#Miriam Grossman
Miriam Grossman: There is no consensus among professionals and experts. There is a debate, but Washington is not acknowledging the voices that are on the other side.
Kids are in the driver's seat. Whatever identity that they have chosen, their parents, their teachers, their doctors, their therapist, is required to accept that.
These professionals have the arrogance to tell parents that they don't know their child, they know better? And the parents better get with the program? Because they're the ones that are going to harm their child? Now, that's pretty traumatic for parents to hear.
In no other field of medicine would we put the child in a position of making medical decisions.
The transgender path is a difficult path. Once you are on puberty blockers, there's a close to 100% chance you will go on to cross-sex hormones. We want to try and put children on a path in which they will have less doctors appointments.
I know too much to not do anything about this.
I know that 13 year old girls are having their breasts removed, minor boys are being castrated. We can't accept it and we can't be complicit in the lie by staying silent.
Edward Drass: Today, I loudly speak out against all forms of chemical and surgical cross-sex therapy. It appears that we're dealing with an unprecedented epidemic of mental illness in adolescent females. This demographic comprises the bulk of the 4400% rise in new cases of gender dysphoria seen in the past few years.
So, I ask you physicians: for what other disease do we allow an adolescent patient to make his own diagnosis and then demand a preferred treatment?
What standards of care have been established for this treatment? What is a satisfactory outcome?
I think other countries and judicial systems are well ahead of the United States in making this determination. The NHS has reversed course in its transition treatment advice. A summary review of transgender medical research concludes there's no support for medical intervention for gender confused minors, medical transition procedures do not reduce youth suicide, child gender dysphoria usually dissipates by adulthood, and the dramatic increase in gender dysphoria in the recent past is likely driven by social factors.
My recommendation to the Rules Committee is that cross-sex medical and surgical treatment should not be supported by organized medicine, the board of medicine, the legislature, or insurance companies.
Here's the thing: almost nobody is being diagnosed with gender dysphoria, which is a specific clinical diagnosis, requiring much more than just a walk into Planned Parenthood for a testosterone prescription.
To quote Aaron Kimberly from Gender Dysphoria Alliance: "Being insecure isn't gender dysphoria. Being lonely isn't gender dysphoria. Liking Queer Theory isn't gender dysphoria. Wanting a new life isn't gender dysphoria. Social anxiety isn't gender dysphoria. Gender Dysphoria is a specific clinical condition, not an identity."
The HRC, Stonewall and pretty much every former-gay rights organization has redefined "trans" to remove gender dysphoria entirely.
Transgender | An umbrella term for people whose gender identity and/or expression is different from cultural expectations based on the sex they were assigned at birth.
Trans An umbrella term to describe people whose gender is not the same as, or does not sit comfortably with, the sex they were assigned at birth.
Transgender An adjective to describe people whose gender identity differs from the sex they were assigned at birth.
As Aaron Terrell noted: "I kind of got wind of the social justice element, and like, transitioning to be trans process around 2017. And when I encountered that in 2017, the people I encountered it from were already acting like I was a weirdo for not realizing that, of course you transition to be trans, and of course it's wrong to be cis, and so in 2017 it was already - I was already weird for not knowing that." The point of transitioning is to not be "cis," to let you be part of the "trans" club. "Trans" are the oppressed glitter-saints, "cis" are the evil "cisheteropatriarchy" oppressors.
One of "Katy" Montgomerie's little friends: "People should be allowed to be trans just because they want to be, regardless of whether they 'biologically' are." To which "Katy" responds: "I am very opposed to a biological test for transness."
Egale Canada's "Trans 101": "A trans person's identity isn't defined by the way they do, or do not transition. So, if someone doesn't feel transitioning is for them, that's totally cool too. [..] Like transitioning, having dysphoria doesn't make someone more, or less, trans. And is not something all trans people experience." Which might explain things if you've ever been screeched at by a purple-haired "they/them" who is unambiguously a man or woman.
Even the American Psychological Association regards that "it’s not a psych's job to assess who’s trans, but to believe them when they say what their gender is, and to assist them in 'achieving their embodiment goals.'"
Which makes "gender affirming care" just cosmetic (sex-attribute modification) procedures, not "healthcare." For what purpose? "Gender identity." Being less girly than Barbie, or less manly than G.I. Joe.
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Don't get me wrong: kids are anxious, distressed, depressed, have body issues, self-hatred, disorders such as OCD and autism, and so on. Many of them are very important issues to address. But with very few exceptions, it's not "gender dysphoria." If only because almost nobody's diagnosing for it, because doing so would be failing to "affirm." And as soon as gender is raised, everything else gets put away.
