#Resident: Rikku
hotelofheroines · 7 months
Reply to an Open Starter by @thegoddessgarden
Rikku was surprised when she found another person that this remote spring, and became just as flustered when she realized that the other woman was naked. Obviously she couldn't blame Palutena for being naked, since she herself had come for some skinny dipping, but the poor girl was shy.
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"Um...yeah, that sounds nice. I was planning on having a nice swim anyway." Rikku replied to Palutena's greeting, trying to come off as much less flustered as she was. She began slowly stripping down to be as naked as the goddess, still blushing and being awkward. The al bhed girl had a rather cute body: lithe but fit with little B-cup breasts and a slowly hardening cock that she still tried to cover once she was fully naked. "Um, I'm Rikku, by the way." She offered her name as she carefully slipped into the spring water beside Palutena.
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yearofthehorse2002 · 1 year
Rook will see a blonde girl in an orange sleeveless turtleneck ask "is anyone gonna take this?" and not wait for an answer
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nostalgiachan · 2 years
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Not sure why I’ve been staggering these and not just posting them at the same times as the ones on my twitter, but whatevs. More OC redraws! 
Character lore below the cut!
#25: Al (formerly Alucard) Idea: Calm, cool sneakster and assassin Story: Year Zero
Despite his name, Al was not intended to be a vampire. I feel like there's one of two reasons Teen Nost named him Alucard:
1) She hadn’t quite realized Alucard backwards was Dracula
2) She knew and she didn't care, she just liked the name that much.
But that wasn't the only goofy thing she gave this young man - she also introduced him wearing what was basically the OMG hat from Gaia Online because she definitely thought that hat was cool.
Anyway, as for his actual presence in the story, Alucard is a resident of the Outer City and a member of the growing rebellion. He and his younger sister, Rez, serve as Taris's most trusted scouts, infiltrators, and assassins. Most of their trips are spent observing the massive wall between the Inner and Outer City, though they've made trips deeper into the city and even breached the White Tower on occasion.
On a trip around the Outer City, he happened to run into Sin, who had come on his own to have a little think about the state of things. Thanks to this chance encounter, Al would later recognize Sin's near-lifeless body when he and his sister later broke into the White Tower to steal building layouts and batteries for Taris's superweapon. He would also be the one to vouch for having him join the rebellion rather than killing him outright.
Unfortunately, I'm a little fuzzy on what else he gets up to in the rest of the plot; from what I remember, his main relevance was getting Sin and the parts for the weapon out of the Tower. He’s definitely present and survives to the end, tho.
#26: Navila "Rez" Idea: Basically Rikku, but with more sneaky-beaking and less tinkering Story: Year Zero
Ah, another character with Albel Nox hair tubes. While I tended to give characters relatively realistic hairstyles, if there was any impractical hair detail I loved (and still love) to use, it's hair tubes.
Like her older brother Al, Rez is a combination scout/thief/assassin, though she's much more cheerful about it overall; she's a little ditzy at times and likes to annoy her brother like any younger sibling, even while staring down a hallway covered in blood and corpses. She's also apparently pretty strong, considering she was the one to pick up Sin's body, hoist it over her shoulder, and carry it out of the White Tower. For reasons that I don't remember and never got around to writing down, she doesn't like when Al calls her by her real name, Navila.
And similarly to her brother, I don't really know what she gets up to in the rest of the story beyond participating in the fighting and surviving to the end. If I ever get around to tinkering with this story more, I want to play around more with the fact that Rez is a fifteen or sixteen year old girl with zero qualms about killing people.
#27: Taris Kokoro Idea: Mysterious rebellion leader, twin sister of Hime for whatever reason Story: Year Zero
Taris, like Mulore and Neros, is one of those characters that I've had some time to think about and was generally able to come up with much better ideas for.
What little knowledge I still have of her is that she is the leader of the rebellion against G and the Inner City and she wears head to toe bandages to hide her appearance. She also happens to be the twin sister of Sin's colleague, Captain Hime. Now, I don't know what came first, the fact that she's covered in bandages or the fact that she's Hime's twin, since apparently I hadn't originally intended her to be bandaged; I'd originally wanted to give her an eyepatch, but apparently I couldn't figure out a hairstyle that worked with the eyepatch, so I gave her full-on bandages instead and gave her the detail that she was hiding the fact she's Hime's identical twin.
Why did I make her Hime's twin? Fuck if I remember, aside from trying to work in some kind of love triangle between Taris, Sin, and Hime.
As I've revisited the well over the years, I came up with a few changes for Taris here; chief among them is making the whole "being Hime's twin" thing a bit more meaningful. Still working on that one. But aside from that, I now see her as much more of an extremist than I think I'd originally intended. I want her to go whole-hog "We are wiping out the Inner City, fuck it all".
#28: Lord Gerardis (aka G) Idea: Megalomaniacal dictator who goes even nuttier somehow Story: Year Zero
The initial antagonist of our story, Lord Gerardis (pronounced like Boyardee, lol) is the dictator in control of the city of Lacryma; apparently, he was elected to this position, and I presume he used his time in office to pull a forcible government restructuring and turn it into a dictatorship. Under his rule, the city became divided into the affluent Inner City, whose citizens lived a tightly controlled, yet blissful and pampered life, and the Outer City, who were hideously abused, neglected, and left to suffer from Lacryma's permanent winter.
But G's apparent ambitions didn't stop with turning Lacryma into a dystopian hellscape; he wanted to do it to the whole world. But the technology and human resources at his disposal wouldn't really be enough to get the job done; too many extended battles meant too many resources used and too much time for the Inner City citizens to get the idea that maybe they didn't like what he was doing. No, he needed some real blitzkrieg shit. So, he started up his human weapon project, resulting in the creation of Sin.
24 years after Sin's birth, as G was planning an expansion of the city, his workers informed him of the discovery of a strange glowing tree that they couldn't remove. G and his posse arrived on the scene, and as soon as G saw the man buried within the tree, he was overcome with a sort of madness. He pulled the man, who he dubbed Absolution, out with his bare hands, stuffed him in his limo, and took him back to the White Tower.
Now, apparently G already knew what he needed to do to revive Absolution from his arboreal state. Why? Had he been visited by dreams of the beautiful tree man? Did someone happen to tell him a legend of a creature with the power to create life from nothing?
Fuck if I know, I didn't write it down and I probably didn't even really have a reason for it. He just knew about Absolution and decided he was going to use Sin and Absolution in tandem to blitz every other city he could find and rebuild them to his liking.
As mentioned before, Sin found out, went on a tear through the labs, and tried to shank Absolution before G came to the rescue and stabbed the living fuck out of Sin. Picture Senator Armstrong vs. Raiden, except Armstrong's older and has a sword and the whole thing's a lot less cool and a lot more dorky.  G promptly fucks off to who knows where with Absolution and works to get the man woken up.
