simp-4-kylo · 3 years
If it’s not too much to ask, may I request for Kylo Ren in which the reader is dating him and when she loses her dog, he comforts her?
I just lost my dog today and am in need of comfort from Kylo. 😢
I’m so sorry to hear this ☹️ losing a pet in any form is such a hard thing to go through. I’ve been through pet losses too many times, so i understand that pain. Here’s some comforting Kylo…
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Kylo definitely wants you to feel you’re best. He also always makes sure you’re taking care of yourself.
He knows that being the supreme leaders most favorite and only girl, can be stressful.
He knows he’s away a lot and as much as he hates being away from you, duty calls when he has the whole Galaxy to rule.
Except for those days when you do feel extra sad, his duties can wait. Boring duties are not as important as you are. He loves you so much and knows what it feels like the be neglected by the ones you love, he doesn’t want that feeling to become common for you.
Even if he detects the slightest bit of sadness (bc wooo magical force powers pew pew) he’ll drop everything he’s doing and make his way toward you.
Once he’s reached you, he’ll ask what’s wrong. He doesn’t like to invade your mind without your permission, sometimes words are too much for you and you’d rather he see for himself then you trying to explain.
You were just simply cleaning out some closets you had in your shared quarters, he wasn’t quite sure why you had become overwhelmed with sadness. He wanted to help, he really did but he wasn’t sure why. He had a few ideas, but it didn’t strike him until he saw what you were holding.
In your hand was an old worn out dog collar, he knew you loved animals and always had pets around earlier in your life, but to his knowledge he didn’t think you currently had any pets.
“I lost them around the time I met you, Ky.” You told him as you turned around to be met with his masked face. “I was just cleaning out some junk in here and came across their collar. Kylo i miss them so much, but I know they’re in a better place now.” You had also said with a shaky voice.
the hiss of Kylo’s helmet filled the room, he removed his helmet and sat next to you on the floor of the closest. Kylo could tell you were upset so he tried an approach that was hard for him, but he needed you to feel better. Wanted you to be happy. So, he replied with “who, dearest?”
“My dog. I had them since I was little, we did everything together. I always think about them, but seeing their collar again is just really hard.” you replied as you let out a sigh.
Kylo pulled you into his lap and wrapped both arms around your middle, lacing his fingers together on top of your stomach. He leaned his head down to rest on your head, then he said “tell me everything about them. I want to know.”
Slowly, you told him about your dog. Everything, from their favorite treat, to their favorite toy. He sat there taking it all on. Rubbing up and down your arm during certain parts that were more emotional, to even pinching your side a little to get you to giggle even more when you told him the funny things your dog did.
despite it all, through all the stories. Kylo had decided to take you somewhere off-world soon. Maybe to go look at some animals, he might even let you bring home one or two.
I hope i did this request justice ! I really tried. Anyways, i do have longer fics im working on rn. Head cannons are just so easy and quick to get out. I will update soon!
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tomdiddlyumptious · 4 years
T.H| Offers
Summary: you and baby Ollie go on a trip to daddies office
Warnings: I actually don’t know, it isn’t smut so I guess babies?
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You sighed as Oliver cried “come on baby, it’s okay” you walked to the cradle and picked her up, patting her back as she started to calm down a bit.
You walked over to get your fuzzy pink slides that matched your silky white buttoned pajamas, you didn’t wanna look unprofessional around Toms clients but Oliver does need time with her father.
You continued to rub her back as you mumbled sweet words,” are you ready to see daddy babygirl? Hm? Daddy misses you, you know that?”
You walked down the quartz hallways until you found two big dark brown doors, you hesitated before applying your acrylic black nails on the door.
“Let’s go see daddy babygirl” you whispered kissing her shoulder as she only sighed, you giggled before opening the door revealing Tom, he looked at you and gave a smile, scooting his chair back signaling you to sit on his lap.
You smile at everyone around the table as you walk to Thomas, taking a seat on his leg.
“How’s my babygirl doing?” He asked, taking one of your braids and putting it behind your ear. “She misses you, isn’t that right mamas?” You smile down at her as she smacks her tongue on the roof of her mouth, making a small grunt as she reaches for her father.
“Come here Ollie” Tom says, taking her gently from your lap and leaning her head on his shoulder, rubbing her back. “Hi y/n” Harrison grinned as you returned it, standing up and dusting yourself off before giving Tom a kiss on the forehead and on the lips and Oliver a kiss on her chubby cheeks.
“I’m gonna go back to the bedroom” you whispered in his ear, “no stay, I have some things to show you” he smiled looking at you, you smiled and found a seat back on his lap until Harrison got up and gave you his seat “you don’t have to I’m fine right here” you say, being thankful as you push the chair back. “No I insist please sit” he bit his lip, trying to be a gentleman. You only laughed some as you got up and took his seat, making him get his own.
“Pass that over here please” Tom mumbles at his co-workers, the worker sliding the offer to him as he reaches over to take and bring it to you, you scoot closer to him and lean your head on his free shoulder to read it “we could be more richer than we already are, princess” you look at it and continue to read it “are you sure? Isn’t this enough Tom?” You ask looking up at him. You didn’t live in a wealthy household but you don’t really like bragging or boasting or caring for new things, something you’ve always learned is to just stick with family. “You decide, I want you choose what’s best for our future” he states, reaching up and noticing that Oliver is sleep on his shoulder, he brushes his thumb over her cheek “love you Ollie”. You bit your lip as you thought about it, you know it’s over money and all but what can you actually do with it, that’s when you got it “tommy?” You say, he catches your attention and nods at you “can I use this for a business that I was thinking about?” You ask, his jaw clenches as he smiles at you “of course princess, you can have anything you want” you let out an Aw as everyone else’s face silently scrunches, some clearing their throat as you give him a kiss.
“Alright I’m done, thank you and love you babe, bye haz” you wave them both off as you get up to leave and walk back to enter your office, you only wanted to become a fashion designer, and now you got it, all because of the one who loves you most.
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drivingmichiganhome · 3 years
You Hate Me?
It’s not just the words.
“I hate you.”
It’s everything that it implies.
It’s not just that you hate me. It’s hearing horror stories about the way your family treated you and the way they continue to treat you. It’s you being enraged in confronting them, but not so much so that you’d hate them.
You hate me?
