#Lynette x reader platonic
animekpopsimp · 10 months
Voicelines about you (Lyney and Lynette, platonic)
(trigger warning: mentions of trafficking, SA, physical abuse and self-harm. Also spoiler warning for Lyney and Lynette's backstory)
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About (Y/N)
"While we aren't biologically related, I consider (Y/N) family. We've grown up with each other so it's like we are. I truly do care for her.
About (Y/N): The Past
" I remember when I first met (Y/N), she had such a sad look in her eyes. Lynette told me what had happened, it's truly horrible. I admire how she can keep a smile on her face after all she's been through."
About (Y/N): Worries
"Huh? I look worried? How perceptive of you. I've just been thinking, after all (Y/N) has been through I can't help but worry about her. She keeps a smile on her face but deep down, is she really ok? I do try and talk to her about it sometimes, but she would rather not say anything. I understand why, but I wish she would be more open to me.
About (Y/N): Shows
"Did you enjoy the show? I'm glad you did. Lynette, (Y/N) and I make a good team. You know, I've noticed something about (Y/N), whenever she's on stage, it's like she's a whole different person. Her eyes sparkle whenever we perform, like she completely forgets about all the bad things in her past. It makes me smile when I see that look on her face.
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About (Y/N)
"I met (Y/N) when we were both younger. Back then, she looked so scared, then again she wasn't in a good place. Now she seems better, but I always worry about her.
About (Y/N): Comfort
"Sometimes (Y/N) comes to me for comfort, it's always when she remembers what happened back then. The look on her face when she does, it scares me, she's usually so calm, I hate seeing her so upset. I just hope she'll always remember that she's safe with us.
About (Y/N): Relaxing
(Y/N) and I both enjoy relaxing together while eating sweets, though Lyney always warns us not to eat too much. Though I just can't help it, the content look on (Y/N)'s face makes me happy. I just want to see her feeling safe.
About (Y/N): Performing
I remember when (Y/N) performed with Lyney and I for the first time, she was so nervous. But once she got on stage, there was a huge smile on her face, I was so happy to see her so comfortable.
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The quartet
Platonic!Arlecchino x Traveller!Reader x Platonic!Lyney, Lynette, Freminet
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When Arlecchino left the office, she was greeted by almost absolute silence, only the snoring and quiet snuffling of tired children interrupted her. To be honest, the harbinger liked this sight, since most of the children did not plan to fall asleep after lunch and from this they lay not only in unnatural poses, but also in the most unexpected places.
Foltz, for example, was lying in the dining room with his face buried in the table. Even the older children couldn't resist going to bed in the afternoon. So, her gaze slipped to your quartet lying by the fireplace. With a quick glance, it was difficult to understand where whose legs and arms were, so her eyes stopped a little longer, although she knows perfectly well that an excessively long look can disturb the light sleep of some children.
You lies in the middle, a Freminet lies neatly on the right, he slightly nuzzled your shoulder, while holding his faithful friend Per. Lynette lies a little apart on the left, her tail gently wrapped around your leg, when she herself almost does not touch you. And to top it all off, Lyney... It was as if he wanted to hug everyone at once. He was sleeping in the tiny space between you and Lynette, one of his hands reaching straight for Freminet through your face, the other holding Lynette's hand.
Exhaling softly, Arlecchino goes to the fireplace and calmly extinguishes it. Her gaze goes back to your pile. She notices how you open your sleepy eyes and squint at her for a couple of seconds, after which you turn over on your other side, throwing your leg over the Freminet.
What a tangible difference there is between your first day at the House of the Hearth and this one. In the first days, you were especially careful with her and the other children, but now you have become much more trusting. And trust is an important and indispensable component of any family.
However, she should definitely return to her duties as soon as possible, and not linger here idly. However one from your pile noticed her.
"I'm going out on business, Lyney. There are no missions for your quartet today. However, it would be nice if you could improve the calligraphy of Y/n, because the last report was given to me was hard to understand."
"Yes, Father."
Lyney answered sleepily, looking at Arlecchino leaving. When the door quietly closed, Lynette's voice was heard.
"Did Father just call us a quartet again?"
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idyllic-affections · 5 months
thoughts on lyney and lynette rn bc i would kill to see little sibling reader with them ,m so normal about them i swear i just dnfgohpjykul
the blood of the covenant.
summary. blood related or otherwise, lyney, lynette, and freminet are among the best siblings to have.
trigger & content warnings. non-descriptive mention of injuries, lyney does Not open up and it causes arguments (not depicted in detail; just briefly mentioned), some mentions of crying.
tropes, pairings, fic length, & other notes. fluff, hurt/comfort. lyney & younger sibling!reader, lynette & younger sibling!reader, freminet & younger sibling!reader. 2k words. they/them pronouns used for reader. reader is a member of the house of the hearth. reader is only slightly younger than freminet; think a month or two younger.
author's thoughts. almost 6 months later....... your wish is my command 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 SORRY IT TOOK ME LIKE A MILLION YEARS TO DO THE AQ...... AND I STILL HAVE ACT 5 LEFT TO DO...... but i think i'm well-versed enough now to write about the twins! and freminet... as a little treat.
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lyney is an undoubtedly protective older brother—he doesn't mean anything bad by it, but given his traumatic history and multiple forced partings from lynette... he's grown a bit worrisome. this effect is increased tenfold if his youngest sibling [name] also happened to be sold off to that noble with lynette.
being the eldest means that he is solely responsible for the safety of his siblings (or so he believes—arlecchino herself feels that it's more of a team effort to keep one another safe on missions and in daily life). so, he worries. he knows that all of his siblings are thoroughly capable... but he worries.
tight hugs. god. lyney gives tight and safe hugs. lynette leans more towards fond squeezes—briefly tight, before loosening up into a more gentle hug (she can and will squeeze even tighter than lyney some days, however). and freminet is more prone to hand-holding, little reassuring squeezes akin to lynette's but with [name]'s hand instead of their whole body, but he'll also offer very gentle and soothing hugs if needed.
^ speaking of freminet's inclination to hand-holding, he might clutch their hand if he gets nervous about something... and if they also happen to be a bit shy, as he is, he'll try his best to be as confidently reassuring as lyney is (it doesn't work, but it's the thought that counts, no?). his hand is always open to be held too, though, so if that calms his sibling down... he's more than happy to let them cling onto his hand for a while.
"Are you scared?"
"A little," they murmur quietly, fingers absentmindedly plucking at the threads of their sleeves. "Always a little on missions like these. It doesn't stop me from doing anything, don't get me wrong. I just get... nervous."
Freminet hummed, a soft acknowledgement of what they said.
Then, he held out his open palm, continuing, "Then... you can hold my hand. Until we have to do our jobs."
A bit of their confidence was restored—Freminet could tell, based on the way their downcast expression shifted into something more... neutral. Something more capable of disguising the threat of impending doom, in a way, but he knew that threat was not something for him to worry about. That threat was not for him.
(Some other threat, far more visible on their angry face accompanied by something along the lines of 'Freminet I am going to kill you where you stand Lyney said you ate my leftover food why would you betray me like this' was more likely to be for him.
For the record, Lyney was most certainly a liar. Freminet did not and would not do such a thing to them.
Magic is all about misdirection and trickery, after all. Of course Lyney managed to both misdirect and trick his baby sibling into accusing his other baby sibling of a crime he himself committed.)
They nodded, vastly more confident and assured in themselves, before clasping his hand securely in theirs. His fingers intertwined with theirs, and his thumb absentmindedly ran across their knuckles. "Until we have to do our jobs."
lynette will sneak them sweets when lyney isn't looking... or, tbh, even when he is looking. he scolds her for it every time, but she continues to do it. his chiding has never stopped her before. why would it stop her now?
lynette will also try all kinds of deserts and teas with them!! it's like a bonding activity, in a way. perhaps she and [name] create a little tier list to note down the best bakeries in fontaine and the worst.
"What do you think of this place?"
"Mmh... I don't know." They leaned over to Lynette's side, whispering their secrets ('secrets' meaning criticism that they were too polite to let the bakery owner overhear) into her ear. "Their sweets are kind of... bitter. Maybe the baker was having an off day? I don't know, but it's... not great."
"To the bottom of the list, then," she said simply with no attempt at discretion as she took a sip of her tea. She must have agreed with their criticism, given that she offered no words in defense of the little bakery.
"A— ah?! Lynette, shh! Don't say that so loud!"
kisses!!!! lyney just thinks his baby sibling is the cutest, so he'll fondly pepper their face in kisses if they're okay with it <3 lynette also does this, to a certain extent. it isn't to lyney's level, though. she is far more calm and restrained about it. she may, however, be very inclined to squish their cheeks like a fond grandma might.
it seems... calming for her? she seems to enjoy pinching their cheeks, even if her expression does not show it. maybe it could be compared to a cat kneading its owner. she's also quite fond of giving them headpats for any reason, really—for expressing approval, offering comfort, reassurance...
(it is likely that she picked up said habit from arlecchino.)
neither of the twins smother in a belittling way. if [name] is seriously upset by something, or has something of great importance to share (intelligence collected on a mission, perhaps), they both take it very seriously... and if the twins somehow fail to do so, they own up to it.
freminet would be so happy if they wanted to go diving with him! and if [name] happened to dislike the ocean, he would understand, but would want to help them overcome such a fear. he's never going to leave them alone in the water if they're scared. there's nothing to be afraid of, he reassures quietly. why? how is there nothing to be afraid of? well, he will do his best to protect them. he will not let anything bad happen to them.