We don't see him again until our heroes have managed to fight their way up the White Tower, at which point Absolution decides he's tired of listening to G rant and rave about his ambitions and kills the fuck out of him.
As for potential rejiggering, the most obvious needed change is his motivations, how he put Lacryma in its current state, and the genesis of his plans for Sin and Absolution. I didn't go over this in Sin's description (I was tired, weeeeeegh), but in his reworking, I wanted him to be of the same mysterious species as Absolution. Thus, maybe G found out about them at the same time, but found Sin first, and that's why he had tools in place for reviving Absolution. Perhaps he also had some sort of mental conditioning and implanted memories that he was able to apply to Sin, but couldn't do the same to Absolution because Sin came a-knockin' too early.
I'll workshop it.
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belovedblossoms-m · 1 year
Muse List for Mobile
Below is a list of all current muses for those reading on mobile.
Giselle (Disney's Enchanted/Disenchanted)
Elsa (Disney's Frozen/Frozen 2)
Mirabel Madrigal (Disney's Encanto)
Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug)
Emerald Sustrai (Rooster Teeth's RWBY)
Melody (Disney's The Little Mermaid 2)
Kiki (Studio Ghibli's Kiki's Delivery Service)
Bee (Bee and Puppycat/Netflix's Lazy in Space)
Glimmer (Netflix's She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
Makoto Niijima (Atlus' Persona 5)
Yukiko Amagi (Atlus' Persona 4)
Yukari Takeba (Atlus' Persona 3)
Catherine (Atlus' Catherine)
Kaede Akamatsu (Danganronpa v3)
Chiaki Nanami (Danganronpa 2)
Oerba dia Vanille (Final Fantasy XIII)
Rikku (Final Fantasy X)
Claire Redfield (Resident Evil)
Frisk (Undertale)
Amy Rose (Sonic series)
Xion (Kingdom Hearts)
Blaze the Cat (Sonic series)
Power (Chainsaw Man)
Mary Saotome (Kakegurui)
Asuka Langley Soryu (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
Nonon Jakuzure (Kill la Kill)
Ochako Uraraka (My Hero Academia)
Stocking Anarchy (Panty and Stocking w/ Garterbelt)
Mitsuri Kanroji (Demon Slayer/Kimetsu no Yaiba)
Hiyori Iki (Noragami)
Botan (Yu Yu Hakusho)
Rika Furude (Higurashi no naku koro ni)
Nene Yashiro (Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun)
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queenxmisakye · 2 years
Muse Info ~
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FULL NAME: Misakye Shiina
NICKNAMES/TITLES: Eden Producer, Fallen Idol / Misa, Mi-nee
AGE: 18/19 years old
GENDER: Female
SEXUAILTY: Pansexual
EYE COLOR: Blue/Purple
HEIGHT: 169 cm
WEIGHT: 48 kg
PLACE OF BIRTH: Tokyo, Japan
SPOKEN LANGUAGES: Japanese, English, a bit of French
CURRENT OCCUPATION: Producing Adam, Eve, Eden / Working at the bakery of her familly.
PREVIOUS OCCUPATION: Idol, High School Student
RELAIONSHIP STATUS: Single (*cough* Multiship.)
DRINK(?): No
SMOKE(?): No
PARENTS: Arisa & Keitaro Shiina
SIBLINGS: Niki Shiina (Rikku)
CHILDREN(?): None (Verse dependant)
PETS(?): None
Tagged By : Stolen on the dash :D *run*
Tagging : Steal it.
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fantasyresident · 4 years
My OTPs As Dual Gym Leaders!
Each gym leader pair is allowed 4 Pokemon (2 for each character) for their initial team, but is allowed 6 (3 for each) for their ultimate team.
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Sherry Birkin and Jake Muller:
Initial Team:
Delibird (Sherry’s ace)
Lucario (Jake’s ace)
Ultimate Team:
Vanilluxe (Sherry’s ace)
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Chris Redfield and Piers Nivans:
Initial Team:
Arcanine (Piers’ ace)
GMAX Machamp (Chris’s ace)
Ultimate Team:
Lycanroc (Day Form)
GMAX Machamp
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Lightning Farron and Hope Estheim:
Initial Team:
Golurk (Hope’s ace)
Zebstrika (Lightning’s ace)
Ultimate Team:
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Rikku and Yuna:
Initial Team:
Oricorio Pom Pom Style (Rikku’s ace)
Gardevoir (Yuna’s ace)
Ultimate Team:
Galarian Rapidash
Oricorio Pom Pom Style 
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Axel and Roxas:
Initial Team:
Type: Null (Roxas’ ace)
GMAX Charizard (Axel’s ace)
Ultimate Team:
Sylvally (Roxas’ ace)
GMAX Charizard
The Pokemon I chose for each pair doesn’t go by any strict type restrictions, although I did try to follow at least some kind of loose pattern, like giving Axel all fire types. Feel free to reblog with your own OTP gym leader pairs!
(NOTE: excuse the poor cropping job on Hope lol.)
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offayth · 3 years
its a little tag dump. 
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themelodicenigma · 3 years
I was talking to someone on in light of my recent post about shipping mindsets (non-blood related sibling shippers), and we got into an interesting conversation about sibling relationships. Basically, what does it REALLY mean to be siblings, outside of the literal, genetic definition.
The way I see it, it’s all about “recognition” and “functionality”, which creates the commentary on how this relationship is presented and identifiable in fiction, not to mention between real life people. “Recognition”, in a sense, happens on the individual level, but can either be funneled through what otherwise is already established in society—this being what makes it something to BE identified by the individual—and/or, it can be gained and tailored by personal experience by said individual.
In other words, “What it means to be a sibling” is going to be dependent upon what can be understood through an established concept and/or an individual’s recognition of this concept’s functionality. 
What? Expecting me to say: “Oh, it’s people who do this and this and this and this together...”? Yeah well, whatever I’d list down, it’d more than likely just be a component of what the “true” answer is, which is going to be interchangeable depending on who you ask and what they essentially recognize as a sibling relationship. It makes you wonder then, is there really a definitive answer? I don’t know if I can truly say yes in a way beyond the literal (especially in having a relationship as opposed to only just being siblings by fact), but what can be observed and compared are the commonalities between people’s recognition of this functionality. Somewhere between that is where a general answer can be noted.
You’ll find this common for most things, whether about romance, siblings, family, personality traits, themes, etc.—how many times have you heard: “well I wouldn’t do that” or “this is totally this” or just simply, “I see it this way”. Be a part of any Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Supernatural, etc.—ANY fandom, really and for more than just shipping. You’ll see this eventually.
Recognition of functionality. If it’s congruent with how someone can recognize it, then that’s what they’ll see it as. “I calls it like I sees it”, and all that.