It’s not just that you hate me. It’s hearing you manage to tell your father you love him in the middle of an explosive argument--even though he once wished death upon you. It’s you being able to bite your tongue when it comes to your mother, even after all the times she never came to your defense.
You hate me?
It’s not just that you hate me. It’s you not extending me that same courtesy when we argue. The way you can’t wait. The way it’s the first insult off your lips. I become every name in the book but my own. You don’t even try to hold it in.
You hate me?
It’s not just that you hate me. It’s me being too angry to eat, too hurt to sleep, too tired to think. It’s me being all of those things--and rightfully so--and still not being able to say those words back to you. Not even if it is just to hurt you.
It’s not just the words. You hate me. It’s everything it implies. 
It’s all it implies.
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a piece on heartbreak
I still think about you sometimes, and guilt pours over me every time I do. I think about you swimming in the sea. I think about the sound of the waves and how it felt to be in your arms. I think about all the tubs of ice cream that we ate and the shows on Netflix we never got around to finish. I still write you love letters when I feel like I have no one else to talk to. Even thinking about you feels foreign now, almost like whatever it was we had is completely out of my reach.
I think about how many times my mom has asked me how you are doing, or how many times my aunt has said your name instead of his at the dinner table. Thank God no one noticed but me. I think about all the secrets that I have kept and all the scenarios of everything that happened; they will never stop replaying in my head. I wish it were easier to just admit you fell in love too and you just do not know how to comprehend it. Truth is, I will never be sure that you felt that way. I can only be sure that whatever I felt, was true love. Reckless, naive, soul-crushing first true love.
I do not know how you are doing or if you even think of me. I do not know how many more bodies you have touched or if this even affected you at all. Maybe it's my romantically desperate mind that happened to get a glimpse of what it would be like to feel happy, and now I want nothing more but that. Maybe that’s why I fell for you - because nothing in my life ever went the way I wanted. Nothing in my life ever felt completely right or comfortable, or even correct in any aspect. Nothing except the small amount of time I felt when I was yours.
So yes, I’ll admit it - I fell for you, and I'm not so sure that I ever came back.
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tthe-greaterjellyy · 7 years
If you’re tired of everything and everybody, come here, let me cuddle you, and tell me, tell me about your day.
But if you’re tired of speaking, still, come here, let me rub your back, and i’ll kiss all your stress away.
- j.m.b.
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thesnhuup · 4 years
@snhuprez: @PenmenPress @theCAREchair @JBwrites And I got to play a first year student.
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simp-4-kylo · 3 years
So i promise i am working on some stuff for y’all but in the mean time i wanted to post this.
So i haven’t been feeling 100% myself lately and i’ve been having some sad vibez happening. it’s okay tho because I know it’ll be okay in the end. But if anyone ever feels out of place or something, hit my line. Even if you need to get something off your chest, i might not respond asap, but i will eventually respond.
Time for some good ole’ Kylo comforting Reader during sad boi hours
Sometimes we get sad, it’s really inevitable because we’re all humans and we’re allowed to feel emotions. Kylo likes to remind you that it’s okay to feel things, we aren’t built to lock these things away. It’ll rip us apart slowly, kylo knows.
You’d been there for Kylo many many times before. Kylo had actually been very open with you about how he started to feel conflict between the light and dark side way back when at the Jedi temple.
You’d always been his number one, you’d been there for him since day one and he had always been there for you. You two were inseparable, the life line for each other.
When Kylo, well Ben at the time- first started to have thoughts about the dark side, he had been open with you. He was scared, all his life he was feeling the feelings that he had been told were bad. He didn’t want to become the one thing his family hated.
But fast forward to when you started to sink in on yourself, when it took you longer to get out of ben in the mornings. How you would stare in the mirror in the fresher just a little bit longer than normal.
At first you’d think Kylo just didn’t notice, i mean he was the Supreme Leader. He had better things to do than lay in bed with you all day simply because you felt out of place in the galaxy, like you weren’t really tied to anything.
But one day when it took you too long to get out of bed, Kylo came walking in the bedroom with nothing on but some sweatpants. Confused, you sat up. He should’ve been gone by now, it was well past his time to train with the Knights.
As you tried to get out of bed, Kylo came walking towards your side of the bed and pushed you to lay down. As he climbed over you and laid on his side of the bed, he pulled you closer to his chest.
despite your protests of him “having to get ready or he was going to be late” his response just being “supreme leaders aren’t late to work, work is just late for supreme leaders.” followed by that comment he’d pull you closer into his chest followed by a crushing squeeze and a kiss to the soft spot behind your ear.
later in the day he’d run the two of you a warm bath in the fresher, filled with bubbles and your favorite oils. With him laying behind you , he’d gently clean your hair, massaging your favorite scented soap into your hair.
Sometimes when you’d have really hard days, you’d just sit in the tub with him and cry. Sometimes he’d cry too, the two of you were the solace each of you needed. After time and time again, you reminded Kylo that it was okay to cry. Ever since then, the two of you felt better after crying while holding each other.
Kylo gets out of the bath first, he stands up letting all the bubbly water roll of him. He steps out of the tub and wipes his feet on the “oh so soft bath mat that you just had to have on corrsaunt”
he made his way over the the closed bathroom door and retrieved the two black bathrobes with satin embroidered “ Mr. Ren & Mrs. Ren” on the breast pocket.
Kylo wrapped you up in the robes and led you to the living area. You sat on the couch and Kylo turned to walk towards the kitchen, a minute later he returned with two of the most expensive champagne bottles in the Galaxy.
Kylo handed you one and he took the other. The rest of the day was spent cuddling on the couch made out of the finest of material money could buy. Kylo often kissed your head to ground you, he reassured you everything would be okay. And in the end it was, it was just the two of you sitting facing the endless Galaxy drinking the most expensive drink ever. He was yours just as you were his. The love you two shared was never ending.
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simp-4-kylo · 3 years
15 with Kylo Ren please:)
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Hey! Before we get started I just wanted to quickly say that I am working on all the requests that I have and will be rolling them out soon. I would post them all at once but, then what’s the fun in that? Anyways, enjoy!
15. What it takes to make them cry
-As we all know, Kylo does not like showing any emotion other than anger. So when you see him cry for the first time, he gets angry at himself that he let his guard down and shown you how weak he is. 
-The first time you found Kylo crying, he was silently sobbing. Sniffling and rubbing at his face. He looked so small, he looked like Ben Solo.