^ furthermore, freminet would also really love to sit in silence with [name] and toy around with machines and their inner workings. if his sibling isn't adept at it as he is, then he's more than content to quietly teach them and direct them on what to do and how to do it. perhaps there might come a day where they help him out with upgrading pers—whether that be by simply propsing an idea or executing that idea themselves on another machine (it would be so... wrong of them to do something to pers without his explicit permisssion) to visually display what they're trying to explain.
lyney and lynette use their two youngest siblings as something of a practice audience; it helps the twins work out any issues with their tricks, and as a bonus on lyney's behalf, he generally gets to see his little siblings [name] and freminet smile <3
on a more unfortunate note, lyney is notorious for not opening up and not relying on others. this may lead to intense arguments or spats... he may often neglect to apologize verbally (he cannot promise that he won't do it again; he doesn't want to lie to them like that), but he will apologize in other ways—a sudden increase in meaningful gifts for his little sibling, treating them to a meal or multiple meals of their choice, doing menial house chores for them so they do not have to... things of that nature. he feels bad, but he can't act like he won't do it again. he knows he will. lyney is just grateful that [name] is patient with him through it all.
Held out in front of them by their eldest brother was a takeout box from one of their favorite bakeries; he must have asked Lynette about it, they vacantly thought. Taped securely to the top was a Romaritime Flower. Loyalty... was that his way of reassuring them that these little things would not ever truly impact his relationship with and his care for them? They, again, mused that he must have gotten it from one of their other shared siblings—Freminet, if they had to guess.
They frowned. "Lyney..."
He looked a bit worried now. They felt a little bad for inducing that kind of anxiety, but they did not waver. "Do you not like it?"
"I do. It's not that," they reassured, shaking their head as they gingerly took the box from his hands. "I just wish you could rely on us more. You wouldn't need to go through all this trouble to apologize if you just... relied on us. All of us, Father included. That's all."
He doesn't say anything to that.
They gingerly set the gift down onto a nearby table. Then, they turn back to their brother and—to his surprise; he assumed they were still upset with him—wrapped their arms around his waist, head resting on his shoulder. His hands were frantic as they scrambled to secure their place around [Name]'s shoulders.
Lyney squeezed. It wasn't tight enough to hurt them at all, but it was tight enough to put a bit of soothing pressure on their body. Maybe it was another way of his to apologize wordlessly, without committing to the promise of never doing it again, or maybe he was just concerned that they might not forgive him this time and subsequently relieved when they did.
(He should know better after all these years, but... really, what kind of a brother might he be if he didn't worry about making amends with his younger sibling after doing wrong to them?)
It was silent for a moment. They simply basked in the warmth their brother provided, while he basked in the newfound freedom from the weight upon his shoulders that their forgiveness provided him with.
Then, they whispered, "You know I love you, right?"
He didn't have a chance to respond before they swiftly untangled themselves from his embrace, swiped his hat from atop his head, and darted out the front of the building that they were in.
Oh, so that's how it is.
He smiled fondly to himself as he waited, offering them a brief headstart.
He would catch them eventually; he always did. However, as Fatui agents... this little game of theirs, some variation of cat and mouse, could go on for hours—days, even, if [Name] happened to be taking it especially seriously.
Well, then. He may as well entertain their whims and antics (and really, they probably got it from him, so he has no right to complain about the monster he made; he often did things of this nature to all three of his siblings, and he had been doing this with them specifically since they were little).
It's the least he can do, he thinks.
lynette can often tell right away if something is wrong with [name]. she notices even the smallest things. at a moment's notice, she is ready to sit at their side and brew tea to share. if they want to talk, she is more than happy to listen, humming quietly every now and then to remind and reassure them that she is paying attention.
should one of [name]'s missions ever go wrong, ending with them injured... their three siblings are by their side as soon as possible, and lyney's probably first, followed shortly by both lynette and freminet.
they all want to know what happened, of course, but they don't push it if [name] isn't feeling up to the task of talking. their health and comfort always comes first.
freminet will offer pers as comfort, if they need something to hold that isn't a pillow. it tends to make him feel better, so maybe it will have the same effect on them. he does this whenever they're hurt—mentally, physically, or otherwise. if his sibling is in pain, he'll do what he can to help.
and if tears are shed... archons, they're all so worried :(
tears will never be shed in front of father, of course, but... it's different if it's in front of their siblings. none of them cry often—even very rarely in front of one another—so it is certainly worrisome when it does happen.
and though tears are rarely shed in front of one another, lyney, lynette, and freminet are all more than ready to help soothe the soul of their youngest sibling, regardless of whether that means letting them rant their heart out or simply sitting in silence by their side.
please consider reblogging and leaving kind tags or comments, it helps me out quite a lot!
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alcazarofthestars · 5 months
Hello can I request yandere platonic fontaine with y/n that is like Kohaku from enstars by personality?
Of course! But I've only started playing enstars a few months ago, so my knowledge of his personality is a bit restricted and I'll be using the wiki... Sorry for being late, my practical exams are around the corner and then my end of semester tests come right after that....
Summary: After growing up as a very sheltered kid in the house of the hearth, you are trying to achieve your dream in Fontaine as a performer. But you have unfortunately managed to gain the interest of many famous figures and obsessive people in Fontaine...
Warning!: Yandere content (Obviously), bullying, ooc, insecurities, fighting, stalking, abuse(?), bad writing, disfiguration?, murder, harassing, taking pictures without consent, physically harming (not to the reader... kinda), manipulation, Fontaine cast girlbossing, gatekeeping, and gaslighting. (If any of those make you uncomfortable please leave.)
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{~} So imagine this, you were born in a branch family of a rather noble family from Inazuma. But you were given up to Arlecchino by your parents because the main family isn't really welcoming of an heir of your gender in fear that the branch family will get any power against them. Even though the family was trying to modernize out of such beliefs, the current head of the family still firmly believes in it. So out of concern, your parents hid you for the first five years of your life until they gave you up to the house of the hearth.
{~} There in the orphanage you meet a pair of twins from Fontaine who aspire to be great magician and his assistant, the twins consist of one male and one female who introduced themselves as Lyney and Lynette. They were older than you by a few years and they would also love to put on a show for you! By this point you see them as your older siblings, and they also see you as their adorable younger sibling who has to be protected from the cruel world. But sadly, they go on a lot of missions outside of Snezhnaya... But don't worry, they always think about you during their missions and they bring back souvenirs from their travels!
{~} During your time at the orphanage, you've managed to meet Arlecchino herself. At first she scared you, but you soon warmed up to her! She became your parental figure during your stay at the house of the hearth after an event where she saved when you almost died. But she would never allow you out of the orphanage grounds unlike the other kids at the orphanage. You first thought it was because you were too young, but when you grew up she still didn't allow you to leave whether it's for missions or just walking around. Whenever you asked she would answer by saying, "It's for your safety. The world is a harsh place." or something similar to that...
{~} This made you grow up as a rather sheltered kid compared to most others your age. You learned about the outside world by books, newspapers, and gifts that were brought back by the others in the orphanage. You also have very little knowledge about fashion due to always wearing uniforms provided by the orphanage.
{~} One day, you were introduced to a new addition to the orphanage. He introduced himself as Freminet as he hid behind Arlecchino. She wanted you to welcome him to the orphanage because the two of you are the same age. At first he was rather shy and quiet around others, he still is but now he doesn't run away the moment someone goes near him. You would talk and hang out with him during the first few weeks of his stay, but he would always hide from you...
{~} This one time, you were walking around the orphanage in search of Freminet to play with you as usual. You did manage to find him, but he was surrounded by other kids that were all older than him. From what you heard from afar, they were talking about him. And not the nice type of talking, more like the harassing kind. So as a young kid with a naive mind you went up to the group and confronted them head on.
{~} ... It didn't go well. You ended up fighting with most of the kids while the others ran to find Arlecchino or because they were scared. After Arlecchino came, she sent all the kids (including you) to her office. In the end, after asking the bystanders and witnesses you got off with only a long lecture while most of the other kids got lectured and were given more chores to do. When you left Arlecchino's office, Freminet went over to you and hugged you, thanking you for helping him. Since that incident you and Freminet had gotten closer up to the point he would follow you around like a lost puppy.
{~} On one afternoon, Lyney and Lynette came back from one of their missions. They also brought some souvenirs back from Fontaine for you. Lyney handed you their souvenir, it is a voice recording of a popular idol from Fontaine singing their most popular song. You would love to listen to it and you really treasured it. A few days later, you were playing with the twins and Freminet when you excitedly announced that you want to be an idol or performer when you grow up.
{~} They were very supportive of your dreams, Lyney and Lynette offered to teach you some tricks for when you're performing so you don't get nervous on stage. Lyney had also invited you to come to one of their performances in the future! When you told Arlecchino, she seemed supportive of this idea as well. So after all that, you began practicing with the help of Lyney and Lynette with Freminet and Arlecchino who would occasionally drop by and watch you practice.
{~} When you turned 15, Arlecchino finally gave you your first mission (you kept on begging her) with the twins and Freminet in Fontaine. The mission was rather easy, 'perform a show as your 'debut' as a performer to prepare for future missions', you were still excited nonetheless!
{~} When you, Lyney, Lynette, and Freminet arrived at Fontaine you were in awe by the atmosphere of the said nation. Compared to Snezhnaya, Fontaine was more welcoming and peaceful especially with way less snow and blizzards. Your group split up to find a place to stay, so while Lynette and Freminet search for an inn you and Lyney would go explore together.
{~} After a while, you managed to get separated from Lyney. While searching for him you decided to ask some people nearby. The second you asked they started to give weird looks to you, narrowing their eyes as you spoke. You, who noticed this, started to get more and more nervous. They answered you by saying that they haven't seen Lyney. When you were far enough they started to talk amongst themselves, mainly about you and your weird accent. It wasn't much of a problem for you back at the house of the hearth because of the kids' innocent minds, but now that you're in a whole different nation with a lot of judging people, you start to feel somewhat insecure...
{~} Thankfully, Lyney had found you accompanied by Lynette and Freminet trailing behind him. "Ahah! There you are! We were so worried, where did you go?" He questioned. "Now, now, it was your fault that you two got separated." Lynette commented in a rather harsh tone. "Anyways, we found a suitable inn to stay at." She added.