This can go in a way of even symbolism or subtext that requires “pre-knowledge” outside of the text. These things are used a certain way because people decided it to...well, be understood a certain way. I mean, the color white being a symbol for this or that didn’t just happen out of thin air—this patterned usage and understanding was passed down as a way to be recognized and further utilized a particular way. More simple than that, like for adult jokes—these are purposely written in a way for an adult to understand because they’re expected to have the knowledge available to do so, where a child otherwise normally wouldn’t.
If we’re thinking about how do we get there—recognition—I tend to think about how the world essentially establishes these things as concepts to be understood.
“What it means to be [blank]”
Some societies differ on these things, of course, but even through the knowledge that different parts of the world might have, what you’d say, an “alternate criteria” to define these things—it’s evident to the idea of how our views on things are part of a wider establishment to be understood and recognized in a particular manner.
To break it down, the most basic understanding of what a sibling is comes from the literal—your brother or sister, whether by genetic means or lawful. Beyond that, there lies a function of which this typically happens—you’re reared together as a family, foundationally under platonic connections. Of course these two things don’t always coexist for some people seeing as people can have biological siblings that they weren’t raised with or have an adopted sibling that they’re raised with. But, when these two factors do coexist, then we easily go into what can be experienced within the function of being raised as siblings. The sibling function can even include the mentioned adopted siblings, where they hold the title officially and are reared despite the lack of genetic connection.
That’s where most of if not all the common tropes people think of originate.
But why do you even think of these as “tropes”?
This can either come from personal experience, or that of what you’ve, essentially, been taught through external means, such as media or other people’s experience—this is where establishment happens.
We grow up forming this palette of ideas that we use as a means to recognize the established concept here—which I believe media/fiction is a major influence in how the concept is widely spread to those on a very basic level. In a way, it might even determine the outcome of how people THINK they should act if in accordance to the concept.
“I grew up understanding this is what [blank] means, so therefore not only will it be how I recognize it, but it’ll also be the way in which I believe it should be expressed.”
Most people don’t think about this so intentionally, but if you start to wonder about the reasons as to WHY you think the way you do, this thought will eventually arise in some form or fashion. It’s almost kind of a “chicken or egg” scenario—is the way society thinks about sibling relationships based on the individuals thinking it first, or is it based on what’s represented as a collective and THEN given to the individual to essentially learn?
Ehh, kind of both, really.
For instance, in real life, why would someone get to the point of calling a friend a brother or sister? What would give them the idea to even do this?
One could point to personal experience: what an individual recognizes in association of “family” can be placed on other people, and if that individual has the thought process that has a “criteria” for what it means to be a sibling, they’ll thus place this where they see fit if they can recognize the criteria being met with that friend. It could even be more straight forward through their already existing sibling—if the relationship is similar, then it just naturally falls into place to call this friend of yours a sibling too.
For the second point, media/fiction is well known for painting the picture here:
“Got a friend who you’re really close to and have platonic feelings for [function]? Then they’re like a sibling to you!” 
It isn’t advertised this way of course, but when you see this essentially represented in the information that you consume, an individual will then have that become a part of their palette to be recognized in their own or other people’s relationships. This definitely happens with romance A LOT.
You could have best friend you’re really close to, and maybe they’re like a sibling to you, but that doesn’t seem to stop this annoying kid from pointing out how you “look like a couple” or should “hook up already”. Through either or both of these points, a person can gain the idea to recognize these concepts for themselves, even if by the fact they may be wrong in what exactly is happening.
In fictional material, I believe judging this is typically much easier than it would be in real life. This is mostly due to the fact it’s just so much more...deliberate, whether it’s explicit or subtle, for how a writer does their thing. A writer is just another individual who has their own palette that they’ll express through their work—it either lines up with your own or it doesn’t. What tends to interfere with recognition is context (wooo!), where there lies a flexibility to manipulate the things that otherwise would be identified a different way—symbolism can be a great example, like through the use of motifs that are unique to a story. I never get tired of saying “context is key”, or better yet, “let context be your guiding key”, for my fellow Kingdom Hearts fans.
True love’s kiss? Romantic at it’s core, right? But then Maleficent (Angelina Jolie) comes and uses Maleficent’s true love for Aurora to represent this platonically instead. Frozen does this with with Elsa and Anna for their “Act of True Love”. Hell, I’ve even actually seen the “Jian Bird” representation used to convey the close, existential bond between sisters in a manhwa called “The Gamer”. The key thing is that the concepts here go beyond the connotation it might be widely known for, and thus allows the context to manipulate it for another recognizable meaning. Sometimes this isn’t even really a deviation of meaning—people just sometimes don’t understand how flexible some elements always were in general for how they can be recognized and utilized in fiction or real life.
“Oooh they hugged!! Romance is in the air! OH. MY. GOD. They smiled at each other toooo?!?! It has officially sailed guys.”
....uh, you DO know hugs aren’t limited to that, right? Right?.....Please say right.
Oh boy.
What we know and recognize might not always line up with the context of which the meaning resides, hence why you might have some people shipping characters with a sibling or other platonic relationship—the individuals doing so have found something represented between the characters to be congruent with their personal recognition of romance, even if the actual context is different for the character’s relationship. Sora and Riku, Aqua and Ven, Fang and Vanille, Yuna and Rikku, Noctis and Prompto, Fina and Dark Fina, Tanjirou and Nezuko, Sam and Dean, Ponyboy and Sodapop, Steve and Bucky, Elsa and Anna, Rapunzel and Cassandra—boy, I’ve seen it all and can go on forever. All are examples of relationships that have expressions where a fan might say “hey, I see it this way”, but if what they recognize for themselves is meant to be recognized in a different way via the context....
Conflict breeds catastrophe (Thanks Vision).
Most shipping tension in fandom then comes from whether or not a recognition of something is based on the individual or is based on the material conveying it on its own to be recognized as such. That’s about when terms like “canon” starts being thrown around willy-nilly. What we recognize and what the context is are two things that either line up, or they don’t, and thus we have the pool of interpretations that have a go at each other, some being fierce, meaningless fights and some being pretty great discussions that can often show the flexibility of a context’s meaning. This does line up with something I mentioned before in another post about subtext, and this is certainly related. A big question would be that, if what is in the context is meant to be recognized a certain way, was it REALLY presented in a way to, well, be recognized as what it claims to represent?
That breeds a larger conversation towards the establishment and meaning of all the individual things in question and how either context determines its meaning or if the subject inherently retains a specific meaning. e.g. holding hands or hugging doesn’t mean romance in every context, but confessing you “like like” (lol) someone will “always” have an association with romance or sexual nature...
You know, until someone has the interesting idea to have two people “like like” each other platonically because, you know....recognition? 
There are maybe some things you can count on to mean certain things because, a real life person had to have written it and more than likely has at least some similar recognition patterns shared with their primary audience. Chances are, they wouldn’t be an individual who grew up in a place where their understanding of reduplication is opposite to, well, everyone else. But you never know, I guess. Again, there lies that point about subtext (here is the post, in case anyone is wondering) where you might be able to argue that, pretty much, a writer can make a mistake in their writing and mess up the whole process of recognizing elements within a context unintentionally, where it wouldn’t really BE subtext anymore. 