-The way you intertwined your fingers through his hair, just urged him to cry even more. How could someone like you love someone like him? He was a monster, but not to you. 
-It was exhaustion that brought Kylo to his breaking point. He had been so over worked that he simply couldn’t handle it anymore. He was done with it all 
-Except for the fact that you had constantly reminded him how he isn’t weak and he’s allowed to feel things, he’s allowed to have emotions and he’s allowed to cry. 
-Of course he hates it, he hates how easily after the first time he broke, how easy it is now for him to cry. He hates how much you care for him and that some nights after a long day. You’ll let him lay his head on your lap and just cry. 
-Kylo isn’t a loud crier, he lets the tears run down his beautiful face, releasing a shaky breath every now and then. His body will shake as he tries to calm himself down, you know he hates feeling weak but you rub small circles into his back. 
-You’ll play with his hair, maybe even slightly braid it. You’ll remind him how amazing he is, how much you love him. 
-When he would start to calm down, he would just be silent. Not really wanting to talk, he just wanted to be there with you. He wanted nothing but to just know you’re there. 
-He loved you so much, he felt so lucky that the galaxy had blessed someone like him with you. You were his pride and joy, stars he loved you and wanted nothing more than to just be with you forever. 
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simp-4-kylo · 3 years
Hey, hope you’re doing good. A friend gave me this idea for Reader dying Kylo’s hair?? Maybe she’s dying some of hers, and convinces him to dye some of his too????? Thanks :)
heyyo anon! i’m good, hope you’re doing good. As someone who loves to dye their hair , i definitely think kylo would do it . enjoy these thots from my brain to your screen.
Kylo had definitely thought about dying his hair, he wasn’t sure if it was something he wanted to do but he has thought of it.
He knows he would NEVER get rid of his beautiful black hair because it’s iconic.
It wasn’t until one day he found you in your shared fresher that the thought of dying his hair came to his mind, he thought he pushed it to the back of his mind with other things.
You had gotten some natural dyes at a planet the first order had recently stopped on. (okay bc ik hair dye isnt cannon but fuck it, it’s cannon now)
Standing in front of the large mirror, you were applying the first coat of the natural lightener. Kylo had walked in right as you were applying more to your hair.
“Kylo! I’m dying my hair red! You should dye it red as well since that’s your colors.” you had said as you held out a bowl of thick red liquid.
“Princess, maybe not me. But i know you’ll look stunning with red hair. You always look ravishing when you’re strutting my colors.” Kylo had said as he walked up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist.
he then nuzzled his nose into your neck. leaving soft kisses every now and then.
“Ky, can i please dye a little bit of your hair? not all of it but just maybe a few strands. please! plus you wear your helmet all the time so no one will see it.” you had said making eye contact with him through the mirror.
Kylo let out an audible sigh and reluctantly shook his head yes. (OKAY BUT I WANNA DYE KYLOS HAIR NOW )
That’s how Kylo ended up having red streaks in his hair, placed in random spots that made him even more handsome.
you and Kylo both strutted some form of dyed hair, and the best part was that you two matched. Kylo hated to admit it but he was glad you had convinced him to dye his hair.
he had never seen you more focused in your life than when you were applying the lightening creme to his hair. He could see the joy in your eyes as you were applying the red colored dye.
The whole process made him forget about his duties as supreme leader. These moments were rare, when it was just the two of you in each other’s presence.
Nothing else mattered in the Galaxy. Here he was , sitting on a stool in front of a mirror as the person he loved most applied hair dye to his hair. Everything was normal and peaceful.
It’s these rare moments that make him feel more like Ben Solo.
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simp-4-kylo · 4 years
can i get a softie!kylo ren x reader? the reader got back from a dangerous mission (he couldn't go with) and almost gets killed by a saber. while at med bay kylo rushes in and crawls in bed with her. lots of fluff. softie supreme leader!!
Can’t lose you 
Warnings/tags: softie!Kylo, mentions of war/fighting, blood, injured reader, mentions of needles, fluff, uhh Kylo Ren is nice (in this one), lmaooo
Word Count: 1,264
A/N: I am slowly making my rounds to the requests, trust me they’re all in the works!!! I actually really love the idea of the reader getting hurt and Kylo being all soft. I lowkey want to make a discord server where we as star wars fans/adam fans can just vibe together. Also, I’m totally not writing this in the middle of english class #SorryNotSorry haha. (also I have def used that gif before-)
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The rush of cold air from the docking bay rushed into the shuttle causing each wound to slightly burn. The smell of burnt skin and clothes filled your nose, it couldn’t quite leave. That sickening smell mixed with the smell of cleaner and oli. The docking bay was jammed packed with shuttles landing from the recent mission, people working on different tie-fighters, prisoners being brought in, crates being loaded into ships to be sent off. 
Lights flashing by as two medics rushed you down what seemed to be the longest hallway on the Finalizer. The bed that you were laying on proceeded to get soak with blood and dirt. Your eyes grew heavier by the second and you couldn’t keep them open much longer, you heard a muffled voice say “Mrs. Ren, keep your eyes open for…” Then the world went black.
Sweat dripped down Kylo’s back and soaked his training clothes. He released a muffled grunt as he drew back his saber and swung it towards his Knights. He managed to push two of his knights back, he sliced through the air doing flips and tricks, it was an art that he was still mastering. He raised his crackling red saber above his head and blocked a hit, he released a deep grunt and pushed with all his force and grazed the shoulder of his knight. 
“Excuse me Supreme Leader, I was sent to-” A younger officer had come through the doors of the training room, looking quite small and out of place. A skinny male who was visibly shaking. Kylo had cut him off and said “What? What is so important that you come into my training room and disturb me while I am training with my knights. What could possibly be that important”. He ended his sentence with a click of his saber and clipped the hilt to his side. 
“I’m sorry sir, but uh. It’s uh- the recent mission Mrs. Ren was on- well they’re back.” The young officer said, looking around the training room, he was once again cut off by Kylo. “Then get out of my way so I can go see her, you are wasting my time.” Kylo said and he brushed past the officer, but before Kylo could get all the way out the door the officer turned around and said “she’s in the medical wing, she was injured during battle.” The smaller man was staring at the floor when he said this. He was waiting for Kylo to ignite his lightsaber and cut off his head, after a few seconds of pure horror, the guard looked up and Kylo was no longer standing there. 
