symbolism; and the extra info in the show with the "Warrior in the Woods" fairy tale and Oscar's allusion to the Little Prince. But several other people have written far better analyses on those than I could ever do currently, and this is getting long enough as is.
But yeah, tl;dr thematically and rhetorically complimentary kids just trying to do their best, figure themselves out, and save the world? Yeah, I wanna see them cuddle and comfort and rely on each other in the way they only can with the other.
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veliseraptor · 9 months
If you haven't done so already, do you have any particular headcanons for Xiao Xingchen?
I've always seen him as a very interesting character, from his fife as the pupil of an inmortal master, to his views about the world. I specially find the image of the folk hero he seems to have incredibly appealing, although I feel it gets left behind in the background of the story. But what do you think?
boy do I!!! I have a stack of Xiao Xingchen headcanons that just might together stack up longer than the entire yi city arc in canon. I have long experience with building a large edifice of headcanon upon a relatively slim amount of actual text, and I have spent a lot of time thinking about Xiao Xingchen. I'm sure this comes as a complete surprise to everyone.
one important headcanon to me is the sort of...pair that Xiao Xingchen is a very sociable and extroverted person, and he has major abandonment issues. I feel like the first one is something where the perception is otherwise because he's not exactly boisterous and he has this "untouchable immortal" reputation following him around making him out to be something more than human (which also renders him less than human, but I've talked about that before).
but Xiao Xingchen loves people, I think - he believes in people, yes, but he also just generally genuinely likes them. he likes to talk to people. now, this doesn't always mean he's good at it - the other thing about Xiao Xingchen is that he's kind of weird and socially graceless - but he's a very friendly person by nature.
this makes his utter isolation post-baixue even sadder, because I don't think it's because he can't make connections, or doesn't want to - I think he's not letting himself try. he's cut himself off from trying to make friends. prior to that I think people tend to hold him at a distance, because other people perceive him as untouchable/distant and project that onto how they interact with him, and if they do interact with him he's weird and socially graceless which can be a turn-off for further interaction. afterwards he's just doing the same.
and meanwhile! all this is happening and Xiao Xingchen is in a state of continual low-level homesickness (the world is harder and meaner than he thought it would be, he can never go home, he genuinely believes in his decision to descend but also it hurts sometimes), and he has his one companion who is the best ever but even so...that's one person and I think Xiao Xingchen craves more connection than that. but because of who he is and who he's chosen to be, he doesn't have that community that he desperately misses, and he's not willing to compromise himself in order to find it the simplest way (i.e. by joining a sect).
the dream of creating a sect is, I think, a little more Xiao Xingchen's than Song Lan's - not that Song Lan's not in favor of the idea, but I think he'd be more content without it, continuing to be independent, than Xiao Xingchen is. but he also has his temple to go home to (until he doesn't).
and for extra spicy fun my headcanon has always been that Xiao Xingchen is very tactile while Song Lan is...the opposite, and while Xiao Xingchen would never complain and might not even acknowledge it to himself, he is perfectly content with the non-physical state of their relationship, of course, he would like to be cuddled and that's just not something Song Lan generally feels up to doing.
and then!! and then Song Lan lashes out at Xiao Xingchen, pushing him away, and the closest person Xiao Xingchen has to home is torn away from him, and then his actual home is taken away again (because he goes back for Song Lan only to have to leave again, really forever this time), and he's on his own wallowing in guilt and self-loathing and very determinedly being Alone until a-Qing shows up and basically goes "mine now" and adopts Xiao Xingchen as very much hers. A-Qing is so important for the way that she walks into Xiao Xingchen's self-imposed solitude and just moves in without taking no for an answer. that's, I think, part of why Xiao Xingchen loves her so much.
but after Song Lan there's definitely a low key assumption for Xiao Xingchen, I think, that people will leave him eventually. I think he always tended toward a little bit of clinginess, but after he gives up his eyes that clinginess both increases exponentially and also becomes an exercise in intense self-denial. he won't let himself be clingy with the people he cares about even if that is what he desperately wants to be. nobody would want to live with us in this coffin house.
there's an exchange that I'm really quite proud of in The Care and Keeping of an Unexpected Captive:
“You like - you like feeling like a hero. Like you’re - saving the world, all the pathetic people too weak to save themselves, there’s you, righteously battling evil, kind, generous–” Words that would be compliments from someone else Xue Yang spat like insults. Xiao Xingchen drew back. “That’s not it,” he protested. “I don’t care who knows me, or if anyone does. I’m not looking for fame or glory–” “No,” Xue Yang said, his voice harsh, “you just want people to love you.”
and I don't think Xue Yang is wrong. he's not 100% right either - Xiao Xingchen does believe in his mission, and does just genuinely want to help people and do the right thing.
but he also really, really, really wants to be loved, and is very afraid that he won't be.