{~} Although that incident happened a long time ago, you still found their words ingraved in your head. Now ever since you started your 'career' as a performer, people have grown to like your accent. But you still have problems accepting it...
{~} In present times, you are a famous performer in Fontaine and other regions. So it's only natural to have performed in front of many important and known figures from many different nations. But today's performance makes you feel nervous... Why you ask? It's because you're gonna perform for the monsieur Neuvillette and hydro archon herself along with a few more important people! Usually Lyney and Lynette would do these, but it seems that they want you to perform instead....
{~} It went smoothly, as usual. The crowd was cheering, the guests were happy, and you did a job well done! After the show the hydro archon, Furina, had approached you to congrat you on a good show while Neuvillette had given you a nod and a faint smile. You were happy of course, but there was a bad feeling that you couldn't really shake off from them...
{~} During your stay at Fontaine you have met many incredible and nice people! Such as Navia the president of the Spina di Rosula who would always invite you to tea parties with her to talk about your day, Clorinde the hydro archon's personal bodyguard that would help you out with security during your performances, or Chiori the fashion designer from Inazuma who likes to make you dress up from time to time. Over time, you had also managed to get closer to the hydro archon, melusines and Neuvillette. Although being somewhat close with them, you still continue to get a bad feeling from them.
{~} There was a certain incident that had happened a while back where during one of your shows a person from your audience made a remark on how you have a strong accent and how it ruined the whole performance. When you went to talk to the people who said that earlier it is as if they just went POOF! Cause it was like they just... vanished... Until a few days later where their bodies were found, looking so disfigured that they could only be identified by their outfit.
{~} Over time you have managed to see the fountain cast as your 'found family' and they seem to see you in the same light! But day by day the amount of missing people cases has increased up to the point your 'family' starts talking about how dangerous it is and how you should just stay with them for the time being.
{~} Maybe they are right. You shouldn't worry much about people whom you barely know and spend time with your friends and 'family' instead! Things have been going great, the culprit is almost found and you get to spend time with the people you love without being worried. Isn't that just nice? Well... that is until a renowned detective from Inazuma comes to help in the case...
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A/N: AHHHH....! I hate tests... This will probably be my last post before going inactive for a while.... Sorry for the rushed ending, feel free to leave the rest up to your imagination!
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wenutted · 19 days
Lyney & Sibling!Reader (ft. Lynette & Freminet)
Based on this silly ask, albeit a little bit different, requested by @s7vend33znots
Recipe used when reader was cooking by Morikitchen
[Warnings]: Consumption of non-food items,
-> You hate Lyney's signature dish. Always have, always will.
The chewy, gummy texture of each fruit flavored cube makes you want to puke, and the abundance of sugar just makes it so much worse.
And, despite making your distaste for the dish known, Lyney insists on always making it for you. The cheeky boy seems to find it funny.
After years of this sickeningly sweet torture, you finally decide to have your revenge.
-> You shred each card into hundreds of tiny pieces before throwing them all into the sliced fruit and blending it all.
"Are you sure that's safe to eat, cher frère?" Lynette asks, pacing around the kitchen worriedly. You merely shrug, turning on the stove and pouring your paper-juice concoctions each into separate pots.
The counter tops rumble slightly as the stove groans, and Freminet practically jumps across the kitchen table, reaching for his wrench, before the machinery goes quiet again.
No tea theft today.
-> "Bon appétit!" You announce, grinning as you set a few plates down. You ensure that the jelly cubes sit front and center, clearly catching your older brother's attention.
"Mon très cher frère! You made my signature dish!" He exclaims, eyes wide.
"You bet! I slaved away for hours, just to master this bad boy~" you gently push the plate closer to Lyney, grinning proudly. It wasn't necessarily a lie— you take take quite a while trying to figure out how to make that damned rubik's cube.
The magician quickly pierces one of the cubes with a fork and takes a big bite. Lyney can taste the odd texture and the strange chunks inside of the sweetened squares, but he dares not complain. After all, you probably just didn't boil some of the fruits completely. You were never the best at baking, after all.
"It tastes fantastique!" He beams, oblivious to your smug expression.
Poor Lyney ends up eating the entire thing after dinner.
-> The next morning you awake to Lyney screaming bloody murder, scrambling around the hotel and rummaging through every drawer, pile, and clutter imaginable.
"Where the hell are my magic cards?!" Your dearest brother practically shrieks, panicked.
You can only send a grin towards Lynette as she sighs in exasperation, shoveling some mora out of her pockets.
"Whatever, it isn't that important. Let's just buy new ones," She groans, sick and tired of your spite fueled mischief.
Translations: "cher frère" = "my sibling", "bon appétit" = "enjoy your meal", "mon très cher frère" = "my dearest sibling", "fantastique" = "fantastic"
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nogenderbee · 5 months
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝕄𝕚𝕤𝕤𝕖𝕕 𝕚𝕥 𝕒𝕘𝕒𝕚𝕟 ₊˚ˑ༄
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ @bl4cktourmaline request: yahoo~ bee! it's me again:33 I saw the requests are open? If it is and I'm not tripping then may I request for Lyney with an oblivious reader who is a big fan of his and they are like... mutual pining for each other but they aren't even aware of it that it's become annoyingly sweet lol
Words can't describe how I love this man
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Hey hey! You're not tripping don't worry I see our mental state is similar lol But omg help I love it!! Down for Lyney too won't lie-
But omg, I kinda wanna write part 2 of this!! If I'll still feel like doing this after my requests are all done and I don't forget, I'll def be continuing this!
Anyway tho... I hope you enjoy! I personally kinda like it so I really hope you do too ^^
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ platonic/fluff
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At this point Lynette and Freminet were watching you two. Even if they were 2km afar, they could still see you two and could only sigh about the view.
Lyney gave you another rainbow rose. It was like... 24 day strike by now! He gave you one every day, and every single time in a different time. First time it magically appeared in his hand, yesterday he pulled it out from ear your ear and today he "found it" in your tea!! How's even that possible?!
"For you, mon cherie~"
"Awh, thank you! I actually got something for you as well!"
"Oh really? Now what could it be... maybe you got me a reward for my latest magic show?"
"Well... yeah you could think so! Though I actually mean it as a gift for being such an amazing person for me!"
He could only chuckle as he took small box from you. His cheeks flushed gently but somehow, it just didn't got through his scalp what you really meant...
"Well isn't that sweet! Now what could we... ah- that's my favorite cake! How did you know?"
"I just happened to remember it. It's the least I could do for all the gifts you gave me recently."
But maybe it wasn't just him who was being a bit blunt here. You were as well, he was giving you rainbow roses every day, flowers meaning he loves you and yet, you just couldn't notice that special meaning...
"Should we finally help them?"
"Let them be for a bit longer."
2 siblings were now considering just coming up to you two and hitting you in the head, maybe then you'd notice how you both have obvious feelings for each other!
They know their brother has a crush on you because after every meeting with you, he's kicking his feet like highschool girl with crush in his bed. And you? You admitted yourself to Lynette while asking for advice because you thought he hated you when in reality, he was a tomato and had to run away from emberassment.
But both eventually decided to stay back and watch. They don't want to take this special moment away from you... But maybe the can at least do some backstage work at helping you with confessions?
"You see... I got something just for you! I have very important snow this weekend and naturally, I reserved a seat in front row just for you!"
Lyney smiled as he hands you the ticket with small bow, his eyes never leaving yours but not in a creepy way, he just couldn't help but admire you a bit.
"Oh you didn't had to really! But I do appreciate it. I'll definitely show up, thank you!"
"No need to thank me! It'll be enough for me if you come and let me see your smile~"
Finally realizing what he said, his cheeks became red and began stuttering even tho he's usually smooth with his words.
"I meant- naturally I'd want to make... my audience happy! That's... just natural... magician's instinct! Yeah."
"Oh that's understandable! Well knowing you, your abilities and charms, I'm sure it won't be hard at all."
But he wasn't any better. You were clearly trying to compliment him, but he thought it's just you saying it as audience and not as someone with a crush...
"Actually... let's maybe make a plan. We can start tomorrow."
Freminet nodded on his sister's statement and entered their hous, leaving the two of you be and prepared the great plan with simple goal: getting you two together!
@bleachtheidiot - come get your charming magician~
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ariicandy · 7 months
𝘋𝘰𝘯’𝘵 𝘞𝘢𝘺 𝘠𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘧 𝘋𝘰𝘸𝘯…
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About ; You’ve been feeling down on not being the best like your older siblings Lyney & Lynette. You always practice on how to do the trick yourself over and over again but only burdens you out to which, your dear sibling notice your change of personality
A/n ; been wanting to write something for quite some time with my super duper lack of motivation , been also feeling sad lately might as well try cheering myself up by writing my favorite siblings !! FYI : freminet is only mention, he isn’t here sorry :(
Word count : 972
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Being siblings with the famous twin magicians has its funs. Like also sometimes being in their performance as an assistant and show the item they will be using is completely empty, nothing is there etc. but recently you started to practice more to be more on the stage with your older siblings and to get better as well! You would ask time to time on help to maintain that unfazed look when doing a trick to get advice on what to do. Maybe that’s the reason you’ve been feeling down and tired.