Kylo made his way through the halls of the Finalilzer, he knew he should have made you stay with him on board the ship. It was his damn fault that you were now in the medical wing, stars know what is going to happen to you. He tried to steer his thoughts in a good direction, it was extremely hard when he could feel life slowly drain from you. You’re ability with the force wasn’t as strong as Kylo’s, it was something the two of you had always been working at. Any storm trooper that came between you and Kylo moved to the very edge of the hall, they lowered their heads out of respect.
The sound of heavy stomping boots grew louder as you slowly opened your eyes and the feeling of anger and vulnerability washed over you. You tried to open your eyes all the way but the bright lights were too much. Laying there in the long bed, with your eyes half open and half closed you heard the door open. You tried to lift your head to see who had just entered the room but you couldn’t, you slightly moved up in the bed while doing so, releasing a grunt. 
You waited for someone to start speaking to you, but you never heard any words. The only noise that filled the room was the heart monitor attached to you and distorted breathing coming from the end of the hospital bed. Finally you were able to open your eyes all the way, you reached up to rub them a couple times when you heard the figure in front of you clear their throat, which made you remove your hands from your face. 
As your world started to become clearer, you had realized that the tall figure at the end of your bed was Kylo. You had wondered how he got here since he was in the middle of training and was he going to be mad at you? You tried your best on the mission and honestly you couldn’t let Kylo down especially on your first mission without him leading. He had put so much faith in you, trained you for weeks, told you everything that needed to happen. He even asked if you felt better if one of the knights came along, but you had declined. You knew you were strong enough to do this without any help.  
“I knew something was going to go wrong on that mission.” Kylo had said after he reached up to remove his helmet. You just stared at him, you were afraid he was going to yell and be angry. “I”m sorry Kylo, I know you trusted me to complete this mission and I tried my best. I really did. It all happened so fast, I’m not even sure wha-.” He had cut you off mid sentence and replied “Hush. I’m not mad at you, I’m mad at the storm troopers for not notifying me sooner of your injuries. They had failed to inform me on your way back.” he said as he walked around the bed and came to kneel beside you.
“Kylo I really did try. I tried and I remembered everything you had told me to do. I guess I’m just not strong enough, I know I can get better I promise you. I won’t fail again. I’ll train everyday.” You said as tears filled your eyes, all you had wanted to do was impress him but instead you had failed him and ended up in the med bay. 
“You already impress me. The fact that you had wanted to go on a mission and lead it by yourself shows your strength. Things happen and I couldn’t be more proud of you for wanting to become stronger. All I wanted is for you to be okay and you know that I will always help you train. I want you to believe in yourself and know that you are so very strong.” He had said as he leaned forward and rested his head on the bed and held your hand. 
You had just stared at him and your heart swelled with love, this was the soft side of Kylo Ren that the universe didn’t know existed. This version of him was only reserved for you. “Come here Kylo, come lay with me.” you had said. He lifted his head off the hospital bed and looked you in the eyes and smiled. He stood up and rounded the other side of the bed, he sat down and leaned down to take off his boots. 
Once he had removed his boots, he crawled into the bed with you. Him being huge, you ended up laying on him. With your head resting on his chest, you felt him trace the saber wound that was bandaged on your side. You fell asleep to the sound of his beating heart. The heart that was reserved for you.
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simp-4-kylo · 4 years
11 from that headcanon list for Kylo Ren?
yes yes yes ! Ahh finally got a head cannon. i love doing HC’s bc they’re quick, fun, and i can get them out to y’all! please leave some mode while i’m working on some other stuff for y’all!
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Kylo has an AWFUL lot of bad habits. He doesn’t like to admit that he has bad habits because he’s afraid they make him look weak.
our boy doesn’t like to appear weak, but you definitely have called him out on his habits before. Not that he ever gets mad or upset at you, he just definitely doesn’t like it.
he’ll usually huff and puff , cross his arms. He’ll grumble under his breath and say, “no i don’t”. or he’ll say “this isn’t a habit”
mmhm sure Kylo
I wouldn’t really consider this a bad habit , more of indeering. He likes to always check up on you throughout the day, he likes to know where you are and when you’ll be back.
this isn’t him being overprotective, he’s just worried something might happen to you and he won’t be able to get to you. You always tell him you can handle yourself but he still worries.
another bad habit kylo has is leaving his lightsaber in very common places. As much as he loves his saber and doesn’t want anyone but you or him touching it. He’ll just leave it sitting out in the open.
one time he left it in a meeting room on the table, and one of the new cleaning staff had come in and touched it to clean. let’s just say, you had to convince Kylo to not kill the poor lady.
he also has a bad habit of leaving his dirty clothes laying around, once he’s back from training he’ll strip and hop into the refresher. as he’s walking towards the refresher, he’ll take off his tank top and just drop it, leaving it on the floor for you to pick up.
despite you teasing him for his many bad habits, at the end of the day he loves you. he loves how you notice the little things.
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tomdiddlyumptious · 4 years
Can u do a Tom Holland x black model / actress reader where there in ffh together maybe she Palau’s Gwen Stacy and they were fwb while the press tour was happening then they get into a heated argument... then they see each to her at the premiere and they end up sleeping together later that night in maybe a Limo and getting caught by maybe zendaya or Jacob 💀💀💀  
Warnings: long smut, arugeing, getting caught, basically it! Idk what else, probably terrible smut btw
T.H| premier or how ever you spell it
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“This is so boring” “why? Because you aren’t meeting Batista?” “Oh I’m meeting Batista Thomas” he only laughed at you, it was the press tour today, everyone fancy and shit.
You and Tom have been friends for a long time, friends with benefits for a short one, you’ve only fucked a few times..... totally, just in the two hotels, the dressing room, on the couch, on the back of the couch, on the front door, the wall- anyways. But you’ve both always had a bond.
You both were making it to your hotel, in his car, he had his hand on your thigh, taking it higher and higher until he cupped you, you turned to him while he bit his lip still looking at the road, you pushed his hand down as he looked at you confused.
“Wow you look” “amazing” Tom finished your assistants words, triko (tree co) looking back him and nodding in agreement, your hair in a natural kinky Afro and a poofy dress, two layers, and off the shoulders, the color was yellow and it radiated off your skin, matching your dark colored acrylics (basically Rihanna’s dress but yellow, let’s act like it was invented yet) “Thanks” you say, smiling at yourself. “Well I have to go take care of something, uh your hair shouldn’t dry out so you should be fine” triko said, walking out.