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papabearbobbynash · 4 days
Hi there papabearbobbynash, love the name btw 😄 I've been lurking around tumblr and instagram trying to look for good news in the finale and I can't take it anymore so hii.. what do you think will happen to bobby? Is there any news about peter or angela leaving the show? I feel like peter and angela have become a package deal because their story is joined together. It wouldn't work if one of them is leaving without the other. So I worry that what if the cliffhanger is Athena's life is in danger because she was looking for an answer and something happens to her and both peter and angela are leaving the show. 😭😭 but would abc really bought 911 from fox without its 2 biggest stars?
Hi anon,
Hi thank you the name is just stating a fact, Bobby is papa bear, although i could do without the p*** blogs messaging me ashgdfh </3
Now answering your questions.
In my opinion i believe both will survive, ofc the promo has been done really well, because even if you expect them to not kill the character, you're left with the feeling "wouldn't they, right?" I mean, it really had me having second thoughts about Bobby for a second, more like "trust issues" with the way they build up the entire arc and the promos (they've been playing with us).
But i'm holding myself on the thought that it wouldn't make sense for ABC to buy the show and then write out two of their leads, because yes this is a ensemble show, but there are clearly the leads (Angela, PK and Jennifer), and ABC seems to be trying to make sure the new audience knows that (the heaviest storylines this season surrounded them). Plus why change a winning formula? The show is doing very good rn, so it doesn't make sense for them to try change, unless this is a decision of the actors, but even if PK or AB decided to leave the show, they are co-producers, so surely they would be here and there from times to times. So far there is no news of Angela and PK leaving.
Now, talking a bit about Bobby, I believe he will survive, and won't step back or retire. Yes he probably will be on desk dury for a couple of episodes, but not permantetly. I'm really sure about that because I feel like a decision he took in a moment of crisis, when he was feeling unworthy of living, wouldn't be taken by the writers as a valid narrative for him. It doesn't make sense for his journey to have him step back and retire when that was something he only decided because he was spiraling.
About Athena, lord i'm so uncertain. I doubt they will kill her, but the writers are surely making bathena go through it this season and I don't doubt they could pull out some uno reverse card next season and we get a parallel with Bobby sitting in her bedside or something.
I'm really excited for the episode, and very happy tomorrow is a holiday here so i don't need to go work and can go full spiral the whole day aksjdhfghj
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deadlysoupy · 8 months
Could you tell me more about IDW Bumblebee, I found people rarely talk about him pre-ghost era. English is not my native language and IDW got so many hard word and advanced theme, even when I read them in my mother language i understand 78% what they are talking about at best 😿
oh i got you dude. there is definitely something about the wording that confuses me sometimes too, it takes energy to fully comprehend what everyone is saying. glad i wasn't the only one thinking that! (beware long post below)
before becoming Cybertron's "assigned" ruler, Bumblebee didn't even appear much in the early days of idw, he just kinda popped up here and there, most notably spying on the decepticons. only when the autobots start to work with humans does he get involved, and eventually pressured into a leader position when Optimus surrenders to the humans who want to work together, but truthfully just using them for their own gain
so the humans (if they are in some kind of organisation that actually has a name i don't remember so i'll just continue referring to them like that) propose a "cooperation" for the autobots to capture decepticons or any rogue transformers in exchange for their safety
this is where Bumblebee shines, in my opinion, as best as he can in a leader position. at this point Rodimus (i THINK he isn't Hot Rod anymore) leaves because he can't stand working for the humans and tries to find a way to get off Earth (that doesn't go well) so Bee is basically left as the only one in charge. poor guy didn't even want to be a leader and to be perfectly honest idw tries to push this way too hard since he's really not this. he's the support guy, the one who can level the situation, but leading does not come easily for him