Other than that, most people’s issues with recognition is interlaced with their ability to identify what these elements are. Between context and what can be understood as “established meaning”, usually the answer can be discerned if the writer is truly creating something to be understood by other people. That’s where authorial intent and THEIR recognition starts to be considered the most by the audience.
Buuuuut I’m gonna stop there.
I’m probably more rambling at this point, but it is an interesting and WIDE subject, so it is to be expected. It’s fun stuff.
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agentjadelance · 4 years
Active Muses(other than my main muse duh)
Others can be active under request
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Rikku (Final Fantasy X& X-2 Character)
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Tatia Campbell - Being Human Us Oc
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Emma Duval - Mtv Scream
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Amanda Prentiss - Criminal Minds/Daredevil Oc
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Isabelle Blanchimont - Being Human Us Oc
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Sally Sergeant - Being Human Us OC(Young Fc:Willa Fitzgerald)
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(Muses with that fc that are Active)
Juno Eclipse (Star wars the force unleashed)
Guinevere Beck (YOU)
Stephanie Brown (DC)
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(Muses with that Fc)
Kayla Birkin (Resident Evil OC)
Emma Duval (Adult au)
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Maeve Donovan (Criminal Minds-Au Portrayal)
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Barbara Bloome (Smallville OC)
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hotelofheroines · 4 months
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"Yeah, treasure hunting's my day-job. But you're the only beautiful thing that I'm after tonight~" Rikku was really putting that switch energy to work for Neon, since she seemed a little anxious and pent-up.
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hedgewitches · 7 years
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top ten female video game characters
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The Adventures of Squall
Squall's observations. Hmm. I don't know what Rinoa wants me to do. I guess I'll ask Eli for his notes and just give them to her. *knock knock* "Cheerio good boy, may  I help you with anything?" "Do you have notes on that thing Christian was talking about?" "Ahh you've came to the right residence, just let me....hold on just a moment..." He began digging through piles of loose paper, flipping through notebooks, all whilst mumbling to himself. "Alas! Here is one of my more rudimentary charts, but it shall accomplish what you're intial questions preface." It was hard to concentrate, he was talking very fast and using a lot of words that I didn't know. Akio says because of my ASD I sometimes get what he calls "verbal dyslexia" and it's hard for me to comprehend what other people are saying, especially if they talk different from me. I'll have to concentrate very hard if I don't want Rinoa mad at me again. "But see this is where it gets confusing, we have many great forces here, coincidence? Doubtfully so, but these overlapping characteristics I believe have come here for a reason. Many of our members, including myself, have had interactions with Christos, Christian you call him, and I can't imagine why he would let so many familar faces corner him in the same scenario, unless of course he had a plan for each individual. See, I believe..." He pulled out a chair for me that I sat in. I took out my notebook so I could remember what to tell Rinoa. "If you look here on this chart.." he pulled out a large beige canvas with several pictures pinned to it, threads of twine connecting different ones. "First you see here that Christos comes to my noble world and plants himself as Cyrus, the destroyer of worlds. He taints Noah and I am his right hand man. He tells me a great many things, we can go into later. Do realize this isn't in chronilogical order, I have no way of telling yet the timeline of all our respective worlds. "Next he plants himself as an alien, "Jenova" he calls it on Gaia and and infects the whole planet. The only one to save it was Aerith who possesses extrodainary spiritual powers. She was the last chance tho and aside from her sacrifice Geostigma went on beyond her time..." "His next target, alas, Thomas. A young, troubled boy whom Christian fictionalized a companion for. An alter ego of sorts and made thomas believe it was himself. I believe he might have been weak and needed a human body to recover on. At some point Christian went to Aiden and found him by the Sanguis River, which is the border between our world and ubi requiescit dolor or "where sorrow rests. I haven't been able to spot where he showed up in Harry's world, but I do know he was there at some point. He likely was only a death eater of no great importance. Same with Roxas, Christian probably took the form of a nobody, which of course begs the question...." It was really hard for me to take notes as fast as he talked. I was really tryign to spell words better to get in the habit of it. Reading was easy for me, but writing made me nervous. I'll just get the names and maybe i'll remember. "can one become a nobody without having a form first? Perhaps that's it. He was a formed human on one planet and when he was almost destroyed at some theroetical part, he latched onto Thomas but only came back as a nobody which of course is an allusion. Details, details, but where were we? Oh yes, next on his infamous walk through time was of course Aangs world where he brought the powers of darkness to a seemingly balanced world, probably dating back to around...." I needed to yawn, but it seemed rude. I wonder how he knew all of this. He seemed confused himself. Maybe I should talk to some other people. Rinoa will be mad if I only talk to him. I should have gotten more information earlier.
“And of course Akio’s unfortunate fate with him, presenting himself as illusions to drive the man mad I’m sure. I do believe he could do that, his evil seems endless.” He paused and looked around at all his charts and papers. this will be a good time to excuse myself. "I have to use the restroom, excuse me" He didn't seem to notice me leave, he kept talking and looking at his papers. While I was walking I saw Harry with a plastic cup pressed up to a door. As I walked closer to him he dropped the cup and ran. I went to the kitchen. "Hey Zack" He was drinking really fast out of a big water bottle. Some of it was spilling on his black shirt. "Heya buddy, I broke 20 in 80, my new personal best. Gotta love the summer time." "What?" "Oh 20 miles in an hour and 20, a 4 minute average." "...." "So do you know anything about why we had to go to Camp A and Camp B?" "Ulquiorra seemed pretty on edge, everyone getting riled up like that. Maybe it's time for the old man to retire!" "What about the dark world place?" "I don't know much about that, but I tell you I sure don't know want to get to know it better if you know what I mean. Anyways bud, lactic acid builds on stiff muscles, gotta do my cool down." He then clapped me a little hard on the back, it was sort of uncomfortable, then left the room. I continued walking around looking for someone else to talk to. Rikku is on the couch watching a cartoon called the Powerpuff Girls. She is flossing on the couch? Why isn't she in the bathroom. I'll wait until she's done. I'll wait around the corner so she doesn't know I saw her doing it. After about 70 second she dropped the floss on the ground. There was a garbage can right on the table, but I guess she didn't see it.