“I-uh hi” he stuttered, coming up behind you as you turned to him. “What Thomas” you ask. “I was thinking about you-“ “so you just wanna fuck huh?” You cross your arms over your chest raising your eyebrows at him.
“I don’t just want to fuck, I want to talk to you, while we fuck” he smiles, thinking he is funny. “I’m not doing this anymore” you push past him, sitting on your vanity chair. “What are you talking about?” He asked, turning to you. “I’m not sleeping with you” you look at yourself in the mirror, fixing your makeup. “What did I do?!” He almost yelled.
“You only want to sleep with me! We don’t even talk any fucking more Thomas! You cup my vagina out of the blue, you come to my house almost every night with a bottle of wine, it’s like I’m a fucking booty call” you slammed your brush down, looking at him through the mirror.
“Hey you aren’t a booty call! What the fuck is up with you!” He yelled, his lips in a thin line. “Tell me the last time we actually had a sit down conversation Thomas” you said, he stops in his tracks, trying not to look away. “In the car-“ “in the car?! You mean the one you cupped me in! In the same day! Like I’m some sex toy and-“ “you know what fuck you, you can’t make random decisions like you didn’t like it!” You stood up, bit your lip sure it would bleed, walking up to him. “You right, i did like it, until what it did to you” you take your pointer finger, pressing it on his forehead and pushed it back. “And to me” you put your finger to your chest “and to us” you pointed and both of you. “Find some hooker on the street Thomas, or even better! Zen fucking daya, I’m not fucking wit chu, and you better leave my room or i swear-“ “swear what?” He asked, crossing his arms and looking at you. “Or I swear I will call you out for the user you are, think about it with me ‘Thomas the slut’ ‘can’t keep his hands off of y/n’ ‘using her for a fuck?’ ‘Isn’t using his brain’, I’ll ruin you and anything you’ve worked for, try me. And it doesn’t only have to be about me, I’ll just dig up more dirt” “now that’s childish y/n” “not when my feelings are hurt! Your fucking clueless man, I- fuck you!” You stormed out of the room, leaving Thomas there stranded trying to understand what even happened at that moment. “Fuck” he whispered, looking around and noticing he basically couldn’t slam anything because it is all yours.
“Hey y/n!” Jacob smiled, you smiled back at him “hey Jacob” “how are you” “eh things could be better” you shrugged. “Wanna talk about it?” He asked, really worried. Both of you making your way to the limo “not really if I’m being honest, I know I don’t wanna be alone though so do you want to take pictures with me?” You questioned looking at him, he only nodded.
Each of your arms wrapped around each other’s, smiling at the camera. Giggling as Jacob told you stupid jokes.
On the other hand thomas was taking pictures with zendaya, his hand around her waist and hers around his shoulders. “Hey can we do questions?” An interviewer asked, Tom nodding and coming forward.
Thomas answered a few questions and shared a few laughs until the question came up “so Gwen Stacy, you said you’ve always wanted a black cat but you have a Gwen Stacy, how does it feel?” “I feel like peter is a very lucky man” he laughed “but I am to, I’m lucky enough to work with y/n how by the way is sooo” he opened is hands as if somethings is in between spacing them “talented, I’m glad we have her and Gwen Stacy here, I mean at least we don’t have anyone bad right?” He laughed again, the interviewer laughing with him.
“I’ve always had the most biggest crush on Spider-Man, it’s honestly my brothers fault because he forced me to watch it” you laughed “what’s your favorite suit of his?” “Probably venom, he looked really cool but his attitude wasn’t it” you giggled. “Did i mention how beautiful you are, I just felt like I had to say it or else I’d regret it later” “ooo are you hitting on me?” You grinned, placing your hand on your collar bone. He nervously laughed “I mean, I guess so” “oo imma get you fired” you teased making him laugh, did I mention Tom was basically right next to you both?
His jaw clenched many times, trying not to glance over, his mind roaming into violent things, until he had it, he’d just talk to you or something, oh well.
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“I forgot my bracelet, I’ll be right back” you waved at tony as he only nodded “I’ll be right here waiting for you” he smiled. You walked off the the same limo, staying there for whatever reason you asked the driver to unlock the car, instead he just gave you to whole keys. You went to the limo, unlocking it and getting in. You digged in the side of the seat, trying to find it until you heard the door open and close again, you screamed and tried to stand for some odd reason but hit your head, you groaned and sat down rubbing over the spot.
You looked over to find Thomas, you both made eye contact and you groaned again turning away from him “okay okay look! We are going to talk, to fucking talk!” He said, you look at him and rolled your eyes, trying to open the door until it was locked, you looked at Thomas and he dangled the keys smiling at you. Then you groaned, once again. “You aren’t going anywhere until we talk about this” he said. “I’m not talking about shit” “well you aren’t leaving” “I got hot spot” you pulled out your phone, only to get it snatched, you had your Apple Watch on, “don’t even” “oh I’m going to” “I don’t wanna break it” “fine then, let’s talk” you gave up, sitting up straight, taking off the watch and throwing it at his head.
“Okay- whatever, anyways talk” “you wanted to talk! Not me!” “Alright then! Can you tell me what hurt your feelings?” “I be-“ “spit it out, stop being hard headed for fucks sake” you sighed, crossing your arms. “What hurt my feelings is that you- i- we don’t talk anymore all we do is just sleep around, I miss you Thomas, not your dïck, I miss you, I miss the talks over tea and the you coming to my modeling. If you want to have sex I get it but why almost every other week? I feel like you collect all of your shit and use sex to get out of it, I don’t want to be the one you do that to” “shit y/n, I don’t want you to feel that way, I don’t do that nor feel that way- now that I’m noticing it I am doing something wrong to make you feel that way” he frowned, coming closer to you and sitting next to you, taking your hand. “I can make you feel better I promise, I’ll do anything you want me to do” he kissed your hand, you looking at him and your hand. He trails up to your neck, not going to your sweet spot but everywhere else then it, you let out small hisses and shuddered. “I-“ you cut yourself off by a moan, his hands finding its way to your thigh “I won’t cup you if you don’t like it, I’ll do things for you, I really don’t want you to feel that way” he whispered, rubbing your thighs and breathing on your neck and your jaw, still moaning from the hand on your thigh. “You can be my pillow princess, you won’t have to do anything because I will, I’ll make you happy” “promise?” “Yeah i do, let me pleasure you, please” he then looked at you, lips so close you could almost feel them on yours, eye contact, so deep making it feel like your exchanging souls, the lust and love in both of your eyes, just now exposing you have feelings for each other.