anyway, the tipping point comes when humans order autobots to capture Blurr, who was just hanging around and literally not hurting anyone, so when Bee decides "fuck it we're not gonna out one of our own" he stands his ground and shows that the autobots won't be pushed around. a bunch of stuff happens. i forgor. Optimus Prime returns and they arrange a team to fly off to Cybertron, leaving Bumblebee and a couple of others to wait
they hang out, Bee gets to be a scout for one issue (Spotlight: Bumblebee (how do i remember this??)) and captures a few decepticons while others space-bridge out of Earth to Cybertron. and then they?? go to Cybertron???? i think
and from here on out Bumblebee is part of Cybertronian government and it's the entire Robots in Disguise thing. it's pretty cool i like RID 👉👈
so! for characterization! my personal take is that idw focuses way too much on external plot than on internal character development (the whole get off Earth and cooperate with humans plot). like, i get it, you have to have story to progress, but it's like Bumblebee isn't Bumblebee anymore, he's just a device and a Representative of the autobots to rule. anyone else would have been a solid leader, but the voting showed him to have the most Leader position?? out of all of them??? he didn't even appear much before this arc. i LIKE that he gets attention, he's my favourite character, but it doesn't have to be him. idk
but sure, we'll move on from that. what i actually like is how he changes from A Background Character Who Seems Nice to Holy Shit I Have Trauma. he gets progressively fucked up as the story goes on, especially in RID (or is it exRID????? i can never remember), taking several unethical actions under pressure when everyone expects you to make a decision and then everyone gets mad at you for making it. i get it little guy. fuck them up i say
trying to be kind in his position is really hard when everyone is at each other's throats, when your government is collapsing, when you seem like you have the upper hand but then something horrible happens. but Bumblebee still tries to make right and just decisions, even when most public would be against him
and then he gets almost killed by Megatron in a coup! that's fun. i'm kidding i actually really like the transition from cute little Bumblebee to Goldbug (even if it was for only a couple of issues). he wasn't the same person before, and now it's solidified that he's different on the outside too
while i have you i can cry about his death which is so so so good and meaningful - it literally drives Megatron to become an autobot - but then it never goes anywhere except Starscream's arc!!!!! Megatron never mentions Bumblebee (as far as i know!) and how he's actually made such an impact on Cybertron and Megatron and his entire arc. like!!!!!! still makes my blood boil
but that's it for pre-ghost Bee! he's neat, i love him, starbee is the best, send tweet
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twiceasfrustrating · 1 year
For a request
Could you do Diavolo/Lucifer angst where they are arguing and Satan and Belphie overhears
Rating: General Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Gen
Fandom: Shall We Date?: Obey Me!
Characters: Diavolo, Lucifer, Belphegor, Satan
Additional Tags: angst, pre-exchange program, that means these brothers are dysfunctional, swearing 
Summary: Belphegor overhears Lucifer and Diavolo talking about the upcoming exchange program -- or rather, his reaction to it.
A/N: I'm taking a few liberties with this one because it gave me an idea.
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"-talk to him."
"His issues are past the point of talking.  If he's left to his own devices he'll sabotage the entire program."
"He's a child acting out. He serves no threat to-"
"Lucifer!" Diavolo barked. "He may be your youngest brother, but he is not a child. His words and actions have consequences and he cannot avoid them."
"Please," Lucifer begged in a voice so quiet it barely seeped through the cracked door, "give me the chance to talk to him before you make a decision. I'll convince him to change his mind."
"You won't, but I would never deny my old friend the right to try." Diavolo's sigh was too exaggerated and heavy. "You have a week to convince him. After that, I'll consider his words and actions to be treason and I'll deal with him accordingly."
"I understand…"
Belphie didn't stick around long enough to hear the rest of the conversation, slipping away the second he heard Diavolo's footsteps coming toward the door. He didn't need to hear more than he already had to know that they were talking about him and that Lucifer wasn't willing to stand up for him against Diavolo. Sure, he'd paid the idea lip service by asking Diavolo to reconsider, but it was to give him more time to sway Belphie to their ideology rather than understand his own. 
