heraldofcrow · 27 days
Just out of curiosity... how would Miniroth (EC Sephiroth) navigate around the world of Bloodborne? Like no Glenn, no Matt, no Lucia, no Shinra. Just him, some monsters, gods, crazed hunters, literal bloodsuckers, and Gehrman.
You want me to put this little guy…
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Ok, fine. I’ll do it.
Explanation: Miniroth = Sephiroth, but mini. Now in Bloodborne.
Where’s he off to?
He would do really well actually, once he left the Dream. He’d probably only be there once since he wouldn’t be dying much. He can kill monsters and creatures twice as strong as the beasts in Yharnam and moves faster than bullets unless he hesitates, so I think he’s okay with most of the things he would come across. He’d just cut them down pretty fast, imo. Same with any and all crazed hunters, Bloody Crow included. (My adopted murder children meeting would send ME into frenzy though, I will say that).
But gods and Gehrman??? I’m giggling. This would be cute.
Gehrman would just be his same old sad cryptic self in a wheelchair, but if his eyesight were bad, he’d probably be like…”M-maria? Is that you? I haven’t seen your ashen hair and green eyes in so long 😭”
Poor guy. Miniroth would be very polite, like “I do not understand, sir but have a good evening,” and move right along lol.
Do NOT let the Miniroth near Mother Kos. I am not opening that can of worms. He isn’t allowed near the Fishing Hamlet at all. I’ll send his ass back to uhh…earth, or whatever.
Most of the other gods would probably be indifferent or just kinda curious as usual, but they’re for the Paleblood Hunter to worry about anyway.
Now to make myself upset as usual. What ideally would happen is Miniroth comes across Eileen, who needs an apprentice after Bloody Crow screwed things up. Along comes this new little kid with silver hair and a katana…also associated with black feathers (well, white for now, but still), and he’s not exactly uhh, at home. They meet and talk. Mayhaps become friendly. Eileen is older, wiser…offers a good role to take up…and she eventually adopts her new student!
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Noooo there’s totally no void being healthily filled here since Eileen is the perfect type of old mother-bird that a kid looking for his missing mom would feel comfortable and happy around, noooo way, I’m not doing this to heal my pitch-black soul noooo. (I’m getting upset).
Anyway, then Seph can go onto be the next badass crow-hunter with his black wings, katana, and durability! Catastrophe prevented! (I mean, as long as history doesn’t repeat itself with Eileen here fghdj).
The bad ending is Seph somehow meets Micolash, gets bad flashbacks, and burns down Yharnam or some shit lol. FOR OBVIOUS REASONS.
And that’s that! My son survived Bloodborne!
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clownsuu · 1 year
i love all the flavors of howdydarling art you make sm!! i've really been stuck on the drawings you did of wally with insomnia, i love the idea of howdy carrying his ass to bed when he shows up at the bugdega totally exhausted. i thought it'd be cute if wally stepped in to take care of howdy too when he's feeling overworked, or the two of them just collapsing into a nap pile at the end of a long day
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It’s been raining all day and the vibes for cuddles n sweet shid is I m m a c u l a t e
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Sometimes when I think about howdy and Wally, I think about them doing that specific lil wiggle/dance you can do with your followers in cult of the lamb smhhh (and frank really wanting to join but is very shy about it)
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llolianarchives · 9 months
The Prefect and The Draconia
A short overview of the Ramshackle prefect and their strange (but kind) horned fellow friend: as seen through the eyes of outsiders.
(A/N: #Malleyuu notes with an OC but feel free to project. We're all delulu here ╮⁠(⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)⁠╭ )
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His Henchman is crazy.
Or at least, that's what Grim thinks when he's woken up at sunrise to Yue's bizarre ramblings. Something about the time being 1 AM, then fireflies at night, and a tall, horned figure – is what he takes from their babble amidst his own groans and pleas to return to sleep. He'd think them delirious from slumber, mumbling about another dream, if it weren't for the way Yue's eyes sparkled with genuine interest. Grim yields, in the end, for one of the many things he's learned about his reliable servant is that they can be awfully enthusiastic when it comes to this world's curiosities.
“He told me to call him whatever I want,” Yue continues, ruffling Grim's fur dry with a clean rag. Before he could insert magnificent ideas of his own, they beat him to it with a soft smile on their lips.
“I'm thinking of naming him Nyx: the personification of the night. What do you think?”
“What? Because he only shows up at night?” Like some wacky cryptid.
He hears his henchman forgo the brush, letting it clatter loudly against the table.
“Hm... Nyx, huh...” Grim falls into thought, testing the name on his tongue like premium quality tuna. He doesn't even notice how Yue ties the striped ribbon around his neck. Triumphant, he turns to them with a grin.
“That's not half-bad, Henchman! It's cool and mysterious. Not as cool and mysterious as me, of course, but I'd say it's a close second!”
“Naturally. I wouldn't dare bestow a name mightier than the Great Grim's.”
Despite the stream of praise his henchman delivers (which he pleasantly basks in), Yue eventually derails, returning to speak of the horned man yet again. What Grim's superior brain gathers is this: One, this Nyx guy is super weird. Two, Yue's interest has been piqued like no other before.