His hand on you thigh raising to your underwear, pulling them down as he gave a kiss to you. “Can we take this off?” He asked, his other hand coming up to your chest, rubbing over each of your breasts and you whimper and nod.
He smiles, knowing your dying by his touch, all he had to do really his make sure he is your bitch at first, but this time he really wanted to have sex, not a fwb sex, there is a difference.
Your back lifts as he finished to take down your lacy white underwear, soaked. “Do I make you like this?” He asked, holding them up wanting you to look at them and you only nodded at him. “Look at it princess, look at the things I do to you, how wet you get when I touch you, you were probably wet the minute I even came close to you, yeah darling?” He bit his lip, taking your underwear and stuffing it in his back pocket. “Open up” he tasks and you follow, opening up your legs revealing your sweet angel smell. “I can smell you, it’s fucking perfect” he murmured, wrapping his hand around your back and unzipping the dress, pulling it down until your breasts were on display. “I wish I could take the whole thing off, but I don’t want us to get caught” he smiled, wetting his thumb with his tongue and rubbing over your nipple, he maintains eye contact with you, feeling your chest deeper as you breath in and out.
You could feel your clit wanting stimulation, slowly reaching your hand down you softly rub over pearl, letting out whimpers as Tom watched. “Touching yourself darling?” He lifted the dress, revealing you touching yourself, his hand came off your nipple and just watched you pleasure yourself, “mm” you bit your lip, your eyes getting slightly clouded. “Faster, for me” he said, now getting on his knees, standing infront of your womanhood, you start to speed up, Tom pushing your legs open more. “Buck your hips down” he ordered, you followed, a moan escaping your lips as Tom spit on you. “Good girl” he purred, kissing your calf’s, you bit your lip to contain the moans, “stop what you doing” he said, making you stop your tracks, he took your hand and suck the wetness off, smiling up at you and coming in between your legs, kissing your clit. “I want you to watch me princess, lift up that dress” you lifted up the poofs, meeting his eyes and he smiled “ready?” “Ready” you nodded. He took a strip of you, your folds open from your legs, your back arched, holding in to your knees, he kitty licked your pearl, you whining as you held tighter hearing the sounds as everything else was silent, he then harshly sucked you, “ah! Fuck tommy” you bit your lip humming, trying to open them more. His tongue trailed down to your slit and entered, fucking you with it, the texture of his tongue rubbing against your walls, feeling so good, he brings up his fingers, taking his tongue out and replacing it with his fingers, so wet and warm, easy to slip in. “Mmm” he pressed on your clit with his tongue, harsh circles and quick sucks, shaking his head side to side your breathing became heavier, him fucking you faster and your hand going down, running your fingers through his hair, tugging as he moaned in you, “mm!” You moaned louder, his name spilling out your mouth as you released. He lapped up some of your come, wanting to leave the rest.
He left your heat, on his knees still he unbuckled his pants “did you know you taste so good?” He asked, pulling himself out, thick and a bit over circumcised, precum on his head, “please fuck me” you whined, one organism not enough. “I hear ya” his knees in between your legs, he pumped himself before placing it in you, not wasting time. “Fuck” he whispered, bottoming himself in you and pulling out, just to go inside again. His hand came behind the head of the seat, fucking himself deeper and snapping his hips “Tom!” “Yes baby?” “Mmm” “that’s what i like to hear” he smiled, mostly to himself, looking at your dazed state, your eyes filled with so many things. After getting comfy he started to speed up, your body rocking with his, you grab his arms, digging in his skin as he hissed and fucked you harder making you let out a harsh moan. “Like that?” He asked, getting close to your spot. “Fuck tommy yes, I love it- ah!” He hit your spot, noticing the differences you made he continued fucking that spot, taking both hands and putting them behind the head of the seat he slammed into you, harder, faster, fuck it’s everything you want, everything you need, the skin slapping on skin, him hitting your spot and looking at you like a goddess, he moaned as you clenched so close, so so close.
Until the door opened “what the fuck-“ zendaya said, you quickly covered your breasts, looking over and seeing her eyes wide, Jacob behind her just starring at both of you, Tom kinda pissed because he was just there. “So uhm, I’m kinda hungry but I guess I’ll just take like a Uber or something” Jacob cleared his throat, couldn’t see this any longer. “Can’t we just drive the limo and leave them back here?” Zendaya distantly asked, closing the door. “I thought you locked it!” You whipped your head at Thomas. “The keys are in my front pocket! I’m guessing you accidentally pressed the button with your thigh!” He whispered. “Me!?” “Yes you” “Thomas get up” “can you just ride me because I really want to cum right now” you sighed as you nodded, him flipping both of you over. You rode him until both of you came, pressing kisses on your neck the car started moving. “What is happening?” “WERE GOING TO BURGER KING BITCHES!” Zendaya let out ‘whoos’ and Jacob laughed. “How long were we out here?” “For a while” Tom nodded, a bump causing both of you to moan, you get off of him and grab baby wipes to clean both of you up, don’t worry there’s a window separator, they can’t see you.
“You don’t get your panties back, there mine now” he smiled at you while you tried to fix your hair and your makeup. “Here’s some fabreeze! Might want to open the window while your at it” Jacob opened the window, throwing fabreeze in the back and Tom opened the window, letting the sex air out as both of you were dazed kinda, breath still heavy.
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simp-4-kylo · 3 years
can you do a roommate!adamsackler who keeps stealing/finishing the soaps or body washes in the shower so he has an excuse to go in there after you yell at him bc you need one 😳
New Soap
Warnings/tags:Soft!Sackler, slight hint towards the DIRTY, curse words, uhh Adam being a soft boy,fluff?? i'm so sorry for not updating.
WordCount: 1,149
A/N: omg hi yall! I’m so sorry I’ve been MIA and have gotten nothing out :( my life got super busy and super quick. A lot of things have not been going my way in my personal life but I’m trying to get things out for you all to enjoy! So please, as always, enjoy whats below! 