As Ritchie Herron found, "I was essentially told that everything is all related to trans. There’s no possible way that it’s related to anything else. I brought up the concept of my obsessive thoughts - I’ve been diagnosed with OCD since before I entered the clinic - the possibility of autism, and I was told at the very beginning that, no, you can be trans and have OCD."
"Gender dysphoria" is something you self-diagnose from Tumblr without any mental health training, and "trans" is something you "self ID".
And this is the reason we're drugging and cutting up kids.
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U.S. Rep. Dan Crenshaw, a Republican from Texas, on Wednesday hotly debated a witness about what he called the “elephant in the room” during a hearing about federal funds for pediatricians’ education. Whereas the House Committee on Energy and Commerce typically stays within the lanes of science, in this hearing it devolved into the right-wing culture war on transgender people, Democrats noted.
Crenshaw questioned Yale School of Medicine assistant professor Meredithe McNamara, a pediatrician with expertise in gender-affirming medicine, about his new proposal to remove federal funding from training hospitals that provide gender-affirming care to minors, such as puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, or surgery.
The Children’s Hospitals Graduate Medical Education program funding is reauthorized every five years, and 58 hospitals receive it, training most pediatricians. Since 1999, it has been reauthorized five times.
“This is the issue of our time,” Crenshaw said, parroting anti-trans right-wing talking points.
“This is my bill, and what it does it withholds funding from these hospitals if they engage in what they call gender-affirmation therapy,” he said. “These physical changes to a child’s physiology, permanently disfiguring them through either puberty blockers or even surgical modifications.”
Gender-affirming surgeries are not performed on children.
He added, “It is indeed compassionate to stop kids from being permanently physically altered based on little to no evidence that it will improve their underlying mental condition.”
All major credible medical associations have endorsed gender-affirming care as science and evidence-based, proven essential medical treatment for people suffering from gender dysphoria.
“This is the hill we’re going to die on,” Crenshaw said.
“This is taxpayer money, and when 70% of taxpayers opposed these barbaric treatments on minors, then taxpayers should not fund it,” he asserted.
However, McNamara laid out the flaws with the GOP talking points and explained why gender-affirming care is not only proven but essential for the well-being of patients.
“As a physician with a commitment to patient care, I’m honored to be able to do more for them here than I can do in the office,” she said. “The past few years mark a rapidly shifting hostile political climate towards medical care for transgender people with, a harsh focus on youth care. That should be a private matter for families, patients, and providers is now being directed by legislators based on unsupported fears and misinformation. I understand that this care may be confusing to those who are not medical providers with expertise in treating this population or those who do not have a personal connection to a transgender person.”
She said that as a medical practitioner and a member of a vast community of experts in this type of care, she sees five categories of misinformation as responsible for the attacks on medical care for patients in distress: denial of the medical condition of gender dysphoria, false claims about standard practice, false claims about the evidence that backs care, false claims about the safety of treatments, and an attack on medical authority.
“I’m here to ensure that you have the facts to address this misinformation,” she said. “Gender dysphoria, the long-standing and significant distress that many transgender people have from the incongruence between their gender identity and the sex they have at birth, is real. It’s a recognized and serious medical condition. Transgender people of all ages exist. Their health care is based on established standards of care and clinical practice guidelines, which are themselves based on substantial medical research and evidence as well as decades of clinical practice. Based on these standards, youth and parents receive informed counseling about the risks and the benefits of specific treatments, and every major medical organization has endorsed this care.”
Miriam Grossman, a psychiatrist who advocated in the hearing for a conversion therapy approach, stated that most kids with gender dysphoria need counseling and nothing else. She admitted under friendly questioning by Crenshaw that his proposal appears to be a government overreach.
Grossman is part of the fringe group Do No Harm, made up of medical professionals and activists who stand in opposition to widely accepted care for kids with gender dysphoria.
“Medicine is unfortunately permeated with politics at this point,” Grossman said. “Now, ideally, we wouldn’t be stepping in. Who wants the government stepping in between doctors and parents and children? But when there’s something that is so wrong that is going on, then I think we have to.”
The American Medical Association this week came out strengthening its support for gender-affirming care for transgender youth.
McNamara tells The Advocate that giving voice to a witness who peddles in actual dangerous practices is detrimental to the conversation.
“One thing that I was deeply disheartened by was how [the hearing] heavily platforms somebody was who espouses conversion practices, which are dangerous and discredited,” she says. “And also quite simply ineffective.”
Conversion therapy is the discredited practice of attempting to change somebody’s sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression. It is a dangerous and harmful technique that has been outlawed for use on minors in states across the country and places around the world.
