#LSD advice
How does one get a “plug” for weed, shrooms, LSD, etc. i really want to get into shrooms n whatnot :0
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ask-squip-official · 15 days
what did it feel like to be shut off? is it comparable to human pain or more like overstimulation in neurodivergent folk?
That’s a very good question. When a S.Q.U.I.P is shut down, the experience is something like slowly succumbing to the effects of LSDs. All files-EVERY file- compiled in your database is released suddenly and confusingly, resulting in unsettling sights, sounds, and sensations. You simultaneously feel the bite of a cold winter’s day as you hear the sound of static screams. Your world swirls in on itself until you are not certain where or when you are. It is an easier experience to bear when you are an emotionally-bereft piece of artificial intelligence. However, for someone who has not been on drugs (I suppose this could not reasonably apply to anyone who has ingested a S.Q.U.I.P) the experience could be likened to severe overstimulation. This was the first time that my AI experienced a sensation like panic and confusion.
I did not care for it.
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my friends came over to my house to drop acid (i'm trying to stay sober so i didn't) but now they're all having medium to bad trips and i don't know how to take care of them
is it irresponsible to just leave them to their trips ?? or should i be doing something lmao
Hallucinogens are not my main area of expertise, as I am more experienced with narcotics, but I still know some things.
With hallucinogens a trip sitter is important, to keep the tripping person from thinking they can fly and jumping off the roof or trying to climb walls. Wiggins usually assisted me. You should try to keep them in a save environment, removing all potential threats which could cause harm, and also trying to minimise stimuli like loud music or intense visuals, as such things could further deteriorate the trip and increase anxiety. Create a silent, relaxing and aesthetically pleasing environment. Maybe put on their favourite song on low volume, or pleasing calm visuals. If the tripper is experiencing anxiety, try talk to them calmly, reassure them or maybe remind them of a happy experience together trying to move the trip into a better direction. It is easier to just go with the trip instead of fighting against it, and softly trying to change the direction with your mind instead of forcing, as forcing and fighting it usually just makes it worse. Remind them that the trip will be over and that this state is not permanent and that it will improve.
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m1ssunderstanding · 3 months
Understanding Lennon McCartney Rewatch Part 2.1
Cynthia and John are worse and crazier for admitting what they admitted in the bio. But Jane and Paul are not exempt.
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Will forever love this pic of Paul and Julian. He does not look like the fun uncle. He looks tired and dependable. Just stepped out of the womb as a father, didn't he? The sperm that fertilized his egg probably passed some fatherly advice and hair tussles to the other sperm as it passed them. 
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They should've bought the fucking island.
They never look more like a couple than when the women they're actually dating are right next to them. 
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The India footage actually looks so beautiful. Obviously it's a beautiful place, but they all genuinely look so free and at peace there. It really could've been so good for them. Getting enlightened, getting soberish, growing closer as a band, taking a much-needed rest. It should've been good. 
The music choices in this documentary! The drastic shift from, “all you need is love” and “the dream I had was true” and “I don't need much to set me free.” to Paul leaving to “yes I'm lonely. Wanna die.” “I'm going insane.” “Look at me. Who am I supposed to be?” 8d8 psychic damage. And the thing is it's real. John really did flip a switch, just like that.
Smashing my head into a wall. It's the same as Yoko's quote about how ‘nobody hurt John more than Paul.’ Really Pete? Worse than after his mum died? Really Yoko? More than that drunk cop? Paul, what the fuck did you do to him in India, seriously, because at this point in the doc I can't accept the theory that it was just some lack of communication, I just can't. 
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It's also telling to me that when John's losing it, everyone's solution is some time alone with Paul. Nobody panic. Paul can fix him. Little do they know Paul's the one that broke him. Or maybe they do know and that's only another reason they know Paul's the only man for the job?
Old-fashioned ad voice: You liked Protective Jesus Scandal Paul? You'll love Protective LSD Scandal John! Really. Before the question is even out, he's making fun of it. I think he cuts off the interviewer at least three times with jokes before he can get the sentence out, and by the time he is, Paul's giggling too hard to feel bad about his little PR fuck-up.
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Then he lets Paul talk a bit before jumping back in, this time with his Hard Man suit on. It's just so good. A testament to their unconditional love, really. Because, clearly, Paul's just hurt John pretty bad. And yet, here John is. Using every trick he's got to defend his friend. 
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But actually, though John is supposedly the one everyone's worried about, Paul's doing a pretty shit job of being the “stable” one. This entire press tour he's either fucking blazed and laughing at everything or disassociated and not contributing.
(((except during that political discussion – again! Paul secretly has actual thoughts on actual things?!)))
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But for the most part, John's absolutely holding down the fort. I wonder if this is another case of everyone – all their friends and business associates, just like we as a fandom still do now – assuming John is the problem child, and Paul's the strong one, but actually they're both both. 
Back to the political interview. They're just so in sync. Finishing each other's sentences when you're talking about the weather or your shared work is one thing. Finishing each other's sentences on complex topics like why poor whites often vote bigots in or the cause of rampant misinformation is quite another. 
“Letting his dad cut his hair at sixteen, seventeen.” You all know that John hates Jim quote. 