"Hey" "Uhhh hey..." Her eyes never left the screen. "Do you know anything about the dark spirit place Christian was talking about?" "Hmmm, there was this one story Buddy used to tell us to scare us, it seems like the same thing and i don't know with all this world collide bs i wouldn't surprised if it's the same. "Do you know the story?" "I don't know ask Buddy, i'm busy." "..." Okay I wonder where Buddy is. I heard a basketball hit the basket outside. Sometimes we play basketball together. "Yo, yo, yo man 3 on 3, pussy slayers vs bitch playas." "AW SHIT" "wooof woof woof" "Which ones which?" asked Aang. "My brutha you knows yous a slaya!" on that they bumped their fists together. "I guess that means i'm with you guys" Tifa said and smiled. That means I'm on Adam's and Riku's team. I played basketball up to 21 points. My team lost. I'm good at making baskets, but not as much at passing and working with my team. "Aight, aight, how bout a smoke break and then maybe we'll give ya'll a rematch." As they all began to disperse, I walked up to Buddy. "Rikku said you could tell me a story about the dark place." "Rikku tol you that?" "Yes. The one you use to tell her." He looked both ways and then straight at me. "I don know nuthin about no story." "Okay, sorry." I guess I better ask someone else. I was getting tired. I should have done this earlier, but I see  Rinoa tomorrow. I think it would be a good idea to ask Thomas. I'll see if he's in his room. *knock knock* He opened the door slow, but wide and stared at me. "Can you tell me anything about the dark place." He looked surprised and happy. Akio tells me sometimes people's facial expressions don't always show what they mean, but it's a good indicator if I'm confused. I think he wants me to come in. He was sitting in his computer chair and he had clothes folded on his bed so I don't want to sit there and get them dirty. "I find it rather odd you're the one asking me this question. Eli wasn't surprising one bit, but it's not like he'd listen if I did tell him anything." "So you don't know anything?" "Don't know anything? Yeah right. I know everything that I need to. And ultimately however this goes, there's nothing left for me to lose." "...." "I must admit it does get rather boring having to hold back such genius in my mind. Feigning ignorance on all matters that go on here just to be able to thrive. This truly is the best case scenario for me and I know i'm not alone." He was frowning now. I didn't say anything so I know he probably isn't mad at me. I've learned that most people just keep talking if you say nothing. It helps a lot because I usually have nothing to say. "Are you looking for the nitty gritty, the gory details, or simple how're you're involved?" "Rinoa wanted to me to ask people about it. She thinks we're being lied to." "HAH. Just now she thinks she's been lied to?? Foolish girl." "Rinoa is smart." "Perhaps she is, all the same it's all clouded by her ego." "....." "So rinoa wants to know about the dark world they've after all this time brought up. You have to know though, Simon wouldn't have brought it up if there wasn't some gain to him, some strategic reason for his timing. He's a puppet master, he probably knew you would be here talking to me. It's all going just to his plan.....or perhaps he thought I would kick you out and that would keep him advantageous. But he knew that i'd knew that he was planning that." I was getting pretty confused. "Who's Simon?"
He frowned at me. "He's Christian." "Okay." "That's right "Christian" has had many names, many forms. He's wormed his way into many of lives and took everything they had with them. A leech. Of course a leech needs to eat too." I had been in his room almost 15 minutes. It was probably time to talk to someone else. "The dark world, purgatory, the eternal space, the fog, every world has a different name for it. Some are ignorant, but most know that not everyone gets the "good death". It's origin is beyond me, but I know what it is now. And I know he wants to go there. He's looking for something. Or maybe he's helping someone else." "I have to go now." "Then go, i'm not keeping you if that's what you thought" Thomas sneered at me. "..." *door shuts* As I left Thomas's room, Zidane came in really quickly from the front door. He looked really skinny these days. He pulled off his knapsack and begin looking for something deep within it. I don't know why he still uses his old knapsack, a good messenger bag would look a lot nicer and be a lot less stressful on his shoulders. "OKAY DADDY'S HOME, who wants to party???" As people began pouring into the dining room, they gathered around as he poured a large bag of cocaine out onto the clean glass table top. I remembered when I went fishing the other day how when I dropped bread crumbs in little fish would swarm to all try and get the food at once. It reminded me of that. I used to do cocaine sometimes with Irvine and his friends, but Akio says that it might make my OCD and ASD worse. I didn't want to mess with it, I had already had a stressful day. That's good enough for now. I'll just go to bed and maybe in the morning someone will talk about it and I won't have to ask. I did my bedtime rituals in the normal order, brush teeth, clean face, comb hair, change out of all clothes into two pairs of fresh underwear, socks, and pajamas. It was nice tonight I could turn off the air conditioner. I rested my head on the pillow. The cocaine was making everyone rowdy and I could hear it. Great I could hear Aiden yelling from his room that was right next to mine, on the side my bed was pushed against. I've asked Garnet multiple times if he could switch rooms, but she says no one wants his room cause it smells like blood and has a bunch of holes in the walls. And I was definitely not going to switch my room, everyone was right in it, it didn't need to change. I don't want to spy on people, but last time I said I wouldn't do what Rinoa wanted she threatened to not talk to me for a month. Instead, she talked, or more so bitched, the entire month at me, never letting me have some peace and quiet. I don't want that again.
I took out my nightly form to see how I’’m doing and filled it out.
Anxiety: 8/10
Mood: 6/10
Insomnia: 2/10
OCD: 7/10
Triggers: Talking to people, missing lunch because no one would leave the kitchen, having to ask questions, shoe lace breaking and not having a replacement.
Medication issues: None
Overall: 6/10
He kept yelling, but I could hear another voice too. He often talked to himself so at least when someone else was there, it was only half yelling. I really didn’t want to do it, but I felt Rinoa demanding me why I didn’t. I didn’t like lying to her.
   I remembered Harry earlier. I poured my water cup out and pressed my ear against the bottom of it. "Denny if that's the case, what do you have to lose?" "EVERYTHING. DON'T YOU GET IT!!! I've been waiting too long for you to FUCK things up." "Well I do admire your dilligence Denny, you truly never give up." "I will never give up, I will never stop until things are right." "Being when you have Jenn back?" "NO SHIT. All you are is a pawn. There is no other reason you're here." "The life of a king or the life of a pawn, really only is affected by perspective. I take my place with pride and am grateful for whatever else life I get to cherish." "I've waited long enough, i'll wait forever, but I sure as fuck don't want to." "Aside from your said goals, I am curious, did J really return from there?" "Fuck if I know. It has nothing to do with me." "There feels as if there is things you aren't telling me Denny." "WELL HOW THE FUCK DID IT GO LAST TIME I DID." "Please.....I want to help." "As long as Christian holds up his end of the deal, I won't need to use you. And he has the same goal." "I get the feeling you two are not alone in your quest. Are there others?" "Yeah but they're not important really. Just gotta an eye on them." "Even more useless than I?" "No one could be more useless than you." "Ahh how appropriate I and Lana are spending our time in this waiting room together, both readily discardable part of the larger schemes of the world. I've never felt quite so zen  before." "haha maybe they should bring Liza around and see how well you two get along." "I believe they would get along splendidly. they like the same music, both androgenous yet stunningly feminine, thrill seeking." "Ur forgetting one thing, cock makes bitches crazy, look at Jenn and Yuna. They'd be the best friends in the world if Yuna hadn't sucked my dick." "And by Jenn, you mean that girl masaqurading as your girlfriend?" "Watch it fucker." "I'm only stating your sentiment seems strangely misplaced seeing Yuna is in real danger whereas "Jenn" is only what you make her to  be" "I don't think anything has to happen to her, but if it does she knew what she was getting into." "Yes, but that was a long time ago. A long time before now I would have sacrificed myself for your well being, do you think things are the same now?" ".......what do you mean..? but you....just said...WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN??????!!!!!!!" "I was only teasing Denny, of course I'm here at your service, seeing of course you are the sole reason I am here. I don't think it's wise to betray our gods." "Heh yeah right, I'm your fucking god." "Indeed I am in religious awe." "heh yeah sure. So fucker whatchu got in the briefcase." "Zidane went and filled my reservoirs, I'm back in business" "Hook it up bitch." "I wouldn't have it any other way." After that they started talking quieter in a way that didn't bother me, Finally I can go to sleep.