“Science shows over and over again, study by study, that youth who qualify for and desire gender-affirming care and have the support of their loved ones and their parents, they thrive,” McNamara says. “I am hopeful, seriously hopeful, that will no longer be a contentious issue soon.”
But Republicans appear to have picked their culture war issue, and they’re sticking to it.
“This is the hill we are going to die on. It is too important,” Crenshaw quipped.
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Parental Trauma in a World of Gender Insanity | Miriam Grossman MD | EP 347
Dr. Jordan B. Peterson and Miriam Grossman discuss the grief and trauma associated with the Transgender movement, not just for those transitioning, but for the parents and families who now find themselves shunned and alienated if they refuse to affirm their own child's delusion. They also go into detail on the history of the ideology, the monstrosity of Dr. John Money, and his horrendous failed experiment on which he built his doctrines. 
Miriam Grossman MD is a physician, author, and public speaker. Before gender ideology was on anyone’s radar, she warned parents about its dangers in her 2009 book, “You’re Teaching My Child WHAT?” Dr. Grossman has been vocal for many years about the capture of her profession by ideologues, leading to dangerous and experimental treatments on children and betrayal of parents. Dr. Grossman was featured in the Daily Wire’s hit documentary “What Is A Woman?” The author of four books, her work has been translated into eleven languages. After graduating with honors from Bryn Mawr College, Dr. Grossman attended New York University Medical School.  She completed an internship in pediatrics at Beth Israel Hospital in New York City, and a residency in psychiatry through Cornell University Medical College, followed by a fellowship in child and adolescent psychiatry. Dr. Grossman is board certified in psychiatry and in the sub-specialty of child and adolescent psychiatry.
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lifeovercoffee · 8 months
VITAL INTERVIEW with Dr. Miriam Grossman, as Rick Thomas interviews her about her latest book, Lost in Trans Nation. Dr. Grossman was in Matt Walsh's documentary, What Is a Woman, and also interviewed by Dr. Jordan Peterson.
This insightful and instructive interview is for all parents looking for helpful information on this cultural contagion.
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jm32 · 9 months
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misspeculiar-principe · 3 months
Doctor Destroys Gender Ideology in 5 Minutes
"Sex is not assigned at birth. Sex is established at conception and is recognized at birth, if not earlier."
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victoriasmodels · 2 years
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Miriam Blanco for Victoria’s Secret
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secattention · 3 months
Miriam Grossman Speaking at the U.S. House Committee Hearing on Gender Ideology
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msclaritea · 6 months
How Gender Activists Defaced Pediatric Medicine: An Interview with Miriam Grossman, MD
Dr Miriam Grossman is one of the few brave voices to speak up and fight against the Transgender Cult; an Occult belief system, shamefully passed off as Science. It's been working more like Gay Conversion Therapy, with most girls being Autistic and many of these children, suffering from bullying, internalized Homophobia, and past sexual trauma.
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By: Miriam Grossman
Published: Aug 2, 2023
I was contacted by lawyers in Salt Lake City about a 13-year-old boy whose divorced parents were in litigation over his social transition. Zach had recently declared himself a girl, and his mother was 100 percent on board—new name, pronouns, dresses. His father wasn't going along with it.
I reviewed the records from Zach's recent psychiatric hospitalization. Staff listed gender dysphoria as one of his diagnoses and consistently used his girl's name and female pronouns, but the reasoning for those clinical decisions was absent. The hospital records indicated Zach heard voices and saw "ghosts." I searched for more information about the voices and the ghosts but found none.
Was it possible no one had asked? Psychotic symptoms such as auditory or visual hallucinations always warrant further questions. An obvious one: what did the voices say? Was Zach hearing voices telling him he's a girl?
These were questions that demanded attention from his clinicians prior to affirming a new identity. Maybe Zach's gender dysphoria was related to his disordered thinking and hallucinations. Perhaps instead of lip gloss he needed Risperdal (anti-psychotic medication).
I found similar problems in the care of 17-year-old Nicole in Boston. Nicole's life had been chaotic; her father left when she was two, her mother had five other kids with two other men, she was sexually abused by a neighbor, and her family had been homeless for months on several occasions. She had an IQ of 68 and was on three psychiatric medications to treat hallucinations, ADHD, and depression. When she discovered her mother was pregnant, Nicole came out as a boy.
At the time I was consulted, Nicole was in foster care due to charges of physical abuse by her mother.
Nicole wanted testosterone. I was asked by the court to provide my professional opinion regarding "gender-affirming" care, including testosterone, for her.