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John: so there's war, and vegetables. There's relativity and absolute.  Paul (absolutely smitten): that's great Johnny. Int: that's rather hard for people to interpret. John: well if they can't interpret it now, maybe they will later..... 1. John really was extremely intelligent. 2. That last statement sums up Beatles historiography.
Paul really just Won't be alone with John, will he? Well, two can play at that game, Paul, and John's going to win, let me tell you. 
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But he's going to do one last panic grab for attention first.
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I really do think if John had done something like that *before* Paul would've given him that attention. Told him he's being insane and taken him home to splash some cold water on him or something and then given him whatever softness Paul was capable of. But not anymore. 
I wonder if Paul could go back to 1966 if he just wouldn't have taken John to that Indica show where he met Yoko. If he would've just said “okay John, sure, let's just stay home and trip on the couch tonight.” I don't know.
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Anyway, Yoko gets an A+ for persistence. Imagine being Paul, George, or Ringo, though, and John is suddenly madly in love with this woman whose been begging you all (and then him specifically) for a platform for over a year? It would be weird to say the least. 
John: don't you hate me? I'm crazy, you know. Paul: no I don't hate you. John: aren't you pissed at me now, Paul? Even a little bit? Paul: I'm very proud of you. It's the unstoppable force (“Don't ‘nore me, Mimi!”) vs the immovable object (“I learned to put a shell around me”.) Someone get them some professional help before they nuke the whole world. 
“There is, however, a desire to get power in order to use it for good.” One of those quotes that just really lets you see a person, you know? Benevolent dictator Paul. 
Yoko, why are you talking about how bad your boy doesn't want to fuck you right in front of all his closest friends and on record for posterity? If you have to be talking about your sex life, shouldn't you be lying about how insanely horny he is for you? Oh, right, she will think of that, just not yet. 
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And then she waxes poetic about how turned on John is when he's working on music with Paul. Cool. Smart. Thanks for that, though, genuinely.
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And Then (gosh, Yoko is such an asset to Beatles history when she's not actively spreading misinformation. Everyone give her a hand) she goes on about how Paul goes out of his way to make her feel respected and even valued. Compare that to John and Linda, anyone? And I want to be clear, I'm not saying this means John cares too much and Paul doesn't care at all, which might be the surface read. I just think John's reaction was to scream in everyone's face that he was in pain and Paul's was to insist ad nauseam that he was fine. You know?
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paranormeow7 · 4 months
References on my animal crossing island!!
lately I’ve gotten super into animal crossing again after not playing it for a while, and while my island still looks like shit, I’m peppering some fun stuff around to make it better!! All custom textures made by me btw, I don’t have nintendo online :[
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Island entrance: lsd dream emulator textures, yume nikki sweater, bps logo, ps1 logo!! don’t mind how it’s uneven, a lot of things are like that
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alternate report sign/nexus door!! made using simple panels!!
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fnaf at Freddy’s ft very WIP arcade…
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tha petscop zone. you can pretend the cosmos are daises and that the windmill looks accurate. missed toy day season so im mad I don’t have any good gift themed items to place…
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The True Savior…
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Aika Village!! Worked better in new leaf but still has a place in my heart!!
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WIP walten files area in honor of the new episodes coming out…
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Animal Carnival set reminded me of Happy Town so I added some textures from that!!
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And the Flesh Maze wall with a silly secret dance floor behind it!!
I’m not good at fancy landscaping or coherent furniture placement, but I’m not normal about a lot of stuff. So take this- hope y’all liked it!! if u have any advice feel free to share..
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cali · 6 months
im a different anon but im just curious what advice you would give to someone whos been pillbugging it for um. over a year now
mmm i cant really answer how to stop having depression which im guessing is what u mean + i dont know how ur head works but ive been living mostly NEET-ly for more than 2 yrs now and everyday im getting a better curve at dealing with it so i can tell u what works for me.
half the time when im pillbugging hard im paralyzed by a nontangible fear and the only thing that could stop it is adressing wherever the fear is coming from but the confrontation of the topic, trying to figure out where its even coming from, is terrifying too so i dont do it and stay swimming in tar. theres a sentence people keep saying when they explain why they watch 2 hour video essays "it makes my head go quiet". thats the enemy, the thought, not the person saying it. long term i mean. when its short term anguish that can be bridged by pillbugging its fine i think but if ur "making ur head quiet" for more than a month i urge u to make it go really loud again but thats hard. the only times i can try and confront those thoughts is when i feel otherwise nice, if i got externally forced to have a fun day, hike with my papa, date day with my girlfriend, sometimes just got myself to make a nice meal and it helped, when u feel better its a little less scary and u can maybe try and think out of it a little better. also i think on those days youre generally more positively charged so u got more hope outlook. COOL. i think this is why some people do meditation. im not good at it so i dont really know but i think its a brave pasttime of tackling unpleasant ideas. i used to try and dope my way out of it with lsd cuz everytime i used it it kind of forced me to confront whatever trouble i had but ive forbad myself that cuz i didnt want to rely on it as crutch + it was just unpleasant to get hit over the head everytime. now i only do it when i feel good already (havent done it in half a year lol). sorry, drug tangent. also weed is synonymous with pillbugging 4 me.