You’ve been practicing for hours trying to perfect everything for a single trick even your facial expression in the mirror to really challenge yourself, you would nonstop until it was perfect just like how Lyney does them. You sat down on the couch tired, head looking down as about to pass out of being so tired. Lyney got curious on you looking so low lately, you’ve been coming back home bit more tired and almost sad too. “[Name]! Are you alright? You’ve been looking tired and down a lot almost everyday, did something happen??” It was, to you, normal on Lyney checking up on you more whenever he saw you. While lynette and Freminet both wait til you’re both alone to see if you are possible dealing with something in secret you don’t want everyone to know. But lynette also slowly started to walk towards you with Lyney from how your state is, is it really that noticeable from how exhausted you are now? “Oh I’m fine lyney I’m just a little tired that’s all! There’s nothing to worry about..” trying to hide the tiredness in your voice you tried to imitate your normal voice but your face says it all and no point in hiding it anyways. “You sure? You look like you could pass out on the couch right now just by seeing you lending on the arm rest.” Lynette said trying to reason with your words. “Wait, [name], is it because both me and lynette haven’t been spending with you and freminet in a while because of our shows?” Well you did miss spending time with your older brother and sister, but that was not really the reason. “No no it’s not-” You got cut off by lyney hugging you saying “I’m sorry [name]!! I swear! No, I promise! I’ll make both you and freminet up for it! I’ll buy you your favorite-” “Lyney no no it’s okay that’s..not the reason..” both your brother and sister faces’ changed to a worried one from your response, did they do something they have not realized?? Were their spam on attention really went to zero with both you and freminet?!
Fidgeting with your sleeve trying to calm down your nerves, were you this nervous on wanting to be like them? Lyney & lynette could see you were nervous on saying your reason on sudden behavior, they even were scared and nervous a bit waiting, thinking they did something wrong. “[Name], if you’re not ready to say why or only want one of us we can do that and wait, we don’t want you to feel force.” Your sister tried reassuring you, but think it’s time to tell them why. “No no it’s fine sister! I was just trying to find the word to start.” Taking a deep breath to hopefully calm down, you started to tell your sister and brother your reason. “The reason I’ve been coming home tired, exhausted and sometimes sad too is cause..i was practicing tricks you guys do to perfect them and be like you. I like being on the stage with both of you, it’s like im part of the performance with you guys and not just a side assistant to show the crowd whatever you are using is really empty… I just really want to be like you two.” Tears were fighting to come out, you tried hiding your face away from your older siblings to see and scared for their reaction.
In the other hand, both your brother and sister, lyney & lynette, were shocked from why you were so tired and sad you also wanted to be on stage with them, they both had sad faces from you trying to hide your face to not cry. Tears were slowly beginning to form in lyney’s face from seeing you sad, lyney began to hug you tightly near him after a few moments which shocked you seeing your brother like this. Lynette made her way to hug you too seeing there was some space for her to sit and hug you. “[Name] it’s my fault for making yourself practice on wanting to be on stage, you impress both me, Lynette and everyone on how incredible you do them! It’s my fault for this [name], lynette has been bugging me about it because I’ve been scared something might go wrong in on of our tricker stunts. So I’ve been holding you back a lot and i knew i shouldn’t, I’m sorry i made you feel this way dear [sister/brother/sibling], can i make it up to you somehow?” You have never seen you older brother looking so low before and apologizing so much, you hugged your brother tightly. “Can..I be on stage with you guys on your next performance then??” Lynette added to your response with, “it’s only fair after making them feel this way lyney, and should be time [name] to be in our performances now since now you opened up to her why.” Lyney sighed and only nodded his head from being scolded by his sister, “Yes [name] will be us now, no need to make me feel more bad about myself now after [name] being open to us.” A small fond smile appeared on you from now finally going to perform with your older siblings.
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sparklz02 · 26 days
A Smile For The World To See
Anon: I would like to request a Freminet x clown!reader about how they would interact as well how busy they are.
A/n: I’ve never paid that much attention to Freminet but I’m 100% willing to try something new! Thank you for this request and I’ll forever treasure it (heck might even frame it and hang it on my wall) since it is my very 1st request! Many hugs and well wishes to you fellow reader 💛I hope I met your expectations with this one.
Tags: platonic, fluff, pure friendship
『Location: Court of Fontaine』
Freminet was always a quiet, reserved young boy. Being raised in the House of the Hearth did shape its children into being strong and independent people; his calm persona helped him approach other children much more easily and had a hand at comforting them when needed, though he would always say that Lyney was much better at handling the comforting.
After the prophecy had passed, the House had been busy repairing the damages left behind after the flood and the children went out to help others in need despite their busy schedule.
After a draining task, Freminet decided it would be best to walk around the court of Fontaine; it’s not everyday he stumbles upon a small grace period so he took it to calm his mind.
“An adorable balloon penguin for an equally adorable boy~.”
He was forced to a stop when someone handed him a blue balloon penguin, it had a striking resemblance to pers. He raises his head to meet e/c eyes and a bright smile plastered on a girl's face.
Freminet was stunned, he had been handed gifts on multiple occasions but it was always within the children of the Hearth, never someone outside of that circle. He was unsure how to respond to this unexpected gesture and was trying so hard to make a decision.
The girl reaches out to grab his hand and pushes the balloon forward, motioning for him to take it. She then proceeds to place her hands next to her face and point specifically to her lips and she smiles brightly. “A smile suits you better! If things get hard, or you’re afraid of the unknown, you should face it head on with a smile!”
She quickly bids him farewell and Freminet can only watch as she slowly leaves his sight. Once he realized he never spoke or even thanked her left him feeling guilty. “I never even got to say thank you…”
『Location: Court of Fontaine』
The next time he found her was during a performance with a troupe. It must be that the archons were in his favor, or maybe it was pure coincidence that he had time to spare to sit and watch a few performances.
Freminet was curious. He was always there to help Lyney and Lynette with their practice performances before the big day and would often share his input.
He thought it would be a good idea to watch the performance and thank you for the other day. That was his only goal but…
“The ocean is so cool! I hear you’re an amazing diver, right? How does it feel being submerged under water?”
Fremantle underestimated her social skills and after the performance, she quickly removed all makeup and wore a comfortable attire then proceeded to drag him outside the walls of Fontaine to walk around the shoreline.
He wasn’t sure how to contribute to the conversation and only opted to nodding shyly and clutching onto pers tightly.
The young girl suddenly crouches down and begins to play with the sand. She grabs a handful and offers to Freminet, “Let’s build a sand castle?”
He reluctantly crouched down with her and places pers down next to him. She beams in joy and the two begin to build a funky looking castle.
After some time passed, the castle was clearly poorly done. The walls kept crumbling, the bridge was nonexistent, and the towers decided to collapse and refused to cooperate. Fun times, however, Freminet had a frown after the failed attempt.
The girl pokes his forehead and smiles, “It’s ok! Practice makes perfect after all! We can try again another time when we aren’t busy.”
He looks down and ponders over her words. That’s when he remembered the reason for staying back to watch her performance. “Thank you for the other day…” he says quietly.
“Hmm? What was that?”
He jumps in surprise and opens his mouth but promptly shuts it. He was hesitant to voice his feelings and would always beat around the bush. But for some reason, he just had to tell her about how he felt about that penguin balloon; he appreciated her efforts and wanted to praise her for it…
“I said…,” he starts in a weak tone. He grabs pers and slowly hides his face behind the mechanical penguin. “T-thank you…for the other day…”
“Oh!” She clasped her hands together after realizing what he was talking about. “Don’t mention it! And if you ever need a new balloon penguin let me know, I’m happy to make plenty!”
Freminet lowers pers slowly and peeks from behind. He nods and adds, “Your craftsmanship is…amazing. Lyney has been pestering me to let him…borrow it to ‘study’ it…and improve his own skills…”
“Really!? The Lyney thinks my balloon penguin rivals his own skills! That’s such an honor!”
Freminet cracks a small smile which didn’t go unnoticed by the girl. “You smiled…”
“Excuse me…?”
She grabs his hands together in joy. “You just smiled! Your smile is so pretty!”
He was taken by surprise by the sudden contact and burst of energy. Flustered by her joy and attention being blasted towards him, he attempts to let go but couldn’t so he proceeds to look away, refusing to meet her energetic gaze.
Realizing that maybe she was making him uncomfortable, she lets go and apologizes profusely. “I’m so, so, so sorry. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable! It’s just that I never really saw you smile and I made it my mission to make you smile and hopefully even befriend you so—” she stops briefly then cracks an awkward smile. “And now I’m rambling…oops…”
“Oh my goodness, I never even introduced myself. How unruly can I get archons…!” She sighs at her mistake. She then exhales and extends her right hand with a smile, “My name is Y/n! My mission is to make everyone smile because the world deserves to be full of smiles.”
Freminet only stares at her extended arm. She became nervous because he wasn’t doing or saying anything and he didn’t mean to make her feel that way. He quite literally broke and is unable to find a solution to move forward.
Y/n then added nervously. “If…if you don’t want to be friends then that’s totally fine! I’m sorry if I ever offended you or made you uncomfortable, I’ll even remove myself from the face of Teyvat if that’s what you wish—”
And finally, it happened. He greeted her hand with pers very very tiny mechanical fin and gave it a gentle shake. “It’s…nice to meet you Y/n. This,” he gestures towards pers. “Is pers…and I, as you probably know, am Freminet…”
“Would you like to be friends?”
[The End 🐧]
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june-again · 6 months
LYNEY (ETC): # a radiant feast.
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word count. 0.7k. genre. platonic angst/comfort.
synopsis. after you've already had a long day, lyney asks you for a favour. you don't have it in you to refuse.
merry christmas, @rainswept! i was overjoyed to receive your url in the @2023gisecretsanta, but i also became worried quickly after that i wouldn't be able to write something i would be satisfied with to dedicate to you. let this be a letter of affection from me, june, your dear mutual, as well as from lyney, lynette, and freminet.
warnings. light metaphors of drowning, food mention. plenty of wistfulness because i can't help myself.
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It was no secret that life in Fontaine could be draining.
The motions of work, of entertainment, of operas and of oceans, washed over you like waves, beating you onto the shore. You wouldn’t vocalize it on any days but the ones you’d find yourself hacking up saltwater from your lungs thanks to your survival instinct. These days, you tried to keep to yourself—you didn’t want to make mistakes at work or dampen the lives of the people you encountered daily. Most importantly you didn’t want to risk lashing out at someone like Lyney or Lynette, who were each always too dear of friends when you deserved it the least.