Having read this far, I trust you can figure out what I said. No testosterone for Nicole.
Zach lives in Utah and Nicole in Massachusetts—both states that ban "conversion therapy" for minors. That means any approach that fails to immediately affirm a child's new identity is prohibited.
I put myself at l risk when I argued that Zach and Nicole should not be affirmed but instead have their long-term mental health issues treated.
At least with those two consultations, my role was to provide my professional opinion. But that wasn't the case with David, a patient in Colorado with whom I worked directly.
One day David told his parents that he is transgender and asked to be called Zoe, "she," and "her." He wanted blockers because the hair sprouting over the corners of his lips and his cracking voice reminded him he's a boy. If only he could take estrogen, he told me, having breasts and wider hips would make him feel confident and secure.
The medical establishment, the DSM-5, and the state of Colorado say the only permissible response is to act as if he was a girl. David must be in the driver's seat—forget about "do no harm." If he picks a different gender identity, name, and pronouns next week, I must use those. I am to instruct parents to tell everyone—family members, school staff, his piano teacher and dentist—to do the same. His mom, dad, and I are all supposed to celebrate what doctors at Johns Hopkins call David's "evolving sense of self."
Celebrating an evolving sense of self sounds fine and dandy. But I happen to know that when David first appeared at a family event in a dress, his mother—a strong feminist and lifelong liberal who supported gay marriage and survived 9/11 and breast cancer—had to flee to a restroom, where she had the first panic attack of her life. I also know puberty blockers might be followed by estrogen and perhaps even orchiectomy—castration. He could end up disfigured and infertile and still not be satisfied with his body.
When David is ready, I must share those dangers with him. I took an oath to prevent harm, no matter what the gender medical establishment or the state of Colorado might say.
For refusing to validate the opposite-sex identities of David and many others, I risk an investigation, but I'll live with that. I'm going to do what's best for my patients.
Miriam Grossman MD is board certified in child, adolescent and adult psychiatry. The author of five books, Dr. Grossman's work has been translated into eleven languages. She has testified in Congress and lectured at the British House of Lords and the United Nations.
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gemstarb · 1 year
How Parents Can Be Prepared While Trans Ideology is on the Rise in Ameri...
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salvia-plathitudes · 2 months
Hundreds of Jewish anti-war demonstrators have been arrested during a Passover seder that doubled as a protest in New York, as they shut down a major thoroughfare to pray for a ceasefire and urge the Senate majority leader, Chuck Schumer, to end US military aid to Israel.
The 300 or so arrests took place on Tuesday night at Grand Army Plaza, on the doorstep of Schumer’s Brooklyn residence, where thousands of mostly Jewish New Yorkers gathered for the seder, a ritual that marked the second night of the holiday celebrated as a festival of freedom by Jews worldwide.
The seder came just before the US Senate resoundingly passed a military package that includes $26bn for Israel.
UN rights chief ‘horrified’ by reports of mass graves at two Gaza hospitals
The protesters called on Schumer – who is among a minority of Democrats to recently criticize the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu – to stop arming Israel’s military, which relies heavily on US weapons, jet fuel and other military equipment.
“We as American Jews will not be used, we will not be complicit and we will not be silent. Judaism is a beautiful, thousands-year-old tradition, and Israel is a 76-year-old colonial apartheid state,” Morgan Bassichis, an organizer with Jewish Voice for Peace, told the crowd.
“This is the Passover that we take our exodus from Zionism. Not in our name. Let Gaza live.”
The mass arrests came after the seder rituals. Speakers included journalist and author Naomi Klein, Palestinian activist Linda Sarsour, and several Jewish students suspended from Columbia University and Barnard College over the protests that have rocked US campuses in recent days.
Rabbi Miriam Grossman, from Brooklyn, led a prayer before the first cup of ritual wine. “We pray for everyone besieged, for everyone facing starvation and mass bombardment.”
Klein spoke after eating the bitter herbs that represent the bitterness of slavery at the seder. “Our Judaism cannot be contained by an ethnostate, for our Judaism is internationalist by its very nature. Our Judaism cannot be protected by the rampaging military of that ethnostate, for all that military does is sow sorrow and reap hatred, including hatred against us as Jews.”
Jewish communities have often used Passover to protest about global injustice. Tuesday’s protest, organizers said, was inspired by the 1969 Freedom Seder, organized by Arthur Waskow on the anniversary of Dr Martin Luther King Jr’s death. The original Freedom Seder sought to connect the Jewish exodus story with the struggle for civil rights in the US and against the war in Vietnam.