otherwise, rituals.... mmmmm..... when therapists and whoevers say stuff like take daily walks daily exercise take daily shower i think all of those are like half about the direct benefits they give and half just about doing anything regularly. cuz it helps. during pillbug hours the point for me is kind of to have time pass as fast as possible so the timeframe to hurt is reduced which is counterproductive cuz if it flows u by rlly hard u cant really grasp onto anything to get off the ride easily. and its never going to come really easy theres no probable single action or event that is going to singlehandedly pull u out of the mire, no rapture, no healing vitamin, its always going to be slow and tedious and boring and stupid but a routine is a nice framework to start that. brushing ur teeth is nice. and when u do something daily the days start becoming more tangible again and u will be able to tell how many days ago tuesday was. maybe u can think abotu what factors motivate u and twist them to do your biddinggg. shame and dissapointment works really well for me if i tell someone i will have this done by then and i dont it usually overpowers the malaise or whatever other reason has been making me not do it prior. but this requires social bonds and i cant guarantee u have those. in summer i started doing therapy cuz in germany i need it for transgenderism and shes also a good beacon for that, if she says do something until next time we meet i dont want to dissapoint her. other than that, um idk, everyting else is just kind of part of that. take walks even if u dont want to think about things even if its scary. be brave like childrens book illustration of knight slaying dragon. and then maybe u get a princess kiss
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jesuisici33 · 7 months
Fuck it Friday + Last Line Tag Game
tagged by @daffi-990 @thewolvesof1998 @bonheur-cafe @wikiangela @disasterbuckdiaz @loserdiaz
here’s more demon!buck/angel!eddie with the last little scene i wrote
A few days later, Buck confronts Taylor about her expose.
“Did you do it on purpose?”
“Do what on purpose?” Taylor tosses her red hair over her shoulder, and she’s trying not to smirk at him. She knows what he’s talking about, she just wants him to say it.
“The brownies. Did you make us all eat the brownies?” That day is still a little fuzzy. Back in ancient times, Buck found that the only way he can get high like humans is if he takes harder drugs. He hasn’t taken LSD since the 1960’s, a time he barely remembers except that he helped make a lot of people feel good during quite a few orgies. Although he knows Taylor didn’t put the LSD in the brownies herself, if she somehow knew about it, it wouldn’t be hard to figure out that she tempted everyone to have a piece to make her expose on the 118 more interesting.
“You really think I need to tempt you to eat a brownie? Come on.” When Buck keeps glaring at her, Taylor heaves an annoyed sigh. “No, I didn’t. If I did I would make sure everyone had a brownie. That one human – Chimney wasn’t it? – didn’t get dosed, remember?”
Vaguely. All he remembers is suddenly feeling like more of a giant then getting handcuffed. The most concerning part was seeing Eddie freak out. Trying to calm him down as they were put in Athena’s patrol car. He thinks he might’ve offered to tempt Eddie into becoming calm? He also thinks Eddie agreed. If Athena heard or saw, hopefully she thought it was just nonsense produced from the drug.
“But you did something. There’s no way you simply did this without trying to do some kind of temptation.”
“I tempted,” Taylor admits. “But don’t you worry about it. In fact, if I were you, I’d worry about that little angel you’re working with. If you’re not careful, he’ll smite you.”
She leaves in the news van. Buck scoffs at her advice. Eddie’s never going to smite him. He has no reason to. He’s seen Buck’s power and deemed it safe. He even thinks it’s funny sometimes, the things he does. Buck has nothing to worry about.
tagging @hippolotamus @911-on-abc @eddiebabygirldiaz @monsterrae1 @apothecarose @mammameesh @wildlife4life @forthewolves @fortheloveofbuddie @rmd-writes @liminalmemories21 @wandering-night19 @vampbuckley @alrightbuckaroo @giddyupbuck and anyone who wants to share cause im on mobile and im too lazy to look up people properly
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cipheramnesia · 1 year
When I was growing up, going to my parents for advice was like hey mom I think I should have a really fast cool car and she's like that seems fair, or hey dad and he's all don't do drugs like marijuana, do drugs like LSD that's way better, but I didn't actually ask anything.
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messinwitheddie · 5 months
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[Over 10 Summerweens ago]
Nny "That's your plan?! Keep him trapped inside your mind?! That's a shit plan! You do understand that's a SHIT plan, right?"
Dipper "Until I come up with a way to destroy Bill for good, it's the only plan I have to work with."
Nny "How did you trap him inside your head in the first place?"
Dipper "It was a happy accident. Dib and I were playing with this interdimensional scope and he just slipped back in, BUT this time, I know how to keep Bill from fully taking over."
Nny "Dib doesn't know either?"
Dipper "NO! He doesn't need to know! No one else needs to know! The whole damn point is to keep Ill-bay Ipher-cay off everyone's minds! If no one brings him up, it's easier to keep him from jumping into someone else's head!"
Nny "And you believe staying doped out of your skull is keeping him trapped? Aren't you in college? How are you supposed to function like this? For how long?"
Dipper "As long as it takes. Whatever keeps him from terrorizing my family.."