It was clear Lucifer wouldn't be standing up for him against his precious prince . 
"You look awful."
Belphegor turned his head from where he was sitting in a daze upon the unmade bed in the guestroom.
Satan was standing in the open doorway, staring at where his younger brother sat with an unreadable expression. 
"Shut up," Belphie said curtly.
Satan's face twisted into a disconcerting smile that was clearly hiding his boiling rage at his brother's sharp, insolent tongue. "I wasn't planning to talk anyway. I was just going to remind you to stay out of that room before Lucifer catches you snooping around." He shrugged. "Then again, you'd probably like having that prick on your ass."
He was the baby brother , after all. Lucifer spoiled him to no end and Belphie readily accepted it.
"Fuck Lucifer," Belphie spit out.
Satan raised a single eyebrow at his brother. "Did you two have a fight or something?"
"No." He wished it was just a fight. Fights happened all the time in families, but you could get past them. Feeling betrayed by someone you cared about and claimed to care about you though? That cut deeper. "I finally saw him for what he is."
Satan looked skeptical for a brief moment, but seemed to accept that someone else in the house finally understood his hatred of Lucifer.
"Will you leave me alone now?"
"Whatever." Satan shrugged. "Have fun with whatever you're upset about. If you're still angry at Lucifer later, feel free to find me. There are way more options to ruin his life if there are two of us now."
As Satan's footsteps faded into the distance, Belphie collapsed onto the unmade bed. 
Soon there would be a human Belphegor didn't want sleeping in this very place. Their vile stench would seep into the fabric and cling to every possible thing. The thought made his muscles twitch and lips curl back in a snarl. 
How dare they welcome a human into his home. It was their fault that his sister was gone and he seemed to be the only one that remembered that anymore. Even Lucifer had forgotten the agony of her loss, but Belphie never could.
The human hadn't come yet and he was already cursing their very existence. If he had his way, they would know just how much he despised them. They would lament ever having been born. He would see to that.
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eleganzadellarosa · 8 months
Business Before Pleasure
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Part 1
💕 pairing: Cha Eun Woo x fem!reader, Cha Eun Woo x OC
✨ genres: Dark Romance, CEO!au, eventual smut
💕 summary: After losing your job, you pursue your dream of working as a secretary. What you thought would be a piece of cake, turns into more because your boss is a POS
✨ author’s note: This fic is based off of an IG pause game lol. This will be a multi part fic so I will upload them as I write. If you would like to be tagged when I upload, please leave a comment! This first part is short but I hope the following parts will be over 2K words. Thank you for reading and enjoy your day <3 P.S the pictures I'll be using for this are not what the character looks like, just as reference to their style or personality.
💕 word count: 2.26K
To say you hated your job was an understatement. You had been working as an at home event planner, only visiting the office for important meetings or to meet with certain clients. It's been 3 years since you started working for the company and to think you bared through the stress for this long should be counted as an achievement. Truthfully you stayed for the pay. Yes it wasn't amazing but it paid your bills and anything else necessary so it slightly outweighed the cons. Tonight however, you regretted your tenacity with how the woman on the other end was yelling at you. She complained and complained about how her entire event was ruined because of a simple mistake that wasn't even on the company’s part but she felt the need to be compensated.
"Yes ma'am, I understand the problem you're having and I'm doing my best to help you. However, I am only able to do that if you stop yelling."
That only seemed to fuel her anger more and she blurted some obscenities before hanging up on you. You rolled your eyes and looked over at the time. It was already 9:45 pm aka 45 minutes past your time to get off. You sucked your teeth and quickly clocked out before shutting down your computer and standing to stretch your legs. Punctuality was one of your biggest traits, especially when it came to your meals but with you staying over time, you had no energy to stand and make yourself dinner. Takeout was your best bet now and as you scrolled through the many options available, an email notification pops up on your screen. You cringed when you saw it was from your boss and already knew why he bothered emailing you so late.
He was an asshole to say the least. He always treated his employees like crap and would penalize them whenever they worked overtime. He especially seemed to hate you for some reason and you were never really sure why. You open the email and read its contents, predicting what you would see, only to be utterly shocked.