One protester, a 31-year-old Jewish woman who asked not to be named for security reasons, said: “Passover is about liberation. In our family, Palestinians have always been part of our celebration and mourning. The call for liberation is more important now than ever … As Americans, the billions of our tax dollars in the Israeli military bill is outrageous and horrifying.”
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naturalrights-retard · 5 months
While it seems the transgender ideology came out of nowhere, schools have been teaching children that their identity is separate from their biology, and that gender is a choice, for a long time. Today, transgender ideology is being taught to children as early as preschool
Transgenderism is primarily a social contagion, although exposure to synthetic chemicals, in utero and in early life, may play a role in some cases, especially in boys identifying as girls
Classic gender dysphoria primarily affected boys, and always presented at a very early age. Now, teens and young adults claim they’re transgender, which was never the case before. Girls identifying as boys now make up about 60% of cases
Many in the affirmative care field insist that you can block puberty without negative effects and that hormone therapy effects are reversible, neither of which is true. Proponents of transgender ideology also claim that unless trans kids are affirmed in their new identities and provided medical and surgical treatment to transition, they’re at high risk of suicide, and that’s not true either
“Lost in Trans Nation,” written by Dr. Miriam Grossman, a child and adolescent psychiatrist and board-certified medical doctor, provides parents with the required knowledge and tools to protect their children from the transgender ideology contagion
In this interview, Dr. Miriam Grossman, a child and adolescent psychiatrist and board-certified medical doctor, discusses the dangers of transgender ideology, which is her specialty, and, more importantly, how to protect your children from it.
She's the author of two books, "You're Teaching My Child What?: A Physician Exposes the Lies of Sex Education and How They Harm Your Child," and "Lost in Trans Nation, A Child Psychiatrist's Guide Out of the Madness."
Grossman is also a senior fellow at the Do No Harm Medicine, which fights "against identity politics" and "for individual patients." "First, do no harm" is part of the Hippocratic Oath that doctors through the ages have sworn to abide by. Unfortunately, the Hippocratic Oath has been massively perverted and "do no harm" has basically fallen by the wayside.
"Do No Harm is a pretty recently formed organization of medical professionals who feel that our profession has lost its way," Grossman explains.
"It has become politicized — by identity politics and other issues — to such a degree that our patients are suffering and our profession is suffering. DoNoHarmMedicine.org was founded by Dr. Stanley Goldfarb, a retired nephrologist from the University of Pennsylvania.
I believe he had the responsibility of organizing the curricula for medical students at the University of Pennsylvania, and he recognized the degree to which politics had entered into the curricula and was very alarmed. So, he retired and formed this amazing organization, which I would encourage every medical professional to check out and join."
The Rise of Transgender Ideology
While Grossman has only recently become known as a leading voice opposing the mainstream transgender narrative, her involvement and concern about this unscientific belief system goes back about 15 years. For the casual observer, it may seem that transgender ideology sprang up from nowhere, overnight, but that's not the case.
"The explosion in cases did actually happen quite rapidly, but the teachings, the ideology that says our identities can be separate from our biology — which is not based in science — and the belief that we can be someone different than what our body says we are, that's been taught to kids in sex education for a long time," Grossman says.
"I became aware of it in the mid 2000s when I was writing my book, 'You're Teaching My Child What?' I was a psychiatrist for students at UCLA, and a lot of the kids coming to see me with anxiety and depression, especially the young women, were there as a result of unhealthy sexual behaviors.
A lot of them, an alarming number, had a sexual transmitted disease, an STD. They had herpes or genital warts, and these diseases are caused by viruses that are incurable essentially. Once you have a diagnosis of genital warts, the human papillomavirus or the herpes virus, you've got that for life.
It can be controlled, but not eliminated. So these are serious diseases ... These were smart kids, and these were kids who were ambitious, yet they had made these foolish sexual decisions of hooking up with random strangers ...
So I started looking into what kids are being taught in sex education, and I discovered that sex education ... is not about health. It's not about staying healthy. It's about ... promoting sexual freedom — all sorts of risky behaviors — and it's about changing society.
My book, 'You're Teaching My Child What?' ... delves into the origins of sex education in this country. It is about sexual freedom. It's about rejecting Judeo-Christian values. It is most certainly not about fighting bacteria and viruses. And sex education is introduced at a very young age, in kindergarten."
Gender ideology is introduced even earlier, in preschool. Books read to preschool children will say things like, "Adults make mistakes when babies are born and only you know if you're a girl or a boy," and "Adults may have made a mistake when they decided that you were a girl or a boy," or "Some people are born with a boy's brain and a girl's body."
"These outrageously false ideas are introduced to children at a very, very young age," Grossman says, "and that's the danger. These ideas are going to reach your kids before you do."