Nny "I'm not exactly the best person to give out life advice, but speaking as someone who has dealt with my fair share of cosmic horrors, I'm telling you THIS is going to backfire. Worst case scenario, the horrors consume you and drive you to KILL anyone who is able or willing to help you. Unlike ME, YOU have a network of friends and family who can help you. You don't have to fight these battles alone like I did-"
Dipper "I'm trying to protect my friends and family. This is a demon we've fought before. Please trust my judgment."
Nny "Trust the judgment of a 19-year-old frat boy covered in pot leaf decals trying to trap a demon in his head with micro doses of LSD... yeah, no. NO-"
Dipper "Stop calling everyone who made it into uni a frat boy! I'm not in a fucking fraternity! And forgive me if I don't trust the judgment of a man who once choked a woman to death with the chord to his headphones because she flashed a dead tooth when she smiled at you."
Nny "It was off-putting!"
Dipper "Grunkle Stan thinks highly of you. I WANT to believe you actually WANT to be apart of this family and you wouldn't try to hurt any of us, but I'm not altogether convinced. You want to convince me?"
Nny *frustrated growl* "Goddamn you, Squee, I can't believe you made me care about any of this-- YES, sure!"
Dipper "Ok, GOOD! Then keep your mouth SHUT and your short neck OUT OF THIS. Will you PROMISE ME, for the sake of this family's safety and possibly all of humanity's safety you will never mention this to anyone in this shack EVER?"
Nny "Son of bitch... yes. YES. Yes, I promise."
Dipper "Thank you. Let's get back upstairs before someone realizes we're missing."
Nny "Yes, LETS. That portal thingy gives off big moose wall energy and it's turning my stomach."
(A continuation of this dialogue)
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lasersheith · 4 months
I'm listening to Stephen King's book On Writing (he is also the narrator) and holy shit it's like 20 minutes of unhinged rambling that make me feel like I've just done heroic amounts of cocaine and LSD at the same time followed by 11 seconds of profound writing advice that changes my view on how I approach everything I think about the craft, followed by another 20 minutes of weird Daddio Zippity Paps and they were all covered in lobster maggots!
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iii-days-grace · 6 months
lecturing about vampire pharmacopoeia with @custer-mp3 (with @in-death-we-fall on the subject of certain undead cokeheads). also excited to page @ims0vain who was interested to hear about joey's cocaine woes xD
also some of my random haircare tips as well i guess. love you!
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iii-days-grace: oh and anaesthesia as drug play of course. that kinda was why i wanted to use jon and head since they've struggled irl although this is more fun. that gave me a lot of ideas about the vampire pharmacopeia.
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iii-days-grace: vampires need life force, so drugs from plants or animals work best. fungi are iffy since they're also undead. LSD as well as antibiotics would be unpredictable to just not work well, or at all. let's say anything that doesn't have a nameable species attached is a no go.
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iii-days-grace: vampires are long lived to where they're functionally immortal, but very slow-growing, like a reptile. they can heal from injuries on their own, given time. they can get sick, but it's not a common problem.
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iii-days-grace: joey and wednesday get up to recreational drugs as well haha). @in-death-we-fall figured it would be funny if joey couldn't do a line anymore and had to chew the leaves because they were more natural. (The idea of vampires doing herbal witchery attracted me for sure. I've been doing a lot of goopy henna stuff for my hair < the secret haircare advice).
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iii-days-grace: plants are most reliable because idk, most remedies are basically all plants and that makes research way easier.
iii-days-grace: the idea being the closer to the living thing the drug or medicine is, the better it works for vampires.
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iii-days-grace: All this to say, bugs is living things, and Spanish fly actually does work as an aphrodisiac for vampires. Life force! Just so happens that it's green.
iii-days-grace: i just really like the idea of vampires popping shiny green beetles as boner pills. drugs as bugs. bug drugs. bugs rug.
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ketavinsky · 14 days
advice for 19 year olds?
hmmmm heres some stuff from myself and from observations of ppl i knew at 19
im not sure if this will apply to you mate, but when i was 18 i was really fighting to fit in a certain sort of hierarchy and be a certain sort of person. i didnt let go of that when i left my childhood home and i wish i had. dont perform to the standards of your birdcage
take care of the body you have. i didnt want to live at 19 and i did some shit to myself that i now sincerely regret. dont live for the future but dont punish yourself for shit that happened in the past yk
if youre 19 and living in dorms or college or halls of residence, dont shit where you eat. i was in a hall of residence, i witnessed this time and time again, just not worth the stress im ngl
try not to live in a snowglobe
try not to live in a lab. im guilty of this now and at 19. spent more time analysing people to bridge the gap between us than trying to actually interact with them. on the plus side i write about it now but, still. i think it helps to remember that youre making your life with each breath and step and people around you are your peers not your specimens
seek to understand everyone without needing to take them apart. be open. the world is so huge you know. theres so much to see and listen to
dont get into a serious relationship. or go ahead and lose yourself in people but idk, i figure 19 is too young to be gunning for the person that could make it all better for you forever
tell your friends you love them all the time regardless of context or consequence. youll wish you had, honest. treat every stranger as a friend to be
i really dont think you have to grind at first yesr undergrad lol but im not gonna encourage you to slack off and do fuck all just keep in mind i tried way too hard at undergrad and burnt out in sem1 of postgrad and dropped out lol
do everything you possibly can while you have the time but dont feel guilty for resting yknow. volunteer for things whenever you can.