Dear Ms. Meng,
I am regretfully emailing you to inform you that due to complaints and interactions with your client tonight, we will unfortunately have to terminate your contract with us. At this time we are unable to reconsider this decision. We hope that you will succeed in your future endeavors.
Best Regards,
A.P Wilson
This could NOT be happening, especially after you took the time out to try and help her as best as you could with an issue that wasn't even your fault. You never received client complaints, so she would be the first and apparently last. You immediately scrolled through your contacts and selected your boss' number and gave him a call.
"Ah Ms. Meng I expected you to call. Unfortunately as I said in my email, the decision is not up for discussion."
"Mr. Wilson" you put on your best fake smile even though he couldn't see it on the other end of the call. "Would you care to inform me how one complaint from a client lead to my termination? Don't you think that's a bit much?"
"A bit much? You were 45 minutes over time with a client you weren't even being considerate to. She said you yelled at her and didn't help her at all. What am I, as a good boss, supposed to take from that?"
"I don't know, maybe ask your employee first before you just let them go? But I forgot, you have your head so far up your ass that you are so busy worrying about paying your employees extra for overtime that you didn't notice that she tried to get a full refund and then some for an issue that wasn't even our faults! Fuck you and fuck this company!"
You didn't even bother to hear what else he had to say and hung up. This job was never really worth it and maybe now you could get an office job that you actually preferred with a boss that you actually liked, no matter how hard those are to come by. You sat on your bed with your brows furrowed and tossed your phone to the other end. You were pissed and now you didn't even want dinner.
Flopping onto your stomach at the other end of your bed, you picked up your phone and immediately typed in a job searching website. Office jobs were common and shouldn't be that hard to find, yet after scrolling through almost 20 pages and finding nothing, you ended your search early. It was only the first day and unemployment should process quickly so you had a few months before you were flat broke. Surrendering to the growling in your stomach, you settle on some tacos for the night.
There was no point in sitting at home sulking when you could be enjoying your unintentional vacation. You never had much time for your friends before, so now was best to call them up to hang out. It was a unanimous decision on meeting at a cafe to chat and have some decent coffee.
"Hey girly!" your best friend Priya called out to you, wrapping an arm around you as she approached. "This is great, finally some time to yourself and time for me!"
Priya has been your best friend since high school. She was your ride or die, there for you whenever you needed her. She was on the much more outgoing side personality wise, but you liked that about her, it helped you get out of your comfort zone. To say this friendship was a blessing would be a severe understatement. You were grateful for her and so was she for you.
"How are you handling everything?"
"I'm doing great actually. I'm going to take this as a sign to go for what I really want." You push the door open for her and allow her to walk in.
"Optimistic as always. We love a consistent girl like you Faye."
A few minutes later, two more friends, Liz and Ada, popped into the cafe and happily rushed over to where you and Priya sat. You slid over to make space on your end of the booth for Ada to fit.
"Someone must have sold their soul to get this girl out." Ada says, bumping her shoulder against yours.
"Haha no, I actually got fired."
The whole table spent about 10 minutes cursing out your boss and praising how much of a good worker you were. As much as you hated how everything was handled, you were telling the truth when you said you were fine.
"Actually, one of my friends from college works at this business and they're looking for a new secretary. If you want, I can hook you up with all the info." Liz interrupts the "boss bashing" and you focus solely on what she has to say. "And I heard the boss is super hot."
You laughed and shook your head. She was always trying to be the matchmaker of the group and almost always ended up failing. You appreciated her efforts though, you haven't had a boyfriend or any love interests since highschool. Boys weren't really on your mind since you broke up with your last one, he was just like every other douchebag guy you knew of.
"Actually Liz, I'm going to have to take you up on that offer. Can you ask your friend if she minds that I have her number? I want to ask her about a few things before I apply."
She quickly nodded and immediately got to typing on her phone.
This was it. Your dream job coming true before your eyes and you didn't know how to handle the happiness. It checked off all the marks you wanted and then some. Sure there were a few things you didn't like about the job but nevertheless, it was what you wanted and you didn't let the chance pass you by.
Today your interview was scheduled for "noon sharp" as the secretary informed you just a few days before. You were all about great first impressions, so you made sure to be here 15 minutes early.