Today, you were drowning. Vision dull, breaths short, thoughts grey. You took the longer, more unfrequented road home from work. The roads here were tidier and emptier, and it was far easier to focus on the light scattering of gravel beneath your steps without concern of walking into the path of Clockwork Meka or interrupting a Melusine’s business. It was much easier to focus on the calm sensations around you while your thoughts swirled in a more-than-sufficient whirlwind of chaos.
In this setting the tap on your shoulder causing you to jump may be excused. This sentiment was confirmed when you saw it to be the master of surprise himself: Lyney.
“There you are!” he exclaimed. “Taking the long way home, I see!”
You could only stare. Against the Fontainian pastels, even against the purple sky you hadn’t noticed before, his black and cherry red attire blazed. 
“How are you, friend?”
You shrugged. “I’m getting by.”
His clear eyes swept across your face, worry fleeting. His composure suddenly changed and he reached his hand to his shoulder in seeming perplexity. “I’ve—I’ve got to ask you a favour, but if it’s too much for you right now, I understand.”
You furrowed your brow. You’d known Lyney for years, and you could only think of a couple times he’d asked you for anything. If he was asking for a favour like this, it had to be serious.
There were no bones in your body willing to let Lyney think he couldn’t ask you for help. Swallowing your exhaustion as well as you could, you stretched your face into a smile.
“Of course, Lyney. What is it?”
With a relieved laugh and another shift of expression, he said, “Lynette and I are working on a set for our next show tonight, and we have to gather some resources from the hill overlooking the Opera Epiclese. Could you come and help us carry them in an hour thirty?”
“What is it you have to get from all the way up there?” you asked.
With a furtive glance around, Lyney pressed a slender finger to his lips. “You’ll see.”
Ninety minutes later you were making the last of the climb up the Fonainian slope. A trail of purple was all that remained of the sun’s disappearance. Ahead, you now noticed a glow on the edge of the slope, and three figures there. Pulling your energy together, you jogged towards them.
There was a table placed as evenly as possible in the grass, and four chairs around it. Facing you sat Lynette, who smiled and waved, and Lyney and Freminet took two of the other seats. Upon the table was a beautiful checkered cloth, a magical display of sandwiches and fruits and pastries, and a candlestick illuminating the last chair.
“You made it,” said Lynette. “Good evening.”
Freminet turned, a smile in his eyes. “I’m glad the climb wasn’t too hard.”
Lyney stood from his chair and came over to you. He took your hand and led you to the fourth chair. “Sit, my dear friend! We shall feast as royalty together under the stars.”
You obediently took your place. One does not refuse a magician’s orders. 
And the night was jolly over sweet food and unhindered laughter. The light came into your breaths once again, in much the same way as you might swallow a sip of cool water. By the end of the evening, you couldn’t help but be distracted—not by your thoughts, but by the state of the scene. Surrounded by friends, you were high above the waters of Fontaine. You were above the crashing waves, the bustling life, the choking fumes. Here, you had the all the wind, glow, and company you would need to sustain you for the evening.
For now, you were free to feel alive.
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author's note. i hope this fic was able to offer you some fresh air. go on and take a deep breath!
on a more personal note, crow, last night i found myself listening to "letters of resignation" while working on a playlist (as one does on christmas eve) and i got hit with a powerful wave of nostalgia. this summer i took a weekend trip across the province with someone who was my best friend, and this was one of the albums i put on. i still feel the sunlight that shone through the windshield as i drove us down the summit highway to "revelations 21:8." i know i've mentioned this trip to you before but truly, listening to this album back then is still a dear memory to me even after how things have changed. thanks for contributing your awesome music taste and kindness to my life, crow.
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papiliotao · 10 months
꒰ 𝒂 𝒇𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒚𝒕𝒂𝒍𝒆 𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 ✩࿐
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pairing: lyney x gn!reader
content: fluff, modern au, high school au, friends to (almost) lovers, mutual pining, theatre kids, lyney and the reader rehearse a kissing scene
summary: playing the role of his lover in a drama production is easier said than done, especially when you’re just beginning to realize the nature of your feelings for him.
a/n: i had no inspiration for a while but then lyney came along. i’m so normal about him. anyway, i hope you enjoy reading!
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When you were told that you had to kiss your best friend for a school play, you were in shock and disbelief — not because you were repulsed by the thought of playing the part of a couple, but because you realized that you didn’t mind the idea of his lips pressed against yours.
You’re not quite sure when the feelings crept up on you, dawning in your heart like the hazes of peach and azure that dust the horizon at sunrise. It feels like it’s been an eternity since you started loving Lyney, but you’ve just never noticed that your adoration was beyond platonic. 
However, after experiencing your epiphany, you’ve been wondering if he shares your rose-tinted sentiments. Slowly but surely, you observe that the lines between friendship and romance have become blurred, fusing together in a myriad of watercolour hues.
Every once in a while, Lyney will hold your hand for no reason, the softness of his skin akin to the caress of gilded threads of sunlight. There are also instances where he’ll hug you for just a little too long, clinging onto you as if he never wants to let go. And of course, you’ll never be able to forget the sentimental nights spent gazing up at murals of sparkling constellations dotting pristine navy skies, where you cuddle with your best friend in an attempt to stay warm.
In these instances, a simple question lingers in the short silences, an untold inquiry that neither of you care to utter in fear of shattering the status quo.
What are we?
So now, as you sit across from Lyney atop the velvety cushions of his living room couch, ready to rehearse very kiss that sent you spiraling into a bout of infatuated hysteria in the first place, your heart can’t help but race. The melody it sings is one that speaks of perplexing feelings and a hope for fairytale endings, and it only amplifies as you look into pale violet eyes that sparkle as iridescent petals flutter about in their depths.
“I’m ready whenever you are,” Lyney whispers, smiling at you reassuringly. There’s something soothing about the expression on his face, embodying the serenity of a marine zephyr in the midst of a cruel summer.
“How can you be so calm when we’re about to practice a kiss?” you ask, voicing your thoughts out loud. “What if we’re not good enough?”
Truthfully, you’re a nervous wreck. Your fingers tremble, and your mind feels blank. You’ve always known that Lyney was born to be on stage, but you didn’t think he’d be so nonchalant in a situation like this. His disposition is completely composed, not a single spark of anxiety shining through his tranquil demeanour.
On the other hand, you’re constantly pondering the what ifs.
What if you mess the scene up? What if it turns out looking awkward? What if it’s so horrendous that it makes the audience uncomfortable.
However, in total contrast to you, Lyney simply chuckles, his voice ringing out in a clear and soothing fantasia.
“Don’t worry,” he reassures you, keeping his gaze fixated on you. “I’m sure our chemistry will be absolutely perfect. After all, even Lynette has mistaken us for a couple.”
“She has?” you blurt out, both shocked and embarrassed that Lyney’s twin has had her misconceptions about your relationship. The two are practically telepathically linked, so the tall order of fooling Lynette would more or less be akin to deceiving the heavens above.
“She has,” Lyney confirms, a mischievous spark of violet electricity blazing through his irises, “and that’s why I’m certain we’ll be able to pull this off flawlessly.”
He gently laces his fingers around your hand, bringing it up to his chest.
“Besides, it’s not like I’m not nervous at all.” From beneath the soft fabric of Lyney’s clothes, you can feel a gentle thrumming, a beat that resounds at a tempo matching that of your very own heart. “You know, even the greatest of performers get stage fright sometimes.”
In a mystifying twist, you feel more comfortable now that Lyney has told you that you’re not alone in your anxiousness. Your relief defies all logic, but perhaps it’s the knowledge that your feelings aren’t entirely unreasonable that soothes your nerves.
“I see,” you whisper. “Well I’m sure you’ll do great. We’ll get through this together.”
Lyney nods.
“I’m just glad it’s you,” he says, pausing for a moment as if deep in thought. “Actually, ‘glad’ would be an understatement. ‘Beyond overjoyed’ is more accurate.”
Your breath hitches, and for a second, the world seems to still, suspended in a momentary utopia. But despite your giddiness and the euphoric feelings that arise in your heart, you shrug Lyney’s words off, trying your best not to get your hopes up. After all, if you expect too much, you might find yourself disappointed in the end.
“The feeling is mutual. Although maybe we should get to rehearsing now. I think I’m ready,” you tell him, pulling your hand out of his grasp in a light motion, clinging on to the last of his warmth as his skin grazes yours. It’s reminiscent of fading sunlight comforting you with the dazzling radiance of a dying crepuscule, lulling you into a daze as it causes shades of twilight to waltz in a dance of fantastical wonders.
“Your wish is my command,” Lyney responds playfully.
However, after only a few seconds, his features shift into a more serious expression. Although the same smile is still adorning his lips, it’s softer now, more sincere.
Is this all part of an act, or is it real?
Additionally, an unidentifiable emotion now glints in a display of diamond lights, illuminating the seas of amethyst contained within Lyney’s eyes. Locks of platinum hair, composed of starlight essence, frame his face in a way that makes him look undeniably handsome. Once again, your heart, which had just barely stilled, begins to beat in a frenzy.
You want nothing more than to freeze time, stay in this ephemeral moment, relish in the sensation of his breath gently tickling your skin and engrave the ethereal sight before you into archives stored deep within your memories. But unfortunately, it’s impossible to pause the scene before you. Reality, unlike the countless movies and videos you’ve watched to study your part, stops for no one.
And before you know it, the divide between your lips and Lyney’s is diminishing, the blank space fading at a pace that feels both far too rapid yet far too prolonged at the same time.
And closer.
Until your lips meet in a clash of opalescent sparks, shedding light and embellishing the magical moment with an atmosphere worthy of any stage. The lilac butterflies that dance in the pit of your stomach prompt sensations of glee to arise within your heart.