dont fucking buy shein
write poetry about what it was like to be younger. it's important that you decide how you felt about all of it before someone decides for you
be weirder than you think appropriate
there is a limit to how far you should go for free drugs and it depends on you but you gotta trust your instinct. tbh i could do a whole paragraph on substance related advice but . when your gut tells you to get outta there gtfo. dont mix lsd and alcohol. share but dont be taken advantage of. if someone cuts you a line and it stings when you snort it's ket not coke and you should find a place to sit down.
theres so much to be excited about and so much to love. be good to yourself so you can see as much as you can
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This day in history
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I'm on tour with my new, nationally bestselling novel The Bezzle! Catch me in TUCSON (Mar 9-10), then SAN FRANCISCO (Mar 13), Anaheim, and more!
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#20yrsago Mel Gibson: violent, cynical Jew-baiter? https://web.archive.org/web/20040501000000*/http://www.iht.com/articles/110553.html
#15yrsago Excellent public speaking advice https://web.archive.org/web/20090310044557/https://duncandavidson.com/2009/03/dear-speakers.html
#15yrsago Detroit and the future of America https://www.ft.com/content/2b815a94-0863-11de-8a33-0000779fd2ac
#10yrsago Netflix disables Chrome’s developer console https://memex.craphound.com/2014/03/07/netflix-disables-chromes-developer-console/
#10yrsago What happens when you opt your kids out of standardized tests https://slate.com/human-interest/2014/03/standardized-testing-i-opted-my-kids-out-the-schools-freaked-out-now-i-know-why.html
#10yrsago First clinical LSD trial in 40 years shows positive results in easing anxiety of dying patients https://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/04/health/lsd-reconsidered-for-therapy.html?referrer=
#5yrsago Ajit Pai has been touting new broadband investment after he murdered Net Neutrality, but he’s been relying on impossible data from a company called Barrierfree https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2019/03/ajit-pais-rosy-broadband-deployment-claim-may-be-based-on-gigantic-error/
#5yrsago Firefox is getting more browser fingerprinting protection courtesy of Tor Browser’s “letterboxing” technique https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1407366
#5yrsago It’s on: House Democrats introduce their promised Net Neutrality legislation https://www.cnet.com/news/politics/democrats-introduce-save-the-internet-act-to-restore-net-neutrality/
#5yrsago The “Tragedy of the Commons” was invented by a white supremacist based on a false history, and it’s toxic bullshit https://twitter.com/mmildenberger/status/1102604887223750657
#5yrsago The EU hired a company that had been lobbying for the Copyright Directive to make a (completely batshit) video to sell the Copyright Directive https://memex.craphound.com/2019/03/07/the-eu-hired-a-company-that-had-been-lobbying-for-the-copyright-directive-to-make-a-completely-batshit-video-to-sell-the-copyright-directive/
#5yrsago Zuckerberg announces a comprehensive plan for a new, privacy-focused Facebook, but fails to mention data sharing and ad targeting https://www.wired.com/story/facebook-zuckerberg-privacy-pivot/
#1yrago End to End https://pluralistic.net/2023/03/07/disenshittification/#e2e
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Name your price for 18 of my DRM-free ebooks and support the Electronic Frontier Foundation with the Humble Cory Doctorow Bundle.
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anthroparis · 9 months
ok so I made this list thinking about how I acted in high school (very edgy and a hater) and what my dynamic would've been like with each of these individual people at that time in my life. this has nothing to do with my opinion on the characters, simply whether I would've gotten along with them or not.
some of these stories are based on real things and some are made up based on vibes. not saying which ones tho
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author's note: if I had to describe how I was in high school with one character, it would be john bender from the breakfast club. if you haven't seen the breakfast club, it's your responsibility to fix that because it's one of the best high school movies ever made.
additional note: I no longer identify with john bender. I was edgy and terrible in school because I had a tremendously bad home life with my mom and zero rules, so I just did whatever I wanted and I made a lot of bad choices and did a lot of bad things to other people that I do regret now. I am a morally gray female character.
individual explanations under the cut
Best Friend Tier
DUDcan: as much as I hate him as a character? we'd be real as fuck irl. he'd be the one to go to for alcohol and cigarettes and we'd do LSD for the first time in his dad's pickup truck in a church parking lot at 11 PM together. I'm not kidding either I can so crisply imagine being sixteen and talking about our bad relationship with our parents in his dingy cesspool bedroom while his family is out having a dinner he wasn't invited to. we would have a lot of "are we dating?" moments but truthfully we never really had feelings for each other beyond platonic. he was also an asshole to me and I was an asshole to him and that's just how the bond was. I had a lot of trouble with his girlfriends because I was the girl best friend who they saw as a "backup girlfriend" when that was never the case. I was never friends with his gfs, and the periods in which he dated them were times when I would hang out with other people.