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The hot water felt euphoric as it ran down your back. It had been a brutal couple past days, work had been stressful due to the fact your boss was giving you way too many things to work on and way too little time to do it all. You had been looking forward to this shower after giving three different presentations in various meetings today. On the way home you had stopped by the store to pick up a few things that couldn’t wait for the weekend when you went on your usual grocery run or you were too afraid to tell your roommate Adam to pick up, due to the simple fact that he wouldn’t know what to get. 
On the way out of the convenient store you had passed the soap and shower aisle. You knew as soon as you got home you wanted to take a long shower and a nap afterwards. Maybe today was the day that you tried a new shampoo and shower scrub, but as you reached for the teal bottle with the label Ocean Breeze. You just remembered that you had gotten a brand new bottle of shampoo the other day, you were sort of sad that you couldn’t try this new soap, but you weren’t about to waste a perfect bottle of brand new soap. You checked out and left the store, headed home you just couldn’t wait for that long shower. You were praying that Adam wasn’t in the bathroom or let alone in your way, nothing was going to stop you from showering, not even Adam and his adorable yet slightly confusing jokes…
Living in New York was everybody's dream whether they knew it or not, and fortunately you were lucky enough to be one of the many people who made it in New York. You lived in Brooklyn with your roommate Adam Sackler, most people think the two of you were dating. Which, you had only dreamed of dating him you knew he didn’t like you the way you liked him.
Walking up the stairs to your shared apartment you heard Adam shouting. Now, that isn’t unusual for him. He was always yelling about something, whether he was practicing his lines for some role or if he was just upset at something. If he was dealing with one of his “girlfriends” right now, you were not having it. Pushing open the door to the apartment the sight of a shirtless Adam with damp hair lay before you. He had a teal colored towel draped across his waist, and an old bleached out towel on his hair. He was holding some paper in his hand, the top right was damp with the excess water that fell from his hair. 
Adam turned around at the sound of the door opening, “hey kiddo, how was work? Hey I was wondering-”. You had cut the man off by saying “Whatever you were wondering, I hope it was you offering to make dinner tonight. I stopped at the store to pick up a few things we needed, but my head is killing me, please I just need to go shower.” You finished with a sigh and dropping your work bag on the ground, walking to the kitchen counter you set the groceries down. 
“Uh sure, yeah go shower.” Adam had said as he put his paper down on the coffee table in front of him. As you made your way to the bathroom Adam went to stand up and walk towards the kitchen counter to see what you had decided to pick up. As Adam sifted through the bags of food he heard the shower head turn on, the sound of the water hitting the bathtub triggered something in him. He suddenly remembered something, “oh! I forgot to mention, I used all your-” he called out to you, except for the fact that you hadn’t heard him and shut the bathroom door before he could finish. He cursed to himself, he just wanted to warn you that you were all out of soap. He knew you had a long day and that you just wanted to shower.
“ADAM!” you had yelled from the bathroom, when you had got into the shower you were ready for some special relaxation time. To your surprise you had got in and more than half your bottle of brand new shampoo was empty. At first you had thought that you just used a lot, but then realized that you had gotten this almost two days ago! There was no way Adam had just used this shampoo that you bought for yourself. You were beyond mad, Adam was really going to get it.
Your internal thoughts were interrupted when you heard the bathroom door open and then click shut. “Adam- get the fuck out. I don’t want to hear it, I expect you to buy me some new shampoo by the time I get home from work tomorrow, and it better be the same exact kind. I also want-” as you turned around you stopped mid sentence. There in the shower with you was a naked Adam, with a big wide smile. “Oh my god!” you replied and went to immediately cover your exposed chest with both your arms. 
Despite being roommates with Adam, never once had either of you seen the other naked. You were utterly speechless, not knowing what to say you just stared at the tile above Adam’s head. “Hey…” Adam had said and inched closer to you and reached out towards you.” Your heat seemed to beat faster and louder as he moved to touch you. Time had slowed, you were currently in the shower naked with Adam right in front of you. This has to be a dream, there was no way your insanely hot roommate was standing in front of you about to touch you. You felt two very big hands slide down the sides of your body and rest at your hips.
He pulled you closer, closer and suddenly you were pressed up against him in the shower. Slowly slipping out of your state of shock, you returned the hug and wrapped your arms around the larger man. Adam released a sigh of content, he moved his right hand to now rest behind your neck. He sat his head on the top of yours and closed his eyes, you doing the same. The warm watering dripping down the both of you as the sounds of New York and the smell of your brand new shampoo filled the small bathroom. 
“I think I love you” Adam had said. “I know” you replied grinning into his chest. Adam pulled back for a moment, he looked you in the eyes and said “get smart with me one more time, and I won’t get you new soap.” He had said and leaned in with a kiss. 
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simp-4-kylo · 3 years
I need a club Adam! Like where he could be a owner or just a guy who sees you
Driver’s Side 
A/N: First let me say sorry for how late this request is! I really have been working on getting things rolled out :) Literally life has been so busy and I want to write but every time i go to sit down to write I either fall asleep or something comes up :( I do love you all and I PROMISE I am working on all the requests !!! Alright much love to you all. Enjoy the stuff below :)
Warnings: sexual tension, kinda NSFW but no actual smut, possessive!Adam(?), Adam is a club owner but he ended up not being the club owner because i chnaged my mind and rewrote half of it and still am not pleased with it oops ,umm Adam Sackler warning? He is a warning, like for real this man is a whole warning tbh.
Word Count: 1,462
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Walking down the streets of New York, he ended up at a warehouse that was booming with music and crammed packed with people. The smell of liquor and smoke filled the air and the loud music had the building pulsating, shaking it right out of the foundation. The air is at least 30 degrees warmer than the air outside the building, and the mixing smells from each person. Adam wasn’t a huge club goer, but he did enjoy them every now and then. This time he made the decision to go clubbing by himself. 
Walking around the building, he kept debating with himself in his head. He wasn’t here to drink, he kept turning each and every shot he was offered. Not wanting to break the promise he made to himself and honestly not liking the taste of alcohol. He knew he looked like the biggest loser in the entire place. How could he not? He was this tall man standing in the middle of a bunch of people jumping up and down, dancing to the beat of the music.
Fuck it, he had decided to call it a night and go home. Maybe he’d run on his way home to burn off some of the pent up energy, or maybe he’d find something on his way home and would start a new project with all of his power tools. As he was heading out, he tossed his red solo cup filled with water on the ground along with other cups and bottles. 