He'll demand some omurice as payment for his counsel later on.
. . .
Malleus has made a friend.
The news was dropped onto Lilia's lap rather unceremoniously when one night, the Young Lord—having just returned from another evening excursion, went to sit with him in the Diasomnia lounge. This time, however, the quaintest of smiles adorned his face... It was an unusual sight but certainly not unwelcome. And much like any doting parent, his curiosity led him to ask.
Malleus had replied with a question of his own.
"Lilia, do you know of the Prefect that resides in Ramshackle Dorm?"
"Yue? Why yes, of course. I've spoken to them once or twice. They made quite a show during the Ceremony."
Yue— Lilia soon comes to learn— is completely unaware of Malleus's identity as a prince and a figure of authority, of power. As such, they bear no fear for him, even going so far as to bestow him a pet name, of all things.
(“Nyx? As in the night spirit? How fitting.")
Thus began the pattern of Lilia covering for Malleus's nighttime absence, not daring to ask nor scold when the prince would return in strange and stranger states.
When he would return to the dormitory partially caked with dirt and mud (a consequence of helping the prefect with their little garden of life.) Or when he would return with a box of homemade cake, a pretty stone from their walks, a drawing of him supposedly made by the prefect's beast, and with inquiries of the complexities of human nature.
Sometimes, Lilia can't help but feel a bit guilty, constantly boring witness to Silver and Sebek's searches into the night.
Yet that sliver of guilt fades, in the end, when Malleus smiles more often than before, when he approaches Lilia in the winter with the request of delivering a Holiday Card.
As he watches the magicless human rush into their abode, card in hand, ghosts and Grim awaiting their entrance...
he has never felt prouder and more grateful for fate.
. . .
From a distance, Vil watches.
He watches as the feared Briar Prince lets a small, feeble human talk his ear off, calm and unresisting, a hand on his chin as he ponders along Yue's barrage of words. He gives the prefect full reign of the conversation. He lets himself be taken away by their stories and details. He lets them speak, which they do.
Just after the horrors, highs, lows, and thrills of the VDC, the two chat as if nothing even happened. The onslaught of it all feels like a fever dream to Vil. First, the mental toll of overblotting, then their loss to RSA's nursery rhyme performance, and now the shocking reveal of Yue (innocent, bold, mundane little Yue) and Malleus Draconia's relationship.
He isn't even sure what to make of it. They're clearly friends, yet Vil can't bring himself to chalk it up to just that. His years and years of showbiz cinema has taught him the ins and outs of body language. He watches. He sees:
There's the smiles on both their faces; cheeks raised taut, dimples carved with genuine laughter. There's that glimmer in Yue's eyes and the odd tenderness of Malleus's own, both gazes locked onto one another with an undisturbed focus. There's the fact that Yue had given him an invitation to the VDC, or that Malleus had fixed the stage partially to show off to the magicless human, or that their hands are currently mere centimeters away from each other.
In the end, Vil averts his gaze, weariness crashing into him all at once and he feels a pair of hands grasp onto his shoulders, keeping him standing. Rook smiles, gentle, knowing, annoying. Vil resigns to his whims and lets his Huntsman guide him back to the Pomefiore Dorm, the chatter of Yue and Malleus and everyone else fading away.
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demaparbat-hp · 13 days
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Zuko was a child when he met Agni. Then, the spirits started coming to him. Eyes hidden in the hallways, voices pleading for help, for recognition, for remembrance.
Zuko could see Agni. He could see the broken remains of a Great Spirit and the empty smiles of amnesiac ghosts.
And they could see him in return.
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jelly-of-many-ships · 2 months
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got a little carried away with this one... outfit sent by @chocolategothwolfhorse <3
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dotoil · 5 months
coilhead nutcracker staring contest (nutcracker is unconvinced that coil is real because they only see movement?) thinking masked got a sounboard or something
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I had a little too much fun with this one thanks for this request.
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katsmtmsdoodles · 4 months
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my favorite ninjago ships & their dynamics
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paotulip · 7 months
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Something something Trolls is my comfort movie, band together was so funny I’ve already watched like four times rip
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d0d0-b0i · 1 year
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harbingersecho · 5 months
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grif: locus you're not, you're not blushing right you wouldnt.. u oudnt not, sarge?
grif: please pleas eno
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there's this trend on tiktok rn where someone "pranks" their bf by calling them husband, and if you did that to touya he would get super nervous about it and immediately overthink it, to the point where you'd probably interpret it as a negative reaction and not do it again, but if you ever introduced him as anything else other than your husband ever again he would be SO pouty and hurt
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yumethefrostypanda · 2 years
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Ghost x knives
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beif0ngs · 1 year
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Just know, you can’t escape Will Livingston. He’ll be back, and there’s nothing you can do to stop him.
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hana-loves-bumblebees · 5 months
The only issue I have with the Wonka (2023) movie is that Hugh Grant’s Oompa Loompa didn’t get to beat the shit out of the chocolate corp villain trio with a pan
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Kevin: if you weren't my dad, I'd still would have come to you that night.
And then he cries silently while they lower Wymack's coffin to the ground.
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