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andaxay · 3 years
10 Fandoms, 10 Characters, 10 Tags
Tagged by @monday-headache (thank you!)
1. Tales From The Borderlands
Loader Bot
2. Borderlands Series (I separated this and Tales because too many good ones!)
Handsome Jack
Katagawa Jr.
3. Resident Evil Series
Luis Sera
Marvin Branagh
4. Golden Sun Series
5. Final Fantasy Series
Auron (FFX)
Balthier (FFXII)
Ashe (FFXII)
Ezel (FFTA)
Cid (FFTA)
Lulu (FFX)
Steiner (FFIX)
Vivi (FFIX)
Zidane (FFIX)
Rikku (FFX)
6. Portal/Portal 2
The crap turrets
The "I'm different" turret
Cave Johnson
Weighted Companion Cube
Doug Rattmann
Space core
Fact core
7. Ace Attorney Series
Phoenix Wright
Miles Edgeworth
Franziska von Karma
Mia Fey
Ema Skye
Dahlia Hawthorne
Simon Blackquill
Bobby Fulbright
Aura Blackquill
8. Detroit: Become Human
Hank Anderson
9. Halo Series
Master Chief
Sgt. Johnson
343 Guilty Spark
The Arbiter
Captain Keys
Miranda Keys
Dr. Halsey
The Grunts, all of them
10. Life is Strange
I think everyone I know might already have been tagged, if not, go wild!
3 notes · View notes
The connection between Tidus and Shuyin
Hi everyone.  I said I would explain my theory of the connection between Shuyin and Tidus, so here it is!
This is a topic I’ve been contemplating since 2003 when I first played FFX-2.  It’s pretty much accepted in the fandom that Tidus is the dream version of Shuyin.  But the fact is, neither of the games actually ever say this fact in so many words.  So some people have argued that they just look alike - and nothing else.  This is backed up by the Ultimania (rightfully) pointing out there is a 1,000 year difference between the start of Dream Zanarkand and the birth of Tidus. Because of this, many people believe Tidus could be a descendant of Dream Shuyin, but nothing further.  Others believe there’s no real connection between them at all - stating their personalities are too different.
I personally don’t agree with those theories. I personally don’t believe they are not connected - since the game so heavily implies they are.  I DO, however, believe Tidus is a descendant of Dream Shuyin, but he is ALSO the dream version of Shuyin.  
I will explain at the bottom of this post.  But first, I want to debunk the notion that they simply look and sound alike, and nothing else.  I want to prove that Tidus is the dream version of Shuyin.
The evidence:
They look alike
This one is obvious.  Shuyin and Tidus look enough alike that it made Yuna, Kimhari, Rikku, Lulu, and Wakka all believe the sphere containing his image was Tidus.  
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Now, do they look exactly alike?  No.  But there is a 1,000 year difference between them.  This begs the question of how Tidus could be a dream version of Shuyin if 1,000 years separate them? (Remember, Tidus did NOT time travel.  He was born in modern day Dream Zanarkand, which physically resided off the coast of Baaj Temple).  I’ll explain my theory on how Tidus and Shuyin can be separated by 1,000 years AND Tidus can still be the dream version of Shuyin.  And the theory I hold explains the small difference between them.  But for now, I think they look close enough alike to establish there is a connection between them.
Color scheme
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The pictures above show the character models of both Tidus and Shuyin.  They both have the same blonde hair.  Both have a blue shoulder pad (Tidus has one and Shuyin has both sides - also note the above Shuyin picture is darker, but the shoulder pads are blue).  They are both wearing a shirt under their overalls - which is yellow.  Their overalls are black.  They both have an arm guard on their left hand, with some red coloring above the arm guard (Tidus’ mesh red and Shuyin’s checkered red and black. Both have black pants (although Tidus is missing some of his.  lol)  And both have yellow and black boots.  Both have blue swords (Shuyin’s is darker here, but in the game his sword is blue).  Their color scheme is essentially the same - yellow, red, black, and blue
I probably won’t have to go into detail with this one.  They have the same voice actor.  lol.  Shuyin’s voice is deeper than Tidus’, but it is essentially the same voice as Tidus’.  If you listen to Tidus during the more serious scenes of X and X-2, you can hear him lose the more higher pitch sound of his voice, and the voice becomes more like Shuyin’s.  My guess is that when they’re both serious, they sound the same.  Maybe when Shuyin was happy and fun-loving, his voice was more like Tidus’?
This is the one which I think absolutely refutes the idea that Tidus and Shuyin are not connected, which states Tidus is not a dream version of Shuyin.  You could make the case that it’s coincidence they look and sound similar.  You can make the case that Tidus might just be related to the real dream Zanarkand Shuyin (the great-great-great-great-however many greats 1,000 years would be grandson of Dream Shuyin), but these arguments make NO SENSE considering they have LITERALLY THE SAME OVERDRIVES.  Please watch the following videos to see what I mean:
Their overdrives are the same.  Tidus’ Spiral Cut is Shuyin’s Spin Cut.  Tidus’ Slice and Dice is Shuyin’s Hit and Run.  Tidus’ Energy Rain is Shuyin’s Force Rain.  And Tidus’ Blitz Ace is Shuyin’s Terror of Zanarkand (heh. my username)
Also note their mannerisms and battle stance in the videos.  The models for battles are the exact same in animation
Overly emotional and acts before thinking/saving the summoner at all costs
Both Tidus and Shuyin are overly emotional - they are both quick to anger, quick to become upset, and both don’t hide their emotions in very well.  Tidus shows this consistently throughout X and Shuyin’s rage and despair become so intense it starts possessing people.  They both had the mindset of “I need to save the summoner at all costs”.  They difference between Tidus and Shuyin is that Tidus succeeded, Shuyin did not.  It makes you wonder what Tidus would have been like if he hadn’t succeeded?  Or what Shuyin would have been like if he had succeeded?