His skin is soft and warm, and the feeling of his lips against yours is just so right. There’s no one else you’d rather kiss. There’s no one else you’ll ever long for. There’s no one in the world you’ll ever love more.
No matter how much you deny it, your relationship has crossed the line from platonic to romantic, gradually edging closer and closer to a thin border before finally falling over onto the other side. Your kiss with Lyney confirms everything. There’s far too much passion, far too much care and longing exchanged in a single act of affection.
Best friends don’t kiss each other like this.
At this point you’re certain the feeling is mutual. Now, all you have to do is wait until one of you inevitably confesses, and you’ll both be able to finally live happily ever after, basking in the splendor of true love.
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thank you for reading <3 if you enjoyed this fic, i would really appreciate it if you could comment or reblog!
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animekpopsimp · 10 months
Platonic Headcanons (Lyney and Lynette)
(trigger warning: mentions of trafficking, allusions to SA and abuse. Mentions of self harm and depression. Angst that ends with comfort. Also spoiler warning for Lyney and Lynette's backstory.)
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You aren't biologically related to Lyney and Lynette, you are there adopted sister
You met Lynette first, under horrible circumstances
You had been sold off to some random man, being an orphan with no family
Lynette was in the same situation, and had seen the affect the terrible things you had been through had on you
When she first met you, you looked like you wanted to die
Luckily, she and everyone else, including you were saved
Lynette didn't get physically abused, but she left with Trauma as did you
Having nowhere to go, you became attached to her
She didn't have the heart to not take you with her, so she did
It was then you met her brother Lyney
Lynette explained what had happened to you, leaving out a lot of details
At that moment, both of them decide you're part of their family now
They don't have the heart to leave you on your own
Life for you isn't easy, and you're still affected by the trauma from what you want through before being rescued
Which leads you to struggle with self-harm
Something Lyney and Lynette don't know about at first, but when they find out they help you in any way they can
They may not be able to make you forget about your past, but having them around makes you feel a little better
To distract you, they help you learn how to perform magic tricks, which you enjoy
As you all get older, you start performing with them as Lyney's second assistant
Being on stage excites you
You're happy to have Lyney and Lynette as family
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stellar-skyy · 8 months
THE WARMTH OF HOME - Platonic Freminet x reader
i. SUMMARY: Freminet welcomes the newest member to the House of the Hearth. ii. CONTENT WARNINGS: Referenced family death. iii. NOTES: STRICTLY PLATONIC, found family, fluff, slight angst, gn!reader, they/them pronouns used, 1.3k words. iv. A/N: this is me coping with the fact that i didn't get freminet or lyney.. at least i have my free lynette 😭😭
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The Knave’s hand was as cold as ice in (Name)’s own, the sharp sensation anchoring them solidly in the present. Her rings pressed into their skin, the grooves of the silver making faint marks against their fingers. They didn’t make any move to adjust their grip, content to let the metal carve indents in their hand for as long as she would allow them to keep clinging tightly to hers.
The woman tugged on their conjoined hands, pulling them up to walk beside her, rather than trailing slightly behind.
“Don’t fall behind.” She scolded. Despite the blunt words, her voice was soft, motherly; nothing at all like what a Fatui Harbinger should sound like. The Fatui were the subjects of cautionary stories told in their youth; like ‘better eat your vegetables or the Harbinger might steal you away.' Right alongside the tales of hilichurls eating little kids who wandered away in the forest. They were sly and cunning, twisted monsters who crept across every corner of Teyvat.
They weren’t fierce protectors who rescued defenceless, orphaned children and let them cling to their hands while they walked.
“(Name)? Are you okay?” She asked.
They nodded, hesitantly. The Knave clicks her tongue in displeasure at the obvious lie, but doesn’t call them out on it.
The two walked up to the entrance of a grand house; built from ivory-coloured bricks and sprawling across the yard with arched windows and trimmed hedges. Before either of them had a chance to touch the doorknob, two guards pulled open to enormous doors to let them in.
Standing along the length of the corridor were guards; Fatui, if the masks were any indication. Not a single one bothered to look at the two walking down the hallway, and the Knave herself swept by without acknowledging them at all. Their behaviour seemed all too casual for such a peculiar situation, like they watched a Fatui Harbinger walk down the halls with children clinging to their hand every week.
The two rounded the corner, The Knave stopping in her tracks at seeing a small child loitering in an open doorway. The boy looked young, staring at them with a blank expression, a small penguin toy clutched in his arms.
“Ah, Freminet.” The Knave greeted, finally letting go of (Name)’s hand. They shrank backwards, clutching their hand to their chest. The phantom feeling of skin-to-skin contact sent tingles across their fingers. Somehow, it felt so much colder than before.
“Freminet, please escort (Name) to their new room.” He nodded, his serious expression almost comical when paired with his young face.
“Yes, Father.” Father? Not Mother?
“I will be leaving in a moment, and I will not be back for a while. Make sure they settle in comfortably.”
“Yes, Father.” Freminet bobbed his head slightly. The Knave hummed in satisfaction, leaning down to drop a kiss to Freminet’s hair. She swept away with a swish of her cloak, only faltering as Freminet reached one tiny hand out to grab the end of her coat-tails and stop her from leaving.
The young boy made a displeased noise, raising up the penguin toy to her. The Knave’s face softened, a corner of her mouth turning upwards as she leaned down and kissed the top of the toy as well.
“Goodbye, Pers. Goodbye Freminet.” The Knave paused, eyes lingering on (Name)’s small form. “Goodbye, (Name). I truly hope you find yourself at home here.”
Once she had disappeared around the corner, he shifted away to face (Name), blinking at them with wide and watery eyes. He pulled the penguin toy up higher until it was resting right beneath his chin, looking at them with a tilt of his head. “We should… get going.”
Freminet wasn’t the talkative type, it seemed. He was content silently wandering a few feet in front of them, sneaking glances behind himself every so often to make sure they weren’t trailing behind. The penguin toy stayed resolutely in his grasp, tucked under one arm while he craned his neck to see around the corner of the hall.
Down the halls, through wide and yawning doors that almost reached the ceiling, across carpets that were more expensive than their entire life, they walked; a quiet anxiousness present in their steps. It wasn’t as if they feared the young boy in front of him—he looked like he would snap in two if he was ruffled by a light breeze—but the building itself was something that set their nerves on edge. Maybe it was the guards—posted at the beginning and end of the hallways—or just the way the Fatui themselves roamed the building. Cicin Mages with their hooded jackets and tiny flies buzzing lazily around their heads, Agents that prowled silently through the shadows, visible only with a slight glint of silver at their sides.
There were children too, the further they traversed inside the house. Young kids, from tiny toddlers to older adolescents, casually strolling through in small groups. The smaller ones clung to the older ones hands, while the smallest were carried by the others. They all chatted casually, ignoring the various Fatui stationed around their home, laughing and joking and playing like any ordinary siblings would.
It was surreal to see, the children acting so at ease with so much danger surrounding them. Freminet looked to be the only one who was nervous, but his fear seemed to be more directed at (Name) than anyone else.
“We’re here,” Freminet turned the handle of an ornate door emblazoned with the number 13. The doors along that wall were all decorated with similar gold lettering, as if the place was a hotel. “This is your dormitory. It’s empty, but if anyone new arrives you will have a roommate to share with.”
There was something warm coating their cheeks at hearing those words. How quickly they had gone from living with their loving family, surrounded by the comfortable knowledge that they would only be a few doors away. How could any ‘roommate’ even dream of replacing the people they’d lost? No roommate would have the same footsteps, or the same laugh, or the same way of organizing the room.  
Their precious familiarity was gone, stolen alongside their loved ones.
“O-Oh… you’re crying…” Freminet frowned, squeezing Pers. “A-Are you okay?”
“No!” They sniffed, the first word they’d spoken since the Knave had retrieved them.
“Oh dear…” He coughed into his hand awkwardly. “Do you want to go home? Is that it?”
“I don’t have a home,” They choked out through the tears. “N-Not anymore.”
“M-Me neither…” He swallowed, face scrunched up in a childish pout. His eyes looked far too grave for someone his age, already worn down with the sort of weariness that was meant for older folks who had already lived a long life. “All of us don’t have homes… that’s why we’re here. Father rescues us, and gives us a family.”
Freminet crept closer; slowly, like they were a skittish animal who would scuttle away if he moved too quickly.
“I can be your family,”
He was just a boy. Raised in a house filled with other lonely children like himself. Reaching out to one more, offering something more priceless than any material object.
“Okay.” They whispered. Freminet blinked owlishly at them.
“We’ll be family?” He asked, his tone an odd mix of surprise and hesitance.
“Yeah… we can be family.”
For the first time, a smile flashed across the young boy’s features. He held out his hand, one pinkie outstretched. “You have to pinkie promise.”
(Name) extended their hand to meet his, curling their littlest finger around his.
“Promise,” They whispered, feeling something like hope bloom in their chest.
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reblogs and comments are appreciated! ♡
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iridescentdove · 8 months
If it is not too much trouble, may I please request a Yandere? Platonic! BSD x Arlecchino! Reader, let's say that the reader has played an important role in almost everybody's life.
For example, she took Kouyou under her wing when she failed to escape the Mafia, advised and convinced Fukuzawa to save Yosano, treated and viewed (15) Dazai as only a child and not the demon prodigy, never once used or placed Chuuya as the second choice, etc. Things like that, but the reader is still in the Fatui and does run the House of the Hearth and looks after orphans while also training them to be enlisted in the Fatui. So, they probably view reader as a parent figure and someone dear to their hearts and don’t want anything bad to happen to them.
Yandere!Platonic!BSD x Arlecchino!Reader
A/N: I immediately worked on this request on seeing it omg anon you guys do not know how much I love Arlecchino ... also for here I use "Father", but that's only because in the game Lyney & Lynette call Arlecchino that. Feel free to pretend it's mother or something else!