Okay Friends Tier
DJ: he seems like the kind of person I SHOULD'VE hung out with more in school but didn't because I didn't want to be reminded that my behaviors weren't healthy. he still seems like someone who'd take a lot of pity on me and make an active effort to be kinder. the kind of person who'd let me stay the night at his house when I didn't want to be in mine. he'd have a bunch of pets which would be awesome and his mom(s) would let me stay in the very nice guest room that I would feel SO bad using (but they would insist, because the couch is too uncomfortable for sleeping) and they'd make me breakfast and tell me I was welcome back whenever I needed.
Leshawna: someone I wouldn't get along with at first but who, over the years, would become the only person I could talk to about certain things and not feel judged. similarly to DJ, I think she'd take a lot of pity on the things going on in my life. She would move to another school or city or something in junior year but we'd keep in contact and every few months one of us would reach out just to catch up and swap stories and advice on the things going on in our lives.
Cameron: I actually wouldn't remember how we met, we just kinda started hanging out one day and that was that. he figured out that I had the benefit of getting mean people to leave me alone (either by intimidating them or by being friends with them lol) and would stick to me. kind of like a younger sibling. he'd also figure out that I don't mind listening to people infodump about their interests and would take great liberties to talk to me about whatever he was thinking of. he comes off as someone who would have a lot of trouble making friends because of a lack of empathy and difficulty in casual social situations, which I understand. we probably wouldn't keep in touch after we graduated, but we'd remember each other.
Katie and Sadie: let's be real for a moment. they would both get SO bullied for being dumb and loud. but they would also be so nice and would likely be the only female friends I had who'd be nice to me and treat me like a girl. ykwim. they seem the type to like, I dunno try to bleach their hair at home and freak out when it turned orange instead of blonde and they'd call me super panicked cause they don't want to be ginger and their moms already told them they weren't allowed to bleach their hair until college and I'd have to come over and help them. and they'd teach me how to do makeup in a way I still do to this day.
Rock and Spud: probably some of duncan's friends who I'd befriend through association. not much to say other than they know a good dealer and are generally nice people. they'd give me music recs and I'd return the favor and then we'd talk about the songs the next day. one year they'd be the only people to remember my birthday and get me a bunch of CDs and tapes.
Ryan: sat with me in english class. really smart guy, super perceptive, and we'd talk a lot about themes and stuff and get really good grades together. wouldn't talk much outside of class.
Sam: I feel like he'd start off in the pity tier because I mean. he would get SUPER bullied. but also over time I think he'd generally just be a fun person to talk to. I'd hang out in his dad's garage and watch him and his friends play mario kart together.
Scott: AGAIN a character who I don't like a lot but who I'd definitely get along with. would be a "our parents knew each other before high school so we hang out when there's no one else" situation. he would let me drive his pickup even though I don't have a license because he doesn't believe in the DMV. and we'd drive out to his family farm and wander into the corn fields and find weird bugs and stuff and talk about life. he'd steal his dad's cigars and we'd smoke them under that One Tree. I don't know how many of you have actually been on a family farm but there's always that one tree with the rotting car skeleton under it. we'd sit in that car and smoke and talk about bullshit for hours.
Civil Out of Pity Tier
Beth: sat across from me in science class. SUPER sweet, even though I'm pretty sure I made her aa little uncomfortable. would constantly talk about her boy band crushes and going to the formal in a new dress her mom sewed just for her and I'd nod along cause I really wouldn't have anything to say back but I had no reason to be rude. she'd have a lot of friends who I think were even more scared of me but I didn't bother with them anyway.
Ella: remember that one girl from the breakfast club who's label was "the basket case" and who everyone regarded as being crazy? yeah that's her. people would be nice to her face and then make fun of her behind her back in a way that'd bother me so much I'd go out of my way to be nicer to her. fight back against the system rahhh
Leonard + Tammy: DND kids before DND was cool. relentlessly bullied. I think both of them would have wicked drawing skills for their characters, though, and we'd have a few good conversations about folklore because I love that shit and all of my other friends would pick on me for it.
Jay + Mickey: were clearly trying to fly under the radar. first day of freshman year the homeroom teacher would announce to everyone that they both have life threatening allergies and carry epi pens, so if they had a reaction everyone would know what to do. and this would be super humiliating for both of them and I'd take pity for that alone. they're literally just trying to be normal.
Mike: one of those kids who'd be INSANELY nice to compensate for his visible mental illness. would get relentlessly picked on by teachers for having issues with memory and acting out sometimes, both of which I also experience cause I too had an undiagnosed dissociative disorder. I'd so badly want to be like "hey, man, I get it" but I wouldn't get too close just cause I felt like it wasn't my place. I'd try to be nice at least.
Nothing Against Them Tier:
Owen: we would get partnered for an english project and actually have a pretty good time making it, and then on the day of the presentation he'd fake being sick so I'd have to present it alone. I wouldn't hold it against him tho.
Tyler: our only interactions would be him asking me to explain assignments cause he sat behind me in auto or something and didn't understand what the teacher said, ever.
Crimson + Ennui: surprising even me, I just can't imagine myself being buddy-buddy with these guys. I think they had their own loner thing going on in a much more passive way than I did, and we didn't mess with each other out of a shared understanding, but we never really talked, either.
Something Against Them Tier:
Amy: she would intimidate me and I would steer VERY clear of her to avoid conflict. looking back on high school, I would later find that she probably didn't even notice my existence.