Transgenderism Is a Social Contagion
Grossman's most recent book, "Lost in Trans Nation," which came out in July 2023, provides parents with the practical information and tools needed to protect their families against the "transgender contagion."
"It is a social contagion," she says. "If your child ends up in a friend group, either in school or in the neighborhood or online, in which there is one or more kids who are identifying as transgender, nonbinary, or one of these other made-up words, there's a much greater chance that your child ... will also end up identifying.
So, no family is immune. I've talked to hundreds and hundreds of parents, and I've seen many, many kids in my office who get drawn into this belief system. And trust me, it's a very difficult thing."
The transgender contagion is so widespread at this point, Grossman suspects most of the college, high school and elementary school students believe that sex and gender are two separate things, and that you can choose your gender at will, because that's what they've been indoctrinated to believe.
"When I use the word indoctrinated, I mean that this has been relentlessly pushed at them over and over again. They're bombarded with this idea, presented as if it is a fact. It's not a fact, it's a belief. And it's an outrageous belief. It's an irrational belief that you can be something other than what your body says you are.
But this belief is pushed at them 24/7 from every direction, and it's presented as fact. And, it's presented in such a way that questions are not permitted. If you doubt, if you hesitate, if you ask questions, well then you are a hater and you are transphobic.
Kids want to belong. Kids want to be accepted in their social group. They don't want to be seen as an outsider and certainly not as transphobic. That's the equivalent of being racist, sexist and all those other awful things.
So, that's why I use the word indoctrinated, and that's why a majority of them are going to believe it. It's being presented to them by authorities, educational authorities, medical authorities, government authorities, and they don't hear the argument on the other side of it."
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Gender Dysphoria Then and Now
When Grossman was a medical student, rapid onset gender dysphoria (when a young child suddenly insists he or she is the opposite gender) was exceedingly rare. That all changed around 2015, when the number of cases suddenly exploded.
However, contrary to classical gender dysphoria, these more recent cases typically involve teens and young adults, which had never been the case before. What's more, in the past, gender dysphoria predominantly affected boys, at a ratio of about 6-to-1. Today, girls identifying as boys make up about 60% of cases.
I, like many others, suspect synthetic chemicals, many of which have estrogenic activity, may be playing a role, especially in boys identifying as girls. Grossman doesn't dismiss that possibility, but based on her work, she suspects social media and peer pressure are still the primary contributors.
"The kids say as much," she says. "They develop symptoms of being unhappy with their bodies after binging on these YouTube videos of kids who are chronicling their own dysphoria and their own path. So there's definitely a social contagion element."
Transgenderism Is a False Cure for What Ails Them
Not surprisingly, children with a history of psychiatric issues, such as being on the autistic spectrum or struggling with anxiety, depression or emotional trauma, are more prone to falling victim to gender ideology.
"They learn about gender ideology, and they're told that this could be the reason for your distress — 'You're feeling that you don't fit in ... because you are in the wrong body.'
And they come to believe that all their problems are going to be solved by this one solution, that identifying as the opposite sex, change their name, their pronouns and their appearance ... that will be the solution.
We hear this over and over again from detransitioners, the people who went through the 'affirmation' and when they got more mature, they realized, 'Oh my god, what have I done to myself?' and regret what they've done.
I don't like using this language because it's Orwellian language, but let's just call it what the mainstream medicine is calling it, which is 'gender affirmation,' which of course means you deny biology.
One of the main things that detransitioners talk about is how they were convinced that this would be the solution to all their mental health problems. Instead, they go through the process, their bodies are sometimes permanently disfigured from hormones and surgery, and their mental health problems have not been addressed."
Kids and Parents Are Being Lied To
Making matters worse, children and teens are being lied to about the ramifications of hormone therapy and surgery. These are permanent changes being applied for what is likely a temporary emotional problem. You cannot undo the damage inflicted once you change your mind.
Remarkably, many in the affirmative care field insist that you can block puberty without negative effects and that hormone therapy effects are reversible, neither of which is true.
Proponents of transgender ideology also claim that unless trans kids are affirmed in their new identities and provided medical and surgical treatment to transition, they're at high risk of suicide, and that's not true either.
In fact, it's the exact opposite. Detransitioners are at high risk of suicide because not only is it a struggle to get back to their real identity, but many now have severe medical problems brought on by hormones and surgery.
Those who have undergone sexual reassignment surgery, in particular, face the very real possibility of lifelong medical troubles and associated depression. Many have urological problems, recurrent infections, chronic pain and sexual dysfunction. They're also sterile and will never be able to have children.