Den of Woe possessions - The hug
Here’s another one that I just cannot fathom how someone can see this scene and think “yeah no, there’s no real connection between these two.  Them looking alike is merely coincidence”
Shuyin possesses people when they enter the Den of Woe.  You see this in numerous spheres and when the characters enter the Den of Woe.  Typically, his pyreflies invade their minds/bodies.  No real dramatic moment of possession.  But notice how he choices to possess Rikku and Yuna:
Jump to 1:12-2:15
Now compare to the hug between Tidus and Yuna: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRWkniXDC_4 (3:20)
And this scene during the Sad Ending: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3vO3cgBSDM (13:45)
“He’s like a dream... or a nightmare” “2 year old nightmare - older than that”
In X-2, Shuyin is referred to as a nightmare
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2M7QzNj8wQ (:45) and (7:15).  I believe this is referencing the fact that Tidus is a dream, and Shuyin is the nightmare.
“This is our story, Lenne”
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Come on now...there can’t be two idiots running around saying this without them being connected.  Come on.
Here’s another one that is just screaming “TIDUS” in our faces.  Jump to 3:46
If Shuyin and Tidus weren’t connected, don’t you think this would be a wild coincidence that they have essentially the same catch phrase?  Others use the “story” catchphrase too, like Auron saying it to Tidus, and Yuna stating it.  But Auron is the one who gave him the idea of “This is your story”.  Yuna says it because she was inspired by Tidus.  Why would Shuyin be saying it if it wasn’t something he typically said to Lenne?
Maechen implies it
“The fact that he should look like the man in that sphere cannot be mere coincidence” - Maechen, in the video game stating it’s not a coincidence they look alike.  This takes place during Chapter 3.
Maechen is also about to make what the connection is - Shuyin is a real person who lived in real Zanarkand.  Tidus, residing in dream Zanarkand, is a dream of someone from real Zanarkand.  After discovering Tidus is a dream, Maechen suddenly comes to the realization, but then conveniently (for plot reasons - they can’t just tell us at this point in the story), forgets what he’s about to say.  
“Put that crybaby to sleep”
Jecht refers to Shuyin as a crybaby like he did with Tidus
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOhfLkHpJ7I (1:06)
“Whatever his name, the youth endeavored to steal the machina weapon and save Lenne/His name has been lost to history”
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPrESKqROys (32:10)
While discussing the history of Lenne and Shuyin, Maechen forgets Shuyin’s name.  I have a feeling this was intentional.  He refers to Shuyin as “whatever his name” and says “his name has been lost to history”.  Why would the writers have that in the script?  Because Tidus’ name is never once stated in X or X-2.  In their world, Tidus’ name was also lost to history.  He was constantly referred to as “Him”, “Star player”, “Son of Jecht”, etc.
Image from Illustration book stating he’s a blitzball player
I have a theory Shuyin is a blitzball player.  This is never actually stated in the game, but it is stated in the  FINAL FANTASY X-2 Visual Art Collection Illustration Book
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Use of Wakka’s ultimate weapon. And ability to do final part of overdrive/move
Shuyin’s overdrive (Terror of Zanarkand) also features Wakka’s ultimate weapon (World Champion)
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Shuyin was also able to complete the final part of the overdrive which requires him to kick the ball in a fashion Tidus was able to do to impress Wakka and Besaid Aurochs; something Shuyin wouldn’t know how to do unless he was also a talented Blitzball player.
“I’m grateful you stayed with me until the end”
This is something which is stated between Yuna and Tidus, and Yuna (as Lenne) and Shuyin
“I saw this sphere of you”
Ultimately Yuna still refers to the sphere as one of Tidus, even at the end of the game.
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Okay, so now that I’ve established they are connected somehow - the question becomes: how are they connected?
Many people point to the fact that FFX-2 Ultimania guide states 
“The appearance and voice of Shuyin resemble Tidus, but the two are completely different in actuality. Shuyin is a man of the past; he lived 1000 years ago in Zanarkand, the metropolis city of summoners. Tidus, a pyreform, was a resident of its summoned replica, Dream Zanarkand. Be that as it may, Dream Zanarkand was in fact created with the idea in mind that it be the ideal [representation] of Zanarkand's existance, a wish given form. Since its existence was the model for everything in Dream Zanarkand, this extends to its inhabitants also. When thinking about this with regard to Tidus, one cannot deny the possibility that this [was the case] with his personage and Shuyin. However, most inhabitants of Dream Zanarkand would marry one another and have children, continuing the cycle of life. For this reason, the genes of the dream's inhabitants began to blend in a complicated way, and with these impurities, the duplication of [Shuyin's] personage cannot be certain. Even if it is true that Shuyin was the model for Tidus, this would not mean that their connection is close.”
What this is stating is that Dream Shuyin would have lived 1,000 years ago when Dream Zanarkand began.  Tidus lives in modern day Dream Zanarkand.  Tidus, though, could be the descendant of Dream Shuyin.  It then goes on to make the conclusion there is not much of a connection (even though the game directly says there is).  In my opinion, the Ultimania is right that Tidus is the descendant of Dream Shuyin.  But also, I do believe the analysis is wrong, because he IS Dream Shuyin at the same time.  How can this be?
The Fayth create the people in Dream Zanarkand based on the people that lived in Real Zanarkand.  
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This would have happened 1,000 years ago.  I imagine they probably would have made, at most, 4 generations of Zanarkand(ians?) dream people.  Group A being the oldest generation.  Then group B.  Then group C. And group D being the babies.  Once Group A died out, and the other groups began to grow up, there would be a need for another generation - Group E - a generation which never existed in the Real Zanarkand.  
The Fayth probably would need inspiration for making this Group E generation, and considering they only had the original 4 generations as a guide/inspiration, Group A would have come back in the form of Group E.  They would have reused the pyreflies to reacreate the people of Group A. Meaning, the babies of group E were actually a remake of group A.  Think of it like reincarnation.  The Fayth couldn’t create brand new people because they were specifically dreaming the memories and people of the original Zanarkand, so they essentially recycled the same people over and over again. This is reflected in the quote from the Ultimania: “However, most inhabitants of Dream Zanarkand would marry one another and have children, continuing the cycle of life. For this reason, the genes of the dream’s inhabitants began to blend in a complicated way, and with these impurities, the duplication of [Shuyin’s] personage cannot be certain”
“Even if it is true that Shuyin was the model for Tidus, this would not mean that their connection is close.”
To me, this is saying Tidus can still be a model of Shuyin, but after 1,000 years; their connection and similarities aren’t going to be close because a millennium has passed. Tidus has changed over the years to become his own person.
Back to the generations theory- Group B would die out and become group F.  Group C would die out about become group G.  Etc, etc, etc.  With each hundred of years or so, the same people would keep reappearing - albeit with differences because the Fayth have been dreaming for a long time and are likely to forget some details. Each generation would see the dream people becoming unique compared to the original dreams, and unique compared to the original residents of real Zanarkand.