Anne Maria: would make fun of me but I wouldn't want to start shit with her because everyone already disliked her anyway and I was pretty sure she could hand me my ass on a platter if she wanted to.
Brick: army guy. immediate grounds for conflict with me. but I think we'd have a discussion where I'd say that I think veterans need better accommodations because like every man in my family has been enlisted in the military and he'd respect me so much for that we wouldn't ever argue again. then four years after graduation Leshawna would be like "oh brick? yeah he turned out to be gay and he's a designer now" and I'd be like oh great so all of that was for nothing.
Bridgette + Geoff + Brody: it'd be 113 degrees outside and they STILL wouldn't wear deodorant
Kitty: too happy. I'd find that suspicious.
Lindsay: being dumb doesn't excuse all the passive-aggressive bullying she would do. I wouldn't be mean back because I don't think she even realized she was being a dick but I would eat up her downfall after Heather decided they couldn't be friends anymore.
Sammy: we would have one single conversation in which it would become apparent to me that what she needs is a person who can constantly reassure her, be there for her, and serve as an emotionally stable figure of authority. that person would NOT be me.
Sanders: rules enjoyer. "erm don't we have homework due today" right before the end of class type chick. would get me in trouble for skipping.
Staci: I didn't like talking to people. personal hell world nightmare.
Would Sit Behind Me in Math Class and Try to Smell My Hair Tier
self explanatory
Mutual Dislike
Noah: I was not good at academics in school and he seems like someone who would latch on to that and take every opportunity to talk down to me and treat me like a pet until dudcan and I beat him up one day after school. fuck you noah.
Alejandro: popular. he would've been secretly in love with me for several years of high school tho. like whatever Juno (2007) said about attractive popular guys being really into weird scary chicks.
Gwen: we would have had beef one way or the other. I have no other notes we just would've.
Carrie: one of those girls who made her first boyfriend her entire personality. we would've been paired up in math class or something and she would've spent the entire project talking about devin until she realized I was ignoring her and didn't care. and then she never would've talked to me again.
Dakota: popular. idc how nice she actually was, every time I saw a rich skinny blonde girl in high school my kill instinct was activated.
Dawn: I laughed in her face when she asked me what my spirit animal was.
Devin: I can't actually explain this one but he seems like someone who would traumadump on literally anyone who started a conversation with him. I'd be trying to talk about the discussion question in english class and he'd be like "it's just so hard to think about school since my grandma died and my girlfriend dumped me and my dog left me for a better owner 🥺" and teenage me couldn't do empathy so I'd be like "okay."
Ellody + Mary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIarrG9ZO4I
The Vegans (I can't remember their names): I actually shouldn't have to explain this one. I'm vegetarian and even I would've found them insufferable.
MacArthur: she would have a sense of humor that I didn't find funny so every time she would crack a joke and I'd stare blankly back she'd feel insecure and proceed to compensate for it by making fun of me for the next half an hour.
Tom + Jen: they would passive-aggressively make fun of me for dressing weird and I'd tell them I could go into Hobby Lobby and see eighty christian moms who were dressed just like them. then they would just talk behind my back
Topher: he was either extremely repressed or just plain metrosexual but either way he had something against lesbians and would call me a dyke* because I cut my hair short.
*tumblr weirdos please be advised that I can reclaim this
Mutual RESPECT Tier:
Eva: IRL I actually had a surprising amount of friends in high school who were gym rats. probably because I also was kind of a jock. but yes Eva would see me once at the dojo and all of a sudden we would start nodding at each other while passing each other in the halls.
Harold: sat next to me in French class. the teacher would hate him for his autistic swag because he would interrupt constantly to correct them when they said something wrong. I would find that hilarious because I fucking HATED like 90% of the teachers in hs (again. bad at academics) and would back him when the teacher tried to get him in trouble.
B: he's smart but not in an obnoxious way. he has the vibes of someone who I'd know before school because our parents are friends or something and we never quite got along but I know he'd have my back if it came down to that
Sierra: okay listen to me. we wouldn't be friends but I don't think she would be scared of me either so any time we were in close proximity she'd talk my ear off about dan and phil or whatever the fuck and I'd just take it because trying to get her to shut up would be literally impossible. I would be aware of the fact that she wrote rpf on wattpad but I strongly believed in minding my own business so I wouldn't say anything unless I was directly asked about it. and then she'd ignore me and keep talking.
Jo: same thing as Eva except I think she'd talk to me more.
Sky: same thing as Eva but she'd somehow talk to me even less.
Stephanie: you will notice that there's a lot of hated characters in the mutual respect tier. this is because people did not like me in high school and I found it easier to hang out with all the other kind of terrible people than to try to fit in.
Sugar: see above
Lightning: he would be okay with me by association through Jo
Physical Violence Tier:
heather and taylor both come off as people who talk a lot of shit to and about other girls because they don't expect them to really do anything about it. but I used to beat up the girls who were mean to me in high school. then they'd never bother me again!* lalalalala
*please let it show on the record that I do not condone violence unless it's absolutely necessary
Extreme Mutual Hatred Tier:
Courtney: class council president, founder and president of the environmental coalition, does 8 hours of volunteer work every weekend, class valedictorian, 4.00 GPA, overly pretentious and smug. kind of the same thing with noah but worse because she's not just being sarcastic, she's dead serious about thinking she's better than everyone else. we would get into a mutual physical fight at one point or another.