The building was huge and slightly overwhelming. You walked through the revolving doors that lead to the large space. It made you feel important and like the characters you would see on dramas that scanned their key cards to get past the turnstile gates.
There was a middle aged fair skinned woman sitting at a large desk on which the words "information" was read, with a phone between her face and shoulder.
"Hello, can I help you?" She looks at you with a bubbly smile, teeth pearly white.
"Yes, I have an interview with EWX"
"Oh yes, they're expecting you. Take this elevator on the left and go to the 4th floor."
You silently thanked her and waved goodbye as she took another call. The more the elevator ascended, the more your anxiety rose. It's been years since you were last on an interview and you suddenly felt like you left all your experience and skills with your old job. The elevator dinged when it reached the 4th floor and the two doors opened. There was another woman at the front desk on this floor and she smiled when she saw you.
"You must be Faye, here for the interview?"
"I am! Do I need to sign in?"
"Not at all, go ahead and take a seat and they'll be out here shortly."
You sat in the small waiting area for about 5 minutes before you heard someone call your name. When you turned around and looked, there was a girl, seemingly around your age looking over the front desk to see where you sat. Admittedly you were short, but she looked past you as if expecting to see someone a bit older.
"Oh, you're Faye?"
"Yes, I am." You chuckled and put your hand out to shake hers.
She sneered and hesitated to shake your hand. "Wonderful.” She says, sarcasm heavily laced in her voice “Right this way."
You didn't want to think negatively about her behavior but there was only one way to assess it. That's not what you were here for though and you wouldn't let it affect your professionalism. When you entered the interview room, there were two other people there; a man and another woman.
The interview went well. They asked you about yourself, your work history and how you found out about this position. They appeared to be pleased with your answers and said they would be contacting you within the next few days.
The first girl you met eventually introduced herself as Ashley and walked you back out to the waiting room.
"Don't get your hopes up, the boss doesn't really like people like you and most people don't last long."
You looked at her as you pressed the button for the elevator. "Do you mind elaborating on 'people like me'?" She was leaving a bad taste in your mouth but you gave her one last chance to turn it around.
"You know, extremely bubbly, overzealous. Just stop trying so hard and maybe you'll have a chance."
You wanted to roll your eyes. She obviously either has a crush on this man or secretly fucks him and thinks she's better than everyone else, but you bet money it was the former. "Well Ashley, I guess we'll just have to see if the boss wants 'someone like me' to be a breath of fresh air after dealing with someone like you." The elevator opened as you finished your sentence and you stepped in. "Have a great day!"
It's been 3 days since you last spoke with them and the weekend was quickly approaching. It was only your first interview so you knew not to put all your eggs in one basket, but you really wanted for it to work out.
You stood at the stove, phone propped up against your toaster as you made yourself a quick lunch. "I'm so excited to hear back from them whether they want me or not."
"I'm glad you're looking on the bright side and not letting it get you down." Ada praises your optimism and confidence.
"Same and for not letting that jealous bitch get to your head." Priya added.
"I'm sorry if they say no, I'm going to feel like it's my fault for even mentioning it." You looked over and saw a pout on Liz's face.
"Aww Lizzie, don't feel that way. I'm actually so much more eager about finding this type of work so this interview was a big step."
Just then, a number you don't have saved rings your line and you quickly put your friends on hold to answer it.
"Yes, is this Ms. Meng?"
"Yes, speaking!"
"Oh great, this is Sabrina with EWX, I was just letting you know that we would like to offer you the position. Are you still interested?"
"That would be wonderful!"
"Great! We would love for you to come in this Monday to get a fresh start and learn the ropes. Is that too sudden?"
"Not at all! Thank you again for this opportunity and I will see you all Monday!"
"Wonderful, it was a pleasure speaking with you Ms. Meng and we'll see you Monday!"
You quickly switched back over to the group call with your friends and they immediately knew of the great news with the huge smile you wore. They all screamed, clapped and congratulated you.
You never expected to get over this big hump so quickly but you were no less than grateful. This was big for you and you couldn't wait to see what your new job had in store.