"In my congressional testimony that I gave a few months ago, I pointed out that in countries such as Sweden, Norway, Finland, the United Kingdom, where they have made these medical treatments essentially unavailable to kids for the past few years, there has been no increase in suicides or decreased mental health.
So that is simply not true. It's terrible misinformation and emotional blackmail [to say] 'The only chance your child has of living a happy and fulfilling life is if you go along with their new identity and give them whatever it is they say they want, even if your child is 10 or 12 years old.' And this is what's going on in the gender clinics.
It's very, very important that people read my book, not only families in which they are in the midst of this difficulty, but families who in the future may face it, so that they are prepared and can understand what it's about, so they know how to respond and how to protect their child before they're indoctrinated."
A Generation of Damaged Youth
Even if they don't go through with surgery on the sex organs, boys are given massive doses of estrogen, a known human carcinogen that has a plethora of ill health effects. Girls taking high-dose testosterone also face serious adverse health effects, including irreversible voice changes and blood clotting disorders.
An ever-growing number of teenage girls are also getting double mastectomies. There are no hard numbers on how many top surgeries are being done, because no one is tracking transgender treatments and gender reassignment surgeries, but it's definitely not a rarity anymore. Grossman comments:
"When I was writing my book and working on the chapter on double mastectomies, there were 47,000 young girls raising money on GoFundMe to have breast surgery — 47,000 ... You have a whole population of young women who were led to believe that their breasts are simply disposable sex objects that don't serve any other purpose.
Young women are never taught about the magnificent biology of nursing and of the nutrition, which is the gold standard nutrition, for newborns. There is nothing better for a newborn than mother's milk."
The Madness Is Coming From the Top
Children's lives are being ruined by lies, and we need to be just as aggressive in sticking to biological facts as the indoctrinators are being aggressive in pushing vulnerable kids to make destructive health choices.
A major part of the problem is the educational system, as most schools are teaching transgender ideology. The solution, then, would be to get your children out of those schools. Grossman agrees, saying:
"Because gender issues have been framed as a civil right, every teacher can introduce it in their class — into English literature, social studies, civics, history.
Parents also have to be aware that ... there are activist teachers, activist social workers and guidance counselors, who are out there to influence your child, and they will go as far as to keep it a secret from the family if the child requests to make some sort of identity change at school.
The school will keep it a secret from the parents, which is another outrageous element in all of this because it's a parent's right to know such a thing. So yes, you can remove your child from not only public school, but there are also private schools that push this ideology ...
Their professional organizations — the National Educational Association, the professional organizations of social workers, school counselors, guidance counselors and principals — they have all bought into the narrative. So they are obligated to follow those policies, and the policies call for keeping the parents in the dark if the child says that's what they want.
I tell a story in my book of teachers who have felt that it is wrong to keep the parents in the dark about their child's gender identity at school and shared the information with the parents. They've been fired.
There are teachers, especially the younger ones, who have been indoctrinated. But I have people writing to me who are school psychologists and teachers, and they say things like, 'I can't do this anymore. I'm leaving this field. I'm retiring, I simply can't do this anymore, it's wrong.'
So parents need to be aware of that. And I provide in the book an appendix written by attorneys who are specialists in child and parental rights, and they explain exactly how to be proactive.
Even if your child is entering kindergarten, you can go into the school and you can, with a form that I provide on my website, miriamgrossmanmd.com, that puts the school on notice that they have no constitutionally based rights to direct the education of your child, that you don't want your child being taught gender ideology and that you do not permit your child to be a part of any program or club in which this ideology is being taught.
And you certainly are not giving permission for your child to be called by a different name, or for your kid to use the opposite sex bathrooms. You have to [do that]."
Inoculate Your Children Through Biological Affirmation
Another important strategy that parents need to adopt is to affirm the biology of their children from the start. By teaching them the value and permanence of their biological sex, you can effectively "inoculate" them against deranged ideas being brought in later. Grossman explains:
"You can say to a 2-year-old or a 3-year-old, 'You know you're a boy, and you're always going to be a boy. From the very first moment of your creation, you were a boy.'
This phrase, 'sex assigned at birth,' drives me crazy because it is so, so false. It is so outrageously untrue. Sex is not assigned at birth. Sex is established at conception and it is permanent.
Kids are being led to believe that sex — being male or female — is randomly assigned. Some doctor or nurse in the delivery room takes a look at you and makes this random decision that really isn't based on anything real. No, you want to inoculate your child against that idea.
You want to tell your child that 'You always were a boy or a girl, and you always will be. And that's a great thing.' Also, [teach them that] there are many different ways of being a girl or a boy. There isn't one way.