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You're the second whole of their hearts.
They'll do anything for you ...
It's not a coincidence. To take one for an example. KOUYOU, that poor little girl who did nothing wrong. She was such a sweet kid, someone nice ... and yet she was there in the Port Mafia. Taken away and unable to live her life like a child should.
In an attempt to leave the mafia with a man she liked, it was rather unfornature enough – both were caught red handed.
And that man? He was killed.
KOUYOU was desperately holding on, wanting him to open his eyes, to survive and still find a way. And yet deep down, she knew that it would be impossible.
Good things never last.
She began to see the light as something meaningless. That the moment a flower born in darkness is exposed to light, it will wilt and burn away to nothingness. She can't escape. Not anymore. But that also wishful thinking.
That was until you came along and helped her up.
It was like a moment's heartbeat, the moment she looked up. You were right there – holding your hand out.
Even if you weren't expressive as to be expected out of sympathy for what happened, she can tell that you were no ill-intentioned person. So what did she do? She took it. Your hand. And gave you a smile ... one that faintly shined of hope.
Of course, she never left the mafia. But she had you to take care of her ... and treat her like a true daughter.
She was ecstatic to have family of her own.
You even gifted her a little plushie. Of course, of the the most fine and exquisite type of material. Your rich ass is flexing without even saying it out loud. slay
And you never treated her as a second choice.
Just like CHUUYA. As the time passed, he too joined the Port Mafia by boss orders. Honestly – you probably didn't give much of a shit, but that obviously changed.
Even now, your fatherish figure still remains after years. And that may as well never change.
He takes some great pride on his abilities, and he's rather smug about it himself. Although – sometimes he does question himself, and his humanity. Due to basically being merged and being Arahabaki's vessel.
But no, fuck that. You treated him as your own child, and although had more better things to do in the Fatui – this kid was insecure as hell and needed a parental figure.
CHUUYA adores you from the bottom of his heart. You showed him what it was to be human. To be alive. You gave him good reason and even let him visit the orphanage you looked after. Since he was merged with basically a God, you found it curious as well.
Well Arahabaki doesn't have a Gnosis so he's luckily safe
And then also, boom. Your attention extended towards his partner! DAZAI himself, of his young age. And from that time on, you already knew something was up with him.
Honestly – it can't be doubted. He was destined to live in the darkness forever. Nothing in the world can compel that deep etched loneliness in his heart; and even his late friend ODASAKU had acknowledged that.
Even after their unfortunate deaths, you were right there.
He was almost weirded the fuck out at first. You're not treating him like a monster. Or a demon. Not even his position and affiliation. You straight out threw those ourt the trash and instead? You treated him like your son.
It comforted him a little. To know he finally had someone to call his own. At first – just like anyone, he thought he'd lose you.
But you proved him wrong in various ways.
No matter how hard he tried, you kept him his side. Trained with him and succeeded in his defeat (much to his surprise), and gave him a few fatherly hugs and gifts that he would need and like. And DAZAI couldn't help it either.
He wanted you to be his real father quite badly. You were always there, and his eternal loneliness?
What's that again?
No. Even with that in mind, you never stopped to pursue and keep going with the mafioso. You'd go as much as to take him and meet with the rest of the harbingers, maybe taking CHUUYA and other executives from time to time.
Of course, avoiding The Doctor because it might as well just give back DAZAI his trauma.
And when he keft the mafia? You came along with him. Words cannot express how happy and relieved he was. He didn't want to loose his only comfort, his family. And if any9ne ever tries to threaten your familial bond?
He's gonna pull out the fucking demon prodigy card and show them how demonic he can be
In any case, same is due to everyone else. Like the fact you just always seemed to be there in the right place, at the right time. Like when YOSANO was being forced into healing soldier after soldier in the war.
The poor girl. Safe to assume the Fatui didn't really care about such and didn't participate in the war.
Much unless the Tsaritsa commands them to stop it, they may as well do that. But as of now they didn't really care. But that was only an 11 year old child ...
A child. You just had to take her in, didn't you?
And if not – in any case, you went ahead and got FUKUZAWA to save her. You reasoned with him, quite the good convincer yourself. You were a woman of a hundred, if not a thousand faces that could easily fool others.
So he took her in to the agency.
Although YOSANO was never told about what had happened in the sidelines, the moment she saw you walking away from the both of them – she just had that feeling.
She wants to thank you, if it's the last thing she did.
From the time that came on, you continued to do what you did and appeared, woving yourself into the hearts of everyone. At first, it was obviously never easy. But that wasn't a reason to give up. And you're you, would you seriously give up from that?
Many of them expresses gratitude in multiple ways, sometimes a bit unhinged – which you were yourself. There's not a sane bone in your body.
At least, that's what people like to think.
You've come this far into giving others a new life, being a father figure that everyone cherishes dearly and adores. Oh, and if anyone try to tear away that dream or hurt you – even a single scratch on that body of yours ...
There will be hell to pay.
You'd think they got very protective of their father. They can all quite collectively agree that they need no other familial figure in their lives other than you. Dearest you, who saved them from their shameful lives and gave them a future.
Even one who isn't supposedly a kid like SIGMA – he came from a book. He doesn't have a family. But correction, he does.
And it's you.
Or anyone else from multiple affiliations across. The Decay of the Angels, the Hunting Dogs, supposedly those that caught your eye in these several factions.
Suppose the easily jealous ones of seeing you paying attention to kids more in the orphanage, or giving a certain triplets more of time can get them boiling with anger quite enough. Even if it was wrong, it just seemed so right.
And so? They try to steal more of your attention away. This is one of the time they truly act like children once more.
CHUUYA would most likely not want anyone even gazing at your direction. Must they make things worse? You're around kids almost 24/7 and taking care of them yes, but you should only be taking care of him!
DAZAI acts like a child throwing a tantrum. No! No! No one can be with his father other than himself! How dare those kids call you their father?! He's livid, and tries to hide his anger and jealousy, yet he was visibly so eerie and tense.
KOUYOU can bet it was saddening to see you paying attention to work at the Fatui. Come on now, can you blame her? If you took her under your wing, you better be responsible. So she tries to invite you to her own missions and do fun together, just like when she was little. She wants your care.
YOSANO can tolerate it mostly, although at some point she comes with a breaking point as well. She's normally kind and likes hang around you and feel protected and loved, but oh, when you're not looking? Let's see ... pulls out chainsaw
So if a child or two goes missing in the orphanage?
Let's just say it wasn't anyone's fault, dear father :)
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transmascaraa · 3 months
heyy !! So I swear I saw you do singer-reader one time so this request is based off that :P
Singer-reader writes a song about/dedicated to Genshin characters (Whoever! You pick :] can be a love song or platonic, whichever you prefer ! )
annnyways, Feel free to skip this request if you want :) your writing is LOVELY💕🗣
ps. Love all the Palestine posts you’re doing💕🇵🇸
multiple characters headcannons!
you wrote them a love song!
characters: lyney, gaming, wanderer x gn!reader
author's note: thank youuuu it's what i've been focusing on the last few days it breaks my heart. but i'm glad i draw attention to people<3 now onto the req, I WROTE 10/11 LOVE SONGS FOR LYNEY BACK IN OCTOBER. I WAS SO BORED BUT I LOVE THEM ALL. if you guys want i can find them at home and maybe write the lyrics here! this req is beautiful frfr and i used chars that you guys like the most so yeah :3
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✯ Lyney
-he's a total simp for you and everyone knows.
-lynette literally kicked him out of the house a few times and sent him to your house because he was so annoying like bro would rant about you 24/7 most intesely from midnight to 3/4am until he fell asleep halfway.
-lynette and freminet were tired of it.
-now, if you were to write a love song dedicated to him, and gave him the lyrics first, not singing yet, he would be shocked.
-it was hard to get alone time in the first place because he's clingy af
-eyes wide opened, mouth open, blushing as fuck, you name it.
-after he calmed himself down and told you how good it is (not to mention, he almost started crying on the spot) he would literally get on his knees if he had to just to hear you sing it to him.
-when he convinces you to do so, he might actually shed a tear after you finish. he just can't believe that he's THAT special to you and that you love him that much.
-you would hear him/find him singing that song randomly throughout the day because now it's the best song he's ever known and the only one that gets stuck in his head.
-y'know when you loop a song and it gets boring overtime? well it will never get boring to him.
-his literal breaking point would be if you said that you made more or that you will make more.
-for some reason i write lyney so dramatic and it's canon because i'm rosseland trust me bro
✷ Gaming
-he's not as dramatic as lyney, but he'll definitely be shocked the same amount.
-he knows you love him, you know he loves you, what else was there to say?
-well you wanted to show him your love for him in a different way this time, one that would leave him flustered for sure.
-you wrote the song, sure, but weren't that sure if he would like it.
-it doesn't matter what you thought, it's what will happen.
-you hand him the paper with the lyrics on it and he has a reaction similar to lyney's, but he doesn't look like he was about to break down and cling onto you like a puppy
-he smiled widely after he read it, and you smiled back.
-telling you he likes it and praising you for anything and everything.
-cuddles are a MUST after that.
-he would be blushing for the next few days but it's okay because he's adorable.
-if you decide to sing it to him he will be blushing 10× more.
✧ Wanderer
-tough. a tough choice you'd decide to make knowing him.
-he would be brutally honest and if there was a single mistake that you made you were sure that you'd get lectured for it and it would take a few hours.
-so you risked it.
-you wrote the song, checked for any mistakes in grammar, the way you write your letters, or even the rhyming in the song, and did that like 6 million times.
-you gave him the lyrics to the song and looked for ANY reaction from him, any SIGN that he liked it or disliked it. the only thing you were seeing were his pupils dilating.
-halfway through him reading the song, you spot a mistake in your grammar and tried to interrupt him.