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animehouse-moe · 10 months
Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 Episode 4: Hidden Inventory 4
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Every week this comes around, and every week I hesitate on doing this. I know it's bad, you know it's bad, we all know it's bad. It's frustrating to see it ruined episode by episode. But at what point are these words hollow? How long until the point is made that this is just leaving a stain on Jujutsu Kaisen's legacy? I'm pretty sure most of the issues are apparent to fans. But I'm still here, unable to shake the frustration and disappointment that I try to expect each time. I guess if I'm going to grumble, it should at least be about the episode, so allow me to get started.
How about this weirdly jittery zoom out on Toji? No, it's not a stylistic choice because there's examples of similar zoom outs appearing later on in the episode just fine.
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Obviously bad animation/direction isn't enough for this episode however, as events get wildly changed around. For example, oh I don't know, basically the entirety of Geto vs Toji? It takes place throughout all the buildings rather than just on the ground for one. It also rearranges dialogue and conversation specifically to fit the new angle for action that they chose. And honestly? Probably a bunch of other things I'll also mention throughout this fight.
How about this entirely weightless png slide of Geto down into the buildings?
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Or what about this piece? Geto's Rainbow Dragon doesn't die, no. Rather, for some unknown reason Geto just releases his technique? The Dragon itself doesn't seem in danger of being killed at this point in time, so why he would release it and stop putting pressure on Toji in this specific moment is beyond me. Shifting the point of the dialogue between the pair to after they engage one another in a fight just seems like an insane decision, personally. Geto isn't a rash person, he's calculating and cunning. He makes one lunge at Toji in the manga, realizes that he's overstepped his ability without information, and hears Toji out to figure out his weaknesses. But here, here "haha Rainbow Dragon go brrr".
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Hmmm, what else. What about Geto pulling out the gat to mimic Toji? Yeah, that happens in the anime, he whips out his hand to fire off cursed spirits like bullets. For what reason, only the JJK staff and God might know. It's also just painfully poorly animated. Literally just a lateral head shake for Geto while the cursed spirits effectively appear out of thin air (which we've established is not accurate or truthful to Geto's ability).
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Anyways, Toji goes off on his explanation of his Heavenly Restriction and Wormy, and there's some good stuff mixed in. Decent direction and solid storyboarding, but overall provides only a bit to alleviate the monotony of exposition. They're still just walking down a hallway side by side, Toji's not really doing any character acting or anything, and Geto isn't offering much either. For how hard they worked to get to this point, they do very very little with it.
Also, this is supposed to be angry Geto??? The desperation, the frustration at the fact that Riko was killed in front of him, that Kuroi is probably dead, that Gojo (in this moment) has been killed. It lacks absolutely any substance or rage that can be found on Geto's expression in the manga. I've said it a bunch of times before, but this whole idea of "simpler character designs for better acting" is such a bold faced lie when they can't even get close to the expressions of the manga.
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Ah, I know what's next! Insane dialogue changes for what seems to be no reason! And no, it's sadly not just a one off thing with this example. They shorten Geto's monologue about the Rainbow Dragon to this insane statement which implies that Geto has several Rainbow Dragons. And no, it's not a mistranslation, this is what the JP dialogue is actually saying (which is disparate to the JP dialogue of the manga).
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Alright, rewind a little bit and enjoy: bootleg Strange Fake fight. Seriously. The scale is just plain wrong for this sequence. They've completely overpowered Geto here and for no reason, and even worse it's a detriment to his sensibilities as a character. Geto doesn't just throw random crap at full power for no reason, he's calculating and intelligent. Just another shovelful coming out of the hole MAPPA's digging themselves.
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I think it's pretty clear that MAPPA's been struggling really hard with animation lately, but just to make it abundantly clear, here's a sequence from Toji in today's episode. Just the most typical and heartless anime slashing sequence you could find.
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The more I write, the more I really want to give up because it's so depressing to break down all the terrible work on such an incredible sequence (let alone series in general).
Anyways, unironically, the best sequence in this episode is the one that has absolutely no significance to the story. Toji dropping Riko's body off to the Children of The Star has apt and effective direction that makes the conversation less monotonous, and even sneaks in solid symbolism to reflect the words being spoken. MAPPA really seems to have negative interest in action series as of late, and would much rather be a 3D-centric, drama-focused studio. And if this is the disparity in quality between what they have and what they want, I say give them all the easy shows ever. Beats them brutalizing beloved titles.