There are some girls who love makeup and do all those stereotypically feminine things, and there are other girls who never want to put on a dress and they're into building things and sports. And that's great. That's one kind of way of being a girl.
So from a very young age, we can tell kids that there isn't just one way of being a girl or a boy, because what the ideology is telling them is that if you don't fit into these ridiculous stereotypes, you may not actually be a girl (or a boy). So, you want your child to recognize that as not making sense."
Another thing that children need to be taught from a young age is that being male or female has an impact on every system of the body. It's not just a few skin-deep anatomical differences.
Your biological gender — immutable due to the presence of XX or XY chromosomes in every cell of your body — impacts how your brain works, your cardiovascular system, GI system and the immune system, and no amount of sex hormones and surgery will change that.
By taking hormones to feminize or masculinize the body, you're wreaking total havoc on the entire system, because it wasn't designed for those hormones. The only predictable outcome of transgender hormone therapy is health problems.
More Information
The transgender ideology is a pervasive threat to our children, and parents need to educate themselves on how to battle it most effectively. Grossman's book, "Lost in Trans Nation" is the only book out there right now that gives parents the necessary tools. So, if you have young children, pick up a copy. Also gift the book to new parents. It could be the most valuable baby gift they can get. In closing, Grossman says:
"Parents, it's really essential for you to know as much as you can. I've put my heart and soul into writing this book ['Lost in Trans Nation'] because I have seen too much. I have seen people, marriages and families destroyed from this ideology.
That is why I wrote this book. It was not an easy book to write. It's not an easy book to read. But we have to live in reality and know what's going on. Parents that contact me all tell me the same thing. They say, 'We were blindsided. We never imagined that this could happen. We weren't prepared for it.' And so I want parents to be prepared ...
I have tons of information that families can use to protect themselves. Once your child is involved, it can be really tough to get them out because they are essentially brainwashed.
In addition to believing that they may be born in the wrong body, they have been brainwashed to believe that anyone who challenges them, anyone who won't use their new name and pronouns, is a bad person. [They've been told] their home might be unsafe if their parents won't use their new name and that they may need to live somewhere else ...
This is a push to change our culture, change our society — to place a wedge between kids and their parents and for the state to say that we know what's best for your child, not you. It's a very dangerous situation.
And I think it's important just to mention that other countries, very progressive countries such as Sweden, have all done a 180. Those other countries are saying what the kids need is psychotherapy. This is an emotional disorder."
In addition to her book, you can also find more information on her website, miriamgrossmanmd.com, including the "Parent's Notice to Schools." If you want to follow her on Twitter/X, her handle is @Miriam_Grossman. Also consider becoming a member of the Do No Harm Medicine.
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roboe1 · 8 months
News and Headlines. Daily Brief. 10/6/2023.
US, World News. Politics, Commentary and Videos. Often covering what the mainstream media misses. US News. Los Angeles Elementary Schools to Celebrate “National Coming Out Day,” Dr. Miriam Grossman Megyn Kelly is joined by Dr. Miriam Grossman, author of “Lost in Trans Nation,” to discuss Los Angeles elementary schools celebrating “National Coming Out Day” and why this is “evil” towards…
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zinniajones · 1 year
On Friday, April 28, 2023, the plaintiffs filed their trial brief (Doc. 199) with over 350 attached exhibits containing information about the AHCA’s anti-trans rulemaking process that was not previously known to the public. This evidence confirms early coordination between the office of Governor Ron DeSantis, the Florida Department of Health, and the AHCA at meetings in early April 2022 (Doc. 200-5). AHCA chief litigation counsel Andrew T. Sheeran, was even seeking out anti-trans expert witnesses, including Quentin Van Meter (Pl. 337) and anti-gay conversion therapy provider Miriam Grossman (Pl. 274), prior to FLDOH’s April 20, 2022 anti-trans press release. A series of diagrams dated to June 2022 describe a “Gender Dysphoria/Transgender Health Care Policy Pathway” (Plaintiffs’ trial exhibit 296), “Non-Legislative Pathway” (Pl. 295), and “Projected Rulemaking Timeline” (Pl. 294), beginning with state surgeon general Joseph Ladapo’s April anti-trans guidance and ending in June-September 2022 with “Care Effectively Banned”. This indicates that the AHCA had not initiated an open-ended assessment of evidence on certain medical treatments with the possibility that this evidence could be persuasively robust, but rather that this exclusion was already decided at the outset. Jeffrey English, AHCA’s “GAPMS guy”, called the finding “a conclusion in search of an argument” (Doc. 199).
Read more at Gender Analysis
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