With time, Group A became Group E (and were slightly different), then they were Group I (with differences again), then Group M (with differences), Group Q (with even more differences), etc.  This would actually be beneficial for the Fayth to do, they can continue making the same people over and over (never running out of material); and the small difference made between each generation would make it seem as though the family has certain qualities and traits which run in the family...but the differences would be enough that it wouldn’t cause suspicion (like hey...this family has had a blitzball played named Jecht for several generations. And his story is always the same... How odd).  Maybe with each generation, they gained a new name and other new things about them so that they’re not -entirely- the same.  There would be differences compared to the previous generations.
I imagine Tidus would have been the tenth incarnation of Shuyin (going by the every 100 years rule).  Ten turns out be a neat number considered the game’s titles being of the tenth in the series.  Tidus would simultaneously be the reincarnation of Dream Shuyin (the 10th incarnation of Dream Shuyin), and he’d be the descendant of Dream Shuyin (and hence, not the original.  And this explains the differences between Tidus and Shuyin - they’re close; but not exactly the same).  Tidus would be an imperfect memory of Shuyin.  This theory both fits with the Ultimania and with the evidence found in the game.  It fits with what most fans believe - that Tidus is the dream version of Shuyin.  But it also accounts for the differences between them, as well as the 1,000 year time difference between them. So, ultimately, Tidus is still his own unique person; but his template is based on a memory of Shuyin
I hope this makes sense.  Let me know what you all think
One last piece of evidence (updated May 11th, 2024):
I met the voice actor for Tidus/Shuyin (James Arnold Taylor) and asked him directly what he thinks the connection is
He told me that what he was told (while voicing Shuyin in X-2) was that Shuyin and Tidus are the same person, but Shuyin is like the “evil” Tidus. The original idea for X-2 was to have it that only one of them could exist in Spira at a certain point, and that only one of them is “real”. To be honest I didn’t ask anything further for clarification on this storyline bc I was do nervous about meeting him lol.
I also watched KupoCon (I think 2021) and remember he referred to his X-2 character as “Tidus, but a very different Tidus”.
Speaking with him about it, he seemed very sure on them being directly connected
So there you go. Straight from the blitzer’s mouth. Granted, he’s the voice actor and not necessarily one of the writers of X-2. But in my opinion, this provides further evidence to them being connected :)
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gameseru · 4 years
3 Rekomendasi Game Petualangan di PS2
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Semenjak kemunculannya buat awal kali di tahun 2000, PlayStation 2( PS2) terus tumbuh sampai berevolusi jadi seri ke- 5 yang direncanakan buat dirilis tahun 2020. Bila mengingat kembali hendak kejayaan PS2, genre permainan petualangan pastinya jadi salah satu yang sangat banyak ada serta kerap dimainkan di konsol bercorak gelap pekat ini.
Pergantian grafik dari pendahulunya PS1 mengarah PS2 pastinya mendukung permainan petualangan jadi lebih seru serta aman buat ditatap. Sebagian permainan petualangan yang luncurkan di PS2 sangat diminati oleh para gamer, semacam Final Fantasy, God of War, Devil May Cry, Resident Evil serta masih banyak lagi.
Seluruhnya menawarkan sensasi mekanisme gameplay yang menantang dengan alur cerita menarik buat diiringi. Di dasar ini, Kami hendak mengajakmu buat sedikit bernostalgia dengan mangulas game- game petualangan PS2 yang terkenal. Bisa jadi saja di antara lain terdapat permainan yang telah kalian tamatkan, ataupun apalagi belum dimainkan sama sekali. Berikut merupakan daftarnya.
God of War II( 2007)
Saat sebelum jadi salah satu permainan terbaik di PS4, God of War sendiri awal kali timbul di PlayStation 2 dengan menawarkan jalur cerita pada mitologi Yunani. Edisi klasik ini senantiasa menawarkan mekanisme gameplay hack and slash dengan sudut pandang game orang ketiga.
Permainan God Of War sangat cocok dimainkan bersama game Samgong online karena kamu bisa belajar mengatur strategi kartu sembari perang melawan musuh.
Permainan kedua dari God of War ini menggambarkan masa- masa dini Kratos jadi Dewa Perang sehabis mengalahkan Ares. Selepas memperoleh gelar tersebut, dia berupaya memahami dunia dengan pasukan Sparta yang dimilikinya. Tetapi, para dewa- dewi dari Athena tidak suka hendak perihal itu. Hingga dari itu, perang antara Kratos dengan mereka juga telah tidak dapat terhindarkan lagi.
Buat mengalami lawan- lawannya, Kratos dalam permainan ini dibekali bermacam senjata, semacam Athena’ s Blade, Barbarian Hammer, serta Spear of Destiny. Tidak hanya itu, dia juga dapat menghasilkan sihir yang bisa digunakan dikala terletak dalam pertempuran, ialah Typhon’ s Bane, Cronos’ Rage, Head of Euryale serta Atlas Quake.
Final Fantasy X( 2001)
Dikala awal kali diluncurkan pada tahun 2001, Final Fantasy X langsung masuk dalam catatan 20 permainan sangat laris sejauh masa yang terjual lebih dari 7, 75 juta unit di segala dunia. Permainan ini sendiri mengambil latar di suatu dunia bernama Spira dengan Tidus bagaikan kepribadian utamanya.
Dikisahkan kalau Tidus bergabung bersama Kimahri, Rikku, Auron, Lulu serta Wakka buat melindungi seseorang summoner bernama Yuna. Mereka setelah itu berpetualang menjelajahi Spira dalam suatu ekspedisi spiritual buat memperoleh makhluk- makhluk yang diucap Aeon serta mengalahkan kekuatan jahat bernama Sin.
Seri lawas dari Final Fantasy ini senantiasa menghadirkan sistem summoning dengan memanggil Aeon buat digunakan dikala mengalami boss battle yang susah buat dikalahkan. Mereka juga mempunyai statistik, perintah, serbuan istimewa, mantra, serta overdrive yang dapat dioptimalkan supaya kekokohannya terus menjadi kokoh sehingga bisa digunakan kala terdesak.
Resident Evil 4( 2005)
Permainan ini menawarkan pergantian mekanisme game dari seri Resident Evil yang terdapat di PS1. Bila edisi terdahulunya sangat kental hendak survival horror, hingga Resident Evil: 4 mengenyampingkan perihal tersebut serta meningkatkan faktor aksi tembak menembak yang begitu intens. Walaupun begitu, permainan ini sukses dengan memperoleh penghargaan Permainan of the Year dari Spike Video Permainan Awards pada tahun 2005.
Di permainan ini, pemain mengatur kepribadian Leon Kennedy yang berganti jadi agen federal Amerika Serikat. Dia ditugaskan buat menyelamatkan gadis presiden bernama Ashley Graham yang diculik oleh kelompok misterius di suatu desa terpencil di Spanyol. Di sejauh game, kalian hendak melawan masyarakat desa tersebut yang berganti jadi wujud seram sehabis terinfeksi parasit Las Plagas.
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