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Alright, onto the real painful part. I don't even know what more I can say of actual significance since I just despise it so much. I'll start with this though: they wasted Gege's dialogue about Toji going to hell. Straight up wasted it. Didn't even show Gojo while it was being spoken, which was the whole idea. Gojo, the heavenly sorcerer that resides above all others, and Toji the hellish demon who is placed beneath everyone. Just a total waste.
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It's expected, but man I don't know if they could have butchered Gojo's reintroduction any more than they did. The insanity, the delusion, the actual experience of the high he's in currently. None of it appears on his face where it should. The eye is perfectly round when it should be more shaky, the smile isn't the slightest bit twisted, he isn't looking up nor is his head tilted downwards. Just every bit of detail is removed from this sequence.
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And once more, the injustice done to Gojo through this sequence. Just a completely different expression and feeling for his character that I can't get behind. It's also really frustrating that they moved Shoko's explanation of reverse cursed technique, so that now Gojo's just rambling complete nonsense.
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Last comparison. I don't even have anything to say.
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Moving forward again: yeah yeah Toji's brutal compared to the manga, they can't capture any of the emotions of the characters, the fight begins and we see the Red from the trailer finally. And then we get Gojo just tweaking in midair. It's like they didn't even attempt to try.
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Alright, weird stuff next. They totally misunderstood what Gojo's monologue is about. It's that it's not about Amanai, it's not about Toji, or revenge, or power, or what's right and wrong: It's about Gojo. The one that stands above the Jujutsu World as its God. But instead, they make it about Amanai, they bring back the same OST from Okinawa, and they mimic its direction. I would share it, if I could be bothered to record the sequence. But I can't, so people can go check it out if they feel the need to further understand what I'm talking about.
Anyways, here's the anime's rendition of the infinitely famous panel, which they fail at in incredible fashion.
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And now, for the start of Premature Death because I can't muster further interest in critiquing Gojo vs Toji. What a weird choice. They padded out the episodes, while at the same time rushing them, and they chose to start Premature Death in this episode. Are they eying the start of the Evening Festival before Gojo's Past is finished? Only God knows, but hey, at least they're consistent with messing things up.
The weakness in Gojo's expression is gone, replaced with some weird sense of nobility and maybe even holiness in its depiction. They mess up Geto's regret when he sees Riko dead in Gojo's hands, seeing only disgust painted on his face which makes the absence of his regret and sorrow far more palpable (detailed via the wrinkle in his chin as he attempts to stifle any crying).
It's just.... painful. It hurts, it hurts to see them misunderstand Geto and Gojo so thoroughly. To see the two sides of the same coin butt heads and drift apart. To see one full of emptiness and another with too many emotions to list be replaced with the literal examples of their characters. It just plain hurts.
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It just lacks any understanding of the significance of these two characters through this moment. That this sequence, right here, is where their rift begins to appear. Not that it has, but that it begins to. They are not past arguing with each other or not seeing eye to eye, but rather approaching that junction, and this piece of Gojo and Geto being separate and not facing each other fundamentally misunderstands that. There is no fracture here, there is no deciding moment at this junction that separates the pair like that.
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And then we just end the episode (finally) on a totally hollow and weightless scene of Geto.
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Congratulations MAPPA, you've done an incredible job of ruining Geto's character, destroying Gojo's past, and missing the point of Toji. I think visuals are one thing, one thing that you can forgive from time to time. I think changes, depending on their significance can be agreeable as well. I think mixing the two is something that should very rarely be done in the first place. But here, here we have MAPPA doing it consistently and with explicit intent that I just can't believe has any ties to trying to provide a better version of the manga. They simply don't, and I don't even know if they can, understand. They can't grasp the concept of the strongest, of his isolation and weakness, of his apathy and disinterest. They can't grasp the idea of the forsaken, living in the shadow of a God, devouring the evil of the world to make it his own. They don't understand the man who left it all behind, who wanted to shed his pride, to be free of his titles and perception.
It hurts to see something so important be so misunderstood by the ones that should know it better than anybody else. I might have been able to stomach the spotty animation and odd storyboarding, but I can't accept the fact that they've failed to convey the most important pieces of this story.
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