He headed towards the exit of the place, pushing past clumps of people and walking on the sticky floor. Then he saw you, standing towards the entrance. You were glancing down at your phone and then up, looking around the place. It looked like you were looking for someone. He continued to make his way towards the entrance, suddenly he saw two men approach you. He couldn’t hear the conversation going on but he could tell by the look on your face that you were clearly uncomfortable. 
“Hey there you are, this place is massive and I thought I lost you.” Adam said as he approached you and wrapped his arm around your shoulder, he had no idea what he was doing and he was praying you would catch on, and that you did. You had leaned into his chest as he wrapped his arm around your shoulders. You had hoped that he was just being a nice guy and trying to help out, versus being a creep just like the two guys in front of you. “Awe, c'mon man. You don’t mind sharing her for a night? She’s hell of a thing.” one of the two guys leaned forward lightly punching the man who had his arm wrapped around you. You had felt him tense in response to the crude statement.
“Fuck off before I beat the shit out of you.” The man next to you had replied as he caught the man's recoiling arm. The two guys walked away after your saviors response, they were clearly upset that they couldn’t get you to go home with them. It felt like hours as the two of you watched them walk away. It wasn’t until you noticed the next song had started playing, that you were still holding onto the man who had rescued you. “Shit. I don’t even know- Thank you so much for saving me there. I’m not usually someone who just stands there and doesn’t do anything, but I guess I just got scared and wasn’t sure what to do.” You had said as you had removed yourself from his embrace.
The man in front of you just smiled, and holy was it the most beautiful smile you had ever seen plastered on anyone's face before. He ran a hand through his hair and shook his head a little bit. “Aw don’t worry kid, it was nothing. Those guys were a bunch of creeps.” He said as he released a small giggle. You couldn’t get enough of the man in front of you, he felt so very welcoming and warm. 
Adam had felt the same way, he kept staring at you and he was now afraid that you were going to think he was also a creep. He really couldn’t get enough of you, he barely knew you but you felt so warm and welcoming. “Adam.” He had said out loud, almost in a scolding way, he wasn’t actually sure if he was scolding himself for being a weirdo or if he was trying to introduce himself. You just peered up at him (due to the unnerving fact that he was most certainly the tallest person you had ever met). 
Feeling your nerves start to stir in your stomach, you reached out towards him and then he followed suit and the two of you shook hands. Adam had released a breath he didn’t know he was holding in. He had wanted to get to know you more, the aura that was being released from you swirled around him and made him want to just reach out and hold you against him, he wanted to be greedy with you and not let anyone else be with you. Mentally he scolded himself because you were just a complete stranger, you had not even known him for the night let alone an hour! His thoughts were cut off by your voice saying “hey why don’t we get out of here? This party is lame and I saw a nice diner a few blocks down, why don’t we go there?”  He couldn’t believe that you had wanted to spend more time with him, he must be dreaming. “U-uh yeah! Totally we can d-do that. Sounds nice.” Adam said clearly tripping over his words, in response to him you let out a small giggle. Oh that sound made Adam want to smile but also take you against the wall right then and there. 
The walk to the diner wasn’t long because of all the stories Adam had told to you. Some of them you had to double check with him to make sure they actually happened, they were just that crazy. Upon entering the diner the two of you were hit with the smell of fresh eggs and bacon, yeah you were glad you left that club. 
“Then I basically got kicked out of my own home! It’s fucking bullshit!” Adam said with a mouth half full of scrambled eggs, small yellow clouds of egg fall on the table with over exaggerated movements. Sitting there with a huge grin on your face, you couldn't remember the last time someone had made you laugh so much in one night. You desperately wanted to spend more time with Adam but didn’t want to come off as creepy. 
“Well I guess I should get going then. It is getting pretty late.” you said as you dropped a few dollars on the table for a tip. “Uh wait! Let me walk you home.” Adam had said. You smiled and said sure, as the two of you made your way outside you and Adam walked side by side towards your apartment. Every now and then your hands would brush up against each other causing the two of you to blush. As you walked closer to your apartment you grew nervous because you didn’t want to sound weird and invite this guy in. But would it really be weird? Like he saved you from two creepy dudes and you just shared a meal together. You decided to just shoot your shot and go for it. 
You stopped walking as you made your way to the staircase leading up to the front of your apartment. “Well I guess this is it.”  You said with an audible sigh. You were going to ask, you had too. “Can I have your number-” “Would you like to come inside for a bit?” The two of you had said in unison. A small smile appeared on Adam’s face, “yeah, yeah I’d like that very much. Maybe you have a pen and paper in there that I can write my number down on?” He had said. 
Now it was your time to smile, you gave a little chuckle and said “of course”. “Alright, c'mon now handsome.” You said and instantly turned around to face the door hoping you could hide the embarrassment painted on your face. To your surprise when you went to reach for the doorknob you felt a pair of hands around your waist and a chin resting on your shoulder, hot breath in your ear followed by “lead the way, sexy” and a lick behind your ear. A shaky “Oh fuck” left your mouth as you struggled to open the door.
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simp-4-kylo · 4 years
Masterlist (18+ ONLY)
I will try to update this whenever I write something new, but please don’t attack me if I forget to update something! (might change the design of my Masterlist later on to match my theme haha)
Buy me a Ko-fi! : ❤️❤️
Kylo Ren:
Him having a size kink
Giving him a blowjob
Reader is badass aka Dom!reader x sub!kylo
He becomes Supreme Leader
Reader is distracting him
Reader has vertigo and passes out in front of him
Reader finds out they’re pregnant and tells kylo
Him marrying reader to be more like Vader
Reader gets hurt on a mission without Kylo and he comes to comfort her in the med wing
Him comforting reader after losing their dog
Head cannons!!
Bad habits of his
what makes him cry
Reader convincing Kylo to dye his hair
Kylo comforting reader
Ben Solo
Life with Ben would include...
Adam Sackler
He distracts Reader when they have a headache
Cuddles in the morning
Sackler as a dad would include...
Adam comforting you after a break up
Domestic headcannons/going on dates with him
Adam using all your soap and sneaking in the shower with you
You meet Adam at a club and boom you’re in love. that’s it. that’s the tweet.
Adam Driver
Adam Driver as a dad would include...
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