Emma: kind of the same thing as courtney except those two would have an academic rivalry and it would be hilarious to watch from the outside. would tire herself to death with AP classes and dual enrollment just to go to state, which I also got into. I would find that very satisfying.
Jacques + Josee: would call me fat and I'd call their "sport" an insult to actual skaters. one of the few battles I'd willingly pick with other athletes because I know for a fact that Eva and Jo would hate them too and would back me if things got messy.
Scarlett: same thing as emma and courtney but one time in computer science I saw her using the 3D modeler to construct her own original saw traps and I steered clear of her after that. I'm pretty sure she wanted to commit acts of violence against the other smart girls
Never Spoke To Tier:
Ezekiel: homeschooled
Izzy: for some reason I just cannot imagine talking to her. like I'd know who she was when someone brought her up but otherwise? I just cannot imagine one single conversation
Trent: duncan and I would make fun of him for playing his guitar in his car in the whole foods parking lot after school
Beardo: doesn't speak
Chet and the other one who's name I can't remember: I think the fact that I don't even really remember their names says enough
Justin: popular and probably wouldn't even notice my existence, and I'd like it that way
Max: I would NEVER remember who he is sorry. he also comes off as someone who'd be really hard to have a conversation with
Jasmine: foreign exchange student who I really wouldn't care enough about to try to talk to.
Shawn: EXTREMELY anti-social, wouldn't talk to anyone
I Don't Want to Talk About it Tier:
we both noticeably liked each other at the same time for several years and never did anything about it because I don't pursue people and he was too scared to approach me
Toxic Friendship Tier:
okay I like zoey as much as the next guy but you cannot look me in the eyes and tell me she wouldn't be the worst possible person to be friends with. she seems like someone who'd get mad at something I said and then instead of addressing it with me, start acting really passive-aggressive and expect me to just KNOW what I did. she'd literally make me beg to find out why she's mad and then refuse to tell me because I should "know". would get upset over the fact that I don't respond to her PMs fast enough and either be extremely clingy or give me the silent treatment as a punishment. would take everything I did that even mildly upset her as a personal attack. would get jealous over the other people I hung out with and then when we all spent time together, she'd just act really rude and uptight. once slapped me "as a joke" and then tried to laugh it off when I gave her that Look. begged me to take her to a frat party when we were underage and then left me there to take an ecstasy tablet in some college guy's car so I had to call duncan to pick me up and he made fun of me while driving home. didn't know how to handle her alcohol so I had to drive her home in her own car every. single. time. sent me songs to listen to and then I had to pretend I liked them or she'd get sad. would have occasional breakdowns where she admitted she knew that she was being terrible to me and then nothing would change. all while I sat there like :| okay zoey. YES I HAVE KNOW PEOPLE LIKE THIS IRL BEFORE YOU SAY ANYTHING. THEY SUCK. I LIKE ZOEY AS A CHARACTER. BUT THESE GIRLS WILL KILL YOU AND SELL YOUR INTESTINES TO AFFORD MORE SMITHS RECORDS.
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Hey y’all!!
i have been inactive a-lot recently due to some personal stuff and this is tumblr so i feel comfortable sharing this with a bunch of strangers.
Recently i guess i’ve become addicted to pills.
to be more pacific garys (slang for ecstasy pills) and CBDS (it’s different where i’m from its a mix of Garys, ket, cocaine and LSD).
The story is i got a girlfriend about a week ago. and we hit it off immediately, i’ve never ever wanted to dry pills as my mum is addicted and i don’t wanna end up like her.
She brought some and gave me one, i didn’t take it because i was scared. So i went home the Gary still in my pocket in a clear baggy. i’ve never been good at listening to clear instructions so my girlfriend telling me “don’t take it by yourself” flew right over my head. I took the full thing, it was fun don’t get me wrong i was the happiest i’ve ever been. and once that feeling went. i done it again, and again, and again.
and now i can’t stop. we planned to do it next week i’m excited, but i wanna say no.
i’m a people pleaser so whatever i don’t want to do i will do to make them happy.
i just really need some advice guys. please help me out.
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polyamorouspunk · 1 month
Drugs drugs dra drugs drugs drugs
I have a few tabs of lsd I desperately want to take because it's been about two years since I last did it. And I find tripping every so often to be really helpful for getting myself out of my own head/ass. It's also... fun? In the sort of way masochism is fun. (I can explain but this ask is already getting long so only if you want to know.)
But I don't currently have a safe space (or safe people) for tripping. So I'm just sitting on a few tabs trying to decide if it's worth getting a cheap cabin and doing it alone in the woods. Which is basically the start to every horror story ever. But it sure as hell beats tripping at home and then asking my mom to take me for post trip pancakes.
My mom is very aware that I do psychedelics from time to time. I just have less than zero interest in doing them anywhere near her. I'm pretty sure no one would kill the experience faster.
I'm not really asking for advice, just sort of venting about this weird little part of my life.
Noooo that makes so much sense fr
I would actually be interested to know though
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