-"oh, kuni, wait, i messed up-" but he swished his hand in front of your face, as a gesture of you NOT to interrupt him.
-the only reaction that you saw by the end of it were his red cheeks.
-he may have turned his head away from you to hide it but you saw it and immediately felt relieved, even if all he said was "it's alright..."
-he's never felt so appreciated and loved in his life so this was something really big for him.
-do it again and he won't be able to hide it much this time.
love the idea sm it reminds me of myself i'm literally dying how specific it is😭
hope you liked it tho!
@whywontmybrainload @mariaace <3
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wenutted · 1 month
Need a platonic fic where reader and Lynette try and fix stuff she broke but instead we create a monstrous love craftian abomination that that loves tea like loves tea so much that its drinking gallons of tea and just starts eating the tea bags and eventually causes a world wide shortage of tea in tevayt and eventually reader and Lynette have to destroy it but it’s sad cause they made it and now as its creators has to also take its life platonically ofc :)
Lynette & sibling!Reader (Ft. Lyney and Freminet)
CW: None!
[A/N]: changed the plot up a tiny bit because fuck you I do what I want!! /lh
"Excuse me– could you help me fix the stove?" Lynette calls softly from the kitchen.
You stand from your current position, abandoning whatever you were doing before, and curiously approach, "of course, what'd you do this time?"
"It burnt out while I was boiling water..."
You laugh heartily... only to fall silent as you look at the mess of metal sprawled across the floor. It looks like the crime scene of a robot's gruesome demise; springs and bolts sticking out.
"Are you sure you just burnt it?"
Lynette doesn't answer.
Haphazardly gluing and screwing the last few bits and pieces of random metals, (all stolen from Freminet's scrap parts collection), you huff, looking up at the... stove? To be frank, it doesn't look much like a stove anymore, but you're fairly confident it'll still work as such.
Lynette looks on from the side, much more skeptical– she may not be very good with machinery and electronics, but even she's unsure why in Celestia a stove would need speakers and vacuum tubes. You merely reassure her that you know what you're doing as you turn the dial and crank up the heat.
The appliance rumbles and beeps, shaking the counter tops as it vibrates violently. The sheer intensity manages to knock a teapot off the counter as it shatters on the floor, spilling piping hot tea everywhere.
You jump back, reaching towards the island to grab some of your tools, only for one of the pipes you installed to slither out from underneath the hot plates and practically vacuum up the tea, down to the very last drop. Your stove chimes in delight, retracting the pipe and then continuing to work as normal. As if nothing even happened.
You and Lynette mere look at each other before awkwardly returning to your tasks. A silent agreement to never talk about this.
"Breaking News; Tea-Loving Robotic Monstrosity Ramages Around Fontaine, Causing a National Shortage," Lyney reads the headline out loud, glancing between you, Lynette, and the gaping hole in your wall.
You can only smile sheepishly while your sister keeps her gaze hyperfocused on her dinner. "Mon frère, why did you do that?" He adds.
"How did you even manage to turn the stove into a criminal robot? I didn't even have any circuit boards or wires in my spare parts.." Freminet chimes in, before taking a big bite of food.
"Ruin core,"
The poor diver nearly chokes.
That same night, Freminet begrudgingly heads out; screwdriver in hand, and intent clear. Whatever would you do without him.
translation: "mon frère" = "my sibling"
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sesshous · 7 months
pers: the ultimate wing“man” [freminet x reader]
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summary: freminet makes a new friend (you!)
genre: fluff (gn)
a/n: reader isn’t from fontaine, also takes place after 4.2 archon quests (no direct spoilers to anything though),  this fic kicked my ass i started writing this on the NINTH. but i really wanted to get it done because i adore him ♡ (can also be read as platonic despite the title!)
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when most people think of the self-proclaimed greatest magician in all of teyvat, lyney, they also thought of his magic assistant, lynette. when most people think of the magic assistant, lynette, they also thought of the once again self-proclaimed greatest magician in all of teyvat, lyney. when most people thought of freminet, they also thought of… diving? he was the most talented diver in all of fontaine, so it was no surprise that it was anyone’s first thought to connect him with the “only thing” he was actually good at (his words, not anyone else's). and for someone who spends more time underwater than on land and is probably in his own shell more than those armoured crabs you’ll find on the shore, it’s unlikely for him to be associated with other people.
there was one individual that some people didn’t consider..
how could they not think of him? okay, well pers wasn’t a human, but he was freminet’s most trustworthy companion! he practically brought him everywhere, including to his latest diving session. 
half an hour earlier, freminet had accidentally bumped into estelle, who had signalled him over and told him about how her ore supplier didn’t give her enough beryl conches for a project she was working on and requested him to get her some. originally, he had planned on going home since it was so late into the evening, but then he remembered talking with lyney and lynette about ‘wanting to socialise more’. he already finds it difficult to be around estelle with how much she talks, but he thinks that maybe this could be some kind of first step to becoming more comfortable with her. after agreeing to help her out, he set off to fontaine’s shoreline.
freminet was quick with gathering the beryl conches. after he collected enough, he went back to the surface to sort them out, examining them to make sure that they were in good condition. he did have to admit, diving while it was nearing night was pretty relaxing. it was just him, pers and the sea…
which is why he was now suddenly confused when he heard a sudden laugh. there shouldn’t have been nobody else around with how late it was. did he imagine it? he turned around to see where the laugh was coming from, he saw a figure crouched down with.. pers?
pers must have waddled off while he was so focused on the beryl conches... he swears his attention was only off him for a few seconds! freminet’s mind was at a blank here, but even he knows how rude it would look if he just walked up, snatched pers, came up with some excuse to leave and left, but he didn’t know who this person was- he was just concerned for pers safety! but while he was watching, he saw stranger pat pers lightly on the head and boop his beak with their finger, with the penguin flapping his mechanical wings in response. well, they seemed pretty gentle with how they interacted with pers. and he did remember talking to lyney and lynette about wanting to socialise more (that's why he was out diving so late after all), but normally they were both there with him to help guide him through conversations with people he didn’t know… but maybe this time, he could take this chance to try by himself?
quickly putting away the conches in his bag, he stood up, took a deep breath and nervously walked over to where they both were.
“um…” still anxious, he kept his gaze focused in on pers, however from the corner of his eye, he could see the stranger look up at him, with a smile.
“oh, hello! is this lil guy yours?”
“um,” clearing his throat, “hi. yes- yes, well he’s my friend…”
“really? what’s his name?” you moved you head a above pers in order to view his face, making direct eye contact with him. freminet felt his face heat up, quickly looking away.
“oh, it’s pers...”
“pers? that’s cute! i think it suits him.” moving back to your original position and taking pers’ flippers in your hands to lift them up and down slightly.
“thank you…” he glanced back over at you both (at pers, specifically), and stood silently as he watched the two of you play. 
“what were you doing out here?” you questioned.
“i was just diving for beryl conches…” he mumbled.
“beryl conches?!” you perk up. freminet flinched back a bit. he wasn’t expecting that much excitement for beryl conches of all things. “i saw them in the book i was reading about fontaine’s local specialties! they look pretty, i wanted to get one for myself, but i’ve never dived before…”
“oh… there’s someone who sells them in poisson… in the belleau region.”
“but it would be more special if i got one myself, you know?” freminet tilted his head and slightly nodded.
“yeah, i understand what you mean…” he murmured, silence following through. all he could hear now was the gentle tides against the shore and the squawking of some angler gulls. is this silence awkward for you? he feels like he needs to say something to keep the conversation going. you read a book about fontaine’s local specialties? you must be new to fontaine, did you move here? or are you just travelling- no, that’s definitely too personal... how about your favourite colour? or food? but those are boring, are they not? he could also ask you what you were doing out by the shore so late, but is asking the same question back okay? oh wait! your name-
“you mentioned that you were diving, right?” your voice snapped him back to reality, with you now standing up in front of him, holding out your hands with pers in them for him to take. “have you ever taught anyone how to dive?”
“i was diving, yes. and no, never. i don’t really think i would be the best teacher.” he looked down at your hands, reaching out and taking pers from them, face slightly blushing at your fingers making contact. it’s probably not too noticeable (he hopes). but now, he can ask for your name-
“how will you know if you never try?” you asked.
“well- well i guess you’re right, but i don’t know who would want me to-”
“wait, you can teach me! can be your first student?” your eyes lit up.
“i don’t… i don’t think… i…” he’s stuttering now. great, he made a fool of himself! (he didn’t)
“it’s okay if not!” you reassure him, putting up your hands. “i don’t want to pressure you or anything!” freminet shakes his head.
“oh, no- no, um maybe if i don’t have a lot of assignments tomorrow, i could show you the basics?” he clutches pers tighter to his chest.
“really? great!” you clap your hands lightly, “if you’re done collecting beryl couches, want to walk back together with me to the court of fontaine?”
“yes, i’ve finished. and sure, i don’t see why not…” okay! this time he’s really going to ask-
“that sounds awesome- wait!” you put out your hand to stop him. did he do something wrong?  “i forgot to ask you what your name is! i’m sorry!” laughing awkwardly, following up with your name. ah, you also forgot to ask, and your acting this nice towards him without knowing his name? …that puts him a little at ease.
“no worries, it’s freminet.” even he couldn’t help but give a small smile.
“freminet… i like it! you have a really pretty name.” okay his blush was most definitely noticeable now. 
“ah, thank you...” freminet grip on pers lessens.
“alright, let’s go. i’ll let you lead the way!” 
freminet thinks on the walk back, it should be a good time to ask you those questions he thought of earlier. and for once, he really hopes he doesn’t have a lot of diving requests tomorrow.
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“wait, i never got the chance to ask you what you were doing out so late”
“i was exploring around fontaine!… and then i got lost exploring around fontaine… but i guess it’s good that i got lost since i got to meet you and pers, right?’
“...yeah, right.”
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